In Wenger We No Longer Trust!

Change is good and should not be feared

In Wenger We No Longer Trust!

Arsene Wenger's pre-match press conference last Friday had the world of football wondering whether Le Boss would not need sacking at all, but could in fact pull the plug prematurely on his time with the Gunners himself after blaming a "difficult climate" at the Emirates, as the reason why Arsenal were not in the running for the Premier League title.

With a protest lined up against the North London outfit and their lack of achievement this season, the perennially calm Frenchman who usually exudes a sense of serenity, has instead come across as agitated and rattled when queried by the media about his future at the Emirates; a sure sign that he is feeling the heat.

Such questions are understandable though. In a season where Premier League minnows, Leicester City have become Champions, where we suffered another early exit from the Champions League, where we were knocked out of the FA Cup by Watford, and perhaps worst of all, a season where Tottenham have surpassed us in almost every aspect, it would be odd were questions not asked.

Wenger's reign at Arsenal has become almost akin to a dictatorship. With a free lease over every aspect of the club’s management, he has been able to do and say whatever he has wanted without question or accountability and under the knowledge that his position at the club is, as ever, safe.

What has become clear over recent seasons is that Monsieur Wenger's once radical and successful theories on how to run a football club have not only been mirrored but eclipsed by others. Wenger has been unable to adapt to this notion. Moreover, his staunch stubbornness that he knows best has hindered the club’s progress. This was no more true when at Christmas, sat pretty at the top of the table, he chose to decline the opportunity of making additions to the squad that were necessary in order to cement our position at the helm.

However with increasing protests, a building feeling of unrest on the terraces, and the threat of dropping out of the top four for the first time in 18 years, Arsene Wenger's position has never looked so vulnerable.

And so, should the unthinkable happen, and The Gunners fail to make a Champions League spot for the first time in nearly two decades, then it's time to say merci and au revoir to the man that has in years gone by brought much success. Unfortunately, and sad though it is, our failure to make a top four place may be the only way the board will be forced into making a change.

Change is good and should not be feared but welcomed. The club has become stale and in dire need of a fresh impetus. ‘Be careful what you wish for’ is a saying that has been batted around all too frequently of late, highlighting the idea that supporters are anxious about a Wenger-less future. Fans need to stop being so blind and wake up to the realization that they, along with Wenger, are the reason our club has stagnated. There are managers out there who could not only slip into the Arsenal hot-seat but bring back the good old days and have us playing with tenacity that we were once accustomed to. Could Atletico Madrid's Diego Simeone be the answer?

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  1. Ronster

    May 08, 2016, 11:22 #89194

    west facing cannon....let's add Don Howe to that list...served the club magnificently as a player,developer of youth,first team coach and manager.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    May 07, 2016, 23:38 #89192

    Leek fc - I'm going to put this in very simple language for you. You are not an arsenal fan. I repeat, you are not an arsenal fan. You are an Arsene fan. When he finally goes it will be a pleasure to see the back of the likes of yourself. You should feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself for using this great club with its history and tradition as your vehicle for your idolatry of that man. Shame on you.

  3. Peter

    May 07, 2016, 22:10 #89191

    What a fantastic day for Leicester but who was the only team to beat them twice in the league this year ARSENAL. So why did we not go on and win the league instead of Leicester there is only one main reason. Can you guess what that is????

  4. mbg

    May 07, 2016, 17:39 #89186

    Mark from Aylesbury, i'm sure your not losing any sleep about been banned mate, it just goes to show and proves the goonies know themselves that they have no argument for their messiah. wenger out.

  5. mbg

    May 07, 2016, 13:52 #89183

    jj, spot on, he should be chased until his dying day all over the world for the return of the money he took under false pretences, the only difference between him and George Graham (apart from George being a great manager)is wenger is taking his money although under false pretences he's doing it legally. wenger out.

  6. mbg

    May 07, 2016, 13:27 #89181

    TOF forfeited the right to be called Le boss a long long time ago, it makes him sound like somebody he certainly is not, like he knows what he's doing, and good at it, and superior to others, he's certainly none of those, Le fraud is far far more appropriate. wenger out.

