Arsenal Circular 141 – A Call for Peace

Tumultuous times threaten if Arsene’s stay is extended

Arsenal Circular 141 – A Call for Peace

Dali’s Premonition of Civil War… Coming to the Grove any day now!

In recent weeks there has been reaction For and Against my position on Wenger. Briefly I have stood firm that he should stay. Wenger In. I have always accepted that there are quite valid views in favour of him departing and in favour of him staying and I have summarised and addressed the arguments on both sides. I won’t repeat them now because the decision has been made – he stays. He is not going to be sacked. He is not going to resign. He will be in place at the start of next season and maybe for another three years. So the issue is not whether he stays or goes but how the Wenger Out supporters handle themselves and their attitude to Arsenal.

My starting point has always been the same – we are all on the same side. We all love Arsenal FC. What unites us is bigger – much bigger – than what separates us. And this being the case both sides need to respond in a supportive way. Those of us who support Wenger must not crow because he is staying and, again, not crow if next year turns out to be a successful year. Those supporters who oppose Wenger need to put the team first and support them with the same gusto that they have shown over the years.

The reason I say this is because there has been more heat than light – more virulence than debate – more hatred than tolerance. And it can hurt the one thing we all love – Arsenal FC. We want to soften the exchanges, show more respect for contrary views and ensure the team receive the full hearted 100% support whenever they play. The worry is that the deep seated animosity displayed towards Wenger – replete with repeated use of F and C words – will make it difficult for fans eager for his departure to get behind the team in each and every game. We cannot have any “afters” – we cannot go after players – we cannot boo a poor performance by a player or a team or chortle at setbacks.

Love for people means most in difficult times. It is easy to be positive and gushing when times are good but it is when times are bad that we supporters, especially those with animosity to Wenger, have to show their love of Arsenal FC with unrestrained commitment.

This is not easy. Read social media, whether it is onlinegooner or other blogs and websites and you will see how toxic matters have become. Some – quite a few in fact – have really let rip – really gone for the jugular – really want Wenger in pieces. They have a problem – what do they do? Do they stay angry, bitter, vehement? Ask yourselves the question – what next?

It is not easy to change tack when you have taken a firm stand but that is what needs to be done. Hostilities need to be suspended for the greater good. If the animosities continue, the spirit will be sapped. We will be at war with each other. The Emirates will become a battlefield. Every setback will be accompanied by more banners and more anti-Wenger chanting. It will trigger the opposite – banners in support of Wenger and pro-Wenger chants. The atmosphere will deteriorate – the family will be at war with itself. Salvador Dali’s famous painting comes to mind.

There has to be a pause for the greater good. Once the decision is made – the decision is made. Wenger remains as coach and instead of looking for each and every setback – whether tactics, signings, injuries, substitutions – we need to show support and encourage the players. They are human. They have feelings and instincts and reactions. Batter Wenger and you batter the players. It does not work. And of course there are some who want that to happen. They will be vocal and persistent and nasty and chortling. Players will lose confidence – play safe – make the square pass – play with the handbrake on. In this way the anti-Wenger mood will go on – to the detriment of Arsenal FC.

Those of us who support Wenger tend to be more quiet. It is a bit like the EU. Staying in the EU arouses fewer passions than leaving the EU. But beware the anger of a patient man. Those of us who focus on Arsenal FC will be stirred to action if the protests continue. Let’s hope wiser counsels prevail and what divides us will diminish and what unites us will grow. We need peace not war.

You can follow me on Twitter @arsenalcircular.

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  1. Joe S.

    Apr 01, 2016, 1:25 #87226

    Grahm,I don't think you love Arsenal as much as you love Arsene.The club has to move on. A true fan would accept a few lean years if it meant finding a way out of this stupor that the current regime has created.You have a manic fear of change.

  2. Red Tav

    Mar 31, 2016, 11:03 #87199

    Possibly the worst article ever published, the hypocrisy and contradiction utterly mind blowing....and to top it off, finished by a threat. Hilarious.

