Time for a Change

The common theme in Arsenal’s falling short for a decade is the manager

Time for a Change

I remember a game that I attended with a non-Arsenal supporting friend back in May 2009. It was the last game of the season at home to Stoke City and we had endured a disappointing run-in to the season where we had a good chance of winning the title before falling away tamely. We won the game 4-1 from memory but the overall atmosphere inside the stadium felt pretty flat and I remember my friend making a remark to that fact even when we scored a goal.

After the final whistle went the players came round the side of the pitch for the annual lap of appreciation. There was some tension in the air as we had allowed our season to fall away all too tamely and some fans were not best pleased with how this had been allowed to happen again. I think at the time we would not have won anything for four years or so.

As the players came close to where we were sitting an almost defiant chant went up of ‘there’s only one Arsene Wenger, one Arsene Wenger, there’s only one Arsene Wenger’. I remember feeling at the time a little surprised that this chant had started up given the fact that we had crumbled under his leadership and didn’t look like a team that believed in ourselves which you can only really put down to poor leadership.

At that time though Arsene’s previous triumphs were still recent enough for us to allow him a few failures and still see him as a figure of honour and respect within the club that we all followed with enthusiasm. I joined in with the chant and felt a sense of passion and pride at being able to support a manager that had failed us but at the same time still was seen as a winner overall.

That game was seven years ago next month and I can honestly say that nothing has changed since. Nothing that actually matters to me as a fan of the club anyway. Yes we now have a more secure financial footing as a business but that does not matter to me as a fan of Arsenal Football Club. I do not receive any dividends come the end of the financial year.

All I want as a fan is for my club to try its hardest every season to be as successful as they can possibly be. That is it. No one can ever guarantee success. Trophies are not a given right they are a by-product of hard work, effort and determination to the best. They happen when you are well organised from top down and everybody at a club is all pulling in the same direction to be the best they can possibly be.

That has not happened at Arsenal for the last decade. It has simply not been the case at our football club. We have stagnated for so long now that the club reeks of it from the very top down.

Arsene Wenger has allowed himself to become unsackable and that has harmed us and will continue to do so. Arsene became an important figure at the club through winning trophies and being successful. This was partly due to ambition in the early years of his reign. When David Dein left the club Arsene himself filled the void and took over far too much for the clubs own good. In doing so he became unsackable and un-accountable for his own failures.

This has been a disaster for the club. In my opinion we won two FA Cups recently despite of Arsene Wenger not because of him. We got very fortunate with semi-final and final opponents of Wigan, Hull City, Reading and Aston Villa over a two year period. An absolute dream run of luck and on three of the four occasions we were very fortunate to overcome such mediocre opposition. One down against Wigan with ten minutes to go and we end up winning on penalties, two down after 10 minutes against Hull which could have been three if not for a goal line clearance. A dire performance against Reading where we fell over the line due to a once in a lifetime goalkeeping howler with a few minutes remaining.

I have to be honest here and say that if you look at Arsenal’s squad of players and who they came up against in those four matches to win those FA Cups I would have been disappointed if I could not have managed the team to victory. The gulf in class should have been so big you could have got away with simply telling them to go out there and play.

Our playing squad this season is clearly in my opinion one that is stronger than Leicester’s and Spurs. We are constantly underperforming and have been for the last decade. The only constant theme in the last decade is Arsene Wenger himself. The player’s names change but the end result is always the same and one of chronic under achievement. If you look at where we are as a club compared to seven years ago all we have done really is change Van Persie and Fabregas for Ozil and Sanchez, the rest really is all much of a muchness in my opinion. Especially when that squad is always being coached to Arsene’s tune.

You could give Arsene £100m to spend this summer and I guarantee you the end result will be the same. Arsene will not be able to win the title in any case. He is not the man to get you over the line and he hasn’t been for many a year.

If we have to put up with another season of Arsene being at the helm (which I don’t see why we should) I would suggest the summer transfer budget be set at zero. I would advocate holding funds back for a manger to come in with fresh ideas next summer and implement them with a healthy war chest to spend on his type of player.

A lot of people over the last decade or so have been of the opinion that we lack an on-field leader. Should the manager not be able to organise his team so that they all know what role they have to fulfil before the game starts instead of running about like headless chickens at times? The real leader at any football club is the manager. On field captains of the ilk of a Tony Adams are a thing of the past, they no longer exist. Players are millionaires before their twentieth birthdays even if they have not actually won anything. That kills the kind of passion that was apparent in Tony Adams. A manager needs to have the very basic ability to get his team up for matches on a consistent basis. That is the bare minimum that you would expect from any team above a Sunday league level and that most basic of levels has not been met at Arsenal Football Club for years.

