Battle of the Skies as Gunners Nosedive into Freefall

Online Ed: Wenger’s team crash and burn at West Brom

Battle of the Skies as Gunners Nosedive into Freefall

Yesterday’s result didn’t particularly bother me. One of the chants of the protest marches before the Bayern and Lincoln matches was “Arsene Wenger, You’re Killing Our Club”. That’s a bit over the top, but one thing that is certain is that, for many, the manager has killed enthusiasm about the team. Many feel we are just marking time now until we can all move on, with the best case scenario being a new manager this summer.

I have to admit that finishing in the top four is pretty meaningless to me at the moment, unless it was confirmed that Arsene is offski. Because Arsenal in the Champions League is like a hamster on a wheel. Not going anywhere in the competition itself, so what’s the point in being in it? The extra £50 million? So what? Arsene would either hoard it in the bank or spend it and get the same results he has been doing for the last ten years. Champions League money brought Ozil and Sanchez – in tandem for three seasons. Arsenal still failed to mount a title challenge or get past the last 16.

What about the proud record of qualifying for the CL for 20 straight years? So what? You don’t get a trophy for that. Sure, it’s great for the balance books and Arsenal’s place in the Deloitte’s Football Money League table, but do these things matter to a supporter? Chelsea have not made the Champions League every season since Arsenal moved to the Emirates. However, they have won it once as well as two Premier League titles (soon to be three), four FA Cups, one Europa League and two League Cups. They have also been through nine different individual managers (two of them doing two stints) in that time. Would you prefer that to Arsenal’s record under Wenger since 2006? I know I would.

Still, once one accepts not caring about the result, yesterday was hugely entertaining. The planes for one. Embarrassing, many called it. Where’s your sense of fun? The football doesn’t matter at the moment. It was like the Battle of Britain up there and the Twitter memes made me chuckle. The irony was that the planes were booked through the same company (and for all I know might have been flown by the same pilot) and once news of the crowdfunding plan to raise funds for a #NoNewContract banner to hit the skies became known, it seems that a pro-Wenger banner was arranged to counter it. I have been informed that the booking was apparently paid for by someone in the far east, although the organisers of the #NoNewContract banner suspect that the club’s head of PR, Mark Gonella might have actually been the one who instigated it (which definitely suggests AW will be staying on, otherwise what point?). The protestors’ banner was flown pre-match, but it had as much media coverage as the Trust Arsene version flown during the first half. (Update – the word now is that the banner was paid for by Jardine_Matheson or in other words the Keswicks. How embarrassing. The chairman getting his relatives to hire a plane countering the supporters' views. Looks like they forgot to take care of a confidentiality agreement when hiring the plane. How un-Arsenal like. So looks like Arsene’s staying then. Ramp up the protests guys!)

The two fly pasts beautifully symbolized the current divide in the club’s fan base between those who want Wenger to remain (albeit a dwindling number) and those who are desperate for change and have got to the stage where they need to make the board aware of their unhappiness in more public ways than sounding off on social media. There are of course a large number of people in the middle ground that want change yet cannot bring themselves to target Arsene Wenger, but unfortunately, hopes for such a dignified end to his dictatorial reign are now long gone. The media aren’t interested in a painless goodbye.

The thing is, the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. The manager’s teasing words about having made his decision but not telling us what it is are just so “It’s all about me”, and reflected on what Arsenal have become now. It’s not a football club at the moment, it’s a mouse that fat cat Arsene is toying with, exhausting the thing as it tries to get away to the extent that it doesn’t know what to do. Ultimately, the board of directors are to blame for this situation, but Wenger is very much a part of the problem and, initially, the easiest thing to change.

There are reports coming out that the extension will now be for one year only – a compromise on the part of the manager. The same report also suggests that Massimiliano Allegri has agreed to take over at Arsenal if Wenger does go this summer. It’s an opportunity too good to pass up if that is true, but one fears it might become another lost opportunity. Who knows, perhaps if Wenger is going, he knows the news from Italy will leak out so he needs to go public before long.

However, if there is to be another year of Arsene, what’s the point? He will lose his two star players this summer. What this indicates to me is that he will use the justification of the club needing a succession plan to indulge himself for one more year in the ridiculous belief that he has the ability to manage a team to one of the two big prizes he has always prioritized. One reason he might actually go is if they didn’t make the top four, as that would leave him no chance of winning the Champions League next season.

