Insipid Arsenal

Online Ed: Another weekend, another two points dropped

Insipid Arsenal

There was the usual pantomime booing at the conclusion of Arsenal’s home draw with Crystal Palace, but it was half-hearted stuff. The Arsenal fans have stopped caring, their enthusiasm, so evident even as recently as the home match against Leicester, slowly diluted by the reality that, faced with a genuine chance of winning the title, Arsene Wenger’s players do not have it in them to deliver. The sequence of matches in late January and early February that saw them drop nine points out of 12 were not terminal. However, taking one point from nine after the last gasp win against Leicester was. Since then, some nice football, some very questionable defending, and ultimately, the nothingness that was yesterday’s display against Palace.

It felt like not only have the fans stopped caring, but the players have too. Contrast this with the intensity of Atletico Madrid’s performance last Wednesday night against Barcelona, or Liverpool’s 24 hours later against Dortmund.

Next season, Manchester City, Chelsea and in all likelihood Manchester United will have new managers – those that have allowed low spending Leicester to outdo them this season are being (or have been in Chelsea’s case) replaced. Liverpool will be more of a Klopp side as I suspect a lot of summer activity with players coming in and being moved on, whilst Spurs will get the opportunity to prove their improvement is not a one-off. Arsenal will still have Arsene Wenger in the dugout, with a group of players he has failed to motivate this season plus two or three new signings that will not be the characters the club needs to turn the stale unmotivated atmosphere around. The manager won’t sign anyone that might rock the boat. I have not heard the post-match interviews with the manager at the time of writing, but I hope to God he does not use the term ‘spirit’ unless admitting his team have very little.

Guests are like dead fish, I remember a comedian relaying a good few years ago. They go off after a couple of days. And so it is at Arsenal. Wenger has hung around too long and the rot has well and truly set in. The number of empty seats told its own story – and these are seats that have been paid for. Yes, there is an argument that as long as the money is coming in, then the board are perfectly happy, but it is actually the middle tier, rather than the ordinary seats that may determine the manager’s future. Sales to the 9,000 that sit in club level and the hospitality boxes are disproportionately significant in the club’s business plan. And these will prove harder and harder to sell. For corporate entertainment, the city will soon have another option – the Olympic Stadium for West Ham matches. Before you know it, Spurs new stadium will be built and if they are hosting ‘event matches’ (of which the Gunners have enjoyed far too few of since the stadium move), they will be getting a slice of the pie. Arsenal have a relative monopoly where club matches are concerned in terms of the quality of their hospitality operation. However, they will soon have competition. They have to up their game on the field to maintain this significant income stream.

Sadly for Wenger, he has become a joke. The dominant image of him now is of a man that can guarantee you a third or fourth place finish, and a Euro exit as soon as the Champions League gets interesting at the beginning of spring. But the FA Cup is the limit of his capability, and even there, he almost cocked it up on the two occasions he won the trophy with his current players.

It’s not as if Arsenal had nothing to play for. They should be busting a gut to try and ensure there is no qualifier for the Champions League in August, and to try and ensure they haul in Tottenham should they slip up. However, there is a danger that they might actually finish fifth the way they are going. It was a nothingy first half, but all was forgiven with an opening goal when Welbeck’s ball to Alexis saw the Chilean steal in to beat Eagles’ keeper Hennessy with a looping header. Perfect timing just before the interval.

However, coming out for the second half, there was no sign of them going for the kill, finishing off a pretty poor opponent, and working on their goal difference. It felt like a team going through the motions, devoid of drive. Even Alex Iwobi seems to have had the life sucked out of him by extended involvement with the first team.

Petr Cech had very little to do all game, given how poor Palace were, and yet was beaten at the near post from outside the area. It could have been worse. The visitors came close to snatching it at the end. They wouldn’t have deserved that, although in a sense, Arsenal might have.

There is an end of season feeling to the team right now. They have ran out of steam, unmotivated by the challenge of hanging on to a Champions League spot. They failed to break down a very workmanlike opposition defence, the goal aside.

I suspect even more empty seats on Thursday as supporters vote with their feet. One more season of this purgatory is guaranteed unless the board grow some bollocks and give the manager his marching orders this summer. It seems they can take more disappointments than most of us. I guess the money cushions the blow, somewhat.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Dave Bryanson

    Apr 20, 2016, 17:11 #88173

    Does anyone remember a late season meaningless midweek clash with WBA, 1982, probably. Both clubs were in roughly the same position as today, we'd scored about 2 goals in 6 games. The Baggies went 2-0, and 3/4 of the N Bank had left when we pulled one back in the last minute, and then an injury time equaliser through a Thierry Henry style handball from Alan Sunderland, I think. My money is on the draw again.

  2. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 20, 2016, 13:46 #88164

    Peter W - I'm sorry to say this but I think a 4-0 pulis (yuck) inspired baggie victory is the best we can hope for at this point in arsene fc's sorry decline.

  3. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2016, 12:56 #88163

    Just looked in Independent re Thursday game and it is reckoned that the lowest crowd yet will attend the Mall with a figure of 49 thou put forward. The picture they use is priceless and does it not look like a Wenger type crowd. One question - who gave up first? The fans or the manager. Think Wenger lost interest about 2004 if that's any help. Once the players who ran the show top to bottom were gone he had no self motivation/ability to push the club on football wise and of course with the stadium move and the cash to be made, football becomes a by-product. That picture should be pasted all over Holloway .... Untold update - moaning about Aguero offside and still moaning about Hammers ref and the super narrative of 'careful what you wish for' should Arsene just up and leave the club defenceless and in tears .... Subaltern text reads Come on you Eagles ... pleeeeeze ..... Rashford brace methinks ... other news has Wenger saying Jack is ready for Euros along with other great Arsene English spine who all seem to have well ... evaporated ...

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 20, 2016, 12:51 #88162

    There's stories going around that tomorrow might be the lowest attendance at the Emirates and I believe that they are going on general sale. My best guess is that if attendances start to dip under 50,000 questions may start getting asked even if they do announce crowds as 60,104. Let's hope we do start getting larger non attendance . He'll be getting pressure from all angles then.

  5. Peter Wain

    Apr 20, 2016, 11:57 #88161

    goal less draw tomorrow best we can hope for.

  6. mbg

    Apr 20, 2016, 10:46 #88160

    Leek, after your enforced absence and the battering your messiah and you AKB's have took this last while, is that your best shot ? your best effort ? My you AKB's really have hit rock bottom. wenger out.

  7. David

    Apr 20, 2016, 9:13 #88159

    In response to HowardL 22:33pm 19th Apr 2016 Rochey has it right in saying "The board will never sack Wenger as they see him as a success." Only when Wenger fails by either dropping out of Europe or having a bad start to the season a la Chelsea will matters change. For Arsenal, success is qualifying for the Champions League, and another 3rd/4th place trophy will provide that. Fan pressure may have some effect, but the board will look at what happened at Manchester United and think there is no need for change. Should Spurs perform next season and Arsenal don't then this season won't be seen as a one off and Wneger will probably leave by mutual consent, with only a few months left on his contract.

  8. bromley boy

    Apr 20, 2016, 8:39 #88158

    Wenger has brought a lot of our problems on himself with a number of failings and rightly so fans are unhappy and the abuse is getting worse and i have witnessed fights between Arsenal fans who are for/against wenger. what is pi**ing me of is that excuse for an owner is sitting thousands of miles away with no concerns about how us are feeling . for me both need to be removed not just wenger. will empty seats realy bother kronke ? no not a chance not with the new tv deal kicking in. Kronke is ever hardly at games to abuse him ( seen him once this season against Hull ) but he will be here for the shareholders meeting in mid october thats when we all need to turn up and protest and whatever it takes to get rid of him. so put that date in your diaries guys normally the middle thurs in october . whatever fan base you belong to ie the gooner , arseblog black scarf movement we all need to come together as one and remove him from our club.

  9. Rochey

    Apr 20, 2016, 7:54 #88157

    The board will never sack Wenger as they see him as a success. The only way to change their minds is by demonstration inside the ground where they cannot ignore it.

  10. Made Up Stat

    Apr 20, 2016, 7:27 #88156

    Wenger’s season in a nutshell: Lost the league when on a platter, lost the FA Cup, out (again) in first knock out stage of the CL, lost in League Cup to lower division opposition, lost the changing room, lost 75-80% of Arsenal supporters. Paid £8m for his services.

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 20, 2016, 6:25 #88155

    Leek: - Wenger has lost the right to tell people when to judge him. You are now part of the 25% not the 75% consistently on every poll voting him out. The papers are running stories on him now and thanks to Olley in the Standard for calling him and his tatics out first. The Telegraph are saying about player bafflement. If Van Gaal is Grandpa then old Weng is Grandma! When you talk about fools have a look at one on your brethrens report on Arsenal Palace. Now that really is foolish and why we will never win a title again until he goes and you get a dose of reality. Up the Arsenal down with Arsene

  12. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 23:40 #88154

    Joe S, I couldn't agree more, they are and will be as much to blame as wenger, and that will go down in history too, and they'll never be allowed to forget it either. wenger out.

  13. leek fc

    Apr 19, 2016, 22:51 #88153

    I'm sure Mr Wenger said ''judge me in May..... not in April'' .... you fools.

  14. HowardL

    Apr 19, 2016, 22:33 #88152

    Sorry to disagree with you David but why do we need to wait for a poor start in the league and/or getting turfed out of Europe in the qualifiers? Isn't that the nub of the problem? Arsenal make a good start, scrape though the qualifiers - and only THEN does the house of cards collapse when it's too late, as Wenger "doesn't want to upset the team spirit" and anyway no self-respecting team sells their best players in the January window to a competitor; even less likely next season so with more TV money washing around. Come on: we have all had enough - the lack of planning, tippy tappy side to side, poor tactics, APPALLING substitutions regardless of the state of the game and eventual loss of the dressing room. Surely you don't want to wait for Groundhog Day yet again?

