Bragging Rights… But For How Long?

Online Ed: A tale of mixed emotions in the North London Derby

Bragging Rights… But For How Long?

The game against Spurs at the Lane yesterday provided the manager with another of those Houdini moments he always manages to find when things are at their bleakest, although the bigger picture suggests this is a short term escape in terms of his reputation.

Let’s get things clear. Incredibly, Arsenal are still very much in the title race. Eight points off the lead behind two teams that few would have predicted to finish above them at the season’s start. With 27 points to play for, the title is there for the taking. And yet… Arsenal’s points tally is lower than at the same stage last season. In this topsy turvy campaign where less than 80 points will be needed to finish top for the first time in many a year, that is excusable. Then again, Arsenal have won two of their last nine Premier League outings. Where exactly is the form going to come from? They have been inconsistent all season and the sides above them look more likely to put a run together. Manchester City are behind, but do have both Kompany and Aguero fit. The improving form of Manchester United and West Ham even suggest that perhaps, Arsenal may end up with their traditional end of season scrap to squeeze into a Champions League place.

So, yes, it was a moral victory to come back and deny Spurs all three points with ten men yesterday, but the moment that really told the truth about this Arsenal side was the dismissal of Francis Coquelin when they were a goal ahead. Last summer, the club could have secured Morgan Schneiderlin from Southampton. The player was happy to move to London, the only thing stopping things was that Arsene Wenger was not prepared to pay the asking price. Manchester United thought otherwise and swooped. Someone will need to confirm this, but I have heard that in the Premier League, when Schneiderlin starts, United rarely lose.

Pretty much anyone could have predicted that Coquelin, even if first choice, would miss matches in the campaign through a mixture of injury or suspension. The back up for his position was one from Arteta, Flamini and Chambers. Come on. When Le Coq did get injured, Flamini came in and during his run in the side, more often than not in tandem with Aaron Ramsey as his midfield partner, the club dropped a fair number of points they would otherwise have expected to take. So at the minimum, a back up to Coquelin should have been purchased last summer.

However, Coquelin is not, ultimately, the top class player a club challenging for the title needs. Few can criticize his determination, but his temperament and decision making at times make him a liability. He does not seem to register that yellow cards should flick a switch in his brain to be more selective about his challenges. Both Flamini and Arteta have also proved guilty of this in the past. There is a time (when there is a very genuine goal threat) and a place (which sure isn’t near the touchline) to make challenges that might see you receiving a red card. Coquelin does not seem to get this. He is a good, honest player, and his spirit is laudable, but he is no Gilberto. Since he came to prominence at the start of 2015, he has still to win an international cap for his country. The bottom line is that Arsenal could have fielded Schneiderlin in yesterday’s match if the manager was not so tight with the purse-strings. A spine was needed last summer to push the team on – keeper, centre back, central midfielder and striker. The money was there to buy quality if the scouting system the club employ was worth tuppence. Only one position was strengthened. That so many millions sit in the bank doing nothing is a huge stick with which to beat the board and the manager if Arsenal are unable to finish higher than Leicester and Spurs this season.

The game. Four changes, two of them down to injury. Ospina, Gibbs, Elneny and Welbeck replaced Cech, Monreal, Campbell and Giroud. Ramsey moved forward to allow Elneny to partner Coquelin. Arsenal weathered the early storm and Ospina pulled off a great save before the visitors took the lead with a wonderful goal by Aaron Ramsey. Earlier, he had been responsible for messing up a great break with a self-indulgent back heel, something he and his team-mates do far too often, but in the Spurs box, the self same improvisation led to the goal. It had been a frenetic game which was waiting for space to open up before more chances would come.

That happened after 54 minutes and Coquelin’s red. It was backs to the wall, but the Gunners did not hold out for long. They got away with the ball being stopped on the line millimetres short of the goal-line technology indicating a Spurs opener. But it came soon enough anyway. A set piece was not cleared and the ball fell to Alderweireld who finished well. 1-1. It soon got worse as Mertesacker proved he was more of a nonsense than a no nonsense defender and Harry Kane capitalised with an unstoppable finish. Things were looking bleak. It was painful to watch.

Credit to the Gunners for not giving up and responding to a setback in the way we’d all like to see more often. After surviving 14 minutes without conceding a third, Alexis Sanchez finally found his shooting boots and gave relief to the travelling support with a well taken finish. Shortly afterwards Eric Dier should have gone for a second yellow, although I suspect the referee Michael Oliver let him off because Giroud took a swipe at him the moment before he was fouled. So no evening up of things, although Oliver at least showed consistency later on by not giving Bellerin a second yellow for a similar challenge.

Ramsey had a late chance that was, in fairness, well defended by Tottenham. At the final whistle, I was interested to see Alexis’ body language. His frustration was evident as he stormed off the pitch not wanting to hang around or shake anybody’s hand. Yes, Arsenal had salvaged a draw in adverse circumstances, but this was a missed opportunity, ultimately messed up by Coquelin’s lack of composure at the crucial moment.

It’s a result that might end up denying Spurs the title, but it is difficult to see it contributing to an Arsenal one either. Ultimately, the last nine matches have exposed the team as not being good enough and with so much money in the bank, the responsibility for that falls to one man only. The loyalists will say the players let down the manager and that once they cross the white line the responsibility is theirs not his. However, these are his players. He has decided they are good enough to win the league without the need for him to buy players like Morgan Schneiderlin. He decides who to employ in a scouting system that fails to flag up players like Mahrez and Kante that are under the radar in a country where he supposedly has plenty of connections.

I sincerely hope Arsene Wenger has the last laugh with an Arsenal title. But I wouldn’t bet on it. There is still all to play for, two very winnable trophies that could make this a triumphant season. But there will be questions asked if Leicester or Spurs win the title. One really has to ask how many opportunities to seize the initiative the Gunners can afford to waste.

There will be a chance for season ticket holders wanting change to send a direct and unavoidable message to the board if Arsenal do win their replay against Hull by opting out of a home quarter final tie against Watford with the very high possibility that your seat will not be re-sold. But you will have less than 48 hours to do it. However, a sparsely populated stadium will send a message to the board about how people feel about the reality that this club is in stasis, and going nowhere until we see a change in the dugout.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. AMG

    Mar 08, 2016, 12:50 #85731

    This season has been a massive open goal - Unfortunately we have Giroud upfront.

  2. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:45 #85693

    Nick, good post, as usual that has went over certain heads, no surprise there. jw, good post, I bet all the AKB's will be Chelsea supporters that day, it's a pity Mourhino isn't still their manager, but they thought it hilarious when he was sacked.

  3. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:29 #85692

    Captain Frank, thanks for ignoring me. you couldn't make it up.

  4. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:18 #85691

    MARCUS, good point there, maybe we have no money to spend because TOF is using it to sort out his divorce, no doubt the AKB's would have no problem with that. wenger out.


    Mar 07, 2016, 19:11 #85675

    Oh dear, dear a sad AKB is using my name to post pro wenger gibberish loool. How sad and desperate can you be to prop up your dear leader that you are wiling to use another mans username?? Is it embarrassment?? Is it hard to defend the indefensible?? Wenger is now a laughing stock even in his own country smh!!

  6. Kevin not whitcher

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:32 #85657

    First of all in defence of some of the negative comments that get made, I will say this: I understand the reason for frustratation from some of the more reasonable WOB element. I have found myself frustrated about one or two signings I felt we required and one or two tactical changes. We probably all have. I have shouted at Arsene to do certain things, substitutions etc 'assuming' what I want to do would be the best thing. Sometimes I may be right but most of the time I will be wrong. However, I am able to acknowledge that I am just a bloke that played at a reasonable level but nothing more. I have managed amateur teams but that demonstrates no real skills, other than being able to clean a kit, collect the subs and organise matches. I am not deluded. I am not privy to what goes on behind closed dooors at Arsenal nor have I any experieicne running a multi Million pound top football club, let alone managing one. I Have no league titles or unbeaten seasons nor can I claim to have developed any players, let alone legends. So my frustration and "what I would do's" are based on my limited knowledge of the game. I also have no experience in the transfer market or at negotiating contracts. So I am frustrated based on what "I" would do, which it is most unlikely doe not reflect reality. What is reality? One of the biggest 'annoyances' I have with the WOB community (spurred on by the media) is those who deliberately act ignorant because it suits their agenda. There is nothing wrong with them admitting Wenger has done a brilliant job and maintained CL level against the Abramovich and Monsour arrivals. Its a fact, so denying the fact makes them look idiots. I mean, you have to be really stupid to think you can borrow shed loads of money to build a stadium AND rebuild Highbury, during an economic downturn, sell your best players, break even on transfers AND still expect us to challenge for the top honours. Wenger himself said that was his greatest achievement in football, not the Invincibles or any of the doubles he won and he should know because HE had to do it. Yet some of the WOB's deliberately airbrush Historical fact to slam Wenger for "10 years" or "12 years" - all because it sounds a lot better than saying "4" or "5" years". The fact we only increased our net spend when we went after Ozil is conveniently lost on them. Now I am not to say that in previous years we had teh opportunity to win the League but slipped up, the Eduardo game at Birmingham for example, but instead of using that to beat up Wenger for not having good enough players, perhaps they should ask how those players got in that postion in the first place. It's the old analogy about a gtlass being half full or half empty. So Jambug, the point you are making is well made but as soon as you mention 'oil' money, Abramovich or Monsour, the WOB's go all indignant and start making sarcastic comments. Thsi is because it is an inconvenient fact. Ain inconveneient fact that waters down their argument and their countdown clock - and they know it. Because to deny the financial position our club faced, managing on uncompetitve sponsorship deals and having to halt the stadium build because we ran out of money plus factoring in the huge sums of money the oilmen invested, is like denying we need oxygen to breath. But the agenda runs much stronger if you can deny a few key facts and throw in a few wild accusations instead. What really does it for me is when the hardcore elements obsessed with Wenger jump on the back of their enemy the AKB, while wishing we lose games and finish behind Spurs and West Ham. The fcat their isnt an IQ test for WOB membership is good news for the media and people like Adrian Durham because they have a rich pool to fish in for their bollox. try to pretend we

