A Question of Direction

Change will benefit Arsenal, but is it going to happen?

A Question of Direction

It seems pretty clear to me that Arsenal as a club changed direction at the time of deciding on the stadium move. Whilst at Highbury we tried to compete and always aimed for number one spot even if we came up short on a number of occasions. The decision to move stadium changed the club ethos from top to bottom, all of a sudden the target of the club became to attempt to stay competitive from a financial point of view.

Now let us make one thing very clear, this ethos change had to happen as without the financial support from Champions League money rolling in every year the stadium move could have become something of a disaster. Spending the amount we did to make the move a reality and saddling the club with the level of debt we had to take on meant something had to give in the short term. What gave was the clubs ambition to always try and be the best. If fourth place meant financial security during a time of financial hardship then so be it.

Arsene Wenger bought into the new ethos and was handsomely rewarded on a financial level for doing so. I also think that Arsene enjoyed the role of having to unearth talent on a budget and compete against the ‘financial doping’ of clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City. There was always a ready made excuse for failing to land any of the top honours so his job in affect was a safe one as long as the annual top four spot was secured which it was to be fair.

We had some struggles, we had to endure some last day needed victories to secure the lucrative top four spot but with wins secured at West Brom and Newcastle we did achieve the goal of keeping the money rolling in during the hard times after the stadium move.

The problem that has now become crystal clear is that the ethos of financial security and that fourth place will suffice runs through the entire DNA of the club from top to bottom. From the club owner, to the board of directors, to the manager and the playing staff. They have all focused 100% on the aim of the club and all seem unable to cope with any higher ambition.

The manager has stated openly in the past that a second place finish for the next 20 years would be deemed as a success. The club owner recently stated that if he wanted championships he would never have got involved in the first place. The players instantly look like rabbits in the headlights as soon as a title bid looks likely come January/February. Can you blame them when the club from top to bottom is simply not set up to achieve that goal. It is not the clubs goal at the start of any season to win the league. Anything above fourth place is a complete bonus to the club so why burden yourself with expectation as a player when you don’t need to? It just creates more pressure for no real gain, much better off sticking to the plot and hanging around in a distant 3rd or 4th.

If you look at the side’s points to games ratios it always gives you a clear indication of who has the mentality of would be champions. Every single time that Arsenal have been in with a shot of the title since the stadium move the points to games ratio has dropped off after January. This season we were on course to average around two points per game or just above which would have seen us finish with mid to high seventies come the season end. This ratio has now dropped well under two. The only time our points to games ratio improves after January is if we have no chance whatsoever to win the league and we need to improve just to finish fourth. It really is that simple.

If you take a look at Leicester they were on target for low to mid seventies around the turn of the year but have upped their game and are now looking at a points tally of 80+ as they are now averaging above two points a game. This is a sign of a team with a winners mentality. Arsenal are the opposite and have been for around a decade or so. If a title bid is in sight we crumble and the ratio drops. The only way it ever rises come the turn of the year is if we are out of sight from the leaders and need a charge for fourth.

It is as though the bar has been set at fourth since the stadium move and the whole club has been setup from top to bottom to hit this target but never anything more. Would a change of manager help this cause?

Well it can’t do a lot of harm if the right kind of person is then given the job, but would that be likely to happen? Can you really imagine the decision makers at the club going after a Simeone type or even a Mourinho? Could you possibly imagine a more likely scenario playing out whereby Arsene takes a seat upstairs as a director football and has a big say in who takes over, possibly Thierry Henry? I certainly would not rule that scenario out myself come next summer.

I feel pretty confident that the men with the power at the club would be perfectly happy for a similar type character to take over the reigns when Arsene does decide that he has had enough. If Arsene took a seat upstairs and had a big say over who takes the hot seat would that be much better than Arsene staying on as manager himself? I would predict not.

For me the problem lies with the ethos of the club being stuck just as the same as it was back when we needed it in 2006. Even though we are now on a very secure financial footing the ethos has not shifted with the times. But that ethos lies not with just one individual. It is not as simple as get rid of Arsene and all will be well with the club again.

If your life depended on Arsenal winning the title next season what pairing would you go for Usmanov and Simeone or Kroenke and Wenger?

I know who I would go for but I certainly would not hold my breath for it to happen anytime soon. That for me is the reason why I have decided to not put any more money into the clubs coffers until a change happens. I gave up my season ticket years ago but have now cancelled down three red memberships as well. The difficult thing personally is that this decision means my five year old son won’t be able to go to any matches as he is yet to visit the stadium but for me I could not justify paying into a system that I simply do not agree with.

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  1. mbg

    Apr 23, 2016, 0:27 #88282

    Mark from Aylesbury, good post and it's getting to the stage now when we'll soon see booing even if we win, just like the display of banners. wenger out.

