Arsenal is bigger than one man

The case for a change of manager

Arsenal is bigger than one man

Image by RaiyanAhmed on

Arsène Wenger is in a unique position when compared to the “elite” cabal of Premier League managers. It is only correct, considering Wenger’s wages (£8.5 million basic plus bonuses; only Mourinho is on more), that he is numbered among the elite. We also need to consider that Arsenal fans are charged more than any others in European football, so the expectation- benchmark absolutely has to be higher, with a minimum of excuses.

We need to analyse Arsène Wenger’s tenure factually over an extended period. The past two to three years would be the most relevant but, for the sake of a full picture, we can take a snapshot of ten years and analyse, without any emotional baggage, whether there is any justifiable case for offering Wenger a contract extension. So, let’s look at the key metrics on which any elite manager should be judged. If there is disagreement with using such ambitious metrics, that in itself will offer up a whole new question about why a club charging world-class prices should tell its supporters to harbor Everton-like expectations.

Trophies (real ones, not virtual ones)
The main benchmark for assessing elite managers has, and always will be, trophies. Not fourth-place trophies, but the big ones on which elite managers are judged - the PL and the CL. If the FA Cup was ever going to be a benchmark of managerial excellence, then Tim Sherwood, Steve Bruce, Harry Redknapp and Alan Pardew – who have between them managed four of the worst Premier League sides in recent history - would still be in jobs. As would Louis Van Gaal, who actually won the thing (and was then sacked). Arsène Wenger has failed completely in the Premier League, as seen by his record of zero trophies in over a decade. Plenty of his diminishing band of excuse-makers like to use “financial resources” as an excuse for the failure here, but Claudio Ranieri pretty much put this laughable argument to rest by winning the Premier League title with a team that cost less than one Mesut Ozil. Further, Leicester’s wage bill of £48m in their title season, is exactly half what the Arsenal wage bill was as far back as 2008, two years after moving into the Emirates. In that time, elite managers like Ancelotti, Mourinho, Ferguson, as well as Pellegrini and Mancini, have all won the title numerous times. In fact, in a unique season where Manchester United, Liverpool, Man City and Chelsea all unbelievably took the season off, Wenger still managed to finish ten points behind Leicester City. To add insult to injury, in a decade, Arsenal under Wenger have not put in one single credible title challenge – which is scandalous, considering Brendan Rodgers managed one, as did Pochettino last season. For all avoidance of doubt, a “title challenge” involves having a mathematical chance of winning the league title in April (not being top in October). This has not been the case at Arsenal for over ten years, which is unacceptable.

The CL record is even more ridiculous. Wenger likes to boast about his “qualification record” but oddly enough fails ever to mention how many times he has actually won the CL. So I’m here to help; Arsène Wenger has never won the CL. In fact, his record over the past six or seven years has been so pathetic that Arsenal have a worse progression record in that period than APOEL Nicosia, Spurs, Porto, Monaco, PSV, Atletico (all financially inferior teams, all quarter-finalists in that period). Arsenal are consistently eliminated the minute they face a quality team in the last 16; and this will almost certainly happen again this season. In that period they have faced easy knock-out draws against the likes of Deportivo, PSV, Monaco and have lost every single one. Wenger’s lack of tactical ability and intelligence is the only reason that a manager who once had a team with Bergkamp, Vieira, Henry, Cole, Campbell, Pires etc could not win it in a season that Porto and Monaco contested the final. For a manager on £8.5 million a year, this is beyond unacceptable.

Player recruitment and management
I think it’s safe to say that Arsène Wenger’s performances in the transfer window have become an exemplary study in how not to use the window. Again, the evidence here is enormous, but the ones that come to mind are the ludicrous Suarez debacle, the refusal to pay Madrid the £30m asking-fee for Higuain (he was then sold for more than double that a few years later), the ridiculous desperate trolley-dash after the infamous 8-2 at Old Trafford that saw the club waste money on a number of players who delivered nothing for the club. In terms of managing big personalities and ego, it has become abundantly clear that since the last great leader left Arsenal (Patrick Vieira), Arsène Wenger has led a rudderless ship. That there is no leadership on the field, or off, is apparent to all but the most blinkered. The number of league titles Wenger has managed since shunning true leadership in Vieira, speaks volumes. The most alarming thing has been the haemorrhaging of the few world-class players Arsenal have had, and the damaging effect it has had on the perception of Wenger and the club’s mindset.

Fabregas leaves, and has won two league titles since (and is now on the verge of a third). Nasri left the same summer and again, won two league titles at City. Ashley Cole was unforgivably sold to Chelsea and won the Champions League and various league titles. Robin Van Persie (the last quality striker the club had) was gift-wrapped to Alex Ferguson and immediately picked up a league title. It is becoming apparent that Alexis Sanchez will follow suit and rightly so – any ambitious player of top quality will not waste his time under Wenger as the standards are too low.

Wenger’s management of players is detrimental and the constant glut of muscle injuries in the same manner at the same stage of every season is not coincidental. Nor is it coincidental that Jack Wilshere has managed more minutes in four months at Bournemouth than he did over two years under Wenger. Wenger runs players into the ground without rest, and then reacts with surprise when they break down. His in-game management is beyond unacceptable for a so-called elite manager. His effect on matches is negligible, half-time team talks often seem to make the team worse (see Everton away and City this season), substitutions are pre-planned for the 70th minute and do not ever seem to reflect the reality of the match taking place.

Individual results
The multitude of scandalous results this past decade cannot go unmentioned - drawing 4-4 at Newcastle despite being 4-0 up. Losing 8-2 at Manchester United would see any elite manager sacked on the spot, no excuses. Losing at Old Trafford to David Moyes’ Manchester United such is the weak mentality of Wenger (the only top-seven side to lose to Moyes that season). Losing 6-3 at City, then 5-1 at Anfield, then 6-0 at Stamford Bridge all in the same season (the 6-0 was on his 1000th game). He was also thrashed 3-0 at Everton that same season. Drawing 4-4 at home to Spurs despite being 4-2 up in stoppage time, Van Persie scoring a 105th minute stoppage time penalty against Liverpool and failing to win the game, getting knocked out of the CL at Anfield by conceding 30 seconds after being through on away goals after scoring an 89th minute equalizer, a number of thrashings at Bayern, losing at home to Olympiakos (no English side had ever lost at home to them), losing at Zagreb in the CL (they had not won a single CL game in a decade), drawing 4-4 at Anfield despite Arshavin scoring a 90th minute winner, drawing 3-3 at home to Anderlecht despite being 3-0 up etc… no manager can call himself elite, and yet oversee such a farcical string of results over a sustained period. It is shameful. As recently as last week we had the comical spectre of Wenger praising his team’s “mental resilience” for coming back from 3-0 down away to Bournemouth. The same Bournemouth who get beaten at home by Sunderland and whose entire first eleven that day cost less than Alexis Sanchez.

