Arsenal Circular 145 – Wenger’s still the man

Some still believe the current manager is a better bet than anybody else to lead Arsenal to the title again

Arsenal Circular 145 – Wenger’s still the man

Arsene Knows?

Last match of the season. We need a point to secure third place and a win might get us to second place if THFC slip up at Newcastle. I am not big into predictions of match results but like everyone else I have an instinct and sense a 5-0 win for THFC. They have slipped up in recent matches and will be so motivated to end up above us that they will be 100% focused on all three points. Actually they are a good side with good players and good manager and I expect them to be challenging for honours next season.

That is Spurs and we are Arsenal and we have our own issues. First, and it is said without any crowing at all, the anti-Wenger protest was pretty poor fare. For all the noise on social media and the heaped up insults and anger and sometimes vitriolic hatred for the man the protest was a damp squib and an embarrassment to those who wrongly believed they had numbers and right on their side. They were easily drowned out by the Wenger loyalists – and I count myself as one – who want the man to stay at the helm for next season and possibly thereafter as well.

Wenger is not a “done” man. He is not past his “sell-by” date. He remains the best bet to bring us honours. I know such words irritate the online gooners who line up to thrown bile at me. Such people are entitled to their view. Football is all about opinion. Football is an expensive game. Following Arsenal is a costly pursuit. Democracy must embrace all points of view though I do cavil at the sheer vulgarity of some. Put that to one side as it will be with us forever as it is an unfortunate permanent abuse of the freedom that social media provides.

For sure I know the moans and groans that people have about the lack of a title. This was to be our year and it was not to be and the manager is responsible for that. We have suffered too many injuries which have disrupted performances on the field. Sometimes we have lacked apparent mental strength to deal with setback as in the home match v Swansea but immediately here I remind fellow fans of the 10 man fightback at White Hart Lane and the determination to secure the crucial draw against City last week. And to those who wrongly say the players do not care please recall the celebration when Danny headed the winner against Leicester and more important, as an example of what I am saying, Koscielny’s goal against West Ham to get us back to 3-3. Yes, I agree we should have won that match but that is not the point. The players were stung by going 3-2 down and the rampant celebration that accompanied the equaliser was evidence of our desire and commitment.

The close season approaches and we will have to see how Wenger views his options. There are players who have fallen short – there are players that he will want to sign and there are players coming through for whom room needs to be made. Too many signings and young players will have no incentive to come to AFC – Bellerin last season and Iwobi this season need to be accompanied by one/two more next season. Players are moving on so there is room but Adelaide and Willcox and Bielik will be looking for a chance to shine. It will be an interesting close season and the injury to Danny also now affects how the money is spent.

Some call it stubbornness and a wilful refusal to see the real world. Others call it character and strength which are the indispensible qualities of a top manager. I want titles like you want titles but I also count an average position of 2.74 – second only to Bob Paisley and the stadium paid for and a strong balance sheet as really special achievements that justify the conclusion that it is best to wish for the one who has fallen short and wants to go the extra mile than the uncertain skills of any “top” coach plucked from the many that would want to be installed as Wenger’s successor.

And to those of you who write the nasties and the negatives and speak with venom about his record ask yourself whether you might just be barking up the wrong tree. Do you really want to spend your time looking for each and every negative to justify your conclusion that Wenger must go? You have an alternative – put the anger and the bile to one side. Cease focusing on the negatives and appreciate that you might just be wrong.

I am tweeting daily @arsenalcircular and have almost 2000 followers. It is lively and focused and full of good opinion

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    May 18, 2016, 13:59 #89715

    Another awful article from a man clearly delusional!! I said in 2009 that wenger will never win the league again!! Unfortunately I have been proven right and I stand by that!! If he could not win the league this season he will never do it again!! How anyone can argue against that with logical sense is beyond me!! All your main rivals have poor seasons who normally beat you to the league every year! You finally get a golden chance and your main rivals to the title are a bunch of teams who normally finish below your I.e Leicester City and Tottenham yet you STILL can't win the league!! I'm sorry you have no logical chance of winning again as the main finals won't all have shockingly poor seasons all at once for a long time!! Wenger is finished as a top manager and when he goes I will cry tears of happiness

  2. Croker

    May 18, 2016, 13:48 #89714

    Nicely written Arsene. Next week, Silent Stan on why I'm laughing all the way to the bank (and at all of you ).

  3. Exeter Gunner

    May 17, 2016, 21:02 #89710

    West Upper, it may have escaped your notice that Chelsea, the two Manchester clubs and Liverpool didn't follow your suggestion to 'Support the manager' in the face of their disappointment. So why exactly do you think we should?

  4. CT Gooner

    May 17, 2016, 2:37 #89677

    Ok Graham, time to "judge him in May". You're as happy as a pig in s$$t as we ended second, above Spurs, so everything looks rosy. Let's ignore all the signs of regression, less points, less goals, fractured apathetic fan base. No finishing second papers over massive cracks that your man Wenger has no intention of filling.

  5. Joe S.

    May 16, 2016, 19:51 #89671

    Shouldn't be surprised by any of the drivel that this guy writes, should we? Even reading this after our triumph against Villa and a trophy of sorts the piece sounds pathetic. Fair enough for expressing your views, but your Arsene is one lucky fraudster who loathes the fans and along with Kroenke is rubbing his hands in glee at the dividends to come.

  6. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 17:40 #89666

    There's always one, or in this case two.

  7. West Upper

    May 16, 2016, 13:17 #89650

    Hoorah! Some sensible perspective on our manager at last after the embarrassing anti-Wenger protests. We don't have a divine right to win the league every season despite what some supporters seem to think. Those same supporters need to stop throwing their toys out of the pram after every game when the team drops points. It's unbecoming of Arsenal supporters and is the sort of thing you expect to see from glory hunting Chelski fans. Am I disappointed that we haven't won the league? Of course, but no more disappointed than supporters of Chelsea, Spurs, the two Manchester clubs and Liverpool (not to mention the other clubs that finished above Leicester last season). Support the manager and the team.

  8. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 16, 2016, 7:36 #89621

    Leekey: Wenger leaving in 2017: Tick. Bob Wilson confirmed (more or less): Tick.

  9. Edmund

    May 16, 2016, 5:30 #89620

    Happy St Totteringham's Day. Be cheerful lads. There will probably be room for moaning next season but for now just enjoy what Rafa has done for us.

  10. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 1:03 #89619

    Exeter, those that see will certainly not be kidding themselves, but there are still plenty who are alright.