  2. Tony Attwood

    Apr 22, 2016, 13:30 #88257

    I have just discovered that a reader on Untold Arsenal cut and pasted part of this article and sent it to us as a comment. My apologies to the author and publisher - I abhor such practice and will always take action against it. The writer of the piece has been banned by us

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 22, 2016, 12:14 #88244

    John Evans - at the end of the day it was a comfortable 2-0 win. Very few people go to a match specifically to boo. If we'd drawn I suspect the atmosphere would turn rapidly. What we did get though was a stay away which is excellent. If it continues we will be filling our ground less then any other premier team perhaps other than Villa. It is staying away that created this and the board will have taken notice whether they act on it or not.

  4. Callum

    Apr 22, 2016, 11:07 #88236

    Not sure this makes sense. Leicester's stated and oft-repeated aim this season was to stay up - how have they got the 'winners' mentality then?

  5. Gooner Pat

    Apr 22, 2016, 10:48 #88235

    I agree with all of it but I do think that Wenger's inability to get players up for the big occasions does make a massive difference. Watford in the fa cup quarter final & then days later in the league are perfect examples. When it means nothing our players turn up, that's gotta be a managerial problem. I had a season ticket at highbury when he first arrived and that was an amazing time and I appreciate it all but I've only been to the emirates a couple of times as it just doesn't have the same feel. The corporate approach to running a football team just doesn't work.

  6. John Evans

    Apr 22, 2016, 9:20 #88234

    I didn't hear one anti Wenger chant at all at last nights game. The fans that attend matches these days are more than happy overall with that is on offer. Pathetic. See you all on here in another five years time for a similar post then.

  7. mbg

    Apr 22, 2016, 0:05 #88233

    Isn't it just great to see all those empty seats, and all those wenger out banners ? brilliant, you couldn't buy publicity like that, well done all, wenger out tonight.

  8. mbg

    Apr 21, 2016, 23:48 #88232

    We've done the mighty brom, how courageous, does this mean we're up an running again ? and it's on ?(whatever that is)are we supposed to celebrate this win and get all moist ? pray tell. wenger out now.

  9. Jamerson

    Apr 21, 2016, 23:42 #88231

    When you see how great our football is compared to the crappy stuff Leicester and the spuds play,it makes you proud to be a gooner rather than a fox or a cock.

  10. Jamerson

    Apr 21, 2016, 22:42 #88230

    We still look a couple of classes above the rest.

  11. West Cork Frank

    Apr 21, 2016, 20:27 #88229

    I am not proud of it but i want Arsenal to lose every game we play for the rest of the season and for as long as wenger/ kroenke/ all our gutless, overpaid players are there. They do not represent the true Arsenal. Never liked or rated wenger. Tony Adams really was the manager of Arsenal back in the day. Posters on here are right, our club has been taken away from us. Another useless mug like Niall Quinn is taking us for fools. Just said the absent Arsenal fans don't know what it is that we're missing. What exactly is that ? A goal against West Brom, wow ! As usual, too little, too f****** late. No pressure, Nothing really to play for, that must make up for all the crap we've had to put up with for so f****** long. What is the point of qualifing for the Champions League, we're not going to win it, no self- respecting player will join us because of it and Arsenal fans are certainly not going to benefit financially from Arsenal PLC from the money that's going to line that wiggy ***** of an "owners pockets " sic. No doubt from my own wasted years, heart and money at the souless bowl that the clowns who now attend matches will be lapping it all up. How far we are from what The Arsenal once was. F*** it. I think i'm going to take a leaf out of the real Wimbledon fans and start a club that represents what Arsenal once were. Sure we might only be playing on Hackney Marshes but their won't be a purple or blue kit in sight.

  12. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 21, 2016, 20:00 #88228

    Talk about Freudian slips - AMGs to party like it's 1999 of course, and AKBs to disappear over the horizon in Jamee's 2 seater little red corvette.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 21, 2016, 19:43 #88227

    No disrespect intended towards the minnesota-based king of purple-osity and bum fluff moustaches, but if the con-"artist formerly known as" a football manager effs it up tonight, us AKBs should party like it's 1999 in the hope that his calamitous purple reign/rain will surely be almost over.

  14. Hiccup

    Apr 21, 2016, 19:10 #88226

    What we need to see tonight is a good thrashing of the latest coach parking pub team that rolls in to town. The negativity and piss taking on here has got out of hand, and I fear it's driving out the level headed balanced views of posters like Coldsore boy. By the way, who is organising this summer's barbeque? Where are the invites? Is baddie hosting it this year?

  15. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2016, 18:52 #88225

    Just been looking at Arse fan TV and fair enough controlled apathy and then I hit on rogue shark Mr DT explicit and that brother is pure ****ing badass! Love his **** and he makes yer laugh wanting to pay Wally'e cab fare to wherever which draws me back to the old urban one about Petit in a cab near the Spuds and giving it the drive on ... No one will be saying take me to Holloway now while the current regime is so lazily making money from a nothing product where they have not even got the motivation to sell up and move on. They are like Wenger on the bench - listless and rich .... Do check out Mr DT on da tube - sick bro .....