  7. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:11 #85642

    That should be of course 74 points. 3 wins and 3 draws with 8 to play is 75 points.

  8. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:01 #85639

    Okay Marcus,here is why your predictions are nonsense. If Leicester beat Newcastle at home next Monday,nothing is ever certain ,but one would expect them to out Fox the Magpies,then Leicester will be on 63 points,right, with 8 games to play.They only need to win 3 and draw 2 of those games to win a total of 75 points. This looks to be very likely taking account of them only having league games to play and with no sign of any 'fatigue' setting in. They can lose games and still win the league.We can't lose even one being 8 points adrift,but we will lose one or more . Leicester have lost just 3 games all season,we have lost 7 ,ding dong I'm ringing the bell the lights are on but is anyone home... you couldn't make it up. Hey Marcus if you are so confident and such a big uber fan why not go and put some money where your rather large mouth is on us winning the league - the bookies will give you odds of 9/2 on that happening we were 6-4 a month ago - 9/2 is four and a half to one Marcus or using your method of adding up 4 fingers and half a thumb... you can only get 5-4 on Leicester winning the title ...the bookies are not known for being over generous so I reckon that is a bit short and our odds should be a little longer . Have a nice day now.

  9. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:25 #85630

    Marcus have you ever actually been to a AFC game>? You appear to struggle to differentiate between supporting a side and passing comments on football forums about it.Man supporters pass them during games and they are not all complimentary as anyone who has been to football matches knows. Some of the biggest moaners are at the Emirates - are you unaware of that>? Does this make them traitors and non-supporters of AFC - or is it really just all about supporting Arsene .Your predictions are laughable ,I suggest you take some lessons in Maths - you obviously need them.

  10. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:52 #85625

    So Marcus, you don't know whether your predictions are right or wrong but they 'show' it will be close. Can you spot the fault in your logic there? They don't 'show' anything, they are just your predictions, which are mightily optimistic and highly unlikely. Why will it necessariy even be close? Leicester are 8 points ahead now, a gap that form tells us is more likely to grow than shrink. And now the excuses have run out you're trying to resort to guilt trips so silence the clamour for change. It's transparent and it won't work.

  11. Lee

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:43 #85622

    Kev, I have already opted out! Can anyone tell me why we are being charged £38.38 for the category B watford fa cup game, when if WE sell our category B matches back to the club, we barely receive £35? sounds petty I know but still no reasonable explanation? Oh is it the bank of stan!

  12. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:40 #85620

    The Arsenephile fringe the loony brigade are coming out in force as it slowly dawns on them that the comfort blanket is going. Wenger is being cruelly exposed for what he is, a directionless, corporate non entity who is failing to get any sort of performance from his team. Even the men in suits recognise this hence the rumours swirl. Marcus you are a traitor to Arsenal any you either need to scurry off once he has gone or try and get a reality check. Sniff the coffee as they say. Up the Arsenal down with Arsene

  13. Marcus

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:32 #85619

    You have proved this poiint by saying: "The 20 or so other websites with arsenal blogs are wrong and so are the millions who post on them" This is a hilarious comment and shows real naivety mate. I am sure any blog that had a million members signed up would be a very busy place. Income from advertising would be so much these guys would be retiring. If you go onto most of the so called WOB blogs, you will find that there are about 30/40 regular posters, not the millions you claim. Most of the comment section will be domintaed by perhaps 10/15 regulars, normally recycling the same comment, often abusive. Many with what appear to have a lot of time on their hands. Anyway, lets ignore the 500 odd WOB's (and 30 rival fans in pretend mode) who want us to lose all our games and take a look at the run in. I have capitalised the games I think are difficult. I do not claim to be a Fantasy Football Expert, so I cannot predict with certainy the 'easy' games but its worth looking at the games. I think this proves that there are a lot of points still to be lost and won and I personally believe we have the best run in. Obviously, it comes down to form etc but we are due a rub of teh green too. Progression in both FA Cup and European competitions will have an affect; the resting of players/fatigue etc. None of this will affect Leicester though. Also, playing teams fighting relegation makes these games harder to predict. So a bit of fun: LEICS: H: Newcastle (3pts) A: Crystal Palace (1) H: Southampton (3) A: Sunderland (1) H: WEST HAM (1) H: Swansea (3) A: MAN UTD (0) H: EVERTON (1) A: CHELSEA (0) = 13 points SPURS: (A: Dortmund-Europa) A: Aston Villa (3) (H: Dortmund-Europa) H: Bournemeouth (3) A: LIVERPOOL (0) H: MAN UTD (1) A: STOKE CITY (1) H: West Bromwich (3) A: CHELSEA (0) H: Southampton (3) A: NEWCASTLE (1) = 15 points ARSENAL: H: West Bromwich (3) (A: Barcelona-CL) A: EVERTON (1) H: Watford (3) A: WEST HAM (1) H: Crystal Place (3) A: Sunderland (3) H: Norwich (3) A: MAN CITY (1) H: Aston Villa (3) = 21 points MAN CITY H: Norwich (3) (H: Kiev-CL) H: MAN UTD (3) A: Bournemouth (3) H: West Bromwich (3) A: CHELSEA (0) H: STOKE (1) A: Southampton (3) H: ARSENAL (1) A: Swansea (3) = 20 points Final League Table 1. Arsenal 73 points 2. Leicester 73 points 3. Spurs 70 points 4. Man City 70 points I factored in 'pressure' for Leicester and it comes down to goal difference. Whetehr my predictions are right or wrong, I think it shows it will be close. I also think those fans wishing us to lose should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Thsi is still up for grabs and with confident players we can do this

  14. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:09 #85608

    The WOBs are not fans or supporters of AFC they are just followers who normally have interests in other clubs.They suffer from 'DSS'.

  15. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:39 #85598

    Marcus, it's very easy to flip your kind of argument on its head to say that people like yourself, who want Wenger to carry on and on even though the most compelling evidence is now in that AFC will never progress with him in charge, are putting your love of the man before the good of the club. How do you like the word 'traitor' being thrown at you for that?

  16. GTG

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:28 #85594

    @Marcus - None of us would be on anti depressants if we won the league mate.... it just aint gonna happen. I'll ask you the same question I ask any AKB..... what will have to happen for you to say "that's enough" drop out of top 4? the other question I'd ask is what gives you belief that Arsene Wenger can make Arsenal into a genuine force again which ultimately is what all fans want is it not? We have a lower points total this year than last so there is no progress this season but people like yourselves obviously see something to make you think things are going to be different next year and so on, so im intrigued as to what that is?

  17. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:22 #85592

    Westie,can you remind us what WHU's stats regarding results against us were at The Emirates before they beat us 2-0 there this season>? It's fairly obvious,well to some that is,that WHU are a better and different side now days under Bilic.What things wee before he took over is irrelevant really.Anyway keep those blinkers firmly on Westie for the run-in old Badarse must have been fitted with a tongue -strap because he has gone very quiet.... Marcus , what others write they write and what is written is written .I just give my views on here on how I see things.I am not a member of the Arsene Knows Best club the game on Saturday was a draw as was the one against the spuds early on at home . The game made for good TV viewing with lots of drama down to poor defending by both sides. I couldn't see any title winners on show though. So ,er, just what is your point exactly>?

