Why Usmanov is planning to gazump Gunners

The story of David, Danny, Stan, Nina and Alisher

Why Usmanov is planning to gazump Gunners

Usmanov’s companies are pumping in money and sponsorship to Everton

In response to a comment by ‘hi berry’ after a recent exclusive, commenting that the club has not been the same since David Dein departed, occasional contributor Don Key sent me a brief bullet point history as to how we have ended up with the club ownership structure as we now have it at Arsenal.

In Don’s own words, “I will try to keep this ownership soap opera simple”…

• David Dein was not excited about the way the Club was going with constrained finances due to the Stadium move and new money coming into the game – at Chavski in 2003 and others later.

• Dein’s influence at the Club was diminishing due to his strained relationship with Danny Fiszman and the gradual transfer of shares from David to Danny leaving Danny in charge (this is another story).

• Dein wanted to find the Club a billionaire and also cement his position as top dog at the Club… he had lost that crown to Danny.

• He found Stan Kroenke to “secretly” buy the ITV/Granada 10% stake and along with Dein’s shares (15%) and those of Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith’s there would be a 40% block that would give Dein control of the Club.

• Nina got cold feet and talked to the Board before selling to Stan

• The Board went ape, marched Dein off the premises and the chairman Peter Hill-Wood declared about Kroenke, “we don’t want his sort here”

• Dein was then out in the cold and found another billionaire with considerably more billions than Stan in Alisher Usmanov.

• Dein sold to all his shares to Usmanov and Usmanov then went buying crazy, hovering up other shares to get to his current position of 30%.

• The Board (Danny) could not stand the thought of Dein back in control so did a deal with Stan to buy Danny’s shares (Danny knew he was terminally ill at the time) and then make a formal takeover for all the other shares in issue.

• The Board supported this and sold to Stan – Hill-Wood, Nina and all the others. Usmanov did not sell and nor did about 600 other small shareholders.

• Status now is Stan owns 67%, Usmanov 30% and 600 small shareholders about 3%.

• Usmanov’s “partner” in Arsenal Farhad Moshiri is now the 49% owner of Everton and pumping in money and sponsorship from Usmanov’s companies to try to take Arsenal’s place at the top table – this is the ultimate aim for Farhad and Usmanov as they have been royally frozen out at Arsenal.

• If Usmanov sold to Stan (unlikely), the club would be delisted as a quoted company, it would be the end of the October Annual General Meeting and Stan could do exactly what he wanted to do with the club as there would be no blocking control – extraordinary general meetings need 75% of shares to vote for a proposed resolution.

Thanks for that Don, and there are two points that come out of this. One is already known, but rarely highlighted. Ultimately, Stan Kroenke would not have got a foothold in Arsenal were it not for the Machiavellian dealings of David Dein in trying to overthrow the board of directors while he was still on it. Dein, of course, could not have known how this would turn out, but nevertheless, he instigated the current state of affairs. Had Lady Nina got into bed, so to speak, with Kroenke and Dein, who knows what might have transpired. My guess is that we’d still have Arsene Wenger, but would have bought better players and missed out on less transfer targets with Dein running the show.

The other point relates to Everton and the increasing amount of money the club are spending to secure the top talent, helped by a manager that seems to have settled well in the Premier League. This summer will tell us a lot in terms of the players the club attracts and whether or not it can hold onto its star players, an area where, for the first time since the departure of Robin Van Persie in 2012, Arsenal now seem to be having difficulty.

One other thing to note. Given that Manchester United have won the League Cup and the FA Cup will be won by a team that finishes in one of the top seven Premier League places, should Everton overtake Arsenal by the end of the current season and the Gunners finish seventh, both sides would still qualify for the Europa League. How do you like your football on a Thursday – Sunday/Monday cycle?

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  1. mbg

    Mar 24, 2017, 15:42 #99857

    Hi Berry, yes the spin has started already, and it'll continue until the season ticket deadline, and just watch the sheep lap it up. You couldn't make it up. They f*****g deserve each other. wenger out.

  2. Hi Berry

    Mar 24, 2017, 8:12 #99843

    Well, there we have it...a quick Arsenal news search this morning throws up: 'Gunners set for massive summer recruitment' and 'Xakha - we are on the same level as Bayern' based on Munchengladbach beating Bayern three times and Arsenal being on a higher level then them. You obviously can make it up.

