Aston Villa… could it happen to Arsenal?

We have been warned…

Aston Villa… could it happen to Arsenal?

So to the end of another season, bringing with it another lap of appreciation, which should really be a lap of apology. It would fair to say that, for all but the über optimistic, next season conjures a range of emotion between dread and indifference.

Chelsea will, no doubt spend big, as will Manchester City. Yes, Leicester City fulfilled Wenger’s dream of winning the league without spending obscene sums, but they enjoyed the benefit of consistent effort and tactical acumen. Fair play to them. Liverpool are improving rapidly, Spurs are better than us and Manchester United cannot accept another season of mediocrity. Arsenal can and will accept it – so long as it is profitable.

Unlike Arsenal, Aston Villa have won the European Cup. A big club, with American owners; whose calamitous mismanagement has resulted in the unthinkable. For several years, they have flirted with relegation and following capitulation at Wembley, they dropped without trace to join Birmingham, Leeds United and various other clubs whose mantra is: “We’ll be back”. So we keep hearing. It couldn’t happen at Arsenal. Could it?

No team wants relegation. Of the twenty teams in the Premier League next season, nineteen will harbour ambitions inspired by Claudio Ranieri’s incredible feat. Arsenal will make the right noises, but the chief concern is profit. So it follows that Kroenke would not allow that to be endangered? Arsenal hold the proud record of the longest tenure in the top flight; but this season has shown that nothing is impossible.

Few would begrudge Mesut Ozil or Alexis Sanchez the opportunity to join winning clubs. I am not suggesting that they will leave, but neither are they obliged to settle for more of the same. Either leaving would signal a clear lack of intent, although that is not to say that there are others who have not contributed.

Even if both departed, Arsenal will not be relegated next season. Equally, there is widespread dissatisfaction and a feeling of imminent civil war, if it is not already entrenched. I cannot imagine that in these circumstances, Arsenal represents an attractive proposition to the best players currently, even if the will existed to court them.

What concerns me is that we are simply too blasé. Once in decline, the effort and resource required to avoid freefall become exaggerated, draining. At this time of year, teams who suffer bemoan the lie of decisions and luck evening out over the course of a season. Mistakes become inevitably costly and every knock is more keenly felt. Clichés without doubt, borne of eternal truth and also, extremely indicative of periods in this season when you felt that we couldn’t buy a win.

With the exception of teams who have just been promoted and find the change of pace difficult to manage, Premier League teams rarely drop a division without a series of signpost events preceding their eventual demise. Continual lowering of expectations leads to ridiculous gratitude, at reaching ever–reducing, previously unacceptable milestones. So it is with Arsenal.

I am old enough to remember previous campaigns during which “the R word” became unmentionable. It “could never happen” to Nottingham Forest (twice European Cup winners), but it did and that without a transfer window limiting the opportunity to introduce fresh impetus at a vital time.

The danger remains – when a football club no longer prioritises sporting success, then it cannot complain when it is sucked into a vortex of under achievement. Quite simply, complacency breeds failure. The question: what constitutes failure at Arsenal nowadays?


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  1. Snowbiggee

    May 12, 2016, 16:14 #89459

    The modern day equivalent for clubs like Arsenal is probably relegation from the top four. However if Wenger stayed until he was 70 or the next manager was a Martinez type, anything could happen. With so called smaller clubs seriously improving and with vast resources, the ability of the manager becomes more important. Villa & Necastle both prove that it's vital that Boards place sporting success over financial success. Over the longer term that is the only way to run a football club effectively. Money will follow.

  2. Peter

    May 11, 2016, 21:01 #89402

    Danny Welbeck now out for 9 months. Well as usual with Arsenal we always have one person out for a whole year or nearly a whole year. In the past few years as I have said many times before there has been Fabregas, Van Perse, Rosicky and Jack Wilshire all out for a long time. There is something really wrong behind the scenes at Arsenal. Even with Danny he should have been taken off right away but Wenger left him on. Mind you this time Wenger may do the right thing and let Joel Campbell or Iwobi play for some games in a row.

  3. Ron

    May 11, 2016, 15:22 #89371

    JR AVFC - Hi there. Good to see a Villan on here. I get to see you a few times each season and have done for many years. Dire there though now isnt it! Just one question tho mate - Do you now look back on the Ellis years in a completely different light? Ive heard very few Villans say anything good about the old buffer!

