The Gathering Storm

Is the stage set for a disastrous end to the Wenger reign?

The Gathering Storm

Xhaka – Needs to be the first of many

It is my belief that we are facing a very important summer. The most important summer during the Wenger reign. Maybe even in the history of the club. Or maybe not. Maybe this is just hyperbole. However as we survey the end of a season of frustration, it is my belief that this summer we are facing a uniquely dangerous set of circumstances, one that could blow us away unless we act with ruthless conviction to keep the club at the top table.

Chelsea’s disastrous season and the lacklustre seasons of the two Manchester teams creates a very risky situation for us. Roman Abramovich, Sheikh Mansour and the Glazer family will simply not tolerate a repeat of this year, and are likely to spend big in an attempt to get back to the top of the pile. All three will have new managers next year, regardless of Van Gaal’s team delivering in the FA Cup final, and this will galvanise them in a way that could be devastating for Arsenal. All three are likely to make very serious bids for at least a top three place, and so we run a very real risk of being squeezed out of not only the title race, but the Champions League places all together.

And then we come to the wildcards and dark horses. Next season will see Tottenham boosted in money and prestige by playing in the Champions League. Their impressive young team could well push on to new things and will certainly make another serious bid for a top four place, if not a shot at the title. At Liverpool we will see what Jurgen Klopp can do when he has a full summer to get the players in that he wants and begins to mould the team in his image. Thirdly, we come onto the champions Leicester, who in a strange way will be next season’s unknown quantity. Will they be able to make a serious bid to retain the title? Will they compete for the top four? Will the pressure of the Champions League be too much for them? What is certain in my opinion is that Leicester will remain very dangerous at the top and will make a serious bid for a top six finish. And lastly we face Southampton and West Ham. If they can cope with the pressure of European football, then they could both make serious bids for top seven finishes again.

So there we have it. Next season we will see three wounded big beasts strike back, as well five other teams in possible contention at the top of the table. Arsenal could face an unprecedented squeeze on the top four next season, and so we must take radical steps now to ensure that the club remains competitive and in the Champions League. Sitting still is simply not an option. We must get rid of underperformers and replace them with higher quality replacements. Alas, I fear that the club will not do what is needed, despite the warning signs being there. I can’t help but get the feeling that the stage is set for a disastrous end to the Wenger reign. And what a shame it would be for our greatest ever manager to sign off in such a way.

Ed’s note – We’ll have the end of season Gooner survey online by the weekend

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  1. Alsace

    May 29, 2016, 22:24 #89961

    Well it's interesting, because as Theo skulks off reflecting on the waste of his time that has been Wenger, and persons of our generation reflect upon how tedious football has become, we realise that all systems, economic, political or sporting ultimately correct themselves. Just as the earth is spewing out mankind and AFC will spew out Wenger, football will spew out the money that is spoiling it. I'm hoping to interest George Osborne into taking 80 to 90 percent of Premier League money. That would be a lovely quick fix. Kill the money, lose the million pound salaries and the mercenaries and we can have fun again. No more Wayne, no more Zlatan. No more Wenger.

  2. mbg

    May 27, 2016, 18:22 #89935

    Alsace, what a player, taken far to soon, players like that would have played for Arsenal for nothing and given 110% along with it, unlike the shower now, where have they all gone.

  3. Alsace

    May 26, 2016, 17:59 #89909

    MBG, do you remember watching David Rocastle go past full backs like they weren't there? Exciting times.

  4. mbg

    May 26, 2016, 12:48 #89900

    27 years ago what men, proper players, and a proper manager George Graham.

  5. Gaz

    May 26, 2016, 11:37 #89899

    Ho-hum: Is that so? you wouldn't have a link to that articl?...

  6. PerryG

    May 26, 2016, 6:23 #89898

    The only hope for Wenger in his transfer dealings is to buy players who will motivate, organise and lead the team themselves, as Wenger has shown himself to be incapable of performing such duties. He got lucky inheriting the back four and augmented it with leaders like Vieira & Campbell. Since Campbell left in 06 we have had no proper captain/leader and Wenger has failed to bring anyone of such stature to the club. What we've witnessed since is teams devoid of fighting spirit and grit, where we once physically dominated and intimidated, we now lack the character to impose ourselves and fold when the going gets tough

  7. Ozzie

    May 26, 2016, 5:01 #89897

    With all the Visionary's comments on here pointing to a similar picture for next season why bother wasting your dough on season tickets? Why read a book when you already know the plot? Ah, but all is not lost - Nostradamus wasn't always right, was he?

