When the money keeps rolling in, you don't ask how

Time to challenge The Club, or face Groundhog Day for ever?

When the money keeps rolling in, you don't ask how

Badge of honour? Or something less salient?

I have not written for this esteemed website for some time, owing partly to life occurrences and largely to the fact that whilst nuances change, the outcome for Arsenal ensures a succession of Groundhog Day seasons. Props to you guys who daily or weekly find a fresh angle or subject of mirth with which to engage – I cannot deny that I am jaded by the consistency of inconsistency which Arsenal blithely demonstrate; coupled with spin as transparent and empty as our trophy cabinet will again be come May.

Always three or four players short of where we need to be; always selling us the future, yet never arriving at the Promised Land. For those whose glass is half full, we have succeeded in recent times in beating arguably the best clubs in the land, either at Wembley or in the process of four trophy presentations in two years. Whilst hugely enjoyable, others will argue that victories over Wigan Athletic and Reading were not the only wins chalked up against supposedly inferior opposition who we allowed to considerably belie their underdog status.

This season requires no commentary. I write whilst watching Leicester City digging deep at The Stadium of Light – a day after Arsenal revisited the ghosts of The Reebok Stadium in April 2003 and St. Andrews (under admittedly difficult circumstances) in 2008. The old failings have inevitably risen once more, this time against a backdrop of Gooners’ civil war on social media (and beyond) and an owner who has cheerfully confirmed that money, not success is his only focus. That one usually leads to the other, whichever way you write that particular equation is of no concern to Enos Stanley Kroenke. I have no interest in the model embraced by Manchester City – and infinitely less desire still to follow the hateful, classless path along which followers of Chelsea drag their knuckles. Equally, fans who pay the most onerous sums in Europe to afford profitable mediocrity could be forgiven for expressing their angst – not as testimony to either disloyalty or a sense of self–entitlement; but adult observation and a longing for parity with a club who last season narrowly escaped relegation.

Throughout, debate continues as to whether the fault lies with the Manager or the owner. There are those who argue that our travails owe nothing to the petrodollars which others have nonchalantly expended. This season more than any other supports that view, although that should not deter from the fact that certain clubs have gained unfair advantage for a number of years. The obvious answer is that a Manager who routinely realises the financial aspirations of his Chairman perfectly facilitates a symbiotic relationship; allowing both to feed greedily by means of the apparently infinite myopic loyalty of lifelong fans.

In reality, many have sadly turned their backs, or rented out season tickets in the hope of returning to a brave new world. Arsenal Football Club remains on the often shoddy merchandise offered by The Armoury and other outlets, where Arsenal Holdings Plc would be a more honest statement of intent. As a consequence, match days are a focal point for tourist curiosity rather than supporter passion: all of which suits an organisation whose erstwhile raison d'être appears to be ever more an inconvenient nuisance. “Customer experience”, not success is the watchword – “experience” being a thin veil for the actual goal – expenditure.

At the final whistle, following an aberration which allowed Andy Carroll to masquerade as Zlatan Ibrahimović, a banner summed it up neatly: “Love Arsenal. Hate Kroenke”. Therein lies the dilemma.

The Americanisation of Arsenal Football Club has not only eschewed the traditional fan demographic (although, with the exception of some success with the costs of away tickets this season it can be argued that was always coming in the Premier League era); but also caused many to ask: who do I support? Not which club, but what the essence is of the institution to whom we all devote countless hours and probably damaging levels of emotive input. Long–term allegiance to players is now less relevant – for those having the wherewithal to appreciate it, it is a highly privileged job; for the remainder, an opportunity for adulation and cosseted lifestyle. Ask yourself: who do you support? Kroenke? Gazidis? Wenger? Chips Keswick? Varying answers. Alexis Sanchez and Ozil? Absolutely… but who could blame them for seeking more likely opportunities for the sporting success they obviously crave – which their contributions bear evidence of. The crest? In many ways, yes.

It is becoming an increasingly difficult question to answer. I support The Arsenal, encapsulating The Arsenal Way: having pride in the knowledge that things are done with class and excellence; even when that is not always reflected on the pitch. I take pride in our rich history and players who have unerringly represented the cause. I celebrate moments of unimaginable joy; made all the sweeter by times of unproportioned despair. The ritual of match days and many friendships, which fused together, provides the fibre of a passion and sense of belonging. Memories of games, goals and anecdotes which only football could deliver.

I do not support the notion that sport is of less importance than profit, although I am cognisant of normal business requirements. I reject the mantra of greed for greed’s sake.

My first article written here suggested a fan walk out prior to a “lap of appreciation” at the end of the 2009 – 2010 season:

At the time, it was prompted by a genuine desire to see change for the better, within our means. That change has not materialised. So how to meaningfully demonstrate to Mr. Kroenke that we mean business?

I am not suggesting abstinence through absence. Go to games, if you are able and support the team fully and loudly. What might make Messrs Kroenke and Gazidis take note is a change in attitude to customer expenditure. Ah, you say: but that would affect transfer budget; if we were to purchase our shirts, merchandise and refreshments elsewhere. Really? I don’t believe that we have £200 million sitting idly in an offshore account, but I do know that we are not investing properly within our means; so what odds? Do you really need to contribute above and beyond to the £3 million afforded each year to Mr. Kroenke for his expertise? Really?

Challenge The Club: Encourage friends and family to support Arsenal with pride and passion, but to minimise match day expenditure. Entrench that cause until Mr. Kroenke recognises that ”customers” are fans and are not only interested in a friendly smile and greeting, but in the provision of a competitive squad commensurate with the costs involved in leaving Highbury and attending games.

It probably won’t work. Tourists care only for the immediate experience, with no worries about the context of a season; whilst fans might consider such measures a besmirching of all they hold dear in football terms.

That is precisely why we should embrace the opportunity to send out a message; because The Club don’t care who lines the coffers, so long as they do it plentifully and without question or criticism (and preferably quietly, if you please.) Consider the cost of a match day trip and ask yourself whether you could find another way; whilst remaining a vocal influence towards the betterment of a football club and not simply the profitability of an ever more disengaged business.

As another season comes to a predictably disappointing conclusion, I would welcome meaningful and respectful debate as to how as fans, we can bring influence to bear upon an indifferent and self–satisfied caricature of a Club which I have loved since I first experienced the thrill of involvement.


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  1. Rochey

    Apr 16, 2016, 19:23 #87955

    He (Wenger) is already qouted that lots of change to the squad will not happen this summer. I've had enough, not spending any money at that club anymore. Ditching membership.

  2. JM - London

    Apr 16, 2016, 16:11 #87953

    I currently rent a NB season ticket. Currently on the waiting list for my own. Checked earlier and I'm 86700 on the waiting list. Thought I had read it wrong at first and it was 8670. Is it any wonder that kronke etc are quite happy with things...

  3. UTU

    Apr 15, 2016, 11:34 #87931

    Protest all you want Wenger has a job for life and is still on £ 8 Million Plus a year while Kroneke & Co are making a Fat Profit. I follow The Arsenal on TV and Radio but I would hand over my cash until there is Regime Change, they taking the loyal supporters for complete mugs. New Owners and Management are required resurrent the once Great Arsenal FC. Keep handing your money over to the club and nothing will change.

  4. JG

    Apr 15, 2016, 11:27 #87930

    MGB - Couldn't agree more - I think Liverpool will win that comp now which means only 3 CL spots available, not sure if Arsene has the stomach for that fight with Man City?!

  5. exiled&dangerous

    Apr 15, 2016, 1:46 #87919

    Haven't read all of the comments so apologies if it's been said before - but it's not beyond the realms of possibility that finishing outside the top two will mean no gravy-train league next year. Sheikhs and Scousers double? Stranger things have happened.

  6. mbg

    Apr 14, 2016, 23:45 #87917

    JG, this is what having a real top quality manager means, George Graham proved it many years ago, (and it's been proved on many occasions since) instead of an old past it one who doesn't know what he's doing.