  18. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:06 #85588

    I'm not convinced that City will go through the motions in the league Ron with players playing for their jobs and some such as Ya Ya putting themselves in the shop-window.I will be surprised though if we finish ahead of them with them having that game in hand and us as a far easier run-in and us having to play them second last game away plus their far better G/D. I don't see West Brom being any certain 3 points for us at the weekend tbh. Pulis will be trying his best to put Wenger under pressure and to increase the sale of the Voodoo dolls in the Armoury! It will probably be a close run affair with the theater crowd at the Emirates Experience getting nervy if we don't score early. I thought a few of the spuds players looked like lagging boats with weary legs on Satuday Ron -Poch's high pace pressing game is finding them out in what for them has been a long season.They ran out of steam against us playing with 10 men and this has happened before to them in home games this season. The failure to score an early goal when they had us under the cosh proved costly when Ramsey did his party trick . Unfortunately this will only encourage him to carry on doing them.Good old Arsene

  19. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:06 #85587

    So Westlower thinks Arsenal will win nearly all their remaining games and probably only lose one more game, and that will only be due to 'fatigue'. If we're to take him at his word, what he's seen this season leads him to conclude that this is a brilliant team about to explode into irresistable Championship winning form.

  20. Marcus

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:00 #85584

    Jeff: I confess to failing to understand the mindset of a lot of Wobs. Perhaps you two, in particular John, can explain how you reconcile support with the 'agenda' to which you belong. This morning, despite predictions Spurs would crush us, the point won with ten men is being treated as a five nil defeat. Certain WOB's are making comments like these: WOB 1: "I would laugh my head off if the finishing positions were: 1. Leicester 2. Tottenham 3. West Ham 4. Arsenal I mean that would really drive the knife in but it won’t be enough to dislodge the parasite(s)". So this guy, who thinks he is a supporter, wants us to finish 4th because it somehow makes him feel good even though it wont change teh manager. Beyond bizarre logic. WOB 2: "im cheering Leicester on from now, as the title is gone for us. Im also cheering West Ham, Man City and Man Utd on. I dont want to finish 4th, I want things to change at this club, so I am hooping a 5th/6th place finish changes things". WOB 3: "...hope we come 6th. Spuddies or Leicester win the league. Chelsea catching us would be great too" WOB 4: "That’s why in order for the annoying AKBs to turn their back against their master wenker, I preferred the spud to win the league and west ham will knick arsenal for 4th trophy. Yeah, that’s will shake extremely even to the deluded die hard wenger’s apologist". The comments above prove to me that supporting the team, the club and the players comes some way behind supporting the agenda. I would guess most on the WOB blogs and certainly those listed above, would be on anti-depressants if we won the league. ....and yet these deluded souls somehow think they are the superior 'supporters' and will claim we are 'obsessed' with Wenger!! My god, these guys are so deluded they really should see a quack for their OCD. PS: Imagine wanting Arsenal to lose and then convincing yourself you are a supporter? It makes supportinga football team utterly pointless. The word is actually: 'Traitor'.

  21. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:56 #85583

    You dont half come out with some statements Westie. 'not champs at all'? Did you not see Chelsea last season after Xmas or indeed most title winning teams in the last 20 years. Most limp home to glory and youre not factoring in the reality that 4-5 games from the finishing post many Clubs get into holiday mode once their safe or bailed out of all tournaments. Everton have won 4 games at home all season and Arse are already out of the CL, Barca away isnt going to cause sleepless nights. You really couldnt make it up. Arse in truth have 'looked like Champs'for 20 mins all season v Utd at home in game where Utd were tactically still on the M6 by the time it reached 3-0. Keep shining torchlight up Wengers arse though by all means.

  22. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:47 #85582

    @Jeff, Arsenal haven't lost at the Boleyn since 2006. Won 7 drew 1, since. I regard Everton away as our biggest obstacle, mainly because we're in Barcelona 3 days before. I've already backed Everton at 21/10. I cannot see Leicester winning the majority of their games, which tags them to 3/4 wins max. I thought they were average at Watford, not Champions at all.

  23. Kerryman Gooner

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:47 #85581

    We probably will not win the easiest Premiership ever. But we have to win it. There are going to be repercussions next August. Wenger will not go. A combination of arrogance and the pay packet will keep him going. But I think Ozil and Sanchez will go. Maybe Bellerin too. And Wenger will not be able to attract the players we need. What a sad demise for Wenger. Overstayed his welcome Big Time. I predict a very bad mood at the Grove next August.

  24. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:33 #85579

    I dont think Man City will storm to the title now Jeff. I think theyre going thro the motions now. The CL has priority there for quite a few players who Pep will release. We cd have knocked a team up from this site to thrash the Villa. They gave up weeks back and the club is infighting itself to death as we speak. I think the Foxes will lose a couple of games though. Not a lot wrong with the Spuds. Their long held 'Arsenalitis' disease got them a bit on the week end. For me its Leics Spurs Arse City now to finish it off. I hope so anyway. Leics have been a breath of fresh air and have exposed Wenger more than any sensible argument as to his merits/ lack of merits could have done and that applies if they win the title or not.

  25. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:22 #85577

    I can't see us getting more than 67 points Westie .Leicester play Newcattle at home next Monday night and I see them winning that game so they will be on 63 points with 8 left to play . They should be able to win enough points from the remaining 24 to win the league. They have Chelsea away for their last game and don't hold your breath on the chavs wanting to do anyone any favours. Chelsea regarding the league will have nothing to play for and if still in the cups will most likely rest players . City have a game in hand Newcattle away , you couldn't make it up and look capable of winning that game . City along with Leicester and Tottenham have a better g/d than us so that is in reality another point more.If City win 8 and draw one out of their 10 left to play they finish on 75 points - that will be enough now to win the title. Anyway I can't see us whatever happens finishing in front of City - so if they can't win the league then neither can we. We should be looking at what is sitting on the cusp of progress behind us and Bilic's boys look in fine fettle and up for a ruck with us when we drop in on them for our last ever game at the Boleyn. The title for us is gone with the wind again and all of this bull shine about it from Wenger is just an attempt to cover this up with yet more optimism to try and keep critics quiet .Sanchez knows the truth so do others By the way anyone would think that we had beaten the spuds on Saturday instead of having lost a 1-0 lead again and ended up 'heroically ' scraping a draw. When I last looked the spuds were still 3 points ahead of us though and Leicester and City had both gained 2 points on us! The delusion that goes on in Arsene la la land is hilarious. You couldn't make it up.

  26. Nick

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:03 #85576

    Mgb spot on with your comment re Wenger ruining not making players, this myth started and ended with Henry, who had been a striker in his youth, so to switch back there was a calculated risk rather than a genius move, the players own fantastic pace and skill made the switch a success not Wenger.He has on the other hand tried to repeat his perceived triumph on several other occasions to the detriment of the players concerned most notably Arshavin and Reyes, both looked the real deal on arrival but their confidence was shredded by Wenger constantly playing them out of position, Arshavin in particular gained his fame prior to moving to Arsenal for playing in a Bergkamp type role behind the main strikers, but Wenger played him mostly out wide or as a lone striker, for me Wenger ruined Arshavins Arsenal tenure , he also played lesser lights out of their favoured postions, Wiltord and even TGSTEL, the latter was a centre forward or nothing but le prof played him regularly out wide putting in the crosses he should have been on the end of . Wengers myth is slowly but surely being exposed, he is nothing more than a dietician, and an accountant, his understanding of tactics limited only his ego has no bounds, his arrogance no limits , he is a charlatan and is now being exposed as such .

  27. Wenger Must Go

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:57 #85574

    @Wenger Must Go ASAP (Marcus) Great points. Arsenal was drawn at home to Liverpool in 2014 (they finished 2nd in the league) and away to Man U (no win since 2003 pre-match) in last season's FA Cup so not all easy draws.

  28. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:52 #85573

    It seems most people are still very much in the Wenger must stay camp.If Wenger left a new boss could have us playing tedious football like the chavs or hoofball like manure or the yawnfest closing down game currently played by hairy arse tiddlers like the spuds and Leicester Fosse.

  29. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:51 #85572

    Correction: You think Leicester will win 3 in 9.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:39 #85571

    Westlower, so basically you reckon Leicester will only win 4 of their remaining 9 games whilst Arsenal will win 7 in 9. That's a pretty dramatic and sudden change in form for both clubs to go through, isn't it. You backing up that reckoning at the bookies?

  31. Barnaby

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:33 #85570

    I think afc are fed and buried as a competitive footy team, kroenke has absolutely destroyed that club, we r not much better run then Newcastle

  32. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 10:24 #85569

    Looking at all the clubs remaining fixtures I predict Arsenal will end up winning more PL games than Leicester 22-20. Whether that's enough to win the title is another debate. I reckon Leicester will stall & end up with 72-73 points. If AFC lose at Everton (after the Barcelona game) & draw with Citeh or vice versa & win the remainder, we'll have 74 points. That leaves TH & Citeh. I fear Citeh more than TH, who didn't look all that on Saturday & where have all the TH trolls gone? Must have their tails between their legs, so come on Eileen (mbg), you'll have to step up your vitriol to make up for their absence. Latest odds: Leicester 5/4, TH 3/1, AFC 5/1, Citeh 6/1.