  8. John F

    May 25, 2016, 22:15 #89896

    Mgb,He is a an unusual signing for Wenger, he has been sent off several times.He is a talent and was included in the German league team of the season.Judging by what I read he let his team mates know that he was the captain.He is going to have to shout himself hoarse at some of our players and I am not sure what he would of made of Wallys hop,skip and jump at the Sunderland game.It looks like Wenger will again play Jack or Ramsey out wide.With Roy playing Vardy out wide for England you have to wonder if there is a lets play players out of position virus going around.I was updated yesterday by a couple of Hull fans on Akpom and he has failed to impress in his time there.With Wally linked to several clubs and the Coca Cola bottling plant, our front line could be down to Giroud,Akpom and Sanogoal.I bet those three will give opposition defenders the collywobbles.

  9. mbg

    May 25, 2016, 20:52 #89895

    John F, good post, or in defence, maybe he once had a game as a left back. If what you say is in his repertoire it'll soon be coached/removed from his game you can be sure of that, TOF prefers players who will listen, nod, and not question (just like his followers) and approach the opposition on their twinkle toes dancing and sprinkling fairy dust.

  10. Arseneknewbest

    May 25, 2016, 20:16 #89894

    Now that the former manager and chihuahua-faced nonagenarian has signed Granit, maybe he'll be getting all geological on our asses by following it up with securing the John Hancock of John Stones. Or failing that, could we see a return to action for Steve Boulder (he's possibly till a better player than an assistant coach). Granit might even help us secure a few aggregate victories. In any case, Weng is still caught between a rock and a hard place insofar as his Arsenal career is concerned. Wenger grout! Back to the anti-pun medicine - sorry!

  11. Ho Hum

    May 25, 2016, 18:26 #89893

    Gaz- Less than a month ago the same newspaper reported a similar study from a different source which placed Arsenal outside the top 4 and in a Europa League battle with Man City in a 'fair' Premier League. I'm guessing Untold weren't getting all excited about that one?

  12. TJ

    May 25, 2016, 17:41 #89892

    Re: midfield, think it's terrible how stockpiled it all is with the same type of players. In DM I would say Coquelin is actually pretty solid, let down by a bad defensive system thanks to Wenger, but generally reads the game well, nullifies attacks well and helps the transition moving forward. Elneny is not an orthodox DM, he's really a defensively-minded box-to-box midfielder, ideally suited to playing in a 4-2-3-1 alongside Coquelin against big teams, but his physical presence, position and passing make him useful going forward to - Xhaka looks like a more offensively-minded version of Elneny, it must be said. Ramsey isn't consistent enough with his passing and decision making to occupy the box-to-box role; he's actually done well as playmaker, but Ozil's price tag alone seems to preclude his starting there. Fairly similar with Wilshere: yes his runs forward can be good which makes him a good linker of play in the box-to-box position, but he cares little for his defensive duties and is perennially injured in any case! Cazorla I have to say is overrated - Coquelin missing was more of a loss this season than him. He does provide genuine creativity but I think we have plenty of that already. Ozil has had good spells but in the big matches he isn't impactful - he's worth keeping because against most teams he is effective, as his stats show, but in the biggest matches he has to be played despite the fact there are possibly better internal options! Flamini was never good backup for Coquelin - we need a bulky, older DM like Barry, Tiote or Carrick there. In summary, it seems to be more about quantity than specific qualitiy...

  13. Tony Evans

    May 25, 2016, 15:46 #89891

    As usual, Ron, I find myself in complete agreement with you. To use a property analogy - location, location, location becomes midfield, midfield, midfield in the gospel according to Wenger. Misguided doesn't even begin to describe how out of touch with reality Wenger is, and it would appear he is never going to give up on tiki taki even when the weight of evidence against it is so overwhelming. Leicester have shown the way but Wenger is too stubborn or too deluded to follow. Why can't we have two ways of playing up our sleeve? Is it too much to ask to vary tactics when required and have a lethal, quick frontman to score a 'cheap' goal or two? - obviously it is as it would go against Wenger's principles - better to finish second playing his way all the time than to actually come top by mixing things up a bit!

