Watching Arsenal at Upton Park… amongst the home fans

Preview for the new issue of The Gooner on sale today

Watching Arsenal at Upton Park… amongst the home fans

Front cover of the new issue

Ed’s Note - The new issue of The Gooner goes on sale today outside the stadium. The contents are detailed in the above link, however, as a trailer to our special feature this issue, stories about watching Arsenal matches in the midst of the opposition fans, here’s one that came in too late for the magazine. So we are using it to promote the issue - £2.50 from sellers on your approach to the ground and packed with quality writing by your fellow Arsenal supporters.

Behind Enemy Lines

West Ham 1 Arsenal 2 – First Division - 5/12/81

I had always enjoyed going to Upton Park, even when Arsenal were not the visitors; West Ham’s cultured attacking football, plus seeing the likes of Bobby Moore, Martin Peters and Geoff Hurst was rarely boring. But when I scraped in to our league game at West Ham on 5th December 1981 with only minutes to kick-off things proved decidedly different.

I usually stood in the Enclosure in front of the Boleyn West Stand. The view from around the halfway line was good and the terrace usually contained a cosmopolitan and sufficiently pleasant-natured mix of supporters. However, on this occasion, turning up just five minutes before kick-off, I was taken aback to find that the Enclosure terrace had been converted to seating since my previous visit. My options were to join the Arsenal supporters at the far end of the ground – and probably miss the kick-off - or take my chance with the home supporters behind the adjacent goal. I decided to opt for the latter. Big mistake. The atmosphere was tangibly threatening but I decided to zip up my jacket and tough it out. I’d been to West Ham often enough in the past and never experienced any problems. But then I’d never on previous occasions played the role of lone Arsenal supporter in a claret and blue bearpit.

The game itself started well for the Gunners, with a neat goal by Chris Whyte after only five minutes. I tried to look nonchalant, but from the reactions of those in the immediate vicinity my act couldn’t have been totally convincing. John Hollins’ penalty to double our lead just before half-time clearly confirmed the suspicions of a particularly belligerent-looking group to my right.

Despite all this, I somehow managed to keep them sufficiently puzzled about my loyalties throughout half time – filling in team changes in the programme - and most of the second half. However, when Stuart Pearson (I think) pulled one back for the Hammers with around 10 minutes left my cover was well and truly blown. My failure was twofold; firstly, I was unable to bring myself to celebrate the prospect of a late fightback and an underserved point for West Ham but more revealingly my immediate dash for the exit following the eye-to-eye contact with the above-mentioned opposition was a total giveaway. I had never before left a match early but this was no time for sentiment. My game was up and the only hope was to escape quickly and hope the gang would be sufficiently engrossed in the prospect of a late equaliser not to bother with me.

The dark, deserted back streets of West Ham are still firmly imprinted in my memory as I sprinted flat out for my car, not daring to stop or look back, so I have no idea whether or not I was followed. What I do know, however, is that it was the last time I went to a game at Upton Park.

Howard Lamb

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  1. Ozzie

    Apr 03, 2016, 10:47 #87293

    Alsace, so long as people feel diminished by living in an artificial environment their pull to tribalism as an identity and the living their lives through somebody else's triumphs will continue...

  2. UA

    Apr 03, 2016, 10:04 #87292

    The AAA began in 1892 when two Arsenal committee members (Alf Singleton and Henry Stewart) were thrown off the Royal Arsenal FC committee. We don’t know all the details of this but we do know that there were accusations of scurrilous and despicable slander being used against the Royal Arsenal chairman. Subsequently members of the “clique” were thrown out of the committee that ran the club. These AAA founders then worked with George Pike Weaver, who was the landlord of Arsenal at the Invicta Ground. He then (most likely as a response to his chums being exposed for what they were) demanded a massive increase in the rent Arsenal paid for their home ground – an increase that more than doubled the club’s costs, and gave Weaver all sorts of power over Arsenal’s affairs. It was Weaver who created the approach that we now see today as the hallmark of the AAA – blunt statements, no discussion. The “this is the truth, and there’s no point debating it, if you don’t see it then you are an idiot” approach which is everywhere on AAA websites was in fact born 120 years ago.

  3. Manfred

    Apr 03, 2016, 9:49 #87291

    The football Wengers Arsenal play is a pure delight to the eye and must take hours of hard work,compare that with the turgid closing down games employed by the Totts and Leicester (which may win points yet Is a real turn off)and we can see where we could be heading with the wrong man in charge.Back in the past everybody hated that style and it was deemed anti-football the desperate AMG's are now even hoping for a Totts title praying it will see off Wenger. What a bunch of creeps these folks are,I bet few of them ever venture near our ground.