  15. David

    Apr 19, 2016, 22:02 #88151

    "One more season of this purgatory is guaranteed unless the board grow some bollocks and give the manager his marching orders this summer" I wouldn't be too surprised if Wenger goes early next season. A poor start in the league and/or getting turfed out of Europe in the qualifiers will see him gone. It was easy to come up with excuses to lose the title to City, United & Chelsea with the cost of the stadium, but losing to Leicester and Spurs is another matter. With all the players returning from Euro 2016 fatigued, and Arsenal lurking in mid-table with Spurs challenging for the title, there will be real pressure on Wenger to abdicate. Mee, Neill, Howe and even Graham were measured against Spurs and all went within 12 months of finishing behind them in the league. The same fate will befall Wenger.

  16. Joe S.

    Apr 19, 2016, 21:03 #88150

    It looks like the Spuds are not going to bottle it, unlike our lot. Time to be afraid, very afraid. You lot in London are going to be in for a shower of ridicule if it does happen, but really it is mostly the AKBs who are going to go to hell for their blind allegiance and fear of change.

  17. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 20:37 #88149

    Tony Evans, great post, and TOF wasn't fit to give the guidance required as he hadn't it in him and still hasn't. I often wonder how he'd have faired and what he'd have done if he hadn't inherited George Grahams back four, although the last ten years tells us especially where the defence is concerned. wenger out.

  18. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 20:23 #88148

    Ed l, yes that would be the same English core that TOF smirked and grinned about and took praise for, that was going to be the back bone of Arsenal for years, and certain AKB wengerites (wherever they are)took great delight in telling us while praising their messiah at the same time for building the back bone of/for the England team for years also, (and off course it was lapped up and believed)and just like an Arsenal lead, all that didn't last long, you have to laugh. You really couldn't make it up. TOF out.

  19. Ron

    Apr 19, 2016, 20:02 #88147

    Hi Howard - it is contentious to deny invincibility i agree of that team. My personal view is that the word unbeaten always sufficed. Invincible denotes far greater achievement in my view. The fact is that they drew 12 games and didnt go on to do more than a title win in a league with only one other team in it who could have otherwise won it. They were a great team though and i saw 40 odd of those matches. We scraped it quite a few times in those draws and a few of the wins were highly fortunate. My view also is that the 98 team was better and would have beaten that 2004 team as much as they would have lost to them. A lot of Wengers trust is derived from that mythology of the class of 2004. For me his best years were 1997 to 2002. The 2004 team has put a sheen on Wengers career history. Im not re writing history just to get at him. Im just saying it how it was. Game 50 loss at OT wouldnt in my view have seen a total collective morale and spirit breakdown for 6 months afterwards if that team was fully invincible. The collapse of morale was Wenger led and flowed downwards. Its cooked his goose for me anyway. The antics in the tunnel at OT were one of the biggest embarrassments for Arsenal FC in its history as much so as any collapse since on the pitch. Not the mark of invincible s for me. The defeats suffered by Forest and Leeds at the end of their long in their unbeaten runs was handled properly by men who took defeat and got up and started again. Never would that have occurred with a Wenger team when a good long sulk would do instead.

  20. Tony Evans

    Apr 19, 2016, 20:02 #88146

    Ron - Wenger put together some great sides in his early days but like you I have had lingering thoughts that a more tactically aware, ruthless coach would have won more with those sides. Once the likes of Adams and Viera left and players were brought in that were much more reliant on their manager for guidance things quickly went downhill.


    Apr 19, 2016, 19:44 #88145

    Hmmm, someone mentioned singing a little song for the "benefit' of OGL. Well, I'm really old & remember a nice little ditty sung to Andy Pandy - "Time to go home, time to go home. Arsene is waving goodbye". There we are, short & sweet, does what is says on the tin & not a single obscenity to worry the Thought Police aka Stewards.

  22. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 19:18 #88144

    JER, yes remember the famed so called youth policy, (what ever become of it and where are they now)and TOF smirking and grinning like a Cheshire cat when we were beating lowly prem teams in the league cup after they were all draughted in yes where are they now ? ruined by wenger, our once great club is rotten from top to bottom and has become a laughing stock, and it's all down to one well past his sell by date of a manager stinking the place out. wenger out.

  23. Ed l

    Apr 19, 2016, 19:18 #88143

    Can you imagine the same boss all your working life moaning at you . I am unaware if Wenger even changes the coaches . Seemingly also player recruitment is still about developing talent rather than upgrades which allows useless millionaires to keep drawing a stipend in the hope they will become good at some time. I note our much vaunted English core who all signed new contracts are now being seen as surplus- in Theo s case only after a decade. Mourino is right -failure at Arsenal is acceptable in a way other clubs will not tolerate and I for one am utterly sick of it.

  24. Roy

    Apr 19, 2016, 19:07 #88142

    HowardL, think you'll find that the Boro game was at the start of the following season. Your point is still valid though, still one of the 49, and no, definitely not lucky !

  25. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 19:02 #88141

    Nick, the players questioning the great one will not go down well at all at all, a massive bruise for his overinflated ego that, he will not like it one bit, that just doesn't happen in wenger land, yes those players have signed their own death warrant, to be replaced with second rate cart horse yes men (if any) who won't question. Go now you old fraud.

  26. HowardL

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:43 #88140

    Ron - most of us want to see the back of Wenger but that's not a basis for changing history. The Invincibles were not "lucky" - the were, well, invincible, thanks to Henry, Bergkamp, Pires, Keown...... They came back from 1-3 v Boro to win 5-3 but I recall a superb goal goal by Dennis following quickly on Boro's 3rd. They didn't do losing. We were also 1-0 down in the final game - to Leicester I think - until it seemed to sudden dawn on them that history was there to be made; and the rest, as they say was history. It's not all been bad: with Wenger we've had the 7 years of plenty (oh Happy Days!), followed by 7 years of famine and now - well I guess we are wandering in the wilderness, none of which alters the fact that until this current regime goes nothing is likely to change.

  27. John E

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:35 #88139

    There has not been one single chant against Arsene inside the stadium and until that happens he wont budge and inch. Anyone that thinks the best course of action is to not turn up is deluded in the extreme. All you do is leave the people that don't mind Arsene staying inside the ground with no sign of any discontent. Grow some balls and organise a chant at a certain time within the stadium or accept a minimum of one more year and possibly four.

  28. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:17 #88138

    Tony Evans, yes there'll be plenty of bouncing on the pitch (and in the boardroom) when we secure those trophies (and their nailed on) and it will be a great day out for the AKB's when the dates are added to the others around the ground they can indulge in their Mexican waves to make up for the cancellation of their favourite cup. wenger out.

  29. Ron

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:14 #88137

    Tony - Perhaps we ve unwittingly unearthed the Stanley/Wengs masterplan here? Its the creation of mass bewilderment amongst players, staff and fans too. A bit like sleepy Suffolk in the mid 1640s when the authorities of the day started the witch hunts and created such a fear and confusion frenzy among the villagers that half of them were so confused they were falsely admitting witchery and blaming everybody else for it too to save their sorry skins. Today, the witches are the banner unfurlers and those who make an anti Wenger noise, however slight and so theyre ostracised,banned or hit while at the ground by nut jobs who cant hear an Arsene critique at any price. Wenger is the Witchfinder General and the stewards are his troops!! Kroenke and Co are the Magistrates!! This is perhaps why the Grove never boils up? I think I'm onto some thing here? TJ - Before i packed up membership in 2011 i used to go to pubs like the Tollington and some times the Rocket pre and post games. Back then and before ive been in discussions with guys i never really knew that started reasonably until the criticisms started of AW. Ive seen a few idiots lose it over those with the temerity to doubt him and say as much. Its was just doubts back then too, not the sheer anti we see now. A couple of mates of mine were up for sacking him after the Chelsea CL loss in 2004 and never did change their views. There are many whove felt the same for years and its not commonly known. My doubts gathered apace in 2004 after Old Trafford game 50. Easy to tell he was a bottler by then. So were a few of those players in that team too. The so called 'invincible s' were a very lucky team to win so many matches and any that saw them frequently used to say as much. We used to laugh at the luck they had to win matches at quite a few away trips. What im saying is that it could get very ugly there if many mobilised noisily v the regime for all of the reasons you rightly mention in yr post. There are just so many whove known no different to Wenger at the helm and its makes them queasy to imagine otherwise. Theres no excuse for any olde Worlde Gooners to prop up this regime though in my view. Its just sentiment that governs them.

  30. Alsace

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:13 #88136

    I (or rather my son and I) have an argument with my Dad and Cousin. Now my Dad isn't stupid and my cousin is a barrister. They think the sun shines from Monsieur Wenger's fundament. Yes. Really. So does Stan because only money matters. The only thing is of course that there is one other group of people who, like the AMG's would like to actually win something. Some of the players. Do you think it is possible that our team have looked at the example of Chelsea and are slowly levering TSOF out of position. I do hope so. Pulis on Thursday. Much though I dislike him, cometh the hour, cometh the man.