  3. markymark

    Mar 24, 2017, 7:31 #99842

    Squeak..... I'm going to help you out here. Ive started a post for you, all you need is to fill it in. 500 words should do. Then if it's good enough you can ask the Gooner to post it as an article . I think Mr. Wenger is the right man to take Arsenal forward to a higher level, that is higher than er the previous level and therefore deserves a new 2 year contract because......... go on Leek do yer magic Chief!

  4. mbg

    Mar 24, 2017, 0:26 #99841

    Talk about a charm PR spin offensive from the spin department, they're in overdrive now about right, a dozen framed badges (limited edition no doubt)are for sale celebrating the history of the club, from it's formation, the Emirates move, The wenger years (whatever they are) Henry, Bergkamp etc, they don't miss a fooking trick do they ? they'd try fooking anything to take the pressure off themselves and the old fraud, you just might see into it if they were free to fans but no you'll have to pay £100 for the privilege. You couldn't make it up, what an arrogant pack of c***s, right down to the biggest one of all. wenger out now.

  5. markymark

    Mar 23, 2017, 23:41 #99840

    Oh dear Squeak who rattled your cage and bellends again - God your obsessed! Get on there Squeak and give-em your views I'm sure they'll all love you for it. I'm trying to take your part of the gang contribution seriously but I suspect most will have an image of you gag in mouth, Gimp mask on, tied to good old boy Jamerson's bed ready for whatever your master is ready to give you. Now Squeak are you going to do a Oi Chief, know what I mean, or is Mr Wengie, Mr Wengie ...... in fact Squeak why are you no longer calling him Mr Wenger?????

  6. mbg

    Mar 23, 2017, 22:51 #99839

    Imagine If Usmanov and his mate did Gazump Arsenal and went on to take Everton to new heights, they received planning permission for their new Stadium earlier so their not standing still as it is (like we are and going back ways) and end up a top four club or better, and we regress even further than we're doing, into mediocrity, Hilarious you know something ? we'd f*****g deserve it. wenger out now.

  7. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 21:29 #99838

    Cornish,I gave up taking seriously anything that Ratface says donkeys years ago .He just says what ever suits the occasion and the fact that it often doesn't make sense or contradicts something that he has said before is to him irrelevant.The media allow him to get away with this nonsense because they don't take him seriously either and see him as being a comical sideshow to the real events that are taking place elsewhere, such as at the bridge of sighs.Regarding politics I think for an old Marxist demo marcher and anti-capitalist like JC , who claims to an Arsenal supporter, the protest ones against Wengo getting a new contract provide a good opportunity for him to join in with the dissatisfied with things at Stan's coliseum of corporate greed that surely he must feel uncomfortable with himself>? Then again he probably doesent really have any interest in fotball and just uses his alleged AFC support for political purposes in currying favour with the local population who largely support AFC and to whom he relies on voting for him at elections. Corbo is from Wiltshire and to my knowledge this is not an hotbed of Arsenal support.The problem with AFC these days is that it is attracting the wrong sort of people both at board level and support.


    Mar 23, 2017, 19:54 #99837

    JeffW - I realise you & I are probably a million miles apart on politics, so I will just say that English football is getting the owners it deserves - the worst sort in Europe & likely to get worse, after which we really will have bugger all left to sell. However this should be a day for PERSPECTIVE. I have been trying to understand Webster's view that I, & all us fans bar one on here, should have a greater understanding of what he has done FOR the Club (business). My problem is that my thoughts keep coming back with what he has done TO the Club. Two more years of **** sandwiches yes?