  14. TJ

    May 25, 2016, 15:44 #89890

    @Nick I just think that given the poor coaching ability of Wenger it would take world class players a la Messi, Neymar to win even this weak league. The market for players, as you say, is pretty barren in the last few years, who is there at CF we could get? Lukaku if he can shake off his clumsiness, maybe Morata if he ups his goal scoring, or take a risk on older players like Cavani/Higuain etc. It feels like talking about transfer options is irrelevant based on Wenger's management alone, before you even look at the problems with the market.

  15. Ron

    May 25, 2016, 15:20 #89889

    Lads,I dont think theres any secret to Wengs proliferation of midfielders (if thats what some of them are supposed to be!). If you have as yr starting point that Wenger even still today has an obsession with tika taka - Barca 2008-2012 vintage (this converts to weak kneed tippy tappy for the uninitiated), its not a big leap to understand his delusion that it can yet still work in the EPL. His obsession is the result of a' buy try and see if he can recreate it here' policy. The default position when it fails (as it always will) is to buy yet more tip tap toe merchants and imagine a few changes will make Arsa a Barca. The man is obsessed, but worse, hes about 7 years behind the times from where football has gone to since the halcyon days of Barca euro dominance. Hes ramped up the image of daft policy recently by spending more on the tip tappers. The end result never differs though as its the tactic itself that is fundamentally flawed and outdated. Wengers perception of it though airbrushes away the Messi factor that Barca has to make their version work. Some call it stubborn. Others call it idealism. I just think the bloke has a few tiles loose and needs the sack to release him from his torment and us from the boredom of it all.

  16. Nick

    May 25, 2016, 15:19 #89888

    Of course we need to replace the three we are losing they were squad members the fact they hardly.or didn't play is one of the reasons we came up short again ! We need the numbers in our squad to have cover for injuries' and to provide much needed competition for first team places, last season was yet another abject lesson in what not properly strengthening your squad can do for your" ambitions " we definitely need a Rossicky type player to speed up our game we have too many Ramsey in particular whose first thought upon receiving the ball is to turn backwards and pass sideways ! But knowing Wenger one.or two signings three at best just the one at worst will be all we get ! In which case if there's any justice he'll get what he deserves and is long overdue the bloody sack !

  17. John F

    May 25, 2016, 15:08 #89887

    Wenger will probably play xhaka out wide with Jack bombing down the other side.Xhaka does look like a good signing and he likes to dish it out to his team mates.A s his name suggests he likes to get his teammates to do the All blacks war dance before kick off.Can you imagine the fear we are going to put in to Stoke etc with our mini midgets doing the haka and poking their tongues out.Might have to put strings on their gloves as it can be quite vigorous.

  18. Tony Evans

    May 25, 2016, 14:18 #89886

    Bard - crazy numbers I agree which make no sense at all. A midfield stuffed to the brim and yet other areas where we are so lightweight it is bordering on utter lunacy!

  19. Bard

    May 25, 2016, 14:03 #89885

    mbg it is an interesting one. We will have 8 midfielders in the squad as far as I read it. Ozil is nailed on to start and one presumes Jack will also start as we are about to offer him a massive new contract. So that leaves 2 from a possible 6. If the new boy starts that leaves all the others fighting for one place and we have 1 fit striker and one dud in Wally. Cant quite understand the logic.

  20. mbg

    May 25, 2016, 13:11 #89884

    Bard, indeed what is his obsession with midfielders ? another one now, is it that they used to play on the wing also when they were at primary school ? well there's two things for sure he's another typical wenger signing a second rater, (ie undisclosed fee, if he was big money the spin machine would be in overdrive and we'd know the price)or if he's a decent or good player he's f****d because he won't be for long.

  21. Highbury Boy

    May 25, 2016, 12:52 #89883

    I agree with Tony. No need to replace Arteta and Rosicky. Cant recall them even starting a PL game last season. Elneny replaced Flamini. Lots of others on loan such as Debuchy,Chesny,Sanogo can go and take Theo with them. As Tony and others have said;great need for a strong cb and top striker. Plus of course better coaching and tactics but that's another boring old story.

  22. Tony Evans

    May 25, 2016, 12:17 #89882

    Nick - accepting the fact that the manager is more than likely to mess up no matter who we sign, I would be happy with two more quality signings - centre forward and centre half. Both critical if we are to at least try and compete.

