Out of Ideas

Online Ed: Arsenal exit FA Cup at home to Watford

Out of Ideas

Photo by Marcia Milnes

Ed’s note – I booked a flight to Barcelona before Christmas that departed yesterday afternoon, thinking there was no way the Gunners would be playing on the Sunday before a Champions League game. So as I was watching the game on a small tablet in the airport before departure, I asked regular Gooner contributor David Oudôt to cover for me. Here is his piece on the game…

Before I discuss Arsenal, I want to offer nothing but congratulations to Watford and I hope that they go on to win the FA Cup. The best team won – indisputably so. Solid, seemingly impenetrable, quick with their counter-attack, and two fantastic goals… hang on, am I writing about Arsenal away at Manchester City last year? Where has that team gone?

Our performance was more of the same as it has been in most games since Christmas. Concentrating on possession, knocking the ball around tidily, and hoping we find our way around them. But with it being more of the same, the opposition know how to play against us in advance by watching tapes of Swansea/Manchester United/Southampton etc. Play a flat back four with the midfield two in front of them, and none shall pass. Our players are too tired, our manager will not give them an alternative way of playing; we are done for.

With it being an early Sunday kick-off a lot of the fans turning up would have been nursing a hangover, but even though they are professional athletes half our team seemed to have them too despite Wenger naming a very strong side. In the first half we did not offer a single shot on goal at Watford’s reserve goalkeeper who had been kicked out of both Manchester City and Sunderland this season. With Watford time-wasting early and having one eye on a potential replay they were there for the taking if we attacked them from the off as we did in the Manchester United home game in October, but that version of Arsenal is no longer around.

A comment on Andre Marriner who made some laughable decisions. He missed a clear penalty when Prodl went through Ozil before playing the ball. Gabriel’s clearly two-footed and aggressive tackle on Deeney occurred five yards away from Marriner in his clear vision, so to say we were lucky in him not being sent off is an understatement. For him to then go on and book Costel Pantilimon for time-wasting in the first-half, and then not issuing him a second booking and dismissal for doing the same thing on close to ten separate occasions in the second half defies logic.

In the second half, Watford’s opening goal seemed confusingly easy for them. How a 6ft right-back and 6’6” centre-half lost in the air to a centre-forward sandwiched between them is beyond me. Deeney flicked on, Ighalo glided by Gabriel, and comfortably finished. Simple. You would’ve thought that that would have acted as adrenalin to our players to step up and turn the game around immediately, but as we have seen too often in the last five years, Arsenal’s nonchalant “oh, never mind, we’ll score in a minute” egotism carried on and we persisted in our standard way for the next fifteen minutes until Guedioura added the second. Although it was a fine strike with the outside of the boot it was not an unstoppable pile driver. By not even diving full stretch in the hope he could get a hand to it, Ospina fell over and essentially waved a white flag at it and further proves that he is not quite good enough. Yes, he is a great shot-stopper from close-range, but whenever the tiny goalkeeper has an airborne ball come near him we all gasp in urgency, wondering whether he will actually get to the ball.

Wenger’s reaction was sheer panic in turning to the bench and throwing the three attacking subs on, but they were questionable changes. Elneny and Giroud were rightfully removed (Elneny still finding his feet, Giroud is past his prime and getting weaker), but Campbell must only have been taken off as his status is not big enough despite playing well. Alexis again failed to deliver and proved he needs this summer off rather than another Copa America, but because he’s a big-name player he stayed on. Welbeck justifiably came on (in form at the moment but Wenger claiming “It was not possible medically to have started [him]”. God only knows…) and scored our consolation goal, but Walcott and Iwobi offered nothing. Iwobi may have started every FA Cup game thus far but he is inexperienced and cannot be turned to in critical situations like this. Walcott, on the other hand, as one of three highest paid players on the staff, should be fined his wages as he delivered nothing on yet another occasion. As I mentioned in the current issue of The Gooner, it is time for us to part ways. Some may cite Welbeck’s agonising open goal miss as a key point that cost us a reply but that was in injury time, at the end of us crawling back from a 0-2 score line at home in the FA Cup quarter-finals.

The only player I think that deserves credit is Ozil who deserves so much more than this side. Creating chances-a-plenty every single game, but the likes of Walcott, Giroud, Welbeck etc. failing to finish them off has him staring at the skies with his mouth open. I don’t blame you, Mesut. If you’re creating this for Lewandowski, Muller et al at Bayern next season and they have 100 goals by January it will be well deserved.

After seeing his post-match interviews, I’m confused as to what match Wenger was watching or what team he thinks he has built. “We were the better side and deserved to win because of the number of chances created”… but we don’t need a new striker. We “had enough technical superiority to win the game”… but were beaten in the same way other sides had beaten us recently. “I don’t think we suffered a lot defensively”… but Watford literally walked around our defence to score their two goals. Whilst I appreciate that he has targets set by Kroenke, the sad fact is that by reaching the knock-out stages of the Champions League and us being in the top four, he has essentially met them. Last season, Chelsea won £24m for winning the Premier League, whilst our third place fee was £22m. With the prize money for FA Cup winners being £1.8m and the TV money for finishing fourth in the Premier League being over twenty times that as of next season, it’s clear that silverware is only a bonus and it’s only a day out for us fans and nothing to Wenger. It is time for him to go.

With regard to the ‘opt-out’ issue, the official ‘attendance’ was 58,346. Some season ticket holders didn’t attend so the Club could not put the cost of an extra Grade ‘B’ fixture on next season’s payment to make it clear to them that football is overwhelmingly expensive nowadays and not just for away fans. Read into it what you will that Watford upgraded their allocation to the full 9,000 on Thursday afternoon, and that Arsenal made many free tickets available to the British Forces through the Tickets for Troops scheme.

The current issue of The Gooner can be bought from the ever reliable Alex at the away matches v Barcelona and Everton. It can also be bought online here. A new issue will be on sale when Watford return in the Premier League in early April.

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  1. mbg

    Mar 17, 2016, 13:50 #86527

    Martyn, maybe, but certainly not if wenger is the manager. wenger out.

  2. mbg

    Mar 17, 2016, 13:39 #86525

    Made up Stat, scandalous isn't it ? talk about taking money under false pretences,(people are in prison for less)and I bet he didn't have to spend a penny of it, getting everything paid for, a sad state of affairs indeed (no pun intended)go now you sad old fraud.

  3. Petit

    Mar 17, 2016, 9:10 #86487

    How can we all fail to realise that the problem is no longer about the players but the manager? His tactics are all wrong, not even an MSN attack at Arsenal can change that. Anybody who comes to the club, no matter how brilliant he is, football would be coached out of him. Wake up, he is not walking away, we have at least another miserable season ahead of us.

  4. Hi Berry

    Mar 17, 2016, 8:42 #86485

    Anthony, I can only endorse the excellent replies made above by Mark, ArseneKnewBest amd KC - all of which laid out with clarity the position many take on this site. No one here takes any 'pleasure' in seeing Arsenal lose, but the frustrations felt by many over the seemingly endless 'rinse, repeat/groundhog day' scenario that now plays out every season, allied with the realisation that there appears to be no end to this remaining the norm as long as Wenger delivers a top 4 place, has jaundiced their view to such an extent that a string of bad results is seen as the only way of breaking the cycle. To me, this seems like a reasoned view, not a saddening and sickening one, especially when so many of us have invested so much time, effort and emotional commitment to the club we love over many decades stretching back to the late sixties in my case. To argue, as Tony Attwood and Walter Broeckx do on Untold Arsenal, that only those who support Arsenal and Arsene Wenger are 'true supporters' is, in my view, a somewhat simplistic stance to take and extremely myopic. The endless statistics and 'referees are biased against Arsenal' conspiracies that abound on that site verge on the childish and only serve to deflect the harsh reality that is becoming increasingly obvious to more and more supporters: namely that it is time for a change at the top.

  5. Peter Wain

    Mar 17, 2016, 8:40 #86484

    we played well against a team who had won the game already and did not try that hard. You can see why Sanchez and Osil were let go good players but hard top top quality.We still need at least 5/6 players and this manager will not get them so more of the same this summer although I do expect Wenger to buy at least one out field player. Mind you if we miss out on champions league he will have the perfect excuse for sitting on his hands. Difficult to see a positive result on Saturday.

  6. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 17, 2016, 8:39 #86483

    I'm sick of hearing about how we are only 2/3 players away from being a great side. It does not matter a fig if we had Franz Beckenbauer, Bobby Moore, Bryan Robson and Pele playing for us if they are not coached or the team is not set up properly to maximum effect...................which is down to Sleeping Bag Man.

  7. John F

    Mar 17, 2016, 8:14 #86482

    I thought we played well but Barca played our type of game.It is the teams that sit back and break that makes us adopt a pass until we lose it style of play.Before both legs I could see Barca winning the cup but now if they come up against a team with decent strikers I am not so sure.Fantastic going forward but looked vulnerable in defence. Barca v B Munich final would be great to watch.Eleny looked good.

  8. Martyn

    Mar 17, 2016, 7:51 #86481

    I suppose the irony of last night was if we had played like that against Watford, Swansea and Man Utd we probably would have beaten them. At one point I thought we were going to win the match, if not the tie. But Barca are on another planet. Disappointment was the performances of Ozil and Sanchez. These are supposed to be world class players. We all now know why Barca let Sanchez go. Well done Elneny and Iwobi; something positive for the future.

  9. Made Up Stat

    Mar 17, 2016, 7:32 #86480

    On a more positive note: Arsene 'It's all down to me when things go well and it's not my fault when things go bad' Wenger earned £22,000 yesterday.

  10. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Mar 16, 2016, 23:36 #86479

    Thoroughly bored with the repetition of it all. Me out.

  11. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 23:26 #86478

    No FA cup to save TOF now. wenger out.

  12. smithy

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:45 #86477

    Positives from the nou camp- Eleny, iwobi and welbeck. Negatives from the nou camp- inability to defend, ozil, sanchez, walcott and Giroud. For us to compete at the top level we need a major restructure. If in any doubt look at bayern's work rate and desire tonight when they really needed to put it in.

  13. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:33 #86476

    Did you hear TOF in his post match ? trying to justify his failure by telling us how many times we've been beaten (he really meant embarrassed and humiliated) by the winners ? he failed to tell us why, you couldn't make it up, what a fraud and excuse for a manager. go now you old fraud.

  14. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:29 #86475

    6 seasons out in the first KO round for Arsene he just can't cut the mustard ,French or English ,at European level. We were fortunate to even get to the first KO round having just scrapped in by finishing second on g/d in the weakest group of the tournament. We lost in humiliating fashion to Championship side Sheffield Wednesday in the League Cup,went out like a duff light bulb at home in the FA Cup to Watford and trail Leicester by 11 points in the league and the spuds by 6 . The chickens have come home to roost for Wenger due to his lack of signing new players last summer while awarding contracts to players such as Arteta and Walcott based on their loyalty to himself .Sanchez 12 goals in 52 games and Ozil again failing to shine in another big game show that Wenger is failing to buy the right players when he does spend money . Signing Cech was supposed to have turned our chumps into champs but if Cech could do that then why did Chelsea sell him.It's time we stopped signing top clubs rejects such as Welbeck ,Ozil and Sanchez because results are not getting any better than they were when we had RVP, Fabregas and co .We need a new manager though to sort out the mess that Wenger has made of things unfortunately as others have said us suffering more bad results will be required before that happens. A top 4 finish will again be enough - along with the usual promises of new signings and changes for next season - to see good old Arsene still on parade with us next term. No doubt he will be doing work for French TV during the Euro tournament to earn even more money .You couldn't make it up.

  15. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:22 #86474

    Mark from Aylesbury, ArseneKnewBest, two good posts, it really is about time these so called super fans woke up.

  16. KC

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:16 #86473

    Anthony it is the 6 at the bridge the 8 at Utd the 5 at anfield the 5 in Munich the 4 4 at Newcastle the 4 at Southampton, the list goes on and on season after season. The bottom line is Wengers DNA his spine or lack of it his refusal to spend on defensive players means there is no hope of ever challenging the best and this lack of a base to play from has left us short in a season that has seen the best fall away. Sadly Wenger has no one else to blame but himself but he is far to arrogant to admit any error so it is just groundhog season after season. I never want us to lose but I do want Wenger out chants as I believe this is the best way to convince him to go it's not a great thing to wish for but the man will not walk. Hope I'm wrong.

  17. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 22:05 #86472

    Does anyone think Barca played a little bit with handbrake on ? go now old man.

  18. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 16, 2016, 21:59 #86471

    Anthony well anyway you seem a decent chap who is less angry probably very thoughtfull and no doubt depressed over the chaos at the club. We are all trying to stumble towards some sort of better tomorrow. Up the Gunners!

  19. Paulo75

    Mar 16, 2016, 21:46 #86470

    Fairly predictable outcome despite a largely spirited performance. The gulf in quality could have been partly breached if we had invested properly in years gone by rather than persisting with players that will never make the top grade a la Walcott, Flamini, Giroud.... Even boring myself bringing up the same old problems.

  20. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 16, 2016, 20:20 #86469

    Anthony - "Enjoying" defeats is entirely the wrong the word, and this is a trap that Arsene devotees fall into regularly when trying to categorise AMGs. If you think I'm "enjoying" watching the impending defeat to Barca (1-0) down already or the p*ss that the team served up against Watford, then I'd have to be a Spurs fan wouldn't I? The truth is, much as I'd prefer it not to sometimes, the Arsenal's struggles are deeply felt by me and other AMGs. It's more about expediency borne out of exasperation: the more Arsene loses, the greater the probalility that he'll be shown the door. For most of us, that is the only, albeit partial, solution. The remainder of our malaise will only be sorted with a change in direction amongst the board and owners and that is arguably an even tougher nut to crack because Toupee-King ain't gonna bite the hands (ours) that feed him.

  21. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 19:45 #86468

    mark i get where you are coming from .there is such negativity in a large section of the fans now no doubt it effects the players.for the reasons i have previously stated i believe we have to change manager.the car we go to matches in reflects that one guy was always arsene knew but even he is slowly coming round me i.ve always had some doubts but despite his faults v birmingham the battle of the buffet the way the team folded etc i gave him the benefit of the doubt because of the greater good .2 guys in the car are so anti wenger its all negativity they wouldnt speak to me after the chelsea defeat.we are a divided club now but no matter what enjoying us lose not enjoying wins for any fan is going too far in my opinion.i certainly will be not giving up my season ticket but hope wenger does go for the greater good now.

  22. BiggoonerDave

    Mar 16, 2016, 19:08 #86467

    If that line up isn't there for a right to to tonking,I don't know what is!!!!!!!

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 16, 2016, 19:04 #86466

    Anthony you can be sickened by it all you like but here are some points. An element of Arsenal supporters really do not like Wenger in the past this might have been a bit of a rump around Myles Palmer but in my opinion it has grown. In fact he is such a devisive figure that we have had reports of yet another punch up. Arsene and Kronke appear to interwoven this is also cause for journalistic critique. Therefore the classic push pull relationship between owner and manager is completely missing. At its worst you get a Jesus Gill like craziness with continual sackings but at its best you get Ferguson, the Liverpool boot room and present day Barcelona with Chelsea as a potential example as well. We though can never experience this as our presently under performing manager (imho) is being overly protected by the board. Do not forget that these supposed worthies have been very insulting to reasonable questioning so in that regard they started the war. Finally there seems to be no mechanism to remove a devisive manager from our club so therefore the only route for some is to pray for embarrassment and defeat to remove him. Before you kick back remember that none of us wanted an 8-2 or a 6-0 or a 5-1 or a humiliating defeat to Birmingham. Good old Arsene provided all of this himself. So what I am saying here is you need to have a think about how others see this. Stop being so "sickened" as you put it and look at the complete farce with a manager who apparently is bored!

  24. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 16, 2016, 18:46 #86465

    BETTING BULLETIN - In Westie's absence as a pint-glass collector and cleaner at Cheltenham this week (yuck!), here are the latest odds on tonight's game. Pyrhhic victory 3-1, Massive sweeping win 3 million-1, heavy drubbing evens, three plus injuries for AFC in the warm up evens, underwhelming displays from Walnut, Ox and Rambo 1-3, Seventeen separate arm waving displays by Giroud evens, Eighteen arm waving displays by weng also evens, anorak problems 1-33, displays of boredom/petulance by Ozil and Sanchez evens, Gallic shrugging resignation and a complete lack of honesty from OGL post-game, possibly blaming the fans 1-33, Stan and Ivan actually watch the game instead of just the toupee and a hologram 3000-1. Roll up and place your bets!

