Arsenal Football Club: A Eulogy

When all vital signs disappear, it is time to mourn...

Arsenal Football Club: A Eulogy

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today not to praise Arsenal Football Club, but to bury it.

Painful as our loss is, the sadness is intensified in its needlessness; taken from us as victim to the wilful hands of Arsene Wenger, Ivan Gazidis and above all, Enos Stanley Kroenke.

It is right and proper that we pay our respects to family; but also let us summon the courage to pray for the dignity of those responsible, however heinous their part in the demise.

M. Wenger - none so blind as he who cannot see, perpetuating the crippling malaise developed apace over some years. Mr. Gazidis, too, subrogated any trace of credibility in the notion of competition, seduced as he was by the continual lust for profit. Judge them not harshly. Judge not Mr. Kroenke, whose overwhelming failure to muster virtue over the deadly sins of greed, gluttony and sloth has led us all inevitably into the darkness of envy of our neighbour. These poor souls bear witness to the folly of the narcissistic, and serve as a warning to us all of the dangers of wrongful idolatry. From this, we are taught that we must learn the value of truth, rationale and desire for betterment; rallying against hubris, deceit and division.

As we turn out thoughts to The Arsenal, we remember those down the years whose love was lost, not by choice, but by means of falsehood. We mourn the loss of our old place of worship, replaced as it was by promises of deliverance of The Holy Grail, which now seem but a cruel hoax. Still we await deliverance and a return of joyful songs and praise, lavished upon those deserving; but the dark forces have overcome us and daily we are awoken by the cockerel's crow.

Tearfully, we remember those brave leaders who represented our true heritage. Now surely would they turn their faces away and weep, blessed as we were by men of vision. They were warriors who fought to the end, now too few in number. Latterly, they saw the future and forewarned us, but we stood helpless, waiting for intervention which, though promised, did not transpire. Instead, The Arsenal slowly withered, its health ailing from brain, then spine and heart.

In its prime, we fondly recall happier times. The apparently miraculous era of The Invincibles, who but one rose above mortal men. We recall triumphs against great adversity, even at the death, on soil both near and far from our land. Now we recite achievements meriting timeless lore; as legends were made in glorifying the very essence of Victoria Concordia Crescit. Now silenced, listless…still.

There are those who still believe, roundly mocked and chastised for their devotion. Yet faith cannot be blind; we must challenge our values and beliefs and in doing so, garner strength in the collective. They say that the night is darkest before the dawn; but there is no light to guide us and so we wander, aimless and forlorn whilst our enemies rejoice.

Cherish the memory of Arsenal Football Club, as we offer our final respects. Do not be fooled by denial, for it has thrived too long and deceived too many. Better to acknowledge the power of temptation, besetting our unholy trinity, who failed in their duty and were devoid of mental strength in its true form - offering only prescribed rhetoric, without substance.

What lessons can we learn? In our despair, no prophet's soothsay was heeded. Even as the end drew near and wrath unleashed, their pride was not cowed. How then to charge ourselves? A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thoughts to his steps. When the result of blind faith is nought, then the remedy is to think and challenge preconceptions.

Be humble in expectation. Remember the joy, but accept its passing. Make not comparisons which do not bear the making. In doing so, we can honour Arsenal Football Club, though it flourishes no more. Know that whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin… and forgive… if you can."

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  1. Exeter Gunner

    May 05, 2016, 9:44 #89096

    GoonerRon, the guy clearly didn't mean it literally, but I'd agree with you the last 12 years have not been 'nothing'. We've seen the loss of Highbury in order, it turned out, to raise share value for a sale whilst loading the debt on to the club. We've seen traditional AFC values of steel, organisation and leadership devalued to the point AFC are now a laughing stock in those areas and are perceived worldwide as easy on the eye but a soft touch. We've seen a redefinition of success as merely qualifying for a competition, only to make a handful rich men even richer. In short, we've lost our identity as a club. It's been a long con under Wenger's watch these last 12 years, to the point some of us wish he'd never turned up in the first place. So yes, it certainly hasn't been 'nothing'.

  2. goonersol

    May 05, 2016, 8:30 #89089

    GoonerRon 94204 : Whether its 12yrs of 10yrs, we are just splitting hairs, if you take the time after our CL Final, and you say he has bought in £400m in revenue, what has he done with it ?? He and the board have accepted mediocrity and fed the fans a dream of tomorrow while pocketing huge amounts for very little , and charging the fans a kings ransom for the pleasure. With that sort of money he should have built a team to challenge , not just make up the numbers. He/they have tried to make us accept being average and most fans have had enough after 10yrs of constant underachievement , I don't think Wenger is now capable of building a team to challenge for the top, that is why we are having theses discussions. Time for change..........Wenger & the regime Out.

  3. GoonerRon

    May 04, 2016, 22:34 #89077

    @ Exeter - I don't see balance as a spurious notion because I still have respect for Wenger and what he has done. So if someone is going to spout nonsense about the last 12 years delivering nothing then I'd prefer to apply some context (and factual reality) to the mix. I think Wenger's time is up as by my barometer of what should be achievable he didn't achieve it this season, allied to the fact that (rightly or wrongly) the atmosphere around the club and particularly at matches is not conducive to a team thriving on the pitch. Whilst I think it's time for him to go, I'm still in a very different mindset to most on here - I don't want to hound him out, wont stoop to start hurling insults or holding banners during a match. That's just where I'm at and I think his 'failure' is a matter of degree and I obviously put more stock in his 'achievements' in the past than some on here do. I'm much earlier in the wanting change than most on here, so I'm not vociferous or vehement about it to the point of protest. It might be alien to some, but it is possible to believe that Wenger is neither The Old Fraud or a messiah.

  4. mbg

    May 04, 2016, 22:33 #89076

    jj, literally of the top of my head for our del boy wenger, no income tax no guarantee, no money back no champions league all that is guaranteed, TOF will see to it you see, god bless hooky street with the biggest hook you'd ever want to meet, with this hook no prem league your guaranteed, up and down left and right just like a crab in the prem league, black or white they're all just shyte, with lies and spin all thrown in, god bless hooky street, forget being poor your just not wanted here, no money to spend that's just tough shyte, being rich is what it's all about, if your poor your on the street, god bless hooky street we just love hooky street and all those who believe us on hooky street without your help we'd be as poor as you, oh god bless hooky street.

  5. mbg

    May 04, 2016, 21:20 #89070

    Well there you have it folks, they've really nothing left now to defend their messiah with, we've come full circle we're back again to return and investment and how much lovely dough TOF has made and is making for the club, Sad (it's not right laughing) as we used to ask way back then, is there a trophy for that ? You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    May 04, 2016, 18:32 #89059

    GoonerRon, if you agree Wenger needs to go, why are you so worried about 'balance'? Should the guys holding up the banners have turned them around after 30 seconds to show 'On the other hand...' on the other side? It had little enough effect as it was. Besides, the invitation is there for anyone to write an article giving actual reasons why Wenger is the man to take us forward. They won't do so, because they cannot. Graham Perry has written several circulars on why Wenger should stay and all he's been able to offer is his 'belief, his 'faith'. He's an example of the type for whom AFC is no longer a sporting institution but a vehicle for the expression of faith in an individual. No, 'balance' is the last thing we need to counter this example of bad faith. 24/7 attacks using logic and reason and evidence, in and outside the stadium, and across the internet and mainstream media are what's required. If you really think he should go, you must surely now see that your spurious notion of 'balance' is empty and facile in the face of the mountain of evidence for his departure and can only aid him to continue. And that's not what you want, is it?

  7. jjetplane

    May 04, 2016, 17:10 #89053

    Arsene FC must surely be the championes of the CL income league (CIL) which kinda of revises that quite silly idea that Arsene (Sir) has failed in Europe. As they have mightily concluded over on the maddest website in the world - the WOBs are simply jealous of Arsene and his millions. Some have even penned odes, love letters and other missives so intimate they dare not print .... The Power of love-eeeee ..... On your knees!?

  8. Ron

    May 04, 2016, 15:57 #89047

    GR - Noted mate. AFC is a financial success story of course as you say. Nobody can deny that. At what price though in real terms, in footballing, human and community terms. Its as much a tragedy as it is a success for me, though i admit and accept that there are many who love it and who embrace what the Clubs become. Its very sad and i think that most feel this deep down. Wenger is a reminder of when the Club was still wedded to its past history and identity and therein lies the emotional cement that keeps him there, despite the harm its doing. Thats my take anyway. I was a bit like it myself until i ended my Membership 5 yrs ago and looked at AFC and football generally afresh. Sentiment has served AW and SK well, but its thinning now at long last.

  9. mbg

    May 04, 2016, 15:52 #89046

    Ron, Arsenal geezer, good posts, did you ever hear such a pathetic statement, or six words, in your life as, be careful what you wish for. Sad.

  10. GoonerRon

    May 04, 2016, 15:36 #89042

    @ goonersol - I literally couldn't give a flying pissflap how we played in a final or who it was against as long as we won it. You can't airbrush three trophies from our history because of those reasons - hence why I chose to call you on your 'nothing in 12 years comment' (and @ Ron - somebody did say they hadn't happened - goonersol - hence my original post). If you're looking for VFM from Wenger's £100m salary in that time, goonersol, how about £400m in CL income? All of a sudden, a 300% return on investment sounds pretty good along with a cup final every other year doesn't it? I'm not saying Wenger is perfect and have said recently I think Wenger's time should be up (and on that point I'd take Simeone in a heartbeat) but such is the clamour for change and barbed vitriol from some (and I totally get the reasons why people want change) that there is a distinct lack of balance as to how things have been over the years.

