The Time for Change Protest

My experience distributing the banners

The Time for Change Protest

I was involved as a personal individual in organising the protest with representatives of the two fans groups and The Gooner fanzine (8 of us in all). I paid for the print run set up and first 1000 copies of the A3 posters so others could add run on' copies if they wanted and I distributed 1000 with my daughter on the Arsenal tube approach road to the stadium with some help from a friend. I have never done anything like this before.

We carefully positioned ourselves between two parked cars so I had the road on my side and my daughter had the pavement where the stalls all set up on her side (we were by "Sweets, any 2 for a pound"). This spot offered some protection and kept us out of people's way whilst ensuring we were visible and audible to fans walking up to the ground.

We offered free banners and asked those taking them to display them during the 12th minute and at the end of the game and to support the team during the match. We proffered no reasons for the protest nor targets for change and if challenged just replied "it's a peaceful protest sir" or looked to the ground and stayed silent.

We started at 3.50 and finished at 5.15 in time to get to the game having handed out all bar 10 of the 1000 which we took with us to our own seats in the North Bank upper.

During that time, we were largely in good spirits with lots of laughter and banter between us, in no large part due to the Arsenal Gentleman's poster proposals but we held short of singing the "I'm the Arsenal War Chest” song. The happy faces together with the fact it was a white haired man with his pretty young daughter made us very non threatening.

What struck us both afterwards was the fear. We all know 50%+ of our crowds are the over 45's and the vast bulk just strolled by and gawped or pointed and chatted blandly.

I had a banner hung round my neck and received 7 or 8 very strong verbal assaults including one from a group of eight or so I just avoided looking at and stayed quiet until they had passed. At that moment I felt like John Snow in Game of Thrones and feared I would go the same way...My daughter had 4 or 5 foul verbal assaults and one man who screwed a poster up in to a ball and threw it in her face. Our friend from The Gooner had his box of banners kicked in a couple of times during the 30 minutes or so he spent helping us on the exposed pavement on the other side of the street.

People were clearly scared to take them and even though I said “free banners” people kept asking how much they were. Often if 2 or 3 came to get a banner for themselves or their friends, others quickly joined in so 20 or 30 banners would go in seconds and then nothing would go for minutes at a time. People swept in like schoolboys buying condoms at a chemist or a gentleman buying a top shelf magazine and were quick to come and go, clearly nervous. That said we often had verbal support with no taking of a banner.

The bulk of the takers were 16 to 24's and under 16's with their dad. The other third were the full cross section of match goers; older people, young couples, older couples, overseas fans and quite a few away fans, even five city fans attending the game in a corporate box but proportionately, we were missing the over 45's.

Inside the ground, the mood was good but there was a lot of empty seats (5-7000 maybe) that I would like to claim as protestors as the bulk of my friends who are season ticket holders have been boycotting games since the Swansea debacle in silent protest as what else can they do....

At the start of the game we gave 6 of our last 10 posters to immediate neighbours and during the 12th minute protest we all sang “Arsenal we love you”, both protestors and those who did not approve alike. The “One Arsene Wenger” chant that followed was sung and booed in equal mix to my ears but we didn't join in for either side nor did we join the muted boos at half time, many of which seemed to emanate from the “One Arsene Wenger” song singers....

At half time and during the second half, the Arsenal Gentleman's Giroud poster attracted much attention as dear old Oliver proceeded to head and knock the ball in any direction but at said goal and prompted one wag to suggest Mesut should borrow the ref’s spray can and spray up a helpful arrow on the grass for your man. In short, the mood remained light.

That said, if Norwich had managed to get any of the goals they deserved I suspect the mood would have turned rancid very fast. The crowd was very edgy for the last ten minutes after Alexis was substituted and stormed off down the tunnel but thankfully Cech stayed strong and we won..

As to the impact of the protest, well before the Club and media look at the number of banners held up in silent protest and think, “oh, they don’t want change”, can I just emphasise:

• We are a nation that don’t do protest, especially an individual protest with banners surrounded potentially by hostile non-protestors. These sorts of protests are normally mass groups and the domain of Trade Unions, students and passionate radicals. It is not the British way to hold up a banner and draw attention to oneself and there was a real sense of fear emanating from many of those who did choose to get involved. So don’t think the silent majority are all on the Club’s side.

• Those 5000 empty seats are a protest too. A protest from fans so disheartened at the prospect of effecting change at their Club that they have done the only other thing open to them and elected to boycott games (either reselling their seat on ticket exchange, or not and leaving it empty)

• Only 3000 banners were printed up for distribution. If there had been more to give out, and the distribution points publicised in advance, I suspect there would have been more held up.