  7. JG

    Apr 14, 2016, 22:22 #87909

    Fair play to Liverpool & Klopp - serious achievement with a distinctly Average group of players # Winner

  8. mbg

    Apr 14, 2016, 17:07 #87897

    Apparently London Colney's medical department is the best facility in the world for producing, old new and never heard tell off before injuries, doctors and medics fly in from all over the world to see them, photograph them, take notes and hold seminars, there's a large room with nothing on the wall only X rays (it would put the wall at the Emirates with the 100's of all the old programmes to shame )and at the end of the week a talk is given by TOF on how the injuries are everything/everybody else's fault and he introduces all the crocks lying up scratching themselves, who are to busy on their X boxes or having a fag and looking in their vanity mirrors to even look up apart from this one guy who never moves, when asked is that guy dead ?TOF smiles and says no no, that is my son diaby he is not dead no, although he might be now, he isn't with us any more he was such top top qualittee we sold him, but we missed him around the place so much we got a cardboard cut out of him done, he brings back such great memories he had so much mental strength and speeritt.

  9. mbg

    Apr 14, 2016, 15:02 #87893

    The papers full of Barca, Athletico, Real, Simeone, etc, imagine TOF and us being mentioned in the same breath as those ? embarrassing. wenger out.

  10. mbg

    Apr 14, 2016, 14:51 #87892

    John F, yes indeed, if he's still here stinking the place out next season (hopefully not) him (along with his followers)will just keep plodding on the way he's doing, change nothing, not do anything any different hoping his failed over and over again philosophies come good nothing will be an different, it will be the the same old same old out come, depressing is the word alright, sad isn't it. wenger out now.

  11. jjetplane

    Apr 14, 2016, 14:30 #87890

    Ath Madrid like Leicester seriously on the paranoia meter with wengerwipes. Talking of beefing up players does not work with the above teams who like a good balance and so the Vardys and Mahrez types have their Huths and Drinkwaters in a way when we had Freddie and Marc with Petit and Adams. Now it's drama queens like Olly (sir sir! he's got my shirt sir!) and Sanchez giving out red and yellows to anyone who upsets his hair. Time the beeatches had their beards pulled and then is the BFG (streak of proverbial) and then of course the Peter Storey of the Emirates Flamini who I imagine now spends more time looking up shares in Arsene's office. Carrick would be perfect and Arteta can then swan off happy in the knowledge that nothing evr happens in the Emirates Heaven .... ps Freddie had some badass attitude as did Bobby lad .....

  12. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 14, 2016, 14:00 #87887

    Carrick will be a good signing for the reasons stated, but the trouble is, both Arteta and Rosicky are leaving, so we need to sign two ageing injury crocks to fill their berths in the injury room. One more needed. Is Owen Hargreaves still available?


    Apr 14, 2016, 13:34 #87885

    BILLTHERED spot on. The spirit of ''THE ARSENAL'' has been grievously damaged. Just not the same club any more.

  14. Ron

    Apr 14, 2016, 13:21 #87883

    Carrick would be a fool not to jump at the chance of a move to AFC. He only has to look at how the coaching regime there helped Silvestre to blossom into a consistently, awesome performer. Go for it Arsene, weave your magic!

  15. Simon R

    Apr 14, 2016, 13:09 #87882

    To compare the 3-3 at West Ham to the legitimate (and gut-wrenching) title implosions at Bolton (in 2003) and Birmingham (in 2008) is laughable in its own right. You're giving more credit to this current team than it deserves. This 2015/16 team is not a genuine title challenger, nor has it ever been.

  16. anthony walters

    Apr 14, 2016, 12:26 #87881

    yep seven more desire in the challenge from everyone mate.i have seen walcott van persie both injured dangling limp feet in ,wilshire injured recklessly tackling off balance and do take a look at ozils last injury versus everton i think as usual he turned his back had he been looking he simply could have jumped out the way of the everton player who landed on his leg.are these pointed out to the players ?i don't know .i don't think he is really interested in carrick though why he didnt sign him for small money from pompey having shown interest i don't know.

  17. billthered

    Apr 14, 2016, 12:22 #87880

    My son and myself gave up our season tickets four seasons ago and do you think the management give two hoots about us. I am an Arsenal supporter and have been going since 1961 and that should give me more of an opinion on our club than yankeedoodledandy who is only in it for money and rest assured when he sells up another faceless money grabbing business person will think the same as him. They like overseas customers as they spend big in the shops and don't care what the score is and not one of them would dream of logging on to this site.I actually think there is more of them than us now and it hurts me more than words could ever say.The day we moved from THOF was the death of us.

  18. Bard

    Apr 14, 2016, 11:40 #87878

    SKG and Declan; Im all for Carrick for the same reasons. Whats the point of having a state of the art medical centre and not have it fully used. Jack already has a time share there along with Wally, Rambo and the Ox. I also understand that he sees Carrick as the new Kallstrom. mL3Rdy

  19. West Cork Frank

    Apr 14, 2016, 10:57 #87874

    The best thing I did was giving my season ticket up at the end of last season. I should have done so as far back as 2008 at the least. So much wasted time and money. Wenger never has had what it takes to be a top manager, he was so fortunate to inherit the players he did from George. As for his early specialist knowledge of the French market, ok Viera, Petit and Anelker. People forget that Henry cost 13 million, hardly rocket science. Wingee is indeed a specialist in failure. The weak- willed, no character players are a perfect reflection of him. Always have hated Ashburton Grove and have had lots of run- ins with clowns over the years who took criticism of Weger as an attack on Arsenal, duh ! How I miss the Howe days, we might have been crap but at least the players gave it the all. Posters on here are right, Arsenal now are so far removed from The Arsenal that we loved. I don't like the insinuation by the editor and others that the truest Arsenal fans are those that attend the emierates experience, sic. Those that want our club back bleed Arsenal red. I'll just wait until Wenger and Wiggy are gone, no matter how long it takes.

  20. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 14, 2016, 10:37 #87873

    Anthony Walters: Good point about our players needing a bit more beef on them, I don't think it weight they need it is bravery and desire that is the squad's major short coming. Being an uncompromising team is about having uncompromising players in the squad, any signs of overt aggression is soon removed by the coaching regime. Wenger wanting to sign Carrick reminds me of when Terry Neill wanted to sign for the second time! Alan Hudson, apparently the board viewed that as the last straw and TN was fired! However Carrick with his injury record and at 34 years of age would make a great partner for Rosicky, the pair of them could test out the latest physio equipment and report back to Obi one! It is going to be a long close season.


    Apr 14, 2016, 9:09 #87872

    Two things I've witnessed in the past 24 hours measures where we at ARSENAL are: The ruthlessness and will to win of Diego Simeone's Athletico Madrid, and this morning I read Wenger is interested in signing Michael Carrick. It's Diego Simeone and his desire WE NEED TO SIGN.

  22. Torbay gooner

    Apr 14, 2016, 8:28 #87871

    Decent article. How much managerial experience has Simeone had compared to Wenger and yet his Champions league record is already better than our revered leader. Funny that!

  23. Made Up Stat

    Apr 14, 2016, 8:04 #87870

    James/Jamershed: 'Mr and Mrs Fist'?!?!? Is that what's grunted now by the knuckle draggers along the Kings Road? 'Come on everyone - there's a lone rival supporter over there. Time for Mr and Mrs Fist!' I wonder what's Norwegian for 'pitiable troll'?

  24. Mick Jones

    Apr 14, 2016, 7:50 #87869

    The Weekly AKB update: Jamerson:- after being caught out finally having to admit the fictional family members, he was also exposed for what he is, a man in crisis. An exit strategy has been created in his own mind where he retires from Arsenal. Any Arsenal supporter of worth know that Arsenal retire you when you go to your grave. Still let the man enjoy his fiction and happy retirement to Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampshire, wherever. (Ps don't think he's told his family about this, sounds like he is doing a runner) Rev Brian Badarse:- the ultimate flouncer has flounced off permanently? Status: Missing / Cyber Dead. Colesyboy:- missed by few his nasty little ways and aggressive spats (surely an internalisation of his lost youth). Very little seen after the realisation of a blown title. The man is unable to man up and has crawled under a rock that he is so fond of mentioning. Status: Missing / Cyber Dead. Westie:- Has he suffered a severe reverse at Cheltenham? Did he need to sell his laptop / computer? More likely he's running out of Answers (legged it like Badarse). Status: Missing / Cyber Dead. From now on if the attrition Rate continues I'm going to start reviewing the Untold Freaks (Walter and Mandy you have been warned)

  25. anthony walters

    Apr 14, 2016, 5:35 #87867

    jw a quick footnote and question on the injury front.i am of a view some of our players are too skinny .do you not think a weights programme to bulk up our players upper bodies would help them ride challenges and prevent some injuries.?my own son has still had a good season despite fact he has a sports hernia needing a three grand operation he can't afford and until it worsens the nhs won't provide which really stops him playing first team semi pro football.despite that injury and carrying a knee problem he has had a good season being one of the leading scorers in the wycombe sunday leagues top division and probably the highest scoring midfielder.he has built up his upper body whilst no frank bruno it does make him tough to knock off the ball and ride challenges.dunno if you remember when henry came from juve he made him lose muscle as juventus bulked up their players.whilst henry had a pretty good injury record many of our players have not.

