Arsenal is desperately in need of a footballing vision to recover its soul

Arsene - stop being an accountant and discover your inner Cruyff

Arsenal is desperately in need of a footballing vision to recover its soul

The recent death of Johann Cruyff has reminded fans with long memories of an era, long since lost, when football was relatively free from the machinations of Sky and big business. All that mattered were players and results. Cruyff was right up there with Pele, Maradona and Best, a select club of the truly greats. Apart from his wonderful contribution to Dutch football he was an influential architect of the current Barcelona project. The man had vision in spades on and off the field.

How we could do with someone with such a footballing vision at Arsenal. Arsenal lack any clear footballing vision or if they do it’s difficult to discern. What is it that Arsenal aspire to be? A Champions League winning club ? We are arguably miles from such a goal. Worryingly we seem to be going backwards rather than forwards. League Champions? Not for the last 12 years and counting. A sound business that lines the pockets of its owner or a club that is content with a top 4 finish ? That sounds closer.

We used to know but its all gone a bit Pete Tong lately. When we moved to the Emirates the club outlined its vision. In short, we had to suffer short term pain for longer term gain. We sold some of our best players and Wenger kept us relatively competitive. At the time it was a plausible vision and one we could get behind.

Once we got our debt under some sort of control it was left to Ivan to announce somewhat grandly that we would soon be able to compete with the really big clubs. By that he meant the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern.

And where are we now, two years down the road ? I would argue we have fallen even further behind the top clubs. The reality of the move to the Emirates is that it has had very little impact on our footballing achievements. We haven’t made any significant challenge for the title since the move and our performances in the Champions League have been average to poor, complete with the now too familiar debacle. This season looks like it could be even more embarrassing for us as its likely that Leicester and Tottenham will finish above us, clubs with minimal resources compared to us. Remember the reason given for our failure to compete was lack of resources.

But wait a minute, while we have been mired in footballing mediocrity on the field what a success we have been off the field since the move to the Emirates. We make huge amounts of money on matchday not least because we charge such high prices and we are now as Stan reminded us a valuable ‘brand’. On the way we have now become one of the richest clubs in the world.

Were we sold a pup when we moved from the old Highbury? Was and is financial gain the real Arsenal vision? Would Cruyff have accepted such a vision for a club? If Wenger is the man many think he is then he needs to make clear what we aspire to be as a club and put our considerable resources towards trying to achieve it. He needs to stop being an accountant and discover his inner Cruyff.

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  1. mbg

    Apr 01, 2016, 23:58 #87263

    Yes indeed guys, now where have we heard that word banal before ? and that your dad my dad crap ? it doesn't take much working out and he/they actually thinks he's kidding us (just like his messiah) and being funny, now you really couldn't make that up, it's not right laughing.

  2. jeff wright

    Apr 01, 2016, 20:09 #87258

    A bit of an odd character this 'I Remember'chap to put it mildly .although once again it's spot the original.He goes on about the club once having cared about its supporters - is he implying then that this is not now the case>? If so then why is he getting on with supporting the club. You couldn't make it up

  3. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 01, 2016, 19:35 #87257

    What a strange response, I remember... I simply stated I'd be happy to fulfil your request for analysis if you provide something to analyse. Your inability to follow a line of argument or offer anything of worth suggests your decision to 'get on with supporting the club' (whatever you mean by that) and leave the thinking to others is a prudent one.

  4. I remember when Arsenal cared about its supporters.

    Apr 01, 2016, 18:51 #87253

    Oh dear Exeter Gunner you really need to calm down it cannot be good for you.Your my Dads bigger than your Dad does you no credit. There was no analysis in your response just the same tired anti Wenger rant. Your response condemns you still further. There will be no more response from myself to your banal rants I will get on with supporting the club, no matter who is in the helm, regardless of their individual faults. With respect I suggest you do the same.

  5. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 01, 2016, 14:34 #87247

    I remember... - I deal in the facts. Let's hear your explanation of what's happened this season and I'll be happy to analyse it for you. Where, for example, is your counter to my post 92217 pointing out the fault in your post 92215?

  6. jeff wright

    Apr 01, 2016, 14:32 #87246

    Hi Ron,I I was pointing out to Manfred( another we have never seen before on here but who looks familiar) that his claim that the smaller clubs having more money meant that Wenger had worked wonders by getting top 4 finishes was nonsense.In fact Wenger himself says that he was kept back from winning titles because other clubs had more money than him .So with those clubs imploding this season and Wenger having more money than the Foxes and spuds...well it's not rocket science but the AKB's who are not the sharpest knives in the draw are struggling to work it out... It's only next season that the smaller ones such as Leicester will have more cash anyway. If this will produce a more level playing field remains to be seen. I will believe it when I see it!

