The Opposite of Commentator's Curse

Of dodgy penalties, yellow cards and Millwall fans

The Opposite of Commentator's Curse

Just another night at the Den

Six days you shall labour, but on the seventh day you shall watch England v Turkey. And for me, it was the opposite of Commentator’s Curse, when a pundit praises a team or individual, only for them to fail spectacularly, albeit usually briefly. Having just written A Fox in the Box, featuring serial diver Jamie Vardy, it was an “I told you so” moment as I basked in the glory of my 5.6/10 rating, more than double what I’m used to receiving for my heretical offerings.

City AM, the finance-based weekday London freebie, is not known for its sports coverage. Therein, Frank Dalleres on Monday stated: “… having got in front of Mehmet Topal, ran across the centre-back in the manner he [Vardy] perfected last season and succeeded in tangling with him sufficiently to earn a penalty.” Even ever-partisan Ian Wright, Wright, Wright couldn’t bring himself to call it a spot-kick. Nuff said. Enjoy your nuptials, Jamie, but don’t go down too soon.

Some Arsenal fans protested thrice at the recent home game against Norwich City: after 12 and 78 minutes and at full-time. The first two references were to the dozen years since we last won the league. If Spurs fans were similarly disposed – unlikely, I know, as I keep hearing what a tremendous season they’ve enjoyed – they’d have to get out their calculators unless they can still use an abacus or slide rule (both were more common in 1961) – to protest after 55 minutes and, wait a minute, or twenty, on 35 minutes. Imagine, it’s 2059, fifty-five years since The Invincibles delivered our last league title. Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

Danny Welbeck’s Valentine’s Day last-gasp winner was a hug-a-stranger moment if ever there was one. 1-0 down, 2-1 up. On that occasion, Vardy ran into our left-back, Nacho Monreal, and succeeded in tangling with him sufficiently to earn a penalty. Danny’s celebrations led to the inevitable booking. But why? He didn’t remove his shirt. If he’s guilty of mixing with us mere mortals, then surely most of our outfielders should also have seen yellow, including Aaron Ramsey, who had already been booked. If only the scorer is to be punished, what happens if players celebrate similarly an ‘own goal’? As for Arsenal’s equaliser at the FA Cup Final a mere decade after Spurs’ most recent Championship, well, perhaps we’d better not go there.

Last Friday I went to The Den for the second leg of Millwall v Bradford City. The 1-1 draw saw Millwall progress to Wembley 4-2 on aggregate. Knowing I was at the game, a Gooner mate texted: TalkSport say Millwall fans throwing things at Bradford fans. Pathetic.
Me: They are and they are.
Gooner Mate: They are through, so why?
Me: Because they can.

This is also the answer to an old joke: why do dogs lick their balls?

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  1. mbg

    Jun 01, 2016, 23:18 #89995

    Is it ? really ? so if he plays/makes/takes a key roll in the box and it wins it for England it will be acceptable, and the word cheat will never be mentioned (especially by the England supporting AKB's)and he'll be hailed a hero and the best thing since Gazza.

  2. Sir Horace

    Jun 01, 2016, 21:48 #89994

    The word is "role". Not "roll".

  3. mbg

    Jun 01, 2016, 18:02 #89993

    I see Rashford has been told he can play a key roll for England at the Euros, poor old wally remember when he was told the same all those years ago ? with a decent club manager maybe, but it's to late now, wengers Arsenal spine ? my arse, the only spine I can see is from poch's spuds.

  4. mbg

    Jun 01, 2016, 14:04 #89992

    joe S, your right there, every fan of other clubs are, taking it/things seriously looking forward to the new season, expecting their club and manager to do the proper business, to at least try and make their club better, us ? we've nothing to look forward to, we're still joking and laughing at our old fraud of a manager and his bumbling exploits last season and all the others before, because we're expecting things to be no different whatsoever next season and they won't, it will be the same old same old, we all know it, (some won't admit it of course but they know it) apart from the same old bumbling past it manager to laugh at. wenger out.

  5. Charlie George Orwell

    Jun 01, 2016, 13:01 #89991

    Give (non fascist) P's a chance. It's what he would have wanted.

  6. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2016, 12:35 #89990

    Used to go to a few Millwall games and work for years with bunch of their notables so sometimes it is all about perspective but Millwall are pretty fantastic in the community sense and I remember the 88 game standing on the north bank and thinking all part of the game and mixed feelings too on Wimbledon as I also used to watch Plymouth in the 70s for a while and still seen them a few times since. Tis all but footer and who was there when the brummies took the north bank wholesale in the late 60s - now that was a sight .... Biggest thing in the game now is the obligatory crowd wave for the cameras .... Ooooh it's a corner! ..... Funny enough remember reading Homage to Catalonia on my first trip to Plymouth - missed my stop and ended up in Penzance! It's in the p's ....

  7. Charlie George Orwell

    Jun 01, 2016, 8:25 #89989

    John F: Ahh, the delights of our friendly S Londoners from Millwall paying us the occasional visit. I remember the FA Cup match in 1988 where there were scuffles and fisticuffs all over the place. I can still see now overweight, grey haired Millwall sweeties in their 40’s and 50’s starting fights in the West Upper (I guess you could argue that these were the most dramatic scenes ever recorded in that stand). Afterwards, John Docherty, the Millwall manager comically (but also in a rather prescient way in the comparatively soon-to-be Wenger era) claimed, ‘I didn’t see anything’. Perhaps he was wearing his reading glasses, I don’t know. Then there were the running battles around Highbury after the match. I recall seeing a mounted policeman using his horse to wedge a Millwall fan against a wall until presumably back-up could arrive. I’ve never before or since seen this manoeuvre which must surely be prohibited – I wonder if he ever pursued a claim? ‘Have you ever been compressed against a wall by a 500 kilogram beast while innocently directing a riot? Call us NOW on Ambulance Chasing Shysters 4 You!’

  8. Joe S.

    Jun 01, 2016, 4:07 #89988

    Summer is the off season so I suppose we shouldn't be taking this stuff seriously, but what the hell was that article about.Should it be filed under, the usual AKB drivel? Vardy redeems the past season's follies and all is right in the land of the deluded. Ten more years!