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  1. Dave75

    May 04, 2016, 13:35 #89026

    Just re the 5-7000 empty seats. These are not protesters. They are mostly (with the odd exception who miss an odd game due to illness/family issues) the worst supporters we have and the reason for the general apathy re protest. They don't show coz we ain't winning.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    May 03, 2016, 18:59 #88997

    Can you imagine a club, any club, where the team goes from top at the turn of the year to totally falling away into midtable form in the new year, yet the manager praises the team's spirit and attitude, praises his own 'achievement' and the fans are fine with this. And the few who politely point out that maybe it isn't good enough are called spoilt and ungrateful. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Yet it goes on at one of the richest, most expensive to follow clubs in the world, time and time again.

  3. Ho Hum

    May 03, 2016, 18:44 #88991

    Yeah, Wenger's hand-wringers sure can talk tough when they outnumber the protesters 100 to 1! Heard they used to give the ICF a run for their money back in the day!

  4. Alsace

    May 03, 2016, 17:24 #88985

    Many thanks to you for having the nuts to actually do something. Isn't it interesting that those who cling violently to the regime are well....violent, at least in language. In other news, Leicester City are premier league champions. Why they are champions is a mystery to Mr Wenger. Leicester are a properly motivated team with a proper striker and a proper manager. That's why Mr Wenger. Not that you are interested in winning. Claudio Ranieri is now an obvious choice for the next manager of AFC.

  5. Ho Hum

    May 03, 2016, 16:28 #88979

    theyankeegooner- You don't have relatives in Denver, do you? A nice Uncle Stan perhaps, funny coloured hair, always bought you expensive birthday presents?

  6. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 15:05 #88974

    There's always one, and the name says it all. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  7. theyankeegooner

    May 03, 2016, 14:43 #88972

    I'm as frustrated by the club's failure seize a wonderful opportunity to win the Premier League title as any other Gooner. I'm as frustrated by Wenger's stubbornness as any other Gooner. But I caution those calling for his head with an old adage: be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Unless the club is certain it has the right successor in place, a change for change's sake could be disastrous. Unless Simeone is waiting in the wings (and bringing Griezmann with him!), our beloved club could end up like Man United since Ferguson's departure--a mess. Seventeen clubs would be happy to trade places with Arsenal.

  8. Tunix

    May 03, 2016, 12:06 #88959

    I have never posted before but I found the aggressive behaviour of the pro Wenger supporters during the peaceful protest quite frankly disgusting. Having been a season ticket holder for 30 years I think that I am pretty well placed to judge the feelings of AFC supporters as a whole. The vast majority, like myself, are now fed up with Wenger and Kronke and want to see change. However, we didn't consider it appropriate to hold up posters and banners protesting during the match. I have no problem with those that did, but didn't feel comfortable personally doing it. However, to see supporters of Wenger standing up and threatening those who did hold up banners was a stain upon our Club. Everyone has the right to a peaceful protest, as do those who believe something else. But violent and threatening behaviour is abhorrent - shame on anyone who did this.

  9. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    May 03, 2016, 8:56 #88935

    Well done for standing up for what you believe in. Trust me there are many of us just not going at the moment who feel the same. I am not quite 45 but can appreciate the demographics you illustrate. The pathetic press, led by Arsenes chief propagator John Cross, and ably supported by Oliver Holt were quick to mock but I would love to know that last time any of them paid to get in to the Emirates, didn't get their travel expenses covered and weren't fed on the house while they sat in comfort!

  10. Stuart

    May 03, 2016, 8:48 #88934

    Fair play to you, mate. You're right, we are a nation of non-protest. My feeling is that there is a large anti-Wenger section of the match-going support who really don't want Wenger in charge but are too worried about abuse or violence from others that they don't want to get involved. The stay-aways show that there is a big problem and that is how fans are choosing to show their displeasure. Paying and then not turning up is a much bigger and more worrying sign of the public discontent than a protest but that doesn't get the media attention it does. This time next year, perhaps.

  11. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 23:17 #88926

    Just watching the Leicester fans celebrating tonight, enjoy it Arsenal fans, because WE'RE never going to be doing or experiencing it again with this old past it manager in charge, do you hear that AKB's ? wenger out.

  12. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 22:40 #88921

    Enjoy the Leicester celebrations AKB's, after all it's down to your messiah that they've won it. wenger out tonight.