  7. jjetplane

    May 07, 2016, 11:30 #89177

    Noticing how my flavour of the week Kloppie does that angry thing most impressively. All the top coaches are like that but Grandad Webster seems only to do fidgety, crestfallen, smug and a side look to the hairless dummy and then a wave for Wally to get ready ..... Got to be honest - watching the likes of Klopp is better than watching Arsene's slow painting school pass, smile, pass, smile ..... Of course there is Pochie who is total Shakespeare and handled the post match brilliantly. Cannot see where Arsene FC fit into the next season. Completely out of touch - both customers and technicians ....

  8. goonersol

    May 07, 2016, 9:41 #89173

    leeky 94332 : So only true Arsenal fans want Wenger to stay, everyone else if not a true fan...really leeky , is that the best you can do?? Online goner is open to all fans, even you, so once again, put your case forward as to why Arsenal is right to keep hold for Wenger.....Come on leeky , you know you what too.

  9. west facing cannon

    May 06, 2016, 22:47 #89172

    Spot on Mark. post 94302. Chapman, Mee, Graham, even Sir Henry Norris. These were people that had a vision for Arsenal FC being GREAT. Wenger just wants Arsene to be regarded as GREAT. It's a strange feeling these days watching a club you barely recognise anymore. You can't bring yourself to not care at all but you know that those in charge are destroying the fabric of what you believe the club has always stood for.The sooner Arsenal as a club revert to type and the current regime dismantles the better.

  10. Peter

    May 06, 2016, 21:54 #89170

    Leekfc post 94332. I think you have missed the point of lots of the posts on this webpage. Most of the people writing here including myself are genuine fans and truly love this club but not the present board and unfortunaley have lost faith in the once great Wenger. This club has gone no were in the last 9 years since we left Highbury. The new stadium was meant to give us more chance of winning more trophies. Thats why there are so many posts that suggest it is time for a change. Surely you do not disagree with this. If you do then pay your season ticket and see your money disappear to America or go up in smoke.

  11. jjetplane

    May 06, 2016, 18:50 #89168

    Klopp is truly awesome - I can't help myself! lol! The funniest has to be the resident comic who (perhaps celebrating Ukip's challenge to world authority) has taken to posting Irish jokes because it fits the Untold little bit philosopheee. I imagine they are all still wearing their 70s flares from when they were teaching sociology at failed polytechnics and then along came their God out of a football wilderness, and the rest is comedy gold. My fave old joke was on The Fast Show where a Chelsea fan goes 'his mum's French, his dad's French, and he's a c...!'

  12. leek fc

    May 06, 2016, 17:39 #89167

    Untold is a genuine website for genuine fans who genuinely love the club. Online gooner is a stubborn minority that hate the club and cannot stand anyone that supports the Arsenal. Kissing klopps arse proves my point.

  13. goonersol

    May 06, 2016, 16:37 #89166

    I posted a Polite Wenger out post on Untold at 3pm, and its just waiting to be checked ?? is this the norm, or only for Anti Wenger posts?? It really is a poor, rose tinted glasses type of site, with very little depth of discussion.

  14. jjetplane

    May 06, 2016, 16:14 #89164

    Hi BERry much admiration mate for tenacious patience with such a aggressive little right wing faction of apparent Arsenal supporters but most assuredly Arsene lovers. Some of them now proclaim the protests futile and it is time for the disbelievers to get behind the team and help Aaron and Theo to smash through the hells of Spuds and er blue moons and then proudly proclaim if everybody else had done a job on mid table Leics like the away championes have done then order would be wholly restored .... Where's Leak gone? ....

  15. jjetplane

    May 06, 2016, 15:51 #89163

    Think that 3 year extension along with numerous ranch/chateau extensions will be duly signed Sunday evening IF 'the technically most gifted side in Europe' (Untold) can play a 'pragmatic' game and beat the disjointed Citeh .... Lord Wenger of Totteridge now claims to his thousands of disciples camped outside the other Vatican that is St Stan's that the game with Citeh will decide the future of possibly this planet along with adjustment of figures in certain ahem accounts .... If Lord Wenger of Holloway Landing? achieves the impossible while fighting off the hordes of men in black from the north then much tears, rejoicing and celebratory pieces will be written. Some comedic, some poetic but all will be framed in a love for a great father ... ! As for the glory hunting fan boy spuds - 'they can go to ruddy hell!' Right - where were we?