To anyone that disputes these facts I would politely ask them to gaze not that far down the Seven Sisters Road. There you will find a football club that is ambitious and progressive. A football club that whilst being supported by a fair number of morons can at the very least claim to be trying their very best to be a success. I do not say that just because of this season either. Spurs finishing above Arsenal in the league has been coming for the last five years or so and we as a club have done nothing about it. We have stood still whilst our most bitter of rivals have continued to make forward progressive strides. If you try a manager and they don’t quite come up to scratch you search for a new one until one does work out. That is what makes progress happen. You don’t simply put up with what you have got if it is not fit for purpose.

Arsene won things for us in the first nine years that he managed our club. That fact does not mean that he can stay forever and leave the club whenever he pleases. Thierry Henry was the best forward Arsenal have ever had and is the club’s all-time leading goal scorer. Does that fact mean we should have allowed him to continue playing for us into his forties when he can hardly run anymore just because a decade ago he was great? No it does not and Arsene is exactly the same. He is long past his best and is now harming the club to the extent where we may well have to witness Spurs winning a title for the first time since 1961. We could not compete on a high enough level to stop them or Leicester City. The bar was lowered and we dropped to our knees to miss it.

The buck stops with Arsene and I plead with any match day goer that agrees with me to voice their opinions inside the ground and start the end of this stasis.

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  1. declan burke

    Apr 25, 2016, 19:08 #88416

    So much has been written and said of where we are, but this article is absolutely on the money. well said.

  2. mbg

    Apr 25, 2016, 15:47 #88397

    WABATTD, it mysteriously disappeared (rumour was it got burned or it was threatened) ages ago mate, or maybe he finally took his head out of the sand (and other places)and seen the light, or it'll reappear next season when we're good to go again for the first six or eight games anyway. wenger out.

  3. mbg

    Apr 25, 2016, 15:33 #88395

    Hi Berry, Hiccup, yes wally the perfect example of the no good not fit for purpose pansie nice boys and bottlers that this past it fraud of a manager has assembled over the years, the perfect image of himself. wenger for heavens sake just go.

  4. AFCasap

    Apr 25, 2016, 11:18 #88368

    jamie vardy v theo walcott wingers/forwards both.... vardy = speed, good ball conrol/technique makes goals out of nothing due to his own ability/confidence..works hard to win the ball, total footballer, always involved......amazing story, came from conference league...a "must play" for england. walcott = had speed once, but now, that only attribute has waned alot!!!....shockingly bad ball control/ technique... mostly scores tap ins (courtesy of others) nothing special, no workrate, always hiding, due to being a "confidence trickster" on a massive salary who doesn't like being found out...tripping over the ball constantly... "embarassingly bad" hyped up as teenager due to his speed....bought by wenger..should have been sold but instead given new contracts.....never any returns....found out ever since as f..all conference league standard only...thats for sure1

  5. Red Member

    Apr 25, 2016, 10:56 #88367

    message to Wenger - GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT NOW!! Things have now gone too far. You are finished and you know it.

  6. King Jeremy

    Apr 25, 2016, 10:39 #88366

    The whole thing is stinking and rotting from the head, but I fear it's too late to save it now. Wenger will remain in charge come September and the atmosphere next season could become very nasty indeed. The clubs greatest manager will leave under the most hostile of circumstances, and it all could have been avoided. The latest logic from the AKBs seems be not to panic - the players have let him down so badly that this time he will spend big in the summer. No, stop laughing - he really means it this time. Just you watch. Ignore the fact that that would be changing the habit of his lifetime: Arsene Wenger, the premier league's biggest spendthrift will spend big money on big players this summer. Sorry, don't believe you. 1, possibly 2 "prospects", but certainly no "finished articles". Xhaka deal now seems to have gone cold, just like the "done deal" for Carvahlo that the AKBs lauded this time last year. Pathetic. "1-in-20" Giroud will still be 1st choice striker (ha!). Mertesacker will still be trotting around like Bambi-on-ice. Wally will still be running up blind alleys. Finally, a note for Ivan & co who one hopes dip into sites such as these to "gauge the mood" - if you think the mood has been bad this year, if that man is in charge come September and the season goes as we all know it will, then you 'aint seen nothing yet!

  7. Ron

    Apr 25, 2016, 10:04 #88365

    Its really irritating. I never watched the Sunderland game. Couldnt be bothered to be honest, but now i come on here only to find i missed a Wally cameo. I always knew there would be another one to follow his run and cross for Adebayors goal at Anfield in the CL Qrtrs. Thats his career at AFC. He made a goal in a losing CL Qrtr Final, End of. Should have been sold 4 yrs ago when Liverpool really did want him. Not sure whats left on his outrageous contract but surely they need to cash in this Summer before it starts to run down.

