Why Wenger’s Arsenal have no chance of winning the title

And the only way change will happen is if the fans inside the stadium openly revolt against the current regime

Why Wenger’s Arsenal have no chance of winning the title

£8 million a year and you think I am going to walk?

We are currently lying in third position in the PL table. The two teams above us this time round happen to be Leicester and Spurs. If you swapped those two names for say Man City and Chelsea would our fan base be in uproar about our current plight? I think not.

When you take a closer look at the two teams above us you realise that in reality you don’t need to be that good to win the PL as things stand. Both Leicester and Spurs have a solid defensive unit, the players are all well drilled and know their own roles and what is expected of them during games. They don’t tend to concede many goals due to this ethos. It isn’t exactly ground breaking stuff is it?

Recently I have watched a few games where Leicester and Spurs have taken part and I fail to see any genuine world class talent on show at either club. I would possibly at a push put Kane in this bracket out of both squads but that would be at a push. Neither side has anyone of the quality of Sanchez let alone Ozil in my humble opinion. I also would struggle to say that either side has better full backs than Monreal or Bellerin.

So why is it that we find ourselves someway adrift of both sides at this late stage of the season? For many the answer would lie in mental fragility. I for one don’t buy into that concept. For years now the story of the PL season has been the same at Arsenal FC. We look likely to compete, at times looking like the best side in the league and then we fall away tamely. This can look like a mental fragility but in my own humble opinion it is more a fault with our style of play.

When we play with the handbrake off our style of football can be very fluid. Players are on form and finding each other with pace and precision all over the pitch and it looks and feels great at times. Playing this way is eye catching and it can give you a sense of superiority when it flows. This though for me is the Achilles' heel of the team as we need a settled team and everybody almost without fail being on their game for this approach and team ethos to come off. As soon as you have one or two players not up to scratch or one or two injuries to players that keep the game ticking over for us we can’t cope. The forward passes end up moving just a little bit slower or even worst going sideways and it all grounds to a halt.

Playing this way without a genuine plan b will always mean that we have barren spells where we fail to pick up enough points even against poor opposition. Where teams that set up like Leicester or Spurs will ground out results when not playing at their best we won’t manage to turn those performances into three valuable points. Think of the United away game followed by the Swansea home game a few days later. We don’t have the time to get back into our groove and one bad result becomes two and easily three. This over a season makes the difference between winning titles and finishing third or fourth.

This season it has been Sanchez and Ozil or Giroud and Walcott. In seasons gone by the names have been different but the end result has always been the same. The one thing that has never changed is the style of play. Get the ball down and pass, pass, pass and then pass some more and grind teams down that way. All well and good when it comes off and your players are at their free flowing best but what happens when they are just that 10% down on their game? Leicester can throw the ball into the mixer and hope a Wes Morgan can come up with a header that turns one point into three. Spurs can rely on Kane plugging away and chasing lost causes and making chances out of nothing.

The difference between the two styles of play is that Leicester and Spurs don’t have to be at the top of their games to gain points and wins. We kind of do. How many times have Leicester not actually looked that good but grounded out a 1-0 win? That is what makes teams champions not having the most skilful players in the league.

I think overall Leicester deserve the title this season and with them moving seven points clear at least it makes a Spurs title a lot less likely. I just feel that a genuine chance of an Arsenal title win playing the brand of football that we always try and play is very slim indeed. There will always be a Leicester to come ahead of us, if it is not them it would be a Chelsea team with Essien in it for example. Over a course of a 38 game season you are far better off having an Essien type player or a Kante than say a Ramsey. Yes Ramsey might occasionally look on a different level to that type of player but overall he is less effective and can actually cost you points through silly errors that a more consistent type player doesn’t make as often. We have too many of this type of player, I would also put Walcott and Chamberlain in that bracket. These erratic players fluctuate too much in terms of performance and add to the teams overall ability to self-destruct.

Do we need a change of manager? For me the answer would be a yes. I do feel that there is more wrong at the club though than just who is in the hot seat. When you are owned by someone who simply sees the club as an asset you are in trouble. To Mr Kroenke Arsenal FC is just like an investment flat to a buy to let landlord. There is no real feeling or involvement other than a financial one. If the rent is coming in all is OK. Arsene is like a reliable tenant who keeps paying the rent on time every month and manages to keep the place tidy. If you were a landlord with that kind of tenant why would you bother throwing them out to try and get another £100 a month from a new tenant who might not even pay you the rent on time and could even break the boiler? Arsene keeps the rent rolling in every month for Mr Kroenke so why risk a slightly better return on someone new and unproven when it could mean more problems and less of a return?

Arsene himself is not going anywhere, on £8m a year would you? People say he doesn’t need the money. Come on, even if you have got a lot of money in the bank why would you not want another £8m coming in pretty easily every single year? You are not going to simply walk away from that unless it becomes more hassle than it is worth.

In truth the only way change will happen is if the fans inside the stadium openly revolt against the current regime. That is the only way change will occur anytime soon. The club would not want that kind of negative PR happening on a regular basis as it would impact the desirability as far as advertising sponsorships are concerned. Arsene also would not stay if he was getting abused from his own fans in front of the media at every home game, he would walk away then but not before.

What is the likelihood of the current fan base that actually attend matches at the Emirates openly revolting against Arsene and or Kroenke? I would say not very high. The game has changed and the type of person that follows Arsenal these days is very unlikely to be the kind of person that is screaming for anything let alone a change of manager/club owner.

More of the same next season then?

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  1. mbg

    Apr 07, 2016, 13:25 #87543

    Big Dave, can't argue with you ref bouldy there's no excuse for not warming up properly, but I can't help thinking/believing he's not being allowed to do his job or do it properly, just carrying out OGL's orders (and we can see where that gets us most of the time) or maybe it's a case the players can see this too and have no respect for him and don't listen they're so much above their station, which if so is very sad.

  2. Big Dave

    Apr 07, 2016, 13:03 #87541

    Simply put we needed to buy Three players at the start of the season,We don't buy. Then players we have who are not injured are played into the red zone then we lose players at vital times of the season. Plus Steve Bould is **** at is job (players getting injured because they failed to warm up) Really

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 07, 2016, 8:06 #87533

    Jamerson - looks like the comment knocking a man for taking his son to the Emirates has come from a sad place in your life. Perhaps you need to be more honest with yourself. If it is a solitary experience for you then fine but don't knock others for wanting to enjoy it in a family way. Meanwhile the rest of us will get on with building up the future fanbase whereas you will no doubt be off as soon as Wenger exits.

  4. Alsace

    Apr 06, 2016, 19:19 #87527

    Gooner Ron. He is supposed to tell the truth, when to do otherwise makes him look like a liar or a fool. Of course it is mathematically possible but Leicester have won 4 out of their last 5 games 1-0 which is the hallmark of Champions. We have not looked like Champions at any stage this season. You know this. Why do you defend him?

  5. Nick

    Apr 06, 2016, 17:31 #87518

    Jamerson what on earth does religion have to do with football ? Each to their own I suppose but just because you have an imaginary friend there's no need to encourage your kids to have one too. What is vain about football? Apart from some players who are obviously that way inclined, it is a sport where you strive to do your best and be the best but as part of a team, its no more vanity in fact less than dressing up in finery and praying to your deity in a church or cathedral which is full of gold, silver and priceless stained glass windows , especially when Jesus himself allegedly poured scorn on such.opulence, please keep god out of sport,unless of course its the almighty Bergkamp himself!

  6. Jamerson

    Apr 06, 2016, 10:38 #87502

    Mark,Nick-My two sons have had a Christian upbringing,something I would have loved but never had as my parents are unbelievers.I have passed on my beliefs to them and they are more interested in obeying the word than anything else.I did take my eldest once to a game when he was about eleven but he said he thought it was all vanity.I'm glad in a way they're not hooked like I was when I was their age as I would get so angry when Arsenal didn't win.Now I just enjoy it for what it is, if Arsenal lose I'm over it within a few hours years ago it would have ruined my weekend.

  7. Nick

    Apr 06, 2016, 9:37 #87495

    Jamerson you really do come across as a piece of work ! Calling someone who takes his kids to the Emirates for a tour, a tourist, when he is simply trying to instill a sense of belonging un his children , trying to ensure another generation of gooners. You don't take your kids so obviously you don't care who they grow up supporting , how many of us were first introduced to the Arsenal by a parent ? Id hazard a large proportion were weened on the Arsenal as I was, if we rely solely on success to garner future support our next generation will be sparse indeed !

  8. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 06, 2016, 6:35 #87494

    Jackerson - your a bit exclusive with your support aren't t you. As in you don't take your sons along ? A fine supporter you make. Perhaps it's because you actually take your sons to Chelsea.

