Arsenal’s Gain, England’s Loss – Alex Iwobi

Musings on the rise of a talent from the Arsenal Academy

Arsenal’s Gain, England’s Loss – Alex Iwobi

Iwobi nets against Everton

As you may recall from long-gone schooldays, plagiarists are most often exposed by their incorrect answers. On the Naughty Step last month was’s Adrian Clarke, anchor for the ever-so-slightly sycophantic The Breakdown. Clarke stated that the FA Cup loss to Watford came 756 days after our previous defeat (in a competition the manager supposedly refuses to take seriously), 0-1 against Blackburn Rovers, who will, unfortunately, remain a while yet the last team to win the FA Cup three seasons consecutively. That February 2013 defeat was more than 1,100 days before, of course. Clarke’s erroneous “fact” was presumably lifted from the BBC’s unbiased but gleeful online report of our humiliating Cup exit. Twenty days later, The Hornets returned, hoping to sting us (geddit?) a second time in the same painful spot.

Until very recently, only the most fanatical Gooners knew their Alex Iwobis from their Benik Afobes, their Chuks Anekes from their Chuba Apkoms. And Alex Iwobis is the operative term, for I’m convinced there’s actually more than one Number 45. Like dust, he seems to be everywhere, though always in the right place. His rise from periphery of the first-team squad to automatic starter makes the similar achievements last season of Hector Bellerin (we are not worthy, Oh Great One) and Francis Coquelin appear positively pedestrian by comparison. Jack, Santi, The Ox, Flamini and Rambo may have to form an orderly queue just to make the bench of this allegedly paper-thin squad.

Does Iwobi have some hygene issshhooos, though? I only ask because he is always accorded more space, whether on-the-ball or not, than a twenty-five-stone sumo wrestler suffering flatulence, severe body odour and halitosis to boot. Alex reminds me of Norman Whiteside, who was similarly strong in the tackle, at least when opponents did not shirk the challenge. Power, pace, left-foot, right-foot, and control. As The Pointer Sisters sang: I’m so excited / And I just can’t hide it. But such is Iwobi’s technical ability (and intelligence, according to his manager), I don’t think he’s about to lose control.

Edith Piaf had no regrets; Frank Sinatra had a few; I have just one. If only Iwobi had joined in the January transfer window for £25m+, after months of press speculation before finally choosing us over a host of other big-name suitors, both here and abroad, vying for his signature in a bidding war frenzy, Arsenal and Arsene may be given far more credit than is coming their way. Alex would probably now be described as a bargain, as well as England’s loss. As a corollary, it may also have given pause for thought to at least some of Arsene’s would-be assassins, ever-eager to commit regicide: perhaps our greatest manager has not “lost it” just yet?

As it is, received wisdom is that Iwobi only got his chance at Camp Nou because Arsene was forced to rotate his Ian Jury-ravaged squad ahead of the far more important trip to Goodison Park less than seventy-two hours later. Moreover, had the plethora of cropped midfielders (see list above) been fit (as if), they would have blocked the young Nigerian’s development, leading to Alex Iwobi being either sold for an Alex Song (geddit?) or sent out on loan to some northern backwater.

The crowd is fickle, Arsene. But I don’t think Iwobi will be forgotten in a month.

Just a quick note to mention that we are recording the April Gooner podcast this evening. Our panelists will be David Oudot, Mike Francis and Nigel Phillips of the Arsenal Supporters Trust. If you have any topics or questions you wish the panel to debate, and get a namecheck in the process, please either…
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  1. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 07, 2016, 18:41 #87548

    Jamerson - unfortunately I have foreseen after a revelation from him above that you have the 'Mark of Cain' my interpretation is that this is a prediction of the rise of Harry Kane. Wenger tried to destroy him by booting him out but he has retuned with full vengeance. Sadly it is off to the fiery Pit you go. Sorry Son but it is preordained so nothing I can do.

