Slim hopes of St Totteringham’s Day re-surface

Online Ed: Crumb of comfort may lie ahead next weekend

Slim hopes of St Totteringham’s Day re-surface

Ed’s note – I was unable to watch the Manchester City v Arsenal match yesterday afternoon. My thanks for regular Gooner contributor Charlie Ashmore for agreeing to cover for me. Here’s his take on the 2-2 draw…

It is a confusing time to be an Arsenal fan. Hand on heart how many of us in August would not have bitten off the hand that offered us that with one game to go we had all but guaranteed finishing above Chelsea, United and City? Here we are though in exactly that position and yet we are all frustrated. All the big clubs have underperformed this year but we have underperformed less than the others. And yet we are all more frustrated than the rest. Why is that? It can only be because the others believe next year will be different. Although United have yet to confirm it, the other clubs will all have new managers next season. Whether we like it or not, we will not. And despite the volume of those demanding change, what has become quite apparent in the last two weeks is that there are plenty who are not.

As someone who regarded himself as one of the last of the supporters of Arsene Wenger, but who has lost faith in his ability to change things, it has been interesting to see and hear a significant level of support for him. When the editor asked me to write this week’s editorial, he talked about the possibility of yet another "protest". My heart sank but if it happened I missed it. (Ed’s note – A number of banners were confiscated from supporters entering the stadium by stewards that had travelled with Arsenal. More on this in a separate article tomorrow)

Perhaps events at White Hart Lane changed today's narrative. Suddenly the delicious prospect of Spurs' best season in 55 years ending with them finishing behind us yet again was dangling unexpectedly in front of us. Maybe that reordered the priorities of those who had intended to protest. If so, I applaud them for their common sense. Don't get me wrong. I am no longer an apologist for Wenger and I am certain both that change is needed and that change is only possible by changing the manager such is his control over all aspects of the playing side of the club. But as news came through of Spurs' defeat, I found myself hoping that the fans would first and last get behind the team rather than continue the infighting.

The only sign of discord was at the final whistle when a banner (which I assumed was anti Wenger but which I could not read to verify it) was raised by a handful in the lower tier, pulled at by others and some unseemly scuffling followed. However the chorus of "there's only one Arsene Wenger" was louder than any protesting voices today and at least two placards in the middle tier where I was expressed support for him.

On the pitch, there was some real intensity in the game and, although at times City threatened to overrun us, we held our nerve and twice came from behind. I was delighted for Giroud whose horrible run of blanks ended today. He is not as bad a player as his critics would have you think and he has generally served us well since he joined. Having said that we need more up front and our absolute priority this summer is to find that out and about goal scorer. If we had not screwed up the Suarez transfer a couple of years ago, I cannot help feeling that we would not now still be waiting for another title. We must not make the same mistake this summer, but I will not be alone in fearing that we will repeat past mistakes.

Welbeck's injury is a worry, though being selfish if he were to miss the Euros he will at least be fresh for us next year. Wilshere's performance promised much though every time he ended on the ground after another challenge I winced and feared for him until he was on his feet again.

And what of everybody's favourite super sub, Theo? How he gets a game ahead of Campbell God only knows. One good run ended with him running the ball out of play and still getting a corner. A one on one saw a heavy first touch followed by a hopelessly inaccurate dink over Hart. A lovely back heel... straight into touch. And a pass straight to a City player to help turn attack into defence. Mind you he was in acres of space when Giroud was hacked down as he was about to release him. Who knows? That might have been the moment when Theo could have won us back over but let's be honest you would probably have got better odds on him tripping over the ball than scoring.

Overall, you have to give the team credit today. A spirited performance earning a very hard fought draw and one which amazingly keeps alive the possibility that we may yet get the chance to celebrate St Totteringham’s Day this season.

Where does this leave us the fans? It is not inconsistent to want change and yet want the team to win. Let's all get behind the team next week. Let's finish the season on a high and who knows, Newcastle may just finish their shambolic season in style. If so, let us all enjoy the moment together.

Beyond that, those of us who want change have to accept two things - first that there remain others with a contrary view and they are as entitled to their view as we are to ours. However wrong you think they are, they think the same about you. And second that whether we like it or not (and a good number certainly don't like it) the earliest that change will come is one year away. We can choose to spend that year angry and miserable or we can do our best to support the team and see how it plays out. We have a part to play in the success or failure of the team. If we give it our all, and are let down by the manager and/or the players, we cannot be criticised for demanding change. If despite our best efforts we do not win the league next year (and given the Groundhog Day nature of each passing season that is the likely outcome) then we will I believe get the change we believe is needed. And if we do win the league? Well that would be a hell of a nice "problem" to have wouldn't it?