  9. mbg

    May 31, 2016, 23:38 #89987

    jw, and that's another thing the AKB wengerites would rather we forget about but we never will (and it's went down in history also)how TOF stuck with the third rate waiter for five years hoping one day he'd become good just because of his ego and arrogance at not being proved wrong, what a fraud, that was a sack able offence on it's own (one of the many) and would have been at any club big or small in Europe. wenger out.

  10. John F

    May 31, 2016, 21:07 #89986

    Well done AFc Wimbledon a club started by its own fans.Someone tweeted that now they are in the same league as MK dons it is like the real Elvis Presley tapping on the shoulder of an Elvis impersonator.The make up of their support is interesting it has not only the original Wimbledon fans but contains supporters of other prem teams who have been priced out of following their own team.The only drawback is my home town of Kingston will be visited by Millwall fans next season,having seen them trying to attack Barnsley fans and terrifying families at the play off final it is not a game that will be looked forward too.Millwall is a team I have never seen us play against but up here in Yorkshire they still talk about their visit to Hull in the F A cup in 2009 when a near riot took place.

  11. RedPig

    May 31, 2016, 20:21 #89985

    Website Admin (Mike) I am certain there was no abuse in my post but if I crossed the line with what I said then I apologise. I certainly do not want to see an end to website or fanzine. Respecting others opinions is of course vital but what struck me most about this particular article was the lack of respect it displays towards others. It is not up to standard I am used to on this website and that is why I was surprised it was approved. Anyway lets move on. I appreciate you taking the time to reply so thanks very much for that.

  12. mbg

    May 31, 2016, 19:13 #89984

    Hiccup, like I've already said a short time back (already forgotten no doubt if it was ever even taken on board in the first place) according to some (we all know who)it's only a scandal and disgraceful if it's another team or their player, one of ours and it's gamesmanship, he was touched, etc, etc, and he was within his right, and he's a great fella. You couldn't make it up.

  13. Website Admin (Mike)

    May 31, 2016, 18:57 #89983

    RedPig - As a long-term subscriber you will appreciate that we have published a lot of varied content over a long period from a wide cross spectrum of the Arsenal fanbase. We greatly appreciate all our contributors who give up their time freely. We don't expect everyone to agree with all the views which are represented but we do expect people to respect others opinions. Criticism is fine, but abuse of fellow Arsenal supporters will not be tolerated and I suspect it was felt your previous comments crossed that line. I'm sorry if you don't agree with that standpoint, but we would rather take what some may see as a harsh line on comments than lose contributors which would ultimately result in the end of the fanzine and website.

  14. henry norris off the forum

    May 31, 2016, 18:46 #89982

    what actually was this article? ****ing hell i'm laughing over here. it reads like a drunken text message. good effort

  15. Hiccup

    May 31, 2016, 18:37 #89981

    Edmund, what are you on about with shades of Costa? Lehmann came flying out of goal and took him out. A clear red card offence. Had he made contact with the ball with his outstretched hand then it would still have been a red card as he was outside the box. If any team could have blamed the ref for being biased that night it was Barca. They could argue he should have played advantage for a goal. And let's not forget the free kick that Eboue dived for our goal. It was hilarious. A yellow card offence if ever. But I'm sure no Arsenal fan gave a sh!t about the morals of our goal at the time and wouldn't to this day had we held on. Whatever next? Glen Cockerill feigned injury to get Paul Davis a ten match ban?

  16. mbg

    May 31, 2016, 15:42 #89980

    jw, yes that must have went down like a concrete block in a swimming pool over at AKB central as he was accusing them too, but still they supported/support him, deluded or what. You couldn't make it up.

  17. jeff wright

    May 31, 2016, 15:24 #89979

    mbg, once again Wenger blamed everyone and thing other than himself for his failure to make a title tilt last term. The funniest thing though was when he blamed it on the Emirates crowd who largely support him for creating a toxic atmosphere that put Wally and co off their game! You couldn't make it up.

  18. mbg

    May 31, 2016, 15:01 #89978

    jw, yes mate, we should (maybe some were/did)have been or become aware way back then and that night of TOF's tactical acumen and limits, he's been the same ever since. wenger out.

  19. RedPig

    May 31, 2016, 15:00 #89977

    Hmmm … a few days back I posted a comment on here asking The Gooner to justify publishing this appalling Ian Tanner article. One that I expect was done to antagonise readers. I now come back and see that rather than respond to my comment, it has simply been removed – along with a reply to it from Kenny – who was in agreement with me that this article was an embarrassment and reflected badly on this website. Neither of our comments were rude but they were critical of The Gooner. I don’t wish to sound precious as I know many of you have had comments removed for various reasons … but is this how The Gooner responds to criticism of what it allows to be published? Are they taking a leaf out of the clubs book by censoring criticism? It would be a shame to cancel my subscription after more than 20 years but I will if that’s the way it is. To remove non-abusive critical comments but allow suspect articles from the likes of Tanner and Perry is laughable. I expect this comment will go the same way as the other (if it ever appears that is) but who gives a ----.

  20. mbg

    May 31, 2016, 14:49 #89976

    Has anyone seen OGL lately ? is he still on the planet ? or has he been beemed up onto the starship enterprise by scotty along with all those others from untold. Maybe he's on a scouting mission to outer Mongolia with forty Benson + Hedges and a box of swan vesta, remember last season how we were told by the AKB's that where ever he is you can bet he's working hard for the club, yeah right.

  21. Edmund

    May 31, 2016, 14:08 #89975

    Can someone post a new article? This thread is getting really long. How does one submit articles anyway?