  8. goonersol

    Apr 25, 2016, 9:26 #88364

    No point commenting on the Sunderland game, usual shambles.....My point is with Wenger, when he said the following : " The players were not mentally prepared"... "We did not start very well" --- " We could not cope with their long ball" etc, etc, you get my drift. No Mr Wenger , the only person who cannot cope is YOU, YOU are the only common denominator over the last 10years, players have come & gone , but the attitude remains and that comes from YOU, YOU have no fresh ideas, YOU do not prepare for the opposition , YOU do not solve any on field issue at the point it needs sorting out, why can other managers set their game plan to play against us, but you cannot do the same to them........Time to leave Mr Wenger...Thank you & Good bye .

  9. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 25, 2016, 9:16 #88363

    Is that banner "In Arsene We Trust" still on display these days? Knock the T off and it would be rather appropriate. And the purgatory continues.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 25, 2016, 7:42 #88362

    Posted following on Untold Arsenal's Sunderland match report. I have no expectations of it being published. 'At what point are the individuals who continually cry conspiracy going to cotton on to the fact that conspiracy theory works when you lose a title by a point and look back to a contentious referring decision. Where it most certainly doesn't work is when you are top in December but scrapping for 4th place in April. Sound familiar? Maybe because it's the same familiar man at the wheel.,

  11. AMG

    Apr 25, 2016, 7:39 #88361

    A great article, I rated it a 10. I disagree though that Arsenal have a better squad than Leicester, I think we have some fantastic players, but a poorly assembled squad. Look at the 'spine' of Leicester and Spurs - Schmeichel, Morgan, Kante, Mahrez, Vardy. Lloris, Alderweireld, Dembele, Alli, Kane. Perhaps only Sanchez and Cech would get into the spine of either of those teams.

  12. Le Grande Odeur

    Apr 25, 2016, 6:48 #88360

    One plus point of Clouseau is you get posts from Leek and Jamerson. Comedy gold!

  13. Stat man

    Apr 25, 2016, 0:32 #88359

    Arseneknewbest.....100% with you mate.I'd walk over hot coals to make this happen.

  14. Stat man

    Apr 25, 2016, 0:11 #88358

    This farce dishonours the good Arsenal men who fell on their swords.

  15. Jamerson

    Apr 24, 2016, 23:55 #88357

    Too many WOBs for my liking bleating like sheep being made to spend the night in a pen full of celebrity deviants.

  16. John F

    Apr 24, 2016, 22:42 #88356

    Hi Berry I saw the Wally incident and could not believe my eye's,he really did bottle it.No dought Wenger will defend him.Can you imagine what Fergie,Maureen or George would say about it, he would be dropped for the rest of the season.Now we have blown our so called title challenge I think you will see a few of our players not wanting to get injured before the Euro's and pulling out of challenges. Wally might be deluding himself into thinking he is going to be picked.On 140g a week I can not see any club taking him off our hands.

  17. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 22:10 #88355

    CORNISH, fair enough.

  18. Mr Mark

    Apr 24, 2016, 22:02 #88354

    Wow, same old story. They should of got Pep. They should get someone else.It's time. Still have some of the same position problems as in past.He didn't buy one out field player in the summer???? Same tactics??? Same formation??? Never anything different!!They need to learn how to play defense and then counter. As for as the banners go, fans should of been doing that all season, now is a time to not go to the games, I mean nobody.

  19. Hiccup

    Apr 24, 2016, 21:43 #88353

    Hi Berry, I'm glad you highlighted Theo. However, compared to him just crumpling to the floor with no one near him and throwing his arms up last week, today's bottle job was a vast improvement. In fairness, with the chance of an open goal had he won the ball, who wouldn't have bottled that Sunderland challenge, which was reckless and career threatening with the defender's big toe just practically prodding the ball away all of two inches. I winced as I saw it. However, I haven't seen such exemplorary hurdle technique since Colin Jackson was around. His front leg rode the ball, and the back leg came over at a perfect 90 degree angle with a perfect landing. Truly impressive. That was my highlight of the game.

  20. Hi Berry

    Apr 24, 2016, 21:14 #88352

    A perfect cameo from Walcott towards the end of the game that encapsulates everything wrong with this team and regime...With Welbeck on the floor after a slight nudge in the back and Mannone stranded out of goal there was a 50/50 ball to go for. Step forward Theo Walcott to sprint towards the ball only to leap over it rather than go in where he might get hurt. No matter which angle the replays showed afterwards it's plain to see just how much he bottled it.....£140,000 a week....Shameful.

