Arsenal Protest Group Update

2.50 opposite the box office in Drayton Park is the gathering point for Sunday

Arsenal Protest Group Update

There is an old, old saying in football – “Nobody is bigger than the club”. At Arsenal that is being tested to the absolute limit, as Arsene Wenger seems to be making it all about him, to the detriment of everything else.

Over the past few weeks, there has only been one discussion point concerning Arsenal – the future of our long serving manager. However, we are still waiting for any announcement and in the absence of clarity from the majority shareholder or the manager, rumours fill the void. Take your pick from any of these:-

• He has been offered a 2 year extension, which he has already signed.
• The 2 year offer is waiting to be signed.
• He will sign for 1 more year and see what happens in May 2018.
• He will manage elsewhere next season.
• A director of football is going to be appointed.
• Thomas Tuchel has been approached to be our manager next season.
• Max Allegri is waiting in the wings.

What benefit is there in delaying the decision, or in delaying the announcement of his decision? Anyone unaware of Wenger’s record would be forgiven for thinking that he had presided single handedly over unbridled success; that his departure would signal Arsenal’s certain departure from the top of our sport. Well – he hasn’t and it won’t!!

Since 2004, (that’s 13 long seasons) Arsenal have not spent a single day at the top of the Premier League in April or May, when it really matters. Since 2010, Arsenal have not gone beyond the last 16 of the Champions League. In fact, Wenger has shown 19 times in a row that he cannot win any European competitions.

In our last 21 away matches against the current top six, we have drawn 7 and lost 14, gaining 7 points out of a possible 63. In our last 9 matches we have beaten only Hull and two non League teams; we have lost all of the other six, conceding 21 goals. Looking at stats like that, the question has to be asked – why is a new contract even an option?? Why offer even one more month to a man in terminal decline? Why aren’t England’s third most successful club looking for an innovative new manager like Diego Simeone?

If Wenger won’t make the decision to leave, or Kroenke won’t make it for him, our protests will continue unabated until one of them does.

Our next match is on Sunday 2nd April, at home to Manchester City. Significant plans are already in place but we will not reveal exact details, after “somebody” copied our plans and paid for a 2nd plane to fly over The Hawthorns.

There will not be a march together from Highbury this time, as the Man City match coincides with the 16th anniversary of the untimely passing of one of our finest ever players - David Rocastle. We have agreed that no march will take place until the Rocky Remembered walk (from the Eaglet pub) and memorial at the Two Cannons roundabout have finished at around 3.20pm.

If you wish to join us for the protest and make your voice heard, we will be gathering from 2.50 onwards opposite the box office in Drayton Park, on the Arsenal tube station side of the stadium, near the steps to the North Bank aka Ken Friar Bridge (so well away from the Rocky Memorial at the Two Cannons roundabout). From there, we will march the short distance to the Directors’ entrance, where we will be calling for Arsene Wenger to stand down, or for Stan Kroenke to put him out of our misery. Those who attend the Rocky memorial but wish to add their voices can meet us at the Directors entrance as we should not arrive there until 3.25pm, by which time the Rocky event is scheduled to have concluded. We would like to stress that we would not like to see the Rocky march from the Eaglet to the Two Cannons Roundabout used for any anti-manager or board chanting. That march is about the memory of an Arsenal legend and anything else would not be deemed appropriate.

Two more years of Wenger is unthinkable. It will be two more years of collapses, excuses, thrashings, keystone cops defending, pointless sideways passing, sub standard transfers, scrapping for 4th place and no trophies. Please join us and help to make the message – it’s Time for Change!

For updates on our activity, and ways to join in, even if you cannot get to the ground, follow us on Twitter@NoNewContract. On occasion, details of our activities will be revealed late, to ensure the club do not try to arrange anything to counter them, such as the hire of the second plane at West Brom. After Sunday, we will be getting close to having spent all the funds raised through our JustGiving page. For us to continue hammering home the message to the club in fresh and innovative ways, more financial support will be needed, so if you want change and understand that it has to be forced through protest rather than left to an unambitious and complacent board, please chip in.

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  1. pedster8

    Apr 02, 2017, 10:29 #100166

    After all your comments you're not even attending the protest let alone the game. Hopefully 3 points for the team,have fun in the pub.