There is a famous prayer which goes something like "god give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". Right now that feels like good advice to each and every person involved in Arsenal Football Club. If all were to heed it, then next season might yet confound the current expectations of many of us.

But right now, the game is afoot and for the first time this season I suspect we Arsenal fans might be sleeping a little easier this week than our neighbours, for whom the nightmare scenario of ending their season once more behind us might yet prove to be a reality.

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  1. North Upper Corner

    May 10, 2016, 12:54 #89274

    It's pathetic that as fans we've been reduced to fighting each other all thanks to the manager's incompetence which has been displayed yet again this season. Oh no sorry, that's the fans' fault. The man is a divisive figure and will continue to divide for as long as this spineless board let him stay. Watching him celebrate at the final whistle shows just how deluded he is. Celebrating finishing in the top 4?! We should've won the league but no no, he found a way to fail at that. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Jose Mourinho got it wrong when he called Wenger a specialist in failure, Wenger is THE specialist in failure and that will not change.

  2. jjetplane

    May 10, 2016, 12:17 #89271

    Nice post MarK of Aylesbury Untold like all AKB waffle boards is full of a highly impressionable type who swallow anything and are always in awe of some handed down myth that becomes their folklore. They never ever speak of other clubs in a good light or indeed any Arsenal player who has questioned the currency/vacuity of the Wenger myth. They know themselves in a tiny corner of their unimaginative brains that he has not delivered any substance sine the cherry picking invincibles myth and so they resort to a form of cyber cannibalism once they have seemingly eaten the enemy they fail to digest with a result that now it is like a dribble of kebab in a gutter in Holloway. One word for Leakie - eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ........ lol!

  3. Peter Wain

    May 10, 2016, 8:31 #89254

    the problem is that the squad needs major surgery and I am not sure that Wenger will do that or pick the right players anymore. If we sell the OX and Walcott retire Arteta Flamini and Rosicky that's five players leaving. I cannot see us buying more than two first team starters so where do we go for new players. Iwobi has been poor in the last two games and Zeldiam has not impressed at Rangers. Chuba Akpom was dropped by Hull and Hayden does not play neither does Gnabry. So I do not think that the youngsters can step up. We clearly need a quality centre half but then so does half the premiership. We also need a world class defensive midfield player and a top notch striker. We may also need a goalkeeper as Czech has not been as consistent with errors against West Ham Liverpool Crystal Palace and Man City costing us points. The question is does Wenger have the appetite to get these players. Comments from him suggest not with only one or possibly two first team players arriving. Like last year's transfer window this would be a massive mistake. So all in all I am more pessimistic about next year than ever. As ever I would like Wenger replaced but this is not going to happen yet but another transfer window of being linked to ever player and buying no one could lead to a change at Christmas.

  4. goonergo carpfishing

    May 10, 2016, 7:40 #89253

    I cant believe that the AKB mob out number the more logical,honest and true Arsenal football club fans.Its fairly obvious that too many fans just cant be bothered to express their views.just give us hope Arsene for next seson and go.,,,,,,,to the ozil tune I heard this last week ....The scum won **** all,as usual,i just don't think they understand,the club is ****ing ****,they should be used to it,the scum have won **** all,,,,he was only about 12 or so ..good lad

  5. Leek fc

    May 09, 2016, 22:34 #89252

    Can't see an online gooner banner in the stadium eh JJ. Quite a nice untold one though. Happy families eh. Wenger must stay.

  6. jjetplane

    May 09, 2016, 20:39 #89251

    So Untold have now officially banned all WOB postings so their regular slurping sycophants (SS) can devote all their time to hating everyone and everything that is remotely alien. Top of hate list is WOBs who cannot reply to their rantings from cyberspace and followed by referees, Spuds, Leicester, West Ham, Liverpool, Piers Morgan and all media though Cross seems to have escaped, George Graham, Captain Frank, Merson, Parlour, Sanchez (on probation), Ozil (on probation) etc etc etc ..... Funny how some of their regulars are on this thread asking for a change of editor. Perhaps they will hold banners up with Kevin Out on them ....

  7. mbg

    May 09, 2016, 18:11 #89250

    Kenny, well said ref the carthorse, maybe it's because he never hides, that's always a favourite, but there again don't the fans just love a loser and a failure.