  3. Tom Nash

    Mar 31, 2016, 9:44 #87196

    I refer back to your previous piece, there is a type of personality that because it has decided that Arsene Wenger's time is up will now moan, gripe, swear, complain until he does decide to leave. never mind if we win the title, that's not enough for this type. Three Arsenal 'fans' out of this drawer sat next to us during a game before Christmas in which we didn't play well but won; they moaned for the whole game, nearly all of it directed at their/our own team. Some people prefer to be negative than the other !

  4. Wengerballs

    Mar 31, 2016, 8:48 #87195

    What a patronising load of ****. F*ck you and F*ck Wenger!

  5. North Upper Corner

    Mar 30, 2016, 23:30 #87191

    Mbg, you're right. He can say what he likes and get away with it. He's accountable to nobody and the board don't give a toss. Blaming the fans is a really stupid thing to do.

  6. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 23:17 #87190

    North Corner upper, does it surprise anyone what the old arrogant waster said that ? at any other club saying that alone would be a sack able offence, at any other club the fans would be up in arms about it and demand him sacked, but not this one and it's soft centre fans like the circulars, and that's why the arrogant old fraud said it, he knows it. Sad, wenger out.

  7. North Upper Corner

    Mar 30, 2016, 23:05 #87189

    I'm now trying to work out if Wenger is either deliberately winding the fans up or is actually an idiot. To say that supporters' happiness or disappointment is linked to the last result is insulting or outright stupid. The man blames everyone hut himself, fails every year making the same mistakes we all see but we get told we haven't worked a day in football. If our board had a spine or common sense he would have been sacked in August 2011 after the complete farce of the summer transfer window followed by conceding 8 (EIGHT) at Old Trafford. We can blame Kroenke as much s we like but it's not him who doesn't strengthen the squad, persist with the same stupid tactics and substitutions and fails year after year after year. José was wrong when he called Wenger a specialist in failure, Wenger is THE specialist in failure.

  8. In Arsene We Rust

    Mar 30, 2016, 15:10 #87172

    Bard- Take your point and agree that Kroenke is hardly a positive influence, but which of his 'restraints' will be responsible this season if we don't win the title and Leicester or Tottenham do? Does our hugely experienced £8m a year manager actually need to be told to win trophies? Is he not able to work that one out for himself?

  9. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 14:13 #87167

    Jimbo, those days are long long gone mate, never to return, and that's the problem there's to many AKB's wengerite luvvies waiting for them to return and it all to come good, well it's/they're not, plain and simple, the last eleven years tells us all that, but still they wait and hope. You couldn't make it up. wenger out now.

  10. North Upper Corner

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:30 #87163

    Think his latest stunt of blaming the supporters tops it all off. He's so deluded he thinks our disappointment is linked to the last result. Maybe if he stopped making the same mistakes and started spending some money there wouldn't be all this abuse

  11. AMG

    Mar 30, 2016, 12:33 #87158

    You're right, there is no point getting het up about it, nothing will make Wenger leave unless he wants to. I just feel numb about the whole thing right now. You'll get no abuse from me, but equally, support will be thin on the ground. When Arsenal start acting like the give a toss, so will I. Until then, enjoy your Arsene FC experience.

  12. Alsace

    Mar 30, 2016, 12:16 #87157

    Graham. The poison which exists because the AKB's are so closely in bed with Wenger, just as Cameron and the Civil Servants are in bed with the EU. The more wrong a thing becomes, the more closely it's acolytes cling to the preservation of that wrong. There is no humiliation that our club can be put through, no position so low, that it will not be acceptable to either Wenger or his supporters. What this feels like, and what this is, is civil war.

