Are Arsenal on the edge of a precipice?

Club need to up their game or risk decline

Are Arsenal on the edge of a precipice?

A dramatic title for sure but let me explain. For some fans, including Wenger, this season is merely a temporary glitch as the club moves inexorably onwards and upwards. A season of hope blighted by bad luck, injuries and poor refereeing. This view constitutes a serious case of denial. It is blinkered in the extreme and ignores the seismic shifts that are occurring this season in the make-up of the Premiership’s title contenders. It’s my view that Arsenal need to up their game on all fronts if they are to stay anywhere near the top, let alone mount a decent challenge. A repeat of the mediocre fare served up over the last few seasons might well see them disappear into mid-table obscurity. The club needs to get a grip and fast.

Next season is likely to be one of the most competitive for many years. The money sloshing around the Premiership will be huge; the top teams, Chelsea, City, Man U will undoubtedly strengthen. Tottenham look to have a very good young side and, provided they keep hold of their best players, will be challenging next season. Klopp appears to be getting something going at Liverpool. West Ham’s move to the Olympic stadium may well usher in a new era under Bilic. Whether Leicester manage to produce the same performance levels is debatable, but who knows. If you add Arsenal to that top list we could have six or seven teams challenging and scrapping for the title. Wonderful for the neutral not so good if you are an Arsenal fan.

The reason is that, under Wenger, Arsenal haven’t done very well when the competition hots up. His most successful period was 96/97 - 03/04. During that period he won three titles. He was undoubtedly a revolutionary of sorts in those heady days, but in reality our only challengers then were Man U. Moreover he had the good fortune to inherit arguably the greatest back five Arsenal have ever had. Seaman, Winterburn, Bould, Adams, Dixon. In June 2003, Abramovich bought Chelsea and the top table now had three players instead of two. In 2008, the Sheiks bought City and the top table expanded to four. The fact of the matter is that, since the competition expanded beyond just Man U, Arsenal haven’t managed to win a single title. It’s also worth adding that they haven’t managed more than a third-place finish in the last 11 seasons either.

Many Arsenal fans have accepted this chronic underachievement as being down to the impossibility of competing with the more wealthy clubs, what Wenger termed financial doping. This was widely accepted as fact despite the performances of the likes of Dortmund and Atletico whose success suggested it could be done.

This was supposed to be our season, all the big rivals having faltered for a variety of reasons. As the wealthiest of the challengers left, it was assumed that the title would be ours. Using Wenger’s logic (ie you can’t trump financial clout) we were in the driving seat for sure. The reality has been a disaster; not only have Arsenal not even challenged, they have come up short of two sides, Leicester and Tottenham, who have nowhere near Arsenal’s financial muscle. As I write this, we are 13 points behind Leicester. What happened to the financial doping argument?

The bottom line is that Wenger hasn’t been able to better any of the other big competitors since 2004. And even when they have gone missing, as they have this season, he still hasn’t managed to get the job done. With a track record like this, what on earth makes the club think that next year, with even more competition, he will be able to mount even a top-four place finish let alone a title challenge? Mid-table obscurity beckons in my book.

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  1. colin

    May 03, 2016, 12:45 #88961

    The problem is Wenger has not changed tack over the years. 100 passes around the box looks good but wins nothing. At the start of the season he said he had enough quality in the team to win titles. To many one peg players.

  2. exiled&dangerous

    Apr 29, 2016, 18:29 #88714

    Cornish Gooner (so there's more than one of us down here) - SIFF could actually be many things: Stan's Invisible Footballers Fund (huge wages paid to players who disappear when the going gets mild), Sling it Fecking Forward! (as seventy-nine minutes of sideways passing finally produces meltdown in the stands), Should I Follow Foxes? (as I look at the very small amount of beer tokens that's supposed to last the weekend and decide whether to watch a dead rubber involving my beloved team of overpaid haven't-beens or see if the relegation fodder of a year ago can actually clinch the title at Old Trafford). Yes, I know, I should get out more.....