  11. Spike

    May 15, 2016, 23:38 #89618

    Giroud on MOTD 'we are very happy to come second...'. Sums the club up.

  12. Torbay gooner

    May 15, 2016, 23:33 #89617

    Thanks Newcastle, hope you come straight back up!

  13. Gaz

    May 15, 2016, 22:58 #89616

    Been on Twitter all night and for the first time in ages there's hardly any fighting or abuse going on. Thank you Spurs!!!...

  14. Leek fc

    May 15, 2016, 22:41 #89615

    Akb.... Just waiting for a response from Jeff how his team (mighty spurs) came third in a two horse race....... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  15. Peter Hughes

    May 15, 2016, 22:02 #89614

    They say the table never lies.True we were not good enough & were a well beaten 2nd best. I am sure that Leicester would have folded had we or one of the others had put them under pressure. That we did not after beating them at home is our failure & the football served up was not good enough more than any other season since Wenger took charge. The slow painful build up & the inability to put teams under pressure late in games or hold on to winning positions proved costly.Not once did I leave a home game having lost or drawn thinking we were unlucky. That for me was the real disappointment this season. Don't give me any rubbish that we were any less then our finishing position though.Second best was earnt but was not good enough especially in performances over the season.The table does not lie.

  16. Tony Evans

    May 15, 2016, 22:02 #89613

    Oh the delicious irony! Ha ha ha - you can always trust the Spuds to give you little light relief at the end of a very disappointing season for us.

  17. AMG

    May 15, 2016, 21:58 #89612

    "Crucial point against City" says it all about the mentality of the AKB's - Crucial if we were challenging for a title, but we weren't, Leicester already won that by taking crucial 3 points when it mattered. People like you deserve everything Wenger serves you Graham, enjoy it Arsene FC while it lasts.

  18. Leek fc

    May 15, 2016, 21:52 #89611

    Hey Jeff "always" Right ... You sure it was 14 years ago.????? since we last finished second. Try 11 years stupid. 2005. Gooner ? my Arse

  19. OBG

    May 15, 2016, 21:46 #89610

    This reminds me of those deluded people who gone on the X Factor believing they can sing - And even when the whole audience laugh at them, then boo and the judges 'Buzz them out' they still refuse to believe what the world and his dog are telling them "No". And sadly Wenger has become one of those people and the only people who still believe in him and follow him are also the same kind of poor deluded sheeple who do not have that thing called Common Sense. Sad...But True.

  20. Exeter Gunner

    May 15, 2016, 21:16 #89609

    Obviously it is very, very funny how Spurs could not even manage that single point with games to go. However, let's not kid ourselves. They've had a better season, they lasted longer in the title race. AFC have declined in points total for the third season in a row. Thats the reality. Only those who support the man rather than the club want him to carry on.

  21. Leek fc

    May 15, 2016, 20:57 #89608

    So jj, we are not allowed to celebrate the mighty spurs finishing below us yet again and they are going to be "strong next season" . Ha ha ha. Never done it under the Wenger reign so why will it happen next year. I'll give you some odds if you fancy it...... How about 5 to 1....... Ha ha ha ha are made for each other......... LOSERS.

  22. Gooner89

    May 15, 2016, 20:48 #89606

    No wants Wenger out more than I do But you can't enjoy today I don't get it Check some of he Spuds forums. Hilarious Biggest smile I've had all season. Emirates was rocking. It does not cover up the shortcomings but it's still a great day to be a Gooner Wenger out

  23. Leek fc

    May 15, 2016, 20:41 #89605

    You are gutted ehhh "always" . Poke ya 4th place argument mmmmm yeah you know where. Wenger must stay.

  24. anthony walters

    May 15, 2016, 20:39 #89604

    just enjoy.if you cant enjoy today in the circumstances you aint arsenal bigger pictures can wait another day.

  25. jjetplane

    May 15, 2016, 20:33 #89603

    Yep - and there's a couple on here tonight showing there AKB colours because they got in front of the Spuds because they imploded .... Next season the Totts will be stronger and Arsenal will have Giroud leading the line. Maybe even Sanogo coming back but the disciples will hang on to anything because it is they who are not Arsenal - just boring old Arsene ..... Pathetic. On the other hand Millwall ..... wahay! What you on here for anyway - the party is over on Untold lol!

  26. jeff wright

    May 15, 2016, 20:30 #89602

    So what is there to get excited about we won nothing this season and finished 10 points behind Leicester in second place , there is no difference between 2nd and 3rd other than the bragging rights over the mighty spuds who lived up to my prediction that that would choke when the pressure was on see how they run... Never mind though Arsene will be with us again next season ( yawn) still playing his boring tippy tappy to excite Lee k fc and co ... I noticed that the old fool looked well stressed out again waving his arms about like a dysfunctioning wind turbines blades while pulling funny faces and shouting angry comments at Bouldy who sat sweating like a condemned man in an electric chair dreading the Villains nicking an equalizer when we were toiling to score a second goal.. just as well he took off Jack who was about as much use as a chocolate tea-pot he was getting rather stroppy with others as well ... big Olly done well so that's him and Danny Boy set for next season up front with Wally for back up .That is when Danny Boy - who now has two dodgy knees instead of one - eventually returns . You couldn't make it up.

  27. Alpha6bw

    May 15, 2016, 20:06 #89601

    Sorry to break it to you Graham the fact of the matter is that Wenger builds teams to reach the top 3 spots below the champion spot of the premiership to qualify for the champions league for the last 10 years and not win either competition is not what alot of fans signed up for since the move to the Emirates. How in the world is Wenger going to win the league title with Ozil and Sanchez going out of the door and replaced with cheaper inferior players while hoodwinking the fans with ludicrous news headlines stating the club will do everything to sign Lewandowski if he leaves Bayern which is about as real as a comeback tour for Frank Sinatra, James Brown and Elvis. Fans that are for Wenger are the laughing stock of football and a wet dream for silent stan!

  28. Nick

    May 15, 2016, 19:45 #89600

    Ok, no true gooner would not have enjoyed todays comic relief, the cock sure cockerels going down 1-5 to ten man relegated Newcastle blowing the chance to finish above us for the first time in a generation was pure comedy genius! Our 4-0 win over another relegated team at least gave us some cheer, it must not be allowed to cover up the failure this season has been though,or seen as a forward step from last seasons third place finish , we should have won it that we didn't is down to the stubbornness and parsimony of one man, WENGER OUT !