Let’s just take the game yesterday as an example of why Arsene can no longer cut it. In theory, West Brom should have been the perfect team to play. Having reached the 40 point mark, in recent games the Baggies’ players have been in ‘on the beach’ mode and easy to defeat. Pre-match, Wenger identified the likely danger of the opposition – set piece goals. Good work. So what happens next? Presumably lots of practice during the week to counter this particular threat? Looking at the first and third goals, it’s difficult to envisage much was done. Conclusion: Arsene either does not prepare his team for the specific challenges they will face from different opponents, or he tries to but fails miserably. Either way, the consequence is the same. Falling short in too many matches. That Arsenal only mustered two shots on target in the entire game is a damning statistic. Never mind 80% possession or whatever it was. This was West Brom, not Bayern Munich. Currently, Arsenal only seem comfortable facing non-League opposition.

The reality is that he has lost the players. I don’t know how much he could ever really motivate them, but he certainly can’t now. This is a consequence of the comfort bubble he has created, the ‘Colney Creche’ phenomenon as it has been labelled by Myles Palmer. At the end of the game in spite of a large number of protest banners going up, the players came over to the away section and stayed a fair while. They know he’s a busted flush and have zero respect, for all the lip service. They probably want change as much as the supporters.

The writing has been on the wall since 2008. Great team, but not enough football intelligence. At least the football then was entertaining. Now, it is largely plodding and predictable. Lots of possession, but little impact. How I would love to see Diego Simeone get hold of players like Ramsey, Walcott and the Ox and teach them about the importance of attitude and commitment in winning football matches. They wouldn’t know what had hit them. “We’d jump off a bridge for him,” said Atletico’s Tiago of his manager in 2014. That’s passion in your squad. Not the damp squib that is Arsenal 2017, with players on the bench smirking at the manager’s incompetence.

Anyway, back to the entertainment and the planes. It was hilarious that after the “In Arsene We Trust: Respect AW” banner was flown with the scores at 1-1, the team collapsed. Banners appeared in the away end during the game and some anti-Wenger chants got going.

I was pessimistic about the club’s second half of the season after the defeats at Everton and Manchester City before Christmas. Then, I identified that there were a number of tricky away trips that might prove the Gunners’ undoing – Chelsea, Liverpool, Southampton, Spurs and Stoke. I didn’t, at that stage, feel too many concerns about a trip to West Brom. Right now, you wouldn’t feel too confident about Arsenal getting a result anywhere. If you discount matches against non league opposition, Arsenal have lost six of their last seven fixtures. If the board needed any further convincing that this is only going one way, there it is.

It could have been so different. If Wenger had come out after the 5-1 defeat in Germany which made progress into the last eight in Europe a pipe dream and said – “I hold my hands up, I have taken this club as far as I am able to, I will see out my contract and let the club get someone else in,” he would have garnered great respect for his honesty and humility. Even more so if he’d resigned there and then, but that was never going to happen. Even so, confirmation that this would be his final season would have united and galvanized the supporters and I believe the players. Perhaps he could have even allowed Steve Bould to do some work on the training pitch, like teaching players how to block runs at corners, maybe?

No dignified exit is possible now. Whenever Arsene goes, it is going to be ugly. You think this team can win the FA Cup? It’s a very long shot. Possible, but it needs Manchester City to have an off day in attack and for Wenger to outwit (one assumes) Antonio Conte. That’s an unlikely double (and just imagine Wenger’s stock if Arsenal made it to a final and lost to Spurs!). Top four is certainly still possible on paper, but with three of the current top six still to play, as well as Southampton, Stoke and Everton, and even a resurgent Leicester… well, we are relying on a collapse from one of Liverpool, Spurs and Manchester City, as well as hoping Man United don’t get their act together.

Once you give up on the Gunners’ chances and just take a step back it’s actually been a very enjoyable Premier League season with all the character managers and some great players. And some of Arsenal’s calamitous performances and the circus around Wenger have contributed to that. I may not care anymore about the club, but that will change when something at Arsenal changes and the enthusiasm will return. Until then, it’s soap opera. A shame really, as the three seasons of Alexis and four of Ozil should have given us more. But it wasn’t to be.

Wenger might try the one year rolling contract stunt with the fantasy of continuing until he wins something and going out with an ‘I told you so’ expression, but if you think the atmosphere around the club is bad now, just wait until next season’s collapse if Arsene is still overseeing things. Already predictable are the banks of empty seats at some of the remaining home matches this season. It may even be worth targeting a particular TV game for season ticket holders who want to send the board a message about the need to freshen things up to boycott.

I was watching the movie ‘LA Confidential’ on Friday night. There’s a scene where the detective played by Russell Crowe is at the house of the mother of a murdered woman, and there is a foul smell coming from somewhere. It has built up over time and the mother does not know what has caused it. Crowe investigates and finds a rotting body in the cellar. As I was watching, for some reason Arsene Wenger came to mind…

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  1. mbg

    Mar 20, 2017, 15:12 #99682

    Up for grabs, fair enough, I was never like this, but this is what this old waster has drove me to regards himself for what he's done to the club I once loved with a passion and going by others on here he's it's happening and he's doing it to them too, thanks for the advice i'll do my best, but won't promise anything now if the old shyster was to piss off ? wenger out.

