A Strange Kind of Triumph

Online Ed: Feelgood conclusion to season as Spurs collapse

A Strange Kind of Triumph

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The Arsenal supporters needed a day like yesterday after a season of disappointment. That the club finished second in the table for the first time since Patrick Vieira departed the club, and surprisingly above a Tottenham side that suffered a… well… Arsenal-style collapse in their last four fixtures meant a hugely enjoyable afternoon for all those that experienced it.

Olivier Giroud seems to have found form just in time for the European Championships. Then again, the quality of the opposition needs to be taken into account before too many conclusions are drawn from this match, one that it took the home side 78 minutes to be certain of winning. For long periods it felt quite nothingy on the pitch, but news from the North East kept everyone entertained.

Santi Cazorla returned to the midfield after his long absence and in spite of this being his first game back, his influence on the balance of the side was obvious. Arsenal, creatively, never really compensated for his absence, although they did manage to claw their way to the top of the table in the initial period after his injury.

It was a sunny afternoon, the kind we have not enjoyed often enough this season. With it being the opportunity to say farewell to Messrs Arteta, Rosicky and Flamini, for the players it looked like an emotional afternoon, as the scenes when they celebrated with Rosicky after the second goal indicated. In spite of his lack of appearances due to frequent injuries, he was obviously a huge figure behind the scenes. The same goes for Mikel Arteta. Flamini’s left the club once before, and received far less fanfare. Theo Walcott’s part in the post match lap of appreciation – if one looks at body language – indicated he will be moving on in the summer. Significantly he wasn’t even on the bench and didn’t take the opportunity to do a final ‘bump’ with the BFG. All the signs of an impending medical in my book. Why take the chance? Interesting to see Rosicky get such a send off after ten years when Walcott has actually been at the club even longer. Of course he isn’t officially saying goodbye yet, although the writing does seem to be on the wall there.

Stan Kroenke was in attendance, although did not remain for the lap of appreciation. I doubt he even knows what Arteta or Rosicky look like. He might have wondered what all the fuss was about going by the atmosphere yesterday.

The lap of appreciation was held in front of a very healthy crowd. Although approximately 10,000 people decided not to bother attending the game, of those that did, a far greater number remained than normally do for the end of season troop around the pitch for the players and their offspring. It wasn’t a day for giving anyone a hard time, with the various goodbyes. The point that a freshening up of things is badly needed has been made often enough during the season. Yesterday wasn’t the day for it.

Of course, Arsene Wenger will be there next season. Does one call a campaign when his team improved their final league position from last year progress? They scored less points, although the fact remains that although Arsenal beat Leicester twice they somehow conspired to finish ten points behind a side with significantly less resources than them. If you had been told at the start of the season that the Gunners would end the campaign with more points than Manchester City, Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham, how many of you would think that Wenger would fail to land his first Premier League title in 12 seasons?

The first two sides, and probably United will be changing manager as a consequence of their campaigns. Liverpool made their switch halfway through the season. The 2016-17 Premier League is already shaping up to be a very interesting one. Arsenal will spend money in the summer, no doubt about that after the shambles of the 2015 transfer window. However, the over-riding psychology of the players is that, when push comes to shove, they do not have what it takes to win a title. That needs changing and it can either happen with a huge overhaul in personnel (requiring the manager to buy the right type of players, ones that will effectively do the job he isn’t doing in terms of motivating and organising) or a change in the dugout. Will either happen? I wouldn’t bet on it. Then again, I didn’t take 5000-1 on Leicester last August.

Football can be full of surprises. Arsenal have finished fourth, third and now second in the last three seasons. So the logical next step is title winners. However, we all know, this year was the golden opportunity. It was a fine end to the season, and a day of joy, smiles and celebration. But when all is said and done, it was a crumb of comfort at the end of a campaign to forget.

Still, always nice to finish about the noisy neighbours, right?

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Alsace

    May 19, 2016, 15:31 #89751

    MBG how very dare you. I will now lose my much vaunted Queens award for subtlety.

  2. mbg

    May 19, 2016, 14:44 #89750

    I still haven't received an answer or heard from the AKB's ref a question I posed a few days ago asking if they have, or would like to congratulate Leicester on their success ? has anyone else heard any congratulations from them ? well done's, or you/they deserved it from them ? please report, i'm sure it's not egg on face or sour grapes because they beat their messiah to it, so come on AKB's two little words it's not hard.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    May 19, 2016, 13:49 #89745

    Alsace - you might be right, although much of Leeky-man's dogged indefatigability in the face of the truth suggests some form of blockage. My old granny - a spuds fan at that - used to warn me about becoming egg bound if I even looked at another egg after a hard boiled egg in the morning. She used to give them to me and my brother in those hollowed out PG Tips chimp egg cups you used to get in the 70s. If weng devotees are getting pulled off after 70 minutes, they're lucky indeed - all I used to get in my playng career was a quarter of an orange after being substituted - boom boom! Thanks for reminding me of that old joke! Anyone else been seeing those all-too-fleeting messages from Eric Chab? I can't work out why they're being edited because they're hilarious. Eric - keep 'em coming mate.

  4. jjetplane

    May 19, 2016, 12:17 #89740

    eh eh eh eh Leaky obviously you were not in Copenhagen when Arsene began his euro degradation Hate all that bin dipper rubbish that some people only voice in cyberspace or hiding in a mob. Think Klopp may come to appreciate the early loss and refocus in order to do better. He is certainly already miles ahead of Wenger who is not the most unpopular 'manager' in the game ..... He is the eggman/and he is the ostrich! coocoocutoo .... Wenger's biggest nightmare would be the Europa as he knows he cannot do Europe in any form .... Bridesmaid at best ....

  5. Alasce

    May 19, 2016, 10:53 #89738

    I'm sure that Leek FC doesn't eat 100 hardboiled eggs a day, still less the harpic. If it were he would be dweadfully constipated, or egg bound, as Spike Milligan used to say. The Wenger loyalist in fact dines only on chicken and plain pasta washed down with water at room temperature as their messiah decrees. Then the Wenger devotee gets pulled off after 70 minutes every Saturday. This is what makes them so content with the existing regime. It's not constipation that is their problem, it's religious extasy.

  6. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 19, 2016, 9:28 #89732

    Thank you Sevilla. The Bin Dippers showing their true colours on the pitch and off last night. You can be sure it wont' be their fault though.

  7. Exeter Gunner

    May 19, 2016, 9:14 #89731

    And calling someone a 'loser' for losing a European final. How many has Wenger won? Leeky, you've just called Wenger a loser too!

  8. goonersol

    May 19, 2016, 9:08 #89730

    leaky fc : Stop dodging the point, as mentioned before, based on the last 10 season, why we should keep faith in Wenger, the " be careful what you wish for " does not count, as it has no relevance ...we are all waiting, but somehow you never reply..........Wenger & Regime OUT.

