Arsene – The Truth

The board have allowed Arsene to slowly but surely lose touch with reality

Arsene – The Truth

Arsene believes himself when he thinks he can make Arsenal great again

Arsene Wenger took over as Arsenal Manager in October 1996. In the decade prior to him taking over as manager Arsenal had managed to win a total of six major honours including two league titles and a European trophy in the form of the Cup Winners Cup. In the decade after Arsene took charge Arsenal managed to win a total of seven major honours all of which were domestic competitions.

This means in the glory years of Arsene’s reign we as a football club managed to win one more honour over that decade when compared to the decade prior to Arsene taking control. In my opinion that means that we kept up what we were achieving at the club before he came on board with us. Not really an awful lot more than that. One extra trophy over a period of a decade can hardly be described as taking us to a whole new level.

If you then look at the second decade of Arsene’s reign we have gone on to add a total of two major honours, both of which have been FA Cups. In the decade between 1977-1987 which is the decade before the one mentioned in the first paragraph Arsenal won a total of just one major honour, the 1979 FA Cup.

Twenty Years is a very long time indeed to base someone’s level of success over. It gives you a great barometer both in terms of the good times and the bad. Over a 20 year period Arsene has picked up a total of two more major honours for Arsenal FC than what they achieved in the 20 year period prior to him becoming our manager. This clearly indicates that he is an above average manager in the history of Arsenal FC - of this there can be no doubt. But anyone suggesting that a difference of two more major honours over a period of twenty years justifies the label Arsene FC must be considered misguided in my opinion.

Another key fact to take into account when looking at Arsene’s record is this. He is the only manager in English football history that managed to go toe to toe on a level financial playing field with Sir Alex Ferguson and win. Not only that but he did manage to win on more than one occasion proving in my opinion that it was no fluke. The only other teams to win the Premier League title in Alex Ferguson’s dominant years at Manchester United were Blackburn Rovers (Jack Walker’s Money), Chelsea (Roman Abramovich’s Money) and Manchester City (Sheikh Mansour’s Money). All three of those clubs managed to win the Premier League title mainly due to the amount of financial clout they had at that time. Arsene managed to gain a total of three Premier League titles going toe to toe with Sir Alex in his prime years with no extra financial clout to tilt the odds in his favour.

Make no mistake about it, Sir Alex is simply the best manager the game has ever seen. For Arsene to achieve that on a level playing field is a fantastic achievement. By far in a way the best achievement of Arsene’s managerial career to date and one that should never be underestimated by anyone that cares for Arsenal Football Club.

I personally feel that the Arsene we see in front of our eyes these days is not like the old Arsene we came to know and love. It is one that has been let down over a number of years by the board of directors of the football club. I am not talking about being let down by them in the financial sense here. The opposite in fact. Arsene has been paid an absolute fortune in anyone’s money to manage our club over the last decade or so. Anyone complaining about the money in the modern day game who is on a reported £8m a year is deluded to the extreme. But deluded sadly is what Arsene has been allowed to become by the current board.

They have backed away for such a long period of time and allowed Arsene to literally take complete 100% control of the Football Club. This has allowed Arsene to slowly but surely lose touch with reality. If you are allowed that level of control over such an extended period of time you lose any sense of what other people think. You go along unchallenged and it distorts your own sense of truth more and more the longer you are in that position of total authority.

Is that Arsene’s fault? In one sense yes as he has himself allowed and clearly supported that level of importance that he has at the club. But come on, if you were an employee at a business and the people above you believed for whatever reason in your ability enough to allow you complete control over the goings on at the company, would you turn it down? Sign a piece of paper and earn £8m a year having complete control over every major decision to be made with no-one questioning your decision making? I think most if not all of us would sign on the line for that if we are being honest.

Arsene is human after all, he is no different deep down to you or I. He took over as Manager back in 1996 and over time earned a reputation of knowing what he was doing. It is the board that should be held accountable therefore for the current state of affairs which has been allowed to happen over a long period of time.

Make no mistake about it Arsene answers to nobody at Arsenal FC. Nobody. Can anyone be surprised when he sounds a little out of touch with reality in after match interviews or press conferences? Any of us would do too if we had been allowed to dominate a company for that length of time. You detach totally from reality and end up believing your own BS. I have worked for people in the past that have built up a kind of guru status in their business lives. If all you hear is people licking your backside 24/7 over a period of years it doesn’t matter if that praise is well founded or totally flawed. It is what you get used to in your day to day life that you end up believing in 100%.