  33. Roy

    Mar 07, 2016, 9:54 #85568

    Someone really should take Ramsey aside and have a word. As Jeff and others have alluded to, if you spin a roulette wheel enough times etc, and that his flicks usually end up giving the ball away. This would have a decent manager tearing his hair out but for reasons known only to Wenger, he appears undroppable when he should be being told otherwise. It was noticeable that when he walked off at half time, he spent 10 seconds making sure his hair was perfect, nice for the cameras I must say ! Don't like to pick on individual players and to be fair Ramsey it's not his fault that we've probably blown the title - we all know who that's down to. It just feels symptomatic of the way things have panned out. At least the dropping of 8 points in 3 games means that we should see a stronger line up tomorrow night than if we'd won all 3. Won't it ?

  34. Bard

    Mar 07, 2016, 9:50 #85567

    AKBs are desperate, posting under all kinds of names, sad. Wenger having his usual whinge about the fans. He needs to wake up. The reason the fans are restless is because of the teams massive underachievement over the years. He has been rumbled and there is no way back.

  35. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 9:33 #85566

    Love Wenger - I really hope Wenger has at least 20 years plus in him. But Not at the Arsenal thank you very much. Let's go for 10 games shall we. Think Chips and the board are looking elsewhere now. Also lets just speculate that Wenger f's up on Tuesday. Would Bould actually be any worse? Free to put a rocket under the players Arses for the first time in years. Free to play pragmatic football compact but telling Theo to get down that bleeding wing. Might have a marvellous effect.

  36. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 9:03 #85565

    Yogi,people are buying those Wenger dolls to stick pins in them...

  37. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 8:54 #85564

    That is not a Badarse post. Whoever you are, you'll have to remember to use full stops at the end of each sentence.

  38. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 8:08 #85563

    Be careful what you wish for in wishing to be careful as being to careful will not fulfill your wishes and ultimately leave you unfullfilled. It really does have a song about it. Mama said be careful what you wish for Be careful what you wish for Be careful what you wish for But you can be to careful too.... Yeah it's going to be a hit!

  39. Captain Frank

    Mar 07, 2016, 7:57 #85562

    Well said GoonerRon. Post of the day! I may be a WOB in your eyes, but the revisionist rubbish which some come out with annoys the hell out of me and that quote from mbg takes the proverbial biscuit. I could never hate anyone with the passion that he seems to have for Wenger. Its all about opinions of course, but when I feel people start spouting nonsense to suit their argument, then I tend to ignore everything they say. Exaggerate to prove a point is a saying which too many seem to attest to.

  40. Gaz

    Mar 07, 2016, 6:03 #85561

    Guy in Jersey-great post to wake up to! Well said fella...

  41. Guy in Jersey

    Mar 07, 2016, 1:09 #85560

    To Sandy (post no. 90487) and his ridiculous comment 'Be careful what you wish for''. It's people like you that I despise. Scared, stupid, fearful, blinkered, conservative, dull, and deluded. There used to be a football club in north London that I loved, before the accountants took over. There is an Arsenal beyond the Arsene Wenger stagnation era. We were not always great, and we weren't always pretty, but we were always a GREAT club. Arsene had his day, but it was a bloody long time time ago, but you (and thousands of others) are too much of a chicken **** to ever question why Prof Clueless (the moaning money-grabbing Frenchman who wouldn't know about about strategy if a tactics board hit him in the face) has under achieved for a decade. F*ck you and all your pathetic apologists for Arsene, the world's biggest whinger who has never, ever accepted responsibility for anything 'cos it always, always, always someone else' fault....


    Mar 07, 2016, 1:04 #85559

    I just don't understand how anyone can keep on defending wenger! Especially this season. The man is now a caricature of himself.opposing teams want him to stay. That should tell you all you want to know. I wish I was a fly on the wall during the week at London colney to see how he prepares them and what he tells them. Why do the players look scared during the warm up or coming down the tunnel for a big game?? Look I have said it for years there are many players who play for us who should not be as they are not good enough I.e Gibbs, flamini, Ramsey yes he scores one or two goals but his all round play is shockingly below average he can't string two passes together FORWARD!! Yet he thought Barcelona wanted him loool. Look if they came in with a big offer I would let him ago ASAP!! He is shocking and would just warm the Barcelona bench! If yaya toure and cesc fabregas were hounded out of Barcelona who are far superior players to Ramsey imagine how Ramsey would be treated?? With his terrible technical ability he wild be booed big time. Thru used to boo cesc yes cesc a hometown Catalan, who is on another level to Ramsey so I say to him good luck haha. Arteta is another one, metersacker, giroud I'd a squad player not a main striker for a team that supposedly wants to win the league. Theo Walcott had been at arsenal for 10 years yes 10 years and can you say he has improved?? He runs like a headless chicken and the only reason why he made it as a pro must be because he had blistering pace. Chamberlain is another he has not improved for me. Way to comfortable it's a joke. He had better ability than Walcott but seems content being a squad player. I can name a couple more players. Also finally wenger is getting the scrutiny from the media. Finally!! As they know like most folks with an ounce of common sense no that the excuses have run out!! He always liked using the one about oil money boy he loved that one! Ohh but be can't use it now can he?? Surely he can't say Leicester City have oil money??? The excuses are over!! Also to be the only European club in the top 5 countries to not buy an outfield player was negligible!! What got me was the one about there not being any players better the what we have. He clearly was and is showing early signs of dementia. He has lost the plot. Dt from arsenal fan TV said he probably did not spend as he was sorting out his divorce loool!! WENGER ITS TIME TO LEAVE

  43. DW Thomas

    Mar 07, 2016, 0:10 #85558

    12 years no title. And muppets still want this manager to sign a new contract? It beggars belief!! We could be up with Barca and Bayern given the right board, manager, and players. Those who suckle to Wenger really are blinded. There are no more excuses anymore. The buck stops with Arsene!!!!

  44. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 23:29 #85557

    DWT, with a has been of a manager like we have were we even looking forward to this season mate.

  45. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 23:16 #85556

    Somebody mentioned bouldy actually getting off his arse, I didn't notice myself, but I did notice how Poch and his assistant never stopped chatting and conferring, and how TOF and bould never spoke, but the whenever TOF got up and went to the side line to do whatever he does bould and vic akers straight away starting talking pointing and nodding obviously seeing what's going on or going wrong, then as soon as old weng came back they shut up and never spoke most likely not allowed too, obviously he ruins assistants and coaching staff too. wenger out.

  46. DW Thomas

    Mar 06, 2016, 22:58 #85555

    Exactly my point Gaz! Wenger will biy someone decent, then play hos favorites or run them into the ground. Compare Mahrez to Ramsey. Not even close. One wins games, the other is a Wenger poser. Ramsey could be better, yet hos skills are not near Mahrez. Those two players comparison show why we will fail and Leicester may win. Yet Wenger only buys "quality." BS every time.

  47. jeff wright

    Mar 06, 2016, 22:39 #85554

    There was certainly more effort put in yesterday at the lane of shame by our underachievers that can't be argued against. Ospina was of course our MOTM making a couple of crucial saves... he was undone by poor defending on the two spuds goals and nearly undone for a third one by the hapless Gabriel comically doing his best to score an own goal - on what was a simple clearance - at least unlike cowardly Kos he turned up to play ...fortunately the ball ended up on top of the goal and not in it. Up front Danny Boy showed why United sold him by messing up a couple of good chances that he had - but as usual he did a lot of running about and helped out in the build up to Ramsey's lucky goal - most of his Hollywood Back-heel flicks end up with us losing possession. But every dog has its day and if you spin a Roulette wheel enough times sooner or later your number will come up - he got lucky yesterday and boy did he milk it ! I noted he got a bit shirty with Sanchez when he joined in the party to celebrate the goal that came against the run of play . 'Rambo' was most likely sulking about Sanchez's comments that our players lacked belief to win the title. True this but selfie lovers like Ramsey and co do not like being told the truth and prefer Arsene and duff dopey AKB excuses that blame other things for the non-title winning performances that they produce season after season... What the line-up yesterday did show however was that Ramsey is no better out wide than he is in midfield . Ozil was yet again noticeable by not doing anything of note in a big game - other than look confused - it just goes on and on this as do the comments about his assists - albeit all made against lower case sides . He is no Mahrez who has scored 14 goals for the Foxes this season and wins them games that is for sure. Mahrez cost £200,00 ... Ozil £42million. Spot the difference>? You couldn't make it up.