  13. jeff wright

    May 02, 2016, 22:24 #88918

    My prediction made after our little selfie takers and thumb-suckers went loco ,after beating 10 men Leicester rather fortuitously in a rather long Fergie time type injury time by a late goal , that Leicester would still win the league with two games to spare has proven to be correct. I suggest lee k fc that you try making some predictions yourself about what you think will happen in the future - instead of coming on here gloating AFTER events have occurred .Why not try telling us if we will finish 3rd or 4th for starters,come on now don't be chicken !

  14. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 22:17 #88917

    Well done Leicester, are you watching AKB's ? just think that could have been us if it wasn't for you and your messiah. wenger out tonight.

  15. Rob

    May 02, 2016, 21:59 #88913

    Leicester ! Phew !!

  16. Simon from TW1

    May 02, 2016, 21:18 #88911

    Great work Simon. I was in Ireland for the weekend so couldn't attend but I deliberately decided not to sell my ticket or give it away as it was the only way that I could join in the protest. The media seem to have taken great delight in putting it down but it had to start some way and it will continue to grow unless there is a serious change.

  17. West lower Rob

    May 02, 2016, 20:34 #88906

    It's true to say lots of fans who want change weren't there. That includes me. I sold my tickets for 3 of the last 4 when it was clear we'd blown it again. It's hard to pay for and selling meaningless games to help pay for next season made sense. And I expected them to finish the season well bullying **** teams when it didn't matter and couldn't stomach anymore of it. Ironically I went to the west brom game as I'd bought the kids tickets and sacrificing over £60 or so for the boycott was too much. I'd say 20000 sacrificed £40 minimum to make the point though. The protest shows its strength when it's spontaneous like when we have collapsed at home when it counts. Well done Simon and daughter, funny the brave pro wenger bullies you were unfortunate to come across seem quiet or absent in pubs3 I've been to

  18. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 20:27 #88905

    Leekey :- love of Arsene + dislike of Frank McLintock = very bad Arsenal supporter. Dislike of Arsene + deep respect of Frank McLintock = very good Arsenal supporter. Repeat 500 times

  19. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 19:46 #88901

    A couple of coaches pulled up at walmart HQ in America, they're hear they're hear the excited yanks were screaming (the blokes too) I can't wait to get to Laandon one exclaimed, another asks what are we going for anyway ? the boss want's us for a job another intervenes, as they board the coaches their handed a brown envelope with a $100 bill and an A4 sheet of paper inside, and told to memorise what was on it. They touched down in London and boarded more coaches to the emirates Stadium and were asked have you memorised what was on the sheet, yea yea, came the cry, well the boss wants you all to sing it inside the stadium, you'll be doing him a big favour, my gaad we'll do anything for 100 dallers they cried, what ball game is this anyway they wanted to know, that doesn't matter it's just one of the bosses crappy franchises, and he wants to keep the idiots inside the ground happy. So in they went looking at each other like they were lost in the desert, standing there not knowing what to do (just like a lot of others)when at last the moment came when stans top man at walmart waved his sheets of paper and they all started singing there's only one arsene wenger one arsene wenger for a minute or so and stopped, and they all looked at each other puzzled (as did everyone else in the ground) holding their hands up and asked who the hell is this guy ? arsene who ? ok ok came the yell never mind that back on the bus back on the bus the flight leaves in an hour, what they exclaimed we're not going to get to visit madame taassaads ? no you've seen enough dummys for one lifetime. wenger out.

  20. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 17:50 #88897

    jj, TOF thought the protest would be bigger, what does that tell us ? he knows himself what a complete waste of space and fraud he is and has been for years, what an arrogant old past it not fit for purpose manager he is. Go now you old fraud.

  21. Rob

    May 02, 2016, 16:29 #88891

    Simon - a 'well done ' to you and your daughter for making the point. And Gaz - top post, with many salient points !

  22. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 14:57 #88887

    Gaz, top post, Post of the day, the protest has certainly highlighted TOF's failings alright (not that they needed much highlighting anyway) all over the world, as you say everybody is still talking about it, as I said in an earlier post TOF hasn't exactly come up smelling of roses in this one like he usually does, you couldn't buy publicity like it, and his over inflated ego has certainly taken a battering too, and that's always good. He's a dead man walking now. wenger out now.

  23. jeff wright

    May 02, 2016, 13:34 #88883

    jj,I watched the West Brum game in a bar in Benidorm judging by the amount of empty seats on view at the bowl there were more of us in the pub I was in! What was noticeable though was that the Arsene supporters spread out among the empty seats were getting into their Emirates Experience once we were winning. These hard on AKB's will put up with Wenger's nonsense for as long as he remains in charge - even though he blames THEM for his own failure to win the league this season because of their attitude in the stadium. I had to smile at that claim by our specialist in failure and also Arsene the accountant showed yet again, with his absurd claim that we are the champions away from home, that he can't do his maths properly. What a mug.You couldn't make it up.

