Arsenal Circular 144 – 28 April 1970 and 30 April 2016

Memories of winning the Fairs Cup and thoughts on Saturday’s ‘Time for Change’ protest

Arsenal Circular 144 – 28 April 1970 and 30 April 2016

1970 - End of a long barren run

Dear Fellow Gunners

This circular will focus on the issues relating to the likely protest at the Norwich game on Sunday, but let me start with a reminder of an anniversary that will strike a chord with many readers.

Today in 1970 we beat Anderlecht 3-0 in the second leg of the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. For those of us who had experienced the barren years following the title win in 1953 it was a welcome relief. Seventeen years of nothing – and not just nothing but apart from 1958-59 we were never in the top four. We were usually 42 matches played with 42 points – somewhere around 8th and no Cup runs of any note. 46 years ago tonight football came full circle and our joy overflowed. We were 3-1 down from the first leg in Brussels and Ray Kennedy’s substitute goal minutes from the end of the first leg left the door slightly ajar. Great substitution, Bertie and Don.

Bob Wilson tells how Frank emerged from the shower after the defeat and did his Churchill exhortation. The boys were stirred and approached the second leg with confidence. It was still a big ask but Highbury was full to the rafters. The tension was touchable. This was our chance to re-create history and launch Arsenal Football Club back to the big time. Eddie Kelly was first up. In the D of the penalty area at the Clock End he moved slightly to the right and hit a great shot with his right foot into the left corner of the goal - 1-0. Things were happening but Anderlecht had much feared players – Himst, Mulder and Devrindt and we were still behind. In the second half a wonderful cross close to the flag by Bob McNab (from a pass by George Graham) found John Radford’s head and minutes later Jon Sammels lashed a loose ball into the net. For many of us it remains one of the very greatest of nights – rivalled by WHL in 1971 and Anfield in 1989. Solidified the life-long connection.

Now to Norwich and the protests. We pays our money – we makes our choice. Protests are often unpleasant but entirely permissible. Fans feel let down. The trophies have not come; the goals have dried up; the wrong players have been signed; the wrong teams selected; the wrong substitutions have been made and at the wrong time. The list goes on. A sizable number are fed up. Social media stirs things – gives fans the confidence to let rip. It has happened before – Billy Wright was booed; Bertie Mee was slow hand-clapped. Down periods are met with fan reaction. They are making a point.

I doubt it will bring about change. The Board will not part company with Wenger. He will see out his contract and if next season goes well you can anticipate another three year extension. The protest will make the protestors feel good. They will have done their bit – stood up for what they believe. Some of it will be ugly. Protestors - in whatever area - have some who go over the top. Bad taste will feature. Vulgar language will be in evidence. It will be very unpleasant. So be it. That is democracy – warts and all.

So for those whose minds are made up, they will have their moment and maybe more to come. And of course there is a cause for complaint. This was to be our year and we have fallen away. Sack the Manager. Get in someone else. Make the change now.

For me it is not a question just of loyalty or believing in standards or being reluctant to bring down the guillotine on a good man. There has to be something else and this is it – I still believe in Wenger. I still think he can deliver. For me he is not “past his sell by date” or over the top or too old for the modern game. My faith has been questioned and I have some doubts especially after the fall away this season but I review the whole narrative and the successes as well as the failures and I stand by him. I think he knows what he needs even if his selections sometimes suggest otherwise.

I expect abuse – it goes with football unfortunately but standing up for what you believe in is what the protestors will do on Sunday and this is what I am doing in this article. Standing by Wenger. I so want him to succeed. He stands for so many good things. He plays good football. He is a winner. So mock and deride me. It happens. Supporting the unpopular things in life takes courage. I will stand well clear of the mob atmosphere that will be generated and hope that goals will water down the protest. It won’t help the players. It will make them tighter, playing with the handbrake on and at just the time we need the points so in many ways the protest will be an own goal in one way and a right to express a view on the other. Think about what you want because upping the protest hurts us in our struggle for Champions League qualification.

You are welcome to follow my tweets (10 per day) on twitter @arsenalcircular.