  4. Alsace

    Apr 03, 2016, 9:22 #87290

    I am no evangelist for the sport of egg chasing, but I do feel that this sort of horse manure, would never take place at a rugby match. The dark side of football is its tribalism and the pent up hatred that exists. Very sad. Perhaps in one very small way, the influx of the tourists who just want to see a game is no bad thing.

  5. Ozzie

    Apr 03, 2016, 4:41 #87289

    Wow, that was a really pleasing win - Melbourne 4 Wellington 1

  6. Manfred

    Apr 02, 2016, 23:33 #87288

    The Wenger out trolls surely are the biggest mongoloids ever to appear on the Online gooner.

  7. Barnaby

    Apr 02, 2016, 22:19 #87287

    4-0 at home to Watford, that's definitely worth a new 3 year contract for 8 mill a year lolololololololololololol

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 02, 2016, 21:15 #87286

    The pressure off is precisely the reason they are winning again. If you can't comprehend the characteristics of a Wenger team after a decade of this you must be very, very stupid indeed.

  9. leek fc

    Apr 02, 2016, 20:45 #87285 are making the assumption between akb and amg. It's beyond that stupid. Just simply acknowledge a player who gave all and was pure class. Filbert street is all yours.

  10. jjetplane

    Apr 02, 2016, 18:50 #87284

    Can we also have some recognition that the AKBs consider that Frank McLintock was a flop ....

  11. mbg

    Apr 02, 2016, 18:39 #87283

    Haven't heard wally's post match yet (can't wait) bet he chased the camera man and journo all the way down the tunnel and nabbed them (probably hardest he ran and chased all day) to tell us all how he's back and what a great game he had, and how TOF has instilled great belief and speeritt into the team with a tickle stick, roll on MOTD. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  12. leek fc

    Apr 02, 2016, 17:53 #87282

    Fantastic show on the seventh minute for Rocky. Great performance. Give some recognition in your report kevin. Not towards Arsene, ozil, Sanchez etc. But Rocky deserves a mention.

  13. jjetplane

    Apr 02, 2016, 17:31 #87281

    Ozil to join Pep in summer and Untold say good riddens ..... Wenger says the speeeeerit is good as is the mental strength but the bank account is even better - overflowing with Wenger Wonga. With Everton and now Watford throwing matches against the Ashburton Armadillos looks like Arsene's new extended contract should see him setting out the cones to at least 2026 and then we will get Henry with a great big white beard and a snazzy red beret with the words untold written everywhere Seriously though - great result and looking forward to the next circular which I imagine is being impatiently hammered out at this very moment with a working title 'told you so moanies'

  14. Smithy

    Apr 02, 2016, 17:30 #87280

    Good win but it all feels too late!

  15. mbg

    Apr 02, 2016, 17:25 #87279

    See what I mean ? belly tickling time at the Emirates, if only they could do it when it mattered with the pressure on, instead of when there's no expectations. wenger out.

  16. mbg

    Apr 02, 2016, 15:49 #87278

    Nick, fear not, you can be sure the fast track bullies will roll over mighty Watford today and we'll be up and running again. You couldn't make it up.

  17. leek fc

    Apr 02, 2016, 14:16 #87277

    Nice touch by the Arsenal today at half time. Remembering Rocky Rocastle at half time. Sheer class.

  18. Nick

    Apr 02, 2016, 12:17 #87276

    Always liked Upton Park good atmosphere, a bit daunting on the way in and out though, today we face Watford on paper we should be set for revenge their league form of late has been poor, but with this Arsenal side that only serves to make fear of murphys law more palpable, we must win today no other result will do , we still have a chance to overhaul the scum, as for the title that I'm afraid is a dream too far now, whatever happens if Wenger is still manager next season I will sadly have to terminate my membership and cease going to games, to reward failure which is what this season will be if and when we finish second or third, is not only ridiculous its foolhardy, I will not give any more money to prop up a regime that obviously cares NOTHING for its supporters or should that be" customers" given the Arsenal is now a " brand" according to the odious be wigged yank ?

  19. mbg

    Apr 02, 2016, 11:54 #87274

    What's he praying for ? it certainly doesn't help his game (or any of the other finger pointing heaven ward nice boys) maybe it's for a shag tonight.