  7. I remember when Arsenal cared about its supporters.

    Apr 01, 2016, 14:18 #87243

    Oh dear, here goes Exeter Gunner again, high on vitriol low on analysis. Surely you are motivated by more than anger and bile?

  8. mbg

    Apr 01, 2016, 14:17 #87242

    Exeter, I bet they never lose a game of twister.

  9. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 01, 2016, 13:55 #87240

    I hope the top 4 cartel is drawing to a close but the fact is, as things stand, Leicester's squad costs half an Ozil. Manfred is trying to make a virtue out of the failure to take advantage of the demise of Man C, Man U and Chelsea. It's remarkable to behold the positions AKBs will twist and contort themselves into.

  10. Ron

    Apr 01, 2016, 13:18 #87239

    Jeff - there are many inside football who dont see the emergence of Leics, Hammers etc as one offs. Many think the old dominant cartel of the top 4 etc is a dead duck now. I for one hope theyre right. The Utd, Chels, Arse City and Co axis has killed football for so many this last 15 years. Be a good thing if Arse City and Utd all missed out on the top 4 in my view. Tottenham are now in rude health off and on the pitch. Theres nothing one off about them now it seems.Hammers deserve a slot in the CL based on their play this season as i see it. It might even make the tedium of the CL bearable and watchable again with a few new teams in it rather than the usual crew embarrassing themselves?

  11. jeff wright

    Apr 01, 2016, 11:27 #87234

    Manfred it's just a one off season with Leicester and not the norm .You are desperately trying to invent excuses to explain why Arsene failed to take advantage of the demise of Chelsea and City with United still in transition after losing Sir Ferguson. Wenger is past it and has been for donkey's years -his record since 2004 proves this. He is with us for the 8m+ a year wages that he is on.End of.

  12. ando

    Apr 01, 2016, 10:02 #87232

    goonergoal, you may be closer to the truth than a lot of fans realise!

  13. Manfred

    Apr 01, 2016, 9:53 #87230

    I wonder how some of these so called fans would cope with following teams who are traditionally mid-table or worse like Aston Villa,Middlesbrough,Everton or Tottenham(current season excluded).With the team now finishing bottom earning through TV as much as Arsenal do from their annual gate receipts it's an even playing field which is why we have little Leicester and those down the road enjoying freak one off seasons.You can't just turn up against minnows like Norwich,Bournmouth and Watford and expect a relatively easy ride anymore,as these clubs now have too much financial clout,lucky for us Arsene Wenger has always kept us competing where other super powers have failed.

  14. Deejaycee17

    Apr 01, 2016, 0:10 #87225

    There used to be a football club there Highbury basically?! Member for over 20 years I just can't be bothered with Arsenal anymore under the current regime!! Wenger OUT...and me over and OUT...cheerio xx

  15. jeff wright

    Mar 31, 2016, 19:40 #87220

    From a visionary football point of view Wenger( yawn) is without any doubt a creature of the past . He hit his peak in 2004 and since then he has not managed to finish in the first two in the league. Arguably his best achievement since 2004 was in reaching the European cup final - albeit he lost in it - when surprise surprise shoddy goal keeping wiped out a one nil to the Arsenal lead. 3 FA cup wins with 9 years between the 2005 one and the last pair are all Wenger has to show for his vast amount of money spent and his inept management since the heady days of 2004 . The 4th place trophy and always making the group stages of the Champions League and disproved claims that it was only down to other clubs having more money to spend,blah blah,blah ... have been used to try and paper over the obvious failings of an out of date out of touch and unfortunately over here arrogant Frenchman .It really is all down to if Wenger can get a top 4 finish this season .If not then I can't see him being with us next term. He has to say that he will be because he needs to keep players motivated and on his side with nothing left to play for other than another minor also ran spot.This is irrespective of what this weekends results are because points can be won or lost in a yo-yo end of season run as they were last season during our last 8 games played .As the lady says over the PA system on The Bank underground station: Mind the gap! Good old Arsene.

  16. I remember when Arsenal cared about its supporters.

    Mar 31, 2016, 19:12 #87219

    Please can we have analysis rather than abuse of fellow supporters(not fans by the way).

