A Fox in the Box

Are penalty awards the key to winning the title?

A Fox in the Box

An alternative 2015/16 Premier League table

At the start of the millennium, by which I mean the year 2001, not the commonly-used but erroneous 2000, it was said that Arsenal lacked a clinical finisher, a “fox in the box” to convert our free-flowing football into more end-product. Everton’s Francis Jeffers was hailed as the possible £8 million answer. As four goals in 22 games spread over three seasons attests, he wasn’t.

Talking of foxes, The Foxes of Leicester City topped not one, but two Premier League tables this season. Many congratulations are due concerning the only one that’s received worldwide publicity and acclaim, of course. But Leicester’s 5,000-1 triumph may never have been possible without featuring equally prominently in the second table, reproduced at the end.

A few seasons ago, when “Surley” was still patrolling the touchline at Old Trafford, from where he kept match officials in order, I gave some thought to the subject of penalties. Going back even further, it was said of the great Liverpool sides that they were often awarded penalties when most needed, to which their supporters replied that, as they scored more goals than other teams, it was not unreasonable to conclude that they spent more time ensconced in the opponent’s penalty area, therefore making penalties more likely.

Based thereon, I developed the idea of measuring a team’s potency by the number of goals they scored that did not come directly from penalties; non-penalty goals, if you will. Dividing the total non-penalty goals by the number of penalties awarded gives a ratio. This season, Arsenal have the dubious honour of being the only Premier League team not to be awarded a penalty on their home ground. I wonder when a team last finished second, or higher, without such assistance from either the referee or his two assistants (geddit?). But I digress.

Arsenal received two penalties, scoring one. So our 65-goal tally comprises 64 non-penalty goals. Divide this by the number of penalties awarded (two) gives a ratio of 32. In other words, we had to score 32 goals in order to be awarded a penalty, whether scored or not. Only relegated Norwich City - 39 goals, one penalty awarded and scored, giving a ratio of 38 - faired less favourably with the men in black when attacking. Previously mentioned Liverpool were third (30.5, to 1 decimal place).

And what of the new Premier League Champions? They scored 68 goals, including ten of the 13 penalties they were awarded. Congratulations to the season ticket holder who sits directly in front of me, by the way, who, on Valentine’s Day, backed them at 11-1 to get a penalty, which was duly awarded to, and despatched by, the cynical Jamie Vardy. I hope he bought his absent wife a bunch of flowers on the way home. But I digress. So Leicester’s ratio was 4.5, as they scored 58 non-penalty goals whilst being very lucky with the number of spot-kicks they were awarded (geddit?).

As to how many extra or fewer points teams received, depending on their standings in my derived table, it’s impossible to predict, and that’s before getting dragged into related imponderables such as momentum (gained or lost) and confidence (ditto).

1,026 goals were scored, including 74 from 91 penalties, meaning 952 non-penalty goals and an overall average of 10.5 (think Cherries).

The final table is reproduced on this page.

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  1. mbg

    May 22, 2016, 14:26 #89818

    Damm just back in and missed the Premier League review, and i so much wanted to see all our great displays and embarrassments all over again, they just keep getting better and better every time you see them, especially that great achievement of finishing second above the spuds.

  2. Gaz

    May 22, 2016, 7:38 #89815

    Went to a golf corporate day on Friday. Got 29 points in the morning (not too bad) and our team won the afternoon Texas scramble!!! Great day out with lovely people. Anyway I digress... After we'd finished I was at the bar and started chatting to a guy who was on the same corporate event but was in different teams to me. Anyway we got round to talking about football and it turned out he was a massive AKB! i joked we're going to argue and basically we did...for about an hour and a half! About 15 mins into the convo I could see where he was going and asked him if he frequented 'Untold Arsenal' and sadly he did. This meant he was coming out with every single conspiracy theory you could think of!!! He even told me we'd improved recently in Europe!!! At this point I was just laughing! Quite odd to actually hear this kind of rhetoric although no doubt he was thinking the same about me. If truth be known despite being completely mad he was a good lad...