  48. Gaz

    Mar 06, 2016, 22:06 #85553

    DW Thomas-can't think of anything worse than discussing who the Club should be buying in the summer unless there's a new manager doing the buying! Wenger's had far too many chances already and there's no way in this world he should get another chance to totally **** up another window...

  49. DW Thomas

    Mar 06, 2016, 21:45 #85552

    A few observances this season. We lost Denilson a few seasons ago and nobody cried. Now we have Ramsey. Whole game he played central or on the left from his supposed right wing. The lad tries plenty hard but will never win a title for us. Jack is by far the better talent. His flick to score was pure luck and he had missed plenty of goals this year that a better mf would score. He, Gibbs, and Theo all represent players he continues with, his final project youth boys, who have never shown they can win the title, or even hang with the big boys. We fail every year to get the quality we need, injuries plague us, and then we're surprised we bottle the chase?? Elneny looked the most composed and sure footed, yet it was his first start? Wenger has ruined plenty of players. Cesc left. RVP left. Clichy and Sagna left. All of them realized they'd never win a title under Wenger. It has been ten years since he lost the CL final. It's like we were cursed. A club that only desires profits to glory with an ego maniac know it all manager will never be a recipe for titles. I still like to think that even Arshavin could have been great under a different coach. Watching Aguero yesterday take the game by the scruff of the neck cause me to wonder why and how on earth we have never bought a player like him. Like Lewandowski, or Ronaldo, or Suarez. Penny pinching every time and we wonder why we choke? Leicester will most likely win it. Think about that. That puts to bed all the stupid excuses Gadzidis and Wenger have uttered for years about why we fail. Snake oil a plenty. Per losing the challenge to Alli yesterday is an example of the constant mistakes made and never made amends for. So so tired of the same story each year. These guys are paid millions, living a lap of luxury, to be brave and give their all to win. Little do we ever see that. Let me ask this. Without some top class signings, in key areas, who is looking forward to next season??

  50. Gaz

    Mar 06, 2016, 21:34 #85551

    Blithered-I've always said that Coqualin is a good player but certainly no better than that. Fact is he just took over a role in the side that Wenger had totally neglected for far too long mean I g he looked a lot better than he is. Not trying degenerate his impact but I reckon we could have signed a multitude of specialist DM's and they'd have looked impressive in or side...

  51. GoonerRon

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:59 #85550

    @ mbg - Wenger only ruins players? See it's blinkered nonsense like that which means people will rarely take you seriously. Ask our famous back 5 what Wenger did for their careers, or Romford Pele, or Kolo Toure, Vieira, Henry, Anelka, Overmars, Kanu, Cesc, RVP or Lauren (and that was me firing names off without much thought) - all of these players excelled under Wenger became much better players under him. Obviously he doesn't always get it right but he also hasn't destroyed every player he's managed - that's just an idiotic assessment. Oh by the way, it won't be your incessant ramblings on here that will get Wenger out, it will be the people who choose to still support the club by going to games that may do it.

  52. Billthered

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:51 #85549

    let's get one thing straight Le coq is a decent player and when he came in it showed just what we were missing in the centre of our midfield, but what also it showed that we should have bought an upgrade in that position who that was I don't know but if I was paid 8 million a year you can be sure I would have found him. But there again I have not worked one half a day in football.

  53. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:22 #85548

    Did you see those leeds supporters protesting ? and the coverage they got ? they take no shyte, there's no sheep or gullible there, wenger wouldn't last long with them, I wonder could we draught them in to help get rid of TOF and carry his coffin to the ground (that would get TOF's and John Wayne's attention as we don't seem to be up to the job ourselves.


    Mar 06, 2016, 20:18 #85547

    Dear Mr Badarse (or Webster), I'm everso sorry but I didn't understand a word of your post (again) but then neither could I understand Pochettino's post match gabbling - the subtitles button doesn't seem to work on Sky. If this is how he communicates to his team then I am beginning to think he is a tad overrated as are his team who were pretty poor. However, it looks as if Mark & others are correct, change really does seem to be on the agenda at long last. 4th is now no longer a given &, as usual, we are 3 or 4 players short of a proper team. We do have some real quality & I was pleased to see Bouldy off his arse for a change & giving out some verbals (did he have permission?). Next year, without change, could see the fight for the new 5th place trophy. Webster reminds me of ex B of E Governor, Mervyn King, who came up with the quote of the year on today's Andrew Marr show. He fears another recession because WE haven't learnt the lessons of the last one in 2008!!! By WE I don't think he meant those BANKSTERS but US! Wonder if Arthur W's next career move could be to the Bank of England?

  55. Patrick

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:10 #85546

    Good to see Russell brand's back.

  56. KC

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:08 #85545

    Sites will not remove Wenger, the fans at the ground will. Liverpool supporters proved that with their ticket protest. If Wenger and the board start hearing Wenger out they will panic, Wenger can not handle being questioned and would struggle to deal with an anti Wenger crowd. It would also be visible which is imperative, the hacks may at long last start asking Wenger more in depth questions What would help is not finishing in the top four, this would hit the income the only language Kronke understands. It would also be great as this competition is only for the board, the fans realise we cannot win it. Wenger would not have meet his bosses requirement and that means failure to Kronke.

  57. bromley boy

    Mar 06, 2016, 20:06 #85544

    just after pep took over at bayern it was either ribbery or robben got taken of injured in a game not long after coming back from an injury , pep turned to his medical team on the bench and pointed in there direction and then pointed at ribbery/robben and jested to them thats your fault they were all sacked that week .oh to have a manager like that who wont except 2nd best at any level at his club. Wenger is to loyal to to many people who dont cut it on or off the pitch perhaps if he grew a pair of b***s we wouldnt be in this position now and he may not be getting all this deserved abuse

  58. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 19:42 #85543

    Mark, thanks for that but I haven't been alone, we've all played our part,(who said fans and sites cant influence things) there's those who have put in as much as effort as me, yes lets hope something is afoot and we finally get rid of this past it old man who is holding us back and we can all get back to what we love doing supporting a proper Arsenal team and manager who's only interest in results and winning trophies on the pitch. wenger out.

  59. Badarse

    Mar 06, 2016, 19:14 #85542

    Who cares what the dark moanies think.Thy have no real love for the Arsenal.Locked in my cabin I can bare to think turn to the rocks and let it smash and sink, our voyage's end seems to be on the brink, alas a RAIDERS ship now turns to a mild drink, "captain" a voice at my cabin door screams out, as I reach from my sward and stand firmly stout, " our ship lyes in the thickest of fog and without," if I listen to the words they are words of doubt,Are you a sad pathetic WOR I steady my hand with a drink and my fate as well I open the door and the a crushing angry sea I smell, one step out and calm my ship sits still and without yells, looking into the eyes of the broken I see withered shells,A WOB a plank of wood at best how could this be this is my ship and it escaped me, a tyrant in my days of old I sit calm speechless as a tree, no mutiny no sabotage only a crew unwilling to hear my plee, a ship over run by blind servants and disregard for my decree, the ski clears as the seas water turns blue, a smile from faces as if waiting for an accrue, a dead mans ships drifts on waters and starts anew, my body plunges into the sea and even at my death I knew, the soul tamed by ones lovers kiss has no purpose, a mans word floats unheard willingly disregard and missed, and a captain can only rule until another strips him of his ship, now forgotten and gone this ship floats lost and unequipped. Good old Arsene.

  60. Forth is Arsenal

    Mar 06, 2016, 19:01 #85541

    we are 8 points plus goal diff i.e. 9 points off leicester so please forget the league. what is your view on likely points haul from everton, city and west ham away ? my view is 1 out of 9. i think arsenal are going to accumulate 15-16 more points thats all balance of the season for a total of 67-68. city will overhaul us. Utd cannot catch us. we will fight for 4th with west ham is my view. well beat Hull but against Watford who knows;

  61. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 18:29 #85540

    Gaz, yes indeed, but you know how some get excited now when they're messiah get a draw, the next next they'll be getting moist at only a 1-0 loss, it doesn't matter what he scrapes this year single or double taking in context it won't be any kind of a great achievement, so regardless he will have long overstayed his welcome and any one with half a brain should know that and not start feeling sorry for him and change their minds, but of course his luvvies will be calling for another contract regardless they just never learn. wenger out.

  62. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 06, 2016, 18:23 #85539

    Interesting to see that the great UTD revival after their storming win against Arsenal comes crashing back down to earth against honest toilers (sorry Baggy fans if that sounds condescending). It just hi lights the horrible lack of savvy that Wenger brings to the table. Naive, naive Wenger you are so naive. Up the Arsenal, down with Arsene!