  9. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 05, 2016, 21:36 #87493

    Ron : I have tried to stay out of this debate about Wenger's chances of winning the title because it is not even a subject that should be discussed. The sad attempt by Arsene to suggest a late charge by Arsenal is ludicrous, bordering on madness, however it works for a large proportion of our supporters and that is why Wenger does it. It has also been correctly pointed out that our manager is being paid 8 million a year to take the flack for the board, can I ask what flack, a few postings on a website is hardly going to shift the power of Kronke and his friends in what is a closed boardroom. Ron your other point that I agree so strongly with is the how important an even game is in any standard of football, whether Sunday League or Champions League. The reason nearly all supporters want Leicester to win the league, I certainly do, is because they turn a possible defeat into a draw and a draw into a win. Arsenal are the complete opposite, put under any kind of pressure the team crumbles, loses discipline, as does the coaching and management staff and frankly having seen so many spineless performances from Arsenal and many other PL sides, Leicester winning the title would provide a wake up call that might just see a proper competitive Premier League in the next 4 or 5 years.

  10. TA6

    Apr 05, 2016, 20:43 #87491

    watching atletico Madrid take on Barca, An insight into what a manager with tactics and passion can bring to a team. simone as our next manager? Yes please.

  11. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 19:59 #87490

    Jamerson, defending AFC ? (what AFC would that be ?)not for one split second Arsenal no, if you (and your ilk) were you wouldn't be defending wenger. Years ago we had a team to defend (and who could thanks to GG) a team to be proud off, a team we were proud to defend, for the last ten years we haven't, instead we have/had a bunch/team of pansie nice boys, weaklings, bottlers, second raters, embarrassments etc, etc, not worthy of our support and right on top of the tree the cause of it all the biggest weakling, bottler, second rater, embarrassment of them all the manager (and I use that term loosely) wenger, and that's why they don't get this so called support your on about.

  12. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 19:13 #87489

    Why does every accompanying photo now give us a laugh, this one has OGL about to take prayers at AKB central.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 05, 2016, 17:35 #87488

    Two things that are not 'just defending AFC': 1. Slagging off, indeed slandering, another team just because they are better than your team. 2. Wanting a manager under whom the team have been stagnating, and now are regressing, to carry on and on.

  14. Ron

    Apr 05, 2016, 16:36 #87487

    Jamie - no bandwagons for me. Im open minded on football teams, whereas youre still as blinkered as we all were when we were about 17 and i dont really dislike any one particular Club, not even Spurs though rivals they may be. Saps too much wasted energy doing that. Its far more satisfying to see 2 teams in a match and not one. Try it, even you might enjoy it and learn some thing about the game. Lets be clear where i am. Leics deserve the title, AFC dont. I d sooner them win the title than Arsenal. Theyve brought pleasure to a season to many in a game that badly needs a pep up. When did Arsenal last do that? 2004? I dont 'hate' AW either.I dont know him. I just want him to go. Hes not good for AFC, nor are the owners. Lastly, you've no idea what poor football is any more than you have any idea of what great football is. Theres no one size fits all and certainly nothing in the FA rule book that says Wengers ways are sacrosanct, thank heaven.

  15. jeff wright

    Apr 05, 2016, 16:33 #87486

    So dear Jamie you believe that 99% of the World believe a lie.What lie is that >/? As someone once pointed out ,you can fool some people all of the time and some people some of the time but you can't fool all of them all the time. Now I doubt myself that those fooled is ever 99%. AKB's are fooled 100% all the time,but they are a special circumstances group.Good old Arsene.

  16. Jamerson

    Apr 05, 2016, 16:23 #87485

    jeff-you would never believe a lie though would you? yet 99.9% of the world do yet I won't go into that as we're concentrating on Arsenal.mgb these sad individuals you talk of have you not thought they're just defending AFC,just because some people choose to defend Arsenal,what's wrong with that?Years ago most supporters defended their team sometimes over zealously,the anti fan only came into being over the past 5 years.Charlie George Orwell what a tourist you are taking your son on an Emirates tour.For me Arsenal has always been my free time,I wouldn't take my boys along and certainly not my wife.Mark the nark-you ere much sonny jim hoping Mourinho joins just to annoy a group of Arsenal supporters who clearly have more time for the club than you.I always thought yourself,Exeter and Arseneknewbest would make excellent members of the WC.jeff wright-If Wenger said we couldn't win the title you would all be hammering him for giving up,Wenger knows the odds are against us yet if the ref hadn't bottled it in the Leicester saints game we'd be well back in the fight already.foxinthebox2001 if you and your wob friends want to hurl abuse at Wenger or people who don't share your views at games that's fine with me as I enjoy giving it to the wobs and am all for freedom of speech.Yet not everybody is as patient as I am in fact nothing at football has ever angered me,yet if an angry AKB decides he's had enough don't start crying like most wobs do.Ron,I don't wish to have a go as you're obviously an old timer who seen it all,yet to jump on the Leicester bandwagon seems to be the latest pastime of those who hate Wenger.Yes I'de rather they won it than any of our usual rivals yet the footballs rather pappy all,huff,hoof,dive early on get a goal and then hope the ref bails us out later on and as for the Tiddely Totts,well I watched them five times this season and have failed to stay awake in any of them and that's not down to age or poor health.Finally on a lighter note,our opponents on Saturday West Hampty Dumpty have a new ground which I was taking a look at today and I must admit it looks quite good on the inside though why has the decor been done in Tottnumb colours,those garnetts can't be happy and what are they doing with the outside of the ground,steel works come to mind or is it because they're the irons?

  17. jjetplane

    Apr 05, 2016, 16:01 #87484

    Just seen Doddsie on Untold giving forth on Wenger's Cruffian philosohy (poodles anyone) and saying how he is putting the final pieces together for a golden era that the Rev Attwood has instigated (smoother than Rev Perry) and the little matter that Gilberto was also pretty rubbish from an AKB viewpoint. Time for a rubbish eleven from the AKBs inclu Merse, Viera, Petit, McLintock, Talbot, Silva, Ozil, Henry and above all George Graham. many more to add to this list who have betrayed 'the Lord in the er garden on Highbury Hill' Best one is actually a wide eyed quoting the bible to a WoB by the name of St John. Cannot handle the decade old apocalypse raining on their heads like 'so many frogs' .....

  18. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 15:42 #87483

    Mark from Aylesbury, yes was wondering that myself, they really must be annoying him if he's actually went to the bother of counting them, sad or what. You couldn't make it up.

  19. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 15:22 #87482

    jj, great post, that only happens when wenger arrives and taps them on their foreheads.

  20. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 15:12 #87481

    Ron, good post, these AKB wengerites are sad individuals indeed they really will sink to any depths to try and cover their messiah's failings, I don't remember many (if any)other fans of other clubs slagging off us and making accusations of doping when the Vieira's Berkamps Overmars Petits Henry's Parlour's etc, etc ,etc were winning league's and going the season unbeaten, or when man u was winning European cups and prem titles (something we'll never do under TOF) also maybe it was because those fans knew talent when they seen it and knew it was deserved, and acknowledged it like any true fan would, but not the AKB's, just like their messiah it's not in them like I've said they'll sink to any depths to cover his failings, no class whatsoever.

  21. Charlie George Orwell

    Apr 05, 2016, 15:04 #87480

    Foxinthebox: Very interesting and quite believable re the despotic regime and cult of the personality festering at the heart of modern Arsenal. About 6 years ago I took my 2 sons to the Emirsh*ts tour and the guide asked the group who they thought was the best signing Arsenal ever made. After dismissing suggestions like Bergkamp, Wright, Henry, etc - the guide said it was Wenger! The threat of being stripped of one's membership to an organisation that will not accept any form of criticism is proof positive of an arrogance and cowardice that comes most definitely before a fall.

  22. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:51 #87479

    Well rumour has it Van Gaal is staying which means no Mourinho at UTD. He wouldn't? We wouldn't? Surely not...... That Spanish 2nd rate newspaper can't be right? That would really set the cat amongst the pigeons in AKB central, Untold would melt. What would your reaction be if lead story 9 0clock news. Mourinho joins Arsenal.... I'd love it!

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:39 #87478

    Ron - succinct and accurate as always I would suggest you posting on Untold but it would be futile as it would simply be censored. Arsenal4life what on earth is this 22 you're rambling on about. Is it Rons 22... Oh the football chart hitters of the past ...

  24. goonersol

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:32 #87477

    One way Wenger can win, and leave with his head held high-ish, is that when we finish 2,3 or 4, which we will, as I can see us losing many in the run-in, is for him to come out and say, thanks for the £8m a year but I cant take this team any further....but as I cant see that happening, we are locked in stalemate..... the saga continues...

