Difficult Decisions

To renew or not renew the season tickets?

Difficult Decisions

An expensive habit

Ed’s note – Just a heads up that this season’s final issue of The Gooner will be on sale from sellers on your approach to the stadium today, and that it can be bought online here.

A season-ticket holder since the 2008-2009 season, I have been through the many lows, and the few highs, of that period. I remember well leaving at half-time on the night Man U whooped us in the Champions League Semi-Final, and afterwards feeling ashamed and vowing never to leave early again, no matter how predictable the fare. Or arriving back from a business trip on a sunny August Saturday, jet lagged and my family saying I was mad to go (it’s only Blackpool), to see a spectacular six-goal annihilation. Two-nil down to Hull in my first-ever FA Cup Final – that was a low. The final whistle? Well, funnily enough, that was a high.

For the last month, I have been fighting an inner battle as to whether to renew this May. After another Groundhog-Day season of early promise dashed against the rocks of mental fragility (or that other Arsenal classic – terrible early season followed by a glorious run to scrape fourth), I find myself questioning whether the time and money is worth it. For my two tickets and travel, I am into this habit for over £5,000 a year. Which, as Mrs J will point out, is a lot of handbags and shoes – and she gets joy out of every handbag and pair of shoes she buys. None of them are depressing and predictable 1-1 draws against Crystal Palace. They are all spectacular 3-0 wins against Man U.

When I think about next season, my thoughts proceed as follows. If Arsène stays, as he most certainly will, we know what we will get - pretty football, limited end-product, flashes of brilliance and a lot of injuries. We will probably end up there or thereabouts and scrape fourth place. Gone are the days I dream of a Premiership title (those dreams killed agonisingly and painfully over the last four months – Never Again Will I Dare To Hope). If Arsène leaves, as he won’t, you can guarantee things will get worse before they get better. Kroenke/Gazidis will not bring in a manager with enough calibre and cojones to turn this team of great potential into champions – it’s not what the club is about (or so it seems to this observer anyway). Moyes, Martinez, Deila anyone? Certainly not a Simeone!

But if I am considering this simply in terms of pitch-performance, that is terrible – I only support the team if they are doing well? What sort of a glory-hunter am I? Then the accountant in me kicks in – I am paying premium prices, I should expect and demand a premium product.

So to see how it would feel if I gave up the tickets, I joined the “boycott” of the West Brom game. Watched it on the telly instead. And, despite a dull second half, I missed being there. I missed the joy of two goals in the first half and then the disappointment of not pushing on. I was tucked up nicely in bed a good 90 minutes before I would have been home. But I missed it.

I will renew for another season, in the expectation of a lot of disappointment and a few good times, but at least still being part of the club I continue to support – even if I find the business that runs it somewhat abhorrent. Mug? Possibly. Gooner? Defiantly, and definitely.

I will leave you with a little story – I have a best mate who is a Spud. For the last 20 years we have had a bet – a pint per position between our teams. At the start of this season he said he was fed up with losing – could we amend the bet. It would still be a pint per position – but he would have the average position of Chelsea and Spurs. So whilst at the time of writing there is probably no St Totteringham’s Day this year, I will still be getting a drink out of him.

Come on You Gooners.

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  1. mbg

    May 01, 2016, 23:23 #88854

    John Evans, well just think of the fun the WOB's will have, and the embarrassments the AKB wengerites will suffer. wenger out.

  2. David

    May 01, 2016, 15:51 #88816

    Get a silver membership. Only go when you want to go. Works out a lot cheaper. Haven't had a season ticket since the eighties when at least most of the games were at 3pm. Next season the game could be any time between Friday evening and Monday evening and I damned if I am keeping my whole weekend free until they decide when the games is to be played. Also regarding comments that now renewing would force change, well there is a seven year waiting list, so I can't imagine they will be worried for a while. They used to write to me to get one back in the 1990s!