  23. jeff wright

    May 25, 2016, 12:13 #89881

    Highburyfields, Wenger is the most successful manager regarding winning domestic trophies 3 league titles in 20 years and 6 FA Cups . However, despite the much vaunted always qualifying for Europe ( yawn) the facts are that he is not the most successful AFC manager in Europe. A big flaw involved there ,non> ? So this ,in my view ,which you have kindly admitted that I am entitled to have, is that overall , even though they won a less domestic trophy or two than Wenger has and given the different circumstances that prevailed during their tenures that Mee ( tip my hat here to Don Howe as well) and Graham were more successful in the greater scheme of things AFC. Sometimes you have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. After all without the Fairs Cup and Cup Winners one we would never have won anything in Europe. Tbh 20 years of failure in Europe by Wenger -with some shocking record busting defeats involved - is an embarrassment and yet in the mad world of the AKB this annual Wenger farce is actually claimed to be a triumph! You couldn't make it up.

  24. David

    May 25, 2016, 11:45 #89880

    Granit Xhaka signed, so that's the transfers done and dusted for Arsenal this summer. Off to the beach now.;

  25. Nick

    May 25, 2016, 11:32 #89879

    TJ, you completely overlook the loss of three squad players in Arteta, Rossicky and the Flamster, at the very least we must replace them, also with Welbeck out for probably most of next season we should provide cover there, along with the top striker you admit we need that makes FIVE not ONE, its just my view that the three outgoing personnel should not be replaced with midfielders nessacarily, given that we have two youngsters in the Jeff and Iwobi who can perform there as well as the imminent new signing of Xahka or whatever his name is apparently he is a dm , so we now have three who can play there, so a goal scoring wide player along with back up in defense and a top striker makes a minimum of FOUR players needed I would still say we need one more to cover and provide competion for the likes of Ramsey, Wilshere, Cazorla and Ozil, which makes FIVE , it would make our squad strong for once something due to inactivity in transfer markets and the reliance on aging and injury prone players we havnt had for almost a decade, money is not an issue player identification perhaps is , the clubs who aspire to be at the top table must show ambition something le waster has NOT done for the last ten to twelve years if he fails to show ambition this summer then another season of failure and frustration await !

  26. Bard

    May 25, 2016, 9:34 #89878

    AMG; he seems to have an obsession with midfielders. Presumably he is toying with the idea of playing a 1-9-1 formation ! Gaz. Whats wrong with a hypothetical league table? At least we are in with a chance of winning it. 'Untold' are wedded to fantasy football as far as I understand them. Im enjoying their theories of thinking which oddly doesnt include deluded thinking

  27. Gaz

    May 25, 2016, 8:41 #89877

    Anyone checked 'Untold Arsenal' over the past few days? They are still crazily running with the line that there's a conspiracy against us and that the 'true' PL table would have us on top. I realise we all have a joke at their expense but this is now becoming a really bizarre and creepy website.

  28. mbg

    May 25, 2016, 0:02 #89876

    Hi Berry, yes that's proper ambition that, get rid of a manager who has just won the cup (we can just look on with envy) and sign another who is a specialist in winning, and not only that, but had and has our old past it manager in his pocket for years. I bet Maureen can't wait to get back, as someone has already suggested he's banking on six points already.

  29. AMG

    May 24, 2016, 22:35 #89875

    Xhaka is basically an upgrade on Elneny, which is welcome, but why did we buy Elneny? Don't let Arsene spend a penny I say, keep some money for the next guy to put to use.

  30. mbg

    May 24, 2016, 20:34 #89874

    Danish Gooner, they can't hide from it now mate.

  31. mbg

    May 24, 2016, 20:20 #89873

    You could have quite easily penned that opening paragraph six seven seasons ago and indeed some did, and it is still relevant today, and the same thing has been said every season since , yet here you are saying it again, have you been hibernating mate, you can save it for next season also, as the exact same thing will be said nothing will have changed, as long as this old fraud of a manager is still here stinking the place out.

  32. Bob

    May 24, 2016, 20:08 #89872

    I agree with everything in this analysis, though I have to correct the mistake in the very last sentence. Our greatest ever manager signed off by succumbing to pneumonia mid-season, while the team he built was on the way to winning the second of three consecutive titles (a feat he had already achieved with Huddersfield Town)

  33. Roy

    May 24, 2016, 19:42 #89871

    Ron, you're not wrong there mate. That's like a licence to print money. Think I'll get on early ! Sadly, the days when I used to think it was sacrilege to bet against your own team are long gone.