  8. Roy

    May 09, 2016, 18:08 #89249

    AFC stewards travelling to away games and confiscating anti Wenger banners ? !! Am I hearing this right ? Who the hell do they think they are, and who's put them up to it ? So the club doesn't believe in democracy now then ? See the last couple of lines of RedPigs post and there you probably have it. The whole thing utterly stinks and is a symptom of what we've become. I stopped going 3 years ago when I saw the light and stuff like this just confirms how right I was. And I won't attend again until this rotten regime is gone. Finishing above the Spuds ? Ha ! Thats the least of our worries. Sad.

  9. mbg

    May 09, 2016, 17:59 #89248

    jw, at least TOF didn't try and insult our intelligence when describing spitting jack's comeback with his tired old inaccuracies such as mental strength and speeritt, although the ones he did use are probably just as in accurate. wenger out.

  10. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright Right....!

    May 09, 2016, 17:14 #89247

    The Wengerites at the soulless bowl got physical & made verbal threats to well known anti Wenger individuals. Also, AFC stewards were present at the Etihad confiscating anti Wenger banners from our away fans. I can envisage a time not too far off where the tables will be turned, and the numbskulls trying to intimidate Arsenal fans who don't support the regime but the team will eventually retaliate. This happened on a lesser scale in the Etihad stadium, but outside further intimidation took place of a very well known Arsenal supporter who is notably anti Wenger. Those blokes who did this should watch their step.... The last time a striker hit 30 goals Wenger sold him. Adebayor wanted an enhanced contract & that was that. RVP followed. Wenger sold him too. I suppose we're going to be reminded about Judas etc. Who got the 30 pieces of Silver? Who didn't match their ambitions, or their wage requests? It happens if a striker does his job it follows that his club in situ rewards him accordingly. Also, I believe for weeks now Wenger has been managing Arsenal with France & Germany in mind. This explains Ozil's absence & Giroud's inclusions. Basically the English contingent at Arsenal have not received the same courtesy. Wenger is most definitely Franco-German orientated. Call me a cynic. Yep!

  11. Daryn

    May 09, 2016, 16:41 #89246

    Well Walcott really delivered this time the face on jack when wally missed pass a simple pass said it all and the all uninspired performance we really are boring to watch that's really hard to say but it's the truth please wenger leave at the end of season and let a young manager move this great club back where it belongs we need a koeman and bring back Dennis

  12. Kenny

    May 09, 2016, 16:29 #89245

    Some of the comments made about Giroud are mind-boggling.He is an Arsenal CF who has failed to score 20 league goals in a season in all his 4 seasons at the club.He is a failure.A mile behind Aguero Kane Vardy Lukaku and even Defoe at relegation threatened Sunderland.Why are we putting up with this French poddle leading the line?Dont Arsenal fans want a 25 league goal a season striker?.As for Theo he sums up everything wrong with our club never been a footballler yet Wenger gave him a £140k a week contract.I feel sorry for Sanchez and Ozil.Why would they stay at this sinking ship?

  13. mbg

    May 09, 2016, 16:24 #89244

    Mark, good post, some fans just still don't get it. wenger out.

  14. mbg

    May 09, 2016, 15:57 #89243

    Finnish the season on a high ? how do you propose we do that ? and with the embarrassments we've had ? thanks to an embarrassing manager, if you want to get high over some silly saints day that's your prerogative certainly not mine. And if we give it our all and are let down by the manager ? is that's not what's been happening for ten years now ? and still you demand we keep doing it ? for another year ? for the same groundhog days again and again that you mention, are you quite sure you've changed your mind and are no longer an apologist for wenger ? it doesn't sound like it to me, commendable if you are and well done, but obviously still a lot of luvvvv and romance there, and like a few others who think and say the same if wenger started to do something right for a period of time would change their minds about him in the blink of an eye, and indeed maybe have done on a few occasions.

  15. Mark

    May 09, 2016, 15:54 #89242

    Theo ? Theeoo ?? dont talk to me anymore about him. He Needs to be sold quickly while he's still got ''potential'' and we can get £20m in !

  16. CT Gooner

    May 09, 2016, 15:51 #89241

    I'm with Red Pig, I'm not going to put myself through that again. Yesterday was another sign that this group of players could do so much more with a proper coach, and some kind of consistency. Would that performance at St Mary's have left us licking the wounds of a 4-0 cuffing, I don't think so! Further to this being a ground hog season, I read Anthony Waters stating he felt we need 3-4 new players. Many have been making that very statement for 3/4 years now, but we're still waiting. Also, given SK has a stadium in Pasadena to pay for, what will his consulting fee be this year?? Wenger out, Simone In

  17. exiled&dangerous

    May 09, 2016, 15:41 #89240

    If you're worried about having your banner confiscated, just write the slogan on your chest (and/or beer belly). They can't strip search you at the turnstile........ yet.