  9. Exeter Gunner

    May 19, 2016, 0:31 #89729

    Leek, in Wenger's first season AFC finished 3rd and won nothing, which was a perfectly reasonable start, as is Klopp's two finals. But of course you're referring to Wenger's first full season. Why then are you judging Klopp before he's had a full season?

  10. Leek fc

    May 18, 2016, 23:46 #89728

    So lets kiss klopp s Arse for coming second or maybe runners up. Now where does that sound familiar. One rule for one and another for the negatives. Wenger must stay.

  11. Leek fc

    May 18, 2016, 23:36 #89727

    Scousers showed their true colours in Europe tonight.....on and off the pitch. Care to look back at what mr wenger did in his first season with players he inherited. mmmmm maybe not. It only counts when it belongs to others eh. Wenger must stay.

  12. Hi Berry

    May 18, 2016, 23:04 #89726

    Yes Klopp, you useless idiot - six months in the job with players you inherited and you get to a European final - loser!

  13. Roy

    May 18, 2016, 23:02 #89725

    Leek fc, sorry but I don't get the relevance - apart from the fact that Wenger is a loser as well. Klopp hasn't had one Summer at Liverpool yet. Care to explain?

  14. leek fc

    May 18, 2016, 21:58 #89724

    Congratulations klopp. Loser....... yet again. Wenger must stay.

  15. Moscow Gooner

    May 18, 2016, 20:12 #89723

    Jumpers - for any true Arsenal fan finishing above the Sour Sids is always cause to celebrate. (There are some of us still around who remember the 'sixties...) It would be great if AW now bowed out having finished second - his highest position for more than a decade - but Sunday was still a great day out in the sunshine, with 50,000 for once united behind the team and the club.

  16. jjetplane

    May 18, 2016, 18:30 #89722

    Yes MBG English boys mysteriously off the AKB radar and with Ozil basically saying to the press 'don't bother me about Arsene and contracts - I'm off to the Euros with real champions...' looks like he will be getting a fair share of AKB office darts. Meanwhile Fishpie the legendary poster is presently owning Untold single-handedly with not a boo from their 'big boys', just the usual 'back four' turning their backs as every shot goes in under the goalie. Least they have officially cleared up one thing. Arsene FC lost the PL because of 1. referee bias & 2. injuries. The latter has been proven in a kangeroo/groundhog court by the fact that Newcastle have been relegated with lots of injuries ... Of course the Foxes who were funded by arms dealers from Mars and played only three games which they lost (2 to the real champions) will get their comeuppance next season with injuries, relegation and winning the CL! The last bit will come to pass - the final conspiracy against Arsene FC - bring it on! .....

  17. mbg

    May 18, 2016, 17:31 #89721

    Alsace, and just watch them all change their minds in the blink of an eye if TOF gets off to a half decent start after making a couple of decent decisions, we'll hear maybe we were wrong, maybe he's changed, maybe we were to harsh and quick to judge (yes even after eleven seasons)only of course for the inevitable to happen (it always does and will) the same old same old and they will change their mind back again quicker than you can say wenger out with others who hung on following suit, and here we'll all be again, to think this could all have been behind us a couple of seasons ago now.

  18. mbg

    May 18, 2016, 17:08 #89720

    jj, yes the great English spine that TOF was always grinning about, and the wengerites were always crowing about, their messiah had nursed, coached, (cough) and produced (some even going as far as saying he had built the England team for them) what was going to save and serve England for decades, wally, spitting jack the croc, the ox, who was the other one or two again ? more like ruined, as I said at the time god help England if they're relying on wenger. You couldn't make it up.

  19. Alsace

    May 18, 2016, 16:57 #89719

    A few things of significance. (1) Hats off to Shearer and Murphy for using Match of the Day to call TSOF out for the fraud that he is. Arsenal cannot win the title because they bottle it when it gets tough. (2) Monsieur was highly tetchy when asked about the extra 2 years purported to be on offer. Could it be that it has not been offered? Good news if yes. (3) Theo did not wear a number 7 shirt in honour of Rosicky (during the lap of acknowledgement of failure), a player whose boots he is not fit to clean. Theo is on his way out and about time. He will find only enlightenment and freedom wherever he is going, because wherever that is, he is likely to be coached by a proper coach. I wish him good luck. I wish Jack and the Ox and Ramsey would get out of Dodge as well rather than have their careers further blighted by the manager (4) The incorrigible AKB's are actually getting more virulent and tetchy. That having been said, a huge number of frmer AKB's as well as the undecided have come over from the dark side this year and as the sad drama unfolds, as we know that it will, Mr Wenger's diehard apologists will get more vitriolic. The only question is how much verbal and physical violence will they mete out before the light of reason dawns in that Alsatian brain and he departs, sickened by what his continued presence is creating .

  20. goonersol

    May 18, 2016, 14:25 #89718

    mbg : Winning or losing a final has no relevance to league positions. You would always wants to win a Final, and if league position was such , would not care if the Spuds finished above us.....2006 would have been a great year, win CL final and if we had finish below the Spuds, perfect, could have lived with that.........Wenger & Regime Out.

  21. jjetplane

    May 18, 2016, 14:24 #89717

    Just watched that BBC3 prog on the PL season and it is excellent and full of joyful tears and again what a fantastic achievement from Leicester which has brought some magic back into the game. Notice again how the 'runners up' dissappear off the screen in March validating once again it was the Totts losing it at the end which allowed a very average team to nick 2nd. Wenger may complete a perfect circle of how he came here and everyone said Who? and when he he leaves Who? Most AKBs have all of a sudden said Giroud is the answer and a DM is not needed. That should make it easier for Wenger next season ....

  22. mbg

    May 18, 2016, 14:15 #89716

    Alsace, good post and point, it certainly looks like Arsenal fans (not all of course) main priority every season is finishing above the spuds nothing else matters, there was a dilemma discussed on here the season before last I think it was, with the question asked what would we prefer win the fa cup and have wenger stay on, or lose it to get rid of him, (i'm sure we all remember the discussions and arguments)let me pose another, win the cup and have the spuds finish above us, or lose the final just to finish above them and have bragging rights.

  23. jjetplane

    May 18, 2016, 12:37 #89713

    Superb piece by Fishpie on Untold who was apparently let through so their boss could deconstruct his thoughts with stats stats and more stats. Of course the apparent deconstruction was a lazy cherry pick with a horribly long off topic intro favoured by essayists who never got past A level. Anyway, as the comments mounted up with little real analysis Fishpie nipped back in with a comment that was better than his piece in that he had really got into the swing of it. Required reading for those who take notice of ;being in the world.' My other contention is that Arsene FC though apparently runners up have fared so poorly in the 'end of season' pieces by the media en masse as to be the real state of the club. No goals, players, manager to speak of and I cite the gravest example of Arsene's English spine which he has been flogging to the overawed for a decade only to find it actually does not exist. The Totts may have imploded (Arsene has turned that into an art) but all media/s are singing the same song and making the Totts worthy runners up to the quite brilliant Foxes. Cannot remember a time when a club was written out of the books in such a fashion. It seems not only are the WOBs bored but it appears the whole nation is. Would have loved to have heard the apparent conversation Wally (disgraced Lord) had with Hodgson who had an almighty guffaw when he got off the phone. Little Jack of the bottles of beer and sweary presence is also low on the nation's radar. Coming a very poor second is the aspirational limit of this INVISIBLE club.

