There’s none so blind as those who will not see

Is Arsene Wenger akin to an insecure teenager?

There’s none so blind as those who will not see

It looks increasingly like another title tilt is disappearing down the pan in all too familiar fashion. The debates about the club’s direction and the manager will inevitably begin to ramp up. The arguments, by and large, gets polarized. He’s either rubbish and should resign or he’s an unlucky genius and needs more time. There are other arguments but they are merely variations on either theme.

Whichever side of the fence you sit there is an uncomfortable truth that needs examining. If we ask a simple question, have the manager and the club done everything in their power to win the title over the last decade? The answer has to be an overwhelming no, they haven’t. Any number of reasons have been put forward to justify this state of affairs. The most popular with the club and some fans is that we haven’t had the money because we have had to pay off the stadium debt or we have been unlucky with decisions and injuries. The debate about these particular arguments is for another time. The uncomfortable truth that I want to focus on is that there is a flaw in Wenger’s psychological make up that conspires to undermine his best intentions. And for someone who is supposed to be so intelligent it’s frankly bizarre that he can’t see it or more worryingly he can see it and chooses to ignore it.

The flaw is that he often acts like an insecure teenager. It is a characteristic of teenagers that they stubbornly refuse to take notice of the achingly obvious. They are famous for digging their heels in and arguing black is white. When they become victims of their refusal to take account of the obvious they blame someone or something else. They do this largely because they are insecure. Their insecurity has to be protected at all costs. They hold onto their viewpoint with all the tenacity of a dog with a bone. To do otherwise leaves them prey to all manner of doubts. It’s my view that insecurity is the reason Wenger ignores the achingly obvious. Once he has nailed his colours to the mast he will not change tack even if it becomes clear that he is wrong. This characteristic more than any other factor has been responsible for our lack of success over the last decade.

For years it has been blindingly obvious to everyone who watches the club that we have needed a top class keeper. We haven’t had one since Jens left in 2008, that’s eight years ago. Since then we have had to endure a series of average keepers between the posts who have frequently undone our wonderful attacking play. To rub salt into the wound we have had to listen to Wenger defending the indefensible, ‘bigging’ up keepers who are patently average at best. Every manager makes mistakes - think of Ferguson’s purchase of Veron - but very few persist with the ‘mistake’ for as long as Wenger. We now have Cech and suddenly he announces without a hint of irony that no side can expect to win anything without a top class keeper. Really? Is lack of money a legitimate reason for never having bought one in the intervening years? To compound matters he knows what a top class keeper brings.

We have had some wonderful attacking midfielders over the years but defensively our midfield has been about as watertight as a string vest since Gilberto left in 2008. Again it was blindingly obvious we needed someone who would add some steel to the midfield and prevent us being brushed aside by more powerful and physical midfields. Coquelin’s arrival against Man City eight years later was seen by many as some sort of epiphany but the really serious question is why did he take so long to realize that Coquelin was just what we needed. Was lack of money really a good enough excuse to explain why we didn’t buy one or more worryingly did he know we needed one and stubbornly refuse to buy one?

And here we are in 2016. All and sundry have known that we have needed a top striker since RVP was sold in 2012. We have been blessed with some wonderful strikers in past seasons, from Wrighty, Anelka, TH14 to RVP so we know their importance. RVP almost single handedly got us into fourth spot not so long ago. No side can seriously aspire to winning anything without one. Giroud is a solid performer and a great trier but he is nowhere near top class. When we have spent £42m on one of the world’s most creative midfielders, it is incomprehensible that we don’t buy a striker capable of finishing off all the chances he creates. Yes a top striker costs north of £50m but we have the money. And what does one make of Wenger when he comes on to explain that we don’t need one because we have Danny Welbeck and Theo or even more bizarrely when he was arguing not long ago that we didn’t need to buy because we had Sanogo. These calls aren’t marginal or tactically complex; they are no brainers even to those who haven’t worked a day in football.

All the great managers have an autocratic streak. Clough, Paisley, Ferguson come to mind, but all were astute enough to recognize that they needed wise counsel not least to protect them from their own ‘blindness’. Clough relied on Taylor. Paisley used the infamous Anfield ‘bootroom’. Ferguson changed his number 2 at regular intervals. Wenger’s refusal to countenance the use of ‘wise counsel’ in the form of a properly effective number 2 has been a sign of weakness. He is clearly too insecure to risk being challenged. It is a footballing truism that all teams come to embody the values and characteristics of the manager. The Arsenal teams down the years have lots of admirable qualities but they have been undone by the same psychological insecurity that afflicts the manager. The uncomfortable truth is that over the years potential trophies and title challenges have gone begging, sacrificed on the altar of Wenger’s need to protect his insecurity.

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  1. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 17:41 #86338

    Shaaaaamus, don't you have hornswoggle to beat up or something. wenger out.

  2. Edmund

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:48 #86302

    Too many players seem to have lost the ability to shoot at the corners. They either shoot straight at the keeper or just aim at row Z. Even Alexis seems to be doing that these days. This points ti lack of shooting practise or poor striker training.

  3. Cyril

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:40 #86272

    I have just read the stuff below and I haven't a clue who has written what and impersonated me. So for the record, please strike out what has been said as it was not me. Where are all these posts, I cannot see them. All I can see is a barrage of abuse about me. I do hope they were not to defamatory or senseless. I probably won't post on here again as a result. I will be contacting the website editor about this too.

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:15 #86232

    Westie - not sure I'm seeing too much in the papers about foolish Arsenal supporters wanting change? In fact not one article attacking the supporters, barely even a "be careful what you wish for". Complete silence from the board as well. Who have you got your money on to take over the job?

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 7:57 #86229

    Jamerson - your great leader lost again, is this why you are being so childish and unpleasant. All from a religous man as well. When Wenger goes, will you promise to go as well.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 14, 2016, 7:53 #86228

    Cyril-danee-jamee. Nice. Any similarity between your three split personalities and a bucket of pond scum is not purely coincidental. If you are an AFC fan (an I maintain that you are in fact a chelsea supporter), then you can hold your head in shame.

  7. Danny

    Mar 14, 2016, 7:39 #86227

    mongs is a funny word for those who want Wenger out.A lot of Badarse's posts get deleted now as he's more militant than he used to be.

  8. Made Up Stat

    Mar 14, 2016, 7:33 #86226

    On a positive front, Westlower won a few bob by backing Watford.

  9. cyril

    Mar 14, 2016, 7:22 #86225

    I want more of Badarse's brilliant poetry,who are the mongs?

  10. Guy in New Jersey

    Mar 14, 2016, 3:58 #86224

    Arsene Wenger, Mr Consistent. Premier League - Fail (F), F F F F F F F F F F F(pending). Champions League F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F(to be confirmed). Use of substitutes, and understanding of tactics F x 1,000+. Occasions when when team displayed "great mentality" since 2004 - no verifiable data available.

  11. Seamus

    Mar 14, 2016, 0:15 #86223

    Aye, even those of us WOB's who want that old fraud of a manager out of the club a.s.a.p. are bored 5hitless by mgb posting and trolling this site by the hour. Wenger out and take that trolling mbg with yer.

  12. Danny

    Mar 13, 2016, 23:38 #86222

    Bore off mgb you Oirish retard.

  13. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 23:22 #86221

    It shouldn't be too long now until we see the AKB racist posts appearing as they flock out of AKB central commands bar full of buckfast. wenger out now.

  14. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 23:08 #86220

    jw, nice one, 11 little bottlers sitting on a wall, and they've all cracked, along with humpty dumpty the biggest bottler/egg of them all who fell off the wall and cracked years ago and his yoke spawned them all, and we can all see what he spawned. Humpty dumpty out.

  15. Ozzie

    Mar 13, 2016, 22:38 #86219

    Yet another dismal year as predicted by the doomsayers. I hope all those staunch supporters got their money's worth. Arsenal's priority now is not who they should sign so much as who of the existing cattle they should get rid of - I can think of a minimum of 10 beginning with the sideline drongo...

  16. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 22:35 #86218

    Hi Berry, Ah yes the special meeting that cleared the air (and to think some, especially the AKB's believed it and took it on board) you really have to laugh, what a load of spin/ballacks, you couldn't make it up, i bet that's the last we'll hear of those, but no doubt we'll hear from wally and co (if they've got the balls to show their face)telling us we have to learn from this and move on, you really couldn't make this s***e up. wenger out.


    Mar 13, 2016, 22:32 #86217

    Well, well where do I start?? Will wenger do the right thing and resign?? He clearly has lost the dressing room!! You have fools like Walcott coming out and saying this year we believe it's our year blah blah l!! And he then said this week after we bat mid table hull that the team had a meeting lool!! To talk about the recent poor results!! You could not make it up!! The fa cup for the last two years has saved wenger well he has to go END OFF!! He has no more excuses!! We will get battered on Wednesday no doubt!! Wengers stubbornness and downright arrogance have come back to haunt him big time!! I have been calling for him to go since 2009 but finally it seems he has to go!! HIS JOB IS NOW UNTENABLE and it's sad it has come to this!! Really is sad!! It's like a dictator on his final days refusing to give up the power. Wenger is done and should be sacked or resign but he is so arrogant he won't walk on his own behalf so Kroeke has to wield the axe actually he has to go as well!! Wenger can not be allowed to go upstairs!! This club needs a major overhaul!! Quite a number of players have to go!! Usmanov has to somehow force a takeover!' I bet if he was the owner wenger would not be the manager by midnight!! He is finished and it's sad but he has become a laughing stock now!! Bye bye wenger and take Kroeke and gaszidis with you

  18. Roy

    Mar 13, 2016, 22:22 #86216

    Don't know why today would have surprised anyone. What is it - 4 wins out of the last 14 ? Or something like that anyway. And is it 4 home games without a win - when's the last time that happened ? Anyway, I digress. I can't for the life of me see why anyone can't see what's going on here me. FFS get out of our club Stan and take your cosy little arrangement. ( namely one A. Wenger ) with you. Probably the politest way I can put what I feel right now. Enough is enough.

  19. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 22:00 #86215

    Oh Dear no Fa Cup to save the wengerite's messiah's arse this year (the cup they and him treated with distain)what are they going to do now ? do tell us. wenger and his disciples out now.

  20. Jason

    Mar 13, 2016, 21:49 #86214

    The AKB's have lost their comfort blanket the FA cup.The epitome of the 2nd half of Wenger's reign is summed up by Walcott.10 years of under-achievement but backed by our clueless manager

  21. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 21:42 #86213

    jj, streaming out ? so much for supporting TOF and the lads (the lads being the AKB term not mine) i bet they're all just as pissed off and want wenger out just as much as the rest as us, but haven't the f*****g balls to admit it, shame on you, wenger out now.

  22. jake

    Mar 13, 2016, 21:07 #86212

    Be careful what you wish for,,,,,,

  23. Hiccup

    Mar 13, 2016, 20:56 #86211

    What I miss most from the AKB fraternity after days like today, was the plea for perspective. Then there would be "let's look at the positives from today." When the laughter had stopped, they would then throw some odds at us. With westie on gardening leave and only a hologram of Jamie left posting, one wonders if the barrel bottom has been scraped that much, the hole that now exists is bigger than the hole in their arguments. On a serious note, today's draw at Old Trafford will work in our favour. The two teams threatening our 4th place having to slug out an extra fixture will cause them extra fatigue, extra travelling and extra mental exertion. Surprisingly, the bookies haven't picked up on this yet? And that's exactly why the bookies are always getting taken to the cleaners on here.

  24. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 20:25 #86210

    Carl, your positive thinking is to be commended. Don't pay any heed to the cynics and snipers on this site and, mostly, my old mucker, keep taking those pills - blue ones first, then the red, then the stripy ones, just like the doctor said. You will get better, Carl, honestly.

  25. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 20:19 #86209

    Carl - Can you please post your hallucinogenic Kool Aid recipe on here so we can all enjoy that special potion that you have evidently been drinking? Tennent's Super has the same effect but typing is a no-no not least because it also makes the drinker irascible to put it mildly. KC- I disagree with you about boredom and GG. The style of play may have been less pleasing than the winning teams we had, but the Arsenal of today is deadly dull and has been for years. A bit of long ball, but ceaseless aggression, passion and the creation of chances from the likes of Rocky, TA, Micky T and Paul Davis is surely much more preferable than this modern version of mediocrity and spinelessness?

