Arsenal Directors should not underestimate supporters

The silent majority are quiet out of politeness, but that might not last past the current campaign

Arsenal Directors should not underestimate supporters

Board should take heed of desire for change amongst fans

June 2011. Arsenal CEO Ivan Gazidis is asked by a supporter at a Q&A event who the manager is accountable to. He responds, “Arsene is ultimately accountable to the fans - they ultimately make judgment. If you are seeing the relationship between the fans and the manager break down over time that is unsustainable. But I don't think we are anywhere near that.”

Things have changed somewhat with a further six seasons without a title challenge lasting beyond the first appearance of daffodils and a habitual failure to make it past the last 16 in Europe. The majority of Arsenal fans now want to see another manager see if he can do better as opposed to witnessing the same repeated weaknesses and mistakes in Wenger’s teams. Never before has the manager been a leading runner in the next manager to be sacked betting, and in truth, he will not technically be sacked if he does not get a contract renewal, although with his stated choice to remain at the club, if he does go, it will be as good as a dismissal.

However, the briefings to the media being given by the club indicate that the board are content for him to continue, in spite of supporter feelings, making a nonsense of the CEO’s words. He has made a habit of making bold pronouncements that are not backed up by reality, such as claiming the club were in position to move to the same level as Bayern Munich in the summer of 2013. They have been beaten 5-1 by the German club three times in the last eighteen months.

A report by David Hytner in The Guardian two days after the defeat at West Brom stated the club’s position:
"The view from behind the scenes has been consistent – that the seemingly vast swathe of fans across social media that would like to see Wenger go is not representative of the whole support. At West Brom there was one aeroplane that flew over the stadium trailing a banner that called for Wenger to go and another that said he should stay.”

Granted the banner flown in support of Wenger did represent the minority of Arsenal supporters, even if it was organised by the club (through contacts of the chairman’s family in Hong Kong), but for the directors to believe that the majority of the fans wish Wenger to be in charge next season demonstrate they might be as far removed from reality as the manager, who believes he can return the glory days to the club in the face of insurmountable repeated evidence that this is not going to happen. It should be remembered what hard work his players made of winning the FA Cups in 2014 and 2015, with four matches at Wembley against weaker opposition seeing three of them going to at least extra time before the Gunners could win. Had Wigan won the penalty shoot-out in the 2014 semi-final, we might not even be having the debate we are going through now.

The reality of the situation is that while the stadium has not turned on Wenger at home matches (unlike the away support recently), the only reason for this is that many of those attending would feel uncomfortable directly chanting against Wenger as an individual. For them, he has a lot of credit in the bank. That does not mean they wish him to continue past the summer, just that he exits with some dignity.

Sadly, the recent series of defeats have put paid to that. Even if the club do recover their ability to win matches in the Premier League, finish in the top four, and somehow manage to win the FA Cup, it won't change people’s minds about the club’s prospects next season if Arsene remains. Because even if the season did end on a high, we have been here before. The 2014 FA Cup win broke the nine year drought of trophies. Mesut Ozil had been at the club for a season and was joined in the summer by Alexis Sanchez. Arsenal were spending big and it was hoped the cup win would become a springboard to greater success, by changing the mentality of the squad to that of one that knows how to win trophies.

In the three seasons since then, Arsenal have mounted two credible title challenges, only to fall away in either February or March, ultimately finishing several points behind the champions (12 in 2015, 10 in 2016 and probably more this year). Now Ozil and Sanchez look set to depart in the summer and the manager will have to start building a new team to make a fist of the Premier League. Having failed to do that several times since the stadium move, why should another attempt prove any different? It should also be remembered that, in terms of competition, the amount of money in the English game means that the best continental managers are getting jobs at the competing clubs. So proven winners are more numerous and the opposition even harder to overcome. Last season was a unique opportunity in which Arsenal’s traditional rivals all fell away, leaving only Leicester and Spurs in the way of a title. The Gunners could not even manage to win it then, laid on a plate as it was, so what chance in the future?