  13. Bard

    Mar 30, 2016, 10:04 #87149

    The problem at Arsenal is much bigger than just Wenger. The club operates as one of a package of investments belonging to Stan. As he has said its the brand that is important not the winning of trophies and titles. Wenger is part of that brand but any newcomer will have to work within the same restraints. We urgently need to somehow get rid of Stan.

  14. Jimbob

    Mar 30, 2016, 8:39 #87148

    Chinese drip torture is what I have suffered each season passed, Sometimes the pause from the drip is lengthened by a few weeks of Form then comes the water tower opening its main valve ( Utd, Swansea,Watford etc)'s so frustrating having to witness the same routine over & over each season. I was never an AKB supporter nor part of thee Wenger out brigade.....I just want him or whoever controls him to open their eyes as to what the majority of us know what needs to happen?....the tactics, the spending the stubbornness all has to change for him to be what he once was & for us to feel less like a potato gun & more like the cannon that fires its big balls @ anyone who dares to takeover or fort.

  15. Tony Evans

    Mar 30, 2016, 8:14 #87147

    Well said Ron - I've wanted Wenger out for ages now and although I will be disappointed if he stays it's not going to worry me too much. It's simply not that important to me. I love the club and always will and hope for change but that is as far as it goes for me.

  16. Roy

    Mar 30, 2016, 7:05 #87146

    Graham, can you explain ( assuming you agree with it ) just what Wenger has done to justify another contract ? This particular leopard is not going to change his spots now believe me, and that will no doubt lead to him not wanting to sign a new one anyway because of the amount of stick he will get. All you would get is four more years of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, and we all know how that ended. Anyway, he's not gonna last anywhere near that long, and when his own "Brexit" moment comes it will be a blessed relief. Wenger and Stan out.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 30, 2016, 6:11 #87145

    If Wenger got a seat on the board you know he would appoint Reme Garde as manager

  18. Alpha6bw

    Mar 30, 2016, 0:26 #87144

    Well Graham my biggest fear that Wenger will leave the Manager job and get a position on the Arsenal Board! This would be the worst thing to happen to Arsenal FC as no self respecting manager would go near the place due to Wenger continued interference on any potential signing I.E a top draw striker in the mold of Robert Lewandoski (The real one would be north of 65 million) that the new gaffer would like to sign for 40 million only for Wenger to VETO the deal because in his mind it's not super quality and suggests Arsenal submits a bid of £15 Million only for Arsenal to be laughed out of the selling club's boardroom and for one of our rivals to match the going rate and come match day the said striker puts 3 plus goals pass us in a humiliating defeat to our rival team he plays for resulting in the AKB asking for Wenger to comeback, yes that's right comeback oust the new guy from the Managers job (Which he undermined with the signing of said striker and numerous other players the new manager wanted and he veto though too) that still expect Wenger to win the league,FA cup and Champions league when everyone and his dog can see there's no chance of that happening except for 4th place again for another how many years until the cycle is repeated. Dream scenario for Silent Stan, the board and Wenger but for me it would be the final nail in the coffin to this beautiful club if this ever materializes!

  19. NickT

    Mar 29, 2016, 20:46 #87143

    What disappoints and irritates me most about this article is that its been published

  20. Bob

    Mar 29, 2016, 19:04 #87142

    I am sorry Graham, but there are many who care deeply about this club - I think a clear majority - who are not prepared to accept that Wenger should be indulged any further. Your increasingly isolated AKBs have nothing to crow about, because I don't accept that it is at all inevitable he will be staying beyond May. A third place finish behind Tottenham and Leicester would - indeed should - prove the end of the road for him. And if you are going to use the analogy of the EU referendum, then you represent "project fear" - ie cling on to the status quo because we don't know what the alternative would bring. That way lies a world of missed opportunities and settling for less than we can be. It isn't the Arsenal I dream of....

