The Three Eras of Wenger

Le Boss should be separately judged from 2013 onwards

The Three Eras of Wenger

Arsene and Arsene fans like to merge his 19 tenure into one continuous assignment whereas there has clearly been three very marked periods he has had to manage the club through and it is the last period which has led to the harshest criticism from many fans.

The first era was 1997 to 2004 – the glory years. Arsene had the club punching well above its weight due to cutting edge methods and astute buying.

The second was the stadium years 2005-2013 where the upfronting of £120m of season ticket money and sponsorship deals and their investment in bridging the funding gap for the new stadium rather than in the team led to project youth and then following its collapse in 2011 an enforced make do and mend approach. That this period coincided with two new owners pouring hundreds of millions into their teams compounded Arsene’s disadvantage and rightly led to him being praised far and wide for his ability to keep the team competitive and stay loyal despite many many offers. At least twice he nearly built a title winning team but twice faced betrayals from players he had made (Fabregas and Van Persie), a bitter pill to swallow.

The final era spans 2013 to the current day and encompasses the last mega TV deal and new sponsorship arrangements which added over £70m pa to available cash flow and coincided with the FFP initiatives of both UEFA and the Premier League which enforced self sustainability on nearly every club and levelled the financial playing field for the top 4. These are the money years with the club now having £250m pa to spend on new signings and wages and it is these years on which Arsene is now being judged relative to his peers who have all lost their jobs.

For Arsene it meant being judged as a buyer of mature talent as well as a developer and for many there was a nervousness as to how he would cope. His first forays into buying in a big way were in 2011 when Cesc and Nasri left and involved a £70m trolley dash for replacements. In retrospect many of these buys didn’t work out (Gervinho, Santos, Ox) but some did (Merts, Arteta) and then in 2012 he followed up the loss of Van Persie and Song with buys for Santi, Giroud and Podolski – another mixed bag but that was the make do and mend era and he stayed true to his philosophy of attractive possession based football.

In the money years, he first bought just Ozil in a last minute deal placing faith in his young English core who fell foul of injury and poor form and Sanogo a bargain buy that didn’t pay off. In year two he went big buying Sanchez then Chambers and Welbeck but left himself exposed in defence and in goal where he retained faith in the erratic Szczesny. Then last year he got hold of a steal in Cech but again retained faith in his English core who he hoped would finally deliver in midfield and attack. They didn’t.

However, perhaps the bit that is losing Arsene support more than anything is the team’s playing style and tactical nous. The arrivals of Ozil and Sanchez seem to have led to a disjointed style that is neither possession based nor counter attack. Often it seems the strategy is just to give the ball to Mesut or Alexis and wait for them to do something special and all the while the young English core seem to have gone either stale or gone backwards: Ramsey - still lacking composure, Walcott - less of a player than he was 8 years ago, the Ox - less of a player than he was 5 years ago, Chambers - forced into playing a position he is not suited too, Wilshere and Welbeck - tragically injured.

Meanwhile, a new breed of coach has arrived playing strict, intense, pressurised football that excites fans and makes for exhausting viewing and so there is a sense Arsene has been overtaken by time and that it is time for the club to move on. What Arsene and his fans can’t do is keep harking back to the pre-2013 years. That period is over, he now has money, has had time and has a level playing field financially and so must be judged purely on results and a falling annual points total isn’t great.

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  1. mbg

    May 13, 2016, 13:46 #89494

    Brad Lancaster, I don't think it would come as much of a surprise to find out he never has.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    May 13, 2016, 10:12 #89478

    I actually think it was a good press conference, in that Wenger denied there was a new contract in the offing. Obviously we know Kroenke will offer one as he doesn't care about sporting success, but the ray of hope must be that, like in 2014, Wenger doesn't plan to sign until the end of the current contract. It's really difficult to see anything other next season than further decline, which would hopefully make the signing of a new contract untenable, and he'd simply leave when this one expires.

  3. Augustus Flair

    May 13, 2016, 9:49 #89476

    This extract from BBC Online's coverage of the boss' press conference sums up why he should leave on Sunday. 'Arsene Wenger backs Theo Walcott for Euro 2016. "He should go, he has gone through a bad spell but in the last month he has come back very strong and worked hard.'" What on earth is he talking about. Walnutt has been atrocious in his last few subs' appearances and even the AW apologists have commented on that. Please give it a rest - this is delusional stuff.