  9. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 19:27 #99836

    As I recall it way back in the 70s when moving to a new stadium was first mooted the plan was to build it outside of central London .Ally Pally in Wood Green was one site that was suggested.Building it in Holloway with its restrictions on seating capacity and car parking,public transport and police problems was really all about attracting the City clientele and others who can afford the sky high ticket prices and can spend money in the bars and the Armory .Diamond Danny had areas of the stadium named accordingly with such as Corporate , Diamond asnd club etc... these are a clue as to what the main purpose of the project carried out by the Diamond Geezer was all about. When Syrupy was offered a chance to buy into it all he couldnt borrow the money to buy shares with quick enough. Changing the dynamics of the situation from one of being primarily money making to being a football club competing properly for trophies at the top of its agenda is not going to happen under Stan's regime and it will take more than just a change of manager to bring about a change in emphasis or ambition. This is where the biggest problem lies .Wenger can't stay for ever but the ideology of the club based on economic money making factors will still remain while Stan and his gang run things. Will Stan appoint a gung-ho lets go for glory type of manager or a more cautious steady as she goes one when Wengo finally yawn departs for whatever reason and various scenarios can be thought up regarding how is tenure will end. All the evidence regarding what we know about old Syrupy is that he will go for someone who will be happy to meander along in mediocrity happy to pick up his wages .This sort of scenario works for Syrupy in America where customers are happy to watch 'ball games' in the way they do a night at the movies for entertainment reasons. Tribal warfare and such things as nasty relegation dog fights do not exist . Because of the geographical location of the Emirates stadium and the dumbing down on local supporters being replaced by theater going types and tourists there to 'enjoy' the Emirates Experience' whatever that is are reasons why Syrupy has been getting away with it .Perhaps however this is where AFC now belongs in the greater scheme of things.It will take a revolution to change that more real local supporters need to be brought back into the stadium . So then where is the old Red Jeremy Corbo when you need him ! Not on any demos demanding a change from the current nasty capitalistic way of things under Wenger that is set up to make money for Stan back in the good ol' U.S. of.A that's for sure.

  10. Leek fc

    Mar 23, 2017, 19:13 #99835

    Is it just me, or does nobody take markymark aka bellend bonzo serious. Nobody replies to his posts and he got well and truly put in his place on his forum posts. Clearly, he's a bell end and nobody likes him, especially as he stands at the back of a protest. Wenger must......... yeah you know the rest.

  11. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Mar 23, 2017, 18:23 #99834

    Sorry but I cannot believe that the Premier League would allow, by proxy, Usamnov to have a big influence in Everton football club. Unless of course all rules go out the window when huge sums of money are involved, which really is normally what happens, after all football and it's huge army of "hangers on" benefits immensely from the army of billionaires queuing up to invest/launder their ill gotten gains into the beautiful game. The UK over the centuries has never minded were any of the money comes from just as long as it ends up being processed by the City of London - a few FA rules are never going to stop that process. Glad I got out when I did because this is going to be a painful 3 - 5 year reconstruction of Arsenal Football Club.

  12. mbg

    Mar 23, 2017, 18:17 #99833

    More proof (not that any was needed)and something a lot of fans have known for nine years now, we're just also ran's thanks to an old past it also ran manager. #no new contract. wenger out.

  13. Alsace

    Mar 23, 2017, 18:00 #99832

    Kevin - Thank you. How frustrating for Stanley. He can't get a res to borrow through. I wonder if he has tried? Well, perhaps we should have Wenger stay then, since the way he is going we are heading for the North Circular Relegation League, and the shareholders value of investment for the basement.. Stan could make us have cheerleaders or play in pink, and he hasn't, so modified rapture.

  14. Its up for grabs 89

    Mar 23, 2017, 17:56 #99831

    So what you are saying is thanks to Dein we got Stan and Wenger. Although I honestly think Dein was a winner and would've walked Wenger out by now. What I really don't get is apart from wengo, no one benefits from how things are going now especially financially. Stan is a business man and this is most certainly bad for business. So how on earth does anyone apart from wengo want him to stay. I honestly don't get or believe that all the shareholders have no say in this. WE WANT WENGER OUT, SAY WE WANT WENGER OUT.

  15. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 16:24 #99830

    MG - agree with all that. I go to Everton occasionally as ive many old friends close to Liverpool/Chester area. A great Club indeed, but as has been said, i dont think the Chelsea / City model will occur any time soon. I think Evtns strength right now is in Koeman and will be in their academy. Not sure how long RK sees himself there though. Not too long i suspect. In fact i think that any Club who wants to achieve good things nowadays will need to invest in young players and take the time to develop. The mega cash splashing model has gone i feel and not before time.As you say, they ll certainly fill any ground they buy and yr comments on Arsenals stadium are ones ive echoed wholeheartedly many times. Its not a good stadium and in the fullness of time will need some architectural adjustments.