  21. Hiccup

    Mar 29, 2016, 18:40 #87141

    Graham, in my time I have endured lectures from the Rev Badarse and the vile language from Coldsore, not to overlook the threats from Jamie and Pete. I have had relentless odds of Arsenal finishing in the top 4 thrown in my face persistently from Westie. If you can handle that collaboration of jesters, when you get yourself stirred in to action it will be water off a duck's back.

  22. mbg

    Mar 29, 2016, 17:59 #87140

    Eddie howe now, that's always the way mate, all decent world class managers get snapped up, and the AKB's come crowing with they're usual who do we get to replace him with (yawn) but you never hear that from them when there's someone available, and anyway there's always someone available, there'd be something badly wrong with any manager worth his salt if he couldn't do as good a job and get more out of these players than TOF we have, personally i don't care who replaces him as long as we're rid. wenger out.

  23. Bard

    Mar 29, 2016, 17:49 #87139

    Graham, I get where you are coming from but you clearly dont understand football. Its about passion, its not a church social or a balance sheet. Its an arena where many of us can forget about our daily lives and be consumed by the game and the team. Im afraid all this 'united we will grow' stuff is nonsense. What will 'grow' us is for the manager to buy a top striker and instil some balls into the team. You and I both know that isnt going to happen while Wenger is at the helm.

  24. Blair207

    Mar 29, 2016, 17:15 #87138

    Drivel. The only way to stop severe toothache is to extract the tooth. You can live without doing so but its agony.


    Mar 29, 2016, 17:13 #87137

    Unbelievable article (that's not a compliment by the way). Well, I have done something about the situation & have completed my summer's business a damned sight earlier than Arthur Webster. Both Sky & BT Sport were cancelled today saving a few hundred quid - so like Arthur, when he can't resist a nice deal on Ozil/Sanchez, I have made a summer profit. The media giants, as has been repeatedly stated on here, are a major part of the problem so I am feeling a Webster-like little smirk coming on. Wonderful how those 6 month, half price subscription deals are suddenly offered when you leave isn't it? I very rarely come up to ENGLAND these days so I won't miss any visits to the Company HQ. Arsenal FC will always be in my heart & I look forward to enjoying them again one day. But I am 75 & is Arthur still going to be there when I snuff it? The Horror!!

  26. mbg

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:54 #87136

    Personally i wouldn't care or lose any sleep over if I never met another AKB wengerite again, even if they did offer me their hand, what have i or would i (or any other WOB's and proper Arsenal Fc supporters for that matter) have in common with, and want to be friends with arsene fc fans who support/supported and helped prop up this/his stinking regime. go now wenger and take your flock with you.

  27. Nick

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:42 #87135

    AKBs mantra, be careful what you wish for, f off down the lane if you question OGL, he kept us in top four with no money to spend! Judge him in may ( on the twelfth of never) their arguments never change, havnt changed since 2006 !All their arguments are spurious and easily dismantled, yet still they just like their idol continue to say the same things and react in the same way, they see any criticism of Wenger as heresy and will NOT countenance reasoned debate, facts and statistics are anathema to them so are avoided or ignored , they are now even pretending that the unrest and division is because of THIS seasons implosion, choosing to ignore the serial nature of such events , they are in fact a herd of Nero like sycophants who are playing their violins in unhinged harmony while Rome continues to burn !!

  28. Far far away fan

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:29 #87134

    Graham, don't be so certain that Wenger will stay. Things are only going to get worse for him. So far there have been occasional banners. He hasn't faced a full-fledged rebellion. He hasn't heard the stadium call for his head. Let's see if he has the stomach to last these 8 games. There will be no unity until Wenger is gone

  29. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:14 #87133

    Get your point jeff but can i just say neville chamberlain was playing for time.the gov and the PM started to put the country on a war footing.heres hopeing AW and the board are doing the same thing with Arsenal

  30. jjetplane

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:10 #87132

    Indiana wants me/Lord I can't go back there ... Stan has announced a new chicken franchise in Indiana and says Arsene Wenger is the best man for a chicken revolution. Meanwhile, Col Sanders is presently building a new super chicken plant to the east .....' We interrupt this news to tell you Theo Walcock plays football ....