  29. Leek fc

    May 15, 2016, 19:30 #89599

    Finished above the mighty spurs again.... Tick. Finished in the champions league again...... Tick. Pi55ed off a few negative supporters.... Tick. Best manager the club has ever seen..... Tick. Arsene knows best..... Tick. Nice work Mr Wenger. Thank you for a season that we ended up as runners up and we did our job against the champions home and away.

  30. anthony walters

    May 15, 2016, 19:18 #89598

    gooneron exactly .take a day off from the wenger in or out debate for crying out loud !just enjoy we won 4-0 spurs lost 5-1 we played them 3 times this season drew twice in the league beat them in the league cup and pipped them to second place for st totteringhams day!if you can't enjoy today you are not an arsenal supporter.end of story!!!!!!!!

  31. GoonerRon

    May 15, 2016, 18:34 #89597

    If you can't laugh your head off at how that ended you are dead inside. FOREVER IN OUR SHADOW.

  32. mbg

    May 15, 2016, 18:09 #89596

    At least TOF wasn't grinning and smirking in his post match, maybe he feels like the rest of us, doubtful but you never know. wenger out.

  33. Peter

    May 15, 2016, 18:03 #89595

    Did anyone see Ozil on the lap of honour? I did not does that mean he is off?

  34. mbg

    May 15, 2016, 17:49 #89594

    If only the cart horse and his nice boy mates could do it when it mattered, when there was something to play for, with the pressure on and against proper opposition, poor little down and out relegated villa beaten into submission and tippy tapped to death by TOF and his little technicians, oh what players we have, no doubt that's us all ready to go now next season. wenger out tonight.

  35. jjetplane

    May 15, 2016, 17:33 #89593

    Do believe Wenger will sign that extension nice and quietly like and with Giroud flying and already shooed in for Euro golden boot Arsene FC are ready to go for the next four seasons and great to see Arteta do or even outdo Adams with that runners up clincher off the bar/the back and tears all around and Jack sensibly taken off in order to lead Engerland to top glory eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ......... Loved Steve Claridge saying 'everything's all right at Arsenal now....' while laughing his head off! Well done AKBs your support and brutality has been second to none and what are the bets for finishing above Spuds, Saints, Toffees, Hammers, Stoke, Scousers, both Mancs and Chavs, Leics and Burnley. All very happy over on Untold where most of them watch the streaming of matches and none seem to be there .... funny that .....

  36. Goonersol

    May 15, 2016, 17:16 #89592

    In another season of underachievement let's enjoy finishing above the spuds. 2,3 or 4th does it really matter, we have papered over the cracks once again, Wenger and his AKBs are vindicated and all is well in Wenger's garden,..... Groundhog season awaits. That said , can u hear those spuds crying .... Wenger & regime out.

  37. John Evans

    May 15, 2016, 17:13 #89591

    4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st?

  38. Smithy

    May 15, 2016, 16:59 #89590

    How the hell did we finish second?

  39. Th14afc

    May 15, 2016, 16:51 #89589

    St Totteringham's happened again

  40. mbg

    May 15, 2016, 15:16 #89588

    Tony Evans, yes mate wining is not important, did you ever hear anything like it in your life ? Sad in the extreme, jesus H is it any wonder we're in the state we're in with this past it manager with a fan/fans like that, and I use the term fan very very lightly indeed. Go now wenger and take your worshipers with you.

  41. mbg

    May 15, 2016, 15:00 #89587

    Heads up everyone or should that be down, for the usual wenger end of season bore fest, you'd think we'd be used to it by now, but not doubt some are getting moist.

  42. mbg

    May 15, 2016, 13:44 #89586

    Alsace, I would bet on us definitely winning something with that scenario without a doubt, at least we'd have a manager who knows what he's doing. wenger out tonight.

  43. jjetplane

    May 15, 2016, 12:53 #89585

    So three of Wenger's most astute signings (Artie, Flammie and Sicko) say farewell amidst much tears from the AKB frat house. The Ladies beat Chelski (the boys never will) in some cup and as so many teams who made up the PL a decade ago are now in lower leagues it does make the top 4 achievement for L Ron Wenger that much more remarkable and something to be celebrated eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ...... Just found a Untold twitter page and the photo looks like well - is he having a sex change?! ..... Carry on Corrie! Estimated crowd today will include planeloads of Belgiums in full scout wear all flown in for massive Arsene the ultimate Arkela .... dib dib dob dob tip tap tip tap .... come on Millwalllll! .....

  44. jjetplane

    May 15, 2016, 12:24 #89584

    Some great posts and Leek has made a very good point eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ......... lol!

  45. Goonersol

    May 15, 2016, 11:07 #89583

    A pro Wenger article with very little substance, Wenger has had 10yrs of trying and has not been able to turn Aresnal into winners. The case against Wenger is of his own making, he accepts mediocrity and finishing 2nd,3rd, 4th as some sort of achievement , finally most fans no longer agree. We all what the best for Arsenal , sadly those in charge just want cash ££££, . Wenger knew if he went elsewhere they would not have tolerated failure for too long ( Barca, Real, PSG) that's why he stayed as he knew the new stadium would buy him time,,,, that time is well and truly up, Wenger has no where else to go, looks like we will drift along for another season.......Wenger & Regime out.

  46. Torbay gooner

    May 15, 2016, 11:03 #89582

    Graham, astonishing article which flies in the face of all reason. I am though going to be worried for you when Wenger finally does leave, how will you cope?

  47. Nick

    May 15, 2016, 10:54 #89581

    David, you dissect my post and conclude that I'm living in the past, when wishing for players with hunger and fire in their bellies and supporters who actually care as opposed to those who simply accept the status quo and go not to see THEIR team win but to be entertained, well maybe I am or maybe I'm not as apathetic as yourself, I refuse to accept the status quo and I'm infuriated by those who do, as they help perpetuate the situation, apathy is prevalent in society these days with too many saying " there's no point in complaining nothing I do will make a difference" forgetting that real power always has been with the masses at least when they realize that power is there's, we CAN force change history shows us that ! As for all players being mercenaries yes that is true but a mercenary has always fought best for those who pay the best and have the most AMBITION no mercenary in history has wanted to be employed by a losing side ! So I will continue to bemoan the path the Arsenal have taken I will continue to call for change , for a return to terraced areas, for a return.of the REAL supporter , for a return.of a club that is PROUD and AMBITIOUS but most of all for the REMOVAL.of the man who has done most to turn my Arsenal into a music hall joke and alienate the real fans of the club!