  16. Kenny

    Apr 21, 2016, 17:00 #88224

    Ron-Spot on the fans who turn up at games and renew their season tickets every June are as much to blame as the board and Wenger.If you continue to buy the damaged product you are encouraging the board and Wenger the carry on the way they have for 10 years.Why are they going to change?.If you bought a £1k television which had a crack down the middle of the screen would you take it back or continue to watch it? Wenger and the board are selling you faulty goods but the fans continue to buy it.Its no good complaining now but when the season ticket renewal form falls on your door mat you renew straight away.The stadium should have a crowd of 10,000 tonight,remember Billy Wright's last game as manager at Highbury the crowd was 4,000.To those who continue to turn up it is a vote of confidence in Wenger.Like sheep they follow the loser Wenger

  17. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2016, 16:44 #88223

    The funny guys at Untold are none to impressed with the media's withering comical view of what is for them the only serious club left in football. They also say Arsene FC would be top and running away with the PL if not for the referees. Arsene FC are one the most fouled teams against in the PL but so are the Foxes and the Totts it's just that they don't moan so ****ing much about it! Looked back on some of them old AKb posts re the failure that is Klopp. The way he has them playing and if he adds in the summer then I see the Spuds and the Scousers may well be taking over .... & Leicester! who according to Untold have been in the process of buying the PL for years. What is it about the production of paranoia in conjunction with failing states? .... Untold also say Liverpool hijacked Suarez's deepest wish to play for Arsene to go to some tippy tappy outpost where last night he scored 4 and made 3 out of 8 goals! Lazy ****er!

  18. Ron

    Apr 21, 2016, 16:28 #88222

    Just seen the Telegraph piece. Its good. Change the opponents names and it could have applied to any game you might want to mention this last 8-9 years. The smiling Wengs at the end is a corker.

  19. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 21, 2016, 16:15 #88221

    CB: Just checked the Telegraph on line imaginary commentary of tonight's game - not so imaginary for me or thousands of others! After reading, my first thoughts were that everything written in that piece could quite easily happen tonight, a very clever and witty piece.

  20. CB

    Apr 21, 2016, 15:25 #88220

    Excellent imaginary commentary on tonights game on the Telegraph online. Hilarious especially the last caption. But how have we become the laughing stock of the premiership? No need to answer, we all know why.

  21. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 21, 2016, 15:18 #88219

    Tony and David - Stop Press: Out of solidarity for long-suffering supporters, Arsenal's four or five captains, including Wally, have issued a press release saying that they will do their usual and try even less hard from the 75th minute until the end of the game. Weng and Bould have also promised to continue their insane tradition of making daft substitutions with 15 minutes left on the clock. Expect Ospina to come on for Kos as we cling onto a tight and ill-deserved 1-0 against Ayatollah Pulis and his team of maulers. They've all agreed to do it because Gazidis ran it by a focus group of North Korean Arsenal supporters. AFC are Pyongyang's latest allies because of their shared dictatorial management style and their complete lack of respect for their followers.

  22. Ron

    Apr 21, 2016, 15:04 #88218

    If Albion are beaten 3 or 4 tonight, all will be happy at the Grove. Its hard to really see any great clamour for change occurring there, because lets face it, the majority of the fans who still go are still contented, however bizarre that may seem. AFC fans have always had a very tolerant and phlegmatic mentality. The Club get away with murder because of it. We all carry guilt for this, no exceptions.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:55 #88217

    Obviously Jamerson is trying to wind up and provoke a reaction. I don't think he realises just how ignorant and stupid he makes himself look in the process.

  24. David

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:48 #88216

    "a 75th minute walk-out tonight" - that would be the same as usual for a lot in the ground along with the last five minutes of the first half and the first five of the second half. I swear some barely see an hour of the match arriving late. It have more impact to stay in the stadium all gathering into block 1 and 32 behind the dugouts and in front of the director's box.

  25. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:44 #88215

    The only thing i would add is if stan wants his"investment"to grow in value then instead of taking 3mil out he puts 30mil in and tells the manager to spend what is in the bank or the value of the club will go down.puma et all have not spent that money without wanting to recoup.so my advice to stan is invest in the team ie marquee players not 18 year olds,or sell now as your investment has reached it's peak.

  26. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:33 #88214

    Just read reports quoting Wenger as saying he is not going anywhere in the summer. Wish he was talking about his holidays but I fear not. As always it's down to the fans to do something and there is talk of a 75th minute walk-out tonight - not before time in my opinion but I expect many will not join in. For me anything now goes to get the arrogant sod out of our club.

