After the 'TIME FOR CHANGE' protest

A Joint Statement

After the 'TIME FOR CHANGE' protest

1. We regard the 'Time for Change' protest organised for the Arsenal v Norwich game as successful because it achieved worldwide coverage to show many fans are unhappy and has made our club take notice. In spite of extremely limited distribution of flyers before the game, the club's stagnation and lack of ambition is now very firmly on the media agenda. Arsenal always state that their fan base is far larger than just those attending matches, so the opinion of all fans must be taken into consideration, including those who have been priced out of attending, or feel the club has lost direction under the current ownership model and choose to no longer attend matches for this reason.

2. It is with dismay that we habitually witness Arsenal fans fighting with each other over a difference of opinion. Unrest in the stands between supporters is extremely damaging for our club and we fear it will continue into next season unless there is some significant change and response from the club. We call on our club to publicly confirm that:
a - supporters are allowed a voice and that they are allowed to express their opinions in a peaceful, non-aggressive manner.
b - any fan that initiates violence on a fellow supporter inside the stadium, home or away will be banned for life, with use of CCTV footage to identify those that initiate physical violence.

3. We believe Ivan Gazidis and Stan Kroenke need to shed some light on the club's future ambition both short term and longer term, for succession planning and for the use of the club's considerable cash reserves. Their silence recently has been poor.

4. We are dismayed by Stan Kroenke's recent comments in the US which infer he is "not in it to win it". We believe leadership starts at the very top, and having an active majority shareholder on the board who is not motivated to push as hard as possible for on field success can only percolate down to others in key managerial positions. Can the majority owner publicly clarify his comments and state that he will change the club's policy to one that ensures Arsenal does everything in its power to achieve sporting success, without being reckless, rather than putting financial considerations as the main priority.

BSM, REDaction, The Gooner and Simon Hill, organisers of the 'Time for Change' protest.

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  1. Grant

    May 15, 2016, 20:55 #89607

    REDaction's mission statement according to their website: REDaction is a group of Arsenal fans with one simple aim: to improve the atmosphere at Arsenal games .... yeah right!

  2. Peter

    May 15, 2016, 8:02 #89574

    Well done David Post No. 94688 and Red Fred Post No. 94729. This will be the second year I have not renewed my season ticket and will go on until we have a great change at the top. Only trouble is there are so many other fans who want season tickets. I agree that if you have a season ticket do not go to a game and do not re-sale your ticket. We are Red Members and have been a few times this year and on all occasions the seat next to us has been taken by a non fan (i.e one guy came from Korea for the weekend to see Arsenal play another from S Africa on holiday for a week). I agree empty seats is the only way but the club will issue an attendance of near capacity even if there are 10,000 seats empty. If next season our club stay the same then I hope we finish not in Europe and where Chelsea have finished this year around 8th or lower. This willbe the only way to get change and bring our wonderful club back to where it belongs atteh top of World Football. The ladies have done it for so many years perhaps they should play in the premiership instead of the men.

  3. UTU

    May 14, 2016, 14:29 #89552

    Gave Arsenal Plc your money and it will be business as usual. Arsenal fans have anti regime banners take away from by 'Arsenal Stewarts' at the City away game and the Police even stopped a fan from holding a banner at the end of the match. The Club is run as a Dictatorship, no desent will be tolerated. Don't renew your season tickets and memberships and the club will have regime change.


    May 14, 2016, 10:03 #89530

    The only way we will ever know how many of us want change is for season ticket holders to pick a home match next season to not attend and not to re-sell ticket so the maximum of empty seats will be visible. If no decent signings are made during the summer maybe the first home game would be a good stsrt. The club may have your money for your empty seat but will miss the income from other sorces inside the ground. If you want change we need to agree on what game to not attend. Don't give up your season ticket, change will come one day!