  22. Mark T

    May 31, 2016, 12:48 #89974

    Utter tripe

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 31, 2016, 12:20 #89973

    A point in regards to AKB's. Apparently according to Jamerson and others the WOBs cannot accept defeat and are childish bad losers. Yet from February onwards when Leicester went on their run. We lost Colesey, Jamerson, Westie, Amos, Badarse and no dioubt others. Surprising considering they all bosted they could take defeat in their stride. On Untold we can see how well they continue to process events. Looks like if you want a level headed pragmatic solution you'd better speak to a WOB

  24. jjetplane

    May 31, 2016, 12:20 #89972

    Just wandered across to Untold where the old 'there are no good strikers out there' narrative still doing the rounds and the most amazing conclusion that 'Sanogo is not ready yet'! which must be upsetting for Ozil as I am sure he would relish the chance to play with The Mail Man .... Come on Arsene!

  25. jjetplane

    May 31, 2016, 11:58 #89971

    Have I just wandered onto a Bent Referees have ensured Arsene FC have not won two CLs and a few PLs? or has someone got so bored with Untold (only take so much compulsive repetition) that they try their hand on here with the classic desert chant 'I love Arsene and Arsene loves me.' Awwwww .... Thanks for wrapping it up Jeff and on any given day Barca can wipe the floor with Wenger - even when they put in a half shift which is all Wenger has ever been capable of. The other half is taken up with fear and ignorance. Wenger out/Proper Arsenal back with proper fans and not the careerist come latelys who are more themselves than Arsenal. Turned the whole club into an embarrassment. Anyway - about Arsene's English spine ..... lol!

  26. jeff wright

    May 31, 2016, 10:37 #89970

    The big problem with the Jens red-card for denying a goal scoring opportunity inthe Paris final is that,er,Barcelona actually scored a goal from the move ! Jesus wept you couldn't make it up. It was just a yellow card job and Barcelona should have been a goal ahead. But hey why let the truth stand in the way of being kind to Arsene. Wenger got out of jail actually and even went a goal in front when Sol Campbell came flying like a wardrobe out of the night on a set-piece to score with his big head .Unfortunately good old Arsene paid the price for not having a proper back up GK that night and for his usual fixed late subs and lost his only chance of winning the European Cup. The question here is though why did Arsene persist with Almunia for donkey's years after but again we don't want to be unkind to Arsene by suggesting that he might not really be all that he is cracked up to be by some do we now.It might be a good idea though before some castigate others for their views ifthey got their facts right regarding their own ones.

  27. Edmund

    May 31, 2016, 8:09 #89969

    Ian, regardless of whether we share your views, at least your posting reminds me that this is an Arsenal fan site and I have not wandered into spuds or manure site by mistake. Btw, I tried looking up the video on Lehmann's red card in the final on YouTube but most just did a quick cut scene to when his glove caught Eto's foot. Based on that, fair enough but finally found one extended clip if the incident and Eto ran the length of Lehmann's outstretch arm before being caught. Shades of Costa here. Forward to Eduardo years later, red card for diving. Haven't most fans and managers of other clubs been griping for years about Fergie's Association and how United got all the breaks? Just because we are just plain tired of a manager and owner with no ambition beyond CL qualification make us negative towards all possibly pro-wenger posts. That said, well done Leicester. Deserving champions and thanks for showing AW how its done without miney excuses.

  28. jjetplane

    May 30, 2016, 17:58 #89968

    On the radio tomorrow tonight 'The making of Harry Kane' and plans to make 'The making of Theo Walcott' have been shelved as producers await what the future holds for the junior spin doctor and occasional sports personality. Other news on Arsene's other English greats and 'the making of ....' well there is no news because there are none except funny to watch Jack being ignored by his 'team mates' when Rasheeee scored. That lad is serious class.

  29. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 30, 2016, 15:27 #89967

    Hi Berry- apparently Walt reckons he is a ref in the Belgium leagues or at least was. God knows what it must have been like playing a game under him as I suspect he would happily balance out a perceived injustice and that injustice could be something completely random. The biggest problem for Walt is he still doesn't have his red membership so very little Arsenal football is actually watched by Walt but that doesn't stop him electing himself as cult deputy leader.

  30. mbg

    May 30, 2016, 14:55 #89966

    Hiccup, yes indeed that wold go down well at AKB central, (we mustn't forget about them as we concentrate on the more extreme goonies) we could/would win the prem and cl without winning a game, LOL.

  31. Edmund

    May 30, 2016, 14:21 #89965

    One simple way to resolve all this dissatisfaction over refs is to use video technology. Thanks to Sepp Blatter and his crony Platini, football is still in the dark ages behind many other sports. I guess the "unpredictability" of referee decisions makes gambling and other corrupt vices more fun.

  32. Hi Berry

    May 30, 2016, 11:53 #89964

    Anyone wanting to give themselves a headache today should head over to Untold and drink in the Stat-fest presented in support of another article supporting the 'we woz robbed by the refs' conspiracy. According to dear old Walter there could be a swing of 24 points against a team (Arsenal, one presumes) if the stars align and there is no 'z' in the month. Gord's reply is pure anorak gold.

  33. Hiccup

    May 30, 2016, 8:18 #89963

    Hi Bard. I have been an advocate for many years now that the points system needs updating. This antiquated system whereby the team that scores the most goals wins is outdated and absurd. I would follow the county cricket method where teams get so many points for runs and bowling too. Possession needs to start accounting for something and should be worth a couple of points. Anything over 10 shots on goal should get you a further 2 points, but doubled if half are on target. The grey area of whether blocked shots should count needs ironing out, but I would recommend it counts if the ball is struck no more than 6 inches off the ground and is not from a counter attack. Any team getting 10 corners or more should be awarded 2 points and a bonus point for the team with the most successful passes completed (sideways passes included). I've been up all night and put these stats in to my time machine, and you'll find we actually did the double over Chelsea, won the league by 420 clear points, and Leicester were relegated. Petition time me thinks.

  34. mbg

    May 29, 2016, 22:33 #89962

    Mark, nice one, would they even want to come to Arsenal if approached ? (and any others for that matter)and leave clubs with real men and players and ambitions ? and come to this shambles full of second and third raters that wenger TOF has turned us in to ? now we know how TOF can stay so long and rip us and the club off, because nobody else wants to come anywhere near us.

  35. mbg

    May 29, 2016, 21:59 #89960

    WABATTD, does anyone.