  21. Augustus Flair

    Apr 24, 2016, 21:08 #88351

    As a newcomer here I believe Leek fc (a dreadful vegetable and backwoods Staffs town for carrot-crunchers) must be a spoof. Can mbg or anyone else of sound mind confirm this? Yeah, of coursse they are. Ha, ha, hilarious post, mate.

  22. markymark

    Apr 24, 2016, 20:59 #88350

    we moved grounds in wengers words, to compete with the best clubs in the world, when will this start to happen, we have not competed with the Spuds or Leicster let alone the big boys. Running out of ideas iand leadership 3 months from the season ending is not competing, time for a change, but it will not happen.

  23. Billthered

    Apr 24, 2016, 20:55 #88349

    If anyone thinks he'll get sacked they are living in cuckoo land. He will resign next season when all the top managers are in new jobs we have missed out on Klopp Guardiola and pretty soon I think Simeone will get snapped up leaving us with the dross that's left.Koeman will go to Spain or become the Dutch manager and Wenger will go into retirement counting his money and laughing at us.

  24. Leek fc

    Apr 24, 2016, 20:51 #88348

    Nick F. I will keep it simple. If an anti Wenger banner appears within my vicinity while I am in the stadium. There will be nothing left of the banner, I promise. WENGER MUST STAY. Oooooooooo toooooo beeeee aaaaa gooooooonaa

  25. Smithy

    Apr 24, 2016, 20:45 #88347

    If fans want a change they need to boycott games- empty stands on the tv pictures will cause damage to the corporate profile/ advertisers and so on. Profit is the only way to stimulate change. Stale stale stale!


    Apr 24, 2016, 20:44 #88346

    mbg! I do enjoy your rants but can you please let up on the "old man" stuff. I can, unfortunately, give Webster a few years & I would be very upset to think, as an old guy, that I am anything like as delusional as the man who once stated that he not only wanted to make Arsenal the best in the Premier League but also the world. Where did it all go wrong Arsene?

  27. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 20:44 #88345

    Well AKB wengerites do you still think we will/can win the league ? ( maybe a petition to have Leicester's result overturned) a lot of us knew the out come already right from day one, and told you so, (so who has the egg on face now ?) and here we are again, will you ever learn. TOF out now.

  28. Roy

    Apr 24, 2016, 19:46 #88344

    John, a superb article, well written. Just watched some team in blue play with a team ethic that we can currently only dream about. I detect that some players aren't exactly busting a gut for Wenger and it is perhaps no coincidence that our best player today only signed in January and hasn't had time to be brainwashed yet. The longer this is allowed to continue, the harder it will be to put right. It's just a shame that it took certain other teams to underperform this season for a large number of fans to finally rumble Wenger and Stan. Better late than never though which will hopefully ensure that he doesn't sign another contract. Although it may take one more season of treading water, the end of this poisonous partnership is surely in sight. No shame, some people.

  29. Hiccup

    Apr 24, 2016, 19:39 #88343

    Thoroughly enjoyable game. These end of season kickabouts are much more exciting when our opponents have something to play for. I'm thrilled that we've put a spanner in Sunderland's survival hopes and prevented them from a vital win. However, some of the moaning on here is unbelievable. If you can't get up for these nothing to play for games from April that we've played out for the last twelve seasons, then supporting Arsenal isn't for you. Okay, I agree it's not as exciting as mixed doubles tiddlywinks, but if you ignore the league table and pretend we are better than Barcelona, it's a scream. Can't really disagree with Untold for blaming Mike Dean for our failure to win. After all, he is their default blame for everything, even when he's not officiating us. The AKB's are like an out of control dalek that just keeps shrilling 'exterminate' endlessly, but the out of control AKB's keep on shrieking 'referees'. As for the missing AKB's, they are obviously struggling to come to terms with reality, and just didn't foresee this being another groundhog season. I don't think Coldsore is even aware that we can't win the league, and is probably on Untold still parping that Leicester have a hard run of games coming up while we have an easy run, and let's see where they are in a few games time. Priceless!

  30. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 19:10 #88342

    Ron, good post, it's hard to disagree ref Henry, are we seeing another wenger pet project ? at the clubs expense again, and think what it will do for TOF's massive ego if he does succeed, you'll have him standing looking out the window of the directors box (even every game he wins) grinning like a Cheshire cat taking all the applause as if it's all down to him, sickening. wenger out.

  31. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:54 #88341

    Ron,just read your post,brilliant mate. Using Arsenal as an example of how not to expand your football club and destroy it's traditions is a great summing up of where we stand today.The finishing touch was our absurd attempts to beat the third from bottom team, juxtaposed with Leicester sticking 4 past a team who we lost 1-2 to a few weeks ago.