  17. jjetplane

    Mar 31, 2016, 15:00 #87211

    Is it just a simple fact that Wenger really has not a clue which is proven by the declining last decade and his silly retorts that he has worked at the top for thirty years but now he is finally exposed it's all tantrums and cod philosophy. What a waste of Arsenal time.

  18. EN1AFC

    Mar 31, 2016, 14:23 #87207

    Good stuff Bard, a much better read than the delusional and hypocritical nonsense from Graham and co. I agree entirely that we have no vision or ambition, I believe we did have when we planned to move from our beloved home Highbury and even when we first moved to our new ground. The trouble is, the vision has since been clouded by ££££££ or should I say $$$$$$ we've made for our money hungry owner. Wrongly or rightly, Football economics changed and the goal posts moved with the arrival of Abramovich circa 2003 and later the city owners. We had an opportunity to join them with a foreign investor wanting to buy the club, a certain Mr Usmanov. He was portrayed as the devil by the club at the time of his interest even though David Dein tried his best to influence the shareholders to sell up to him. Things could have been very different, the years of Austerity we endured would of been behind us much sooner. However, back to the here and now, we are no longer in austerity and have money to spend and plenty of it. The trouble is, we have a manager who is reluctant to spend the going rate for players we desperately need and an owner who is more than happy with him spending next to nothing and achieving the bare minimum. We need change top to bottom, a clear vision for the club, ambition and our identity back as I simply don't recognise the Arsenal football club I fell in love with over 25 years ago anymore. Not a lot to ask for....

  19. Kenny

    Mar 31, 2016, 11:22 #87201

    Wenger has achieved a bloodless coup at our once great club.How has this been allowed to happen? 1.Stan Kroenke an owner who is all about making profits(where would Chelsea have been if Abramovich followed that path?)In Wenger he has the perfect manager build a team on the cheap just to achieve top 4.Dont ever forget fans favourite and Wenger cheerleader David Dein introduced Kroenke to the board thanks Dave.2.Give average players massive long term contracts.Nothing sums this policy up better than Diaby Rosicky Wilshere and Walcott.The first three given contracts after horrendous injury records the latter just a crap player who is on £140k a week!!!. 3.The most apathetic fans in the country.Even after 12 years without putting a worthwhile challenge for the title and having a disgraceful record in the CL Wenger still has the support of some fans who go mad over one banner.After 8 years without a top class keeper he signs the brilliant Cech but made up for it by not signing ONE outfield player.Yes he put his faith in the team that failed last season.But no sign of revolt at the concerete bowl 4.Wenger will never leave voluntary and he will never get sacked.He is on £8.5m a year he aint gonna give that up.And he is under no pressure at all to deliver trophies.The best job in football.Wenger is a dictator

  20. Made Up Stat

    Mar 31, 2016, 7:45 #87194

    Caption Competition: ‘Assene, Ah’ve jus’ been ta Finance an’ they say we’re riding a big ole gravy train with biscuit wheels. That cabbage is comin’ in faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind. Boy, if I felt any better, I’d drop my harp plumb through the cloud’. ‘That ees great, boss. Now, about that five times life-size statue in gold of me building this club….’ ‘Now son, don’t plow too close to the cotton, you’re already drawing a pat hand from a stacked deck.’

  21. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 23:58 #87193

    I'm very very surprised indeed the AKB wengerites haven't tried to rewrite or airbrush history (they've tried it nearly everywhere else with him)to make their messiah into a past world class player like the Cryuffs, Pele's, Mardonnas, etc, etc, of this world, no doubt the fact he was useless at that too was somebody else's fault also.

  22. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 23:36 #87192

    Exeter, maybe it's because Kroenke mentioned to an acquaintance of a friend of an acquaintance who mentioned it to a friend of a rancher on one of his ranches that he was thinking of buying Arsenal that started it all, it's still and always will be somebody else's fault, there's still halfwits floating about, with fans like that is it any wonder we're in trouble. You couldn't make it up.

  23. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 30, 2016, 20:57 #87188

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act… VIVE LA REVOLUTION! KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT!

  24. Greg

    Mar 30, 2016, 19:46 #87187

    Dan, spot on!!

  25. Bob

    Mar 30, 2016, 18:47 #87186

    Why are we getting so many retro articles which presuppose that Wenger is capable of changing his ways at this stage in the game? It is like I have gone to sleep and woken up sometime around 2008/09.