The board are probably afraid of having to adapt to the demands placed on the directors of a major club in the 21st century. In the same way Manchester United’s board overtook them in terms of commercial acumen in the 1990s, so now, Manchester City and Chelsea have overtaken them in terms of a footballing structure in place above the first team coach, one that provides continuity as managers come and go. If, as Gazidis has claimed, the club could be Bayern Munich, where is the evidence in terms of appointments that have football expertise at executive level? Where is Arsenal’s equivalent of Karl-Heinz Rummenigge? The board need to bite the bullet and seek expert help in bringing the club into the 21st century. Arsenal may be a sound business, but it’s in slow decline on the field, and that will have repercussions for the bottom line eventually. The club will never match Manchester United’s commercial operation in the lifetime of many of its current fans, due to its lack of trophies in recent seasons and a paucity of top quality commercial minds at the club.

Anyway, I digress. The reason behind this piece is to inform the directors that they should not take lack of ill will at home matches towards Arsene Wenger as a sign that supporters want more of the same. They are currently simply too polite to join in with the protestors. But faced with another season or two of the same let downs, the atmosphere both home and away will become untenable, the vitriol shown towards Wenger even greater. The board need to do the decent thing and acknowledge that the social media demanding change is not so much unrepresentative, but more like the tip of the iceberg.

This summer is an opportunity to rejuvenate the club. It should not be delayed or the recovery process will, once it finally is allowed to begin, take even longer than it needs to.

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  1. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Mar 24, 2017, 17:43 #99862

    The Board do live in another reality. Wenger will still be here next year unless the fans stop renewing their season tickets and don't buy any new merchandise. Once the profits stop we will see the neccessary regime change at Arsenal who knowns we might go back to being a football club again.

  2. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 16:05 #99826

    EG - this site is becoming the noddy's guide to introductory psychology!!! What a web doth the Wengo weave.

  3. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 23, 2017, 15:44 #99823

    The difference is Fergie knew he was off. Weng doesn't want to go and has no intention of doing so. He thinks he should rule forever. So to knowingly run the club down would be to run his own future down. However it could be true in that there could be all kinds of subconscious self-destructive impulses going on. He is for sure actually ruining the club, how aware he is of that is open to question. It's a murky pit I reckon, the Weng's mind!

  4. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 15:14 #99821

    Im with Jeff EG. I thiunk Wengers well capable of allowing things to go to rack and ruin by his own inaction. Dictators do that when theyre in a corner. Like Fergie before him who in my view didnt want Utd's success to continue i think Wengs is the same. Their egos cant cope with the thought that they they weren't as irreplaceable and all pervasive as they thought. They like to leave giant shadows of the past across the future. that way they still get spoken of and more importantly are recalled in glowing terms with many actually wanting them back, heaven forbid. There are many at Man U who hanker for Fergie to still be there and who see Mourinho as not only an upstart but an imposter. The Liverpool bootroom culture and success continuum was indeed unique. Youre right though, AFC is clearly an extension of AWs very being. Theres no conflict between that and the desire to wreck whats most vital to him. Its like love and hate. Where does one cross the line to the other?

  5. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:43 #99817

    I supposes that deliberately running the club down is a bit strong Exeter, but he is running it down of that there is no dispute. Personally I reckon that Wenger can't stand the thought of someone else taking over from him he really does see Arsenal FC as being Arsene FC . I would also be surprised if he wanted the new man to suddenly turn things around and do better than he has done at the Emirates stadium, With his own career at AFC being a game of two halves - success at Highbury followed by abject failure at The Emirates despite him claiming that the move to it would take us to another level. Well it has done but unfortunately it's a lower level! Taking accountant of the mess that he will leave behind him it is unlikely that the new man will turn things around quickly anyway so Wengo will be safe from any sudden comparisons being made that are unfavorable to himself .Moyes and LVG faced similar scenarios at United when they took over with the squads they inherited not being good enough to win the Prem or Champions League .In fact they struggled to even qualify for the CL and under Mourinho are still doing so.I believe that Wengo will stick with his old favs Rambo Ramsey ,Wally, Keystone Kos and co and just a token new signing or two to replace Sanchez and probably Ozil added to the mix. Wengo never learns from his mistakes and I can't see him suddenly changing the habit of a life-time by doing so . After all he doesn't think that he has ever made any mistakes.You couldn't make it up.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:17 #99815

    I don't think Wenger is deliberately running the club down, that would suggest he's actually capable of doing better but is choosing not to. I think this is his true level. I just think he's deluded to the point he should actually be hospitalised. The club only exists to him insofar as it is an adjunct to his ego. Another point (made in the Forum) on his claim he always gets the best out of the team: Earlier this season he said this was his best ever squad. So what's he's saying is he's getting the best out of his best ever squad. Now look at the season. It's so easy to pull this stuff apart - why don't people who are actually paid to do this for a living ever actually do it? Too stupid and/or fearful of losing access I suppose.