  63. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 06, 2016, 18:07 #85538

    MBG - if you are reading in I sincerely hope you get to crack open the Champagne at the end of the season. The stories in the Express and the Metro suggest things are changing. You should be proud of the campaign you have run. I doubt things will be made too public but hope is finally rising. Up the Arsenal, down with Arsene!

  64. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 06, 2016, 18:06 #85537

    I was disappointed we didn’t win but I was impressed with our fight and stubbornness not to be beaten. They flew at us early-on, the tempo was furious for the first half hour, but whilst we were under the cosh I thought we battled hard not to get overrun. They targeted Bellerin and Mertesacker but both of them recovered from the immense pressure early-on, fought back and eventually got on top. We struggled to play with composure going forward in the early stages of the first half; Ramsey, Ozil and Alexis all gave the ball away too cheaply. But after Ramsey’s goal it all seemed to click with Elneny looking good in the centre. We could have been two or three-up before Coquelin’s stupid tackle. Their first goal was a little fortunate, the ball dropped very kindly for them in the box. When we went behind I feared we might implode but we played with a higher line at the back and took the game to them with ten men; Alexis’s goal was brilliant and Ramsey almost nicked it at the end. Now we have to catch our breath and show the same amount of effort and determination against Hull on Tuesday evening. COYG!

  65. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 18:04 #85536

    Bromley boy, like I've said and it's there to be seen also, TOF doesn't make players he ruins them, unfortunately for most of them they were/are to young to realise that,after been fed spin/bullshyte about TOF being a great coach and good for their careers, well we've seen how good this old out of date manager has been for they're careers wally, ox, x box jack, Chesney, Ramsey, etc, and all the others that have came and went before them, and that's before you start on the older experienced players, coached into better players ? coached into better players my arse, ruined is the word. wenger out.

  66. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:50 #85535

    Too much knee jerking from Westie. I say we should wait til the great man has seen out his contract. Two FA Cups will do for now and with the Mancs flapping let's see if Arsene can ring the Tinker's bell .... Some gooner you are ....

  67. Bard

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:49 #85534

    Now we are moreorless out of the race expect a rapid improvement in our form. The bottle merchants will start to perform now 4th place is going to be a bun fight. I dont believe the Hull win and Wenger out story one bit, there is a vast amount of money at stake here. The one thing that might turn it is if the atmosphere at the ground turns toxic. The problem for Wenger is that all the usual excuses are exhausted or redundant.

  68. Jude

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:48 #85533

    Know Man: I think you mean "indulge," and no footballer is indulged more by Wenger than Ramsey. Here's a lad who's so woefully out of form, yet so self-indulgent that he'll continue with countless flicks and tricks despite a large body of work suggesting they won't come off. Does the manager ever have a word with him to keep it simple? Clearly not. He will continue to play with seemingly no repercussions for woeful performances. Make no mistake, the goal papers over the cracks, and will do nothing but over inflate his already vast ego. Seeing one of his flicks somehow hit the back of the net will only encourage him to continue attempting the spectacular when simplicity would suffice. His glorious chance that was tackled away towards the end of the game was a result of him thinking about which trick or flick to attempt rather than rolling the ball into the net. He's simply not good enough.

  69. anthony walters

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:28 #85532

    yesterday pleased with most things yet gabriel and mertesacker though they both played well were culpable for kanes goal mert sloppy and nearest in line to close down gabriel just stood and obscured ospinas goal.ozil should have been subbed when we went down to 10 he isn't someone who will shine away in a frenetic derby when we are a man short he spent the game on the perphery of things. of the names i have seen bandied as arsenes replavement only koeman stands out for me .premiership experience won things abroad and his name as a great player may attract a star or 2.

  70. Westlower

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:13 #85531

    Assuming the Express story that Wenger will be asked to leave should Arsenal lose at Hull, who would be best suited to takeover. The bookies list makes for depressing reading with Watfords manager Flores as favourite. Others in the short list are ex-players PV, TH, DB10 & Arteta, none of whom have managed. Koeman is the only one who caught my eye. Others listed are Tuchel (BD), Laudrup, Rodgers & Pellegrini. Of the players linked to Arsenal, both Benteke & Ighalo make little appeal. Ighalo's lack of bravery with a weak header against Leicester, did for me.

  71. Greg

    Mar 06, 2016, 17:09 #85530

    Kev, "still very much in the title race"??! We should be more worried about who's behind us rather than in front! Eight points is a massive gap at this stage. Fair play, good result and comeback yesterday, but where was this fight two games previous?

  72. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 06, 2016, 15:27 #85529

    'Most important NLD ever.....' Didn't even Lee Dixon jump on this bandwagon?? He at least should know better. There must be 5 or 6 contenders above this one - but surely '71 reigns supreme? No contest.

  73. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 15:07 #85528

    Ian Ure's Son, lets hope your right, but as already been said Teflon weng will get off, if he fell in a duckle (google it but i'm sure you know what it is) he'd come up smelling like a boots perfume counter. Do us all a favour and go now old man.

  74. Know Man

    Mar 06, 2016, 15:00 #85527

    Another match where Ozil didn't contribute, yet gets away and is above receiving any criticism. A player who Wenger continues to divulge and will play regardless of form. Wenger has no balls. Players are too comfortable, all too nice, where is the hard man, where is the player putting a rocket up his team mates butts?! We'll be fortunate to get 4th, that's enough for most fans I suspect.

  75. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 06, 2016, 14:56 #85526

    Good report as usual Kev, have to say our BFG centre back finds so many different ways to concede goals, who is coaching him - Baldrick? Thought the spuds were very ordinary and reflect what is a very average PL. However I lost a bit of interest in the game when the TV companies suggested it was the most important NLD ever - more PL bullsh☆t to try to rescue a down graded product.fIn

  76. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 14:47 #85525

    Joe S. good post, amid the backslapping in getting a draw there are the realists.

  77. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 14:31 #85524

    What was all this hanging about on the pitch after the whistle ? had we won something ? I was waiting for a lap of honour and some bouncing for a draw. It will be a long time before we see this shower celebrating the prem at the lane (or anywhere) and doing an Ashley Cole and planting the trophy on the centre spot. wenger out.

  78. Hiccup

    Mar 06, 2016, 14:29 #85523

    There seems to be some confusion over what constitutes being in the title race? This was done to death and well covered by Amos in a previous article, where he clearly summed the situation up. For clarity, under AKB guidelines, Arsenal have been in the title race for the last ten successive seasons.Whether it has been in September or December that we've been challenging is immaterial. We have been in the title race at some point this season, and that represents success, as the record books and AKB Christmas Annual will show. Can we all please accept this as a fact, and then we can focus on consolidating 4th place without any background distractions.


    Mar 06, 2016, 14:12 #85522

    Well the title is gone!! How anyone who is reasonable can defend wenger is beyond me!! How can you not win the title when the likes of Chelsea, man City, and Manu are struggling?? I have always believed that teams reflect their respective managers and we are no different!! We have no leaders, we have a team full of bottle jobs who look scared during warm ups and when coming out!! We have way too many average players who should not be playing for arsenal. They must be shocked themselves they are playing for us as they are clearly not good enough!! I have been saying since December that if either Leicester City or Tottenham win the league wengers job is untenable. How can he justify staying?? The excuses have run out! I said in 2009 that we will never win the league again under wenger and I stand by that. His stubbornness and downright dictatorial arrogance has held us back big time. We might not even get top 4 now forget winning the league. Also whenever you debate wengers fanboys they can never justify why he should remain especially this season. They know we know that the excuses have dried up. He can't use the one about being outspent with oil money as Leicester city's wage bill is 20 million pounds yes you heard that right and their squad costs no more then 10 million. Tottenham don't have a higher wage bill than us. Wengers time is up. I'm also hearing reports that if we lose against hull he will be sacked. Also I don't see us winning the fa cup this season as it's Chelsea's only chance of winning silverware they will want it. We got lucky the last two seasons with very easy draws in the fa cup. Yesterday's game wenger was very close to being under big time Real Madrid type pressure he still is under big time pressure because he knows if Leicester City or Tottenham win the league he can't defend that with the usual excuses. WENGER THE TIME TO GO HAS ARRIVED, LEAVE NOW OLD MAN!!

  80. Johnny 99

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:58 #85521

    Kev we are not in the title race.We are in a race to win our beloved 4th place trophy.And that wont be easy City 1pt behind us and we have to go to the Etihad and West Ham and maybe Man Utd just behind us.I watched Leicester yesterday and at half time the Sky pundits asked would Leicester take a point.But straight away at the start of the second half Ranieri made two tactical subs something our clueless manager never does.In isolation yesterdays result wasnt bad but after Man Utd and Swansea it made little difference.We have never had a better chance to win the title but Wenger has blown it with his lack of outfield signings in the summer

  81. JB

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:55 #85520

    How on earth is the title there for the taking? 27 points left, Leicester have a great run in, and we're 8 points adrift! They would have to lose 30% of their remaining games and we would have to win nearly every one...I'm sorry but that is not happening! Even if we win 9 out of 9 I can't see Leicester dropping many now, it's no coincidence they're there. We bottled it in 2016, so frustrating again. Started at Liverpool away the last min equaliser! Not just us who have bottled it though, so have City, spuds, Chavs and Yanited, not just reserved for us as the easiest to win, same for the rest of em!