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  1. Billthered

    Apr 29, 2016, 22:03 #88724

    Remember when OGL spoke about moving into a new stadium and being able to compete with the top clubs in Europe well what happened we are no nearer them than we were when we where at THOF that is why he no longer answers questions at the AGM because he has no answers.I feel a bit sorry for him because he is a bit of a puppet for yankeedoodledandy but I suppose eight million a year cushions the blow.

  2. David

    Apr 29, 2016, 19:32 #88717

    "I so want him to succeed" - The thing is that the board see him as succeeding, whilst almost all the fans, yourself included don't. I am never quite sure is Wenger is a good manager who has steered Arsenal through difficult years whilst maintaining a credible third or fourth or an under achiever who should have won far more given the resources he had, especially when Arsenal had a great team between 1999 and 2006. I don't think Wenger deserves any more chances, as he wouldn't do any better, but I am not moved enough to protest for change because all Arsenal will have done at the end of the season is qualify for the European Cup again. I don't think Wenger will sign another contract. He may start one more season in charge, but unless Arsenal storm ahead early on, I suspect he will decide enough is enough and go.

  3. mbg

    Apr 29, 2016, 17:13 #88706

    Moscow gooner, maybe old circular thinks his messiah is going to become a postman, but TOF would probably balls that up too.

  4. Moscow gooner

    Apr 29, 2016, 17:02 #88704

    'I still think he can deliver.' Deliver what exactly? 4th place? Probably - for a few seasons more, although 'it's all up for grabs now.' A credible challenge for the title? Progress in the Champions League? Well it's 12 years and counting. If you want him to stay, I think it's incumbent in you to say how many more chances he should get.

  5. tom

    Apr 29, 2016, 14:31 #88690

    Said it numerous times, Wenger should be given another year, and we all hope we'll win the title and some of us hope he can go out on that high, having spent season 16-17 integrating his successor(s) into the club.

  6. mbg

    Apr 29, 2016, 13:50 #88689

    I don't think there's one post on here since this silly article went up that doesn't make it sound as ridiculous as it is, that doesn't bat it away for six, or swat it away like a fly around a cows arse on a sunny day. The dried up old heifer out.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 29, 2016, 9:34 #88673

    Looking for the smallest crumb of comfort in Mr Perry's provocative musings, it does at least provide a form of blood-letting/catharsis for those of us in the right. Cometh the hour, cometh the mustard munchers from Norwich. I really like their manager - seems like a honest decent bloke, just like ours....oh, wait. And maybe Delia Smith can present wenger with a humble pie before the game.

  8. John Evans

    Apr 29, 2016, 9:29 #88672


  9. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 29, 2016, 8:21 #88671

    John F:- I'm hearing this again and again where very pro supporters have changed their minds this season. As I keep on blabbering on the continual polls in the papers are showing 75/25 for him to go. Even allowing for social media creating extreme views these same polls a few years back were 60/40 in his favour. Interestingly on Untold Arsenal, a dull humour attempt has backfired on the OP and loads of commentators are confirming they are season ticket holders and want Wenger gone. Arsenal are well behind the curve on this and ultimately it will hurt them corporately. More fool them!

  10. John F

    Apr 29, 2016, 7:49 #88670

    The fans are fighting each other what more evidence do you need that the man should make way for a manager we can all unite behind.Never have I seen in my fifty years of supporting Arsenal such a divide,do you wish for that to carry on as it surely will if he signs a new contract.My wife's cousins who have been strong supporters of Wenger now beleive he should go.He has now lost the majority of fans and if any leader had poll ratings as low as his they would be moved on or would have the decency to resign.

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 29, 2016, 7:36 #88669

    Graham - why worry about Champions League qualification. What is the point? Our performance have been embarrassing and we are simply not in it to win. We're hardly Athletico are we? Your just worried Wenger will be shown up even more. If we end up 5th it really has to be rated a total failure. Seeing how two players in Chelsea and City decided to go on vacation. A winner really? With all the facilities and players at his disposal? No titles in 12 years says it all. You simply lack the ambition to succeed or the imagination to remove yourself from the rut.