  26. jjetplane

    Mar 30, 2016, 18:29 #87185

    Ostriches seem to have pretty thick skins whereas your ranch chicken is a shy little fella ....

  27. Hiccup

    Mar 30, 2016, 18:25 #87184

    Thanks Bard. A welcome break from the Simon Rose and Graham Perry tennis raleigh. AKBest makes a good point about the financials. Another regular posted something a few weeks back that just because you have a mortgage, you don't use all your pay packet each month to pay it off and forfeit a decent living standard such as holidays or going out on a Saturday. That's pretty much what Arsenal have done and conned the fans at the same time. It's no different to a man telling his wife and kids there'll be no Christmas presents and holidays for a few years to pay the mortgage off, and promising them fantastic presents and holidays in the future. But just like Arsenal, his salary triples and the debt falls, but then tells his wife the money is best off in the bank. If they're gullible, they'll swallow this bullish!t again.

  28. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 30, 2016, 18:13 #87183

    You've just got to hope Usmanov bought +30% shares for a reason. After all he could have poached or done a deal on Everton. I think the slightly strange pro Wenger comments were highly strategic as well . Maybe an overture to a share holder or a PR offensive before a bid. Either way I don't expect Wenger would stay long.

  29. Ron

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:58 #87182

    I remember ....92215. And equally so, Wenger is more than happy to take the flak for them. Its part of his deal and why his salary is so high for a Coach with no real pressure football wise. He knew he was selling his soul once that stadium move project unfolded and did it willingly. Lets face it, he ll be a Director eventually and no doubt a shareholder of perhaps a quite sizeable extent. Hes got and always has had a vested interest in the business model and is never going to challenge it. They're all as bad.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:53 #87181

    I remember etc etc - for all the wider concerns about the way AFC are run, it is not a 'trap' to see that AFC were 2 points clear on Jan 2, are now 11 points behind, and know there is one man to blame for this. These collapses were happening before Kroenke came along and, we now know, have nothing to do with the greater resources of the challenger clubs.

  31. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:40 #87180

    It looks like Stan the man is asking TOF for a dance in the Directors box, although OGL seems to be refusing, you can just imagine them doing the Texas two step. wenger out.

  32. I remember when Arsenal cared about its supporters.

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:36 #87179

    The point about Silent Stan & Gazidis is the most relevant. Gazidid blew it in terms of credibility when he stated the most important issue is the team on the pitch and how we were up there now with the best in Europe-The PR department have taken him right out of the firing line as he is now a liability, hence the invisible man cloak. Stan is at least honest, it is about a business, nothing more, nothing less. Unfortunately many have fallen into the trap of using Wenger as the totom pole of frustration. Yes, I know he has many faults but many attributes as well. The board are happy for Wenger to take the flack. If you really want change and a vision turn your sights on Stan, Gazidis and the rest of the suits ruining this great club.

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:26 #87178

    Bard - Thanks. A refreshing and much-needed antidote to yesterday's circular-shaped tripe. I agree with most of that. My only contention is the period during and after the stadium move. Everyone by that stage knew that London was exceptional in economic terms from the rest of the UK and anyone worth their financial salt would have realised was really no need for any self-enforced austerity at the Arsenal. A clear-sighted board would have correctly assessed the club's rosy economic future and borrowed if necessary to purchase new players. Instead Peter Hill Wood and his inbred etonian chums opted to sell out to the be-tuopee'ed party pooper and his leveraged buy-out, meaning that there was always going to be more self-enforced austerity. In essence, the parsimony was a deliberate strategy to maximise profits and forsake on field success. Mr Perry laughably suggested that Arsenal were like the EU. In actual fact they're more like the dear old conservative party because they're morphing from avuncular tory toffs (like Geoffrey Howe) into hard-nosed capitalist money grubbers (such as Gideon Osborne).

  34. jjetplane

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:19 #87177

    The globe is awash with the Leicester phenomenon which tells us how fans really see their football. Places like the Emirates are sterile vacuums and the kids in Thailand are loving their Vardy 9 shirts! See Valencia have done a Remi on Neville and yet in the protected bubble at the Grove another manager/executive will probably get leetle bump up on his pay and another 3 years. And all because they would hate to see the AKBs rushing to the nearest cliffs to jump off. Good to see Arsene FC have such compassion ....