  36. Paul

    May 29, 2016, 19:35 #89959

    The mantra of the AKB's is "Be careful what you wish for" After all we could end up with Guardiola Mourinho and Klopp as our manager.It is ironic that Wenger has been at Arsenal 20 years and has been a complete failure in the CL telling us just getting into the CL is like winning a trophy.When Zidane wins the CL after 4 months in his first job.The Real Madrid fans will not put up with failure,that means to them finishing 2nd Arsenal fans celebrate finishing TEN points behind oil billionaires Leicester City.Arsenal fans wake up and smell the coffee we get the manager and the team we deserve.The selling point by the Arsenal board for the move to the Emirates was to COMPETE with Madrid Barca and Bayern.The likes of Tanner will come up with every excuse in the book to defend their idol Wenger.I pity him and the AKB's.Remember "Be careful what you wish for"

  37. Bard

    May 29, 2016, 18:39 #89958

    Hiccup I must take you to task. I have been analysing Arsenal's games in detail since 1957 ( I spend upwards of 22 hours a day watching old videos ) and I can categorically state that according to my stats we should have won the league on at least 15 occasions, its a fact. As many have noted on the other site, whether you win the game or not is very crude indicator of success. You have to factor in all the other stuff, like bent refs. If you have been paying attention on the other site, their chief high sparrow Tony Attwood will soon be providing detailed evidence to back this up. I have long held that there is a conspiracy against Arsenal but I could never come up with a coherent reason why. I suspect it has to do with paranoia and an inability to deal with loss but I have an open mind. I would write more but I have been away from my analysis for too long already. I have a tentative hypothesis going which suggests that teams who have more players born in the months May and July have more chance of influencing referees when they go down in the penalty area than those that dont. My wife says is all b******* and that all we need is a decent striker. If only it were that simple.

  38. Hiccup

    May 29, 2016, 16:47 #89957

    Edmund, I agree we should have won the 2006 CL, but not for one minute can I agree it was down to the ref? Lehmann's foul was a clear last man red card. Can't say that was the ref's fault surely? Henry had 2 chances to put it to bed but didn't. Almunia in goal didn't help either but that performance was a green light for another 6 years at the club of similar performances. Losing in 2006 was hardly the ref's fault? When Van Persie booted the ball away after the whistle had gone, I straight away feared a second yellow, and with these European referees, wasn't surprised in the least. Soft I agree, but in Europe, expected. If I know what to expect from European refs re kicking the ball away, how couldn't Wenger or RVP not see it? But maybe they can, but rash petulance from a professional who should know better, led Wenger to blaming the ref instead of bollocking RVP for letting the team down. I also remember Barca having a man sent off at the Emirates too, which got us back in to the tie. I also remember a certain Danish striker being out clean through in the Nou Camp in the last minute with the chance to put us through. Needless to say he failed. For the life of me I just can't see how the ref's have been at fault for us being unable to beat Barca? I just think they are better than us.

  39. Edmund

    May 29, 2016, 16:07 #89956

    Agree with Bard on this site having freedom of speech. I've been guilty of griping about poor refereeing decisions impacting our club's trophy haul. I still believe we should have won the Champions League in 2006 and denied by pro-Barcelona biased refereeing. It's always 10 men of Arsenal versus Barca. A red is brandished when it could have been a yellow or just a free kick. If the same standards had been applied to the latest final, Real and Athletico would be a five aside tournament. However I don't agree with Untold about Leicester as it goes against the grain to assist the unfashionable clubs who always have the disadvantage. Vardy may have got a few disputable penalties but overall we had enough chances to win the games where points were dropped.

  40. Exeter Gunner

    May 29, 2016, 15:45 #89955

    Simeone: "Losing two finals is a failure". Compare and contrast with "I would sign for 2nd for the next 20 years" and "4th is like a trophy" and AKBs still citing the CL final defeat 10 years ago as one of Wenger's 'achievements'. But of course, it's unfair to compare a club with the limited resources of Arsenal with a monolith like Atletico.

  41. Hiccup

    May 29, 2016, 15:16 #89954

    Turmoil over on Untold! Shots on goal analysis needs to be split between shots on a counter attack and shots, er, not on a counter attack, to make the stats more meaningful. When does a counter attack become an attack not on the counter though? Intriguing stuff. And when you think it can't get any more complicated, they're now factoring in shots made with how far off the ground the ball has bounced. Fascinating! I'm currently dissecting deliberate blocks by defenders as opposed to accidental blocks where the defender knows nothing of it. The Opta stats business will need to double its workforce for next season to obtain the information that Untold requires to prove Arsenal have been cheated of another title.

  42. jjetplane

    May 29, 2016, 14:20 #89953

    Whats great about Untold is that no CLs or PL wins for Arsene FC must be backed up with analysis and evidence. Untold are certainly not up for the naturally corrupt Euros featuring the likes of Kane and Vardy who should be on world bans from football ... According to The Sun (Ronaldo on page 3) Leicester like Corbyn are killing this once great country with their lies and deceit .... Evidence from our sources in Belgium say Clattenburg was seen heading to a bistro outside of xxxx with a dog that was clearly ...... Stats show dogs urinating on goal posts clearly establish .... Tommy can you hear me?! ....

  43. jeff wright

    May 29, 2016, 13:01 #89952

    Hiccup, the Real players should ha been nicked for having it off with Ronaldo after he lay prostate on his back following on his penalty final winner.That amigo sure does have one huge ego.

  44. Hiccup

    May 29, 2016, 12:14 #89951

    Guys, reading articles like this and on Untold are better understood with copious amounts of LSD in the bloodstream and loud psychadellic music played in the background. The latest on Untold (thanks jj for getting me addicted to these cranks!!) is that shooting at goal won't necessarily win titles. I'll be honest, and I've only read it stone cold sober, so I've struggled to make any sense of it so far. There's some great analysis with tables and flow diagrams of shots on target to goals and penalties ratio which basically proves that Wenger was right not to sign a decent striker as Leicester would still have won the league due to bent referees. One of the comments is great saying the article is interesting but could we please have more analysis of blocked shots! Some people just can't get enough analysis in there systems! Now would this be blocked shots on target or blocked shots off target? And could this be split in to calendar years too? I will try reading it tonight when I am drug induced, but I'm thinking maybe this is the bombshell of proof that match fixing has gone on. As pointed out, how could Leicester score more goals than Arsenal when they only win 1-0 and are bottom of the league for shooting with only 5 shots on goal all season? Evidence looks strong doesn't it? I'll make further judgement when the blocked shots results are produced.