  5. Shu

    May 14, 2016, 7:42 #89521

    I think we are very much on the minority and i don't think Stan is the one to necessarily blame as a lot of my issues have revolved around wengers transfer policies and how he is blind to our obvious needs , defensive midfielder , forward ,,centre back etc ! Usmanov was the answer but he was regarded as the devil , you see everything we domat Arsenal , is too little to late to nice , take the huge ticket prices for example , no one else would take that . So with Wenger yes give him some verbals and let him know but as a minority he goes when he wants i am afraid.

  6. stevers

    May 13, 2016, 20:00 #89515

    "BSM, REDaction, The Gooner and Simon Hill, organisers of the 'Time for Change' protest." I think you'll find that the "Time For Change message was going long before you "fangroups" hijacked and diluted it. It is also still going now that you have had your moment of fame and left. Please dont try to take credit for what others have been doing, passing it off as your own. You were nowhere to be seen 5 years ago when we were crying out for you to lead us and get involved. If you had the balls to do something back then, this nightmare would be over by now. Just a bunch of self-serving, arrogant, publicity-seeking, bandwagon-jumpers. Please crawl back under the rock where you have been hiding for years.

  7. GoonerMuzz

    May 13, 2016, 19:52 #89514

    Cowardly, nonsense statement once again from the supposedly leading supporters groups.... words like 'shed some light' or 'succession planning' are just corporate speak for 'we haven't really got anything to say worthwhile'. Prove us wrong, organise something big and meaningful which everyone can get behind or scuttle back to wherever you've all been hiding for all the unsuccessful years recently instead of jumping on the backs of those who were actually on the terraces enduring the abuse before you decided to 'help' out.

  8. mbg

    May 13, 2016, 19:48 #89513

    Alsace, great post, personally I've nothing against the wig wearer either, yes i'd certainly rather have someone more ambitious (like Usmanov ?) but I blame TOF for that, as I don't or never did buy that he held or holds funds from him, (how much is and has been available for seasons now ?)if someone with wengers power wanted them he'd have got them, simple, No all this calling and sudden calling for Kroenkes wig has a lot to do with all these AKB's, wengerites, his luvvies, groups, etc, suddenly seeing the light, waking up and taking their head out of the sand and suddenly realising (what a lot of us have known for seasons) that he's not the man for the job any more, it's time for change, but just still couldn't/can't bring themselves to admit it, and or say wenger out, Sad, so are implicating Kroenke and blaming him too, in order to not make it look so bad on their old messiah, and easing their own conscience in the process if you like, Sad.

  9. northbank123

    May 13, 2016, 19:07 #89512

    ****ing part-timers decide after a few years that they need more media attention so jump on the back of other people's banner protests (predominantly about Wenger), which have got more coverage than anything either of those groups have done for years. Having successfully turned that into a bit of a mixed message joke, their work is now done protesting. Having hijacked protests which were initially about Wenger, they now release a statement which doesn't mention him once because they'd rather take a broadside at Silent Stan which nobody is likely to oppose. Let's all unite behind RedAction's anti-board message after their Sod Off Jabba episode which is a proud moment in this club's fan history.

  10. Time for change

    May 13, 2016, 18:54 #89511

    The key part of this is the lack of ambition by Kronke and Wenger: "Wouldn't get involved to win championships", " First trophy is top 4". Pathetic and doesn't match consumets' (fans' ) ambition. Wenger and Kronke out. Now!!

  11. Stuart L

    May 13, 2016, 18:30 #89509

    Blimey strong stuff indeed - that will have Stan quaking in his boots. Wenger Out Kronke Out Enough is Enough We want our Arsenal back

  12. officepest

    May 13, 2016, 17:25 #89507

    Well done for coopting what a few brave souls have been doing for some years now and making a total hash of it. If you haven't got the balls to say you want Wenger out then it's probably best if you don't say anything at all.

  13. Nick

    May 13, 2016, 17:01 #89506

    So the rumour is Wenger is to be offered a two year contract extension, if the man has ANY honour he will refuse it on the grounds that he has failed to produce this season , also his age means he is nearing retirement, he should spend the summer clearing out the injury prone and consistently underperforming, buy in quality replacements then hire an assistant manager with the view of him taking over the reins at seasons end no matter what unfolds during the season, id like to see Eddie Howe given the job he would see what's wrong and what's right at playing level and then be in a better position the following summer to make the side his own , Wenger must not be allowed to linger at the club in any capacity it would undermine any new man taking over , unfortunately none of this will happen because Wenger HAS no honour he will stay I fear untill he is carried out !