  25. Ron

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:28 #87476

    Gooner Ron - He could start by admitting that the Club lost their way at a crucial stage of the season in games which they should have done better and that he and the players know it has made it very hard to win the title from where they are now, but still intend to try and do so while its possible, though improbable. This of course pre supposes that Wenger could be honest, humble and truthful, all qualities that he doesn't possess. His comments to the media this last few weeks make him look like the silly old fool that he is now. The bloke is incapable of leadership. This last 7 or 8 years prove it. Those still defending him now are as deluded as he is.

  26. foxinthebox2001

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:27 #87475

    To highlight the abuse angle, directed at Arsene specifically. I am a red member, a nomad, I wander from block to block game by game. There was an occassion a couple of seasons ago when I acquired a block 1 (row 5)ticket via the exchange, as close to the bench as I will ever get. Just as now it was a time when the fans were becoming generally unhappy, a few rumblings of discontent were getting louder. I cant remember the opponents, but we dropped points, and just before the end a sea of orange coats surrounded the immediate vicinity of the bench. I vividly recall one fan sitting even closer to Wenger than me who stood up and shouted something, not abusive as I remember, but he was escorted out and missed the last 5 minutes. That is what you can expect if things turn nasty as the task of overhauling Spurs & Leicester becomes more difficult. The mood is one hell of a lot more darker than it was back then, and I can envisage quite a few abusive, vitriolic views are going to be shared around that area before much longer. The problem is what if those 'abusers'find themselves banned from the ground. Add to that there are still plenty of blinkered akb's who will stand up and defend the old fool, with verbals and fists. I am as frustrated as the next wob to see the back of Wenger this summer, but am I willing to risk my membership?

  27. jjetplane

    Apr 05, 2016, 14:10 #87474

    Colsey - a group of one ....

  28. Arsenal4life

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:55 #87473

    Peter, what young players have we sold to other teams, implication from you that they were in the reserves and youth teams? Careful what you say otherwise the group of 22 will be all over you like a rash, we can only win if we buy £30m plus players of experience but then again you can find two holding midfield players at a total cost of £5-6m. Which one is it?

  29. jeff wright

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:44 #87472

    GoonerRon ,I gave my views on here on that yesterday -saying that of course Wenger has to say we can win the title to keep the troops motivated for the 4th place trophy fight. My point is that some believe him and once again when the title challenge fails to appear the old familiar excuses will be put forth along with the usual optimistic predictions for next term .Not everyone believes Wenger's words with Ozil of course having broken ranks on the alleged title tilt still being on . My guess is that what Ozil said is the general view of the rest of the squad in the changing room as well.He wouldn't come out and say what he did unless it was a consensus view among the troops . Anyway winning 4th is going to be tough enough without trying to overcome an 11 point deficit against a side with only 6 games left to play to finish first . Something that Wenger has failed to do since 2004.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:38 #87471

    GoonerRon - Wenger can't win, can he? There's the problem.

  31. Peter

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:32 #87470

    Yes JJetplane in your post no:-92523 we could well finish 7th which would be out of Europe and maybe then the only way our lovely club will get rid of Arsene. The trouble then will be as I have said many times before who would want to manage a team not in Europe and also which top players will want to come to us for the same reason. Maybe we must consider this and bring all the very good young players through from the reserves and youth teams and start again instead of selling all the young players to other clubs, like in the past. It may take a few years but at least we may see some players who want to play for the club like Iwabi and bring back some flair. We may even eventually be a team like Man U with mostly British young players and win something.

  32. GoonerRon

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:11 #87469

    @ Jeff / Alsace - if Wenger was saying publicly we couldn't win the title when it is mathematically still very possible you would probably accuse him of poor leadership. What is he supposed to say for crying out loud?

  33. Bard

    Apr 05, 2016, 13:01 #87468

    Its difficult to know what to feel about our latest 'good run'. We look a better side now thats for sure. A late but ultimately unsuccessful tilt will be spun as 'we are moving in the right direction'. The thrashings at Soton and other limp performances long forgotten and we are now just a signing or two away from becoming a top side. I know we have heard it many times before but for some its a very persuasive argument. Untold A have started already. All we need is a meaningless little cameo from Jack before the end of the season and all will be good with the world again.

  34. jjetplane

    Apr 05, 2016, 12:55 #87467

    Arsenal making fourth this season will be harder than ever as they are not competing with the Spuds who will make a respectable runners up but are competing with City, Utd, Liverpool, West Ham, Chelsea and Stoke just to make top six. This is new territory for a spineless team that has no experience of reaching the top and this may well be the season where they fall back to probably 7th will would be fair enough as the present Arsene Fc are as ordinary as Leicester are invincible.

  35. jeff wright

    Apr 05, 2016, 12:29 #87466

    Apart from us still waiting to discover who lee k fc tipped to win the title this season ,one thing we do know is that the brown stuff will hit the fan as sure as tock follows tick and tappy follows tippy for Arsene before the season is done. The circumstances have to be exactly right for the Everton and the Watford type results to occur and it doesn't take much to knock the confidence in our players ability to produce those results. A 4-0 away to Southampton thrashing is just as likely to happen under Inspector Clueless as the 4-0 home win to Watford is. Watford of course beat us in the FAC that good old Arsene was supposed to win for an 'historic' 3rd time this season but our bottlers fluffed their lines again when push came to shove and pressure was on them to try and make that happen. They had struggled at home in a boring 0-0 against an ordinary Hull Championship side in the previous round as well.So anyone expecting us to win every game left to play and the Foxes ( 1-4 on to win the league us 6-1 against ) with the Foxes tossing away points faster than Colesyboy and other AKB's desperately and pathetically change names is in for a disappointment. Personally I believe that Wenger's claims that we can still win the title are little more than an attempt at damage limitation to try and deflect attention away from his inept management that has produced yet another trophyless season in which he blew the chance to win the league and to win 3 FA Cups in a row. It soon all went a bit quiet about the FA Cup once we were out of it with the cup being relegated back to not being that important by Arsene. Soon the 4th place trophy will be talked up again- if Arsene wins it. If not then it will good bye from him . How anyone can take this clown seriously is one of the mysteries of life. It does however show yet again that illusionism can replace the perception of reality for some people. As someone once said,if you tell a lie ,tell a big one and if you tell it often enough some people will believe it. This looks like the situation with Wenger and his followers they just believe that what he tells them must be true. You couldn't make it up.

  36. Part of the WOB

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:58 #87465

    Great piece John. I think scoring is more of a problem than conceding. Only conceded one more than Leicester but scored three less and five less than Sp*rs. Giroud and Walcott need to score more.

  37. Nick

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:54 #87464

    Goonerron, suspicions are exactly that suspicions, of course the unbeaten season was a glorious success but there were signs of Wengers fragility even then, the surrender in the FA Cup semi final, the loss at home to the odious chavs in the CL , we were 1-0 up at home with an overall lead in the tie, but we somehow contrived to lose, that season we could and probably should have equalled manures treble and bettered it by going without loss, the following season my suspicions were again proven correct after the injustice at OT, when your god proved himself a spoilt child and his sulk infected the team, a George Graham led team would have USED that injustice to fire the team on , the rest is history, the 4 goal lead thrown away many two goal leads surrendered and more than one three goal advantage squandered,capitulations at OT, Stamford Bridge and Anfield hammerings abroad to Milam, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, to mention just a few exhibits for the prosecution, I rest my case !

  38. Alsace

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:49 #87463

    Thoughts for the day. (1)Did anyone hear OGL's comments about us still being in the title race? He does not realise that objectively, he must be one of two things, either deluded or a teller of terminological inexactitudes. (2) The Premier League (all clubs) will have huge amounts of money next year. The story of this season is that where all clubs can compete for the best signings, having an effective capable competent coach is very important indeed. This will be more so next season. Leicester City are living proof that OGL will in fact have to go, because he is incapable of doing what is necessary. The longer he stays, the lower we will fall. (3) I saw Arsenal's youth team play against Man City last night. Suicidal high line, two sucker goals and a stupid sending off at a crucial time. The sickness runs deep.

  39. jjetplane

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:43 #87462

    So Wenger does not believe in defence and the AKBs are going the way of the BFG - straight to the Karaoke asylum ..... The sideways passing spreads (sic) right to the bag of cash marked ranch franchise/s which does a neat triangle before washing up in the new world .... It must be an intolerable existence believing in the Church Of Arsene as can be seen by the degraded posts from the last apostles - yeh but no but lol! Only two games but Iwobi looks truly spirited which is a natural thing and not something some spent accountant can pass on to him ... even sideways. Touch of the Stirlings mixed with Ya Ya and hopefully he will be playing at a proper club before his career is destroyed. He must be somewhat bemused to see Wally takes home 4 times his packet for getting a late tap-in when a game was already over. Hope Jack is recovering because he could be the missing part ..... Far Away Fan - totally on the ball about Leicester who have played much better than Arsene's smiley poodles all season. Right - let's have a quick peep thought the church doors of The Church of the Untold - a lot of moaning so they must be in prayer. Wonder if they do the old hands on heads trick and you end up falling over your seat and losing your pizza slice .....