  7. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:04 #99808

    It looks that way Ron because Wengo appears to have conceded that his players are not good enough to win anything -even with his genius to help them ! If Blair turns up in Belfast to join in the grieving it will be disputable as to who the greater terrorist was -him or Martin .I go for the grinning Chameleon by a distance.Not that there was anything between the pair regarding morality .

  8. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 12:10 #99806

    Is he not doing a Tony Blair though Jeff? Running the thing into irreversible ruin before the inevitable departure? Its all political at AFC as ever much its about money and still (partly) football.

  9. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 12:03 #99805

    Exeter, this situation with Wenger comes about because of the way he is revered by Syrupy Stan's regime and his infamous AKB supporters.Who have gone a bit quiet lately but are still lurking out there waiting on a chance to return. All of the slavish adoration that he has had in the past plus the huge amounts of money that he has made for himself has fueled Wenger's already huge ego and made him more arrogant and despicable than ever. In the end though his delusional behavior and arrogance will be his downfall . Most tyrants reigns end in tears .I believe myself that Wenger will soon be forgotten because he has done nothing of any note for donkeys years .Especially if the new manager hits the ground running .This will not be easy though with him having to clear up the mess that Wengo leaves behind him. Old Ratface will will not want the new man to succeed either that's for certain.Paradoxically this fear of someone else taking over from him is probably one of the main reasons why Wenger hangs on and on and yawn...on...

  10. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:51 #99803

    EG - Hes footballs Louis X1111 in his head. L'Arsenal c'est moi. The media and Podolski seem to agree with him! Hes going nowhere.

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:43 #99802

    jeff, you're right of course that his argument crumbles once you point out their his players, but even leaving that aside, the core message he's conveying here is that whatever Wenger does, that is success. He is the sole and absolute arbiter of what constitutes success, there is no other benchmark other than 'being Wenger'. He is a demi-God, in his own eyes. He's actually deranged.

  12. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:32 #99801

    The sad thing is Exeter that Wenger probably believes that nonsense. I suspect that changing managers has produced better results for Leicester and Palace who were both struggling in the league under their former ones and it's not done Chelsea and United any harm either.City look like a work in progress . Wenger is so stupid that he can't see the weaknesses in his claims . For starters he signed those players and coaches them so whose fault is it then if they are not good enough. .He has unbelievably though admitted that the psycho racist Albanian that he signed can't tackle properly yet Wengo signed him to play in the holding midfield role ! The other pair of clowns le Coq and Elimany can't tackle either so that's a win treble of Wengo misfits fighting it out for ONE position. He just replaces one non-tackler with another. Then we have Keystone Kos and 35m star signing Mustafa neither of these pair can head a ball so it's hardly any surprise that opponents are targeting this weakness in Wengo's defence. Having the midget GK Ospina in goal hardly helps either. So if the best these players can do is to finish the season without winning a trophy and outside the top 4 plus adding yet more record busting embarrassing defeats onto the club's record then Wenger should be asking himself why he signed all of those stooges .A new manager probably would struggle to get better results from Wengo's team of misfits and he would need to ruthlessly cull them .Old Ratface however ,if he avoids a Wexit and remains, will still have the usual suspects, such as Wally ,Rambo Ramsey ,Keystone Kos ,Bellend Bellerin and co on parade. I suspect that Glum and Glummer could be AWOL though elsewhere. Glum won't be missed after all he hardly ever consents to play for Wengo. You couldn't make it up.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 23, 2017, 10:00 #99797

    I note two recent Wenger comments: "I have always got the best out of the team, I will continue to do that". "Success is to get the maximum out of the team". So there is no benchmark. However a season ends up, that is a success as that is the best it could possibly have ended up. This is the deranged ego we're up against here.