  14. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 13, 2016, 15:18 #89503

    West Cork Frank:- I've been offered season tickets last two seasons on the trot. Like you say I think the 7 year bit is tosh.

  15. Ron

    May 13, 2016, 15:00 #89502

    If the papers are right, the thought of Ozil being paid 200 grand a week is more than enough to give me a warm feeling that jacking it in nearly 6 years back was perhaps the most inspired Arsenal based decision I've ever made. The Arse can keep Wengers product.

  16. West Cork Frank

    May 13, 2016, 14:30 #89500

    I don't doubt for a second that the groups who have made some valid points in the article have been very slow to represent those of us who want to see the back of wenger and kroenke. Why were there so few placards available for the Norwich game and why did they not call directly for wenger to go ? Anyway, the past is the past. Kenny is right, as long as we keep paying for and attending matches, nothing will change. David you're wrong. I don't believe anything Arsenal say, their lies about stewards taking banners off fans at the Man City game is just the latest example of their misinformation, a bit like all the players we are linked with every year. I would be very surprised if there is a seven year waiting list for season tickets, at the price they're charging ? No, what true supporters have to do is bite the bullet and give up your season- tickets like I did last year and not give any more money to those charlatans. Also, we have to protest outside the ground before each home match. Strength in numbers would stop those pathetic, cowardly arsene fc clowns from attacking true Arsenal fans, man and boy ! as they do so already in the ground with little in the way of condemnation from OUR club or attempts to prevent it from the stewards or the police. Has anyone heard of any sanctions been taken against those cowards for the multitude of attacks against peaceful protesters ? RED ARMY !

  17. David

    May 13, 2016, 14:25 #89499

    I know that Stan's clubs are generally mediocre and it is a shame that Dein didn't return with Usmanov's cash behind him. Dein had ambition which was clear from his dispatching of Neill, Howe and Rioch none of whom were capable of turning Arsenal into winners. Graham and Wenger did succeed, but only within the framework Dein provided. Had that old duffer Hill Wood been left in charge, Arsenal would have returned to the post-Whitaker days. With Stan in charge, I don't see any manager raising Arsenal to the level required to win The Premier League nor The Champions League. Whilst I think it is time for Wenger to leave, I don't believe the next incumbent will fare any better. They will just follow the Stan plan.

  18. jeff wright

    May 13, 2016, 13:59 #89496

    David, all of Stan's clubs meander along in mediocrity he is without doubt the most despised club owner in the good old U s of A - profit making is the name of the game for him. He keeps Wenger in his job for that reason and I believe that the next manager will be someone who does what Wenger does - with book balancing being the first priority. You are right about the type of signings that Wenger makes - although a couple of them such as Ozil and Welbeck looked to have been foisted on him because of pressure put on Stan by supporters demanding signings after a poor opening start. We had one again this term losing 2-0 to WHU at home - title challenger over ! However for some reason or other their was no great vocal demand for new signings afterwards although things did turn ugly at some away games for Wenger later on. Wenger when he first turned up at Highbury desperate and penniless from his lowly job in Japan was able , down to his at the time knowledge of French players, to buy some world class talent but those times are long gone. We should have young up and coming talent like Martial but instead we got lumbered with Danny Welbeck who failed to hack it at United .Tbh I can't see any big changes taking place under the wig wearers regime but have always believed that a better manager with more ambition than what Wenger has could possibly do better using the same resources that Wenger wastes due to his ignorance and arrogance . We will finish a long way behind Leicester on Sunday and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Villa prove harder to beat than many expect. Unlike Chelsea ,City and United, we don't have any excuses at all for having failed to make a title challenge this season. The reality is that we have just made par for the course in making third or 4th place as usual despite all of the advantages that were there to have done so much better. Wenger blames it on the home supporters ,the same dullards who , with some exceptions, largely support him. You couldn't make it up.