  18. jeff wright

    May 09, 2016, 14:49 #89239

    David, losers medals have been handed out since time began in in cup finals. Malcolm M'c Donald ,or 'Super Mac as he liked to be called, had a few of them, but no winners ones. It must be embarrassing to have to say to people ,would you like to see my losers medals. I guess that the the euphoria created over also ran places in the league is all about the Euro Money to be made from them. Wenger once stated that he would be happy to finish second for 20 years it was the 'happy' bit that many found annoying .After all who wants a manager who is happy about finishing second every season. Not that he actually ever does finish second of course but hey why spoil a good story by letting the truth get in the way. Perhaps Wenger will receive some sort of trophy when he eventually( yawn) departs for having qualified for Europe every season . I suggest that a wooden spoon would be a suitable one for his achievements regarding that. Good old Arsene.

  19. Nick

    May 09, 2016, 14:37 #89238

    Wenger showed his hand by bringing on Le Coq instead of Cazorla, he went to keep what we had even though in the last fifteen minutes city were there for the taking if the ambition was shown, its all about the dollars in Stans pocket ! All our failings were on show as well as some of our strengths,Ramsey and his insistence on turning full circle with the ball does my head in and often costs us possession and always slows play down, our defence needs drilling by someone who knows what a defense is , our forwards need to know when to shoot instead of looking for yet another interminable pass, none of this will happen no matter who we sign in the summer, groundhog day is scheduled again for next season, there is still hope we may at least finish above the Middlesex rabble but that's an ephemeral triumph if it occurs , not that ill complain my scum supporting in laws have been giving me grief all season so it would be nice to say " in your face " but that's hardly the point, we will finish at least ten points off the champions Leicester City which we should all view as a bloody disgrace !!

  20. jjetplane

    May 09, 2016, 14:36 #89237

    If Arsene FC are top again next December this site will be a mirror of Untold. Most interesting thing happening yesterday was the ground emptying of blue mooners leaving 15 thou to stare with bemusement at their heroes. Too much money and no hunger in both camps and overhauling the Totts would ensure the same kind of celebrations as the Danny moment against the bemused Champions elect .... Arsene Fc are a virtual football club now and the reality of winning actual trophies is no longer the Arsenal way. Last week Online Gooner was talking insipid, turgid and now it's get behind the team and finish on a high!? What ****ing high? - a license for Wenger to piss it up for another three years at Arsenal'a expense. Talk about a cave-in and I guess if you are not toeing the line on here 'you know where the door is' .... Let us pray Burnley win the PL next year 'with the Totts fighting over second with this new, instantly improved Arsene FC' .....

  21. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    May 09, 2016, 14:28 #89236

    Haha Ron - love your withering and totally accurate assessment of wally, Redpig too agree with every word you said, just can't for the life of me understand these fans who are satisfied with another groundhog season, I have to question their sanity!!!

  22. PerryG

    May 09, 2016, 14:17 #89235

    Sorry Charlie but I disagree with your point about Suarez, I doubt he would have won us any league title. He may well have smashed 40 goals and set up countless others but the porous defence would have thrown it away at the other end, like we have been doing for the last 10 years. He would have found himself frustrated in the same way Cesc, Nasri, RVP all did, the same way Ozil and Sanchez appear to be now. Shame on the 'One Arsene Wenger' mugs yet again. You are partially to blame for this mess

  23. David

    May 09, 2016, 14:12 #89234

    "happy celebrating invisible trophys" - The Football League gives a trophy to the side winning the play off, but oddly not the second promoted team who claimed promotion outright who would be more deserving. It's about time the Football League and Premier League addressed this giving out trophies for second, third and fourth as well, so that there is tangible recognition of what has been achieved. Arsenal would have a bulging trophy cabinet, the players could celebrate properly and the fans couldn't complain about lack of silverware. This is tongue in cheek of course, but it amazes me that that the play off winners get a trophy when they are only winning the loser's contest.