  26. Peter Wain

    Mar 13, 2016, 20:13 #86208

    no surprise about the result we have been playing poorly all this year. The lack of creativity in midfield is so apparent and the need for top top quality centre halfs so obvious it is painful too see. Cannot see any chnage comming in this window lots of links but little action. Wenger out not and take the yamk and gazdis with him.

  27. Carl Rawlings

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:57 #86207

    We must stay focused and not allow ourselves to get drawn into this cesspit of negativity.I fully believe we are going to batter Barca on Wednesday 4-2 and then go on and lift the title.Come on you big guns.

  28. Martyn

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:56 #86206

    I was at the game today and what was evident in Arsenal' s display was a lack of any real plan to break down a Watford team who only did what many teams do at the Emirates, namely park the bus, wait for Arsenal to lose the ball centrally and hit on the break; simple. It was only after we pulled one back in the last five minutes that the team were inspired to carve Watford apart and to be fair we should have got a draw but over the 90 minutes in reality we deserved nothing. What is glaringly obvious is that the team has lost its speed of movement and fast transitions. The build up play was ponderous throughout. Another disappointing result and I can't see it getting any better for the remainder of the season.

  29. KC

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:47 #86205

    I try and respect opinions even if I don't agree with them, I struggle to understand why some fans cannot accept Wenger has had his time but do appreciate all he has done. I can also happily read posts that defend being an Arsenal fan Antony Walters for staters you post honest stuff that highlights your pain at the position we find ourselves in so fair play to you. Sadly there is a lot of pathetic abuse on here that consists of individuals that take themselves far to seriously. This is not about money it's about a football DNA, Bard pointed out the weakneses in the article. Bard don't agree with everything you write but fair play for the effort to write it. Other than a striker the other weaknesses would not be mega money to fix but Wenger will not address this as he believes it's all about possession and that's the best form of defence if only that was true. I want a new manager but will always remember Wengers great moments. All I ask is that we do not go back to the dark boring days of GG football from the dark ages. There is a happy medium personally for me it would be DS from Athleco Madrid but this board would never sanction it, to really move on we require a new owner as well as a new manager. The worst thing is that I am becoming numb to results and just hope that Wenger resigns season end but I just do not think he will as he has lost touch with reality. He has just proven that total power is a never a good thing.

  30. Nick T

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:44 #86204

    AW from todays post match press conference - 'We have shown that we can always respond. This team has a great spirit and a very strong attitude' words needed but looking forward to that response on Wednesday night Arsene! Lord have mercy on us

  31. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:40 #86203

    A post of unparalleled brilliance from Sambo - and he's right. Yes, we must focus on the Barcelona game and put those clueless Catalans with their second-rate outfit in their place before heading up to Goodison Park and chewing up those Toffees and... ha ha ha, nurse, you'll never catch and syringe me now I have escaped my straitjacket and into the grounds...

  32. Sambo

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:25 #86202

    AW was right to point out that if we'd have gone through his critics would say it's only the FAC so they've made a rod for their own backs and can't really complain.Lets focus now on Wednesday.

  33. Hiccup

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:21 #86201

    Disappointing result. However, now is not the time to talk about it. Can all discussion about today's game please be left until May. The question is, how long before we hear from the AKB's again? After the triumph at Hull they crawled back out. When will the next victory come to allow them back out to play?

  34. bromley boy

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:14 #86200

    well that was not good players let us down to many had an off day but thats not the first time we could say that. without going over old ground in regards to wenger but this cant be any good for him anymore at his age . do the right thing wenger there comes a time for everyone to accept there no longer up to it. by the way from where i was Giroud looked onside for his goal can anyone throw any light on that decision .

  35. Joe S.

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:06 #86199

    To think the AKBs believe Watfords manager is not good enough to lick their mans bootstraps. Silly old AKBs, I thought they were redundant anyway.

  36. jeff wright

    Mar 13, 2016, 19:03 #86198

    mbg ,speaking of bottles and Wenger's claim that we were still in 3 competions... of an analogy before today's farce of 3 little bottles ( or bottlers) sitting on a wall and if one little bottle suddenly did fall..then there would be only 2 little bottles sitting on a wall... two little bottles sitting on a wall but if another little bottle should suddenly fall... there will be only one little bottle left sitting on a wall... and if that last little bottle should also fall... then there will be no little bottles sitting on a wall.. Good old Arsene.

  37. cyril

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:58 #86197

    The FAC is for the little teams this season it's not as prestigious as it was last year.We must pick ourselves up no room for grumps.

  38. Hi Berry

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:45 #86196

    That 'clear-the-air' meeting obviously did a lot of good....wonder if it's going to be permanent monthly fixture from here on in.

  39. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:41 #86195

    @jjetplane, don't know how much you've seen of the Clarets this season, but Andre Gray and Sam Vokes are both in very healthy form right now. Olivier might be better off taking a look at Fulham or Q.P.R., I don't think the offerings of an East Lancashire lifestyle would appeal too much. Putney and Shepherd's Bush are a lot closer to King's Road!

  40. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:38 #86194

    Dreaming, Tony Evans, post 91165, just a dream.

  41. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:37 #86193

    Don't worry peeps, Westie will come on soon telling us how now we're out of the FAC our title odds have lessened. BTW Simon Rose where are you? Come on Arsenal show us you want it? Yeah? Come out of hiding you M......... (sorry Kevin Witcher I know you're a good man and you must be hurting as much as we are right now)

  42. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:35 #86192

    Probably the ghost of Cyril Knowles and he was good for a laugh. Love dopey Wrighty doing his AKB purist ****take .... Notice Giroud is losing it and with 2 nippers now (wonder if they have beards already?) he needs to think long turn and Burnley could be a good fit. Talking of - maybe Wally for Middlesborough, Ozil to er Watford ... ps 'Arsenal shpuld not have lost hte game' reckons a stunningly thoughtful Arsene .....

  43. Tony Evans

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:34 #86191

    As Nick said we only started to play when two down. So the FA Cup will not be coming to Wenger's rescue this year and barring a miracle on Wednesday that's about it for this season, apart from the 4th place trophy battle. Let's hope Wenger throws in the towel in May and then we might get the striker, dominant midfielder and quality centre half we have been crying out for. Finally, did Walnut actually come on, or was I dreaming?

  44. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:27 #86190

    Brilliant post by Ralph. "On another day" I could have been conceived by aristocrats and lived a life of obscene luxury; D-Day might have failed and we're all living under Nazi occupation; and Wenger could have resigned in 2011 and we could be an honest football club, regardless of results. Ralph is either a very clever ironist or something else altogether.

  45. Smithy

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:25 #86189

    Just got discharged from a and e to find out the result. It ain't making me feel any better! Enough is enough, get him out and take half the squad with you!

  46. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:24 #86188

    Ralph - correct Wenger never lets us down. I highly suspected we would lose.

  47. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:21 #86187

    Mark. I don't think that was the real Cyril. As I said in a previous post it's an impersonator (of several regulars, including Badarse) who for the last few weeks has just copied and pasted 'poems' from the web, the latest being 'The Moaningist' by Owen Yeates. Just as 'Snoopy' pasted a huge chunk of the article by Untold Arsenal's Tony Attwood recently. AKB Agree re. Jamie's use of that word. It's pretty pathetic really. Wenger out agreed.

  48. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 18:07 #86186

    'Observers are not supporters' - is there no end to the great existential/theocratic/nuanced genius of Arsene Wenger. So the most Invincible cup runs comes to a grinding halt as spring appears as hornets take to the air. Ospina looked like he did not want broken fingers off that second one and Gabriel should have walked but the ref was bent for that one and Elneny's (no el nino) miss was funnier that Danny's (very Mr Grimsdale like ...). Good old Arsene FC - always game for a laugh. We await a DVD dedicated to The Zip and it's 'place' on the touchline. Not waving, just laughing. Wrighty's on! Come on dopeyyyy!

  49. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:52 #86185

    Ah well. Another similar season starts drawing to a predictable close. As per usual, I'm late arriving here as my need to express righteous anger fades a bit each time...what's the point in emotionally investing in something that has become in the most part a joyless exercise in repetition. Speaking of which, @JJETPLANE - you often make decent points but let your fury get the better of you, to the point of rambling incomprehension - and I know you're not that crazy Wealdstone guy, so please take a breath before you type.

  50. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:46 #86184

    Website admin - what about doing something about Jamee and his persistent use of the word "Mong"? Or is it OK as far as you're concerned? Pejorative poison like that has no place on this site and it reflects badly on all of us. Give him a deserved red card now so he can go back to his chelsea sites. Oh and "wenger out" in case you delete this for not being to do with football.

  51. Petrovic

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:42 #86183

    Mr. Mourinho I see your Specialist and raise you a Phd in failure!!!!

  52. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:38 #86182

    jw, they were one of triplets and they were the ones in the middle on the bottle. wenger out.

  53. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:30 #86181

    Arsene FC supporters streaming out with 10 whole minutes - leaving it a bit late- usually go at half time don't they in order to hit the Clapham wine bars ... lol! I do not know who is the best - Payet or Mahrez .... lucky there met Wenger on their travels. They would not be doing what they are now .... looks like The Hammers intend to be in the CL next year.

  54. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:21 #86180

    Have you heard ? can you F*****g believe it ? This old not fit for purpose manager has been on rambling about the players having great spirit and great attitude, Jesus H who the fook does he think we are ? who the fook is he trying to kid ? himself ? and we're supposed to respect him ? like f**k, what a waste of space and fresh air, go now you useless good for nothing old fraud.

  55. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:15 #86179

    Going backwards now. Time to rebuild. Unfortunately Wenger won't get out of the way to allow it to happen.

  56. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:14 #86178

    Hope he has his incontinence bag under his duvet for Tuesday .... Thought he was gonna scream Nurse! when a nasty interviewer type asked him about 'oh/you're going to the Nou Camp/oh/ ....... lol! The Toffees are gonna stick it to him too! In for a penny and all that .... Good old Charlie .....

  57. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:07 #86177

    At least we still have a couple of decent games and teams to watch and enjoy today with good managers who aren't clueless and know that their doing. resign now wenger.

  58. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:07 #86176

    Allen: the club we know and love? I think it died the day we left Highbury (a distinctive area of north London). I realise times move on but the Arsenal of Avenell Road and the Marble Halls is not what we have now, for all the architectural grandeur of the Emirates (a brand referencing the Middle East). All gone, old chum, and for those who prefer the current set-up then that can only be a good thing.

  59. up4grabs

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:05 #86175

    Is this stuff still going on... Arsene Wenger should have left years ago. Why would anybody pay £1,700 for a season ticket of cr-p at the Emirates?? Come on Leicester

  60. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 17:00 #86174

    Nail biter but the best team wins and that's 2 cups for the Highlands ... Unlucky Hibs ... Anything else happened other than Kane scoring .... fair enough. Arsene FC still 'good to go' for this season? .... How about some rubbish prose .....

  61. jeff wright

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:59 #86173

    the spuds are one nil up away to Villa Poch's crew are the side offering a challenge to Leicester and not us . Those two point they won away and at home against us are looking good value now. We are 6 behind them and 8 behind Leicester - most likely eleven behind the Foxes by the end of play tomorrow night . Can't see us getting anything at Everton away with them on top form and our morale obviously low and it will be even lower after we play Messi ,Suarez ,Neymar and co midweek while the Toffees have a break from it all. We will struggle to get 4th this season when you look at our form and the teams we have to beat to do it.Talk of concentrating on the title is just bullsh*t and a pathetic attempt to try and pretend that we have a chance still of winning it. The only chance we have is no chance.Good old Arsene.

  62. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:36 #86172

    It didn't take long for an AKB to appear with his insults, I guess their saving the racist ones until late tonight when everyone's in bed and only a few will see them before their removed, but it's what we expect now. go now wenger and take your AKB's with you.

  63. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:27 #86171

    Westie will be on after he gets back from Corals with his bodyguards and his briefcase to tell everyone how he profited from 12-1 odds of a 2-1 wtf-ord win. Jamee - we've joined your beloved chelsea in the trophyless season fraternity. Oh, hang on - the double is still on.