  16. Paulward

    Mar 23, 2017, 16:10 #99829

    Will surely drop out of the top four in May, and hard to see us getting back anytime soon. Talk of Wenger overseeing a " massive overhaul " of the squad in the summer is so wide of the mark it's laughable. Probably looking at Lacazzette for Sanchez , Wilshere back in for Ozil( it's like a 50 mill signing) and a couple of ropey defensive types from Ligue 1. Meanwhile our rivals will spend serious money on improvements. If anybody thinks this season is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.

  17. peter wain

    Mar 23, 2017, 16:08 #99828

    why are we interested in a barc failure? Not impressed.

  18. ArsenalMagna

    Mar 23, 2017, 16:07 #99827

    Re: Everton, I'm not sure we'll ever see another City-esque rise to the top through massive financial investment. The costs of player wages and transfer fees now are so high that in real terms even the richest man would have to invest reckless amounts to 'climb the ladder' - don't forget City had to OVERPAY because they weren't in the Champions League so the same would apply now but on a larger scale. Also, there aren't huge options in the transfer market itself - City for example have invested £120m in Stones, Otamendi and Mangala and they don't currently look right for the team! A club trying to reach the top through investment might have to adopt the United approach of a huge outlay and huge turnover of players until they get the right fit.

  19. Moscowgooner

    Mar 23, 2017, 15:57 #99825

    Yes it´s Ron - I think you are wrong about Everton: steady 40,000 gates nowadays but back in the ´sixties, 50,000 plus. Their plans for a new 65,000 stadium in the docks finally seem to be rolling - the price for the site looks modest enough. I don´t see why over five seasons or so they can´t become bigger than Arsenal if we continue to tread water - and others can and will as well, imagine a resurgent Newcastle or Leeds. Our stadium will soon be only the fifth largest in London. And of course others have learnt the lesson from the numerous design deficiencies at the Emirates to create stadia that (a) can generate more non football revenue and (b) can create more atmosphere and improve the (horrible phrase though it is) ´fan experience´. We run the risk of a rapid slide into mid table mediocrity having frittered away the advantages we had (credit where due to AW at the time) in say 2005. Sad.

  20. gooner.ed

    Mar 23, 2017, 15:55 #99824

    On behalf of my co-author Mr Key who is not registered.... Re: Alsace. The reason Stan hasn’t leveraged the Club is because he cannot because of the 30% stake AU holds. Without that who knows what would happen

  21. gooner.ed

    Mar 23, 2017, 15:21 #99822

    On behalf of my co-author Mr Key who is not registered.... Re: Rocky the King. Usmanov will NOT have to walk away from Arsenal as notionally he has NO involvement at Everton. That is all his partner Moshiri. Believe what you want but Everton is Moshir and Arsenal is Usmanov Yeah right but legally that is how it is

  22. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:53 #99820

    Cant personally see Everton ever becoming dominant really. Theyre a club on the up but badly need a stadium. The investment needed there is immense and i dont think Moshiri has the cash or Usmanov the will for it. They could overtake Arsenal though without the massive cash injection needed as things stand at ASL.

  23. MAF

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:49 #99819

    excellent article. i sensed Everton upped their game. Usmanov not wanted by Arsenal, throws his weight behind them ? personally id take Usmanov over Stan any day of the week. Usmanov wants to compete with Abrahmovic. Stan wants to see the Money in his bank account go up. Arsenal have got the wrong owners

  24. mbg

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:47 #99818

    Assuming Dein would have had his way and everything worked out for him, under Dein, Kroenke would have, and was willing and would have spent money on as you say Kev, better players (real top top qualittee) so the question is why did and has he not since ? apart from the odd, very odd token player who turned out average anyway, (a general question not specifically directed at yourself) the AKB wengerites are blaming him for all this, so it leads us back to TOF the real cause of this, as myself and others have been saying for years, Kroenke was always willing to spend and still is, but wenger didn't want it preferring to try and do it on the cheap. Go now wenger you past it old fraud. wenger out.

  25. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 14:42 #99816

    yes Bard - The 8-2 at OT was the iceberg. Just a pity AW hadn't took just 2 hours to sink!