  24. mbg

    May 09, 2016, 13:35 #89233

    Slim hopes of st totts day ? big deal, is that all we've got to look forward to and celebrate ? yet again ? how many years is it now that this has been the height of our ambition ? sorry AKB wengerites ambition because it's not mine and a lot of others, is this really the height of our ambition now ? is this really how far we've regressed ? that we're even/just hoping to catch and overtake them for bragging rights ? Sad, if it does happen i'll not be getting excited and moistening my Calvins celebrating and glorifying it as some sort of achievement and trophy, i'll leave that to those happy celebrating invisible trophys, all it does is show the limit of our ability the ten years under, and thanks to an old past it manager long past his sell by date. wenger out.

  25. jeff wright

    May 09, 2016, 13:17 #89232

    The reality is we have suffered another dismal season under Monsieur Wenger. End of. Reasons why >? We lost in humiliating fashion in both domestic cups well beaten by Sheffield Wednesday in the League Cup,a competition that along with European Cups Wenger habitually cocks up in .We lost to Watford at home in the FA Cup a cup that Wenger was supposedly going to win for an 'historic' third time. What went wrong there then>? It just looked like along with some league and Euro games as well that our players bottled it when the heat was on them to win them. This is of course a familiar scenario that we have suffered from season after season for donkey's years under Wenger's management. Another record breaking 5 goals conceded Champions League defeat was added to Wenger's ever growing list of them and the usual out in the first KO round to a not on top of their game this season Barcelona ,just as then well then that they were not in top form . Even so they were still too good for old Arsene . The Prem was obviously there to be won and we were in a decent position at Christmas where if we had maintained it we could have made a challenge for the title after Easter .However when the chance was there to do this we bottled it big time at United away and at home to Swansea. Wenger who claims all the credit for any success must also take the blame for the lack of it and for these constant dismal bottle jobs that are always occurring when it's party time. I find his constant comments about the players having 'character' rather irritating tbh and stupid as well .The again he rather stupid anyway.The fact that he needs to keep claiming this shows that the criticism aimed at the players and himself about a lack of character has hit a raw nerve with him.Cech in many ways sums up this drab season for me ,so much hype so little result from his joining us and tbh he still doesn't convince me that he makes any great difference our results have not improved that's for sure . He was very slow to get down to the second City goal yesterday and from what I have seen of him is obviously past his best. His best days were at Chelsea and when he retires he will be remembered forthat and not fr keeping goal for awhile at AFC ,he is a blue and always will be.He won titles and European Cups with the blues .He won't win any European ones with Arsene,then again neither has anyone else! You couldn't make it up

  26. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 09, 2016, 13:09 #89231

    West Ham have announced the sale of52,000 season tickets with some U16 ones at £99 . Astonishing stuff from them. Our club is in real danger hear of being marginalised we never responded properly to Chelsea and I see a potential same scenario with the Hammers. It's what you get when you keep s tired out old has been and a uninterested owner.

  27. Ron

    May 09, 2016, 13:04 #89230

    Ramsey would do OK at West Brom et al. A Coach like Pulis would sub him every time he tries his silly, self indulgent flicks and back heels to opponents and sell him if he didnt heed the lesson. Learn the lesson and he d do a job for such a team to keep things ticking over as long as he s instructed in the clearest of terms to just give the ball to the closest player who can play the game. Martyn - Walcott is barely a footballer. To play for a team who dont seek possession and counter attack at speed, the forward needs to be clinical as chances are at a premium. He doesnt have a strikers instinct in his body. The forward also needs to track back and then to break forward with speed. He cant/wont do that either. Use him wide it may be said? He cant dribble, cant beat a man and cant cross, so a wide roll deprives a player that can do these things a place in the team. Hes Arsenals Navas. Bloody useless with an unidentifiable end product.

  28. Norsgeneral

    May 09, 2016, 12:55 #89229

    Jumpers, because we live with them every day. We should never give up the celebration of finishing above that mob. If we do not, then you will be reminded many many times this summer, why we should celebrate any demise of that thuggish rabble. Great piece from Charlie, very similar to my own view, wanting change, but still wanting Arsenal, whoever is in charge to do well. I have already made the decision to ignore whoever is manager next season, and try to enjoy it. All the anti Wenger venom of the last few weeks, has left me feeling similar to wanting to turn off the life support machine of a much loved relative.

  29. AMG

    May 09, 2016, 12:54 #89228

    A good, balanced view from an ex AKB. Welcome aboard. I can only commend those who are passionately fighting for change at the club, I've long since realised that Wenger won't go anywhere until he decides, so I won't be joining them, or lining the coffers of AW, IG & SK in the meantime.