  26. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Apr 13, 2016, 23:32 #87865

    Seven Kings, thanks for the info on the '71 Double dinner. I didn't know Don had been treated that shabbily. As for you, Kenny, you're right that finishing Don's reign and finding an alternative was the right thing to do, let's just not have any of the "Arsenal class" angle attached to how it happened. So, that's two examples in fifteen years of a Hill - Wood raised in an exclusive public school manner showing no class. "Our affairs" indeed....

  27. John F

    Apr 13, 2016, 23:04 #87864

    Next season is going to be interesting with some of the best managers in Europe fighting it out.Klopp,Pep,Maureen,Conte up against young up and coming managers in Poch and koeman.How depressing that we are stuck with Wenger,a man who has had very little joy against any of them.Any Wengerattes with your pom poms out there please tell me do you honestly think Wenger can win the league next year.Dream big Arsenal and bring in someone who believes we can compete and make a fight of it.

  28. Jamerson

    Apr 13, 2016, 23:01 #87863

    I think this is going to be a season when all the footballing abominations do very well.With Long ball Leicester and Tottnumb Hoofspur having their best ever seasons since the 1820's in the league and now Atletico defendio Madrid knocking out the diving catalans and the FA cup possibly going to Mannil Utd.These teams however deserve a lot of praise for their hard work and endeavour and their never say die attitude.I am going to join in with all my WOB friends who love to praise these teams whilst never sounding at all patronising.

  29. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 22:42 #87862

    RedPig, good shout on that world class striker Carroll, I bet he wishes he could play wengers little technicians every week, and did you see the hammers no 5 putting his head in at the feet of the defenders with legs flying everywhere to score ? can you imagine wally and any of TOF's other little nice boys doing that for the cause when they turn their arses at a free kick. wenger out

  30. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 22:25 #87861

    Brilliant wenger rap from TOF on Bring back my Arsenal, worth a view and listen if you haven't already.

  31. jeff wright

    Apr 13, 2016, 22:24 #87860

    yes indeed yet again Comical Arsene's excuses for his constant failures are exposed for the sham that they are... he becomes more and more discredited with every passing day...

  32. RedPig

    Apr 13, 2016, 22:05 #87859

    So in Wengers world getting drawn against Barcelona in the CL is really bad luck as it effectively means you go out as you cannot compete with such quality ... and then a team with far less resources than Wenger has knocks them out at the QF stage for the second time in 3 seasons. Oh and strange how Andy Carroll is made to look like the average lump that he is just days after Wengers defence couldn't handle him. What a defeatist fraud Wenger is.

  33. Roy

    Apr 13, 2016, 21:48 #87858

    Full respect to Athletico and Simeone. That's how it's done. Wenger out.

  34. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 21:36 #87857

    well jj its nowhere near the football of his early years in terms of success or entertainment and pires is probably my favourite player behind adams.player recruitment whilst not perfect in the later years still lead us to a top 4 finish year after year.too much tippy tappy i agree but still some good stuff.we lack leaders but so do most teams these days.my personal belief having been involved in playing local football ,coaching football and as a fan that all round from local level to top european club football and international level whilst the players are fitter and more tricky the standard all round is lower as players are in general a little more selfish ,less mentally tough and more one footed.

  35. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 20:20 #87856

    Nice try but your suffering is in every post. Believe me I know Holloway and that emporium/spaceship is boring just like the football played there. Post Pires it's just painful and I have seen better football in French lower divisions. Backing up recruitment mastery with the 5m El Nino who is plain average is laughable. He certainly knew what he was looking for at Southampton and they were probably saying 'here he comes - you will love Theo and the Ox .....'

  36. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 19:02 #87855

    jw i didnt necessarily mean a director of football for us .as regards the medical it isnt just us most premier league teams are injury ravaged.leicester have been great but have benefited from a settled back line and keeper. i am no medical expert but if i were manager i would try to insist from personal experience of playing many years a pair of ankle socks inside football socks ,all players should wear shin and ankle protection in all training matches .having coached kids football no child is allowed to play in training matches without pads i saw jack wilshire in a training game the other day no pads as all the other players!didnt gabriel fracture jacks ankle like that a year ago in training?i would also fine any player sliding on knees when scoring it's so risky of injury ie solskjaer. jjet dunno where you get the idea i don't enjoy the emirates i still love going and there is still far more good matches and football than bad. as for paying to watch local semi pro football i enjoy that as well my son plays for such a reserve team.what i will say is having played against and shared dressing rooms with a lot of semi pros some of the egos are unbelievabale.great book i think if i recall correct called kicked into touch and in that the ex pro player and /manager fred ayre states the egos at that level are far bigger than the pros and i don't doubt it at all.a great read.

  37. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 18:10 #87853

    fair point kenny but all managers make clangers .greatest british manager ferguson signed kleberson,taibi,barthez,veron and let pogba go.wenger has made 2 big signings in recent years whilst they have flaws and time will tell their legacy here they have both done enough to prove they are not disastrous vig money signings like shevchenko,veron and torres.monreal,bellerin,koscielney,elneny all recruited well chambers hasn't had enough chances yet to know his worth.we are 3rd in the league so add a few signings a different manager this squad is still a good one.to be fair no other big club recruited mahrez or kante.of course he isn't perfect but he still gets a lot right not enough for 8 million a year or to win titles any more or a first champions league which is why he should go in my opinion.

  38. Just Imagine

    Apr 13, 2016, 18:00 #87852

    Over the 500,000 acre ranch known as Kronkevania a Learjet flies containing, Stanley, Ivan, Arsene and a fan boy called Jameson who paid £20,000 for the privilege. Suddenly the plane de-pressurises.... All communication to plane is lost.... Wreckage is found 2 weeks later. Job Done!

  39. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 17:59 #87851

    And I could have added Kroenke and Gazidis weren't in charge on the bench (although they'd have probably done a better job) when all those beatings, embarrassments, humiliations over the years were being dished out. WENGER WAS. wenger out.

  40. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 17:34 #87850

    jw, good post, and well said, all we're hearing now from those who have finally woken up and realised and given in after all this time that it's time for change, especially the wengerites and AKB luvvies (although there's still others hanging on in there for grim death) is Kroenke and Gazidis have to go too, they're as much to blame, they seem to (or have very conveniently forgotten) that Kroenke and Gazidis didn't scout all the duds and second raters and cart horses over the years up to the present day, buy them, wasted money on them on huge contracts, coach them, train them, (and I use those terms very loosely indeed)pick them, kept picking them, still does, make/made 30,000 substitutions (all on the same time) do tactics, (again I use that term very loosely)etc, etc, etc, and last but by no means least give team talks before and at half time, for what their worth, WENGER DID. wenger out will do, for now anyway.

  41. james

    Apr 13, 2016, 17:05 #87849

    The silly oaps that write on here are wenger hating wobs, time to meet mr and mrs fist.T

  42. Kenny

    Apr 13, 2016, 16:42 #87848

    AW "wenger is still a far better talent recruiter than most" He went to Southampton and bought Wally and the Ox but missed out on Bale.he paid £15m for Chambers and missed out on Alderweireld.He is supposed to known the French game backwards but missed out on Mahrez Kante and Payet.Good talent recruiter dont make me laugh

  43. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 16:37 #87847

    Edmund, I think we can go even further and boycott French wine, then TOF will have the vine yards and his country men and women on his back too, that's if they're not already after his disastrous appearances on his Country's TV and radio stations.