  12. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 29, 2016, 6:11 #88668

    Graham, are you and Pat from untold either one and the same or best buddies? The similarity is staggering

  13. Kenny

    Apr 28, 2016, 23:59 #88667

    Vinnie Wenger has managed his own exit and isnt going.Kroenke is in Denver counting his money and Gazidis boss is Wenger.So the person who decides whether Wenger goes is...............Wenger.No other football club has a dictator like Wenger who is allowed to get away with by the fans like Wenger.And he has done it for 12 years.The only people who can get Wenger out are the fans and sadly Arsenal fans just bend over every season and let Wenger shaft them.Take a long look at yourselves my fellow Gooners and ask why it has take 12 years for protests to begin?And what will happen when the season ticket renewals arrive the fans will gratefully hand over £1200 and thats the reason why Wenger will stay.Boycott is the only way to get Wenger out

  14. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 23:53 #88666

    Exeter, couldn't agree more, what is there to respect ? the fact he penned a ridiculous article ? (anyone could do that) the wenger is a winner and can still deliver quip says it all, what is there to respect from a cultist, they can see nothing else, if TOF put out a circular that his cult must stand on their heads and smoke a pipe they'd do it, and them we'd have another arsene circular about it.TOF out

  15. JM- LONDON

    Apr 28, 2016, 23:44 #88665

    Now I like Arsene, and it's a real shame that left to his own devices he will eventually leave the club under a cloud along with a string of players. Walcott springs to mind, who is now a laughing stock (be it a wealthy one), who will not look back on their time at Arsenal with any really love, he is regularly booed, just not good enough and would do well in a regular mid table West Ham of yesterday. I do sympathise with the finance for many a year when we were strapped and chelski and cited bought and paid for their success. But now, more than ever, if Arsene stays then we need to know who us managing Arsene?. Surely, like him or loath him, would David Dein have allowed this??, Walcott, giroud would have long gone. You know, don't even know why I bother, it's a bloody shambles and could take decades to put right.

  16. Gaz

    Apr 28, 2016, 22:11 #88664

    Hi mbg. Of course not! Must admit I'm now finding this unequivocal support for Wenger really creepy now...

  17. Vinnie

    Apr 28, 2016, 21:52 #88663

    I would prefer Wenger managed his own exit rahter than be sacked but I do believe he has lost his way and so we need change Protest is good in these circumstances ok it might not result in change this year but could influence the decision on whether his contract is extended if we do not do well next Liverpool fans protested about ticket prices and that got a result One thing is for sure apathy and continued sell outs will not result in change for sure We can try.....


    Apr 28, 2016, 20:55 #88662

    Mark from Arsenal. Silver Surfer here - you rang Sir? Down with The Wengernistas & the SIFF (thank you Goonersol)!!

  19. Mark from Arsenal

    Apr 28, 2016, 20:41 #88661

    1:) prove Arsene is a good man: the obituary and history will confirm or question that statement. 2:) when has being a good man made you a great manager - please offer proof. 3:) you're statements go down as well as George III and the Boston Tea party. Believe me, we are after his sacking. A three year contract extension may create such a division as big as John Major and the Euro Sceptics. 4:) You simply don't get it , you think just because a few grey haired mates of yours practice caution. Believe me there are silver surfers younger at heart right on with the message Wenger out! Your on the wrong side of history fella!

  20. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 20:41 #88660

    Mark, wengerites like Perry actually deserve TOF, unfortunately proper fans who support the club and want what's best for it and what it stands for don't, lets hope this old past it manager takes them with him when he goes. Go now old man.

  21. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 20:27 #88659

    Gaz, surely you don't expect a serious answer.

  22. Patrick

    Apr 28, 2016, 20:23 #88658

    It's petrifying that people can't divorce their loyalty to Arsenal from loyalty to an individual. Ask yourself: do you feel Arsenal have achieved their potential this year? If yes, you are satisfied with support of a business not football club (this is the place for you!) if no, why haven't they achieved their potential. Repeat the question for the last few years. If you come To the conclusion Arsenal are underachieving in the league due to referees; bad luck; injuries or karma, then good luck to you. Continue celebrating the clubs unarguable success at being a ideal business model. However, if the reason for not achieving potential is due to footballing reasons, then advocate doing something about it. It is scary. Many of us link no different from this manager. I suggest you thank him, move on and get excited by change.