  64. Forth is Arsenal maybe not this time..?

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:25 #86170

    Giroud fell over alot again. Zlato scored 4. Sell Theo if you can get 20m. As I said Martinez is a better manager than Wenger - loved the way Barry ''tageted'' Costa. Wenger would never have done that. In fact Slavan and Poch are better managers than Wenger. The Implosion many of us feared has finally arrived.. We are falling to pieces and likely to end 6th and then Wenger will leave with the club in total disarray. Its DNA ripped up and thrown away and replaced by something none of us recognise

  65. Allen

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:20 #86169

    Perceptive insight, Augustus Flair. It is indeed extremely reminiscent of the latter days of Terry Neill and pretty much the entire Don Howe era. Did anyone ever think, when George Graham brought back the glory days and when Wenger built on, and continued, that success that 12 years on from 'the Invincibles' we would eventually slide back to those levels of mediocrity? Did we ever think that seasons of disappointment such as 1989/90 would two decades on be celebrated as success? Did we ever imagine last 16 in Europe,once deemed abject failure, (as lately as 1991 by our then manager) would be measured as some sort of benchmark to be proud of? We have become hostages to the desires of a 66 year old man to create an environment where he can remain in his multi million pound job for the remainder of his working life, regardless of his suitability to do so. It's difficult to fully comprehend how a club so mighty as the Arsenal allowed such a counter productive sate of affairs to gain a foothold, let alone thrive. But then again, since the advent of Sky and the demolition of the Home of Football(for the sake of a quick financial killing for a chosen few) I'm not sure how much of the club we know and love as the Arsenal still remains

  66. Hemel Afc

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:15 #86168

    The club rushed out a new contract after Ramsey saved Wenger his job two years ago. Now there's no fa cup this year with fingers crossed the fraud might be on his way next season.

  67. Le grande odeur

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:12 #86167

    5 or 6 on Wednesday?

  68. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:08 #86166

    I refer everybody to my post 91078, wimps and pansie nice boys the fooking lot of them including their old fraud of a manager (but it's good that they're still been supported) go now old man. wenger out

  69. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 16:01 #86165

    Some thoughts on the players. Ospina - not at fault for either goal & did OK. Gibbo - an athlete who can play a bit a defensive walnut. Gabriel - a nutjob with no confidence. BFG - well past his best and at fault for each goal. Chambers - should be nowhere near an Arsenal jersey. Elneny and Coq - overran by an average team, the latter gave the ball away too much. Sanchez - badly off form and shows no sign of improvement. Campbell - some technical niceties but out of his depth today. Ozil - not justifying his fee and too disengaged. Giroud - tried to mug the ref at all occasions, petulant and slow. Feo - see chambers, not fit to pull the shirt on. Welbeck - game but lacking technique. Last and least - Wenger - idiot, loser, specialist in failure and someone who gave up football management in about 2007. Another low. This club is seriously unlikeable - even for gooners.

  70. Augustus Flair

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:54 #86164

    Just put me down for all my comments - and mbg's etc. - from the last few dozen craven surrenders. Will that old fraud have the bottle to come out and announce his resignation now? At least he'll spared the humiliation of what's to come on Wednesday and next Saturday at Everton. This is worse than the stuff we endured the end of the Terry Neill/Don Howe eras. Go now, you decrepit fool.

  71. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:51 #86163

    West Cork Frank, does it come as any fooking surprise mate, but it's good to see the fans (and wengerites) still behind they're messiah and the lads anyway. you couldn't make it up. go now you old has been and take your disciples with you.

  72. Nick

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:46 #86162

    Awful bloody awful!! We didn't start to play untill we were two down, defensively we were a shambles the first a common or garden long throw not defended the second a catalogue of errors compounded by giving the Watford player the freedom of the Emirates to hit it past Ospina !! Clueless I'm attack but even then we should have saved it, this team is unmotivated and badly led, it needs a massive overhaul we need at least five new quality players through defense to midfield to attack but most of all we need a manager that isn't afraid or too bloody tight with the purse strings to do it one who can motivate and bloody well coach , WENGER OUT !!

  73. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:44 #86161

    FAC has been little cup trophy for past two years and now top 8 Watford knock out top 8 Arsene FC. Looking worst than GG's last days. Spuds and Foxes winning and that will be that and if Barca can be bothered cricket score is looming. So Wenger could be on 'gardening leave' as soon as Wednesday morning. We love real Arsenal/we do/we love real Arsenal/we do ....

  74. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:38 #86160

    Go now you useless old fooking excuse for a football manager, he's/your not fit for purpose, any shed of decency in you at all you'll resign within the hour, if you haven't already. go now you useless old fraud.

  75. West Cork Frank

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:35 #86159

    Ian Wright, great player, muppet of a analyst. So the team didn't try hard enough until two goals behind. Yet it's not the managers fault ! Oh yes it feckin is. Ultimately the managers job surely is to have his team ready to give it their all. You couldn't make it up. Suprised Wright didn;t blame the banner at the Hull game. Same old same old . Wenger and most of the team out

  76. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:29 #86158

    .... still the top 4 hey hey hey hey hey hey ..... looking forward to dopey Wrighty and his 'poster backtrack' ....

  77. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 15:01 #86157

    'Would not want to be in Wenger's shoes now ...' - I would creaming off 8m and having no emotional investment - sounds perfect. Men in Black carry out funereal practices on frightened rabbits. Nice spring type day on the coast here and my local team are playing .... like Watford. No nonsense/low budget .... Sanchez will be gone sooner than later. Anymore poems? ....

  78. West Cork Frank

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:58 #86156

    Sad to see Arsenal's lack of fight/ courage, AGAIN. Mertersacker swerving out of the way for Watford's second goal.It passed him at knee height but he would have not seen that as he turned away, eyes closed. What a feckin bottler.

  79. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:56 #86155

    we're behind the team all the way. Trouble is, Watford have got it spot on. Soak up the pressure get a goal and you gotta hand it to em, didn't sit back. Come to think of it, kind of like West Ham first goal of the season.

  80. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:52 #86154

    jj, yes it's great to see isn't it, and your spot on he's not Arsenal never was and never will be, regardless of what his disciples think, his legacy is ruined now and has been for a long time (what there was of it in the first place most of it was brought about by others)and a couple of lucky fa cup wins, even three, isn't going to change anything one iota. wenger out.

  81. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:17 #86153

    jj, and you can imagine what the tattoo/tattoos are off (if not wengers face) a big American long horned steer.

  82. Cameron

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:17 #86152

    Its not merely the results in themselves, its the lack of progress season on season. Yes, we are doing well in the FA Cup these days, but sadly, the national cup just isnt vakued as much as it used to be - Look at the number of small clubs that have contested the final since the Chelsea/Utd game of 7 or 8 years ago. Its a small notch above the League Cup these days, nothing more, although three in a row would still be a lovely achievement. But sadly our "progress" as exemplified in the FA Cup is a mirage. Our league form is, if anything, getting worse not better. 3rd or 4th still the norm but on high 60 points rather than high 70s. And we were faring better in the CL five years ago, when we were at least giving the European giants a prooer game, rather than being swotted aside in the first leg like the pretenders we have come to be.

  83. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 14:03 #86151

    STRoud in an army of one standing for himself ... Gabriel to go and Wenger tacticless but the speeeeriiitt is good and Baddie types still posting at C- level ....

  84. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 13:55 #86150

    Nick, good post, yes it's not the immortal words of Brian Moore anymore, they've been cast aside, airbrushed out of history with all the rest since TOF took over. The immortal words are now, Judge him in May who do you get to replace him. You couldn't make it up if you tried. wenger out now.

  85. mbg

    Mar 13, 2016, 13:44 #86149

    Bromley boy, yes mate well said, we all support Arsenal and hope they win and win today and any other day, but the wenger disciples can't get their heads round that fact that we then want wenger out such is their love for him and can't understand how fans can support Arsenal and not they're messiah, they can't distinguish the difference between Arsenal and arsene (they truly believe they're all the one) and absolutely hate it when WOB's enjoy the club doing well and wining too, that's what there is left to enjoy thanks to an old fraud of a manager. wenger out.

  86. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 13:11 #86148

    Everywhere in the media Wenger is being dismantled and the myth is lying in the dirt. Twenty years is too long in any book but half of it spent treading water unnecessarily in supposed times of austerity is really too much for any decent Arsenal fan. Wenger - you are not Arsenal and you never were ... Go do some coaching in Manhattan or whatever rocks your failed soccer 'philosophy.' No one in this country wants you here ....

  87. jeff wright

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:53 #86147

    The thanks for the memories go now Arsene banner is causing more problems for Wenger the players and AKB's than it did in the past .The culprits who dared to unfurl it were previously spat on and attacked and the banner got little attention in the media. However,things have changed this season with the Arsene it's time to say au revoir men being applauded by other supporters and given lots of publicity in the media . Ramsey - who has had even by his average standards a poor season - comments on this in an interview in today's Sun . He comes up with all the old usual excuses about Wenger being irreplaceable blah blah yawn blah... but concedes that with Leicester being top and the other big clubs struggling things are different this time . Wenger himself of course in his usual arrogant way just dismisses any criticism of himself as being ludicrous. Using one of his old tricks of making the critics claims appear to be unrealistic. I'm not god ,sneers Arsene, I can't perform miracles. This is the sort of reply he used to make when asked about why he was not signing players.Do they think I have £100million to spend and Messi wants to join us! All anyone was asking was that he signed a proper GK ( since after years of dross done by Wenger and him even saying what a difference a top GK makes !) and a top striker . Not done and no comments about this by Wenger. This is how criticism of the club's policies and Wenger's role in them is dealt with,by lies and chicanery .Stan gets his 3m a year for 'services provided'but no one can say what these 'services' actually are.Obviously attending games and taking any interest in winning trophies are not included in them. Lets see how close we are to standing on the cusp of greatness behind Barcelona and Bayern Munich on Wednesday night. We kow the answer alread 5-0 away to the Germans and whatever comes our way from Messi and his mates. Wenger and Ramsey in their interviews were avoiding this question though and instead banging on about winning FA Cups ... then again they would do - wouldn't they . Good old Arsene .

  88. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:49 #86146

    Redpig and they were not even Wenger memories but more Overmars, Freddie, Bobby, Tony memories - Wenger was just the silly swot doing his voyeur bit from the side and fooling a lot of people with his avant garde Bullsheeeet ....

  89. RedPig

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:26 #86145

    Nick (No. 91093) Great post! And you are so right about the maulings we now see on a regular basis. Its because Wenger has no real pride in upholding Arsenal traditions. He is NOT an Arsenal man. His own philosophies come before everything else. When Arsenal lost at Wrexham in 1992 the papers did that list of shame thing they used to like doing with Arsenal. It was a list with about half a dozen bad results going back to Walsall in 1933. However, in the 10 years we've been at the Emirates I reckon Wenger has at least doubled that list of shame. This banner (the most polite protest banner in the history of the world) is actually very selective with its 'Thanks for the memories' message. I probably have more bad memories of Arsenal under Wenger than good ones now. And the good memories are distant ones.

  90. Hiccup

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:25 #86144

    Talk of Diego Costa needing anger management counselling. Think he's beyond help myself. A few of the bad tempered AKB's on here could certainly do with some anger management therapy. Once again though, probably beyond help.

  91. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:14 #86143

    JJet - Thick wallets full of fans' and Murdoch's cash, but oh-so-thin skins when it comes to criticism. That's the modern Arsenal way. So-called Badarse (RIP): have you and ting tong been playing ping pong?

  92. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:12 #86142

    jj 2-0 down 4-2 up. Six wins out of seven. Good times.

  93. jjetplane

    Mar 13, 2016, 12:00 #86141

    'Supporting through the thick and thin' is such a two bob cliche when there is neither thick or thin at Arsene FC - just an insipid mush of GM produced sheep clones (ba ba Jack sheep) wandering around the Emirates with their brand tattoos .... They probably have got AW branded on their asses which would be a Stan (ranches coming out of my ...) type intervention and that is why he scoops up 'the loose change' in these thin times. Baaaaaaaaa ........

  94. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 11:57 #86140

    goonerbullyboy 'Arsenal currently have more players injured than any other team in the Premier League title race.Aaron Ramsey, Per Mertesacker and Gabriel Paulista suffered problems in Arsenal's 4-0 FA Cup win at Hull City on Tuesday night, bringing the number of Gunners injured to nine.In contrast, Manchester City and Tottenham have just three players in the treatment room, while Matty James is Leicester's only absentee, according to'AKB. I'm not really expecting a response, and certainly not before the pubs close.