  24. Simon Hill

    May 02, 2016, 12:22 #88881

    Coming Soon TFT2 Villa at Home Let's go for 10000 Thanks everyone for your kind words

  25. TJ

    May 02, 2016, 12:07 #88880

    Well done to you Simon - it's a shame it wasn't known or noted among the media that there were only 3000 banners available. I am still of the opinion that a petition is the best means forward. Not to be accepted by the club, but as bad PR for this horrible regime. The reactions of Wenger fanboys in the media, online and indeed in the stadium show how idiotic the AKBs are. The fact is, most people are sheep and don't have the critical capacity to even understand the criticisms of Wenger. You can't use the stadium as a barometer for the level of support for the manager. It's full of tourists, some AMGs wouldn't protest out of respect for the first half of his reign, the true Arsenal fans like myself stopped going years ago to protest this malaise then, etc. It's sad reading the BBC site today and morons saying 'careful what you wish for' - I wish for a manager who can compete in a weak league against teams he outspends by multiples of two or more... The problem as I said before is that the top players want trophies so the enemies of this club, the AKBs, prop up their dictator, which paves the road for Sanchez and Ozil to leave this or next summer. Oh and by the way Simon, as hard as it is to take the simple-minded AKBs' abuse as you and your daughter did, I always keep in mind the amazing Churchill quote: 'So you have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something, some time in your life.'

  26. jjetplane

    May 02, 2016, 11:44 #88879

    Wayhay JW is back! Giving Leeky a couple of cluckz! e i e i o and on that farm they had Giroud e i e i o .... Wenger in Smug default State (SDS) saying through the smirks that he thought the protests would be bigger. Of course knowing the ground is full of foodies,low level Tories, wine connoisseurs, train spotters (see Untold staff) and a few remarkable WOBS he knows he is safe for an extension if he can be bothered to sign. When was coining 8m ever this easy? Leek - why are you on here when you could be sharing your expansive views on football over at the Trainspotters Reunion Site (Untold). Just turned predictor on and resounding deserved win for Spuddites tonight and Citeh giving Arsene FC a serious thrashing ..... Jamie Vardeeeeeee ..... Sure someone said Ozil will win that and Olly is good for 25 min this season. Arsene FC - laughing stock of the football world and rightly so with a smug accountant apparently in charge .... 20 ****ing years and he compares himself with Fergie!!! Get lost!

  27. Daryn

    May 02, 2016, 10:46 #88877

    I went Saturday first game this season gave my season ticket up 5 years ago because the way Arsenal was heading I had a seat in the lower tear for the game but I moved up stairs to see if my old seat was empty and it was so l sat with some old faces .i seem to be in a time zone they all still moaned about wenger end the tippy tippy football but as soon as the banners went up they didn't know what to do they are so scared of change .the pub we were in all want wenger out but it's a big but they are not sure who they would like this what happens when one man has total control for so many years .back to my seat its empty most of the time so much for sold out games

  28. Arseneknewbest

    May 02, 2016, 10:35 #88875

    Now that the 12th and 78th minute protests have started why should they not continue? Next year of course, it'll have to be the 13th and 77th minutes. If we find, however, that chihuahua man is still calling the shots in a further 33 years time (and in toupee world anything must be possible), then the protests will be taking place in the 45th and 46th minutes and after that it'll be time for a new protest. If the paralysis persists, it just underlines the akb position that wenger is a cult...phew, I think I typed that properly

  29. Mathew

    May 02, 2016, 10:10 #88873

    Thank you Simon, its from those who support the team across the world but couldn't make it to the stadium. Arsene has been long surviving on his legacy, and this season will be most heartbreaking for the fans and Arsene himself. He knows its a missed opportunity, and he continues to make himself a laughing stock for another year.

  30. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 10:06 #88872

    With apologies to the editing team for referencing a different site but please read Le Grove today, firstly an interesting summing up but then read the 8 stages of social movements interesting stuff. Either way we are on a journey and it's not pro Wenger. Just a thought for the AKB's. Wenger is a mere mortal not a belief system. At some point he's going to seriously degrade either just in energy levels or unfortunately illness, old age etc. He's lost his way let the man go. He'd be far better retiring off this season when you want more rather than go through more poison next year.

  31. Exeter Gunner

    May 02, 2016, 9:50 #88871

    I really don't understand the AKB desperation to cling on to Wenger, when he offers such thin, regurgitated fare these days. What's so interesting about supporting one man over a club? The more thoughtful AKB would actually want Wenger to leave now. What can possibly happen from here? He's proven he can't compete no matter who he's up against, so can only damage his reputation further by carrying on. Other teams will only improve next season and Wenger has proven incapable of improving his team. Why do you want Wenger to damage his reputation, AKBs?