  34. TJ

    May 24, 2016, 18:12 #89869

    @Nick, I honestly don't think we 'need' any players other than a quality CF, and even in this weak league that might not be essential. The problem, as you may recognise yourself, is essentially that Wenger's coaching methods hold the team back. I think this is more important than his bad transfer policies. Other than maybe 06-09, I can't think of any of his teams ever being more than the sum of their parts. It's impossible to accurately assess the quality of players when they're not coached defence properly, aren't allowed to study the opposition, are pressured to play open football no matter the circumstances, never get in-game tactical advice, rarely receive the right substitutions or strategic changes during games etc.

  35. Alsace

    May 24, 2016, 17:50 #89868

    Of course the bad outweighs the good. Mr Wenger has hung around like a bad smell, wasting our time for at least a decade, and doing incalculable damage to players and fans and club alike. I would airbrush him like a shot. Why ? because it would absolutely enrage him like it has enraged you. I would like him to have a slight taste of what I feel every time I think about the old fool. Every time I see him screw something up (be it a season or a substitution) and get paid £8 million quid for it. The world I live in demands never screwing up. Not once. If I do there are serious consequences. His lack of professionalism and your indulgence of it bring out my total and utter contempt. Many others feel the same. I recognise his achievements. I just don't consider them remotely relevant. Furthermore I have no affection left for him.

  36. Ron

    May 24, 2016, 17:32 #89867

    Whatever occurs nest Season, it ll be another season of losing to Utd. Wenger just doesn't beat the surly Portuguese mouth. Going to Old Trafford v the Arse will be an even worse prospect( if indeed it can possibly be any worse!)

  37. jjetplane

    May 24, 2016, 16:17 #89866

    Gooner Ron you sound like you are still in xmas mode - sort of top o' the league with Arsene for a week grind ... Do you work in consolidation type work? Enjoy the euros mate - it's all about the Spuds and super Vardy .... lol! I am looking forward to seeing why Arsene only got 2nd through pure chance and that will be a now career best. He will be buried next season with the managers now hawking it in the PL ...

  38. jjetplane

    May 24, 2016, 14:23 #89865

    Leek Fc agree with yer mate - Arsene equals serious zzzzzzzzssss ....... Was there ever a more boring club? Eh eh eh eh eh eh ........

  39. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 24, 2016, 12:42 #89863

    What if...... No really what if........ Leicester win it again! Jesus that would make things interesting

  40. GoonerRon

    May 24, 2016, 10:33 #89861

    @ Alsace - you sound like a spoilt little child who hasn't got what he wanted for Christmas. You would comprehensively airbrush Wenger from our clubs history would you? What, along with the two doubles, unbeaten title winning league season, six FA Cups and probably 4 or 5 of the very best players our club has ever seen? Yes, there have clearly been some very low points in his time here but what about a bit of balance for once. The low times for us have often been losing finals, fading in a title race, only finishing 3rd or 4th in the league along with some incredibly frustrating points where we have repeatedly failed to address key failings of the players, tactics etc, but I you are insane if you think the bad has outweighed the good.

  41. Nick

    May 24, 2016, 10:21 #89860

    Untill the summer is over and we KNOW what we HAVE and HAVNT done playing staff wise there is little point pontificating on our possible chances, I know nothing of this Xhaka fella were supposed to have already signed apart from the fact he had the worst disciplinary record in Europe last season, I still think it would be utter folly not to buy another four players at least, a center half, a prolific striker, an out and out winger who scores more than four or five goals a season and a quality right back who can also play an attacking midfield role ala Lauren as back up and competition for Hector, I don't see Chambers as a right back maybe a dm but most likely his future lies as a center back , with adequate cover in that position we could gradually mould him into the player he should be, ideally , were I manager id also make Stoke and Butland an offer they couldn't refuse , we could then rotate our keepers with confidence, also Butland is young and in my view could be the best English gk since big David Seaman , but that's what id do , what le fraud will do is anyone's guess but the odds on him actually buying who we NEED are probably as high as Burnleys to win the prem . Whatever happens I dont expect us to fall.out of the top four, I predict both Leicester and the scum will struggle comparatively in the league as will West Ham and Southampton, the usual suspects along with Liverpool will in my view make up the top four candidates, will we win it ? Well stranger things HAVE happened ie Leicester City, but I doubt it very much unless le waster actually DOES buy the requisite numbers and quality of players !