  4. Paul Heaton

    May 13, 2016, 8:01 #89475

    RedPig. You"ve absolutely nailed it.

  5. AMG

    May 13, 2016, 7:41 #89474

    Good article Simon - A nice piece of a analysis, not without its flaws (English Ramsey, Cesc/RVP betrayal), but considered and original. Bate wrote something similar on Sky Sports, maybe he copied your idea.

  6. RedPig

    May 13, 2016, 0:58 #89472

    I feel a you are too lenient towards Wenger for the 2nd era you mention Simon. Project Youth wasn't forced on Wenger, he wanted to do it and was so keen to get it underway that he broke up a very good team way too soon. The last thing we needed when moving to a new stadium was an unsettled and unbalanced team but thats what Wenger allowed to happen Also, the financial restrictions he was working under have always been vastly exaggerated - if not completely falsified (see the annual wage bills at that time) There was so much was wrong in the attitude of the players in areas that were not related to money that its almost irrelevant anyway. Arrogance, complacency etc. are the main reasons we didnt challenge for any titles. Quite simply Wenger was not good enough at developing a young team. Project Youth could have worked and been something exciting. Something that Arsenal fans could have been proud of. Wenger failed at doing it well. He failed because he doesnt know how to teach players winning habits while at the same time keeping them hungry and disciplined. His way of making them stay was to pay them way more than they were worth. It was buying loyalty basically and not only did they ruin a lot of potentially good young players, it destroyed the infrastructure of the club. The balance between youth and experience was wrong. And appalling decisions like making Gallas captain should not be excused. I give Wenger no credit for that period. They are wasted years. Getting top 4 wasnt even that great an achievement when you look at the teams we were competing with for that 4th spot. Wenger gets credit for building a new stadium ... the ironic thing for me is he wasnt good enough to manage Arsenal after he engineered the moved from Highbury.

  7. Brad lancaster

    May 13, 2016, 0:55 #89471

    20 years and he hasn't invited one ex player into the back room staff! All current yes men..... Dixon, keown, winterburn, Henry, Adams, platt, bergkamp and so on! At some point AW must of had a coffee with one of them, and thought to himself, yeah this a guy I can trust, who shares the same ideas, philosophy on football as me. Here's my card, you ever want a job call me! So 20 years on, and we don't have any plan in place on who to replace AW, we don't have system like Ajax, where basically every ex legend gets a job. Another failure from AW.

  8. mbg

    May 13, 2016, 0:43 #89469

    We can see you we can see you we can see you peeping out we can see you peeping out.

  9. Arseneknewbest

    May 12, 2016, 22:25 #89467

    Eras is an anagram of arse. I think that's a fitting sobriquet for Monsieur Weng over the past 10 years, possibly divided into pre and post-toupee sub periods when the great merkin arrived from across the sea and blotted out the light and warmth in N5 causing our current cretinous ice age. Now where's that bag of mushrooms...

  10. Don

    May 12, 2016, 22:22 #89466

    Wenger's time at Arsenal two parts.Part 1.1997-05 very good Part 2.06-16 an average manager happy to finish top 4 every year.For years Wenger told us we couldnt compete first with Chelsea then City.But that arguement was blown out of the water by Leicester City.And dont even go near Europe when you talk about Wenger.He's a complete failure.Can anyone really see Sanchez and Ozil staying when clubs that actually try to win titles are after them

  11. Mark

    May 12, 2016, 21:23 #89465

    I think true wenger was revealed once the ''winners'' at our club all departed one by one. David Dein / Ashley Cole / Viera / Henry / Berkhamp / Parlour / Campbell / Keown / Dixon / Seaman. My new theory is Wenger NEVER was a winner. He was intelligent enough to bring to the surface what was already there in 1996. Viera was his first purchase with immediate impact. Our older players found 15% extra power under Wenger's new regime. the rest is history. I rate him as a good coach, an idealist but I dont see Wenger as a winner. I see him as naive and not understanding at all of the techniques + strategies used by managers to create winning mentality. However there is enough firepower in Arsenal even today to ensure he can manage his way to a reasonable seaon but I do not accept that he can ever win anything again and this piece makes the key point. Football has changed and Wenger wasnt paying attention when it did and there's no longer anyone around him to tell him !