  31. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:08 #88135

    Anthony Walters: many have been stating over the past 6 - 8 years, the lunacy of some of Arsene's decisions before during and after a game. Recent was the admission that no defensive training was carried out to combat Andy Carroll, Wenger got away with in the early years because he had Tony Adams to manage for him on the pitch. Almunia is good enough to play for England, was another oft heard uttering from AW - it took 3 years before the penny dropped with that bonkers statement. Then our two Polish lads were the answer (thankfully Fabbi has gone on to establish himself)However you are so right about the substitutions, astonishing, the number of times "The Ox" has been hooked when having a really good game, does not surprise me he cannot find any form, the boy needs good solid managing and coaching and I am sure he will make it. I and many like me gave up years ago on "Project Youth or "Project Tippy Tappy" I am much further down the road than you Anthony and I am now fearing Arsenal doing a Villa! - trust me it will happen if things remain the same for another three years.

  32. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 18:01 #88134

    John F, thank god for small mercies another meaningless training session that's as useful as an ash tray on a motorbike, but I bet all the little junior AKB's and those who make the yearly excursion from Walton's mountain will be disappointed.

  33. Roy

    Apr 19, 2016, 17:50 #88133

    Well said TJ, couldn't have put it better myself. That is the ONLY way to get Wenger out before his contract is up.

  34. TJ

    Apr 19, 2016, 16:13 #88132

    The thing is, all the while we complain with words and not actions, no matter how perceptively and articulately we critique the manager (and there are many who are exceptionally good at that, especially Exeter Gooner, Ron and Jeff Wright), we're almost, in a sense, part of the problem rather than the solution. Stadium protests are impossible: banners are banned, Wenger fans care more about him than the club and won't tolerate him being questioned - which has already led to violence from them on occasions - so expect any success with chanting. Also, stadium attendance only falls when the team have a bad run of games. It's low right now because people can see we're stumbling into fourth place while Leicester and Spurs, with far less resources, are succeeding. We've been here before... These spells are always forgotten and the bowl is duly filled up again. Our best hope would either be to have a march or a petition which gained say 1 million + signatures. That would be really bad PR for the club and would make them have to consider the manager's position. The problem is people respect Wenger too much for the first half of his reign to challenge him on ruining us in the second! I can't agree: making us barely credible contenders for fourth in a terribly weak league is unforgivable no matter what he achieved before, and if you respect then save him from himself! He's undoing most of his good work from 1996-2006. Essentially then, until we are actually ORGANISED with our resistance, we cannot hope to change much or indeed anything. Personally, since I do not see that as likely I have decided to suspend my support until Wenger leaves because really the outcome each season is as predictable as a metronome - why would it be different next season if the man running it all can't change anything about himself?

  35. anthony walters

    Apr 19, 2016, 16:08 #88131

    bewildering decisions !i coached and managed for around 20 years at a senior and local level and played hundreds probably over a thousand matches under various managers and never can i recall when a game is tight at 1 nil up did i or any manager i played under make a substitution defending a corner on sunday wenger made a double one and only a fingertip save from cech prevented a goal.that is just basic game understanding and football management .i commented on it shaking my head to the bloke next to me sunday before the corner was taken.i cannot believe he did it.

  36. Tony Evans

    Apr 19, 2016, 15:30 #88130

    Ron - If match day fans won't protest the only other possibility of shifting Wenger out is player discontent because we all know the board will do nothing; so I hope these stories of player bewilderment are true and just maybe the start of a 'Chelskiesk' player revolt. Not holding my breath though because most of the little darlings like being on easy street, but we live in hope!

  37. Ron

    Apr 19, 2016, 15:21 #88129

    Just a thought, but on this stuff about the players being bewildered by Wenger and the days off etc etc, could it be indicative that maybe Wengers lost his interest now and that he s displaying an air of resignation about his fate?

  38. mbg

    Apr 19, 2016, 15:06 #88128

    Vinnie, with respect or we will go backwards ? what have we been doing for the last four years ? it's certainly not going forwards a couple of lucky FA Cup wins against mediocre opposition (although that's the level we're at now ourselves) TOF and his AKB's treated with distain or scraping fourth place every season to qualify for a comp to be humiliated and embarrassed in every year doesn't constitute progress to me, that's even before we get around to mentioning the prem and the football played in it, clueless, embarrassing, getting worse every season, mate we've been going backwards with clueless manager for years. Go now wenger your an embarrassment.

  39. Roy

    Apr 19, 2016, 14:43 #88127

    HowardL, I think you may be right. My old man, God rest his soul, used to have a saying ( well quite a few, actually ! ) " always hope for the best, but expect the worst ". If they manage to narrow the gap again by this time next week, which lets face it is quite likely, we may well need to prepare. Not content with handing one title to Manure, we now face the prospect of this. Thanks for that, Arsene.

  40. Tony Evans

    Apr 19, 2016, 14:03 #88126

    Where's Finsbury Joe disappeared off to, now that the Spuds are on the cusp of finally winning something (please God they don't obviously) has the unaccustomed excitement been too much for him I wonder?

  41. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 19, 2016, 13:54 #88125

    John E-if only it were that simple, there has been major discontent in the ground for a number of seasons now, fans fighting each other, the stewards, removing any anti wenger banners. The club are well aware of this and choose to do nothing. Not everyone would join in with any chant anyway. Far better for the sponsors etc to see thousands of empty seats and has was pointed out earlier, little business being done in the Arsenal shop. We are told that Wenger will decide when he is going to leave. The only business in the world where an employee tells the people who run and own the business when he will go. Total farce.

  42. HowardL

    Apr 19, 2016, 13:42 #88124

    Unfortunately Sp*rs last night were everything Arsenal used to be - creative, resilient and ruthless in front of goal (pause to wash mouth out) - things seemingly Arsenal will never be again under Wenger. In addition, Leicester look quite likely to implode following the awful refereeing of their game against West Ham; conspiracy theory beckons. I fear more than the loss of St Totteringham's day is on the cards ... we must prepare for the worst...

  43. John E

    Apr 19, 2016, 13:33 #88123

    The problem is the fans that have had enough and want change stay away and choose not to attend matches. The lack of any voice against Arsene inside the stadium on match days is what is keeping the situation as it is. The only possible chance of change this summer is if the fans actually turn up to voice their opinion where it matters, in the ground and not online! All that needs to happen is for a pre organised chant at a set time to be audible in the ground and the end of Arsene will be well within sight. THE ANSWER IS NOT TO STAY AWAY AND VOTE WITH YOUR FEET, ATTEND THE MATCH AND VOTE WITH YOUR VOICE. The chant does not even need to be that derogatory to Arsene. Something simple like 'Sorry Arsene, it's time to go' would suffice. If this does not happen at any of the remaining home games this season then there is no chance of any change happening until at the earliest next summer. It really is that simple.

  44. jjetplane

    Apr 19, 2016, 12:48 #88122

    Good post MARK and that has always been my point that Wenger is not a Sportz coach but a banal accountant type with an awful voice, rubbish vocabulary that would be better suited to something less public like a supermarket chain or investment bank but I guess the Emirates is like that - banal, souless with lots of food options and rubbish overpriced quazi sports clobber. As for an actual team to drive this corporate drivel - there isn't one. Over on Untold that match report reads like he was expecting a Rapture type experience that would deliver the deluded to the top of the PL mountain only to find himself still wading in remains of a mud slide. Even funnier is watching Arsene FC presently being squashed in the middle of the Manc clubs. Perhaps they will pop out like a cheap sausage and land in 5th place. Still - Jack is back and losing already. Strange too that Untold have a complete ban on mentioning the terrifying Totts and how their performance last night was better than the sum of Arsene's season.

  45. DJ

    Apr 19, 2016, 12:45 #88121

    Can anybody tell me what has happened to Bad Arse and Westlower? Did they formally resign from this site or have they just stopped posting. I know it has become too one-sided now even the players are questioning Wenger but I miss Baddy’s Shakespearian sonnets and Westie’s odds and conspiracy theories? Hiccup need more of your ironic pro Wenger posts that now seem more genuine that some of other AKB’s. They know who they are!

  46. Mark

    Apr 19, 2016, 12:29 #88120

    I better stick to writing emails in my own Name as These guys Keep deleting my comments when I try to throw some gallows humour our way. Stan Kroenke is said to be worth $7bln in the USA but unfortunately hes not like the Qataris or Roman A or Man U's americans and doesnt seem too bothered to chase that Special feeing of Sporting Glory. he would rather it tick over, provide some Entertainment, exploit the sales and be profitable annually. Worst for us is Stan has ended up with Wenger the perfect Manager for this Business model. In return Wenger's pocketed more than any other Manager - hes probably accumulated £100m over his 20 years incl Bonus etc. Incredible for a Sports Coach ? But wenger isnt or was he ever a Sports Coach ? my guess is we all watched Spurs last night and saw the Team Spirit, Determination, running power, maturity, mental + physical steel combined with some class. It reminded me of our Invinceables. Power + Grace. Where do we all go from here ? Do we Need to get used to playing Thursday nights and thats why the Club re-arranged the WBA match...? clever psychology ? Im doing my best not to sink into deep Depression about Arsenal These days such is the pain

  47. Hi Berry

    Apr 19, 2016, 12:11 #88119

    Torbay Gooner....yes, it's breathtaking how Untold blame everything including the kitchen sink for our woeful displays....Palace (and anyone else for that matter) should be fined for daring to set up defensively against us, the party poopers! An endless source of amusement, though, as statistics are trotted out to prove black is white!

  48. JER

    Apr 19, 2016, 11:46 #88118

    Spurs fans last night singing "Arsene Wenger, we want you to stay", sums it up really. Just to illustrate the apathy, lethargy and lack of ambition in our club, the reserves (under 21) needed to win just one of their last two games to be promoted as champions - they lost both. They were relegated, yes relegated, a couple of seasons ago. The under 18's are in the bottom half of their league. There is no longer a winning mentality in our club.