  2. mbg

    Mar 20, 2017, 14:59 #99680

    Roy, good point the plane obviously wasn't from the AKB wengerites or they'd have been broadcasting it and bumming and blowing about it all over the place, just like believing everything they're told they couldn't hold their piss either. wenger out now.

  3. Paulward

    Mar 20, 2017, 12:33 #99668

    How bad will we be next season ? If Wenger stays and Sanchez and Ozil go, plus we have Thursday night football to contend with can easily see a bottom half finish myself, and would not even rule out a flirtation with relegation. The only question now is will Wenger survive the 3 or 4 goal maulings by City ( twice ) , Spurs and Man Utd that await us between now and the end of May. I'm praying he doesn't.

  4. Leek fc

    Mar 20, 2017, 11:11 #99666

    Cornish. Put pen to paper son. Sir Arsene Wenger. Wenger Towers. 4th place terrace. Leek. WO13 0UT. You've got to address it to 'SIR Arsene Wenger', otherwise the butler will heap it up with the rest of the fan mail.

  5. Up For Grabs Now

    Mar 20, 2017, 10:25 #99665

    @mbg Have you ever heard of the saying – ‘Less is more’? I know we are both on the same side of the debate re-Wenger, but I am sure I can’t be the only contributor on here who now automatically skips your posts, as often (Not always) they are the same hate filled ramblings! I too don’t like Wenger, as most on here I suspect don’t either, but you need to chill out a bit with your frequency of posts about your hatred of him, as I can see your blood pressure rising from my end of the computer screen!

  6. Ian M

    Mar 20, 2017, 10:21 #99664

    Rotting bodies in the cellar? then it will be like the Evil Dead, they always resurrect and come back to haunt you.


    Mar 20, 2017, 10:21 #99663

    spot on Mbg - we need to find out where the selfish, delusional old guy lives. Can't join the street protests outside his mansion but I would appreciate address & post code details please - I want to see his "fan mail" become a daily cartload for his local postie. Tells Pulis he is intent on staying but not the Organisation's supporters - unbelievable. Nasty it will get!

  8. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 20, 2017, 10:19 #99662

    Sixth place is now looking more than likely. That "performance" on Saturday was every bit as bad as some of those spineless away surrenders in the Don Howe era.

  9. Bard

    Mar 20, 2017, 9:53 #99661

    Good article Kev. i watched it in a bar in Prague with a load of Irish gooners. Not one of them was pro Wenger. Im with those who think he will continue. I think the delay is just about trying to get the timing right. There are two compelling reasons. Why would anyone in their right mind walk away from £8m a year and its easy to see the rationale ' In life if you have setbacks you have to show how strong you are bla bla bla'. To me its a slam dunk he will sign thereby making the split between gooners even worse.

  10. markymark

    Mar 20, 2017, 9:04 #99660

    The Mail is saying it still gets decided end of season . With the board (but not all the board backing him ) it will be interesting if it starts leaking out who is our relatively friendly guy on the board.

  11. markymark

    Mar 20, 2017, 8:37 #99659

    It's absolutely bizarre isnt it. Say we continue this slump to season end. ( don't care if we do by the way ) what message does that put out to transfer targets? It's falling apart at the seems whether the board give him a 10 year contract. We could easily start next season as we end this. It's going to get nasty!

  12. TonyEvans

    Mar 20, 2017, 8:20 #99658

    I've dabbled with wanting Arsenal to lose over the last few years, in my desperation to see the back of Wenger, but my heart was never really in it. It damn well is now though - I was delighted we lost on Saturday and long may it continue. Wenger needs to hang his head in shame for making fans like me feel this way. Not that he has any shame - he is a self obsessed ego-maniac, stuffed full of pumped up self-belief that puts himself before everything else, even the club he supposedly 'adores'.

  13. John F

    Mar 20, 2017, 8:14 #99657

    Just heard that Mark on radio 5 and John Cross saying the same and it is going to be for two years.What an arrogant man he is, he has no feelings for the fans or the club it is just his own personal vanity project.Arsene FC.