  4. mbg

    May 11, 2016, 15:22 #89370

    ArseneKnewBest, your right there they certainly seem to know what their doing and where their going and want to go unlike our shower and manager, lets hope their telling the truth, unlike our shower at the time, with wenger stuck in the middle of them smirking and smiling with his forked tongue. I met David Gold once some years back out side the Emirates, it was during his Birmingham days I think, it was well after the game and the place was pretty cleared and he stopped right where I was standing in his Silver roller or Bentley with Gold 1 number plate, he was waiting for some one to come out of the media entrance, he put down his window and just said hello, I kid you not, I couldn't believe it, it was then I recognised him he started talking about the game and the ground this and that, i got him to sigh my programme then a crowd started to gather and he happily joked and signed programmes until some guy came out and jumped in and away they went. I've no doubt he's the same today. Can/could you imagine one of our lot doing that ? even to their own fans never mind away fans ? not a fooking chance, they wouldn't even dream of doing it, maybe if it was pre planned in an empty car park with four vetted fans with their questions having been submitted a week before. Good luck to West Ham we could do a hell of a lot worse than have Brady and the David's running our club along with their manager, especially the manager, at least they'd have ambition. wenger out.

  5. Arseneknewbest

    May 11, 2016, 9:30 #89324

    John F - Yes, West Ham is the very club that is chaired by two pornographers and abetted by a money grubbing Tory member of the house of lords and judge on the awful show the apprentice (K Brady, who is also rumoured to be a gooner). That they look more progressive and business-like when compared to our very own boardroom shower o'shyte speaks volumes about ze mental qualities, the speereet and calibre of our own board.

  6. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 11, 2016, 9:03 #89323

    Len - I'm sure MBG can do his own defending but I fail to see how he is a stirrer. He is very singularly minded over Wengers removal. Many on this site share this view, some don't but that is fine. I tend to wind up a little those I disagree with, whereas MBG is pretty saintly in that regard and he also put up with a particularly unpleasant poster for months ( the chap has scurried off ). Without commenting back. Can't see what your point is, unless you are trying to stir the pot to.

  7. John F

    May 11, 2016, 7:54 #89321

    Hi Oz property prices in this country are ridiculous.Not much joy if you are young and in an ordinary job not only are you priced out of owning your own home but the one release from everyday life football is too expensive.West Ham aided by their very favourable move to their new bowl have at least bucked the trend and sold 10,000 season tickets to kids for only £99 you have to admit that the West Ham directors are very forward looking.

  8. Ozzie

    May 11, 2016, 6:08 #89320

    John F, for your 200g (just under AU$400g) would buy you a large house on 20 acres with IG pool here in OZ - far away from the annual flops at the Emirates...

  9. Len

    May 11, 2016, 0:31 #89318

    Get rid of Wenger and we get rid of that ultimate stirrer mgb (Shame on the Website Admin for not having the balls to ban him) and the 'media starlet wannabe' with the pretend Ghetto accent DT

  10. mbg

    May 10, 2016, 23:31 #89316

    Nick, they're petrified alright mate, sad isn't it, there's no doubt it's a lot to do with the love of/for their messiah too, for him and not the club, even sadder, or like a girlfriend or wife you know it's not working or going to work and a split is for the best but you still love her and just don't want to let go. God help them if they're messiah took a heart attack or was hit by a bus and died, what would they do ? would they be able to do what everyone else does and has to do with the loss of a loved one ? and accept it mourn get over it and move on ? i'd bet no, there'd be blind panic among them, they'd demand that Arsenal close down, become defunct, cease to exist, in memory only, in memory of they're messiah, as there'd be no one else capable or worthy of taking over. Sad.

  11. jeff wright

    May 10, 2016, 22:38 #89314

    there are some people on the field ...they think it's all over... it is now... so it's goodbye to the Boleyn a proper football stadium with a last hurrah against United by the Irons and hello to the soulless bowl in Statford for them ... will they regret the move... only time will tell on that score ...