  3. jjetplane

    May 01, 2016, 14:07 #88806

    Jamerson talking of Damp Squibs and yet he himself is giving it all up because you are as bored as the rest maybe? Only reason protests will not happen at the turgid faceless nameless bowl emporium foodie outlet beard trimmers are us football is part of our overall strategy dead zone is the will to live is slowed squeezed out of the CUSTOMERS and they lie back in their seats and think 'ummm what shall we eat tonight with our netflix?' 'Haha look Theo is coming on and he's smiling and waving at ME!' .....

  4. jjetplane

    May 01, 2016, 12:59 #88799

    Can't be bothered to listen to Arse(ne) FC even on the radio unless they are losing then it's football heaven. I went to see Arsenal (north London club) from 63 to 2003 and was lucky to have been there for the truly great times right up til Adams called it a day. Soon as that happened I knew there was nothing in Wenger's locker football-wise and argue there never was and he struck lucky with his French contact and a ready made defence who owed him nothing re the diets and the rest of the dead bollocks. Hahahahah the ostrich is on the radio and he is a misfit and some of of the two bobbers on here who think they are the true Arsenal fans, think again - you are not and never will be. Least the media are half slagging the 8m waster because a few of them understand the game. If you are an AKb you must have a lonely life if you are still turning up for THAt! Mind ****ing boggling .... Anyway - can not wait for next season where Arse(ne) Poodle Club will finish tenth - below Swansea! and i shall be watching county football for a fiver a go .... Love football and county is as good as when I was in the schoolboys at Highbury watching Jon Sammels. Keep your excuse of a club ... Come on Leicester! Spuds, West Ham, Everton, Brighton! Bournemouth, Liverpool - make it count and make 'em suffer!

  5. mbg

    May 01, 2016, 12:36 #88798

    Lads don't confuse him as we know he's very slow on the up take, especially so early in the morning. we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  6. S Doctor

    May 01, 2016, 12:10 #88797

    On moving to the bowl in 2006 we all had to get acquainted to our new surroundings including new fans sitting in and around us. I had a group of 10 or so to my right and behind me who had obviously been going for years as a group. Directly behind me was one of them who was a very big Wenger supporter and regularly stated we would be ruling everything again in a matter of a few seasons once Cesc and co at the time reached maturity. I gave up my season ticket in 2012 as I just couldn't give this horrible regime any more of my hard earned. I stayed long enough and was lucky enough to see the complete breakdown of the AKB behind me who gradually saw the light and was ultimately ejected from the ground one game for an hilarious four letter tirade against Clouseau. It was the most entertaining moment I recall from my time at the bowl. The point is things change slowly and they laugh at you first, then they use the law against you until change finally comes. When it does those that slated you will tell you they was always on your side. It will happen and it will come soon. Vive le revolution

  7. mbg

    May 01, 2016, 12:08 #88796

    TOF didn't look happy skulking off down the tunnel his massive ego will have taken a big hit yesterday. wenger out now.

  8. Jamerson

    May 01, 2016, 11:47 #88795

    Taxi for the WOBs.