  3. Hambum

    Apr 29, 2016, 12:02 #88679

    I completely agree with the sentiments expressed by the Bard but I see the situation as being quite straight forward. Without denigrating Wenger or any of his achievements, he has failed now for so many years that it's become a simple business decision to ask him to step down. Winning the odd knockout competition like the FA cup doesn't cut it. To win the Premier League requires consistent performance and the teams he creates simply can't manage it. In Total Quality Management terms his teams are "Incapable". Sure they can win the odd match against even the strongest opponents, but they cannot do this week in and week out. Personally I believe his preferred style of play requires the highest calibre of player, but Wenger won't pay for this quality, so he has put the club into a vicious catch 22 situation. He also needs to revise his playing strategy to include some respect for defence, then recruit accordingly. If Wenger runs recruitment for yet another year the club will be yet another year behind in recruiting a set of players with the different range of capability required to win the PL these days. I was not really aware of Wenger's shortcomings until the Monaco game, but since then, instead of actually competing with Barca and the other top clubs, the same shortcomings have not been addressed and in fact have continued (eg. vs Southhampton in December!). I believe the team's inability to defend a lead must be one of the most debilitating influences on team morale. As for the AKB argument about being careful what you wish for, this has to happen one day unless Wenger is Methuselah! Better the day comes sooner rather than later because one day it definitely will come.


    Apr 28, 2016, 19:34 #88656

    Many thanks Goonersol - I am pleased to learn what SIFF means. I had done some googling which suggested "something unpleasant" & gave dog poo as an example. Same thing really!!! Cheers.

  5. HowardL

    Apr 28, 2016, 18:58 #88653

    Are Arsenal on the edge of a precipice? No, they have fallen off

  6. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:50 #88633

    Never mind what OGL has won (thanks BTW), what about the leagues and cups lost. Club should have been champions in 1999, 2003, 2008, probably 2011 and certainly 2016. FA Cup 1999, 2001 thrown away, League Cup 2007 lost out through sheer bloodymindedness, 2011 vs Birmingham. UEFA Cup 2000. And last and certainly not least the 2006 CL final where even my uncle realised that with 10 men, Henry should have been sent to the half way line and told to stay there, if only to keep one of their defenders occupied and negate the man difference.

  7. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:28 #88631

    Ron - couldn't agree more re all the nonsense about Wenger 'miraculously' extending the careers of our famous GG back-line. It was hardly rocket science was it - get them off the booze, sort out a proper diet / exercise and it's virtually job done. Also his 'visionary' finding of players from nowhere just happened to coincide with a French purple patch, and his huge amount of knowledge of the French transfer market at the time gave him a definite edge. He has dined out on the luck he had in his early days ever since and duped too many Gooners in to believing in him for far too long. More and more fans are seeing through him now but will it be enough to finally force him out? Unfortunately I still doubt that it will be.

  8. King Jeremy

    Apr 28, 2016, 12:52 #88626

    The man has had countless opportunities to change his ways over the years but has steadfastly refused to do so. He is so stubborn that his way of doing things will prevail, that, should he be allowed to continue, he will go down taking the entire club with him, taking potentially decades to regroup. Question is, do the board have the will to get rid of him early? I think the answer to that is a resounding "no". I have no doubt that he will be allowed to see out the final year of his contract and I'm equally certain that if we have a fairly decent first half of the season, a new contract will be offered. If that happens, have no doubt that within the next 5 years this club will be where the likes of Liverpool and Everton currently reside - the odd win against a top 4 side, occasional semi finals of domestic cups, but generally perpetually "on the cusp".

  9. Au Revoir Le Fraud

    Apr 28, 2016, 10:47 #88615

    Tony- Why pick on 94-95 mate? A fairer comparison would be the season before Wenger took over (95-96) when we finished 5th and the back five conceded the fewest goals in the whole division! Some rescue act! Sorry for the inconvenient 'fact'.

  10. Ron

    Apr 28, 2016, 10:40 #88614

    Wengers so called revolutionary dietary regime that he is classed as being the only one to follow it at the time, amounted to nothing more than stopping them going on the p--s every night, cutting out the fatty carbs and introducing Creatine as part of the daily food stuff intake. Creatine back then was contentious and frowned upon. Arsenal kept its use well under wraps as a result. He drummed out the ones who didnt follow suit hence brain dead idiots like Merson were soon out of the door and even today his bitterness and resentment towards Wenger shows itself more or less every time he speaks about Arse FC. The regime Wenger brought in did extend the older players careers but it was never the rocket science thats claimed on his behalf to do it. Behind the booze fueled careers, they were all intelligent footie players. That assisted the process.