  2. pedster8

    Apr 02, 2017, 10:11 #100165

    Ahh Jeff commenting on here a Fri night at nearly 11pm... so predictable a key board warrior like you isn't going. Yes only someone like you would give credence to the nonsense mbg writes. Nothing I have put is waffle quote anything you want. Yes I want change in different areas throughout the club but unlike you not obsessed in just one person but also I want changes for the good of the club unlike you. You're not a proper supporter just a negative naive fan like quite a few who post nonsense online and do not attend, don't try to preach when you know so little. As said before I didn't ask for your comments I was talking with Mark.

  3. jeff wright

    Mar 31, 2017, 22:40 #100122

    Pedro,you are a fraud and not even very good at what you are trying to do .You are no Arsenal supporter and you posted those comments to mbg that I used .So why then if as you say he is not credible why are you reading his posts and commentating on them is the question .All rather odd really.I could have used other comments that you have made such as to Mark : "Also not very attractive look for the club and reputation of fans that a section abuse the manager, want us to lose and organise a plane. Look at the people with banners and singing negative songs during the last away game, you think they left the house and attended with the intention of supporting the team? - Post No. 105832 " Hmm, it doesn't look to me Pedro that despite all your contrived waffle about Wenger and the board ,albeit there is not any board only the bored , that you really do want Wenger gone with you like posting constant digs at Wenger's critics - who clearly do want him gone. I will be watching the game in a pub on Sunday I have no idea where you will watch it but I do know it will not be in the stadium .

  4. pedster8

    Mar 31, 2017, 16:10 #100098

    Jeff - You're really sad was hoping you would stop replying to me with your nonsense after post No. 105908 as I've said before anything I have posted is clear to understand even for someone like you, but you either do not understand it or read too much into it. Mentioning mbg as reference point is not creditable and support for you as another person said on here all he does is post his anti Wenger agenda he seems younger and even less rational than you. Have fun posting on here everyday and whatever you do on Sunday.

  5. jeff wright

    Mar 31, 2017, 12:24 #100086

    pedro 8 if you were not so sad you would be funny.Here is a one of your earlier quotes to mbg and it says all anyone needs to know to see what your real motives for posting on here ( again) are. Quote: "great to see the type of 'supporter' you are when you want the abuse to carry inside the ground and when winning." Abuse is how you see the chants of Wenger out and you don't want them inside the ground as you put it .As for the rest of your drivel well just it's a cover really for your real purpose and that is to attack Wenger's critics.

  6. markymark

    Mar 31, 2017, 7:30 #100082

    Pete on the Beach - happy you confirmed that , somehow I got hit for payment options with no other option to skip. Think I may have been hacked or had nasty cookies added perhaps as having a few issues. Including a deluge of Trump loving emails uurgh! Anyway some bugger has got $2 dollars but I have added my name and quite frankly £1.67 (conversion rate). To get rid of Wengo was money well spent. Good luck with the petition!

  7. CBee

    Mar 31, 2017, 1:29 #100081

    Pederast 8. Give it a rest.

  8. pedster8

    Mar 31, 2017, 0:26 #100080

    Jeff - looking back on this I started talking with Mark didn't ask for an obsessed troll like you to join in, he can articulate his posts better than you and definitely can hold a discussion better. Regards to games it's not a claim I've gone since I was a junior gunner really doubt you've gone to a quarter of the games I have. Yes I am new not quite as sad as you to spend years on here posting comments all the time. You're repeated claim attack is nonsense I have stated rationale comments but have to be defensive due to overly sensitive ppl like you who read way to much into comments as opposed to what's written.

  9. pedster8

    Mar 31, 2017, 0:06 #100079

    Jeff - I really hoped you had some form of intelligence even if wasn't a lot and hoped you'd bothered to read my last 2 posts but nope you still come back with more nonsense, you're so immature and dense as I put earlier you're unable to comprehend anything else apart from your own agenda even if someone else agrees with you. I'm far from an idiot would have to have a few head injuries to reach your level of stupid and am no akb as said the 2 phrases are idiotic only morons like you pride yourself in being part of the wob. As put on a post what I've put isn't controversial or offensive yet you've got uptight. Yes I am new to posting on here only joined a few days ago am not as sad as you wouldn't need more than 1 name. You're obsessed it's worrying and hopefully tickets are not wasted on you.