    May 12, 2016, 19:57 #89463

    The Ashburton Years: Location, location, location Anticipation, anticipation, anticipation Arsenisation Commercialisation Touristisation Frustration Desperation Constipation, constipation, constipation Wake me up in 4 years time.

  13. John F

    May 12, 2016, 18:53 #89462

    Just read this comment on Arsenal untold`finishing in the top four for twenty years is a much better achievement then winning a trophy every three years like Chelsea have".That's what we are up against fans devoid of any ambition.

  14. mbg

    May 12, 2016, 18:37 #89460

    jj, good post and question, yes when/who/where were these offers from we keep hearing about from the AKB's ? where did they originate from ? were they official ? I don't remember them, or were they just TOF and a couple of his Spanish or German buddies having a meal together that was nicely timed ? then TOF himself or his spin department did the rest, and i'd bet they were all around contract renewal time too. I'll tell you one thing if there was any truth in them at all he wouldn't have lasted twelve years of tippy tappy failure with them, he wouldn't have lasted two seasons, they have proper fans over there with ambition who don't suffer fools and failure, and again if true at all, that's the only reason he stayed and was loyal. wenger out by the weekend.

  15. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2016, 15:50 #89457

    Hi Bard - I have always looked forward to the start of the football season, but less and less as each year passes with Wenger in charge. Next season already seems like a lost cause and it's not even the end of May! I'm not normally a defeatist but how can you not be unless you have been brain-washed in to the cult of Wengerism.

  16. David P

    May 12, 2016, 15:15 #89456

    'twice faced betrayals from players he had made (Fabregas and Van Persie)' I would say the club failed them. They moved on and have had success elsewhere and you cannot blame Sanchez if getting fed up with the lack of ambition by board/AW plus playing with poor players led by predictable tactics. As someone else said we have no style of play apart from fins Sanchez and hope for the best at least years ago with Cesc, RVP, Nasri etc we attacked with pace and scored goals home games now are like torture and easy for the opposition to defend against. But until the board see having a strong winning team as a priority not a lot will change.

  17. David

    May 12, 2016, 15:14 #89455

    I don't think Wenger will be at Arsenal next year (2017). Things would have to be going very well come Christmas time for him to stay to the end of the season. Will probably leave by mutual agreement if Arsenal aren't in the last 16 of the Champions League. I wouldn't be shocked if he left before the start of next season.

  18. Bard

    May 12, 2016, 15:06 #89454

    Nice article and some good replies especially Ron's. I have written before that his really successful years came when we only had Untd as competition and he had the benefit of the famous back 5. Since then he has disappointed in truth. But im with Tony Evans. The depressing reality is that he will be here next year spouting the same old bollix.

  19. jjetplane

    May 12, 2016, 14:42 #89453

    So he stayed loyal while there were many many offers for him ..... From who exactly? So it was also the fault of Fabregas and RVP that Arsene FC have been **** for years .... Wow! One player at a time completely nullified Arsene's ambitions to change football for ever .... he failed at Monaco a long time ago and that is when he should have gone into accountancy proper and got lost in the banking sector dealing with Yankee sharks on the make .... Now just hold on there cowboy! .... Over important article about a nobody .... ps Did I ever tell you I used to play tennis, football lol!

  20. David

    May 12, 2016, 14:35 #89452

    Redshirtswhitesleeves, that Birmingham game and the following seven of which Arsenal won just one. Lost the title by 4 points because of that fragility.

  21. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2016, 14:29 #89451

    We can dissect Wenger's years all we want but it's the here and now that concerns me and the numbingly tedious thought of more of the same next season.