The truth is Arsene was never as skilled as the board believed. In reality he got a little bit lucky with some elements of the squad he inherited back in 1996. He also got a little but lucky with just how far behind the English culture was as far as sports health awareness was concerned back in 1996. Arsene looked like a sports nutritional guru back in 1996. Why? Because the English culture back then was to go out on the town the night of a game and see who can down the most pints. Don’t drink alcohol to any real extent if you’re a sports professional. Eat healthy food and keep yourself hydrated with vitamin based drinks. Not exactly rocket science is it? But the key is that to Neil Ruddock or Paul Merson, it would have been back in 1996. Timing.

The board believed in him to the point of offering him messiah like status within the club. It then no longer matters what the real truth is. If you are treated like a messiah for 20 years you are a messiah in your own head. It is that simple. Arsene now believes himself when he thinks he can still make Arsenal great again. He probably believes that if he gets another shot at it for a couple of more years he will somehow pull off a Premier League title or Champions League trophy. The key isn’t that he does believe it or even if it might be true or not. The key is asking WHY does he believe that? Or more importantly WHY has he been allowed to believe it?

You hold on to a belief and you put that message out and some people will believe whatever you have to say, as you are their messiah. I have personally known people who have become millionaires from that fact. They market a message in the right kind of way. People think they are the real deal and something of a guru in their chosen field and then they exploit that element of trust with that person to their own financial gain. In a weird kind of way what has happened at Arsenal FC is pretty similar. The board thought Arsene was a messiah, he went along with it and believed his own hype as all of us would have done in the same position and over the years has lost touch with not only the fan base but reality in general.

Should we fear Arsene leaving us as a football club? 100% no. Will Arsenal FC struggle to feel some kind of managerial void that he leaves behind? In my opinion, no. Do we need the current board to wake the hell up and learn from past mistakes over the last 15 years or so? Hell yeah! Otherwise whoever takes over the hot seat whenever Arsene does decide to leave (probably not this summer by the way!) will not have much of a chance of real success anyway. In that scenario the pain that we true Arsenal fans have had to endure throughout this current saga would have been for nothing.

Learn from your mistakes Arsenal FC and when you do get the chance to move on do so safe in the knowledge that we must NEVER allow our club to be run in this way EVER again.

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  1. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2017, 12:37 #99765

    Never missed at game Highbury between 97 - 2002 and as RON and CYRil say it was a great time with also a few great aways thrown in. The arrogance point is well observed though I also say it was the end for that group and by the time Pires was with crutches and been applauded by the players I knew it was up and the ride was a great one. During this time I had always my doubts about Wenger as for this 'erudite, cosmopolitan' football genius he fell always mighty short in the CL. Most games I went to in those early CL years were like lessons being handed out by more intense, technically gifted opponents. We looked like Wimbledon for most of the time. Again, the invincible tag (generally muttered under the Faithful's breath) was a complete misnomer as the team struggled through that time yet still falling in the knock out games. They may have nicked at CL in that time under a more astute coach. We will never know but my memories of that time are of the mad fans and some fantastic players. Wenger smacks of a photoshot existence. Managing (sic) to hold the cups while looking every inch the sub economics man. His only calculation has een his wage negotiations.

  2. Yes its Ron

    Mar 22, 2017, 10:38 #99758

    Hi Cyril - enjoyed that period 97 - 2002 very much Cyril. In all of my time going to matches i think the atmosphere at Highbury in those years was the best it had ever been since the early 70s. Not always of course, but in the main it was i think. Fan base complexions change all of the time at every Club as some give up or get older, but for me, there was a real change in approach and attitudes at Arsenal from the fans around the time of the unbeaten team - i never call them 'invincible s' as i believe that they were far from it but each to their own on that point. By then, many fans had been beguiled by the hype, the team had become arrogant to the point of being dis-likeable almost and that was reinforced by the teams and Wengers approach after OT in game 50. For me, Arsenals real decline started that day at OT and ive wanted AW to give it up ever since the 2005 FAC Final. If not then he shd have gone after the CL Final in 06. So many watershed matches culminating in the 2011 8-2 debacle when in my book he should have resigned after the game. Since then, ive been hostile to him.He took AFC to the very bottom that day in terms of shame and performance and yet .....not one word from the Board followed that. No announcement, just blind acceptance that it was a one off, a blip. Little said by Wenger either. Just kept his bony head down and hoped it would all be forgotten! Arsenal FC changed at game 50 but went under his direct rule and control after the 8-2. Since then, my patience and passion for the Club was sapped and i never got it back and my last visit to the stadium was in 2013. The Clubs rotten from the rafters to the floorboards and the match going fans, the Board, the staff and the players all just watch it happen. Its a catastrophe, really is. Wengers biggest crime for me is stealing peoples interest and fervour for the Club of which im one of them. Purely in a football sense, fans everywhere have down the years branded to the old Bolton and Blackburn teams etc etc as 'boring'. laughable in my view. Wengers tippy tappy post 2008 has been amongst the most boring football ever and in Arsenals proud history, perhaps the worst football we ve played. Just my view of course. The 'culture' of the Club on the pitch and off it has to be forcibly ripped away and burnt. Wengers sacking or resignation will barely scratch the surface. It needs him gone, his backroom gone, Kronke gone and almost all of the present playing staff gone too. Its easy to see, but to change it there is a gargantuan task. A new Coach is in many ways on a hiding to nothing.