  9. Nick

    May 01, 2016, 11:24 #88794

    Yesterdays protests were a bit of a damp squib, they certainly didn't reflect the tea feeling of the majority of supporters.It simply showed the type of support that is in the majority at the bowl, corporate, tourists , smug AKBs and a minority of fans who care more about the CLUB than the incumbent hierarchy! The media and pundits kept on it as a sign that Wenger still has majority support, without counting the thousands who are marginalized by the high price of attendance the away support etc online polls tell a different story with almost 73 per cent unhappy with Wenger and the clubs ethos, those who support the dictator are as much to blame for our stagnation as the man himself! As for the game, well mostly forgettable fare until the introduction of Welbeck, even then the old fraud got lucky with his decision to take off Iwobi ( who had been the one bright note in the game till then ) and leave the lumbering, clueless Giroud on the pitch. In truth Norwich despite ceding possession should have been leading the game, but for the intervention of Cech and poor finishing they would have been, by contast we laboured , our build up play painfully slow , decision making in the final third non existent, Ramsey continues to slow play down and Sanchez had a day to forget, all this was evident in the first half but no change was forthcoming after the interval, if the players practice shooting in training then they need a lot more than they've had, not one shot on target in the first half , Welbecks goal was I believe our first on target ,there was precious little entertaining football on offer just more of the tip tap, tip tap, lose it start again approach, we needed to use the wings but for the most part tried to thread the ball through the eye of the needle before the massed ranks of the opposition defence, nothing new there its the same plan we always have, CHANGE it would seem is a long way off. We now have a very slim chance of seeing St Totteringhams Day if the vile spuds oblige and implode in their last three games, and if we can win our next two, however victory at Manure City on this kind of form is hugely unlikely and even beating relegated Villa is not a given , the fact we are in this position is down to one man, the same man it always is, the same man whose cult members were singing for yesterday, laurels are not supposed to be rested on let alone held forth as a beacon for tomorrow, to all of you who support the man and not the Arsenal, I hope that at the end of next season when things have happened the same as they have happened every season for the last twelve years in the league,that you accept your share of the blame in the continued demise of our club !

  10. RedPig

    May 01, 2016, 10:56 #88793

    Arsene Wenger is the single worst thing that ever happened to Arsenal football club.

  11. Mark

    May 01, 2016, 10:54 #88792

    Leek FC-So the thousands of empty seats were not a protest.The real Arsenal fans are staying away and leaving the ground to the members of the Cult of Wenger where they can worship their follow idol.Dont be suprised if Kroenke doesnt change the name of the club to Arsene FC

  12. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 01, 2016, 10:36 #88791

    Leekey - the facts also are there was a big stay away for 2nd home game on the trot , still a divided fanbase , yet another poor performance and season ticket holders with a big decision to make with the softest demand in years. No good at all in my book

  13. Leek fc

    May 01, 2016, 10:18 #88789

    The facts are that a few people decided to hold up an a4 piece of paper after 12 minutes and then less did so at 78 minutes. Many, many thousands vocally backed the manager and the club. At the time for change board meeting this morning, there are a few red faces eh mbg.

  14. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 01, 2016, 8:57 #88788

    A bit strange that There's only one Arsene Wenger chant , which I haven't heard in years suddenly gets sung. Oh well they've got him warts and all for another season. A poor home performance will kick it off all over again. When actually are Arsenal going to play well? It's going to be same old crap next season till he goes. 3 year contract extension ? :--- be careful what you wish for

  15. John Evans

    May 01, 2016, 8:36 #88787

    What yesterdays 'protest' showed us is the simple fact that nothing is going to change anytime soon. 4 more years at the very minimum as the vast majority of fans that go to the games these days are more than happy and still see arsene as a winner and someone to back. Amazing but clearly true.

  16. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 01, 2016, 7:29 #88786

    I thought it was disgusting seeing Sky's people kissing OGL's arse after the game. We can do without Jamie Redknapp telling us to be careful what we wish for. As for the protest, pathetic. And the purgatory continues.

  17. Vinnie

    May 01, 2016, 6:52 #88785

    I don't really care if a change of manager means we dip for a year or 2 providing the ambition is there to be more than we are now and get out of this predictable rut Most fans I know who want Wenger to move on are long standing gooners, 1974 in my case so if those who want Wenger to stay think otherwise we'll you are just plain wrong. I stopped going 4 years ago and will not return until Wenger is out Supporting a club is as much about a feeling and things have not felt rights at Arsenal for many years now one way or another. Those who are naive enough to continue to support the manager had their day yesterday but he will go it's just a matter of time and how long we have to endure until then The club and supporters go on the manager and players come and go...

  18. Edmund

    May 01, 2016, 6:21 #88784

    The protest was probably not well organized despite being led by two large supporter groups. If the empty seats could sing, there is no doubt the song would be WOB. Fair play and kudos to the AKB organzers who got it spot on. More years of top four mediocrity then.