  32. goonersol

    May 02, 2016, 9:43 #88870

    Gaz, good points well made.....where was the 1AW song when we were losing at home to Monaco, WHU, Swansea, did you hear the song while we were being pasted against the Mancs 8-2, or losing a 4-0 lead ....where was the 1AW song in all the competitive games against Mourinho's Chelsea, the man is not upto the job, even this season he could not muster the tactics to beat Chelsea or spuds . Come on AKB's put a case together why we should keep Wenger ( try and keep it civil) what he did over 10yrs ago is not enough , he has become a liability , and made Arsenal a divided , underachieving business devoid of any passion/ emotion.........Wenger Out...SIFF

  33. Gaz

    May 02, 2016, 9:18 #88868

    Well done Simon to you and your daughter. It couldn't have been easy for either of you but you both deserve tremendous credit for sticking up for your principles. Unfortunately the message that's been delivered to Wenger (with considerable help from w*nkers like John Cross and Oliver Holt in the media) is a simple one. Those with the banners want him out-those without the banners want him to stay. Of course that's absolute bollox but that's the line being spun by the AKB's and Wengers media pals. The truth is this though. My twitter timeline is full of fans saying they supported the content of the protest but not the protest itself. For these fans holding up a banner or piece of A3 paper was a step too far. I'm also convinced that the loud chant of 'one Arsene Wenger' was in response to the nature of the protest rather than the protest itself and thirty minutes later these same fans were booing the side off at half time! I believe a lot of those singing in essence want a change but still find themselves loyal to Wenger. Where-for me-this was a huge success is this. Firstly and foremost-and despite what these AKBs tell you about the size of the protest-this protest has been a huge story world-wide since it was announced and subsequently taken place. They've been discussing it on the radio, on the TV, and on social media its been the only point of discussion/arguing. There were pictures in all papers of Wenger with protesters behind him and there can simply be no argument that the message behind the protest was made and everyone now knows what that message is. Surely that's the WHOLE point of a protest? Going back to that pro Wenger chant I'd say this. Where on earth have you all been all season? You can sit there smugly pretending your support for Wenger was 'real' but where were you earlier on in the season when 'your' support might have made a difference? Don't forget its Wenger himself who blamed YOU for not singing the day before you mugs!!! Rather than Wenger thanking you for that one isolated chant on Saturday (which was ONLY in response to the protest anyway) he was probably wondering why its taken all season for you to get behind him! And anyway was there any more chanting after that initial chant? He might have also been wondering why with ages to prepare his 'fans' never provided their own pro-Wenger protest!!! Nope, one song, just one song and that was it for the season. You're an utter disgrace for failing to back 'your' man and I hope your proud that it took a protest to finally get you to at least sing up. I guess you could argue that Wenger might be pleased with the protest as it finally got his 'cult' to respond...although not for long and only the once! Now that this has happened once though it'll happen again but in greater numbers. That's the nature of a protest-start small then see it grow. And make no mistake if Wenger hangs on beyond next season we'll see more terrible performances, more lack-lustre displays, and more of Wenger blaming everyone else but himself. One last thing. When looking at the size of the protest the fact that over two games nearly 25,000 fans stayed away should not be ignored. If we were still in the title race (yeah don't laugh) those fans would have been there so don't let Wenger convince you they weren't part of the protest because they bloody well were...

  34. Mark

    May 02, 2016, 9:16 #88867

    great article in the Times today about Arsenal. Key Points: A Club that Counts ''stayaways'' as ''Attendance'' is definitely in denial. Title of the Piece is ''Empty seats mirror wenger's empty boasts'' (Brilliant) Players who are ''forever promising'' but never actually become the real Thing (Theo ramsey Jack Ox Gibbs Chambers) The media have now all truly got what Arsenal are all about and its a matter of time before the rest of the fans will...

  35. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 8:03 #88866

    I'm not sure what our AKB brethren expected as it follows that any protest is always a minority. Anti war demos may bring out thousands onto the streets but millions will walk pass either agreeing or disagreeing. I suspect Evertons protest was similar. But hey if it makes the AKB's feel happier have your moment. Those who carried out the protest will also learn from it and do things more efficiently next time as well. I hope the groups at least have means of communication to each other along with more volunteers. Congratulations to all that created the first Wenger out protest at the Emirates. To those that sang there's only one Arsene Wenger. Err where have you been over the last few years. I'd love to know if any of that mob started booing at halftime when it was nil nil. Well yet more dull football, a weakened and embarrassed manager, possible player disaffection, plus softening demand for tickets. You AKBs should be careful what you wish for! A quick sharp resignation from Wenger could give him a proper send off. Trailing into a new season like this is just going to create more poison.