  3. Bard

    Mar 22, 2017, 9:42 #99756

    Some excellent posts.Exeter, I agree with you mate. The fact that it will turn very ugly may be a serious consideration for him. There will be enough of a furore if he signs and imagine the anger when the team put in another of their usual limp performances. If he were capable of putting together a side with balls and belief he would have done it by now. Secondly the side needs a complete overhaul and that in itself is an indictment of his managerial reign.To my mind there is no way back and someone needs to tell him. At least leave with a modicum of dignity.

  4. markymark

    Mar 22, 2017, 8:52 #99755

    Let's look at what if Wengo gets a new contract. What are Arsenal supporters strongest and best at? It's got to be social media. Therefore let's look at the sponsors #boycott. Alternative is to wear the old Yellow Jersey as a real visual sign of rebellion.

  5. markymark

    Mar 22, 2017, 8:14 #99754

    Leek the Squeak - 6 defeats in 9 games with two of the wins against non league opposition. Who's to blame? 1.WOBs? apparently according to you we are weak and ineffective, so can't be us. 2. The players? But they all want to play for Wengo and he's picked them, so can be the players 3. Leek the Squeak - No.1# Fanboy, the more support he gives the more we lose. 4: Wengo - Managing his own incredible disaster and losing any dignity he thought he had. Answer: Reasons for Arsenals terrible form, collapsing morale, internal divisions and worse form in 3 decades is....... Wengo and Leekey (slurp boy) Squeak!

  6. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 22, 2017, 7:57 #99753

    Here we go again; another contract is to be signed and guess what; PSG are "interested". The death of a thousand cuts continues. Please wake me up when this is all over.

  7. markymark

    Mar 22, 2017, 7:04 #99752

    Just had a look at the acceptance of change curve. It appears Jens Lehman is at the anger stage. Poor Squeak is at stage 1 denial. Wengo stage one denial the Board a mix of denial and anger (at least one is acceptance) V rest of the world who are at final stage acceptance.

  8. CT Gooner

    Mar 22, 2017, 1:31 #99751

    If he intends to stay, he should say so. My personal opinion is if he decides to stay, it's going to get extremely ugly. I see a Wenger led team falling further behind the competition and when all that banked good feeling is gone, well.... The question is wether or not to buy the two season tickets I'm likely to be offered in the hopes I'd only have to leave them empty for two years??

  9. mbg

    Mar 22, 2017, 0:08 #99750

    jw, yes I saw that, funny how TOF's priorities have changed when it looks like he's going to miss out on top four, his Holy Grail not important any more because of the money in the prem lol hee hee any body that believes that will believe anything (no doubt his sheep will lap it up ) that will be some blow for his precious ego and reputation and i'll f*****g love it, what an arrogant c**t wenger out

  10. markymark

    Mar 21, 2017, 22:43 #99749

    Squeak your Wengie is always apparently taking the piss, sounds like a nasty piece of work. I thought your Mr Wengie (lick, slurp) was a lovely man who we all have to look up to. He's either a Cnut or a Saint. You can't have it both ways.

  11. KC38

    Mar 21, 2017, 22:31 #99748

    John- Great article well balanced with both credit and criticism. Sadly it's the power his has created by such great early success that has destroyed him. Lost touch with reality in so many ways, although the bottom line is poor signings, poorly set up team and a total disregard for football without the ball.

  12. Leek fc

    Mar 21, 2017, 21:11 #99747

    Moscow.... you sum up why the protests are falling flat on their arses. You hate the manager, the regime, Vic Akers et all. Yet still pump money into the club via a season ticket or two. You cannot have it both ways. Cut all ties, stop going. The club love people like you. Arsene is taking the piss out of you lot. The Arsenal fans have always been very fickle and are proving this down to a T. Civil war was mentioned as soon as the second plane flew over. The thing is with civil war is two sides have to fight. I genuinely do not see that from the WOB's. Just a lot of huff and puff.