The irony of Arsène Wenger often moaning about the television deal and money in football, is that he has managed to constantly award himself huge pay rises based on little to no success. Big money in football is terrible, unless it’s going into his pockets. Arsène Wenger is paid more than any player at Arsenal, and is one of four highest-paid managers in Europe. Arsenal’s wage bill is over £200m – indeed, in 2014, the Arsenal wage bill overtook “oil money” Chelsea for the first time. Even as far back as 2008, when the Arsenal wage bill passed £100m for the first time, that was still double the wage bill with which Ranieri managed to win a title. The worst part about a high wage bill is the slew of mediocre players, totally undeserving of playing for a club of Arsenal’s stature draining the club - Eboué, Denilson, Diaby, Bendtner, Song, Bischoff, Flamini (twice), Almunia, Park-Chu Young, Squillaci, Chamakh, Andre Santos. Look at that list of highly-paid players and see where their careers progressed to after they’d finally stopped draining the Arsenal wage bill. These are, and always will be, nobodies in the European football world of quality players. Yes, every manager makes mistakes – but few compound that with the arrogance Wenger does, rewarding such awful players with contract extensions. Right now, a similar scenario is developing with mediocre players such as Walcott (due a testimonial!), Ramsey, Mertesacker, Gibbs and so on, all draining huge amounts off the Arsenal wage bill, whereas amateur-level players like Sanogo and Jenkinson are somehow paid-employees. It is no wonder Sanchez demands doubling of his wages when he sees such collective wastage.

Arsene Wenger spent almost £100million over the summer window, and has somehow managed to take Arsenal backwards. The £38m spent on Xhaka seems especially foolish given that superior players moved for far less (Wanyama and Kante spring to mind). Wenger’s team sits in fifth, having won just one match against an elite-level side all season. PSG, Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, PSG again, Spurs, Everton have yielded not a single win. An out-of-sorts Chelsea was the exception, and that result won’t be repeated at Stamford Bridge, one suspects. Managers have been sacked at big clubs for wasting lesser sums than this.

With all of these undeniable facts taken into consideration, Arsène Wenger absolutely cannot be offered a contract extension under any circumstances. His sky-high wages mean fans should demand the absolute best – not satisfaction with fourth-place finishes, the odd FA Cup and plucky draws against big bad Bournemouth. Failing in the exact same way, year after year, is unacceptable. If Conte showed the intelligence of a humble manager, acknowledging his mistakes after the Arsenal beating, Wenger continues to show the worst facets of blind arrogance and a refusal to adapt. Arsenal fans have lowered their standards enormously, and the rows of empty seats that appear at the same point each year (usually mid-March) are a sign of the structural malaise and indifference that have now taken hold. Many fans are bored, dejected and have no passion for this club under the current manager. Of course, there are many zombified fans who are content to finish “Top Four” every season and witness Groundhog Day repeat itself endlessly. The board’s decision to reward him unconditionally with zero accountability for 12 years, has seen them generally labelled an incompetent group of money-trousering swindlers. Quite what Gazidis and Kroenke add to Arsenal, is anyone’s guess. What they take from Arsenal however, is patently obvious. However…they are now in a unique position where Wenger can leave “nicely” – note, I don’t say with his reputation intact, for it is already damaged. The board don’t have to pay Wenger compensation, or sack him. His contract can run out, and Allegri, Simeone (personal choice), Tuchel or Low can be approached to take over the biggest club, in the richest league, in the biggest European city.

Wenger’s mediocrity is further contrasted when you look at the tools Antonio Conte, Klopp and Pochettino have had to work with.
• Conte took over a club in disarray that had finished mid-table, with its star players on the verge of mutiny (Costa, Fabregas, Hazard). If you look at the fact he’s new to English football, and wasn’t even able to get any of his primary transfer-targets in, the job he’s done so far is fabulous. Hazard is totally transformed, Costa no longer a walking, snarling yellow card machine but a deadly number nine; whilst the signing of Kante (far superior to Xhaka yet cost less, go figure) has taken them to the next level.
• Klopp is a manager Arsenal missed out on. Again, he took over the disastrous Rodgers leftovers with a group of derided players. Bar Mane and Wijnaldum as big-money signings, none of the players is his and yet… he easily took care of Arsenal in the opening weekend of the season, and is putting in a credible title tilt.
• Pochettino took over a Spurs squad where Baldini had pilfered all the Bale money on rubbish. He came in, instantly disbanded the bad influences (at Arsenal they get new contracts) and signed intelligently (e.g. Wanyama). The performance improvement in the likes of Eriksen, Dembele and signings like Alderweireld have turned Spurs into more than the usual Premier League joke we’ve been accustomed to. He’s put in more realistic title challenges in two years than Wenger has managed in twelve, which is a shocking contrast to the manner talented players like Oxlade, Wilshere and Gnabry have failed to flourish under Wenger.

A good cook never blames his tools. Wenger has blamed financial doping, referees, the fourth official, Brexit, injuries, opposition tactics, good defending, the global financial crisis, and has gone as far as blaming the fans themselves for his unique ability to fail in the same manner every season. The concept of taking responsibility doesn’t exist at Arsenal, another thing unique among Europe’s big clubs. I’ve always wondered how any self-respecting business could allow a highly-paid employee to make the kind of embarrassing comments Wenger and his players make without censure. He has no excuses about being new to English football, all the players are his and he’s had over 12 years to do something of relevance – you’re lucky if you get 12 months at a Real Madrid or Bayern. Which makes me giggle whenever Wenger “reminds” us of the offers he’s turned down. I wonder how long Madrid or Bayern fans would tolerate Almunia in goal, or fourth place, or an 8-2 defeat!