  19. jjetplane

    May 13, 2016, 13:54 #89495

    Untold are going to be making one great big ****ing pro-Wenger noise against Villa. All FIVE of them will be singing from international scout song sheets and are to be dressed with emphasis on big hairy knees and other insignia of extremist factions. If you see them - offer them a bob to park your gangstamobile - Word up Wobs ......

  20. mbg

    May 13, 2016, 13:26 #89493

    Kenny, I couldn't agree more mate it should have been a full blown wenger out protest, possibly that's not what BSM or Red Action wanted or intended but i'm sure that's the way the club has saw it whether they (the groups)liked it or not, hence the way they reacted and the way they're stooping so low in treating fans now, so it has certainly struck a chord somewhere, the old dictator himself i'd say so maybe something has been achieved. I'd also say if there is need for another protest (please God there won't and TOF does the decent thing) that's exactly what it is, an all out wenger out protest and all these groups nail their colours firmly to that mast and affiliate and align themselves with that cause or don't get involved at all, so we'll all know exactly where they stand. wenger out.

  21. Alsace

    May 13, 2016, 13:19 #89492

    I'm afraid that I don't understand the gripe against Kroenke. He hasn't geared us up to the eyeballs and he takes £3 million out of the club each year. Big deal. TSOF takes between £8 and 12 million and frankly Id rather Stan was managing Arsenal. The only thing against Stan is that he is keeping Wenger in situ, and he is doing that not out of sentiment but from the point of view of stability and profit. As soon as Wenger becomes a liability then he will be gone. No, our target is Wenger and his glass EGO. Only by making as much noise as possible about his blunderings and calling him out for them can we make any headway.

  22. David

    May 13, 2016, 13:05 #89490

    Kenny - "In the next few weeks season ticket renewal forms will fall on your doorstep.Do not renew." With a seven year waiting list, it will make little difference and just put you at the back of queue should you ever wish to return. jeff wright - I agree the actions don't match the words, but he didn't say "Not in it to win it" nor did he infer that. Ozil and Sanchez are arguably the only top players signed in recent years, but I would qualify that by saying both were surplus to requirements at Real and Barca like Welbeck and Cech. I struggle to think of any in-demand player Arsenal have attracted for many years. Maybe Sol Campbell was the last. Generally it has been a case of finding players not wanted elsewhere and them performing (Bergkamp, Henry, Vieira, Pires etc.)

  23. jeff wright

    May 13, 2016, 11:55 #89488

    David,actions speak louder than words and Stan by his own ones - such as awarding himself 3m a year bonus for services provided while at the same time hoarding multi-millions in the club's accounts instead of investing some of the loot in buying top class players says it all about him. Keeping a long past it zip fiddling on his sleeping bag happy to finish second for 20 years manager in his job on 8m a year because he helps to make profits is another pointer to where Stan's priorities lie.Anyway David I can't see how Kroenke's comments have been misinterpreted as you claim that they have been. For starters he doesn't operate this alleged policy of making money so he can buy top players does he now >? If he did do we might be champs now this season instead of chumps.The only player signed last summer was a surplus to requirements at Chelsea GK who was desperate to stay in London for family reasons for 9m . You couldn't make it up.

  24. Kenny

    May 13, 2016, 11:27 #89486

    The protest was a joke.It should have been a Wenger Out protest.Wenger runs the club from top to bottom.The RedAction and BSM are pathetic.RedAction think we have short memories remember the Love Arsenal Hate Usmanov banner they put up in the ground(which surprising was not removed by stewards) and of course the embarrassing I Love Wenger march.The only way to get rid of Wenger is a full blown boycott.Those fans who say i support Arsenal not Arsene are talking rubbish because everytime you walk into the Emirates its a vote for the Wenger regime.In the next few weeks season ticket renewal forms will fall on your doorstep.Do not renew.Today the media repoprting Wenger to be offered a two year deal that with the one year he has left mean he will be here in 2019.So much for the AKB's who said let Wenger see his last year.His last three years!!!