  19. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 01, 2016, 1:03 #88783

    Can we turn on the board/try to but pressure on the board against norwich?old punk rockers will remember an old punk song chant(the stranglers?)"somethings gotta change".please be kind to each other people.dont want the spuds et all wallowing on our turning on the man that saw us through the stadium change.others walked away people took large sums for their shares AW did not .love him or hate him please show some class.

  20. Nutty's Right Peg

    Apr 30, 2016, 23:56 #88782

    My advice RJ is to try & do what I've done for the past four seasons now, renew if you have a guarantee of someone who is prepared to "have it on loan", that way you can reel it back in at some stage in the future, ie. when the senile old duffer finally goes. I've seen sides show more intensity in testimonial's, than this Wenger inspired (sic) side have shown for most of this season.

  21. Jamerson

    Apr 30, 2016, 23:54 #88781

    Bit of a damp squib from the WOBs today and the first chorus of 'there's only one Arsene Wenger'for a while shows that there's lots more who are still behind the manager.Better to admit defeat and go and watch media darlings West Am or the spuds attempt to hoof their way to glory at their new theaters of comedy. You've got to have codlings the size of medicine balls to follow the Arsenal and only the AKBs seem to have the bottle required.

  22. Kenny

    Apr 30, 2016, 22:27 #88780

    Those who renew can have no recourse to complain when Wenger messes it up season after season.Kroenke will only act when there are 20-25 thousand empty seats EVERY game.Its no good fans saying i support Arsenal and not Wenger The only thing Kreonke see's is your money in Arsenal's bank account. The real protest this season has been the thousands of empty seats.The imagine of the club around the world is harmed when the tv camera's pan along row upon row of red seats.By renewing you are keeping Wenger in a job.You have a choice but dont complain next year after another Groundhog season

  23. Billthered

    Apr 30, 2016, 22:26 #88779

    When will you all learn. If you give up your season tickets it will be playing into their hands. My son and myself gave ours up four seasons ago and I think someone from Scandanavia now occupies our seats and spends untold pounds in the club shop that's what they want not the likes of true fans like us.

  24. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 22:23 #88778

    Goonersol, yes mate did you see the idiot ? if ever there was an arsene fan and not an Arsenal fan there's one, more to be pitied than laughed at. wenger out

  25. goonersol

    Apr 30, 2016, 22:21 #88777

    That's right AKBs.......leek and the like.....have a pop at fans who want change , we don't have to justify what Afc means to us, and how long we stood on the north bank or clock end, we are using the site and the net to express our views, we are sick of what Afc has become under the regime, Tired, Stale, Boring, so we finish 2/3/4th, what then, same as the last 10yrs...... Great, keep supporting Wenger and having a go at those who want change after a boring 1-0 win against relation fodder.r all of a sudden all is well....your like and Wenger are well suited, losers just plodding along. Wenger out....SIFF

  26. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 22:13 #88776

    Apparently there has been some miscalculations in the points and we can still win it, I want to believe. wenger out tonight.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 30, 2016, 21:49 #88775

    You can't have it both ways anymore. You can't want arsenal to win and for Wenger to go. The two are mutually exclusive. The team needs to fail big time short term to get rid of him and the likes of leek fc who actively will the long term decline off the club with their support of that man. We need, short term, a disastrous season for the long term good of the club.

  28. up4grabs

    Apr 30, 2016, 21:42 #88774

    I was there when a fat Mickey Quinn scored a hatrick on the opening day of the season for Coventry, at a sun-drenched Highbury. He was a good finisher but he knows F-CK ALL about Arsenal fans. Most of the anti-Wenger fans I know are people like me, who barely missed a home game from 1980 to 2005. We didn't like the move to The Emirates, Wenger led us here and now we have almost given up on the club. West Ham fans... You will miss Upton Park & your club will never be the same again. Wenger... Please GO! You've been talking tripe for 7yrs at least now.

  29. KC

    Apr 30, 2016, 21:16 #88773

    Very easy for armchair fans to just say give up your season tickets. Fans that go are divided but those season ticket holders that want Wenger out still want to support their team. There will be life after Wenger and when that time comes I still want to attend. I don't agree with much of what this clubs hierarchy do but I am an Arsenal supporter. Any one can be a keyboard supporter and there's a lot of those on this site.