  11. Bard

    May 04, 2016, 15:21 #89041

    Capt Frank; too right mate. Football without passion is soulless, like watching paint dry ( see Arsenal v Norwich). Despite the nastiness of the Chavs Spuds game I loved the intensity of it all. Havent seen a game at the Em like that since Paddy was making merry in midfield.

  12. Arsenal Geezer

    May 04, 2016, 15:04 #89039

    Ron, couldn't agree more. I still cannot understand what this fear of change is all about. The measure of a club with all our resources and advantages should be what we do in the premier league and Europe. At the very least we should be making sustained challenges on those fronts and year after year we completely fail to do so. Why does anyone want to continue with someone who makes the same mistakes year on year and can never admit his mistakes. If he can't admit them, he is never going to correct them. Time for someone new with a fresh approach. It has worked for Leicester and West Ham as an example to the AKB's.

  13. Ron

    May 04, 2016, 14:45 #89034

    GR - Of course yr ref's to the Finals etc are all factual. Im not sure anybody has ever said that they didn't happen? They're not 'nothing' are they either. My point is that these somethings (as you obviously see them), are pretty much now recognised by those who want change as amounting to not anything much when set alongside the range of stark staring obvious matters of what is clearly wrong at the Club. In other words, for you to elevate those few Cup Finals to the level you are trying to do, in my view does nothing other than try and mask over reality. Its what most AKBs do routinely it seems to me. Liverpool have been in a few Finals and won a CL in the same period yet i never hear their supporters saying that Rafa Benitez or Rodgers should have been given carte blanche to carry on doing as they would have done for as long as they wanted too. Why do AKBs have a problem with the simple harmless reality that Wenger and this ownership at the Club is sterile and shot? Its a mystery that other Clubs fans never seem to take long to resolve. Its root is Wenger's longevity and the fear that many have of letting him go and allowing in something and somebody new. No more than this. Its quite pathetic really.

  14. mbg

    May 04, 2016, 14:40 #89033

    Hiccup, sad isn't it ? the AKB's know no bounds and would go to any lengths to try and cover they're lord and masters failings and try and help him not look as bad and as big a laughing stock as he is with any excuse for failure, talk about sour grapes ? and runny egg on face ? (where is all this Arsenal do things the right way)the club is a big enough laughing stock at the minute, but these idiots are making it even worse and giving proper fans a bad name. You couldn't make t up. wenger out now.

  15. mbg

    May 04, 2016, 14:28 #89031

    So wee Leicester (and their tinker man)with not even half the funds we have, with players not even on half the wages our bottlers are, and a tinker man on not even quarter the wages our waster of a manager is on, come along and beat him to it and do in a Year, what our old fraud has been trying to do for the last eleven and failing miserably on every occasion, (with embarrassment after embarrassment) OUCH, that must really be some kick up the arse, and blow to his overinflated ego, isn't it great ? well done Leicester. wenger out.

  16. Captain Frank

    May 04, 2016, 14:23 #89030

    7Kings – Simeone would certainly be an “interesting” successor to Wenger – not that I think it will ever happen. He’s a bit like Mourinho in some respects (although not as mouthy) as he adopts a win at all costs mentality, which would be so far removed from Arsene’s philosophy that many who have only known Arsenal during the last 20 years or those of an older vintage who have become so accustomed to the tiki-taka style would surely rebel. Frankly I don’t care how the game is played as long as it’s played with an intense passion which is obvious to everyone watching and Simeone gets full marks on that score. Success would surely follow.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 04, 2016, 14:09 #89029

    The luvvies in the TV world will be very unhappy with Mr Simeone - where is the art in that performance? The art, for the lovers of the "petal power" football, is in the hours of proper coaching and physical preparation that his team is put through every week to forge a squad that plays and thinks as one - bit like the 91 Arsenal Championship side. Ron - had a peek at "Untold Arsenal" it's a bit Janet & John is n't it!

  18. goonersol

    May 04, 2016, 13:59 #89028

    GoonerRon : As mentioned I accept your observations and I stand corrected, the last 2 FA cups were against Hull & Villa ( relegated) the Man U FA Cup was won on penalties after being outplayed. Overall the honours have been few and far between with a salary of £100m in that forgot to mention a couple of Emirates Cup's in there too. Take a look at At Madrid , they beat Barca & BM with less resource than we have, could that be down to their manager,a fighter, passionate, verbal, tactics and a will to win, oh how we can dream under this regime. We are lumbered with an Economist ........Wenger & the Regime out.

  19. GoonerRon

    May 04, 2016, 13:49 #89027

    @ goonersol - where did I say everything was perfect and there was nothing to complain about? I was just addressing an imbalance to the argument that in the last 12 years there had been nothing - 6 cup finals in 12 years just isn't nothing is it? @ Ron - what in my post wasn't 100% factual? I don't need to say what has gone wrong in the last 12 years because it is on these pages 24/7.

  20. goonersol

    May 04, 2016, 12:35 #89025

    Nick : good points well made, I just wish we could have a proper debate with the AKB's on this forum as it should accommodate both views. Let them put forward a case to keep Wenger ( apart from : "be careful what you wish for ") and maybe we could consider their views, but sadly none are forthcoming. Come on AKB's put your case forward in a polite and reasonable manner, stop sniping at those who want change for Arsenal Fc, as we have become a laughing stock amongst ourselves let alone opposing fans......Leeky, Jameson, etc can you put a case forward, without being offensive ??

  21. jjetplane

    May 04, 2016, 12:32 #89024

    Ha ha RON the old High Sparrows indeed and maybe they should get the old seven star to completely erase the old badge from memory. Now the little sparrows are compiling the injustice stats for all to see (a big parchment scroll hanging from the rafters at club level would befit) to list how Leics bought off the refs as Chelsea, Citeh, Utd have in the past to stop the true form of football gaining it's just rewards. I mean - Leics with ten penalties and Arsene FC with just two says it all and as for the amount of decisions against (non competing) Arsene FC - no rest until there is justice. All we need is an Aguero hatrick because of the ref who happens to be from Manchester .... Aaaaah religion - their leaders smile benignly on their frittering sparrows. Mind you Le Prof has a bird like look .... oh dear!

  22. Nick

    May 04, 2016, 11:58 #89023

    George Graham six trophys in eight years, Wenger nine trophys in TWENTY YEARS,with a gap of NINE YEARS without anything, NO other Arsenal manager has been give so much tolerance, no European trophy, just dismal failures even the 2006 final was thrown away by bad substitutions, and having a clown of a reserve keeper ! More thrashing's than I can ever remember in such a short period, plus the mother of all hidings at old Trafford, not to forget the 1-6 mauling there before that, the serial throwing away of winning positions, so that even when we are three clear goals to the good you cannot relax safe in the knowledge that we will see the game out ,the lack of proper recruitment and the self defeating reliance on injury prone aging players , the quite obvious prearranged substitutions unless injury forces changes, the lack.of IN GAME management, all these things along with the colossal arrogance of a man who blame everyone and everything rather than admit to being wrong is why Wenger must go and go soon, I fear it will take one more season of this serial farce to make it happen though, I'm no glory hunter but if you don't want your team to win things then why are you a football supporter? Silverware is the ultimate dream whether you follow Arsenal or your local village side ! Aspiration is all ! When you see the same mistakes made year after year it drives you nuts, when you hear the same lies and excuses year after year it makes you livid, if it doesn't then I suggest to you that you really just dont care as much as those of us who ARE hurt and angered by the serial nature of these failings !

  23. Ron

    May 04, 2016, 11:49 #89022

    JJ - Saw a bit of it a while back. Its a cleansing sanctuary for all who doubt the great deity of Wengs. I dont go now. I just couldn't face having to confess all to the High Sparrow there and then being forced to walk bare footed and bare backed to the Armoury to buy a Walcott shirt and mug while self flagellating.

  24. jjetplane

    May 04, 2016, 11:35 #89021

    Over on Untold the fanatics are allowed to call WOBs ****ing wankers by person and they are not deleted but encouraged by their North Korean masters who I see only occasionally go to St Stan's (once or twice a year) but typically post articles from their away champione custom armchairs like every ****ing hour! It is a laugh and their promotion of that bloke with the pro Arsene banner (care in the community) that they are petitioning for a statue for him (kid you not) and sainthood is a must. I reckon they found him at the station and gave him the top top (sic) and banner and then gave him a free seat and some beer money and told him when to stand up. To his right you can see the marketing CEO in full voice lol! Ath Madrid and Leics are bringing football home. Long may it last. RON do you ever look at Untold - total bonkerz!

  25. Ron

    May 04, 2016, 11:18 #89020

    Good old Gooner Ron. A nice selective shimmy, quickstep and slide around reality there. Strictly Come Dancing beckons matey. With those moves, you're a stick on for a 10 from Len!

  26. Ron

    May 04, 2016, 11:05 #89019

    Atletico Madrid through now and on brink of a CL win with a fair wind in their favour. This has to stop and stop now. Its unfair, its unlawful and its downright immoral. Clubs with teams who fight together for results, with no real 'philosophy' should be excluded from the CL i think. Europe should unite and petition for action against them and make an example of Simeone now. Disgusted.