  2. mbg

    Apr 07, 2016, 14:10 #87546

    jj, yes you can just imagine them with their little flasks of tea. Now if Kane was still with us and hadn't been let go and missed by our world class scouting system, and producing and being our latest saviour as well as England's imagine the plaudits he'd be getting not to mention the ones TOF would be getting (and taking)from his AKB flock, they'd be crowing from the rooftops about him and how they're messiah can still spot a gem, you couldn't make it up. I'll tell you this young Kane was very lucky indeed he was missed and got out because he certainly wouldn't be the player he is today if he stayed here and fell into wengers clutches probably disappeared with all the rest.

  3. mbg

    Apr 07, 2016, 13:44 #87544

    Know man, cheers, it was a myth alright a great run in the ropey cup some years back started it all, and the praises started flowing, and to be honest we were probably taken in at the time. Yes wally, some are still waiting for him to come good under TOF's tuition, the ox, gibbs, and all the rest before and since, and as for smoking Jack we all know which way he's heading. It would have been very interesting to see these players under a different manager, the likes of George Graham, Alex Ferguson, Maureen, etc, how they would have progressed, i'm convinced they would have got more out of them and they'd have been better players, or maybe wally would just have been wally no matter where he went and just sprinted a lot and fell over.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 07, 2016, 12:25 #87539

    Jamerson - one of your main problems is your lack of self-awareness. You attempt (albeit a deeply misguided and misinformed attempt) to adopt a rationalist position with your sweeping, one size fits all statements regarding anyone and everyone who thinks Wenger has had his day, then totally undermine yourself with the Old Testament 'pit of hell' stuff right at the end.

  5. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2016, 12:23 #87538

    lee k fc ,I'm still waiting to see you post something other thn abuse at others.You are still avoiding answering the question that you were asked,who did YOU tip to win the league this season >?

  6. jjetplane

    Apr 07, 2016, 12:07 #87537

    Now that's what you call a good whine without a single point. Do not tell me you have dropped your support with the Chavs because JM went. That is so fickle. Do you still bring your own food into the ground? So the AKBs are trying to ignore Kane whom they classified earlier this season as a one goal wonder and Giroud would be top of the pile. same thing with the lad at OT - gone a bit quiet on that too. lol!

  7. Jamerson

    Apr 07, 2016, 10:49 #87535

    Far too many people on here with complaining spirits,I thought supporting a club was to be productive in our criticism and praising when the club does well and getting behind the players we have which will make them perform better.All this negativity towards our own team,while continually praising our rivals is one of the main reasons we have suffered to get what our excellent play deserves.These people have always said that they are the real fans blah blah blah,yet I have always seen them as the real problem.They say they hate the new Arsenal because it's commercial yet most of them want Usmanov to take over who being one of the worlds richest men would make us even more plastic than the chavs or city.They complain about the manager which shows they have no real knowledge of the history of Arsenal as no one before has ever been as consistent as Wenger and they moan about the Emirates yet most of them never attend.They constantly attack the players while praising those of other clubs like the spuds who are clearly at a poorer standard and as usual will bottle it.What is the point of all this whining?Sadder still those who are generally dissatisfied show that they have been marked on their foreheads and right hands and prepared for the pit.

  8. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 06, 2016, 23:38 #87532

    The point about Kane was raised by CT, asking why did we let him go, when he was 8. Ask Watford why they let him go too then?! There have to be loads of players released at a young age. You can't beat the manager up about that. If they are released at 18-20 then that's slightly different as at least they are adults and their ability recognised.

  9. CT Gooner

    Apr 06, 2016, 22:21 #87531

    Colesy: if he gets the credit when it works then he should take responsibility when it doesn't. In all honesty though, when it comes to youth development, Wenger's like an investment banker, he's given the kudos and credit for the positive, but is not held accountable for the negative. It can't be both, so my view is it should be neither.