  49. Nick

    Apr 19, 2016, 11:22 #88117

    I suppose over on the untold Arsenal site they'll be bemoaning that Stoke deliberately rolled over to let their exposed belly be tickled by the spuds last night, Jamerson will no doubt be in agreement with them. On Thursday we shall have an opportunity for the players to " respond" to yet another damaging result for the umpteenth time this season and lord knows how many times over the last ten years ! There are reports circulating about Ozil and others questioning Wengers team selections and the failure to strengthen properly in the summer, that should indicate to those with a brain that Wenger has lost the dressing room, lost the respect of the players, when that happens a managers days are usually numbered but in this case it is probably the players who complain too much who will be the sacrificial lambs! Leaving Wenger to do what he likes best gamble on kids and crocks while buying only from the bargain basement to replace the class that leaves in the process of course making even more money for the bewigged yank, which is Wengers only real remit !! Since my first game as a five year old in 1958 i have been a confirmed gooner , the fortunes of the Arsenal have always been an integral ingredient of my own personal happiness, but now i have taken the decision to go no more to games to cancel my membership, i will not go to games anymore ( which will please my doctor and physiotherapist) until Wenger has departed our club, there can be no excuses for this season NONE ! Wengers decision not to buy outfield players, his lack of tactical nous, his insistence on playing a style which required EXCELLENCE from the players for it to work and is otherwise like watching paint dry, along with his preconceived substitutions and the catalogue of hammerings and humiliations suffered over these last few seasons and finally his dismissive arrogance toward supporters like myself sand his hubris in saying that HE created this club are the straws that have broken this camels back , i will still watch us on tv , i will ALWAYS want us to win every game we play i will ALWAYS love the Arsenal but i am divorcing myself from this French CHARLATAN!!

  50. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 19, 2016, 10:14 #88116

    Don't worry about what Simon Rose says. Simon writes a blog, therefore like all others of his ilk is only interested in getting hits on it to show to prospective advertisers. Meanwhile back to the present: this end to the season reminds me of 1985/86 where a decent side just went through the motions. Unfortunately it may be that we don't get another manager at the end of it though. Right now I'd happily take 5th place if it meant anything changing. Yes overall it's been a p**s poor season but Leicester and Totts aren't at the top for nothing. Both play attritional counter attacking football, which wins games nowadays. Something OGL hasn't been able to work out it seems. Our neighbours are flying right now, who wouldn't think they can win the league after last night.

  51. Mark

    Apr 19, 2016, 9:51 #88115

    THOMAS-Couldnt agree more.Its the fans not the players who have kept Wenger in a job.At any other club there would be Wenger Out banners around the ground,walkouts and protests in and outside the ground.Gazidis said it himself the fans will be the one's to decide goes Wenger goes.But our fans are pathetic clinging on to a belief that a couple of FA cup wins last 16 in the CL every year and continued 4th place finishes is success.In the last year there has never been so many great managers available Prp,Mourinho,Ancelotti and Klopp at the same time and we missed out on them we are stuck with a manager whose tactics are out of date.Its painful watching Arsenal these days every performance blends into the next one.We are so ****ing predictable.So all those fans who still go to games get off you arses and protest or that clown Wenger will get another 3 year contract.Just think about that

  52. Torbay gooner

    Apr 19, 2016, 9:43 #88114

    Just read the match report on 'Untold Arsenal',absolutely hilarious!


    Apr 19, 2016, 9:28 #88113

    All comments are noted and accepted, all the same stuff written for a few seasons, all in agreement of our status and ridiculous situation. Even AKB's have stopped commenting now as they are mostly converted to WOB's. The really problem now and the biggest culprits are US THE FANS. The reason this will not happen in other clubs is because the fans will be singing Wenger out for 90 min every home and away game. We are accepting he is staying one more year WHY?, I assure you if the stadium is made ours, I.e. A protest for 90 min, he has to go, it's bad for business. But unfortunately for us and very fortunately for Wenger and the board we are a bunch of pethatic wet rags of a fan base that accept being shafted and pay for the privilege. Yes we write great articles but we don't sing or shout. Even non season ticket holders can organise outside stadium protest, remember Terry Niel/Don Howe days at the end? It's in the fans hands but we don't see it and have no balls to do anything about it.

  54. Stuart

    Apr 19, 2016, 9:24 #88112

    And end of season feel is exactly right, Kevin. Sadly, it's been an end-season feel for the best part of a decade.

  55. Jamerson

    Apr 19, 2016, 8:06 #88111

    Mark-Even if the totts won the league which I don't think they will it would have little effect on me,apart from my pride being slightly dented as I have little contact with anybody who supports that ridiculous club.They are based in an area which for what I can make out is very poor and run down with a huge crime rate that involves a Turkish mafia and heroin.The area is hugely multi-racial yet I see very few of these people watching the spuds unlike at Arsenal.In fact I bet most of those who live in Tottenham couldn't give a damn about their local team as they have more pressing issues about surviving each day in a tough environment.They probably get sick of 30,000 middle class white folk descending on their area every two weeks to cheer on the tiny totts and I don't blame them,so in a nutshell spuds mean nothing to me.

  56. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:45 #88110

    Burrowing their way into fourth, like the arse groove in Homer Simpson's favourite chair, and with the attitude to match - lazily satisfied with just above average. When the shills at Kroenke Enterprises UK Franchise Head Office heard that The Arsenal had gone up one point after the Palace match, they high - fived each other and whooped like an NFL cheersquad, interpreting the news as an increase in share dividends. Bugger this, next Saturday I'm off to see if Boreham Wood can stay in the Conference (or whatever it's called now - National League?!) by beating Guiseley at home. Surely that has to be more interesting, at least they'e both got something to play for.

  57. Bergkampmagic

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:37 #88109

    How has it come to this? We can still mathematically win the league but our players couldn't give a toss. Our manager can't motivate them, he's run out of our ideas. The ideas he does have belong in the past. There must be change. Wenger must go and we the fans have to make this happen. We have to show how passionate we are about our club and that we want it back. If Wenger has an ounce of dignity he will just leave without being asked but we know that won't happen..It's time to stand up and be counted. To the tune of that'Everywhere we go' song 'It's time to go, 'It's time to go! Arsene you know, Arsene you know,it's time to go!!!

  58. Charlie George Orwell

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:28 #88108

    Mark from Aylesbury: Yes, also saw the Sports page in the Telegraph that declares: 'Players Baffled by Wenger's Team Selections'. With Ozil publicly stating a couple of weeks ago that Wenger was wrong not to strengthen the outfield positions pre-season, it adds up to a very out of sorts dressing room. What really annoys me too is the attitude of Steve Bould - a fighter who's transformed from lion to sheep, a leader turned into a yes man just to line his pockets at the obscene Premiership pig trough that is modern footy. There really is no shame anymore in the Arsenal corridors of power.

  59. Tony Evans

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:25 #88107

    Not only are we nailed on favourites for the 4th place trophy we are bang on course to win the possession stats cup, the most chances missed cup and the newly created 'Stan Kronke' stock market investment trophy. Not such good news on the most injured players in a season trophy which we have proudly held for the last 10 years, as Man U and Newcastle are currently ahead, but Wally and Jack have vowed to fight to the finish and will get back to the treatment room ASAP. FInally St Totteringhams day has been cancelled this year due to unforeseen circumstances.

  60. Vinnie

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:25 #88106

    Great article and very worrying Really makes the case that we desperately need change Move forward or we will go backwards

  61. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 19, 2016, 7:18 #88105

    Jambi - saw a picture of Jack tenderly holding his ankle in the reserves . They'd be foolish to give him anymore than the gentlest of introductions. What's your take on Spurs winning the title?

  62. Far far away fan

    Apr 19, 2016, 4:41 #88104

    If Spurs win the title, it will be Wenger's fault. Wenger must fall on his sword if the abominable Spurs overhaul LCFC. God, I hope LCFC win two more games and secure the title.

  63. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 23:43 #88103

    Oh dear this (so called) small time outfit from down the road aren't bottling it either unlike the small time outfit from up the road. Go now wenger you embarrassment.

  64. Jamerson

    Apr 18, 2016, 23:40 #88102

    Now super-jack is back we'll be ok.Proper gooner Jack,you won't find him praising up any half baked spuds.

  65. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 18, 2016, 22:36 #88101

    Just when it could not get any worse. Should the unthinkable happen (I cannot bring myself to say it) and their 55 year wait comes to an end, it will indelibly stain weng's legacy. If it doesn't happen, I'm gonna party like it's 1999 because that'll be the only crumb of comfort from this disastrous season. Hoping too for an outside the big money league finish so stan's toupee starts to twitch as he countenances taking a hit on his ill-gotten gains and wonders whether to press the ejector seat button (some chance!). They're Scumbags working to kill our club and hit pay dirt. Maybe if we all spit in their direction, a saliva tsunami will wash them out of north London. Love Arsenal - hate the parasites.

  66. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2016, 22:15 #88100

    Matt Law in the Telegraph has run the first "Players don't understand Wenger" stories. Expect more to come. Looks like Wenger is losing the team and now they have a choice. One more year with Le Loser or kiss him off now

  67. jjetplane

    Apr 18, 2016, 22:13 #88099

    Jamerson has done it again with the free scoring Spuds who outplayed his other team Stokalona .... Jack scored tonight and lost with the reserves - Who's the big team now?

  68. Stat man

    Apr 18, 2016, 22:11 #88098

    Dub Gooner.....won the league cup twice.

  69. nicistyx

    Apr 18, 2016, 22:08 #88097

    Finally the last nail in Arsenals coffin is being hammered in. The Lillywhites from ****efart lane are dancing in the streets of North London. Goodnight Irene.

