Arsenal doesn’t need the Specialist

A Russian view as to why it’s time to move on from Arsene Wenger

Arsenal doesn’t need the Specialist

Ed’s note - For obvious reasons the vast majority of foreign Gooners cannot join the from the East Stand of the old Highbury Stadium protest tomorrow evening. A significant Russian Gooner community,, has approved the submission of this article by one of their members, Ivan Merc, as evidence of their support for this action.

Finally, maybe several years later then required, the majority of Gooners realize where the problem is.

No matter who are the players, Arsenal will never win the league or European Cup under Arsene Wenger. And will never even really compete. Even if we buy Messi and Ronaldo together with Buffon and Chiellini, Arsenal will be fighting for a Champions League place.

This new Arsenal’s DNA was implemented by Arsene Wenger. And this is why the Arsenal Football Club must get rid of Arsene Wenger.

The “Invincibles” were destroyed after Paris, the “incubator project” was embarked upon and finished five years later - the day after the 8-2 Old Trafford disaster. The club dived into the panic buying, but the architect of disaster was allowed to continue. Today we are harvesting the results.

Other whimsies were embarked on – the Arsenal way, Special values, British core - and the result is:

Arsenal with the 5th or 6th largest budget in the world has been transformed from genuine contenders to also-runners at best. For the last 13 years Arsenal in April and May have spent ZERO days in first position in the Premier League.

Arsene Wenger has brought us huge humiliations every year – 2:8, 0:4, 1:5, 0:6, etc.

Arsene Wenger has trolled Gooners by playing Sanogo from the start against Bayern; by giving Walcott the captain’s armband against Chelsea; not starting Sanchez at Liverpool; by refusing to rectify obvious team weaknesses; by keeping for years flops like Diaby, Denilson, Fabianski, Bendtner, Ramsey etc; by bidding £40 milion plus £1 for Luis Suarez; by many famous comments like “you didn’t work even one day in football” or “you haven’t made 50000 substitutions”.

“Specialist in masochism”? I think “Specialist in sadism” is more appropriate.

Today Arsenal games bring no emotions, but apathy, because everybody knows the season will be finished as one more title challenge fails and Groundhog Day continues.

Arsene Wenger has got unprecedented power, accountable to nobody and establishes his own standards of success.

Arsene Wenger has got a top-salary (which even exceeds club’s mortgage interest payments for the new stadium) for mediocre results. And nobody at the club is allowed to get more money than manager. This so called “socialist wage structure” is obviously became a huge barrier for attracting top players.

But the only top player bought by Wenger in last 13 years is now on the way out due to the team's imbecility to compete at the top level.

Arsene Wenger is no longer capable of forming a winning team as he no longer has enough knowledge in the transfer market and for tactical, medical and mental team preparation. He just doesn’t know how to complete and prepare the team for title contention in the current reality.

The “good past” was 13 years ago. The last 13 years covered the way from “Wizard” to “Specialist in Sadism” over Arsenal supporters.

Arsene Wenger is Arsenal’s day before yesterday!

Arsenal without Arsene!

Wenger Out!

Ed’s note – It should be remembered that The Gooner and exist to provide an open platform for views across the Arsenal spectrum. Individuals have their opinions, but the fact is that we don't get too many contributions in favour of the way things are at the club these days. When we do, we publish them.

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  1. Yes its Ron

    Mar 07, 2017, 12:35 #99005

    Yes Leek, Henry was a poor Captain. Used to bawl out the younger players for not passing to him. Always wanted to be central to whatever occured on the pitch. Its been oft stated about him by players who've since left. OK, they might not have been the finest players to have worn the shirt but thats being a sh--e Captain by any stretch of the imagination. Great player, not much of a bloke has always been my take on him. Ive long predicted him as the next hapless boss at ASL. Seems now that Kroenke junior supports his appointment. Heaven help Arsenal i say. Its fits the Clubs profile though. A compliant lightweight coming in to keep the Arsenal social Club afloat.

  2. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 10:36 #99001

    Squeak - I note when your stress levels rise your bell end fetish comes into play. Very little chance of me getting a tanking on Untold ( as if I care ) coz I'm not allowed on, banned and censored. You better watch out Squeak the Arch Wengo site Untold is creaking. From my count nearly 50% wanted him out on the Attwood article despite Attwood's whingy crybaby snivel Wenger loving article.

  3. Paulward

    Mar 07, 2017, 9:56 #99000

    Those that are attending tonight's game, hope you enjoy it. Looks like being quite a while before we play in this competition again. Chances of Wenger managing in it again? Slim.