  25. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2016, 18:13 #86464

    So there is an unbeaten 37 game coach Enrique saying coaches should be on no more than 6 months contracts and then you have the dinosaur in a duvet happy to make it 40 years at the same club. What Enrique was implying is that Wenger would only manage a bare 6 months at the real and not the virtual top. Notice that the TESCO chief is speaking of being on the CUSP of something or another. Further proof that Wenger makes a great supermarket man and little else. That one little buried nugget of RM gagging for Wenger's services when at his peak seems so comical now. If it had happened Wenger would now be the manager at Barnet perhaps .... Oh the wasting of space. Lovely little story of 3 10 year olds invading the Barca training pitch but not getting a touch of the ball. Bet they did better than the Holloway Hornets (sic) would after a Wally inspired rally to the troops while they played with their beards and Bouldie's daughter made copious notes for her Masters program .....

  26. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 18:13 #86463

    Hi Berry, like Brian he's kidding no one either.

  27. John F

    Mar 16, 2016, 18:10 #86462

    Looking at the spuds fixtures they have utd at home Liverpool,Stoke and Chelsea away plus a tricky away game at Rafa's Newcastle last game.Our fixtures look hard but when you factor in we are playing the four semi finalists if the Whammers win and maybe a champion league involved city it doesn't look to bad.All the teams in the cup will feel they have a chance to win it which may be a preoccupation for them.It is not impossible to finish runners up.This will be touted as a huge success and will be enough for Wenger to keep his job then he will probably be offered a new 10 year contract .We will all be here same time next year posting the same thing.

  28. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 17:57 #86461

    I did this I did that, I built this I built that, only for me you'd be nothing, a classic lets have sympathy for poor arsene tactic, he's crtainly learned tactics all of a sudden, you couldn't make it up, what a fraud. wenger out.

  29. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 17:53 #86460

    hiberry i an no akb nor am i a wenger hater .tony on untold arsenal challenged fans to name someone who could replace wenger i replied to his challenge ronald koeman .some of the extremes on here are sickening to me wanting arsenal to lose enjoying defeats slagging off victories yet claiming to be the true fans.REALLY true fans who enjoy defeats hate victories but on there some live in cloud cookoo land .wenger had his limitations i have posted in his best of times now he is past his best he needs replacing at the end of the season the team is simply under performing in the crunch parts of the season and it's his team.i like healthy strong opinions on either side of the debate i love arsenal and that is it.

  30. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 17:36 #86459

    kc wenger still gets a lot more right than wrong.i wouldn't knock george graham but pride comes before a fall and taking the spurs job was just that.arsene has failed to get us over the edge or seen us fall away a fair few times but i still thought the good outweighed the bad but now he fails to get the best out of his players some are too comfortable and too often he fails to pick horses for courses.as i said on another post 2002 was in my opinion the best squad he had .the team that won at old trafford seamen lauren keown campbell cole parlour edu vieira ljunberg wiltord kanu. bergkamp was on the bench why because he knew as bergkamp did when teams kicked and were in our faces he would sometimes go missing or occasionally elbow someone we could have played with ten men either way.would he leave ozil out in similar circumstances today ?i doubt it .we won that match with adams pires henry and van bronkorst injured.another tough underrated squad player at right back central midfield was gilles grimandi i think he was well undervalued by a lot of fans.

  31. Hi Berry

    Mar 16, 2016, 17:34 #86458

    JW, the AKBs are not in hiding - they are alive and well over on Untold Arsenal where the meanings of myopia and delusion are re-defined. More than one contributor is convinced we are on the cusp of greatness which begins with thrashing Barcelona tonight before carrying all before us on the way to being CL winners in May! 'Tony Attwood(y)' (who posted one of his UA contributions on here earlier) is in temporary charge in the absence of the esteemed Walter Broeckx. Interesting to see Anthony Walters popping up there as well with nuggets such as 'personally i think it is time for change but any mild defense of arsene wenger on that site (online gooner) is met with being ridiculed he is the devil to them.very very sickening and sad.' Anyone who wants to enjoy a laugh and see that black is actually white should wander over to that site for fifteen minutes to enjoy the numerous conspiracy theories abounding there. As you say, Jeff....you couldn't make it up!

  32. KC

    Mar 16, 2016, 16:34 #86457

    Ron, it's certainly a valid point although Tony Adams types are few and far between. I do believe John Terry would have improved us had he been our player,CFC will find him hard to replace. These types lead both on and Off the pitch and demand from others. Take TA's comments to Bergkamp re not winning enough as proof. At home games I am staggered by our players not complaining to the refs about time wasting by keepers, their lack of appealing for pens, they are like the comlete opposite of gamesmanship, this smacks of a lack of leadership. Wenger has always underestimated leaders which is another of his weaknesses. I strongly feel though its the spine and ability to set up defensively when the time calls that undermines Wenger, its the lack of protection to a very soft back four and I for one rate PV as the best of his type and he was French as we know. The Ox has been a big disappointment, I have sat and watched him totally disappear in games when its been tough,his lack of end product and ball possesion concern me, I am not sure about his mental strength although I do agree that any opinion would have greater depth if he could play 10 or 15 games. Walcot this season has been an expensive joke,he usually does add goals and assists but not this season. Gibbs appears mentally weak and lacks real devil, Ramsey over rated by Wenger but never hides. I really rate Jack but again his inability to be on the pitch is so frustrating and when he is the sense not to act like his PV or Roy Keane would benefit his game. Its the core that I feel is the real point here regardless of nationality.

  33. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:31 #86456

    jj, yes, he's kidding no one, you couldn't make it up.

  34. Ron

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:29 #86455

    KC - I personally think that the 'foreignization' of the Club is to a large degree the reason why we are as we are. I appreciate its endemic in footie now as its a world wide game etc and free movement of players and such like, but though the latter few yrs has seen AFC try and roll back the tide a bit, i think the Club lacked some real British presence from that period 2000-2002 when the Club stared to become the cosmopolitan set up that it did. The British fraternity now are a poor job lot on the whole. Seems a few Clubs are looking at the Ox. Hes the one i d keep. Get shot of the Wally and the Willy well before him. The Ox could do well given a position he knows, rather than his play anywhere bit part role and a few regular games.

  35. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:24 #86454

    For all his french sang-froid and existensialism, Wenger just isn't being honest with himself. He's done the opposite of building a football club: he has conspired to dismantle it and strip away the culture that marked it as special, turning it over to a group who specialise in securing the biggest bottom line at the expense of fans (who get sh*t on and served a regular diet of failure and mediocrity). He's the enemy within our club right now along with our loveable toupe'ed twazzer from the mid-west and Gazidis (who might be part greek but who certainly doesn't bear gifts). A shower of money grubbers.

  36. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:11 #86453

    In the Luton end, and Linighan could help TOF build and plumb a new heating system for the stadium, TOF could get his steel toe capped boots, hiviz, and speeritt level out of retirement after building the Emirates itself.

  37. KC

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:10 #86452

    Anthony, some really great posts. I used to be a massive Wenger fan and a big GG fan, not any more. In my opinion GG is not a patch on Wenger in terms of what was delivered and how it was delivered. I also believe that although I have lost so much respect for Wenger he is a much better man with greater decency and football life values than GG had. Going to manage the Spuds says it all. Your posts give me hope, on one hand we have pro Wenger sites that act like a cult all devoted to Wenger and cannot see the obvious. On this site we have I believe far better views but some are so in denial of anything good Wenger has delivered its almost as if they hate anything not British. The pathetic acronym’s and hatred gets you down as all it does is dilute decent debate. (Why not go to the Emirates and start Wenger out chants as this will be far more productive than being a keyboard warrior, Wenger hates criticism and I believe these chants would be one thing he cannot handle) Wenger’s weaknesses, arrogance, poor choice of defensive type players, in bed with Kronke, refusal to listen, frugal spending and his belief he is never wrong infuriates me and is ruining all the great work in the early years and taking away all the respect I once had for him. But I will always remember the early years as they were the best I will probably ever see and certainly will not forget.

  38. Made Up Stat

    Mar 16, 2016, 15:01 #86451

    Yeah, well Starship built an entire city on rock and roll. Beat that, oh great founder of Arsenal.

  39. mbg

    Mar 16, 2016, 14:51 #86450

    Le Grande Odeur, good post, there's some would have you believe that was TOF's team (even himself) Exeter, and just like TOF himself there's still some (regardless of what they say or imply) who cant/won't see it, and just won't/can't let go of his coat tails. Sad. wenger out.

  40. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2016, 14:30 #86449

    Mark,Brian was a name that Badarse admitted to using on here once in an attempt to disguise himself - it was never going to work though it was so obviously just Badarse. The reverend Jamerson does pop up frequently under various nom de plumes on here he claims to have a brother called Pete who goes around bashing up Arsene's critics .It's generally believed though that Jamie is a troll who supports Chelsea and wants Arsene kept on because he never beats them. If I supported Chelsea so would I !

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 16, 2016, 14:00 #86448

    JW - I should add it did find your script very amusing. I'm just wondering why you chose the name Brian? The poor Reverand is always popping up on this site on one form or other. Lol

  42. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2016, 13:39 #86447

    ... good old Brian, Jamerson and others we have known and laughed at ...

  43. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2016, 13:23 #86446

    jj, the ABk's are sulking in hiding,but as we saw after the 'great win' away to Hull in the FA Cup it doesn't take much to get them back gloating. Westie must have filled his boots with all those good things winning at Cheltenham yesterday .Not sure though if there is any cash to be made out of tonight's tete a tete at the Nou Camp. I might have a punt on first goal scorer and go for Suarez. Good old Arsene.

  44. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2016, 13:08 #86445

    JW now that is what I call a great script! Wonder if Leek and Coleslaw are reading ..... Westie must be having a great time at the races if he cannot put his usual numerical shift on here. having visions of Rev Perry filling the parish litter bin with unfinished circulars - fellow gooners - remember that! lol!

  45. bromley boy

    Mar 16, 2016, 12:57 #86444

    Nick, good post and dead right on wenger . if my memory serves me right we beat southampton at home after that 2 point deduction

  46. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 12:45 #86443

    nick a couple of points in reference to my last post it is not just us that lacks leaders we have a frequently injured wilshire and past his best flamini and that is it really.who have man city got ?company hart aguero zabaletta maybe ?most sides lack inspirational characters like the past .it is unbelievable and unacceptable as again i put in prior posts gabriel monreal mertesacker and koscielney have conceded goals from simply not closing down shooters or crossers and turning their backs they are defenders for christ sake.i repeat tony adams is my favourite ever and arsenals best player and hillier was probably one of my favourites in that team .hope tgat clears up misunderstanding.

  47. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2016, 12:39 #86442

    Loving football at the moment where supporting my local club who are having a great few weeks in the 9th tier really helps with perspective and what this game was all about in the first place. Believe even Sanchez has decided enough is enough (watch his movement for Watford's second) and secretly like a lot of other people in football ain't buying this fat urban myth of how Wenger changed football in this country. Evolution does not rely on pathologically singular individuals who are emotionally immature and latterly limited. Anyway - with the mantra of 'you can only be free by letting go' I am regaining a measure of compassion for some elements of the PL despite the toxic financial environment which makes Mexican drug cartels a more moral option. Despite that I give you ****ing Harry Kane. Watching the play between him and Alii is like when Pires and DB were kicking off big time. Chuck in the same thing happening at Leicester and Everton and a new top four is possible next season. The big money boys are all lacking hunger and cohesion (Wenger and cohesion - bollocks) and models like Ath Madrid are proving a proper TEAM with a group ethic is the way football now looks at it most attractive. Wenger has now reached the downward spiral where Watford (another fine unit) can without comment say Arsene FC are easy and the space they allowed Watford was bordering on a form of football insanity. How Wenger has managed to stick in there for this long is one of the greater tragedies of modern football. Let's hope a lesson will finally be learnt here. If you want a football club - get football people in. Remember one AKB on here calling me an idiot when I suggested we are seeing a top four reformation. Well - we are almost there and though I am indifferent to the fates of a number of teams I will take them as a summation for now over the time wasting farce that is Wenger's damaging intervention in the PL. Gotta say once again to those Arsenwipes who laughed at Kane earlier this season and even said Ollie was a better bet. It is the fault of a great deal of supporters and the AKBs not the WOR are killing this club with their ignorance, immaturity and wholesale fear. Right! Coffee time! ps Now training my voodoo energies on a total Man Citeh meltdown and the Hammers winning every game for the rest of the season and the same may well go for Klopp who is total boss. Totally sick as the kids say ....

  48. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 12:29 #86441

    nick i completely agree with you i already have mentioned wengers flaws and what happened at birmingham and old trafford in previous posts and i as a manager which i have been would have used those incidents to inspire and fire up my team.i was not knocking those players and it was in answer to another post i put that.of course it is on the pitch that counts and i wasn't knocking those idols of mine.i was playing a lot in 1991 so went to around 10 games that is probably the most underrated side in english football.football is different reflecting society i believe and having been involved in local football and watched top football for many years i believe from the very best level ie champions league world cup to park level standards have dropped skill levels are possibly higher but standards of team spirit and togetherness are far less abundant.hope that clears that up.

  49. Nick

    Mar 16, 2016, 12:01 #86440

    Anthony Walters I take it you were not one of those stood on the North Bank telling the league to stick their TWO points up their @*£# ? We were deducted TWO points manure one, after a flare up STARTED by Brian Mclair kicking Winterburn while he was on the ground , of course we were treated more harshly than media darlings manure even though it they initiated and provoked the so called brawl, but that team actually HAD the things Wenger pretends his side has we HAD SPIRIT !! we stuck together and fought for each other, we HAD MENTAL STRENGTHS, and PROVED it by coming back from adversity by actually USING it in our favour to win the league in the end comfortably , so what if our players weren't choirboys !! They were MEN !! Wenger showed his true colours on the day we lost our unbeaten run at OT to Rooneys cheating and a homer of a ref , Wenger sulked from that day onwards and allowed the team to do the same, we were still five points clear at the top after that loss but the character of our manager and the malaise it spread to the team saw us give up and lose the title, we have NEVER recovered from that , we should have USED the injustice to spur us on instead Wenger allowed us to wallow in self pity !! It is a trait that has continued ever since, in 2008 after the dire day in Birmingham, he should have rallied the team fired them up to use the iniquities of that day to INSPIRE us to win the title, but no he again sulked and allowed the team to sulk too, he is NO motivator of men , his myth has been exposed he should at least have the decency to resign !!

  50. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2016, 11:57 #86439

    Brain was sat rigid with fear in a chair in his garden staring in front of himself as though in some sort of myopic trance at the Fox that crouched menacingly on its four paws before him. Brian noted that the creature had a Royal Blue and White ribbon tied in a bow around its furry neck. The Fox slowly opened its jaws revealing a set of nasty sharp looking fangs and then suddenly snarled and leapt at Brian .Brian screamed out in terror and then awoke from his trance on hearing his wife calling out,Brian,Brian are you alright? Er,yes love,replied Brian just nodded off and had a bit of a nightmare . Brian's wife Gladys came out of the kitchen door and sighed wearily . Not one of those nasty Fox ones again was it ? you keep shouting out about them and that awful Arsene Wenger fellow that you are obssessed with in your sleep. Brian, now recovered from his Fox nightmare, retorted angrily to his wife's comments. Arsene is not awful he is a great man who deserves respect ! Gladys shook her head , Bill says that he is an old past it fool and needs replacing. Brian struggled to his feet fists clenched in suppressed rage eyes bulging with hatred,Bill is the fool and past it he spluttered... anyway he supports Crew Alexandria and what have they ever done! Gladis taken aback by Brian's outburst and actions decided it was best to calm things down... so she smiled saying ,well then dear let's have a cup of tea and some biscuits then you can take your medication you will feel much better Why don't we go out tonight and see a show? Brian shook his head sadly saying ,the pantomime season is over now and you know I don't like watching anything else .Anyway,he added ,there is a big game on the tv tonight that I want to watch. Who is playing ,asked Gladys. Barcelona and Arsenal replied Brian. Gladys laughed ,so the pantomime season is not over yet then!