  24. Hg

    May 18, 2016, 10:14 #89712

    Correction: was a Spurs-like collapse.

  25. mbg

    May 17, 2016, 22:34 #89711

    The celebrations among the AKB's have been very muted indeed compared to the last two three seasons after finishing above the spuds, remember all the partying that went on and the blowing and crowing, the lat couple of seasons, remember when we scraped in ahead of the spuds again on the last day of the season against Fulham was it ? (maybe the AKB's will put me right and remind us) when their keeper gifted us (more help again) the bouncing and whooping on the pitch, and more recent against Newcastle was it ? just to qualify (oh how we owe them)with the bouncing on the pitch by the players, and the AKB's going into hyper drive with the celebrations for the invisible trophy, no there has been nothing like that this time ( i wonder why) celebrations of course yes but very low key indeed, yes there's more fans waking up alright, unfortunately there's going to be a hell of a lot more waking up if we have to put up with TOF for another season, because we'll be in exactly the same position this time next season, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th it's all the same, as it's going to make no difference.

  26. Steve

    May 17, 2016, 19:27 #89709

    Very funny that our fans are calling the Spuds bottlers.We are the European Champions of bottlers.Spurs were never top in 2016.We were and ended up losing by 10 points.

  27. Alsace

    May 17, 2016, 17:56 #89708

    It was nice to have St Totteringham's day but perhaps Spurs realised what AKB's won't, which is that when you lose the championship, finishing 2nd or 3rd doesn't make a lot of difference. The fact that we care about that and not about bottling the league by 10 points to a team we beat twice, speaks volumes.

  28. mbg

    May 17, 2016, 17:30 #89707

    jj, your right, and the only reason we finished second this season (and it certainly wasn't because of TOF)is because of the state of this league and the regression of the other supposedly top teams for obvious reasons, and of course with the help of both a relegated side and the spuds themselves, it's funny how (and never mentioned of course among certain elements)we always need the help of others. Indeed if any two or three of these previously mentioned teams would have been in anyway on top of their game as they normally are we'd have seen just how much we regressed thanks to an old past it manager, but as usual what has been happening for season after season now happens again, TOF comes up smelling of roses, always thanks to others of course, and how many times has it been at the death.

  29. Pyrrhic victories...?!

    May 17, 2016, 14:33 #89706

    The online poll shows 95% think that under Wenger Arsenal will never win the Champions League. Any club worth their salt, or Oil, would, did make that their holy grail. Chelsea & Abramovich made it & got there. Man City may get there soon. Klopp is much more likelier to achieve this than Wenger. If we are to win the title in the future then our raision detre must surely be the ultimate club prize? In the last 10 years can anyone say that thus has been the case? When we had better teams & reached the last 8 or semis we got dispatched because of Wenger's incompetence. That withstanding we have been nowhere near good enough on the pitch to achieve this. Off the pitch the club is in fine fettle of course. This is Wenger's real calling though isn't it.....wake me up when Wenger's reign ends...zzzzzz

  30. jjetplane

    May 17, 2016, 14:28 #89705

    Arsenal nowhere near goals of the season, the champions and further away in Europe than ever. Giroud looks as much/perhaps more of a cart horse than ever and he will never get an easier three goals and really - if Arsene FC had been playing a decent side it would probably have been a draw or worse with little of the virtual celebrating of a 12th year of nothing but two cups against championship teams .... Think the media have got it right overall when they say the Spuds are one to watch over the groundhog masters. Excellent posts EG and much more of this silly celeberating nothing and Arsene FC will morph into the new old Spuds lol! Totally indifferent to the Totts but then Wenger has managed to make a lot of Arsenal supporters indifferent to Arsene Failures Club ...

  31. Rocky RIP

    May 17, 2016, 14:24 #89704

    Exeter - I know your point and I get it. It seems to depend when you started following the Arsenal. I'm from the vintage where it's all about finishing above the vermin, everything else is a bonus. The fact that they had their best season for decades and we weren't great, yet STILL managed to see them off is,for me, hilarious. I make no apology for that. Especially in the face of the usual media shift in the balance of power in North London drivel. We all want better and feel let down, but if you don't appreciate the bitter rivalry between us and that lot, then I guess you won't enjoy seeing them have a meltdown against a relegated team with 10 men.

  32. Arseneknewbest

    May 17, 2016, 14:20 #89703

    I'm starting detect a mini-schism in the AMG community about whether Sunday was enjoyable or not. More divisions would only distract us from the real issue which is corporate greed, weng's chronic ineptitude, a lack of fighters in the squad and a toupee that casts a pall of gloom everywhere. C'mon lads lets not all fall out over this. We should all agree to differ and move on. After all, the club is totally w*nk these days isn't it. To my mind, the St Totts thing is fun but it does not a successful season make - this year has been less enjoyable than others because of what we could have won...It's not like me(!), but I'm hoping to steer a bit of middle ground here.

  33. goonersol

    May 17, 2016, 14:19 #89702

    Come on fellow Gooners, Lets not enjoy finishing above the spuds because we did not win the league?? really, I, as much as anyone want Wenger Gone, I agree that the club is stale, boring, drifting etc, but as a Gooner, what little pleasure I can gain from knocking the Spuds down a peg or 2 I will take...It changes nothing as far as Arsenal & Wenger are concerned, he needs to go, but the Spuds getting a verbal kicking is always worth a laugh....

  34. anthony walters

    May 17, 2016, 14:06 #89701

    exeter i agree just enjoyed the day and beating spurs means loads to me played in a veterans supporters 6a side tournament last summer and the arsenal spurs one was the game i wanted to win mosr .robbie savage is talking rubbish a week after fair enough look at the bigger picture but on the day pure enjoyment.including me most arsenal mates want change but we all enjoyed sunday texting and singing etc.

  35. mbg

    May 17, 2016, 13:41 #89700

    Well said Henry when he said we should be more interested in winning the league than celebrating finishing above the spuds, he also says it doesn't matter that we finish second Leicester are the champions, and that's what matters.

  36. Exeter Gunner

    May 17, 2016, 13:24 #89699

    aw - it was funny on the day, at the moment Spurs fell apart on Sunday but that's it, it's not something that makes a season. 20 years above them or not - who cares? What matters is competing. Now, a couple of days on, we should be reviewing the season as a whole. The story of the season is that AFC, top around the turn of the year, could not cope with the pressure from Leicester, to the degree there wasn't even a semblance of a challenge to them when it mattered. At any other big club in Europe such a season would (and has) led to a change of manager. Wenger himself should be holding his hands up and admit this final proof that he can no longer compete. Only at Arsenal do we carry on just the same.