  70. Augustus Flair

    Apr 18, 2016, 21:53 #88096

    Like I say, useless Spurs with their lucky 4-0 away wins! Arsene Wenger and his red 'n' s***e army! O yes.

  71. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2016, 21:47 #88095

    Real pressure on Leicester now I wonder what the Coleslaw is thinking the man who's apparently played at all levels but can't recognise a decent team. Tottenham or Leicester win the title, we finish 5th sometimes the **** has to happen. As Ron said previously, the whole festering lot has to collapse

  72. Shu

    Apr 18, 2016, 21:36 #88094

    I really think that top 4 is not going to happen , he is a joke .

  73. Augustus Flair

    Apr 18, 2016, 21:13 #88093

    Just watching our useless neighbours at Stoke with their pathetic, gritty, sometimes inspired, and fairly exhilarating brand of football... whoops... wrong thing to say here... C'mon Arsene and the scintillating Aaron and Wally... O yes! (Sorry, I'm old and increasingly confused.) Hah, Spurs eh? Rubbish team, rubbish manager.

  74. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 18, 2016, 20:31 #88092

    "Oi you Wenger loving AKB's! Where are you? Where are you? Let's be 'avin' you! Come on!"

  75. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 18, 2016, 20:11 #88091

    "Pathetic," he said. "That's what it is. Pathetic." - Eeyore (A A Milne) WENGER OUT! KROENKE/GAZIDIS OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  76. John F

    Apr 18, 2016, 20:02 #88090

    I see Arsenal have cancelled the Emirates cup this year.I am gutted and worried for Wenger's witless wonders.No hands on a trophy this year,no selfies,no Mexican wave to smile at,no trying to convince us that Wenger is right not sign anyone by show boating their way to a meaningless trophy ,what are they to do.Stan probably thinks it is a real,unlike his hair.Perhaps we could play a team and invent a cup.We have got to carefully select the team to make sure the boys can win it I suggest Birmingham but no we lost to them in the cup.How about Bradford,no good either,Sheff Wed can't do them.Newcastle,as long as they give us a four goal lead,no can't do that.Swansea,Southampton,Watford none of these will do.I have settled on S****horpe.We can call it the Wiggy cup.

  77. Jamerson

    Apr 18, 2016, 19:41 #88089

    Time to watch another long ball bore-fest between stoke and the spuds yawnzzzzz.

  78. JackL

    Apr 18, 2016, 19:23 #88088

    You couldn't make it up. I've just looked at the Arsenal official web site and the headline is 'The Breakdown:Crystal Palace(H)'

  79. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 18, 2016, 19:14 #88087

    An AKB justification that was still doing the rounds was 'We're doing better than the other big clubs'. Except that's not true anymore, is it. Man C are now above us and in a CL semi and have won the league cup. Man U are just below but are in an FA Cup SF. Liverpool are in a Europa SF. Did you hear the Palace fans at the end singing about going to Wembley? Even they have got more to look forward to than us. Everton and Watford also have this to look forward to. Add in the obvious of Leicester and Spurs and that's 8 clubs having a better, more exciting season than AFC.

  80. UTU

    Apr 18, 2016, 19:13 #88086

    Same Sh*T Different Day. Nothing to See Hear Move along. As Long Fans but Season Tickets and Match Day Tickets The Arsenal will stagnate. Regime Change is necessary !

  81. Kenny

    Apr 18, 2016, 19:12 #88085

    Some of us on here have been saying since last august that we wouldn't win the title it was a no brainier. Signing Cech alongside the bottlers of last season was never going to bring us the title.Add to that our clueless manager.But the likes of Simon Rose kept writing articles saying if we go on a 20 game winning streak and when Walcott and Giroud score in every game we can still win the title,Simon we will never win another title in the next 20 years because the club is now built in the image of Wenger.Finish 4th is everything.And when he does go he will select his successor.We havent finished top 2 for 11 years.This has been a rotten season but only those with their heads in the sand couldnt see it coming.This club has nothing to do with Arsenal FC its Arsene FC

  82. Dub Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:53 #88084

    When he talks on the screen before the matches give a slow handclap! He was great but his attitude to OUR club has gone beyond a joke. Listen Arsne, Arsenal were formed in 1986, not 1996. In the 10 years before he came we won the league twice, the FA cup once, the league cup once (when those trophy's really counted)and the cup winners cup. Yes he was good but all things must end. Time for a manager who will not tolerate sub-standard players.

  83. HowardL

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:41 #88083

    Good report; fairly predictable equaliser and could have been a defeat. I just had to watch the Wenger interview - as if I hadn't suffered enough yesterday. AW was asked whether Arsenal could still win the Premier League ..... and replied that he hadn't yet had a chance to calculate it! What is that man on - has he no shame? The answer Arsene is, remarkably, yes, albeit a guarded yes as William Hill will give you 80-1 (1/4 Leicester and 3/1 Spuds). I've been worrying about a Leicester implosion for weeks so if Wenger could stick £8m on the the Spuds he wouldn't need to stay at Arsenal. Please Arsene, spare us this torture ...

  84. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:34 #88082

    Nick, good post, but the problem with fans like arseblog and others on that site having said that (and there's still one or two floating about on here also) is they'd keep him in the blink of an eye, they'd change their minds quicker than the weather, a decent run against mediocre opposition with a couple of good results, and a couple of good decisions like wally coming on and scoring the winner and you'd hear the mumble from them, ermmm maybe, just maybe we've been a bit harsh on him, just maybe he's seen the light, and they'd be giving him the benefit of the doubt again (for the 50th time) and they'd be back to AKB's again, pathetic, (it's him and others like him who have been part of the problem for years if they'd have took they're heads out of the sand years ago we could have been well on our way by now) until of course the inevitable happened as it always does and always will. wenger out now.

  85. Mark From Aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:17 #88081

    He let us slip from 1st to 2nd he didn't care, he let us slip from 2nd to 3rd he didn't care..... He let us slip from 3rd to 4th ... Now he starts to care. What a self serving loathsome individual he is . A wrecker of the clubs proud name.

  86. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:11 #88080

    Red Member, excellent post, one to be read and re read again, thought about and read again, Post of the day.

  87. Hiccup

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:03 #88079

    What I find disappointing is the lack of perspective usually supplied by the AKB's on here. I'm past caring about match analysis and wenger's substitutions and tactics etc, as the same sh!t has been done to death. Amazed that anyone still gives a toss and can be arsed to dissect and analyse the circus show? My entertainment comes from reading the AKB's take on things which there used to be an abundance of on here. They are so ignorant these days thay don't even pop by to tell us to **** off down the Lane. What we really need right now to lighten the mood is a Circular article warning us to be careful what we wish for. Or how about an update from Simon Rose, in no less than 10,000 words, outlining the fine margins as to whether a team can consider itself in a title challenge at that all important 33 game mark. It's all rather scientific. Right, I've found that link to that title predictor site. It's very theraputic. Last time I did this I had us winning the league at a canter. Let's see if I can get us finishing in the top 4 this time around...

  88. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 18:01 #88078

    Tony Evans, he'd no doubt motivate himself though. wenger out.

  89. Nick

    Apr 18, 2016, 17:55 #88077

    Seriously considering cancelling my membership , how any AKB can make excuses for this season I dont know, how much more evidence do they need before it hits home that they are hero worshiping a charlatan? Jamerson takes the biscuit by claiming that this years title is beneath his purist god because the likes of Leicester win by being gritty and pragmatic, you couldn't make it up ! If tip tap, tip tap, slow, slow , little faster , slow ,sideways and backwards is his idea of good football he is as deluded as his hero , Wenger for the sake of sanity just GO !

  90. goonersol

    Apr 18, 2016, 17:20 #88076

    Just read, Emirates Cup cancelled this year, due to Euro's and relaying pitch....more like , whats the point, cant even win that nowadays...whole place is a shambles, Wenger, kroenke, Gazidis Out....

  91. Croker

    Apr 18, 2016, 17:12 #88075

    There won't be any Champions League for the 4th placed team if City or Liverpool win a European title.

  92. Ron

    Apr 18, 2016, 17:10 #88074

    Good stuff Kev. Gooner Ron - not sure what there is to be 'frustrated' about really. You've had 10 years of preparation for this annual charade. Do you really mean that its frustrating that you still cant stop yself refusing to see the writing on the wall? Many still do in that bowl of silence. The truth is that the shambles v CP is a good thing. Its just a pity that CP never got the winner. An Adebayor goal would have been just the tonic. No amount of persuasive argument for change will prompt change there. Only a s low lingering and tortuous death for this regime will cause it. The oxygen needs starving out of the Club and Saturdays result is part of that process. Its happening already and has been doing for a while. Its just a case of when the Wenger years suffocate, not if they do.

  93. Peter

    Apr 18, 2016, 16:28 #88073

    Did you see AW comment this morning that "we are lacking confidence"? What is he on? We have 2 world cup winners as well as so many internationals all on fantastic salaries. Therefore they don't even think we can win a game and are just there for the money. He's the one that should be installing confidence if it is lacking.

  94. 1971 Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 16:00 #88072

    I think the continued presence of Theo Walcott in an Arsenal shirt will one day be seen as a metaphor for Arsene's declining years. Did anyone else see the wonderful moment when in acres of space and two players making runs forward, he managed to run straight at two Palace players, one of whom deftly disposed him, leaving him in a heap on the floor. Utterly clueless player to go with a clueless manager. Bring in Ronald Koeman for next season.