  30. Mark

    Apr 30, 2016, 21:05 #88772

    A renewal is a vote for Wenger and another 5 years of dross from a clown of a manager.Why would any sane gooner want that.The only way the hurt Wenger is empty seats like the thousands today.Only boycotts gets Clueless Out

  31. Leek fc

    Apr 30, 2016, 20:35 #88771

    The fact is that the paying gooners, not the pathetic attempts whom claim to be gooners yet spend more time in front of the desktop posing on this site, were very, very vocal when push comes to shove. 1AW says all you have to hear. "Time for change" online gooner........ Get behind the badge/club/team

  32. Hiccup

    Apr 30, 2016, 20:19 #88770

    Fair dues. The paying customer are more than happy with things. Can't argue with that. Fair dues also to those that held up the banners too. However, as poster Bob mentioned earlier, Wenger has called your bluff. By renewing season tickets it really is a case of put out or shut up for next season. And as Ron says, you deserve what you get. Those that advocate abstinence isn't the answer, after today's showing, do you seriously still think paying in to this set up will remove Wenger?

  33. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 30, 2016, 20:07 #88769

    I'm afraid the only way to get rid of Wenger is for next season to be a total disaster. With many teams improving and AFC of course standing still at best so long as he is in charge, this seems likely. Otherwise, with the tourists and the contingent that support the man over the club, there's enough of a market to keep this tippy tappy 4th place sh*te going for another decade.

  34. Goonersol

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:59 #88768

    Respect to those fans who had a go, but sadly drowned out by the AKBs, plenty of empty seats also. Shame that so many fans are happy with stagnation, no wonder Afc are going nowhere. Shame on that clown with the banner "respect wenger" , happy for Wenger to underachieve while pocketing £8m pa......I think Sanchez is getting fed up of Wenger too ..... The game? Oh, passed be by,,,,,boring.

  35. Ron

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:51 #88767

    Anyone that buys a season ticket there deserves whats on offer, Many lack the b-lls not to renew. Others recognise that the Clubs membership system traps them into renewing as the chance of getting it back isnt good, though the fabled waiting list isnt near as long as they make out. My Bro in Law gave up his Corner club level seat 5 yrs back and they still e mail him every June asking if he wants an ordinary Gold membership. The whole stinking membership system is as corrupt as the fans are gullible down there. They ll all be there queuing up to buy box seats for next yrs groundhog day and AFC will laugh their boll --cks off at them as per the norm.

  36. Leek fc

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:46 #88766

    Another 3 points...... Well done Arsene.

  37. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:39 #88765

    Did ever you see such a bore fest in your life ? they're getting bloody worse with every game, with the cart horse ( among others)trotting about like a billy goat doing nothing but pulling and keeping his beard in order, nearly as bad as watching TOF looking as uncomfortable as if his flies were undone at a party and the zip was broke and looking around clueless as to what to do about it. go now wenger.

  38. KC

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:35 #88764

    Another shocking performance. It's drab like watching a team training. How does Giroud start, it's beyond belief. Re the protest, you can only raise a card if you have one, so there may be people that would have raised. As for the 1AW chant it's hard to comprehend especially after watching the absolute crap Wengers team has produced on the pitch this season. I hate his arrogance but he delivers his bosses wishes. When will someone highlight he sold his soul to Kronkes millions, Kronke and Wenger just want top four, Kronke I can accept with that attitude but Wenger is meant to be a football man!!!!

  39. Smithy

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:30 #88763

    Well done Danny - that's about all that can be said.

  40. Edmund

    Apr 30, 2016, 19:29 #88762

    A win but struggling against a bottom club. Poor performance. Based on this show we are in for a bashing at the etihad. In the early barren years we may not have won but the football was better.