  40. GoonerRon

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:40 #87461

    @ Exeter - I don't feel vindicated but to be fair I'm am looking forward to us winning our 'best of the underachievers' trophy.

  41. Ron

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:23 #87460

    Far Far away - well said. Leics have brought passion, fire and romanticism back to football, for many of us and of course particularly those in the East Midlands and have shown all of the rest how fan can still be part of the fabric of a Club even today in the super hyped TV driven game. Everything that Arsenal in particular and all of the cartel Clubs have spurned for so long. It might well be another 120 odd years before it happens again for Leics or any other Club like them, but its been a pleasure to see it happen. Its pleasing to see these Arseneite cult followers slaking off Leics too.Its a measure of how desperate they are and of how low theyve sunk. Pathetic.

  42. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 11:15 #87459

    As easy as cows swatting flies from it's arse.

  43. Patrick

    Apr 05, 2016, 10:14 #87457

    There's an article on untold Arsenal. My god, it's scary. The suggestion is Wengers building a young team for the future??? That's a novel route for ceasar to tred. What could possibly go wrong??? Why would anyone think experience or grit is needed combined with raw talent? There are undoubtably potential in certain areas but the lack of structure, gamesmanship or willingness to fight will always cost the team. There is ten years evidence. Ten years!!! In that time I've spent vertically £13,000 in season tickets to watch and I'll be damned if I accept 'jam tomorrow' again. I appreciate loyalty, but blind faith in an individual is not football supporting, it's cultism

  44. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 05, 2016, 9:55 #87456

    That's telling him, GoonerRon! Bet you're feeling vindicated this season.

  45. GoonerRon

    Apr 05, 2016, 9:24 #87455

    @ Nick - I bet your suspicions from 2001 and 2003 felt truly vindicated at the end of the 2003/04 season.

  46. Bard

    Apr 05, 2016, 9:03 #87454

    Jamerson; all credit for coming clean on your identity disorder. Next task is to try posting something coherent. Apart from dear old Graham and one or two from Simon Rose we dont get to read much from the AKBs.

  47. Made Up Stat

    Apr 05, 2016, 7:50 #87453

    Wow, after reading the 'arguments' of the Wenger supporters, I guess you CAN fool some of the people all of the time. Are any of you interested in a sure-fire profit making scheme? Don't worry about its pyramid looking shape, it's all kosher....

  48. Smithy

    Apr 05, 2016, 6:35 #87452

    Ref MBG- I agree all the side ways passing and inability to defend seems to be being trained throughout the club.

  49. Far far away fan

    Apr 05, 2016, 5:59 #87451

    I agree that we will never win the title the way we play i.e. we will never win under Wenger. But I think you're doing LCFC and Spurs a great disservice by saying they don't have world class players, especially if you put Sanchez and Ozil in that bracket. There are world class players, world class players by name and brilliant players who don't play with the audacity of world class players. I think LCFC and Spurs have a lot of players in that third category. Kante is already a brilliant player. They have a brilliant full back in Fuchs who is as good as Monreal (and I like Monreal). And Mahrez has done a lot more than Ozil this season by scoring important and magnificent goals. Vardy might not be that gifted, but he has that pace an finishing ability that reaps rewards. The difference between LCFC and Arsenal is that when teams park the bus, LCFC can get that 1-0 whereas we cannot. I think LCFC will be worthy champions as they have a great team.

  50. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 0:43 #87450

    Exeter, yes funny these teams were implicated isn't it, but no surprise the AKB's are singling out Leicester (it's come at a very convenient time for them) they'll grasp any straw at the moment in defence of their messiah. But this doping would certainly explain all Arsenals weaklings and injury problems over the last ten years, and all they're fragile little bodies getting injured and injuries while even warming up, and never recovering properly, and being permanent crocks (akin to having their brain fried with over use)and lasting no time when they come back and always breaking down again, and these players always regressing when they come to Arsenal, and to think we were hard on Diaby when it might not have been his fault at all just some dude coming at him with funny stuff in a needle and TOF telling him don't worry it will help you, yes indeed lets wait to see where the blood doping investigation leads shall we, although they'll probably do TOF for ruining players instead of making them better ones.

  51. mbg

    Apr 05, 2016, 0:08 #87449

    Smithy, I caught some of that on and off myself, tippy tappy up down around and around going nowhere then lose it or out it goes for a throw for most parts of the game, just like the first team, this old past manager really has stamped his out of date ways on our club (god help us) it will take years to get his grubby finger prints off everything, and Kevin Campbell stood there (with a straight face)and reckoned we have another messi (assuming it was Arsenal)jesus wept he must be on those drugs that the AKB's reckon Leicester are on. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  52. Jamerson

    Apr 04, 2016, 23:25 #87448

    I shall probably only post once a day from now on but I will make it a good one with lots of great stuff to keep people talking about the Arsenal.I shall go in-depth on what I believe is happening to keep my fans happy,and there shall be the usual light hearted banter aimed at our WOB friends.Have belief fellow gooners despite the points difference and the refs trying to give the title to the footballing abomination called Leicester,and the most tedious Spurs team since last season being above us In the table,I still believe the title can be ours in May.Great to see Robbie from Arsenal TV giving it to the spuds and mancs on MOTD,that's the sort of fan we need at AFC.

  53. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 23:00 #87447

    No foundation to those claims for any of the teams named, yet Arsene4life/Colesy decides to single out Leicester and suggest it must be the explanation for their success. Your jealousy and fury at what they're achieving, and how badly it shows up Wenger, reeks from every word you type. Pitifully transparent, shameful, gutter sniping stuff. What an embarrassment.

  54. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:45 #87446

    3 teams implicated in doping allegations - Arsenal, Leicester and Chelsea. Funny that Colesy should single out Leicester and omit the other names. However, I'd have to agree there's no way the Arsenal team have been super charged on anything this season. Maybe ketamine? In greater detail for the hard of reading, here's my predictions for this season made last summer: There will be an injury crisis. There will be a run of good form. There will be a collapse. There will be a rally for 3rd/4th. Hope that's clear enough for the barrel scrapers now.

  55. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:45 #87445

    Exeter, yes indeed did you ever hear anything like it, just when you thought you'd heard it all from the AKB moonies along comes the un fittest team in the prem last year now their the second fittest quip (even though their top and going to win it) and then wait for it, the implication that their taking performance enhancing drugs, you really couldn't make it up, AKB's your really scraping the barrel there and taking it to far there, complete and utter disrespect for everything unwenger, but it surprises none of us (if ever a post needed removed that's it) real barrel scraping in the defence of your messiah, proof (if any was needed) that you all really do believe he's up s**t creek without a paddle, so thanks for that. You really couldn't make it up, more to be pitied than laughed at. wenger out.

  56. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:31 #87444

    "a sterile, overcharged dead zone" One of the more pithy descriptions of the Emirates...

  57. Arsenal4life

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:29 #87443

    Better do some research on your super fit foxes Exeter. Still didn't see your predictions that have come true. Keep posting Jamerson.

  58. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:21 #87442

    jj, good post, and some call it supporting through thick and thin, they just still don't get it, even after all this time. Sad.

  59. Smithy

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:11 #87441

    Just watched the fa youth cup tie- unfortunately it doesn't look like any of these lads are ready for the first team squad.bielik , Adelaide and willock seem the only 3 capable. I just hope Adelaide will look better with more able players around him but was confused why he was being played in central midfield and not the wing?

  60. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 22:10 #87440

    Exeter, yes indeed if Badarse ever does return i'm sure there'll be no standing shoulder to shoulder there, but saying that the AKB wengerites are a very forgiving bunch, they'd forgive anything, as the last eleven years with TOF and all the/his humiliations and embarrassments show.

  61. anthony walters

    Apr 04, 2016, 20:56 #87439

    yeah maybe need a world class forward but there should be enough goals in sanchez walcott welbeck and giroud plus goals from midfielders to win a title .in 98 anelka bergkamp and a fading wright scored enough to win a title along with overmars but none prolific.everton in 85 didnt have a great finisher even us in 91 and 89 .its goals around a side that count for more.i just get frustrated that arsene can build excellent squads but fails to pick horses for courses and be prepared to play a youngster like chambers in defensive midfield ahead of a more talented but less disciplined and focused aaron ramsey.we do lack leaders but there aren't many around anywhere in football in general and having been around grass roots football for many years the players may arguably be technically better today but team spirit mental strength and determination are certainly more scarce .the premier league and european football probably reflect that.