  95. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 13, 2016, 10:59 #86139

    Cornish - I'll answer the question you put to Coleslaw because although it was a pretty straightforward request, the Coles-man sometimes struggles. If you google goonercolesyboy, you'll see he had a less than illustrious playing career following his chihuahua-faced idol from Nancy (fnarr fnarr) to Monaco to Nagoya Grampus 8 (where his weight temporarily dipped because of a phobia of raw fish). When ogl - the former manager/accountant - landed the plum job at the Arsenal, Coleslaw pleaded with "le boss" to take him on but Weng opted instead for Franny Jeffers and we all know how that ended. Coleslaw's career fizzled out at the age of 37 with a sinecure that involved following the ex-evertonian boy-wonder and fox in the box around the pitch with a shovel and a handful of pooh bags. And to think he coulda been a contender...either that or Coleslaw's really graham roberts.

  96. Nick

    Mar 13, 2016, 10:36 #86138

    Richard your post could have been written around this time of year in ANY of the past six to eight league campaigns, and I'm sure HAS been by some, the usual cry of " judge in may" and " but who will replace him if he goes" has been uttered by Arsenites every season for the last ten years ! Ive supported The Arsenal for over fifty five years in that time I can recall only a handful of maulings where we've been totally embarrassed, but the last four or five seasons have seen us hammered on a regular basis at least once or twice a season, until the debacle at St James's Park I had never seen an Arsenal side SURRENDER a FOUR NIL LEAD !! all these thrashings and submissions are down to one man Wenger ! The fact that we are not top of the league right now is due to appalling displays at Southampton, WBA, Stoke, at home to West Ham and Swansea and Southampton again a total of FIFTEEN POINTS LOST , never mind our record vs the big boys its our record vs the teams we really should be beating that has cost us season after season, that is down to a lack of motivation and arrogance when playing these sides,as our defeats vs the likes of Chelsea and manure are down to FEAR a fear transmitted from the manager to the team , our team reflects our managers character as well as his footballing philosophy, that so many of our supporters STILL cannot see that justifies Bards post title , there ARE none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE !

  97. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 10:04 #86137

    goonercolesyboy 'Asked about the reports that he planned double training sessions, Pochettino jokingly told Tottenham's official website: "Sometimes three but the players don't have to be afraid'. What club did you play for?

  98. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 9:49 #86136

    goonercolesyboy 'The starting point for all this is the infamous Pochettino pre-season, of which Spurs have now had two. It is a brutal experience, with double and sometimes triple sessions building up the fitness the players need to get through the season'What club did you play for?

  99. bromley boy

    Mar 13, 2016, 6:52 #86135

    goonercolesyboy, i have no set out agenda i want the very best for Arsenal i would love nothing more than for wenger to prove most of us wrong and to go on and win the league and FA cup all genuine Arsenal fans would want the same my information in regards to wengers training methods may just be correct and has not of come from listening to other fans on social media sites. lets put this to bed now and move on, i hope Arsenal win today and we can all start to fill a bit more positive

  100. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Mar 13, 2016, 0:52 #86134

    It has just occured to me..we all know were you were when we were we were ....

  101. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 13, 2016, 0:06 #86133

    You haven't git a clue what Arsenal do in training bromley boy. Just a wild guess, listening to fools like the Muguiresbridge and jeff know it all wright. We are currently mid table when it comes to injuries. Leicester don't play in Europe and are out of the cups. Where does it say the s***s train twice a day? The manager has one more year on his contract so he will be here next season. Worry about who takes over when the time comes. You have an agenda to remove the manager. I don't.

  102. Dorset Gonner

    Mar 12, 2016, 23:51 #86132

    To be honest I don't understand the whole AKB thing. I've grown up supporting Arsenal FC and not GG, BR, or AW. If some ain't happy with the manger then they are entitled to their opinion as a fan. To be told to f*ck off to WHL is out of order and you should be ashamed, why can't someone have a different opinion?. We've signed 3 world class players (MO, AS, & PC) and its 3rd/4th place Groundhog Day again, questions need to asked, if this was any other large organisation the shareholders etc would be demanding answers. Even if AW leaves the status quo will remain as SS & IG will still remain at club.... All this AKB nonsense is just masking the bigger issue, time to be united... COYG

  103. wear your colours

    Mar 12, 2016, 23:43 #86131

    There's nothing wrong with name calling and abuse as long as it is aimed at the weasel Wenger out heretics.These lily livered woopsies should be shot at dawn for their high treason towards AFC and the fact they are all lane lovers and manure missionaries.I know most of them are ex Pool fans from the eighties but please your glory hunting is odious to all.Bromley stop all this victim mentality or you'll turn into the odious Exeter rear Gunner.

  104. bromley boy

    Mar 12, 2016, 22:21 #86130

    mbg, thanks for the backing mate this is how bad things have got now not only have there been fights at the emirates between Arsenal fans its now spreading to social media sites we all have our own thoughts and ideas about whats right or wrong at Arsenal its a shame some people resort to name calling and abuse.

  105. bromley boy

    Mar 12, 2016, 22:10 #86129

    big dave you sound so well educated why use this platform to sound off your limited intelligence , im sure you can find a school playground to find an audience there that you can spout of to

  106. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 21:32 #86128

    mbg you are saying then the only real fans are the ones who hate our club ,slag off the players constantly and hate the manager.count me in i am not a real fan.i apologise for going to thousands of games over the years believing supporting through thick and thin as i thought thats what supporting a team was meant to be.i stand corrected its only the people who hate everything arsenal and believe the club is a disaster and proclaim it the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth the true fans .i bow to your greater knowledge of what being a true fan is.i am not week i shall be joining a doomsday preppers cult life as i knew it has no meaning and only you and them have all the answers.

  107. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 20:45 #86127

    bromley boy i don't have medical expertise and know exactly what goes on with the medical side of things.i can only say from playing for years i was injury prone through a mixture of bad luck playing when i should have rested injuries ,pressure from managers to play when injured and shouldn't have. drunken antics and stupidly flying in to a suicide challenge like chamberlain on mascherano unfortunately my challenge was on an 18 stone lump of lard who flew up in the air landing on me putting me out for weeks with bruised ribs !!!lesson learned there.facts are leicester havent had many injuries true but they haven't had europe and many cup games .yes spurs have and seem to have avoided too many injuries but manu ,liverpool,newcastle and city have had long injury lists this season.these teams like us have medical experts who know far more than me and i guess you like me don't have any medical expertise are they all incompetent too? whether we need change is certainly open to debate but the club is financially well run has made recent commendable efforts on the ticket price freezing front helping reduce the cost of away tickets has won back to back fa cups .could be better of course but most certainly not in the mess some say it is.

  108. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 12, 2016, 20:36 #86126

    Ronald Koeman. Are you going to answer my question now?

  109. Leek fc

    Mar 12, 2016, 20:30 #86125

    Exeter. Please name the person you would like to succeed mr Wenger. Quite simple to say go, but who is coming in. ?????

  110. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 20:11 #86124

    Bromley boy, see what I mean from big girls blouse dave ? it tells us all we need to know (if we didn't already)it's all they've got left now, there's AKB's who would be spitting venom and demanding an apology for a comment like that from a WOB, I rest my case.

  111. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 20:00 #86123

    Just watched sporting triumphs with The Merse on Sky sports 1, focusing on Anfield 89, the match, and the celebrations after it, what men, what players, what a manager, George Grahame screaming instructions from the dugout, (merse says when he walked in everyone shut up I doubt very much that happens now) everything we were all brought on and believed in, and expected from our players, everything being an Arsenal supporter now all ruined and discarded by an old past it egoistic arrogant manager, shame on you all who still support him and back him, shame on you.

  112. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 12, 2016, 19:47 #86122

    Colesyboy, now you're back posting under your own name, perhaps you'll have a stab at this question: If Wenger doesn't win the league this season in these extraordinarily advantageous circumstances, will you want him to continue?

  113. cyril

    Mar 12, 2016, 19:47 #86121

    I am able to destroy wobs with my bare hands.

  114. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 12, 2016, 19:38 #86120

    Watch out Bromley. Our racist friend coleslaw will make some unwelcome comments about how people from Bromley are thick; that they take other south easterner's jobs; and that they should all be deported back to where they came from such as south central Swanley and the Orpington projects. He has previous and cannot be trusted when he gets his man-knockers in a knot. Needless to say, he keeps schtum about his own 'umble 'abitat. His chum (ahem...) Jamee will not appear tonight because his beloved Chelski just got chewed up by the toffees and his idol costa finally got a red card in ingerlish football.

  115. Big Dave

    Mar 12, 2016, 19:33 #86119

    mgb-I could crush faggots like you and bromley gay boy with my little finger.

  116. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 18:33 #86118

    Bromley boy, well said don't let TOF's AKB bully boys try and bully you, it's all they have left now, keep telling it like it is (the truth) they don't like that you see, when they see you can't be bullied and taking no shyte of them they'll soon back down that's what AKB bullies do.

  117. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 12, 2016, 17:31 #86117

    jj/jw. A very sad post from 'An old friend'. It's cut and pasted from a site called 'Goodnight Stories' and the title is 'Fairyland' It's by Micaela Kernan Age 10. Sad that he or she has also spent time changing all the names. I think it's the Badarse impersonator again, aka Jamie probably.

  118. bromley boy

    Mar 12, 2016, 17:30 #86116

    goonercolesyboy, why is that opinionated rubbish and by the way i dont do twitter i take it its your agenda to tow the line with wenger and follow him like the few remaining sheep are still doing. wake up and face the truth

  119. jjetplane

    Mar 12, 2016, 17:24 #86115

    looks like Barca may well be limbering up - they just hit six with no reply and against a la Liga side who would probably beat Arsene FC. Good old Messi ...

  120. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 17:22 #86114

    jw, don't tell me you even read it ? as always he's fooling no one (only himself) and no doubt there's the usual insults in there no matter how veiled, now there's somebody his brethren should be feeling sad for.

  121. jeff wright

    Mar 12, 2016, 16:49 #86113

    Badarse's fairy tale sure doesn't beat Snow White living with 7 dwarfs ! Easy to work Arsene in to that one with him replacing Snow White... Cinderella and her coach turning into a pumpkin at midnight is an apt parody for Arsene's Euro and Prem hopes every season... Arsene though claims that we have a 5% chance of still beating Barcelona even though 2-0 down and they are unbeaten since Goldilocks scoffed the bears porridge ... seeing as how if Wenger's claims are true that Messi and co have a 95% chance of us not beating them it all looks rather Grimm for us... I'm baffled though as to what Badarse is trying to imply with his story because if anyone is living in fantasy land he is - and posting about it as well. You couldn't make it up.

  122. jjetplane

    Mar 12, 2016, 16:06 #86112

    I dare anyone to read dear old Baddie's latest ..... Cannot see any trophies on this EPICcccccccc horizon ....