  10. Leek fc

    Apr 06, 2016, 21:47 #87530

    Jeff. And I'm still waiting on you to spout something positive towards my club. And that will never happen. Gooner??? My Arse

  11. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 20:18 #87529

    And keeping on the subject of TOF's failed project youff, did you see the youff cup match the other night ? To answer jw's question i'd say it has TOF's finger prints are/were all over it, tippy tappy left to right up and down and all around, and then all the way back to the inside right, if it hasn't been given away or went out of play before hand of course,(is it any wonder the young children/fans it the ground were caught on camera frowning and looking pissed off) and then it starts again, is it any wonder our youth policy is basically non existent and any potential that does make it through and is give a chance are eventually ruined with an old fraud of a manager like wenger and his failed philosophies and ways running the show. The sooner we're rid the better, wenger out.

  12. Bard

    Apr 06, 2016, 19:41 #87528

    Colseyboysetc; Iwobi has been with Arsenal since he was 6, so your point is ? Presumably we didnt think Kane was going to make it. This youth stuff is overrated it is mainly insurance really, hoover up as many bright sparks as you can and hope that one in a million will turn out to be a world beater and those that dont can be sold on for a tidy profit. I dont see many coming through at Chelsea or City. The problem is as Ron has alluded to, once they have a few good games like Alex they are already negotiating massive contracts and after that they are minted. if the rumours are true and Alex is going to get £30grand a week so we can keep him where is the motivation.

  13. Know Man

    Apr 06, 2016, 19:09 #87526

    Mbg, replied to your post mate on the editors blog. Our youth project is a myth. Agree, Wenger ruins young players. Theo is still work in progress, still clueless. Meanwhile Martial comes in and is not only playing in his first season in a new league but also looks the part!

  14. Ron

    Apr 06, 2016, 18:47 #87524

    In fairness to the Managers Nick, the majority of these english great hopes only need a dozen games and they already think theyre the dogs boll ocks by then, plotting their imaginary moves to Madrid and Barce, so if the managers say f--k it and dont bother shielding them can they really be blamed? Its hardly worth bothering is it. The media have hardly torn our Wally and Willy apart and both have been dead beats for years. Its a pity the media dont tell it how it is with them and their like. I think its because they dont take a strip off them due to their passports that their dense heads grow bigger than buckets in no time at all.

  15. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 18:30 #87523

    Rob, your dead right ref project youff, (what a disaster that was because he thought he was God) and project Brit, TOF was building the England team for the future, for the nation, (it looks like it doesn't it) Oh how TOF smirked and grinned like a Cheshire cat at that and took the bows ( and his fans crowed about it and nodded in approval) how they, and all the other eejits believed it. England's bad enough but God help them if they're relying or ever have to on wenger.

  16. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 06, 2016, 18:08 #87522

    Kane was released 14 years ago!! He was then 8 years old. Well done for spotting that one CT.

  17. jeff wright

    Apr 06, 2016, 18:07 #87521

    CT, trying to be reasonable with an internet psycho such as Leek k fc is a waste of time.We are still waiting to see who he tipped to win the league this season. Why don't you answer that question Mr Uber super duper supporter surely it must have been Arsene >? Just answer the simple question that you keep avoiding if you are really the big supporter of Arsene or if not just give a sweve to critiszing those who admit to not being -it's not a crime you know to think that someone else could do better .Instead of answering the question though you just post endless neanderthal type childish abuse at others.You really are one sad hombre.

  18. CT Gooner

    Apr 06, 2016, 17:55 #87520

    Leek FC: I can tell you spurs have nothing to do with me wanting Wenger out. I want him out as I believe a different manager and system will serve us well. Who, I'd suggest Pochitino or Simone. Both have shown they can punch above their weight and don't need to spend crazy money. Further, before you go slagging them again, don't you question our club for releasing Kane, I sure as hell do!!! No, you prefer to make negative remarks toward anyone or thing that isn't Wenger. I'm sick of the busted flush and his fanatical followers...

  19. Nick

    Apr 06, 2016, 17:53 #87519

    Its not just at Arsenal that young kids are bigger up it happens everywhere , especially if their English, as soon as a kid shows above average ability he becomes the new great hope, Wilshere, Barkley, Striking, now The only fools and horses character " Deli" Ali, but as soon as the kids plateau or have a dip in form as all kids do the media tears them a new one , too much too soon should be avoided at all costs there was a time when managers shielded kids from this hype and kept them grounded , no more though .