  27. mbg

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:25 #88213

    Ah well not to worry when TOF's little nice smelling technicians put the mighty brom to the sword tonight by passing them to death everything will be rosy in the garden of wenger and his AKB's again, we'll have brushed ourselves down and we'll be up and running and it'll be on (yet again) we might even have them back crowing and blowing and getting moist on what a great result. Hold on, didn't we think and say the same before the mighty palace game ? it's not right laughing. wenger out not.

  28. Mark

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:23 #88212

    Daily Mirror today good article. compares wenger to Thatcher. She didnt know when it was time to go she didnt realise how disliked she'd become. it ended in tears. As wenger insists on putting himself before the interests of the Club then this sage is also about to end in tears...

  29. Roy

    Apr 21, 2016, 14:14 #88211

    Jamerson, if you really think Wengers recent performance has been " top notch " and that Leicester and the Spuds have been lucky, I think it's time you were prescribed a long sabbatical. Oh, and of course, please take Wenger with you.

  30. mbg

    Apr 21, 2016, 13:58 #88210

    Exeter, your dead right, this tired old crap from the AKB's over the years, but who do you replace him with whimper whimper, does it bloody matter ? get this excuse for one out, any manager worth his salt that knows his tactics would do a better job than TOF, AND it's been proved on numerous occasions. Yes i'd give it to bould on a trial basis, as bad as he is now I believe left to his own devices and free from TOF allowed to do it his way he'd do a better job and turn things around. wenger out now.

  31. Jamerson

    Apr 21, 2016, 13:50 #88209

    Unfortunately the truth hurts and there's many on here who just can't handle it.Too blinkered in their hate for Wenger to see that the man is still top notch and if it wasn't for a flukey season had by Leicester and the spuds(who have it far easier than us as all the other teams play attacking football against them as they think they're beatable)we would be champions.

  32. John Evans

    Apr 21, 2016, 13:17 #88208

    Peter - You make the point about who would replace Arsene, this is the same point people have been making for best part of the last decade. Other clubs have made changes and become more successful because of it, Leicester and Spurs being two prime examples of this. I don't even think you have to look that far afield for realistic options. For example Ronald Koeman, he has done a very good job at Southampton, similar to Pochettino did and he seems to be doing pretty decent at Spurs. Fresh ideas and tactics is what we need for starters and there are a number of managers out there who could offer us that. If you can afford to pay a manager £8m a year you should never worry about not being able to find someone who is good enough.

  33. Norsgeneral

    Apr 21, 2016, 13:13 #88207

    Good piece John. I still cannot believe what the former board have done to our club. Firstly, the lies over the move, which by the way none of us asked for or wanted. We were told we had to move to keep up or die. And then, the blatant profiteering of the board to sell out to Kroenke, lining their pockets at the dearth of the clubs ambitions. Lastly, Wenger, moving from a manager who was so ambitious, he seriously challenged Alex Ferguson, infuriating old Red nose with his drive, to compliantly, pocketing his ill gotten gains of 8mill an year, plus whatever transfer bonus he gets, all from the pockets of us supporters. And then covering it all up by feeding all of us his pathetic soundbites, about ambition, mental strengths and giving absolutely everything in every game. Really? Absolutely everything? No Wenger, we are the only one's, the supporters, who give that much. The rest of you are just chancers. I too won't be back until this rabble are run out of our club, no matter what division we are in.

  34. UTU

    Apr 21, 2016, 12:44 #88206

    Profits and more profits are all Wenger, Kroneke and Arsenal PLC are interested in. If Fans truly want to see The Arsenal to become a Football Club that is ready to offer a genuine challenge again, then don't hand over another pound note until we see regime change. Simples

  35. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 21, 2016, 12:38 #88205

    Who do you replace him with is not a 'problem' at all, as I see it. Give it to Bould tomorrow, give it to anyone. I'd rather an empty chair. How about taking a chance on someone unproven currently working in, say, the Japanese league. Anyone, anything would be better than this malaise, this boredom, this maddening repetition under the unhinged, incapable, deluded incumbent.

  36. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 21, 2016, 11:49 #88204

    PW-I think most of us want someone with ambition, drive, passion and tactical nous. If that happens to be Simeone so be it. We don't want a wenger clone or someone who is nice and safe. This club is stale and it needs someone to refresh it who cares about winning. Unfortunately, the club have sat on their hand for too long and let the likes of Pep and Klopp go elsewhere.

  37. Peter Wain

    Apr 21, 2016, 11:26 #88203

    one of the problems of replacing Wenger is who with. All of the acceptable candidates such as Guadiola or Ancellotti have gone for at least three years. I do not think that Simeone is an Arsenal manager nor Mourinho so who. The english managers all seem second rate and I do not see Pelligrini as anywhere good enough.


    Apr 21, 2016, 10:37 #88202

    I'm only going for the social pub meet beforehand. The football just holds nothing now.

  39. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2016, 10:15 #88201

    John - 5 years and nothing has changed, and still no definite end in sight. Wenger has managed to virtually snuff out the Arsenal flame that has burned in me for nigh on 50 years - never would have thought that possible. My oldest mate feels exactly the same and even doubts his flame will be rekindled when Wenger finally leaves. Very sad that one man has been allowed to wreak such havoc amongst so many former die-hard fans.