Then again, the whole mentality from the top down reeks at Arsenal and that is a by-product of Wenger. Off the top of my head there was the fourth place jubilant celebrations on the final day at St James Park, Arsenal fans jubilantly celebrating pipping Spurs to second place last season (ignoring that Wenger managed to blow the easiest title in history), Giroud celebrating with his scorpion dance (fair enough if you’d scored the winner - was it, though?), the players turning up to the league cup-final against Birmingham in tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts (shocking complacency, ended up losing the game), Ramsey and Walcott giving numerous loudmouth interviews to the media which always come back to bite the club, Oxlade-Chamberlain dancing like a clown literally just before a big game (imagine the consequences if Fergie or Pep ever caught one of their players doing that).

This appalling mentality has been allowed to fester for so long that it has now become accepted by many fans that low standards (fourth place, the odd FA Cup) are to be tolerated, whilst the myth of “Wengerball” (basically, football that looks nice at home to Palace or West Brom, but is totally ineffective against anyone with very good players) persists.
• Stan Kroenke up until recently, took out £2 million every year for “strategic advisory fees”. If the advice was on how to promote mediocrity, it’s money well earned.
• Ivan Gazidis laughably picks up £2m a year as a CEO, even though virtually nobody could tell you what he actually does. He does talk about nice little interior decoration suggestions for the Emirates, mind…just ignore Arsenal’s stagnant commercial revenues compared to the big clubs and the fact he somehow answers to the guy he’s supposed to be scrutinizing. Only at Arsenal…
• Arsène Wenger picks up £8.5m a year but at least we all know what it’s for - CL qualification pure and simple. And that is a shocking benchmark, when you consider that he shells out north of £200m a year on a wage bill. Frankly, CL qualification should be achievable by anybody on that kind of budget.

Kroenke and Gazidis are thoroughly unpopular and distrusted by the majority of Arsenal fans. Many Arsenal fans are fed up of Arsène Wenger; it isn’t an overwhelming majority but it’s close to a majority. The difference is between those with the courage to vocalise that boredom, and those who fear “out of respect” that they should be quiet. If anything, people need to remember that Wenger isn’t Arsenal. He’s keen to remind us that the club was bigger than RvP, Cesc, Nasri and Cole. So it is also bigger than him. Before Wenger joined Arsenal, he was a nobody in football, which is what makes all the “who would you replace him with” questions so idiotic. How many of Wenger’s dwindling fan-club knew who he was before he joined? Exactly. The club still managed to seek him out and will act again once he goes.

The board are now in a unique position to get rid of him without having to sack him unceremoniously. That way, Wenger’s ego can protect whatever’s left of his “legacy”. There is now no excuse for Kroenke and Gazidis to keep him (though I’m sure they’re desperately rummaging around for one). In fact, keeping Wenger would be shocking business sense since there are managers everywhere outperforming him on lower salaries (Simeone, Klopp, Conte, Pochettino, Joachim Low, Allegri, Thomas Tuchel) and much lower wage bills (Ranieri, Simeone, Klopp, Allegri, Conte). The board’s cowardice meant Arsenal missed out on Klopp. Diego Simeone should be the top choice but I accept he will be hard to prise away. Allegri is completely gettable and wants the job. Joachim Low is an excellent manager who has won a World Cup, Thomas Tuchel is a gamble but, then again, Arsenal fans have gone 12 years without coming close to a title-challenge. So the next man will be afforded the patience – so long as that next man is not Arsène Wenger. And to all those modern-day Wenger fans who think he’s bigger than the club and that the club cannot survive without him? Well, they will be more than welcome to follow Wenger out the door, seeing as Arsenal FC will be dead without him. Right?

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  1. Clintondioro

    Jan 18, 2017, 22:58 #97186

    Tinedol – эффективное средство от грибка стопы, неприятного запаха и зуда. Перейти на сайт: [url=]Tinedol – эффективное средство от грибка[/url] [url=]Tinedol – эффективное средство от грибка[/url] [url=]Tinedol[/url]

  2. kevin simpson

    Jan 18, 2017, 20:30 #97183

    A fantastically accurate view on the last decade at Arsenal. Got to hand it to you mate, best thing I have read on the whole Wenger debacle.

  3. Mr Jackson

    Jan 18, 2017, 18:19 #97178

    Having scanned the comments section on this post, it remains true that when faced with cold hard facts, most who disagree tend to revert to anger, affronts and offences, rather than to offer a counter argument... You'd think such a supposedly rubbish article could be easily countered with proven truths... yet here we are

  4. okey

    Jan 18, 2017, 17:58 #97177

    I couldn't agree me. Wenger should just leave. The consistent inconsistency is out of this world

  5. Mr Jackson

    Jan 18, 2017, 17:32 #97176

    I don't usually read this blog, and was directed to this post via a link... and I have to say that has to be one of the most comprehensive pieces on Wenger's incompetence at Arsenal as I have ever read!! (and I've read some good ones) I stand up and applaud you sir. Over the years I have mostly forgotten why I despise the situation at Arsenal and how sick to the back tooth I am of Wenger, so much so that I very rarely care how the club performs... but you've just reminded me. This article should get more 'airplay' and it's surprising that you only got an 8.2 for it!!

  6. Gazzoid

    Jan 18, 2017, 16:43 #97174

    Mr. Gregory if you think the author is not impartial it's up to you who clearly wants AW to stay for as long as he wants to make your case not just dismiss his view and 50% of the fanbase as not having a clue! As for the quality of football style is nothing without substance. AW did have unbelievable success in the first half of his tenure even though then lest you forget as always we were being outspent by the financial juggernaut that is Manchester Utd because he bought in middleweight players who were also good on the ball for reasonable prices and the moment they came to The Arsenal they were taught what it means to play for the shirt by the leaders already at the club, now he has a bunch of talented lightweights with not a leader in sight when you look at our squad's record over the last decade if you cannot see that it absolutely 100% smacks of a complete lack of everything the first decade's squads had in abundance then you are the one who hasn't got a clue. Don't get me wrong the vast majority of fans who want Wenger out have appeared in the last few years because of his earlier successes they like me gave him a lot of grace but bottom line is WE ARE NOT COMPETING and with our resources and a wage bill topping 200M that is unacceptable!!! If AW really loves the club then he should realise as far as the team goes he has taken the club as far as he can and make way for fresh blood before he further tarnishes his legacy which nobody wanted to begin with!