  82. Hiccup

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:49 #85519

    Good report Kev, but more importantly does anyone know what's been going on over at Untold? We haven't had an AC Milan update or whatever mumbo jumbo the AKB drunkards were wittering on about for a while? The absence of AKB's on here, and arseblog also wanting wenger out, seems to have sent the homeless AKB's over to Untold. Spending countless hours scouring posts to back up their argument, although exactly what their argument was remains a mystery. Oh yes, and only a fool would bet on who will win the league? You couldn't make it up!

  83. Smithy

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:25 #85518

    Unfortunately we have made too many mistakes the title is a dream away. Hopefully we derailed Finsbury joe and his banjo twiddling mob though!

  84. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:12 #85517

    Website Editor, that gap would only be closeable if Leicester lost 3 of their remaining 9 games, or drew 5, or whatever combination thereof whilst AFC won every single game. Which would be most unlikely even if they were in good form. Arsenal are only mathematically in the title race.

  85. Red Member

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:06 #85516

    A decent enough result to end a week from hell. Also the week to finally acknowledge that Wenger is yesterday's man. We are now stagnating at best under him. He needs to leave this summer. I am hoping this is announced sooner rather than later.

  86. Paulo75

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:05 #85515

    Moronic challenge by Coquelin. The win was on at that point. No use being apologetic after the event when the chance of 3 points has been blown. Good overall performance by the team but the overriding feeling of a massive missed opportunity in other recent games will yet again define our season.

  87. jeff wright

    Mar 06, 2016, 13:03 #85514

    The NLD has without doubt become a bigger TV event for WW TV viewers and sponsors than the old previously top one United and Liverpool. Those two clubs are in different Cities however so I have never thought that their fixtures are proper Derbies anyway but more about the two clubs who have won the most trophies. Sir Ferguson once stated that it was his ambition to win more league titles than Liverpool and he achieved that . He never managed to match their European Cup haul though. The games between United and Liverpool are rather low key these days and it's just a Ropey Cup tie that they are contesting this week in another of their 'Derbies'instead of a Champions Cup one. How the mighty are fallen! Well for now that is... things could soon change however in the near future.. Anyway well done to us and the spuds for at least livening up the local Derby scene and it was not so long ago when the TV companies did not even bother televising our ones. Even so you could tell by the faces of Poch and Wenger that they knew it was game up for their already anyway slim title winning hopes .We needed to win at United and beat Swansea at home to make a point at the lane of shame a good result. As it was a point just got Arsene out of jail on the day in the local bragging rights game . Poch's nervous numbers blew it at the Boleyn midweek and again at home yesterday - interestingly and significantly BOTH sides lost winning leads in the game. The Foxes with their hard fought under pressure 1-0 win away to Watford ,mind that gap, showed how it should be done at this point of the season. The Foxes are now nicely positioned with a 5 point lead over second placed Tottering Tots with games left to play now in single numbers to try and hold off a late surge from City - who have a game in hand but are 10 points adrift . As for us 8 points adrift and no game in hand with City poised to swoop past us again on the run-in and with a set of tough away games plus inform party-poopers Tony Pulis's well organized West Brum to play at home,our chance of the title is gone,although as was pointed out in the article by Kevin the lack of signings in the summer by Wenger had already made it an unlikely on anyway . It's really all about 4th place being job done. Only a failure by Wenger to achieve that will see him gone in the summer. I don't buy this he has 90 minutes to save his job against Hull in the FAC nonsense that one newspaper journo claims is inside info.Stan wants the Champions League booty more than he wants another FA Cup - these FA Cup wins were always anyway just a papering over the cracks jobs .Without the Champions League group stage money they would have been meaningless. So as I predicted a few weeks ago another 'exciting' 4th place trophy battle will be on again .Good old Arsene.

  88. Gaz

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:56 #85513

    Spot on as usual Kev. I couldn't believe the amount of praise the side were getting though for having the audacity to put in a fighting performance at the home of our fiercest and most hated rivals! I always thought that should be the least we should expect! On a wider note I'm hoping we're now looking at Wenger's reign at the Club through a long term context rather than simply looking at each game and then deciding whether he should stay or go. So now just because we have one half decent result it's not now making people change their overall opinion of the manager...

  89. Website Editor

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:56 #85512

    Exeter Gunner - Indeed. 8 points, now corrected. Sorry, went by table after the derby had finished, but forgot to update. In another season, that gap would be closeable, but no way on Arsenal's current form.

  90. Westlower

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:46 #85511

    To go to the Lane with a back 4 + Gk who have only played together once before, in the 2-1 win at QPR last season, then play with 10 men, going behind & still come away unbeaten, is as much as could have been expected. It was the first PL start this season for Ospina & only the 2nd for Gibbs. Elneny was making his first PL start. TH were at full strength. Gibbs had thought he played Alli offside in the build up to the 2nd goal & appealed to the lino instantly Alli touched the ball, it was a close call but he hadn't quite moved up enough. What a different player Ramsey is when played further upfield. Whether Schneiderlin would have made the difference we'll never know but he hasn't been an automatic starter for MU. Dembele of TH, would have been a better fit imo. Talking about opinions, one paper scored BFG the lowest on the field, while another made him MOM. Nevertheless we looked in control playing 2 holding MD's for 55 minutes and the Spuds didn't look like creating much. Judging by the substitutions, Theo's days are numbered unless he gets his arse in gear for the remaining 10 games or so. We are in the bizarre position of either being able to win the PL or finish 6th. Only a fool would bet on the outcome! The Express story about Vieira replacing AW seems far fetched to me. William Hill have PV as next AFC manager at 7/1 but I can't see that happening (Sanchez Flores of Watford is some bookies fav to takeover). It certainly won't happen if we lose at Hull, as there won't be any changes until the summer at the very earliest. Alternatively, how about Arsenal sack manager after winning the clubs 4th double?

  91. Wenger Must Go

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:45 #85510

    Agree with Wenger having to take responsibility for players as he thinks they're good enough. Schneiderlin has lost to Southampton and Sunderland when starting this season, Kev.

  92. KC

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:38 #85509

    @Ian U Son - Spot on. Its all about money with this board and sadly wenger sold his soul to them. 4th is their target, that's why Wenger leaving is not enough, we require a new major shareholder to be where we want to be, although I do believe if the correct manager was chosen he would achieve more with the finance available than Wenger.

  93. bromley boy

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:36 #85508

    kevin think again if you still believe we are in the title race at best i think we will finish in a champions league spot but even that im not over confident we will achieve that. with regards to wenger spending money i just dont see the point of wasting the millions we have in the control of wenger im trying to cast my mind back to the last player he actually coached into a better player. Carl Jenkinson only improved once he went to west ham that says it all.

  94. Leethfc

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:31 #85507

    In relation to Joe.s Er what part of midd-table team don't you understand ....well one the days of " forever in our shadow" are over we were all over you before you went a man down your a nats bollock saved you from our 3rd and 4th you really are in denial uh midd table get the f##out of here your quiet clearly a pi@#ed off goober ....MIND THE GAPP OL SON

  95. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:22 #85506

    Maybe part of the reason for the better display was a shift in perspective, given 5th is closer than 1st. Refocusing on the battle for 4th would've relieved the pressure on the players, giving them a more comfortable and familiar goal, enabling them to play a bit better. It's a thought, anyway.

  96. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:22 #85505

    How many opportunities have TOF and his little technicians had over the years and squandered them all one way or another, nothing changes does it. Go now wenger.

  97. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:13 #85504

    It really is all up for grabs for fourth. If the Spuds don't nose dive they then it will be Foxes, City, Totts and the most powerful outfit on the up - West Ham. Wonder what Wenger makes of Payat and Mahrez as he sits beside the fire reading Balzac (sic) with his zip at half mast. Much thanks Kevin for getting the who was the dirtiest yesterday in. Arsene FC up to much niggling and not suprised Coq would go and Alii not match fit otherwise he would have walked or won the game .... Presently the Totts have turned the tables on Wenger and it is a ragged Arsene FC holding on to games ... Everton have a naughty habit of losing it but yes the Hammers are very very strong and Bilic is one of the youngish Turks who are going to turn this league upside down. Anyway - about Eddie Howe - what a guy! & Sanchez - needs a new club quickly ...