  11. Ron

    Apr 28, 2016, 10:22 #88613

    Atletico M last night. Whether they prevail v Munich or not, I hope you were watching Wenger. Its not just Leics who have embarrassed you is it. AM are what tactics, guts, passion, commitment, skill, organisation, desire and real mental strength are in a team, all put there there by a Coach who wont have anything short of those qualities. Not that you would recognise any of these facets of the game sitting up there in wengerfantasyland.

  12. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 28, 2016, 10:09 #88612

    Tony - Wenger didn't rescue the back five. It's pretty much common knowledge (I have read both Tony Adams and David Seaman saying this) that after the 1-3 defeat by Blackburn in December '97 the players realised that the back four wasn't getting any protection from the midfield (hmmmm sounds familiar don't it?) and sorted it out themselves with Petit and Paddy sitting in front. OGL just did what all the bosses in any industry do and took the credit.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 28, 2016, 10:04 #88611

    Arseneknewbest - there are those who won't admit they've been in the wrong (like Tony) and then those like Leek who simply lack the capacity to understand there even is an argument in the first place. He very simply sees anyone and anything connected to Arsenal (like Wenger and Kroenke) as 'Arsenal' and therefore to be unquestioningly supported. Anyone criticising such individuals or the way things are done are therefore 'anti-Arsenal'. It's a very, very simple, cartoon-like world he lives in. Tony - what Wenger did was extend the careers of the famous back 5 through diet and conditioning, as he was an innovator in these areas back then. Lee Dixon has previously said in terms of defensive training Wenger used to leave them to it. So he was indeed fortunate to inherit them as he has shown no capacity as a defensive coach. What doesn't stand up to scrutiny is your contention the 'whole edifice tumbles'.

  14. Tony

    Apr 28, 2016, 9:52 #88610

    we have had this review many times before, but I thought I'd run it by just one more time, because it contains so many of the features we have seen and debated over the years, all in one go. Wenger did inherit the back five, that is true, but if you look at what they were doing in the couple of seasons before Wenger, it was not very impressive . This was the back five that played in the 1994/5 season and ended up 12th, shipping the same number of goals as Palace who were relegated. What Wenger did was rescue them. And you see that is the trouble with this sort of generalised analysis - it only needs one totally erroneous "fact" to be pointed out, and the whole edifice tumbles.

  15. goonersol

    Apr 28, 2016, 8:46 #88609

    For Cornish Gooner : Further to my previous message........: In amongst all the abbreviations AKB, TOF etc etc ( some of which I don't Know) can I add SIFF ( Specialist In Failure & Fraud) Go now SIFF ......Taxi for Wenger

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 28, 2016, 8:21 #88608

    Just like to say that hopefully the agenda for change will continue the major publicity. As I've mentioned before the social media have run rings around the board and Wenger. They can say what they like but when the perception is there that the product is failing it adds up to poison. Eventually as I mentioned to Leekey previously you may even get Puma senior management have a word. The traditional media has now caught up with the social media and now it's dripping poison. Lucky for the board they are not a PLC or they'd be heading for a boardroom putsch. I was amused to see old Tony Attwood on Untold decry the Evils of Social Media (though he makes a living from it), try to defend traditional media then admit that both sides are attacking his Arsenal. A right hotch potch. The news for Tony is they are not attacking Arsenal it's the board and the Manager they don't like. The agenda has changed at last!

  17. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 28, 2016, 7:44 #88606

    Leek - "For the lesser intelligent ones on here". So you're the intellectual heavyweight who cannot even string a sentence together. You must try harderer matey! You're a poster boy for Arsene FC - you question nothing, accept all of the club's spin and will meekly acquiesce as the team sinks further while you help to fund Stan's toupee replacement programme. You're being mugged by frauds and capitalists who care not a jot for your and my team. Get real Leek - it's OK to admit you've been on the wrong side of the argument for all these years.

  18. 1975

    Apr 28, 2016, 6:50 #88605

    Vote with your wallets. I gave up my season ticket three seasons ago. I got fed up of being treated like a fool. Haven't missed going. Have retained a silver card for use when Wenger decides to leave.

  19. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 0:06 #88603

    John Evans, or even, someone in.

  20. Leek fc

    Apr 28, 2016, 0:05 #88602

    For the lesser intelligent ones on here. Keep up mbg !!!!! since 2006. We've been mediocre. The likes of Liverpool, Newcastle, Spurs et all would love to have had our mediocrity since then. Champions league. Fa cup wins. It's all down to perspective. And I know where I sit. Wenger must stay.