  14. Roy

    Mar 20, 2017, 7:48 #99656

    The fact that AW has said that a decision has been made without knowing our finishing position doesn't sound encouraging. Also if the plane in support of Wenger was chartered by someone related to the board, then that makes it even less so. Looking at the fixtures left and the awful body language of most of the squad, 5th, most likely 6th or even 7th is the most likely outcome. He's 67 years old, quite patently not up to the job anymore, so what on earth would be the point of risking some really fearful stick just for the sake of one last money - grabbing exercise with his boardroom cohorts ? The club has now ensured that the divorce will be long and messy and we will have to take a longer step backwards in order to go forwards again when it finally does happen. It didn't have to be this way, and all connected should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves - no wonder it's finally filtered down to the team. I too am glad that we lost Saturday, and the whole rotten lot of them should p*ss of and give us some semblance of our club back. Let's continue the protests, get Wenger out, then start on the others beginning with the silent syrup himself. Apathy rules, and the games up chaps. Do us a massive favour and go NOW.

  15. markymark

    Mar 20, 2017, 7:37 #99655

    Wenger has apparently told Pullis he's staying on another year. I note he blocked Pepe when prevaricating of signing a contract he rapidly signed when Arsenal put out feelers. He's done the same again playing a supine board. Shame is this time looks like the players aren't interested either.

  16. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Mar 19, 2017, 23:37 #99654

    Kroenke and the Board are desperate for Wenger to stay and he has over 10 Million to stay. Only a complete Fan Boycott will end Wenger's reign and get rid of Kroneke. I agree Wenger's exit will be ulgy.

  17. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 22:23 #99653

    One good thing that is coming out of all this (before the ultimate pleasure of course) or maybe it should be two, all this is giving TOF's ego one hell of a battering, and it's giving him sleepless nights, I love it, it couldn't be happening to a bigger fraud. wenger out.

  18. Leek fc

    Mar 19, 2017, 22:06 #99652

    MBG..... probably end up 10-3 eh. Gooner..... my arse.

  19. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 21:23 #99651

    Moscow, fair enough mate, it's just this arrogant old waste of fooking space has me as pissed off and as fuming as I've ever been, how I'd love just 30 seconds in a boxing ring with him, this is what he has driven me to. wenger out.

  20. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 21:04 #99650

    Can we not find out where TLSOE lives ? and bring the protests to his door ? or his mansion gates and let him have it in front of his posh neighbours ? I bet that would really shake TOF up and put the wind up the other board members and cronies, after all he's bringing misery and shyte to out houses every week. No new contract, we want wenger out.

  21. Leek fc

    Mar 19, 2017, 20:59 #99649

    So RegW has given the job away. We are relegated if we finish 5 or 6th. Fellas like you and MBG are great and give the genuine WOB folk nothing to argue with people like yourselves on board. MBG....... you must reply to my comments as I really need to see what is in your head. Guinness, and nothing more.???


    Mar 19, 2017, 20:15 #99648

    One bit of good news, my wife now fully appreciates what us fans have been suffering over the last decade. The best bit is that she has decided to apply for Webster's job & we are working on her CV right now. She hasn't worked a day in football but we don't see that as a problem - she is of sound mind, very practical, approachable & self aware with not a hint of "side", to use an old fashioned word. I think the players & sponsors will love her as will Stanley as she will cost a fair bit less. The customers will be better off as well because her first priority will be to offer better quality & better value grub which could be a welcome distraction if the on field results don't immediately improve.

  23. RegW

    Mar 19, 2017, 20:04 #99647

    Leeky - Champions League to Europa = relegation in most sane fans mind

  24. jjetplane

    Mar 19, 2017, 19:54 #99646

    Watch out - Leekie has drunk himself into a Wengo stupor. Been over to Untold today leekie - there are 2 AKBs left along with your hero pug nosed Atwood. Totters out of sight and 7th looking nailed .... Leekie just give up mate or you will do yourself an injury standing in the middle of the road screaming 'don't take my Uncle away!'. 10 - 3 10-2 what does it matter. I am sure BM have stopped taking the piss by now on twitter.


    Mar 19, 2017, 19:54 #99645

    Just doe one Leekey, an irritating fly spreading your stupid **** is what you are & I don't normally do abuse. Webster will stay for 1 year, hope for a miracle & hence yet another extension beyond that, A totally depressing day with all the Arsenal ex's & the Press defending him against his incompetent players. And in Stanley, the world's worst owner - the trouble being that his USA sports clubs are even worse than Arsenal so Stanley thinks Webster is a hero. The thing I just don't get is WHY does he want to give 2017/8 a go? You can write off the first 3 PL league places straight away - Chelski, & the Manchester clubs. So the old has- been is in for a season of total stress with the "young" Turks at Spurs, Liverpool, Everton baying for his blood. The sheer stupidity & selfishness of it all is terrific is it not? He has got to be a basket case. The protests will ramp up & WENGER MUST GO! Try shouty capitals Leekey for your next wind up.