  16. Dandy Mod & the Clangers from my Arse 'N' all....

    May 06, 2016, 15:23 #89159

    Oh fellas, all this talk of being banned on other Gooner forums is nonsense. You know that Wobs are most welcome on all anti Wenger fan sites. We may not agree with your comments about our most revered Lord & master Arsene, but ban or censor just isn't true now. Look, here I am back here on a virulent anti Arsene forum speaking my mind & making my points most valid that there is no other, other than Arsene. Long may he rule over us & Arsenal. Now I know you all agree with me know don't you? Blessings Dandy

  17. Hi Berry

    May 06, 2016, 14:56 #89158

    Jjetplane...I've been getting quite a few posts published over on really is quite a wheeze getting into discussions with some of them. Latest (supposedly) clever retort to one of my posts was that if Chelsea and Man City had had poor seasons LAST season who would have been in prime position to be PL Champions? (Untold answer: Arsenal). My reply was that if Man City and Chelsea had had poor seasons this year (which they have) would Leicester City and Spurs be the most likely teams to have been in contention? Still waiting for a reply on that one.

  18. Red Member

    May 06, 2016, 14:37 #89157

    Mark - that will be my one and only contribution on there as they have now banned me too! Obviously you can only have one view on there. That site is very much like a dangerous cult. Sadly there are some that still believe it all

  19. Ron

    May 06, 2016, 14:13 #89156

    Rob - they ll unfurl Henry, this time next yr. Badges all done by then. The great sulking hero s return, heaven help the Club. They ll drip, drip, little hints out this next 12 months to condition the crowd and have the disciples mouths watering. That crowd there will lap it up by the bucket load. i can see the triumphant leathery grin on Wengs face now saying ' look what ive done for you all and im only upstairs to look after my protege'.......... Ugh! The stomach churning thought of it!

  20. Rob

    May 06, 2016, 13:45 #89154

    I am afraid we have one more year - like it or not. My real worry is what happens after another season of stagnation and we are at this point next year ? And the Board (sic) start fretting over how to release their announcement of a contract extension for Wenger, without provoking the biggest split in the fan base ever seen. That is my real worry. As for the forthcoming season, I live in hope. Bust as always we can look forward to injuries - maybe an actual outfield signing !!!!!!! - and the certain realisation that all our rivals, many with new Managers will pull further away. That's when the announcement of Wenger's latest contract extension becomes utterly toxic.

  21. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 06, 2016, 12:38 #89146

    Red Member - I saw your contribution well done do even getting on there as I have been banned for some reason. The only reason they can exist like they are is the draconian censorship apparently due to abusive emails. Far more likely is 10 come in objecting to the idiocy and they let one through

  22. jjetplane

    May 06, 2016, 12:12 #89144

    Latest on Untold is that not winning a EPL for 12 years (an AKB slave) as brought up by WOBs (nutters, fanboys, glory hunters, wankers ...) is merely a (knee-jerk) observation and (hardly) evidence. All protest is pointless they carp but would wish the fan boy, nutter, kids, glory hunters would refrain from such protest as it upset's the players and the manager and does 'irreparable damage to their mental speeerit'. So protests , however little, are working! The best of their quazi-empiricist rantings has to be the existence of a dark masonic brotherhood of men in black who are hell-bent on destroying Arsene FC while assisting Leics in their bid for global dominance. All this of course led by Piers Morgan and other cowardly cyber terrorists. They wonder why anyone who does not bow before their God should want to read their musings ... For myself I miss the AKBs who used to be on here after an occasional top win against relegation fodder and so Untold has become a perfect vehicle for much mirth. Especially like the posts where they state unconditional love for Arsene. Really quite moving ......