  41. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 18:31 #88761

    Fooking clueless TOF and his bearded second raters making relegation fodder look good, we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  42. Smithy

    Apr 30, 2016, 18:30 #88760

    All going well so far. Unfortunately out spireet isn't in good shape. What the French hatstand is doing upfront is a mystery!

  43. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 30, 2016, 18:24 #88759

    Wenger forever:- don't worry pal Wengers doing all the damage to himself with that 1st half.

  44. wenger forever

    Apr 30, 2016, 18:09 #88758

    Greg. More like 3%. And then 10,000 singing the pro Wenger song. Wenger forever

  45. John Evans

    Apr 30, 2016, 18:07 #88757

    How people can sing one arsene wenger is beyond belief. The Emirates is Brainwashed central these days. Without any sign of wenger out chants! wow

  46. John Evans

    Apr 30, 2016, 17:51 #88756

    Pathetic. 4 more years then

  47. Greg

    Apr 30, 2016, 17:46 #88755

    Some protest that, not even 10% of crowd. Then chorus of "only one arsene Wenger"..Oh dear!!

  48. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 17:39 #88754

    90 seconds gone and it's left to right forward and back to the inside right, it's 2 minutes now and we're off again crabby crab is off again round and round left to right back again to the inside right. wenger out now.

  49. paul morris

    Apr 30, 2016, 14:38 #88753

    reading todays mirror,wenger blames the fans for creating a negative atmosphere,as our expectations are never met he buries his head in the sand and carries on in the same old way.He and the owners forget that we have the club in our soul,we lived through the tough years and we want to see commitment and passion always.his day is done.

  50. John Evans

    Apr 30, 2016, 14:03 #88752

    It will be very interesting to see how many people inside the stadium today a) hold up a protest poster b) start any chants to make feelings heard. It seems like a big moment in the modern day history of Arsenal Football Club to me. I feel strongly that it could be the beginning of something that actually makes a genuine difference to how the club could be run moving forward. The fans need to find their voices and make feelings known otherwise it will always be more of the same and I can see Arsene getting yet another three year deal come next summer. Let's see what happens!

  51. Greek Gooners....

    Apr 30, 2016, 13:43 #88751

    On the theme of Wenger's abilities. No question for a time a great manager. That was ephemeral though. The economics vocation came to the fore ultimately, and the pure football stratagem suffered. Juxtaposed against other managers: he hasn't achieved the successes of say Benitez at Valencia, Liverpool, Chelsea. Mourinho at Porto, Chelsea & Inter Milan. Pep Guardiola at Barcelona & Bayern Munich( still counting), The great Ottmar Hitzfeld & Carlo Ancelotti. Be prepared to add Jurgen Klopp & Diego Simeone to that list. If the argument is 'one club man' loyalty et al then of course that is laudable. But, paradoxically it appears though that Arsenal FC are being incumberred by his very longevity. He has fizzled out I'm afraid. The two FA cups won were a water-shed moment I feel where it would've been a fitting finale. This though really shows the ineptitude and apathy of the hierarchy (or lack of) at Arsenal FC. Wenger believes that there is no one to take the club on, and forward. In that he is right! This argument of who do we get...a chairman, owner, Executive director at any other club would've ended this & allowed all parties to part amicably. Wenger to the French national job, or PSG ( where also ran) mentality would've been quickly disposed of, & Arsenal FC to pastures anew. This though now has the makings of an ugly pantomime which is not Arsenal at all. Also, just like to add that he is 66, and we should all be careful as he is a human being.

  52. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 30, 2016, 13:16 #88750

    How on earth would Mickey Quinn have a clue about the average age of an Anti Wenger supporters. Desperate stuff Jambie and even if these supporters are younger then that itself may well be good as it would then appear theirs a cadre of Young Turks wanting change. In my opinion a lot of the STH have given up on his this season adding to the existing core who have already gone, it's not an age issue, nor a class issue. The question is do you want change and it appears the majority now do.