  27. jjetplane

    May 04, 2016, 10:53 #89018

    Ha ha HICCuP Drinkwater is a thug and should not even be in a house. Leics and Spud players should be kept in kennels though I hear the great Arse (ewww) keeps his poodles in little frilly parlours .... Untold now calling Wenger Arsenal's greatest supporter as well as manager and even though he had Barca begging him to take over (as BM are now) where he would have no doubt scraped a couple of Spanish type FA Cups for them in 12 years and counting, no, he sacrificed everything to build with his own hands The Emirates Church (upon this er rubbish dump ...) and offered gold communion wafers to the possessed/fleeced (geddit!)for 5 thou a year and er onwards and upwards. I hear AKB security at said church for people who hate football if it means competing consist of a bunch of spotters from Belgium who are flown in for matches. These guys are really mean so be careful not to die laughing when you see them. They will have marks on their foreheads (the eternal ash of failure) and wear away champione horse hair shirts form the Armoury. Puma are finding the relationship with the Church of St Stan worrying and are not to keen on giving funds to fanatical fundamentalists ..... more later or perhaps not ....

  28. goonersol

    May 04, 2016, 10:06 #89017

    GoonerRon / leeky et al : I stand corrected, all's well then? nothing to be unhappy about. its not 12yrs , its 10 ( my mistake, typo) lets forget about the hammering , the poor tactics, the lack of any progress in CL & EPL, happy with 3rd or 4th., shall I go on ?? ......By the way , leeky & AKB's, I'm still waiting for valid reasons to keep hold of Wenger...If this was 8 yrs ago, you would have said give him time, what now.............Wenger and the regime Out. SIFF

  29. jeff wright

    May 04, 2016, 9:56 #89016

    Oh hum ,tey again dear Jamie you make an ass of yourself.Good old Arsene is a Roman Catholic you knuckle-headed oaf ! He even went to meet the Pope once and this allowed slippery Ivan to sign Danny Boy while he was away in Rome receiving the blessing of his holiness in the Vatican.As it happens all of this praying to gods doesn't appear to be working the oracle for Arsene and the players does it now. We have had little Mezut praying to Allah before games that we then went on to lose. A bit more concentration and effort might be a better option not mention some decent signings and a new manager with more tactical nous than Arsene possesses. You couldn't make it up.

  30. Bard

    May 04, 2016, 9:51 #89015

    Mark; We are always monitoring events but we never do anything. Dont for one moment believe the bull, the Weng is here next year for sure. This is how it will go. We will be linked with all and sundry all summer The Weng will say we dont need anyone. We will spend the whole of the transfer window haggling over a £3m left back from the Ukraine and in the last week sign someone big for £40m, probably another midfielder in the Santi Ozil mould as a sop to the fans. How do I know this? Because it happens every year.

  31. Jamerson

    May 04, 2016, 8:56 #89014

    I look at Wenger as our leader an Oliver Cromwell figure,with his love of purity and all things proper.We are his fen men roundheads from middle England psalm singing and ready for the fight.The WOBs are the loathsome cavaliers all gay and covered in tatts and in love with antichrist Rome, always coveting,to the sword with them.

  32. Hiccup

    May 04, 2016, 6:53 #89013

    I see Arsenal fans have gone petition mad again. I would urge everyone to sign yesterday's petition to deduct Spurs points for that disgraceful performance on Monday. A clear message needs to be sent out that teams finishing above us will not be tolerated! However, I'm more interested in today's petition demanding Leicester be deducted points after their celebrations at Vardy's house. Danny Drinkwater, who is currently suspended, and therefore ineligible to celebrate, can clearly be seen in the video. I'm sure there's a precedent which involved an Arsenal player back in the thirties doing the same thing, and the FA threw the book at us. I can see all of this ending up in the High Court!

  33. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 04, 2016, 6:21 #89012

    Gooner Ron- the Barcelona game marked the decline of Arsenal, having scraped the 2005 cup final. If memory serves Wenger was already starting to face criticism. A win over Barca would have cause cemented his place on footballing history but o believe it found him out infortunately and puts him behind Mee and Graham in European success. Perhaps it should have also marked Almunias last opportunity as a goal keeper for us but for some reason he appeared to be awarded for it. Then we have Chelsea and Birmingham when we really have fallen away. Both complete cock up's. Let's not play Arshavin when he's on top form? Birmingham summed up all that was wrong. I'll give 2005 FA cup 2006 Loss and last years Cup as good representations and worth celebrating but that's pretty meagre fair in the last 12 years.

  34. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 23:09 #89011

    Anyone seen that film 12 Years a Slave? All the extras were AkBs ..... Boom ****ing boom star!

  35. Leek fc

    May 03, 2016, 21:51 #89010

    Well spoken gooner Ron. The idea that we have had nothing to show in the last 12 years sums up the word NEGATIVE. thanks Ron.

  36. Man United Killer

    May 03, 2016, 21:49 #89009

    Wenger is WEAK

  37. GoonerRon

    May 03, 2016, 21:36 #89008

    @ goonersol re: 94114 - just in the interests of balance in the last 12 years we've won 3 FA Cups, been to three other cup finals including our only ever European Cup final. Perhaps your definition of 'nothing' is different to mine.

  38. Clarky

    May 03, 2016, 21:23 #89007

    Ok, so now it seems to be clear that the greater majority of fans that go to the Emirates are Wenger supporters. In that case, a demonstration should be arranged outside the Emirates after the Villa game so that everyone has the opportunity to participate. If that ends up being a damp squib as well it will be time to give up and let the lunatics run the asylum.

  39. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 03, 2016, 21:04 #89006

    Noises coming from Southampton are that they are preparing for life without Ronald Koeman. 1 year left on contract. The big boy Barca are interested but we are apparently monitoring events. Interesting, very interesting.

  40. JackL

    May 03, 2016, 20:59 #89005

    I love Cesc Fabregas-just read what a superb role he played in yesterday's game v Sp*rs (the bits that I didn't see on TV). Wish we could sign him back. He is a true gooner.

  41. Hitchin Dan

    May 03, 2016, 20:57 #89004

    Leek fc - Seriously? You're entitled to your opinion of course and I respect your view on the club, but if you really want to align yourself with a homophobic, racist hooligan who should have been banned long ago then be my guest, but I think that says rather a lot about you. I happen to think this site is one of the most balanced around - it publishes articles at both ends of the spectrum. The comments are a bit one-sided I'd agree, but perhaps people like yourself should take a more productive approach and debate rather than simply criticise. And despite your criticism of the admin, your comments remain which seems odd if you really think they only want to represent one side of the divide.

  42. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright Right...!

    May 03, 2016, 20:27 #89003

    Good God from the scourge of Alsace Lorranian, oh Lord deliver us. AD 2016. FFP= we must do things my (Wenger's) way. Everyone can start from the same spot( where I Arsene) say. We all use the resources we generate, so that (in theory) I can show who's boss. You can't use vast sums though as I'm not prepared(to spend) to do that, so remember we must do things my way! That is play tippy tappy, & everythione has to be enthralled by this even in failure. Otherwise I'll throw my toys out of my pram. I'll also if pressed do unthinkable things like bringing in an injured player called Kim Kallstrom as a defiant act of madness, if my detractors keep on my back. I will embellish this with one uninjured player called Sanogoals, who is so raw (I want to do another Anelka) to receive heaps of praise to flatter my deserving ego, once I've formatted him into another potential money spinner. Update: he's out on loan. I'm still hopeful... On another note:- I too was in the West stand lower when Aston Villa won the title in 81'. A young long haired Brian McDermott played for us that day I seem to recall. I also say in the East upper for a while and saw Mariner, Woodcock, the late Tommy Caton to name a few. Lean years, but real Arsenal years. Loved them. Prepared for this again if it means the club I love which I first saw in 1968 reverts to type.


    May 03, 2016, 20:23 #89002

    Here'a a nice little exercise for all true supporters & especially the AKBs to do. Remember the old business SWOT analyses? You know - 4 quarters on a blank sheet of A4 - Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats? A leetle bit frightening when you do it, as having time on my hands, as I did today. STRENGTHS: all about location, Londres, & facilities WEAKNESSES: all about People OPPORTUNITIES: where to begin? MASSIVE! THREATS: everywhere - other clubs, continued stagnation etc. etc. 5th place AT BEST next year? I have a fiver from my pension burning a hole in my pocket. Finally, well done Claudio & his Foxes - proper manager, proper club & apparently a decent billionaire of an owner - OK, I know that's a contradiction in terms but what the hell. Brilliant job!

  44. Leek fc

    May 03, 2016, 20:19 #89001

    ADMIN....16.09.. I can see where you are heading with this one..... Ban all of the comments that have an ounce of respect for THE ARSENAL and MR WENGER and you can have your comfortable site to itself, that is then totally ANTI ARSENE and ARSENAL. Good luck in your quest. just a haunch, but are sales down on the Gooner fanzine. Remember what happened to the Manc fanzine last year.... Be careful what you wish for.