  40. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 21, 2016, 9:50 #88200

    TG-Agreed, just had to be said this morning, back to ignoring the Muppet in future.

  41. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2016, 9:30 #88199

    AG - Jamerson is a tool / Spud, best advice is to ignore him. I never bother to read anything he posts.

  42. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 21, 2016, 8:38 #88198

    Jamerson- You spud, Don't be a tool all your life, have a day off.

  43. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2016, 8:37 #88197

    Hi John - that change of club DNA you speak off is all Wenger created and I am convinced a Simione type would soon get us back on track. Kronke is a parasite, yes, but for me the entire blame for the current malaise is down to Wenger fair and square. God forbid a Henry / Wenger combo!

  44. Jamerson

    Apr 21, 2016, 8:31 #88196

    Wenger was right when he said in his press conference that the 2,000 season ticket holders who were opting out this evening were just knee-jerking from their emotions after the Crystal Palace result.He was also right when he pointed out that with Leicester having such a great season he has been vindicated in his refusal to buy players just to please certain supporters.I watched his press conference as he casually hit for six all the usual questions with ease,especially when he said he would't like to answer questions on his decisions during games,top man as folk these days are too full of intrigue and curiosity.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 21, 2016, 8:06 #88195

    John - Thanks - that all makes good sense. On the thing with nippers that redshirtswhitesleeves also mentions, I have an eleven year old who has also bought in fully to his father's, ahem, brainwashing about the club. I've tried and failed on numerous occasions to get tickets for the wok and have given up now, not least because it's a symbol of failure and mismanagement, and is firmly wedged in my brain as a pit of doom. I take him instead to an away game every year. This year it was Villa Park. We were in their end among some avuncular old geezers, but it was all fine,and Arseneknewbest Junior learnt a valuable lesson about respecting other people's views. I came away thinking it was a good day out (we were top at the time - seems like years ago now!). So in essence, don't worry about it and hope that things'll change and it'll revert to being a football club when the chihuahua superannuates himself.


    Apr 21, 2016, 7:57 #88194

    The last sentence sums up the sadness of what has become of the club I love since I was five years old - 40 years ago. When I heard our chairman infamously make his ''If Arsene has a plan'' statement, I gave up on him. Here is a man with a massive business CV, Can you imagine if he used that type of statement to the shareholders of the many companies he served on the board of over the years ? As lifelong Arsenal fans our biggest opponents do not face us on the pitch but are actually sitting in our boardroom.

  47. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 21, 2016, 0:27 #88193

    In a very weird way and maybe it's the strange Ale I've just quaffed has gone to my head, but..... Manure and Arsenal are having a weirdly mirrored season. Even weirder Wenger at this point with the UTD players who are allowed zero expression would probably love him, whilst our bewildered troops left completely to their own devices would probably embrace Van Gaal with his crazy levels of preparation. I'm not advocating Van Gaal by the way.... Maybe after 6 more bottles of Ale!

  48. mbg

    Apr 21, 2016, 0:01 #88192

    Bravo, good post, no doubt about it whatsoever any of those managers (and a few more in the prem also) managing Arsenal would have won the prem this season and a few other seasons also, and wouldn't have had or brought on the same humiliations and embarrassments as wenger has done, with his ineptness and cluelessness, I've no doubt they'd have got a hell of a lot more out of these players with proper preparation, training, tactics, know how, than TOF ever has, and I've no doubt that is still the case.

  49. Gooner72

    Apr 20, 2016, 23:46 #88191

    Nail your colours to the mast even!!!!! Come on The Gooner the time is now!!!

  50. Gooner72

    Apr 20, 2016, 22:34 #88190

    Arsenal are in my blood independent of who is at the helm. Kroenke has been a disaster for this great great club and sadly Arsene has overstayed his welcome. I ask The Gooner to nail it's flag to the mast and agree with the majority to call for change. No more Gooners fighting with each other. Say it with voice or say it with the march of feet, we are the UyARSENAL.

  51. Vinnie

    Apr 20, 2016, 21:27 #88189

    Very good article Can't think of anything to add as it sums it all up really

  52. Alan the Drinking Monk

    Apr 20, 2016, 21:04 #88188

    "The Emirates"- The worlds worst name for a stadium. However it matches up beautifully with the most sterile stadium in football. To think Arsene and his pals happily closed down the most stunning, unique ground in the world that was Highbury for that monstrosity up the road. Says it all. Yes Arsene, you did indeed build the new stadium. Shame on you.

  53. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2016, 20:54 #88187

    Think I should **** off down the Ramblas - tough one tonight with Barca 8 to the good! Remember Deportivo making me dizzy with their passing at Highbury ... they will be in trauma after tonight. Mind you remember Kanu's goal against them - oh the days ....