  7. Mjgooner

    Jan 18, 2017, 16:13 #97171

    Why I except there will allways be 2 sides lots of anti Wenger people need to respect what he is doing has anyone stoped to think is it the bords fault and not wengers and then remember arsenal are the only club that can boost all ways being in cl every year yes we could be doing better but then again look behind us I would allways Argue here are 17 prem clubs that would love to be in our poistion I will leave this on one saying we need to think about be Caffel what you wish for because the grass is not always greener on the other side

  8. Jacko

    Jan 18, 2017, 16:06 #97170

    Probably my favorite article on Le Fraud of the decade! Great work. Covers just about ever angle of the greatest scam in football. Unfortunately there appears to be no end in sight, despite the end of his contract being so tantalizingly close. The owner and board have no interest or understanding of football. The fan base has changed dramatically, the stadium is dead for 90% of almost every game. The future is not bright with the current regime in place, in fact it is quite the opposite......the future is dull, repetitive and oh so predictable!

  9. John Gregory

    Jan 18, 2017, 15:13 #97167

    The article begins by paying lip service to impartiality but the barely concealed agenda soon surfaces & by the end it's a full on condemnation. The actual quality of football played has been high, while the prizes have been sparse. But Leauge cup & FA Cup finals , Prem runners up & constant CL football are dismissed by fans who become spoiled by Wengers earlier successes. Nobody actually knows the authentic relationship between Manager & board. The cliche ridden comfort zone/ happy with 4th is a lazy argument that is just repeated parrot fashion by fans of whom half haven't got a clue anyway. Is there a more committed, dedicated manager who loves his club more in the land ? I doubt it. One must also take into account the orchestrated campaigns by a small number of fans that make a lot of noise when judging how the silent majority regard Wenger & his teams. I for one think he can walk out of the club with his head held high, either now or in two years time.

  10. Lawrence

    Jan 18, 2017, 15:03 #97166

    Great article which reflects how many of us feel now and have felt for many years now, for me the Birmingham final was the watershed. Now I read only one comment trying to scare us into negativity about what happens if Wenger leaves but nothing really justifying his stay. The truth is that he will go sooner or later and we will be in that writer's same boat anyway. Meanwhile all we will look forward to more years of underachievement and no title challenge at the business end of the season when we know we could be doing better than that even if we don't win things. Things may well turn out the same with a new manager, it is a risk, just as Wenger once was, but what is wrong with taking that risk knowing there is a chance of things being better? The sooner he goes the better because I am tired of the same old, same old top 4 place but failing in February or March and last 16 in Europe.

  11. Gazzoid

    Jan 18, 2017, 14:57 #97165

    Boris - really??? you talk about the author being myopic, if you think the author is being unfair or too demanding why did you not pick his article apart directly instead of going on the defensive? I dunno where to start but here goes - of those players you mentioned Bellerin has always credited Steve Bould for his current success, Coq fine player, Iwobi the jury's still out but the rest have perennially under achieved under AW. And you are definitely overplaying the financial card, we have the highest gate revenue in world football topping £100M and our annual mortgage if memory serves is 20M give or take that still leaves us second only to ManUre well in excess of L'pool & twice the revenue of the Tiny Totts, The club is now valued at well over a Billion cash reserves of nearly 250M in the bank do you think that was accrued in the last 2-3 years??? If we can't compete now what's gonna happen when the Chavs and the Totts get their new Stadia? As for your condescending "I take a certain satisfaction" comment would you care to name a top club in the EPL that would collapse if it changed ownership??? Let's forget the money talk for a moment cos it's not the reason why we are not competing AW is a busted flush we are too soft, too predictable and too easy to play against when you compare the current squad to the Invincibles it's not the lack of talent that hits you it's the lack of real passion and a winning mentality which TH14 has said again and again that Tony Adams, Ray Parlour, Martin Keown, Lee Dixon etc. instilled in him that's what we are missing cos no money in the world can buy that. You mention AF and lets think more recently Ranieri and Conte, mentality of the team is down to one person the manager especially one who has been at the helm for two decades! As for the attractive football yes AW's like to try to play football the 'right' way but even he concedes that a team has to compete in order to earn the right to play the football they want cos possession without penetration is both dull and extremely frustrating and in that area we are always found wanting when our opponents are up for it as in getting knocked out last year by Watford at home in the qtrs of the FA cup and then stuffing them 4-0 two weeks later when they had nothing to play for! As for all the tempting job offers, as you say AW is no mug he knows his numbers why go to the pressure chamber that is Barca or Real for an extra mil or two when you'll be out on yer arse within 18mths and as for the position he is in at Arsenal compared to the poison chalice that is the England job don't make me LAUGH and on that subject you're "obviously one of those fans" that thinks AFC 1996 instead of 1886 cos how any self-respecting Gooner can mix up Ashley Cole & Ashley YOUNG is beyond me!

  12. Walter White

    Jan 18, 2017, 13:10 #97164

    Just lol at Boris's post of delusion. Well we finally know what happens when Wenger leaves it goes down the toilet. No chance that another manager could come in and improve us then. Also 6 last 16 exits and losing a title to Leicester in the eyes of any big club is down the toilet. Ignored the youth nonsense as Ramsey Walcott the ox Wilshere amongst others have not developed well under him in fact Ramsey would have probably been better off joining united under Ferguson who has got the best record with youth despite the akb’s and media telling you otherwise. Mourinho is sacked because he takes risks and goes to clubs where the standard is very high. Obviously, we'll never know but if Wenger did the same there is a good chance he would receive the same fate possibly without the big trophies first. One thing I would agree on is you shouldn't just judge a manager purely on trophies consider the circumstances and the pride the club should represent. In terms of pride the club has failed dramatically surrendering the title in the most undignified manner possible with high profile thrashing's and coma esque lethargic performances. A good comparison to make would be to Simeone at Atletico Madrid who hasn't won anything since 2014 but throughout his tenure at Atletico Madrid has dealt with tougher circumstances then Wenger has ever had to deal with and even in barren years fought with pride and against the odds as shown by last year’s run to the champions league final making the fan base proud. Finally, the issue of wages very few teams can have offered him much more because Arsenal pay at the high end when it comes to management and those who have offered a lot more offer no job security and the risk of being exposed. At this current stage of his career he would be lucky to say the least to get a job which pay more than Arsenal. Seeing as your asking questions is the idea of another man coming in and improving the club such a strange idea for example an Allegri or a Simeone.