  12. John F

    May 10, 2016, 22:31 #89313

    The Hammers tonight reminded me what football used to be like at Upton park great atmosphere but as the utd players coach windows found out tonight not very nice to be a visitor.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    May 10, 2016, 22:24 #89312

    Be careful what you wish for. I am the most circumspect, cautious individual in the northern hemisphere, and my Australian cousin Bruce Arseneknewbest holds the record for never taking any chances in the southern half of the world. We've both given this issue plenty of thought in the past 10 years and have both reached the following conclusion: we very carefully wish that weng and his toupe'ed accomplice stan-k would leave the Arsenal for good so that the club can start to recover some of its dignity. Moreover, we very carefully wish that a new manager is found who genuinely cares about winning, and who has sufficiently large pelotas in order to stand up to whomsoever is running the club after stan flies off on his magic syrup. There all you AKBs - does that sound carefully wishful enough for you?

  14. West Cork Frank

    May 10, 2016, 22:16 #89311

    Only started reading Dennis Bergkamp's autobiography last week, what an intelligent football man he is. I would love him be Arsenal's next manager, assisted by Tony Adams. We would see the perfect marriage between gritty, defensively solid,counter- attacking football and cohesive, high-pressing, total football. I still intend to start a AFC Wimbledon style Real Arsenal team, when i work out a way of getting anti- wenger fans to have trials i'll let you know. Until then stay strong, we'll have OUR club back one day.

  15. anthony walters

    May 10, 2016, 21:33 #89309

    jw .firstly i agree with most of what you say about leicester ,wengers failings etc.i have always questioned wengers tactics and more importantly his mentality i still think his longevity and consistency is commendable but personally i'd rather risk us going out of the elite than see us consistently fall behind the top team in the division because of lack of defensive structure ,lack of cover in midfield and this season in particular defenders turning their backs or failing to close down.

  16. Augustus Flair

    May 10, 2016, 20:56 #89308

    Ron & SKG: "I left London for the last time in 1984...": "Gentrified London is perfect for the Arsenal board..." Exactly, chaps. Flair's old man, as a little boy in the 1930s, walked (it's something people used to do with their lower limbs) with his working-class London-Irish mates from Crowland Road, South Tottenham, N15, to Highbury for every home game, joining thousands of other working class north Londoners along the way. More recently, Flair Jnr (that's me) was selling a certain Arsenal product outside Highbury in Avenell Road, shouting the odds, and a householder came out to reprimand me for making too much noise. Apparently, Sebastian (her, like, partner, y'know) was working on his latest poem and I was disturbing him. Heated argument revealed Seb (and partner) had moved to Avenell Road from "rural Oxfordshire" and didn't much like football (so why move there exactly?). Point is, chaps, the old guard has gone (like me and you) and what's left won't sustain Arsenal through bad times because tourists have little commitment. Hence I agree with tfg that we could easily become another Villa in a few years. C'mon the Cotswolds Hunt... yah?

  17. mbg

    May 10, 2016, 20:33 #89307

    Just listening to the hammers fans, remember when we were like that ? as together and as proud ? wenger you have a hell of a lot to answer for, you'll never be forgiven. wenger out.

  18. jeff wright

    May 10, 2016, 20:15 #89306

    aw, this much vaunted record of having always qualified for Europe of Wenger's is rather tarnished by his other one of record busting humiliating defeats that we have suffered and by him never having actually won a trophy in his 20 attempts at doing so. As I said before I don't buy into the league becoming a level playing field due to financial reasons next term. Managerial prowess will play a big part and some managers are not actualy over blessed with that commodity.Good old Arsene being one of them. Leicester did not win the league this season because they suddenly had more loot to spend. Raneiri made the most of what he had and resisted 'tinkering' with his side. He was helped by the emergence of Mahrez and Vardy with Kante also hitting top form it's unlikely that a set of circumstances will transpire for some other smaller side to emulate the Foxes achievements and indeed they may well struggle themselves to do so. Ran was helped also, as was Wenger in 2004 in the league ,by going out of the domestic Cups early and he had no Euro games to play .This helped him keep players fit and motivated. Wenger's obsession with Europe - in which he obviously and painfully lacks the tactical nous to succeed- doesn't help him and this season he rested players in the FA cup tie against Watford with Europe midweek on his mind and as usual came unstuck in both the FA Cup and then in the European one. He is no genius our bloke that is for sure! You couldn't make it up.