  62. jjetplane

    Apr 04, 2016, 20:16 #87438

    The AKB artillery (see Armoury) on here is truly awesome but my how they have degraded over the season. They are though in perfect sync with their disinterested master.

  63. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 20:05 #87437

    aw, we do seem to basically agree. I do think you need a clinical finisher though, Vardy has been that man for Leicester, he's fired them into the position they're now in where they seem to be finishing the job with these 1-0s. mbg, I'm sure it hasn't escaped that Arsene4life/colesy has now taken it beyond the 'anti-football' thing with his last post. He's never had any argument, just 'you're not a proper supporter like wot I am' but now he's totally discredited himself with that last remark.

  64. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:50 #87436

    Hiccup, yes good old Leicester have certainly threw a big socket in the works for TOF and his followers, he's in trouble now big style (isn't it great) and they know it, but still can't bring themselves to admit it, and those that do do so through gritted teeth but mark my words would change their minds and keep him in the blink of an eye, pathetic, they're desperate alright with all this anti football crap against Leicester and the spuds, again pathetic, well done Leicester you deserve it, it's yours to lose now so do us all a big big favour and don't.

  65. anthony walters

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:47 #87435

    exeter i do agree.what i find so frustrating is he gets so much right in spotting talent bringing it in i still believe he is as good as ever at that.trouble is the team has been littered with number 10s small attacking midfielders and until coquelins emergence and elnenys signing no natural defensive midfielders .he and his team consistently promise a title challenge then flop at the death or are out of the title race early on due to the team lacking balance ,sticking attacking players in defensive midfield positions ,etc. for instance many say not having a world class striker has cost us the league i don't agree leicester have won the last five matches one nil .chelsea werent scoring many the second half of last season but both are and were solid defensively.

  66. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:44 #87434

    leek fc & Arsene4life/colesy, what a pair: Keep asking questions that have been answered, trying to make capital out of typos, and now - just when you thought the barrel could not be scrapped any further - slurring Leicester. Truly there are no depths to which you will not sink if you think it will make Wenger look better. You are beyond help.

  67. Jamerson

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:34 #87433

    The thing is Exeter, Badarse wasn't offended because he saw the joke and wasn't fooled like others on here, the recent Badarse character was so over the top only a few of you were fooled by him.I also should add that MARCUS and Finsbury Joe are proper people yet I just glammed them up a bit to make them more interesting yet if they appear again it will be the real people.It's amazing how often the WOB agreed with their outlandish statements.

  68. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:33 #87432

    aw, he still gets 'a lot right' for Stan maybe but not for AFC as a sporting enterprise. 2 sadly devalued FA cups, a competition we are no longer in this season, do not make an argument that's he's the man to lead us forward from here to challenge for the title and the CL. The 'we cannot compete with etc etc' defence that was depended on for years has been totally blown out of the water this season and there really is nothing left but blind faith for his remaining supporters. As a debate, it's over. Unfortunately Wenger will cling on like a dead man.

  69. Arsenal4life

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:30 #87431

    What predictions have you got right Exeter? A sense of reason from Mr Waters, which is more than be said about the group of 22, who embody all that is wrong with supporting a football club. As Anthony says, we pay for our season ticket and accept that every season can't be a winning one, but that's what supporting is about. The group of 22 are now non supporters of the club. Keep waving the black scarf or maybe we should get some clappy things to help the atmosphere!! What rubbish. Leicester's fans can hardly believe their luck. The most unfit team in the league last season and miraculously now the second fittest. Let's see where the blood doping investigation leads shall we?

  70. leek fc

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:27 #87430

    yeah but jeff.... who are these Bilac and Elenty people. your love affair with leicester is getting to be a bit to hot now.... meanwhile, the spuds never win at liverpool, but that is ok. Gooner?? my arse.

  71. jjetplane

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:26 #87429

    Hilarious how any ordinary working people in London roll up to the Wok for a sterile exhibition of pass the ball to death usually on a Sunday when they could be having a lovely cheap Sunday roast. For the Saturdays you have a nice all day breckie and for both these days Radio 5 is a better bet and catch the teams that are the week's flavour and laugh at their antics. That anyone would want to sit in a sterile, overcharged dead zone and watch half interested idiots pass, pass, pass for an hour or so is fine if you enjoy a most vacuous pain to carry you through to your final return to dust and thence to plant life. I generally offset all this by watching my local team for a fiver and this happens on Saturday at three or Tuesdays at 7 45pm. Nothing else to add except you just know that Leicester would give Barcelona a better game and they would laugh less at Ranieri than they do Wenger. Do they still have hot dogs at the Emirates or do they need a mortgage and a fancy name to set up. What's the latest on Jack?

  72. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:20 #87428

    Jamerson folds like a cheap suit. Badarse will be disappointed you abused his name like that, given the shredding his reputation took when he hypocritically refused to condemn your bigotry. And the reason we 'took offence' was in order to put a stop to you. Which worked. Not so silly.

  73. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:17 #87427

    Sad old AKB wengerites (in different guises) reduced to barrel scraping slagging off the spuds and Leicester's style of play in trying to defend their messiah and his failings, don't you just love it when it comes to this ? it just proves he's in trouble and they know it, as Exeter and RedPig has already said if it was TOF and his little technicians playing the so called hoof ball their trying to demean and grinding out 1-0's they'd be the bees knees, and their messiah would be the greatest tactician ever born, even since the inventor of blue tac, keep it up guys it's not working it's fooling no one only yourselves, and I doubt it's doing that either. You couldn't make it up.

  74. billthered

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:12 #87426

    Cor blimey just read the match report and Wengers comment and I quote " I believe this team has the right mentality it's top quality" god give me strength who said it is a fool that makes the same mistakes and learn nothing how many more times will he spout that same rubbish. For gods sake Arsene it's embarrassing now.

  75. anthony walters

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:10 #87425

    some see back to back fa cup wins as success exeter in fact most clubs would .wenger still gets a lot right.not enough for the majority of arsenal fans inxluding myself now but bellerin elneny and iwobi this season are positives.a couple of signings ,better substitutions,team balance and resilience and we could win the league next season .thats been the story half a dozen years or so out of the last 12 so i like many have seen it happen once too often.in the early emirates years wenger didn't have money and had his best players sold so he could be excused somewhat but the last couple of years not so.i have always felt there was a mental fragility and naivity in wengers sides even the best ones so never have been a so called akb but now believe it is time to look elsewhere like more arsenal fans than ever before under him.

  76. Jamerson

    Apr 04, 2016, 19:07 #87424

    You have a deal Mike,though it was mainly tongue in cheek with only Mark,Exeter and Arseneknewbest silly enough to take offence.Yes I admit Pete is a fictional character and it was also me in playful mood behind the recent Badarse comebacks the spud loving Finsbury Joe,Mandrake the poet,Stroud,Sambo and the illiterate MARCUS character but only Jamerson from now on promise,but I had a good chuckle. Promise.

  77. Kenny

    Apr 04, 2016, 18:50 #87423

    For years Wenger sat back and said how can we compete with the mega bucks of Chelsea and City.That was his excuse every season and the AKB's swallowed it left right and centre.This season he is f**ked.How can he say we couldnt compete with Leicester and Spurs? A man with any conscience would resign in shame.But we know Wenger has no conscience.

  78. Hiccup

    Apr 04, 2016, 18:41 #87422

    Looks like the AKB's are having 'Arsenal Circular' withdrawal symptons. The pressure may be off the team, but boy, the pressure is well and truly on with the AKB's. Their desperate attempts to prove Wenger is doing a grand job has been totally derailed with little old Leicester throwing a big f*cking spanner in to the works. All they have left is incoherent irate babbling. Truly entertaining.

  79. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 18:35 #87421

    aw, the difference is that those who believe success will come under Wenger do not and cannot formulate any kind of coherent argument to back that up. We never see it. The closest was Arsenal Circular and the best he could come up with is 'Wenger has Arsenal in his blood'. They have nothing but their blind faith in the man and their outrage that not everyone shares it. This is why it is pointed out they are putting him before the club. Yes there are outbursts etc as well of course but all the argument, reasoning, evidence and precedence exists on the Wenger Out side. There's the difference between the two sides.