  44. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 16:03 #87846

    agree jw i still think wenger has an eye for top player ie elneny looks really good but i think more than ever and he was never the greatest tactician and even in his heyday his teams like him had a fragility of temperment. its his tactics,team selection and sheer lack of a focused winning mentality reflected saturday by ozil and sanchez lack of determination to make life difficult at the crucial couple of minutes before half time saturday.the amount of times defenders have turned their backs conceding goals ar key times this season .they are his players his teams he simply isn't getting the best out of them.other managers wouldnt have it.i listened to koeman a month ago on sky on a monday he was brilliant his analysis of how he sets his team up was absolute brilliance according to the way the opposition play ,his players available and how the game is evolving.i dont trust him signing the right players we need.surely an imposing ashley williams at the back for instance a real leader and organiser would have been a far better signing than a skinny,rash brazilian centre back who isn,t even good on the ball.the years he relied on denilson in defensive midfield surely a gareth barry,matt holland or scott parker could for modest money would have done a far better job than him.i dont trust him to bring in the type of player we need .you don't get the best out of attacking midielders which we have so many of by playing too many of them .ie england under eriksen picked the best 4 midfielders beckham lampard gerrard and scholes but it was not a balanced midfield.

  45. Denilson/Song/Diaby/Bendtner/Eboue

    Apr 13, 2016, 16:02 #87845

    beam me up scotty - Arsenal are genuinely imploding thanks to an American owner who wants to make Money not see his Club be sporting icons

  46. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 16:02 #87844

    Ian Wright reckons any Arsenal fan (in other words ABK wengerites)who says they are not worried about the spuds right now is being a bit closed off, a bit closed off ? what kind of speak/term is that ? you've being listening to TOF for to long wrighty. wenger out.

  47. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 15:05 #87843

    So ANTwAL you want Wenger out but he is still the best recruiter in the game and yeah but no but your sanctimony 'cause you go to the Emirates which clearly you do not like and as I have said started watching the Arse in the early 60s cause it was my local club and knew something was up when the accountant arrived and after a couple of doubles and some sort of invincible run when you get kicked out of every cup? the wheels came off good and proper and since super paddy scored that penalty it has bee nothing but lies and deceit and I saw through that and bang! i opted out while you a decade late are vaguely thinking you have been deceived and as for Untold - it is currently my fave site for it's absurdity. You carry on pal watching your Emirates nightmare for the price for the price of a leicester v Everton ticket haha! and will carry on watching county football for a fiver. And your problem is ...... ?

  48. jeff wright

    Apr 13, 2016, 15:04 #87842

    AW, I agree with your views on a change of a manager being needed. Also I must add a change of tactics and training medical regime as well is required . As much as I loath Kroenke - who is not for no good reason the most hated club owner in America - I do feel that too much emphasis is being put on the part that he plays in the stagnation that AFC is in.There is no evidence to suggest that if Wenger had more cash to spend that he would spend it or that he would use it to good purpose either. Wenger, the specialist in failure, needs replacing and the notion that it would be a good idea to move him'up stairs' is just nonsense .He needs moving out from AFC completely because his cack-handed management has gone on for far too long.Regarding the spuds pipping the Foxes to the title this can't be duled out but if either side shoots themselves in the foot then it is most likely to be the spuds in my view they have looked flaky at times already when the chance to go top was on.

  49. Tony Evans

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:56 #87841

    Roy - yes if that was us where the Spuds are I would definitely think we were still in with a good shout of the title. A couple of games is all it will take and suddenly it's on a knife edge. Won't be comfortable until Leicester are home and hosed.

  50. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:51 #87840

    seven kings agree.time for change evolution not revilution tho 3 or 4 new players and a younger hungry tactically manager and this squad is a superb one.we are third from top not bottom and years left in most of the players.

  51. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:40 #87839

    answer to you avenell road .ancellotti more mourinho not sure now.3 seasons ago i would have loved him as our boss i am not sure now. last season yes mourinho won the title but the year before talked his team out of the title and this season was a complete disaster.dont forget he didnt want lakaku or debruyne either.for what it's worth i still believe wenger is still a far better talent recruiter than most if not anyone else but getting the right balance in the squad and in team selection ,substitutions,motivation and getting the best out of those players to win major trophies he is and has been for a number of years less than average.probably a directer of football he is more suited to now.

  52. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:28 #87838

    My Dad sold our 2 tickets for Sunday on the Exchange yesterday and they went in less than 2 minutes! It seems there are lots of people desperate for the match day experience in the soulless bowl......

  53. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:28 #87837

    Peter Wain, and we all know who's lapping them up and believing them, you have to laugh.

  54. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:27 #87836

    Anthony Walters: don't think anyone is suggesting Rioch was a great manager but whilst he was manager we signed DB. Most commentators suggested it was a David Dein signing but never the less the changes made when GG left stimulated that move for Bergkamp. In a similar way I always felt a bit sorry for Billy Wright, the press said he could not handle the Arsenal job and the results eventually did for him. However BW signed Frank McLintock and Done Howe, the two most influential members of the double winning team of 71. Wright also greatly improved the youth system and several double winning players were as a result of his tenure at the club. It is those managerial changes that bring new layers of influences to a club, some good, some bad but they are needed to keep any organization healthy and to prevent stagnation. We need those kind of changes now, to get some hunger and bite back into the playing side of the club, plus of course a board that would fully support those changes. The current impasse at Arsenal is what makes our future so uncertain.

  55. mbg

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:14 #87834

    In the Luton end, good post, yes this Arsenal way that keeps cropping up, whatever that is or means (it's certainly not having a top decent manager who knows what he's doing, and winning honours, etc, etc)like all the other spin and lies and everything that went with them over the last ten years it's only a myth too, a myth that of course like everything else the gullible swallowed. wenger out.

  56. Made Up Stat

    Apr 13, 2016, 13:12 #87833

    Avenell Road: We'd have more points if our manager was Topo Gigio.

  57. anthony walters

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:40 #87831

    time for change definitlely wenger is past his best and we want to move forward with a more driven,focused ,tactically flexible manager but laugh at some of untold's nonsense all you want then a regular arsenal stalwart on here who has never once attended a match at the emirates suggests bruce rioch would have done a better job than wenger!seriously believe that then it's time for the white jackets with long sleeves for you!what pray tell me has bruce rioch done in management Csince we sacked him that some of the stuff on here is every bit as idiotic as untold.?

  58. Avenell Road

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:39 #87830

    Question for you - if Carlo Ancelotti or Jose Mourinho were in charge with the same set of players in our squad since the start of the season would we have a higher points tally than we currently have?

  59. Roy

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:22 #87829

    Tony Evans/John F, I know you're thinking the same as me that the Spuds are still well in it. I know that if it was us, I'd still be quietly confident. It might only take one set of adverse results and all of a sudden the gap is only 4 points with 4 games left which is totally doable if the Foxes react badly and the doubts and pressure come into play. Hopefully they can sneak another 1 - 0 against West Ham which would leave them needing only a 50% success rate, regardless of what the Spuds do, and with their tails still up, surely that would see them home. Let's hope so.

  60. Kenny

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:21 #87828

    A couple of comments about the sacking of Don Howe.In my opinion it was the best thing the board ever did at Arsenal We were an average club playing dull football with players well passed their best Nicholas Mariner Woodcook Rix under Howe within 3 years we won the league under George.We want a board like that now to get rid of Wenger

  61. Part of the WOB

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:11 #87826

    Great piece tgfwrites. Arsenal had a much better team in 2008 but was screwed over in the Birmingham match by Dean. 2003 was particularly galling as Arsenal had a brilliant team and proper defenders like Campbell, Cashley and Lauren. No morals from the directors but fan power can work. See Barcelona ticket premium u-turn.

  62. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:06 #87825

    Jamerson: Can see you walking round the court of King Arsene with a hat on, bells jingling, hitting everyone with a stick! You make for a wonderful Shakespearian fool!

  63. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 12:02 #87824

    Untold - guy who runs the sight kicks off off topic of why people are so horrible to him .... Then there is an article saying how the ref will hand Arsene FC on a plate to struggling Palace ensuring a possible safe ride for Leicester who are apparently leasing the PL on the cheap and ensuring the super Spuds finish above Wenger who is is still wondering what a derby is?! I don't think the Foxes or Spuds need refs to overhaul the Holloway Hampsters when they are simply over the season better performers. Could you imagine what it is like to believe it is ref corruption that has stopped Arsenal FC winning PLs over the last decade? Now that is a dark place and tme to pop into a competing Mall and get a life!

  64. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 11:43 #87822

    Just looking at some CL highlights and watching Ronaldo giving a M Ali impression and the joy at Citeh's winning goal let's you know how far Arsene FC have drifted away from the elites though the reality is Wenger has never been anywhere near them and the only brief encounter was down to Keown's tactical nous. Twenty years of this aging football groupie - the absolute nightmare!