  95. Mark

    Apr 18, 2016, 15:57 #88071

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Ronald Koeman + Dennis Berkhamp please come to save us

  96. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 15:19 #88070

    Did you see the close up shot of TOF raving at Bould on the bench ? God only knows what he was slabbering about (you can be sure it was somebody else's fault anyway) and bould head turned away completely ignoring him, it says it all, he has not only lost the fans, dressing room, but backroom staff too, TOF is done, finished he has no respect left and deserves none. go now wenger your not wanted any more.

  97. EN1AFC

    Apr 18, 2016, 15:10 #88069

    21 shots on goal yesterday, only 6 of those on target and a goal to show for it. We've been awful at the back all season but somehow have the third best defensive record, but it's the lack of goals that has cost us. Put a top class striker up front and he's scoring 25+ I have no doubt about that. Which brings us back to our esteemed manager.. Every man and his f*****g dog knew we needed a top class striker and what does he do? F**k all. Stubborn c**t. Oh well, we are back in our rightful place of fourth place, which is like winning a trophy after all. Even watching it on the box yesterday it felt like a pre season Emirates cup game, no passion at all. The whole club has gone stale and is in need of a shake up, top to bottom. Will it happen as long as we finish in the top 4 and we continue to make money? No. This isn't the Arsenal football club I fell in love with. Shame on those who have let it come to this selling our soul for financial gain.

  98. CT Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 14:46 #88068

    Listening to the singing from the crowd yesterday, you'd have thought we were still in Woolwich, "south Londonderry number one", then I realized we don't play in "red and blue". WTF, 3000 fans making more noise than our 50000?? This can't be all down to the new middle class supporters, no, our perormances and lack of passion has permeated into the crowd...,

  99. jjetplane

    Apr 18, 2016, 14:46 #88067

    Noticed on Untold they still have no match report so are they using the wait 48 hours as instructed by that blokie wot used to come on here wiv his circulars (ooh matron!) so as to see with a calm mind that all is still perversely tranquil in the edenic garden that is the Emirates. Great, heart felt stuff from Kev but I remember saying all this the first time I saw Wenger on the box in his first season here. I just knew that he would eventually want a stadium/food emporium filled to the rafters with disciples of a 100 things to do with black pudding and a thermometer and all their kids names start with St John/Jude er Judas .... The picture above is an interesting study in itself and a few in that bottom row would never issue a 'wot the **** was 'at you ****ing dildo!' Mind you I nearly got chucked out of the old west stand for using just such a florid flow when Arsenal were being spanked and that was before the current devil moored up in Islington ..... Thank you RON and HICCUP for much mirth and it really is the balearics that AKBs will be cheering on Stoke this evening. Got to be honest - Stoke have played at times this season, football Arsene can only dream of ... As for Tottenham - well they may well overhaul Leicester and if there were a few more games then Klopp would be sailing past Wenger. Just popping back to Untold as the comments section is beginning to crumble ever so slightly and strains of mutiny can be verily seen. 'I say Webster - I think they want you on the plank Sir!' .... ps loved last week's football and well done to Ath Madrid, Liverpool, Hibs, Brighton and Horsham!

  100. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 18, 2016, 14:24 #88066

    Vin-No worries, no doubt our striker signing this summer will be the return of Sanago. There's a pleasant thought to keep us all going throughout the next transfer window.

  101. Vin

    Apr 18, 2016, 14:20 #88065

    Newcastle have scored more goals at home than us. Good move not signing a striker in the summer

  102. AJH

    Apr 18, 2016, 14:12 #88064

    Can only agree with most of what has been written. I said to my lad 10 mins into the second half this has 1-1 all over it and surprise surprise look at what happened. I had to laugh when Theo ran into a Palace player fell to the floor and smacked his hands on the ground in distgust at not getting a free kick what a wally he really is, Wenger out.

  103. Peter Wain

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:59 #88063

    We were awful yesterday with no invention in midfield at all and little pace up front. When Giroud and Walcott came on we were worse if anything. We need some world class defenders and defensive mid field players if we are going to progress but as we will not buy any one faint hope of that. Wenger needs to go and take the board and owner with him. Without this we face a bleak season. The tempo yesterday was the slowest I have ever seen go now Wenger please.

  104. Clockend Mike

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:37 #88062

    Thanks once again Kev - spot on. If Liverpool win the Europa and Man City finish above us then no CL for us next year. Surely some bright spark at the Club has worked this one out. Fourth place guarantees nothing with the recent run of results suggesting that achieving this may be tricky. We have to face both Norwich and Sunderland, who are fighting for their lives, Man City who are on a run plus Aston Villa who will probably decide to turn up and play. Whatever happens between now and the season finale AW will be back for 16/17 due to his £8M salary plus I doubt a replacement has been found or even sounded out. The Club may have millions in the bank, but from a business perspective their vision and strategy is poor.

  105. If Simeone can do it twice, why can't Wenger even do it once?

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:23 #88061

    Latest from the loons at Untold. Apparently Wenger tells his players to lower their performance levels at the end of each season so the board won't think of selling them on for big bucks. You heard it there first folks.

  106. DJ

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:02 #88060

    Wenger has done it again, in his press conference he talked out the battle to finish in the top four. Therefore brainwashing his final few followers into believing if we beat Villa a t home to secure fourth place the season would be a resounding success. Cue open top bus parade down Threadneddle Street and dividends thrown up in the air. Shareholders are as much too blame for this mess for the last X many years hey have applauded Wenger as if he is some sort of financial genius not a football manager!

  107. Guern gunner

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:00 #88059

    Fan since 1979 and stopped going in December 2012 after an embarrassing 0-2 at home to Swansea. Red memberships cancelled and in August last year I cancelled sky / BT after 15 odd years as a customer. They have phoned me 6 times since then to get me to subscribe again - draw your own conclusions from that.As I live overseas that is the only way I can protest but change has to come - its embarrassing stuff every week these days. Wenger out.

  108. Pradeep Kachhala

    Apr 18, 2016, 13:00 #88058

    An article which sums up every fan's view - I believe that the vast majority respect Arsene for what he has achieved but like many great leaders of the past he must be forcibly moved on. I don't see it happening this summer unless we finish 5th but then again I dont trust the current board to change anything let alone pick a suitable replacement. Players like Ozil and Sanchez will move on when the recognise the investment in players will not come and next season I predict will be very tough with 8 teams realistically going for a top 4 spot. The club has stood still and will continue to do so unless someone with a set of balls on the board stands up and makes change

  109. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:44 #88057

    I think it is a bit of chin up time. We often moan that the crowds will turn up each week because they all love Wenger and the crowd will sit their appluading because they've all gone middle class. But what I hear is tons of empty seats and booing. Isn't that what we want? Let's be honest about this if we want him out empty seats and those who are present booing is the way forward. Therefore Sunday's match was job done from where I'm standing.

  110. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:40 #88056

    King Jeremy, that's where wenger has brought us now, but no need to feel guilty as someone else has said, and I agree, it could/will be the best thing to happen.

  111. Lord Froth

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:24 #88055

    I, like many others are just sick of this now. I didn't even watch any football at all this week. I just can't be bothered any more. Thanks for that Wenger. It doesn't even matter if we're not that good, I just want the feeling back that the players and the club want to win and are doing their best. If they (owner, board and manager) don't give a f*** then why should I spend any money or invest any emotion in the results? If we somehow scrape 4th and Liverpool win the Europa League or Man City the CL then they're going to bump us. In that even I'll just be thinking 'In your face Wenger'. We're never going to win the CL with him in charge so I don't even care if we're not in it next season. Six s**t group games followed by a pathetic capitulation in the last 16th regardless of who we play. I'm cancelling all my TV subscription when this season is finished so they're not getting any money from me and they can go f*** themselves. W*****s. Sorry for all the swearing but the greedy b******s just p*** me off so much.

  112. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:24 #88054

    RedShirts, that's what this old fraud of a manager has done to us all mate, and been allowed to too, sad. wenger out now.

  113. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:21 #88053

    John E: Very good point about our fanbase, I saw the light 7 years ago and have not been since the 2-1 defeat at Stoke, for me, the most cowardly performance I ever saw from an Arsenal team. From that point on I stopped using my Arsenal credit card and have not bought any Arsenal merchandise since. You also are right to mention "The Gooner" fanzine, if it threw in it's lot behind changing not just the management but the board structure, then we would have a body to get behind to organize support and collective action. The problem is as each year passes I care less & less about this fake Arsenal and enjoy watching Div 1 football, which has a basic honesty that left Premier League football years ago.

  114. anthony walters

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:19 #88052

    motivation and balance are key to the problems and arsene has to be accountable with his job.this squad is a good one but the players simply aren't performing as a team or wirh enough desire .nothing epitomises that more than alexis sanchez most of the best stuff yesterday came from him he was throwng himself at headers and working his socks off to score and create and was probably our man of the match yet misplaced passes regularly showed no interest in helping bellerin who when ramsey and campbell with him on the right plays superbly but alexis with him he is half the player.sanchez when switched to the left in the latter stages yet again was desperately poor constantly cutting in on his right to a crowd of players.gabriel too whilst he did a fair amount of good stuff he got knocked off the ball too weakly on more than one occasion and he had plenty of chances to tackle adebayor for their goal and marking nobody in the next phase failed to close the shooter down probably restricting cechs line of vision too.