    Apr 28, 2016, 20:03 #88657

    "My faith has been questioned? Good grief OGL IS the Messiah! Ah THE STRUGGLE for place Numero 4!! Silly me for thinking he is (or should be) merely a manager/coach of one of the world's richest Clubs - that's all. He has conspicuously failed to deliver for 12 years. He does NOT "stand for so many good things" - in fact his character has been shown to be rather unpleasant in many ways. It is not courageous to show blind faith, more like stupidity but then "you cannot be serious man" & I believe you are having a larrf at our expense.

  24. Hiccup

    Apr 28, 2016, 19:31 #88655

    At first I thought this was just another moaning wob article harping on about poor strike rates, wrong substitutions and at the wrong times, wrong players bought, wrong team selections, moan, moan, moan. Thankfully the article got back onside with well argued and well balanced points for Wenger. Well actually, should I say just the 'one' consolidatory point for Wenger. That point being you think Wenger knows what he needs? Even though you agree his actions are contrary to this? Just like everyone could see Almunia in goal wasn't what we needed, Wenger probably could see it too, though his actions suggested otherwise. The same applies to Bendtner I suppose? Denilson? Schillachi? Eboue? And how about Walcott in current times? I guess Wenger could see this lot wasn't what we needed, even though his selections suggested otherwise. Well as long as Wenger knows what he needs, then that's a fine argument, and I'm sold on it. The fact that he's spent ten years doing the opposite of what was required and will continue to do so is immaterial to the argument. My car needs petrol for it to run smoothly? I know it, but I keep putting diesel in it so it performs like sh!t. My missus keeps kicking off about it. But I will tell her don't worry yourself, I know what is needed. The fact that we both know I'll keep putting diesel in needs to be overlooked.

  25. Mark

    Apr 28, 2016, 19:15 #88654

    This is AKB madness.The type of **** John Cross writes about his dad Wenger "Supporting the unpopular things in life takes courage" like Ed Milliband was a good Labour leader,Walcott is a footballer and Cheryl Cole can sing" Arsenal play good football not this season they havent.I have been bored to death by our sideways not shooting football.Wenger WAS a good manager once never a great manager.Great managers are Fergie Pep Ancelotti Mourinho count their CL's AKB's.Wenger cant even get Arsenal in the last 8 in the CL.As i said Wenger WAS a good manager 12 years ago.But this is now this is 2016 when Leicester City will be crowned champions.A manager who said he would take 20 years of finishing 2nd cant even achieve that.The truth is there are some deluded Arsenal fans who would still want Wenger as manager if he took us down.We need to get Wenger Out and out now.If he doesnt go the concerete bowl will be half full with the likes of Graham and the tourists.If Barca Madrid Bayern and Chelsea sack their managers who actually win major trophies why cant Arsenal

  26. Doc jose

    Apr 28, 2016, 18:30 #88652

    Graham are you wenger in disguise

  27. anthony walters

    Apr 28, 2016, 18:20 #88651

    respect your views and loyalty to arsene graham but i don't go along with him being a winner any more.much of the criticism if not most of the criticisism of wenger i don't go along with however i don't believe his players are performing with enough determination ,game management,conviction or drive.arsene is still a tremendously consistent manager but top prizes will continue to elude us as he has lost the ability to be a winning manager when the crunch comes .with the money he has had available the last couple of years and not losing his best players as in years before he has no more excuses left it's time for change .we will never win a champions league under him and i can't ever see another premier league title.our team look undermotivated,shapeless and lacking intensity far to often these days we are stale .unlike many others i believe wenger does love arsenal and is determined and hungry to bring us major success i just don't believe he has the ability and decision making to deliver it any more which is why he should be replaced.