  80. anrhony walters

    Apr 04, 2016, 18:14 #87420

    so many ignorant opinions on here that some of you even take them seriously is laughable.firstly i am a season ticket holder on a low income and the people who sit near me are not prawn sandwich brigade.i believe it is time for a change but that we choose to support arsenal whether arsene is in charge or not doesn't mean we are stupid or ignorant or clueless about football .it means we are fans that's what being a fan is through thick and thin and things are still a lot bloody thicker than thin.in fact i would like to think i have a pretty good football knowledge as player ,coach ,fan and manager and i don't get asked to go back into managing and coaching as i have been on numerous occasions because i am clueless! .the extremists on here who claim they are the true fans even though a couple want spurs our bitterest rivals to win the league and a fair few want leicester. that anyone who is supportive of wenger or the team aren't true fans or are akbs is frankly pathetic.i will support the team no matter who is in charge yes it is costly and i hate giving money to kroenke but at least the club have frozen season tickets for a while and away fans are paying the least of any due to the club subsidising tickets yet not one bit of praise on this site anywhere!untold arsenal is the extreme of wenger worshipping and some of the stuff on there i have read is rightly ridiculed here. yet some on here are so extreme in hating arsene, arsenal the players its just as ridiculous!the vast majority of fans on both sides of the wenger in or out debate just want success for the team they support .the difference is some believe it will come under wenger others for the first time a majority i believe like myself believe we need to change manager to move forward.

  81. Roy

    Apr 04, 2016, 18:05 #87419

    Wow, when posters such as Exeter come on here and state indisputable facts ( irrespective of how many times they are posted ), and others call it " sensationalist garbage ", we really are in trouble. Maybe Big Andy that is part of the reason that the club we used to love is now dead as you say. What a sad state of affairs.

  82. jeff wright

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:56 #87418

    Results in games at the weekend us 4-Watford 0 , Villa 0 Chavs 4 ,Bournemouth 0-City 4,United 1 Everton 0 ,the spuds only managing a 1-1 at Anfield - a place where they rarely ever win - suggests that the claims that the top clubs sides monopoly of the best seats at the table are over is a little premature. For starters there have been unusual factors involved in the demise of Chelsea and City this season with the managers both getting sacked albeit in case of Pell a delayed execution and it can be argued that United still recovering from the end of Ferguson's reign are not doing as bad as some claim. I expect to see City and Chelsea back competing in the Prem next season and United doing better as well more money for everyone is not going to make the big difference that it is claimed that it will . Leicester have over-achieved by using the same pragmatic tactics that saved them from relegation last season only this time they are using them to try and win the league. They have done fantastic but can they do it again,I will be surprised if that happens. The Foxes should strengthen their position regarding being 1-3 favs to win the league this season though against Fat Sam's side who will have to come out and go for goals - leaving themselves open for Vardy and co to counter - attack. Wenger's failure to not take advantage of the City and Chelsea earlier poor form can't be criticized enough as is the casew with him losing twice to Chelsea and we still have to play City away - with them as usual finishing the season strong . Third or 4th place is no-shoo-in for us let alone winning the league with Leicester able to afford to lose two games - us winning the league is as unlikely as spuds and Chelsea supporters wanting Wenger fired. Ask the Chelsea troll Jamerson about it. You couldn't make it up.

  83. Mark

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:50 #87417

    if you are playing in La (Little) Liga then for sure Jack + Cesc and all those small short legs have a Chance. if you are playing 38 matches up and down England then Forget it if you do not have power pace resiliance. Is this really a new fact for some People ?

  84. Big Andy

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:41 #87416

    Good article,John, but not quite accurate. Wenger's recent teams HAVE all been mentally weak - it's nothing to do with style. The weakness stems from the entire culture at the club: before a ball is kicked in August every player knows that all that matters is finishing fourth. I was watching the Leicester game yesterday and it struck me just how the Foxes are the opposite of Arsenal: they make the most of their finances and we don't; they have a tactically astute manager and we don't; and they have real supporters who make noise. They overachieve and we do the opposite. And as for a protest within the ground against Wenger - forget it. The real Arsenal fans have been priced out of the ground and all that's left now are the prawn sandwich brigade and the Scandinavian tourists. Sadly, our club has been hijacked by people who are only interested in money, that's why I don't go any more. The club I used to love is now dead.

  85. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:28 #87415

    Proved right in predictions, Arsene4life. Wasn't that clearly enough expressed for you? Your tone is very similar to that of a former regular poster on here - the same angry desperation to silence views that at the same time you're continually claiming are irrelevant.

  86. Arsenal4life

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:22 #87414

    What exactly have you proved Exeter? And no I am not someone else. Bit presumptive aren't you? Keep waving your black scarf, it's all you've got.

  87. Website Admin (Mike)

    Apr 04, 2016, 17:05 #87413

    Tell you what Jamerson, I’ll leave your posts alone if you post consistently under the same name, avoid trolling and don’t make racist, homophobic or otherwise abusive remarks. I’ve allowed your posts to remain in the past in the hope that you comply with the site rules, but it usually doesn’t take more than a few days before you revert to type and that’s when I revert to removing every post you make.

  88. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:55 #87412

    Jamerson - the reason your posts are deleted are because you post under multiple identities and/or you are an unfunny Bernard Manning. There is not one example of you ever actually dismantling someone's argument you can point to. You labouring under the misapprehension you do this simply demonstrates you don't understand what's entailed. Here's a clue, stating 'Only Arsene plays football, everyone else is rubbish' isn't it. Oh and Arsene4life - that you goonercolesboy?

  89. Jamerson

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:45 #87411

    Exeter-I would probably only post one a day yet as my posts offend admin and they keep deleting I am happy to post loads all day.Your arguments are all easily dismantled as they are all the same sensationalist garbage spouted over and over again.

  90. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:38 #87410

    Except no one claimed we'd be midtable or relegated, did they, Arsene4life. The predictions were, based on a decade of precedence, that a title challenge wouldn't be sustained, there would be the usual collapse at the usual time then the mini-rally to secure 4th and so here we are, proved right once again whilst you once again are proved wrong. Got anything else?

  91. Arsenal4life

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:25 #87409

    The 25group is down to 22. No more to say from them that has any effect on our current management. Black scarf? Two banners? Keep unsubscribing from your season ticket, stop buying any merchandise, stop your sport tv subscriptions, change your so called support to Leicester and Sp**s, and let proper supporters take your places as you slide into more repetitive anti Arsenal posts and disappear from view for ever. When we are relegated or end up mid table then please do come back all 22 of you and tell us all we told you so.

  92. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:20 #87408

    Jamerson, somebody called AKB posted the exact same comment as you, word for word, earlier on, before it was sadly deleted. What are the odds, eh? Been trying to get my head around AKB logic - as we've been Leicester twice, we deserve the title instead of them. But then Chelsea have beaten us twice, so that must mean they deserve the title instead of us. Ergo Chelsea are the 'moral' champions. Could an AKB confirm this?

  93. Ron

    Apr 04, 2016, 16:17 #87407

    Hi Mark - Not all by any means Mark, but many are. Many hold season tickets by dint only of being able to afford them far more so than any real emotional bond with the Club. That stadium move imported many, many fans who managed to acquire the season tickets in all manner of methods to get them and dont start me off on the clientèle of that Club Level of which there are 10000 alone. The fortunes on the pitch would need to fall very low before todays home match goers kick off there. All Clubs have those types now, but Arsenals inherently cosmopolitan heritage and social demography was always going to see our fan base gravitate to the types im speaking of. There are thousands of them, many of which who know little about football. You only have to go to a few games to pick up the vibes. Its an awful place. Sterile and passionless. Unless its changed since Sept 2013 which was my last visit of course. If the natives do rouse themselves it will be the few having to create the waves for the many to leap onto in my opinion.

  94. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 15:53 #87406

    Alsace, Touché

  95. Alsace

    Apr 04, 2016, 15:27 #87405

    When attacking an opponent one has to find the thing that they don't want to happen, and do it or threaten to do it. Mr Wenger's achilles heel is criticism. The louder and more frequent it is the more he hates it. So if we really want him out, those of us who wish to actually DO SOMETHING, the point is to criticise. Those of us who do it inside the ground will face angry reactions. The people who sit in front of me are sick to death of my criticism. They wish it could just all come good. It won't. To me nothing else matters, and I mean nothing else matters but the removal of Arsene Wenger. I am now into that part of the season where he has micturated the club's genuine hopes of silverware up against the wall and I want a money losing Europa League grind for next season. We have to attack his soft underbelly, and apart from his massive ego, his soft underbelly is Stan's love of cash. So write some letters, not to the website but to Stan and Gazidis and to OGL, politely explaining that we would like the manager to leave, because the club is going nowhere but backwards with him at the helm. Proof? Spurs and Leicester will finish above us this season. ARSENE WENGER IS NOT A FRIEND of ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB - LET HIM GO

  96. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 15:16 #87404

    I certainly wouldn't/don't call tippy tappy left to right forward back (that's when we don't lose it or the ball goes out of play) and after twenty plus passes trying to walk it into the net eye catching, or after all that the cart horse or wally or who ever blasting over the bar or missing a sitter eye catching.