  13. GoonGer

    Mar 21, 2017, 21:08 #99746

    The Truth- Is Montgomery Burns must go! It's ridiculous that he even has a choice in the matter!! If he stays(god that can't happen), the first bad result next season and there will be riots!! Monty go now

  14. Moscowgooner

    Mar 21, 2017, 20:30 #99745

    I think the contract extension is more or less a done deal now - Wenger is just toying with us. So rather than just whinge about it are we going to mobilise to fight for the club? I've put suggestions forward, open to others. Giving up my season ticket now seems like a pointless gesture - or a surrender - no doubt some AKB will just come along to pick it up... Are we just going to accept this as a fait accompli and endure another few seasons of decline?


    Mar 21, 2017, 19:47 #99744

    Let's put "the greatest Arsenal manager ever" claim to bed - once & for all. When Webster leaves HIS club there will be no structure in place to continue L'Oreal's "adventure" plus the fact that, thanks to his having outstayed his welcome, the trophy haul isn't looking so impressive now. Despite his untimely & early death Herbert Chapman had everything in place to allow his immediate successors to secure Arsenal's domination up to WW2. Chapman by a mile - proper manager. Finally, thanks for the address details Siddy - unfortunately I used an address supplied by the Leekmeister, so I am not confident of a reply.

  16. mbg

    Mar 21, 2017, 19:30 #99743

    Cyril, good post, yes the spuds, and others are in good health, probably better than they've ever been, just like our selves, who always have been despite all the scaremongering by the AKB wengerites, remember how we all laughed at Spurs blowing the bale money, (as if we never blew millions on shyte players probably just as much) and managers, at least they had the balls and ambition, did it do them any harm ? no, and it certainly seems to be paying off now unlike ourselves and all the millions we've spent on wasters, and sticking with the biggest waster of all, one old fraud of a manager, and we're no better off, we've actually regressed big time, have Spurs ? read the league, no say what you like about them they have had/have ambition, and i'd say that will continue even with their new build, Us ? we've had ten wasted years and it could take a few more on top of that to rebuild and start again when we get rid of this past it old waster, and it's all down to ambition and of course a proper manager, the only club at the moment who are looking like a Leeds UTD etc, are Arsenal and it's not because of funds it's because of a past it manager. wenger out now.

  17. Cyril

    Mar 21, 2017, 19:19 #99742

    Hi Ron, just adding further to my previous post, being in the mix of it all in Islington, specifically Ashburton Grove at the time, you could sense what was going to happen. Kate Hoey a gooner, who was sports minister between 99 and 2001 would attend. It was a golden period and im sure there was a lot of good will between big business and the Government. Wenger had the top players including his boys Anelka, Vieira and Petit. He was the right man then and boy we loved him, didn't we. Yes, I agree he was the perfect glue and it was great football. I give him plenty of credit for this and the move but it needs to be put into perspective. I knew there would come a time when he would have to push on and I always had those reservations then because he won the lottery with it all. I also believe the fans made such a difference and were totally part of it all then too you know! I'm disappointed again that Wenger almost acts as a revisionist on this matter. I thank him for much but that's not the only story in that time. If Wenger was so great on his own, why has his performance and stock dropped so much?

  18. MAF

    Mar 21, 2017, 19:12 #99741

    Louis IV; Chateux Wenger; King of France; The club has allowed a monster to develop, drunk of power money and love of self. Herbert Chapman created our Club of today, a great man that put the Club first. the Cult of Lord Wenger today dominates Arsenal in every possible way. This is the worst situation in the history of the club, we are under the control and power of a delusional dictator and it will end in tears.

  19. Siddy

    Mar 21, 2017, 17:54 #99739

    For those of you who wanted The Messiah's address so you can protest outside, I've asked my Untold contacts (who live up his arse) and have been tipped off it's 1 Ivory Towers, La La Land. Wenger outside, NOW.

  20. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 21, 2017, 16:39 #99738

    Here's an idea: someone should write to Stan-K and Chips from a business person's point of view, explaining that the £8 million they spend on wengo every year could easily be reduced by appointing a new manager who could be had, for say £1 million, thus saving merkin-man a wedge that he and his money grubbing retinue could trouser for themselves. The only stipulation being that the new guy delivers the same or better than wengo or he's out, i.e. performance pay with a big bonus for money spinning trophy wins. A win-win: he gets more cash - we get a new manger with some ambition and sense.