  13. R Jim Guriya

    Jan 18, 2017, 8:50 #97145

    Hope the Arsenal board read this. Hope too Mr Wenger himself does. Lengthy and tiring piece but facts and truths! It's true I am Wenger fan as much as I am of Arsenal but what about the truths herein? I am his fan true, for the respect I have for him in keeping our club consistently in the top 4, but those aren't trophies! Arsène Wenger should respectfully leave our great club, while we continue to lick the wounds of an 8-2, 6-0 losses to United and Chelsea amongst others. A top club like Arsenal should boast the personalities of yes, Allegry, Low, amongst other suggested, absolutely just couldn't agree more!

  14. Snowbiggee

    Jan 18, 2017, 5:19 #97143

    If Wenger stays I don't know how he can honestly look himself in the mirror.

  15. Boris

    Jan 18, 2017, 4:08 #97141

    This article is going to be a collector's item in irony once Wenger actually does leave Arsenal and the team goes into the toilet. A true example of how impatience and a misguided sense of entitlement can ruin a team. Yes, winning trophies matters. And yes, compared to Alex Ferguson (and pretty much no one else in England), Arsene Wenger has fallen short. If you are the type of fan that considers this to be the sole relevant criteria for judging a football manager, then there is no arguing with you. But, at the very least, you should be aware that this is the type of myopic thinking that has resulted in the Premier League not producing a single homegrown manager of quality in decades. However, if you are willing to be a bit more openminded and think of what makes a football club great in slightly broader terms, it quickly becomes clear that Arsene Wenger has been an extraordinary manager and that Arsenal fans will miss him deeply when he is gone. Let's start with the club's culture. From the day he arrived at Arsenal until this very day, Wenger has excelled at developing young, raw prospects into wonderful, world-class players. Forget about the likes of Thierry Henry or Ashley Young or Cesc Fabregas or Robin Van Persie once upon a time and just look at Arsenal today when so many of its most important first team players have been with the squad since they were teenagers, or even earlier (Bellerin, Ramsey, Walcott, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Coquelin, Iwobi, Wilshere, and Gibbs). This is unheard of at the top level in the modern Premier League (the likes of Everton and Southampton also do a great job in this area, but they operate a level below the top) As a fan, it is much more satisfying to cheer for a proper club rather than the mercenary squads that are Chelsea or Man City or even post-Fergie Man United. If a measure of a manager's success is his ability to get the most out of his players, Wenger's record is unmatched in England. Second, consider the quaint notion that football is a spectator sport and part of why we watch is to be entertained. No one, not even the most spiteful Wenger Out hater, can deny that Arsene Wenger's Arsenal teams have been incredibly entertaining to watch for the past 20 years. And if you don't think this matters, then ask yourself why Jose Mourinho keeps getting fired after three years despite his short-term success in "winning trophies." Third, to completely dismiss the financial constraints on Wenger over the past decade by pointing out a couple of supposedly bad signings he has made is yet another example of narrow minded thinking. In simple financial terms, Wenger has been operating with one hand tied behind his back relative to his primary competitors in the Premier League until the last two or three years. Arsenal has operated at a financial disadvantage in terms of both transfers ( and wages ( And while it is true that Wenger sometimes appears to be unreasonably stubborn and frugal in his financial approach, his overall record of success in the transfer market on both the buy and sell sides has been undeniably exceptional. Maybe the notion that a football club should be a financially viable business rather than a billionaire's vanity project seems quaint in 2017, but there is a certain satisfaction for me as a fan in knowing that my club won't collapse in a heap if its owner gets bored and stops pouring in the cash. Finally, the author focuses a great deal of venom on Wenger's salary and the notion that he is supposedly terribly overpaid. this ignores basic economic laws of supply and demand. If Arsene Wenger is so overpaid, then why is it that so many major clubs (Real Madrid, PSG, Barcelona, etc.) and national teams (England, France, etc.) have offered him much more money to manage them than what he was earning at Arsenal over the past 20 years? And be honest and ask yourselves the following question: if Wenger left Arsenal and sought another job, does anyone seriously doubt that he could get more money from his next employer than what he is currently earning at Arsenal? There's a lot more to be said here (especially about the obviously idiotic notion that Wenger should be sacked because his teams had a few terrible results in isolated matches over the years), but I've already gone on way too long.

  16. UTU

    Jan 18, 2017, 0:44 #97140

    Bang On Wenger will given another Contract as long as the profits keep rolling in !

  17. Walter White

    Jan 17, 2017, 18:57 #97126

    An issue for me with Wenger is how he compares to his long term predecessor George Graham. If we fail to win the league this year and history is in Chelsea's favour amongst other things Wenger will have three titles in 21 years compared to grahams two in nine. The point isn't necessarily to compare Wenger or Graham and say one is better the other. However considering the obsessive devotion he gets as well as the comparisons with Ferguson it is worth pointing out compared to another great his record is not drastically superior in league titles or trophies overall.

  18. Paul

    Jan 17, 2017, 15:39 #97117

    The best write up that I've read to date. Factually bang on!! Wenger = Its all about the money money money not about the footy footy footy, to rob off all our real supporters(Although Wengerites deserve it) and deliver nothing in return as one of my pals states Inspector Clueless.

  19. Gazzoid

    Jan 17, 2017, 14:46 #97112

    David Marshall we have never been the biggest team (whatever that means) in the the PL and nor did the author imply that, he said Arsenal were the biggest CLUB in the richest league in the BIGGEST EUROPEAN CITY!!! Gilliss - did you even read the article? before you sneer at the trend for "Wenger bashing" perhaps you would like to respond to the authors forensic article in a similar I didn't think so! We are all too aware of AW's past undeniably great achievements, (although it's becoming clearer by the season just how much of a role the leaders already at the club played in that success) which is exactly the reason why he has been given so much grace, but he never had a problem with his own strict policy of not offering great players over the age of 30 more than 1yr rolling contracts as they were deemed past their best. And for the last time let's not forget , it's the fans' money that built the stadium not AW's and he has been richly rewarded with complete autonomy and a breathtaking salary and a directorship for life. So tell me Gilliss when is enough going to be enough, do you really want the Queen to be hinting in her telegram that it's time to go Arsene?