  54. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2016, 20:24 #88186

    The Emirates looks like Sports First head office or how I imagine it would be. Wait til they have bargain bins full of unsold Ozil shirts then it may as well be. Good idea for the place would be a snug bar for VIP's simply called Jack's Bar. See all the team in there at the end of this season IF (Utd & Hammers winning) they make 4th with plenty of selfies, bit of break dancing (more injuries) and of course the BFeckingG singing My Way .... Barca winning 5 nil - crisis!

  55. CT Gooner

    Apr 20, 2016, 19:57 #88185

    It is funny how the club were never honest about how the move would impact our financials, or when additional money's would be made available. No the board and Wenger were happy to keep the fans on the dark. RvP came out and told us how it was, and he was attacked by the AKBs. Our lovely new cathedral to Stan and Arsene may be beautiful, but the atmosphere and football on show is just soooo stale

  56. mbg

    Apr 20, 2016, 19:42 #88184

    Mark, it's good to see the press eventually start to play they're part, that should tell us all something, so come on Arsenal fans do we want an end to all this and our Arsenal back or not. wenger out

  57. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 20, 2016, 19:21 #88183

    Sorry guys, I meant Parma 94, told you I was losing it!

  58. mbg

    Apr 20, 2016, 19:20 #88182

    Bob, Ah but then OGL, right at the top of his powers and running around thinking he was God, with everyone bowing wherever he went and could do anything he liked, (and was allowed to without fear or hindrance )wouldn't have been able to indulge himself in single handily building a new stadium and inventing Arsenal. wenger out.

  59. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 20, 2016, 19:05 #88181

    Very good piece John, JJetplane I do so agree that AW should have gone, perhaps after just one year at the Bowl. I remember arguing with my mate who said Wenger should not be at the club post Champions League final, he felt the job would be too big for him - I think he was right and the apathy now at the club proves his point. However what has astounded me personally, is that I no longer care about Arsenal, post the Highbury move. I never thought anyone or anything could dampen my feeling about Arsenal FC, the wonderful away days with the supporters, the pride at the resilience of our team during the two legged Fairs Cup Final, the wonderful 70-71 season, Anfield 89, the belligerent win against Parma in 93, and Wenger, in his best days of 97-98 bolting Vieira and Petit to the front of the meanest defence in football and simultaneously unleashing Anelka onto the Premier League as Arsenal stormed past a bewildered Man U and a disbelieving Ferguson. My Arsenal, tough, ballsy and above all the team played at the most beautiful ground in the whole of football and yet now I have no affinity with any of current set up and the "Lotus eaters" life style the players now lead. The man I respected so much 10 years ago, in cohorts with the board, has turned the club into middle class community centre with a game of football thrown in as part of the entertainment, how have genuine Arsenal fans allowed this to happen.

  60. HowardL

    Apr 20, 2016, 18:59 #88180

    What if, ironically, the crowd tomorrow for WBA is swollen by people who want to say they were there for the lowest Emirates crowd? And as a result of that the crowd really does hit 60,000! Count me out, however; Thursday night is for Sky Sports, not fighting my way through London rush-hour traffic to see the mighty West Brom...

  61. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 20, 2016, 18:29 #88179

    You can get away with a bad owner and a top manager but a mediocre manager will sink it. Wenger is far too cosy and retreats to his preferred corporate persona when the pressure is on. Luckily we are stronger this year and by that I mean the WOBs whilst the AKB's have mostly scarpered so the press is doing a slow drip drip drip. Evening Standard tonight. "If the home crowd turn against Wenger en masse, his position will look almost untenable." If anyone out there can point me to a stronger indictment of Wenger in the last 20 years. I'd love to see it. Basically he may not want to see it yet, the board might not want to see it either but he is a dead man walking. One or two incidents away from losing his job. Personally I suspect he will go to France upon loss of Arsenal job as in sure PSG will give him a directors role.

  62. Mark

    Apr 20, 2016, 18:23 #88178

    good article. look it is perfectly possible in my view for Arsenal to retain that "nice" Image the board seems to want yet remain ambitious on the field. however the truly terrifying reality is this is a Club/Company where all the board and main guys are financially extremely happy. thats where the Financial Doping has taken place in our boardroom !! and it has led to the complete loss of any edge or tension to do well as a sporting entity. give MANU credit the tension around that place is clear - the pressure to do well is clear for all to see. Fergy looking down over LVG and Jose waiting in the wings. City the same. Chelsea the same. Levy gets rid of Managers at Spurs fairly regulary as he is one hell of a competitive sod. He wants Spurs to be the best. So dear friends we all need to firstly recognise this is arsenals deep-rooted problem. our board has its feet up and does no longer care if we win or lose. eventually this permeated the whole Club. Players take days off, injury niggles ? no pressure take 2 weeks off.. how unlucky we were last week. The Ref was terrible. This is a cancerous mentality that has eaten at the heart of AFC for so long and we are now really in danger of losing this great Club. Ive been thinking about this all year, watching the Body language, picking up on the vibe around the Directors box etc. There isnt any of them trust me having sleepless nights about how to make Arsenal succesful. Very sad very true.