  10. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 22:46 #100078

    Well Pedro8 I still cannot see how despite your claims that you really want Wenger out that this is true .Because you contradict yourself with your silly claims that everyone should want Wenger to win games . When his doing so will just secure his job for awhile longer and prolong the terminal decline that he is overseeing. Now if you can't grasp this simple fact then you are either an idiot or an AKB clumsily attacking supporters who want Wenger out and if him losing games is what it takes then so be it. The stupidity of your argument is that these supporters can't be real ones.By the way I don't believe your constant claims to have attended matches since time began .I doubt in fact that you have ever been to any games at all. .Also what's all of this new to the forum malarkey from little old you when in fact you have posted numerous times on here! A different alias does not make you a new poster dumbo .Different name but just the same old bollocks from you . You couldn't make it up.

  11. mbg

    Mar 30, 2017, 22:38 #100077

    Or maybe the egoistic old parasite thinks he's the pope, or holding out for the job after the pedsters and KC's put their messiah's name forward, maybe we'll see the smoke from the Highbury house chimney tomorrow and they can all rejoice. wenger out now.

  12. mbg

    Mar 30, 2017, 21:37 #100075

    Silvergooner, yes, no news yet, did you ever hear anything like it, what an arrogant c**t, no news yet, you'd think he was waiting to announce his pregnancy, maybe he and his followers think he's such a messiah he's capable of giving birth too. wenger out now.

  13. Pete on the beach

    Mar 30, 2017, 20:53 #100074

    Marky Mark the petition has NO fee you just sign it put a comment if you wish and that is it. up to nearly 1350 as i write. The donations page is this one and we need more to keep up the protests and stunts we have planned. Big one planned for sunday, keep looking round the arsenal manor


    Mar 30, 2017, 20:22 #100072

    Anyone see not just Webster's embarrassment of a Press Conference but SIR FISH 'N CHIPS dreadful encounter with a journo on Sky at lunchtime? Hardly a ringing endorsement for a new contract. Maybe I still retain a vestige of optimism, but for the first time I felt that all was not well in Wengoland. The BOD "do not like it up 'em" maybe Corporal Jones!

  15. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:49 #100071

    Alsace - Haha send me over someone needs to give the board and AW a strong/rationalised piece of their mind and make them answer a few questions - do you want to win the league again? if so what will you do? why do you not see the playing style and type of players we have has gotten worse? But we all know its profits over trophies for all concerned aw/board/Kroenke. Your first comment I agree with 105811 but your second to me seemed quite patronising you may think was friendly but I am not some young naive person or someone easily led say like MBG. Have a good night

  16. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:37 #100070

    markymark - thanks for the comments I am quite fine, thing is with this platform especially where you have regulars who have their opinions new people even though do not say anything controversial are vilified and attacked. A said when I explained my take on protesters I agree with your points ie if they can reason behind but I dont agree with the aggressive people or abuse, the ott obsessed people let it down for the people who do it for the right reasons just look at DT's ramblings online. A couple are fine esp Yes Its Ron and Jeff when he is not on the attack. Your comment is right if a strong manager walked in we have a great set up but when will that happen? Yes Its Ron explained well why we could have 1 if not 2 more years of AW.

  17. Alsace

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:32 #100069

    Can't we send Rev Pedster to reason with the Board instead. Seriously, we need someone to call the manager a moron to his face.

  18. markymark

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:21 #100068

    On Myles Palmers site he has a link for a petition to refuse Wenger a new contract . Be aware that you will need to contribute a fee , I picked $2 however it's getting it out there

  19. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:21 #100067

    jeff wright - No it is you that's not the supporter and doubt you've gone to half the games I have. As it stands you can barely read or take in things so not in a position to call someone else dumbo quite ironic really. As you either cannot understand what I have writen or just dont agree as it doesn't meet your agenda now you sulk. Again I am not the one on the attack and have even said some of your points are right and agree, but to be honest its quite like trying to reason with a racist or a dumb thug with you as nothing seems to sink in.

  20. Alsace

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:20 #100066

    Oh dear. Wrong reaction really. I was simply trying to explain to Mr Pedster why he was getting a less than friendly reception to his "measured" comments about the boss. I see that there is a good deal of subsequent traffic. I do hope none of it is patronising. I will try again to explain in words of one syllable. We are all well past anything short of a brutal P45 without thanks for Mr Wenger, which is why you are getting hostility. My point was intended to be friendly. Listen, don't listen, up to you.

  21. KC38

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:17 #100065

    MBG you just don't get it. I want Wenger out and the board, I just hate your simplistic Wenger out statements repeated time after time, your inability to put forward alternatives. You appear to be a loner with nothing better to do than type anti wenger statements, as I said what time are you attending, after all you want it so bad I thought you would be first on the scene? By the way if you get off at Highbury and Islington there is a nice choice of restaurants to eat in.