  65. Made Up Stat

    Apr 13, 2016, 11:39 #87821

    Jamershed: You're not fooling anyone, you know.

  66. Tony Evans

    Apr 13, 2016, 11:21 #87819

    John F - It could all go horribly wrong couldn't it?Hopefully Leicester will hold on but one or two adverse results and the unthinkable could still be on the cards.

  67. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 11:11 #87818

    By going for it Jamerson you mean a lot more of the high scoring draws that Wenger is currently famous for. And in Wengerworld getting a draw with lots of goals is what it is all about. Hear you RON on Rioch who should never had been booted out as he would have gone on to do better things with Arsenal than this horrendous accountant who has proved he knows little about football but plenty about making money for a select few. Seem to remember the AKBs were talking doubles even triples at Xmas time and now they have shut up shop for good. Even the circulars are now blowing towards the Angel. Poor old Leek cannot understand I mention Untold to wind precisely his type up. So with the high score draw predictor I see Arsene FC taking off back four cover increasingly early in the game in order to match their opponents goals who play along to humour the old boy and they should bring a total of one point per game. Webster to finish with 65 pts and let us all give a prayer for Leicester because if the Spuds do not win it this year they will be finishing above Arsenal for the next decade along with the Hammers, Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool, Citeh and Leicester! best get out now before things get really really banal - the AKBs on here have shown the way out ... no stomach for a fight. Wonder if their are any Super Jack t shirts with him in low jeans, silly hat, bottle in hand and swearing his gob off for the junior Gunners - pure class .... All this tiresome Arsenal way bollox is just a few silly people in the past bowing/doffing to their Etonian masters as though they were in the company of royalty and it's only proper guv to get on your ****ing knees to your betters. Thank **** there used to be 1000s of us who were just Arsenal, not ****ing Eton rifles. Now for a bit of Untold - you coming Leek?

  68. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 13, 2016, 10:37 #87817

    Seven Kings; believe that that was the case even the Official History of the club (Soar and Tyler) mentioned that before The Don returned in 1977 he needed to know there was no more "leftovers" from his time at Highbury. He have been a great manager in today's 6-4-0 formations.

  69. Ron

    Apr 13, 2016, 10:28 #87816

    Luton End - they did the dirty on Rioch too. He was a dead man walking for ages, though he never knew it.

  70. Jamerson

    Apr 13, 2016, 9:01 #87815

    I still think we will finish second.We will hopefully go Gung-ho in our remaining six games which is how I think all Arsenal teams should play.Footballing lessons dished out to a few teams should result in four home wins and victory in one of the two away games.That will then show that we are making progress going from 4th to 3rd to 2nd in three years and as jeff and his pals are always telling us we must make progress.

  71. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 13, 2016, 8:56 #87814

    In the Luton end, you make a good point about how badly Don Howe was treated. The Venables thing, was in my opinion just board incompetence and I can stomach that because successive boards have made colossal errors. The biggest and most disgraceful insult to Don Howe was at the 1971 "Double celebrations" dinner, Hill Wood stood up and correctly praised the brilliant management of Bertie Mee but never made one mention of the man who made it all possible, dear old Don, apparently that insult was what finally made Don's mind up to join WBA. No I can just about take board incompetence but the board cynicism that we have now is what angers me the most because it is deliberate and is destroying of the one of the finest football clubs in the world.

  72. Peter Wain

    Apr 13, 2016, 8:47 #87813

    nice to see the transfer rumours in full flood as the season ticket renewals approach. According to reports Ramsey, Walcott, Ox, Jenkinson, Chambers and Gibbs all going. If you add in Flamini Rosicky and Arteta that makes 9 out. How many will we buy no more than 3 at most so where do the 6 missing squad come from the under 21? As usual I doubt we will sell all of these or buy the right number of replacements.

  73. John F

    Apr 13, 2016, 8:11 #87812

    Tony I hope you are right but looking at the remaining fixtures Leicester have some tricky ones .West Ham,Swansea,Everton at home,Chelsea,utd away.Spuds have Stoke,Chelsea,Newcastle away. Southampton, West Brom home.I just hope they can win the home ones.Seven point lead should be enough but one bad result could create a lot of tension.

  74. Jamerson

    Apr 13, 2016, 8:06 #87811

    I did notice the Wenger masks had slipped from biggest selling merchandise to number four,after Ozil,Snchez and super-jack shirts.I hope it's not a sign.

  75. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Apr 13, 2016, 7:53 #87810

    I can agree with a fair amount of this article, but let's not kid ourselves too much about "The Arsenal Way" before Kroenke or the new stadium were involved. I don't remember much class or excellence being shown toward Don Howe by the board when they were trying to do a number on Don behind his back with that well - known demonstrator of honest exemplary behaviour, a certain T.Venables.

  76. Tony Evans

    Apr 13, 2016, 7:26 #87809

    The only crumbs of comfort for me Gin a desperately disappointing season as far as Arsenal are concerned are: Leicester (hopefully) winning the league and the Spuds being gutted (again hopefully) at finishing second. You know things are bad with your own club when you can't find a single positive thing to say about them.

  77. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 13, 2016, 6:30 #87808

    Jamerson - so you're going to buy 20 jackets then? To each their own I suppose. Have you figured out if you are from Suffolk or Norfolk yet? That's a pretty big thing to the East Angles don't want you and your invisible friend Pete getting into bother down there.

  78. Arsenenknewbest

    Apr 13, 2016, 6:19 #87807

    Our problem is not that dissimilar to the one faced by Liverpool supporters during the equally calamitous hicks and gillett era (I always think Pen and Teller when those two names come to mind). Our malaise is deeper than their one of course because we have a non-manager who thinks he's never wrong and is intent on perpetuating the same misguided theories. But maybe someone at the gooner has a contact at the scousers who could write something on here about how they (the fans) contributed to regime change through protests etc.

  79. Joe S.

    Apr 13, 2016, 3:22 #87806

    Tigwrites, proud to be an Arsenal fan. This makes up for all the embarasment caused by the purility of the Jamessons, Roses and Graham whatever his name is who tell us that we are not worthy of the great man. Behind all the greed and anti sports opportunism of the American lies Wegner who has fully endorsed his owner.

  80. Edmund

    Apr 13, 2016, 1:46 #87805

    And to be fair to Puma, avoid flying Emirates and buying Hwawei Arsenal phones and Indesit products too. It would be good if Gooner Online has a survey on the boycott to rate its effectiveness.

  81. Edmund

    Apr 13, 2016, 1:37 #87804

    A good call to action. I think we should add one more. Boycott goods from sponsors. Wear your old jerseys instead of buying the crappy new designs from Puma. Avoid the Armoury. This applies to overseas fans and tourists. Instead sell "Kroenke out " shirts outside the stadium to wear concealed under your jersey to be revealed goal celebration style at the end of the match so the stewards can't eject you. Publish your sales figures so Puma will take notice.

  82. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2016, 0:08 #87802

    Leek FC must be like opium for you on Untold. I think of it in terms of One Flew over the Proverbial Chief with the head witch of the Webster coven playing nurse Murphy. Aknewbest indeed the Gang O 4 with much Marxist mirth and all under the title of Entertainment! unlike the One Direction Arsene FC with fake smiles and little substance and lots of post Thatcher plundering of Arsenal offshore holdings ....

  83. NickF

    Apr 12, 2016, 23:49 #87801

    East Stand Red, this was suggested by the Gooner/Black Scarf/RedAction for the Watford cup game (I think). All that happened was that the seats were filled by red/silver members instead. RedAction even tweeted that there were loads of seats available in the North Lower for people who wanted them.

  84. herts gooner

    Apr 12, 2016, 22:28 #87800

    The problem with trying to boycott the buying of merchandise in the shop is that it is the day tripper supporter from abroad that is spending the money. this is the type of supporter that Kroneke wants.

  85. East Stand Red

    Apr 12, 2016, 22:13 #87799

    With the rest of the season academic, the loyal ST holders that want change could boycott one of the remaining home games...?? Just one but if its one on TV it could prove the point that we are not blind consumers and can see how the club is being run for what it is!?