  21. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 21, 2017, 16:13 #99737

    The truth means nothing to Wenger. Last August he said he wanted to see how the season went before deciding whether to carry on. Now it's going down the pan he takes a 'broader perspective'. For years and years he's held up his top 4 finishes as the justification for going on and on - suddenly now this isn't so important. His true duplicitous and unprincipled nature (and the club's lack of ambition) that some of us had already sussed out, has been laid bare for all to see.

  22. jeff wright

    Mar 21, 2017, 15:52 #99736

    Ron, Rat face has certainly neutered AFC the obvious difference in the physical size of the West Brom players and our little technicians trying to play Rat Face's tippy tappy was obvious and a BIG advantage to them.Not least on corners ! Chelsea and other big physical sides use the physical difference between us and them to their advantage when they play us. Wenger's best chance against top 6 sides is when he plays the less physical ones, such as City or Liverpool . The problem is that he has got stuffed by them this season so he really is in the brown stuff in fact up to his scrawny neck in it .He has to be wary now of talking up the FAC because if he gets his arse smacked again by Pep it could lead to a serious melt down in what remains of his season. Personally I believe that the pressure on rat face, who is not known for handling that aspect of the game well and on the flaky little technicians , who have obviously completely lost faith in Wenger will prove too much to handle in the FAC semi. There will be nothing to recuse rat face with this season with the 4th place trophy looking a lost cause .All the top 4 contenders,or 3 really, with Chelsea having first spot done and dusted, can smell blood, Wenger's. And don't they just love it because the arrogant fool is the most disliked manager in the game .

  23. mbg

    Mar 21, 2017, 15:43 #99735

    Good article John but way way to much respect being shown to wenger for my liking, arsene this arsene that, he doesn't deserve respect anymore and hasn't for quite a while, what with all the embarrassments and humiliations, beatings, spin, lies, lack of respect to/for us fans over the years, and even more so now the way we're being treated with his arrogance and antics. wenger out now.

  24. Yes its Ron

    Mar 21, 2017, 15:22 #99734

    Reality is Jeff that we ALL fell for it for so long didnt we. Us and the media. All rushed to buy into it via the extortionate seat prices at the stadium and all thought the good times really would come if we had patience as project youth unfolded. I do truly feel sorry for the youngsters now starting out on their football fan journeys and ive said so on here many times. No heroes, no cult figure players, no characters. Just a boat load of sulking, frowning, largely non talented nonentities to go and see. I rather suspect that many will gravitate towards Chelsea and Spurs now in so far as London Clubs appeal to their affections as the message given to them by their older parent supporters of the Gunners hits their psyche, though from what i see when i go back 'home' the trend is still heavily towards following Utd and again now, Liverpool too. My Dad would twist in his grave if he could see what Arsenal (and indeed football) has become, though he sort of recognised what was happening many yrs ago and often spoke his mind that it was 'going down the f-----g pan', players becoming 'pansies in a game played in slippers with a plastic pill for a ball'!!. Bless him.


    Mar 21, 2017, 15:14 #99733

    "WHEN THE FACTS CHANGE, I CHANGE MY MIND" - John Maynard Keynes. Is there no-one in the Arsenal Corporation, including the over-rated Webster, who has the intelligence or business sense to see his era is well & truly over. Today's leaks (whoops!) are a joke - player links to other second division names or others who will be highly coveted by Europe's big teams. And, boy, aren't we going to take a big financial hit when we flog off Sanchez &, in particular, Ozil in the summer. On positive notes, I loved the cartoon (Canute's proper spelling is Cnut, I believe, which is very appropriate.) & I was seriously impressed by a recent MoscowGooner post which contained some excellent "out of the box" protest ideas!!

  26. jeff wright

    Mar 21, 2017, 14:56 #99732

    Afternoon Ron, yes it is a fallacy that Wenger was responsible for revolutionising football in this land .The reality is that old rat face has never come up with an original idea in his life .He copies everything ,including his version of tika take or tippy tappy in his case from others.He was at it again contradicting himself when asked about the consequences of missing out on his infamous top 4 trophy this term .According to rat face the top 4 place was not so important now because lots of money was coming in from other sources. Yet the old liar claimed for years that it was important to get into the CL becuse 'top top players' would not want to sign for us unles we were in it! The clown doesn't get pulled up though by the media on these things instead anything he claims seems to be accepted as being indisputable by many when in fact this is far from being the case.