  4. Leek fc

    Mar 07, 2017, 9:13 #98999

    How good was it to see "jai" (an online gooner poster) copying and pasting other people's comments on untold Arsenal yesterday getting a right pi55 baller from the untold clan. Next up bell end bonzo.

  5. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 8:24 #98998

    Be prepared for more appeals from Wengo about his love of Arsenal. Sadly we need to bully him out for the sake of the club. Who built the Emirates, Wenger or Edelman? You see at the time it was Edelman seems very convenient timing for Wengo to start claiming that.

  6. markymark

    Mar 07, 2017, 7:49 #98997

    The tale of Leekey and the Goat. Old man Leekey sits on his porch and looks back bitterly at his life. "When anyone wanted their bicycle fixed, who did it? Me that's who. But did they call me the Leekey bicycle repairer.. no they didn't! When the river broke its banks and washed the bridge away and I fixed it. Did they call me Leekey the bridge builder No they didn't! But the day They caught me shagging that Goat and guess what bloody happens!

  7. Mathews

    Mar 07, 2017, 7:05 #98996

    Wenger has been missing key pieces year after year, if selling RvP was one, then a cheeky attempt to sign Suarez was another. Missing Kante has proved that we continue the misery year after year. And the above are just few examples of him missing the strengthening part of team. Lets save his tactial ineptitude for another day

  8. Paulward

    Mar 07, 2017, 6:50 #98995

    16 points behind and still 11 games to go,well on course for our lowest league position and biggest points deficit with the champions since Wenger took over 21 years ago. Our capitulation at Anfield meanwhile means we haven't won a " big " away game in 21 attempts, whilst we look set to finish behind 2 London clubs for the first time since I don't know when. And the argument for keeping Wenger is ? No, me neither.

  9. CT Gooner

    Mar 07, 2017, 2:56 #98994

    it is funny that there only seems like two voices pro Wenger right now, Tony Attwood and our resident Spud troll. I really do hope more supporters come out against him this year. If they don't I see nothing standing in his way and forcing two more years of purgatory.

  10. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2017, 23:55 #98993

    Leek you have so much in common with the Spud fanbase - they want WENGER TO STAY too lol!. Maybe you are just a trolling spud.

  11. RegW

    Mar 06, 2017, 22:44 #98992

    Oh Leeky, builder, accountant. He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy

  12. Leek fc

    Mar 06, 2017, 22:15 #98991

    "I built this club" Arsene Wenger. 2017. Sheer class. Sheer brilliance. He's poking his middle at the lot of you on here. WENGER MUST STAY.

  13. RegW

    Mar 06, 2017, 21:53 #98990

    Leeky - here's me thinking Mertesacker is the worst captain we've ever had. Played (0), won (0), drew (0), lost (0), 270 days on the extra long treatment table. Brilliant Clouseau at his best

  14. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 21:22 #98989

    Exeter, and that would still be his/they're defence even if it came close, Sad or what, they/he f*****g deserve him. wenger out now.

  15. Paulward

    Mar 06, 2017, 21:15 #98988

    Yeah, cheers for keeping us up Arsene, well worth the 8million a year!

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 06, 2017, 20:10 #98987

    You know things must be bad at the club when the best defence the sole AKB left can come up with is we haven't been relegated.

  17. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 20:06 #98986

    Wrighty has said he'd do the same as Sanchez if he were at Arsenal right now, well said Wrighty, (that'll not go down well with the old frauds spin department and his moonies)that's why TOF doesn't have and want you and others like you, (with ambition and aren't afraid to speak out and would stand up to him too) any where near the club. The dictator out.

  18. Alsace

    Mar 06, 2017, 20:02 #98985

    This is a clear and coherent summary of the truth. I call the Arsenal match day magazine 'pravda' which tells you all you need to know about the way in which Wenger and his creatures run, or more properly screw up the club. An oppressive tendentious regime, in power forever unless they are levered out of position. A plague upon him and his acolytes.

  19. Leek fc

    Mar 06, 2017, 19:50 #98984

    Just the last 3 posts make me laugh. I can pick holes in them all but why bother. Henry is the worst captain we have ever had !!!!! Wanting to see the Arsenal get beat !!!!! And then there is mug (mbg) yyyaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnn. See ya folks. Have we been relegated???? Only on this site is the negative virus evident.

  20. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2017, 19:45 #98983

    Ha ha excellent stuff from P Neville saying 'I am bored with Arsenal' & he is now taking a vow of silence on them. It is just a club to be laughed at. Another said the totts are not bothered about finishing above Wenger and calling it a ****ing trophy. After the Chavs they are the mostorganised unit and will win the PL the way they are going. I'm bored with Arsenal too.