  98. mbg

    Mar 06, 2016, 12:03 #85503

    I wouldn't exactly call them bragging rights Ed ? There's a lot of applause and and back slapping getting moist going on for the effort, is that not what the little nice boys are supposed to do and get paid for ? and it was a draw remember, and thanks to their keeper having a flappy moment, but I suppose that's where we are now where fans get moist over a draw thanks to an old has been manager. wenger out.

  99. Ian Ure's Son

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:58 #85502

    A very balanced report, if anything too kind to OGL. I agree that the criticism of Le Coq is harsh - I remember travelling to Blackburn to see Gilberto sent off for two yellows in the first half - the difference then being that Arsenal had the quality to still win 2-1. Coquelin is one of the few players to show some spirit and fight - witness his recent frustration at a dawdling Leicester substitution. The problem is, and always has been, that Wenger and the Board only care about fourth place. The Houdini moments always (and only) come when fourth place looks under threat - it's the same with Champions League qualification. Reports this morning suggest that the Board have decided that Wenger must go at the end of the season if they lose against Hull. I suspect that with Guardiola and possibly Mourinho in Manchester next season, Klopp at Liverpool, Pochettino looking the real deal, and Bilic and Koeman capable of psychologically over-powering any Wenger side on a regular basis, the Board realise that Wenger can no longer guarantee fourth place. For make no mistake, that is what dominates the Club's strategy and Wenger's treatment of the players - fourth place. It means European qualification, which thus generates maximum income from season tickets (particularly Club Level) and TV revenue, as well as attracting good players. Only when that is under threat do you see a reaction. David Dein had a different strategy - focus on winning and the financials will look after themselves. But until Gazidis and Wenger go, nothing will change. The latter may be closer than we think - next Tuesday evening in Hull may be a critical point in the Club's history.

  100. KC

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:58 #85501

    Thank you Kev, good post although Leicester won so its now 8. Although I am still not convinced by them to actually win it. Still have a funny feeling City may go on a run. Regard spending, Wenger just does not like spending on defensive type players, he doesn't take them seriously. His blind spot was always central defenders and keepers, defensive midfielders are now added to the above. The fact Flamini and Aterta are in the squad says it all. No spine means no hope of competing at the top level. Sadly with this team you just expect us to do something stupid and throw it away so Coq's action was not surprising, you just cannot write it, I still believe its down to Wengers lack of discipline, the players do not feel threatened by their place and although Wenger gets angry will he really lay into the player. Its time for Wenger to walk away season end, I am just depressed to read so may posts on this site promoting an old dinosaur that loved Selley, Hillier, Kiwomya and a brand of football that was as bad as you could watch in his latter years, added to this he stole the clubs money and managed our bitter rivals. Dislike Wenger for obvious reasons but lets have some perspective. In an ideal world Kronke and Wenger would go and we could have a forward thinking club that looks to rule with an exciting brand of football. We are a huge club that should look to achieve this, a club that is in the business of winning not banking.

  101. Wardy

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:45 #85500

    Yawn yawn ,,,, we're still in the title race, please don't make me laugh ,,,, aside the obvious flaws which I'm bored repeating and reading match after match, season after season, Wenger needs to show Ramsey some videos of Lampard ,,,, at the moment Ramsey is playing without any discipline to his game (like the team in general) and he clearly isn't the midfield playmaker he thinks he is ,,,, harness that fantastic attitude and box to box engine, fine tune the finishing and stop trying to be Platini/Zidane ,,,,, it's so obvious ,,,,, just like the lack of a leader/spine to the team

  102. TJ

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:42 #85498

    I actually think Coquelin is a great player, and I don't think the playing personnel is the all-important issue. Yes it was rash but I can understand why he was anxious- he had a pretty shaky defence behind him yesterday: Bellerin on a yellow, Mertesacker retired but playing, Gabriel lacking confidence and Gibbs dropped in the mix out of the blue, as it were. The problem is that Wenger's teams don't have a proper defensive doctrine to work to! When Steve Bould first joined there were tangible (and major) changes in the way Arsenal defended, and the players testified to that effect too. However, as you reported Kev, Wenger got tired of Bould getting the credit so reverted to type. Before that 2-0 loss to Chelsea, we hadn't conceded one goal and created lots of chances (thank the dud Wenger signing of Giroud for missing them...). We have most of the players, but Wenger's teams only win trophies when they have enough all-time greats to overcome his inane philosophies or when they're lucky. We only need a backup DM with experience like Carrick, Tiote, Barry etc. and whilst we do need a proper goalscorer striker (Higuain/Suarez would have helped...), the fact is the Premier League is weak and a good coach can win it on that basis.

  103. Ron

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:40 #85497

    A draw wasnt surprising really was it. Arsenal showed some fight for a change and amazingly, in the main, showed some shape and discipline. Youre right though in that Arsenals frugality in the their transfer dept was shown up. We ve looked at Barry , Parker, Schneiderlin and a few others over the yrs but we ve have had Coquelin who ive never rated and a few other wasters before him in defensive midfield. No team deserves the title before they pick up the trophy of course but in my view as it stands, Leics are as good as any team that does. The bite in their game and clear determination to win balls, win the 2nd balls and try their hardest puts AFC to shame, who do it only when they really feel pressured to do so. 2 outstanding teams this season, Leics and Bournemouth. Both excellent and restore some faith in football. The rest are also rans. AFC are an aneamic sick patient, so desperately in need of new direction, ideas and inspiration. Looks like the usual crowd trouble occurred at that dump yesterday again? Always been a good spirited derby on the pitch, but off it, its the worst in the Country in my experience and ive done most of them a few times. Disgraceful. its time they were played with an away fan ban for a few years to see if that cures it. My friends 12 yr old was bullied and hit on his head in 2009 for the crime of wearing his Rosicky shirt. Low life rats there in abundance and our fans are far from blameless.

  104. Torbay gooner

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:34 #85496

    Fair report Kevin, at least the team, with one or two exceptions ie Ozil were prepared to dig a lot deeper to get a result. Pity this type of performance is the exception rather than the norm. Two good assists from Bellerin for our goals, but what on earth was Mertesacker doing for their 2nd goal? Sadly he has always been a liability and will continue to be so. At least we took two points off them and did Leicester a favour, however Manure and West Ham are now breathing down our necks for that 'esteemed' 4th spot.

  105. Nick T

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:32 #85495

    Yesterday was the last chance saloon, we had to win and whilst the team do deserve credit for coming away with a draw given the circumstances we didn't...that's it folks. From a footballing point of view the biggest consequence of AW's mismanagement could well be the departure of Sanchez (and perhaps others...) he's clearly not a happy bunny and perhaps his comments this week were a 'come and a get me' to potential suiters this summer? Would you blame him?

  106. Augustus Flair

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:19 #85494

    Excellent report, Kev, and the lack of cover for key players will surely cost us the title again this year. Yesterday felt more terminal to our hopes than even the debacle against Swansea did. Another FA Cup would be dandy but hardly adequate compensation. As for the CL, we were put out our misery last month and can only hope to avoid utter humiliation in Barcelona. Is this what we as Arsenal fans deserve? Assuredly not, but it's what we're used to now. Time to go, old man.

  107. Joe S.

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:16 #85493

    Having not read anything yet,here are my thoughts, for a while I thought the nail in the coffin had been tacked in and was just waiting to be nailed down. I can accept that anything is better than losing to Spurs. Horrible thing was they look like nothing more than a mid table team yet for most of the game they were all over Arsenal. Lots of talking points of course but in the end it comes down to the managers. One does a great job with remarkably little while the other refuses to do his job. I'm sure a lot of the posts here are going to be about coming back against the odds, but away from London's tribalism the reality is the Arsenal are eight points behind and most pundits who are not blinded by delusion believe that Arsene Wegner should be held totally accountable.

  108. Missing Cat

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:14 #85492

    Bit harsh on Coq - I’ve never thought him an accident waiting to happen, and thought his second yellow was a bit out of character. But never mind - it’s opinions. It’s funny, when Coq got sent off, I immediately thought the only way to get something from the game was to go behind and come back. I couldn’t see us not letting one in, and then the momentum would be totally against us with an inevitable second. That the second goal against us came so soon after the first actually gave me genuine hope - Spurs would naturally play a more defensive shape thinking they had won it, and we would go a bit more all out attack. Spurs scored too early. But when we came back at 2 - 2 - I thought we had equalised too soon - and ended up being surprised that the final 15 minutes were NOT all Spurs, with us hanging on for a draw. Contrast this with our game against Leicester - Leicester only played to protect their point after the sending off and paid the price with the perfect timing of our winner. Spurs simply got their second way too early, which perversely, allowed us back in. Timing is everything. Not just tackles, but goals too.

  109. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 06, 2016, 11:08 #85491

    "Only five points off the lead"?? Arsenal are 8 points behind Leicester.