  3. mbg

    May 22, 2016, 1:27 #89813

    That wouldn't be our FA Cup wins equalled would it ? and how long has it took that (couldn't hold a candle to our messiah) to win one, not ten years anyway.

  4. Roy

    May 21, 2016, 23:00 #89812

    That wouldn't be OGL your calling Biggus Dickus buy any chance, would it ? Yak yak !

  5. mbg

    May 21, 2016, 17:42 #89809

    Torbay gooner, yes obviously the referees are even bored with it.

  6. Roy

    May 21, 2016, 16:30 #89807

    Nick, talking of pens not being given at OT, do you remember Fletchers challenge on Arshavin ? That could have been classed as assault, and I can't believe to this day that it wasn't given - perhaps as it would have put us 2 up ! But not being given them can't be used as an excuse when as you say, other factors are at play. I think the seminal moment last season was at Anfield. That last minute goal was a killer and you could see it on the players faces. Wenger had taken off Campbell who had been the best player on the pitch on the night. He said he was knackered but I didn't buy that at the time, and I'm still not. Had they held on, he probably wouldn't have been asked the question, but if he had of you can bet the answer would have been different after a win. And we've all lost count of the number of times Ramsey should've been hooked but stayed on. This is the kind of b******s that needs sorting out along with our painfully slow build up play, before we lament about not being given penalties.

  7. jjetplane

    May 21, 2016, 14:55 #89806

    ... I mean passing the ball sideways 50 yrds fronm the opp goal for what seems like days (Arsene time) is hardly gonna result in getting upended but presently gets most opposing sides quite amused ...They hardly need to pull down Theo as now when he gets into stride it all goes Norman Wisdom .... Mr (Arsene) Grimsdale! and he manages to do things Perry Groves only dreamt about. Perry was a beast in comparison ....

  8. Torbay gooner

    May 21, 2016, 14:25 #89804

    Nick, yes it's a pain which is why I refresh the original code I see before inputting, which seems to work. Mmm unusual not to be awarded a home pen, but as others have said our 'style' of play these days has probably contributed to that.

  9. Arseneknewbest

    May 21, 2016, 10:22 #89802

    Nick - Nice one. Try typing in a small case "l" (i.e. the letter that comes after "k" when you see what looks like a "1". By the way, all the stuff you've written about weng makes good sense of course. Maybe you've already tried that though in which case appy-poppy-logies for wasting your time mate. I suppose when put next to leeky's oeuvre though, the frustration with the code is relatively minor.

  10. Nick

    May 21, 2016, 9:30 #89801

    In the days of old red face getting a penalty at OT was as rare as rocking horse excrement that's a fact, there can be no doubt that some refs play favourites, some are simply inept and I would be no more surprised if the odd ref was corrupt as I was when shock, horror it was announced that MPs were fiddling their expenses,however to lay our constant failures in the league at the officials door is dodging the issue nay its ignoring the issues! The fact is our pre seasons have been badly managed including transfers, the motivation has been non existent on several occasions and " in game management" has just not been evident ! The issue on substitutions being pre arranged has all but been proven fact, you can come to no other.conclusion when game after game subs are brought on around the same 60th to 75th minute timescale apart from forced changes due to injury and when oft times the most underperforming player has become a passenger yet stays on the field while your best player on the day is hooked off ! These things among others are why we fail in title challenges before the words of Wordsworth become meaningful, there is only ONE constant in this one common denominator WENGER ! So yes while we are probably robbed on occasion you cannot hold that up as a reason for our annual collapses, the reason for those resides in the dugout on match days vainly trying to zip up his oversized coat ! Ps, does anyone else find that when verifying the code before your comment is published that inevitably your first attempt is said to be wrong ? No matter how many times you check it and double check it before submission? Bloody irritating I have to say !