  14. Bard

    Mar 23, 2017, 9:45 #99796

    There is no doubt in my mind that there is a tactical game going on here. Wenger and the board want him to stay on but they have to somehow spin it. what will determine the outcome is results. If the team show the slightest sign of an upturn they will announce it. Their argument will be that its a glitch not a crisis. Alternatively if the team tank then I dont think they will be able to deal with the hostility and his position becomes untenable.

  15. Its up for grabs 89

    Mar 23, 2017, 8:40 #99795

    Hi Berry, that is the defeatist attitude we need to change. 1. I really feel that he has very little support left. 2. Let's out sing them if they are at best a minority. 3. His ego is surly better served with silence and acceptance of the status quo, as soon as we heard rumours that he has signed we kind of accepted its out of our hands. 4. I truly think the pro plane at wba and any support is from within his ranks to keep us fans confused and weary of being singled out. LETS AT LEAT TRY SOMETHING NEW.

  16. Hi Berry

    Mar 23, 2017, 7:20 #99794

    It's up for grabs....trouble is it's difficult to guage just how many of those attending games willing to join in. There are lots of Wenger supporters in the stadium who are blind to what is obvious to most of us (have you heard anyone supporting Wenger on a phone-in recently?) and the 'One Arsene Wenger, there's only one...' will start up and massage his ego.

  17. mbg

    Mar 22, 2017, 22:46 #99793

    CORNISH, I was thinking the same myself, also what with half the dignitaries in the world flying into Belfast tomorrow to pay homage to one of the biggest terrorists in history there won't be a journo or a TV crew in the country, perfect timing. wenger out.

  18. Suker

    Mar 22, 2017, 22:32 #99792

    I think the that my ultimate memory of Wenger will sadly be that he achieved Arsenal fans fighting amongst themselves! This is a bigger stain than the title free years of mediocrity!

  19. mbg

    Mar 22, 2017, 22:30 #99791

    jw, your right there, as good as it is to see AKB's waking up now and realising and some even admitting change is needed, but it wouldn't take much to turn them back again, not very much at all, i'd say the majority of them would change their mind back again in a heart beat, Sad, hypocrites. wenger out now.

  20. Its up for grabs 89

    Mar 22, 2017, 22:06 #99790

    So just to confirm, I'm a season ticket holder and I've left my seat empty the last couple of home games this time I'm using to chant not to support as I don't support wengo and his team, I support my club and I want it back. Please join me, even if we are 6-0 up, especially if we are 6-0 up in fact.

  21. Its up for grabs 89

    Mar 22, 2017, 21:49 #99789

    Stop waffling and let's start chanting in games. This will be bad publicity for the club, which will result in loss of more revenue even though wengo is doing a great job of that anyway. We all know it's about money so let's hit Stan, wengo, board, sponsors etc. By making the situation untenable. Or let's keep stating what we all know hiding behind our keyboards. It's up to us fans we do have power but we choose not to use it this one of the main reasons this situation was not sorted out 5 years ago. We are the most respectful and loyal fans in the world, which is also our main problem now.

  22. Alsace

    Mar 22, 2017, 21:38 #99788

    Frank. The polite silence won't last until the end of this campaign. It's happening now. On Sunday 2nd April we are going to get turned over by Manchester City. Then the next team and the next. As defeat follows defeat, the players attitude will harden and even such no hopers as Ramsey and Walcott will realise that they have aligned themselves with a loser. Even people such as that, who are clearly happy to take the money and turn in gutless performance after hapless surrender will realise that the manger has to go and will facilitate it. It doesn't matter if, in a supreme act of arrogance a new contract is signed. The team will lose and eventually the management will crack and dismiss the manager. Thus sense will be restored and we will emerge from a twenty one year nightmare. A distopian world where normal values of behaviour are distorted by the deep and abiding love of money allied with a deep of abiding hatred of Arsenal Football Club and all that it stands for.


    Mar 22, 2017, 19:54 #99787

    I will doubtless be panned for the following remark made in the blackest of black humour but here goes anyway - with London currently in a state of shock, WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY TO BURY BAD NEWS? The resigning will probably be 2 lines somewhere in tomorrow's newspapers. If not, then the BoD are even more senile than I thought. I did read elsewhere that the average ftse 100 CEO trousers £5.8mill pa. Is the Old Ostrich good value for money?