  30. Jude

    May 09, 2016, 12:42 #89227

    The common denominator in all the games in which we've been overrun in the midfield is Aaron Ramsey. He's ill-disciplined, selfish, and when he's not playing the ball into touch, he plays the ball sideways or backwards. This was a telling preview of not only what life will be like without Ozil in our midfield, but also how little we can expect from our so-called box-to-box player. As long as Arsene Wenger is in charge, sadly, he'll be the first name on the team sheet irrespective of form. I genuinely hope he has a good tournament this summer, and someone comes in for him because he doesn't suit us.

  31. Martyn

    May 09, 2016, 12:36 #89226

    Really pleased for Giroud, always rated him. As for Theo, he would flourish in a Leicester-style system.

  32. Ron

    May 09, 2016, 12:35 #89225

    Red Pig - Ditto that totally. Nails on heads and all that!! Theres some great footie in the PL now. This mantra trotted out by fans of the 'big 4'( what s--te that expression is) that its been a 'poor Season' is just a smokescreen to cover their self obsession, blind and ignorant refusal to tolerate other teams and embarrassment about their own limp wristed teams. We ve all a lot to thank Leics for. What an ego smashing leveller theyve been. The football 'snobbery' of many Arsenal fans has been there for some years. I never hear it from City or Utd fans though in fairness. (Utd fans have laughed at us for years admittedly and consider Wenger and AFC as their compliant patsies) Even many Chelsea supporters admit they're a load of rubbish whove got what they deserved.

  33. David

    May 09, 2016, 12:30 #89224

    "If despite our best efforts we do not win the league next year ... then we will I believe get the change we believe is needed" I don't think change will occur unless Arsenal have a disastrous start to 2016/2017. Given 3rd is most likely this season, there is little prospect of change until Christmas. And even then only if Arsenal are out of Europe (not just Champions League, they have to out of the Europa League as well) and in a Chelski like mid table position. Wenger will definitely remain if he qualifies for the Champions League, and will most likely stay if only a Europa League spot is attained. The board will want Wenger to stay as he is delivering what they want.

  34. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 09, 2016, 12:22 #89223

    Anthony Walters: I take your point about goalkeeping, my son played in goal and his team sent him to Bob Wilson's goalkeeping school, which was a brilliant coaching experience. For me there are two types of keeper, the shot stopper and the positional keeper. Behind a good defence Cech is perfect, however our defence, as you rightly say, keeps turning away from the ball when it is struck it is difficult for the keeper to anticipate the direction and flight of the ball. That said I think Ospina would have stopped one of City's goals but may have let in another due to lack of statue and positioning. Whatever the reasons our defence lacks leadership and without the proper coaching needed Cech is losing his confidence, which is hardly surprising considering the lack of importance given to the noble art of defending.

  35. Ron

    May 09, 2016, 12:21 #89222

    SKG - Youre right to look at Cech, though its taboo for many to even contemplate criticising him. His near post weakness is clear to see as his lack of agility in getting down to low shots, even those not too venomously hit. The truth is that hes been declining for 5 years. Had he not have been, Chelsea wouldn't have released him. Hes a decent signing, but hes not a patch on the Cech of 2004 - 2009. Not even close.

  36. RedPig

    May 09, 2016, 12:20 #89221

    I just don't think I have it in me for another season of this sh*te! I prefer watching other teams games to ours. Arsenal quite comfortably play the most boring football in the league and have done for some time. Wenger has hijacked the club and turned it into something loathsome. What a breath of fresh air Leicester have been. At last something to counter the stench of the modern game. A stench very much caused by clubs like Arsenal, who laughably think they are a cut above the rest when they are in fact the most hideous of all. It pains me to say that but its the truth as I see it.

  37. David

    May 09, 2016, 12:17 #89220

    Theo is the luckiest son I have ever come across. Not only is he a sub earning £140K/week, he is now likely to make the Euro 2016 squad thanks to injuries. Hopefully he has his one good game a year in Euro 2016 and some other club takes him on. Though somehow I think he will be back next season along with the other bright young English players (Wilshere, The Ox, Gibbs, Chambers) who we will never see fulfil their so-called potential despite their large salaries.

  38. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 09, 2016, 12:08 #89219

    Jumpers: My old manager for my Saturday team used to say "second is first losers" I suppose in the PL that equates to a few million more quid and that is the attraction.