  86. John F

    Apr 12, 2016, 22:04 #87797

    My son got me a great book, Arsenal history told through newspaper headlines from 1913.For the players ratings for the lucky 2005 cup final win against Utd, Bergkamp's rating was 5/10 "not helped by Wenger's decision to play him as a lone striker".Wenger was 5/10 "poor tactical decisions left Arsenal blunt in attack and without any ideas".A foretaste of major blunders for big matches to come.

  87. Augustus Flair

    Apr 12, 2016, 21:47 #87796

    For all the moaning and groaning let's just thank our lucky stars we're not bossed by that old failure Pellegrini... oh, hold on... or that little bloke who couldn't speak English and used to run Soton... just a sec, I'll get back you on that one... I meant that Netherlandish bloke who hasn't a clue at Soton now... um, take five guys, or that Italian failure who ended up in that E Midlands backwater... oh no, wait, wait. Well, what I mean is, thank goodness we have AW, who spares us all the heart-damaging excitement of those clowns above. When Whoever goes up to the lift the 4th place cup, we'll be there, we'll be there...

  88. mbg

    Apr 12, 2016, 21:41 #87795

    We all want and are calling for TOF out but I've just realised when Leicester lift the trophy (not only will it be a massive blow to TOF's ego and piss him off and that's always good) but if we have to put up with him for another season it might not be too bad, because if by some miracle he did manage to scrape the prem after all this time (I know, I know, don't laugh, and i'm not on magic mushrooms, there's enough fans who lap up bulls**t) it'll not matter one iota because we'll not have to put up with all the blowing, crowing, squawking, i told you so's from him and his followers, because little Leicester and Ranieri will have beaten him to it,(just like Chelsea did to beat us to the first London club to win the Champions League) yes they will have beaten him to what he's been striving to do for eleven seasons now, win the prem on the cheap and prove everybody wrong, that his way was best, and he new best, oh how he wanted that also, so he could stand there grinning like a Cheshire cat with his i told you so sly smirk, now if it did happen(I know I know) we'll not have to put up with that from him or his AKB wengerites either, because there will be nothing for them to grin and crow about because little Leicester yes little unknown Leicester with less money than any one will have beaten him to it, but if he has any self respect he'll not be hanging about that long.

  89. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 12, 2016, 21:00 #87794

    Jjet - 92843 Nice one. The gang of four would have a lot to say about AFC if they were into football I'm sure (although I reckon they'd probably be leeds fans) - from the same song you quote (I think) "four steps forward, six steps back" also sums up life under the anoracked chihuahua of doom. Arsene, Stan the syrup, Ivan the indescribably terrible and "Chips!" (who ought to be in a PG Wodehourse novel) - our very own gang of four. Let's hope they meet the same fate as their chinese predecessors. This club is rotten to the core - I fear that boycotting merchandise would be akin to making love to the mersey tunnel with a sausage (have you ever been to Liverpool?)

  90. bromley boy

    Apr 12, 2016, 20:36 #87793

    hi berry, you have got it spot on with regards to fans in Asia and other parts of the world, these fans are bringing millions into the club now there the ones that kronke cares about. the die hard fans from the 70s and 80s play no importance to him what so ever. this current board need to be driven out of OUR club by whatever means possible

  91. Leek fc

    Apr 12, 2016, 20:31 #87792

    JJ. You seem to be spending a lot of time on Untold. Are you getting addicted to it?

  92. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 12, 2016, 20:15 #87791

    The Emirates experience is never going to be like the old Northbank but it's also unlikely that an errant lager is going to hit you plumb on your head or some loon is going to try and invade you. Good things and bad about the pre premiership days and I'd also guess that Stamford Bridge is nowhere near as unpleasant as it was up to the early nineties. So looking at what we have now. We appear to have a few banners two upset crowds at the Villa game and Watford cup game. Yet Wenger appears skewered on a rack. Certainly the silence from the board was defeaning in his defence during our collapse. If we do absolutely nothing more we may have him for 3 years. Continual minor protests will probably push him out in a year and a right old crowd meltdown could see him go at the end of the season. Mentally he is arrogant , haughty and uptight so causing him embarrassment might just make him decide he no longer wishes to deal with perfidious Albion. As Anthony Walters says you can't just write off 40k season ticket holders as tourists that's crazy but neither can you expect them to smash the ground to pieces ala UTD's savage demolition of Carrol Road 74'. Things are happening embryonically. You only have to read the fear amongst the freaks on Untold. Each time a banner goes up the cameras are there to capture it. We also do not know what Josh thinks he may be a chip of the old block or might think bugger this I want to win something . I know I would if someone gave me Arsenal to run


    Apr 12, 2016, 19:44 #87790

    Agree completely with Seven Kings Gooner. Can see the same scenario as the Villa situation. Poor management from the American owners who don't care about the on-field performances as long as the money is rolling in. I remember the supporters congregating in the Avenell Road to chant their disapproval at the board/management and I think it's that type of action that is needed. Unfortunately their is no focal point in the new stadium, player entrance etc. so it would need to be done inside the stadium. I've supported Arsenal since 1961 and have enjoyed the highs as everyone has but this continuous glass ceiling we hit every Feb/March is very frustrating/boring. Yes I am wary of what you wish for but surely the most ardent of supporters must be tired of this groundhog monotony. My biggest worry is the boards inability to find a suitable replacement for our now well past it manager. This man is slowly killing the club, after all he has done, he knows he is untouchable in the eyes of the board. Arsene, thanks for the good times but you must look at the last ten years and realise we have not progressed. Yes we have been in the Champions league for 20 years but we only came close once to winning it and even then you substituted the wrong player, Pires, when Lehman was sent off. Enough is enough, time for change. Frank De Boer/Dennis Bergkamp for me, with Martin Keown in charge of the defence.

  94. Hiccup

    Apr 12, 2016, 19:31 #87788

    tfg, if the solution is to go to the game and vocally cheer the team on, but abstain from buying a cup of tea, Kroenke and Wenger will think everyone in the ground is happy with the status quo. Those that refuse to go anymore have already done their bit. There's nothing more that they can do. All we can hope is like minded fans like yourself who are sick of Wenger follow suit. Clearly, that isn't going to happen as you will go and cheer the team on, but forego your Bovril as a protest? This article sums up that we are pissing in the wind and stuck with Wenger and Kroenke.

  95. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 12, 2016, 19:28 #87787

    Hi Berry, you are of course right about more middle class support, they have the money but more important for our board, they don't have the sense of value about a match day experience that you and so many other older fans do. Had going to Highbury been as expensive pro rata to today' costs, there is no way my father would have taken me and my sister, as he did for so many years in the sixties and seventies.

  96. Hi Berry

    Apr 12, 2016, 18:28 #87786

    Agree wholeheartedly with this article but have to say the 'not spending money' route will have virtually no effect. With a multi-million yearly turnover and a growing world-wide fanbase (sadly that's the name of the game these days) a few hundred or thousand match day fans not buying an overpriced tray of chips is not going to dent the bottom line when fans in Asia are shelling out for new shirts left right and centre. Sorry to disagree with you Ron, but I think the pre-arranged 'walk-out' might be the only effective way of getting the message across as per Liverpool fans recently....the only problem I see is galvanising enough supporters to be part of it. On the two (soul-destroying) occasions I have been to the Emirates I appear to have been surrounded by middle-class families whose the wives of whom were intent on chattering all the way through the game, oblivious to what was going on on the pitch - a little difficult, I would imagine, to get them up for a protest. Personally I agree with a number of posters above who have come to the conclusion that the team we supported as boys and supported through thick and (quite a lot of) thin has ceased to exist...all remnants of that great and noble history that drew us to the club when, let's face it, we hadn't won anything for years, was lost when we moved out of that beautiful ground we used to have. 'Resistance is futile' I think the quote goes...we have all become comfortably numb.

  97. John F

    Apr 12, 2016, 18:10 #87785

    Mbg,sorry mate i only own two,one for best,and one for work which has extra sticky tape inside for windy days.

  98. mbg

    Apr 12, 2016, 17:43 #87784

    John F, any spare wigs ?

  99. Bard

    Apr 12, 2016, 17:12 #87782

    There is an interesting side show going on thats worth thinking about. Its called sporting hunger. Leicester and dare I say it the Spuds have it. They both have a tremendous work ethic and they seem on the surface to have great team spirit. These qualities have been lacking in the big teams and are far superior to anything Arsenal, Chelsea, City and Man U have been able to offer.