  32. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:25 #88340

    Well well over on Untold they are for a turning as they are all saying time got Arsene to go. Still blaming ****e refs but no comeback from the site's owners ... Wonder if they will be dismantling that banner as they dismantle the site leaving no forwarding address .... Anyone seen leek or Colesy? Jamerson? Howabout GoonerRon .... ps Adebyour off to Wembley lol! Leicester need 5 pts and Arsenal need a new club ....

  33. CB

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:04 #88339

    Congratulations to the foxes, bringing a smile to the faces of all true football supporters. Scoring for fun

  34. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:04 #88338

    So anyway - Xmas directives from AKB Towers had Leics falling away and well the Spuds are just the Spuds. Ranieri makes 3 substitutions and they all combine to score the 4th. What a ****ing team! Meanwhile Wenger now says leetle tired with a short break yet before the game saying there is an advantage to playing two on the bounce. Should be sacked simply for bad attitude. Ugly, stupid club .... Listen to those Foxes fans - Eat that Untold! Totts will be worthy runners up and the Arse just may get 4th.

  35. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:03 #88337

    Bard:- I've heard he's definitely off 2017. The key is to to leave him so short of credibility that he ups and leaves. The press are after him, I'm hoping people continue to stay away and then maybe both Manc clubs can do us a favour by booting us out to 5th. Whether he then stays on or not to 2017 it's open season on him from kick off . I expect he knows he's done whatever he says in public.

  36. Augustus Flair

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:02 #88336

    Just been watching a dire provincial team - Lincolnshire City or something - and they're not all that good to be honest, just plenty of running around and tiring themselves out. The other odd thing is a barrage of noise from the assembled peasants; I mean how's a chap supposed to finish The Observer crossword? Give me the Emirates any day.

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 24, 2016, 18:00 #88335

    Given the desperate prospect of a further three year extension, are we reaching a possible watershed here? Someone mentioned the FC United story the other day (in desperation rather than hope I suspect), and I wonder too if we are now edging (collectively or not) towards giving up on Arsene FC and trying to form a club that represents us. Not the easiest thing to achieve I agree, and it sounds utopian, but who thinks there could be a groundswell of opinion to form a phoenix-type team to start again and re-instill some proper values - an FC Arsenal if you will. Do tell me if I'm being a tw*t and I'll get back in my box but I'm getting thoroughly sick of this lot - drawing with Sunderland is another, but not a new, low.

  38. Bard

    Apr 24, 2016, 17:24 #88334

    Very good article John. Im not sure how we go forward. I hear rumours that Weng will sign another 3 year deal after this one. Like you I dont care if we win titles or not if we give it a proper go. All this pussy footing around sucks the life out of the club. Today's result was yet another example of how weak we are when a team comes out fighting. Oh and of course we dont have a top striker.

  39. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 24, 2016, 17:19 #88333

    Show us you want it Arsenal! Make it yours! Hi Simon how's it going.

  40. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:57 #88332

    An excellent article John, the best one on here for a long time, it blows the rose tinted and the circulars completely out of the water (although it wouldn't have been hard to do) your dead right about the two FA Cups (and it's been said and recognised plenty of times since) we were lucky TOF got lucky, yes indeed they were won despite him not because of him, your time is up old man go now. wenger out tonight.

  41. Nick

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:48 #88331

    Another disappointment, another in a long, long line of such.let downs, Sunderland are not.in the bottom four because their a good team they are their because they are rubbish, yet again we could not overcome a team which simply.packed the box and hit.us on the break, we could even have lost it, our game plan wasn't working before half time but Wenger still waited till the seventieth minute to make changes , the wrong ones at that, we needed a goal, Ramsey did nothing but misplace passes and slow.play down all game, it was the same.old story of trying to walk the ball into the net , we made a poor keeper in Mannone look a world beater I'm sick to death of this same.old repitition season after season the only way it will change is by getting rid of Wenger but.it wont happen the man has no honour and wont quit the board have no balls and wont act, I despair !

  42. Robb1971

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:47 #88330

    Wenger must resign NOW, and take that embarrassing Wallcott with him....sheer cowardice

  43. NickF

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:43 #88329

    Mark, or you could turn up and let the management know how you feel with banners and chants.

  44. Mark

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:35 #88328

    The Norwich and Villa home games should be a total boycott.Any fan who turns up is a vote for Wenger to stay.Its up to the fans to get him out

  45. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:33 #88327

    There'll be no only one arsene wengers this May for the old failure you can be sure of that on his pathetic lap of appreciation (what are we meant to appreciate ?)that's if there's one at all, it will not be good for TOF's ego to walk around an empty ground or with just some die hard AKB goonies scattered around the place.