  63. Bravo

    Apr 20, 2016, 18:14 #88177

    A superb piece. Factual, cutting and to the point. One thing I will add: I completely agree about Kroenke he is a parasite. However if you kept Kroenke and brought in Simeone and gave him £70m and a wage bill of £192m (which ours is) then Simeone would have won the league by a 10-15 point margin this season. I would actually contend that he would have won at least 2-3 more titles on top in the past 12 pathetic years. All this "austerity years after stadium move" chat is pure rubbish. Leicester and Spurs are proving that just because you have less resources, it doesn't instantly mean you excuse failure. It's about mentality and ability. Wenger is a Loser and he is now talentless. Siple as that. Kroenke needs to go but he has never denied Wenger a penny, he isn't like the Leeds owner who interferes all the time. He pays the manager a crazy £8m a year, does not tell him who to play and sign (like an Abramovich) and gives him total freedom. Those are excellent working conditions. And if you gave the exact same conditions Wenger has had these past 12 years to Simeone, Pep or Klopp; I guarantee you they would have managed at least 2-3 PL titles. Simple as that. Oh and please remember when people moan about the board that Our Dear Specialist in Failure is on board meetings! It's obvious if we sacked him and paid Diego Simeone that £8m a year; Arsenal fans would be happy again. Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis are parasites who have lied, conned and deceived the Arsenal fans all too easily these past 12 years - and our fans are also to blame for swallowing it all. Thankfully, the game is up. They'll never get another penny from me and has been the case since 2009. Once Wenger goes next summer (he should bugger off NOW) I will wait on developments. If he "moves upstairs" my boycott will continue. If they appoint another stooge like Henry or Stoikovic, I turn my back on the club. If they go out and get someone like Simeone, Koeman or Joachim Low then no problem, I can go along with that. The next decisions i.e. whether Arsene the Loser goes upstairs and who the next manager is...will be key. The fans are onto Kroenke and Gazidis and we want Wenger to have NOTHING to do with this club ever again after we are finally gloriously rid of him!

  64. mbg

    Apr 20, 2016, 17:55 #88176

    Paulo75, couldn't agree more, wengers AKB apologists preached for years (or tried to) about how poor arsene had no money and was given no money to spend, the money was there if he wanted it he was just to arrogant and egoistic to take it, instead preferring to try and build a winning side on the cheap with second and third raters in order to prove everybody wrong, (and TOF is still trying)and look how that project has turned out, a team that genuinely has no money (while TOF sits on millions upon millions burning a hole in his pocket)or resources and has had to do everything on the cheap has beaten him to it, (don't you just love it). That's a sackable offence on it's own at any club with an ounce of ambition. Go now wenger.

  65. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2016, 17:32 #88175

    Nicely put John though the romanticism attached to the 'great move' I will not buy into and the attendant hard times script. Quite imagine Wenger was briefed by Arsenal about what would be happening over his next 20 years deconstructing the perception of Arsenal as a tough team to play against and his instruction to make their football less aggressive (working class) and somehow more erudite as befits The State of London and it's attendant new audience of nice middle class people who like to practice a form of plastic empathy whatever the cultural 'feast' on offer. Right up to the demise of Tony Adams and his like as players you went to the Arsenal for the football and no more. A couple of pints of grog were on the cards and I would also get in early for a couple and a chat with fellow gooners. We were all singing the same hymn then. Now it is with the insipid sport on offer an experience where basically now teams turn up and park a bus while laughing at Arsene FC as they play to the tune of corporatism by stringing inoffensive passes together in a manner that will not upset the Arsene crowd. Reckon it may be too late though looking down the lane you can see what a top coach can do with a team and seeing Poch banging fists on the turf when Alii missed a sitter though they were completely in control tells you about good coaches. if Alii played the kind of stinkers some of Arsene's 'future of England' cohort turned out not by the match but the season! you would never hear of such a player. Obviously never had much of a love for the Totts and have had much amusement at their expense since our league win at their place as a young skin but looking at Kane talking after Stoke and indeed the Klopp effect at Liverpool and you know it can on the other hand be done. Arsene should have been paid off just before the move and a new coach brought in then. We would not be having these conversations now but my estimate is at least one CL and two PL's but would still expect the coach to pound the turf at every miss and just watch the likes of Pep when BM are 4 to the good. That's when he starts getting angry with his players. No ****ing brakes with those guys ... Good movie that Eye in the Sky - buzzing!

  66. mbg

    Apr 20, 2016, 17:13 #88174

    Unearth talent on a budget ? what talent ? TOF wasn't or hasn't been to worried about a budget since the stadium move when he was paying second and third raters and cart horses overinflated wages on long term contracts (and still is) in the hope one day they'd come good. wenger out.