  42. McParlour

    May 24, 2016, 9:58 #89859

    Well it could go either way, and the last 10 years suggests it will go the same way as ever. But then this is football and strange things happen. Leicester winning the league for example. I would say cheer up and even if you don't like Arsene (or hate his guts as most everyone on this website seems to) why not just try backing the guy for one more season, probably his last, and see if it makes a difference. I get that it's been frustrating but I also think he's done a lot more than you give him credit for. Poor season (despite finishing 2nd) but the passage in your piece where you big up Tottenham has me convinced you don't know as much as you think you do!

  43. Cameron

    May 24, 2016, 9:53 #89858

    With Mourinho and Guardiola's arrival any hopes of a title has gone. We'll be battling the above mentioned for 3rd and 4th - but if either Ozil or Sanchez leave we could face a Chelsea style collapse down to mid-table.

  44. GoonerGoal!

    May 24, 2016, 8:51 #89857

    "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" (Let them eat cake...) Don't care, won't care... WENGER OUT! KROENKE/GAZIDIS OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  45. Leek fc

    May 23, 2016, 23:03 #89855


  46. Big Dave

    May 23, 2016, 22:53 #89854

    What would the Arsene Wenger of 98 say to the Wenger of 2016, ? Simply put it will be ground hog day again.

  47. Arseneknewbest

    May 23, 2016, 20:52 #89851

    Unless Weng, in typically French pharmaceutical fashion, takes a suppository containing a truth drug, he'll continue to blunder from one on-the-park fiasco to another. Despite his gallic assured-ness and apparent existential cool, he has no self-awareness, viz the way he all too easily passes the blame onto anyone other than himself. He's a loser and an enemy within. He'll drag this club as far into the mire as he's allowed to by the merkined moron from Missoura. Let's face it - the club is fooked in all aspects except at making a few people rich. What the others do next season is immaterial - someone or other will finish above us.

  48. Raphael Meade on his toes lively....

    May 23, 2016, 20:17 #89850

    I think this could be the year.

  49. Big Andy

    May 23, 2016, 20:07 #89849

    Next season will just be more of the same dross which we've endured over the last decade. We'll probably finish fourth next May - which is all the club cares about. My guess is that both Leicester and Spurs will struggle, leaving the Chavs and to come back into the top four. And Wenger will get his new contract to keep the farce going. Sad.

  50. Hiccup

    May 23, 2016, 19:09 #89848

    Bit of a drama queen Thomas? The only unique set of circumstances I can think of was the demise of the other big clubs last season. We missed our opportunity to win the league, but then again it's not a requirement or wish of the management, or indeed our fan base. Man Utd, Chelsea and City will be back wanting to win it next season which is nothing new. Their boards and certainly the fans expect at least a sustained challenge. But I have every faith that Wenger will deliver a top 4. The season's just finished and you're getting yourself all in a tizz. I really don't know why you're worried that Wenger won't do what is needed despite the warning signs? I mean, past underperformers and dross have been kept in the squad for years on end by our greatest ever manager. So why would you want our greatest ever manager to change now after ten years of this trait? Do you want him to ruin his legacy of the last ten years? Just chill, enjoy the summer, and look forward to another exciting ride next season.

  51. Alsace

    May 23, 2016, 18:06 #89847

    I disagree with your description of Mr Wenger as Arsenal's greatest ever manager. Herbert Chapman founded a dynasty and got us our first Cup and our first league win. George Allison presided over several championships. George Graham pulled us out of obscurity and made us feared and loathed in equal measure. He won a European Trophy as well. This guy built an attacking team on George Grahams defence, and then began the Bulls**t. I see him as much more of a Leslie Knighton figure than as someone deserving of an accolade as our greatest ever. He's not fit to lick Don Howe's boots as a defensive coach. The 1971 achievement was a colossal one. That man has wasted 10 years of my life and tens of thousands of pounds of my money as he has sucked the fun and the life out of the club. If the Club was mine I would see to it that he was comprehensively airbrushed from history. You are right about one thing however, he is going to go out leaving us in trouble.

  52. Roy

    May 23, 2016, 17:40 #89846

    Whether Wenger can now be called our greatest ever manager is a matter for debate I would say. What's not in question is that he won't buy the world class striker that we need, thereby condemning us to more groundhog type fare. Boring. This must be the first time that I'm actually looking forward more to the summer tournament than the following season. Ennui reigns supreme at the soulless bowl.