  37. anthony walters

    May 17, 2016, 13:02 #89698

    wengers past his best and we have underachieved that is true exeter but what is sad is people claiming they are arsenal fans who never ever enjoy winning and if you didn't enjoy sunday in the circumstances then that is really sad .whatever wengers failings in both clubs history i,m pretty sure arsenal haven't finished above spurs 20 years running or finished top 4 20 years running and i highly doubt it'll happen after he has gone.

  38. Mark

    May 17, 2016, 12:58 #89697

    Exeter Gunner-Spot on.We have a ground twice the size of the Spuds and a wage bill twice the size of them We are in the top 5 richest clubs in the world.We SHOULD be finishing above them every season.The scary thing is some fans really are happy with this season.No wonder Wenger makes no effort to change things.Why spend big money on world class players when the fans are satisfied with the dross we serve up

  39. jjetplane

    May 17, 2016, 12:48 #89696

    The only reason the Spuds are 'bitter rivals' again (last time it was 60s) is because they are most certainly on the up and do not see their manager playing compromises next season where it is plain to see they will finish above Arsene's pathetic squad for sure. Other clubs will too and as well as the usual suspects leaving Arsene back in the dust others will be pushing on. With all the money sloshing about and new coaches Wenger better have his sticks ready - it's gonna be bumpy. Getting one over the Spuds used to be just an aside but either they have improved alot or Arsene are degading by the month. Will be hilarious if Giroud has a good Euro as that will put pay to a new striker but do see him pairing up with 'an unknown young partner' .... The rest is pure Groundhog. Never thought I would this but old Robbie Savage has upset the Wenger luvvies by calling them 'pathetic pathetic pathetic'. He has got a point! ..... Untold have devoted a full article to it and the comments are to die for! What a 12 implosion - the longest in top top football ..... Those Leics celebrations! Pure class and joy such as not seen since Adams raised his hands against Everton with Bouldie, Ray and Plattie. That was a long time ago - the wheels have been falling off ever since and the invincible myth (lost in all cups) was the arrogance needed to tip the club into football oblivion and corporate paradise. Even two bob epochs have to end sometime .... The pundits are all singing from the same sheet and they are all saying the same thing - Arsene is last century ....

  40. Made Up Stat

    May 17, 2016, 12:47 #89695

    We ended up second which Wenger once said he would be happy to finish for 20 years. Are we on the cusp of a further 19 years of glory? Man, we're gonna need some seriously industrial sized virtual trophy cabinets.

  41. Exeter Gunner

    May 17, 2016, 11:41 #89694

    Rocky RIP - the specific point is their capitulation this season, and the effect this might have on their mentality in future - sound familiar? Laughing at Spurs blowing it with a few games to go - AFC blew it with a few months to go. Spurs are a middle sized club, half the resources of AFC. They've overachieved, AFC have underachieved. It really is sad that people celebrate finishing above them on the final day, but this is where we are and this is where Wenger has taken us. And people actually want more of the same.

  42. mbg

    May 17, 2016, 11:36 #89693

    Andy, my post, 94892 nobody has forgotten or forgiven mate,(well maybe that's not true) but they will never be allowed to, they'll be reminded often enough.

  43. Leek fc

    May 17, 2016, 11:33 #89692

    Hindsight or blindsight.

  44. mbg

    May 17, 2016, 11:17 #89691

    Exeter, very good point that seems to have been forgotten by a lot of fans (but not them all) are we in any position to be laughing at any team let alone the spuds.

  45. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 17, 2016, 11:03 #89690

    Why does everyone assume that Chelsea/Citeh/Utd/Bin Dippers will suddenly sweep all before them next season? They all need major, major investment to even begin to compete again. Where are they going to get the players? Everyone's chasing a diminishing market. Pep's brand of football is as out of date as flared trousers, and I'll stick me neck out and predict LCFC and Spurs won't make the top 5 next season, as they just took advantage of the others taking a breather.

  46. declan burke

    May 17, 2016, 11:03 #89689

    I couldn't get the slightest bit excited about sunday, I won't be getting the slightest bit excited about who Wenger brings in - if anybody during the summer. Make no mistake, the players who walked around that pitch on sunday had as much or more technical ability as any other squad in the league, but there once again was a desperate lack of Mental strength and fight in the psyche of modern day Arsenal. I do not believe that this will be fixed until a new Manager takes over. Same again next season.

  47. West Cork Frank

    May 17, 2016, 10:53 #89688

    I meant the last 10 to 12 years. Easy to make mistakes when you're p****d off yet AGAIN. Of course i'm happy to finish above the scum. RED ARMY !

  48. Wenger is a Fraud

    May 17, 2016, 10:37 #89687

    Not only did we finished only 10 points behind Leicester but the 2nd place finish was our first in 11 years.That move from Highbury was worthwhile after all

  49. West Cork Frank

    May 17, 2016, 10:35 #89686

    Our pathetic manager/ players/ season/ last 12-14 years really is the only thing that matters. Tottenham started messing up when their league challenge was over, we messed up when we were top of the league, a BIG difference. RED ARMY

  50. Rocky RIP

    May 17, 2016, 10:31 #89685

    Exeter - I'd say above that lot for 21 years running is a pretty good position from which to laugh.

  51. goonersol

    May 17, 2016, 10:11 #89684

    Nick, Good points well made. I'd much rather finish 2nd this season above the spuds, then 3rd, below them and have to deal with the old, "the tide is changing" - "A power shift in N London" and that the Spuds loving press come out with. Even in their most successful for ages , they could not overtake us, that shows you have far they are in real terms, can they improve can year, maybe , but so can we. Lets not pretend all is well at Arsenal, we know what is needed & we have papered over the cracks , but for now , let's enjoy the outcome of the season, and be thankful that the spuds have not got one over on us....If some Gooners are not happy with this, then there is no hope of pleasing them .........

  52. Nick

    May 17, 2016, 9:58 #89683

    Ok ive explained it once but it seems ill have to do it again, before I start let me make it clear that overall I am as unhappy as any of you with this season and the previous seasons in the league back to 2005, we should have won the title that we didn't is undeniably down to Wenger due to reasons I and many others have stated almost adnauseum BUT Sundays Brian Rix farce was as enjoyable as as nothing else has been this season, whether some of you like it or not dyed in the wool gooners especially those of us with the longevity to remember the days when we perpetually were in the scraggy cockerels shadow will ALWAYS take an almost perverse pleasure in the misfortunes of our nasty neighbours, finishing above them once again especially when the odds were all in their favour is something I and many others will enjoy the hell out of and I make no excuses for doing so if your a true gooner you will feel the same way , yes its almost a booby prize in the scheme of things but still a prize to treasure, if you don't understand that then I really dont understand you ! I will be hoping that England win the euros but I will also be hoping that in the process Kane, Deli Ali ( that is surely a character name from only fools n horses ) Walker, Rooney et al all get severely crocked and miss at least half of next season while all our players on international duty have a good competition and escape unscathed, petty ? Yes but then I'm a football supporter we tend to be that way, ill be hoping that the old fraud actually buys the players we need to and actually learns some new tricks, but that will probably be a forlorn hope, the fact is were stuck with le fraud for next season no point worrying about it till Ko in August , its my hope also that it will be his last even if he bucks the trend he has created and wins everything in sight, I still would like to see Eddie Howe given the job but I doubt that will happen, but whatever happens I will still and always until I breathe my last want Arsenal my Arsenal to win !