  28. Old Gooner

    Apr 28, 2016, 18:14 #88650

    I wondered how long it would be until someone blamed the protests for possibly not getting a Champions League place. The blame belongs with whoever bought the players in the first place , the person who coaches (?) them , the person who picks the team and who tells them how to play. That person is Wenger so please dont give him another excuse for failing yet again!

  29. Ron

    Apr 28, 2016, 17:30 #88649

    At least this effort is honest and more or less accepting of the obvious failings at the Club Graham and not choc full of the usual sanctimony, so good of you for that. Nothing at all wrong with believing in the Weng either. Many used to believe that the Earth was flat and others thought that Uncle Joe Stalin was a kindly benign sort of bloke too.

  30. deansway

    Apr 28, 2016, 16:45 #88648

    i admire your loyalty. it is similar to the thatecherites loyalty and so many other forms. it is a positive value. even shown at hillsborough last night. i would just say that loyalty can obscure the issues. it is not about wenger. it is about a club which prospered under david dein and since he gave up his control has increasingly floundered. why? they were loyal to george but drew a line at payments from abroad. i suspect that david dein gave a clear direction of football success and since he left the messages have been mixed. this is kronkes problem not wengers. i dont think a top manager would take over from wenger just as i dont think guardiola would have taken a job at united. top managers like clear lines and accountability. this is about good management of a club. wenger, we are told, recommended garde to villa. not one of us would have suggested him for a moment. so are we surprised that the choice of players we buy is supect. that is why other clubs have separated the roles. to ensuire proper criteria and fiduciary procedures are followed. so be loyal but this is about how to run a top football club and an absent owner cannot do it. ask lerner.

  31. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 16:18 #88647

    theopants, your dead right there, if this past it manager is still here next season (god forbid) bumbling about and as you say by some miracle or act of God (all the rest of the teams/clubs are swallowed by a huge vortex) and he and his team of bottlers do win the prem (and when he and them couldn't this season there's not even much chance of that) it'll not make one bit of difference whatsoever, TOF will have proved nothing, nobody wrong, there will be no forgiveness, it's gone way past that now, no matter what he does or achieves between now and his departure (and it won't be much) whenever it is (and it cant come soon enough)he'll have made up for nothing, he'll never be forgiven for the embarrassments, humiliations, lies, and everything else that went with them etc, etc, over the last eleven years. wenger out now.

  32. Red Member

    Apr 28, 2016, 16:10 #88646

    Thank you Graham for this article. I am truly fascinated by your defence of Wenger as you are a real rarity these days. I totally respect your opinion but I do need to pick you up on 3 points. First of all you say Arsenal play good football under Wenger. Should this not read "used to play good football"? I don't think the football we have played this season has been that good actually, and from Christmas onwards has generally been abysmal. Next you say that Wenger is a winner. Really? Yet he manages a so called "big" club but has not managed to challenge for the title in now 12 years? I think you are struggling to understand the definition of a winner. Finally you say the protest may well hit our struggle for Champions League qualification. Yes I do agree with you here. But is that really so bad? After all Mr Wenger has stated this past week that Champions League money is not really needed now that there is a new TV deal, and after all that is the only point in qualifying for the Champions League is it not? Mr Wenger does not buy players so we can compete in that competition after all. Anyway that's my view, it is a pity that you don't want the club to progress anymore than it is currently doing. Because as surely it must be dawning on you, with Wenger in charge achievement is nothing more that a top 4 finish. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  33. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 28, 2016, 16:04 #88645

    Not sure what there is to 'respect' about Graham's views, seeing as they're based on nothing but weak-minded sentimentality. He can't back them up with evidence, there is no logic or reasoning in there. They're barely even 'views' at all, more like 'feelings' about and for Wenger. I imagine what keeps Graham going with these circulars is a) he likes the attention and b) he thinks he's being courageous in standing up for Wenger. Quite the opposite is true - his stance is one borne of weakness and fear.