  51. Kerryman Gooner

    Mar 16, 2016, 11:12 #86438

    Tonight we just might get a result. Barca will take it easy. Tie is gone. That's precisely when this Arsenal perform - when the pressure is off. And Wenger will take the credit for a result. Mental strength etc. This is sad, but I actually think Barca would do us a favour if they gave us a hammering. Will someone please take us out of our misery. Where is D Dein ?

  52. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 16, 2016, 11:09 #86437

    Mark, I thought your home analogy a very good one. This season should of course be the collapse to end all collapses, with the team not even able to cope with the pressure of a challenge from Leicester and Spurs. But despite that, you can see a little run being put together in the last few games to give Wenger the chance to spin the narrative and give fans that hope going into the summer that next time it'll be different. It would take the current run carrying on all the way to the end of the season for there to even be a slight chance Wenger would be obliged to go.

  53. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:52 #86436

    Exeter - where I was trying to get to is that the corporate fantasy works to a degree but a bad defeat against Everton and I'm convinced the away crowd will turn. We may even end up having a train incident again. I think he will bluster his way to a degree but the anger which is being unleashed may well see him do a runner. Note none of the board have come out and said leave Wenger alone. They are letting him hang which suggests some view it as inevitable. For those saying I hope we finish 6th I think it really is s possibility. There is simply no shape in the team. West Ham are far better than us at the moment

  54. Bard

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:46 #86435

    My oh my the Weng built the club all on his own, no Diamond Danny or David Dein. No one else did anything. He negotiated all the finance, sorted all the transfers !!! Bet thats gone down well at Arsenal HQ. Methinks its a slight over estimation of the great mans powers but there you go. Tonights eventual result will depend on how up for it Barca are. They already have a solid lead so 1/2-0 will be plenty. I think we will see a hell of a lot of us running around like blue arsed flies trying to get a touch of the ball never mind mounting meaningful attacks.

  55. bromley boy

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:33 #86434

    back in the 98 double season we played blackburn at home we lost badly ( cant remember actual score 1-3 springs to mind ) after the game Tony Adams went up to Wenger and told him " the back 4 need more protection from Vieira and Petit" we then went on an unbeaten run until we won the league against Everton.( i was in the north bank and yes the stand did move ) now where is that Tony Adams in our team now to tell Wenger he is getting wrong !! wenger has become to powerful not letting anyone give him some fresh ideas its his way and his way only.throw in kronke to the mix telling wenger to make a profit and dont worry about trophies and what we have is a poisonous mix running this Great club of ours. Even some members of the diamond club are up in arms with the threat of legal action against the club over a 7% increase for next season . wherever you look and all different levels of support fans are unhappy i would put a guess that between 75%-85% want both kronke and wenger out how much longer can they both ignore whats going on.perhaps Arteta/per will tell them but i doubt it

  56. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:31 #86433

    I'd wager Linighan would be worth a place too, he had his limitations but never backed away from grinding out a scrappy result, or a cup - winning last minute goal with a busted nose, for that matter.

  57. Red Member

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:30 #86432

    if anyone built "modern day" Arsenal then it was David Dein. if anyone built Arsenal into being a top club though then it was Herbert Chapman. He set the foundations for 5 league titles in 8 seasons. Wenger has managed a paltry 3 in 20 by comparison

  58. Le Grande Odeur

    Mar 16, 2016, 10:07 #86431

    I BUILT THE CLUB! Says it all from Clouseau. The team for Rioch's last game against Bolton was Seaman, Dixon, Keown, Linighan, Marshall, Winterburn, Platt, Parlour, Merson, Bergkamp, Wright. Seaman, Dixon, Keown, Winterburn, Parlour, Merson, Bergkamp and Wright would walk into this current team. What an arrogant idiot!

  59. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 9:24 #86430

    john f yeah times were different.read perry groves or mersons books .like i said they were an extension of local football teams i played in.i just hope arsene knows when it's time to quit.dave seaman looked slow in his last season with us arsene knew he was gone man city signed him he had to retire middle of following season because he was so bad.mertesacker signifies us at the moment he comments on the finishing yet was partly responsible for the kane goal at spurs ,swanseas first goal ,both barcelona goals ,both watford goals .people say his lack of pace is the problem which is fair enough but each of these goals though others were culpable too were nothing to do wirh pace but down to lack of desire ,positional indiscipline and organisation.his general play is good but has simply switched off at vital times.players simply aren't showing enough desire,organisation or discipline.trouble is is there anyone above arsene strong enough to tell him he has lost his touch or is arsene not self aware of his own and teams current failings?

  60. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 16, 2016, 9:18 #86429

    Wenger's latest words are those of a man who will never, ever let it go. With Kroenke having no sporting motivation and it taking so very little to bring enough of the supporters back onside (just a few wins and securing of top 4 will do it again this season), it does feel like AFC are really stuck.

  61. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 16, 2016, 9:11 #86428

    I never, ever thought I would say this, but I honestly hope we don't win another game all season and finish 6th. THAT will be the only way to get rid of this past it manager and his outdated 1990's method football. Every manager of our great club had a point when their time was up. Wenger's came about 2008/09 if you ask me, since DD left he's been given unbridled rein. Here he is quoted from Sky: "I built the club with hard work, without any external resources and, if you compare where we are today to when I arrived, we have moved forward"..........as some other poster noted, who were we before he arrived? S****horpe Utd? YOU built the club? Excuse me?

  62. Greg

    Mar 16, 2016, 9:02 #86427

    Wenger: " I'm convinced the players are United to give a strong response tomorrow"!! We shall see arsene!

  63. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 16, 2016, 8:54 #86426

    Wenger under pressure retreats to what he feels is safe ground so hence we get this corporate fantasy where he delivered the big project when in fact it's probably far more down to Keith Edelman. I could liken Wengers 4th place to a person who buys a home in an area that becomes a hot post code. The home roars up in value. Some owners will think lucky me it's crazy. Others will construct a new version of events where foresight and skill created this joyful bounty. I think I know where Wenger sits. What no longer washes though is the continuing poor results, you can go on about stewardship all you like but if we are floundering on the pitch then it loses relevance. We know that if Arsenal win 3 on the spin then the great disappeared ones will suddenly reappear spouting their Wenger gibberish. At this point in time if is the results which have caused the tipping point and why virtually every poll is showing at least 70/30 in favour of him going

  64. John F

    Mar 16, 2016, 8:26 #86425

    Ron I agree time catches up with us all.It did read to me as if it was all down to him and the club was on its knees when he took over.I actually thought the man everyone forgets to mention Bruce Rioch was doing a good job in stabilising the club signed platt and DB and left Arsenal in good shape for Wenger to improve .David Dein was also the major influence and he is still missed today.It does seem as if as Mgb said his ego has now taken over and he feels he is the club rather then an employee.It is for me sad to see and I felt he had a great opportunity to leave on a high after the cup wins.AW I did not know about Hillier and the luggage thefts is that why George kept a padlock on his wallet.I did feel that George too was coming towards the end of his time when he signed Eddy mcgoldrick and Jimmy carter on the wing.I have just read all guns blazing really good insight as to what went on in the club in the eighties.The drinking culture was a sign of the times.

  65. Le Grande Odeur

    Mar 16, 2016, 7:49 #86424

    Declan - Very true. Under Graham the cost of the first standing season ticket at Highbury circa 1986/7? £60 and I was taking home £100 a week as a Postie at the time! As one famous Gooner put it "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

  66. declan burke

    Mar 16, 2016, 7:19 #86423

    The last few paragraphs sum up modern day Arsenal, it's all about statistics, money, facts, figures, not about character, heart, steel, passion, I'm so tired of what has become of this club, enough said.

  67. anthony walters

    Mar 16, 2016, 0:40 #86422

    george graham and arsene wenger both were fantastic for arsenal i respect and maintain admiration for them both for all they have done for us.as for wengers egotism well all i would say on that is george graham left a good job at leeds where the fans were behind him taking the club forward for a job at our most bitter rivals spurs where no matter what he did the fans would never take to him because of his playing and management days with arsenal how is that not a major case of egotism?arsene should go at the end of the season leaving a good squad to a new manager to add 2 or 3 players and provide fresh ideas but if he isn't gone then i will still be there supporting them because that is what fans do.not wish their team loses to suit their own anti wenger agenda.one person on here says standards of being an arsenal player have fallen shamefully since the george graham days.is that the days when a drunken capatain tony adams crashed a car got sent to prison missing a large chunk of the season,another player paul missed a large chunk of a season through cocaine abuse,paul davis broke an opponents jaw missing another large chunk of a season ,david hillier another regular under george caught stealing luggage at an airport and tested positive for cannabis though that may have been under rioch ,3 points deducted for bad behaviour at old trafford ,ray pizza parlour incident.steve bould effectively ending david hirsts career as a top class striker injuring him with a disgraceful challenge from behind. these lads i loved as players i still do .tony adams is my favourite ever arsenal player and i love george graham and arsene wenger both as they gave me the greatest of times as an arsenal fan .the players under george i identify with more because they were an extension of us fans and me with my mates playing football together being competitive going out on the piss together special team spirit but times change those days are over for elite players they can't get away with it .differing opinions are great but anyone can twist history as they see it through an agenda.

  68. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 22:54 #86421

    John F, did you ever read anything like it in your life ? what an egoistic fraud, me me me, and he actually believes it, proof (if any is needed) that he's on the run now, trying to save his arse coming out with rubbish like that, but proper fans will not be fooled you can be sure of that, the excellent Bring back my Arsenal has a fantastic answer for him, unfortunately it can't be repeated on here. Nothing can save you now wenger no matter what rubbish you spew your fooling no one. do the decent thing and go.

  69. Ron

    Mar 15, 2016, 22:45 #86420

    In fairness to AW John he has built a very favourable European profile for the Club that we didnt have. Its been created though by the 2, then 3 then 4 team system that the CL has fostered that no other Coach at AFC had. He s done pretty well on th whole, nobody can take that from him. His trouble now though is letting go of his fiefdom, thus tarnishing his veneer quite badly. What Arsene maybe dont realize is that theres no shame in aging and losing his edge. The edge loss can happen and not be noticed by the person. Being told its gone for a Coach is a bitter pill. Hes a bit too Napoleonic now. Hes always been that way but its more severe now.

  70. John F

    Mar 15, 2016, 21:55 #86419

    "I have no doubts about myhuge motivation. I built the club with hard work,without any external resources and if you compare where we are today to when I arrived we have moved forward and without any money from anyone,just the money we produced from the work.I am even more motivated from the first day I arrived and feel more the pressure and the rresponsibility to keep this club moving forward". Wenger today being widely reported. It was the" I built this club"comment that struck me as if it was like kingstonians before he got here.

  71. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 15, 2016, 21:50 #86418

    Every year Arsenal suffer a cataclysmic collapse, the wind howls and rain lashes down as the defence isolated from the miniatures in midfield crumbles. The rest of the world call this February.

  72. jeff wright

    Mar 15, 2016, 21:37 #86417

    You could be right Ron ,Barca looked to me like they were taking it easy in the first leg .Some comments made by their players afterwards also suggested this when they said they knew chances would come for them later in the game so they just waited for them to arrive... They were right. However,I have seen a few of Barcelona's games this season and they can soon knock in a goals if the oppo folds up,no chance of that of course with our players having that famous speeerit and will to win! I had to smile when reading that Gabriel will not be charged over that two footed tackle he did,that would have had Wenger going berserk had a Watford player done one like it. According to the writer this Gabriel not being suspended was 'good news for Arsenal' .Really? You could fool me.

  73. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 21:32 #86416

    ArseneKnewBest, Le Grande Odeur, a couple of great posts/retorts backing George Graham, oh how the AKB's hate anything associated with George (especially when it puts they messiah in poor light) he was twice the manager their messiah is or ever was, and he'll still be remembered (just like he is now) long after they're old fraud is gone and forgotten. Yes we used to be so proud to support Arsenal, and let everyone know it too, wear our replicas or our baseball hats chests puffed out taking no shyte from anyone on or off the pitch, NOW ? as someone has alluded to you'd be embarrassed to say who you support, it's all gone, done away with, ruined, probably never to return, thanks to an old arrogant egoistic fraud who has slowly dismantled everything this club was and stood for under George Graham and those before him, and you know what ? we f*****g let him, wenger you have a lot to answer for and you'll never be forgiven, go now and never come back. wenger out.

  74. Ron

    Mar 15, 2016, 20:59 #86415

    I hear you Jeff, but honestly i think the 1st leg has saved Arsenal from the severe whipping that that might have got. Barca might even rest 2 or 3 tomorw and if they dont, they ll just drift through that game. 1-0 Barca or 2-1. It ll lead to Wenger saying that, technically we were a bit 'short', tired after the Watford game but with a bit more luck AFC might have won over 2 legs, the speeerit is high and it will propel now to the seasons end ......zzz

  75. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 20:12 #86414

    jw, and his disciples as well, and after that was the Cup that saved his arse and reputation (twice) you'd think they and TOF would have more respect for it but here they are disrespecting it yet again (I wonder what's going to save his arse and reputation what's left of it this time ?) but that doesn't surprise us all one bit, they have no respect for anyone or anything not even the club they claim to support, the sooner he pisses off and takes the all of his disciples with him the better they're just as dispensable as him if not more. wenger out.

  76. Roy

    Mar 15, 2016, 18:31 #86413

    Don't know why anyone would choose to slate off GG in relation to the present situation. We need someone to come in right NOW and do exactly what he did back then.

  77. jeff wright

    Mar 15, 2016, 18:17 #86412

    Hiccup according to AKB rules the calendar year table runs from when Arsene starts winning games to when that ends,so we are always top of it .If we were not in the top 4 then as you pointed out finishing 5th or 6th even would mean it was now a top 5 or 6 and not a top 4. You will have noted that in AKB land there is no such thing as a top 2 -that's because Arsene never finishes in those positions so they do not count. Wenger's already got his excuses in for the defeat tomorrow night,it's because our players were naive in the first leg and left themselves with only a 5% chance of winning the tie. Tbh I can't even see another Pyrrhic victory with us winning 2-1 but going out -or an 'heroic defeat either'. My guess is that Messi and co will want to rub our Barca Lite selfie takers and thumb suckers noses in it.Sanchez is sulking he doesn't talk to Arsene and has publicly accused the other players of lacking the bottle to win the league.He knows they have no hope of winning the Euro Cup .He looks like a hombre who would sooner be elsewhere .You couldn't make it up.

  78. Le Grande Odeur

    Mar 15, 2016, 18:12 #86411

    Arseneknewbest - Very true. Remember popping into a pub on the way home from the League Cup Semi Replay win and we all thought we might win the lot (with project youth too)! It was obvious the club was on the up, lights years away from the turgid crap offered up in the last decade. Graham knew how to win, even when the sides quality dipped after 92 he still won things. Likewise I'm slightly embarrassed to be associated with the tourist attraction we've become. You have to do a little dance with football fans these days to suss out how much they've been brainwashed by Sky.

  79. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 15, 2016, 18:06 #86410

    MBG / Alsace and many others.. Definitely a case of one at a time. I think a bad result at Everton and the away end will probably rebel. That leaves Wenger with a show down at the Emirates I reckon he will go as next season is going to be horrible for him if he stays. Then we move onto Kronke. Some will say it is impossible to move him but same was said about Wenger and he is now exposed with zero support from the board. On a different note the untold Arsenal site is getting hit with quite a few Wenger must go contributions so good to see. My personal input calling an individual pathetic for saying he would stop supporting Arsenal if Wenger goes has not been allowed. It does make you wonder what sort of supporter would give up on a club for removing a manager.

  80. Hiccup

    Mar 15, 2016, 17:56 #86409

    Yes sterling work Jeff, on keeping the daily betting odds going. I wondered if you had the latest calendar year tables to hand, as I haven't updated my scrapbook with these for some time now? I am surprised that the Top 4 round robin table hasn't been brought up this week, as with just City left to play, we look like holding on to top spot. And that's why it is imperative to make sure we finish in the top 4 this season, because to win the Top 4 table, you obviously have to finish at least 4th. Or would it then just be expanded to the Top 5 table?