  67. foxinthebox2001

    Apr 20, 2016, 16:16 #88172

    Just as we have the better quality players in the squad showing ambition and wanting assurances on where the club is going. An ambitious coach would be equally keen to know what the club is aiming for. Just as in golf you have players on the US tour making a nice living making the cut and finishing top 20, we have players in our bunch making a nice crust just doing enough. Does anyone imagine that players such as Giroud & Walcott are hustling Wenger about improving the squad? (as allegedly Ozil has been) Of course not, because they are 2 of the mostly likely players to be replaced. The general mood of mediocrity is rife through the club, and its stems from the management. Buckle yourselves in chaps because there is no chance of the board threatening their tidy nest egg, or the Wenger walking away from the £8m per annum he gets. He is complicit in the profit ahead (instead of) trophies philosophy, a younger coach with a pure football outlook would never put up with that restraint on ambition, as Wenger happily does.

  68. Bob

    Apr 20, 2016, 16:06 #88171

    This is quite possibly the best analysis of the situation that I have read on here, and I agree with every word. It is, and never has been, sufficient simply to get rid of Wenger. But it remains absolutely necessary, as an integral part of a much more radical change to the ethos of the club. It is as misguided for anyone to campaign to get rid of Kronke but not Wenger as it is for anyone to say that replacing Wenger per se will equip us to become the best. One interesting point arising from the start of the piece: it does make you wonder why we ever moved stadia if it was simply to sustain a business model which as the author says does not demand anything more than fourth place and Champions' League qualification. Surely it would have been better to have settled for the lesser of two evils, ie staying at Highbury with a capacity of just under 40,000 and an absolute focus on being the best team in England. For anyone who says that this would not have been achievable with such limited income, the words Leicester City (or, dare I say, Tottenham Hotspur) is all that I need to say in reply.

  69. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Apr 20, 2016, 16:01 #88170

    I'm in the same boat john, I've got two lads 8 and 6 both Arsenal mad who I've yet to take to a game. I gave my season ticket up when my oldest was born and found myself priced out of the club I have loved and supported since 1979. I will never go back under this regime of liars and fleecers even if it means my sons will have to wait till they are a bit older to be taken to a game. On principal I will just not put a single penny into the loathsome pockets of kroenke, gazidis,wenger et al. Can't wait for the day when fingers crossed we have some real 'Arsenal' men running things again and we have a club worthy of backing emotionally and financially by attending matches again. Wenger out, up the Foxes

  70. Ron

    Apr 20, 2016, 15:53 #88169

    Like it John! You ought to say change would benefit Arsenal 'eventually' though. They might well get worse before change does reap the rewards due to the delay in effecting change in recent years. I think most who want change would happily see a decline in results if it means players with passion, intent and fight once more grace the pitches that AFC play on. It may happen and may be the price of change. I still support it nonetheless. Agree with you entirely. Henry is the likely appointment, pathetic as that would be. The benefit will occur after the Club has exhausted that ridiculous experiment. His punditry is bad enough! AFC only do 'comfortable' now. Men like them you mention will never be allowed in there, certainly not while Wengers still stalking the back corridors in the bowels of the dead bowl like an N7 version of a Whitewalker.

  71. Paulo75

    Apr 20, 2016, 15:51 #88168

    Great article John. Whilst I have major issues with Kroenke's apparent happiness with Champions League qualification, the current squad is handsomely paid and there is significant money available to raise the bar as far as signings go i.e. If Arsene is operating with one hand behind his back it is all of his own making. I dont think Kroenke has ever failed to make money available for the signings that we obviously require. Would love to see Tony Adams back at the club in a number 2 role to perhaps Koeman to bring some drive and character back to the club and also to question rather than submit (a la Steve Bould) to his superior's decisions.

  72. Bob Matthews

    Apr 20, 2016, 15:45 #88167

    Totally see your point.I still have 2 season tickets which i obtained just prior to the move to the bowl after many years of being on shortlist during Highbury days.My fear of giving them up is that i will be replaced with another 2 tourist type fans who couldnt give a **** about the direction of our once great club. Is that playing into the owners hands.....i dont know. I no longer buy any refreshments, official merchandise from the club either inside or outside the ground. A couple of pints at the Tollington and food at the Chinese chip shop does for me, a small protest i know but if everyone boycotted the clubs wares they would soon sit up and take notice.Very depressing although change may be sooner than we think.

  73. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 20, 2016, 15:29 #88166

    Not even a question of agreeing or disagreeing, that points to games ratio is killer stuff, well done John. That should be put in front of Wenger, totally condemning. As that won't happen, perhaps an AKB would care to come on and argue against the inarguable?

  74. Bismarck

    Apr 20, 2016, 15:06 #88165

    a very candid and sincere take on issues wrong with our beloved club. Difficult not to agree a 100% with you.