  34. Bard

    Apr 28, 2016, 15:49 #88644

    Good to hear youre still alive and well Graham. if this is what youve been working on this last few weeks I suggest you dont give up your day job. I dont think anyone questions your belief in the Weng. Im a bit old fashioned I tend to look at the results not the manager. As for champions league qualification its irrelevant and nothing more than a chance to bleed the fans these days. It doesnt mean anything anymore. Of course the protest wont change anything, I dont think that is the purpose. Sadly for the Weng the tide has turned and it will more likely be death by a thousand cuts.

  35. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 28, 2016, 15:46 #88643

    Graham - Not much on here that you can find agreement with I reckon. You must feel a little as though you're urinating in a wind-tunnel (into - as opposed to with - the wind of course). It's evidently just winding people up. Why bother?

  36. Arsenal Geezer

    Apr 28, 2016, 15:20 #88642

    Graham-what a complete pile of tripe that circular was. You do the club and the fans a disservice by printing such drivel. It has all been said by others on here, but how can someone with his track record of the last 10-12 years still be classed as a winner. This club is stale beyond belief and we need a new manager with fresh ideas, tactical nous and the drive and ambition to move this forward again. Not someone who makes the same mistakes season after season and has never to this day admitted any failings on his part.

  37. Peter Wain

    Apr 28, 2016, 15:02 #88641

    The problem is not signing wrong players but one of not signing ay players. For years Wenger talks top top quality and he has never bought top top quality. He has bought good players and players with potential but never a top top player at the height of their powers. He would never have bought Bergkamp or henry if they were at the top of their powers. No another set of lame excuses on why we could not afford this player or that player has so often accompanied the season ticket renewal season closure and no player bought. Wenger has lost his nerve in the transfer market and he will never go out on a limb. We need at least three players and with our injury record we should buy double that but in reality the most we will buy is two.

  38. RedPig

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:58 #88640

    Here's how it goes for me. I click the article ... I see it is By Graham Perry ... I click 1 star and I click out. A bit later I come back and read it ... and realise I gave it 1 star too many.

  39. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:46 #88639

    Good grief, Graham, what will it take to pull the wool from your eyes? Wenger clearly is not a 'winner', certainly not now and without a huge slice of 'in the right place at the right time' luck he never would have been in my book. I will respect your views as you are quite entitled to them but for me it is fans like you that are responsible for cementing this serial loser in place for what seems like an eternity to me. The recent FA Cup wins were great of course but the huge caveat there was the fact that they took the heat off of him, and his failings in the Prem / CL were conveniently glossed over. Open your eyes man - why do you think it will any different next season in the League / CL (if we make it) - are you really excited by the thought of more of Wenger? I suppose you must be, but I just don't get it.

  40. Peter R

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:44 #88638

    Graham, i read your articles and generally they are all honoring the achievements of the past. With respect believing we can win the Prem with Wenger as our manager is being delusional. I agree the protests this weekend will change nothing, 30,000 fans not showing up would have more of an impact Sadly our owner and the board at Arsenal, look at one thing only, the bottom line, and that is what they deem as success. That is far more important to them than winning trophies. We are way behind the top European teams and sadly way behind the mark in our own Premiership. Sadly after years of support, I feel so frustrated and am fed up listening to the same BS, excuses and contradictions from our manager on why we have yet again FAILED

  41. Au Revoir Le Fraud

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:37 #88637

    And we even get a tweeked version of the AKB hardy perennial 'Be careful what you wish for' in your last sentence. Brilliant. As has been stated many times by others, the stunning lack of awareness displayed by this remark when used by Wenger's disciples is laid bare when you consider the brave and radical decision-making that led to your God 'Arsene Who?' being appointed all the years ago.

  42. Mark

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:29 #88636

    Sadly there is a Cult of Wenger.Who think Arsenal were invented in 1996.Forgetting in the previous 7 years Arsenal had won two league titles and GG took a team to one game from becoming Invincible.Graham you are sadly a member of this cult.You blindly follow while competely ignoring 12 years of mismanagement.11 seasons and we havent finished top 2 and havent got passed the last 16 of the CL for 6 seaons and you say you still believe in Wenger.We can blame Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke and rightly so but also the many deluded AKB's like you for your exceptance of failure.How has are club become like this?