  81. Alsace

    Mar 15, 2016, 17:49 #86408

    There is a list of people that you can leave alone. 1) Wrighty. No one ever accused him of being an intellectual genius and he clearly has affection for Wenger. 2)Stan. he only takes £3 million a year from a huge investment. They spend more than that on Theo Walcott ! The villain of the piece is TOF. No one else. Incidentally, I would be very happy to get rid of him for much less than 8 million quid. Disciplinary hearing, gross misconduct charge and a lawsuit for recovery of his wages for the last 10 years. Litigation on that scale would exhaust him in 3 weeks. He wouldn't survive the thought that people who actually had the money to hurt him had finally woken up and smelled the roses. No, sack Mr Wenger with extreme prejudice and he would creep away very quickly to the Cote D'Azur - and discover that he felt better for it.

  82. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 17:27 #86407

    Did you read that half wit Wright ? even if we lose every game from now until the end of the season (and there's a good chance of it)TOF deserves to be carried out on his shield, (there's only one way he deserves to go)did ever you hear such bullshyte ? his brain is as fused as his ankle. You couldn't make it up.

  83. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 15, 2016, 17:24 #86406

    Le Grand Odeur - Good point mate. Weng doesn't even deserve to be compared with GG. Although the latter had his Lydersen-gate issue, he was ten times the manager that weng is. Stroller prepared meticulously, got his team fully behind him and fronted up to other teams and managers and a largely hostile media. That he achieved so much in a time when the scouse/manc hegemony was in full swing was borderline miraculous. He also gave fans a much needed sense of pride - I remember telling anyone I could during ecky-induced nights out how proud I was to be a gooner, and that it was inevitable that everyone would be supporting AFC in the future (that bit was the pills talking!). But now I wince and struggle a bit if people ask me who I follow...

  84. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 17:03 #86405

    Bojangles, good post, proper comedy.

  85. jeff wright

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:56 #86404

    mbg,lots of spin will be put on everything that's for sure...it did not take long for the old French Fraudster to redefine the FA Cup from being 'massive' on Friday to only being a small trophy again...once he was out of it on Sunday... you couldn't make it up.

  86. Clockend Mike

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:51 #86403

    RedPig and Exeter - spot on. This great club existed pre Wenger and will exist post Wenger. It also shows what spin people will put on our past to justify what is happening now. What GG achieved seems to have been swept under the carpet so thanks for highlighting what he did.

  87. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:48 #86402

    jw, apparently they've all ordered new studs to give them that extra bit of bounce when celebrating, a waste of space the lot of them, a complete gutting needed starting with old clueless.

  88. Bard

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:43 #86401

    Where are Westie, Colseyboysetc et al these days ? Dont tell me they have thrown in the towel ? Or are they waiting for a nailed on pen not given to ride into action with cries of conspiracy and bent refs.

  89. RedPig

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:40 #86400

    Tony Atwoody – 1986/87 was a brilliant season. A vibrant young Arsenal team with a new manager, a club record unbeaten run (at the time) and a trophy won at Wembley against a great Liverpool side after an epic Semi final against Spurs. Fantastic memories. Yet to show Wenger in a better light you choose to cherry pick the latter part of that great season when there was nothing to play for. No European places at all for English clubs at that time so league results were largely irrelevant when you couldnt win the title. Your facts are not even correct anyway. There was a poor run yes but there was no run of 10 games without a win where we lost 8 and only scored once LOL. Why would you say that? Why try to re-write history of your own club in an inaccurate and negative way? I don’t like labelling people but surely only someone who loves Arsene more than Arsenal would do that. As for what it cost to build the new stadium – don’t forget that selling Highbury paid a large chunk of it as well as a bank loan (as Exeter Gunner rightly pointed out). Some people talk as though Wenger was forced to break up the Invincibles to pay for the stadium ... and then wasn’t allowed to spend anything for years after.

  90. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:34 #86399

    And of course his hatred of George Graham and the praise he gets over his messiah is a complete giveaway. wenger out.

  91. jeff wright

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:28 #86398

    Sky Bet go 1-4 on a Barcelona win. Draw: 5-1 . Arsenal to win: 10-1. As Dirty Harry said to the bank robber when pointing the worlds most powerful hand-gun ,a .357 Magnum at his head ,do you feel lucky punk... lee kfc thinks a .357 Magnum is a large chocolate ice-cream bar .... anyway the players are said to have had another meeting to decide on how best to celebrate finishing 4th in the league. The general consensus was ,hey let's go for it! Good old Arsene.

  92. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:27 #86397

    Tony Atwoody the reason Arsenal had a poor run of results in the league in 92/93, was because we were already out of the race to the title (No second, third or fourth place finishes in those days to qualify for the European Cup, only actual champions took part!). However we were still in a couple of domestic competitions, which if you check the record books, you will see we won both in that season, being the first ever club to achieve this feat. Additionally the following season, GG won a European competition, something Wenger has failed at miserably for nigh on twenty years!

  93. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 15:24 #86396

    So much for the AKB boycott, it lasted about the same length of time as the outcome of wallys players meeting, this Tony Atwoody dude sounds very like a jockey taping on his phone from a race meeting, what does that tell us ? you couldn't make it up.

  94. Le Grande Odeur

    Mar 15, 2016, 14:45 #86395

    Tony Attwood. you obviously wasn't about during Graham's time because you'd know that George had lost it by circa 1992 and there were rumblings within the support by 95. Reasons being failed marriage due to focussing on his job, etc and just couldn't give anymore to the club. Unlike Wenger he realised this and had agreed to leave at the end of the season he was sacked. For the record Graham took over when Liverpool and Man U (with Ferguson)were in a different league financially and he had very little to spend prior to winning the league in 1989. Despite this took on and beat the power houses of the day to such an extent that Liverpool have never recovered. For the record the Graham sides of 1988 - 1992 were incredibly attack minded (but with a solid, well drilled defence). Wenger's sides of the last 10 years have been nowhere near as adventurous.

  95. Clockend Mike

    Mar 15, 2016, 14:04 #86394

    Unfortunately I cannot see Arsenal dispensing with AW even if we finish outside of the top four. There is the £8M payoff plus the problem of attracting a top quality replacement who is willing to forgo CL football with no guarantee of a quick return. With the new TV deal kicking in plus continuing footfall through the Armoury, money will still be in abundance. The players themselves will not move due to their wages and who would want them. If we have any world class players then they will be sold to generate further funds. The PR machine will go into overdrive citing injuries, fatigue, fixture build up, the fact that Leicester have none of these etc. etc. to justify finishing wherever we finish and the merry-go-round will start again.

  96. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 13:58 #86393

    jj, yes indeed mate and who brought TOF in in the first place, Dein, and some want him back. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  97. Highbury Boy

    Mar 15, 2016, 13:50 #86392

    The Rise and Fall of Arsenal;Thanks I read that article by Amy Lawrence and of course she is right that Stan is responsible for the lack of ambition to actually want to WIN a trophy preferring to back a manager to go for the better risk/reward strategy of Top 4 but as Stan rarely appears at The Emirates and even if he did he is not going to be bothered at any sort of Demo against him so the anger is directed at Wenger who for £8m pa plus bonuses has also bought into the strategy. Also Gazidis has gone on record at saying something along the lines of listening to the fans when considering the Manager's future. In the end though as Henry Winter in a good article in The Times says it's really going to be down to Wenger when he leaves. All this protesting and blogging gets it off our chest and makes us feel better but considering some of us have been saying the same thing since 2008 we know deep down it doesn't have any effect.

  98. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 13:44 #86391

    ArseneKnewBest, excellent post for the first of the day, but don't quickly forget the result (and others)that's just what the wengerites want fans to do, they would love that, for fans like us to just forget it and not kick up a fuss and just follow like little sheep like they do and adopt the brush ourselves down and go again attitude with a big smile on their faces like they've been doing for eleven years now (pathetic) so don't just forget it mate shout it from the roof tops like we all have been doing for years and don't let them forget it, we nearly have our reward now we're so close we can smell it. wenger out now.

  99. Spike

    Mar 15, 2016, 13:33 #86390

    Kroenke's comments this week tell you all you need to know about what your Arsenal has become. It has been slowly dying since the ambition, energy and drive of David Dein were kicked out. Personally very little excites me about the club these days and I don't really care where we finish if it is not first place. The CL bores the pants off me and I only really want us to enter it as Champions with a chance of competing, rather than as also-rans enjoying a payday. Good luck to those who still find the energy to go to the ground but I wont put a penny towards Stan's next ranch.

  100. mbg

    Mar 15, 2016, 13:27 #86389

    No resignation yet ? Coward. wenger out.

  101. jjetplane

    Mar 15, 2016, 11:50 #86388

    I am a leftfield kind of bloke and thought Wenger was wrong the first time I ever saw him. Cue to the camera on the new kind of supporter at the Emirates when Elneny ballooned one and you see how he has dragged this club over twenty ****ing years into the dirt. They look like a bunch of postgrad rich farts who normally would be watching Oxbridge rugby. This has nothing to do with Arsenal and Wenger has never been Arsenal and was obviously brought in to keep the accounts flowing and no more. On that basis it has been a success. Let us pray Leicester (mid table team who will fall away) win most deservedly the PL. The Spuds finishing above Stan FC will make sense too. Hoping too that the Hammers and the Scousers crowd up the top four and squeeze Stan FC out of CL 'contention.' Thanks JW for taking hold of the betting on here and telling it like it is. Last but not least - where is the Circular re 'judge me on er judgement day'......

  102. The Rise & Fall of Arsenal

    Mar 15, 2016, 11:38 #86387

    www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2016/mar/15/arsenal-stan-kroenke-arsene-wenger good article in the Guardian

  103. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 15, 2016, 11:35 #86386

    1) The stadium was not built out of the club's own funds but by a bank loan on which repayments continue at the same easily manageable rate 2)Those two teams aren't a factor this season and Wenger still can't compete 3) No one would be suggesting a change of manager in his first season. This is Wenger's 20th. Nice to hear from the AKBs again though.

  104. Far far away fan

    Mar 15, 2016, 11:33 #86385

    @Tony Atwoody: Does that mean we can't aspire for better things now? Wenger has dragged us through one humiliation after another. In this day and age, there are many talented young managers who can outwit Wenger. Why should we stick with someone who is at best is a has been and at his worst, a power hungry dictator? If you want to show your appreciation for all his good work, give him a standing ovation in his last game, a statue (I really wouldn't want this) and send him packing. But we cannot suffer through more of his mediocrity.

  105. Tony Atwoody

    Mar 15, 2016, 11:16 #86384

    If Mr Wenger had a team that was 12th in the league after 28 games, 26 points off the top of the table, would you say that was ok then? That is where we were after the last match Graham had in charge. If you saw an Arsenal team that was the lowest scorers in the entire league, would you say that was ok? That was 1992/93. If you saw an Arsenal team that went 10 league games winning nil, drawing two and losing eight, would you say that was ok? That was 1986/7 If you saw an Arsenal team that went 10 league games scoring just one goal, would you say that was ok? What you do is remove the fact that during the time of Wenger a stadium costing £400m has been built out of the club's own funds, and Arsenal has been up against two teams who have wealth far beyond anything imaginable in Graham's day, and yet he gave us all those things listed above. If the aaa and its allies in the press had been as active in Graham's time as they are now, he would not have lasted beyond April 8 1987.

  106. Garry

    Mar 15, 2016, 9:59 #86383

    I find it a joke that Arsenal are now feeding the press the line that Wenger may walk and they worried Sanchez and Ozil would leave too, I doubt they would leave if we recruited a world class replacement, but of course they would have to spend on transfers!!! Cant believe its been allowed to come to this. Wenger should've left at the end of last Season. If we lose to Barcelona heavily and Everton I can't see anyway back for Wenger, but you know we will go and beat Barcelona 3-1 now or win 1-0 and then win every remaining game, come second and beat Spurs, then groundhog day!

  107. Far far away fan

    Mar 15, 2016, 9:27 #86382

    @ Bard- Its a truly sad state of affairs when you have to hope that the team you supported so fervently from when you were a child, loses. But I look at each goal scored against us as another nail in Wenger's coffin. Honestly, how many nails does it take to put this incompetent vampire to rest? It irks me immensely to see Stan make a profit of us. Surely we must question what he has done for the club. How did this fraud convince the board that he was the best man for the job? Even Mike Ashley has poured in money into Newcastle. There must be a way where we as fans force him to act by bringing in players or walk away from the clubU

  108. Red Member

    Mar 15, 2016, 9:16 #86381

    I think we are still some way off Wenger calling it quits yet. I don't believe a 5th place finish will see him off. However if he is to go then I think the best chance will be in the coming weeks. We are already on a bad run and I can seriously see us lose our next 4 matches, Barcelona, Everton, Watford and West Ham. if that happens then I think the abuse will be so great that he will be left with no choice

  109. chris dee

    Mar 15, 2016, 9:09 #86379

    Leicester City, everything we have not been for ten years. Courageous,physically strong,gritty,determined,superbly organised in defence,a team work ethic,no ego's and super motivated.

  110. Bard

    Mar 15, 2016, 9:01 #86378

    Far away; Wenger leaving doesnt necessarily change the model. It merely means we will get another accountant in. Jeff started a debate about the ownership. We need Stan to sell up to get real change and that is very unlikely while we make so much money. I read that Ozil and Sanchez are stalling on new deals I wonder why. Massive week ahead, two losses including a hammering at Barca might realy put the cat among the pigeons.

  111. Bojangles

    Mar 15, 2016, 7:37 #86377

    The reverend Brian Badarse's mind wondered back to the ill fated WWC. Would this be the last meeting? None of the attendees could arouse themselves even with help from each other, the very odd Jameson and his enormous brother Pete just stood their pouting in their pink underwear. Colesey was not his usual self and muttered he was at trouble with work due to his "Old Colesey" videos. LeeAFC continued to smell very badly. The Digestive biscuit had remained undisturbed on the floor as the game had literally flopped. But how Brian would miss their gatherings and the Naked Butt wrestling, it gave some sort of meaning to his life, away from the pressures of the Parish. Brian then opened up the letter from Mr Jameson London N1. Surely it must be the same Jameson? The letter was odd as usual. A sherbet was cello taped to the letter as a present and the writing was in crayon It certainly was odd how this man was so obsessed with his pictures of match stick men who he called slaves. At least his devotion to Wenger remained absolute. It was quite touching the image of Wenger with 'I luv yu' and hearts and kisses. To be continued.....

  112. Made Up Stat

    Mar 15, 2016, 7:37 #86376

    So Patrick Viera has now said that the criticism of Arsene Wenger has gone too far. I agree, Paddy – it should have ended 4 or 5 years ago.

  113. Far far away fan

    Mar 15, 2016, 7:15 #86375

    Silent Stan comes out saying that he is right in focusing on the business side of things. A chill just went down my spin. Maybe getting rid of Wenger won't be enough. Stan has to be gotten rid off just as much as Wenger. He is content with as long as brand Arsenal is shiny and attractive. Must we as fans swallow a poison pill and return to being Goons? Should Arsenal reach back into history and retrieve it's once feared identity? Surely the banners should read Stan/Gazidis/Wenger out and Usmanov/Dein in. If Stan remains, then we will just be trading one impotent manager for another. If Stan stays we should demand that he spend his money.

  114. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 15, 2016, 7:05 #86374

    Cannot face watching the Barca debacle this week so will get the result after the game and quickly forget it. There have been pyrrhic victories in these return legs over the years of recent failure but who cares? We've seen that before. In any case, we're so awful at the moment, a 0-1 or an apparently creditable draw will be well beyond this shower of former professionals. AFC needs to lose now and to continue to do so until Stan takes proper notice of the Holloway malaise/implosion. I don't buy this wait til the end of the season malarkey for weng's dismissal - why not do it now so that suitors can start to be sounded out, and the clear out of players can take pace in such a way that at least some costs are recovered. If he gets shunted upstairs, then I really fear for the future of the club. It's the wrong move.

  115. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 14, 2016, 23:41 #86373

    Finally, the end is near. If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane... WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  116. Ian Ure's Son

    Mar 14, 2016, 23:25 #86372

    Bring on Slaven Bilic!

  117. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 23:20 #86371

    Well done Leicester a team full of confidence and on top of they're game, with a great manager who knows what he's doing and fit to be described as one, all something we haven't had for eleven years now, and never will with the bungling old has been wenger, good luck to you Leicester I really hope you do it you deserve it, it's yours to lose now. wenger out now.

  118. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:56 #86370

    Someone has already mentioned the Charlton protest (well done Charlton fans)they threw beach balls onto the pitch and got the game held up for they're cause (you couldn't buy publicity like that) our next home game we should throw pairs of speedos on and urge this old finished manager to use them. go now you old fraud.