  22. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    May 12, 2016, 14:15 #89450

    I see Mr. wenger lite, Roberto Martinez has been sacked at Everton, there's another club with something to look forward to whilst we continue to be tortured with another season of wenger induced tedium and same old same old. For my money Wenger was mentally destroyed by the pizza-gate game at OT when we lost our 49 game unbeaten run courtesy of rooneys blatant cheating. Unfortunately this weakness soon spread to his players and we have been a bunch of chokers ever since. That game at Birmingham is a classic case in point. The way gallas and wenger carried on after that game is a disgrace. Could you imagine Tony Adams behaving like that, not in a million years. We basically gave in after that setback, both the manager and the players showed us exactly what they were made of- nothing. The league was still on that year but we completely bottled it, just as we have done this year and on other occasions since when a bit of MENTAL STRENGTH was called for. We are a club now very much in the DNA of our manager, in other words a bunch of pussies. Wenger out

  23. mbg

    May 12, 2016, 14:08 #89449

    Remember this date 1979 ? there were no bearded nice boy bottlers that day, could you ever see that happening under this old past it manager.

  24. David

    May 12, 2016, 14:02 #89447

    "Ron 12:28pm 12th May 2016 '2009 - the present - trod water.' " Agree. Nice and succinct! Arsenal from 2009-2010 onwards post-Kronke's takeover have set the bar at 4th and last 16 and not gone much above that.

  25. David

    May 12, 2016, 13:55 #89446

    The third era started somewhere between Dein leaving in April 2007 and when Kroenke obtained a 29.9% shareholding in November 2009. Wenger (or maybe just Arsenal) should be judged from that point on. Since then the best Arsenal have done is 3rd in the league, with two or three barely credible challenges ending before April, and one Champions League quarter final followed by six last 16 appearances.

  26. mbg

    May 12, 2016, 13:51 #89445

    Denis Burnham, yes, every young player we sign always seems to have promise (and a lot of the older ones too, (that's if they're not past it) that is until wenger gets his claws on/into them, he soon coaches the promise out of them, he's the ruination of a young player coming through, you just have to look at the ones you mention, I often wonder would a proper/better manager got more out of them and made them good players, others got out in time, they were old enough and wise enough and could see what was happening, RVP, not young but got what he wanted a Prem medal (something he was never going to get here) cesc, nasri, etc etc, it's might not be to late for some of those young lads with promise yet, apart from wally he's a lost cause although I wouldn't be surprised to see a proper manager getting more out of him, spitting jack, maybe he'd benefit from a manager who knows what he's doing to, one things for sure none of them are going anywhere under this excuse for one, and any young player (with promise or anything else) that comes anywhere near the place with wenger here is not wise, and being very badly advised, they'll just end up another young player ruined by wenger, or an injury statistic, or disappear never to be heard of again.

  27. David

    May 12, 2016, 13:42 #89443

    I think the third Wenger era began in February 2008 when they drew at Birmingham. Since that day they have barely managed to win a game when it mattered and not even against the big teams ergo this season's loss to Swansea at home. 2007-2008 should have been a title winning season regardless of the finances. The fragile mentality exposed that day still remains.

  28. Kenny

    May 12, 2016, 13:15 #89441

    So if Cesc and RVP had stayed what titles would they have won?The EPL or the CL?.You will be accusing Alexis and Ozil of betrayal when they leave

  29. mbg

    May 12, 2016, 12:53 #89440

    So twice he nearly built a title winning team but was betrayed by RVP and Fabregas, somebody else's fault again, yeah that would be right. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  30. Charles

    May 12, 2016, 12:49 #89439

    You say he was betrayed by Fabregas & Van Persie, I say he betrayed them & us by not investing in the transfer market and wasting money giving bumper contracts to average players.

  31. TJ

    May 12, 2016, 12:47 #89438

    Think Ron is bang on with his epochs there... 2009 the EPL started to decline in quality, took a nosedive in 2011 and still hasn't recovered. Wenger managed to engineer a self-imposed decline on our club. It was around 2009 that he started shelling out 50/60k a week for Bendtner, Denilson etc. which made us make operating losses of £20-30m per annum, forcing us to sell players when property sales wouldn't cover his reckless spending on wages. It was also from then that we really saw how inflexible he is - so idiotic to think you don't need to buy players to plug squad deficiencies, consider the opposition, consider defence etc., all this was heightened as the number of world beaters in his teams fell...

  32. Peter Wain

    May 12, 2016, 12:45 #89437

    which ever way you look at Wenger he is way past his sell by date. He needs to go sooner rather than later to keep some of his reputation in tack.