    May 10, 2016, 20:13 #89305

    SKY are clearly distraught over my cancellation of their Sports package & have asked what they can do to help. Very cleverly I told them I would return in a heartbeat if Uncle Rupert would oblige by removing the Supreme Leader (the french not the bewigged one) from my beloved football club. I will sleep well tonight knowing that I have stood up to be counted & that an urgent bit of electronic mail is whizzing over the Atlantic. Bloody hell - 60+ years of loyal support reduced to this lunacy & a depressing ground hog scenario. I REALLY don't care anymore. Well done AFC.

  20. Mark

    May 10, 2016, 19:53 #89304

    Owners ? refreshing to listen to west ham's owners. Payet 29 yrs old - many would not have bought him due age(we know who), but WH felt he could deliver here and now. he did. they seemed to be concerned and focused on getting the Olympic stadium to have an atmosphere and ex-players threw in plenty of references to the ''Emirates'' i.e. what happened to the atmosphere when arsenal left Highbury.. Owners who care about the Sport, the success and the winning and the fans experience. someone send a CD of ''Boleyn'' to Stan Kronke please

  21. anthony walters

    May 10, 2016, 19:15 #89303

    yeah jw i fully expect manu certainly chelsea to be better but i don't see those teams dominating as before.of course though you put it in a more cutting way i agree with most of wengers weaknesses however maintaining a top four finish season after season isn't easy despite what you think.where would chelsea have finished this season under mourinho who completely messed it up?he also messed up 2 seasons ago with his little horse nonsense.europe has always found wenger out good enough to beat the very best at times but not good enough to win a trophy.i wouldn't be surprised if next yr chelsea arsenal manu and city are the top four but if i were a betting man i'd bet against it.

  22. jeff wright

    May 10, 2016, 18:59 #89302

    Wenger himself has been advocating the so called 'level playing field' theory as being in his favour for ,well, donkey's years. This is just more delusional thought processes from him. In reality when he has been in a position to use the financial advantages that he has possessed at times ,particularly in Europe , when he had top players that matched or even bettered those of his managerial opponents he failed dismally time and again to come out on top.He couldn't beat Monaco last season in Europe a club that got shut of him two decades ago because of his failed policies and stubborn behavior. Wenger is and always has been tactically inept relying on training ground coaching because he can't think on his feet during a game,so he sets the substitutions he makes before the game is played and these never take account of the circumstances that are prevalent when they are made,usually on 70 minutes. He never takes account of oppents or ever goes to watch them play as Sir Ferguson and other managers did or do. So it's not really so surprising that Wenger never won anything in Europe during his 20 years with us when faced by the current best sides at the time in their own leagues or in the Prem either where Wenger has failed when playing them in the Champions League. Personally I don't buy into this level playing field for next season claim and fully expect all of the usual suspects to be back on parade for the top 4 places . With the lower clubs having more resources it will still be a case for them of winning games against one another so in theory this will be harder if there are no whipping boys for them take easy points from. Leicster did well this season using pragmatic tactics in defence but they had the player of the season in midfield and one of the top strikers up front so it was not just a case of grinding out results . Wenger's tactics are too predictable and he never signs a top top striker basically his big money signings are rejects from other top clubs that are surplus to requirements such as Danny Welbeck, Ozil and Sanchez. Their previous clubs did not sell them for no good reason . They played in sides with better players than we have and were found wanting,so why anyone thinks that they are going to turn Wally and Ramsey ,etc, from being chumps into champs is a matter for conjecture. Good old Arsene.

  23. JR AVFC

    May 10, 2016, 18:58 #89301

    With respect, we were run well like Arsenal and demanded change. We got it; Ellis Out and Lerner in. The rest is history. A good article, but be careful what you wish for Gooners. I would take Arsene Wenger over every Villa Manager for the last 10 years.. Up The Villa.

  24. anthony walters

    May 10, 2016, 18:28 #89300

    the premier league is much more of a level playing field this season due to mainly even more so next season.i personally don't think a consistent dominant top 4 will happen as for other top clubs laughing at us way ott who ?man city a league cup could finish outside top u possible top 4 fa cup we won back to back fa cups last year .chelsea beat us twice continuing our hoodoo but where are they?our record against the other top sides this season is pretty good too.wenger is so damn frustrating he puts together a good side season after season 3 or 4 players short ,better team selection ,tactics,more collective determination and organisation we could challenge for the title or champions league but sadly i just can't see him getting enough right to win the big trophies .i unlike many others on here do believe he loves the club and is as hungry as ever to bring major trophies to arsenal i just think don't think he has the decision making,game management or motivational skills to deliver them.i love and play tennis too i have the desire,enthusiasm and hunger to win grand slam titles but at 51 average skills and a dodgy back i'm not deluded enough to think i'll bloody well win one!which is why i believe it is time for change. we are certainly not on the road to disaster like forest,leeds ,villa,pompey etc you never know but i doubt in my lifetime we'll be like them.the gooner is generally a site with the extreme of the negative views many utterly ridiculous as untold is a site with the extreme of wenger worship with just as many ridiculous views.