  21. Old Gooner

    Apr 28, 2016, 0:00 #88601

    Squatter Wenger " but we're still waiting for anti Wenger chants at the stadium." . If you're going Saturday then your wait is over as I and some friends will be singing the anti-Wenger chants you've been waiting for. Enough is enough. Wenger out now.

  22. Arsene's departure iSaNOgoals worse luck!

    Apr 27, 2016, 23:25 #88599

    Under Wenger we are big club that moves in a small way. In today's football world you have to be expansive, & not micro-manage. As one fan recently said: Wenger is an analogue manager in a digital world. Further to this, he is not ballsy...and will never go for broke. That modus operandi does not befit a club like Arsenal who have champagne money but drink Lemonade.

  23. Squatter Wenger

    Apr 27, 2016, 21:10 #88596

    I pray and hope we finish 5th as its the only thing that might dislodge the squatter Wenger. He said this squad was good enough and never bought a single outfield so should fall on his sword if he had any semblance of dognity and integrityou apart from serving his own and the yanks money grubbing interests. The fans must unite now to protesr and oust the squatter but we're still waiting for anti Wenger chants at the stadium.

  24. Gloster Gooner

    Apr 27, 2016, 21:06 #88595

    This quote from Elneny just about sums up the depressing state of the club "Arsenal star says Wenger told him to stop shooting so much"!

  25. John Evans

    Apr 27, 2016, 20:37 #88594

    Maybe those posters should simply read: Wenger Out, Simeone In!

  26. mbg

    Apr 27, 2016, 19:48 #88593

    OBG, good post, yes it will most likely mean a spell in mid table, or there about's, while the new man rebuilds, but not necessarily, just imagine that could be all behind us now with job done and us back on track to where we belong if the AKB wengerites had taken their heads out of the sand and other places years ago, it'll certainly be no easy job after the mess this buffoon has left us in, with as you say the dross and carthorses (so much for all spin from the AKB's that they're messiah has/will have left us in a good place) but do we care ? certainly not, it will be well worth it in the end, at least we'll know where we are, and where we're going, with a fresh new manager, with new ideas, new principle's, new philosophies, who will bring back our traditions, etc, etc, and above all knows what he's doing. wenger out.


    Apr 27, 2016, 19:37 #88592

    Assistance needed. As an aged "wrinklie"/"coffin dodger" I do struggle with the new fangled internet slang. For example Goonersol's use of SIFF - WTF is that? I also understand LOL(unlike dodgy Dave) & FFS & am a frequent user of the latter (bad grandpa) but everything is a complete mystery - can some kindly Gooner oblige with a few lessons to keep me in touch. With the real prospect of 1- 3 more years of misery I fear I am going to need plenty of help. Merci beaucoup!

  28. Old Man

    Apr 27, 2016, 19:07 #88591

    Paulo 75 mate. It is not just Wenger! You are right. Wiggy and Gazzi have to go! The whole (for Daryn) rotten core out!

  29. Paulo75

    Apr 27, 2016, 18:30 #88590

    Despite the tide of discontent amongst the support I guess it would be too much to expect some form of public recognition of the Clubs problems from Ivan Gazidis or Silent Stan.... Who do we think we are eh?

  30. OBG

    Apr 27, 2016, 18:18 #88588

    I think Arsenal under Wenger's mis-management have been slipping down the beginning of a precipice for the last 8 years. Any change from Wenger to another manager - when it eventually happens (the sooner the better) will most likely mean a spell in mid-table - As the dross (ramsey/walcott etc are shown the door) as part of the re-building process, in this case there can be no gain without pain...But I am more than willing to endure those changes, as long as I know the new manager is allowed to and to stamp their own authority, character, methods and style on the club - Arsenal have become an embarrassment under Wenger - He has not only undone all the good things he achieved in the first 10 years of his tenure as manager, but amazingly (and sadly) he has somehow managed (no pun intended) to turn all that good into something negative and worse. Yes, we have a new stadium - But look at the cost to the fans, team, club and reputation. WENGER GET OUT OF MY CLUB - YOU FRAUD.

  31. AJH

    Apr 27, 2016, 14:05 #88582

    I think the protest on Saturday has to be given 100% so much so that silent Stan is left squirming in the good old usa to the point that his hair piece falls to the floor and runs for it's life ! Then watch Wenger try and answer questions about the protest after the match which he will no doubt deflect away from. Note Bayern making noises about Alexis, no doubt Barca will enquire about Hector at some point a torrid time for us all goes on.