  36. Torbay gooner

    May 02, 2016, 7:42 #88865

    Good on you Simon, I pity the idiots that verbally abused you and your daughter. Another sterile performance on by the team, I've lost count how many that's been for the season. Wenger please just go.

  37. Ozzie

    May 02, 2016, 7:00 #88864

    What brave types we have here - sitting behind a keyboard castigating those who have the courage of their convictions and who put their necks on the line for what they believe in. This is a perfect illustration of why local, national and international disharmony and distrust rules and why change for the better comes at snail pace. Goodonya Simon & company, you have my admiration and respect.The world needs more citizens like you :)

  38. Ozzie

    May 02, 2016, 6:45 #88863

    Leek fc, nothing is wasted - nothing!! From acorns Oak trees grow. From a pebble in a lake a ripple grows exponentially. Even a ridiculous opinion is not wasted - it has a habit of boomeranging back at the opinionated - I notice.

  39. SM

    May 02, 2016, 6:38 #88862

    This is comical, no wonder the protest was so meek. How many distributors where there to give out the banners ? I suspect most gooners whilst they where anti wenger didn't really want to publicise it inside the ground. So in that case the onus should be on the organisers to make sure not just 1 or 2000 are available but 10000 plus. If you genuinely wanted to make a statement these banners you needed an army of distributors all round the ground.

  40. Roy

    May 02, 2016, 1:07 #88859

    Arseneknewbest, yes, Joe and his ilk just don't get it do they even though you spell it out to them ? It really is quite worrying. I keep having this recurring nightmare. When Stan decides that he has enough ranches of the requisite size, he gets bored and sells out to Sir Phillip Green for a quid Ken Bates style ( because by this time we are actually in debt ). Sir Phillip then proceeds to keep on a by now 70 - something year old Wenger at the same time siphoning off enough from the coffers to increase his fleet of yachts. When he is finally exposed, it's too late, we are a firmly established mid table club and all employees pensions are worthless. Meanwhile Arsene, who had had his pay hiked to 10m a year to keep quiet and take the flak and is by now a mere shell of a being, rides off into the sunset to spend his ill - gotten gains in the time he has left. THEN, ....NURSE...NURSE....NOOOOOOOOOO........wakes up in cold sweat......

  41. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 0:22 #88858

    Ho Hum, ArseneKnewBest, yes the AKB wengerites just don't get it do they ? that TOF was blaming and slagging them off too, you really couldn't make it up, it's not right laughing. wenger out now.

  42. Arseneknewbest

    May 01, 2016, 23:47 #88856

    Joe - don't then. You and Stan K deserve each other. Keep buying the season tickets, the naff nylon jerseys, the hot dogs made from donkey's helmets and the scarves with Arsenal and whoever it is we're drawing against on the other side. Try to enjoy the perennial failure, early exit from the CL, defeats to sub-par teams in cup games such as Sheffield Wednesday, weng's abuse directed at you as a supporter and the most expensive tickets the PL. You're now a masochist as well as a creepy wenger devotee. Go on - knock yourself out.

  43. Joe

    May 01, 2016, 23:29 #88855

    What happened yesterday could hardly be called a protest of any consequence. So why should I join something that other fans and the media are taking the pissue out of Arsenal fans.

  44. Arseneknewbest

    May 01, 2016, 23:09 #88853

    Can you hear leeky sing? I can't hear a fakkin thing, no-oh-oh-oh-o-oh-oh. You're now officially the silent minority, comrade.

  45. Ho Hum

    May 01, 2016, 23:03 #88852

    Can anyone tell me why One Arsene Wenger hasn't been sung at home games for the past couple of seasons? Thing is, I've been led to believe that yesterday's chant was proof that the majority still believe in The Great Man, but the absence of said chant for such a long time would suggest otherwise. Surely it's not a case of AKBs being unwilling to admit they've been wrong all along? You guys must be a bit embarrassed it took a protest to rouse you into providing vocal backing for your man, eh? Think you must be the 'fans' Arsene was talking about on Friday.

  46. Goonersol

    May 01, 2016, 22:42 #88849

    That's right leeky, turn it to insults, your as classless as your leader, come back to me when you have 5 reasons that Wenger should stay ( 10 may be to many for you) don't bother with further insults, it makes you look a fool. Validate your claims that Wenger should stay , otherwise say nothing. ..... Wenger out.