  23. jjetplane

    May 06, 2016, 11:23 #89142

    Just heard the Ox will miss the Euros but surely he can get together with the rest of Arsene's Engleeesh Spine (AES) - Jack, Wally, Gibsee and watch it on a really top top big screen. Surely that was the original plan when they all went into semi-retirement this season. Quite like the poor Ox though dancing in tunnels before losing on the field does not maketh a top top player. Another mini distraction for Wenger and Untold and hopefully a dozen articles illustrating how the top top AES have been driven from the game by a handful of fanboy, glory hunting cowardly kids who are jealous of Theo's bank account. Got me bang to rights on the last bit .... ps remember the AKBs saying Klopp was a disaster! He's only been there 10 mins and already Liverpool are a beast! Liverpool! is a pet hate of Untold because they love Kloppie and are frankly bored with 'considering the ostrich' .... Beginning to understand how the extreme Wengerites feel as I just love Klopp! lol!

  24. Ron

    May 06, 2016, 10:26 #89138

    only 'almost' a dictatorship Rachael? We re stuck with this limp lettuce until he abdicates lass. AFC personifies the meaning of 'the Emperors new clothes'. Sickening state of affairs there.

  25. Mark

    May 06, 2016, 10:25 #89137

    Made Up Stat-You are talking about Arsenal Football Club 1886-1996.They folded in 1996 and became Arsene FC and all record of success before 1996 were removed from the record books.The disciples of Wenger have never heard of great managers like Chapman and Graham.And you all know when Wenger does go the Emirates the stadium Wenger built with his bare hands will collapse into rumble

  26. Red Member

    May 06, 2016, 9:50 #89135

    I have been visiting (and trying to comment on the Untold Arsenal site) this week. It really is ridiculous. They are currently congratulating themselves on the lack of opposition to their arguments. What the morons do not seem to realise is that the site is censored and so any opposing train of thought is not allowed to be published. It really is a dictatorship on there, much like the club of course

  27. goonersol

    May 06, 2016, 9:33 #89133

    If Wenger cared about Arsenal, he would recognise that he could not take us any further and put in place a plan to get a top manager, most top managers have now been taken, Wenger is doing us a disservice by hanging on, and has started to blame the fans for his shortcomings. The Man City game is now a 4th place play off game, and if we fail to win it, the fans will be blamed again. Only now has the penny dropped for Wenger , that fans will no longer stand for HIS Arsenal, yes he had his supporters last week, but if you count the missing fans as well, there was a significant number who want change. ...Wenger & Regime Out.

  28. Made Up Stat

    May 06, 2016, 7:44 #89131

    Thanks Rachel. Leaky: Our best manager was one Herbert Chapman, who ran Arsenal - you may be surprised to learn - some 70 years or so before Wenger (yes, amazingly there was an Arsenal Football Club pre the 1990's). Chapman was an innovator, supreme motivator, winner and a man a million miles away from someone so arrogant as to claim he had 'built' THE Arsenal.

  29. Arsene's bottlers

    May 06, 2016, 7:27 #89130

    Klopp was available a manager who has had more success in the last decade than Wenger and he ends up at Liverpool.It was criminal to not get Klopp.

  30. Guy in Jersey

    May 06, 2016, 0:57 #89129

    Hey Cock-a-leekie or brain leekie or whatever you prefer to call yourself, so this month sees Simeone as flavour of the month eh? And you ask what happened to David Moyes, Big Sam, Martinez, Howe, Klopp, Pep, Koeman, de Boer, Bilic, Rodgers? Well, funnily enough, Pep and Simeone have alreday achieved more than Wenger ever has and Klopp, Koeman and Bilic are the coming men. You're obviously the type of guy who supports Blair, George Bush, Fabio Capello, Big 'Phil' - all winners from the past, and no longer relevant. Just like Wenger. P.S. this is 2016, try and keep up.

  31. Arseneknewbest

    May 05, 2016, 23:32 #89128

    Leeky - Watch out for the coach and horses riding through your argument. Do you think the scousers would give Kloppo 12 years (or 20 depending on how you look at it) to go without winning a major trophy? Benitez got the push despite winning a MAJOR trophy - the CL - that the chihuahua man can only dream about. Would also be good to hear your thoughts on 94290 about your creepy idolatry of wenger. Unless you're being chicken as usual (in which case we'll all have start calling you cock-a-leekie).