  123. An old friend

    Mar 12, 2016, 16:00 #86111

    Once upon a time in Arsenal land there were two little kids named Jeff and Mark. They were brothers. Their mum and dad had divorced years ago. And their dad now was seeing someone else,a large women with huge norks. She was cruel to them behind their father’s back. She said if they got married, she would make their life’s miserable from the moment she said I do”. One day their dad called them into his room. When they got in there he told them to sit on the bed, then he said “there’s going to be a new member in the family and a lot of changes too. What I’m trying to say is I’m getting married”. “What”, they said. "Quite the surprise isn’t it?" said their father. Father you can’t it’ll ruin our family tree said Jeff. Well I’m sorry kids but I love her, before their father could say anything more they ran out of the house and let the door slam behind them. Chapter 2 After walking a while, they finally stopped and realized they were a long way from home in a part of the neighborhood they had never seen before. There were fairies as beautiful as princesses’ birds with the rainbow colors on their feathers all different kinds of animals, beautiful butterflies and the most unexpected fairies they thought they’d only see fairies in there Fairy Tale books. It soon became dark, Jeff and Mark had fallen asleep on a rock. When Jeff and Mark woke up in the morning, they saw that all the animals were lying next to them. After they’d been there a while the animals bird and fairies started asking how they found their way there. The children told the truth, they said they’d gotten mad that their father was getting married to a women they didn’t like so they ran away and when they stopped they were there. After telling them that the animals said they were glad they found their way because now they had someone to play with. Then they introduced the princess of the fairies, her name was Patty. Her dad, the king of the fairies, called her Patty the Pooh. She was very pretty, she had short Blonde hair with a crown made out of gold and an outfit fit for a princess. The princess said she had good news, one of the fairies was going to have a baby fairy. Everyone congratulated her. Then she went on, we found out a few weeks ago but we didn’t want to jinx it. Everyone congratulated her again and went to bed. The next morning she had the baby. She decided to name her Julia. When she turned one and was able to walk Jeff and Mark were still there. It was Saturday when Jeff and Mark were about to leave and then they heard a familiar voice and decided to stay for another night. Chapter 3 Early in the morning the next day, they heard it again so they got out of bed to see were it was coming from, but on there way out of Fairyland, they woke up. Julia liked to go on adventures so, of course, she wanted to come with them. So the three went to see were the voice was coming from, they followed the voice to a cave and peeked inside. Jeff and Mark could not believe what they saw. It was their step mom, she was talking to someone but they weren’t sure whom it was. Julia knew who it was. Mary Sue and Jeff asked Julia who their step-mom was talking to. It’s the demon, she replied, he has a son too. When he gets older he’ll do what his dads doing, His dad is very evil. Years ago everybody in fairyland challenged him. They said whoever won got the land and the other person had to go some were else. And the demon lost so he had to move out here. But why would our step-mom be talking to him that sounds really weird. Maybe she’s a demon too, said Jeff. No I don’t think that could happen, said Julia, but maybe because nobody knows who's the little demons mother. Julia continued, we have to get home and warn daddy, Mark said. Chapter 4 So the next morning they told everyone they had to go, they had to go warn their dad. So they said their goodbyes and were off but then Julia’s mom stopped them and asked if they would take Julia with them, they said they would and then her mom continued, it would be the biggest adventure she ever had. Then Julia thanked her mom and her mom thanked Jeff and Mark and then they told them they would be back soon and then they left fairyland. Now Julia knew this was going to be the biggest adventure she ever had because she’d never been this far out of fairyland before and she was excited. Jeff and Mark told her that when they were at their house she has to hide and Julia agreed. So when they arrived, Julia did as she was told and hid behind a plant in the living room. In their father’s room they were telling him about who they had seen and were they had seen her, of course, their father, who found this a little hard to believe, welcomed them with open arms but then said I think you two are sick. Come and lay down a while. Dad! They both said we’re not sick, we really saw her. How could you if she was right here by me the whole time you were gone. The only time she left was when she went to the store and got groceries. We don’t under stand, where is she now she went to get groceries. Fairyland! They both said at the exacted same time. They both ran out the door with Julia following behind them but this time their dad followed them, hoping he would find out what was going on. As soon as they got there and the dad had a chance to catch up he asked them what was going on, they said that they would explain again later. Then they went to the cave were they had seen her but she wasn’t there. Now their father was beginning to think this was all a joke. When he saw their step mom and his future wife, she was coming out of a secret passage in the cave. Then all four of them went back to the fairies and asked them if they knew about it. The fairy’s said no except one. He said he’d been trying to find out what was Chapter 5 The door then opened and Mark clinched onto Jeff’s hand so hard it was turning red, the pass way looked like fairyland except there were no fairies. Then! They saw it a golden door but it had a keyhole. Where would they find a key that big, they were puzzled so they sat down to think. Then they all decided to go back to fairyland but when they said the magic password someone they had not been warned about spotted them. He grabbed them by they’re arms and made them walk with him, they tried to escape but he wouldn’t let go. He was the demon’s companion his name was Alfred but everyone called him Al. He took them to the demon who was being carried on a mattress and all he was doing was eating grapes and giving all the girls he’s phone number, not very impressive if you ask me. Then finally after stuffing a handful of grapes in he’s mouth he said I thought you’d be coming here soon after I saw you two spying on me and that kind lady I was talking to. "She's our step mom and she’s not kind at all." I never knew kids could be so rude to someone who truly loves them, take them away, take them away said the demon I can’t stand them any longer. Jeff, Mark and they’re Father were handcuffed to a shelf in a closet. Julia was locked in a cage in the corner of the closet but you couldn’t see her because a shirt was covering her. "Maybe there’s a secret hiding place the Demon puts a key in to unlock and lock the door", "Good idea." Julia said. Mark started looking for a piece of wood that would come out of the wall with the one hand that wasn’t handcuffed. Soon it was late and she still hadn’t found anything and in no time she fell asleep along with her brother, her dad and Julia. In the morning when Mark woke up he accidentally hit the wall when he was stretching. Hey guys, I think I found something he said. It was a loose board, when the board fell out there was a big key behind it. This looks like a key for something very important I’ll put it in my pocket. I think I know what that important thing is, let’s go. Chapter 6 So they went back to where they had last seen the demon and again found him laying down being feed grapes by all the girls. When they saw him they said we know your plan and we have the key you hid in the room you locked us in "but I have a spare, did you actually think I’d put the key in the same room I locked you in with out a spare", said the demon. While the demon was talking Julia had came up with an idea of her own and was already starting it. She slipped behind the demon and knocked the key out of his hand. "Actually I did" she said just catching the key in her hand and now that I have both keys your plan is history she added and “we’re off to save fairyland”. Not so fast said the demon, "did you really think I’d fall for that too?" as two guards stepped out from behind the bushes. They were tall demons even taller then the demon and himself. Julia, Mark, Jeff and their father all ran as fast as they could, then they saw a cave and ran but it didn’t take to long for the guards to sniff them out, they came running after them. Then Julia, Jeff, his sister and their dad saw a waterfall, they took their only chance and jumped with a deep breath, but of course Julia flew. When they landed, they swam to the surface and realized they were back where they started at the big door. They put the key in and all the sudden the demon came but they opened the door and they hurried in, before the demon could catch them. Then all the sudden they know what to do, they said the magic words which were “open pass way” and then they picked a magic flower and put it in the pot they saw in the middle of the room and the flower turned into a liquid which they poured on the demon, his son which turned them into who they where before. The demon was the fairy prince, his son was a normal kid and the guards were mice. As for they’re step mom well this effected her too she came out as a kind lady and said hi I’m sorry if was mean to you before the demon which is now the fairy prince had me under a evil spell, they all forgave her. Good old Arsenal The End

  124. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 12, 2016, 15:55 #86110

    What a load of opinionated rubbish bromley boy. Got any facts at your disposal or just a guess, or what you have read in the papers or online or on Twitter etc?. But then again, it suits your agenda to make assumptions.

  125. jjetplane

    Mar 12, 2016, 15:04 #86109

    91062 that was such a lovely, well considered post and you know - you are of course right. Two things - what are you on about JOHN! & Reverend Perry and Badarse will love the epic proportion you employ to relate so little - talking of Olde Arsene Wenger (see Dickens) has also employed the epic proportion only to win very little. Right - quick rinse!

  126. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 12, 2016, 14:38 #86108

    Dearest Leek, oh dearest dearest Leek, it is Anthony your darling Anthony. I bring you an etching of Mr Wenger from one of the finest salons in Paris. The style is in the latest belle Realistic fashion. Oh Anthony dearest Anthony is that why the image is of a man in a long coat with his head buried in his hands! The series is to be continued

  127. Johnny Shepherd

    Mar 12, 2016, 14:19 #86107

    I think when it come to the AAA brethren you should try a different strategy.The things we normally do about complainers and why they don’t work There are several strategies people use around complainers, none of which really work. 1: Cheering them up doesn’t work As in “Oh, it can’t be that bad”, “Come on, cheer up” or the perennial favorite “Time heals all wounds”. Saying things like this shows the complainer that you’re not taking their pain seriously. When you tell a complainer “it’s not that bad”, he will often complain even harder to convince you (and himself) that his problems are very serious indeed. 2: Suggesting solutions doesn’t work “Why don’t you…”, “have you tried…” or even worse “You should really have…” The complainers’ problems are really serious and can’t be solved by a few smart-ass suggestions from you. Or so they’ve convinced themselves. The more you try to suggest solutions, the harder they will work to convince you and themselves that these solutions could never possibly work for them. 3: Telling them to pull themselves together doesn’t work or just calling them nasty names like some do on here. “Quit complaining and do something about it” or one of my favorites: “You either want the problem or you want the solution”. Yeah, telling them that their problems are trivial and they just need to pull themselves together is going to work juuuuust fine. All complainers magically stop complaining at this. Or do they? 4: Complaining about the complainers doesn’t work “Damn, that jeff or mgb complains a lot doesn’t he?” Guess what, you just became a complainer :o) 5: Ignoring them / avoiding them doesn’t work This makes complainers clamour for attention even more – which usually makes people ignore them even more. That’s a vicious cycle right there. 6: Complaining along with them doesn’t work “You know what, you’re right, that player IS crap. And Wenger sucks. In fact everything sucks.” This can be kind of cosy because it creates bonding and an us-against-the-world feeling. But ultimately it’s a bad idea because the more people complain the less prone they are to doing something about their problems. I remember one of the first jobs I had where my manager was a complete dolt. My co-workers and I couldn’t start a meeting, go out for a beer or just meet in the hallway without spending 15-20 minutes complaining about him and his stupid ways. But all those man-hours spent complaining changed nothing and none of us ever did anything about it. Except quit the company one by one :o) 7: Confronting them doesn’t work You can drive the complaints underground where you don’t see them, but they will probably still be going on. And repressed complaining is worse than open complaining because it gets to stew and grow while it’s hidden. A trick that does work So what does work? Here’s a simple but very effective trick: A friend of mine who’s a dentist told me about an elderly, grouchy patient of hers. Every time he came in for an appointment he’d complain about the weather, his children, his car, taxes, society, and any other topic that might come up. Now you might think “Hey, she’s a dentist, fill his mouth with gauze and cotton and let’s see him complain then!” but my friend is a naturally happy person and would instead try to cheer him up. Didn’t work, just made him complain even more. So I taught her this trick and the next time he came in for an appointment she was ready. He went in the chair, and immediately started complaining. After listening to his usual litany for a while my dentist friend said, with deep sympathy in her voice, “You know, that sounds terrible. I don’t know how you deal with all of these problems.” You know what he said? “Weeeeell, it’s not THAT bad!” This approach works because it gives the complainer what he’s really after: Empathy. Not cheering up, not solutions, not egging-on. Just understanding of what is, for him, a difficult situation. There are two important things to notice here: Don’t be sarcastic when you say it. Be sincere. You don’t have to agree that these are huge problems. Even if everything the complainer says sounds trivial to you, remember that it feels like a huge problem to him or her wouldn’t go on about it. What seems trivial to one person can be a huge problem for others. So you’re not saying “Yes, I agree that’s a huge problem”. And you’re certainly not saying “Oh, poor poor you” in a sarcastic voice. You’re just acknowledging the fact that this is a huge problem for that person. Which undeniably it is. Does this make the complaining go away? Only sometimes. But it keeps you from being part of a vicious cycle of responses that just makes the complainers complain more and more and more. The cycle is cut at the point you take their distress seriously. So try this approach on your favorite complainer and tell me how it goes. So don't be so tough on our gooner pals who are always moaning as it's probably all they have ever known.

  128. jjetplane

    Mar 12, 2016, 14:16 #86106

    Beginning to find the behaviour of some AKB stalwarts on here to be disrespectful to both the club and manager. It is quite sickening the use of lower caps to denigrate this fine institution. Good old arsenal and mr wenger indeed ......

  129. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 14:07 #86105

    My gawd he don't have sound like baldiearse with his exploits, and it looks like we have another phone box love affair up and running, awwwww how nice.

  130. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 13:56 #86104

    jw, a couple of cracking posts and that's not a meaningless comment it's the truth, Oh how the wengerites don't like the truth, labelling it negativity and negative in the defence of they're messiah, and accusing real fans of all sorts of things just for telling the truth and then accusing a fantastic fanzine (probably the only one left in the country)and online site (with ridiculous statements/ tactics friends no longer buy it pathetic) of been negative just because it's contributors tell it like it is (the truth) again pathetic, but what do you expect when their messiah is the same, he hates the truth also when he's confronted with it and when it's put to him throwing a strop spitting insults and accusations all round. wenger out now.

  131. CT Gooner

    Mar 12, 2016, 13:54 #86103

    AW: if he leaves this summer, he leaves a squad of technically gifted players. That's very different from a good squad. We have too many players with exactly the same attributes, but we have no muscle or "I'd rather die" type players, bar Alexis. And I'm really worried that players like Alexis become disenchanted and leave. Slag RvP all you want, but inconveniently for some, he was right.

  132. mbgp3tgaz

    Mar 12, 2016, 13:09 #86102

    Exeter, funny how that goes right over they're heads isn't it, they accuse others of going over old ground and saying the same thing over and over in the defence of they're messiah but not a word about him doing it for the last ten years, isn't love a wonderful thing. You couldn't make it up.