  46. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 24, 2016, 16:14 #88326

    Seem to have had my posts weirdly removed even though they didn't attack anyone. Well before they get removed again. 0-0 not good for grandma... More pressure on him. Excellent

  47. JM - LONDON

    Apr 24, 2016, 15:36 #88325

    This years lap of appreciation should be interesting. Will AW even join in with it?. Matters not to me as I will be heading in a northbound direction on the Piccadilly line. I hope everyone follows suit...

  48. mbg

    Apr 24, 2016, 15:04 #88324

    John, it's been time for change years ago, we're stuck with a tired old man, a fraud of a manager taking this club backwards for years now, do us a favour for once in your life old man resign this evening. wenger out tonight.

  49. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2016, 14:20 #88323

    RON 93426 is up there with your greatest hits! Totally ****ing essential reading for any ex mod wot likes his football and does not take kindly to plastic intellects like Wenger hiding behind is limited vocab of two phrases. Bit of a dope really .... Dopey club now too.

  50. Augustus Flair

    Apr 24, 2016, 13:56 #88322

    I was just listening to the Deluded One drivelling on about Leicester on Sky when Mrs Flair came into the room with an announcement about some urgent shopping we need - teabags, kitchen roll and washing powder. Years ago I would have banished her to a distant and hostile territory for interrupting an interview with an Arsenal manager but, now, it came as a blessed relief. Indeed, the price differential for exactly the same box of powder between the leading supermarkets is a subject worthy of many more words here... unlike the AW's vacuous musing on a club that may soon win the title we squandered this season. And if it isn't Leicester it will be a whole lot worse.

  51. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2016, 13:49 #88321

    All good stuff but the myth that Arsenal by proxy should be above the Foxes and the Spuds does not hold. By what criteria are Arsene FC currently at that level where the Foxes and Spuds are. Both those clubs have been on an upward trajectory for quite a while as Arsene FC have been in a slow, banal downward slump ever since Adams called it a day. Know quite a few Tott fans and have done since childhood and there is good and bad in all and the moron word is silly and does you no favours. As for young kids with no direction how about Alii at 19 who may become one of the very best in the history of the game. Just to reiterate we all know it was the likes of Adams with his trusty men such as Dixon and Parlour who made that Arsenal team tick so well for a period. I was lucky to see most of it with quite a few aways thrown in but even in those days there was a big lump missing in the jigsaw. Hence the inability to compete in Europe or sustain domestically and all because it was the wrong coach in the first place. Always remember DB10 and Adams were there when Wenger were sitting in a shed in France watching videos of 'promising players' until he was sacked. Wonder how that was explained on his CV ... Anyway, the non league wrapped up yesterday and we finished a respectable 10th finishing with a DB10 type goal that won a good contest and had 100 of us in gleeful mood. The fancy Dans uptown were put to the sword and will not be going up and two weeks ago I had the pleasure of watching the team that has. Well done bloody Horsham! Still buzzing from that goal and for the good of what is left of Arsenal FC .... yes - come on you ****ing Macams lol! Now do I get a ST for Brighton next season? **** it - I'll stay with my little lot. Love football!

  52. PV4

    Apr 24, 2016, 13:28 #88320

    Outstanding post. Thriving businesses only thrive if the company reinvests. Our lack of annual reinvestment has meant that other 'companies' have matched or surpassed us. Bottom line now is massive restructure of players and management.

  53. Carlos

    Apr 24, 2016, 13:07 #88319

    A great read and true in all points covered. I particularly like the piece about the Cup Finals. I suspect telling his players "to go out there and play" is not only what he did do, but what his instructions amount to most of the time, with well documented exceptions such as City away last year. CL qualification and what it brings to our greedy majority shareholder will determine our manager’s close season behaviour as will his finely honed survival instincts; see the post 8-2 trolley dash and the last minute Ozil signing in 2013. Watch for the emergence of a hitherto unseen ruthless streak, with Walcott “unsure of future” and Oxlade Chamberlain “being offered to..” stories already appearing in the columns of friendly journalists. What TV money has brought to this country is a gathering of most of the biggest managerial names and egos in Europe and the club must realise that continued treading of water will in all likelihood lead to a falling away next season. Wenger must fear this and what he will not want under any circumstances are questions along the lines of “….you are in the final year of your contract and you are not in the top four, what does the future hold?” That will mean he may not be master of his destiny and so more vulnerable to underperformance, which has not really been the case so far, as it will mean losing the fourth place trophy. Expect the manager who never looks back to take every opportunity to remind people of his twenty years of CL qualification and how he built the club with his bare hands, as the season wears on. For the first time in 20 years it is the club that holds the whip hand at contract renewal time, not the manager.

