Arsenal Circular 137 – Is 2016 the year of the Wengxit?

Whether it is or not, delay the debate until the season is over

Arsenal Circular 137 – Is 2016 the year of the Wengxit?

The talk of Referendum on EU membership is getting to us. At Arsenal we have a referendum twice a week! Every Arsenal match is a trigger for new assessments of the future of the Manager. Lose and the He Must Go brigade fill the airwaves, the blogs and the tweets. Win and the He Must Stay brigade do the same. How about we take a vow of abstinence. Think of Lent and commit to silence on the subject. A plaintive cry. It won’t happen. We are all too toxic to put the subject to one side.

But we should. We are too quick to react. We make instant judgments and reach pretty speedy conclusions only to review the after the next match if things change. The home defeat by Swansea was a low point. No question. Coming on the back of the United defeat it led people to believe that the well was dry. The capacity to turn around had gone. We were down and out. Wenger Out – if not now then by the end of the season.

Then we have the performance at WHL. Written off by most we gave a very creditable performance. THFC opened well but had little to show for it. The new combination of Coquelin and Elneny gave us something new and allowed Ramsey more freedom which he – and Bellerin – used so effectively for a well worked first goal. Then the sending off. Yes I know it was “irresponsible”, “stupid” etc but it was also heat of the moment. Kane is so good. We know it. The players know it. Brains get addled. Pressure gets to the best. The tackle went in and the red card changed everything. THFC got the equaliser when we did not clear the cross from a corner and then Kane scored a great goal. Both defensive weaknesses.

But goals get scored and not every goal is a sign of defensive ineptitude. That said what concerned me was the room that Kane had before he shot. Gabriel seemed to freeze. He did not know whether to challenge Kane or keep his line. He stuck. He didn’t twist. It was the wrong decision and Kane was allowed to set up a superlative shot unchallenged. We were down but were we out? Were we beaten? This is the moment for character – individuals have to raise themselves to enable the team to move up a gear or two. The pass to Sanchez was excellent and our hero – trying but missing in recent weeks – drove himself forward and got the crucial goal. Celebration. We are smiling. THFC have gone quiet. The Drama of a Derby.

It really was a big moment. The question was asked of our team. Did we have it or not? Were we powder puff or was there something left in the locker? Were we going to collapse or were we going to respond? Defining moments. Lose to THFC even with 10 men and fall six points behind and four defeats on the run and we were finished. It was that big, that important. We responded. We dug deep. We went at it. We took the game to THFC and we scored an uplifting goal. No question – we were up and THFC were down. Imagine the furore at our end if we had squandered a 2-1 lead against ten men. Big Moment. There was our character. If it was a flash in the pan we are done for. However, if it triggers a run we are in with a shout.

So this is my point – leave Wenger In/Wenger Out till the end of the season. Mature judgment based on the whole season. See where we are. How we have performed. Where we might be going. To do this then and not now we have to be something we aren’t – dispassionate, objective, open-minded. These are not qualities that come to the fore at present – understandably I accept. We are all dominated by what has happened, the failures rather than the successes. The Denilsons and the Bendtners rather than the Bellerins and the Sanchez’s. But this is my recommendation. We are all too close to the action – to close the ups and downs. Draft the stroppy letter but leave it in the bottom drawer for 24 hours. Revenge is a course best served cold and the rest.

We have 27 points to play for. Wait till May and then let’s vote on Wengexit – about the same time we vote on Brexit. In the meantime one for all and all for one. Old fashioned term maybe but the best sentiment. We can do it.

All the Best

*Follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. Islingtonian

    Mar 09, 2016, 10:40 #85808

    I think referring to your fellow supporters are 'toxic' is a bit ridiculous. That being said I'd like to see us giving the team good support until the end of the season, at which point I'd like to see Wenger finish on an unlikely high and retire gracefully. One can dream

  2. Croker

    Mar 09, 2016, 8:52 #85788

    Every season we find ourselves with a squad light of at least 3 top class players who can help win a Champions League or Premier League title - this has gone on for years, even predating the move to the Grove. The test is whether you can see improvement each season and encouraging signs for the next one and you can't. The club needs a thorough overhaul of the coaching and backroom staff because Le Boss has run out of magic and his techniques which delivered wonderful football and successful seasons have been overtaken. I hope he can bow out with grace and dignity but I worry about Silent Stan and his minions being able to accomplish that rebuilding job and find the right man to oversee it.