  45. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 19:58 #89000

    ArseneKnewBest, good point, where's all the congratulations for Leicester, where's all this doing things the Arsenal/right way crap we keep hearing from the wengerites, (i bet wenger is seething) and while we're at it, i haven't heard any congratulations from the AKB's either, I wonder why ? surely there's no sour grapes ? or egg on faces.

  46. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 19:21 #88999

    jj, yes a proper achievement, with discarded journey men from other clubs and proper first division championship potential, and all brought together and trained, coached, properly with proper tactics by a proper manager who knows what he's doing, what would we give to have one of them at Arsenal instead of the fraud we have. Well done Claudio and Leicester you've done us all a huge favour.

  47. All reprobates to the Lake of Fire

    May 03, 2016, 18:59 #88998

    If it wasn't for the WOR and their crappy support we'd have been champs this season.Wenger was right when he said the nominal fans have cost us.

  48. anthony walters

    May 03, 2016, 18:58 #88996

    mark a fair few people i know have finally made the decision it's time for change inxluding myself .i believe many have decided that over the last few months because weighing up the pros and cons in the past they like me gave him the benefit of the doubt but witnessing what i have this season i have decided that is enough.take saturday v nowrich supposedly an important game for champions league football qualification.yet again a centre back turning their backs at crucial time ,koscielney did it again saturday,poor decision making ie a few minutes to go ozil at one nil up does a suicidal back heel in front of the back four.sanchez a player who thinks he is better than he is yet again spurned a clear shot on his left foot once and through on goal shot from a ridiculous angle with his right when a left foot shot was clearly needed.selecting ramsey who whilst he played quite well is nowhere near as good as a now fit wilshire in a deep midfield position who would provide drive and forward passing.nobody can agree with all a manager does and i still believe arsene gets loads right but not enough to win major trophies and he is not getting the best out of the current group players.i don't believe arsene has lost his determination or hunger to win major prizes for arsenal but even if he spends money in my opinion he has lost that ability to motivate,balance teams out and make substitutions to actually win them.the teams decision making and game management is too poor when the chips are down and that comes from the manager.

  49. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 18:56 #88995

    Well one things for sure there's nobody laughing at, or making fun of the tinker man today, No there's only one clown of a manager that's happening to. Go now wenger you clown.

  50. jeff wright

    May 03, 2016, 18:56 #88994

    Arseneknewbest ,old Arsene ,the master of illusion, or outright lies if you like, is often selective with his comments .I note that he never mentioned failing to beat the spuds twice and WHU or that we lost home and away to Chelsea either.As it happens we are anyway contrary to what Arsene claims only the third best away from home behind Leicster and ,er,the spuds ! You couldn't make it up.

  51. Nick

    May 03, 2016, 18:54 #88993

    Ok I give up , what does the abbreviation smh mean!

  52. Hiccup

    May 03, 2016, 18:53 #88992

    Still plenty to play for, and my title predictor app is still getting plenty of use. Gonna be lost without it when the season ends. An interesting point of note that I feel needs raising, is that under the old scoring system of 2 points for a win, by my calculations, Arsenal would be top! Quite remarkable? Anyway, massive game on Sunday. One of the most important end of season kickabouts for some time with 3rd place up for grabs.

  53. Arseneknewbest

    May 03, 2016, 18:43 #88990

    In the happy, unified pre-wenger era, the club would have come out by now and set an example to other less sporting organisations by offering their congratulations to Leicester. There would have also been the strategic bonus of implying that Spuds had been put back in their box for the forseable future. I used to like that about my club, i.e. that they were gracious when faced with set-backs and that they set a moral lead for others. No more - now weng come out with pearls of wisdom about being the only team to beat the filberts twice, and all that diarrhoea about being the away team champions. He's a loser and is a stain on the underpants of our formerly great club.

  54. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 03, 2016, 18:19 #88989

    Anthony Walters that sounds pretty much on par with what I've read and heard. The simplistic journo view 'if you didn't hold up a card your pro Wenger also doesn't bear scrutiny' as I mentioned previously a protest is never the majority but what it does is set a scene. The board will have made note even if they choose to ignore it. My guess is they may attempt to buy big pre season to give the board cover. If it's still going wrong they can then separate themselves from Grandma. Alternatively they can just do nothing but I suspect they will worry about softening demand and full London Stadia with Arsenal the exception will be very embarrassing and likely to get PUMA having a word. Not sure what to think about the board at the minute as they have been very silent in providing support for Wenger. I feel something is still playing in the background.

  55. Finsbury Joe

    May 03, 2016, 18:11 #88988

    I can't believe how dirty Chelsea were last night.

  56. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 17:42 #88987

    Mark, don't even go there mate, you can just imagine our pansie nice boy bottlers in the middle of that, wally, kos, the hat stand with a beard, etc, etc, etc, with the biggest bottler of all spitting venom on the sidelines to the fourth official about protection, and imagine the blame the ref would have gotton after the game ? and everybody else, and the conspiracies ? we'd have never heard the bloody end of it, yes the ref made some ridiculous decisions but say what you like about them there were two teams of men (and their managers)out there fighting and giving it all for they're cause, and fans, something we'll never see from these nice boy bottlers of ours and they're old past it manager because they don't even have it in them. wenger out.

  57. Augustus Flair

    May 03, 2016, 17:34 #88986

    Most of the comment here has been about the manager (fair enough) but let's tip a beanie to some of the players he manages who have brightened our season - from Theo Walnut, who starred in a late cameo of staggering awfulness last August against West Ham (the first of many), through to the sad sight of Alexis Sanchez losing his touch (though not his spirit) as the season wore on, and the all too predictable injuries to fragile Jack and Santi (remember him?). My own players of the year, though, are the frankly unbelievable Aaron Ramsey, thoughtfully acting as a twelfth man for any opponent he was sent out against, and the gurning clown that is Olivier Giroud, whose latest impression of having been belted flush on the jaw by Anthony Joshua against Norwich after an airbrush contact wins my favourite fantasy moment of the year. Anyone emerge with credit? Yeah, Nacho, Petr and Laurent to be fair, and they must stop their ears when the Great Leader is "coaching" them. Come on Arsenal.

  58. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 17:05 #88984

    An AKB narrative now is that Leics are not good enough to win the PL but were ably assisted by bent officials to somehow win it? Further they are a mid table team and have no business being in front of Arsene FC who apparently have to deal with a Mancunian official when they play Citeh. Oh yes and Pochie was a thug as a player and the Spuds will be getting the Costa treatment next season if only the officials would open their eyes and hand the PL to Arsene FC next season on a silver platter only for it to be rejected by the manager because it 'really is vulgar and there is no winning in art' ..... 'What - 10m for another 3 years? I am all leetle bit ears....'

  59. Nick

    May 03, 2016, 17:01 #88983

    I make no secret of my desire to be rid of Wenger , the wiggy yank and the oily Gazidis, this season has been an abject failure for a club with our supposed aspirations! I will not however apologise for never wanting us to lose or being pleased whenever we get one over the lot from Middlesex, I hate the spuds with a passion always have always will, I cannot bring myself to ever want us to lose whether it be a cup final., title decider, dead rubber league game or a friendly.,I will always want the Arsenal to win ! I have reluctantly ended my membership and.i will attend no more games while Wenger is still at the helm., I will continue to protest his presence and the dire , boring tippy tapping do not shoot whatever the provocation football, but I will NOT ever wish for us to lose, I cant its ingrained in me over the past fitty five years of supporting the team, I do not understand those that do , those who slander the very name of Arsenal, it is WENGER , KRONKE and GAZIDIS who are the enemy not the very name of Arsenal ! So yes I would support the scum being docked two points as we ourselves were once for a less unsavory showing than last nights, why not? do double standards, it still probably wouldn't be enough for this mentally weak side we have at present to take advantage of but I wouldn't be broken hearted if it.WAS !

  60. John F

    May 03, 2016, 16:56 #88982

    Usually when a team misses out on the title with a couple of games to go it is to the usual suspects and although the fans would feel upset they could easily avoid the news and sport and slowly get over it.This year has to be the worst ever time to be that team as there is no escaping Leicesters achievement it has been on everywhere and is going on and on.I'm sure the spuds will get some compensation in finishing above us but to be so close and then being constanly bombarded by the media with the winners must be painful for the poor souls.

  61. Mark

    May 03, 2016, 16:55 #88981

    Grandpa is only 2 years older than Claudio and yet Claudio seems to have a lot more energy and drive or is it me ? Poch and klopp and Slav are right up for it. Pep and Jose and Conti high octane. Grandpa's Dads Army will get properly mowed down next season mark my words

  62. Nick

    May 03, 2016, 16:30 #88980

    Congratulation to Leicester City, what a story ! You really couldn't have made this Roy of the Rovers stuff up ! It was even sweeter seeing the complete arses the spuds made of themselves last night ! I do seem to remember a club getting a two point deduction for exactly the type of scenes seen at the home of the odious chavs in yesterdays game , so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to ask for a similar punishment here , still it won't happen their not the Arsenal, we now have a slim hope of dashing the scums only.other hope of crowing this season, ive a feeling their going to implode completely. That's the bright side , the reverse of that same coin is less palatable! Wenger has wilfully scuppered our chances this term with his parsimony and stubborn resistance to change in other words actually using tactics and motivational skills , I loved Jack Whitehalls response on Sky sports news when asked for his views on the Frenchman, he said something like this, " I look at Wenger as the old drunk at a party who's worn out his welcome, quite entertaining at first but a bore and a nuisance later who refuses to leave when asked " Taxi for Wenger now !!