  53. Andy

    May 17, 2016, 9:56 #89682

    I always knew this would happen if we finished above the Spuds.Forget the hell of the last 9 months all is now forgiven we have finished above a team we finished above for the last 21 seasons.Do any of our fans look at the big picture.We will never ever get a better chance to win the title.All the big teams had an off season.That wont happen ever again.City Chelsea United will all have new managers and Liverpool have Klopp.Yes laugh at the Spuds for a day but in years to come the joke will be on us.We lost the league by 10 points to Leicester City.And Wenger remains as manager!!!

  54. Exeter Gunner

    May 17, 2016, 9:32 #89681

    Are Arsenal really in a position to laugh at a team worried they might become perennial bottlers?

  55. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 17, 2016, 8:57 #89680

    Alright it's not much to celebrate. BUT, having read some of the pieces on the Spudz fansites, they are worried about the mental effect it could have on their squad going into next season. Poor little Harry, Moussa, Erik and Kyle et al might be mentally scarred for life after their humiliation at Sports Direct Park. Let's all get together for a group hug.

  56. Made Up Stat

    May 17, 2016, 7:22 #89679

    OK, so we didn't win the title when it was on a platter for the taking - but hey, we just about finished above the mighty Spuds. So everything's cool, right?

  57. Ken

    May 17, 2016, 6:38 #89678

    Sadly some Gooners suffer the same short-termism that Wenger suffers from.Walcott is an absolutely poor player but he scored a hat-trick in the final league game last season and instead of being shown the door was kept on for another dismal season,thats 10 seasons now.Now history is repeating itself with that clown Giroud,he scores a hat-trick v the worst team in the premiership and he stays as our centre forward next season.Get real Gooners this has been a terrible season.Last season Leicester finished 34 points behind us now they finish 10 ahead of us a turn around of FORTY FOUR points in 12 months.Are you Gooners really happy with that?Really?.Its embarrassing to see our fans celebrate finishing 10 points behind Leicester.That is a loser mentality installed by our Specialist In Failure.Reality Wenger has failed for 12 years in a row and our dopey owner wants to give Wenger a new deal.We get the club we deserve.The fans at Bayern Madrid and Barcelona wouldnt put up with it but their fans really care what happens unlike our fans

  58. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 23:55 #89676

    don, nobody has forgot about it I can assure you, or forgot about anything else either over the last thirteen years of TOF wengers cockups, or never will, they won't be air brushed out of history by his fans or allowed to be, neither will all the/his failures, humiliations, embarrassments, lies, spin, excuses, etc, etc, it will and has all gone down in history and it all will be brought up again and again and mentioned on numerous occasions not only if he's still here but when he's long gone also, it will never be forgotten.

  59. Finsbury Joe

    May 16, 2016, 23:42 #89675

    Wenger has really nailed it, give him a 16 year contract extension, he has only just finished above a team with a fraction of his resources.....and below another. An extra 1.4 million for jumping to second place....Stan will love that almost as much as Wenger.......Wenger can sign amother euro rock like Bischoff for that sort of money, or it can go towards stans little management fee.

  60. Big Dave

    May 16, 2016, 23:11 #89674

    Wenger will buy One player possibly two young light weights, but he will sell Two Good players and we will have the usual injuries . Thus we will be in groundhog day yet again.

  61. Leekey fc

    May 16, 2016, 21:31 #89673

    Jeff..... Are you ok?.?.? or are you still studying your Arsenal History book rented from the local library.

  62. BigGoonerDave

    May 16, 2016, 20:09 #89672

    Although in the grand scheme of things it seems unimportant to have finished above the Totts,but let's put a little spin on it. What if the Totts are in the same position again next season,in my opinion major doubts will appear and they will blow it again because they will know they haven't got what it takes to cross the line. So in effect finishing above them this season could have long term repercussions for them,so as disappointing a season it's been for us it could have long term implications for them. Also now that koeman is on the radar as being a half decent manager,perhaps Arsenal should put the feelers out regarding taking over from Wenger at the end of next season as Wenger seems to be an immovable object.

  63. HowardL

    May 16, 2016, 19:26 #89670

    Sorry guys; it has been a disappointing season but most of the comments here are sooooo negative. Yesterday I agree is not a patch on SHL 1971, Adams 1998, Cardiff 2002 etc etc - plus all the other Arsenal successes I have been fortunate enough to have witnessed, but as an Arsenal supporter who had to live through Tottenham's successes in the 1960s without the benefit of Twitter to share my pain, yesterday, albeit in a different way, comes close to one of my best days as an Arsenal supporter. Just enjoy it - laugh at Tottenham, how will they come back from that? - and coming 2nd isn't that bad.

  64. Wenger 12 year loser

    May 16, 2016, 18:56 #89669

    Reality check 1.We finished TEN POINTS behind Leicester City yes Leicester City. 2 Wenger our Specialist In Failure will still be manager and will sign a two year extension 3.Giroud will still be our centre forward and still score less than 20 league goals. 4 Ramsey Ox and Ramsey will still be at the club.But dont worry we finished above Spurs.When is the open top bus parade.

  65. Rocky RIP

    May 16, 2016, 18:39 #89668

    Even West Ham fans are celebrating us finishing above that lot. Nobody is suggesting an open top bus parade, just enjoying putting one over our bitter rivals. Again. Yet they still talk of a shift in the balance of power. Next season is theirs, apparently. The media lap it up. Talk about battles for supremacy, yet when it's us on top, it somehow doesn't count.Danny Murphy doing the best piece of spin ever. It wasn't us who lost 5-1 to a relegated team with 10 men Danny you talentless man, but to listen to him you'd think it was them that had the better season. We weren't great, we all know that, yet they still finished below us despite their wonder season. Laughable lot. They never learon to keep quiet. Reasons to celebrate don't come merely in the shape of trophies. Otherwise there'd be nothing in it for 95% of clubs. We messed it up, but they went one better and really f'd it up.

  66. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 18:12 #89667

    On to some real and proper celebrations, well done Leicester who are having they're open bus top parade impressive sight indeed, speaking off, have any wengerite AKB's actually congratulated them yet ? surely there's no sour grapes ? remember you are the ones who keep saying Arsenal and you messiah do things the proper way ? come on it's three little words, you can add three more (you deserve it)if you like ?