  133. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 12:42 #86101

    Anthony walters, there's no need to feel sad for me i'm a very happy person I can assure you, especially at this moment and time when I see your messiah squirming unfortunately the team and club squirm too but that's the price you pay for having and sticking with an old fraud of a manager. Oh your an AKB alright believe me, a top one too, it's plain to see no matter how you try and disguise it, probably time to go(not just made your mind up yet ? you couldn't make it up) I bet you had tears in your eyes typing that, no doubt you'll judge him in May, and another Fa cup will do it for you or even third or fourth and you'll give him another go just like you have for the last ten years. There was another just like you on here some time ago who tried to disguise his true feelings about his messiah and be a fence sitter and be friends with everyone and took it upon himself to know it all, but he fooled no one either(only himself) he let his mask slip now and again too, and was soon outed and then started to show his true colours for his lord and master with petty insults complaints and excuses, and it got him nowhere either, but keep on trying if you wish, you probably will.

  134. bromley boy

    Mar 12, 2016, 12:28 #86100

    anthony walters, most of these injuries are down to the training methods put in place by wenger clubs like Leicester and spurs have had very few injuries this season but they train hard and sometimes twice a day so when it comes to game time they are ready i was told today leicester have only used 19 players so far . the players that do get injured for us then jet of to brazil spain chile or france to get there treatment there what does that tell you about the faith they have in our medical team. the club is in a mess and that is down to the man that runs the whole club with nobody above him to tell him otherwise . and how many of those people above our dictator are actually football people !!!! change is needed from top to bottom

  135. Badarse

    Mar 12, 2016, 12:13 #86099

    'Stand up if you hate the WOR, Stand up if you hate the WOR, Stand up if you hate the WOR, Stand up if you hate the WOR'

  136. jeff wrigh

    Mar 12, 2016, 12:05 #86098

    AW, the obvious spin doctoring going on at AFC these days by Ivan and co - the 3m a year ,already 9m in total, that Kroenke steals by subterfuge from the club ,plus Wenger's inept management, the constant bottling of it in big games by our players this all leads many of us to having a lack of empathy with AFC these days. It doesn't alter my views on our past history ,including Wenger's at Highbury. But with so much obviously wrong and in need of change,cherry picking alleged 'good things'out is not going to help this to happen. We could all go mad celebrating Wenger winning a third FAC ,if he does do, I'm not convinced about that tbh happening,but again this just sets us up for more agony next season. Wenger should not be relying on winning FA Cups every season after 20 years in the job - but he is . Good old Arsene.

  137. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 12:05 #86097

    leek some of the criticism is fine and alternative views good.i pretty much stopped buying the gooner which i used to buy regularly when my then young teenage son said it was extreme. i still enjoy going to matches and if i am being filled full of negativity beforehand i am less likely to enjoy the does drive me mad at times though that the same basic mistakes from players on the pitch keep happening which brings the questions is arsene tough enough with them at times?probably not but even if we fail to win a trophy and arsene goes this summer he leaves a good squad elneny looks a good addition from his last 2 performances and bellerins emergence are positives thus far.

  138. AKB Command

    Mar 12, 2016, 11:59 #86096

    The reason mgb,jeff,Exeter,Mark and all the other retards are constantly dissing off everything Arsenal is because they are not Arsenal supporters.I bet most are Spurs,Chelsea and Man U.mgb is Oirish a particularly bone nation who love MU and Liverpool,jeff is a typical tory boy probably lives in Fulham or Chelsea.Exeter is a carrot cruncher who are reknown for being Lane dwellers.The only real Arsenal fans among the turn coats are Ron and jjetplane who are casual fans and Bard who's probably a gay gooner.

  139. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 11:46 #86095

    jeff wright i actually agree with many of your views its just you always have the extreme negative ones.lets deal with injuries .firstly many premier league clubs the last few seasons have been battered by injuries not just us.the pace of the game, lack of winter break and competition bottom to top of the league in this country i believe contributes. i agree with you it is not down to entirely bad luck .wilshire ,walcott ,van persie and chamberlain i have seen get long term injuries from poor tackling walcott and van persie dangling a limp foot ,wilshire off balance clattered a player off balance injuring himself and chamberlains suicide challenge on this pointed out to the players?we just dont know?alexis and cech are experienced enough to know if they felt ok so i don't blame arsene for them.the lack of warm ups for walcott against wednesday and ramsey v hull wenger must take some blame. i am 51 played local football from 17 and still play friendlies.what i know now is i lost nearly 2 years of playing because i was persuaded to play by 2 seperate managers when i needed to rest a knee injury and a groin strain respectively.the truth is most players love playing and sometimes rush back when not quite ready or play on an injury compensating without realising example of mine was when i was playing in goal i had a sore hip for a few games and dived for a ball shoulder first which is extremely poor technique putting me out for weeks with a shoulder little tip i learned was always wear 2 pairs of socks it i never had a blister ever after i did that and it cushions the foot and ankle area.i don't ridicule people who believe it's time to move on but slagging off everything the club the players all the time i cannot for the life of me understand .

  140. jeff wright

    Mar 12, 2016, 11:40 #86094

    Leek FC telling the truth is not negativity,it maybe not what you want to read but that does not make it negative. It was only due to protests from some supporters over the lack of trophies won that forced Wenger to take the FAC seriously again after 9 years of dross in it when he duped fools like yourselfinto accepting that making money from finishing 4th in the league was the real trophy and that the FA Cup was not important. Once again the old Cup remains Wenger's only hope of a trophy as some of us predicted that it would be way back when Amos and yourself and others were claiming that we were in a title race . I going for us to win 2-0 against lowly Watford playing them at home but the big one against Barcelona with us already two away goals down looks like mission impossible. Tbf though it always was . Everton away next weekend in the league looks tough as does WHU and City away. Good old Arsene.

  141. Leek fc

    Mar 12, 2016, 11:28 #86093

    So there we have it anthony. Jeff is like a stuck record repeating the same drivel over and over again. He must get bored. And then along will com mbg with a meaningless comment. Excellent post this morning Anthony. 91042 "not buying the gooner fanzine". It would be interesting to see the sales figures as I have many friends who no longer buy it through various reasons. Negativity being a major factor.

  142. jeff wright

    Mar 12, 2016, 10:52 #86092

    AW. same old bashing Wenger's critics from you while admitting they have a case against him! You couldn't make it up. As for Leek FC well he doesn't think that Arsene is doing anything wrong,it's all the fault of the slings and arrows of adversity and others that are the reasons for his genius being thwarted . All of Wenger's critics recognize his past achievements but also ,as you yourself admit,his failings in that he was unable to do better than he did do in Europe .2O years of failure there is not down to bad luck but due to his own shortcomings. He failed again in the league this season to take advantage of the great opportunity that was there for the taking and instead we are expected to believe in unlikely scenarios for us winning the league,when we should have realistic ones instead. Despite all of his bluster yesterday when asked about the ginger dwarfs comments that he doesn't want United to end up like Arsenal celebrating finishing 4th - the truth is that this is what we do under Wenger and his boss the greedy Silent syrupy Stan. Wenger admitted that Ramsey got injured by not warming up properly before he trotted on the other night at Hull ,deja vu Wally at Sheffield .Wenger never learns does he ,he just carry's on regardless making the same mistakes ,season after season... yawn..... Good old Arsene.

  143. HowardL

    Mar 12, 2016, 10:16 #86091

    Xabi Alonso was another - for the sake of a miserable (by football standards) £2m. And XA was keen to pair up with Cesc, who then might have stayed. And that's aside from the goalkeepers. I'm afraid there is no defence left for Wenger. Literally and metaphorically.

  144. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 12, 2016, 10:13 #86090

    If only the AKBs could fathom that the reason the same old ground is gone over day after day on here is the same old ground is gone over season after season at Arsenal. They don't seem to be able to make the connection.

  145. Jamerson

    Mar 12, 2016, 9:15 #86088

    You only get the negatives from the WOR,Badarse was correct in saying THEY WERE A RABBLE NOT A BRIGADE unlike the lovely AKB's.If I owned AFC I'd say bollocks to the WOR and whatever they asked for I would do the opposite to really piss them off,AFC has too much class for those losers.

  146. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 6:49 #86087

    leek you are right that some people in here do the site no favours in fact i stopped buying the gooner which i used to buy regularly but felt it had become far too negative.there are some really good differing opinions and posts which is good to think about. though many watch and comment on games with only anti wenger or one eyed opinions on certain players never giving credit when due only criticism or ridicule.arsene has given us some fantastic times he has frustrated by not buying a few players and having an imbalance squad in recent years ie too many attacking midfielders not enough powerful or defensive ones lacking a top keeper too many years etc and too many basic defensive errors in massive games.though i do believe we need a change to move us forward he has still been extremely consistent and done a good job and i never forget the great times and football he gave us.

  147. Haystack

    Mar 12, 2016, 6:09 #86086

    Arsene Wenger has sent a message to Arsenal's unsettled supporters: "You don't know happiness until it's gone."He then went on and said,'Be careful what you wish for and 'two swallows don't make a summer.

  148. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 5:33 #86085

    mbg like i said feel very very sad for you.this week the club announced they will subsidise our magnificent away following so they will pay least in the league at a reasonable 26 quid .they have frozen ticket prices for 2 more years yet not a word of credit for the club people like you accuse of constant greed having no respect for the are the sort of person if you were on a beach with beyonce, eva mendez and elle macpherson at your beck and call servicing your every need you would be whining scarlet johanssan wasn't there too!as for being an akb i have had many many criticisms of wenger over the years many of them i have put on here but i felt the good far outweighed the bad it still does .so that akb stuff you spout shows your ignorance or twisted analysis of my posts.nobody is perfect apart from you of course !the reason i believe it is time to move on is that 1 per cent that extra bit of focus defensive stability is missing to kick us on to challenge for a champions league though a domestic title is still an outside a nutshell he is doing a consistently good job but on 8 million a year he should be able to organise and motivate the players to do far better in europe and challenge more consistently for the title.i see the players make too many basic mistakes of positioning ,turning backs,poor passing,dwelling on the ball etc in defensive areas to consistently win the top prizes and i see no improvent in that.we are possibly only one or two more top players in certain areas but even if we get them i am not convinced wenger can extract the very very best from them.we had great players and teams in 1998 2002 and 2004 yet in europe despite some great victories ultimately failed to win a trophy.

  149. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 0:36 #86084

    There you are guys we haven't been mismanaged like Leeds that old chestnut again in the defence of their/his messiah, and the most recent one ? it's new to the AKB's and hasn't been aired much, we beat Leicester twice, you couldn't make it up, it didn't take much for him to show his true colours no matter what he says, with the odd insult thrown in (it never does) they bite like a jack Russell shagging your leg.

  150. mbg

    Mar 12, 2016, 0:18 #86083

    Carlos, what makes you (and all the others)think the same restraints would be imposed on the new manager ? personally I don't think for one split second there are restraints imposed on this so called one, I have no doubt if he asked demanded £70, 80 ,90, million for players he'd get it (God forbid he does)the reason he doesn't is because he wouldn't have a f*****g clue what to do with it, and he knows he (and his flock) would then have no excuses for failure, and when the new man comes in if he's any kind of top manager at all he'll be asking for and have to get a war chest or he'll simply not take the job, unless he's just another nodding dog yes man with no ambition.

  151. anthony walters

    Mar 12, 2016, 0:00 #86082

    mgb i feel sorry for people like you you are just a miserable sorry sad git. if you cannot ever enjoy anything about supporting arsenal whats the point in being an arsenal supporter ?.we arent newcastle or leeds who have been seriously mismanaged and level with us in wengers early matter what these players do you and some others on here have nothing whasoever good to say only hate and pure negativity .yes we have had some crap this season soton away ,bayern away,manu away etc but we beat leicester twice ,spurs in the cptil 1 cup,manu home,man city home bayeen home yet you can only slag off moan bitch.tony evans on here for instance puts really good arguments for wenger to go and his views are balanced and he can see other points of cannot discuss or reason only hate and spew bitterness and your scorn.

  152. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 23:41 #86081

    Mark from Aylesbury, it's not to hard to know why he wanted him to remain, the hammers are moving into a new stadium soon and want TOF still here for some handy results and points to get them off the mark.

  153. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 23:31 #86080

    I personally do believe it is PROBABLY time for change, You probably couldn't fooking make it up, just not too sure yet, if he wins the fa cup i'll PROBABLY change my mind and PROBABLY give him another chance and then PROBABLY judge him in May for the eleventh season and then PROBABLY go through it all again, I think it's fair to say no matter what he spouts he PROBABLY hasn't made his mind up yet. You couldn't make it up.