  53. Bard

    May 23, 2016, 17:26 #89845

    Thomas I have written on this subject before. I agree it will make the league even more competitive, although not better necessarily. Who knows what Arsenal will do ? What is nailed on is that they wont win it. Wenger got through by the skin of his teeth last season. He will need to up his game substantially if he's not to incur the wrath of the not so faithful. Could be an interesting beginning to the season if we dont come out flying.

  54. Hi Berry

    May 23, 2016, 16:34 #89844

    Interesting to see developments at Old Trafford. Their manager wins the FA Cup and is rewarded with the sack as they take steps to try and ensure there is no further falling away behind their competitors. Oh that our board showed as much ambition.

  55. Wardy

    May 23, 2016, 14:05 #89843

    I'm not bothered any more ..... the premiership is lost to greed, the return of the Poisonous One and ludicrous TV scheduling and Arsene will spend the summer making the same mistakes he's made over the last 5 years or so .... we clearly need several top class signings, a top class central defender, left back and a 30 goal a season striker being obvious but we'll start the season light as always .... the saga of Xhaka's signing says it all i.e. sign a player ASAP as season ticket renewals are needed, spend the summer promising the world and being linked with everyone, sign no-one, Sanogo is back like a new player ..... injuries to key players .... top 4 finish and a Champions League campaign that ends at the last 16 ....blah blah yawn yawn I'm boring myself to death

  56. Ron

    May 23, 2016, 13:58 #89842

    Chelsea. City Utd and Asl to finish top 4. Past caring who wins it. It wont be Asl. Mourinho wont make massive strides at Utd other than dragging them back into the top 4. I think they've slipped up sacking LVG. The Granit will be Asl s only main signing. Maybe a couple of squad men will come in for Arteta and Rosicky.

  57. David

    May 23, 2016, 13:38 #89840

    Despite all the changes at the big clubs, I suspect next season could be a re-run of this. Arsenal and Spurs will be in the top four thanks to their stability, but won't win the title due to their ability to choke under pressure. Leicester, Southampton and West Ham will be middling as their squads won't be strong enough to compete in Europe as well as domestically, and the Manchester clubs will need a season to adjust especially with their new managers baiting each other. Chelsea will go through some pain with Conte. Which leaves Liverpool as the most likely winners. Like 2013-2014 they have nothing else to distract them, they have a manager bedded in and they have the money to improve the team. All that said, given Sunderland were this season's relegation escapologists, maybe they will just go and win it. Predictions for Arsenal - top 4 (but not winners), last 16 CL and one of the domestic cups.

  58. Exeter Gunner

    May 23, 2016, 13:36 #89839

    Arsenal's greatest ever manager sadly died during a freezing cold January over 80 years ago. With his duvet coat, the same fate seems unlikely to befall Wenger, though he does struggle with that zip... perhaps that's the most likely route to change.

  59. jjetplane

    May 23, 2016, 13:25 #89838

    So if Arsene does the impossible and gets third it will be one of his greatest achievements and should see another three years of consolidating ....... errr his various 'accounts' ... You forgot the Toffees who I am backing at a zillion to one to take the PL with Burnley runners up .... Get those bets in!

  60. Mark T

    May 23, 2016, 12:59 #89836

    I'm beyond caring now. It's a farce, seemingly without end. Have renewed my season ticket but have zero expectation of anything other than groundhog days and more misery

  61. Danish Gooner.

    May 23, 2016, 12:43 #89835

    Poor old Arsene will be made to look like Metuzalem in the coming season,he will be found so outdated even the Akbs cant hide from it.

  62. TC

    May 23, 2016, 12:25 #89834

    I thinks its good there will be more teams that can beat other teams to keep things tight so I would say closer is better for Arsenal not worse. This season we were one of only two teams to beat Leicester so if more teams had beaten them then we would have been closer. We might have lost a bit more though but we could have played better as well. Bottom line - it's the same as all the last 12 seasons - Hope but in our hearts but knowing our leader is flawed in the modern game.


    May 23, 2016, 12:02 #89833

    After the last 12 years who really cares?

  64. goonersol

    May 23, 2016, 10:50 #89832

    The article could cover the start of the last half a dozen season's and Wenger signs a couple of players stating that's all he needs because we have a squad who can compete....Groundhog season awaits, with the same old issue, will Arsenal finish top 4?? as recent history shows we cannot mount a serious title challenge.....

  65. crispen

    May 23, 2016, 10:45 #89831

    yeah whatever......