  3. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:09 #85734

    Gaz, your dead right mate of course it is, (then we all know what happens) weng's chief ball boy must think others are as gullible and him and the rest of the AKB wengerites. wenger out now.

  4. RedPig

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:37 #85717

    I remain puzzled why your stuff keeps getting published on here Graham.

  5. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:06 #85690

    Exeter, because it makes it look like he's actually doing something, playing the tin whistle, maybe he likes a caliee. GO now old man your an embarrassment.

  6. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 22:53 #85686

    Blair, good post, don't listen to TOF's spin department they're as bad as him. wenger out now.

  7. Dave in China

    Mar 07, 2016, 19:49 #85676

    Absolute drivel. Circular 137... I missed the first 130 and don't feel in the least unfortunate. Wenger has been an arrogant, useless scumbag for years and of course he should go. What hurts me most is that the club appears to be sick from top to bottom. Like many on here, I used to feel the heartbeat of the club - the players represented me and my aspirations. This lot of spineless posers are more representative of a putrid turd. Where do we start to turn this around. It's like turning up at an earthquake with a dustpan and brush.

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:44 #85671

    Graham - get in the real world comrade. You're like the toadies that write that tosh in Pravda about Putin wrestling bears while topless etc. The guy (AW) is a complete failure and an enemy within the club. He seems hell-bent on destroying the Arsenal, as the vast majority of people on here now agree. If you want a receptive and appreciative audience, I suggest you read your material to yourself because we're bored with your chutzpah and your antediluvian attitude towards the club. You are to honest writing what Weng is to modern football management. As the original bard said, to thine own self be true...

  9. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:34 #85666

    bARD - The AKBs are slowly crawling out of their foxholes again after the herioc 2-2 at WHL. Ive been of the view for some yrs that these who defend his position to the hilt, against all of the odds and logic are actually cuckolds. Arsene is maybe not an accountant after all!

  10. Bob

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:33 #85665

    "Judge him in May" couldn't make it up, really....

  11. Bard

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:21 #85661

    Gaz; exactly. The club have become the spinmisters supreme. Wenger doing a backward somersault to blame the fans now. Since when did fans buy players ?

  12. Gaz

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:22 #85656

    Bard-I'm pretty certain the 'lets wait until May' mantra is a ploy to simply get Wenger through yet another difficult period when his future is rightly under threat. They know full well that attitudes soften at the seasons end and a failure to win the easiest PL will be glossed over and tolerated. Add a third FA cup into the mix and he'll be signing that new deal whether we like it or not...

  13. Bard

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:45 #85649

    Graham I dont understand this post. We are out of the CL and have the slimmest of hopes of winning the league. Apart from the FAC the season is over, so why all this 'wait till May' stuff. What is going to happen between now and May that will change matters. We have just blown our chances of the league in spectacular fashion and you are suggesting we shut down the debate. Ron and Exeter have articulated my thoughts so ill say no more

  14. Gaz

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:27 #85646

    Yeah lets totally forget about Wenger in/out (shake it all about) until the summer. Then we can all take a step back, let him another summer to get it wrong, then argue for nine months about whether he should stay or go. Am I jumping the gun or am I detecting a pattern here?...

  15. edafieta Kennedy

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:19 #85644

    I think he has try his best now it is time to call it quit comes end of season

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:14 #85643

    Why has someone photoshopped out the saxophone Wenger is playing from that photo?

  17. Charles

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:10 #85641

    A draw is nearly as bad as a defeat so I don't know why you're happy about it. It leaves us 8 points behind Leicester which is a very big gap to close at this stage of the season. Whether we finish 2nd or 17th in the league, this season has been a failure when it's been the chance of a lifetime to cash in on the failures of Chelsea,City & United. Wenger out.

  18. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:49 #85636

    Old wengs high and mighty Chief ball boy trying to give others advice tell us all what to do again, well you know what you can do with that, and you'll not need to look into the whites of our eyes to find out. wenger out now.