  115. mbg

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:12 #88051

    Your spot on Ed the fans have stopped caring, they really have it was even obvious from the comfort of my settee, and the one thing I noticed was how of often you could actually clearly hear the players shouting at each other especially in and around the penalty area, such was the atmosphere in the ground (the usual things like leave it calling for a pass etc, etc, certainly not encouragement)yes the fans have stopped caring even the wengerites and AKB's I've no doubt about that it's just that they'll never admit it now and lose face. As for the little nice smelling dwarfs themselves ? have they ever cared ? any of them ? is there any of them fit to wear the shirt ? the answer is absolutely not, all thanks to a not fit for purpose manager whose lost the plot and long past his sell by date and has been stinking the place out for years, I've said before he's lost the dressing room ages ago but the little pampered premadonnas are sitting to comfy to admit it and/or do something about it (shame on them) and TOF of a manager is to egoistic and arrogant to admit it and just bumbles on and on from one embarrassment to another nearly every game we play, what have we, and this club done to deserve this old fraud, go now old man. wenger out.

  116. Jude

    Apr 18, 2016, 12:10 #88050

    "Stale, unmotivated atmosphere" sums it all up. Wenger has well and truly overstayed his welcome. Replacing Iwobi, Welbeck, and Elneny -- three in-form players -- with Ramsey, Giroud, and Theo beggars belief. The former have been a breath of fresh air. The latter represent, as others have suggested, overpaid, complacent mediocrity. Looking to those three in a time of need -- when they've done next to f**k all this season -- is mad. Ramsey comes on and immediately wants to show us flicks and back heels. It makes for difficult viewing. If Alexis and Mesut have any sense, they'll head for the door. Ours is a sinking ship with a hapless captain at the helm.

  117. Red Member

    Apr 18, 2016, 11:55 #88049

    John E - Nail on the head, very good post. this morning I am not sure what I am more angry about - the performance of the team yesterday OR the performance of our supporters. I think Arsenal currently has the manager our fanbase deserves

  118. John E

    Apr 18, 2016, 11:40 #88048


  119. Snowbiggee

    Apr 18, 2016, 11:16 #88047

    @Red Member thanks for the education.I always wondered why the same people turn up every week! p.s. I was a season ticker holder for 25 years.

  120. Red Member

    Apr 18, 2016, 11:09 #88046

    why were there no banners that you see at away games on display yesterday? it is the feeble fanbase that is keeping Wenger in a job. Gazidis was right when he said that fans would have a say in Wenger's future. At the moment I would say that the majority of people who go to the Emirates are content with Wenger in charge still

  121. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2016, 11:01 #88045

    A further 72/25 vote he should go this time in the Express. They could run the poll in House and Garden Magazine the middle class house wives would vote go as well. You'd still get 75% vote goodbye to Wenger. I gather he got the chorus of boos so maybe it is slowly and surely sinking in that he is unable to take em any further.

  122. Mathew

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:59 #88044

    Congratulations Gooners, we have done it ! 4th place is ours..

  123. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:58 #88043

    Watched Colchester v Peterborough at the weekend, apparently the Posh owner told his players, pre match, they were playing for their future, the result, a 4-1 win for Peterborough. Imagine Stan telling Arsene's little cherubs that before a game!

  124. Red Member

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:58 #88042

    snowbiggee - you are missing the point. season ticket holders have already paid for their tickets for Thursday. and then at the end of the season they will all pay that lovely Mr Kroenke for all of their tickets for next season. and on we go. whilst the fanbase is still happy to do this then why should anything change?

  125. Edmund

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:55 #88041

    Wenger made a big mistake by signing a 3 year contract after the FA Cup win. Should have left on a high. A lot of other clubs would love a manager that gives then top four every year.


    Apr 18, 2016, 10:51 #88040

    The mission statement 1996: "MY AIM IS SIMPLE - TO MAKE ARSENAL NOT JUST THE BEST IN THE PREMIERSHIP, BUT THE BIGGEST AND BEST CLUB IN THE WORLD." Not much to say other than how very sad to see someone ruin their reputation & slide into a delusional world, fuelled by Micawberish wishful thinking that something will eventually "turn up". My ONLY hope is that the much vaunted "soccer"Business Plan will now be reasessed as it will be under genuine threat sooner than the Corporation had ever thought.

  127. Nick

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:49 #88039

    When even Arseblog calls for Wenger to go you know things are bad ! Arsenites are like old folk who dream of the golden summers of youth, choosing not to remember the rainy , stormy , cold days, and indeed under Wenger Arsenal are just like the English weather a thing of beauty to behold on those odd few days when the sun shines forth but as likely to be dreary , wet and miserable at a moments notice,these title " challenge" collapses are an almost annual occurrence just like the seasons themselves, and the only constant is Wenger himself , players have come and gone but the malaise remains, the source of said malaise is Wenger himself, its time we treated this problem in fact its long overdue, but those in charge of the clubs health are I fear negligent, refusing even to see our club is sick!!

  128. Snowbiggee

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:44 #88038

    If there is ever going to be a game where the season ticket holders all boycott,it's surely West Brom on Thursday. Make it happen.

  129. EborGooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:42 #88037

    Gaz post 93119 - that just summed up my feelings perfectly. I used to really CARE about our games. I'd get excited about our chances, shout at the players, and get completely caught up in the whole experience. Nowadays I really just watch what's going on. I almost never shout or scream at the players. Very rarely do I feel excitement/ delight at a win (or great despair at defeat, for that matter) because I know that, ultimately, it will all lead to nothing. Thank you Mr Wenger. You have destroyed my passion for Arsenal. I just hope it will be revived when someone else takes over as Manager.

  130. Charles

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:40 #88036

    We drop too many points at home to ever win the league, yesterday was another 2 down the drain and it is now 17 for the season. This has been a consistent failing for many years but the only time the manager even acknowledges it as a problem is when he tries to pass the blame onto the supporters. We are absolutely clueless about how to score when the opposition is defensively organised. WENGER OUT.

  131. Roy

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:20 #88035

    This is now like the death by a thousand cuts. Wenger out, and come on you Stoke tonight. "Come on you Stoke ??" I hear you cry ? Yes, that really is how far we have fallen. Another year of this ? You have got to be having a laugh.

  132. Wengerballs

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:20 #88034

    It wasn't a bad display against Palace, but we simply are not getting the ball into the box quickly enough against teams that play very deep. We keep playing tippy tippy, thread the eye of the needle stuff around the box edge, wasting time instead of just getting the ball in there quickly to a target man. Wenger thinks possession is everything and simply doesn't know how to play against deep sitting teams.

  133. Joe S.

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:20 #88033

    Funny, because two days ago I watched series 3 of the IT Crowd where the boys try to befriend some manly football blokes, and use a soft ware programme which has the line that goes something like, " and then Wegner brought Walcott on, which was a dumb thing to do" or something similar.Pathetic thing is that this episode is four years old and even then it had become a standing joke regarding Wegner as tactician and Wally's long term worth. Today, only the AKBs stand in denial regarding the club's future. As the editor mentioned, in a week which saw the serious clubs do the job through grit and managerial smarts, Arsenal could only produce its usual tepid routine highlighted by the entry of the three subs, Ramsey, Giroud and Walcott who typify the Arsene/ Arsenal way as it has come to rot.

  134. Gaz

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:19 #88032

    I don't usually 'copy and paste' other peoples posts/articles but I've just seen this on another forum I used to frequent and I certainly feel it's worth a wider audience as I reckon it perfectly sums up the feelings of a lot of fans on here right now: Wenger has done something pretty amazing. He has managed to make watching Arsenal so mind-numbingly boring, so pointless, so predictable that I no longer care about "Football". Not just Arsenal, because we all know what's wrong with them coz there are about a bazillion words written about it every f'kn day, just about everyone in the fan base wants a change, some are more vociferous and angry and about it and others are a little more resigned about things. But what Wenger has done is make me so bored with the prospect of watching games that I hardly feel any emotions at all any more. By rights I should be apoplectic over the possibly of The Cocks winning the league, or of us blowing the best chance we'll probably have for quite a while to do it ourselves, but I'm not. I don't really give a *%^@, I don't feel angry, sad, frustrated... don't feel anything really. And when you're team is so *%^@ what happens to other teams doesn't matter. Ideally the spuds wont win it, but if they do I don't care. The father in law is a Spud, he'll never let me forget it coz he's a tw4t Spud like the large majority of them, but I don't care. I'm not really interested in football any more, and that's the thing that Wenger has achieved. He's made me totally ambivalent about the whole sport and that's quite a trick. And whilst there has been plenty of anger it's all gone now, there's no point. He isn't going anywhere, he's not changing or admitting that what he's doing might not be good enough any more, but he's also got himself into an unsackable position so the fans can protest all they want it makes no difference. He's purified and refined the football we serve up to such a degree that there isn't any flavour or essence left. It's just pattern repetition. And in the process he's sanitised the fanbase and kept the board placated. It's an astonishing piece of hoodwinkery. The only emotion I do have is jealousy, and that's primarily aimed at Liverpool and Klopp. If we had someone like that at our club... and you realise pretty quickly that it's not about results, or finishing positions, or players, or (my least favourite word in the world) Trophies... I'd trade a top 4 finish for just feeling engaged about watching football again. If I was a player I'd be Thierry Ennui

  135. Red Member

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:16 #88031

    the thing is who are the bigger bottlers, the team or the supporters? The team have accepted that they can't win the league, but the support appear to have accepted that Wenger can't be forced out by the end of the season. Why not? He is just an old, deluded man who hasn't got a clue anymore. Why on earth should he stay in charge for next season???

  136. JB

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:16 #88030

    At least playing this Thursday will give supporters the chance to get used to Thursday nights , I suspect there will more coming next season

  137. KIng Jeremy

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:11 #88029

    The last time I felt like this watching Arsenal was a midweek game at Home to Sheffield Wednesday sat in a half full (at best) Clock End. Dour, insipid football played by unmotivated players with a manager sadly past his best. Unbelievably (or completely believable actually) there are still the usual suspects on Twitter etc that see no wrong and still see AW as the saviour and never will see him as the problem. Until he's gone nothing will change. I find myself wishing for a finish outside the top 4, but then I curse myself for doing so. But that is what the malaise as done to me.