  97. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 04, 2016, 15:13 #87402

    Ron I often agree with what you say but in this instance not all the Emirates are sandwich eating tourists. The actual majority should be season ticket holders and though by nature of the personal , financial , emotional contract they are loyal they can only be pushed so far. Every poll in whatever platform is showing a majority want him out. Aston Villa (2013) kicked off and Watford this year was feisty. I do get that Arsenal aren't like an Everton fanbase any more but I rarely see anyone truly happy with him. A bad run next year and I can really see it kicking off

  98. mbg

    Apr 04, 2016, 15:02 #87401

    It's all down to the manager it really is that simple, we have a past it egoistic arrogant old man stuck in time still believing in his long failed out of date philosophies who doesn't know what he's doing (along with his fans who support him and not the club)the two other teams you mention with the exception of one and he knows what he's doing (along with a few others and more next season)have up and coming young, vibrant, ambitious managers full of new ideas and eager to prove themselves and will and in the case of the spuds manager already has. And in the mean time(as with the last ten years) we're stuck with the old man who lives in a shoe with so many second raters and hasn't a clue what to do muddling and bumbling along holding us back. wenger out.

  99. jjetplane

    Apr 04, 2016, 14:02 #87400

    I have become enchanted with the magic that is Leicester and Tottenham this season. Vardy, Mahrez, Kane and Alii are quite simply the best players in the land this season and I make particular mention of Alii who began the season hot headed and as now with his cosmic understanding with Kane who has to be the best forward in the country by a mile. Forever on the move with such intelligence. Ditto for Mahrez and Vardy who also bring a smile to faces with their infectious play and restore some faith in what is overall an absurdly ordinary league. Let us join Jamerson in prayer and hope next season's top four do not include any of the usual suspects and the Pep, JM, Conte and the Ostrich himself suffered greater humilations and er Bilic wins the PL and Leicester the CL. They can begin that by slapping Barca in the summer. The above article is still harping about some sort of Arsene uniqueness. Sorry John - there is none and never was. We had some great players and they have all gone and now we are left with the ultimate Wenger stereotype in Ozil. Lovely and all that but could never carry a team to greatness on any stage. He is a beautiful passenger who leaves the driving to others. Of course things could change now JACK is back! He certainly appears to have the speeerit/spirits at hand. You would imagine him now in full flow and his shorts fall down as he poops on the pitch! Six months in a good clinic and he will be ready for a stint at ... QPR or maybe Fulham .... Like the AKBs and the Spuds are voicing - Wenger must stay ....

  100. Bard

    Apr 04, 2016, 13:32 #87399

    Good article John. I think you have touched a nerve here. The style of our football is something many hold onto as a reason to justify not winning trophies. Successful teams by and large do what it takes to win a match. If thats ugly sometimes so be it. Im not sure you can dismiss the weak mentality of the current sides. In golfing speak what matters in a tournament is what you do on the back nine of the final round on a Sunday not what happens on the Thursday.As many have noted on here. We have good periods but are found wanting when the pressure is really on.

  101. Peter Wain

    Apr 04, 2016, 13:30 #87398

    I do not think that whoever was ahead of us I would be happy. Do we deserve to win the title - the answer must be no as champions do not lose 4-0 at Southampton, lose at West Brom and draw with Norwich. As far as changing the manager this must happen sooner rather than later. We could and indeed should have won the title four times over the last ten years but for Wenger's stupidity in the transfer market. But it is not his fault. I exclude the board as they are all Kroenke appointments men with no say whose only task is to take the criticism which should be directed at the owner. Stan do every one a favour and sell your shares now because you have no interest in the long term future of Arsenal football club

  102. Jamerson

    Apr 04, 2016, 13:26 #87397

    I find the WOR are so predictable they all say the same garbage and make up silly stories to fit their agendas.I'm no particular fan of Untold Arsenal either and find them also to be a bit soft and lovers of Babylon yet at least they support the club,unlike some on here who often wish our opponents gained the victory.

  103. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 04, 2016, 13:13 #87396

    Leicester certainly will win the title if referees keep missing blatant handballs in the penalty area.

  104. Bob

    Apr 04, 2016, 13:10 #87395

    I agree with your analysis, and especially the last two paragraphs. We have had, for several seasons, an unhealthy alliance between a foreign owner who doesn't care what happens on the field except so far as it affects his profits, and a manager who is happy to coast just enough to meet his owner's low expectations of him. Those inside the ground these days are seen as customers, not supporters. So long as they are happy to see the equivalent of the Harlem Globetrotters, winning exhibition games like Saturday at a canter, then they will continue to hand over their cash. Those of us who do care about winning serious trophies have already been disenfranchised. Until this current owner and manager move on that is not going to change.

  105. Mark

    Apr 04, 2016, 12:54 #87394

    All true. every single pressure match Arsenal bottle started with 1st game of season at home. hold your nerver sneak a 1-0 win and get up and running. oh no not wenger's Arsenal. never going to happen. the lack of character and resiliance and bottle reflects upon the manager

  106. Made Up Stat

    Apr 04, 2016, 12:48 #87393

    As the piece mentions in red text, change will only occur if we protest and demonstrate. Silence is assent. Is Red Action an oxymoron?

  107. Ron

    Apr 04, 2016, 12:47 #87392

    A lot to agree with there John, though it aint happenin. Youre not going to see 'revolt' among the latte sippers who go there every match sitting there in silence, congratulating themselves on being seen to be there. Its a fashion statement to watch Arsenite FC. It has little to do with actually supporting a football Club. Thats why its a morgue there. Visiting fans do actually laugh at the place due to its code of silence. Youre wasting yr time looking for 'World class' ability in that PL. Theres Aguero and De Gea and thats about it. If Ozil was such class he wouldn't be bumming about at Arsenal, he d still be at RM. Hes at AFC because nobody else was stupid enough to want him at that ridiculous price.

  108. John Evans

    Apr 04, 2016, 12:40 #87391

    I think with the power of hindsight not managing to ever win back to back titles or any European competition with what was the best Arsenal side ever was an under achievement. The way the wheels fell off after the undefeated run come to an end at OT was pretty revealing in terms of the mental brittleness than runs through the Arsene inspired ethos of the club. Just take a look at the level of quality that is far too good for us to cope with this season at Leicester - Danny Simpson - 29 years old - Loan spells between 2006 and 2014 with Royal Antwerp/Sunderland/Ipswich/Blackburn. Moved to Newcastle on a free transfer and then on to QPR before ending up at Leicester. Wes Morgan - 32 years old - 10 Years at Nottingham Forest before moving to Leicester in 2012 for around £1m. Had never played in the Premier League before the age of 30. Christian Fuchs - 30 years old - Signed on a free transfer and before that played for Wiener Neustadt, SV Mattersburg, VFL Bochum, FSV Mainz 05 and Schalke. Robert Huth - 31 years old - Did not make the grade at Chelsea, sold to Middlesboro and then spent six years at Stoke before being loaned out to Leicester and then signing on a permanent basis for around £3m. Danny Drinkwater - 26 years old - Never played a single game for United and was loaned out to Huddersfield Town, Cardiff City, Watford and Barnsley over a three year period before ending up at Leicester in the Championship season of 2012. Marc Albrighton - 26 years old - Started off at Villa, faded there over a period of five years and didn't make the grade before being loaned out to Wigan and then signing for Leicester in 2014. Kasper Schmeichel - 29 years old - Started out at Man City, only played 8 times in 5 years going out on loan to Darlington, Bury, Falkirk, Cardiff and Coventry before signing for Notts County in 2010 and then on to Leeds before joining Leicester back in 2011. Riyad Mahrez - 25 years old - Started out at Quimper before moving to Le Havre in 2011 where he managed six goals in 60 games in Ligue 2 before moving to Leicester in 2014. Jamie Vardy - 29 years old - Was playing in non league football until 2012, last team prior to joining Leicester was Fleetwood Town. Had not played professional football before the age of 25. Signed for around £1m. The above names and facts are not squad members at Leicester, they are all part of the starting XI. Congratulations to Leicester for what is a remarkable story/achievement but for a club with Arsenal's resources to fail to even compete with them for the title after all the other top sides collapse is nothing short of an embarrassment. It goes to show that however low the bar sinks we will always find a way of going under it with the current regime at the club.

  109. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 12:15 #87389

    Your trouble is jeff you have no real love for Arsenal and only enjoy the moaning.Get down to the new West Humpty ground you swine.