  63. Admin

    May 03, 2016, 16:09 #88977

    WARNING TO ALL - Jamerson is back to his old tricks of posting under multiple names - a blatant trolling tactic in my view. As he was previously warned, all his posts will be removed as will any future ones which can be identified as him. Please do not reply to any you suspect as being trolling.

  64. anrhony walters

    May 03, 2016, 16:06 #88976

    he really said 50 cards mark from aylesbury.thats ridiciulous just like kevin whichers thousands .i was at the match and at a rough estimate looking round there were between 500 and or 800 .i would doubt any more than that or even a was noticable that virtually all the protest cards were in the lower tiers i was focused more on the match but looked around in 12 minutes and 78 seat is northbank lower next to isle between east stand and north lower.when the cards went up i heard no, one arsene wenger song, nor did my mate next to me i asked him later. in our vicinity the chant loudly sang was we love you arsenal we do .there wasn't the support for arsene wenger the press is portraying or he may's probably most fans go to the match to watch and support the team and don't wish to protest especially as whilst we are frustrated and annoyed at the weak willed way we threw away our title challenge we are still a top 4 side so whilst things aren't what we expect or want things could be a lot worse too.many fans who believe it's time for change probably still respect what arsene did in the past for arsenal to chant against him even though they believe he is past his sell by date . of the 8 people near me i speak to including myself 2 held cards up 1 believes arsene is the man to lead us forward 7 including myself believe he should go.

  65. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 15:31 #88975

    MofA Para is not too bad and some of them are so filled with hate for everything and yet they keep wondering why the WOBs are so unhappy with such a well-oiled enterprise when they are clearly happy? They do not sound it to a man/woman and there are a couple of well-constructed sociopaths in their midst but the funniest is the Brick bloke who considers himself a hoot - uncanny really, must be an AKB trait. I like to be thought of as a extreme WOb and wanted Spuds to win last night so the Foxes could do the biz at Everton and if Citeh win Arsene FC are back where they have squatted with little intent for decades ....this is the negative capability that will carry into the Euros. Would like to say Leics achievement puts the invincible thing in the shade. Not trolling, just commenting. Best thing to happen to this ultra-conservative PL since it's inception. Let us pray for another new name to nick it next season .... and so on til the EMS is sold and used for boy band revivals. Can you not see Theo and Jack doing the introductions ......

  66. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 03, 2016, 14:53 #88973

    I've just read Commisar Atwoods latest gem. Where he claims only 50 placards were raised yet despite virtually no one protesting is unfortunate to bump into a swearing protestor who he claims makes him grateful he doesn't take his children to matches ( this is sounding ever more like Jambie). Meanwhile my silent protest goes on as yet again I am censored on that site. I was even bleeding agreeing with a guy called Para who seemed halfway normal. But obviously they don't want a WOB on there as apparently we poison the atmosphere! Perhaps we all need to stay away on mass because apparently it's all down to us.

  67. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 14:13 #88971

    SKG, can you even imagine for even one second our old past it fraud doing that ? not a fooking chance, he'd be swanning around having doors opened for him, taking praise and congratulations with a big grin and smirk on his mug as if it was all down to him. Go now wenger.

  68. Tony Evans

    May 03, 2016, 14:04 #88970

    What hope is left of forcing Wenger out when we still have brain-washed and deluded fans singing his praises when we were meant to be mounting a serious protest on Saturday. He must be laughing all the way to the bank even more than he was before.

  69. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 14:02 #88969

    Joe S, excellent post, you beat me to it, yes the spuds failure will be the highlight of the AKB wengerites season (Sad) even though they haven't failed yet, I bet if they'd been offered finishing above us and our no hoper of a manager and his dwarfs before the season started they'd have taken it, but the AKB's will be partying and whooping using it to try and deflect attention away from their messiah's failings, but as usual it won't work. wenger out.

  70. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 03, 2016, 13:58 #88968

    Better a punchy Poch than an old Grandma Wenger.

  71. Hi Berry

    May 03, 2016, 13:54 #88967's a sad state of affairs when a goal from Hazard gets us to leap out of our chairs, punch the air while shouting 'Yeeeesssss!!! Can't remember the last time that happened for me with Arsenal.

  72. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 13:41 #88966

    Can we still win it ? I want to believe.

  73. Clockend Mike

    May 03, 2016, 13:34 #88965

    Agreed Roy. Cheering on others misfortunes seems a bit hollow given our inability to sustain a title challenge. Really pleased for Leicester and their supporters. Just been looking at Untold and the "it’s everybody else’s fault apart from our own" theme. The sanctimonious clap trap on points deductions for Spurs is pure comedy. Really who cares? So what if we finish second. Shankley said if you are second you are nothing and that’s how I feel about it now.

  74. Mark

    May 03, 2016, 13:29 #88964

    Roy not only that - i think we also all know that Arsenal could not have lived in the cauldron of last night's spicy affair ? both Teams were toe to toe and right up for it and frankly it was a top match to tune in to. Can you imagine nice Boy Theo putting his foot in if the title depended on it ?? Or Giroud risking his hair out of place ?? Ozil begging for the ref's protection ?? last night was a throwback. I think Arsenal are going to get completely runover next season basis present attitudes, lack of Spirit and character

  75. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 03, 2016, 13:08 #88963

    Roy; agreed. That's what things have come to, sadly.

  76. Roy

    May 03, 2016, 12:52 #88962

    So let's get this straight. We all sat in front of the box last night watching two clubs we can't stand, having to cheer one of them on in order to stop the other winning the title. If your happy with that after 12 years of failure, I suggest you seek some serious therapy. There used to be a football club over there. Congratulations to Leicester. Wenger and Stan out now.

  77. Les

    May 03, 2016, 12:07 #88960

    Get rid of Wenger now. Resign now if only to shut that troll mbg up once and for all.

  78. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 11:50 #88958

    Bloody hell! just saw how 'he took his eye out, ate it, regurgitated and then stuck it back in!' Did not know the Spuds were such big Hannibal fans - fair play to 'em! lol! Mind you - over at Untold they are squealing about the deplorable language used by some ARSENAL supporters and the old would you want your grandchildren to hear it! Here's hoping to 'the grandchildren' wanting the Ostrich out! Ohhhh Leics we love youuuuuu .......

  79. Redshirtswhitwsleeves

    May 03, 2016, 11:46 #88957

    Congratulation to Leicester (REAL team spirit and mental strength and never say die attitude....reminds me of a team I once new and loved) and thanks for preventing the unthinkable from happening and providing another chance to laugh at the scum...something I will never tire of. There won't be much else to laugh about for us unfortunately until we are finally free of the current regime

  80. goonersol

    May 03, 2016, 11:25 #88956

    Well done to Leicester City, good to see its not all about money , but desire, guts, passion and tactics.....As for Arsenal , does it really matter if we finish 2nd or 3rd, 2nd would give the AKB's reason to keep supporting Wenger with more passion , 3rd may dampen their belief a little but not too much. As for the rest of us, same old thing awaits next year, excuse after excuse from you know who.......just remains for Leeky & the rest of the AKB's to provide evidence of why we should support Wenger in his quest to make Arsenal a force again , after 12 years of nothing.........Wenger Out.

  81. Alan the Drinking Monk

    May 03, 2016, 11:22 #88955

    What a great end to the season. Leicester City have won the league and Tottinghams like The Arsenal, bottled it. Hilarious! Also, we wont have to wait too much longer for Lord has been of Strasbourg to do one and take his middle class acolytes with him. Hoorah!

  82. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 11:21 #88954

    El Presidente over on Untold wants points deducted for the Spuds after what they are calling the most disgraceful game since .... Failing that the in form Saints and the Geordies will do Arsene a favour, city will collapse and Arsene will sign up for another decade as they hire a bus to show the 'away championes shield' The Spuds will learn and Porchie has signed an extension so expect a reshuffle in London team ratings next season with Palace as Arsene's new enemy ....

  83. jeff wright

    May 03, 2016, 11:10 #88953

    With a 4 point advantage the spuds should finish ahead of us Exeter .It depends on how they react to having lost their title challenge they have a couple of tricky games to play at home to Saints and away to Newcattele so it's not done and dusted yet regarding who finishes where in the also ran stakes and this includes us as well our game away to City looks likely to p;lay a part in it all.... WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate I made those points myself about the spuds awhile back when some were suggesting that Leicester might bottle it my view being that the spuds were the most likely of the pair to do so. Nothing new jj with these excuses about refs costing Arsene points if anything he has gained from their decisions with WHU having been on the wrong end of some almighty clangers by the whistle blowers recently. Plodding Per should have ben penalized for handball v Sunderland as it was we got away with it and scraped a 0-0 bore draw .Good old Arsene.

  84. Ron

    May 03, 2016, 11:06 #88952

    Its right Jeff. Nobody in their right mind would turn United down though. He cdt be blamed for that. Top job here by a million miles and in the top 3 jobs in World footie.

  85. Exeter Gunner

    May 03, 2016, 10:56 #88951

    WABATTD - not sure it's too wise for Arsenal fans to gloat about Spurs 'bottling it'. They pushed Leicester a lot harder than we did and their record at the business end of the season is good - compare and contrast 2016 league records. They've got the best team in London currently and will in all likelihood finish above AFC. It really should enforce change at AFC, but things are so warped and entrenched there that it won't.