  25. Roy

    May 10, 2016, 18:14 #89299

    If Wenger gets a new contract with a brief of grooming Henry to take over with Kroenke at the helm the whole while, then in 5 years time this article could be far closer to the mark than any of us would like to think. We need something to change, and we need it so or rather than later. And yes, I agree, the words " be careful what you wish for " are really pissing me off.

  26. mbg

    May 10, 2016, 18:12 #89298

    Highbury Fields, your right, but if one man can screw it up it's TOF, and as i said earlier he'll not have to still be here to do it either his legacy and what he leaves behind will suffice.

  27. Highbury Fields Forever

    May 10, 2016, 17:35 #89297

    You're right that this current board are so weak that decline is possible, but comparing us to Villa and Forest is a bit misleading. Villa have been relegated several times before in their history and despite winning the European Cup, most of their history is before 1910. As for Forest - B.C. stands for before Clough. You've got to really screw it up to get Arsenal relegated. Though I have fears Kronke might have it within him to do just that

  28. Mike

    May 10, 2016, 17:13 #89295

    I've been a Wenger out man for at least 5 years but I think this is a bit OTT. We could still finish 2nd this season and apart from a couple of years in the mid 70's and the one off 94-95 season, have never been in relegation trouble. Villa have won one title in about 116 year, were in the third tier in 1970 and if I remember rightly were as extremely lucky against Bayern to win the European cup. I hate the current stagnation but it's nowhere near Villa's plight.

  29. John F

    May 10, 2016, 17:12 #89294

    Hi Ron what i have noticed since moving up to East Yorkshire in 2003 is that there seems to be a lot more Arsenal fans up here now compared to then.Back in 2003 Arsenal fans were about as rare as a Wenger tactic but now apart from Hull whose fans seems to support two teams I would say that in terms of popularity based on shirts I see and people I meet it's Utd,Liverpool,Leeds then Arsenal.This might be because a lot of Londoners have cashed in and moved up here as you can still get a three bed in a nice area like Beverley for under 200g.What has changed amongst other fans is the feeling towards Arsenal is not as positive as it used to be.

  30. mbg

    May 10, 2016, 16:51 #89292

    Maybe off topic or again maybe not, good luck to West Ham tonight on they're last match at they're old ground and big send off party to they're new one, remember ours ? not a dry eye in the house as the legends paraded around Highbury for the last time, and Roger Daltry singing Highbury Highs, Oh so so much expectation as we headed to the Emirates, where did it all go wrong ? as if we need to ask, wenger you have so much to answer for. Karren and the two David's don't make the same mistake as us. wenger out.

  31. David

    May 10, 2016, 15:16 #89289

    Can't say Arsenal won't ever get relegated, but they haven't played in the second tier for over 100 years. Given my age, I doubt I will ever see them drop out for footballing reasons, though like Rangers and Juventus there could be other reasons.

  32. Redshsirtswhitesleeves

    May 10, 2016, 14:40 #89288

    I'd love a return to the days under GG when we were detested by all others but that only made our success all the sweeter for it! Now we are nothing but a joke for the other top sides to ridicule and poke fun at, for which we have 3 out and out wankers to thank- wenger, gazidiz and kroenke, the 3 axis of evil that have completely decimated Arsenal Football Club as we once knew and loved it. The sooner the day comes when that cancerous trio have left our club the better. As for Henry taking over as manager- nooooo way!! A disaster in the making of ever there was one!!