  20. Nathan

    Jan 17, 2017, 13:46 #97105

    I do fear for our future with this current culture at Arsenal, Our rivals are improving rapidly with super star managers and the once great manager at Arsenal is out of time in a new era of football. Would this change under a new manager? If you look at Kroenke's other sport ventures in the US, they all make a lot of money but don't achieve any sporting success. At Arsenal, he builds huge cash reserves not to spend but to get loans to purchase a new ranch which he did this year. Once Wenger leaves, I'm sure he'll have input into his successor because the board have no football knowledge (perhaps Ken Friar aside) he won't want a Simeone to come in because 1. he knows he'll do better than him & 2. he doesn't believe in winning 1st he believes fans should be "entertained" in tippy happy pointless football. I think after 12 years of that football fans would watch a 1-0 every week if we won the PL or CL. Also,I do worry these Eddie Howe links are genuine because apart from keeping Bournemouth up he's done nothing substantial in the game, could we make the same mistakes as Man United did in hiring Moyes? The reason they would want him obviously isn't to win the big trophies but to be content with their plan which is to do the minimum and achieve mediocrity. The really ironic point is that for 14 years Arsenal fans have been teasing clubs like Chelsea, Man City for their lack of history and selling out to rich oligarchs but the truth is unless we change things soon in 10-20 years we could be miles apart from these teams because their owners do not accept 2nd place but we would happily take it.

  21. Noah

    Jan 17, 2017, 13:26 #97103

    So sad that a once great manager has perhaps overstayed his welcome. However, would this change if we brought a better manager? The ownership structure is content with 4th place and would not hire potentially volatile characters like Simeone who craves success and 100% from his players at all times. I fear they would just hire a 'lite' Arsene Wenger like Eddie Howe because he would be a yes man so to speak. Also, the players are used to being unaccountable and for us to be a competitive team there would need to be a massive shake up ( Walcott, Ramsey, Ox, BFG,Gibbs spring to mind)

  22. Gilliss

    Jan 17, 2017, 13:24 #97102

    Arsene Wenger bashing has become a major sport among Arsenal fans. Always a case of what have you done for me lately. We tend to forget that in the first half of his tenure, Arsene made Arsenal larger than it ever would have become, winning three Premier League trophies in seven years before deciding to expand and sustain the fortunes of the club. Within these seven years, he built a first class training ground and a first class stadium without a sugar daddy like the Chelseas and Man. Citys of this world. Not all about trophies. Short-termism is having one standard measure of "number of trophies". In Arsenal, we need to be a little broadminded.

  23. James

    Jan 17, 2017, 10:44 #97090

    Brilliant article. Wenger is the biggest fraud in world football and his time is well and truly up. Any manager in the world could have taken that side he inherited to championships. He is a mercenary, a liar and takes the piss out of the fans. I have had enough of him and that board who have NO idea about running a football club.

  24. S. Udeh

    Jan 17, 2017, 10:42 #97089

    I totally agree with this commentary. I desperately need for Wenger to stand down at the end of the season. We deserve a fresh start. 12 years is long enough endurance.

  25. boye

    Jan 17, 2017, 9:58 #97087

    its hard to be a wenger supporter after reading this article.

  26. Duckford10

    Jan 17, 2017, 9:23 #97086

    The thing that scare me most is Wenger moving up stairs and controlling everything without the pressure of the fans... The new manager will be the fall guy and we wont attract anyone half decent.

  27. David Marshall

    Jan 17, 2017, 7:33 #97083

    Some good points made, but where did he get the idea that Arsenal are the biggest team in the PL from? Once maybe, not any more.

  28. Big Dave

    Jan 17, 2017, 7:16 #97082

    The minute I got to him awarding himself pay increases,and then the phrase "a good cook never blames his tools" I realised this was a 14 year old kids English essay.

  29. BigDave

    Jan 17, 2017, 6:18 #97081

    A very well put article with a lot of information and i suspect you could have added a lot more points but the article would have gone on forever I just don't understand how a lot of Arsenal fans think Wenger is still capable of leading this club and they even think he is doing a good job when he clearly is not

  30. mbg

    Jan 16, 2017, 19:07 #97070

    N4, finding a replacement would/will be the least of our worries mate, lets just do the most important thing first, get rid of him. wenger and Ozil out.

  31. Andy Kelly

    Jan 16, 2017, 18:07 #97068

    According to your criteria, Arsenal have mounted a PL title challenge in all but one of the last 10 seasons. Just saying.

  32. !No Pasaran!

    Jan 16, 2017, 14:06 #97054

    It's a great pity that this excellent piece cannot be given a wider readership, especially amongst the mainstream press core, who are unable (or unwilling) to ask Wenger a decent question regarding his ineptitude.

  33. David

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:04 #97045

    OK, but you have to understand that Arsenal isn't a football club anymore. It's a business for Stan, that's all. The business model is to maximize revenue by qualifying for the CL at low cost. That's it. That's what Arsenal is now. So, enjoy the entertaining football for what it is, or move on. Nothing will change until Stan decides to cash out.

  34. Smjt

    Jan 16, 2017, 12:00 #97044

    Rumour has it on good authority he has already (signed) agreed the two year extension and officials are waiting for the appropriate time to announce it .

  35. N4

    Jan 16, 2017, 11:25 #97042

    I know all this have been said before so can't we get this article to be publish on one of the big newspaper...even until now not saying if he's going to leave or not is what if he decides to leave then who goes and find a new manager and when would this happen. My view he'll renew as he can't let go...probably a wage near 10m!

  36. North Upper Corner

    Jan 16, 2017, 7:38 #97036

    The tin lid on everything was blaming the fans last season for HIS failure. It's never his fault. No manager would survive the stuffings we've taken in recent years. He certainly should never have survived conceding 8 at Old Trafford after the disaster that was the summer of 2011 but different rules of accountability apply to this man. Look at Klopp, after every game he's out on the pitch applauding the fans and dragging the players over to them. Our players treat us with contempt and walk straight past Wenger down the tunnel which maybe shows they don't respect him. It's Arsenal FC, not Arsene FC.