  35. Ron

    Mar 30, 2016, 17:10 #87176

    Its no longer a football Club Bard. Sold a pup indeed.. Never a truer word. A telling yardstick is how many previously dedicated fans have actually wanted us to lose at different times these last few years or should i say, not been too fussed when we have lost to be more accurate. There are though 53-56000 punters who pay for the 'Emirates Experience' though each match, so many do actually like what the product is. Are they wrong to like it? Who knows. All i know is that i feel sorry for the modern AFC match goer ( had to smile last night seeing those Wembley Experience' scarves!). To be honest, im not sure that AFC would change that much even if Mr Wenger were to walk into the sunset. In truth, i no longer care that much. Its just a soulless brand that still happens to carry the name of a once grand footballing institution. Happy balance sheets Arsenal FC. I hope they keep you warm at night.

  36. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 30, 2016, 16:49 #87175

    jjetplane, Leicester City shirt sales outselling Arsenal shirts, brilliant, the irony, they are selling more shirts because they are winning more football matches than Arsene FC do. All SK's marketing men and little ole Leicester has stolen a march on them, delicious! will it ever catch on, teams making money by winning proper trophies, what ever next.

  37. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 16:37 #87174

    jj, and good to laugh at too mate, that's all TOF's good for now, and thanks to him the club also.

  38. Tony Evans

    Mar 30, 2016, 15:29 #87173

    The really sad result of all of this is the number of old school, formerly dedicated, supporters that have mentally switched off from Arsenal and are mainly getting their football fix from elsewhere. How many of us are just going through the motions, so to speak, maybe seeing the odd Arsenal game here and there, just waiting for the day Wenger and Kronke clear out.

  39. jjetplane

    Mar 30, 2016, 15:06 #87171

    SKG you are right there and I have watched so much lower league stuff since Highbury where I went from the 60s to it's closure and have proudly never been to the WOK that football is still a buzz for me. One thing is the banter in the lower leagues at games is like poetry in the ears with people having so much more history to share. The PL reversibly becomes an aside as we laugh when the results are mentioned as the fans of their previous big clubs just laugh at the present antics. The idea of getting behind the present Arsene Fc franchise is ****ing ridiculous! Good for a laugh and even better to see Leicester shirts outselling the likes of the Arsene fC - come on you Foxes!

  40. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 30, 2016, 14:44 #87170

    We are witnessing the gentrification of football, moving it away from a working class sport to a middle class pursuit. The simple reason being the middle classes, in general, have more cash and being at PL game is the new opera. As local people can no longer afford to live in the area they grew up in, so also is the team he supported too expensive to follow. We have fans going to Arsenal now who think this team is the very best available and everyone of them is a star - why? - because Puma and Emirates Airlines say so. These new supporters believe that WWF wrestling is real and that football was invented in 1992, daft as they are, they are manna for a corporate tycoon and their advertising industries that are bolted to them. My way to get through the nonsense these days is I tell people I support Arsenal pre 2006 and I watch as many 1st (3rd division for us older lads)and non league games as possible and do you know what? I am thriving.

  41. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 14:24 #87169

    CT Gooner, they wouldn't know a good article if it was staring them in the face.

  42. CT Gooner

    Mar 30, 2016, 14:14 #87168

    So where are Graham Perry"s and the likes comments on this? Why do the AKB's pop up to tell us to all hold hands, but don't make a peep about a legitimate concern.

  43. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Mar 30, 2016, 14:01 #87166

    Well if we are building a new 1000 seater ground for the stiffs and the ladies and shay is working long tearm on coaching and traning then some one some where has a plan it took barca a long time for their plan to work and we seem to be copying their club plan. live horse and you will get hay

  44. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:41 #87165

    Tony Evans, I was thinking the exact same thing for Blairs post 92188.

  45. goonersol

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:40 #87164

    Dan - 92192 : Spot on, only the fans can bring a change to the current regime, they will only feel it if they are hit in the pocket, but as long as 3/4th spot bring riches, not sure if fans can impact that much at the moment, but we live in hope.

  46. In Arsene We Rust

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:24 #87162

    Arsene- Stop being the Arsenal manager and discover the exit door. It beggars belief that fans can list his faults and failures over many years yet are so terrified of change that they're still willing to give Le Fraud an unlimited number of last chances. But I guess that's the difference between fans of Arsene FC and The Arsenal.

  47. mbg

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:01 #87161

    Bard, excellent heading, we certainly do, but it's far far far to late for old TOF that we have(you can't teach an old dog new tricks), he has gone blind a long long time ago. wenger out.