  31. Eddie Howe Now...

    Mar 29, 2016, 16:00 #87131

    .... before someone else snaps him up

  32. anthony walters

    Mar 29, 2016, 15:55 #87130

    same article as before .i still think arsene overall does a good job in general player recruitment and consistency and is no idiot but frankly not good enough in team selection,balance and tactics. as someone who chose to support him as i considered the overall picture how many times do we throw winning positions in the league away ?05 08 to start with.if we don't win the title then fans should protest if they feel that strongly.personally i will as i think other fans should get behind the team at matches and no wenger out banners i attend until mathematically we are out of the title race.if as expected we do go out of it even if the board have decided to keep wenger enough banners and protest from fans surely has to have an impact on them enough to force a change or wenger to resign.yes we should get behind the team but have the right to call for change .many fans who i know luke myself who though never an akb felt he was still the best man for the job despite his faults but i believe it is a majority now who think change is needed .

  33. jjetplane

    Mar 29, 2016, 15:52 #87129

    SKG brilliant mate and just reading Wenger's own comments over the months and how unlike any other manager in football he is. Knows nothing about the game and has proved that over the last decade or more with degrading players and tactics and his only reply like a spoilt kid is 'I'm bored.' Sorry but football demands more than that. All very nice creaming off the big ones and now a rustling of critique (too little too late) and the Perrys and the Wengers are 'bored with it all.' I would be too snoozing away for a decade with a smug curl on the lips ....

  34. mbg

    Mar 29, 2016, 15:40 #87128

    SKG, Excellent post, post of the day if not the month, and one that should be read and reread and then thought about and read again (anybody that hasn't read it I suggest you do)just like wenger these die hard AKB wengerites have a lot to answer for, and like their messiah will never be forgiven.

  35. Nick

    Mar 29, 2016, 15:29 #87127

    When we have a bad or inept govt we do have the option to vote then out.of office , that is DEMOCRACY at Arsenal we have instead a DICTATORSHIP!! history also shows us that dictators usually end badly ! Just because Kronke and his lap dogs say it will be so does not mean we have to accept it ! If we fail as we surely shall to win the title this term then that failure will reverberate round the emirates in a wave of anger and unrest should we fail to even pip the spuds for second or the ultimate horror occurs and the slime from down the seven sisters road are crowned champions that wave of anger and unrest will become TSUNAMI that will surely sweep Wenger out from his throne room, " when you play the game of thrones you either win or you die"

  36. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 29, 2016, 14:57 #87126

    mbg - Thanks mate - the problem is that there's nothing subtle, novel or worth contesting in any of his stuff, and as others have said you can ride a coach and horses through the arsene fc propaganda, double standards and cod menaces that he spouts. His nonsense isn't even worth the bother of forgetting about if that makes sense. I'm ignoring it in future because his crushing negativity partially affects my day. Much better to contribute to the material of those that are true to themselves. I don't even think GP believes it (in the same way that badarse never used to). But as you know, I fully respect you for continuing the good fight. I'm going to keep my powder dry though for the interesting stuff.

  37. jjetplane

    Mar 29, 2016, 14:51 #87125

    Just read that last para (sic) again. Right on the button RON - who gives a flying **** as Wenger with his pathological disassociation from the fanbase clearly does not nor ever has said anything about the fans unless it is smug and derogatory. He prefers a distant, muted customer type so these sanctimonious AKBs are perfect fodder. Like a Dickensian army of extras doffing their caps as the master rides by with a withering wave - French kings and all that .... lol! Tale of two clubs ....