  100. Lee Bedford

    Apr 12, 2016, 15:56 #87780

    NickF. Good point my fellow Gooner but I actually did wait out on the concourse in protest before the Leicester game with about.....10-12 others around block 16 where my seat is. However I do agree with you hardly anyone bothered!?? I am ALL for revolution and to get our club back to where we should be, instead of 4th place every year flattering to deceive and swelling stans bank balance!

  101. mbg

    Apr 12, 2016, 14:24 #87779

    Red Member, excellent post, yes I've been saying something similar now for two or three years, protest in the ground directed at both the dugout and the directors box, that's the only thing they'll take notice off, and that will embarrass them and have them squirming in their padded seats, certain to being the haemorrhoids out, there's nothing they'll hate as much with sponsors sitting beside them and watching around the world, very bad for business and very embarrassing, when fans start singing sack the board, we want wenger out, we want Gazidis out, we want Kroenke out, etc they'll not like that one bit, then reading about it for days, they'll start looking for scape goats to save their own arses before you can say gin and tonic, yes it's the only way, you just have to look at the other clubs who weren't afraid to do it, this this would shake them up big style, this old b******s the Arsenal way (whatever that means) sitting on our hands like little sheep smiling ? done with class and style, and excellence ? is just that b******s, it's time to wake up, and it's good to see you had wenger in there to along with Kroenke. wenger out.

  102. Ron

    Apr 12, 2016, 14:10 #87778

    Norsgeneral - hear hear. All this arriving late in seats and leaving early (half of them do that anyway at Arsenal winning or losing) is futile isnt it. The only problem is that The Emirates would be as atmospheric with nobody in it as much as it is with 58 thou in it! Kroenke would soon have cardboard cut outs propped up on every seat.

  103. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 12, 2016, 14:02 #87777

    Jjetplane, nothing wrong with green tea mate, as long as they call it green tea, as for porridge I have eaten porridge for breakfast since I got married 43 years ago. Ron, get your point about watching the sport football, you see so much more when you watch both sides instead of just one. However I would love to see a proper fired up Arsenal just one more time but unfortunately it won't be happening soon.

  104. mbg

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:51 #87776

    A lot of blame being laid at the door of Messrs Kroenke, Gazidis, and calls to get a message to them that we mean business, and challenge the club, but I haven't read and can't see any blame whatsoever anywhere, being laid at the door of wenger for our woes, or calls for a message/messages to be sent to him that we mean business, why is that ? and why would that be ? maybe we already know ?

  105. Norsgeneral

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:48 #87775

    I have loved and supported Arsenal since 1968 as a four year old at Highbury. But I walked away from this club, as soon as they wanted £30 to be on a waiting list for a season ticket, after years paying at the turnstiles. I watch local league two football now for the weekly fix, but still, my weekends are damaged by Andy Carroll hat tricks, as much as they were, when I frequented the ground. There is only one answer and it is the one I have stumbled reluctantly on, STOP GOING, or STOP MOANING. As simple as that. Every time you guys turn up, you keep this pathetic status quo in place. Empty the ground, and Kroenke, Gazidis & Wenger will be on their way. The choice is yours. I've made it with the hope that one day, I can return.

  106. Peter Wain

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:41 #87774

    Kroenke will not change or listen. Whilst he has a manager who is afraid of spending but who still obtains CL football why should he. We need wholesale change - a new owner, board chief executive and manager. Until this happens we will continue with the tried and tested formula. Lots of interest in new players as the season ticket renewal period gets under way, lots of we are going to buy big, lots of positive statements and then once the season ticket renewaldeadline has passed the usual retreat. Difficult to buy players got to be sensible with cash, prices too high need to get top top top quality - like when have we ever bought that. The only reason Ozil and Sanchez are here is that they were not wanted in Spain. We do not buy top top quality we tend to buy potential or crap. Wenger will do his usual thing of buying maybe one player and then bemoaning the facts of the price, the price of beef and so on. Come September half the squad will be injured and the other half will have to play every game. In reality we are always three players light which means the fit players always play and we are always waiting for the injured to get better. Its like getting a new player as they say! But the management do not care about supporters and this will not change until it is forced on the Yank.

  107. John F

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:32 #87773

    The atmosphere turning toxic may affect Wenger but not Wiggy as he was was not worried when he was abused by 19000 St louis fans a couple of months ago and I do not think he is the type of man to worry about it happening at the Bowl.Ridicule might work, he will not like not being taken seriously and made fun of.I am sure a few witty banners of Stan would hit home. The Spanish fans wave white hankies when they are protesting, why don't we wave wigs.We could do jj's suggested Wenger wave with them. Just in case I am accused of baldism I am a baldie.

  108. mbg

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:20 #87772

    It is hard to comprehend those games you mention were enjoyable for anybody (apart from young children who know no better) when the out come from then is/was inevitable, as you say groundhog day yet again, and that was known by a lot of us and was inevitable before the season started, not by others of course they believed. There is no debate, there is nothing to debate (as shown on here day after day by very knowledgeable fans and others who choose to open their eyes) that debate is over and has been for a long time it's the fault of an egoistic, arrogant, failed manager who's time has been up for four five years now, the only debate left now is when are we going to get rid, and the sooner the better. wenger out.

  109. Ron

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:15 #87771

    I like yr post SKG. Always do. AFC has 'gone' for me too. I no longer want it, but im content to follow it. Step outside of it and even as a supporter of nigh on 50 years its not a very likeable Club. Liking and supporting no longer figures in modern football now. I still love the 'sport', but my fix now is gleaned from a very general following of it. Its good. I enjoy it. Wished i d done it years ago to be honest.

  110. CB

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:15 #87770

    Love the Wenger wave JJ. Perhaps someone could do a youtube video. If we had the entire stadium do it surely that would drive him out.

  111. Tony Evans

    Apr 12, 2016, 13:06 #87769

    Sadly I see nothing changing anytime soon because, as NickF says, fan apathy is rife. Unless we see Arsenal plumbing the depths like they did against Villa that one time, and doing that consistently match day fans seem docile and content with what the club is achieving. That 'plumbing the depths' scenario is incredibly unlikely as Wenger always does enough to keep the vast majority of match day fans onside. We know from experience that if Arsenal keep the status quo they will get away with the regular capitulations, and failures to fully utilise financial resources to ensure we have a squad capable of really challenging, as match day fans appear to be more than happy with where we are, with no thought or care as to where we could and should be.

  112. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:57 #87768

    I imagine a lot of people at the Emirates Experience are those posting on untold about drugged up Foxes and Referees who are given weekends away in a villa of their choice. Add to this the hilarious factor that Wenger is a true outsider fighting against the mundane world of English football culture for as leeeeetle as 100 million a decade in his pocket and we see the strength of the Myth. Like some of that stuff from Mr Winter who will not be doing posh tea with Wenger any time soon .... Think it's time the tourists banded together to create The Wenger Wave which would involve a zip and your hands under your ass .... Latest on untold is GG was awful and careful what you wish for ad nauseum. Jamerson seems top be overposting to compensate for his announced exile next season. Will it be noted or will another come forward from the Shed ...

  113. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:49 #87767

    I always believe that in life it is best to make use of what opportunities there are available to improve situations that exist. Getting shut of Wenger and bringing in a younger hungrier manager looks like a good place to start regarding the stuck in a rut moribund Wenger tenure .There is a difference between a rut and a grave. I believe that it possible - even under the Syrupy Stan regime - to compete for trophies with a different managerial approach required to bring this change about . The old well past it arrogant Arsene know all being removed from the club and replaced with a manager who will shake things up from top to bottom could well do the trick. Money is not and never was the big issue that it is claimed by Wenger to be.I had to smile when seeing the clown on TV last Friday moaning about how a lack of cash when we moved from Highbury had hampered him but that was now all in the past and yet the next day we get exactly the same sort of result ,tossing away a 2 goal lead, that we have endured under Wenger for donkey's years! You couldn't make it up.

  114. Jamerson

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:35 #87766

    When Wenger never used to spend any money it was the 'super fans'not 'the tourists' who wanted him to change his tack and buy big.It is the 'super fans'who are always calling for Kronke to be removed and Usmanov to be installed so he can turn us into a more commercial tourist attraction than Man City or the chavs.So I would say the tourists are those who call others tourists.