  26. BigDaveTheGooner

    Mar 19, 2017, 19:38 #99644

    Leek fc,please tell us exactly what Wenger has left to offer,for 10 years he has promised us title challenges,European challenges,domestic dominence and a team to b proud of,well I,m afraid none of that has come to fruition,I really don't know where you get your belief from,it has to be from past glories that were over 10 years ago and like I,ve said before he isn't suddenly going to find a magic formula because he is simply a spent force who got found out years ago. It's time for change and the sooner the better,Wenger out NOW!!!!

  27. Leek fc

    Mar 19, 2017, 19:38 #99643

    Very good MBG. Only you could state that we got beat 10-3 against Bayern.(105467) There are decent folk on here fighting for change and you embarrass the whole thing by stating rubbish and drivel that only you could. Keep fighting with Moscowgooner.... he's on your side numpty boy...... By the end of the season, you never know, according to MBG.... we could have beaten Bayern 11-10. You've got to laugh. Civil war anyone. ???!?

  28. Leek fc

    Mar 19, 2017, 19:16 #99642

    Have we just been relegated???? "Anything WOB's can do, AKB's do better". Loved the second plane. Civil war was mentioned on the forums straight after, Mr Wenger is taking the pi55 out of you lot. Get used to it fellas.

  29. MAF

    Mar 19, 2017, 18:45 #99641

    RIP Arsenal. Killed off by the supreme arrogance + ego of a man who sees himself as bigger than this great club. Its owners are the wrong ones, the club is hijacked, its DNA has been removed by Manager, Board + owner. There's no short term hope at all. the most depressing experience ever as an Arsenal fan as we watch other all other clubs around us continue to show they have something about them, something to clink onto. Wenger's ego is the size of France. he sees everything as all about him not the team or the club. he has lost huge parts of the dressing room and the team is in complete disarray but does he care ? I dont think so. this man who we all took in has not become the major obstacle to the club going forward. If I was a billionaire I'd bid for the club tommorrow to get it out of Kroenke's hands for it is he who is taking this great club to its knees. I never thought I would wish to be owned by Roman Abramovich but I do

  30. Moscowgooner

    Mar 19, 2017, 18:05 #99640

    Mbg - of course I don't want him to stay: I've been saying that for 5 or 6 seasons! But a 5-1 thrashing of Spurs or Chelsea in the final would be something to treasure for a life time... I know it's not going to happen anyway, so why argue?

  31. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 17:55 #99639

    Moscowgooner, are you having a laugh ? taking the piss ? there no fooking scenario in order for TOF to stay, none whatsoever it's to late for that now, if you think there is we know exactly who you support, you must have a short memory have you forgotten the 10- 3 against Bayern already ? and all the other embarrassments and humiliations over the years, and all the other sack able offences on their own ? the second third raters etc, etc, etc,(and everything that went with them ? the lies the spin the arrogance of the past it old fraud ? and he's still at it even now sticking two fingers up at fans keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullshyte with his sly grin, no there is no way he can stay no matter what he does before the end of the season and any one who thinks there is it's easy to see and know where their allegiance lies. wenger out now.

  32. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 17:29 #99638

    The laughing stock of Europe telling us still with a smirk and a grin, a decision has been made, after being embarrassed and humiliated like he has the last fooking thing he should have is a smirk and a grin, he should have his head bowed in shame but that's the arrogance of the man if a decision has been made why won't he say then ? no still sticking two fingers up at fans by keeping it all to himself, even after all he's done and caused with all the humiliations and embarrassments making sure we'll be the last to know with that smirk and grin again (wouldn't you just love to slap it of his gob) respect ?, What an arrogant c**t. wenger out.

  33. jjetplane

    Mar 19, 2017, 17:12 #99637

    Atwood is getting demolished on Untold with WOB lining up ..... Will he close the site down and go home to Ru(n)tland.

  34. TonyEvans

    Mar 19, 2017, 16:12 #99636

    I am trying to see the funny side of those two planes - it was pure Dastardly and Muttley starring in Stop the Wenger (instead of pigeon for the younger element). Seriously though Wenger is so beyond the pale we have to hope we lose every game now, especially the FA Cup semi final. There must not be even the slightest sniff of an excuse for Wenger to stay. That he has made a decision but is not announcing it is disgusting in the extreme. He is angling to stay that much is obvious and anything goes now to stop that from happening.