  48. Almunia is a clown

    May 15, 2016, 10:50 #89580

    Is this what the Wenger supporters are reduced to? Faith? Faith or propaganda, it's all the same thing & leads men down a blind path to destruction. Or in this case no serious league title challenges in 12 years. WENGER OUT KROENKE OUT NOW!

  49. Augustus Flair

    May 15, 2016, 10:15 #89579

    Graham states his case and, fair enough, he is perfectly entitled to do that. However, he signs off with "Cease focusing on the negatives..." which, unfortunately, is what he does with this apologist argument that flies in the face of the evidence in front of our eyes. Most ominous are the increasing banks of empty seats appearing like fungus all over the place. If you ever watch Championship games from the likes of Blackburn Bolton and Sheffield Wednesday then that is the sad destination to which we're headed. I personally cannot believe the decline of our once-great club and the fissures in the fan base now - like other oldies here probably I well remember nights like the European Cup Winners' Cup final in Copenhagen, 1994, a joyous celebration of what it is to be a Gooner. Where's all that now? Instead, we have have fans fighting amongst themselves (how that must tickle our friendly neighbours), children assaulted, and a club in near civil war (and I'm not suggesting you condone this behaviour, Graham). OK, it's only football, not real life, but supporting Arsenal used to inform and enliven the rest of my life no end... but no longer. In the dogged spirit of mbg and others then... Wenger out.

  50. Tony Evans

    May 15, 2016, 9:36 #89578

    'We should have won that match but that is not the point'. No, it is entirely the point and the main reason why Wenger should go. Too many games like the Westham game where we throw away winning positions - which has been our downfall for years now. Must I remind you of the 4-4 at Newcastle? What has changed since then? I'll tell you - a big fat nothing and it won't until Wenger leaves.

  51. Arseneknewbest

    May 15, 2016, 9:13 #89577

    Check out this morning's Guardian (Graham I know you normally get your nosebag of news feed from the Daily Heil but give it a try eh?). None other that that literary giant Ray "Pizza" Parlour's autobiog is featured with a possibly true story about why Weng signed Stepanovs. Fooking hilarious if true - you probably couldn't make it up. What a loser.

  52. Arseneknewbest

    May 15, 2016, 8:44 #89576

    Alsace - Interesting analogy. I agree that anything other than the pursuit of filthy lucre and securing weng's tenure of doom are of no consequence to the club these days. Graham - how does it feel to give your loyal and unwavering support to a commercial company? You're being mugged off by Arsene Inc., cowson. Anyway, back to happier matters Alsace - I spent five years living in Washington DC and would often drive the 40 or miles up to Harper's Ferry. I'm not a civil war enthusiast, but once happened to be up there during some sort of re-enactment. I had some mates over from London and the enactment people eavesdropped on our conversation (probably about the merits of putting Paul Davis in an all-time AFC XI instead of Steve Williams),and the next thing I knew, I was being coerced into some sort of docey doe-ing activity with a bunch of ladies that looked like they'd been on the set of the little house on the prairie. Good times - fortunately I was a little drink at the time. Yee-haa!

  53. Peter

    May 15, 2016, 8:14 #89575

    If Arsene stays next year which seems inevitable why do they not bring back David Dein. Since he has gone we have gone down hill. He and Arsene won us all those trophies. If we stay the same again next year, as I have said before, hopefully we come 8th or lower and also more and more empty seats, that is the only way change will happen

  54. Alsace

    May 15, 2016, 6:39 #89573

    I am reminded of the American civil war where abolitionists were castigated by those, including some respected persons in the Supreme Court, who maintained a great wrong as orthodoxy. An orthodoxy to be maintained in the face of an obvious truth. TSOF has not been an effective coach in almost any sense for at least a decade and maybe more. There is no area of the club's operations which have been effective in securing the pre eminence of Arsenal Football Club during that time save two - the garnering of cash and the preservation of employment of the manager. If Fat Sam Allerdyce came in and drilled the Defence for two solid years and brought Jermain Defoe with him, we would be better off as a result and if I owned the club that is exactly what I would do. We might not win anything during that time but at least we would be in a fit state to fight and move on, and what is more, we would have our self respect back,as well as some hope. Harpers Ferry anyone?

  55. Mathew

    May 15, 2016, 6:36 #89572

    Well Graham, you haven't proved anything else other than loyalty to Arsene by this article. For you its the manager which matters, not the club. Stats say Arsenal is to earn the highest revenue among all PL clubs, even more than League winners LCFC and a summer went past without recruiting an outfield player. Everyone including Arsene knew that this was our year and we lost it in the summer itself. A minor strengthening was required and we failed miserably, so called spine was missing. Now just sit and watch, players like Alexis and Ozil are going to leave the club for new pastures. They have tasted glory and they will look for clubs who wants to fight for trophies. For me that is going to be the day Arsene's season will be vindicated. A mere example of West Ham is enough to prove you that luck is not enough, but you need to be daring as well in life. ManU may have faltered in this case, but so many have proved changing a manager has bought them new scales in season. Spurs are building, LCFC have made it, Bilic almost got them to Europa League, just few examples to come out of your comfort zone of 4th place every year. If we are paying 8 million a year for a 4th place, then we should be really worried.

  56. Baz

    May 15, 2016, 5:08 #89571

    Is this a wind up???

  57. In the Luton End When Caesar Fell

    May 15, 2016, 3:17 #89570

    David Rocastle was and is my favourite player. One of the major reasons for that is he never accepted mediocrity as being good enough from himself or anyone else at The Arsenal.

  58. Wrinkly Voyeur

    May 14, 2016, 23:05 #89569

    well..errrr....overall...errr you belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve?? pfffffmwwwaaaahahahahahahahahahaha

  59. Leek fc

    May 14, 2016, 22:35 #89568

    Brilliant Graham. Absolutely my feeling on the whole scenario. Wenger must stay. The minority and negatives need to get over it.

  60. John Evans

    May 14, 2016, 21:39 #89567

    The sad things is AW is clearly going to be offered a new contract if he hasn't been already. AW is doing a good job as far as the board is concerned as the money keeps on rolling in every year. The real question is does AW have enough decency to do the right thing and turn the new contract down? For my money this will boil down to how much grief he is getting from the fans and media over the next six months. If the Norwich protest is as bad as it gets for him before the turn of the year he will re-sign. I fear that will be as it pans out and we will get AW for a minimum of three more seasons after this one. I don't get the impression that there is enough people who go to watch games that feel strongly enough to voice their opinions against AW whether that is due to respect for what he achieved in the distant past or just because most people in the ground would not make any noise about anything anymore.