  115. anthony walters

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:27 #87765

    please explain also tfg or anyone else believing that theory how you assume there are so many tourists at matches?two thirds of the stadium who support arsenal are season ticket holders or generally friends of who use their tickets .the rest of the crowd are mostly red or silver members are they not? those memberships are 50 quid are they not?so given those facts and i go on my own evidence attending most home games as a season ticket holder that yes there are some tourists fans and some just there for an experience but at a guess a thousand would be probably an overestimate.nearly everone i see around me season ricket holders or not are passionate about the team.so the tourist theory is at best a major exageration.

  116. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:17 #87764

    SKG love your posts mate and I fell out with a mate in 2005 because I said this club is going nowhere with an accountant at the helm. That particular supporter now lives in Aussieland. The paradigm is everywhere and funny how Jamerson goes on about the tourist (he fills his head with culture/he gives himself an ulcer) and yet he is resigning his ST next season. Bang on the head SKG and it is all about the medium is the message and ironies of ironies I took up green tea a decade ago and love cheap porridge with tail mix honey and Greek yogurt .... Used to watch a lot of Div 2 football and now am fixated with county football. You are right about the honesty and I do take my own food to the grounds which are an apple and some dark chocolate. Lower tier tourist me and when I look at the insipid badge in the picture I know the Arsenal I supported from the 60s is long and probably never coming back. Thank whatever for the Totts and the Foxes this season who have made the league vaguely interesting and when/if Leicester lift the PL I will shed a tear alongside Ranieri. Ps having never been to the Emirates Experience i wonder if they have clothes and game shops inside like any other Malllll lol!

  117. Bob

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:17 #87763

    There's only one Henry Winter One Henry Winter We'll be singing this song til Wenger is gone Walking in a Winter wonderland

  118. Barnaby

    Apr 12, 2016, 12:15 #87762

    I think it will be wengers greatest achievement if he finishes 4th next season, because of all the world class managers he will be up against. Also just to point out, Wenger is not a world class manager

  119. King Jeremy

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:57 #87761

    Terry - Nice idea but that type of protest won't bother Stan one bit as the money will already be in the bank, plus as the author points out the "tourists" there for the "experience" will want their money's worth. The only way to get the message across will be to hit Stan in the pocket, albeit indirectly. Stop buying the replica kit. Puma don't sponsor us out of love. If the shirt sales drop, they might just have a word with Ivan. Stop even visting the club shop. Stop buying food and drink in the ground. Stop buying anything that generates any revenue for the club beyond the ticket sales. It will take time to get the numbers of people on board for it to make a difference to the annual P&L, but that is the only single measure that is likely to bother Stan.

  120. James

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:53 #87760

    I am an Arsenal fan but not a Wenger fan.And as Wenger runs the club from top to bottom.My feelings for the club are dying by the day.Where i used to hurt when we lost now i dont care anymore.Thats what Wenger has done to our club.When he turned around and said to the fans that 4th place was a trophy that was it for me. The only thing i look forward to at Arsenal is the end of Wenger's reign.But sadly that wont happen soon.Its 11 years since we even finished top 2

  121. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:48 #87759

    Jamerson: A tourist does not care who wins the game of football, bit like our owners, he cares for the experience. A bit like a cup of tea is no longer a cup of tea but an "organic infusion of natures finest herbs" or a bowl of porridge in some London eateries is now called a "Quo Vadis" comprising of "traditional stone ground Irish oatmeal, water and salt, gently simmered and stirred until evenly heated and served with dark cane sugar, milk or cream" Jamie, it is still a bowl of f...ing porridge!

  122. anthony walters

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:48 #87758

    decent article no more no less.naming sanchez and ozil as you do i would suggest to our two superstars ozil and sanchez before you make more superstar signings that we would have more chance of winning trophies you crave if you consistently pass to teamates not the opposition as you so often do ,showed at least some interest in helping the full back out occasionally and learning to kick a ball goalwards with you left foot from a few yards out alexis .as for you mesut turning your back like a cardboard cutout allowing the cross to come in .both put us in the 2 nil lead at west ham but did zero to help teamates protect it.reflective of the the teams lack of balance over the last 10 years.leicester was not the game for protests and walkout it was too important at the time coming home games maybe.as for spending money the premier league clubs next season all so awash with it it has to be spent on the right type of players we need not necessarily big names people crave.

  123. Red Member

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:41 #87756

    I for a long time thought that the best way to push for change was to encourage non renewal of season tickets, non purchase of food, drink, merchandise at the Emirates. WRONG!!! It is necessary for the most loyal, passionate supporters of Arsenal to attend games at the Emirates. They are needed to create the biggest protests ever seen in English football, because that is what it is going to take to rid us of the cancer that is Kroenke and Wenger. There has to now be at evert single Arsenal game, mass protests, banners being shown, booing, whatever it takes. Will this happen,? I doubt it, but it is the only hope left to save this great club.

  124. Eddy Rose

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:34 #87755

    Brilliantly put mate and I wholeheartedly agree.

  125. Jamerson

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:29 #87754

    Everybody seems to love having a go at these so called 'tourists'Yet I want to know how do these people obtain tickets if their support is so poor?What do they look like, if I see one?Why are they deemed so nominal in their support compared to many who refuse to go who are heralded as 'super fans'?Do they have a leader or a particular supporters group?Where are these people from?Are we the only club who have to suffer these people?Can we not rid ourselves of these people who seem so devoted to AFC?

  126. NickF

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:16 #87753

    Terry, a great suggestion but look what happened at the Leicester home game when there was supposed to be a protest about the kick off time - not a single person left. The real problem is the amount of apathy.

  127. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:13 #87752

    Tfgwrites, when the owner prefers money to winning and clearly some of our players feel the same way, how long before we end up like Villa? It is happening with other wealthy clubs, Citeh & Chelsea's wage bill is probably three times that of Leicester & Tottenham, yet the wealthy clubs this season have hugely under performed. I gave up watching Arsenal seven years ago and probably will never go back, I now watch Div 1 football and enjoy it tremendously, it has a basic honesty that appeals to me. I really think most players in Div 1 are doing their best and that is all I ask for from my entrance fee. Consider that Theo Walcott is being paid three times more a week than both Kane and Vardy it makes a huge mockery of our so called "financial prudence". However it is on the field that we continue every year to achieve the same failures and every 3 - 4 years we replace those lightweight failures with another batch of lightweight failures. The lack of moral fibre in the team is now firmly planted in the culture of the club and nothing short of managerial and boardroom changes will shift it! My biggest fear is that it may never happen in my lifetime and my club (it is still my club)will drift for decades under achieving and appealing to tourists (it already does!)who put it on their "must do" list when visiting London.

  128. Terry

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:09 #87751

    To get the message of our dissatisfaction with How the club is run: do not take up your seat for the first 15 minutes of the match. Do it for several games. It will certainly have press coverage and will remind Kroenke, Wenger et al that we, the supporters, are 'Arsenal' - not them.

  129. goonersol

    Apr 12, 2016, 11:08 #87750

    Where does one begin, we are no longer fans, we are customers, but our loyalty does not allow us to go elsewhere, so they have us where they want us. They are able to dictate what we pay, and when we pay it, they can change our ground, our badge, our expectations, our joy, without any explanation except " stay with us, things will get better". Well, the wait is long overdue, 10yrs and counting for what, the only change we can see is money for the board and the manager........Wenger taking home near on £100m in 10yrs with no real success is unbelievable, but that is not the issue, the issue is the scant disregard for us fans, we are just told to accept it and support the club and not raise our voice as "there will be jam tomorrow".....sadly no jam for over 10yrs. They , Wenger, Kroneke and Gazidis have accepted mediocrity as it brings in millions, we the fans have not (some at least) and there in lies the problem. The only way to facilitate change is for a Fans (not customers) revolt, stop spending, stop attending, show dissent. Only then will they stop and take a look at what is going on, but while there is apathy amongst the masses nothing will change.

  130. Bard

    Apr 12, 2016, 10:45 #87749

    A well written post. I agree with most of what you say. There is a problem in that with the quantities of money sloshing around the game it is obvious that there are rich pickings for businessmen like Stan. If not Stan then there will be someone else. This is modern football. I dont agree that a change in customer expenditure is the way to bring about change. A lot has been made of the odd banner in the stadium, I believe that if the mood turns nasty in the stadium plus or minus banners then change will follow. Because matches are shown world wide the 'brand' is damaged if there are protests and banners. Remember we bought Ozil on the back of the Villa defeat a few years ago when the crowd really got on Wenger's back.