  35. jeff wright

    Mar 19, 2017, 15:02 #99635

    It looks like Wenger is staying come what may with some sort of excuses cobbled together to justify this happening .Top 4 or not finish. The money hoarded under Wengo in Stan's club accountant that he uses for collateral to borrow against in regard to running his nefarious multi- sports clubs and franchises in the US of A and the sponsorship deals that are still running that were obtained with fraud by the snake oil salesman - plus the TV cash will cover for one season outside of the European Cup .A mass cancellation of season tickets looks like the only way that any abrupt changes will be forced on to the creepy cretin Stan and his gang of odious pickpockets.This though based on past evidence is unlikely to happen. Things will get worse and who can say when they will get better. Wengo departing would be a start but he is backed by Stan and his gang and what some supporters think is not of any concern to them -so long as they keep coughing up money to watch Wengo's comical magic roundabout .Keystone Kos is said to be the leader in the side ! You couldn't make it up.

  36. Moscowgooner

    Mar 19, 2017, 14:50 #99634

    Part of me hopes that the board offer AW a new five year contract... The explosion of anger will lead to a true revolution - Kroenke and the entire gang driven out. Usmanov could be our unlikely saviour. Getting Wenger out is only the first (but critical) step here. The demos are great and have to grow, the aircraft banner was great - but I think staged walk outs at home games are the next (and most effective) step. Finally: do we go down the FCUM route and set up a true Arsenal FC (´Dial Square FC´?). Terracing again, a proper badge, players who will fight for the shirt - it could be a lot more fun than watching the current regime struggle on for a few more seasons.

  37. KC38

    Mar 19, 2017, 14:12 #99633

    Years and years of failure different players, same weaknesses, same set up, same defensive naivety. The same man has overseen all of the sames, his paid a fortune, the press the pundits, should show some courage and state the bloody obvious. Neville told us all at the bridge that it was typical Arsenal, it happens season after season, and then called a fan that wanted change an idiot, strange Gary the same crap will only change if you remove the common factor, I think you have to question who is the idiot.

  38. mbg

    Mar 19, 2017, 14:03 #99632

    Nose Dive, We're in Free fall now as Alsace said yesterday all the get out of jail cards have run out now, all the winging it, the bluffing it, over the years has been laid bare the/his luck has run out he's seen now as just what he is and always was (just like the players he signed)a second rate manager, unfortunately he's brought the team and Club down to and made them that level also, resign now you second rate fraud. wenger out now.

  39. Paulward

    Mar 19, 2017, 13:40 #99631

    Are we marching again pre Man City does anybody know? Got to keep the pressure up?

  40. Bob Bayliss

    Mar 19, 2017, 13:36 #99630

    I agreed with all of the banners yesterday, except for the one which said "Love the team, hate the regime". I don't love this team, I don't respect them (except Sanchez). They are a product of the regime. Jamie Redcrapp's pathetic attempt to deflect the blame on to the players completely overlooked who had bought them, paid them far more than they are worth, failed to coach them and fail to motivate them. A one-year contract would be an outrage and if that were to happen we should continue to protest every single game next season. Who on earth does he think he is that he can indulge himself with a one-year farewell tour when he is no longer remotely capable of doing the job?

  41. Alsace

    Mar 19, 2017, 13:26 #99629

    Redshirt. Don't go insane please. That's Wengers job. Try and do something positive. Writing a letter to the board, supporting the Wenger out demonstrations, writing to the papers, going on 606. We can all do something and it all counts. Find the things they don't want to happen and do them. Write to journalists and get them to ask nastier questions. Keep banging away. Assume that no one else will and we will get there.

  42. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 19, 2017, 12:59 #99628

    What do Wenger, kroenke, gazidis and all the players have in common? They all hold us the fans in utter contempt. They are a shambles and a disgrace every single one of them. Cowards to a man. This was once a great football club, envied and respected throughout the land for its class and traditions. This pile of money-grabbers, liars, spin merchants and yellow-bellied scumbags have, in the last ten years, destroyed everything that was good about our club, without one single thought for its fans best interests. Kroenke and gazidis are beyond pathetic with their continued silence. This manager needs sacking and needs to go now. It won't happen of course. I've long been of the opinion that the new contract has already been signed and will be announced when it best suits Wenger himself. I just hope we lose every single game until he does decide to leave. The man deserves to feel the same humiliation that him and his team are heaping on its supporters. To think we might miss out on simeone, Allegri etc for this parasite to indulge himself for another season or two is truly depressing to me. I can't stand it anymore it's driving me insane