  61. Hiccup

    May 14, 2016, 21:27 #89566

    This has to be the best AKB Comical Ali impersonation for some time. We are barking up the wrong tree? Those of us saying Wenger can't win the league just based on 12 years of failing have to start accepting we must be wrong? Which in turn means Graham must be right, based on the fact that we have the mental strength to come from behind against West Ham and Spurs to... er... draw? And as John F points out your quote that we've never had a better chance to win it, and... er... didn't come close, is further evidence that you are clearly right I suppose? A bit of advice. Just stick to the AKB HQ transcript of be careful what you wish for. There is a chance that we could slip from the nothingness of third to the nothingness of sixth place, but to argue that Wenger can win us the league again after years of all too predictable implosions will probably cause laughter within your own AKB fraternity.

  62. Exeter Gunner

    May 14, 2016, 21:11 #89565

    For everything else - Graham, respond to John F's quote from yourself. It looks painfully like you were simply unable to let Wenger go when push came to shove. Nothing more than that behind it. Time to own up or stop posting.

  63. Carlos

    May 14, 2016, 20:40 #89564


  64. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 20:34 #89563

    Roy, or that bloke Suarez for another example, remember the way our great leader handled that ? and made him and the club look ? a sackable offence on it's own, to go with the numerous others. Go tomorrow old man.

  65. jjetplane

    May 14, 2016, 19:37 #89562

    Just thinking to myself that the club I was born into, went to school with, Went to work with, lived with for half a century because that is what you did with your local club how I was lucky to have been with a club that had a definable culture and one you was proud to say you supported. That has all gone and not just for us old blokies what once were mods and skins and who were still in the area long after the crowds had gone but for the kids now not so well heeled out on the Holloway road knowing that is where the haves go for some food and light entertainment. Someone called it theatre though certainly not with the gravitas of Shakespeare or the mischief of Orton bur more the long running matinee of little substance that is just one of those things you do like Madame Tussaud. The current regime are perfectly set up for that type of cosmopolitan sterility, culture with a minuscule c and the ingredient of a little vulgarity as befits a formerly hard working crowd is now a mini police state run to precision right up to closing act each turgid season of a cementation of monies for a bunch of parasites. Am not happy like a lot of people to see OUR club destroyed by outsiders (AKBs) but it has gone so far I would not be seen dead in your company. You are not the Arsenal and one day I hope those kiddies on the Holloway Road come back to haunt you proper. You are not deserving of such an institution as Arsenal FC .... For now, have your Emirates Experience and when you are competing with the rest of the London clubs, just watch the well-heeled go to where a little proper vulgarity exists. AKBs are the embarrasment. Bloody hell - that woz a good nap!

  66. EN1AFC

    May 14, 2016, 19:09 #89561

    Not quite sure what to think or say anymore. No wonder we are in this mess. People openly accepting second (or should I say 4th) best season upon season with no improvement yet huge resources available. Oh and Graham you talk of vitriol and abuse.. boo hoo. Few nasty words being shouted at him, big bloody deal. Pay me £8m a year for that no problem! I would love to know your thoughts on the physical abuse being dished out by the Wenger Loyalists against anyone with a difference of opinion? If I'm not mistaken you were advocating this a few circulars back?...

  67. Roy

    May 14, 2016, 18:31 #89560

    Graham, I will respect your view as you clearly articulate your opinions which are always written in a style worth reading, even if I do not agree with them. It remains a fact however that Wengers inaction last summer cost us a realistic title challenge. It was obvious to most observers that a top draw striker and DM or centre back were needed to strengthen those areas. As it turned out, with the other so called big clubs underperfoming, Arsene could have got away with just the striker. Ozil will finish half a dozen ahead at the top of the assists table, but when you add on chances created to this, he is miles ahead of anyone so why weren't a higher percentage of these converted ? Wouldn't be the lack of a top class striker by any chance, would it ? If we'd had someone in the class of say an Aguero for example, that alone may just have been enough for us to be in the mix at the end, even allowing for whatever deficiencies we have at the other end. Instead of this, Wenger chose to show misplaced loyalty to certain existing squad members rather than being a bit more ruthless as he should have been and do what he is paid to do - manage. By being the only manager in Europes top 5 leagues not to buy an outfield player, whatever was gained by getting Cech was cancelled out by failing to address weakness elsewhere. The end result of this is that we have basically stood still. As we have seen, if you don't freshen things up they go stale. You may say that certain players he showed faith in let him down, whereas I would call them not fit for purpose and yet another in a long line of reckless gambles which haven't paid off, the big difference this time of course being that is was unexpectedly magnified by a certain team in blue from the Midlands. Another Summer now approaches with some proven quality needing to be brought in. Elneny is a start, he looks half decent but that's all it is. You cannot criticise one single poster on here who doesn't believe that Wenger will change the habit of a lifetime and leave us 2 - 3 players short of a realistic tilt at the major prizes yet again. All the evidence just points to that scenario just repeating itself until he goes. Wenger himself has cultivated this over a long period of time, so why would anyone believe it will suddenly be different ? Patience is a virtue, but blind faith is something else entirely. Many of us don't possess that "quality", and that is why you get protests which will only gather steam. For what it's worth Graham, I like plenty of others think that Wenger is way past his best and should make way for a younger, hungrier more dynamic and more tactically astute person. Unfortunately, it looks as if we will have at least another year in which to find him.

  68. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 17:55 #89559

    John F, nice one, Post of the day, we'd all love to hear the answer to that, but no doubt it would be just another excuse. wenger out.

  69. Gaz

    May 14, 2016, 16:46 #89558

    I've read this before haven't I? Good grief Graham offer some sort of credible argument to defend Wenger or just give it a rest. Oh and continually using the 'victim' card does you no favours whatsoever...

  70. NickF

    May 14, 2016, 15:44 #89557

    Your right football is all about opinions. Unfortunately a lot of the Wenger supporters just say like you "He remains the best bet to bring us honours" but never actually offer any reasons why they believe this.

  71. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 15:31 #89556

    Clarky, good shout, but you see guys like old circular here are, they're quite happy to bumble on with an old past it manager in the hope one day he'll come good old arsene will show em ( it's not even a case of proving everybody wrong now either Leicester have beaten their messiah to it) and that's/their part of the problem, they're terrified of change, and just can't see life after their messiah, even wanting him to stay on after next season says it all. God help us when we have fans who are more fans of the manager than the club. wenger out.