  53. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 13:15 #88749

    It's also good to see the press reporting the protest as a wenger out protest, and not nothing else, they've woken up at last too. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  54. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 12:16 #88748

    It's good to see the club have come out and said there will be no move to censor fans today, ie remove banners or placards as long as they're not offensive or provocative, now if that's not telling us something nothing is, he's a dead man walking and he knows it. we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  55. Vinnie

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:54 #88747

    Jamerson if I have interpreted your response correctly and you are suggesting most who want Arsene to go are fans who have relatively recently become supporters then to be frank I think you are off the mark. I don't think it is about elitism, change will not guarantee success but the point is that Wenger no longer has the killer instinct and ability to get over the line when opportunities present themselves. He is not a bad manager but no longer a great manager. It may be that he needs the change as much as many fans believe and may thrive somewhere else I dont really know but being in the same job 20 years is rare in this day and age and I think he is in a rut - not doing bad but not that good either.

  56. Mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:49 #88745

    Whatever anyone thinks about Piers as I know he's not universally popular he answered straight away that yes he knows Wengers pointing at him and he's willing to have a public debate anytime of his choice. I reckon Piers would wipe the floor with him. Back to his arguaments. Apparently the banks insisted he remained manager during the Stadium transition. How perfect for him a cast iron guarantee earning millions where other managers winning more we're getting booted. Then we hear Real and Barca wanted him. Well yeah was he ever going to swap out a more or less guaranteed job for a season at most in Spain. Absolute tosh. The sheer mention of it now points to the desperation. Does anyone notice with Wenger and his mob it's always about the disappearing past.

  57. Nick

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:49 #88744

    Wenger came out with all the old excuses yesterday everyone and everything is to blame for our poor showing this season except of course himself ! He harked back to the alleged constrictions put on him by the stadium move and how despite having to sell our best players to balance the books he kept us in the top four, whether you believe that line or not it does NOT excuse the past three seasons failings in a the league, nor the wilful inaction in the past two transfer windows,nor does it excuse the money wasted on paying the likes of Bendtner, Denilson, Diaby etc top dollar for so long , it does not excuse the fact that he gambled yet again on the fitness of aging and injury prone players instead of cutting them loose and replacing them with younger fitter models,it does not excuse the lack of preparation for opponents the lack of in game tactical management ! To blame the supporters who pay the highest prices in football for being less than enamoured of the fare served up to them and yet another season of bottle jobs, is quite frankly reprehensible ! A man owns up to his responsibilities and his mistakes, only a charlatan and a coward try to blame others for their own failings! I don't care what restrictions he WAS under I don't care that he didn't break his contract ( which lets face it was more than handsome) to flit off with one of his many suitors, I do care that instead of being a man and owning up to his own mistakes he tries to deflect and shift blame to the people who PAY his exorbitant wages ! The past is the past, its only relevance to the now is in how past decision impact on the present, Wengers past decisions and actions are ordaining our fortunes now, be a MAN Wenger OWN your mistakes and errors ! Apologise and WALK AWAY !!

  58. Jamerson

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:44 #88743

    Micky Quinn summed up perfectly what a couple of Wenger backing supporters said on his show this morning that most of those wanting Arsene to leave were young jcl fans who have only been following us since the noughties who sadly have elitist attitudes..

  59. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:28 #88742

    An expensive habit ? you'd be better off smoking 60 a day they wouldn't be as bad for you and you'd definitely get better enjoyment out of them.

  60. mbg

    Apr 30, 2016, 11:16 #88741

    Have you heard and read TOF this morning ? in complete melt down, spitting venom all over the place, he's done for, gone, trying desperately like a drowning man to cling on with his tired old rants I have managed over 1,000, games blah blah blah, I don't need the opinion of someone who has never worked in the game the bank wanted assurances from me that I would stay for five years after the stadium was built, I turned down numerous offers and on and on he ranted and raved, I ME was all it was about and of course everybody else's fault especially the fans, what an arrogant old fraud, do the decent thing and resign before the Norwich game and get some respect back. we want wenger out.