  33. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 10, 2016, 14:33 #89287

    Have to agree.stan has to make a choice to safeguard his investment.a)sell AFC now for as much as he can get and pocket the money or b)lnvest millions to allow his investment to grow to the next level.if he does nither the value of his investment will go if you only want to win at the money end stan which is it to be*

  34. jjetplane

    May 10, 2016, 14:24 #89286

    Untold is now populated with jokes (wildly encouraged) by a certain BG and his 'joke collection' (circa 70s) which really brightens an AKB's day ..... now that is funny! This is proof that the club is degrading by the week under l'autruche with no apparent worry as long as the loose change from CL qualification can be divided between those top top Arsenal men who like l'autruche have supported Arsenal all their lives. A reminder - Arsene FC calendar championes 2015 makes them so much more invincible than previously thought. See Arsene FC's manager to be Thierry (makes Shearer look passionate zzzz) is joining the Beeb euro team for the summer and the big AKb agenda today is 'where will Theo go?' Just like that - cut adrift which is hardly a 'getting behind the players' especially when 3rd place glory beckons and who would have thought Arsene Fc would finish above the Manchester clubs and Chelski? What a club ....

  35. Tony Evans

    May 10, 2016, 14:12 #89284

    Hi Ron - we would be happy wouldn't we if we thought the club was giving it their best shot each season but we know damn well that they're not. A top 4 finish would be great if it wasn't considered by Arsenal as the limit of their ambition. As for Henry as manager, when you first mentioned it I was not convinced, but as time goes on the more I can see it happening.

  36. Rob

    May 10, 2016, 13:41 #89281

    Is stagnation - and we clearly are - a prelude to decline ? Could well be if we let it happen. Villa certainly and Newcastle - probably - are on their way out. Shocking given their supposed reach and history. Arsenal aren\'t too great to follow. So it\'s up to our lovely Board to provide guidance. Perhaps that prayer quoted the other day is apposite ?

  37. Ron

    May 10, 2016, 13:27 #89279

    Hi Tony - bang on mate. Don Howe looked at Leeds Utds grit spite skill and muscle and said, we ll have some of that and from circa 1968 the Gunners we loved were born. The insipid mid 60s were done. Detested but respected sums us up then i think. You know my long held view mate, Henrys a stick on. Perish the thought of it. PS Talk to Midlanders and most Northerners now and suggest 'Wenger out' and they're aghast. They think we re spoiled. They just see top 4 every yr as what they d want. They look at AFC through a narrowly selected and largely disinterested prism though.

  38. Tony Evans

    May 10, 2016, 13:17 #89277

    Ron / ArseneKnewBest - From when I first started supporting Arsenal in 1970 up to the end of GGs reign, one of the joys of Arsenal winning was the fact that you knew with utter certainty that a huge swathe of the country was hating every minute of it. We were the only team from down south that really ruffled northern feathers, until the rise of Chelsea under Ambramovitch. I reckon most of that hate has turned to pity or ridicule now such is the way we regularly capitulate and because of the soft, tippy tappy brand of football we play that Wenger so aspires to. As a footnote I see that Henry is now coaching the under 18s at Arsenal (in readiness for taking over the reigns from Wenger I reckon). One sulky, petulant Frenchman to another - great player - yes, Captain - no, Manager, not in a million years!

  39. Ron

    May 10, 2016, 13:04 #89276

    Arseneknew ... that right. Utd drew on Munich a lot way back and the massive swell of affection that gave them allowed them to grow their commercial base, though my Dad used to say that Utds cavalier football pre Munich made them very popular. Liverpools appeal arrived via Beatlemania and Bill Shankly grew it from there, plus 5 ECs help of course! All of this sentiment has lasted the test of time hasnt it. The London Clubs have always been more insular and haven't had these massive events to propel them into the public's conciousness much beyond London really. Obviously, nobody wants an air crash to achieve it!! I think Arsenal had gained a degree of liking by other fans, especially in the Central region some yrs back, though its faded now. You're right though. Nobody would shed a tear if they went down.

  40. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 10, 2016, 12:57 #89275

    Ron : You are right about London being the only place you could pull the con of a "4th place trophy" Gentrified London is perfect for the Arsenal board, where else could you call "Nespresso" real coffee and charge £8.00 for a bowl of porridge infused with tropical fruits! Football, like London will be only for the "money printers" in the city or those daft enough to think they still have a football team to support in Arsenal. The madness continues.