  22. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:10 #100064

    Yes its Ron - Very true and can see the board giving another year if not 2 no matter where we finish, he'll say to them things will improve and deflect real reasons for failure. As Jeff said AW doesnt want to leave and can talk, lets see what plays out regards hsi contracts and what finally happens with Ozil and Sanchez.

  23. markymark

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:04 #100063

    I tried to reply but got booted out twice due to a useless Wifi connection. Every cloud has silver linings though and in this case for once I concentrated on other contributors rather than my own. I think Pedster8 I have to agree with the others you need to make the jump. To me it's like you have all the equipment it just needs a leap. Terrible mixed metaphors but I think you'll know what I mean even if you don't agree. Gooner Ron was a classic case of taking the jump and surviving intact. I was thinking about the transition because apart from Squeak who think Wengo is a deity at some point he's going. What will the new Manager have to deal with, well quite frankly for a confident and strong leader I think it is absolutely set up. There's no lingering Tony Adams like figure who you need to boot into touch but transition out subtly with the fanbase. In fact you could replace every bloody one without protest (surely this has to be the most unappreciated Arsenal team in modern times?) Next you could boot out the coaching staff. Gerry Peyton -- oh my god please don't leave us!!! Lol. Then you could publicly state the crèche is dead. Meanwhile one of two of the irritating old dodderers on the board will fall off their perch. As for Kronke he pops in once a year and if you bloody win something he might actually give you some mental length contract . Sounds a great bloody job to me.

  24. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 18:01 #100062

    pedster just more attacks and abuse on Wenger critics on here from you So again dumbo I point out to you that supporting Wenger to win games does not equate to getting shut of him and will only prolong his presence .It's not rocket science to work this out . You support ARSENE and not Arsenal and have used the same arguments before on here to do so . Your pretending to want Wenger out is fooling no one you give the game away by constantly abusing those who have go so sick of Wenger that they now want to see him lose games because that is the only way that might get shut of the clown.To you these supporters are idiots .It's you who is the idiot.

  25. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:50 #100061

    That scenario Ron with the snake oil salesman and co might not be as you say so far fetched. Wenger obviously doesn't want to leave and he has a hide thicker than a Rhino .It will be fun seeing what excuses are drummed up to justify Wengo staying. I thought about the he is the best to get the job done on the cheap and happy to sell top players because he can do with out them you suggest and it oe that Syrupy might buy. The so called board are just his stooges anyway and act out of financial self interest rather than for what is best for the club and supporters . Wengo talked the same hard ball game today that he did with other want away players such as Cashley,RVP ,Nasri ,etc , but as the actress said to the bishop it's actions that count . Talk is cheap and boasting about what he will do is not the same as actually doing it. We all know what Wengo's boasts are worth from past experience. Nothing.

  26. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:48 #100060

    jeff wright - your lack of intelligence is astounding nothing I have said is offensive and you're the one like others on here with an agenda. Im not narrow minded enough like you to to be so obsessed with one thing - in your big rant you talk about 'Wenger' winning games no its about 3 points for the team all you talk about is him. Your illiterate rants against me and Wenger let down your other points which are valid. I dont need to pretend anything and what I said about the protesters is right its just you dont agree. Quite funny you you can handle a debate or a conversation where the basis of your points I agree on just dont agree with the full on abuse and people wanting the team to lose. Win or lose all remaining games its very clear they're problems throughout the team and club. Wont go as far as you and Wenger isn't a nice person more that he's far too stubborn, fallen behind and needs to take responsibility for the club going backwards. As said on a recent post for his own good but more the club he should have decided to leave after last cup win. The second half of 105873 you're right then Yes Its Ron explains things well on 105874 hopefully you understand what he's put. What so many fans dont get for a long time under this regime and AW has bought into and been made to feel very comfortable we have turned into profit making business rather than an ambitious club who want to compete and win the top prizes. Yes playing style, tactics and approach can improve under a new manager but who will this board get? and when and what will make them want to get a new one? I blame AW like you for the results, type of players we buy, style of play etc... but surely if people above had footballing brains and wanted to succeed surely they're watching can see we're going backwards? Since we last won the league we've finished an average 14 points behind!