  32. Leek fc

    May 05, 2016, 23:25 #89127

    It's all good reaching finals but you have to go on and win them for which Klopp has yet to achieve at the mighty Liverpool. Just tell me there league position????? So the messiah klopp has done wonders in his first season at the club. mmmmm reminds me of one certain manager that we have at our club. Pretty sure he did that too. And more... But that probably doesn't count in the book of the negatives ehhh. Untold Liverpool anyone?!?!??!

  33. jeff wright

    May 05, 2016, 23:12 #89126

    lee k fc , Klopp is celebrating reaching his second cup final this season to night .What is Arsene celebrating >? Not bad going by Klopp seeing as he has only been at Liverpool for half of this season and inherited a team from Rodgers that was struggling to win games. By the way sunbeam you still haven't told us who you tipped to win the title this season and as I recall it you never told us who you fancied to win the last World Cup before the tournament started - albeit you were full of it AFTER you knew who had won in it. Blimey you are obviously not smarter than the average bear you even want the German's biggest flop at the tournament plodding Per for AFC CAPTAIN! He was so bad at the WC that he was forced to retire from International football. You couldn't make it up.

  34. Arseneknewbest

    May 05, 2016, 22:47 #89125

    Leeky - That's side-splittingly funny. Just to get some context, if you think weng is the best manager arsenal have ever had, it would be interesting to know where you think he rates in the all time pantheon of footie managers. Does he have any peers with whom you think he could be compared, or is he way ahead of absolutely everyone? It's all subjective of course, but your answers would tell the rest of us a lot about you. A penny for your rather eccentric thought please leeky.

  35. Arsene's departure IS a NO GO als worse luck!

    May 05, 2016, 22:41 #89124

    Klopp has achieved 2 finals in not quite one season. This is with a team whom he inherited. Arsenal under Wenger is limping into another season of Chumps League. This is with a team entirely of his making. Incidentally, I can't recall the last time Arsenal won a big one on one semi final. The two semis in 2014/5 don't count. It was against canon fodder( whom nearly beat us). No indeed Wenger cannot get us over the line when he comes up against a big manager and, or, a big club. Serial loser! More Wenger...bore, yawn... more mediocrity...

  36. Augustus Flair

    May 05, 2016, 21:50 #89123

    Yeah, actually, this bloke Leek fc is right. It's been a difficult season and finishing third or fourth behind, er, Leicester City, and a magnificent Tottenham team is testament to the undiminished powers of our great and glorious leader. Let's hope Stan sees sense and he carries on well into his eighties. Well done, Leekie, old bean, you've opened my eyes to the truth.

  37. Mark

    May 05, 2016, 21:46 #89122

    Another magic night at Anfield.. Does anyone really think we will ever see magic nights or days at the Emirates under current set- up....? Beam me up scotty, we could end up the flatest team/club ever to have finished 2nd in the league...

  38. Leek fc

    May 05, 2016, 21:38 #89121

    so this month sees Simeone as flavour of the month eh. What happened to David Moyes, Big Sam, Martinez, Howe, Klopp, Pep, Koeman, de Boer, Bilic, Rodgers............ yawn. wake me up when the season starts and the best manager this club has ever seen is sitting in the managers seat as he should be.

  39. Augustus Flair

    May 05, 2016, 21:30 #89120

    Good stuff, Rachael, but as other posters note here our dangerously deluded old Roman emperor is going nowhere in the immediate future as his, and the absentee board's, addiction to money (and plenty of it) overrides all else. Quite how our visionary and idealistic manager of 15 years ago has become a tyrant inimical to Arsenal Football Club is one for historians, as will be his eventual deposing. As I write, Liverpool have just gone 2-0 up against Villareal - which means 1-0 Down, 2-1 Up to the Reds. I remember well when we could do that.