    Mar 06, 2017, 19:44 #98982

    Totally fed up with people on here dissing King George - he had an illness of which the medics of his day had no prior knowledge & which eventually disappeared. Webster, by contrast, just needs a good shrink & a course in self-awareness which I am sure he can afford - maybe he will then do the decent thing & also disappear. If he doesn't then aren't we in for an horrendous summer window? Oh, the excitement of the arrival of the next batch of top, top quality discards or players no-one has heard of. Bet they will be great at taking selfies if not footie & happy to be scouted up to 100 times & strung along until the end of August. "Winners" need not bother to apply.

  22. Paulward

    Mar 06, 2017, 18:14 #98981

    Would be better all round if we get a pasting tomorrow, anything to get rid of the old fraud.The last thing we need is another "brave" but fruitless 3-0 victory. Have sold my ticket so will not be there for the march, but will not be missing the next one. Out Out Out

  23. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 18:04 #98980

    Highbury Boy, excellent post, yes TOF spin machine is in full flow now and just like RVP and those before him, Sanchez is in the firing line and being made the scapegoat for his failings, and all because he's standing up to him and showing ambitious, well done Sanchez, wenger showing his true colours again, what a f*****g arrogant dictator we have masquerading as a manager. Go now you past it waste of fresh air.

  24. Yes its Ron

    Mar 06, 2017, 17:48 #98979

    MAF meant to say too that yr Henry and Keown wont speak as it is mate. Henry in particular still sees himself as a Messiah there once Wengers gone and im betting Keown does too in some limited fashion. They ll keep hedging their respective bets hoping to crawl into Arsenal some where to fill a void. I wouldnt trust either as far as i could throw them. Both mealy mouthed, self serving types. Whatever the Club does it needs to keep both of them we ll out of the place. Both under qualified, pretenders bigging themselves up all of the time. Keowns a total fraud (never much of a player even in my view) and as for Henry, he was maybe the worst Captain Arsenal have ever had so im sure being the boss isnt the place for the likes of him and almighty almighty ego. AFC need to take heed of these snakes and make sure theyre not allowed to slime and slither their way in.

  25. Yes its Ron

    Mar 06, 2017, 17:37 #98978

    MAF - Being really conspiratorial and taking up yr point of dragging the Club down with him,, we could have a case here that AW does just that. It doesn't get mentioned but if he is feeling the heat on his collar to go then he wont like that one bit if hes eventually forced to climb down. He might well decide to hand on until the bitter end and then leave a crippled hull on the good ship Arsenal for another to re build. Im thinking Tony Blair and Brown here. Blair made sure Labour were a total and utter broken backed vessel before he handed over the tiller so to ensure his wobbly lipped successor was screwed from the start and never in position to win an election. Ditto here. What better for AW than to leave the whole edifice creaking and tottering even more so than now? I can almost see the leathery grin now as he pops his gear in the back of his 4 wheel drive, his face betraying the thoughts of ' get on and make the best of that Phil Brown if you can' !! I wouldn't put such a calculated strop past Arsene. Its been done many times before and he is French. None worse than them when it comes to retribution for being peeked.

  26. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 17:25 #98977

    How refreshing yet another Arsenal player showing wenger up for what he is by speaking up and showing ambition, like I said earlier I bet TOF thought he had all this behind him, reports or spin ? i'd safely say Spin that some of the players aren't happy with Sanchez, if true not to hard to know who and/or why, sitting in their comfy zone, under no pressure to do or win anything, and like their ambitious less manager, ambitiousless themselves. wenger out.

  27. jeff wright

    Mar 06, 2017, 17:18 #98976

    Wenger will obviously want to win the game against Bayern but his lack of any tactical nous eaves him relying on luck or the German side having an off-night or settling for a draw or a low score defeat. Big problems also for Wengo is that our defence that he can't get organized properly struggles to keep clean sheets and it wouldn't surprise me if the Deutschlanders scored one or more goals . Seeing as Wengo has no choice but to go for broke I can see the Bayern players exploiting the space that will be there for the taking that our pushing forward to the half way line tippy tappy passing play will leave at the back. Could well be a similar scenario to the Liverpool one last Saturday with Keystone Kos, Bellend Bellerin and co having to scurry back gasping and panting to try and help out little Ospina who had to pick the ball out of the back his goal 5 times in the first leg.If things do go the shape of an American football then the poor 4th official is in for a rough night off flaky Arsene who looks like he is already on the verge of another mental break - down .Very desperate times these for him and would you Adam and Eve it Glum the wizard of Oz is still ill and unlikely to play ! You could't make it up,what a state our club is in these days and we have a similar wage bill to Chelsea's. They are not dependent on one player though and have a manager who knows what he is doing and not chasing lost causes to try and save face.In reality that is all that Wengo is doing apart from also trying to save his 8+m wages of course.