  41. jjetplane

    May 10, 2016, 12:53 #89273

    Good stuff NICK and it is like the AKBs have diluted 12 seasons and counting into 2 FA Cup wins which after the Watford humiliation which Hull had warmed them up for they have stopped semi crowing about now. There is presently nothing in the locker but tarnished memories and if this carries on for the next 4 years with the likes of Giroud still 'leading the line' then it is possible that once Arsene FC lose a 'top 4' holding (possibly next season) then the AKBs will re adapt to really fighting for top four but happy enough with top 7 or 8 as the real idea for 'the Emirates experience' was a day out for 'families and friends' with the football tucked sublimely into the package. Looking forward to the raucous celebrations that will accompany the Villa win (pertinent) and third place and the beginning of a new age where Arsene FC will be bothered more by the likes of Tottenham than the other way around. Really good, thoughtful article.

  42. Nick

    May 10, 2016, 12:15 #89270

    What an anal comment the AKBs " be careful what you wish for " is , they are petrified of change, take no account of the FACT that their holy one is now 67 years old, past retirement age, it is also a fact that whether we wish it or not your mind and body begin to slow down with age, you are also less likely to be adaptable or open to new ideas as change becomes anathema to you, you become more stubborn and more cranky and have a tendency to hark more to the past than the future, its a natural chain of events that in some ways affect us all eventually, so far from being careful what you wish for you should be far more wary of what you DO NOT wish for , a football club must move with the times it must NOT rest on its laurels or one day you will find yourself in the position of an Aston Villa, or worse a Wolverhampton Wanderers, a Preston N.E. A Huddersfield ( the first team under a REALLY great manager to win a hat trick of league titles) all GIANTS of the PAST, the past is where Wenger and his acolyte's abide staunchly trying like Canute to halt the tide of change!!

  43. goonersol

    May 10, 2016, 11:52 #89268

    Leicester winning the PL proves anything can happen, but while money is the current objective for Arsenal, we may be immune to relegation worries for a while . What Arsenal need is a winning mentality but while we have the current regime, Money will always come before glory. Many " big" teams have been relegated due to mismanagement both on and off the pitch, currently our mismanagement is minor and mainly down to Mr Wenger accepting mediocrity , once they see revenue fall they may do something about winning....... The fear of the relegation scenario plays into the AKB's "careful what you wish for " mantra, as long as they are happy with Wenger and his under achievement the good ship Wenger will sail on rudderless............Wenger and Regime out.

  44. jeff wright

    May 10, 2016, 11:41 #89267

    adrian lohrey, that Daily Star football writer Woolyhead, or whatever his name is, actually used the tired old 'be careful what you wish for' line the other day in an article that was supposedly supporting Wenger. However he did also admit that things are rather stale at AFC under Wenger now days with the same old failings every season under his management. He suggested that Wenger should bring in a new man to help him out .Well we all know that will never happen in fact pigs will fly first before Wenger - the absolute control freak - ever admits to needing any advice from someone else! Tbh, the article seemed more about dissing Pier's Morgan the arch Wenger critic - so a touch of the old Fleet St rivalries looks to have been involved in it all.The drunken chain-smoking bellicose old Etonian Merchant Banker AFC chairman of the bored Hill-Wood himself used to be quoted rather a lot in the Daily Star for some reason or other. Usually in his own inimitable fashion making similar claims about Wenger being indispensable. Although Hill-Wood also once stated that Kroenke was not the sort that we want at AFC. Later he retracted those remarks after Syrupy Stan waved a few million bucks at him. At the end of the day the Wenger years have been all about making profits ( yawn ) and just a couple of rather fortuitous FA Cup wins in the last ten years of his rather long tenure do not disprove that. Good old Arsene

  45. Arseneknewbest

    May 10, 2016, 11:09 #89265

    Ron - I agree. Manure and Liverpool have permeated the football fan-base in the rest of Britain far more effectively than Arsenal. Indeed, I remember walking out of my N5 flat on Saturday morning and seeing kids wearing their shirts rather than ours - madness. We're seen as flash southern sofites anywhere beyond SE England. In much the same way as I'd drink from the cup of schadenfreude if the other big clubs got relegated (and Spurs - remember 1977? punk was blossoming and the spuds were down), I'd expect them to do exactly the same in the unlikely event it ever befell us.