  47. Arseneknewbest

    May 01, 2016, 22:04 #88848

    Joe - Your namesake Finsbury Joe speaks more sense and truth than you and he's a spurs fan. Stop telling porkies and give up on the creepy and fanatical hero worship of wenger and by (hair) extension stan, stan the toupeee man - the first is a proven specialist in failure and the second is a cankerous parasite that is bleeding the living daylights out of our club and making it a laughing stock. Don't you even care about that? Your devotion to someone who could not give a hoot about you as a fan is risible. Talk about unrequited love. Grow up and join the protest.

  48. Joe

    May 01, 2016, 21:37 #88847

    Your protest falls flat on its face and it's Wenger's fault or the fans who support the manager that intimated the fans who wanted to protest. You made yourselves look foolish by having a protest in the first place, now admit to yourselves you are minor faction of the club's support.

  49. Roy

    May 01, 2016, 21:25 #88846

    I hope yesterday's protests were only the start. Another bore fest on the field in which we didn't deserve the win and probably seals CL qualification ( which of course we have no chance of making a decent fist of ). Well done to you Simon, and keep us up to speed on future details. If we continue to let our feelings be known, it will all be worth it if Wenger doesn't sign another contract.


    May 01, 2016, 20:03 #88844

    Well done Simon, you showed great courage & "zee mental speerit". Wish I could have supported you. Yesterday was my LAST day with SKY & BT Sports until change happens - best protest I can offer I'm afraid . For once Myles Palmer of ANR was spot on - basically the Corporation has managed to lose the bulk of its old customers & replace them with an "affluent but ignorant fan base & tourists". I don't think is a sustainable long term business plan but, unfortunately, it means a few more years of this agony. As it is Sunday I revisited the Seven Deadly Sins as I cannot understand why the dwindling band of AKBs insist on stating that AW is a really nice man with proper values - not really a qualification to manage a top football club but let that pass for the moment. The interesting thing for me is that Webster clearly qualifies for 6 out of the 7 sins. The only one he cannot manage, I think, unless he goes in for a spot of anorexia nervosa, is gluttony as he is so ostrich like. So why dear AKBs should we retain any lingering respect?

  51. Arsenalred

    May 01, 2016, 19:52 #88843

    Don't be deluded AKB fans just because there weren't 60.000 "Time for a change" placards don't mean we're in the minority' we will still be here next season To be honest most fans can't be arsed to protest or don't feel comfortable. We still have a opinion how ever much you hate us just the same as you are entitled to have yours And I have been supporting AFC for over 50 years No I won't Foxtrot Oscar and support spuds or Cheltski Never seen such a TOXIC atmosphere. shame you can't sing for the team as much as you did for Arsene Wenger

  52. jeff wright

    May 01, 2016, 19:51 #88842

    The real waste of space is you lee k fc cluck cluck cluck ... by the way chicken brain you still have not told us who YOU tipped to win the title ... then again we already know who you thought would win it anyway .How many points do you think that we will finish behind Leicester>? You couldn't make it up.

  53. Goonersol

    May 01, 2016, 19:51 #88841

    Leeky.......let's call Arsenal and Wenger , Harry Redknapp, because they have become a waste of time, waste of space and a waste of money or, maybe Bill Murray aka Groundhog Day . While your giving it large Leeky and Jameson why don't you educate us less clever than you and come up with 10 reasons we should keep hold of Wenger......your not allowed " be careful what you wish for" .......go ahead , justify Wengers Arsenal and maybe you can convert the majority view on here. ......we're waiting.......Wenger out SIFF .

  54. Leek fc

    May 01, 2016, 19:23 #88838

    Let's just call the protest a Harry Redknapp protest. Waste of time.... Waste of space and a waste of money. Simple really.

  55. Old Gooner

    May 01, 2016, 19:19 #88837

    Well done for your efforts with the posters. I am amazed at what I'm reading on the web. In block 6 where I was it was those protesting that started "Arsenal we love you" , not what some web sites suggest, that it was sung against the protest. I was involved with holding up some of the larger banners as well as the small RedAction ones. When I heard the "1 Arsene Wenger" song I felt sick in my stomach. Where were the AKBs against Swansea or Watford in the cup or in numerous other home defeats. So for me, yes, I will renew for next season but if Wenger is still in charge then ticket exchange will be busy as I wont be going again till he's gone. So what some people may say, but next season will/would be my 50th year of going to watch The Arsenal.. but thanks to one man I cannot go anymore.