  20. leek fc

    Apr 06, 2016, 17:08 #87517

    Aaaaahhhhhh the mighty Tottnumb wonder kids eh. And once they all retire, what have they got to show the grandchildren in the trophy cabinet. A second placed trophy perhaps.

  21. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 15:04 #87516

    Made up Stat, good shout, who do they think their trying to kid. You couldn't make it up.

  22. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 14:42 #87515

    Ron, maybe the bearded nice boys haven't got their claws/combs into him yet either and if he has any sense he won't let them, he'll be looking and playing like them soon enough. wenger out.

  23. Mark

    Apr 06, 2016, 14:07 #87513

    Ist like a goverment in Trouble that distracts the People with some other News or even a war.. EPL down the toilet but dont worry weve found the next Pele.. Arsenal fans pls dont fall for this trollop youre smarter than that

  24. Rob

    Apr 06, 2016, 14:03 #87512

    Sorry Ian but are you hailing Wenger for his genius with 'project youff' ? Because if so, you're ten years late. We were assured that Cesc, RvP,Cliche, Nasri axis was the future as we moved to the Emirates. Then we've had ' project Brit' because 'Youff' didn't quite make it. But judging by the last 18 months neither will 'Brit' unless it's exploits outside nightclubs at 2.30 am that you're looking for. And if Wenger is a genius for Iwobe, what are Spurs management for Kane and Alli ? My guess is lucky. No more than that as Wenger might be with Iwobe if he keeps going.

  25. Made Up Stat

    Apr 06, 2016, 13:56 #87511

    Ian - I'm afraid our greatest ever manager lost it on January 6th 1934. Incredible, I know, but there was an Arsenal Football Club before 1996. Honest.

  26. Frank

    Apr 06, 2016, 13:50 #87510

    Here we go again Iwobi is the next great hope like Wally and the Ox before him.2 half decent games and its the old we dont need to go out and buy big money signings in the summer(like last summer).No other fans builds up young players like we do.Walcott 10 years the Ox 5 years and we are still waiting for them to deliver.You can fool some of our fans all of the time

  27. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 13:32 #87509

    Exeter, yes mate, and it was predicted on here a while ago that it/this would happen too (maybe even by your self) anything to try and take away and distract from another disastrous season for they're messiah's brought on by his failings, one young player with potential has had a decent game or two, but like I've already said we all know what way he's going to go, and you can bet on it too.

  28. mbg

    Apr 06, 2016, 13:07 #87508

    And where are the Benik Afobes, Chucks Anekes, Chuba Akpoms and all the other young Arsenal saviours today ? these great young players that OGL supposedly spots,, brings through, and makes, (wally, the ox, smoking jack, Ramsey, and others) you can be dammed sure Alex Iwobi will go the same under this excuse for a manager, he ruins young players when he gets his claws into them, all those attributes will be coached out of him for and in accordance with TOF's long failed philosophy, the only chance he has is to get away, or like the rest of us hope there's a new manager in place before it's to late, that's if it isn't already. wenger out.

  29. Ron

    Apr 06, 2016, 12:57 #87507

    JJ - Im wondering when Awobis beard takes shape. He l be a far better player once hes got that.

  30. AMG

    Apr 06, 2016, 12:43 #87506

    Good prospect, but don't get carried away. Look what Wenger has done for those other promising prospects mentioned in your article. Ramsey - Serially injured, Wilshere - Serially injured, Walcott - Injured & never realized potential, The Ox - Same old story... Gibbs.... etc etc. By contrast, look at Kane, Dier, Alli etc.

  31. Charles

    Apr 06, 2016, 12:33 #87505

    The squad is not allegedly paper-thin, it is paper-thin. That is why the title challenge faded as Giroud, Walcott & Ramsey played every week when they should have been benched due to lack of form.