  43. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 14:17 #88635

    Nick, excellent post, it blows this latest arsene circular out of he water (again) this is what happens to clubs when you have fans who only support the manager and not the club, they end up being as much as the problem as TOF himself. Go now you fraud you should have been taken of the shelf years ago.

  44. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:33 #88632

    Your telling us nothing about the fairs cup we don't already know and have heard on numerous occasions, and the above has been printed copied and pasted thousands of times since with another one to be added to that now. You were going well there listing a few of your messiah's failings why did you stop ? not enough time ? then we have, he can still deliver he's a winner, that must have been some party at AKB central last night if your still hallucinating, you better hope a policeman doesn't look into the whites of your eyed today.

  45. theopants superstar

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:14 #88630

    Sorry Graham but the truth is that even if by some miracle Wenger does win the Premier League or Champions League next season, I don't think I can ever forgive him for the missed opportunities during the past few years, which were due mainly to his own ego and stubborn nature. Regardless of the financial struggles excuse during some of that period, every man and his dog could see what has been missing yet Mr 'I've been coaching 30 years' knew better and the result has been underachievement. The astounding achievements of 'the tinkerman' with resources far inferior to Wenger have put to bed once and for all that the only reasons we haven't been able to compete is due to lack of money. It's amazing what rewards good tactics, teamwork and real spirit can bring you.

  46. mbg

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:11 #88629

    The Anniversary of the fairs cup, is that all you can think off to try and take the heat off and deflect from your messiah's failings YET AGAIN ? I guess TOF's second raters looking in the whites of they're opponents eyes didn't work, just like trying to deflect his failings isn't. wenger out now.

  47. CT Gooner

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:06 #88628

    Everyone says Wenger is a good man, I' don't see that. He takes his support for granted, treating them like mushrooms (feeding sh!t, in the dark and all that). He talks down to anyone with a different opinion, is stubborn and not particularly humble. Graham's worship of such a man is in my opinion lunacy. This brings up a bigger question, what's worse for our club, an idiot manager (repeating the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) or those brainwashed spuds that see no wrong??

  48. Rex P. Skeeter

    Apr 28, 2016, 13:05 #88627

    I agree with the very wise Mr. Perry.

  49. Torbay gooner

    Apr 28, 2016, 12:42 #88625

    Unfortunately Graham, you are putting the man over the club. If he was ever going to deliver again, then it would have been this season.

  50. Gaz

    Apr 28, 2016, 12:22 #88624

    Serious question Graham but what do you see as the benefit of CL to a Club that's gone out at the same sorry stage for six seasons now? It used to be exciting-ten years or so ago but now? Good grief it's just so boring!!!...

  51. andy1886

    Apr 28, 2016, 12:16 #88623

    No problem with anyone sticking to their beliefs but that's all there is, all the actual evidence suggests his time is up. Isn't Faith what we're left with when reason fails us? Not something to build a successful club upon IMO. And what is the point of CL qualification anyway? All it means is more money in the coffers which we don't even spend. Protesting isn't going to make a jot of difference to the performance on the pitch, even our mentally weak players will barely notice it. What it will do is make a point in the only place and at the only time the manager and possibly the owner cannot ignore it. Can you imagine Arsene telling reporters "sorry, I didn't see it"? Why be afraid of change anyway? Without it we would have never employed Arsene in the first place.

  52. Gaz

    Apr 28, 2016, 12:00 #88622

    Totally respect your opinions Graham and well done to sticking to them.fact is though he's finished and I find your unquestionable faith in him despite all the evidence to the contrary a little bizarre...