  56. Kenny

    May 01, 2016, 18:56 #88836

    A great effort Simon well done all involved but what the tv and written media are completely ignoring were the 10 thousand empty seats at the ground.You cant hide that on tv even Stan would have noticed them back in Denver.Protests in the ground bring the fans disenchantment to a wider audience but the empty seats will hurt the club more.Will those fans renew their ST's if its the same manager.I very much doubt it.We missed out on Pep Klopp Mourinho we could get Koeman if Wenger went now but TOF will stay amd Koeman will even up somewhere else.Our club is a joke

  57. John F

    May 01, 2016, 17:51 #88830

    Sad to think that fellow Arsenal fans would take the trouble to abuse you both and I commend you for your efforts.At the beginning of the season the much missed Westie and others were posting that there was no viable alternative to Wenger out there.Klopp,Conti,Pep and now Low who is being linked to Everton are going to be in the Prem next year and I would of taken any of them.The one stark fact that no matter what your view is of Wenger is that he is getting on and the board have allowed the cream of the younger talent go to our rivals.I would of had a lot of respect for Wenger if he said to the board ,look if a younger outstanding manager becomes available I will step aside.Do the right thing Arsenal and try to persuade Low a world cup winner to come to us.Rome,Nero,Fiddle come to mind when I think of Wenger and the board.

  58. Paulo75

    May 01, 2016, 17:34 #88828

    Was quite surprised at how many didn't involve themselves in the protest. Its also been a long time since I heard "One Arsene Wenger" ring out at the ground. Whilst I dont see the need for personal abuse towards our Manager, the apparent satisfaction from many supporters with the status quo at our club is beyond my comprehension.

  59. KC

    May 01, 2016, 17:32 #88825

    Simon well done for really doing something positive. Believe me there are thousands that want change, if Wenger does not change its going to get worse, I am just hoping next season is his last, if Kronke joined him in leaving that would be ideal. But we really need more chanting, at Highbury I remember Arsenal action having a whole block in the west stand, obviously more difficult in today's climate but it's what's required.

  60. John Boy

    May 01, 2016, 17:26 #88824

    I sent a text to a mate after 15 minutes saying the protest was as insipid as the game. Pathetic.

  61. goonersol

    May 01, 2016, 17:21 #88823

    Well done Siimon & daughter, you are too be commended. Only those brave enough to lift their head above the parapet are then ridiculed by the masses , who follow their leader like sheep. Arsenal are going nowhere fast, Wenger is on £8m pa and while the AKBs are happy with constant underachievement he will continue, Wenger once had class, now he is a dictator, with his clueless supporters . When you have narrow minded fans as we read on here Arsenal are going nowhere. .......with man city currently losing the AKBs must be dreaming of winning the CL,,,,,,,,wake up and see Wenger for what he is , an Economist not a football manager.......Wenger out....SIFF

  62. mbg

    May 01, 2016, 16:11 #88819

    I/We don't think for one minute that the silent majority are on the club/TOF's side not for one minute, wenger is a dead man walking and we all know it, and obviously the players have for quite a while, and so does TOF himself, such was his body language yesterday. go now wenger.

  63. Mick

    May 01, 2016, 16:10 #88818

    Get a life mate.

  64. mbg

    May 01, 2016, 16:00 #88817

    Typical AKB wengerites with their threats and verbal assault's spitting venom (just like TOF himself) they have nothing left to offer now, (and never had anyway)they know they're messiah is done finished, a dead man walking so that's all they have left, hitting out. wenger out now.

  65. Arseneknewbest

    May 01, 2016, 15:29 #88814

    Simon - Thanks - good to get some honest reporting about yesterday. You and your daughter did a good thing and I congratulate and appreciate what you did for the future of our club. No-one should be denied the opportunity to protest about anything as long as they do it considerately like you and your daughter obviously did. Neanderthals are everywhere, but it's strange that our own ones all have a strong sense of loyalty to a lilly-livered patrician like wenger. Interesting suggestion that the younger generation are more pro regime change than the older ones that attended. I wouldn't say that is borne out more widely amongst gooners because many of us on here are 50s,60s,70s kids and we all - with a few deranged exceptions - all want to see weng and toupee man gone.

  66. jjetplane

    May 01, 2016, 15:22 #88812

    Nicely said Simon and let's hope the youth carry a greater fight and somehow turn Arsene FC back into Arsenal FC. Reading the rubbish on Untold shows the lazy Arsene followers have nothing to say and are stewing in their own ...... have to laugh when I see the two that run that site are total Johnny come latelys to the Arsenal experience. They have not a clue and all their articles are bereft of any passion. No wonder the banal Wenger is still there..... Well done!