  86. jjetplane

    May 03, 2016, 10:50 #88950

    JW over on Untold (funnier than VIZ) the narrative is Arsene FC failed to win the title because of the referees not giving enough penalties! ... on the other hand they say the Fantastic Foxes won it because the referees were bought and the money behind the club was dirty stuff. Oh to be bitter and twisted which will go into total meltdown after Citeh beat them and let's hope Villa have a mad, last day which should see this excuse for a football club nicely set up for the summer. Funny how Untold have spent 4 articles and counting re the meagre protest against their God. This last one has been a resounding success with the media everywhere on it and having a bite. The taste of serial failure .... must get back to Untold to see if they have mentioned Claudio's Colossal Commandos (CCC) and if the Spuds get their nerve back then Arsene should secure the perfect excuse for not doing anything as he qualifies to get Stan his customary loose change. Whatever happened to Leics falling away as the AKBs predicted - egg men - one and all .....

  87. jeff wright

    May 03, 2016, 10:50 #88949

    Young Poch certainly looks more likely to put in a shift to win trophies than our past his sell by date comfort zone clown does Ron. If Poch wins them with the spuds or someone else though remains to be seen.He made similar comments about staying at Saints as he did last week regarding the spuds .If United come knocking on his door I wouldn't put money on him turning them down.One thing is for certain no one is going to knock on Wenger's door although many would like it to be the removal men!The way things are going it could even be the men in white coats.Good old Arsene.

  88. Torbay gooner

    May 03, 2016, 10:50 #88948

    Congratulations to Claudio and Leicester. Incredible achievement. As the table never lies, would the AKB's like to congratulate them also and perhaps explain why we never put in a serious challenge ourselves?

  89. Ron

    May 03, 2016, 10:30 #88947

    Yes, yr maybe right Jeff, but nobody died. It was blood and guts. Cant be doing with all this ' we ll have a probe' into last nights stuff at the Bridge. Load of balls. Football can do this to teams some times. Yr right re Spurs, but theyve been really good this season. Keep the team and Coach together and they ll win a title before too long. For yrs and yrs and yrs everybody used to mock Spurs for being powder puff, me inc. We all know now who wears that mantle though these days dont we.

  90. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 03, 2016, 10:28 #88946

    Jeff Wright - on each occasion this season where the Spuds had the chance to either go top (away to West Ham) or really put on the pressure (like last night) they bottled it. Danny Rose - can't tackle, can't defend; Lamella, Mason and Walker - thugs. OK Kane is top class and the keeper ain't bad, I'll give them that.

  91. jeff wright

    May 03, 2016, 10:11 #88945

    I can see where you are coming from Ron regarding the spuds attitude last night at league winners Chelsea ,well they won it last season and the way they celebrated Hazard's well struck winner you would have thought they had again this term . You couldn't make it up.Personally I thought that the spuds players antics were rather nasty and unpleasant rather than being old fashioned 'let's get stuck in'type . It seemed to me that not for the first time either this season that the spuds couldn't cut it when the pressure was on and it all got to be too much for some of them. They had a 2 goal lead and blew it big time with poor defending and by giving away constant silly free-kicks with unnecessary fouls . As others have said they were fortunate not to end the game with 9 men on the field. Kane's goal looked off-side and he has got away with a few of those calls this season . Harry is the new kid on the block England striker though so could that be the reason -surely not!

  92. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 03, 2016, 10:04 #88944

    I think the great stuck in the mud middle are best summed up by a pair who get on my commuter train at Wendover, living the good life with impeccably middle class names for their children. Both season ticket holders however for them I gauge it to be a hobby. Anyway heard them saying to a pal that there were huge waiting lists for said tickets so they've not broken through the bull**** yet. The Untolds though are a different tribe entirely, hungry for conspiracy which his fed by Tony Attwood ( a man who censors so well a job must await in North Korea). Anyway for that mob it's like a rump of old communists still insisting Erich Honeker is right as the Berlin Wall is about to go tumbling.

  93. David

    May 03, 2016, 10:00 #88943

    Rocky RIP, like you I was pretty engaged with it all at the time, travelling here there and everywhere despite Arsenal having such an average team until George Graham turned up. The thing is I was a lot younger, and so were most of the crowd. The point I was trying to make was that pre-Dein, it was little different to now in terms of investment on the pitch. The brave leaders of the past referred to in the article is a myth. Arsenal have always been cautious. Since I started supporting Arsenal, or all bar two seasons in the mid seventies, they haven't seriously flirted with relegation and bar the early Graham and Wenger years, rarely challenged for the title. As things stand, I see no change unless Wenger decides he has had enough.

  94. Ron

    May 03, 2016, 9:48 #88942

    SKG - Absolutely mate. I d have loved to have been in that dog fight at the Bridge though. Real raw football, english style as we once knew it. I truly cant recall the last time AFC were involved in a red blooded hammer and tongs clash. Villa Park maybe? 1999 SF v Utd? As fans we used to take passion from our teams for granted didnt we. Wengers killed all of that. Its his biggest crime against the Club for me. AC could do worse than give Gus Hiddick a call. Top man. Can you imagine the pontificating from Wenger if hed have been caught up in the tunnel stuff we saw last night straight after they d dealt with a pumped up Spurs?

  95. Badarse

    May 03, 2016, 9:47 #88941

    The WOR make me want to puke with all their sanctimonious claptrap.They make out Arsenal are dying yet they are the cause.HYPOCRITS

  96. Rocky RIP

    May 03, 2016, 9:44 #88940

    David - yes, I remember it clearly and appreciate the compsrison.The football circa 82 was pretty awful. The game felt like it was on its knees and we were in decline, pining for Brady and Stapleton. Yet loads of us used to love it all and charged up to Highbury to sing on the North Bank. I suppose my only point is that the football may have been poor and the crowds often sparse, but many of us felt more engaged to it all and loved going to home games.

  97. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 03, 2016, 9:38 #88939

    Morning Ron - nicely put sir, I feel like I was a kid again when football was about working class lads making good. Leicester have stuck two fingers into the eyes of all the experts and wise guys in football, so many "pundits" reputations sent down the swanee, cannot wait for them to get going in the CL. Top for me though was Claudio, amid all the bullsh*t he flew home for his mum's birthday - sheer class!

  98. Dave

    May 03, 2016, 9:17 #88938

    The biggest F off should go to the AMG's for their passionless tory boy style support.F off down the lane you *******.

  99. Ron

    May 03, 2016, 9:01 #88937

    Never mind AFC. Theyve been dying of a terminal illness for yrs, since they day they moved into that awful stadium if the truth is said. Football is full of joy right now. Its been given back to the fans. Hail Leicester. Hail Claudio too. Lets all join together in thanking them for returning some sanity, reality and romance to the old game. They did it with a smile on their faces too. Fantastic! F--k off Wenger and everybody else there whove contributed to making it AFC the dull, soulless, lifeless skeleton of a once great Club.

  100. David

    May 03, 2016, 8:57 #88936

    "The emirates has become a middle class snob fest.. Working class fans can't afford to go anymore" It's not the middle classes (who probably have been there all along in the West/East Upper), it's the lack of young fans. I don't see many 13-18 years like me when I started supporting Arsenal, they are all priced out. Once all the middles aged fans (self included) start dying out, it will be just for tourists,.

  101. Peter Wain

    May 03, 2016, 8:11 #88933

    Just about the worst referring performance of the season. How the scum were not down to 6 men I will never know. Walker Rose Lemela and Dier all should have gone and the eye gouger needs a 10 game ban.

  102. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 03, 2016, 8:05 #88932

    Congratulations to Leicester. It's also reassuring to see our neighbours take their faliure with such good grace - nine bookings and a touchline flare up. Classy. Looks like they might be taking our mantle as the number one chokers in the league.

  103. Joe S.

    May 03, 2016, 4:32 #88931

    The You tube video of Leicester's players reacting to their Champions confirmation really says it all and makes any AKB sour grapes seem like a line from Dumb and Dumber. This is character, team spirit, task achievement and just about everything that Arsenal under Wegner and the other two con artists has not been since the buy out.The AKBs of course will gloat on the Spuds failure as some kind of trophy, but really how lame, shouldn't our club be setting higher standards?

  104. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 0:28 #88930

    I can't wait to hear what TOF has to say when asked about Leicester's achievement and if he congratulates them, i'm sure whatever he has to say it'll be through gritted teeth, and one things for sure he won't have his smug grin on.

  105. mbg

    May 03, 2016, 0:17 #88929

    ArseneKnewBest, it makes perfect sense, I said something similar myself earlier, we could have been experiencing this now if the AKB wengerites had taken their heads out of wengers arse a few years back, I hope their enjoying it as much as us because it's the closest their ever going to get to it with this old past it manager in charge. wenger out.

  106. Arseneknewbest

    May 02, 2016, 23:45 #88928

    The nation rejoices all bar Rams, Forest, Spuds fans and AKBs. The latter group cannot quite believe how their overlord and master still did not pull it out of the bag. 55 title-less years for Spuds and 12 years for AKBs - the rest of us realised 8-10 years ago that we wouldn't win the league while the chihuahua remains in the kennel. Jamee and Leeky - look at what you could have won with a proper manager you mugs. You always know how you really feel about something when it actually happens (if that makes sense!). When that second Chelski goal went in, I was delighted for Leicester (and for Spurs!). It shows how much the lillywhites are hated across London. We, on the other hand, are pitied/laughed at. Highlight of the season - at least we can compete in the schadenfreude cup.