  25. David

    May 13, 2016, 10:46 #89484

    Begeegs - I doubt Silent Stan will ever say anything. I doubt he will even attend the AGM. As things stand the only way change could occur is by Wenger deciding he has had enough of managing Arsenal. Wenger is probably close to quitting knowing that he has zero chance of winning the European Cup and a slim chance of winning the league. Maybe next season could be like this with all the top clubs underachieving, but I doubt this team could take advantage. Any manager recruited by Ivan and Stan will have to operate within the current business model and sadly Klopp who would probably be best suited to that has already gone to Liverpool. The loss of Welbeck, the erratic form of Giroud and the incompetence of Walcott makes a striker Arsenal's biggest priority. It wasn't addressed last summer, but it needs to be now. I don't think Wenger will be Arsenal's manager come 2017. Either poor form or fan discontent will see him gone. Only if Arsenal are top of the league in December will he carry on. He will leave by mutual agreement before Christmas.

  26. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 13, 2016, 10:44 #89483

    Am I right in thinking that the AST were in this protest but are not part of this response? Shame. I note Tony Attwood is an AST member so it would be interesting to see if he had to run s no fighting note on his site. As he firmly blames us, censors dissenters whilst allowing angry sweary true believers to stoke up the atmosphere on Untold.

  27. NickF

    May 13, 2016, 10:30 #89482

    "We call on our club to publicly confirm that: supporters are allowed a voice and that they are allowed to express their opinions in a peaceful, non-aggressive manner." We know for a fact this isn't the case as the Arsenal stewards were taking away banners at the City game.

  28. RedPig

    May 13, 2016, 10:26 #89481

    REDaction are a joke and an embarrassment. I'm beginning to think the BSM are not far behind. Do these fan groups remind anyone else of the Judean People's Front and the People's Front of Judea? Arsenal fans were starting to do a decent job of organising protests before REDaction and the BSM decided they needed to wade in their desperate need of publicity. As a result they had a negative effect what was planned at the Norwich game. REDaction have a history of making themselves look like fools. The ''march for Arsene' several years ago was shockingly misguided and being used by the club with their anti-Usmanov agenda shows how easily manipulated they are. Keep away REDaction you've done enough damage already!

  29. goonersol

    May 13, 2016, 10:21 #89480

    The malaise at the club will not change while the regime is still there, they have grown fat from doing next to nothing, and while mediocrity and complacency is accepted our voice & opinion does not matter. If the regimes cared they would have entered into dialogue with BSM, REDac, Gooner etc, instead they stay silent and Wenger blames the fans, assisting the AKB's in their Anti Change propaganda and the In fighting that followed. The only thing that may have made them stop and take stock was not qualifying for CL, but as they make sure that we always achieve the minimum required, they are happy to wallow in the cash-cow that is CL and to hell with what the fans think ( the majority in my opinion) I cannot see anything changing, even if Wenger buys, and the talk of offering Ozil £200k pw, what's the point, when the strategy, tactics & will to win are just not there. ........Wenger & Regime Out.

  30. Begeegs

    May 13, 2016, 10:14 #89479

    David - I would agree with what you are saying, but can also see that because of the media, this has been misreported a bit (to sell clicks and newspapers), so it's probably best for everyone that Kroenke does say something. He's going to get asked this again at the AGM.

  31. David

    May 13, 2016, 10:09 #89477

    I am no fan of his, but Kronke's statements were misinterpreted a bit. What he was saying in his interview among other things was that owners can throw money at clubs to win titles, but can then decide to move on. He seems to have decided to be in for the long haul (sadly). His argument is that you have to run the club as a business so you can afford the best players. What he actually said... “If you want to win championships then you would never get involved. I think the best owners in sports are the guys that sort of watch both sides a bit. If you don't have a good business then you can't really afford to go out and get the best players unless you just want to rely on other sources of income."