  138. Oliver C

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:11 #88028

    Sorry but as I remember, the players are meant to care, the fans are.

  139. AFCasap

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:10 #88027

    well written ed. the specialist in failure does it again, again. wenger the "MR BURNS" of football with his one-of-a-kind "accoutancy" management. balancing his bank books while boring the pants off the real fans with his cautious, feeble bottling tactics and losing mentality same s**t, different season....

  140. Martyn

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:02 #88026

    The game has passed Wenger by. He is becoming the new Brian Clough who eventually outstayed his position and damaged his own legacy. The one word that crops up more than any other is 'motivation'. I actually believe we have a great squad of players but they all need a new direction and a manager who can bring the very best out of them. Wenger is obviously not doing this anymore. He will still believe, of course, and therein lies yet another new season to look forward to with him in charge. He can buy all the players he wants in the summer, they will all underachieve under Wenger. Failure has been accepted, players excused for poor performances and tactical ineptness repeats itself time and time again. While AFC continues to let Wenger go unchallenged, our rivals are building their own futures; West Ham at Olympic stadium and Spuds developing their own new stadium. Club and corporate rivals to challenge an increasingly stagnant Emirates. Dare I say, dropping out of top four this season may be a blessing and will say everything if it leads to Wenger's departure; in other words, its all about the money after all.

  141. Kerryman Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 10:02 #88025

    There is a massive cleanout required. It is unlikely Kroenke and/or Gazidis will go. And it appears no one has authority over Wenger. So I predict the clear out will begin with Ozil and Sanchez going where they can challenge for something. That leaves us losing our two world class players and keeping the overpaid, usually injured, passionless, money-gathering squad. They reflect Wenger. Wenger has ruined a great legacy by overstaying his welcome. What a pity!

  142. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 18, 2016, 9:51 #88024

    Can't remember a more lifeless performance than that one. I told Mrs WABATTD it was like watching a girls comprehensive football team. Football completely and utterly without a point.

  143. John Abrehart

    Apr 18, 2016, 9:49 #88023

    Once again we give a game away from a winning position, you just know that it is going to happen. How many times have we taken the lead and ended up without the three points this season? (Stats anyone?) My old point about having a football man on the Board, albeit non-executive has never been more warranted, Frank Mc Lintock for example, who can advise the Board on the true state of affairs, instead of them presumably relying on AW's bull***t. As has been said on this forum, soon there is going to be a lot more competition in London for the corporate neutrals who seem to form a large part of attendances nowadays; the club's income will suffer then something may be done about it. Arsene should do the decent thing and go and take Steve Bould with him. Defence? What defence. I wonder what GG thinks about this shambles.

  144. old Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 9:15 #88022

    Thierry Henry was a fantastic player , but he cant do it now. Wenger was a great manager , but he cant do it now. Its not an insult or anything its just what happens as you grow older and past it. The legacy he may have left as most successful manager is now just so tarnished you dont mention it. I am embarassed that some fans still think he is 'the solution' and not 'the problem'. Do I need to say it ... Wenger out !

  145. goonersol

    Apr 18, 2016, 9:12 #88021

    What can I say that hasn't already been said....but I will anyway : The team are an image of their manager, coasting, passing the ball to death with no real effort on goal, the game was there for the taking ( like many others) but no passion, flair or guts. Make a statement, win a game with style, score 2/3/4 goals, No chance, same old, time after time. never want to see Arsenal lose, but a wake up call is needed and finishing out of the top 4 may not be a bad thing in the long for Wenger.

  146. Jamerson

    Apr 18, 2016, 9:11 #88020

    I think the standard of football has actually diminished this year in the premiership,with really only us and the blue mancs even attempting to play football.If we're going to have to tolerate these tedious footballing abominations like Leicester,the spuds and West Humpty thanks to TV money and in Humpty's case being given a new ground at the tax payers expense I'm wondering if it's worth bothering with even watching the garbage on sky/bt next year.I've noticed non of the WOB have even mentioned Vardy's play acting that has earned his club 11(eleven)penalties this season compared with our 2(two).It was so much more interesting before this money took over and the equal tv handouts arrived when the true giants of the game us, manure and pool ruled by our own merits.Football goes in cycles and I can see a slump before long.

  147. Tony Evans

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:56 #88019

    Kevin - your article sums up my feelings perfectly. So many fans have literally stopped caring, me included, and could anyone really blame us? My overriding emotions now are a mixture of boredom and despair. Anger has long since been replaced by utter bemusement that there is still no end in sight to this purgatory. I never thought the day would come when I would feel this way but years and years of the same mistakes, the players indulged that should have been shipped out years ago, and a manager that couldn't motivate a sex maniac in a brothel has drained the Arsenal life blood out of me.

  148. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:41 #88018

    Frankly a disgrace that Wenger is still in his job. Could he have survived at any other large club globally of stature with this record of recent underachievement? I actually hate the type of football we play now: insipid is probably the kindest description; gutless; characterless; artistry with no end product; footballing onanism. Enough. If more (many more) empty seats and a (still more) toxic atmosphere are required to push him and the board over the edge, let's go for it. Has there been a more abject surrender in Arsenal's history than this season? We have a team of nice guys; no fighters - with perhaps Jack the exception (but since he's always injured....)

  149. Torbay gooner

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:35 #88017

    Spot on Kevin, only watched the last 30 mins, which was the usual passing and getting nowhere game. I think their keeper had one save to make in that time. The usual rubbish spouted by the manager afterwards, about them scoring with their only effort on goal and us therefore being unlucky. Message to Wenger, that's what you said about the Watford and Swansea games only last month! A large part of me now hopes that Utd knock us out of 4th, if only to ramp up more pressure on the manager over the summer. That's all I have to look forward to for what remains of this dismal season, thanks Arsene!

  150. Nozzer

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:29 #88016

    Like I have posted before the match reports are a cut and paste. What astonishes me still is that there are people who still believe in Wenger. I don't and it's clear that the players don't. There is the usual media spec that Wenger will FINALLY splash the cash but I don't trust him to spend it where it's needed.

  151. GoonerRon

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:04 #88015

    Insipid sums it up perfectly. So utterly ****ing frustrated.

  152. Rochey

    Apr 18, 2016, 8:00 #88014

    I think this has all occured before unless I'm mistaken. Looks like a yellow tennis ball moment is needed. I doubt that they would care anyway as they behave like feudal lords.


    Apr 18, 2016, 7:51 #88013

    REDSHIRTSWHITESLEEVES - Your first sentence says sums it all up perfectly.

  154. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:50 #88012

    As mentioned by Augustus, his complete lack of self respect, integrity and using wenger's own word, humility is just staggering. The fact that he can't motivate players with champions league places still up for grabs says it all. The club reeks of staleness and most depressing is the fact we are going to be stunk out of the place for another year. Total disgrace.

  155. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:47 #88011

    Never in my worst nightmares as an Arsenal mad youngster could I ever have imagined having such a lack of emotion, interest and a level of indifference to our results. I've been a fan since 1979 when my dad first took me to Highbury so seen my fair share of ups and downs but until these parasites running our club (wenger, gazidis,Kroenke) have done the decent thing and buggered off then I'm in complete groundhog season induced limbo as I'm sure thousands of other gooners are too. To think we might have another 3 years of this....all the talk of 'spirit' 'mental strength' etc....complete bullshsit...I can't bear hearing that man talk anymore....please just go and let us fans have our club back

  156. Wardy

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:45 #88010

    The players are pampered beyond belief and jog around in the comfort zone, secure in the knowledge there are no consequences for their insipid performances and they clearly no longer believe in what they're doing ,,, a comedy that is becoming a tragedy to Gooners ,,, the membership card is going in the bin unless there are changes in the summer, but replacing Arsene isn't the whole problem ,,, Kroenke must go and sell to someone who cares about the club !!

  157. Ian Ure's Son

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:45 #88009

    There is no passion anymore. I went to a breakfast briefing with Gazidis in the City a few years ago and it was the most uninspiring, slick, cliched talk I had been to. We are owned by an American who only sees the game from a perspective of money, and a Chief Executive who has the personality of an amoeba. And a manager who is trying to show that technique, fitness, youth and clean-living will always prevail. There is NO character in the club at senior levels, the sort of character that inspires players, and which Ferguson, Mourinho, Klopp et al have in spades. Wenger out, Bilic in.

  158. Charlie George Orwell

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:20 #88008

    On the button again Kevin. The only motivation connected to Wenger is his desire to continue trousering £8m a year.


    Apr 18, 2016, 7:18 #88007

    Interesting and depressing article at the same time, Arsene Wenger has total ownership of his own position, untouchable, unaccountable and nobody within the club hierarchy with any doubt about his position. For all his achievements, Arsene Wenger has remarkably brought me and thousands of Arsenal fans of many many years to a point of total despair. How can it be in any club or business that the boss is utterly untouchable ? WHAT A MESS.

  160. Bard

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:15 #88006

    Good report Kev. Yesterday was full of the familiar failings. The team looked like they have checked out for the season as have the supporters judging by the empty seats. I dont think 4th place is nailed on either. This team are going nowehere and need a major overhaul but that isnt going to happen. As you rightly point out next season will be even harder and Wenger has showed no evidence this season that he is remotely capable of competing for anything other than the team with the most money in the bank.

  161. Augustus Flair

    Apr 18, 2016, 7:04 #88005

    All of the above is correct, Kev, but none of it surprising. If AW had an ounce of self-respect and integrity he would announce his resignation/retirement this morning... but therein lies our problem.