  38. RedPig

    Mar 29, 2016, 14:32 #87122

    Graham- you say ''Hostilities need to be suspended for the greater good''. And yet you are in favour of continuing to employ the man who is causing these hostilities in the first place. Many of us are sick and tired of Wenger. He has had plenty of time, patience and money and he hasnt delivered. His continuous presence and his negative influence is infecting our club. Why can't you recognise that the greater good is ridding ourselves of this egomaniac? It is NOT the ant-Wenger mood that is detrimental to Arsenal FC - it is Wenger himself that is detrimental. As for your last paragraph, what blatant hypocrisy and double standards. No wonder you admire Wenger, you're just like him.

  39. CT Gooner

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:50 #87121

    I understand the Gooner prints all perspectives, but Graham Perry's circulars should be banned until they have something new to say. This is essentially the same as his last post, and we all know how that was received.

  40. 3 cheers for them upstairs

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:28 #87119

    So pleased to hear that Mr Wenger has deigned to stay and see out his contract. I umbly salute you Mr Wenger sir, I doff my cap. Gawd bless u guvner.

  41. jjetplane

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:27 #87118

    There should be a petition for the Emirates tourists to keep quiet for the next three years. By then Arsene will have consolidated 10th place and will anyone have noticed. Pray tell silent warrior that you are how you get behind the likes of Wally when he cannot get behind himself. You maybe onto something with the Dali thing as he too was a right wing megalomaniac (for Stan see Franco) and my own personal fave was Sal's rendition of the crucifixion which you are saying is unlikely to happen on er ... Highbury Hill. Never going to happen but the Wok turning into the most dangerous ground in the country would be most amusing .... Another biscuit Reverend Perry and do put that sodding rifle down! there is no one in the garden just the hedgehog ..... Anyone seen Westie? The really funny thing is this circular would not have happened if Everton had turned ....

  42. Ron

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:25 #87117

    Another strange effort Graham. 'Toxic'? 'Peace' needed? Good grief. Is football really that important to you? The worst part of the article is that it totally fails to realise that many of us have wanted change for 6 years plus, some as long as a decade have wanted change. Those views wont change. Some carry on going to games and supporting the Club, others dont. Us who want Arsene to call it a day have precisely no decisions to make and thus nothing 'to handle'. We ll simply stay as we are. You though and yr ilk have the bigger and harder decisions to face, in that you have to carry on working out how to justify that no change will occur. Good luck with that. You're going to need it.You arrived on this site far to late to start being prescriptive to many, many of us.

  43. In Arsene We Rust

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:25 #87116

    Almunia is a clown- Mate, the social cleansing of match-going Arsenal fans is almost complete, and either a contract extension or a move upstairs for Wenger will finish things off for good. The Arsenal Football Club died years ago, Arsene FC and it's passionless/tourist fanbase has taken it's place and if you're not willing to embrace The Cult Of Wenger there's no place for you. Your last sentence says it all, and I feel exactly the same. I despise those fans that have helped take my club along this depressing path.

  44. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 29, 2016, 13:13 #87114

    Graham: "Beware the anger of a patient man" you sound like Frankie Howard "woe and thrice woe" - I worked with people like you, at pay negotiations a few of the lads would get quite passionate about more money (this was the building trade in the seventies)they tried to prevent cheap labour destroying proper tradesmens wages. The so called patient ones would say "you are asking for too much you are hurting the business" yet when real men achieved better conditions and better pay none of your lot ever refused the money that they were too scared to fight for in the first place, none of you ever handed it back! It will be the same with Arsenal, change will come and you and other faints hearts will praise our new young manager when proper trophies start to return. However many of us will not forget how you and the other "weak willed" wanted this "car crash" season to be repeated every year till hell freezes over. The last 8 years have been like the last 10 minutes of a driving test that you know you have failed. Big changes are happening to West Ham and the Spuds, changes that will make a top six finish difficult if we do not get some real ambition back into our club.