  19. Blair

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:40 #85635

    It is true that demonstrating while there is a chance of lifting a trophy could be counterproductive. That has to be balanced against the time and opportunity left available to make any meaningful protest. After the win against Leicester the opportunity was there for Wenger and his side to take the championship bit between their teeth and power on. Instead the return of one solitary point in the next three games is pathetic. So your assertion that an equaliser against Spurs to get out of jail in a game which we had a lead which was squandered may signal the start of some sort of resurgence of form and fighting spirit is hard to envisage. If you want Wenger out shout it from the rooftops, he's had more than enough time to create this situation but the opportunities between now and the end of the season to protest are limited so don't throw them away.

  20. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:38 #85634

    And when this old past it manager does do us all a favour and pisses off lets hope he does us another one and takes fans like you who are happy with mediocrity and embarrassments with him. wenger out.

  21. Tom Nash

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:30 #85632

    Like it or not, Arsene will be with us until the end of 2016-17, when his contract is (apparently) up. We'll have as good a chance to win the title next season as we have this. Coquelin's foul on Kane was made to look as bad as it could possibly be by the fleet-footed and quick-thinking Kane, who spied the chance to get his opponent a red card. If one 'rule' in football is to change and not wreck the game, punish players retrospectively for trying to get others into trouble, then they might start behaving like men again. We now have to ensure that we finish in the top three (or four), as Leicester will be champions, and deserve to be.

  22. CT Gooner

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:08 #85626

    All this seems to be a tactic to avoid supporter demonstration, which I believe is necessary for our beloved Arsenal to move forward. As others say, wait til the end and then pessimism is quickly replaced with optimism. Unfortunately many of us see the futility in that, hence our liberal use of "groundhog day". No, I've been Wenger out for 5 years or so, and I'm not wavering.

  23. jjetplane

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:20 #85614

    Is that Boris Perry in Dad's Army get-up speaking followed by Westie Farage! Lol! The way Webster sneaked in in the first place was because of open borders - careful what you wish for! Should have been turned back at Calais ....

  24. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:18 #85613

    Great NLD record Westie, without a doubt. Its relevance though is what? Spurs have barely been rivals for donkeys yrs. A few bragging rights have been enjoyable but nonetheless meaningless in the main. Its reasonable to suggest too that Spurs would have gone though those Coaches even had they have won every NLD for these last 20 yrs. Wengers record alone hasnt been the catalyst for their managerial changes. Having average to medium teams has been though. Your torch shining again arent you? It doesnt work, yr batteries are low to dead.

  25. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:06 #85607

    Wenger should be given due credit for only losing 7 out of 48 North London Derby's. That's a losing rate of 14%. Pretty damn good in my book. TH have had 15 managers, including GG, during AW's tenure & 24 since Billy Nick left in 1974. Don't forget to fit the revolving doors at your new ground? The current star, Pochie, has failed in 3 attempts to beat Arsenal this season.

  26. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:38 #85597

    So TOF's chief ball boy has re surfaced in support of his messiah with the tired old wait to the season is over/judge me in May, yes the AKB wengerite luvvies would just love that wouldn't you ? that would be right up your street, well B******s to that, this old has been has had way to many Mays he should have been seeing out his Mays at some retirement home for failed managers five seasons ago. Wenger out now

  27. Roy

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:37 #85596

    Graham, I'm afraid Ron and Exeter are exactly right. Win lose or draw, Wenger out.

  28. Tony Evans

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:36 #85595

    Graham - I and many like me formed our opinion of Wenger, post 2006, years ago and I have seen nothing this season or during last summer's transfer saga (when Wenger criminally failed to strengthen key areas) to make me change my mind. He has to go - he's now run out of excuses as well as ideas, and is holding back our great club. If ever we needed a new broom in it's at the end of this season.

  29. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:27 #85593

    "We make instant judgments and reach pretty speedy conclusions only to review the after the next match if things change." I don't think 'we' do, or at least a lot of us don't. You, for instance, I'm sure will find reasons to be 'Wenger In' whatever happens between now and May. On the other side, many came have come to their conclusion regarding the need for Wenger to move on and will stick with it. The old 'judge him in May' is a classic AKB delay tactic. It will change to 'Let's see what he does over the summer' in May then 'Let's see how the season goes' on Sept 1st. And so on

  30. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:08 #85590

    This post is an insult to many who have thought about and tailored, then revised and reconsidered and then formed their views on the Coach for the last 6 or 7 years. You might be 'toxic', but many of us arent. Best just speak for yourself. What you are really (based on this post) is just grossly condescending.