  119. AKBs

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:52 #86369

    Remember our meeting no more posts on the OG in the foreseeable future.

  120. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:39 #86368

    Relieved and glad that the filberts have taken another big step towards the title, and with hope preventing the cockerel squad from getting anywhere near it. I really believe that Arsenal's best interests are now served by continuing decline this season (finishing out of the top 4) 'til things get so dire that wenger is shown the door. What a state of affairs.

  121. John F

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:29 #86367

    Having looked around the internet it really does now look like the end for Wenger even Alan Smith thinks it is time for a change.One poll on the standard had a 84% vote against him.The issue is the board how keen are they to lose their cash cow.They could offer him a different post at the club I would think a go at the lady's football team might suit.Not as physical as men's with more emphasis on technique he could tika taka until his heart is content.Joachim Low would be my choice after the Euros.

  122. Nick T

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:12 #86366

    Watching Leicester tonight showed exactly whats missing from us....the effort, workrate off the ball and game management were superb! As you say Roy, whilst Mahrez and Vardy get the limelight, others are underated yet every bit as important.....Kante is exceptional every time I watch him and the ground he covers is unbelievable!

  123. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:09 #86365

    Latest title odds.Leicester 8/11 odds on favs...spuds 5/2 second favs... us 7-1 also rans. Good old Arsene.

  124. Roy

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:04 #86364

    Come on you Foxes ! 20 points from the last 24 required, though I reckon if they get 16 ( av 2 per game ) for a total of 79, that will probably do it. Let's hope so anyway. Vardy and Mahrez have taken most of the plaudits, but others are seriously underrated. Much respect. As for ourselves, the less said the better. What approach will Barca take on Weds ? Try to score early - ish and then take it easy on us - or - try to give us a real spanking ? I know which outcome this present regime deserve.

  125. JWE

    Mar 14, 2016, 22:00 #86363

    Just the 11 points behind Leicester then. Seeing as we are out of the race for the title isn't about now the time for us to start playing again and secure our season's target of 4th place? Now that the pressure is off I wouldn't mind predicting an improved performance at Everton on Saturday and maybe even three points. We are a team full of losers afterall

  126. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 21:59 #86362

    The Foxes race 11 points clear of us and 5 clear of the spuds .No team has ever failed to win the Prem from the position that Leicster are in. Can someone remind us of when it was that our current players last won 9 league games in a row >? So again no title challenge made by Wenger with us out of the FAC at home to Watford on Sunday and out of Europe again on Wednesday night .You couldn't make it up.

  127. Paulo75

    Mar 14, 2016, 21:41 #86361

    It's taken me a lot longer than many to agree but this year the writing really is on the wall. With the position of the club financially we are an attractive proposition for both top managers and players. However, a major clear out of personnel from the Manager down is badly needed. Far too many people are too comfortable at the club under the current regime. If you're listening Mr Kroenke, its about time you showed some leadership qualities to the club for your £3m a year "consultancy fee".

  128. Snowbiggee

    Mar 14, 2016, 21:23 #86360

    3.5% of people on the front page think Wenger can still win the Champions League for the club! When will they be sending all their money to that guy in Nigeria who has a top investment idea?

  129. Pete the Thirst

    Mar 14, 2016, 21:18 #86359

    Ozil? You missed the bits where he lost the ball in the lead up to their 2nd goal; where refuses to contest headers that might ruffle his hair; where he doesn't track back....sure he can pick a pass....but he really ain't all that.

  130. anthony walters

    Mar 14, 2016, 21:11 #86358

    mark i watched the watford game today and in its self the players generally performed well i dont think anyone had a bad game apart from walcott the subs did well too iwobi and welbeck but its key moments that count that sheer desire to score defend etc.yes we had missed chances but look at their first goal mertesacker should have instructed chambers to go in front of the watford player and he mark him behind making the flick on much more difficult then gabriel got turned too easily .the second goal look again at mertesacker again standing and turning slightly instead of desire to block.that special belief determination inspiration collective responsibility is simply not there .mertesacker though playing well has still been partly responsible for both goals v barca kanes goal v spurs both goals yesterday he should have shown more desire in each case.gabriel is simply an accident waiting to happen in every match,rash panicky prone to errors.we would have scored i am convinced eventually had we kept it at nil nil. yet we shot ourselves on the foot again .all players make mistakes have tough times lose confidence go through lean spells but when the same mistakes occur time and time again then the manager has to deal with it .

  131. 1975

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:53 #86357

    I genuinely think that we are witnessing the beginning of the end. I believe that Wenger will himself decide to call it a day. I don't think I've seen this level of capitulation and incompetence in any Arsenal sides he has managed. Even taking into consideration the last five seasons, I think this is a particularly poor situation and Wenger doesn't look like he has any ability to change it. This time however he looks and sounds like a person who knows he has not the slightest grip on the situation. I'm hoping he will do him self a favour and step down.

  132. Ed l

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:49 #86356

    Club is so stale , same manager, coaches, and players. Walcott has managed 10 yrs . Don t care who replaces Wenger as long as its not Wenger. Change would be great, not the same dreary platitudes. If we really want him out the fans need to up the volume in vitriol. I went to Newcastle last season and Carver and Ashley abuse was off the scale. We could learn from it

  133. Mark

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:43 #86355

    writing has been on the wall all season from Day One when after a full close season we start off by getting sorted by West Ham. Wenger always unprepared. Southampton had one win in 10 games over dec/jan and youve guessed it that was against us. His plan is all wrong. you cant have Ozil Sanchez Giroud all not contributing when they other side have the ball. you are now up against teams like spurs leicester west ham stoke who all defend and all help attack. Wenger has been bypassed on the outside lane again only this time it is fatal. We are in a nose dive that this time we cant pull out of and he is so selfish that he will now walk away when we come 6th and its all misery all summer. hes the type of guy who will glory when we struggle and hes not here. he will have left such an unbalanced squad that the next guy has a major overhaul on his hands. It is extremely sad what has happened but many on this site have seen it coming for 3-4 years. we all need to get ready for a spell in the wilderness thanks to Wenger + Board allowing the grass to grow right under them and back again

  134. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:30 #86354

    Dartford gooner, I guess they're all ok over at AKB central command then, and we know why they're nowhere to be heard tell off on here, they all have their Matz out lying down. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  135. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:23 #86353

    Anthony I appear to be doing a lot of agreeing with you today and Ronald would be top of my list. I do wonder if they would go for a relative unknown manager in British football simply so they maintain an ever thankful manager under their control. Ronald I think might be his own man and has basically thumbed his nose at Wenger (quite rightly imho) but would that go down well? Arch Wengerite John Cross on radio 5 more or less said Wenger is gone in 2017 but didn't rule out end of season and old Heston bottled it on the One Show so bleated keep him so that leaves Heston and Jamerson writing support letters in green crayon.

  136. KC

    Mar 14, 2016, 20:14 #86352

    At A Walters, I would certainly take Koeman, Southampton are well set up, which is what you have to do when playing the major powers. He would also have the players respect and would be a great choice.

  137. anthony walters

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:43 #86351

    dont know if anyone has been watching sky sports build up to leicester v newcastle but ronald koeman who would be my choice as next arsenal manager has talked exellently about shape of the team defending attacking and tactics he also gives total credit to dave watson totally for their success at set pieces.

  138. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:35 #86350

    Hiccup, those pesky bookies are offering evens for the Foxes to win the league.They make the spuds 2-1 second favs with us ,under experienced at organizing title challenges in October Arsene , 11/2 ,that's 5 and a half to one Leek FC ,third best.We were 6-4 favs after beating Leicester the bookies thought judging by our celebrations and lap of honor that it was job done and we had won the league. Someone forgot to tell United and Swansea though and those idiots messed it all up for Arsene. City are out to 11-1 .So according to the bookies it is just a two horse race now .Leicester will have to win tonight though if they want to keep the pressure on the spuds who are lurking waiting for a slip up. So with us having more of finishing 4th than first it's a case of come on you Foxes . You couldn't make it up.

  139. Nutty's Right Peg

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:33 #86349

    Breaking News - The FA have cleared Theo Walcott of taking any performance enhancing drugs this season.

  140. Dartford gooner

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:30 #86348

    Just seen Paul Matz aisa saying if we win all the nine games left we will win the league.Funny that I thought we were 8 points behind Leicester, so they are going to lose 3 games to let us go top.I don't know the guy but can I have some of what he is on.


    Mar 14, 2016, 19:27 #86347

    Yes, it is very sad to see the steady decline of what used to be a football club with a manager no longer able to cut the mustard. Have to admit that in his pomp he used to come up with some cracking quotes - sufficient enough to form the basis of a Gooner calendar one year I believe? I do agree, on the evidence there is little realistic chance of major change BUT, being a glass half full guy, I JUST wonder whether The Wigmeister & The Suits might have an in-depth look to reassess whether their much vaunted business plan really holds up long-term with this continued mediocrity. Sponsors & TV companies generally like to be connected to Winners as will the fickle shirt buyers in the Far East & Amerika. In the long term the only assured revenues & loyalty to the Arsenal brand are it's UK customers - sorry, supporters, I'm not in a good place! So, maybe we have more power than we thought? Despite his bad press I have a feeling that Ivan G is a far shrewder operator than we give him credit for, forget the useless sycophantic Board. As a last resort, might we apply to have AW sectioned? - he clearly has lost touch with reality. Interesting few days ahead methinks!

  142. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:25 #86346

    Hiccup, yes indeed where are all the AKB apologists ? it's very worrying this, remember David Koresh and his cult ? have we any way of checking on AKB central command ?

  143. Hiccup

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:11 #86345

    I have my letter typed up and ready to go. However, as per AKB instruction, I shall be waiting until May before I post it. Exeter, I think the anger management sessions that the AKB's are on are running late. My guess is a Leicester slip up tonight and some might venture back on here? By the way, is it just me, or is anyone else having 'the latest odds' withdrawal symptoms?

  144. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 19:11 #86344

    MBG / Marcus - Le Grove reckons the dressing room has been lost as well. It would be a likely reason for the loss of shape and discipline.

  145. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 18:27 #86343

    Mark From Aylesbury, good shout, yes he's done finished and lost it (even the most blind AKB's can see it even if they won't/can't admit it) someone said/suggested yesterday MARCUS I think it was that he's lost the dressing room and I agree, I think he lost it some time ago (and he knows it too) but the players haven't the balls to do anything about it (their to cosy on big bucks and know their out when the new man comes in) that's why TOF surrounded himself with these pussies in the first place (on and off the pitch)no dissenting voices anywhere to be seen or heard like TA, PV, AA, RVP, NASRI, etc, etc, etc, can you imagine the likes of John Terry in the dressing room putting up with him ? would he f**k or any decent player worth his salt, hence all hand picked yes men who won't or wouldn't say boo, very sad when you think of the real men/players we used to have. do the decent thing wenger go now and give us our club back.

  146. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 14, 2016, 18:14 #86342

    As Hiccup noted, there's been a disappointing lack of excuses from the usual suspects on here since yesterday, so I thought I'd have a go: I think Marriner showed his anti-Arsenal bias by not sending Gabriel off for that blatant red. Clearly he saw how the sending off against Spurs galvanised the team and knew Watford would have no chance if we only had 10 men. Is another petition needed?

  147. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 18:13 #86341

    Here's my Dear Ivan letter ready to go in the post Dear Ivan, I am writing to you in protest to please ask that the Arsene Wenger's position is reviewed urgently. This is not out of a sudden reaction to the disappointment of an FA Cup loss but rather a slow and painful demise from being a potential title winning team to a group of disorganised and under performing players who once again are failing to perform when it matters. You have said in the past that the supporters will decide, well the reaction is increasingly he must go. With previously loyal websites turning and a continual stream of opinion polls voting 75/25 and even 80/20 that he should be removed. This season has stripped out three major threats in Chelsea, Man UTD and probably Man City. Arsene really should have guided us home with all the facilities and players at his disposal. Yet he alone decided not to buy any outfield players pre season, leaving us vulnerable to injury. Arsene seems to have been caught out regularly by new younger managers and both Leicester and to a degree Spurs show what a good manager pulling his team in the right direction can achieve. I should add that Arsenal seem shapeless at the moment and highly vulnerable to tactically astute managers. The Arsenal team also contains very experienced winners so for the team to play so poorly is frankly shocking. My support has been from 1976 , prior to that my father first attended in 1946 and my Grandfather we believe attended in the 1920's therefore bordering on a century of continuous support. The family has seen a range of highs and lows but relied on the club to make difficult decisions for the right reasons. I simply cannot understand why he has to remain so untouchable when chaos reigns around him. Time for a new man to take us forward. Yours sincerely

  148. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 18:01 #86340

    What's that banner trying to describe ? TOF as a messiah ? (sad) or the Devil.

  149. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 17:45 #86339

    Alsace - good call to arms. I think whether he goes now or not a bad loss at Everton will be the killer blow. I think the aways will blow their top and the press are ready now to pick up on dissent. If the bad form continued they may have to think about shifting him anyway to give Bould a chance to install discipline. Currently the team has lost complete shape and it appears Wenger does not have the capacity to put things right. most opinion polls again showing 80/20 he should go.

  150. Alsace

    Mar 14, 2016, 17:32 #86337

    I think that yet another collapse would be very much easier to bear if we knew that it was going to lead to curtains for Monsieur. We really are losing an astonishing number of games and are sleepwalking into it almost every time. There was a match towards the end of the Terry Neill era where we were beaten 5-1 by the Spuds at their place, which prompted none other than F McLintock to comment " they sold their jerseys". Well let's hope that the team will now sell their jerseys into 10th place, because they must be enjoying all of this schmerz less than we do. Despite the abuse sent in the team's direction, I really don't see it as their fault. We CAN do something about this now. Write letters. Lots of them. It does make a difference. Anyone that you can think of within the club. Most importantly, keep to criticism that is strictly valid and to the point. The AKB's don't understand logic and argument but the press do and so do some people inside the club. Also keep correspondence polite. If Blatter can be got rid of then so can Monsieur, not that I am in ANY WAY comparing the two. I merely refer to it being possible to lever even the most entrenched, out of position. I would say like Erwin Rommel at El Alemein, except that he was a tactical genius and Monsieur, is clearly not. Barca will kill us and in my view Everton the same. Watford again on 2nd April will repeat the treatment. Hopefully that should make his position absolutely untenable, but only if we really really scream about it. It's up to us, buy a book of stamps and use them. Phone ins, bogs etc etc.

  151. Radfordkennedy

    Mar 14, 2016, 17:11 #86336

    Nick T .....a good question mate,personally speaking this club of ours needs to draw the curtains open the windows and get rid of the stench and start afresh,there was a time mate when I thought a new more dynamic astute coach could achieve more with the team, however I think that we have trod water for so long now with incredibly average players that we have fallen so far behind our main competitors that we do need a sizeable war chest to bring in some real quality and in all honesty if the Uzbek and Dein took the wheel I wouldn't want AW anywhere near that money, the whole situation at AFC is akin to a dying marriage a clean break is what's needed instead of clinging on hoping everything will get better.

  152. KC

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:59 #86335

    Usmanov has the cash to offer Kronke a deal he would accept. We don't know all the facts but it is puzzling what Usmanov really wants. I do hope he makes a move because under Kronke, Wenger and their Old Etonian friends that just treat supporters with contempt we have a board that have no interest in titles and honours and for any supporter that is soul destroying.

  153. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:55 #86334

    Jjet - I share your pain comrade. As a fully- unqualified doctor, I recommend that thee gets to thy medicine cabinet immediately and swallows/embrocates/ingests/smokes anything you can find. It worked for me - I've been on benylin and germoline since about 3 pm yesterday. The wenger-pharma suppositaries that I acquired on my French sojourn were not so useful though. I may as well have shoved them up my exit-hole. You know what they say - the old jokes are the oldest! Being cod-philosophical - I guess we need to accept the club is screwed and we can do nothing about it. But, if you're reading this Monsieur Wenger, pleeeeese in the name of John Paul Sartre, go now...

  154. John F

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:51 #86333

    The sad sight of Gooners fighting each other is reason enough for Wenger to go.Wiggy is not bothered by any abuse as he can just shift his hair over his ears to block it out.With all the big cash coming in next year Stan won't be going anywhere and with Wenger in charge he has a manager who can maximise profits.The fans and press can say what they want but it will not have any affect if the directors are telling Wenger he is doing a great job.He could be here for life and even after if he can get Derek Acorah to relay messages for him. If you see John F post that is grammatically correct then it is not me.