  32. jjetplane

    Apr 06, 2016, 11:47 #87504

    Look at that picture and there is an uncanny similarity with the Stirling body posture/s. Stirling took more than a couple of games before he was noticed but with Arsene FC presently being an ordinary top eight team and no more poor Iwobi through no fault of his own is currently Stan's best asset. If Arsene FC are trophyless next season then Iwobi would be a perfect sell for the Wenger/Stan ranch/chateau franchise revolution. A tidy profit can be made and is that not what this club is about. I love Iwobi from the start but he is no more than another Joel who is already moving backwards at this club with the greatest manager football has ever seen! This writer must be on the Untold board with that kind of romanticism but keep it up and hopefully Iwobi will go somewhere and win a trophy. Visions of him with Mahrez in the CL - now that's romantic. So many midfield clones at the Grove that they just turn into one french inspired omelette with a happy face. Love the article and can we have more and where is our circular which will surely bring tears to eyes ....

  33. jeff wright

    Apr 06, 2016, 11:28 #87503

    Here we go again another new kid on the block being used to justify old Arsene's stumbling and bumbling management.You couldn't make it up.Does Wenger actually have anything to do with youth development,just asking like, because the youth teams play and make all the same mistakes that the first one does and look no more like winners than our 4th place trophy winners do. Wenger obviously knew little about Iowbi even saying earlier in the season that he was not ready to play at top level.Good old Arsene.

  34. Ron

    Apr 06, 2016, 10:25 #87501

    Looks a sound prospect but best not to gush. A few of us can recall how Lupoli and Quincy Awusu were being hailed as the new Rush and Dalglish. As the others have said, take a look at the catalogue of other legends in waiting, the Wally, The Willy and The Ox. All failures and all best sold off for the best price tendered.

  35. goonersol

    Apr 06, 2016, 10:14 #87500

    Its good to see a youngster coming through and it can only be a positive, but Wenger has had a number of them in the past and not really done anything with them, Walcott, Ox, Jack etc have not really set the world alight, so not much will change. He will plod along reaching the heights of 4th place and keep Kroenke happy. What out that we will be linked with all sorts when Season ticket renews are due...Groundhog day here we come.

  36. Nick

    Apr 06, 2016, 10:10 #87499

    Utter twaddle, yes Iwobi is a good PROSPECT! but that is ALL he is at the present time, should he still be performing at the same or higher level in two seasons time THEN we shall be able to say with certainty that he has arrived as a top class player but not before ! Young players are given far too much praise and hype far too early in their careers and more often than not fail to live up to the ludicrous position on pedestals that they are prematurely put on ! Walcott, The Ox , even Jack Wilshere all have been given the wonderkid and great hope label all so far have failed to live up to their billing, in fairness to those three injury has been a large factor in their failures, please let us have some perspective with young Iwobi, he is just that, young, he will undoubtedly have ups and downs let us wait before proclaiming him our newest superstar !

  37. leek fc

    Apr 06, 2016, 9:59 #87498

    Alex Iwobi..... yet another one of Mr Wengers gems.

  38. Bard

    Apr 06, 2016, 9:52 #87497

    Ian it reads like you had a sherbert too many when posting this. If the thrust of your article is that young Alex's emergence is more luck than design I would wholeheartedly agree as was the Coqs. After all the Weng himself said Alex wasnt ready earlier in the season. Does it make much difference ? No it doesnt as long as its acknowledged that his emergence isnt part of some master plan by the great one. We should also offer a word of caution as he has only played a few games. Jack had a similar if greater impact and look what's happened to him. I was also flabbergasted by Adrian Clarke's mistake. Evidence, if more were needed, that there is a media conspiracy against the Arsenal because

  39. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 06, 2016, 9:45 #87496

    So, yet another league campaign is botched up in the same old way, even competing with Leicester proving too much, but a promising youngster has had a couple of decent games as the season fades away, so the 'fickle crowd' ought to be gushing with praise for our 'greatest ever' manager again. Unbelievable.