  67. Roy

    May 16, 2016, 17:33 #89665

    Gave it to a few of the Totts at work last night, but kept it sort of low key as a bit embarrassed to do so, if you see what I mean. Wenger cocked up big time this season. I really hope the next one is his last.

  68. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 16:42 #89664

    jumpers, top post, sad isn't it, absolutely nothing to celebrate.

  69. Mark

    May 16, 2016, 16:35 #89663

    Kane's had two seasons no more let see how wonderful he is in the euros.


    May 16, 2016, 15:50 #89662


  71. Rocky RIP

    May 16, 2016, 15:26 #89661

    Tottenham, the only side to finish 3rd in a two horse race.

  72. don

    May 16, 2016, 15:15 #89660

    RedPig-Perfect analysis.We beat Leicester twice yet they still walked away with the title.Thats what gets me angry is fans are excepting the fact that we lead the table in the new year yet botttled it again while Leicester lost one game in 2016.Wenger once again cocked it up.Its like we are supposed to be happy that it is now 12 years without a title.And everyone seems to have forgot another embarrassing season in Europe(is Wenger leader of the Britain Out campaign)played 8 games lost 5.Ranieri showed with players who play as a team a manager who has tactics a team like Leicester can win the title.If Wenger had have been Leicester manager they would have gone down

  73. RedPig

    May 16, 2016, 14:49 #89659

    Thanks Kevin for all your write-ups this season. Cant be easy finding new things to say. Personally this season has partially rekindled my joy of football ... but it was only because of Leicester's achievements, which were refreshing in a game obsessed by money. Arsenal were as insipid and uninspiring as ever. The final table shows us being 10 points behind Leicester. The fact that we took 6 points off them means that from the other 36 games they won 16 points more than we did. 5 wins and a draw. That is massive. As for Arsenal next season, I am already bored by the thought of it.

  74. Mark

    May 16, 2016, 14:29 #89658

    Peter Wain-Spurs have one striker we have none.Kane will get 20 plus league goals every season Giroud wont get 20 if he played till he was a 100.The problem is too many Gooners think finishing above the Spuds is the be all and end all.

  75. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 16, 2016, 14:21 #89657

    table does not lie. we are second best this year.every year is different with different teams and players so to say less goals ,points et all does not mean we have not progressed. That is not to say I think we have progressed enough, as I do not think we have, as the same problems we have had for 5 years are still there. The main problem is not being able to cope with pressure in needing to win or cope with pressure during tight games. This needs different players and the manager gambled his group of talented injury prone players would cope and we would cope with out another holding player. That badly went against us. We missed a golden chance this year but it is right to laugh very loud at the tots.

  76. Bard

    May 16, 2016, 14:14 #89656

    Good to know the Spuds are now the bottlers supreme. Thoroughly enjoyed their demise on Saturday but here we go again. We need a list of all the summer cliches we will hear. The squad is strong enough; We dont need anyone; We always are on the look out for top quality; We have great mental strength; I have worked 30 years in football; Walcott's best years are ahead of him; Sanogo is the new Anelka.bla bla bla ...

  77. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 13:47 #89655

    Lets not get carried away (no doubt some are and will) WE WON NOTHING, as usual, we've had the same old same old, and the usual embarrassments etc, etc, from an old past it manager, 2nd 3rd 4th it might as well have been 5th for all the good it's going to do us it's not 1st so there's nothing to celebrate, 2nd is for losers so it suits our players and manager fine no one remembers them. The only ones it's going to do anything for are Kroenke with more money and dividends and more and bigger bonuses for TOF. wenger out.

  78. jjetplane

    May 16, 2016, 13:39 #89654

    Totts are a very good young side with an excellent coach. Coming third for them is good stuff and as their coach says they have to learn how to ignore their neighbours. Arsene FC on the other hand with all the money and stadia are still nothing more than a decent mid table team. Coming second is basically the top of the middling table. Leicester were the only champions and the spine of that team and their irresistibile caoch were runaway champions and perhaps over the season their true runners up were the Totts. I too was down the lane for the big one and have seen many since (the semi at OT was a great one whereas the wembley trip was a mare and I was at both) but the Spuds are a good side once again and in this current PL world where it is hard to differeniate between brand Arsene or brand Spud the percieved rivalries are nothing but spent myths. I am totally indifferent to yesterday apart from the fact that Millwall did well and hopefully Koeman will stay with the Saints and maybe (along with the Scousers and a crowd of others) looking to overhaul the top 4 big time. That I look forward to but this 'club' with this 'manager' are an insult to the name of Arsenal and that a player could be earning 140 thou a week without actually being what is said on the label says everything about this excuse for a club. Anyway - Hibs - better luck next time and here's to Vardy and Kane hopefully tearing up the Euros .... & of course Rashford but let's hope there is no sentimenntal call ups for spent Wenger men - they would be England's undoing. Mind you those French lads that have escaped Clouseau's clutches might have some fun too! Here;s to Ray Parlour and knew a clown when he saw one!

  79. Peter Wain

    May 16, 2016, 13:30 #89653

    The article by Redknapp in the Telegraph makes awful reading. I cannot see how great the Scum's squad is. Two bang average fullbacks neither of whom can defend a sterile mid field and only one striker. I think they over achieved this year and next season the usual mid table obscurity beckons.

  80. Len

    May 16, 2016, 13:29 #89652

    Only a non-Gooner would fail to take any pleasure from Arsenal taking advantage of the Tottenham collapse. Wenger out and take that non-Gooner mbg with you.

  81. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 13:24 #89651

    There's only one person who should have been given a good send off with a final bump, never to be heard off again, an old tired past it manager, and let the new man sort out the deadwood. wenger out.

  82. mbg

    May 16, 2016, 13:14 #89649

    I bet you never thought that picture would never see the light of day this season Ed, or you'd never get the chance to sell your T shirts, make sure and send a couple of freebies to Newcastle, isn't it funny how TOF and his little technicians can never do anything without the help of others. wenger out.

  83. Mark

    May 16, 2016, 13:04 #89648

    so in the end Theo reaped what he sowed and England ignored him. correct decision. Townsend ahead of him as he takes some responsibility to actually try to affect the outcome of a game. he also works harder. Theo is a Little nice Boy lost when there are men or winners around. It really has not worked out at all and the Club should sell him to Middlesex so that he can place some nice cricket

  84. anthony walters

    May 16, 2016, 12:46 #89647

    of course we are the second best team in the country.we finished a point ahead of the third place team spurs who we drew with twice in the league playing nearly half of one match with 10 men and we knocked them out of a cup for good measure .we beat the fourth place team once and drew and the top team twice.whatever our failings in any reasoned persons eyes we deserved it.