  24. Rippy

    Mar 22, 2017, 19:37 #99785

    Kroenke will be pissed off his lost his CL wedge despite what Wenger says. He will cut the wage bill and sell up to compensate. Anyone who thinks any differently is just kidding themselves. This situation has to get a lot worse before it can get better . I keep reading crap that there's 10 people to take the season tickets etc if they are given back . Absolute bolloxs the staff at arsenal are actually always trying to push the season tickets . Watch the attendances fall with the crap replacements for Sanchez & Ozil. That stadium will be averaging 40 thousand in no time . Kroenke doesn't understand anything about football . He has a surprise coming and it couldn't happen to a nicer man. They think of us as customers in the states the fans are pretty much irrelevant . Owners do what they want pretty much most of the time . Do not give kroenke anymore of your hard earned cash. He dosent deserve a penny. Boycott the armoury . Grit your teeth and stay away . It will be for the best in the long run. What we really need is this joyless greedy man to sell up. Then we can have a new brighter future .

  25. Roy

    Mar 22, 2017, 19:29 #99784

    That's it Jeff, Carry On Regardless with Wengo at the helm of WC Boggs and Son Ltd ( or in this case AFC PLC ) as it goes right down the pan. If that's what it takes for the Syrup to cash in his chips, and Chips himself to scuttle off via a jolly boys outing, then so be it. Rename the club Captain Vic Spanner, and he would only have to declare the obvious- " EVERYBODY OUT ! " Well, if you didn't laugh you'd cry, wouldn't you ? Personally, I hate the lot them for what they've done. Wengo out NOW.

  26. jeff wright

    Mar 22, 2017, 19:06 #99783

    mbg,it's a very odd situation for sure with Wenger one that is unparalleled in the history of football. Even Sir Ferguson would have received his P45 by now at United if he had got them into the mess that old Ratface has got AFC into.

  27. mbg

    Mar 22, 2017, 18:09 #99781

    jw, yes the arrogant c**t is holding on and holding on by the skin on his scrawny neck hoping this will all blow over, will it fook, he hoping as well if he does sign it will also put paid to it, again will it fook, let me tell you wenger you old arrogant no good fraud and your AKB wengerites too it won't, it'll get even worse. #no new contract we want wenger out.

  28. jeff wright

    Mar 22, 2017, 17:16 #99779

    Hi Bard,yes Wenger's fragile mentality,that he transfers to his teams , looks like the only hope of getting shut of him if he cracks up under pressure. I can only see any possible chance of this happening though if results continue to go wrong for him. A win in the FAC semi and a couple of results in the Prem where 4th place is not a trophy anymore - so no pressure on anyone now - could work the oracle in calming down some of the fickle supporters at home games.It would not take much to get some of the dedicated AKB's back on Wenger's side that they have very reluctantly left of late . However, this situation that Wenger is in at present looks a bit trickier for him to wriggle out of than the ones he has managed to slither out of in the past. Because there is obviously a great deal of problems among the players, not least that most of them are just not good enough and Wenger is himself even more clueless now than in the past with the game having passed him by. He will need a big slice of his infamous good fortune to beat Pep who needs the FAC himself for reasons of his own and all of the Prem sides Wenger faces also have no reason to be doing old arrogant Ratface any favors either . The odds look well stacked against Wengo finishing the season with anything to celebrate or even smile about . So lets hope that the protests work the oracle but I'm not confident that they will a few weeks break at end of season could well see Wenger recover enough to carry on regardless with the clown continuing to inflict humiliation and embarrassment on AFC and its supporters . All those AKB's, such as Brian Badass ,Westlower ,Chris and co, have long departed off here . Shame really because it would be fun to read what they now think about Wenger after posting for years complete bollocks on here regarding him and what they believed he would achieve and why anyone who did not share their views on that were idiots - or worse. You couldn't make it up.

  29. Bard

    Mar 22, 2017, 16:43 #99778

    Good article Frank. Jeff completely agree Stan wont give a toss about what the fans think. As long as the stadium seats are sold job done, nothing else matters and he is only going to relinquish control if the club stop making shedloads of money. I agree Wenger will probably stay but Im not sure he is able to handle the ugliness that will ensue if he signs. Wenger is very thin skinned and needs to be loved even adored. The atmosphere will be toxic if he signs.