  154. Leek fc

    Mar 11, 2016, 23:14 #86079

    Ditto Anthony Walters. But this should not detract from the idiotic, senseless, cheap shots at a manager who has given us glorious times over his time spent at this club. I passionately believe that until mr wenger calls it a day , I will support not only him but the club I have supported since 79. It's not a battle cry but far, far too many Arsenal folk on here go over and over the same ground day in day out. It's boring repetitive and does this website no favours at all.

  155. anthony walters

    Mar 11, 2016, 22:19 #86078

    leek fc .i'll never forget the last 2 fa cup finals after an 8 year wait my only son and i were there together seeing arsenal win the trophies.special moments .i don't believe arsene wenger is the man to take us forward but do appreciate all he has done for us and even in the trophy less years there was far more good than bad.i saw some real poor football and average times during the 70s and 80s.vAG3p8

  156. Leek fc

    Mar 11, 2016, 21:58 #86077

    Sorry mbg. You have no feelings for the club as your posts prove this. Idiotic comments by saying the admiration and memories are gone. Sickening comment. You won't be barred but you should be. I genuinely hope we get a result vs Watford and people like you are made to look stupid........ But that's not hard is it.


    Mar 11, 2016, 19:54 #86075

    Positive: Arsenal are leaders in the following: Player Injuries Ticket prices Amount of top games where we choke.. Negative: we score very poorly compared to others when you look at the total points that we take from the other top 6 teams every season home and away We are clearly top team if you asked who are the real Big Game Chokers and Losers. We pay mediocre players above usual salaries hoping that they outperform so that we can sell them on at a profit.

  158. Tom

    Mar 11, 2016, 19:22 #86074

    You people are so ungrateful.As Arsene said earlier today.'You don't know happiness until it's gone.

  159. Carlos

    Mar 11, 2016, 18:29 #86072

    Totally agree with the article. However, if he were to go do we really think the owner of 70% of the club would countenance increased spending in the chase for glory? Do you think a really ambitious manager would be happy to lead the playing side of the club in the name of securing collateral for the owner rather than spending the required amount to make the push from 4th to mounting a real challenge? Why would someone like Ancelotti, for example, have his efforts at team building compromised by having to work under the constraints which probably are imposed. Wenger can achieve what the owner wants year after year, i.e. CL football, and the cash it brings, adn helping build a cash mountain. It's not about the glory, it's about the bottom line, stupid. AFC are no more a football club than Wenger is a football manager.

  160. Quote

    Mar 11, 2016, 18:28 #86071

    Arsene Wenger has sent a message to Arsenal's unsettled supporters: "You don't know happiness until it's gone."He then went on to say'Be careful what you wish for'

  161. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 11, 2016, 18:07 #86070

    Richard - Wenger has obviously won two cups in a row and still in it for a third. The big issue to many on here is no titles in the last twelve years. We could also throw into the mix that Wenger should thank Gibbs every day for saving his bacon against Hull as if we'd gone 3-0 down surely the cup would have been lost and the humiliation too great for Wenger. I suspect we'd have had a pretty quick resignation. I think the question you need to answer is what are Arsenal here for? Because with all the facilities , cash receipts and players should we not have expected a title. Accepting the fact that football had less cash in GG's day I believe that GG won titles against UTD with crowds far lower than UTD and with less buying power. You can extend that to Wenger as well. So if he did it so right once, why does he not do it now? I'm afraid in most job roles you would be for the chop for such s continued dive in performance.

  162. Hi Berry

    Mar 11, 2016, 18:02 #86069

    West Cork Frank - Gary Cahill was another...can't remember what the figures were but I seem to remember us quibbling over a million then as well....Shay Given was available and would have been an upgrade on what we had at the time.....the Suarez fiasco - a proper bid would have landed the title the following year and he would have had an incredible sell on value. Slightly off topic, but who saw Liverpool playing with pace, power and purpose last night. It's early days at Liverpool for him but you can already see the effect he is having on their style of play.

  163. anthony walters

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:55 #86068

    t.e. agree about the keeper.signing a michael carrick ,gareth barry ,scott parker who woudnt have cost much at the times of relying on denilson in defensive midfield.gary cahill at another time too.

  164. Hiccup

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:53 #86067

    Not sure why the 'wait til May' put downs have caused such a stir? Such a comment deserves knocking for 6. If that be the case, are we saying articles like this shouldn't be written? Basically, as soon as the first match kicks off, any negative comments on this blog about Wenger should wait until May? I wonder if United fans remain tight lipped about Van Gaal, waiting for May to kick in. Villa fans can't say anything bad about Garde until the curfew ends in May. I'm actually okay with this wait until May melarkey. The problem is when summer's here, Richard will be back on here telling us to wait to see how we do in the transfer market first. Then when no outfield players have been signed, we can't complain because the season has already kicked off again, and then the cycle begins again for the 10th year running. In effect, it's a 12 month ban to discuss Wenger.

  165. Tony Evans

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:47 #86066

    AW - Indeed but I firmly believe a league title or two would have come our way since 2004 under a new manager that was prepared to be more pragmatic and not continually leaving us short on quality - especially between the sticks.

  166. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:46 #86065

    Just come back from dinner in a nameless but very nice London Club. One of the attendees was a West Ham supporter. Very nice chap. Couldn't believe I wanted Wenger out. It really is odd isn't it! Anyway best explanation I could give was that 10 years ago we were still effectively level with UTD but Wenger failed to adapt compared to Fergie who changed coaches on 3 or 4 occasions to thresher things up. It is that which is the tradgedy and the undoing of a once great man. I think he just about got it. What a strange world we are in where the seemingly obvious to some doesn't appear to others.

  167. anthony walters

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:28 #86064

    hiccup i support the team at virtually all times but just as when i managed kids or local teams or played for teams every now and then players including myself need a verbal kick up the backside .in my years at the emirates i think i have booed the manager twice and the team less.everyone needs criticism at times though it has to be constructive and singing and support helps the team most but on a rare occasion managers and players have to know some things are unacceptable.

  168. Big Andy

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:24 #86063

    Fantastic article. The only thing that you failed to mention is the fact that Wenger can get away with this failure because he's at a club with no ambition. This American owner doesn't give a sh1t about success on the pitch. If we were a real football club then Wenger would have collected his P45 years ago.

  169. Hiccup

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:08 #86061

    "I boo if I think the manager deserves it and the players too, but I support the team through thick and thin." A tad contradictory...

  170. anthony walters

    Mar 11, 2016, 17:04 #86060

    tony evans i personally do believe it is probably time for change .yes there are many like you who have been saying for years wenger should go .believe me birmingham away in 2008 ,letting the defeat at old trafford after the 49 game unbeaten run effect us so much we threw the league i have lost it with wenger a fair few times but i could point out if we replaced him years ago it could easily be 10 years without a trophy and not 8 .we may not have won back to back fa cups had we changed manager 6 7 or 8 years ago.

  171. Silver Member

    Mar 11, 2016, 16:25 #86059

    Was this article written by a spud a chav or a tard.

  172. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 16:20 #86058

    Red Member, he meant next season after the next one and the one after that and the next two after that, and him and the rest of his ilk will still be judging him in May. It's not right laughing.

  173. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:59 #86057

    Gaz, another one of wengers bathroom attendants with the old chestnut judge him in may (not saying what year of course) you couldn't make it up, very conveniently forgetting (or it has just went right over his head) we've been judging him in may now for ten years, it's been said before fans like those deserve TOF and all the embarrassments he brings, unfortunately the proper fans who support Arsenal and want what's best for it don't. You really couldn't make it up. wenger out now.

  174. anthony walters

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:31 #86056

    captain frank well said.i like good opinions on here even if they differ from mine. unfortunately some people on here hate wenger the players and the club so much anyone with a different point of view is regarded as an akb or ridiculed.some arsenal fans now are so extreme it is ridiculous. one fans experience on another blog sums it up.there was a pub full of locals in for the derby mixed arsenal and spurs fans banter was going on walked an arsenal they didnt know slagging off ramsey swearing at him on the t.v.abusing him constantly mouthing how crap he was.when ramsey scored he smashed his beer glass in anger and stormed out of the can any so called arsenal fan be so full of hate for a player he cant celebrate a goal v spurs our biggest rivals?sadly some on here can't find one bit of good in anything arsenal players do and revel in defeats.i believe it is time for change but still support the team and the players as a season ticket holder i boo or have a go loudly if i think the manager deserves it and the players too but feel i am there to support the team through thick and thin.i am a low wage earner too so my season ticket costs me a great deal so i am certainly not from what some may call the prawn sandwich brigade.

  175. Comic Book Guy

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:10 #86055

    Wenger Mediocrelytes: may the fourth be with you. Worst. Imbeciles. Ever.

  176. Tony Evans

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:09 #86054

    Richard - I certainly agree that spending money by itself does not guarantee success, but not spending a penny piece on an outfield player last summer was surely folly beyond belief! I am not advocating a spend, spend, spend manager to replace Wenger, just one that fully uses the club's financial resources, when required, to strengthen the first team. As for 'Wenger Outs' wanting something 'instantly', most of us having been advocating change for nigh on 8 years!

  177. Red Member

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:07 #86053

    Richard - I do admire your patience. Assuming we dont win the league this season ( likely to be 11 points behind Leicester on Monday evening) please can you let me know why you think Wenger is capable of winning the league next season?

  178. West Cork Frank

    Mar 11, 2016, 15:00 #86052

    Have a feeling Sanchez will leave this summer, if he still has any ambition to be at a club that does all it can to win. As regards the Transitional Gap when the soulless bowl was being built, WE paid the fourth highest in transfers and wages. Therefore, finishing fourth was the least we could have expected. The far to early break up of the Invincibles, the unrealistic "youth project" and the heaps of rubbish players we have had to endure, resulted in misery for those that hold Arsenal close to their hearts. Remember when TOF wouldn't sign Fulham's Mark Swartzer for 3 million, instead leaving us with a succession of clowns or Swansea's Ashley Williams for 8 million. TOF thinks it's his money that WE have given to the club, whilst raking in an obscene 8.5 million a year, for what exactly is a mystery to me. A lot like Kroenke's 3 mill a year surcharge. As for Coquelin, if Wenger has a shred of basic ability then why was Coquelin on loan to Charlton for ? Surely he would have been better off at Arsenal, learning from Wenger and being part of a mentally strong squad. Oh I just remembered Wenger's uncanny ability to make a player worse than he was. Anyway, Coquelin, who at least shows some fight and pride, is not good enough for a club aspiring to win the league. It's more of a case of him being so much better than the alternatives we have. It dawned on me a few years ago that the reason Wenger doesn't sign top quality players is because there would be no excuses for failure then. One last thing, didn't like the editors comments about season ticket holders being the most loyal of supporters. I gave up my season-ticket this season because I couldn't stomach anymore weak and insipid performances. Does that lessen my loyalty ? What about those who are too poor ? Wenger out

  179. Barnaby

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:56 #86051

    Atleast most people have seen the light that afc are only in the FA cup now, we have a ****ing bunch of c**ts at our club

  180. Mr Chips

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:49 #86050

    RIcHaRd also know as Rev Perry the Circular Man thought he might get a bit of his diluted empirical bombast under the radar WHAT! Damn poor show teacher! And as for Le Prof of WHaT! Offshore accounts and virtual trophies ..... Do not I repeat Do not make me Guffffaw!

  181. Frank

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:40 #86049

    Wenger has brainwashed the players and some of our fans into thinking 4th is brilliant and a trophy.Then when a season comes along like this when the title is handed to us with ribbons on we revert back to trying to finish 4th mode.Truth is Wenger should have gone in 2009 he has been a busted flush since then

  182. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:38 #86048

    Most teenagers I know have a lot of drive, energy and optimism. Those characteristics seem to be quite evident in Le prof too. Let's hope we win on Sunday COYG!

  183. CT Gooner

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:38 #86047

    Spot on Gaz & Alsace, it's not about the spend, it's about what we do with our money and how we're developing players. I'd bet there are no top class managers who don't think they could get more out of our squad than Wenger. We truly are a sleeping giant, those that want more are only asking for us to wake up!!

  184. FrankButcher

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:23 #86046

    Cognitive dissonance I believe is what the AKB are suffering from.