  37. Delboy

    Jan 16, 2017, 0:03 #97034

    WOW that says it all the [be careful what you wish for]brigade must be up in arms over this great article, just look at the useless run of the mill players wenger has bought alumnia pl.175games,denilson pl.120 games,bentner pl.90 games I could go on,on, on.i wish for the great Arsenal f.c.too go further in cl,put the enemy down the road back in there place.wenger just hasn't moved on while all the other great mangers have,poor old Stevie bold just has to sit there like a spare one at a wedding.why dose'nt wenger let boldy have a say even conte,moanrino,kloop they always take the benches view they have game plans and change as the game goes on.Wenger if the plan a is not working keep plan a going.

  38. Bonzo

    Jan 15, 2017, 21:46 #97031

    Jamiewoobbaa - we know you are currently writing as Badarse, which is very odd. You are also having one of your episodes when you start shouting out racist and homophobic nonsense . Anyway following this same line of thought have you ever realised that you are a nailed on 100% Wengosexual with deviant urges?

  39. Jason B

    Jan 15, 2017, 18:35 #97023

    Emmanuel Fyle.You have said nothing different to every other article i've read on the subject.The fact you wasted all that time writing this without researching what anyone else has written before is amazing.

  40. Bonzo

    Jan 15, 2017, 15:37 #97016

    Badarse - I would start afresh under a new user name, if indeed you have come back. Better to lose the Badarse than have people associate you with an anti semitic , racist bigot.

  41. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 15, 2017, 13:27 #97013

    So that's the extent of the AKB defence then - Charles' barely coherent strop and more bigoted adapting of 3 year old Badarse posts by Jabberson. Formidable, aren't they?

  42. Time for change

    Jan 15, 2017, 12:13 #97008

    This is brilliant.

  43. Stuart

    Jan 15, 2017, 11:51 #97006

    He is not an elite manager and never has been. He has always had problems tactically and has never been able to adapt to adapt his team mid-match. Elite players and managers don't make constant excuses for failure or continually negativelly redefine the parameters of success to fit their own poor performance. Wenger's record is bang average; 3 titles and no Champions league in 20 years. Poor- average. Fergie, Maureen, Ancelotti, Pep, Hitzfeld, Sauchie. That's elite management. Not constant failure dressed up as vainglorious success.

  44. Charles Charlie Charles

    Jan 15, 2017, 11:15 #97005

    Reading article that was great therapy - top top qualitee!! Seeing all those 8-2's, 6-0's and 5-1's in black and white is quite sobering. Any professional with a modicum of self respect would realise enoughs enough and pass the reigns over to a younger, hungrier manager.

  45. Gaz

    Jan 15, 2017, 9:08 #97003

    Well that's covered just about everything! Fantastic work fella.

  46. Wengerballs

    Jan 15, 2017, 8:43 #97002

    Blah blah blah...pathetic. The Board adore him as long as the $$$ keeps rolling in and the UCL spot is secured. Thats all that matters to Kroenke et al. Whiney-assed romanticism by fans like you counts for nothing.

  47. Bonzo

    Jan 15, 2017, 7:35 #97000

    Yer put your right wing in Yer left wing out In out , in out , you shake it all about You turn a little fascist and then you turn around That's what it's all about Whoooo, do the Brian Badarse , whoooo, do the Brian Badarse

  48. mbg

    Jan 15, 2017, 0:54 #96999

    GS, well said, Arsenal made him alright, if he hadn't have landed on his feet here he'd have been still a nobody somewhere and never heard tell off.

  49. Badrad

    Jan 15, 2017, 0:21 #96998

    @David, sadly your absolutely right, the board aren't interested in taking the financial risk. Why should they? The're strictly money men.

  50. GS

    Jan 14, 2017, 22:38 #96996

    Emmanuel : good article, thanks for taking the time to put it together . Bottom line is Arsenal made Wenger , not the other way round. We were founded in 1886 , not 1996. When Wenger was in Japan he said he learnt a lot about the Japanese way of life , one thing he missed was honour, any self respecting Japanese leader who cannot deliver would have fallen on their sword , not Wenger , he parked morals and ethic and just saw the £££ signs .......good win today .

  51. Cyril

    Jan 14, 2017, 21:59 #96994

    Is Engalnd a soft landing for Wenger. Now that would be a piece and a topic to deliberate. Perhaps, I should put my mind to that. No, I won't. BUT , for a man who speaks so many languages and has so much global appeal and gravitas in Europe, I can't understand why he has failed to bring us one European trophy. Indeed!!


    Jan 14, 2017, 20:27 #96993

    Excellent, forensic article & sums up what most of us have been saying for a very long time. Unarguable stuff but I expect some of the few remaining Believers will still bring their fertile, fantastical imaginations to think of something - oh yeah, we just thrashed Swansea so all is well again. Well done Emmanuel.

  53. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Jan 14, 2017, 19:43 #96992

    @Charles, erm...I hate to pop your bubble champ, but those teams you mentioned that Arsene's teams have beaten...Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man Utd, Chelsea....over the past twelve years, can you remind me which one of those were beaten in a European final or when there was a league title on the line?

  54. David

    Jan 14, 2017, 18:37 #96991

    How long did the article need to be? 20 seasons, 3 titles, 6 times runners up, 6 FA Cups, Runners up in the UEFA Cup and runners up in the CL. It's not bad, but for a guy who boasts about all he's done for the club ('look at ze club before I woz 'ere'), you would expect a return more like Ferguson's. He's currently a bit like watching Federer - everyone's known for the past few years that he won't win another grand slam, regardless of how many semi-finals he reaches. AW can't be blamed for not sacking himself - that has to come to a self-satisfied board, to whom he is responsible. If they weren't happy with the returns, they wouldn't employ him. It bodes badly for the future of the club that this is all it takes to satisfy the current board of directors. They (with the exception of Red and White Holdings) don't share the ambitions of most of the fans to win the PL and CL. Any manager who can consistently return the same results as AW will keep the job. In that sense, it doesn't matter who is in charge of the team, the club lacks footballing ambition. Arsenal have been in a position to win trophies for the last 5 years, but have only been treading water. Let's face it; the transfer and wages outlay required to turn Arsenal into a PL and CL winning outfit, would run to at least £200 million over the next two years, and that would have to be sustained. Why would anyone want to take such a risk? David Dein had the vision to make it happen; the current lot aren't interested.