  107. jeff wright

    May 02, 2016, 23:39 #88927

    Chelsea was a bridge too far for the spuds their antics on the night were also a disgrace .Well done the Foxes who deserved to win the title despite some referees doing their best to try and stop them from doing so. The refs and linesmen have yet again not covered themselves in glory this season and it is time for technology to be brought in to take match deciding decisions out of their clumsy hands . I'm assuming that some of the bizarre ones that they make are down to incompetence and not something more sinister. Whatever the case these clowns need help it's gone beyond a joke with dodgy decisions being made week after week by whistle-blowers and linos.

  108. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 23:07 #88925

    Ho Hum, well said, they still don't get it. We shouldn't laugh really. wenger out.

  109. David

    May 02, 2016, 22:45 #88924

    To Rocky RIP - Don't you remember the aftermath of the 1980/1981 season? Brady & Stapleton gone and a club going nowhere. Maybe everyone ran on the pitch and git a bit of turf, but the lack of investment was telling.

  110. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 22:43 #88923

    Leekey - yeah we get the Wenger thing but who did you back for the title? You see you tried to knock Jeff about backing Man City but you refuse to say yourself which puts you on the cowardly custard list. Well done Leicester. Puts Le Loser to shame.

  111. Ho Hum

    May 02, 2016, 22:41 #88922

    What was finally pronounced dead on Saturday was our match-going support. You can see with every TV close-up how this timid, yep-we'll-sit-down-and-shut-up congregation are a million miles away from our 80s fanbase when seats were wooden and narrow, you got wet on the Clock End and following football was far from fashionable. The bizarre thing was that the most animated they got all game was defending the man who had slagged them the previous day for grumbling into their lattes for the past few months (yes he was talking about you, most anti-Wenger's just don't bother going anymore). Embarrassing stuff, but then Arsene FC fans and the soulless bowl suit each other down to the ground.

  112. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 22:27 #88920

    Well done Leicester are you watching from behind your curtains tonight wenger ? you past it old man, it officially blows all your and your AKB's excuses of financial doping out of the water. What's your next excuses going to be now ? Resign tonight in shame you old fraud.

  113. Leek fc

    May 02, 2016, 22:26 #88919

    Hey Mark. The only thing I will repeat is Wenger must stay. Get over it.


    May 02, 2016, 22:17 #88916

    The emirates has become a middle class snob fest.. Working class fans can't afford to go anymore most actually go to away games!! I was not surprised when the deluded bunch at the emirates started singing one arsene wenger!! As jamie redknapp said the fan base especially a lot of deluded akbs have been brainwashed!! They have been taken in hook line and sinker by the regime!! It's disgusting!!! Look the deluded akbs have run out of LOGICAL excuses!! I always challenge ones to one on one debates with facts and they disappear or don't want it!! They know there are no logical arguments to defend wenger anymore!!! It's all what he done in the past smh!! Wenger is finished as a top manager and he has to go!! If I was a betting man which I'm not or an economist this season would confirm to what I have known since 2009 that wenger will never win the league again!! If you can't win the league in this season of all seasons then you will never win it again!! WENGER WILL NEVER WIN THE LEAGUE AGAIN!! ITS AS THAT!! I always ask the deluded akbs who had the audacity to sing one arsene wenger and then turn around and booed the team smh. Do you thik wenger can win the league again ?? If yes, why?? They can't answer it!! It's really disheartening what this club has become and the deluded akbs who put up with it is also disheartening!! Wenger has done his job and Kroeke with systematically changing this clubs fan base it is now full middle class snobs who the club have deliberately tried to attract and try make arsenal a posh snobby club which apparently acts with CLASS LOOOL!! WENGER OUT AND THE DAY HE GOES I WILL CRY WITH HAPPINESS

  115. GoonerRon

    May 02, 2016, 22:03 #88915

    Despite all the hatred and difference of opinions about our club on here, surely just this once all Gooners can unite and admit that was really funny.

  116. Smithy

    May 02, 2016, 22:00 #88914

    61 and never again! Congratulations foxes!

  117. Rocky RIP

    May 02, 2016, 21:20 #88912

    David - interesting point. I was on the North Bank on this day in 1981 when we beat Villa 2-0, who won the title. The mood in the crowd seemed so far removed from that of today. What an atmosphere that day!

  118. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 21:11 #88910

    Peter:- ultimately this is where there will be a collective crapping themselves at board level. Never mind the arguament that the cash is already in the bank. Most clubs will be operating at 96% fill and upwards. If we start going below 90% and down to 75% fill it looks crap in seated stadia and Puma won't like it. The question will then be asked will a new guy fill up the stadium. For the AkBs they may get a prezzie as I suspect the cash may flow on signings as they realise they are looking ****e that might be the boards alternative option.

  119. Mark

    May 02, 2016, 20:54 #88909

    If you are going to pay the likes of Rosicky 85k/week and Theo 110k/week then frankly you really have lost the plot as a management + a board.... the more you learn about behind the scenes at Arsenal the more you worry who's driving. In saying that we end up with 70 or 71 points this season and probably 3rd when weve had so many bad games and poor performances you wonder how weve got this far having looked so unimpressive all year. Im not sure this Arsenal team could go to Chelsea if our lives depended on it. chelsea hv only won 5 home games, 4 against bottom 4 opposition, oh and 1 win against Arsenal..

  120. Peter

    May 02, 2016, 20:45 #88908

    Mark from Arsenal post 94050 saying " wait for first sub 40k crowd". Well if you saw the game on Saturday it must have been very near 40K although the official attendence was 59,900. No way this is the truth, like a lot of the comments from those inside the club.

  121. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 02, 2016, 20:37 #88907

    Leekey :- love of Arsene + dislike of Frank McLintock = very bad Arsenal supporter. Dislike of Arsene + deep respect of Frank McLintock = very good Arsenal supporter. Repeat 500 times - Score from Stamford Bridge creating interest

  122. David

    May 02, 2016, 20:25 #88904

    "Those brave leaders who represented our true heritage" Who? The Hill-Woods? The truth is that for most of the time I supported Arsenal they have been run by unambitious owners who don't give a fcuk. Only Dein showed any ambition along with Chapman in the 1930s, the rest have only worried about there being enough Champers in the boardroom. This article could have been written in 1981 when Arsenal came third

  123. Arseneknewbest

    May 02, 2016, 20:04 #88903

    I looked quickly at the photo and thought oh no, Arsenal are branching out from bland, regressive, gutless football and gradual decay into offering Japanese-style capsule hotel "rooms" at the wok. Ideal for p*ssed up investment bankers who missed their last train home. 500 guineas for a night in a compact "suite" being sent to sleep by watching a video of the recent Arsenal vs Palace game with a special voice overdub by the anoracked chihuahua of doom. Anyone soiling themselves in the space will be able to buy a Kroenke Inc. Merkin to wipe up the mess. AFC in its current state doesn't deserve a eulogy - a pauper's grave or a ritual burning would be more fitting for this moribund, sh*t-stinking group of money-grubbers.

  124. Mark from Arsenal

    May 02, 2016, 20:02 #88902

    Seven Kings - nice one I'm with you on the crest idea! To the person who made the point about Puma. Agreed! That's why social media is so important. Puma need to massively look relevant and a divided fanbase with a perceived tired and losing manager with empty seats isn't what they signed up for. We know something will kick off next season, each time it seems to be 10% worse. If it goes really crap wait for the first sub 40k crowd.

  125. Bard

    May 02, 2016, 18:53 #88900

    Black hei; mate Im with Exeter on this one. Kev publishes whats presented for or against without prejudice, which is more than can be said for some other sites. If you feel positive about our current state post an article. Of course we aren't in crisis is the sense that we are going down the pan but its all about expectations and the clubs soul. The rubbish that was published suggesting the protest was hopeless completely missed the point. The ground was more or less half empty and the atmosphere was dead. If the protesters were such a minority then where were the believers and where was their support. My view is that as Rocky suggests the ones who attend the game dont care one way.My view is that the AKBs are just terrified of life without Wenger.

  126. Edmund

    May 02, 2016, 18:18 #88899

    Sepp Blatter could not be ousted until the sponsors acted. The most direct sponsor who will take note is Puma if we all avoid buying next season's jersey. The question is whether the WOB bunch are together enough on this. No bullies at the stadium can act if we just stay away. Symbolically maybe just hold off until the 12th week of the new season. Prices may drop then due to the poor sales so its win-win for WOBs. Puma would hurt and take note to pressure the club to change direction. This is something fans worldwide can take part in.

  127. Rocky RIP

    May 02, 2016, 18:07 #88898

    Mbg- I was in contact with one of the designers working on the Arsenalisation project. I bemoaned the lack of the one design feature which points to our identity, history and heritage above any other: the beloved art deco crest. I got patronised by him with some jargon about modern points of reference which he expected would assuage me. It turns out he was a geordie. Nothing against geordies,obviously, but it sums it up when someone with little clue of our heritage is working on these things and preaching to a bona fide Gooner.People with great COS, but not proper Arsenal men or women. We have too many of those ruining the fabric of our club.