  26. Bard

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:58 #99814

    Another excellent article, thanks Don. Reading this made me wonder whether the board actually have a plan B. There are all these unsubstantiated reports of who we have contacted re the mangers position but who the hell knows anything about football on the board. Who would be making these contacts ? Chips? Ivan? The truth is that the only person at the club who has worked a day in football is the Weng. It looks like a disaster whichever way you spin it. Maybe we should rename the club as Titanic FC

  27. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:53 #99813

    It looks like Usmanov's buying shares in AFC was a mistake on his part surely his buying them can not be purely money making motivated after all he is no Syrupy Stan a poor man's billionaire type borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and robbing the customers in his stadiums left right and center to make a few bucks here there and everywhere .We don't know what Usmanov's motives were originally but making money was not likely to be the only motive he was more active in his attempts to become involved in the running of AFC a few years ago regarding the football side of things .I recall him once publicly offering to provide Wengo with money to buy those top top players that he was always claiming that he wanted to sign but who always some how ended up elsewhere. Wengo really is the nearly man.Anyway the chubby Uzbek's offer was turned down and as they say the rest is history. Wengo would not have wanted any big money anyway to spend because he was convinced that his sacred project youth would succeed and he did not want top top players standing in the way of these kids who were going to be under his tutelage future super-stars . In fact he said so himself-several times .Of course project youth was a massive flop and has been quickly air-brushed out of Wengo's history .With the it was all down to having to pay off debts on the stadium being the excuse for the donkeys years of failure under Ratface. Odd then that under him things have actually become worse now that there is no debt problem ! So what are the current excuses ,oh yes the players are not good enough to live up to Wengo's genius .It's not his fault see it's always something else or someone else who is to blame.You couldn't make it up.

  28. Rocky the King

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:47 #99812

    Alsace, don't see Kroenke leaving as he needs the market value of the club to use as collateral for his continuing business deals. He is more likely to hand his shares over to Josh Kroenke before leaving in my opinion. What do you think?

  29. Croker

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:46 #99811

    We are in an almighty mess. Whilst we waited patiently to balance the books after moving into the Arsenal Bowl, our manager has run out of magic and has been left behind tactically and in terms of player recruitment. Be patient, we were told, because all these parsimonious years of recruiting Denilsons and Sanogos means that eventually we will catch up and be able to spend money like all the rest of Europe's elite clubs. Unfortunately, they have remained fresh by regularly overhauling (or sacking) their coaching infrastructure and selling their never beens to the likes of us (Hello Ozil and Sanchez). Whilst we have been patient, we have been overtaken in the footballing and income League tables by Chelski, Citeh and now the Teeny Totts, Liverpool and Everton look like their ownership will be driving them on to muscle past Arsenal financially and performance wise. I hope Wenger will get a splendid Merci for all he's done for Arsenal FC and be given a huge send off (testimonial versus Stoke City??) and allowed to leave in a dignified fashion. What I fear is worsened by what I've read above - Silent Stan has no motivation to sell up, sack Gazidis and Wenger and overhaul the football infrastructure with new coaches and a sporting Director. A dream team of Vieira, Henry, Keown and an experienced Manager to oversee it all remains just that. And then there are those horrible rumours about Le Boss staying on for at least one more year of at best abject mediocrity....

  30. Rocky the King

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:30 #99810

    Good point Hi Berry, also Dein had an amazing relationship with the players. Recall that Thierry Henry said that he left because of the Dein exit. Can you imagine Gazidis being so empathic and hands on? Not bloody likely!

  31. Alsace

    Mar 23, 2017, 13:28 #99809

    There is probably not a lot that Usmanov can do in this situation. There isn't a dividend, and the club is about to nosedive down the division, and only probably relegation for the first time in about 100 years could seriously affect the numbers game. The threshold for a S 994 Unfair Prejudice Petition is fairly high, so for the time being, there not a lot to be done. The interesting thing would be if Stan were, like Mr Fiszman, to leave us. Would his family be really very interested in a transatlantic millstone? I have always taken the view that Stan is a satisfactory owner because in essence he leaves well alone. He doesn't make us have cheerleaders or play in pink and he hasn't leveraged the cr*p out of the club either. The only beef which I have with him is that he won't turf the Old Fool Out, and we have to have him out in order to ever enjoy ourselves at the football again. Come on Stan, make the call. Make Ivan walk down the corridor with 2 security guards and tell Wenger he's leaving, and that, contrary to his own elephantised ego, he doesn't have a choice..