  32. Daryn

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:51 #88581

    The problem with the hole lot is they are all in the comfort zone wenger gives them Hugh contracts and as long as we get 4th no one says a word .if we get a new manager how long before we would see a nearly new team or would the player have a rocket up there Arsenal and start to prove they could be big players or would they just walk away

  33. mbg

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:50 #88580

    Not a bad third one either, and we could still be stuck and regressing even more with (god forbid) this past it fraudster. Go now wenger. Good Article.

  34. mbg

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:28 #88578

    An excellent first paragraph, the AKB wengerite goonies are well and truly brainwashed in thinking all that, just like the last ten, it's always somebody else's fault, you have to give it to TOF he's good at one thing, hypnosis. He'd make a great hypnotist where he could get punters (AKB's)up on stage and make them think they're chickens squawking all over the place, or make them think it's to hot and strip off and have them walking around naked, his forte would be putting them to sleep and snapping his fingers to wake them up and make them think they're watching great, world class players playing a great football match. wenger out.

  35. Peter Wain

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:23 #88577

    without a major influx of new talent it is impossible to see a successful season next year. We need two defenders two midfielders and two strikers. Wenger will not buy six players and whilst our defence is as porous as ever nad our attack as goal shy as ever we have no realistic chance of the title. As for Europe for get it - a complete waste of time. Our youth is poorly run with few prospects coming through. Chuba Akpom and Hayden never play for Hull Maitland has been sent back from Ipswich and every Rangers match I have watched zelalem stolls around and affects nothing.

  36. mbg

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:08 #88576

    Bard, we most certainly are, and we most certainly do, but not with this past it fraud of a manager at the helm. wenger out now.

  37. Ron

    Apr 27, 2016, 13:07 #88575

    For Wenger - read Nero. When ole Arsene goes, he ll declare too 'what an artist the World loses in me'. Sadness when he goes for sure due to his first 5 or 6 years, but he knew he d sold out once this regime took its grip on the Club and hes been paid handsomely to bite the bullet, keep stum and allow the Club to float around like a bit part player for so many years.

  38. DJ

    Apr 27, 2016, 12:49 #88574

    Again well written Bard. It will be interesting if Wenger will be given a hard time in his pre match press conference by the usual fawning press pack. I would just like someone to ask him does he realise he is a football manager not a MD for a financial institution. My nightmare scenario is us beating Aston Villa to secure 3rd/4th place and Wenger justifying another year or even worse another contract!!!

  39. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2016, 12:07 #88572

    That geography teacher wot runs Untold and his Fizzicks mate from the EMs staff room are still babbling on about 'careful wot you wish for' ..... & other dull points with silly little analogies of the leather elbow and chalk dust variety. Well I am sorry you so called Arsenal fans from where? who should be supporting local clubs from where you come from are so far away from the essence of class Norf Lundun dunn & Co dog tooth merchants high on the early Who that you are making me tin bath all over the shop. Anyway - where was I? Ah yes - fly front macs and ox blood smooths and a tartan brutus will do the trick....... & do they smell/like ****ing hell/over there ..... Parlour maybe up the wrong swanee but he did more for Arsenal FC then the accountant ever did. do remember the look on Dixon's boat when Ray stuck that one past the chavs. One of me bruvs came all the way from NJ USA to see that and he was original old school and knew all there was to know about Don bleeding Rodgers....... For one more goal .... **** Arsene FC!

  40. John Evans

    Apr 27, 2016, 11:44 #88569

    We all need to get right behind the cause on Saturday inside the ground. Don't just hold up a poster though, make your voices heard loud and proud inside the stadium and let everybody know that us true Arsenal fans will tolerate mediocrity no more. 'Enough excuses, It's time to go! It's time to go! Enough excuses, It's time to go'. IF ALL OF US THAT WANTS CHANGE SING THIS SONG WHEN HOLDING ALOFT THE POSTERS IT WILL BE THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS CLAIMING OUR CLUB BACK AND ENDING THE STASIS.