  55. mbg

    Jan 14, 2017, 18:36 #96990

    jw, yes the love affair breaking down already ? Ozil might think twice the next time before kissing TOF's arse with compliments, wenger signed me, i want to know if he will still be the manager, f*****g pathetic, he should know by now TOF doesn't like been questioned on anything but it's all right for him to do it to others, TOF. Any Resignation yet ? wenger out.

  56. mbg

    Jan 14, 2017, 17:05 #96989

    ArseneKnewBest, not to worry the mighty Swans were to busy paddling about and allowing us to catch up. wenger out now.

  57. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 14, 2017, 15:23 #96988

    Emmanuel - Brilliantly written, forensic in its detail and packed with evidence that ought to convince the most pig-headed of AKBs (are you reading Jamee?) that we're in a never-ending crisis. But in a post-truth world, where wrong is right if you have no personal integrity, one fears that it will not have the impact that it deserves. At the very least, can I suggest that the Gooner editors send copies of this piece to Ivan the liar and the be'merkinned marauder? Thanks for taking the time to put it together Emmanuel - the underlying message is as bleak and depressing as a wet weekend chez Jamee, but it needs to be said and repeated 'til the chihuahua departs. Coming to more temporal issues, I see we've started VERY slowly against Swansea...quelle****ingsurprise!

  58. mbg

    Jan 14, 2017, 14:40 #96987

    Nick, nice one ha ha, a proper Audit.

  59. mbg

    Jan 14, 2017, 14:30 #96985

    Cyril, indeed, Ashley Cole, that was mentioned talked about a few Articles ago, I didn't go along with his baiting either just as I didn't with RVP, but the Cole situation had wengers grubby fingerprints all over it at the time regardless of what he said and the spin about wanting to keep him, as little did we know at the time he had project youth all planned.

  60. mbg

    Jan 14, 2017, 14:19 #96984

    TOF is most certainly not in the Elite of managers when it comes to success, ambition, tactics (cough) coaching, or anything else on pitch, he might be paid like one but that's where the comparison stops. And Arsenal are certainly bigger than one man especially this numbat who thinks he's god and owns the fooking place, Lets hope they are scratching round for a new man Emmanuel, and he doesn't have to be elite either and then as you say he can take all his AKB wengerites with him (nice one that) we'll see then how much they love him and worship him not as much as they think i'll bet. Good Article. We want wenger out.

  61. Brighton Gooner

    Jan 14, 2017, 14:14 #96983

    Excellent summary! You've reminded us of the 12 year shambles TOF has presided over. Just imagine the surge of hope and excitement we would all feel if it was announced he was finally leaving in May. Wenger out

  62. charles

    Jan 14, 2017, 14:04 #96982

    Two choices for this writer,support the team or go and jion Liverpool,spurs whatever team you think is doing fine.Doesnt it bother you that on the year Spurs were title challengers and Arsenal rubbish,their league position was below Arsenal.Take time and see the number of top teams Wenger has beaten from Real Madrid to Barcelona to man united,Chelsea.Point is you are fed up and constantly admiring other teams,Please go and stop feeding us with selective amnesia,the club is bigger than one angry fan completely short on football perspective

  63. jeff wright

    Jan 14, 2017, 13:22 #96979

    Good article and a damning indictment of money mad Wenger and his failures. Wengo's thinly disguised attack on Ozil by him pointing out that Glum needs to score more goals is a sure sign that Ozil is on his way out if a decent offer comes in or he will be allowed leave on a free in no offer acceptable to himself is forthcoming.These sort of scenarios with players running down their contracts and endless haggling over it all has become rather familiar under Wenger's rule at AFC . Ozil was another bad panic buy after the infamous 42m and one pound bid for Suarez was laughed away by Liverpool . Of course Glum scoring more goals might tempt some other club to take a punt on him and his 250k a week wage demand .I won't be holding my breath on that happening though . Sancho is another case in question he has already been at Barcelona and flopped there so at his age and with his own big wage demands where does he go then . It looks like China could be the answer and Ozil ending up where RVP has - in Turkey. I can't see any big Prem clubs or Euro ones either coming in for Glum and Glummer . With Wengo's own future at AFC in doubt the Glum and Glummer situations is not helpful . Keystone Kos and Gertrude though have both gleefully signed new deals and why not who else would pay them so much to achieve so little. That is the story of Wenger's own game of two halves career at AFC ,a good first half at Highbury, followed by a dismal second one at The Emirates Stadium that is slowly drawing to a bitter acrimonious conclusion.

  64. Bard

    Jan 14, 2017, 13:07 #96978

    Game set and match Emmanuel. I hope youre right Chris Dee. Cyril mate youre spot on about the Cole situation. That kind of penny pinching was at play with our Suarez bid a few years ago.

  65. Roy

    Jan 14, 2017, 12:34 #96977

    Can't disagree with any of that, Emmanuel. Factual and damning. Don't hold your breath for any coherent counter - arguments, though ! Wenger out.

  66. Nick

    Jan 14, 2017, 12:12 #96976

    Nothing to add to that Emanuel you said it all and said it well an excellent and detailed "audit" of the last 12 years of Wenger !

  67. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 14, 2017, 11:57 #96974

    That's laid the gauntlet down. Any Wenger supporters out there able to provide a point by point counter-argument?

  68. Cyril

    Jan 14, 2017, 11:44 #96973

    That's some article Emmanuel. I'm trying to remain positive, but the way they fluffed up the Cole situation was jaw-dropping. He wanted if I recall about 55 grand or 5 extra and they turned him down. The best left back in the world for a period of time. And then look what happened next as you point out, mediocre players a couple of years later were paid the same that Cole was asking for. Personally, I didn't go along with the Cole baiting for that reason alone. He was a class player and wanted the best deal for himself.

  69. Chris dee

    Jan 14, 2017, 11:25 #96972

    Many,many, good points,but not to worry,this is definately Arsenes's last season.