  72. jjetplane

    May 14, 2016, 15:20 #89555

    Poor little Online Gooner is in cahoots with the Reverend - all out for their own little bit Would make no difference if you lot were spuds, chavs though am beginning to think they are more honest. And it's good ****ing nite from me ...

  73. TeeCee

    May 14, 2016, 15:06 #89554

    Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  74. David

    May 14, 2016, 14:58 #89553

    @Nick - "...the home support is not indicative at all, made up as it is of corporates, tourists and self satisfied middle class types who have either never or long forgotten standing on the North Bank or the Clock end at Highbury cheering and singing as REAL men represented our club not overpaid, underperforming mercenaries" The thing is that they are the audience and they pay, so they have greatest sway. Ultimately that is the way football is going. Spurs, Chelsea and West Ham will soon leave their grounds and have 50-60,000 people attending a large proportion of which will see it as little different to a night at the theatre. Nowadays I tend to just go to midweek non-category A games as I can't keep weekends free until Sky/BT decide when the game will be played. I have ended up at Orient as many times as Arsenal this season because I know they will kick off at 3pm on Saturday. As for overpaid, underperforming mercenaries, aren't most top players that? Why else would they be in the Premier League? Now summer is here, it has been refreshing to watch GAA again and see amateurs putting their best efforts in. Money has spoiled football, but there is no putting the genie back now.

  75. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 13:55 #89551

    Exeter, they're certainly just like his messiah alright going round in Circles, do you think he's still stuck on that roundabout in Southampton ? wenger out.

  76. John F

    May 14, 2016, 13:23 #89550

    "There can be no hiding-we have never had a better chance to win and if we blow it this time the pressure on Wenger will be too difficult to resist". Arsenal circular 117. Have we blown it yet Graham?

  77. David

    May 14, 2016, 13:13 #89549

    Interesting to read an article which is so blindly supportive of Wenger given how few there have been in recent weeks. Personally, I don't think Wenger will ever win the Premier League with Arsenal again. I had a bet with a friend three years ago that they wouldn't win it this decade. Looking at how they celebrated sneaking into the Champions League, I was convinced that that was the limit of their ambition, and nothing since has changed my mind. The only reason for Wenger to stay in my opinion is that he may actually be fulfilling Arsenal's potential, which is qualifying for the Champions League year in year out. Another manager may come in and with much the same resources have Arsenal making the Europa League or worse still just middling as they did pre-George Graham. West Ham which are a middling team have sold 50,000 season tickets and Arsenal don't appear to have any trouble selling out (even if 10,000 don't turn up). In the end, Stan may decide it is easier to aim for 5th-15th every season, cut the wage bill and take the easy TV money along with the large gate receipts.

  78. anthony walters

    May 14, 2016, 13:10 #89548

    good on you graham for your article but wenger whilst still a good manager he and the team are stale the football is slow and the team disjointed far too often. yes we have a good group of players and only need 3 or 4 additions but we have said that for years.the team does care ,does play with passion at times but often lack focus ,discipline and drive that comes from the manager indulging certain players and often playing far too many attacking midfielders ramsey for instance is an attacking midfielder it does him and the team no favours keep playing him deep .i was at the game v norwich and don't beleve the support for arsene was as strong as reported and the lack of support for the protest was misinterpreted as supported for arsene staying.around 500 or 600 held cards up nobody around me did i hear sing only one arsene wenger .of the 8 including myself who sit around me 2 held cards 1 supports wenger staying the other 7 want change.many of my mates like myself have decided time is up for arsene and as john cross says in the mirror it's for the first time a majority of fans believe in change .why the many others did not protest is probably like myself a mixture of respect for arsenes past achievements and hating not supporting the team during a match as virtually everyone was inspired to chant a rousing we love you arsenal after the cards came up.

  79. Guy in Jersey

    May 14, 2016, 13:04 #89547

    Graham states: 'Some call it stubbornness and a wilful refusal to see the real world. Others call it character and strength which are the indispensible [sic] qualities of a top manager.' Character and strength? I am sick and tired of hearing about character and strength because we do not have any, so stop bloody pretending that we do. And sadly, for a club that always had a bit of class (even though that last word was misunderstood by the arrogant dimwit Peter Hill-Wood), we're now a faceless, arrogant, money-grabbing US corporation whose only motto seems to be 'a fool and his money are soon parted'. Well, I'm no fool, but it appears that there are thousands attending the Emirates every month who are.

  80. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 12:42 #89546

    KC, two good posts, it has been said before it will not make a blind bit of difference who we get or sign as long as TOF remains, he's past it, his philosophy is outdated, he is the problem, wenger must go if we're to make any progress. wenger out.

  81. Guy in Jersey

    May 14, 2016, 12:37 #89545

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

  82. Toe Knee Add Ums

    May 14, 2016, 12:16 #89544

    I'm not vigilantly wenger out but I'm just tired. Tired of coming 4th and maybe 3rd if its a good season. The fact we couldn't even make it a bit harder for Leicester isn't good enough. I agree it's not easy to pick a new man but Simone would surely bring the change that's required at the club.

  83. mbg

    May 14, 2016, 12:14 #89543

    Yes i'm sure the spuds will have the ability to look into their opponents eyes and say we want it, it's pity your messiah and his little dwarfs hadn't the same ability, there again with nothing to play for now and no pressure i'm sure that's exactly what they'll do now, and wengerites like you who know no better will tell everyone who'll listen (and there's still some) we're ready to go for next season, now where have we heard that before, You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  84. Nick

    May 14, 2016, 11:45 #89542

    I read this piece in total disbelief and amazement that the author could come up with this apologist drivel ! Too many injuries ! So what's new ? For the last several seasons we've been blighted with injuries mainly because Wenger persists with known injury prone and plagued players yet he does NOTHING of a preemptive nature he simply gambles on their fitness, he has the funds to bring in quality cover and competition for these players but refuses to do so, where is the wisdom in that ? The collapses the author skims over and justifies with tales of the odd games in which we have actually shown some spirit usually when the real pressure is off, forgetting that it is not just this season such surrenders have occurred and that seasonal implosions are the NORM not an aberration! He smugly dismisses the protests which were badly organized and then stage managed by the club yet online polls suggests that those in favour of change far outnumber the dwindling band of Arsenites who blindly accept their lords mantra without question, the home support is not indicative at all, made up as it is of corporates, tourists and self satisfied middle class types who have either never or long forgotten standing on the North Bank or the Clock end at Highbury cheering and singing as REAL men represented our club not overpaid, underperforming mercenaries, Wengers real legacy is that he has destroyed an historical club moved it for the benefit of a few from its famous old home to a soulless, silent bowl, where polite applause is more common than passionate and vociferous support, and in the process made our reputation one of a soft underbellied side that plays boring tika taka football who fold when the pressure is on , he has also presided over more thrashings than any other Arsenal manager I can remember !two Fa Cup against paltry opposition in twelve years does not vindicate his failures! The author and those of like mind are as responsible for the malaise at the club as the hierarchy, I sincerely hope that when this failure of a manager finally leaves that they leave with him ! " WE ARE THE ARSENAL AND WE ARE THE BEST WE ARE THE NORTH BANK SO F@#K ALL THE REST "