  45. EN1AFC

    Mar 29, 2016, 12:56 #87113

    Hypocrite springs to mind after that closing paragraph Graham. You make a half-hearted call for peace for the greater good of Arsene, sorry Arsenal FC. Only to then make a threat that those of you who focus on Arsene, sorry Arsenal FC will be called into action if protests against Wenger continue? The great Arsene Wenger martyrdom as I now call it, it is this blind and fanatical love for the man rather than the club which is the biggest problem we face.

  46. Peter

    Mar 29, 2016, 12:12 #87112

    Arsene this morning said:- "I believe in life you should focus on what you're appointed for and I'm appointed to perform and do the best for my club. That's all I focus on." Maybe he should tell his players that because only a few have performed and done their best for the club this season. When they do he substitutes them on the 70th minute (example Joel Campbell on a few times). Does he think only spending £12m for new players will win us anything. "I think that the criticism during the season is not very welcome when you fight for the championship, especially after the game against Tottenham where we were a bit unlucky," Has he forgotten about Southampton 4-0, Swansea, Watford etc.

  47. mbg

    Mar 29, 2016, 12:05 #87111

    ArseneKnewBest, good post, a perfect description, but don't do that mate that's just what he wants us to do, stay and comment on each others posts instead. Go now wenger

  48. mbg

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:55 #87110

    Just like waiting on a bus and then two come along chugging together with the same advertising on the sides and omitting the same old carbon omissions that are bad for our health from their exhaust pipes in favour of their messiah and trying to excuse and justify all the pollution and even get us to breath it in just like they have done, well not a fooking chance. You really couldn't make it up. Wenger out now.

  49. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:52 #87109

    It's very simple, Graham. The divide doesn't exist for its own sake. If you want the divide to end then the perennial collapses have to end, the repeated mistakes have to end. AFC have to break the cycle that has led so many to exasperation. If it isn't, then as Lee Dixon said recently, 'the fans will get you the sack' in the end. I understand that won't include fans like yourself, who are happy just so long as Wenger is in charge, but the numbers will continue to grow as long as the same old thing keeps happening. It's interesting how your article goes from 'a call to peace' to thinly veined threats from 'those who focus on Arsenal FC', by which you mean those who support Wenger unconditionally. Again, it's another poorly constructed article, inconsistent in tone, full of holes, easy to pull apart.

  50. Captain Frank

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:48 #87108

    I don’t disagree with your overall sentiment Graham and do wish we could all be more accepting of others points of views – in life generally actually, but let’s keep it about Arsenal on here. However, your veiled threat in the last paragraph is a bit worrying and a bit hypocritical I feel as well. You’ll be “stirred to action if the protests continue”? Care to expand on that? Personally, my view has been that neither side is without blame. I remember hearing (possibly on here) that the person who used to take the In Arsene We Trust flag to games was verbally and physically abused at times when he went to hang it at the front of the North Bank to the point where he first moved it and then stopped taking it altogether. That’s not right, but then nor are the physical assaults on people who take the opposite view and believe a change of manager would be for the greater good. The banners I’ve seen have certainly not been abusive. If you believe they are disrespectful then perhaps you could suggest a wording which makes the same point and is respectful? I doubt you could. I’d also argue that almost all the fans who attend matches DO, in the main, support the team throughout the game and only make their feelings known about the manager afterwards. Unfortunately, whilst your desire for us all to live together in harmony is to be applauded, the realistic view is that the divide is entrenched now and is unlikely to be mended any time soon. I fear even the arrival of a new manager will not make much difference either, not least because it’s the whole regime which needs to be altered.

  51. Almunia is a clown

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:48 #87107

    The confirmation of the Arsene FC Kroenke regime will mean more failure on the pitch & further subjugation of the supporters with higher match ticket prices & will destroy what little is left of the traditional club that was Arsenal. After 45 years of supporting the club I loved, home away & Europe & beyond I will be walking away for good. Time to start an AFC Arsenal for traditional Arsenal supporters. I have no intention of making any alliances with those who support Arsene FC.