    May 05, 2016, 20:05 #89119

    Hellfire - BBC correspondent Jeremy Bowen has just been accosted by an angry Palestinian in jerusalem - NOT about Israeli oppression mind you - "Wenger must go" he said. Perhaps AW would do us all a favour & become Tony Blair's replacement as Middle East peace envoy? As Specialist in Bull**** he is unequalled.

  41. Guy in Jersey

    May 05, 2016, 18:50 #89118

    Spelling alert! Apologies, I was referring to '...our continued procrastination...' not prevarication (although prevarication is also a word you would associate with the Board). Note to self - don't use big words you don't understand....

  42. Gunner90

    May 05, 2016, 18:44 #89117

    Wenger will not leave or be fired until the end of next season when his present contract ends. He obviously wants to continue as the Arsenal manager for another period after that and Kroenke (who has no interest in our football club at all and will not sell his majority shareholding unless he is required to pump his cash into the club) will probably give him another contract. The only way that he will not extend Wenger's contract is if people do not renew their season tickets and nobody attends the home matches. Unfortunately ,as shown by the last home match, most of the people who attend the matches these days are corporate members or tourists and the real fans are in the minority - hence the terrible boring atmosphere - not helped by Wenger style football on offer.

  43. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright Right...!

    May 05, 2016, 18:43 #89116

    In Wenger we Bust, Crust, Dust, Gust, Just RUST. Loyalists: Lust, & must Trust...!

  44. Guy in Jersey

    May 05, 2016, 18:39 #89115

    I'm desperately hoping that Wenger walks sooner rather than later, but I'm not getting my hopes up. The only positive if he stays for one MORE season (please God, not three more years) is it actually gives the Board time to look at potential replacements. However, I suspect the only business planning that takes place at Arsenal is how much more to screw the fans for. Unfortunately, due to our continued prevarication, a lot of potential candidates are now employed elsewhere (how much excitement would Klopp have generated among our fan base?), but I don't we should be too concerned about finding someone to improve and build on the (declining) legacy of the Wenger years. It's not my job to identify all the talented coaches across the world who'd be a good fit for Arsenal, but you're deluded if you don't think there aren't a number who couldn't do better. In the same way that no-one had heard of Mahrez, Kane, Payet, Vardy or Kante two years ago, there are current coaches who will be big names in 2-3 years' time. Hell, there may even be someone we've never heard of working in Japan who might be up to the job. And for all those who get back to me suggesting that other clubs would bite our hand off to have Wenger, I would say: give them the choice of Guardiola, Koeman, Mourinho, Klopp, Bilic, Blanc, Allegri, Spalletti, Simeone, Ancelotti, Tuchel, Schmidt.....and I'd bet he wouldn't even make the top three (and probably not the top five). There are always people whose time has yet to come, and there are those whose time has passed. Sadly, Wenger has yet to realize he's in the latter camp.

  45. jjetplane

    May 05, 2016, 17:36 #89114

    Some of us WOBS have been Wengerless for over a decade. Would not raise a ****ing eyelid if he left tomorrow but would hope he was chased down and asked to give most of his wages back. Simeone slapping up dem lickle Vodka/Cola cowboys would be worth a shout. Vot is happening to my vocab? Sheeeeeeit ..... Nice stuff anyway Rach and required revisionist reading for the casuals over on Untold ....

  46. AJH

    May 05, 2016, 17:09 #89111

    Simeone would get us fighting again ( probably literally )but I just can't see him fitting in with Stan & Ivan but he would give the players a kick up the backside and all those with no fight will be shown the door and that could be most of them. Koeman for me but alas I fear Wenger won't be going anywhere just yet

  47. Mark

    May 05, 2016, 16:33 #89110

    Simeone ? I would love it ! but do you think he would get on with Stan + Ivan ?? I think he would probably Punch them on the nose 1st Meeting. Managers also Need to want to work for the Board and that is going to be a big Problem to face one day should we ever get over the first main Problem which is Wenger will Need to be carried out in a straight-jacket and White Van if we are to get him ever to leave..

  48. Ididnotzeeit

    May 05, 2016, 16:27 #89108

    You do not have the intelligence to zee the quality on zee pitch little bit. Sign another 3 years he will.