  185. Captain Frank

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:23 #86045

    Was surprised and disappointed to see Richard described as very smug, self righteous and a clown after his post above. There are plenty of people who have posted on here recently who would deserve those assessments, but I felt it was harsh on Richard who came on here and expressed his opinion without resorting to abuse and whilst recognising that Bard's article (which is excellent by the way) was a refreshingly different slant on the Wenger out debate. He is an entitled to an opinion as anyone else. If we drive these people away by abusing them then the site is not a true home for ALL Arsenal fans and that's what has always been in the intention to the best of my knowledge. Having people from both sides of the argument makes for a more interesting conversation most of the time (although not if you have trolls copy and pasting from other sites and posting under different names) and it is far easier to influence people if they are prepared to interact with you. Just my tuppen'orth.

    Richard - I understand your assessment of how you judge the managers performance and in isolation it's not unreasonable, but do you also take into account whether he is doing all he can to give us the best chance of success? For example, if (and it's a very big if in my view) we were to finish second to Man City (let's leave leicester out of it for now as that creates a very different argument) this season and win the FA Cup, would you consider that to be enough to justify him continuing in the role? Or would you regard the season as a failure to capitalise on what has undoubtedly been an odd season where one or two signings (which we could have afforded) in key positions, plus a bit of tactical nouse and desire, could have seen us win the title? I'm in the latter camp and because it's far from being the first time Wenger has made such oversights, I'd be of the view that he needs to be replaced. The fact we are more likely to finish behind Leicester than Man City only makes the situation worse in my view.

  186. jjetplane

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:17 #86044

    'Who wants to be like Arsenal - celebrating coming 4th every season' - Well said Paul Scholes unlike dopey Ian Wright who has to be the dimmest pundit since Savage. And do not get me going on the dopiest Mr Wenger - he of the stretched vocabulary consisting of endless repetitions on speeeert, mental strength and little, look, I am bored. What a ****ing genius!

  187. Rubbish

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:10 #86043

    absolute rubbish article, reactionnary, biased, judgemental, childish. Stop writing "Bard" you are embarrassing yourself

  188. Alsace

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:09 #86042

    The Psychoanalysis is entertaining but the facts speak for themselves. Leicester City of Hottenham Tottspur will win the League this year. Do they have less money to spend than us? Yes. Do they have fewer technical resources? Why yes. Do they have dedicated strikers? Yes. When they set out upon the field, do they in the ordinary course of events, have a game plan? Yes. Do they work hard throughout the game rather than coast? Yes. Are they fitter than our team ? Apparently yes. Do they manage to get through the season without a constantly recurring catastrophic injury list? Yes. Do they have apparently capable managers who can take advantage of the usual top 4 clubs stinking the place out this season? Yes. So, on less money and with fewer resources, but with better organisation and better managers, Spurs or Leicester will win the League. Yes. What I wonder should we do to compete in the League? What would enable us to do the things that these clubs do correctly that we currently do not do? Change our modus operandi? Yes. What's that you say Sooty? Mr Wenger won't change our modus operandi because he thinks he's right when he's obviously in the deep end of the wrong? Yes. So it's time to boot him out on his bony bottom? No? Why is that, Sooty ? Because people are scared of change? Yes. Are they weak willed gutless people like Mr Cameron and some of the leaders of British Corporations who take their holidays in Tuscany and fear that Franco German people might be beastly to them should we show them the ausfahrt? Yes.

  189. clockendjim

    Mar 11, 2016, 14:06 #86041

    These are exactly the points I have been screaming for years now. Meet up with a group of intelligent Arsenal fans and there is total agreement on all these points. It only the blind Wenger faithful that refuse to acknowledge the glaringly obvious. The keeper situation has been the worst. Wenger tried to sign Schwarzer some years back when he was a top No.1 but the deal apparently failed over a difference in valuation of £1m; pocket money by today's standards. Over the last 10 years we could have been Champions at least once maybe twice with a quality goalkeeper. The irony was that if you looked down the league table, every team right down to the bottom clubs had a better No.1 than us. As poor as we have been at times this season, we would be mid-table but for Cech. John Terry rightly said Cech is worth 16 points to you in a season and I am sure he has saves us that already. It is not just the lack of spending money though. A team that is so spineless against the recent Man Utd & Swansea matches, is not being motivated by their Manager. Can you imagine a Mourinho or Alex Ferguson team giving up as easily as ours did, so there is something missing and it is probably Wenger running out of energy and ideas. There is sadly only one cure for that

  190. Badarse

    Mar 11, 2016, 13:30 #86040

    jetplane-Hello chum.

  191. jjetplane

    Mar 11, 2016, 13:16 #86039

    You tell em Sanderson/Pete/snoopy dawg/get a life/get a manager ....

  192. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 11, 2016, 13:05 #86038

    At least now even football commentators are beginning to say what most of us have known and been saying for years, namely that Arsenal only ever aim for top four, and not for the summit. Talk of title challenges from within the club, are purely just that - talk, and nothing more. The fact that Arsenal fans a few years ago, celebrated finishing fourth at Newcastle on the last day of the season as if they had won the CL, shows the mindset of so many supporters who appear happy to go along with only aiming for fourth. The club today is a sham, and an insult to the generations of Arsenal supporters who supported the club long before Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis took control, turning us today into a profit only institution, rather than a football club aiming for the very top.

  193. Tony Evans

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:55 #86037

    Hi Bard - a very fair reflection. The simple truth is that whilst we can applaud Wenger keeping us top four, we, just as equally, can shake our heads in disbelief and think of what might have been if such blatantly obvious failings had been rectified sooner. Cech has put the keeper issue to bed 7 years too late, but other issues rumble on with no sign that Wenger recognises the problems even exist. I would welcome a new manager with open arms - new ideas, a fresh approach and, most importantly, the return of hope for us fans.

  194. Arsenal Geezer

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:28 #86035

    Sandy, oh the irony of your own remarks 'time to leave and let the new generation take over'. Exactly what this club needs, something new, fresh ideas, someone with real ambition. He's had 20 years, nothing will change now with him. Time to leave as you put it.

  195. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:27 #86034

    Ray. In this day and age that's not a good question to be asking.

  196. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:24 #86033

    keniaji, those memories and admiration are long long gone mate, the only thing TOF will be remembered for is failure.

  197. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:13 #86032

    TOF looks like an undertaker in that photo, very apt indeed.

  198. Robin van Bergkamp

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:01 #86031

    Thank goodness someone has the courage to say this. No doubt there will be the usual throng of detractors, those Wengerites who rally round to defend this manager's weakness and insecurities but true Arsenal fans will realise that this grave obstacle to our success has to be removed.

  199. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 12:00 #86030

    There's nothing that can justify spin, lies, embarrassments, humiliations, stuffing's, not even insecurity, it's simply an old past it manager. Good Article, and the truth, and we all know how some don't like the truth. wenger out.

  200. mbg

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:49 #86029

    Excellent heading Bard, and that certainly goes for his AKB disciples too, TOF is insecure alright (even more now as everybody has woken up to him)along with egoistic and arrogant, and the sooner we have him out of our club the better.

  201. Gaz

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:30 #86028

    The general accusation is that those of us who want rid of Wenger are glory hunters who want success and want it right now. I'm sorry to blow a hole in that assumption but for me I couldn't care less whether it gets better or worse all I know is that I want a change at my Club. It's become boring, its become stale, and I'm fed up to the high bleedin teeth of being told to wait until May! And so what if another manager comes in and it initially gets worse? He'll surely have the absolute backing of these AKB types for a start and if he fails to improve we get rid and start again. If that's good enough for every other top Club in world football it sure as hell should be good enough for a side that can't ever get through the last 16 round of Europe's premier knock-out competition!...

  202. Jimmy Nail's Nose

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:22 #86027

    And right on cue, the acolytes speak. Judge him in May! Be careful what you wish for! Arsene is like the crows at the Tower of London. If he goes the club will crumble into dust! Our fanbase must contain one of the biggest collection of utter melts in football. Thank goodness that collection is getting smaller by the day. Your time is up Arsene, take your strops outtahere!

  203. Charles

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:17 #86025

    His ambition is solely to finish in the top 4, he is quoted as saying that finishing 2nd for 20 years would be success. As professor of false economics, he's calculated that we'd have to pay extra bonuses for finishing 1st so prefers to finish 2nd. His lack of ambition has been found out this year as Leicester have shown that the oil money excuse won't wash. Wenger out.

  204. Wenger Must Go

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:16 #86024

    @Bard. Couldn't have said it better myself. Do you think he should go in May?

  205. West Cork Frank

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:15 #86023

    Brilliant piece Bard. Much needed when there are clowns like Richard who can't see the wood for the trees. Wenger won't listen to advice or sign players with a strong character because they would see him as the complete incompetent manager that he is. As for us wanting something instantly, that is far from the case. Instead we are sick of the same mistakes being made for at least the last 10 years . Wenger out

  206. Ron

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:12 #86022

    Richard - i think you ll find that most of us who seek change have all at different times suggested that these same players have more mileage in them that AW doesn't extract and that other Coaches might. Thus, spending more money is only part of the solution. Ive seen very few shout from the rooftops demanding the Club spend obscene amounts to cure the Clubs obvious fallibilities. The flaw in yr view is that all of us have backed Wenger to the hilt in times past and have for yrs 'judged him in May'. May rarely changes anything though does it.Its those who seek to retain AW whose arguments and opinions change daily like the shifting sands, not those who seek changes at the top. Yr view really is simply to carry on as we are. Many agree with you, but dont dress it up as if that view is morally superior to others views. 3rd or 4th place and CL knock outs every season at the same time is fine if that floats your boat, but dont tut tut others who want better and think the Club is capable of better. Your post is very smug and self righteous.

  207. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Mar 11, 2016, 11:06 #86021

    The team that will win the league this year is the one that keeps it's head whilst everyone else has lost theirs.keep the faith and worry/sort out problems at seasons is the time to rally the troops and support the team and not have momments of doubt and pain

  208. keniaji

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:57 #86019

    As a fan who once felt Wenger could do no wrong, i just wish he would leave @the end of this season in order to retain the wonderful memories and admiration that almost all our fans had for him and not the present day plunge he's put himself into by ignoring the blatantly obvious needs. Nuff respect writer, u are spot on.

  209. Jimmy Nail's Nose

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:46 #86018

    He is a truly petulant man child, of that there is no doubt. Look at his dismissal of the banner, claiming we should look at the club before he arrived. What an arrogant cantankerous old git. Koeman was right, he always bloody moans but never at his underperforming players.

  210. Richard

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:46 #86017

    Your right there are variations on Wenger out or stay and yours is just another Wenger out variation refreshing as it may be. My issue with it is that you assume another manager or spending money will have automatically guarantees success, unfortunately that isn't the case. Now as for Wenger out he will have to be replaced at one point in time the big question is when. He at the very least deserves to end this season then be judged, even possibly because of what he has achieved and done for the club be given the right to finish his current contract. However, I believe we could win the league this year or next under Wenger and that will never be enough for the Wenger outs. they will go from not having won the leagues or c amount of years to never having won the champions league. There is an element to these Wenger outs that are themselves like spoilt children they want something and want it instantly and once they have it they discard it and want the next thing and want that immeadiately and if they don't get it they throw a wobbly. Me I would rather wait and judge the season in May and then make a judgement on Wengers position then, yes there have been some disappointing results this season. I have been at some of those matches but I never make an analysis after a match I always see if I can watch it on tv either in its entirety or as highlights. I can then watch dispassionately and watch for performance unclouded by emotion but purely on what I see was there effort was there a degree of control was it a poor performance etc. I use the same basis for my end of season Assessment have the team won anything first then have they been close to winning a piece of silverware have we qualified for champions league football. Then judge on those criteria.

  211. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:34 #86016

    Good stab at it, Bard, though gml has put in a similar amount of time and effort to counter your proposal. I suspect he won't be the last either...

  212. Ron

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:32 #86015

    Not sure any other footie manager has ever created such analysis as does the Proff. Theres much in what you say Bard probably. AW has a unique position of power there doesn't he and the apparent total trust of those he works for. He fulfils their criteria of expectations every season. There's no case at all to change the Coach from an employment point of view. Unfortunately, the disconnect between the Clubs wishes and the fans footballing desires is immense. I'm sure there must be at least a silent few on the Board who crave better on the pitch. The issue is AWs relationship with the Board and never has been him alone. Wenger goes, theres still SK with the same intentions for the Club. We can all argue from a fans position but we re wasting our time really while that stadium fills every other week.Its an unbreakable situ without the match goers voting with their feet and staying away.

  213. gml

    Mar 11, 2016, 10:17 #86013

    Absolute rubbish conclusion