  85. Clarky

    May 14, 2016, 11:31 #89540

    I can understand why people don't want to see Wenger hounded out but not how anyone can, after more than 10 years of regular disappointment and frustration, be happy to see the current status quo continue. Apart from the fact that we are now mind numbingly boring to watch there are just so many aspects of our play, tactics and set up that could be improved with a more modern, progressive manager. How can anyone really argue that it is not time for a change?

  86. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 14, 2016, 11:31 #89539

    Everyone had a view and we should hear long as there are no trolling.even those on here a few years back recommending the former everton boss as a replacement for AW.

  87. Rippy

    May 14, 2016, 11:18 #89538

    Wenger is a safe pair of hands. He has massive resources and does just enough. It's frustrating. It's like the club is his own experiment. But the tide is turning. People are mostly bored I think. It's best all round if he called it a day after next season. If you can't see that. You never will. It's ugly football. Crap atmosphere. And divided fans. Wenger is slowly becoming a hate figure. It's sad but true. I think most of the fans want him gone. But not hounded like a loser. Don't make the mistake of thinking that by not treating him like **** you want him to stay. Plus he is 67 His no spring chicken anymore. Get real.


    May 14, 2016, 11:09 #89537

    Quite unbelievable "article" - it's like a parallel universe! All those resources, guaranteed income, super rich club & diddly squat in achievements that matter for 12 years. Doh!!

  89. jeff wright

    May 14, 2016, 11:08 #89536

    Graham, the amount of banners on show in protest at Wenger - the accountant the specialist in failure and pale faced stressed out le bottler zip fiddler is irrelevant . As others have pointed out the genie is out the lamp so to speak regarding obvious mass dissatisfaction with Wenger and Syrupy Stan's regime of parsimonious mind numbing mediocrity. Third place is job done again for Arsene but why was he so narky about the claims that he had been offered a new two year deal yesterday >? NON ! Not true ... I don't know where that came from...stuttered Arsene.. ... It was almost as though he was apologizing for anyone believing that he WAS offered a new deal. Wenger is an old for his age looking 67 and will be near 70 in two years so the question is will he have worked out how to use the zip on his sleeping bag instead of fiddling about with it like some old codger trying to do up his flies. Also apart from making more money for Stan and producing record breaking defeats just exactly what does this constant qualifying for Europe actually achieve >? Anyone who finds all of this malarkey entertaining must lead very boring lives.You couldn't make it up.

  90. Old Gooner

    May 14, 2016, 10:45 #89535

    I would be speechless after reading this article if I cared anymore. Like many others my passion for Arsenal has been killed by Wenger and his attitude and those fans(?) that blindly follow him. I wont be going to anymore games until there is massive change. So more than likely that means never , and I have been going for 49 years. ps has Arsene Wenger changed his name to Graham Perry?

  91. Deejaycee17

    May 14, 2016, 10:30 #89534

    Good grief it's like you've been brainwashed Graham like many others into believing this man is doing a good job?! No titles in the last 12 seasons and one Champs League Final in 20 attempts suggest otherwise! All the time they are people like yourself happy with the mediocrity and groundhog failures season after season he and this regime will continue to ruin our once great club! I for one, a regular attendee of matches for over 25 years have finally given up my membership this season in favour of my local non league club who show more ambition and passion for success than Mr Wenger has done for some time! As the posters said Arsenal is stale and boring....zzzzzz!! Wenger OUT!!!

  92. Smithy

    May 14, 2016, 10:27 #89533

    If he is to stay he must change his back room team . Everything has gone off and is starting to smell. What really does Boulder do? I would prefer arsene to leave though. Next season will be another season of not really competing. The squad has far too many problems to win anything - our spine is not a league winning combination- poor at the back, in midfield and also upfront.

  93. Exeter Gunner

    May 14, 2016, 10:23 #89532

    Another Circular saying much the same as the other Circulars. Insofar as you argue at all, you argue dishonestly, making out all your opponents do is 'throw bile' at you in a transparent attempt to discredit them. What about all of the posts I can already see thoughtfully deconstructing your post? And here's some more: You cite the average position over his tenure - what about the fact it has declined over the second half? How about a falling points total over the last 3 years, the very years he's had more and resources at his disposal? And what about the blowing apart of the money excuse for this year's lack of a challenge? Then you cite evidence of 'mental strength' based on a couple of draws achieved after the title was blown. And how about the fact the points per game ratio has dropped away every single time there's been a chance of a challenge at the turn of the year for the last decade? You cite injuries as an excuse this season when they've been an issue for a decade. The stadium is not paid for, it has an ongoing, easily manageable, mortgage. You see assets in the bank (built up to prop up the share price and so Kroenke can use AFC as collateral for his other investments) rather than on the pitch as a 'special achievement'. I don't believe you understand the issues and are unable to make connections and discern patterns. It's so, so easy for the likes of yourself to dismiss honest appraisal and the citing of actual facts that are not favourable to Wenger or the current running of the club as negative. I believe you do so because you have no answer to those points. It would be interesting to see you try, instead of disingenuously dismissing it all as borne of anger and vitriol. I believe you might as well simply type out 'I want Wenger to stay because I really, really like him and that's what matters most of all' because as far as I can see, that's all your perspective comes down to.

  94. Nozzer

    May 14, 2016, 10:12 #89531

    Graham fair play for sticking to your guns. I think Wenger should go. The management of the transfer window last summer was poor. Too many players like Ox, Theo and Giroud to name three are on big money and are not delivering. You cite the games against Spurs, West Ham and City for the spirit mental strength etc. Where was this against Southampton home and away, Swansea at home, United away. The blame lies with the manager. You disagree and that is fine but I think we need a change

  95. Rob

    May 14, 2016, 9:55 #89529

    Does the writer really believe we are progressing year on year ? He seems to. But what he imagines he sees and what really is are two different things. For all his attempts to suggest the protest was totally insignificant, was it ? The fact that he felt the need to rubbish it suggests that it more than fulfilled it's purpose of touching the raw nerve of complacency that is the default setting for those like him, who now see following Arsenal as an exercise in personality cult, unheard of before in almost 130 years of the Club's existence. The ructions and personal vitriol amongst the fan base is indeed sad. But unless this really does turn out to be Wenger's swan song it will get a whole lot worse. I really wonder if people like the writer aren't so obsessed with Wenger that they wouldn't see him propped up in the technical area post mortem, like a latter day El Cid, rather than contemplate a change of Manager. It's a delusional mentality that is truly frightening.