  128. mbg

    May 02, 2016, 17:32 #88896

    Rockey RIP, you can just imagine what era the guy running and in charge of that has come from, it's not hard to know, they haven't a fooking clue, is it any wonder we're in the state we are.

  129. Rocky RIP

    May 02, 2016, 17:21 #88895

    Seven Kings - agreed. The day they foisted the current tacky cartoon codswallop crest on us was the day we started losing the Arsenal we love. We had a couple of glorious crests. Now we are re-braded with that God awful mickey mouse effort. The art deco crest screamed of a club with history, heritage, class and tradition. The current one is so cheap. Clubs have modernised old crests. Dare I say it, but Chelsea have managed to upgrade their old ones and it's a modern improvement. I'd love a crest I can be proud of.

  130. Au Revoir Le Fraud

    May 02, 2016, 17:18 #88894

    Black Hei- One Arsene Wenger used to be sung loud and proud at every home game, often around the mid-point of the second half (you know, just before the pre-ordained substitutions). For the past couple of seasons it hasn't been sung, despite us still finishing in the top 4. Do you have any opinion as to why the bulk of match-going fans decided to stop singing his praises? Until Saturday, of course.

  131. Nick

    May 02, 2016, 17:05 #88893

    Sadly I have cancelled my membership or at least the direct debit, no more will I attend the soulless bowl, with the unimaginative chants and songs what there are of them , no more will I pay for the privilege of being bored half to death by what passes for football at the club these days, no more will I risk my health ( I have high blood pressure) by being frustrated and nerve racked as we try to hold on to precarious leads against football giants like Norwich, Swansea, and Palace, no more will I have to impotently rage against substitutions which fly in the face of logic and sense and be fleeced into the bargain !! When Wenger has gone and the club becomes a football institution again and not an accountants holiday home I may come back I hope to do so, I will of course always love the Arsenal and will follow our fortunes on tv but I will not give this current regime another bent penny of my money !

  132. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 02, 2016, 17:03 #88892

    Can The Gooner start using our old club badge as a focal point for our campaign to get our football club back? I understand there are no copyright issues and it is such a beautiful image that it would be a great way to remind fans of what we have lost.

  133. John Evans

    May 02, 2016, 16:29 #88890

    Think that Rocky RIP sums it all up pretty well. That is why the end result must be to f*ck it all off and not bother putting in any more money and time into what is modern day football. Maybe the generation of fans that has been prices out and given up by what has become of Arsenal and modern day football in general should actually become grateful for people like Wenger and Kroenke as it enables you to kick a habit that you otherwise would never have gave up on if that makes sense. You just need to find something else that fills the Arsenal shaped void I guess.

  134. Rocky RIP

    May 02, 2016, 16:23 #88889

    Nick - spot on about the passionate fans who got marginalised when we moved to The Holloway Bowl.To drive fans who live and breathe Arsenal to the point where they no longer can or want to attend home games is an extraordinary achievement. The club have bred the most clueless tepid home support imaginable and wonder why the atmosphere is flat. Jellyfish arriving 10 mins late,chomping on hot dogs and filming the match in their half and half scarves. Our club has been hijacked by imposters. Even our comms team have put up a picture of Sammy Nelson from 1981 on twitter, only it's Kenny S.from circa 86. Does anyone at our club have a clue what it means to be Arsenal any more?! I love Arsenal with a passion, so it hurts so badly when I don't recognise the club I fell in love with. Paying over the odds to sit in near silence at home games (silence, because passion is frowned upon at The HB) just feels like you are funding a money making enterprise not supporting a football mug if there's no success. The HB smacks of a stadium designed not for fans or atmosphere but in order to extract as much money as possible from the 'customer'. How sad it's become.

  135. Exeter Gunner

    May 02, 2016, 15:38 #88888

    Black Hei - the Online Gooner publishes articles from the likes of Graham Perry and Simon Rose when they come in - what more would you have it do? The problem for your side is that (unless you become a conspiracy theorist like on Untold) there is no defence of Wenger left, just clinging on to him out of pure sentiment. And as arguments are made of words, most of the words are therefore going to be anti-Wenger. As for the comments section, no one forced the previously voluble Wegner defenders to disappear. They clearly felt they had nothing left to offer.

  136. Black Hei

    May 02, 2016, 14:55 #88886

    A club that is going through elite purgatory can hardly be considered dead; merely frustrating. The eulogy should be for the online gooner which now represent the selective positions of the disgruntled while ignoring the rest of the fan base. Perhaps the site needs a name change. Like "my hatred for wenger is bigger than the club"

  137. Mark

    May 02, 2016, 13:50 #88885

    Lady BS already stated that she did regret it. Cant find where she said that but i recall reading that a couple years ago. I dont agree anymore the fans own a Club like Arsenal until such time as wholesale fan bedlam really breaks loose then the owners are forced into Action but only then. We have an owner who does not understand the EPL or the UK sports culture particulary what Footballs means to us. I truly believe we have been extremely unlucky in Managing to find the worst owner out of most of the Clubs in the EPL. so many of the others have a pasion and a love for the Club as well as a plan and financial Support ! I agree as long as the Trinity exists theyll continue to line their pockets and treat the fans like a PR exercise. certainly there is no real love for the Club coming from them. I miss David Dein and George Graham

  138. Danish Gooner.

    May 02, 2016, 13:34 #88884

    The club is dead and buried as long as that trinity exists Wenger,Gazidis and Kroenke, ohh how Lady Bracewell Smith must regret having sold her shares to the yank and Danny must surely rotate in his grave,this was not what was intended.

  139. Nick

    May 02, 2016, 11:37 #88878

    Enjoyed that, very droll I thought, especially as there is nothing new to add to the Wengers / Kronke/ Gazidis saga, the unholy trinity indeed ! The fact that the move to the bowl amidst promises of glory, has marginalized many and completely priced out countless others is lost on the media and cared not for by our hierarchy, the real core of our support those who would make the place rock have been replaced by the type who are meek and timid who accept whatever utter tripe their fed by their god Wenger, even now I suspect some will be wearing sack cloth and ashes whilst flogging themselves with thorny branches as they moan of how their sin has cost their lord the premier league title, how anyone can give credence to Wengers mad uttering's anymore is beyond me. We who have been cast out from Wenger heaven know we have lost the battle to oust him this season, we have not however lost the war , next season will I have faith, vindicate us and see at last the false gods demise, another season of turgid , tip tap fare with its all too predictable collapses will surely turn even his most ardent devotees against him , or at least enough of the all but insanely blinded of his apostles, to force his removal or his own resignation, that is my only crumb of hope as we go forward!

  140. Arsene's departure iSaNOgoals worse luck...!

    May 02, 2016, 10:45 #88876

    When Wenger did all in his powers, and sufficiently emboldened the team to beat Olympiakos away 3-0. That was the only time this season he got them up when under pressure. The reason: the bucks from qualification. Once that was achieved Wenger satisfactorily closed his period end accounts to show his profit/turnover to his masters. It was also incidentally the time Arsenal's EPL fate was sealed. Wenger cannot be trusted, or relied upon to navigate the choppy waters of many tournaments at once. This is evidenced by his annual bodge-up of getting Arsenal into the later stages of the League cup, where last term we took a tonking at Sheff Weds. This approach of fielding weakened sides/perming 11 from a squad is a red herring. Wenger never ever gets it right. 'Black ' November also is an absolutely disastrous month every year for Arsenal. How come nothing has been learned from this, or, because of this. Wenger's concentration span only goes as far as where the money is. That's why all the resources are geared for Chamos league. Once this is effected there is little left in the tank as the injuries, Black November and Wenger's incompetence have prevailed. Yes, had Arsenal of been eliminated in Athens I firmly believe we would've been crowned champions this season. How many times have Arsenal had opportunities to progress in weak groups in Eurooe? Numerous us the answer. But 'Arsene knows' in fact doesn't. It's gets cocked up and it all goes ***s up. This year though because of the EPL climate his bungling of this situation has been especially bad. A buffoon actually. He should've thrown the 2nd leg in Athens realising that going out would've meant being strong/stronger at home in the EPL. Oh no, his greed for the qualification bucks was paramount, rather than being mindful that he can't successfully navigate a relatively easy group, which ultimately would drain thin resources( not strengthened) either in Jan, and lead to Arsenal drawing a seed-Barca or Bayern regularly which will/did cause the side 'shakes' and a loss of morale @ confidence which DERAILED utterly an attempt in the title. Barca were joyous when they drew us. They were full of consternation when they drew Atletico. They wobbled and trembled at facing Simeone's highly motivated & organised side. Unlike Wenger's shambles of a team. Wenger admirers, acolytes, psycophants: you e been had Wenger is not all that at all!

  141. Blair207

    May 02, 2016, 10:28 #88874

    I suppose it's all been said before so a satirical piece is a decent response. The club isn't dead, it belongs to the fans. Everything is temporary but some periods of suffering last longer than others. Saturday was the start of the end and everyone knows it. The club is as well placed to challenge at the top level as any in England all it needs is the will from those in charge, keep up the pressure, it isn't making the the changes we want at the moment but it has been noticed. The ridicule from the press is just a symptom of the relief felt that it wasn't more vociferous. it just a matter of time before we get change, keep it up.