  41. AFCasap

    Apr 27, 2016, 11:35 #88568

    it will be very interesting to see just how arrogant wenger can be...he will not release his vice grip willingly....even if the arsene fan clubbers come around to thinking its time for their bank manager to leave....i'm sure he will tell them to get stuffed

  42. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 27, 2016, 11:22 #88566

    Concisely put. What happened to the financial doping argument? The same thing that happened to those who used to come on here and argue it so vehemently, I guess. Turns out it wasn't that after all, it was Wenger, as so many of us said all along. That's why the likes of Chris & Amos are never seen on here anymore. Just the diehard cultists and those with the dimmest powers of comprehension left trying to defend Wenger - such as those try to say the problem is Kroenke denying Wenger funds. So much so he couldn't even compete with Spurs and Leicester? The debate is over, it's just the long wait for a failed regime to end now.

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 27, 2016, 10:42 #88565

    Bard - Thanks - I think the club is already in a period of decline (in all aspects save Stan's favourite thing which is moolah), so the precipice has already been travelled over. However the fall is relatively slow but inexorably downwwards (a bit like Liverpool's since the early 90s), meaning that swivel-eyed loyalists like Leek can't detect what is going on. The collective pride and what the club stood for on the pitch have disappeared into the vapour that emanates from the powerful glue used by Stan to keep his toupee adhered to his money-grubbing napper, but unlike BHS the Arsenal continues to make huge sums of money so will not go under financially. This has all been done to death on here recently. The Arsenal is fading from the map and will only re-take steps in the right direction after these idiots are relieved of their sinecures. I feel genuinely sad about what is going - maybe it's the next stage of grieving for what used to be a football club.

  44. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 27, 2016, 10:40 #88564

    My own moniker is a sarcastic take on the line we were being fed in the first few years of the move, signing prospects on long term contracts who were going to move the club into a period of dominance (any fan of the club will know that the 1930's apart, that has never happened). And many people fell for it. I knew Wenger was finished back in 2006 when we went to a poor Man City side, outplayed them, and lost 1-0 to a penalty needlessly given away by a rash challenge. We lost because there was no plan B. As we all know, OGL don't do tactics. The game has moved on and passed him by, especially in the last 3 years. One thing in our favour: don't go thinking that just because everyone has potloads to spend that they are going to spend it wisely, if they spend it at all. There are only so many good players around, the best ones are already signed up. Law of supply and demand and all that. But for sure a sea change in the whole culture of the club is needed, and needed fast. Right now I simply don't care anymore; and fans who don't care will be the death of their clubs.

  45. Roy

    Apr 27, 2016, 10:36 #88563

    What's happened this season would have been in this regimes worst nightmares, but not for one moment would they ever have thought it would come true. Well, thank God it has, and exposed them for what they really are, with the majority of fans now realising that they have been well and truly mugged off. Let's hope that the ones who fall into the category of 'wanting change but choosing to stay silent' - you know who you are - choose instead to actually do something on Saturday. It may only be a start, but doing nothing is no longer an option. If in the long run it prevents Wenger signing a new contract, it will have been worth it. Can't disagree with anything you have written there Bard, but then again, only an idiot would dispute actual facts.

  46. goonersol

    Apr 27, 2016, 9:25 #88562

    Everyone is entitled to their views , AKB's & WOB's, but I would like to ask the AKB's what has changed ?? Go back 10 years when the rot started to set in, AKB's had a valid point...."Give him time"...." we are building a club to challenge "........."we have a great new stadium".........."Good things are coming" ............So we all waited, FOR WHAT.....finishing 3rd- 4th every season, no realistic challenge for CL or EPL, 10 years on there can be no valid point in keeping things the same, surely event the most diehard AKB must accept that the fans (AKB & WOB) have been taken for a ride, empty promises , while lining the pockets of all at the club, the only ones left short changed are the fans, who pay top prices for the pleasure ?? . If Wenger cared he would have left a few seasons ago, but his judgement on that is also flawed, just like his signing's & his dreams. He can no longer deliver, and in any other business he would have been shown the door. His situation has caused a massive rift within the fan base and I think it will take a while to heal.........Wenger Out SIFF.

  47. Tony Evans

    Apr 27, 2016, 9:12 #88559

    Hi Bard - can't argue with any of that. As you say next season there will be at least six or seven sets of fans rubbing their hands in anticipation of a great season in prospect, with something new and exciting happening at their respective clubs. Sadly we Gooners will not be amongst this happy throng because, barring a miracle, we will still have the tried and not trusted Wenger still firmly calling the shots, and we can expect nothing but a depressing repeat of the same old failings of the past.

  48. nolly

    Apr 27, 2016, 9:11 #88558

    No morals at the emirates