  85. Jude

    May 16, 2016, 12:38 #89646

    Mr. Editor: Thank you very much for the content all season. I'm less confident in your assertion that "Arsenal will spend money this summer, no doubt about that." The manager looked at the team last summer, and saw fit to only add a goalkeeper. He will cite us finishing second as evidence of how close we were and that we don't need to strengthen much. The truth is that a rather drastic squad overhaul is required. St. Totteringham -- while humorous -- only shows how little it takes to paper over the cracks these days after an altogether disappointing season. I'd love to know what possibly kept Ramsey from making an appearance. It was likely down to the manager giving him a rest before his big audition next month. Here's to the Welshman playing well enough for someone to come in for him, making his appearance against City his last in an Arsenal shirt. Unlikely, but one can hope.

  86. Tony Evans

    May 16, 2016, 12:24 #89645

    Nick - well said. I started supporting in 1970 so have not had to endure too much of Spurs dominating Arsenal, just the occasional blip here and there, but I still really enjoyed yesterdays events. As you say though it changes nothing as far as greater things are concerned and you are right in that at least 5 quality singings are required for next season. I said at least three in my previous post because we all know five just will not happen - even three would be a pleasant surprise - combined with the off-loading of one Theodore Walcott.

  87. Nick

    May 16, 2016, 11:58 #89644

    Jumpers for goalposts, when I first started supporting the Arsenal way back in 1958,we were nearly always second best to spurs, who were developing a very, very good side while we were in decline, a win against them was a rare thing back then my family all from Islington were massive gooners buy our in-laws, cousins, uncles were mostly spuds, rivalry was always very keen and when in 1968 on the day of Terry Venables wedding with our own George Graham as his best man we later humbled the crowing cockerels 4-0 at Highbury with George getting on the scoresheet I was in seventh heaven, moving on to THAT night at White Hart Lane where we secured our first title since the year I was born in an unforgettable atmosphere as our enemy were dispatched in full view of an overwhelmingly red and white crowd I didn't think things could ever get better, so the last 21 years of dominance in terms of league position over the hated Middlesex club has been something that as a young kid I could never have dreamed of, so to say real gooners shouldn't get overjoyed about putting them in their place against the odds is crass to say the least, of course it doesn't excuse our failure to win the title mainly because of our own shortcomings in spirit and mentality , it doesn't absolve Wenger from blame for not adequately strengthening the squad last summer,nor does it excuse his tactical paucity and in game management, I would like him to go, hell I WANT him to go in of the view his sell by date has come and gone , I'm angry about the last twelve years of league stagnation and collapses, I'm angry when I have to agree with the analysis of us by the likes of Shearer, Linekar and Murphy, I'm angry when the man himself says we need to bring in three players when we've lost three in Arteta, Rossicky and Flamini, as well as losing Welbeck to long term injury again, THREE! we need a minimum of FOUR and in reality FIVE top players including a goal poacher to mount a serious challenge so yes I'm angry when the old fool says we only need three it shows his parsimony is his leading ideal and his acceptance of where we failed non existent, but I will not be called less of a gooner for actually ENJOYING the discomfort of the spuds, as a real gooner its in my D.N.A. !

  88. Mark

    May 16, 2016, 11:44 #89643

    probably the least impressive Team to come 2nd in Ages ? dont tell me we were the 2nd best Team in the Country this season as i disagree 110%. when the pressure was on in a sporting sense - example after we beat leicester at home - we then bottled it big time from there onwards please dont Forget that. When we had Watford at home to start heading to wembley for 3rd year, we dropped the ball big time. we got well sorted out a couple of times as is commonplace for this Team. Manu Southampton away shambles. and now the owner is hunting for even more income so we are off to the west coast USA and then Sydney Australia for July.. We would be better off staying in the Austrian mountains for 2 weeks and lining up against a couple of good Bundesliga sides. But winning isnt the aim anymore at Arsenal. Nett profits and more cash in the bank for Stan to borrow against on his other Businesses. can everyone check what was our total Points haul v City/utd/chels/spurs/Liverpool/west ham/southampton.... THE WENGER-KROENKE-GADAZIZ FORMULA CONTINUES TO WORK

  89. Edmund

    May 16, 2016, 11:36 #89642

    And I hope Wenger wakes up to the fact that there is something wrong with his methods that a class act like Alexis can seem to go backwards instead of improving and the injury list never gets any shorter despite a revamp of the medical team.

  90. Edmund

    May 16, 2016, 11:30 #89641

    Happy St Totteringham's Day everyone. To be realistic, the chances of getting the likes of Higuain or Aubemayang are extremely small. I believe Wenger works best with unknown players who believe in him rather than super stars who look down on Arsenal. Lets hope Chuba Akpom is our goal machine next season and the likes of Zelalem come through.

  91. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    May 16, 2016, 11:25 #89640

    The only bright spot of this season is that the scum are hurting. They are completely obsessed with us and yesterday's events are killing them right now so at least there is something to laugh about. However for me it doesn't have any bearing on what has been the most frustrating and depressing season of supporting Arsenal I have ever known. We should be celebrating a title victory, not coming 2nd and winning north London bragging rights. That's not what we were told we had to leave Highbury for, it was supposed to be to challenge the elite of Europe. If Wenger had purchased the players we so desperately needed last summer then we almost certainly would be premier league champions today. The money was there in abundance, there are no excuses, it's nothing short of gross negligence on wengers part. Now we look forward to another summer of watching this clown dither and dally and loose out on players through penny pinching and being over cautious with money that is not his. I have zero confidence in him being ruthless enough to make the necessary changes to our squad to turn us into champions. I'm already resigning myself to another groundhog season, I just hope beyond hope that it will be his last

  92. West Cork Frank

    May 16, 2016, 11:23 #89639

    I remember last season, Giroud scored a few goals at the end, of course when it didn't really matter. Said to my partner I hoped it would not mean we would not sign the class forward we desperately needed. History with wenger unfortunately has a habit of repeating itself. He dawdled over signing Higuain who has just become the top goalscorer in Italy since 1949/50. Good of course to finish above Tottenham but that by itself is far from being enough. RED ARMY !

  93. Mark

    May 16, 2016, 11:06 #89638

    Progress?Are you kidding.Miles behind Leicester, less points since 2012, less goals since 2007 and no FA cup this year.This has been a crap season.If we continue to have Giroud upfront we wont finish top 4.No team can win the league with a 16 goal a season striker.We need to break the bank for Higuain or Aubameyang.If it costs £70m so be it.Sell Walcott The Ox and Giroud

  94. Made Up Stat

    May 16, 2016, 10:48 #89637

    Lowest points tally for 4 years. Fewest goals scored in 9 years. Our best finish in 11 years where we finished 10 points behind…LEICESTER. The people who think facts like these equates to success are the people that second hand car dealers pray for to float into their showrooms. You can fool some of the people all of the time….