  27. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:34 #100058

    Odd as sounds Jeff, such is the seemingly bizarre logic of management at Board level at Asl, i think that falling from the top 4 actually improves AWs case to stay. Now he can say to his masters that he DESERVES the chance to put right the wrong after his 20 yrs of CL entry etc etc and that they perhaps OWE him the chance to correct this minor aberration from his record. He can also say to them that getting top players now isnt necessary and that they wont join anyway while out of the top 4 and as such, he can remedy things on the cheap, but hey ho, he ll be happy to sell Sancho and the German waste of space at the same time to cover what transfer costs there are going to be. He ll declare that nows not the time for change and as he knows the Club and the squad, theres no time to bed in a rookie new Coach (Howe/the Parisian Jabberer et al) with no CL 'success' behind him as all hands are needed for next Season and then they can judge him in May 2018. Its almost a case to have this Board creaming themselves with joy. 2 more years. Sign here Arsey lad!

  28. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:19 #100057

    There you are again pedster confirming that you don't want Wenger out and are rather worked up against those who do .Give it a rest sunbeam you are embarrassing yourself with your nonsense - even more than you usually do.

  29. SilverGooner

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:12 #100056

    There is of course another scenario – that Wenger realises he will not get another job at a top European club. By that I mean one that seriously competes for the Champions League, where his record in the competition is nothing short of dismal (although he thinks it is all about his achievement of qualifying for 20 years in a row.) So with no firm offer from another top club and his desire to remain in coaching, he will want to stay at Arsenal. He is deluded and arrogant enough to believe he can still win a major trophy. He won’t! And that’s where you would like to think the board would step in and make a decision that is in the best interests of the club No chance! Instead we are becoming a laughing stock. Just look at today’s press conference. Despite telling the press two weeks ago that he had made a decision, Wenger now says there is no news. As does the hapless Sir Chips. What an absolute farce. By the way, what exactly does Ivan Gazidis do to earn his £2.5 package? Is he still at the club? Perhaps he is busy trying to arrange the end of season Q&A with supporters groups. To sum up – no new contract for Wenger, for while he is still at the club they won’t be getting a penny of my money.

  30. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:02 #100055

    Exeter Gunner - You do make me laugh and people take things how they want to suit their thinking. No real fan does want us to lose, I want 3 points for the sake of the clubs position not the manager. Again not against the protests some articulate their reasons such Markymark and other where as others are loud aggressive and ott. But as someone else I think said these protests are falling on deaf ears. To be honest people that attend and want us to succeed should be thinking similar things.

  31. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 17:01 #100054

    pedster don't flatter yourself trust me sunbeam your posts are not that difficult to understand . Neither is your reasoning behind them. You have posted abuse at Wenger's critics on here .Such as pedster says:" Some of the protesters reasoning is right but others who are loud and aggressive are counter productive. Find it funny how you deluded people throw around the akb phrase if someone says something other than joining your abusive agenda or wanting us to lose." It's fairly obvious pedster that you want to water down the protests against Wenger and that your claims that anyone who doesn't want Wenger to win games is not a real supporter gives the game away for you regarding your true agenda . In any case Wenger needs to avoid too many draws and not just losing games because that can be worse than losing a couple of games in a run of them.2 draws is mathematically worse than one loss ,etc. I suspect that this will be Wenger's main problem especially with the games in hand.He has to win every game now.The other teams above him also all have to fail for him to succeed. I again suggest that you stop abusing those who want to see the back of Wenger even if that means him losing every game left to play while pretending that you want him gone as well... Wenger is not a reasonable person and supporting him to win games is not going to help get shut of him. You already know this though and will carry on supporting him while pretending that it is the team and not him. One and one with this approach by you is not making two is it now.

  32. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:51 #100053

    JJ - they were the days werent they, 100 or more kicked out before 2-00 o clock on match days esp v Utd, West Ham and Spurs. Them away fans that werent booted out escorted across the pitch to the Clock End The 'good ole days '!. Grandad shirts, doc martens and faded Lee jeans reigned supreme. I bet we brushed shoulders matey! Ha .

  33. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:50 #100052

    But pedster, that's exactly what you've said: "No real fan wants us to lose matches" = you want Wenger to win. "angry crowd" = you're against those who want him out. You're advocating doing nothing against him and want that which keeps him on to happen. You can't wriggle out of it, I'm afraid.

  34. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:38 #100051

    Jeff Wright - again half of your post 105873 is just nonsense, do not try to think what type of supporter I am have gone to probably more games than you and understand football more. I have not attacked anyone, a lot more the other way round which I have to laugh at really. Exeter Gooner - again I think reading fails you if that what you've taken from what I have put. Club/AW are not going to bow down to an angry group, AW has been made far too comfortable either should have been made to leave a while ago or realised he cant take us further.