  28. MAF

    Mar 06, 2017, 16:43 #98975

    Ron, you are prob right, of course if Munich did put the power on they are way ahead of us. Carlos smiles at Wenger but considers him a total loser. i think word has gone around the Football world that Mad King George has completely and utterly lost the plot and cracked up but worst of all is taking a great Football Club down with him. I think THenry should Show some balls and call it how it is. Ian Wright finally is so is Martin Keown. They all respected Mad King George only for what he did for their personal careers. So what now you are a pundit call it as it is ! Whinger has completely lost his marbles and we all Need to get him out before the cancer OF LOSER MENTALITY in the Club becomes terminal

  29. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 06, 2017, 16:38 #98974

    Ron : make you so right about the Bayern game. 2-0 up, a frenzied commentator telling us "another goal and Arsenal could be in dream land" Cue the Munich lads to break sweat for 10 minutes, get a goal and then yawn their way through the rest of the game. Of course Sanchez is "fake news" it is designed to take the attention away from Arsene Wenger's North London Flying circus.

  30. Yes its Ron

    Mar 06, 2017, 16:36 #98973

    Wengers like George 3rd. Started off well with some great and historic successes and then gradually disappeared as his faculties left him as zany as a coot.

  31. Up For Grabs Now

    Mar 06, 2017, 16:17 #98972

    I just pray, beg, plead, implore, urge those attending the Bayern game, too for once find their collective voices and tell Wenger to go do one, regardless if Arsenal win this dead game, or indeed the game v Lincoln. Now is your golden chance, Wenger is on the ropes, so please don’t blow it this time around! We have been here before, but on each occasion, nothing was heard, which was as good as telling Wenger he remained welcome, hence new contracts were signed. He most certainly isn’t welcome (Hasn’t been for years now in my opinion) any longer, so please, please let him know, as otherwise another contract will be signed after a couple of positive results, and we all know what that will mean!

  32. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2017, 15:56 #98971

    Atwood on Untold is full steam ahead blaming Sanchez for evrything wrong with the club. Even manages to slag Fabregas who is arguably playing his best football under Conte. Nasri too with a coach who is attempting to wrest la ligua from the usual suspects. That's ****ing competing! I call that list of big players who have deserted Wenger's cod philosophy The Inevitables. And they all went on to bigger things.

  33. Highbury Boy

    Mar 06, 2017, 15:53 #98970

    If some fans are too polite to want to see Wenger hounded out how about tomorrow night chanting long and hard for Sanchez ,especially if he doesn't start. I would be really upset if Sanchez had NOT shown the emotion he did at Bayern when for example Ox gifted them their 5th goal which in practice ended the tie or at Bournemouth when Giroud was so pleased with himself for scoring a spectacular goal not bothering to try to get 3 points. He is playing with a bunch of amateurs. Our one class player is going the same way as RvP and Cesc and is having his reputation trashed in similar fashion to support the party line. Unless fans show their anti Wenger or at least pro Sanchez feelings Wenger will conclude all is ok and sign that contract.

  34. Bard

    Mar 06, 2017, 15:41 #98969

    Cant argue with the sentiments expressed in this piece. I would imagine even the most loyal Wengerites must see he is not the man for the job. He needs to leave with dignity and not be hounded out. I fear the worst. The team have downed tools and I can only see further grief. Its not as if this is a top side who are going through a lean spell. They have been middling to poor all season. The board need to have a word and tell him its over. As every week goes by he becomes more and more like Monty Python's Black Knight.

  35. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 06, 2017, 15:34 #98968

    The end of this season is shaping up to be a disaster and if this doesn't prompt big changes i.e new manager then nothing will. I would happily lose every game between now and the end of the season if it means the end of this embarrassing, humiliating excuse of a club that we have become. Change is good, it's what this stagnant, stale, horribly smug and complacent club needs. It can't come soon enough. We are a massive club, let's not forget that. With the right manager we can soon be successful again, I can't f***ing wait for that day

  36. Yes its Ron

    Mar 06, 2017, 14:45 #98967

    MAF - I thinlk they ll get a result v Munich. 2-0 or 2-1 or something like that. It ll allow Wenger to say had they played to capability in 1st leg it would have been different but that all s well in the garden again and the 1st leg was a freak. Reality is that Munich wont be bursting their lungs, they ll be happy for a night off and to go through the motions pretending its a real game to keep the TV happy.