  46. Ron

    May 10, 2016, 10:46 #89263

    We are building - speaking as one who left London for the last time in 1984, i can honestly say that theres little sentiment for Arsenal North of Newport Pagnell! Nobody would care mate. Nobody ever cares about the Club that goes down. Im old enough to recall Utd going down in 74, perhaps the biggest and most shocking relegation in the last 100 yrs, though like Villa, it had been coming for a few years. It was big news outside of Manchester and amongst Utd s immense wider community of fans countrywide for a very short time, but only until the following season started. Believe me,Few care for Arsenal top side of the M25, even in todays hyped up TV fuelled footie environment.

  47. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 10, 2016, 10:25 #89262

    I know we never did it, but 'twas much easier to win the European Cup in those days. Four two-legged ties, (the first two usually a walkover) and then a final. As for relegation, it won't happen to Arsenal. Leeds and their ilk were living above their means and got found out. Villa's owner didn't want to invest in the team. Our owners, bless em, do actually allow that to happen - even if the signings aren't of "top top quality". And who outside of Birmingham cares if Villa go down? No one. Who would care outside of London if we did? Everyone.

  48. Ron

    May 10, 2016, 10:08 #89261

    Just read Arseneknewbest. Perfect answer. Aston Villa though pre Lerner had always been a well ran Club under Douglas Ellis. Always financially sound, though their fans detested him, claiming he never invested enough in the team. Villa are still sound enough financially due to the massive fans base, but the appointments of the Coach there has been dire for years. AFC are an almost perfect con job. Some body yesterday said its now 'an illusion'. Totally right in my view. I think what Arsenal has become could only have been pulled off in London. Clubs in the provinces are far more attached to their communities and as such, the supporters detect when the wool is being pulled over their eyes far quicker and react accordingly.In London, the bigger Clubs aren't. AFC has clothed itself in the trappings of a great football Club. In reality its football is just a by product. Theyve had a good run. Im not sure how long it can last, but just like the consumers have woken up to supermarkets and seen their corrosive influence, i think fans are turning against these big money Clubs of which Arsenal are one and all that they stand for.

  49. Gunner George

    May 10, 2016, 9:56 #89259

    Why not?No club has the divine right to be in the epl. Its on merit.Similarly MU haven't the divine right to the epl crown. The period 1993 to 2001 is effectively over. We aint going to see any team dominate like that period.It aint good for English soccer. If Arsenal aint careful they could be sucked into a relegation fight. Shades of 2011 .

  50. mbg

    May 10, 2016, 9:46 #89257

    tfgwrites, your certainly right about no fight, no pride, no effort, but there certainly is hope, as soon as we get rid of the one person who has caused and instilled the latter into the players and club and who is insuring we have no hope. Good Article. wenger out.

  51. adrian lohrey

    May 10, 2016, 9:41 #89256

    Be careful what you wish for. Disgruntled fans may want rid of wenger and Mr kroenke. The next manager may not produce success either. Arsene's here to stay as long as Mr Kroenke is.

  52. Arseneknewbest

    May 10, 2016, 9:38 #89255

    tfgwrites - Thanks, some thought provoking ideas in here. I reckon AFC are luckier than those other clubs you mention from a financial perspective. Located in a gentrified part of London with a fanbase of wealthy people willing to pay extortionate prices that bear no correlation to the recent level of success. That they have continued to make huge profits in the last 10 years in the midst of a serious global recession is testament to that. London and the SE has thrived while the rest of the country has suffered. West Ham, the Spuds and even clubs like Palace and Watford are also feeling the economic well-being of inhabiting planet premiership so it's not confined to us. I agree that if you're a club not in the premiership p*ssing competition, e.g. Charlton or Millwall, then the financials won't improve and will either stagnate or slowly deteriorate. Arsenal are run by money men and weng has sold his soul and his football credentials to join them. I think the calculation in his mind is all about keeping the gravy river flowing rather than worrying about fans, their desire for success, and what the club stood for til his dictatorship started. If the performances on the field became even more dire and the premier league position was ever threatened, then money - just enough money - would be spent to avoid the dreaded relegation from the top table. Man City and Chelsea are run by mafiosi for whom the idea of mediocity and/or regression is not even a concept they are prepared to tolerate. Toupee man and Weng, on the other cash-grabbing hand, are all about doing just enough to maintain an illusion of competition and genuine striving for success. We know better of course and can see through it. it's a shame that all the other matchday consumers don't realise that they are being hoodwinked.