  27. peter wain

    Mar 21, 2017, 14:52 #99731

    you cannot blame the board as they are exist to supply cover for Kroenke. It is he I blame for this mess. To think of Wenger continuing and rebuilding the squad is farcical. We need at least 8 players probably ten in reality and Wenger will not buy that many. If we somehow achieve 4th he will say things are not that bad and we only need a tweak. If we do not make it Wenger will say we cannot get the players as we cannot off them Champions league. We are desperate for a top quality centre back if not two a decent left back and a goalkeeper. This is before we reconstruct the midfield and the attack. Does any one seriously think that Wenger will do all that is required. It will be deja vu again. Up to the time the season tickets are up for renewal we will be linked to every possible target. Once tickets are renewed we will get the Gazidis cannot compete statement etc etc to be followed by a token purchase and if the season starts badly a panic two buys in the last week of the transfer window with Wenger saying we have bought top top quality when we clearly haven't. We all know this will happen just like clockwork. Last years transfers were and are abysmal quality. Mustafi can barely run and as for Granit his temprament is atrocious and his discipline worse. Let Sanchez and Ozil go but the club should reduce season tickets if they do not find adequate replacements which they clearly will not do. Kroenke should sell Arsenal he cares little for the club and has never put a penny into the transfer coffers. Wenger must go sooner rather than later.

  28. Moscowgooner

    Mar 21, 2017, 14:37 #99730

    Hi Berry - 'Would you believe the largest corporate box costs around £130k a year!!!???' So what? In the wider scheme of things, TV deals etc, this is nothing. Rip out all the corporate boxes; they destroy the atmosphere - much like Wembley´s club level - and contribute very little now to the club´s financial health. Plus they are likely to be incubating chambers for AKW larvae....

  29. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 21, 2017, 14:20 #99728

    I only hope the PSG rumours are true and that it's a job that appeals to his gigantic ego. I seriously can't imagine any other top club would want him though. As for these pundits still coming out with s*** like 'be careful what you wish for', 'wenger IS arsenal', 'wenger single handedly built the club and its new stadium' etc, listening to them makes me feel as sick as hearing another press conference with Wenger going on about speerit and mental strengss

  30. TonyEvans

    Mar 21, 2017, 14:02 #99727

    Hi Berry - I wish I could throw some light on the whole Kronke, Dein, Usmanov and Hill (we don't want his sort here) Wood debacle. How did it all end up so badly for Arsenal. This is at the crux of the whole matter and we are still suffering from the terrible decisions made at board level ten years or so ago. We have gone from the 'Bank of England' club to a laughing stock, with no end in sight.

  31. Big Andy

    Mar 21, 2017, 13:42 #99726

    Sad, sad times at our club, isn't it? The sad, deluded old fool just doesn't get it, does he? He's finished as a top-flight manager. He's going to sign a new contract and if he does then I honestly hope that we get relegated at the end of next season. Before you say, "steady on!" just think about it: a relegation would be the only thing which would purge the club of the poisons of both Wenger and Kroenke. Then we could start again under new ownership - preferably Usamanov.

  32. Yes its Ron

    Mar 21, 2017, 13:35 #99725

    Hi Jeff - i reckon the whole 'he built the stadium' bit and 'he revolutionised football habits and training' thing we ve been regaled with for years has always been a myth too. He didnt do that. Such thinking was already occurring in other sports by the late 80s such as tennis, rugby and cricket and more so by the time Wengs got here. Football was just the last to catch on, due to it being in the grip of old style Boardrooms back then and heavy drinking players too thick to think the changes were needed to apply to them. Wengers arrival co incided with what was happening already. He s been happy to be held up as the great fitness guru ever since. One of his main things was to load players up on Creatine back then anyway and its industrial usage at Arsenal caused it to be looked at closely after other Clubs commented on its use there. Hardly revolutionary! Creatine had been around for years pre Wenger. The blokes been a fraud in so many ways.

  33. Cyril

    Mar 21, 2017, 13:31 #99724

    John Evans, that's a great article! I want to add on this theme that AW is given far too much credit for the move. Again, right place and right time. He without doubt had great success around that time, but a move was being mooted alongside this. These were great years at the beginning of Blair's tenure. There was huge optimism and he and Keegan both courted Wenger. The real truth is it was an excellent business decision. We filled the highbury stadium and it was rocking. There would have been nothing to prevent the same under GG in his pomp years at the right time. Again, TIMING!. I used to work at Ashburton grove at the time in the council and it was a 'no brainer' to move there. I have also always said this, but was Wenger in there knocking up plasterboards, drilling or anything like that. He never built the stadium. He is there to run the footballing side. Look at all the new rebuilds now. Take Spurs for e.g. How many managers have they had and they are financially in rude health. Nobody would suggest that Pocchetino is responsible for the new move as the side is doing well. No MR WENGER, you didn't part the waves and you need to understand all of this and then maybe you can look at yourself in the mirror and see where we are!!!!