  11. mbg

    May 21, 2016, 2:08 #89799

    So the tinker man is going to get a knight hood in Italy, I wonder what TOF's going to get in France ? defrocked ?

  12. Carlos

    May 20, 2016, 21:46 #89798

    Does this mean we are runners up to Norwich instead of to Leicester?

  13. Arseneknewbest

    May 20, 2016, 19:31 #89795

    Ian - The coach and horses have ridden roughshod right through your spurious argument (which you neglect to state explicitly because I suspect you know it is testicles). Any mileage to this story about Granit Xhaka having a medical? Crazy name, crazy guy - looks like a bit of hardcase/nutjob with a decent shot on him too. A most unarsene signing if you ask me.

  14. Hiccup

    May 20, 2016, 18:49 #89794

    With We Are Building on this. Get a life. Leave this bollox for Untold and Amos.

  15. mbg

    May 20, 2016, 17:48 #89792

    Now the season is over there is at least one thing we should be thanking TOF and all his AKB apologists for, and that's giving us all one hell of a laugh through out, and keeping us all going when we knew all along (unlike them)there was nothing else, with all the excuses, the silly mental strength and great speeritt statements, the sleeping bag, the zip, the blame game, the crowing and the dampening of the calvin kliens when we turned over relegation fodder, the disappearing and failed routers after all the embarrassments, to suddenly pop up again talking something about eggs when the cracks were very temporarily papered over whenever the cart horse scored one with his hoof, oh and the petitions, who could forget the petitions, hilarious, and lastly but by no means least the conspiracy theories oh who could or can forget them also, and they're still on going and will be until the new season starts, yes all in all it has been a wonderful season, thank you wenger and all your AKB luvvies what would we have done without you. I cant wait for next season so we can have all that fun and all those laughs all over again, and we will, you can bet on it it's guaranteed.

  16. jjetplane

    May 20, 2016, 17:31 #89791

    ... 'the cynical Vardy' just reeks of AKB sour grapes. Vardy is one of the best football stories of all time and he is quite unique - sort of mixture of Shearer and Henry. Let's hope he has some good years at the top though for a guy playing 7th tier 4 years ago he can dine off that PL for has long as Wenger has since his last one ... Looking forward to the Vardy movie - lad's a star. Talking of movies Parlour used to bring his collection of Sellars movies on the coach for a good laugh! Bit like taking the piss out of the maths teacher which is really what Wenger is.

  17. Bard

    May 20, 2016, 17:20 #89790

    Ian another Arsenal website bangs on about this most of the time. Whilst I get the drift, ie Arsenal dont get many pens the most logical explanations are either chance or the refs are hopeless. I dont think we can do much about either but we could do something about our defence and a striker but hey what do I know about football, I have worked in it for 30 years.

  18. Alsace

    May 20, 2016, 16:51 #89789

    Sometimes the numbers don't add up especially if you are working around averages and small samples. However, two penalties during the whole season is an unusually small number. It is statistically significant or anomalous, so why should this be. In my view it is for the following reasons. 1) Under TSOF we spend very little time actually in the penalty area. We buzz around outside passing to each other. 2) Giroud, much though I like him, is known as a bit of a drama queen and you can cry wolf once too often. 3) We have no obvious goalscorer - poacher since OGL was too important to buy Defoe or Vardy last season. 4) Other teams DO have such goalscorers, including Mr Vardy who does a good line in falling over in the area. So, I used to say that all evil flows from Thatcher, but it is also true that all failure flows from Wenger. Mr Wenger is at fault for our getting fewer penalties than other teams. Centuwion, Thwow him to the floooah.