  37. MAF

    Mar 06, 2017, 14:27 #98966

    Wenger is making more and more totally questionable decisions. paying £34m for xhaka for example is absolute madness ! this guy is a millions miles away from being a defensive midfielder in the premier league. Add in Elneny and Coquelin and Arsenal have 3 yes 3 3rd rate so called defensive midfielders None of them capable to hold their own against the other top 6 english Teams or anyone decent in the CL. what a disaster. Bellerin is going backwards because he desperately Needs a Conte or Mourinhro to Train how how to be a rigth wing back. Disaster is upon us my friends, we will not make a dent in Bayern Munich and i think well take max 5 Points from cit utd everton home and spurs away. were heading for 6th place which I accept if accompanied by hailing of a new Manager like Simeone or Allegri

  38. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 13:38 #98964

    UNCLE, Ron, good posts, UNCLE, and in some cases not realising it didn't make one iota of difference with le fraud managing them. Ron, and that's why so many of us are so mad and pissed of because we fell for it, thankfully we've all woken up now, and ones things for dammed sure no matter how successful and revered the new man becomes it won't happen or we won't fall for it again. wenger out now.

  39. mbg

    Mar 06, 2017, 13:21 #98963

    Excellent Article Ivan, now all we need is all these English/local groups (these groups who are always quick to ask for our support for some silly banner, or some march for something irrelevant, as well as supporters clubs showing some balls and coming out with the same or something similar. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  40. TonyEvans

    Mar 06, 2017, 13:00 #98962

    I see Wenger is denying there was any bust up involving Sanchez. Hmmm I wonder who is telling the truth - surely Arsene wouldn't lie to us would he?

  41. jjetplane

    Mar 06, 2017, 11:48 #98961

    Damn fine read Ivan and loving a story that Ozil thought he might get dropped like Sanchez and called in a sickie. Nice one for a player who according to the AKBs is 'better than DB10' 'the glue that holds the team together' .... More importantly Sanchez has publicly shook the claw of the ostrich and IF he now gets a fat rise along with Ozil and the ostrich gets 2 years .... well I will eat my half and half scarf. Course I will boil it first so the colours run.

  42. jeff wright

    Mar 06, 2017, 11:15 #98960

    I think Uncle that a certain monsieur Wenger needS to be asked about that. For the record so far his excuses range from financially doped clubs having petro money while he had to operate using brass coat buttons.You couldn't make it up. Then there was the work in progress that would soon make us dominate football otherwise known as youth project with such luminaries as Diaby ,Bendtner and a cast of dozens of dopes who were going to perform these heroics.There were those though who believed in that unlikely scenario and then there really is no hope for them. Injuries have also been used to explain away failure with Ramsey or Rambo as he is apparently known getting injured one season being used to explain that season's usual capitulation that have occurred anyway even when Rambo was fit and firing his imaginary AK 47. Even though it only fires blanks. The manic champagne cork popping celebs that time at Newcattle in the changing room ,that went vial on Twitter, showing grinning Wengo and his over-paid Wallies partying after 'winning' a 4th place trophy and the big bucks that earns tells you all that you need to know about what is really construed as being success at the citadel of commercialism. A place unique for a top club in football where a business plan supersedes winning trophies by putting making profits the first priority. The FLAKY control freak accountant fake football manager Wengo runs that business plan for Syrupy Stan and getting a change of modus operandi at AFC is not going to be easy.

  43. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 06, 2017, 11:01 #98959

    You probably mean 'inability' rather than 'imbecility'. Though imbecility also seems an apt word in these circumstances.

  44. Yes its Ron

    Mar 06, 2017, 10:56 #98958

    We also all thought 'project youth' was fantastic for a while. Every time the kids thrashed some team who had barely bothered to turn up in the old Carling Cup, we lapped it up. We are ALL dripping in guilt without exception.

  45. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 06, 2017, 10:47 #98957

    Remember everyone saying how great it was to have a core of British players signed up - Ramsey, Walcott, Gibbs, Jenkinson etc? Remember everyone saying how we needed a big ugly centre half? Remember everyone saying how Cech would win us 10/15 points a season? Remember people saying Baptista was going to be the answer? Remember people saying how we'd actually done better by getting Gallas from Chelsea when they got Cole? Remember how moving stadiums was going to enable us to compete? Now remind me how did all of that work out again.