  155. PerryG

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:49 #86332

    First of all well done to Watford and it's a pity West Ham didn't hold on at OT, what a fresh semi final line up that would have been. As Gaz said, copy and paste these comments for 2017 and probably for a few more years after that, the deluded one isn't going anywhere. We are the farce apparently according to Wenger. What's the odds our namby pamby lightweights will rally to secure 3rd now that the pressure of a title race is easing? Wenger will then triumph the achievement using his usual cavalcade of pathetic excuses, injuries, fatigue etc blah blah blah

  156. Nick T

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:45 #86331

    Red Member - just because my question is theoretical why does that make it not worth considering....if you would give him the chance then at the very least it surely proves that the No. 1 target of our fustration/anger should be aimed at getting Kroenke out doesn't it? BTW I'm not defending AW and in numerous areas my scenario certainly doesn't let him off the hook but I do think that the biggest problem at the club is Kroenke not Wenger. Personally I dont agree that Kroenke couldnt be ousted, we all know that our Russian has very deep pockets and Id guarentee he's monitoring the situation closely...he'd have to pay over the odds but if the price was right I think Stan could walk away.

  157. bromley boy

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:41 #86330

    Nick T, i think it would take a huge offer to Kronke from Usmanov to get rid of him and he would then make a tidy profit from Arsenal for doing jack s**t to move the club forwards that does not sit well with me when you think a lot of fans come from a generations of supporting this great club and just think of the amount of money you me and thousands of other fans have invested into the club yet stan could walk away after 6 or 7 years with all that profit. like you i do want him out of the club not sure how long wenger would last under Usmanov , plus hes had to many chances to many transfer windows to make a difference both need to go

  158. jjetplane

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:41 #86329

    Attention seeking Beckham (who?) defends fellow rich football type Arsene Webster by labeling WOR as attention seekers .... Where have all the AKBs gone/dah dah dah da da/when will they ever learn ... (Time please in the 12 Pins ...) OK Elneny - one more time hahahahahahah! Of course with Cheltenham upon the sheepskins WEStIE is otherwise indisposed .... Now the Danny one - turn and .... bugger! hahahahahah ..... Looks like they are looking at Gabriel who is a dangerous liability on the pitch ... here he goes Elneny - hahahahah ....

  159. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:37 #86328

    Gaz, sad isn't it, you'd things would have got better instead of worse, but not when you have a fraud for a manager, and the same enemies of the club supporting him and propping him up. wenger out now.

  160. Jamerson

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:34 #86327

    How will sacking the manager benefit Arsenal,look at Chelsea,Pool and Manure have they drastically improved by sacking their managers.

  161. Hiccup

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:28 #86326

    Quite disappointed that there's a lack of ridiculous excuse making on here today. Arsenal having played midweek seems to have been totally overlooked which has always been high on the excuse list. Or the fact that Watford aren't involved in the CL which is a big advantage to them. I was looking forward to hearing the truth about what went wrong yesterday rather than the usual negative stuff about Wenger and Walcot, etc. Or do we have to wait until May to hear the analysis?

  162. KC

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:27 #86325

    Cheers David. So any team with less talent than us sit deep 18 yard box invite us on to them and break at pace. What you must then do is play at pace from the kick off press them high, work off the ball pressure their back four and hopefully feed off any errors. High tempo is a must. Therefore why do we waste so many first halves with pedestrian football. Lost count how many times I have got up at half time and thought what a waste of 45 mins. Here is the reason Wenger has to go the same tactic used by so many that Wenger cannot solve he just plods on regardless. I really do not think he will go, his excuses his outlook are deluded I really think he is oblivous to the level of anger. To top it off he fullfills the owners requirement of top 4 so they are all happy. Wenger has never been good at highlighting top defenders or goalkeepers now it's spreading to forwards and where once his offensive football camouflaged his defencive deficiencies this has now disappeared. We are pedestrian, poor at the back and lack quality up front. In other words very poor in the two most important areas of a football pitch the 18 yard boxes. The results speak for themselves and yet Wenger talks about a second leg in Spain when anyone with an ounce of football knowledge knew this tie was over when the draw was made.

  163. Red Member

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:26 #86324

    Nick - there is zero chance of anyone ousting Kroenke anytime soon so it is not even worth considering.

  164. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:26 #86323

    Cyril, not a problem.

  165. Ron

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:24 #86322

    I think AW isnt tactically gifted too, but in fairness to him, the players have to be tactically inclined for a Coach to be a tactician. Few of Wengers players have been or are now. AFC works largely on the basis of gung ho, still now even, though its not as rampant as it once was because like tactics players have to be gifted to do gung ho really well. AFC players for years have been reasonable players in the main, not fast, not slow, not donkey, not gazelle, not weak, but certainly not very often strong collectively, mentally or physically. AFC under Wenger has finally dipped beneath the surface of the waves, drowning its own self created sea of ordinariness. It happens and Coach s get older and too ingrained in what they do. AFC has needed change for quite a few years but calling for it has always been construed as digging at Wenger. Its never been about that, but its getting close now largely due to his own reactions to criticism. Its very sad and im one whos called for change for getting on for 6 years. Im not alone in thinking its sad because it really is.

  166. Nick T

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:19 #86321

    Theres no doubt that AW has lost a step these last 5-6 years but I do sometimes wonder how much of that might be attributed to a total lack of pressure/accountability plus his involvement in virtually everything to do with AFC so I have a question....would you give AW next season if Usmanov ousted Kroenke this summer and brought Dein back alongside?? Further assume AW would have NOTHING to do with anything other than managing the team and identifying targets...he would play no role in negotiations whatsoever!! All theoretical I know but what do people think?

  167. anthony walters

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:05 #86320

    jw agree about the bellerin and welbeck totally.of course money isnt the only thing but of course it makes a hell of a difference .city and chelsea won nothing much for donkeys years before they had it.i agree he isn't particularly good at tactics or proactive when it comes to substitutions and certainly this season in particular some team selections baffling .i still maintain he has got far more right than wrong over the years kept us consistent but the things i have identified this season have meant his time is almost certainly up given the financial situation here and transitional position of manu man city and chelseas failings.players are simply not performing as a unit or individually.

  168. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 16:01 #86319

    Usmanov's position at AFC is a strange one Bard I can't see myself that it is just money related in the way that Syrupy Stan's is. If it a financial interest or a football one it looks like he is biding his time before making his move .Stan's controlling interest is only a narrow one in AFC and this differentiates it from the silent ones outright ownership in his USA clubs. So a different scenario regarding us and if the price is right or circumstances force his hand old Stan could quickly depart as did Diamond Danny who foisted Stan onto us out of his own personal interest.Hill-Wood was right though,with the only sensible thing that he ever said,when he said that Kroenke was not the sort we want at Arsenal. Money talks though and Hill-Wood accepted the millions that Stan offered him.

  169. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:50 #86318

    Oda, good post, it's the only way, I've been saying the same for a couple of seasons. You just have to read all the different/new contributors on here today with exactly the same views as the regulars (welcome and well said) it says it all. for once in your life wenger do the decent thing and go.

  170. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:27 #86317

    Will someone please put us all out of our misery and get rid of this fooking clown, what is it going to take ? how many embarrassments is it going to take ? wengers the biggest embarrassment but who cares about that, the fact is the clown has now made this once great club into an embarrassment and that should be unacceptable to anyone who thinks they are, calls themselves one, or is an Arsenal fan, anyone who thinks we're not and is happy with things the way they are is not, and I repeat NOT, a true Arsenal fan of any description no matter what they say. go now old man.

  171. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:14 #86316

    Well I wonder who's fault and who was to blame this time ?no doubt we'll be told by TUOF's apologists if we haven't already. you couldn't make it up. wenger out now.

  172. Ron

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:08 #86315

    Hi Cyril - Not a problem at all. It was clear that it wasn't you. We ve all had a cretin on our tail at times Cyril. Ignore it.

  173. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:04 #86314

    David, that team you were discussing at the top of your piece was never there, it never has been, it was all luck a fluke just like any decent games this team have under this useless old clueless fraud of a manager. go now wenger your an embarrassment.

  174. Bard

    Mar 14, 2016, 15:03 #86313

    Hi Jeff; Stan's future role is a really interesting question. He's know for being in things for the long run but whether he wants to endure the grief that will follow Wenger staying or leaving is another matter. Hick and Gillett couldnt handle the grief at Liverpool. Arsenal need to invest a great deal more in the playing side to keep up and he hasnt shown much willingness to do that. I also was puzzled about why Usmanov had bought more shares. What is the point if he doesnt think he can buy the club at some time in the near future.

  175. AJH

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:56 #86312

    I didn't even treat myself to a visit to the pub to watch this as I was so sure this was going to happen. I would have ended up drunk telling anybody willing to listen how I use to love this club and the joy it used to bring me but now it just expects me to be there for them so they can get all they can out of me and for very little in return. He surely has to resign at the end of the season he won't do it beforehand, then we can offload all the rubbish Arteta Flamini,Rosicky,Walcott I doubt Southampton would be interested in taking him back. If Wenger does not resign and is not sacked then season tickets should not be renewed as that is what the club are banking on year after year. LFC fans made their feelings known and the club listened Charlton fans are going through a similar thing at the moment not happy with the owners and although on a smaller scale they are making noises which I do not see happening at the Emirates. On another note come on Leicester tonight.

  176. mbg

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:53 #86311

    Any resignation yet ? no ? this arrogant waste of space hasn't the decency. go now wenger you waste of space.

  177. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:45 #86310

    Dale ,City have always been inconsistent since the Sheiiks put their petro millions into the club. City have won a trophy this season however - the LC. They have flopped in Europe every season but this one. So could it be that the Champions League is their top priority having left themselves with a bit to do to win the league although better placed than us regarding fixtures to do so. We have only won similar points in the league to last season at this time - whereas Chelsea have done far worse .In our case and in City's and Chelsea's a lack of money is not the reason for us failing to have done better . Managerial problems are mainly to blame .Leicester and the spuds have been better managed in the league and in the Foxes case it is not down to the young hungry manager syndrome that some claim exists now in the game. I suspect that next season normal service will be resumed with City and Chelsea,possibly United as well.Liverpool once Klopp gets his own players in could also be a nuisance. So long as Stan and Wenger run our club it will just be the same old story though. Wenger's problems are not about money his whole management is badly flawed and needs replacing. Perhaps a new man working under the Kroenke business plan might do better -lets face it just having to beat finishing 4th and winning the FAC once every ten years should not be impossible to better for someone with ambition and ability - I would give Biliac a shot at managing us he looks a likely type to do a job for us .

  178. Dale

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:16 #86309

    Jeff: Man City couldn't win back to back matches in the Pl since... November I heard someone say on MOTD the other day... so how much has Man C gone backwards. Or might it be that the standard in the PL has improved a tiny bit And how much money did City spend during the summer? And yet they seem to suffer from the same problems as Arsenal? And they have a proven goalscorer....

  179. Edmund

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:13 #86308

    I read with amusement about Vincent Tan's advice to a struggling Cardiff side that they need to be "like ugly men with beautiful wives" and keep asking. He demanded 50 shots on goal each game. At first it sounded like rubbish but the man runs casinos. He knows all about luck and making your own luck. Cardiff has been in the rise since and have a good chance to make the playoffs. In contrast AW seems to want his side to pass the ball into the net. Perhaps the players are so ingrained with the need to pass they instinctively pass to the opponent goalie. The missed chances every game are a serious problem. Don't any of the lot know how to hit an accurate volley anymore? If AW wants his miracle 3 - 0 win at the Nou Camp he needs to start listening to Vincent Tan. After all , he has the same moustache as Silent Stan.

  180. Cameron

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:09 #86307

    Keep getting randomly rerouted to a December 2005 article on here titled "If you want Cole we want Raul". In which the author laments that we could begin life at the "Wengerdome" with the following weak team: Lehmann, Lauren, Toure, Campbell, Clichy, Ljungberg, Fabregas, Gilberto, Hleb, Van Persie, Reyes. Subs – Almunia, Senderos, Eboue, Song, Quincy. Granted,mthe subs are a bit gash, but first XI - read it and weep!

  181. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 14:05 #86306

    AW, have not Leicester and even the spuds this season disproved the claims of it was the money that won the trophies for Chelsea and City - while Arsene had none or less to compete with them -this season . We have less points than last season in the league and this is not down to Chelsea and City having more money than us. Anyway, even United had less cash than Chelsea and City ,but that did not stop Sir Ferguson from winning trophies . Wenger showed this season that it is not about money for his lack of success in the league or in Europe. It is down to him not being good enough ,with his poor signings,well known stubbornness,outdated training regimes, poor medical care ,and his lack of tactical nous.He got it badly wrong yesterday leaving Welbeck and Bellerin out playing Giroud up front slowed us down and made it easier for Watford to defend against our slow pondertus build-ups. Why did Wenger wait until it was too late before making changes ? My take on this is that he wanted to save Welbeck and Bellerin for the what he says is mission impossible anyway Barcelona game .The fool had more chance of beating Watford but blew it due to his own stupidity. End of.

  182. Cameron

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:57 #86305

    No chance of beating Everton at Goodison next weekend. Hope Eliecester win tonight and we drop out of the top 4. No delusions that 5th or 6th place would see Wenger sacked but I'm just ****ing sick of the CL which is effectively six dull games followed by a hammering. It's pointless and is simoly a money making exercise for the club - money they dont need as they dont spend what they have - even in a season in which we coukd have properly challenged for the title.

  183. jjetplane

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:56 #86304

    Pathology, inertia, self-pity and still a hunger in those old greying eyes for more off-shore adventures. My favourite has to be the Elneny-Nino miss which I can watch on a loop all day. Danny's is pretty good as he looks back and sees a tower block for a goal and then the fingers of Ospina as he he ducks them to allow the ball to just whizz in. Watford did not park a bus and they hardly had to get out of second gear to see off Arsene's bearded garden applications. This has been coming since Pires took the praise on crutches. It really has been that long in the corridors of football corruption. Whatever - it's borrrrrinnnng..... Anyway - WEStIE me old mucka ....

  184. Augustus Flair

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:51 #86303

    Stop moaning, everyone, because this is on the official site. Headline: "Per - We Have to Attack Barca" Text: "Arsène Wenger’s side were knocked out of the FA Cup by Watford on Sunday, but Mertesacker believes a strong attacking performance in Barcelona can get their season back on track. You have to give us credit because we kept going against Watford and created chance after chance,” he said. “But at the moment we lack that killer instinct. We need to work on that if we want to be successful in the Premier League and the Champions League." Well said, BFG, that puts the knockers and mockers in their place.

  185. Oi Oi Saveloy!

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:41 #86301

    Oh Arsene, your acolytes will still look up to you, like baby birds in a nest crying out for their mother to turn up with succulent worms to feed on. Your church is still full of utter plums who pine for your every tiresome, whining, deluded drivel. So dont worry, you can stay, doing the same bollocks over and over again. Hoorah!

  186. Tony Evans

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:39 #86300

    Think we have to hope Leicester win tonight. Let's face it we have virtually no chance anyway and the thought of the Spuds coming out of their box for the first time in nearly 60 years is not one I wish to contemplate. With City so inconsistent it really is down to the Foxes, and good luck to them I say.

  187. anthony walters

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:28 #86299

    yes mark from i am a loyal arsenal supporter not an akb as some call me .loyal but have always questioned wenger as i question any player too or myself when i played and coached too. i felt long ago we would never win a champions league under him.this year unlike previous years i felt we had the best squad not necessarily the best team and would win the league .we had money to spend hadnt had to sell our best players.i have played many many years still play friendlies at 51 coached and managed local teams in high wycombe for around 20 years in the past so can see bigger pictures and appreciate and know parts of the job though not from a professional level.this second half of the season the players have underperformed defenders too many turned backs or out of position ,ramsey and sanchez showing plenty of skill and endeavour but poor in positional discipline and decision making on the ball.in the past i looked at the bigger picture and allowed for the financial restraints and city and chelseas financial power and its no coincidence they have won all they have since abramovich and the sheikhs came in. however having had money at his disposal and seen the basic mistakes this season i feel he has reached his limit and we need to move on.he was a great manager for what he has done in the past and his longevity but reflecting him bergkamp and henry were great players world class no doubt and i love them both what they did for us but being brutally honest they too often didn't make the difference in the biggest matches of all like arsene.how many cup finals for club and country did they score in or really make the difference ?it's my honest opinion some may agree with some not.whether i like someone or not i give it.this group of players have won virtually every major club and country trophy in the world yet have underperformed this season under arsene wenger he bought them he plays them they cannot be as poor as they have been lately.