  30. Its up for grabs 89

    Mar 22, 2017, 15:15 #99775

    To all true Arsenal fans that attend games. If we really want him out which we do we need to stop acting like polite Arsenal Fans and start chanting WE WHAT WENGER OUT in games from the first min of each home game. Starting with Man C. OR HE IS STAYING, ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. So lets all stop waffling the same thing over and over again and do something about it. It the ONLY way unfortunately.

  31. mbg

    Mar 22, 2017, 15:11 #99773

    Having failed to build a team several times ? he's been trying to build one for the last eleven years and failing/failed miserably. We want wenger out.

  32. Yes its Ron

    Mar 22, 2017, 14:57 #99771

    Yes redshirts but just you try telling that to so many of the fans who you know. They largely just look at you aghast because they dont want to hear it! So many Arsenal fans and im assuming other Clubs fan too just cant tolerate hearing it how it is for fear of the grossly flawed images of their Clubs they've built up over lifetimes becoming tarnished. Its strange. similarly if you speak ill of Wenger or Asl to other teams fans they trot out the old 'whats the problem you play great football' and are 'in the CL every Season, we d love that'!!. No concept of the 11 yr background to it all have they.

  33. markymark

    Mar 22, 2017, 14:41 #99770

    I'm wondering if death may start interfering with the boards plans. I understand the youngest is 69 and the oldest 82. Is it any wonder they are all looking for an easy ride. The difference is this time the fans aren't behaving themselves. I'm increasingly coming to a conclusion that we have to use what tools we have to hand. For the most part it's not Derry 71 and a kid with an armalite rifle we are dealing with an increasingly genteel North London with professionals who also happen to be fans. The protests work well in my view but we need joined up #boycott companies sponsoring Arsenal and a Yellow spirit of 71' shirt to wear or something similar. I suddenly got thinking about what 300 people marching in our Yellow with the banners would look like. Also legal harassment should be considered . For instance a nice protest outside Chips house. The older board members will hate the hassle of it. The #boy

  34. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Mar 22, 2017, 14:25 #99769

    I will never believe a single word that comes out of Wengers or Gazidis's mouths. I would add kroenke to that list but the w****** never opens his mouth. Both have been exposed as complete liars. The more I think about it the more it dawns on me just what an awful situation we are in with this dispicable, selfish trio ruining our club whilst creaming off a fortune for themselves. Can you imagine the levels of smugness on display when the new contract is announced? Their self serving stranglehold over the club is choking the life out of it. The players too, the cowardly parasites shaming us week after week with their meek surrenders will be delighted with another two years guaranteed of non-accountability, no pressure football. The whole club from board, manager and players holds us fans in complete contempt. The worse part is knowing if the right people had control of this club it could really take off in a big way. Kroenke, gazidis and Wenger are preventing us from reaching for the sky, stopping us fans from dreaming of glory. For me that is unforgivable

  35. jeff wright

    Mar 22, 2017, 14:02 #99768

    Meandering along in mediocrity while making profits describes Syrupy Stan's clubs that he owns. AFC is just another one of his collection of sporting franchises that make him money . Wengo will ride out the protests and cling on to his well paid job he loves the power and cash that that grateful Stan gives to him . Ratface Wengo has admitted anyway that he would not know what to do with his miserable life if he left the comfort zone of AFC. Some supporters can try to inflict more misery on Wengo by protesting and making life for him a little less comfortable but any other manager would have been gone by now if they had produced the recent run of results and donkeys years of inept failure. Wengo though is still hanging on in there making excuses to blame others for his own failures and arrogantly dismissing the views of his critics . With the 4th place trophy now irrelevant ,due to loads of dosh coming into the club's coffers from TV and other sources , so Stan is not going to lose any sleep over the protests regarding Wengo not winning any trophies. Such things are just baubles to Syrupy Stan it's the cash that counts. The answer is not to give him any of yours. There is nothing else that will have any impact on money mad Stan . Unfortunately however lots of folk will continue to do so and Ratface Wengo knows this - so he carries on regardless. You couldn't make it up.