  33. mbg

    May 12, 2016, 12:43 #89436

    Simon a perfect picture of TOF on Sunday peeping out of the tunnel afraid to come out, and as bloody well you should be you old fraud, you've a hell of a lot to answer for, go now. wenger out.

  34. Ron

    May 12, 2016, 12:28 #89434

    Good piece Simon. I reckon Wengers 3 eras cd be simplified. 2006 - 2004 - Lucky. Lucky to inherit what he did, but used it well. 2004 - 2009 - Not so lucky but handled transition quite well, though willingly sold his career and identity as a Coach to become subsumed by planet Kroenke. 2009 - the present - trod water. No identity as a Coach. Became a willing spin doctor for his paymaster and lost touch with footballs changes and reality. His root failings as a Coach all surfaced. Overall view - a decent Coach, good at times. Needs to resign at the final whistle on the week end.

  35. Arsene's departure iS-a-no-Goals..worse luck!

    May 12, 2016, 12:27 #89432

    First bit was good ( Carboniferous ) middle bit (Cretaceous) last bit an epoch ( tertiary)..,..; sedate... Bore yawn.. Wenger out!

  36. Denis Burnham

    May 12, 2016, 11:20 #89424

    Just a couple of years ago we had several promising young English players: Wilshire, Walcott, Chambers, Gibbs, Jenkinson, The Ox and Welbeck. Mainly due to poor management, poor coaching, terrible medical and training systems there is only one or two still standing. It is a terrible advertisemt for a football club. I have been a Gooner since the early 50s and the club is crying out for change. Even Cech has gone backwards.

  37. anthony walters

    May 12, 2016, 10:51 #89421

    we are a good side but not great and wenger is a good manager still but not great this season could be summed up by asking who is our player of the year ?cech ,bellerin,coquelin,ozil,monreal,giroud and sanchez and possibly koscielney have had long periods of good form but in sanchez and girouds case long periods of poor form and the others drops in form.

  38. Nick

    May 12, 2016, 10:39 #89419

    I think you can dissect Wengers years more simply, in 2004 a great year but a year that could and probably should gave been even greater, poor tactics and team selection saw us go out of the FA Cup and the CL , when they were there for the taking , in 2005 our unbeaten run was unjustly ended but Wenger sulked and allowed the whole team to sulk to throwing away a five point lead at the top and meekly surrendering our crown , no back to back titles yet again, in 2006 a transitional year as the invincible side was broken up too soon culminated in a mediocre league season but a cl final where yet again WENGER got the tactics wrong after we went down to ten men, Pires should never have come off, since then apart from the recent FA cup triumphs against lets face it dire teams, we have cocked up every season almost at the same time of year, the same mistakes are made every year, only one thing is constant, and that's the man at the helm , who has been past his sell by date from 2004 onwards

  39. goonersol

    May 12, 2016, 10:18 #89417

    Whatever period you look at, The Good, the Bad or the Ugly, its just that I have no faith in Wenger anymore, I just don't believe he can build a team to win major honours. Wenger has hidden behind excuses too long, even now, blaming fans for Arsenal shortcomings. I don't dislike him as a person, its just as manager of my team , he has lost all dignity and respect, always blaming others, never respectful in defeat, unable to cross the winning line, not able to turn a game , not able to inspire, complacent ..........That's why I would like change, Wenger is no longer the manager he once was. .........Taxi for Wenger.

  40. anthony walters

    May 12, 2016, 8:53 #89415

    personally call me harsh but i don't think ramsey will make the england squad for the euros or maybe is it because he's

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 12, 2016, 7:44 #89411

    Simon- a well thought out piece splitting an often viewed two period stewardship into three. I would suggest that the firmly antis started amassing around 2010-2011. Some of us even then were cynical about the money excuses. Felt he'd gone stale and this was being reflected in what Nasri and Cesc were saying publicly. His continuation with very average players such as Almunia at times were simply mind boggling. The Alonso debacle pathetic and simply embarrassing over Cahill. I really began to think at this time that any manager playing high tempo would do us. I also remember Stoke away around this time and the disaster at Old Trafford. Most boards would have cut him loose at this point but of course fear of change held them back. Part 3 as you put it simply reinforced my view. I had a brief hiatus during the Villa cup win but after that the same old usual. My prediction is it will get even nastier next year.