  188. The Ides of March

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:15 #86298

    Giroud is a fraud. marginally better than Sanogo and the moroccan fella and the Daish prince but absolutely a mile away from being a Zlato who actually influences matches when he does not score. Were such a weak bunch im losing the will to write anymore

  189. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:11 #86297

    Gaz, it's an Arsene-centric world view. It's not the defeats and bad runs per se that concern them, it's 'How can we deflect the blame from Arsene?' then dreaming up excuses and conspiracies. Their disappointment or anger is reserved for those who do not share this worldview, not what's happening at AFC. They're not interested in honest appraisal or analysis.

  190. Radfordkennedy

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:11 #86296

    Alsace....Nick....Ron..brilliant posts and I agree with all you say, but we all know that we look at things from a sporting endeavour perspective whereas the board don't,for as long as SK uses us as collateral to raise money for other business ventures nothing will change. SK is not a billionaire by accident he will be informed of the unrest I'm sure and make the necessary changes but the business model will remain and therein lies the problem.AWs behaviour and demeanour is becoming very worrying his Franco/ Germanic trait of shrugging his shoulders and blaming others is one thing but he's starting to take on the traits of that infamous Austrian corporal by believing that the ultimate victory is at hand with forces that don't exist,he genuinely believes that we can turn over Barca and achieve the impossible dream you have to question this mans mental state.....a pal rang me last night to tell me that he witnessed what he believes will expedite AWs departure only because heads were turned in the directors box in that people have stopped shouting abuse at Giroud and AW and even Danny boy and have now started to laugh very loudly especially when DW missed that sitter,when people start to take the p-sis out of their own team it's generally a sign that people haven given up ,its all getting a bit out of hand now I don't think the situation will go on much longer the money men will recognise a sea change in attitudes amongst the fans

  191. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 13:09 #86295

    Hi Bard,the media are to blame for the alleged perceived intellectualism of Wenger a dullard if ever there was one - with them branding him 'le prof' donkey's years ago and the image has stuck. His obsession with trying to win the European Cup aka Champions League has exposed his limitations in having little football tactical nous time after time -deja vu this season .My guess is that he believes 4th place in the league is safe again and so he is not bothered about the Everton game .He may be right but finishing 4th could be a close run thing as it has been in the past on occasions. Arsene will be pleased though about Stan confirming what we all knew anyway that making money is what he sees as being success and not winning trophies. What a cretin this guy is and Wenger is right up to his neck in Stan's plans .Only failing to win the Champions League cash will see Stan getting shut of him .Is Stan himself though sending out smoke signals from his ranch that if someone makes him an offer he can't refuse he will take it. Usmanov bought some more shares recently surely he can't be interested in just being a 'silent partner' at AFC - after all he doesn't need money -he has more of it than Stan does. If we do fail to finish in the top 4 this season it could see some changes at the club and for us to progress we need Kroenke and Wenger OUT ! Now that would be worth celebrating.

  192. Gaz

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:55 #86294

    Tony E-Even if the board want him to stay I'd like to think Wenger himself would call time on his career at the Club. Only word I can think of to describe what's happening now though is bonkers! Everything about the man just gives me the bleedin hump nowadays. As for his 'followers'-that's what they are-I'd just love to know what's going through their minds after every sorry performance. Their unequivocal support for him defies all known logic...

  193. Tony Evans

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:46 #86293

    Gaz - I can well believe it. You could go back further than that and still find similar. If anyone had told me back in 2004, 2005 or 2006 that we were about to endure a period of unparalleled frustration (bar the two FA Cup triumphs) I would never have believed them. Yes we have seen worse teams and endured barren spells before but Wenger's refusal to spend money / change tactics / admit mistakes etc etc takes the biscuit. Even now Wenger will not acknowledge any failure on his or the teams part and that worries more than the actually performances. It means nothing will change until he goes and that will not be before the end of next season I am sure (at the earliest), even if we finish outside of the top four come May.

  194. Made Up Stat

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:40 #86292

    Speaks volumes when the only people defending Wenger are trolls.

  195. Bwood_Horn

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:37 #86291

    Hornet in peace. Just to add something to the comment about our ticket allocation WFC subsidised prices so all tickets were available for £36.50 - which I still think is a lot of money for a match.

  196. Cyril

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:31 #86290

    @mike: I'm very grateful for that. I have actually emailed the editor and copied your admin and I have asked if a special mention can be dropped in when you see fit in one of your next articles about this. I, like everyone else am very wary about what is published on line especially if is malicious or just plain idiotic. However, to lighten the mood - 'lieutenant Columbo, I was in a pub pulling my hair out yesterday afternoon and then I went for dinner at my partner's home. I was there all evening and never once tapped a keyboard in anger for the whole evening'. I may give this forum a break until I can be sure that I can safely post again. Sad, sad, sad!!!

  197. Gaz

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:28 #86289

    EG-you seen Untold Arsenal today? Good grief! Some of the supportive comments for Wenger are just absolutely frightening! It is a Cult. It is creepy...

  198. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:25 #86288

    The more insightful types on here and elsewhere have been airing the issues for years and it now appears to be reaching a nadir. Wenger should in theory be able to see what's happening as well as anyone but he appears to be in deep denial, presumably because of what it means for his philosophies. With even the moderate AKBs now very reluctantly coming to the obvious conclusion, it's only the cult-like extremist rump of the AKB movement left, those who truly do support the man and not the club. With no argument or defence to speak of anymore they resort to desperately and angrily lashing out at those who are simply expressing opinions on an undeniable reality.

  199. Gaz

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:16 #86287

    If you all want a really depressing read check out the archives and go back to May 2013. I am not kidding when I say you could copy and paste most of the posts onto this current article and they really would not look out of place...

  200. Jamerson

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:14 #86286

    We only have to win 3-1 jeff not 3-0,remember we did Bayern 2-0.If we sit deep do a Man City on them we can hit them on the break.

  201. Website Admin (Mike)

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:13 #86285

    Hi Cyril - Unfortunately under the current system, people can post using any name and there are a couple of sad individuals who seem to take delight in impersonating others and using multiple identities. Where we are able to identify this we remove the posts. Obviously there is a possibility of there being other genuine posters called Cyril, although i don't believe this is the case. Often, before we can remove the offending posts, others will reply and that is probably what you have seen and wondered what is going on. Apologies for that. I'll try to identify these and remove them, but please feel free to email us if you have any concerns - my email address is in the comment rules section. The Editor is not involved in the moderation of comments.

  202. Torbay gooner

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:10 #86284

    Walcott aka the invisible man should do the team talk pre Barca, the last one went so well!!

  203. Bard

    Mar 14, 2016, 12:07 #86283

    Jeff; I tend to agree with you in thinking that Wenger isnt as clever as everyone seems to think he is. If you deconstruct most of his comments they are contradictory or plain daft. I think its because of his accent. The other issue is that he is clearly in something of a panic. He doesnt seem to get the fact that the discontent isnt to do with our current situation but an accumulation of 10 years of failure. It doesnt help when Stan comments over the weekend that he isnt bothered about winning trophies and is interested in the Arsenal brand. His mission impossible over in Spain is sheer folly when we play Everton at the weekend. By next sunday the whole season could be over.

  204. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:59 #86282

    Sorry Cyril I think Cornish let me know of your terrible impersonator. I was one of the blunt replies not realising I was talking to a impersonator. Anyway onto the arch Impersonator Mr Jamerson. It really is you and your brother who need to grow the balls. You whinge like a 3 year old and your so called tough guy brother has done a runner. Probably back onto the Chelsea sites where your personas originated

  205. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:57 #86281

    DearJamie,we lost the tie at home as far as I'm concerned Wenger could perm any number of players in Wednesday night's game and still end up with the same result you fool. He should have started with Welbeck and and Bellerin but chose to rest them for the Barcelona game - a game that we have no real hope of winning 3-0 and that is what it will have to be ,if you believe that will happen then you are even sillier than I think that you are. You seem to have some obsession with ranting on about growing balls ,don't you have any ? Your macho stupidity is really funny so come on give us your prediction for Wednesday night's game >?

  206. Cyril

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:50 #86280

    Ron and others I have shared some comments with, I want to point out that there seems to be some naughty souls about impersonating. I have just read the bottom half of the previous blog and someone has been pretending to be me by the looks of it. I have no idea what these comments have been about as they are not in there anymore. I have just a barrage of abuse about me. My only post is the one at the bottom explaining. I hope they weren't too distasteful and I mention you Ron as we have had some interesting fact sharing debates. So for the record, if you get some moron babbling on under my name IT IS NOT ME! I am not sure I will post anymore, so thanks for that whoever you are you cretin. Will still read all your comments as it is a great forum. Will let the website editor know about this as well.

  207. Wenger Must Go

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:50 #86279

    The only farces are the prize monies stated above and Wenger's arrogance.

  208. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:47 #86278

    Gooner Ron and Anthony Walters I believe make up a substantial part of the base. Slow to anger and Loyal. I think when guys like that are questioning it pretty much shows that the show maybe up for Arsene. The atmosphere will become more hostile and eventually change will be seen as inevitable. In fact I think we have reached that point

  209. N4

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:46 #86277

    No surprises there with the lost! People are talking about the game against Barca...seriously do they really think you gonna come out victorious?!! Anyway the whole Arsenal stink so bad now and it's been for a long long time! You just have to read what D**head kronke said about he doesn't care about winning trophies as it's all about making money and that he will never invest big and the fans that want big investment should go and do one...!!! For me if Wenger is still here after 2017 season then I'm done with Arsenal!!! Not spend a penny on Arsenal since 2006 so this looks like it will carry on for a while longer!

  210. Torbay gooner

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:44 #86276

    These 'performances' are now starting to have a numbing effect on me,as they are becoming the norm. To be truthful I don't really care if we finish 2nd or 5th this season, although 5th looks the more likely if we continue with the relegation form we are currently showing. If that happens then yes of course it would heap yet more pressure on the manager, but since the board have covered him in teflon, he will see out his contract and we will have at least another season of this boring mediocrity. Oh happy days!

  211. Guy in Jersey

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:42 #86275

    600NER PETE, I agree with you that there's been little to enjoy in the past decade although that's partly down to the stadium move as well. What a depressing place, it still doesn't feel like home, and has only rarely come alive (think Barca at home in 2011), but then we don't play the type of football that gets you on your feet do we? My comments on Wenger have been repeated too many times now, but it says a lot when a buffoon like Steve Claridge calls him out for his clueless and unfathomable tactics - it only took you ten years to notice Steve?

  212. Jamerson

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:41 #86274

    You don't just throw games away jeff,what sort of defeatist attitude is that.Wenger is right to go for it with a full strength team against Barca. We're Arsenal not spurs,man city or manure,we go for every game,you need to grow some.

  213. Ron

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:41 #86273

    Theres little else to say about the Club or Wenger. The salient point is that a strong team on papers was picked but one that thought it could beat Watford with Wengers 'handbrake' on. They got a shock didnt they. Watford very worthy winners. Arsenal only played for 6 mins of the entire match inc overtime. A total disgrace. I wished that i still cared. Wellbeck was AFC MOTM for me. He did more in his 14 mins or however much it was than the rest of the pitiful team put together. Same old, same old. At least Wengs will be pleased the pesky tourny is done with. Now he concentrate on turning Barca over (that was the reason for the half cooked showing wasnt it?). Judge him in May i say.

  214. jeff wright

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:27 #86271

    How anyone can still take the clown Wenger seriously is beyond belief.On Friday he was claiming that winning the FA Cup again would be massive . Then after losing at home to Watford ,he also failed to beat Championship side Hull at home as well in the previous tie, Wenger then says that the FA Cup is not really that important! You couldn't make it up. Arsene is not really as clever as he and some others think that he is .When asked if he will be fielding a weak side against Barcelona ,with Saturday's high-noon shoot-out away to in-form Everton to play in the more important league game,Wenger replied,no,because we want to do the impossible against Barcelona. This of course comes as no surprise really because Wenger is always doing daft things like this due to his obsession with not ever having won a European Cup. However it should be pointed out to him that if someting is IMPOSSIBLE to do then it can not be POSSIBLE to do it.Otherwise it would not be IMPOSSIBLE. Surely it can't be so difficult to work that out.It is not impossible for us to beat Barcelona but in the real world against that of Arsene la la land it is very unlikely that we can do so . Winning the FA Cup ,a comp that it must be said Wenger was very very fortunate to wi two times on the trot - the luck of the draw and in running - plays a big part against the other factors involved in winning the much more difficult league .Just 5 games in the cup against 38 in the league. Wenger's never won that twice running ,now that would be 'massive'.It's all about perspective really but with Wenger it is about what he sees fits the situation he finds himself in. I can't wait to see what he says after Wednesday night's fun-fest in the Bernabeu...... Regarding Ozil's performance yesterday, well he made some nice passes and the back-heel Ramseyesque one to set up the far too late in the game Danny Boy goal -but once again came up short in a big game in which he failed to dominate by grabbing it by the scruff of the neck. The new head on the block Elpheny looks a moderate sort of playerno way a top 4 one and the way that Watford ran through our midfield with counter-attacks bodes ill for us when we face Messi ,Suarez and Neymar . Suarez is not likely to miss his chances twice against us. I go for him to score the first goal. What's the odds on that then Westie>?

  215. 600NER PETE

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:16 #86270

    We have defenders that can't defend, forwards who can't score and midfielders who normally just pass sideways. The team is full of lightweights with no pace or power. The team are "led" (?) by a manager who has no tactics apart from tippy tappy. This is the Arsenal team we have had to watch since 2008. It is never easy supporting a football team but even though I still watch 95% of matches, there has been very little to enjoy in the last 8 years. I can't understand how genuine supporters still feel that Wenger is the answer. For me, the board and Wenger need to leave so that I can rekindle the passion that started in 1968 which has gradually dwindled year after year with each groundhog season. With this regime it feels like I will never enjoy football again like I used to.

  216. Giroudhog Day

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:13 #86269

    'Kroneke sets the targets'- herein lies the problem. We are guided by a man with no interest in trophies and purely an interest in a profitable business. (As he said himself recently.) I share the frustration at Wenger, but the bigger picture is Kroenke. Wenger is his ideal man as he will deliver profits. He (Kroenke) really needs to get out of our club. Also, I think you are a bit unfair claiming the FA Cup means nothing to Wenger. For all his faults and frustrations, he's won it six times. More than any other manager. He's proud of that. The guy does at least give a sh*t, hence being an awful loser, unlike Kroenke. That said, Wenger's inability to motivate the team does have me very worried.

  217. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:05 #86268

    You first read it here six years ago, "KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!” since when I relinquished my season ticket and refused to fund the Arsenal “business model” any further. But, as each season has passed, more and more have seen the light. To those who understood from the start, I congratulate you! To those of you for whom the truth dawned a little less quickly, we welcome you to our number. SEIZE the POWER! Refuse to be Silenced! Declare it out LOUD, LIVE on TV! WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  218. Jamerson

    Mar 14, 2016, 11:03 #86267

    I was disgusted to hear of AKB's being attacked outside the ground by angry WOB's.This is North London not the wild west.

  219. King Jeremy

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:55 #86266

    Defeats like this used to hurt me badly. Now, I am just numb to it all - just the latest knock in the sad and slow demise of what used to be a football club. It sit here typing this with the only consoling thought being that we are one step closer to being rid of this manager. Barcelona stands to be an absolute embarrassment and Lukaku must be licking his lips at the prospect of going up against the oil tanker Mertesacker. Too many footballers that are not good enough to be a this club, a manager that is past his sell by date and an owner that only sees a balance sheet. Goodbye Arsenal FC my old friend, you were dearly loved. PS - come on you Foxes (it's either them or S***s!

  220. Rob

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:38 #86265

    We can only prey this are the last days of Wenger!