  45. jjetplane4Yu88U

    May 29, 2016, 11:25 #89950

    Total genius HICCUP! Love to see 'their Walter' get his teeth into last night's match and run it over the summer ... Like they say in Goodfellas 'ya got to keep stirring the sauce....' Great game and Athletico certainly understand how to compete. Ronaldo looking like a cross between Rocky and Arnie - Untold could get on that too! ....

  46. Mark

    May 29, 2016, 8:54 #89949

    Ranieri 9 months at Leicester Zidane 5 months at Real.Be careful what you wish for Gooners.We wouldnt want to bring in a manager who might win the big trophies would we?

  47. Hiccup

    May 29, 2016, 7:48 #89948

    Well did anyone else watch last nights disgraceful CL final, which if not for a season of bent officiating would have seen Arsenal winning. The biggest match of the season staged in the most corrupt country in the world, with anti Arsenal officials from England in charge, and shown on the anti Arsenal station BT Sport, had me thinking this was going to be one big corrupt fest. And boy, was I proved right. At 1-0 for such a long time through the game, I was thinking to myself 'this is an odd result' and has got match rigging all over it. But when the equaliser went in, I stopped to think, and thought perhaps 1-1 was an even 'odder' result, and maybe the Italian mafia had intervened? Anyone else think it odd too? Or have I just lost the plot? Anyway, besides all that, Clattenburg was an absolute disgrace. Did anyone else see the Atletico scorer hurdle the boards and run in to the crowd and basically have sex with his missus? My blood was boiling! I was screaming at the telly for a yellow card and for the stewards to man handle his missus to the ground and eject her. Do we need to see perimeter fences erected again, to prevent players leaving the pitch? Something needs to be done, because I can't cope with the inconsistencies of it all! And where was Ronaldo's yellow card after taking his top off for the winning penalty? I was praying for Clattenburg to retrospectively book him as he went to pick up his medal, but Clattenburg still has loyalties to Fergie obviously! Anyway, I've been up all night rewatching, rewinding and pausing the game for my Referee Review article. It's taking longer than I thought, so you guys enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend while I'm couped up for the next 48 hours finishing my report off. My findings are going to be earth shattering, so I suggest you're all sat down with a strong brandy when they're published!

  48. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 29, 2016, 7:01 #89947

    Not quite sure what the point of this article is.

  49. mbg

    May 28, 2016, 19:37 #89946

    Ah well at least tonight we'll get a glimpse of somewhere we'll never be, or ever win with TOF wenger, I wonder is he there commentating or giving his views/expertise (I know don't laugh)for some obscure French TV station ? if so they must be hard up you can just imagine it, the mental strength and speeritt.

  50. jjetplane

    May 28, 2016, 17:16 #89945

    Ozil looks to be off to Bayern which is why Granite has come so now to see if Alexis will return from Copa. Methinks he will be heading for Spain as like Ozil, he is desperate for trophies and with the sharkworld looming for next season looks like there will be a feeding frenzy with Arsene FC in the cage. Meanwhile on Untold the writers (history lecturers ....) are posting their autos for their adoring audience. Has there ever been a weirder footie site and the absence of irony is bordering on the disturbingly funny. Would like to see them do an in-depth analysis of Arsene's English Spine and perhaps a lenghty analysis of Theo who mysteriously they have air brushed into soccer oblivion. Time for Theo to move to LA. Could do worse .... Saying this because postings over there suggest no REAL football to be had until Arsene FC resume groundhog duties ... Quite looking forward to the Euros with Vardy, Kane, Rashford and even Rooney and then there is Millwall. Know what I mean Ian? .... JM next season ... there is going to be some pain andmuch medication to be administered over at St Untold's .....

  51. mbg

    May 28, 2016, 14:48 #89944

    Hiccup, yes, completely or conveniently forgetting all the 1-0's we had under George Graham, imagine all the conspiracies there were there ? every one of them called solid defending. But no doubt all those JCL's over on untold don't know they even happened or what someone would be even talking about let alone witnessed them.

  52. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 28, 2016, 10:41 #89943

    Guys never mind Ian Tanner's wind up, the biggest wind up this week is Jose M getting less than half the salary AW gets, JM has to win the Champions League and all AW has to do is finish in the top four - now that is a wind up!

  53. Bard

    May 28, 2016, 7:53 #89942

    Mark; the difference between this site and others is that Kev and co publish a variety of views. Its this diversity that I applaud. Many of the other sites have more in common with North Korea. For example Untold specifically bans posters and articles that offer alternative views. Ian's article is a wind up essentially. Dont worry too much. Its rubbish but thats ok if you believe in free speech. Also it adds a bit of spice and humour to the week to read these articles. Hiccup's piss take response earlier is absolutely brilliant and had me in stitches.

  54. Mark

    May 27, 2016, 23:35 #89941

    Please dont let Tanner and his Untold mates hi-jack the Gooner.Who was it who decided to publish this juvenile rubbish?

  55. RedPig

    May 27, 2016, 21:30 #89940

    Why is The Gooner publishing drivel like this? Do Graham Perry and Ian Tanner just get their stuff published no matter what? Is this supposed to be in the interests of balance that puerile and pointless nonsense like this is allowed on? The only redeeming feature is it has produced some good and amusing comments, especially the excellent Hiccup.