  34. jeff wright

    Mar 21, 2017, 13:22 #99723

    Some good points in this article but a few debatable ones such as the old claims that it was all down to money that managers other than Arsene beat Sir Ferguson to the title. The reality is that when Wenger did so it was just a two horse race and on a couple of occasions Wenger blew great title winning chances by his own shortcomings and not due to any lack of cash.Last season was another example of Wenger's poor management when he blew another great title winning chance against Leicester and come on now old chap the Foxes did not have more dosh than Wengo ! Anyway ,Wenger's shortcomings have been exposed every season in Europe and often against sides with less resources so I'm not buying any of the lack of cash on his part malarkey or 'financial doping' as Wengo puts it giving opponents an advantage being the reason why Wenger has failed to take the club to the next level.Or rather back to where it was under the true greatest AFC manager Herbert Chapman.

  35. TonyEvans

    Mar 21, 2017, 12:40 #99722

    The board are obviously complicit in all that is wrong at Arsenal and have certainly massively contributed to the megalomaniac that is now Arsene Wenger. The way Wenger has been feted and put on a massive pedestal is not justified in any way as this article proves. It is incredible that Wenger is still being allowed to decide his own destiny by our enfeebled board and the removal of Wenger is just the start of hopefully seeing Arsenal return to being a proper football club, rather than just an investment opportunity for Kronke.

  36. mbg

    Mar 21, 2017, 12:14 #99721

    Hi Berry, i'd bet what the Charlie Georges and his like are saying in private and in all their clicks is a lot different to what their saying in public.

  37. Yes its Ron

    Mar 21, 2017, 12:02 #99720

    A really interesting view. Throws up many arguments. I personally feel Wenger had loved the grip hes been given and that it appeals to his personality traits. Hes gradually come to believe his mythical status as tyrants always do at any level. He cant new detach himself from his own omnipresence and omnicompetence even though both are flawed perceptions of himself. Fergie was a great. The best ever? Not sure about that. Man U were the only Club equipped commercially and stadium wise to do this PL thing when it first started and it lasted for years before other Clubs got on the map and thus then able to properly compete with them. The PL was made for Man U and to be honest, they were largely instrumental in creating it.I personally think Bob Paisley and Brian Clough were greater coaches than him. AF comes in 3rd for me.

  38. mbg

    Mar 21, 2017, 11:53 #99719

    This useless waste of fresh air of a manager, has taken us to a whole new level alright, a level we've never been at, or reached before, A laughing stock, no passion, no pride, cowardice, tradition less, a whole new level of spin and lies, a whole new level of arrogance from the most hated manager in the clubs history, a whole new level of regression from a once great club with all those good traditions, all we need now to top it off and make it complete is relegation, and that's exactly what we are at the moment and how we're playing, relegation material, thanks to an old long past it manager who should have been relegated to the lower leagues years ago and even they'd be to good for him. #no new contract, wenger out.

  39. ArsenalMagna

    Mar 21, 2017, 11:52 #99718

    A good and interesting article but I have to seriously disagree with you on one thing: you say that anyone would become as deluded as Wenger given his initial success and the praise it earned him, but take this quote from Aerosmith's Steven Tyler, a man who has far more status than Wenger: 'Humility is really important because it keeps you fresh and new'. There are many other examples of this - the thing is, if you're a profession which requires intelligent analysis, you need to be flexible in your thinking, constantly challenging yourself and listening to others. Arsene has no interest in that (neither do his supporters). What's worse is that he has perennially failed in the last 10 years but STILL sticks with the same approach; that's beyond deluded, it's simple-minded! As an extension of that, I can't say everyone would feel drawn to holding a position of total power - he does that because he lacks high intelligence and humility.

  40. Hi Berry

    Mar 21, 2017, 11:52 #99717

    Jjetplane...on a recent tour of the Emirates (I know, I know, but it was a well meant present from my wife for me and my daughter) Charlie George (Gawd bless him) had a script that constantly harked on about the executive boxes and how much money they bring in compared to Highbury. Would you believe the largest corporate box costs around £130k a year!!!??? Not many local butchers in that one I would venture. When a young kid asked him what he thought of Wenger this season the answer followed the party line of training ground, new stadium, CL qualification blah, blah, blah.