  96. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 14, 2016, 9:33 #89528

    Graham - yeah for such a poor protest it sure got lots of publicity. Please return back to me with how many websites support Wenger? I think it's down to 1. Season ticket holders are also doing no shows so that in itself is effective protest. 1: On what basis of success do you feel that Wenger should be awarded a new contract. 2: Do you agree that a side with the capability and facilities of Arsenal should be winning titles. 3: Please give reasons why Arsenal have failed to win a title in the last 12 years. 4: If the managers not to blame for the lack of titles is it the players? 5: if the team are suffering a morale and confidence issue in a pressure environment what has Wenger done to counter this? 6: Re point above what did Ranieri do that Wenger didn't? 7: You consistently use incendiary langauge to describe anti Wenger view points. E.g lynchings , heads on sticks etc. Recently Arsenal supporters have been beaten and silenced for holding polite banners. Do you distance yourself from this? 8; Do you accept responsibility for creating an atmosphere where violence is seen as a method of dealing with dissent?

  97. Leave it out

    May 14, 2016, 9:31 #89527

    Graham, my opinions differ greatly from yours but I still took time to read your article. I believe your article to be flawed as it shows that you only know one way and you never research the alternative. The protest didn't look great but you seem to think the people in the ground are the only ones that count? What about the 10,000 empty seats? What about the thousands of Arsenal fans that can't afford to go any more? What about the thousands that don't go to the matches often but they follow the club motto "Support your club, buy direct" and buy items from the club shop? They count as well. My opinion is that unfortunately we are all to blame for this current split in the club. We gave one man too much power after our success in the first few years of his reign. He runs the club now. He is a human being that does not want to relinquish the power given to him. He will try to keep that power and as history shows..... lies, propaganda and spin is used to achieve the goal of keeping power. He played a blinder the morning before the Norwich game telling us that the club would be in the crap if he had not stayed. On how the bankers would not lend the money for the new ground if he had not signed a long term contract (though using the bankers investment decisions from the last decade to prove your greatness is hilarious). His spin seems to work for now.... But where was his views on his salary? Does he think he is worth the £8 million a year paid to him? Why did he say earlier on in the season that this current squad of players have more mental strength than the team of 2003/04? Why did he say at the Norwich game that Arsenal look after their fans? Why does he think the star players of the past 10 years left because of the money and not to win trophies? Why did he say that financial constraints mean that it is hard to compete with our rivals and now he says that Leicester prove that you do not need to spend money to win the league? What are his TV commitments for Euro 2016? Will the commitments last until the final on 10th July 2016, five weeks before the season starts? Hopefully someone will ask him these questions but I doubt it. The club is in the process of falling apart - there is a sizeable support for the current manager who want him to stay, there is no get out plan for Wenger, no idea on who is going to take over from him. Club is losing a great deal of support and will continue to do so but Graham, you and your mates will blindly follow whatever happens. Good luck to you.

  98. KC

    May 14, 2016, 9:05 #89525

    I would like to add that major change is required. We will lose players out of contact which is great as they have proved injury prone and not good enough. We must also sell Walcott, Ramsey, Chamberlain and Giroud. These players do not deliver, go missing and now is the time to obtain decent returns on them. This would give the club extra funds to add to the budget and hopefully be spent wisely. I won't hold my breath.

  99. And

    May 14, 2016, 8:49 #89524

    This piece lacks any substance. 'Winning is not the point' Sorry but it is! 3-2 up against Liverpool? 1-0 up against Swansea, just like last season? 2-0 to Chelsea with player sent off, just like last season? I want to see progression and all I see is the same old. The real fact is that this season is even worse, THe Double was easily up for grabs, with how well the draw went for us. The fans dicotomy is that Wenger has done well, and is a nice bloke so are a little reluctant with the Vitriol but as Alan Smith put it so well, (about Geroge Graham) 'towards the end it got stale, we had heard all his rollicking before'. And that is the problem, Arsenal are stale, I wish no ill of Wenger, unlike some comments I read but as with all our jobs things sometimes just plod along and for that reason a change will be good. Leicester and the Spuds have done well because of team spririt, and let's be honest good play, but what do I see with us, a collection of individuals who when things click and the opposition let them play really well, but for the main, are too predictable and a well organised determined team can easily manage a draw. Our problem is higher than Wenger, if the management wanted glory then pressure would be applied to Wenger, he then would fight or flight, but too question myself would a new manager be able to put pressure on the management. I think we should give it a go. One solution. Simeone, we might not win anything, but Boy it would be exciting, fights, players sent off, passion bad press, points deductions. Ahh. the good old days

  100. KC

    May 14, 2016, 8:43 #89523

    Graham I agree about opinion and abuse it's shocking, childish and comes from many people that probably never attend matches. Where I have a major issue with your post is what I am actually watching. The football on the pitch is drab, the tempo is slow, at home we are predictable and boring to watch in most games. We have good players, without doubt we require signings but it's the DNA of Wenger, the mentality of the man, a reluctance to change that provides us with a team that does not work hard enough off the ball that strolls around at half pace that allows players to self indulge. Add that to a lack of understanding the requirement of key players in key positions a team that cannot defend properly and has not been able to for many years and the result will be a season that replicates the last 5. Sadly Wenger has taken the hope out of supporting Arsenal.

  101. Bard

    May 14, 2016, 7:52 #89522

    Very funny piece Graham. As usual not one shred of evidence, all of it mere conjecture. I dont think the protest was a waste of time at all. Its aim was to publicise the dissatisfaction with the way the club is heading and it got a lot of coverage. Same old problems with the team season on season but miraculously next season will be different er.... and as for the transfer window you must have been in a deep sleep this last 10 years. We will spend the whole summer being linked with all and sundry and maybe add one player from somewhere like Serbia for about £3m. We will hear that we dont need anyone and the squad is strong enough already. Danny's injury puts him in a bit of a hole but we always haver Sanogo as back up.