  48. Tony Evans

    Mar 30, 2016, 13:00 #87160

    Dan 92192 - the words nail and head spring to mind!

  49. Dan

    Mar 30, 2016, 12:55 #87159

    Now this is going to sound harsh so don't take it to heart.. fans are STUPID. There you have it, it is clear what the agenda is at Arsenal by now, for that reason I have stopped buying tickets and will no longer do so again until/if a big shift is made in the mentality of the club, if STUPID fans continue to go then more fool them, they are part of the problem as they encourage this farce to continue whilst complaining how much it costs!. Stale, boring, corporate club. I still love you Arsenal but short term pain feels needed to change the record, another decade of 4th place finishes is enough to send me to the padded room.

  50. Nick

    Mar 30, 2016, 12:00 #87156

    All this has been said and said again adnauseum, those of us with eyes to see and a mind with which to reason have known EXACTLY what sort of a club we've become since leaving Highbury, Gazidis is a spin doctor, Kronke is totally uninterested in the game and Wenger is the visible mouthpiece and defacto dictator , their only aim is to make as much money as possible while weaving the illusion that we are still a proper football club ! The fact is no other alleged top club would have put up with a two year barren spell let alone one of over TEN YEARS , Wenger however was not on a remit to win titles and cups his mission was to give the impression that he was while keeping us in the money making top five , fleecing and deceiving the supporters along the way , in that he has been incredibly successful ,even now with illusion fraying badly at the edged he STILL has a hard core of supporters who believe in him ! We were sold a lie with the new stadium and were sold out by David Dein when his financial machinations handed our club to the bewigged bloody yank ! Our only hope is that the majority of our support recognises the long con that has been played on us and revolts enmasse I dont see empty seats as a realistic solution but if those seats were filled with folk baying for change at the end of every game something would have to give, bombard the club with emails demanding change only apathy can prevent said change from happening !

  51. Blair

    Mar 30, 2016, 11:24 #87155

    You have to have an inner Cruyff to discover it. Wenger spent years in France getting bullied by Marseille, then hid in Japan and has for the most part been bullied and humiliated by Man U, Chelsea, Man city and the big euro teams like Barcalona and Bayern. He is a a wimp to the core.

  52. jjetplane

    Mar 30, 2016, 11:22 #87154

    Go back to Arsene FC losing and looking rubbish at the CL Wembley games and even then I had a nagging feeling Wenger was a wrong 'un. It has always been dressed up in a meta footballing sense (sideways, broccoli, water) but honestly - look at him. Accountant, accountant, accountant and no more and if DB10, Adams, Pires et al had a Mourinho they would have scooped at least one CL. The doubles we won were all down to the players and they had the skills and passion to excel on the domestic front. Reckon Wenger spent most of his '24.7 in football' hammering out financial logistics with The Umbrella Men! Then along comes Stan on his burger fed donkey and things really fall into place. The last two decades have little to do with a Jon Sammels (****ing haircut!) Arsenal and more to do with Wal Mart industrial flavoured expansionism into the beautiful game. Just noticed on Untold Arsene that there is a team in Italy called Piorentina .... More importantly though, have Jack and Theo made their pre Euro press calls ... ho ho ho!

  53. Paulo75

    Mar 30, 2016, 11:14 #87153

    To me, what really says it all about the current set up at Arsenal is a complete lack of leadership: At the top - Silent Stan and the almost non existent Ivan Gazidis, and a complete lack of on field leadership (Cech excepted). The Arsenal of the early nineties weren't the best team in the world by a long way but George certainly ruled the roost and Tony Adams & Co gave the team all the inspiration needed to achieve great things. Fast forward to today's crop and we have all these underperforming overpaid "stars" posting nonsense on Twitter about how unlucky we were (again).

  54. WOB

    Mar 30, 2016, 11:10 #87152

    No threat of the sack and happy with being a runner up. Hilarious that Citeh fans think that Pelligrini is the only PL manager who doesn't give a monkeys about not winning.

  55. goonersol

    Mar 30, 2016, 10:36 #87151

    Wenger seems to have complete control, and a scant disregard for fans and their dreams. He is likely to move upstairs as and when he stops being manager ( as long as Kroenke & Gazidis are there) so nothing will really change. How sad for us all that our great club has come to this, Only a major fans uprising may instigate change, but I wont hold my breathe.

  56. Charles

    Mar 30, 2016, 10:12 #87150

    Wenger made his ambitions for the club perfectly clear when he said he would be happy to finish 2nd for the next 20 years.