  32. Hi Berry

    Mar 23, 2017, 12:54 #99807

    Well that has certainly made things very much clearer so thanks to Don for taking the time to spell it out. Difficult to know exactly where to apportion blame, but agree with Rocky that Dein, despite his behind-their-backs manoeuvrings, had what he thought were the best interests of Arsenal at heart (as well as his own!) at the time. I wonder what the outcome would have been if Dein had not then thrown his hand in with Usmanov....would Hill-Wood or Fiszmann have contemplated reaching an agreement with 'that sort' in order to keep Dein out? Regardless of your view of Dein as a result of what eventually transpired, the quality of signings since his departure, the ridiculous offer for Saurez and apparent dithering over many players that were not signed is certainly food for thought regarding his value to the club and highlights the frustration that he felt with the 'steady-as-she-goes' board at that time.

  33. Rocky the King

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:59 #99804

    Great reminder of the Dein versus Fiszman affair, especially when Gooners were aware of Dein from his high profile position at the club, but had a love hate relationship with him. Recall mocking of his orange tan! Yet despite the role of Dein going behind the back of Board members in a solitary attempt at a coup d'état, one should balance that by examining the motivation for his "treachery" Dein as you correctly state was a king maker at arsenal. He made kings of managers by sealing some deals for amazing players. I can thank him for one player at least, the legend Dennis Bergkamp. As good as Ken Friar was after the departure of Dein. He was never really able to secure signings of that quality. So in my mind, Dein's motivation was a warped kind of sincere being an Arsenal fan if you take my drift. Remember that it was Dein who persuaded Wenger to stay at Arsenal after his dismissal. They remain good personal friends. Like Wenger, Dein was a visionary ahead of his time. He got the club to places that the Oldy Worldy quaint upper class Hill-Wood family would take too much time over, as they were obsessed with doing things "The Arsenal Way" As such Dein was impatient yet I would love to have seen what could have happened if he had stayed at Arsenal. Dein still supports Wenger staying at the club I think, based upon his statements last year. So I part company here and cease my attempt of seeing Dein's positives. The fact that Usmanov will join Everton is no surprise given our knowledge of the relationship between Moshiri and Alisher Usmanov. I am confident that Stan Kroenke cannot afford to buy Usmanov's 30% because of his many other sport franchises and he is currently involved in a massive NFL stadium project in Los Angeles. Usmanov cannot by the Premier League rules be involved in two clubs, so at some point, he will walk away. What then for the club? There is an African billionaire Aliko Dangote who is worth £8billion, and his financial institutions are heavily advertised on CNN cable news channel. He has declared that he is waiting for an opportunity in four years, but seriously how much more uncertainty can we take? It underlines the complex nature of Arsenal Football Club and thus this article was a good reminder that matters will not improve until difficulties are resolved managerially and in stewardship terms. Perhaps we should advertise for a true home based Arsenal fan with very deep pockets to come and buy Usmanov's shares? Lol The failure of Usmanov to buy out Kroenke when he made the magical 30% quota of shares said it all. I am now no longer an Usmanov fan, after revelations of his links to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Gazprom. So apart from Dangoté where to next my friends?

  34. Yes its Ron

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:29 #99800

    True Bob - The CL entry requirment has been the catalyst for the dumbing down of the domestic Cups, European football tournaments in general and made Clubs like Arsenal happy with their lot and to cherish mediocrity, dressed up these days as' success'. All in all football is the overall loser. Roll on when the TV gets bored with it, drops it and thus pulls the plug on the cash flow. Football needs a reality check asap. Viewing figures and satellite TV subscriptions have been falling markedly for quite some years.

  35. Bob Bayliss

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:23 #99799

    So if we miss out on the Champions' League then we will be assured of a seventh place trophy even if Everton overtake us. I wish there were just four places for British teams in Europe: One in the Champions' League for the Champions, one in the Europa for the FA Cup and two for third and fourth place in the Europa Cup (going down to fifth if the FA Cup is won by a team in the top four). That would serve to raise standards and aspirations, and prevent the sort of dumbing down which Wenger is content to preside over on Kronke's behalf.

  36. markymark

    Mar 23, 2017, 11:22 #99798

    So are we suggesting that Usmanov is trying to hole Stan under the water? Why Usmanov has not made a comment re: Wenger is a mystery.