  56. Hiccup

    May 27, 2016, 20:01 #89939

    Mark, the worrying thing is this spell that the website has on its flock. When someone writes such sh!t week in and week out that they all lap up. For instance, the blame on BT Sport for smuggling anti Wenger banners in to the ground would have been laughed off by anyone with an IQ of 60, but everyone was in agreement? As for the commentators curse, it's like in January when someone bleats that Arsenal are in the title race or going to win the league, and then as soon as they say that everything goes tits up, and by March we're fighting for top 4. In Ian's case, he's quite proud that for an AKB, after ten years of failed predictions, he's finally got something right.

  57. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 27, 2016, 19:33 #89938

    Hiccup - the Untold conspiracy stuff reminds me of when I was a young lad rushing off to get the latest copy of the 'Unexplained' I lapped it up, Men In Black, Project Bluebook, Majestic (wharever) I was conspiracy mad. Luckily I switched to Viz and never looked back. I really would recommend that Pat and big Linda on Untold do the same it will make their lives better. Ps. I really don't get the title of the Opposite of the commentators curse. Am I being dumb? I'm struggling to understand the meaning

  58. Hiccup

    May 27, 2016, 19:05 #89937

    jj, had to nip over to Untold after your snippet and it looks like they have evidence that is going to rock the foundations of the Premier League. Match fixing seems rife, as the number of 1-0 wins by Leicester is odd in the extreme. Clear evidence of match fixing if any was ever needed. The funny thing about the article are the comments, like a group of 5 year olds that can't wait for the next chapter of their bedtime story. I don't want to spoil the ending, but Mike Dean is at the head of this corruption. Southampton and Swansea are also guilty, as they only tried against Arsenal. 4th officials and stewards are also implicated and petitions to hand the title over to Arsenal are being organised. They say cheats never prosper. I bet Ranieri is wishing he'd never stopped so low to win the league. All the scams and fixes are coming out the woodwork, and until he hands the cup over to Wenger, this sh!t ain't going away.

  59. mbg

    May 27, 2016, 18:38 #89936

    Another ex Arsenal player gets his marching orders today as manager, Mc Dermott, he wasn't by any chance given the seal of approval from TOF like Remi Garde was.

  60. jjetplane

    May 27, 2016, 17:52 #89934

    Wow! Untold are building up the suspense and they have been told to strap themselves in for a bumpy ride courtesy of their permy (as in hair) leader because The Sun Says and so it must be true ..... that Leicester cheated, laughed and dived their way to a bonus ten points without talking about their dodgy finances and Vardy, and Vardy, and Vardy which proves the case that errrr the Totts should get a ten season ban for their behaviour against the now angelic Chavs? and errr here's an Untold joke told Untold times .... Two sociology lecturers go to a football match ..... Yeah I know! ...... in Italy .... ! Anyway - they get strapped to a couple of Vespas and pushed into a canal by some WOB affiliated Ultras .... Anyway - they survive and regroup in Belgium/Thailand ..... Mandy - you got that tea on yet!

  61. Edmund

    May 27, 2016, 17:47 #89933

    As much as I adore Henry as a player and club legend, I have serious doubts about him as a coach. A strong chance he is going to be like Tony Adams. Notice how Giroud was playing during his barren patch? He moved to the left wing and lumbered around trying to be like Henry except they are very different players. Henry could accelerate quickly and get past defenders in a wink. By the time Giroud moves to a scoring position, everyone is ready for him. In the last two games, he came to his senses and stayed central waiting for Ozil to find him. Henry's influence as a coach? Hopefully I'm wrong about Henry. Adams and Remi Garde are enough examples of ex-players under Wenger gone into coaching. Anyone know of good coaches that came out of Arsenal lately?

  62. mbg

    May 27, 2016, 17:05 #89932

    Edmund, that's why we've never seen a player like that at Arsenal for the last ten years and never will under TOF his ego wouldn't have it, they've all been, and will be toe the line do as their told yes men and if any do raise their head above the parapet or slip through they'll not last long. And if as widely expected Lord Henry is shoe horned in next season I suspect it will be exactly the same with him, he will not want those who know more than him and who will stand up to him and tell him he's wrong either.

  63. Roy

    May 27, 2016, 15:08 #89931

    Ian, having read this and referred back to your previous article, I can't find one mention of Vardys never-say-die attitude, selfless running himself into the ground for the team, his continual refusal to give up on seemingly lost causes, high ratio of efforts on target and appreciation of when a teammate is in a better position than him. As for winning penalties, he does nothing I haven't seen other players do down the years. Sounds like the type of player we could do with, dare I say ? But there would appear to be an apparent lack overall of the aforementioned qualities under this manager who himself needs a good kick up the backside.

  64. Hiccup

    May 27, 2016, 13:33 #89930

    Guys, the Untold fans are a not only a cringeworthy embarrassment to Arsenal, they are an embarrassment to mankind. The extreme lengths they go to portray Arsenal as unlucky and cheated is what you'd expect from ten year olds in a school playground. That 50 page referee report for every game must be a full time job for some saddo. So since Leicester should be stripped of their title through winning so many penalties, do the AKB's now strike off the invincible season as never happening with Pires diving for the equalising penalty v Portsmouth? All the aggro Rooney got for his dive to end our run is hilarious when you consider we'd never have got to 49 without a bit of cheating ourselves. You couldn't make it up.

  65. jjetplane

    May 27, 2016, 11:36 #89929

    Brilliantly put FP Gooner and when you look on the bonkers site it is filled with posts from abroad where being an AKB is bit like watching Netflix or basketball online .... Talking of I am a lifelong fan of the Kansas Jayhawks along with the Hibees, Eastbourne Utd and Vardee Vardee Vardee! ps they are doing a piece about rock geology on with the new player .... how anorak is that! They post because they can .... How very Mcluhanesque ....

  66. FPGooner

    May 27, 2016, 11:26 #89928

    I read and reread the article and I felt like AFC did during February and March this year - struggled to find a point. Despite the flash of arithmetic brilliance (letting us know that 2004 + 55 = 2059), it was shambolic. Just who was in the sights of this drunken sharpshooter? Jamie Vardy, and by extension, Leicester city? or was it Millwall? If this pitiful diatribe is the best that can be put forward to excuse another dreadful season, it is further indication that in their hearts and minds, AKBs are questioning their blind subservience to an increasingly isolated and not fit for purpose manager.