  41. jjetplane

    Mar 21, 2017, 11:22 #99715

    As the above seems to spend most of his time in the company of millionaires and business Gurus cannot see what his problem with the current regime is. It's made for people like that. All together now: 'Club Level/Club Level ....' In the old days the richest fan was a butcher. Now it's a hedge fund cock head. 'Oooh/it's a corner' ....

  42. Ando

    Mar 21, 2017, 11:19 #99714

    The only end to this misery will come by not renewing the season ticket this year. I think you all know this deep down, as the regard the fans are held in by the club/owner/manager is very obvious.

  43. Bard

    Mar 21, 2017, 10:54 #99713

    Good article John. Its my view that there is more myth than reality in the current assessment of Wenger. He hasnt been a major player for many years. He may well have been a revolutionary back in the day but he is now a reactionary. This current charade is demeans the club and fans. Its almost inconceivable that he should contemplate signing a new contract although I genuinely believe he is or will. The backlash will be immense. As others have posted, what does he have to gain from signing. If he cant build a title challenging side in 12 years how is he going to do it in one season. I just see him being hounded out in a very unpleasant way.

  44. Petergooner

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:47 #99711

    Just read this. Giroud told French television channel Infosport+: "We want to see Arsene Wenger continue, to continue the adventure, because we support him. "CONTINUE THE ADVENTURE" IS HE NUTS? WHAT ADVENTURE? TO MID-TABLE OR WORSE??? I always knew the French were our enemy and idiots and now it is fact.

  45. markymark

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:36 #99710

    Hi Berry - just as strange is Usmanovs silence. Can't help feeling its tactical . Has his silence been bought for a board position? Exactly why is Kronke so obsessed with keeping Wengo? Does he feel it plays well with money men? Maybe Kronke is looking to get out in a few years as well.

  46. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:13 #99709

    John - Thanks. I'm sorry but I don't buy that argument that we'd all be greedy authoritarian b*astards if we were in wengo's shoes. It's much more individualised than that. Certain media outlets would also have us believe that we'd all be money-grubbers (or captains of industry as they like to call themselves) like bloodsucker Branson or the execrable Philip Green if given the chance - that the rest of us are annoyed about their conspicuous wealth suggests, to them, that we're suffering the politics of envy. Jeff - you couldn't make that up right? I wasn't born to want everyone's money and control everything within my potential grasp. Wengo has, it's true, been appallingly line-managed and the corruption in the game has drawn him in like a magnet does iron filings. As Cornish said on here recently, it comes down to self-awareness, and our french friend has none I'm afraid. He's a stain on our club and the PL (no wonder everyone hates Arsenal these days), and is guilty of genuinely bringing football into disrepute along with countless others. BY contrast, Chris Sutton says some really perceptive things about wengo on the BBC this morning - shame it wasn't a big asano (hey what happened to the diminutive Japanese world beater?) figurehead, but poor old Keown is now a gibbering wreck who no longer knows what he's saying from hour to hour.

  47. Up For Grabs Now

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:05 #99708

    Good article and agree overall with its conclusions. The key part you missed, when you referred to timing, was the dismissal of David Dein and the subsequent control of the club by Stan. Had neither of those two events happened, I very much doubt we would have experienced this last decade. The board were right to back Wenger up to about 2008/9, unfortunately for us supporters, by the time the board should have acted, the goal posts had been moved by the new American regime into making money, which Wenger happily joined in with. The fans sort of legitimised this, when they celebrated madly at Newcastle on the last day of the season, having just pipped Spurs to the infamous fourth placed trophy. So, the fans are also partly to blame for Wenger now thinking he is God!

  48. Hi Berry

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:03 #99707

    Apologies...this is the back end of a post I made on the previous article before I saw this new one published, oddly enough it is relevant to this one as well.....David Dein leaving in 2007 was the death knell for Arsenal as we knew it. How ironic that he left due to differences with the rest of the board over his introduction of Kroenke to the Arsenal set-up in a bid to thwart Usmanov, with the board eventually throwing in their hand with Kroenke and Dein aligning himself with Usmanov??? (If anyone can throw any light on this turnaround I would be grateful to learn exactly what went on). Strange goings-ons indeed but equally telling is the direction the club have taken since Dein's influence on Wenger has been removed. Might it be that Dein, a football man with a wide network of contacts and instrumental in giving Wenger the opportunity in the first place, was the only person who could check Wenger's excesses, something the present board seem incapable of seeing, let alone acting upon.

  49. Ando

    Mar 21, 2017, 9:00 #99706

    The board have no say or power to decide anyhting. Its all about Stan and Wenger and they both know it. Were all a bunch of mugs in their eyes and we keep filling their pockets with cash like the blind subjects we are.