  221. Red Member

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:37 #86264

    I just can't understand this view that Wenger cannot be got rid of. He will be and it has nothing to do with footballing reasons. We are now first and foremost a business and brand Arsenal is now a laughing stock. There are pictures being beamed around the world of Arsenal fans fighting amongst themselves at the ground. How do you try and sell this club to a global market?? The negativity on the club's twitter and facebook pages are unbelievable. Wenger is finished at Arsenal, the only thing left now is how to try and let him exit with dignity

  222. Nick

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:31 #86263

    A poster yesterday ( stoud) complained about the moaning Wenger out brigade, id ask him this, does it not hurt you when Arsenal lose ? Do you not care that for the umpteenth time we are imploding when it matters? Of course no team has a divine right to win things but we are THE ARSENAL a club with a proud and glorious history a history that was ingrained in English and World football long before Arsene Wengers time , we are now a very, very wealthy club,we have the resources that most only dream of yet our manager acts as though we are paupers at times, no one expects us to buy recklessly we only want those resources used to maximum effect , Wenger does NOT want that he wants success but only on his terms even though those terms are untenable, the board and major shareholder are only interested in the bank balance, so while Wenger maintains the status quo of cl football and keeps the money in the bank they are happy, they care nothing for the grass root supporters only the corporate element, this attitude transmits to the players who then think why should we do any more than we have to , its a malaise that causes complacency which causes meltdowns which we have witnessed every season since the move from Highbury.In my.opinion Wenger should have been sacked after a disastrous pre season which culminated in the 2-8 reverse at O.T a few years ago , since then regular humiliations have been heaped upon us the manager is clearly at fault with the board complicit ! If that does not hurt you then I would suggest you are NOT a true Arsenal supporter with red and white blood pumping through your veins ! We can accept defeat when we have been bested by a superior opponent , after giving our all, but continual surrenders and capitulations without firing a shot in anger is NOT acceptable and never has been !!

  223. anthony walters

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:26 #86262

    another example of defensive clangers in an overall decent performance but lacking in urgency and sheer desire .chambers possibly but definitely mertesacker and gabriel culpable for the first goal.second was a worldy but mertesacker like gabriel for kanes goal at white hart lane should have been more determined to close him down quicker.ozil showed his good and bad side yes showed his creativity and genius yet lazily got caught on the ball waving arms instead of showing any desire to win it back.sanchez the same some poor first touches and passing but worked hard and did some good stuff too but simply ineffective.we do miss koscielney but he has had some poor moments this season too and it's hard to see how giving chambers a run at centre back is a bigger risk than the error prone and rash gabriel.the squad is a good one with the addition of 2 or 3 players next season could be succesful but needs fresh impetus ideas and a new manager tougher on organisation positional discipline and poor decision making.thanks arsene for all your work and some great memories but it is time to move on.

  224. Alsace

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:23 #86261

    GoonerRon you are not correct. No one is going to do this for us. There is only one person in the entire Arsenal set up that has any experience of dismissing a manager and hiring a new one. That is Mr Ken Friar. The rest of them, including members of staff who should know better, take the gravy train from Kings Cross to the Grove every morning. They wallow in their sea of money and have no regard for the club or its history or self respect. Our good players will by now have realised that the emperors new clothes are made of nothing, and the best will leave in the summer, leaving only the offal. As to the Stadium rising in revolt, I'm afraid that only a very few of us were shouting at the manager yesterday. The rest simply left - unsurprised and apparently unconcerned. If we want to get rid of Mr Wenger we must harness the greed of those in power at the club, not confront it. The phrase, "Think how many more shirts and scarves will be sold in Asia if Arsenal stop losing half their games" comes to mind. Arsene Wenger is a losing coach. A specialist in failure. Chant that enough at American businessmen and eventually they will start to believe it.

  225. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:18 #86260

    I think it will not be just one thing that ends this and at the top end the sacking of executives is rarely Hollywood anymore. Much more a series of discussions, viewpoints sought and then a large payoff. If Wenger as expected over sees us Lose at Barca and then a low morale Arsenal lose at Goodison is it not 4 wins in 14? Horrific stuff. The discussions could then come quicker. Wenger will also then fear a febrile atmosphere at the Emirates as he doesn't like dissent so that could be a factor. One of the keys is the general acceptance amongst many that it is time for a new guy to be given the chance with Umre being touted. Though I'd really like Koeman. In a way stay away protests are all well and good but UTD got rid of Moyes with barely a dent in their attendances. I'd actually rather see a full ground and a switched on board. In that regard they need desperately to get a football man on the board.

  226. Rob

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:14 #86259

    Red - in response to your point : he won't walk and the Board won't sack him. So we're stuck for one more season. Nonetheless when his contract expires in June 2017 Wenger won't be breaking his contract - which he always says he'll never do anyway - and the Board would not be forcing him out. They'd simply make a clean break of it. My fear is that the Board are so abject that they will offer him a rolling contract for that season and so on, forward into 'eternity'. That's the point when we'll be faced with an inescapable choice.

  227. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:09 #86258

    That was extremely deflating. We blew a fantastic chance to reach the semi-final. Whilst we were the dominant team for much of the game the difference was they took their chances and we fluffed ours. We will need to be much sharper in front of goal in the Camp Nou. COYG!

  228. Red Member

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:06 #86257

    Rob - I dont understand your comment. As you say his position is now untenable so why wouldnt he go at the end of the season??

  229. goonersol

    Mar 14, 2016, 10:00 #86256

    What a mess, Arsenal have totally lost there way, thanks to Wenger, Kronke & Gazidis, what chance of them (K & G) getting a quality manager in when Wenger goes, they are both clueless in that Dept.......

  230. GoonerRon

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:53 #86255

    The supporters, the manager, the players, the club just can't keep taking these hammer blows and for change to not eventually prevail. This really is starting to feel like the beginning of the end for Wenger and possibly for a number of the players at our club. 4 wins in 14 says it all when we're at the business end of the season. On the attendence - having a crowd of over 58,000 with less than a week to sell the games is nothing but a total flop for the ticket 'protest'.

  231. Nick

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:46 #86254

    Yes we were desperately unlucky to see Girouds goal ruled out for offside , how a linesman can call such a tight decision with such certainty is beyond me, but we were also very lucky not to have been down to ten men, so really blaming officials is sour grapes ! The fact is we were hopeless defensively and clueless in an attacking capacity , Ozil did however fashion a handful of terrific opportunities that should have been taken,if this performance were a one off then the outrage would be unjustified it's not though is it ? Its almost the norm for us to perform in this way ! We are like a ship struggling through stormy seas rudderless and with no engines, while the captain of the good ship Arsenal refuses to accept responsibility for failing to oversee needed maintenance and for destroying the morale of the Crewe ! It would also appear that the ships owners would be happy to see the ship flounder as long as the captain is happy to stay, it may well be that we hit the massive iceberg looming before us before the captain decides to abandon ship !

  232. scorp

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:41 #86253

    beats me why people fail to analyze Ozil's performances..surely the most talented chameleon in football history..you have to watch his highlight reels to get what he does right..in a good football team, he would be lethal..was the best arsenal player on the pitch yesterday by a mile..

  233. Rob

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:31 #86252

    Wenger's position is untenable. But he and the Directors exist in a parallel Universe and the divide is now a chasm. I can't see him going at the end of this season. He'll still be here in August. But the crunch will come at the end of next season. His contract expires and it's twenty years. By any degree of sanity that is surely time to depart ? But I have a horrible feeling they will go for an extension ! At that point we either roll over or revolt. What's it going to be ?

  234. Oda

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:31 #86251

    All the same comments and situation for years, and the reality is the that the last two FA CUP wins were decoys and masked the reality, just look at the teams we beat and how to win them apart from Man U away last year. The reality is that Wenger s going no where, we all know that deep down. The only way is if truly all fans get together on this and sing WENGER OUT, for 90 min for all remaining home matches this season. I for one will try to do that and will rally as many people as possible to join me. ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE SAME???

  235. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:26 #86250

    @JMascis666 - Cheers buddy. It is beyond parody now. Just gallows humour as we wait to see Spuds crowned champions - Something I am sure most of us thought we would never see in our lifetimes.

  236. JB

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:26 #86249

    Ozil was negligant on the second goal his attitude sums up the way the team approached the match half hearted at best

  237. TJ

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:25 #86248

    I think the biggest thing I would emphasise is that IT IS NOT THE PLAYERS THAT IS THE PROBLEM. I appreciate Walcott is out of form badly (and would like him to be sold) and Giroud has never been good enough in my view, but other than at CF we have the players we need. I know Gabriel, Mertesacker and Elneny look under-par but it's like I've said before, it matters not a jot how good the players are if they have a poor doctrine. All the underperforming players have had periods where they look solid. You could have an army of Achilles and the greatest warriors in history and they wouldn't win the Charge of the Light Brigade, i.e. Wenger's inane focus on nothing but wide open attack leaves the players without knowing what to do, and only luck or all-time greats like Henry and Bergkamp can overcome the arbitrary limitations. No one ever picks up on me saying this but when Bouldie first joined we revolutionised our tactics and the praise was pouring in for him as the defence looked brilliant - it was only because of Giroud that we hadn't scored enough. We could have achieved so much without Wenger the last 7 years. Anyway, everything hinges on Wenger resigning for us to move forward - that is unlikely as even if we fail to come top 4, he won't like being proven wrong. I also think there's an element of fear involved where he is afraid of someone else coming in and doing the job properly, highlighting his ineptitude. Even though this league is incredibly weak, we can't EVER make higher than 4th or, very fortuitously, 3rd, with him in charge. The board won’t sack him or not extend his stay unless he CONSISTENTLY fails to make the top 4. The really sad thing is that the AKB enemies of this club have propped up this dictator because like most people they are sheep – they don’t understand that support is supposed to be for the institution, not the manager. I predict now a second exodus of stars a la Fabregas and Nasri. Sanchez came out last summer and expressed his DISAPPOINTMENT that we only won the FA Cup, and recently said publicly that the team lack belief, obviously calculated to show his dissatisfaction with mediocrity. Maybe he’s just injured right now, but who could blame him if his head had turned? He has won La Liga, the Fifa Club World Cup, the UEFA Super Cup, the Copa America etc. and he is 28 next season, at his peak as a world-class player. Oh yes I’m sure he’s just like the AKBs and will lap up finishing fourth as a success rather than challenging for prestigious honours.

  238. JackL

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:19 #86247

    This double whammy is just too much....we are so poor and Sp*rs may win the league. And AW doesn't even seem to realise the implications of that! My comments are otherwise the same as my last half dozen posts...what is the point of repeating them. It's just so painful. Heard John Hartson on Talk Sport this am, disgusting that he sat on the fence and said it was not for him to say whether AW stays or goes, he's a punter to give an opinion-well done Paul Merson and Charlie Nicholas. I'm just tired of this now, and it looks like next season will be the same, and god-forbid AW will renew for 3 more years!

  239. Ray

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:18 #86246

    Giroud was level when he scored that perfect goal in the first half,these narrow margins decide games.We have had twice as many goals ruled wrongly offside than anybody else in the last ten years.

  240. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:14 #86245

    The writer says we didn't have a shot on target in the first half - we did, a perfectly good goal ruled offside. Anyways, they deserved the win having a game plan that worked whilst we faffed around as usual. Pathetic and I can't see us winning another game this season - it really is awful to watch right now.

  241. JMascis666

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:14 #86244

    @DanielNorthamptonGooner Thanks mate! That made me laugh on an otherwise depressing Monday morning!

  242. Martyn

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:11 #86243

    I was at the game yesterday and totally agree with this assessment. I'm frankly bored with the same old outcomes, match after match. There's never a plan 'B', substitutions are without logic and its obvious the players are not motivated or, more to the point, too comfortable. Failure to perform has been accepted because despite everything on the pitch players are praised and defended. Why would Walcott do anything more than he did yesterday, he knows he'll be in the squad for Barcelona and Everton. With the cup lost, today we look up the table and see Spurs and Leicester going for the title. If Leicester win tonight its goodbye to any lingering hopes for us. If Newcastle win we may still have an outside chance but it will strengthen Spurs' challenge too. It was never meant to be this way for so long this season but what a cock up and a complete nightmare for us it's turned out to be.

  243. Gaz

    Mar 14, 2016, 9:06 #86242

    What can I say that hasn't been said a hundred times before. He's finished-everyone knows it now apart from a small select barmy few who are putting one man ahead of the long term future of the Club. It's quite bizarre...

  244. Danish Gooner.

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:53 #86241

    Arsenal as a football club are falling apart,it is now more a business then a place for winning the League or CL.

  245. Tony Evans

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:50 #86240

    Watford were no more than average I thought (that was all they needed to be) - they came with a game plan, namely to defend in numbers and catch us on the break which worked perfectly. With quicker passing they could have had a brace before half-time, after twice catching us cold. We played right into their hands with our slow, ponderous build up play, showing no sense of urgency at all. Their first goal was a defensive nightmare and I thought Ospina should have got to the second, good a shot as it was. We are just too predictable and easy to play against, and have no killer instinct - not helped by the fact we have lacked a clinical finisher since RVP left the premises. Fragile in midfield too and bereft of quality at centre half we are in dire need of major surgery. I wouldn't trust 'surgeon' Wenger to take my tonsils out, and a new manager surely can't arrive quickly enough now.

  246. Greg

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:45 #86239

    This is like a bad nightmare now. Arsenes press conference post match was arrogance of the highest order, and basically two fingers up to us, the fans. This regime is so far detached from reality, it's unreal. Regards players, it's more of a case who not to cull for any incoming manager..would keep only cech, bellerin, ozil, Alexis off the top of my head..

  247. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:43 #86238

    You are correct Wenger it is a farce, but not as you think, because you are the farce, turning our club into a farce!

  248. Augustus Flair

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:41 #86237

    Well written, David. Agree Ozil was a positive presence but won't want to hang around hapless losers such as Wally Walnut and Diva Giroud much longer. Wenger's comments border on the demented. It really is time to go and begin a new debate - as the same old comments from the same old people (me included) will be posted here throughout the day.

  249. Ray

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:30 #86236

    Watford failed to sell over 1,000 of their tickets which is why the attendance was only 58,346 and there were gaps in their end..

  250. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:21 #86235

    When even Giroud's beard is unkempt you know tings are bad.....

  251. George

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:20 #86234

    The problem is defence is not Wenger's forte.He likes to play attacking soccer with plenty of possession and endless passing in front of a massed defence.He has been beaten regularly by rf/Chelsea/Mc/Pool and others as well. The 8-2/6-0/6-3/5-1 losses could have been prevented had he played like some managers: anti soccer. In the injury hit month of Spt 2011 he decided to attack Mu and paid the ultimate price of 8 goals conceded.I ask which manager has ever conceded 8 goals among the top teams. He has outlived his usefulness and I say tahnks for the memory.I just hope he will lose to Barca and Everton .Surely the board would have to take action shd Arsenal fail to qualify for cl. There are many talented bosses whose cd are better than Wenger and are proven winners.

  252. Peter Wain

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:18 #86233

    Considerable changes in personnel are required. We need two centre backs a creative midfield player a defensive mid field player and at least one striker. Arteta Falminin Rosicky will all go but decisions need to be taken about Mertersacker Gabriel Walcott Chamberlain and Giroud. I cannot see Wenger doing any of this with more of the same most likely. We will be linked with every one buy no one and Wenger will claim that getting Wiltshire Cazorla and Ramsey back are like buying new players. Wenger is making the same mistakes again and again and we cannot allow the club to drift. It may be that we miss out on the champions league this year which will be uses as an excuse not to buy players but unless a lot of changes take place we are going down the league not up. Wenger Gazidis the board and Kroenke must all go and go now.

  253. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:03 #86231

    Another classic Arsenal display under Wenger, dominate chances and possession, but all wasted by players who couldn’t score in a brothel, coupled to a porous defence that even a sieve would be more watertight and offer better protection than our lot! Reading comments from those who continue to back Wenger, they must be being paid or work for the club itself, or simply Spud fans on a wind up, as no rational football supporter who has analysed the evidence these last few years can come to any other conclusion than that Wenger’s time is now well and truly up.

  254. Charlie George Orwell

    Mar 14, 2016, 8:02 #86230

    So, in the gloom of yet another embarrassment where we are taught a footballing lesson by a club that can only dream of the resources available to us, Wenger delivers his latest words of comfort to the disappointed. ‘We have lost games in the past’, he philosophises, ‘and we will lose games in the future.’ In effect, we are told sh*t happens and then dismissed along with an Oh, and by the way, don’t ever have the temerity to question me. ‘It’s a farce.’ He reasons. Yes, Arsene. It certainly is. No Honour. No Respect. No Shame.