  67. Edmund

    May 27, 2016, 11:17 #89927

    Imagine if Ibra came to Arsenal instead of Manure. He's the type that would stand up to Wenger. Either he would get benched or we might actually win the league. The former being the more likely.

  68. jeff wright

    May 27, 2016, 11:11 #89926

    Now steady on here old chap who was the manager who got UEFA to drop their tough stance on diving by appealing against one of his players not having dived because 'forensic evidence'showed the opposition GK's glove had brushed his ankle>? Despite winning the case the said manager still failed to win anything else in Europe though.If there is contact it can't be a dive was the point that won the appeal.Tbh I have seen a few of our players such as Monreal and Welbeck going down at the slightest, or not even any touch , faster than Katie Price can get her kit off in games last season.But hey why let the truth get in the way of a another excuse for good old unlucky Arsene! You couldn't make it up.

  69. Charlie George Orwell

    May 27, 2016, 10:59 #89925

    Why did Wenger win a European trophy? Because he

  70. jjetplane

    May 27, 2016, 10:35 #89924

    Was that Giroud's shirt or skirt that was ripped? Hmmmmmm Matron .... Here's hoping Millwall get back to the PL real soon, tear up the Wok and win the ****ing thing! Mourinho is back and his first target is Arsene FC lol! Heavenly stuff HICcuP - I think they will be looking at ball boys as a 5 year project on the bonkers site and they really are putting a petition together (5 anorak sigs) and they are now singing the praises of The Sun for it's work on bent referees and here's hoping there is more on 'drunken Wobs attacking families while they sleep in Wengerland ...'

  71. Paul

    May 27, 2016, 10:04 #89923

    Tanner is your typical AKB who belongs at Untold.It wasnt that Leicester had a better manager, a better team that they finished TEN POINTS clear of us.No it was Vardy trying to win a penalty.Pathetic AKB nonsense

  72. Made Up Stat

    May 27, 2016, 7:46 #89922

    So an assertion is made that Vardy ‘makes sure’ he gets a penalty, it’s 55 years since the Spuds won a league title and there was some crowd trouble at The Den. Can’t wait for Ian’s next fascinating instalment where it’s revealed that fish tend to favour wet environments, inhaling asbestos fibres can be detrimental to one’s health and news of an apparent trend in a high amount of consumer goods coming from China these days.

  73. Edmund

    May 27, 2016, 7:09 #89921

    Looks like we may be getting some steel or Granit(e) in the middle of the park. Hope he doesn't get sent off too often or degenerate into our typical tofu.

  74. Arseneknewbest

    May 27, 2016, 7:03 #89920

    Hiccup - True Vardy and others of his ilk (i.e. Leicester players) manage to stay on the field is solely down to anti-Arsenal bias among all refs. Why, if they'd reffed the filberts' games correctly they'd have ended up with no players on the park in any of their games rightly handing the title to dear old us. Unsold Anusol and their accomplices such as Graham and Ian are helping to make Arsenal fans look like babies - no wonder we get laughed at. I agree with Mark from Aylesbury that these wenger puff pieces require some serious editing - first they make AKBs look like bad losers to the outside world (try and show some class in defeat Ian: it'll help, I promise), and second, they treat the Gooner readership like idiots because these articles are so easily seen through as chihuahua propaganda.

  75. mbg

    May 27, 2016, 1:35 #89919

    Edmund, so of course that makes it alright then, so he should fit right in, as he's been acting as a footballer and striker for a few years now.

  76. mbg

    May 27, 2016, 1:22 #89918

    Hiccup, love it, but do you realise after that you run the risk of becoming an honorary member of untold ?

  77. Edmund

    May 27, 2016, 1:17 #89917

    Arseneknewbest, agree with you on Giroud's attempts at getting a pen but he didn't get any, did he? I recall one incident his shirt was ripped when he was pulled down in the box. Nothing given. Perhaps he needs to go to the same acting school as Vardie.

  78. Hiccup

    May 26, 2016, 21:18 #89916

    Jamie Vardy Review v Arsenal: Vardy enters the pitch with a bandage on his arm. Ref fails to check for sharp instrument hid in here (see Referee Review tomorrow). 3 mins: Vardy swears at Koscielny off the ball on the halfway line. All 4 officials fail to see this cautionable offence! 7 mins: Vardy leaves the field of play to take a swig from a water bottle. 4th official fails to say anything to him but asks Steve Bould to pick his chewing gum wrapper up from the floor! (see 4th Official Review on Monday): 11mins: Vardy holds down one of his nostrils and proceeds to snot what looks like in the direction of Ozil who is stood 8 yards away. Surely a yellow card offence? BT Sport fail to show a replay and the camera coincidentally pans back on the game and no more of it is mentioned (see BT Sport Review on Tuesday): 18 mins: Vardy goes to take a long throw. In doing so he moves an advertisement board and steps back to take a longer run up. This is surely entering the crowd? Totally unnoticed by the ref? Where is the bloody yellow card? 25 mins: Vardy's shirt is hanging out! Why has the ref not picked up on this? 34 mins: Vardy scores! The guy should not even be on the pitch! 39 mins: I'm sure Vardy's not wearing shin pads! Anyone else notice this or am I just sad? What does it take to get a yellow these days? 42 mins: Vardy now using a towel supplied by ball boys to wipe the ball for throw ins? Is this allowed? (See Ball Boy Review on Wednesday). 45+2 mins: Vardy scores again: Vardy should have put the ball out of play as Wilshere injured himself trying to foul him but continued to play on! Also, where did the 2 mins added time come from? Did Vardy instruct the 4th official? Half Time: Had enough of this bloody corruption! Off to start a petition to have Vardy banned from the game!

  79. mbg

    May 26, 2016, 20:42 #89915

    Hiccup, no it wouldn't be wasted at all mate, i'd love an article like that every week, I don't think we'd give the writer much grief as it would give us all a good laugh now that things are quiet and the leagues over and wenger and his little dwarfs are hiding on a beach somewhere so bring it on, but don't forget rose tinted and old circular are lurking in the background also.