  95. Kenny

    May 16, 2016, 10:38 #89636

    Remember the last game of last season.A useless striker scored a hat-trick we won 4-1 and our clueless manager thought we didnt need to sign a 25 league goal a season striker.Move on 12 months another usless striker scores a hat-trick we win 4-0 and our clueless manager will persist with Giroud next season.His 4 goals in the last week brought his total in the league to a pathetic 16.A laughable figure for a team with aspirations of winning the title.It could not have passed any Gooner by that Giroud finished behind Defoe in the goals chart(have you seen Sunderland's midfield?).So next season we can expect another Groundhog season.On the point of finishing above Spurs only the most deluded Gooner would say Spurs were not Leicester's only challengers.Our challenge died in early March.Wenger Out

  96. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 16, 2016, 10:22 #89635

    Any smypathy I might have had for the Spuds disappeared after reading about their match report of the NLD 2-2 draw. I quote "Aaron Ramsey, and what a c**t he is". If you're going to come up with such eloquence, at least back it up with why you come to that conclusion. But perhaps that would expecting a little too much from our esteemed neighbours. Mind the gap now.

  97. Arseneknewbest

    May 16, 2016, 10:18 #89634

    Kev - Just wanted to record my thanks for all of your reports this season, especially so given that many of them must have made for difficult writing what with our abject on-pitch performances during the latter half of the season. They're much appreciated in my emigre corner of west Wales. You provide an insight that the prem-promoting national press do not, e.g. the comments about Feo's body language (which give me hope that he'll be moved on soon, hopefully to one of our rivals). That there were 10,000 empty seats also tends not to be a favourite subject of fleet street who don't hesitate to drink at the PL gravy fountain and suck up to the big spin machines that are modern football clubs. You make the point that many have made in the past few days about how we'd expect to be champions if we'd finished above chelsea, manure etc. etc. That comment runs the danger of becoming an AKB cliche - a classic excuse designed to cover up mediocrity and in our case, perennial spinelessness. Leeky, Jamee son and the remaining few others in the wenger personality cult will be bringing that little nugget up before long to add to the "be careful what you wish for", and "eff orf down the lane" style rhetoric. I used to really enjoy St Tott's day, not least because of the degree to which it rankles with them, but this one felt much more streaky and tainted by the toxic atmosphere in the gooner community. Arsene, j'acccuse... Beating them in next year's CL semi finals would be something else - oh, wait, we're cr*p in that aren't we? Anyway, cheers mate and come back (still) fighting the good fight next season.

  98. It's up for grabs now

    May 16, 2016, 10:03 #89633

    Well whoopie doo, we once more finish above the Spuds, bring out the bunting, and give Wenger a new three year contract!! Like everybody else, it is amusing to see St Totteringham day once more, even if this time around rather unexpected and much later than usual, but that should not mask the reality that this campaign has been a failure, presided over by the specialist in failure!

  99. Augustus Flair

    May 16, 2016, 9:55 #89632

    Agreed that it's not a time for moaning - job eventually done on the pitch after much familiar frustration. But as many have said here the problems haven't gone away and the summer break is a welcome relief. I'm putting a fiver on Burnley for the title, with us runners-up as we cannot compete on a level playing field with these big-spending clubs.

  100. Daniel Northampton Gooner

    May 16, 2016, 9:46 #89631

    I agree finishing above the Spuds shouldn't be a cause for too much joy. However it has to be said that anyone who has grown up an Arsenal fan and is well aware of the pathetic hatred bile and jealousy the Spuds show us yesterday was very very funny indeed. In a season of not enough fun. Let's just hope next year is his last.....

  101. Time for changed

    May 16, 2016, 9:33 #89630

    Ha,ha Tottenham but Opportunity missed to win the league.

  102. Torbay gooner

    May 16, 2016, 9:29 #89629

    Spurs collapse against Newcastle was comedy gold, but as Jumpers has said it does not change what has been an incredibly frustrating season for us. It's difficult to look forward with any real hope to next season, with the same regime in charge. On the other hand I just have to be optimistic that next season finally brings the curtain down on AW's reign and we can rebuild thereafter.

  103. Clockend Mike

    May 16, 2016, 9:28 #89628

    Jumpers - couldn't agree more. We came second, so what. Who remembers second place anyway. When Tottenham drew at Chelsea the season was effectively over. I would rather celebrate real success than self styled "trophies" which no top club would even consider. I bet the board are now kicking themselves over cancelling the Emarites Cup!

  104. goonersol

    May 16, 2016, 9:18 #89627

    Putting Wenger In/Out issues to one side for now ( It wont go away) .......... It was a great day to be a Gooner, the Spuds folded against a 10 men relegated team, absolute quality, even in one of their most successful seasons they could not finish above us. If we had such a bad season, and they had one of their best, what does that say about them, how much more can they improve ?? If both teams played to their top potential ( the spuds don't have much more to give) , we all know who would come out on top, If we could just up our game, the spuds would have no chance of ever catching us.......St Totteringham Day Lives On.

  105. Jumpers for goalposts

    May 16, 2016, 9:12 #89626

    Any Gooner celebrating finishing above Spurs is pathetic. For years we've moaned about them being small minded but we're doing it now. We left Highbury to compete with Barcelona Real Madrid Bayern Munich etc. not sodding Tottenham. Our usual mid season collapse meant that we have failed to win the most winnable Premier League in decades and finishing above Spurs doesn't change this.

  106. Mathew

    May 16, 2016, 9:06 #89625

    Great day indeed for an Arsenal fan, Wenger loyalists will be the ones who will go overboard with joy. Happy to see the team in 2nd place although we have regressed from last season. Happy St Totteringham's Day everyone, let's live the moment.

  107. Peter Le Beau

    May 16, 2016, 9:01 #89624

    Some very good points made Kevin. Yesterday we were dire until we scored our second and more particularly when Elneny replaced Wilshere, who looked very below par all game . I'm surprised that everyone seems to think we had our best chance to win the league this season. Leicester lost three times( twice to us) and would have been very difficult to get past. They won the league by ten points which is a big margin and poor though we were all season we were second above all the other teams that had off seasons. We also had very good form against the top four , not losing any games. Our problem was NOT being flat track bullies as we have been in other seasons . We find it difficult to break down massed defences. We even struggled against Villa yesterday. The summer awaits but yesterday was a very funny day indeed and the collapse of the Spuds was quite hilarious. I had sadly predicted our collapse but if they had suffered injuries on the scale we did they might have been close to relegation.

  108. Tony Evans

    May 16, 2016, 8:40 #89623

    Good piece Kevin and as you say at least St Totteringham's Day gave us all something to smile about after a desperately disappointing season. Just left with a huge feeling of what might have been had Wenger invested in the squad properly last summer. Nothing less than clearing out the likes of Walcott (injured yet again) and The Ox, and bringing in at least 3 proper top quality additions will do - but will even that be enough when the manager will still be you know who!

  109. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 16, 2016, 8:37 #89622

    The balance of power has shifted in North London...they certainly have taken our mantle as London's biggest bottlers......only one thing to say about that hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Even as poor as we are, we still finish above them. On a serious note, this should be a wake up call to OGL....but we shall see.