  54. Ron

    Apr 24, 2016, 12:30 #88318

    Arsene knew best - Exactly what was intended when they moved stadium. Many at the time did predict it, but the fans were too carried away in the excitement of the perceived super Club status that would follow. Ironically, a few top accountants firms who serve United predicted almost to a tee what AFC have done and what theyve become. Other commentators at the time said too that football would become the product and not the primary feature of AFC s future. Many said that doing what theyve done in the setting of London, taking into account the demographics and nature of Arsenals cosmopolitan core support would mean the net effect would differ from the same project being done in another City by a Club with a deeper rooted, more closer community support. They are proved correct.The change of Arsenal from what it once was to the skeletal 'football' Club it is now would have been anticipated by those who hatched the plan. It was a plan that matched the economy of what it was then both in the Country and in London in particular. Much has changed now and the beneficiaries will be those who try the same such as Spurs now. They ll look at what Arsenal has become and be sure not to let their Club escape from its fans, its community and im sure they ll want football to remain at the forefront of what they do, plus to make better money of course while they do it. Can Arsenal roll back time to a degree and bridge the detachment between the Club and its fans? Im not sure, such is the brutish way that theyve forsaken what the Clubs heritage was in favour of the filthy lucre chase that you mention.Fans have long memories and understand whats happened now belatedly. Many wont forgive. Sadly, too many like what he Clubs has become too. Its ironic that such as Liverpool but more strikingly, Spurs now have Wenger and Arsenal to thank for teaching them how it shouldn't be done. Arsenals long held, inate and grossly misconceived snobbery isnt so smug now is it.

  55. SM

    Apr 24, 2016, 12:29 #88317

    I am a season ticket holder and didn't go on Thursday. For me forgoing the average £40 a ticket it costs to sit in the lower tier wasn't a big deal. I can only identify with Alexis Sanchez, a player who runs his heart out even when he has lot his form. Danny Wellbeck also deserves a mention, he is light years ahead of Giroud. It's scary that France have gone from Trezeguet and Henry to Giroud in 2 decades This season is the most disappointing season I have had as an Arsenal fan in over 30 years. This includes the period after GG left and we finished 12th in the league. That side was awful but at least they had heart. We are now looking over our shoulders now at clubs like Spurs (who in fairness have caught up with us), West ham and Everton who all will receive massive cash injections over the next few years due to bigger/free stadiums or rich owners. I don't just want Wenger out of the club, I was Gazidis and Kroenke to just take a long hike. It's starting to get toxic at the Emirates fans are fighting with each other and the atmosphere has gone from one of hope to despair. Our best chance of winning the league in years and we fluffed our lines. All you had to do was look at those players faces in the home games in February vs the likes of Southampton and you could see quite frankly they don't have the bottle to compete at the highest level.

  56. Ozzie

    Apr 24, 2016, 12:24 #88316

    There's only one Arsene Wenger. Just as well, imagine if there were 2 autocrats!

  57. bromley boy

    Apr 24, 2016, 12:22 #88315

    Good article John, and your right about giving Wenger all that money to spend this summer if hes not going to be at the helm in a years time. we currently do have very good players but they are not being coached properly, there not been trained properly ( hence all the injuries) On his day Wenger was amongst the best but that day has long gone. Kronke/gazides/Lord harris/Sir Chips/ Wenger out

  58. Part of the WOB

    Apr 24, 2016, 11:59 #88314

    Brilliant comparison with Henry. Superbly typed. Completely agree. Wenger out.

  59. Augustus Flair

    Apr 24, 2016, 11:59 #88313

    Excellent piece. Arseneknewbest sums up what we want - a genuine desire to win the title and a plausible challenge for it, even if it slips away. This season we got neither desire or a realistic challenge when both those may have secured the pot. But as Philip points out the powers-that-be are only in it for the money now. Our club has been sold down the river and us with it. Something radical will have to happen for us to get it back.

  60. NickF

    Apr 24, 2016, 10:47 #88312

    If you want Wenger out, we need fans inside the stadium to help out. As you have seen, we can get banners in! Please contact us on "The Banner" thread. We need as many as possible.

  61. John F

    Apr 24, 2016, 10:35 #88311

    Good post John.Being the board are all about money I do not see Wenger leaving before the end of his contract if it's going to cost the club.On the terrace Wenger forum they are saying that the French newspaper le quip(about as reliable as the Star) are claiming he is close to signing a new three year contract.What a disaster this would be and not even the AKB'S would surely agree with.If he signs it we really will have him for the entire three years as the board will not remove him.I fear my last words on this earth will be "has he gone yet".