  36. Hi Berry

    Mar 22, 2017, 12:57 #99766

    Couple of disconcerting rumours surfacing that a two year deal has been signed along with murmurings along the lines of Wenger helping to put a succession system into place for when he leaves. Sounds like the board haven't given any prior thought or made any preparation for when the Great One finally bows out, and smacks of desperation to try and placate the rising tide of dissatisfaction. What a way to run a business (formerly football club).

  37. TonyEvans

    Mar 22, 2017, 12:24 #99764

    The trouble is, Frank, that is exactly what they will do, for all the reasons included in your article. I sincerely hope the under-estimation is a folly on their part, and the protest level is increased massively, but I am not holding my breath. At the moment the atmosphere in the ground is hardly toxic is it, and as long as season tickets are being sold and the ground is 'full' Kronke and co will happily stick two fingers up to the silent majority that want Wenger out.

  38. Yes its Ron

    Mar 22, 2017, 11:59 #99763

    Peter W is right. SK is the only voice there with his 69 pc holding or whatever he has now. The rest of that board are impotent. While that stadium fills up, SKs happy. Hes remote. He couldnt give a f--k until his wallet feels it.

  39. !No Pasaran!

    Mar 22, 2017, 11:45 #99762

    As one pundit recently put it, Wenger is the only 'self-employed' manager in the league. As said by Peter Wain here, Wenger answers to Stan. The board are an irrelevance in terms of having any power to sack Wenger. I know we've been patient enough, but, if Wenger is given another contract, we as fans have to keep the pressure on him. Don't be discouraged, this farce will have an ending I feel. Yes, the Arsenal we knew has gone, buried under the weight of an incompetent board-in football terms-under Wenger's ego. But, one day, we will have a competitive team to be proud of. There is, I'm almost certain, far more embarrassment in store for us with a manager who just can't organise the players well enough to do the basics. The sycophantic,craven and supine media will be rolling out news of 'war chests' and changes behind the scenes, but we've all been there before. I wouldn't trust Wenger to walk my dog. He could buy the best players in the world, it wouldn't matter who he signed, he's had his day, but we might have to wait until the mid-table finishes hit Stan's investment before change happens. #Wengerout#

  40. peter wain

    Mar 22, 2017, 11:15 #99761

    it is not the board but Stan who decides Wenger's fate. The board are irrelevant and will rubber stamp Stan's decision or be retired off the board. In reality the only way to get change is to boycott the season ticket renewal and hit Stan in the pocket. This is the only realistic challenge to Stan and one he will understand.

  41. mad max

    Mar 22, 2017, 11:02 #99760

    rumours are he,s already signed for another two years, in that case we need to step up the process of protests to make it clear we are not going to accept this. the board along with wenger are showing total contempt for the fans of this once great club. it should never have come to this, a soap opera instigated by an old selfish delusional over rated manager who for some strange reason has total control of the club. I,m a bit surprised usmanov has stayed so quiet, he could buy out kroenke in a heartbeat with his wealth. the scenario is more in fighting amongst gunners fans, I,m sure it,s going to get very ugly. expect a grinning wenger to announce just before the city game that he,s staying, god how I,ve grown to hate that man, and even more the clueless goons on the board

  42. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 22, 2017, 10:56 #99759

    Someone has already suggested doing an "FC United" I think "Barnet Arsenal" has a nice ring to it but I would think the Barnet fans would be furious to be picked up by 30,000 disgruntled Gooners. If by some glorious union something happened whereby a local team sewed on its shirts our old badge and called themselves "Arsenal of Finsbury" I'd be there in a shot - no matter what tier of football we ended up playing in.

  43. MAF

    Mar 22, 2017, 10:07 #99757

    yes Ivan did say that but as we know he is an idiot and was soon reined in by Stan who is in love with Wenger's Accountancy Football Management. Stan doesnt want sporting glory. Stan wants to make Money and for his Investment to increase in value every year. Stand doesnt care about supporters. Stan Looks at the monthly figures and until such time as he sees a downturn (which he probably wont), then he wont give a flying f***. Sad but true. Our Club has gone. If you dont renew your ticket then there's some Company in the City that will take it up and use for Clients. Arsenal's core fan base has been more eroded than any of the other Major London Clubs. tragic but true.