  19. jjetplane

    May 20, 2016, 14:34 #89788

    Penalties are one thing but when you have referees going on holidays paid for by Thai arms dealers you stand no chance if you are the most honest and nicest team in the world. As as been remarked on ahem that x files site Arsene would have had 100 pts and the title sewn up by December (it was for the AKBs) had there been a level playing field and as for Tottenham who have not had a player sent off since they won the double, well they would have been relegated along with Chelsea. But who can forget the moment Olly got a player sent off on THAT night when a corner of the Wok went berserk. Let's just say that due to multi-corruptions Arsene has missed out on a PL at least 12 times in the last 12 seasons. Knowwwwaarrmean loike! ps next time howabout a table listing bus times and dates for when the this whole sorry thing called football gets levelled down and Arsenal start picking up trophies like so many sweeties .....

  20. mbg

    May 20, 2016, 13:58 #89785

    Jamie, nice one, quip of the day so far.

  21. mbg

    May 20, 2016, 13:48 #89784

    Yes it's usually the teams playing power attacking football who get the pens, and not little nice boys playing tippy tappy trying to walk the ball into the net all twinkle toed.

  22. CT Gooner

    May 20, 2016, 13:48 #89783

    I found out yesterday researching the Dortmund payroll that we're paying Giroud 100k a week. So we're paying Walcott + Giroud about the same as Messi. Those that defend Wenger and try to pretend we're a small club are just crazy. Our payroll is massive and our squad brilliant in place, but overall very average. My argument for Wenger's sacking is he overspends in the wrong places, is tactically weak, and disrespects the fans. Time for Arsenal to move on

  23. Jamie

    May 20, 2016, 13:40 #89781

    Well, of course our awarded penalty awards are low. As soon as we get in the box we come straight out again so we can string together another couple of passes.

  24. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 20, 2016, 12:43 #89779

    Andy 1886 : Thanks mate you saved me the job - spot on about Giroud, plus he is too slow to go past the last man to draw a foul.

  25. andy1886

    May 20, 2016, 12:39 #89778

    It's probably fair to say that counter-attacking teams where speedy strikers attack out of position defenders will get more pens, so no huge surprise there. As has been already stated we give our opponents plenty of time to get into position as we pass back and forth outside the box. Another problem may well be Giroud's ridiculous propensity to throw himself to the floor at the slightest touch. Given his antics I would think twice before awarding him a pen so it's difficult to blame the referee for feeling the same way.

  26. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 20, 2016, 11:43 #89775

    Whoever wrote this ought to get out more.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    May 20, 2016, 10:52 #89773

    Yes indeed Ian, why on earth didn't the 'Number of penalty goals per penalty table' receive as much worldwide publicity and acclaim as winning the actual title? Yet another example of the worldwide reffing and media conspiracy against Arsenal, of course! An 'Untold' story that you boldly raise in the face of the dangerous, dark forces in football that conspire against Arsene and his brave soldiers such as yourself.

  28. goonersol

    May 20, 2016, 10:37 #89771

    The penalty table is just for info purposes really(some may say , pointless) , it is totally down to how a team plays. If they play in a way that strikers drive into the box and they have numbers in and around the penalty area there is a higher probability that a penalty will be given ( eg : Vardy running onto a long ball, mid- fielders supporting the strikers ) Arsenal don't play that way, so unlikely to force defenders into error's, so they are less likely to force a penalty hence a low ratio. Its no wonder more direct long ball teams are near the top of the stats. Quite often Arsenal do not have anyone in the box so chances of getting a penalty are slim to none if the ball is passed to death around the edge of the box without any real penetration or a player driving into the box. Its not definitive, just my view on why Arsenal currently do not get many penalties.

  29. Arseneknewbest

    May 20, 2016, 10:30 #89770

    Ian - and your point is? Be honest now...my hunch is you're going to blame the lack of pens on the referees. Maybe you'll get more oxygen for this hopelessly flawed argument on the august website that is unsold anusol. I mean it's hardly likely that the un-penetrative, outside-the-box, ponderous, tippy-tappy slow-paced football that professor chihuahua has coached the team to play has anything to do with it, right? It doesn't need a genius to see why we get so few pens. It's the coaching mate.