  52. Ogban

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:38 #87106

    Wenger runs out his contract next season. If he does well, i.e. wins the PL or CL, he gets a new deal. If not, the pressure would be so much even he won't want to continue. You heard it from here first.

  53. In Arsene We Rust

    Mar 29, 2016, 11:09 #87105

    'If the animosities continue .... we will be at war with each other'. Good grief, where have you been for the past 5 years???? Wenger has created a chasm in our fanbase that will last generations, and he couldn't give a flying f**k. I've been going home and away for 40 years but I won't set foot in the place again till he's gone.

  54. John A

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:57 #87103

    Its a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that Wenger can convince his employers and some fans that repeated failure justifies his salary and continued employment. There are many others who could achieve the same at a cheaper price but more importantly others who could do better. 3 more years of this and we will all be pulling our hair out.

  55. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:42 #87102

    A Call for Peace? Hardly, more like a scream of Hypocrisy! So past examples of physical attacks by AKBs on people voicing anti-Wenger sentiments or displaying anti-Wenger banners is just an example of those of you who support the Old Fraud tending to be more quiet? Your Call for Peace is quickly followed by a warning for us to "beware" of your "anger" in case you and others like you are "stirred to action if the protests continue". What would that be then? A threat to "desist calling for Wenger to go or face the consequences"? How’s this then? I laugh at you and treat your "threat" with the contempt it deserves. WENGER OUT! WENGER OUT! WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  56. goonersol

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:36 #87101

    Oh dear, Wenger is looking like staying. he's on £8m a year and meeting his bosses requirements, so why leave, to hell with the fans and what they expect. If he had any honour he would have left 5/6yrs ago and accepted that he cannot take us any further and that 4th spot is not good enough and not want he promised ( he promised we would compete in both Silverware & Transfers) . He cannot take us to the next level, and should have left, now all he does is cause unrest amongst the fans and makes the emirates a very unhappy place for all.

  57. Mader Up Stat

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:27 #87100

    Utter drivel. Criticising Wenger makes no sense as it damages Arsenal? By that line of reasoning, criticising Jeffrey Archer damages English literature.

  58. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:22 #87099

    Here's a suggestion to anyone else who finds this kind of smug, re-heated vomit a little difficult to swallow. DO NOT BOTHER RESPONDING TO THIS PROVOCATIVE NONSENSE. Let's see if we can all have enough self-control and avoid giving Mr P any oxygen for his outrageous opinions. For my part, I'm going to put myself on a self-imposed hiatus until someone posts something sensible. Kevin, Bard, Canada to name but a few - your readers need you! Arsenal is like the EU - yeah right, and undemocratic, free-market worshipping disaster zone.

  59. jeff wright

    Mar 29, 2016, 10:12 #87097

    In my hand I have a piece of paper promising peace in our time... now who was it said that... the problem was that the peace came with compromises for only one side and that is the problem here with this demand that everyone must support Arsene unconditionally. Wenger himself believes himself to be above criticism this is shown by his comments that the criticism that he has received from many supporters lately is unwelcome. As far as I can see supporters were getting behind the team but were again let down by the players in the league at United away at home to Swansea and to Watford in the Cup tie. Wenger knew best off course last summer when many supporters were urging him to strengthen the squad and he claimed that just signing Cech was job done. He was wrong and the big problem is that he has been getting things badly wrong for donkey's years .I can't see his critics keeping quite about this while he continues,as I expect him to do,to carry on regardless still making the same old mistakes due to his own arrogance and ineptness. History shows that when a manager loses a large majority of supporters trust that he is a dead duck in the water Wenger should do the right thing at the end of season and say au revoir if he doesn't do so then he is an even bigger fool than many think that he is. You couldn't make it up.

  60. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 29, 2016, 9:36 #87095

    Love that picture. Dali was either mad as a March hare or a very clever person. I got a picture book of his paintings at home. What an imagination that dude had. As for Wenger, well.