  39. anthony walters

    May 09, 2016, 12:05 #89218

    decent result average kings i do think you and others are being harsh on cech and i think ospina criticism has been a bit ott.yes we have conceded loads of goals from outside the area this season more than anyone else i believe but having played and coached keepers i honestly say it's more due to our centre backs standing off,backing off and turning their backs giving the shooter more time and the keeper seeing the ball often later as his vision is often obscured .i can't say for certain as camera angles i saw never showed from behind the goal which only really has a true keepers perspective on that goal and where if anyone coaches keepers you coach the keeper from.only iwobi i thought was awful the rest sid ok without standing out and personally thought wilshire did well looked rusty a couple of times but most accounts i read agreed with me .we need 3 or 4 players and different leadership not an entire side though no player is untouchable i'd say.

  40. Jumpers for Goalposts

    May 09, 2016, 12:01 #89217

    For F**** Sake - why are so many Gooners obsessed with Spurs??? We left Highbury to compete with Man Utd / Barcelona / Real Madrid / Bayern Munich not Tottenham bloody Hotspur. As the Editor recently reminded us - the great Gary Player said "YOU DIDN'T FINISH 2ND - YOU LOST!"

  41. Augustus Flair

    May 09, 2016, 11:24 #89216

    "Watch Burnley next season - they too have plenty of passion and I think they will stay up this time round." Plenty of what, SKG? What's that then? How many of those to the pound sterling? Hah, don't go all old-fashioned on us, mate.

  42. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 09, 2016, 11:17 #89215

    Would I be harsh in questioning our keeper's positioning for the goals. The Highbury spy in his latest column thinks Cech has gone backwards under Wenger and his charge and somersault when coming out of his area was straight out of the Almunia/Szczesny scrapbook. I expected a defeat but we did hang in there and our second was a fine goal but I just felt Citeh could not be bothered for much of the game. Watching City this season you have have to think that money is destroying players ambitions and that is certainly one of the reasons Leicester have achieved so much this season, they, The Foxes, seem to be playing for the club, the town and each other, watch Burnley next season they too have plenty of passion and I think they will stay up this time round.

  43. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    May 09, 2016, 10:46 #89214

    Stevo-3rd is a decent season?! Are you wenger in disguise? With city, Utd, Chelsea taking a season off we came 3rd in a 1 horse race for ****s sake! With the resources our club has plus the worlds highest ticket prices the bare minimum we can expect is a serious and prolonged genuine challenge for the title every season. Unfortunately under this manager and this regime we all know that's not on their agenda. Still, while there are supporters remaining that think 10 years of groundhog season induced pergatory qualifies as 'decent' then all is well on planet arsene I guess

  44. Ron

    May 09, 2016, 10:41 #89213

    Theres another yr of treading water to come. Was a decent performance really v City. A bit of grit shown and commitment and a willingness to dig in for once. It wouldn't have been that way had Ozil played. We would have collapsed under the early onslaught. So many players there with question marks against them. Many need selling but it wont happen till Wenger's gone. They ll end up 3rd. Drab season. Same as the the last 8 seasons. AFC are a shadow of the Club they once were. The return of Wilshere was a damp squib. Does he ever do anything but fall over? I for one will be pleased when the whole of this squad has been shipped out.

  45. Mark

    May 09, 2016, 10:35 #89212

    Celebrating finishing above Spurs while finishing 12 points behing Leicester shows how far down Wenger has really taken us.The defence of Giroud is amazing an Arsenal CF should be scoring 25 league goals a season this clown in a red shirt doesnt even close.We saw a real world class striker on the pitch yesterday in Aguero.The quality we should be signing not Giroud,Charlie he is a bad player

  46. Peter Hughes

    May 09, 2016, 10:30 #89211

    We were probably lucky to gain a drawer but kept battling through out the game. We got the points from the top 4 or 5 teams this season.Even though we dropped some disappointing points at home our record was no worse than most.Only 2 points more than Leicester dropped at home.That leaves an inferior away record but again only really Leicester have a notable better away record. The real problem has been a predictable slow build up so pedestrian that any team could read it. This has been the most boring Arsenal team since the last days of George Graham. A clear out is required.We know all the players not having contracts renewed. I think Walcott will be sold & Giroud will go once we have a new striker. Even Wenger must know change is required. The reality is Wenger will be here next season, before leaving & I am confident that at least 3 or 4 players will come in. That is obvious as a minimum with 3 or 4 big wages off the payroll imminent. I would like to see a few more leave & 5 or 6 come in with a minimum 2 big names. Next season whether some like it or not will be Wenger's last, but the protests will start early if we are served up the same predictable boring play.