  53. Nick

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:56 #88621

    Billy Wright was a " good" man so was Bertie Mee, Don Howe , Terry Neil and even Bruce Rioch who took over a struggling side who had finished 12 th the prior season and gave us a 5th place finish plus the meanest defence in the league all while playing some attractive attacking football we also got to a league cup semi final and narrowly lost, when the competition had not become undervalued. So what if Wenger is a " good" man ? Although I doubt his ex wife would see it that way,managers are there to do a JOB a football managers job is to try his best to make his club SUCCESSFUL!! When that does not happen especially BECAUSE of decisions and actions either made or not made or taken or not then the manager is where the buck stops ! Well that is the case in every other walk of life and in every football club bar Arsenal these days, the author says he questions the mistakes made THIS season why not the litany of errors of judgment for the past TEN YEARS in the league and CL, the errors made in semi finals vs Chelsea, Wigan, manure, the errors in finals vs Galatasary , Chelsea, Birmingham, the almighty cock up in the league cup semi final vs the scum??? The fatal sulking in 2005 and again in 2008, when a REAL man manager a REAL motivator would have used the injustice and tragedy to FIRE THE TEAM UP to prevail in spite of adversity which before Wenger was the Arsenal way , the authors defense of his hero is not based on logic or reason it is based purely on sentiment for past achievements, The AKBs and their lord himself are little Neros fiddling while Rome burns ! Frustrating the attempts of those who would put the fire out and rebuild !!

  54. Kenny

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:44 #88620

    You still believe in Wenger.Give me one example in the last 12 years that has shown Wenger will change and has any new idea's.He is a winner!!.In the EPL and in Europe he has been a disaster.Top 4 every year is not a winner.Ranieri and his band of journeymen have blown his we cant compete with he the rich clubs excuse out of the water.Every manager has his day.Wenger's was 12 seasons ago

  55. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:37 #88619

    It's sad to see the support of someone with such a long history with the club hollowed out and replaced with the support of one man. 'I believe in Wenger' is not an argument. He is no longer a winner. He doesn't play good football anymore. He's failed this season by the standards his supporters themselves have set: 'Money doping is all that stops him', 'If he had a level playing field he'd beat everyone' etc, etc. You do not set out an argument because you do not have one. You simply have your adoration of an individual overriding the incontrovertible evidence it's time he went. Sad to see.

  56. Bob

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:26 #88618

    Just like Wenger's reign, your article started so well by evoking great memories of the 1970 Fairs Cup win 46 years ago today - I was there. But, just like the second half of Wenger's reign, it went rapidly downhill from there. To claim as you do that Wenger is not past his sell-by date and still has what it take to deliver flies in the face of all available evidence. It is simply laughable, I am afraid. To claim that he "is a winner" is just not true. He was once. I am hoping to have an article published on here over the next couple of days which strives to be fair to Wenger and to remember his earlier achievements while drawing the crucial distinction between what "is" and what "was". In elite sport, there is simply no room for misguided sentiment dressed up as sound judgement.

  57. goonersol

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:26 #88617

    Wenger is a good man, but as a Football Manager he has not moved forward, he has stubbornly stuck to his ways and he cannot get the results that modern football and its fans demand, it is clear he cannot motivate the players, or come out with any winning tactics, when was the last time we came back from 2 or 3 nil down?? against a top team, ( Hull FA cup final not included) Would Wenger have managed to produce a miracle of Istanbul moment, has he managed any sort of come back.... Monaco, B Munich spring to mind, always just short , always blaming refs, the pitch, players diving etc. What he has done is preside over embarrassing loses, Afc getting hammered by rivals , losing a 4 nil lead ....YES 4 nil, losing from winning positions, happy with 3rd or 4th. We were top in Jan, had he had the right signing's & tactics we should have won the EPL this season....the wait continues. He has had his time, he cannot take us any further, and to believe he can is were we find ourselves today. My judgement is based on Footballing matters, his excuses & his contempt for the majority of Fans , nothing more.....Wenger OUT - SIFF.

  58. chris dee

    Apr 28, 2016, 11:24 #88616

    Admirable sentiments. But this just reinforces my view that with articles like this it shows how many fans are as unambitious as the club.How many years do you want to wait until we really are 'big club' regarding winning big trophies consistently?How many years do you want to wait until we win the Champions League?Or are we to remain an easy touch for all the top European clubs?How many more years do you want us to choke like big girls's blouses when an ounce of pressure is put on our players?Obviously for the writer he doesn't care how long it takes. By the way I was there in the top tier of the North Bank the night we won the Fairs Cup and there never been an atmosphere at Highbury or the Emirates to match it,never.