  43. jjetplane

    Mar 19, 2017, 12:51 #99627

    Some of the media are calling him out saying it is unheard of for a manager to smirk and belittle his club with I have made my mind up type **** but you will have to keep guessing. Odious, ugly **** who reminds me of Trump. My image of this season thus far is of Ramsay gleefully smashing the net against Lincoln for the 5th goal and believe me Arsenal are generally hated for their attitude right around the country. As a bit of perspective having stood away from Wenger's circus since 2004 after having supported for nearly fifty years I have watched football throughout the leagues and in other countries and do not miss the Wenger experience not one ****ing iota! Totally gave up in 2008 even caring though at the time I was in America following college basketball for a year. My local team now in the eight tier have had a good season and we are fifth which is good going for a team coming up from a lower division. having a tough month playing the big boys and got whacked by the leaders by five yesterday but fair enough i know the team are giving what they can and will cheer them on to the end of the season and top six would be great and we go again. Shifty back to Ramsay and Wenger's remarks yesterday and I am proud not to give a ****ing penny to the PL and that includes Sky or any other ****. Knew Pulis would deliver the blow yesterday as the Baggies sang 'one Arsene Wenger' and Pulis himself said Wengo should get another five years. Bet he had a good smirk with that one and good ****ing luck to him. Man Utd are one up so Arsenal maybe for sixth but I reckon a lucky seven and a battering from City is to unfold. In fact see a few teams lining up now to get their piece of the most spoilt club in modern football. Bit like that moment in the film Airplane where to line up to throw a punch.

  44. TonyEvans

    Mar 19, 2017, 12:09 #99626

    Surreal yesterday. We had a Brummy bathroom fitter in to finish our new bathroom and he had the West Brom Arsenal game on the radio. I was supporting West Brom as much as he was! Unbelievable it has come to this.

  45. markymark

    Mar 19, 2017, 12:05 #99625

    SKG - have to disagree this time it wasn't cowardice. Just that he's lost the dressing room

  46. Graham71

    Mar 19, 2017, 11:34 #99624

    The media are now blaming the players yes the players Wenger signed,The players he picks and the players he coaches(if thats what he calls it).The Wenger who has given those usless players long term contracts.The likes of Wally Walcott Ox Ramsey Xhaka Coquelin Mustafi Welbeck and Giroud shouldnt even be at the club they are not good enough.So we are 19 points behind Chelsea and that gap will grow even futher after we get battered by City Stoke Spurs and United.Wenger is killing the club by outstaying his welcome by 10 years.Its time to boycott games my fellow Gooners if not you will get Wenger forever.Europa League here we come

  47. Rippy

    Mar 19, 2017, 11:22 #99623

    The contempt with which the arrogant pricks who run arsenal treat the fans. Is absolutely deplorable and pathetic. DO NOT GIVE THEM another penny of your money please. They deserve nothing. Kroenkes teams and franchises are all average run institutions. His steam rollers fans everywhere. Why is his dumb arse son on our board !?! Think about that for a second . I was gutted after 25 years myself and son can't bear to go anymore . Season tickets given back I do miss arsenal badly. But unless you all hurt the pockets of kroenke we are lost .. it won't change . He will hire on the cheap . No CL just means he will cut the wage bill by 50 mill . Wengers arrogance has become legendary now but it's only a snip compared to the kroenkes old enough will remember the way arsenal can empty out . If that happened again the arrogant prick might actually sell up . Do not give them your money please ... make it happen.

  48. GSPM

    Mar 19, 2017, 11:12 #99622

    No need to repeat what has already been said . Total & utter shambles with Wenger at the helm . If he signs 1 more yr as is rumoured that will be the Ultimate insult to our great club. I still have 10% respect for what he did way back , if he signs 0% respect . Look around, when he finally leaves he is leaving a mess of massive proportion - He loves Arsenal , I don't think so .

  49. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 19, 2017, 11:09 #99621

    What depresses me the most is the newspaper reporters twisting this as if Arsene is the victim. The truth is yesterday's performance was a re - run of my watershed moment with Arsene - the 2-1 defeat at Stoke (under Pullis) in Nov 2008. I have posted my feelings about this game dozens of times - it was rank cowardice then and was rank cowardice yesterday. The nice touch was watching Ospina do a brilliant impression of Almunia, the coaching levels are worse than a Sunday pub team, only Wenger would have in his squad the smallest keeper in the Premier League. IMO this is going to get so much worse before it gets better, if it ever does. With our pathetic board I fear the next 2 - 3 years are going to see a real demise in Arsenal.

  50. John F

    Mar 19, 2017, 10:18 #99620

    Have to agree KC it shows the control freak within him not declaring his intentions.He has form of going against what fans expect,just look at his transfer dealings and his refusal to strengthen key areas in the team.Perhaps we should all beg him to stay then he might leave to spite us.West Brom fans ole us has to be a new low.