  62. George

    Apr 24, 2016, 10:25 #88310

    All clubs want a manager who can most of the time. By this std Wenger has failed and failed regularly and shd be replaced. There are fears that firing him could lead to MU scenario. No two situations are the same.Believe me the next MU manager who cant get the club challenging will be axed. If you don't take the risk you wont know.It sbetter to axe him when things aint so rosy compared to a time when the gunners could have sunk to below mid table.

  63. Ron

    Apr 24, 2016, 10:19 #88309

    Im fairly sure Wengers going nowhere, at least until Summer 17. Hes already laying the path though for Henry and the Club will dress that up as a great returning hero. Reality is, he lascks the persoanlity to succeed. He was a poor Captain and could sulk at a level that Wenger could. Hes also a greenhorn, untried and with no pedigree, even as an assistant coach to suggest a big Club should be offered to him. Similarly with Utd though, i think Ferguson wanted a lame duck to follow him in so as to avoid the ego blow that a new incumbent going in and immediatly making things better would represent, so with the Henry transition. OK, Wenger hasnt been anything like as successful as AF was but his stature at AF equates to Fergusons at Utd for all sorts of spurious reasons, but the mans ego is unhealthily enormous. Henry's going there to fail i think. The real and meaningful appointment is the man who follows Henry. TH is a continuance of the culture that Wenger has brought. Its the most caustic thing AFC have to address in my view. Arsenal have to rid themselves of that culture. Simply changing the personnel wont do that, especially when the creator of it will remain rattling around the back corridors of the place, slyly grinning with self satisfaction that he still holds the reins even after he loses his trainers and tracksuit. I dont think AFC have 'underperformed' these last 10 years. Theyve performed as well as decent to average players can do, under a Coach who wanted no more from them. Its insulting to Spurs and Leics this season to suggest they've only done as well as they have because AFC havent turned up. This applies to the other Clubs who've pushed AFC into the shade this last decade too. Arsenals problems are far deeper than a Managerial change can cure.It ll be interesting to see what happens.

  64. Philip

    Apr 24, 2016, 10:01 #88308

    Well put. I agree with all you say, but we are irrelevant. The owner and board are only interested in the money. As long as the club throws up surplus cash of £100 million plus per season nothing will change. Trophies only matter to the fans and what does a US owner who happily moves his NFL team to the city that pays him the most does not give one second's thought to the Arsenal fans.

  65. harj

    Apr 24, 2016, 9:50 #88307

    Wengers only mistake was remaining at the club after 2004. Once he knew that we would have no money for next ten years and it would fall on his shoulders to protect the board and balance the books he should have just left and gone to Real Madrid (who were after him). You can never be 100% certain but it is more likely that he would have had league triumphs and champions league success there and instead of sacrificing his career for arsenal he could have retired with a glittering legacy. Its been a good club transformation at Arsenal from Wenger but loyalty is only for fans, players and managers need to look after themselves, no one will thank you for being loyal and in this case people will disrespect you and vilify you for it. .

  66. Stan the man

    Apr 24, 2016, 9:40 #88306

    I can't see why big players will join this summer when the manager had only 12 months to go? They want to know the direction and chemistry. Either Wenger needs to sign a 12 month extension ( God forbid ) or go ( please ) Doing nothing is a non option and leaves a season of no change where 4th place would be an incredible achievement with these players especially as many need to go Walcott Gibbs Arteta Flamini Rosicky ( project youth for 1 year )

  67. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 24, 2016, 9:14 #88305

    John - Good stuff. I agree with that. The prism through which Arsenal's success was seen in the past was the number of times it realistically challenged for trophies. I think we'd all accept the club and its personnel today if it was actually trying to win things with a competitive squad and an ethos that involved fighting for results. In our case, we have morphed into a corporation where filthy lucre is the one and only motivator with trophies seen as a way of placating "match-day customers". In essence, we're well and truly fkked until the toupe'ed tyrant and his pet chihuahua shuffle off. It's pretty sobering really.

  68. Jed

    Apr 24, 2016, 9:12 #88304

    I agree with this completely. The game has moved on and Arsene hasn't. This is the year his excuses ran out. If the man had any decency remaining he'd step down.

  69. George

    Apr 24, 2016, 8:52 #88303

    Agree with the statement Wenger has made himself immune to the sack. However no one is indispensable especially if he aint winning. The last 2 cup wins were fortunate in the sense the opponents were mediocre opponents. Tactically he is already no match for the top bosses. At one time Arsenal were known as the best passing team with no dividend to show except for heavy losses to their traditional rivals.It took a 8-2 loss before he would dive into the market. Arsenal can be neutralized easily by a team defending deep as CP and other s have shown. Up to now he has no plan b. He likes to load his teams with ballet players,light in weight and small in stature and who in a 50/50 challenge would most probably lose. I cant wait for him to move aside asap.