  47. GoonerRon

    May 09, 2016, 9:43 #89210

    Spuds losing was a great help to the atmosphere, which was pretty much bouncing in the concourse before the game. I thought we did well for the most part although I felt Coquelin's combative nature would have been well suited to this game, especially since the ref let Fernando and Fernandinho foul at will with no caution until the last minute. I actually thought when Theo came on we looked much better as a team - accepting all the comedy moments explained in the editorial did happen - he also had a couple of really good moments and seemed to get Citeh's back line to drop off a bit. I know ultimately this season has been disappointing but finishing above that lot would be very funny. I'm currently preparing some lasagne to stealthily get into their hotel fridge ready for their lunch...

  48. Stevo

    May 09, 2016, 9:35 #89209

    Good piece Charlie. Perhaps you should take over full time?! Great point in the end and if we don't beat/draw against Villa we don't deserve to be in the Champions League anyway. Should have been so much better but 3rd is a decent season. Let the Spuds have their moment. They will be the odd point/goal difference ahead at worst and considering our season has been so bad (according to some) and theirs has been so great, that isn't the end of the world. For those with banners… Well done again. You will be the first one’s complaining when we do a “Man Utd”.

  49. Croker

    May 09, 2016, 9:34 #89208

    I agree that it is hard to ignore change is required - coaching, recruitment & how the Club engages with the fans which should not be overlooked. I don't want to see Wenger hounded out because a sacking won't happen and he deserves a dignified exit. The game has moved on from him rather than him becoming a bad manager and this is why I'd like to see a fresh approach from the dug out and beyond.

  50. Augustus Flair

    May 09, 2016, 9:28 #89207

    Yep, well said, Charlie, they gave it a good go. Pleased for Giroud, but dismayed that Theo is still even at the club. Nothing's changed but let's savour a couple of excellent goals (especially the second one) and hope for a final day victory against the worst Premier team I've ever seen.

  51. Rob

    May 09, 2016, 9:13 #89206

    Nice take Charlie. Yes we can still finish second. But we could also find ourselves fifth. I would say we'll be where we are - third. Not bad. But given what happened this year and the fact we were TOP in January, a big let down. I reckon it's a certainty that Mourinho will be at OT next season. Pep at City ; Conte at Chelsea. This season won't come again for another ten or fifteen years. Klopp will have Liverpool much stronger next year and Spurs likewise. Wenger will only do in this coming window, what he should have done last year. Sorry to be cynical. But can anyone give me a plausible outline for something better ? Still if Leicester can win it this year - then next year, we could - couldn't we ?

  52. goonersol

    May 09, 2016, 9:12 #89205

    Not a great performance but taking a point while not playing well is always welcomed. Always want Arsenal to win, despite wanting change in the regime, so would be good to finish above the spuds again this season. Those dropped points at home have made all the difference, once again its a "What If " season. Finishing second/third will add fuel to the AKB argument, so looks like another season with Mr Wenger in charge, lets hope it can be better than the last 10. Well done to the Online Gooner for allowing all points of view, unlike another site which will remain Untold, that does not allow any anti Wenger comments, subsequently I have been barred...........COYG ......Wenger and regime out at some point.

  53. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 09, 2016, 9:09 #89204

    The only good thing about this season that I have left is even as mediocre as we are, we can still finish above our neighbours (yes, OK I know, not much to be celebrating) and can laugh about their greatest ever PL season still and couldn't finish above us blah blah, BUT everything depends on the results midweek. If Sunderland beat Everton midweek, it's game over for Newcastle and Norwich. If that happens the Mags probably won't be too bothered about next Sunday. So, if Everton can be bothered to turn up it will be to our advantage. Mind you looking at the Toffees' abject performance last Saturday teatime I don't hold out much hope.

  54. Website Editor

    May 09, 2016, 8:54 #89203

    There is a perception that The Gooner and this website are firmly in the Arsene Must Go camp. While certainly true of a number of contributors, myself included, those who actually read the fanzine and the website on a regular basis will know different. We exist to present a platform for the views of Gooners across the spectrum. Charlie Ashmore is a regular contributor whose views I am aware of. This season he has changed opinion in that he no longer believes Arsene Wenger is the best long term option for the club, but he does not agree with everything that is being done to influence the board to change things. He is an example that fans can have a view at a point in the spectrum of opinion between those who choose to demonstrate during matches and those who want Arsene to sign an extension to his current deal. No-one that writes in the fanzine or on this website represents the views of The Gooner because – although the publisher and editor may choose to support and promote certain things at certain times – we remain a platform for the reasonably argued opinion of all.