  80. Hiccup

    May 26, 2016, 19:54 #89914

    mbg, maybe Ian could start a 'Vardy Review' article every week on here like some saddo on Untold does a minute by minute Ref Review of every game? Do some people have nothing better to do with their time? The funny thing about their review summaries are that 245 incorrect decisions are made against Arsenal with only 10 correct decisions for. I know a lot of fans go to Untold for a good laugh at such garbage, so my worry is that an article like this one is wasted on here.

  81. mbg

    May 26, 2016, 19:06 #89913

    Hiccup, well they're going to have Mourinho to blame again, I bet he can't wait.

  82. mbg

    May 26, 2016, 18:46 #89912

    Bard, he wouldn't be a Cling on by any chance ? You couldn't make it.

  83. Hiccup

    May 26, 2016, 18:32 #89911

    It's always good to have a villain to blame for our demise. I'm happy for Vardy to be the latest scapegoat, and it looks like he will be the running theme with all your articles until a new scourge can be found next May. It is a welcome break however from blaming Fergie or Mourinho intimidating the refs or the FA stitching us up with fixtures to play. I agree that these "told you so" moments are so satisfying. I thought you came across as a bitter bad loser last time around, and 7 days on you validate my point as more pent up frustration is let out. Good to get it off your chest though. What will it be in your next article? The 4th official asked Wenger to stay in the Technical Area in our Palace game but allowed Pardew to encroach 6 inches?

  84. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 26, 2016, 18:00 #89910

    I have to say that I was mildly concerned that Granit may be raising attention to the referees with his comments. Then I thought to myself what if Wenger buys 2 or 3 other tough guys?. Just imagine the astonishment, mock outrage and perplexed comments from the Untold ballet dancers forum as we begin the season cynically rotation fouling, crowding the ref at every opportunity and whispering nasty ( mother related comments) into Diego Costas ear . Kicking lumps out of Ibra at Old Trafford . Battles throughout the Northern clubs ending in the Disciplinary panel. I'm actually starting to get excited. Bring it on!

  85. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 26, 2016, 17:47 #89908

    A bit of a stream of consciousness which might need a tad editing? I know my effort got a full editing treatment and was far the better for it? What does this tell us? Players going down in the area? Well Franny Lee was up to it in the 70's and I'm pretty sure at the time people would have been saying he's as bad as so and so back in the 60's. So let's just say within living memory players have always been up to it. You went to Millwall - very good for you, it's interesting to see football at other levels. Quite what you learn from it I'm not sure. Do you think we were robbed? If so the sheer scale of the points differential really undermine your view. I did think next season we would have complete ground hog day but then we buy a complete opposite to a typical Wenger purchase. It will be interesting to see if anyone else follows.

  86. Ron

    May 26, 2016, 17:11 #89907

    Nothing like a bit of pro Wenger bollox. Why disguise the message in yr article? We re probably daft, but not too daft!. Theres not a forward in that EPL who hasnt conned a pen or attempted to con one. Ive never seen a genuine pen given to Arsenal after the Wallys gone down like the sack of sh--e that he is. Vardy milks his technique for getting pens no doubt. The pundit and and media believe theres an 'entitlement' to go down where there s 'contact' so why not. If the rubbish EPL refs think this is the law of the game, any player that doesn't fake it is an idiot.

  87. Bard

    May 26, 2016, 15:44 #89906

    Ian mate I believe there is a conspiracy against Arsenal. Another website has proved it beyond doubt. We have been royally shafted for the last 10 years. According to ''. We have 4 straight Champions league wins and 6 PL titles in the last 10 years Vardy is a refugee from an early episode of Star Trek and was sent down to earth to cheat us from our rightful title.

  88. CB

    May 26, 2016, 15:02 #89905

    And no mention of the 24 month trophy...

  89. Arseneknewbest

    May 26, 2016, 15:01 #89904

    Ian - You're not a heretic mate. Au contraire. You're bang on-message with your revisionist, anti Leicester, papering over weng's cracks (ooo-er), pro Arsene FC tripe. You're the establishment toady all too ready to follow Wenger's doctrinaire nonsense. Be honest can't you? Divers and cheats are not unique to Leicester. Ever seen Giroud fall inexplicably to the ground and mince around, or a certain R Pires dive to win pens? Or T Henry handle the ball inside Ireland's penalty box? And your negative comments about the title winning Filberts are typically ungracious of AKBs and nasty old Weng who is to sporting behaviour these days what Boris Johnson is to telling the truth. You really need to get it out of your system - THEY BEAT US FAIR AND SQUARE BY TEN POINTS. At least we're not Millwall - is the height of your ambition these days? Q: Why do Ian and Graham consistently write apologist guff on here about Wenger and Arsene FC? A: Because they can! Hilarious isn't it.

  90. Exeter Gunner

    May 26, 2016, 14:54 #89903

    Total mess of an article, a random hotch-potch, but you can make out the implication - Leicester won the league due to Vardy diving. For Ian, this explains why, after that 2-1 victory against Leicester's 10 men (so it can't have been a complete injustice that day) the gap opened up from 2 points to 12 points by the time Leicester won the league. As for 'perspective' yours lacks reference to the difference in expectation. AFC are twice the size and have twice the resources of Spurs. Very, very weak stuff.

  91. mbg

    May 26, 2016, 14:34 #89902

    I expect you'll be getting even less for this effort. Isn't it funny when someone else goes down easily or cheats whatever you like to call it, he's ridiculed the worst in the world, but if it was one of our own there was contact, a nudge, gamesmanship, he's a great fellow, imagine if the carthorse did it in the last minute in the last game of the season to win the prem for us ?(I know don't laugh) he'dbe the greatest the world has ever seen, he'd be carried around Islington like a hero and you'd be damm sure Ian wright would be calling it a spot kick and there would be basking of a different kind and the word diver wouldn't even be mentioned.

  92. AMG

    May 26, 2016, 14:11 #89901