  61. John F

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:50 #88739

    James,sorry your post has been removed. I agreed with most of it. and Wenger forgets that Liverpool fans have been very vocal against various managers. Where I differ from you is that I do have a respect for the majority of Liverpool fans and I will never forget the way they stayed behind to applaud us off the pitch in 1989 and showed a lot of class.Liverpool as a club retains its link with its community as demonstrated by the recent Hillsborough memorials.Does wenger think the Liverpool fans would put up with the prices we pay and the sideways passing shuffle that the players do.Your second half of your post about Wenger blaming us for Arsenal performances was excellent and would be good if you posted it again.

  62. John Evans

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:41 #88737

    If someone gave up their season ticket at the end of the season and joined the ever dwindling waiting list I would be amazed if they did not get offered a season ticket within two years. The demand is getting lower and lower with every passing season. Therefore the reason not to renew is less and less valid. It basically comes down to breaking the habit for a year or two and then deciding if you want to return or not when things do eventually change direction.

  63. Bob

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:24 #88736

    Wenger's comments yesterday was his Obama "back of the queue" moment. Whatever you may feel about your audience, you don't show them such blatant disrespect. The trouble is that he claims it is only a fringe element of Arsenal fans that want him gone, and it is only by a mass fire-sale of season-tickets that he can be proved wrong. The acid test will be how many are prepared to put their money where their mouths are (or actually the opposite, in this case!) now that he has effectively tried to call our bluff.

  64. 1975

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:21 #88735

    Is the club doing all it possibly can on and off the pitch to be successful? Is the manager doing all he can in terms of tactics, man management, team organisation, game management to get results? Has he been doing this for many years or not ? Have the club and the manager worked hard within their resources to address very clear weaknesses in the side? Have the club worked hard to try and make necessary investments in the team to help the team compete. Have the team and the manager worked hard and very often come close to being successful in major competitions, proving to you that they are really fighting hard to do the best they can for themselves, the club and you supporters? Have they done their very best for you, making you feel proud even though the trophies may not have come in the way that you wanted? When you are sat in the stadium watching your team, do you feel there is no other place that you would rather be and do you feel a bond with your club that makes you feel proud. If all of this is happening then renew

  65. Vinnie

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:18 #88734

    The real difficulty (ok this may be stating the obvious) is that once someone gives up their season ticket there is no way back. In most other situations you could cancel your membership for a year and then come back. Yet if there is no pressure on the club Kroenke may leave things as they are.. If things deteriorate further though (and they could) then things might change if the waiting list evaporates. Personally I think Arsene is sensitive to criticism and if there is enough protest he may call it a day. As the article title says it is a 'difficult decision'..

  66. Hiccup

    Apr 30, 2016, 10:05 #88733

    How anyone who is against Wenger can renew after the crap he came out with yesterday is beyond me. Arsenal fans are the most placid going having put up with wenger's incompetence for the last ten years. But we know the score. They'll wave a crappy piece of A3 around tonight, then go and renew their season tickets, and the same crap will unfold again next season. The best demo is to stay away. The WBA game with empty seats and a stale atmosphere (bar a couple of hundred trying and failing to rouse songs) was the perfect scenario. Kroenke and Wenger need to see that empty and sterile atmosphere every game and then the message will definitely hit home. How the **** anyone can willingly hand over any more money to subsidise wenger and his **** attitude defies belief. God knows what will unfold at the ground tonight after yesterday, but it will just be a one off with normal service resumed in August.

  67. It's up for grabs now

    Apr 30, 2016, 9:20 #88731

    All I would urge you to do is not to renew, because the unpalatable truth by doing so, is a vote of confidence in the very people who are destroying this club, with greed and a total utter disdain towards you. They view you as a ‘customer’, not as a supporter, only being interested in your wallet, and that’s a polite interpretation of how they view us. After all it’s people like you who are to blame for our failings this season, according to Wenger! If that alone doesn’t insult you enough to tell them where to stick it, then I guess nothing else will. I do understand your dilemma, but for the long term good of the club, from a supporter’s perspective, withholding money from them, is the only way change will occur.