  110. jeff wright

    Apr 04, 2016, 11:26 #87388

    Akbson,Arsene had to resort to hoofing route one with a big lad up front against Wigan in the cup semi and Hull in the final .He was at it against Swansea recently as well when we were losing at home to them. His training ground tippy-tappy football and fixed substitutions just do not work that's why he is 11 points behind an ordinary side such as Leicester and needed them to go down to playing with 10 men and 6 minutes extra-time to beat them 2-1 at home .Hey those victory celebs were great though afterwards with all the selfies in the changing room going viral on-line and all! The real celebs though take place in May when the medals are handed out and our selfy taking thumbsucking 'Invisibles' will of course yet again be nowhere to be seen at party time. Unless celebrating finishing 4th again. You couldn't make it up.

  111. Nick

    Apr 04, 2016, 11:19 #87387

    When did you realize Wenger was a busted flush ? For me I started having suspicions when we lost 1-6 at OT, more suspicion followed when we threw away a commanding lead in the title race in 02/03 then when Henry and Pires contrived their penalty fiasco, ( would Fergie or Clough have stood for that ? ) then in the cl final when he sacrificed Pires after the sending off, oh and before that when he sulked and allowed the team to sulk too after the unfair ending of our unbeaten run to a dive from Shrek, since those times my suspicions have been confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt !

  112. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 11:06 #87386

    Chelsea,Man City and Manure are not weak they've spent millions.We are the only team who haven't folded against the top two's boreballs game.If mongs like some of you like watching slow defensive crappy long ball Lumpster City Tottnumb Hoofball and West Humpty type football there's plenty of spare tickets going for tourists like you at their new Empires of blandness.

  113. Nick

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:58 #87385

    Agree with most of that, but id add that Wengers altruistic brain cannot cope with the rough and tumble of the game, at the weekend Watford's manager seeing his side a goal down and in danger of being overrun immediately made changes to rectify that situation the fact it didn't work is irrelevant he did his JOB !! When we are obviously struggling and our original game plan ( if indeed we had one) is in disarray Wenger does NOTHING he will still not make a substitution or try to change our tack only when the horse is long gone from a stable with the door wide open does he decide to bolt the stable door ! He is incapable of admitting even to himself that his style of play and his way of doing things is wrong and not working, he blames ANYONE and EVERYTHING else but himself, the man is a liability to a side with hopes of winning major trophies!

  114. jeff wright

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:52 #87384

    Akbson, if you think that Arsene tippy tappy is real football you obviously haven't got a clue about the game. Anyway with out all of that FA Cup nonsense to detract from it we can all concentrate now on the REAL league fight that has now begun - yep it's Arsene's 4th place trophy time again - yippee! Isn't it exciting ... Good old Arsene.

  115. goonersol

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:29 #87383

    The job of a manager is to get the best out of his players, and adjust to the needs of the match, Wenger does not do this, he has a pre match plan that somehow does not involve the opposition, and when things do not go to plan , he cannot change it. That is Wenger fundamental flaw now, before , the players would get him out of a hole, now , no chance. When he sits there with his head in his hands, what message does that send to the players, its tells the he has no other ideas, ...game over. Leicester & the spuds are playing to their strengths and have managers who adapt to the teams needs in any given match, where as Wenger just sit tight hoping things change as he cannot do anything about it. Subs at 70mins wont help, if your 2 down at half time. Good luck to the Foxes, they are top on merit..

  116. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:28 #87382

    AKB - what would you like to debate? Your contention that this title wasn't worth winning cos the other teams are crap? Okay let's make a start - I agree with you. Wenger was right to turn his nose up at it. This must be why the genius instructed his team to collapse in February, it was simply beneath them. He's had to do this so many times before as well - hopefully one day the other teams will be worthy of bothering to utilise his lofty and precious talent. Until then, we have the Moral Superiority title every season at least.

  117. Charles

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:28 #87381

    We drop too many points at home to ever win the league. We draw home games to crappy opposition because we start too slowly with slow tippy tappy sideways passing that doesn't hurt teams. We've missed the chance of a lifetime to win the league when Chelsea,Man City & Man Utd were all weak. Wenger Out.

  118. Red Member

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:17 #87380

    John F - you say you dont know why Wenger thought he could win the league with the players he had. you are missing the point. he didnt but dont forget that was because he is not trying to win the league. there have been enough statements coming out of the club now which have said that we are just aiming for the top 4. Wenger is achieving that again. All that is different this season is that Leicester City are top, everything else is the same and will be next season too

  119. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 10:05 #87379

    If you don't want to or are incapable of debate with people of differing views then that's fine just stop pretending to be a site for all types of Arsenal supporters.Just admit you're all AAA bigots only interested in your line of thought so others can rightly pigeon hole you that way.At least UA are upfront in what they represent.

  120. jeff wright

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:59 #87378

    The AKB's who post under various names on here - or who disappear once they know that Arsene has messed it up again - are like Wenger himself bottlers. Any one who watches football to be 'entertained' is a fool and should go and watch a West End show instead - that's where most of the current home audience at The Emirate Experience belong . They probably make for a good audience at pantomimes as well.

  121. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:59 #87377

    Good article, though I find it difficult to look at a performances such as at Old Trafford and not think mental fragility is factor. But yes, the style of play mitigates against consistency, which is why 3rd or 4th is the glass ceiling. Whoever else is challenging is irrelevant, this season has proven that. Yours is the kind of analysis that the likes of Graham Perry disdain, as we are 'not qualified' to criticise. But all you need are eyes to see, no need to claim you can see what Wenger cannot. It's just his philosophy trumps all, including winning. Just as him being in charge trumps all, including winning, for the AKB.

  122. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:41 #87376

    Who wants to win a competition where everybody just wants to stifle and all the teams are full of journeyman,Leicester are just a poorer version of old Chelsea sides and the spuds are just Stoke with a couple of flares.

  123. jeff wright

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:39 #87375

    I see that you have bought the playing with the handbrake on excuse John. This is just another Wenger illusion along with City and Chelsea drive on petrol while we have to use sweat. Mental fragility is a big problem with Wenger's teams ,it stems from himself. The guy is a bag of nerves and also tactically inept this causes the bottle job shows that we see every see from our players every season when the pressure games are played. All of his other faults have long been exposed and commented on with him operating in a unique comfort zone compared with managers at other top clubs being the main one that and that is unarguable .

  124. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:31 #87373

    If Arsenal played defensive hoofball like crappy Leicester and the boring spuds the AAA would be saying we'll never compete with Barca and Bayern playing this way.Leicester and spuds will both be laughing stocks in next years CL playing limited football like they do..

  125. AKB

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:18 #87372

    At least we're not calling for Arsenal to play defensive hoofball like the spuds and Leicester,PATHETIC..

  126. Rob

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:14 #87371

    A Brian Clough team was often more than the sum of its component parts. For the last ten years, Wenger's have invariably been less. Kane is clearly top drawer and Alli looks like he's going that way. Leicester are solid as a unit and Vardy and Mhiraz offer that much extra. But otherwise they don't look more than us. But come May they will be.

  127. Bob Jones

    Apr 04, 2016, 9:00 #87370

    We look at your squad and only Sanchez would get anywhere near our starting 11. That is the inconvenient truth but good for us as we are still being underestimated #lcfc

  128. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 04, 2016, 8:59 #87369

    AKB / Jackerson or whoever you can repeat that ad nauseam it still doesn't have any more relevance . Write an article on here giving your view. Somehow I expect I'll be waiting a long time. In answer to your previous post and in accordance with MBG . I believe, Brian, Colesey, Westie and your other persona Jammerson are currently awaiting the end days on your mountain top hence no comments from them... Or...... Their just pathetic bottlers who've done a runner once they realised Wenger screwed it up again.

  129. King Jeremy

    Apr 04, 2016, 8:51 #87368

    Good article but there's a massive clue in the title of the article that answers the question!

  130. John F

    Apr 04, 2016, 8:49 #87367

    Great article John.I remember Wenger once said that he never looks back which is a shame as if he could learn from his previous teams.He had a strong midfield in Viera and Petit and the bursting through the middle Freddie before he decided to play him out wide.Power,pace and quality up front his pre 2006 teams contained and for me great to watch.Spain's rise in football playing with smaller technician s may have been behind his thinking but what ever it was he did not want to change that approach as it did bring him some measure of success with consistent top four finishes.In playing Elneny and lecoq and Welbeck together it might look as if he finally realised you need more physical players in the prem but as soon as Ramsey ,Jack and Santi come back I suspect he will revert to type and results will be the same.Most prem winning sides have had a bit of grit in the midfield and a top quality striker,why he thought we could win the league without these qualities in the side at the beginning of this season only he knows.

  131. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    Apr 04, 2016, 8:37 #87365

    Fair points well made although to be fair Wes Morgan has scored 1 goal this season which happened to be yesterday!

  132. Guy in Jersey

    Apr 04, 2016, 8:32 #87364

    Sadly, pretty much everything you've written is true.