  51. Alsace

    Mar 19, 2017, 10:17 #99619

    In criticising the board, we are assuming that they have the POWER to sack him. They don't. That decision can only come from over the water. The board needs to threaten to resign unless Kroenke sacks him. We desperately need to keep the losing streak going. We need to keep beating him in the face with the frying pan of defeat until he literally has no where else to go but the exit. His discomfort is starting to be very satisfying indeed for those of us who have liked him but have no affection left. In my view it's going to happen because our fixture list will tend to enforce it. I also don't think that we could play our way out of a paper bag at the moment. Especially not if he keeps playing whatare f sat becoming the greatest deadbeats ever to put the shirt on, Walcott and Ramsey.

  52. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 19, 2017, 10:15 #99618

    Kev - Nice one. The content of your report is, as usual, spot on, but it's the tone that I'm particularly thankful for. We, the fans, can do nothing to affect the outcome of this awfully run club and this awful manager's contract so we might as well have a laugh about it. I was furious yesterday, not least because I'd been at the WBA - Palace game and seen how f*cking terrible the former were - that 40 points/beach nexus never seemed truer. Yet Pooless gets them motivated to annihilate wenger's team (not even Arsenal any more). This will be over some day and we can all get back to normal again. In the meantime we should laugh our heads off at them - him, chips, ivan, stan-k and all those piss poor players. Balls to the lot of them.

  53. GoonerRon

    Mar 19, 2017, 10:13 #99617

    Utterly depressed. Change needed.

  54. markymark

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:55 #99616

    Not sure even if the baner was paid for bt Chips (Pathetic) this means Wenger is necessarily staying . Anyway one site is continually reporting that the 2 year contract was offered in 2016 and Wenger didn't sign it. Therefore Wenger has to go back to the board. Same site suggests Kronke wanted one more year from Wenger so perhaps the year story is essentially correct. What though is upsetting the whole apple cart is the players have downed tools ( Shearer called this out on MOTD last night) . If the form stays as it is whatever is or is not on the table becomes untenable. After we kick out Wenger next one in line should be Chips , he needs hounding out as well.

  55. KC38

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:35 #99615

    The post sums it all up really. Totally bored with it he is kiling my appetite for football. The one year story is beyond belief, it's the total power thing. We need a new manager full stop, a top class one that wants first not fourth. The performance yesterday was shocking the players are shocking but who buys them, trains them, motivates or not them, and plays them. Sure you can blame them and they are cowards, but a manager is paid to manage and the buck tops with him full stop. Wenger is showing a god complex with his latest statement, you have made a decision! Then tell us all, no I am the Man and I want to glory in the media frenzy, he has previous, he used to do this with his contracts.

  56. Alsace

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:26 #99614

    I love the LA Confidential reference Kevin. What about the scene where Russell Crowe beats the crap out of the bloke who is abusing his wife? That's how I feel about abusers. As to our chances for the rest of the season, let's hope that Alan Shearer is correct and that he has lost the dressing room. Then the losses can keep on mounting until we have a ten or twelve game losing streak. Even then of course he would delude himself that things will be ok just around the corner but the wider public and most crucially the board would start to see him for what he is, a liability.

  57. Guernsey gunner

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:25 #99613

    Great piece Kevin and how depressing it is being an arsenal fan right now. How the club allow this information / decision vacuum to exist shows what a shambles we are, on and off the pitch. Wenger is stinking the place out alright....the sooner he does one the better for all. Wenger out now.

  58. Perryashburtongroves

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:22 #99612

    Another good report, Ed. Sums up the current apathy towards the club from many, many people. What's the point of getting angry these days when it's all so predictable? There is no way out of this mess until he goes and how that happens, I just don't know. All I do know is that yesterday was the most abject effort from an Arsenal side in a long time. Has there ever been a clearer message that the players have simply turned off? In fact, come to think of it, what is there to turn off from ? It's clear there's no tactical message, no coaching going on and no preparation. You're absolutely right about the years of Ozil and Sanchez. What a waste of two talented players. What a waste the last nine years have been. A boycott of a match or a visible message like a pitch invasion at the end in front of the director's box is the way now. I ****ing hate having to say that about our club.

  59. Moscowgooner

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:17 #99611

    There is only one way that AW could stay: a crushing victory over Spurs or Chelsea in the cup final. Not very likely is it - but worth far more to the support than the 4th place trophy.... And I would have to admit to mixed feelings over that scenario.

  60. Up For Grabs Now

    Mar 19, 2017, 9:15 #99610

    Was really pleased with yesterday’s result, knowing it’s just another nail in Wenger’s coffin. What happened to “We have got our confidence back” after last week dispatching a non-league team in the FA Cup?? What is so incredible to witness, is Wenger even now, having the ultimate decision in his hands about his future. What does that say about his supposed superiors! This situation is as humiliating as Wenger’s management, as it shows how much power one subordinate has over the club itself, adding to the laughing stock status that currently is Arsenal FC .