  35. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:25 #100050

    Yes its Ron - Completely right, unfortunately what made AW great before is not the same he has changed his ways and football has changed. Him with the club have changed from a football club wanting to compete/win to now money making business and we should know as fans with the money they charge to get in. As you said no matter who they get in even if someone was in from next season not a lot will change, also like you think they're not ambitious enough to think to go for a proven big manager be more yes men.

  36. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:10 #100049

    pedster, I think everyone understands your position perfectly: "I think Wenger should leave. However I am against those that are trying to do something to that end and want him to win matches". It is you that fails to see where the logic in your position falls down. Alsace is right, your position just isn't as evolved as others yet, you've yet to make that mental leap.

  37. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 16:05 #100048

    Ron I agree with you that the regime will stay the same while Syrupy runs it and any new man will have to work within it.I can't see him being given the sort of autonomous power either that Wengo has had .One thing is for sure though and that is that big problems await whoever takes over . At one time he only had to equal Wengo's finishing in the top 4h but now getting into the top 4 will not be any shoo-in. Wenger will be devastated if his 'proud record' of always qualifying for the top 4 goes bust .It is that nonsense that he has used for donkeys years to justify his management with . Meanwhile stories are already being being leaked to pave the way for Glummer's departure. The club is said to want 50m for Glummer who is demanding wages way above what Syrupy will pay and so already a familiar scenario of us getting left behind in the wage war among top clubs is starting to unfold. Wengo and Syrupy have shown no remorse about selling players to other top clubs with Cashley and Van Pursie being two examples . With Glummer having failed to hack it at Barcelona him ending up at Chelsea or City would not be any great shock.

  38. jjetplane

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:56 #100047

    You get quite used to wanting Wenger to lose and I have evolved over the last decade to where I punch the air when Wengeral ship a goal. Having been to see them between 63 - 2004 I used to love an Arsenal win but do not consider Wenger as Arsenal (not classy enough) and so am a bit peeved when the old fart manages a win though as that is only against non-league opposition now I will let him off. Praying for a cricket score from Citeh and this Wengoal side looks spent enough to oblige. Hopefully it will surpass Utd with their 8-2 and Wenger goes into permanent hiding never to be heard of again. If you support Wenger you do not understand Arsenal. So here we go with the SS - Stirling and Sane - you know what you have to do. Let's see the Wengo back four taken off at the end with vertigo trauma. For my sins I will be watching 8th tier on Saturday for 3 squid. Nearly as good as paying 5 bob into the North Bank to watch a 100 ejected before even a ball was kicked. ps Sanchez would be lucky to make the Chelsea bench but here's hoping. Wonder if Bournemouth would like Ozil or will he just warm a bench at BM. So many options for a 'world cup winner'.

  39. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:43 #100046

    Jeff - exactly. AW morphed into a business manager the day we left Highbury, arguably before then. On the Board, hes the other Directors 'sentry' on guard and ensures the business model isnt disrupted by all of that pesky and annoying football business! Arsenal arent changing no matter who comes in. Its that which makes it harder for them to appoint a truly top Coach which theyre not even going to consider. Its an Eddie Howe/jabberer Henry job in waiting, im sure. This is what i mean when i say the modern day fan either accepts all this or leaves it be. Wengs leaving will NOT result in any sea change of outlook by the Club. The only unchanged facet about Arsenal from pre Emirates days is the name. Its not near the same beast. They were never deeply dislikeable apart by other Clubs jealous fans, but they are now, by many of own fans!

  40. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:33 #100045

    pedster I know all I need to know about you having read your posts on here under your various nom de plumes for donkeys years and you are no Arsenal supporter... Wenger buys the players he coaches them and decides what their wages will be . So the obvious thing is to stick to getting shut of him . You however attack supporters who want to see that done .Why is the question. Your comments on the non-existent board are just a red herring along with your ones about supporters .It is not inconceivable that things could improve with a new manager even if he has to operate under Stan's biz plan. Under Wenger . The AFC wage bill is near that of Chelsea's one but without the same quality of squad to justify it. Wenger is to blame 100% for that scenario deja vu results and the silly wages and contracts being given to players who are not worth them . End of.

  41. mbg

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:32 #100044

    Alsace, great post, they found him curled up in one of the back rooms of an old deserted run down ramshackle hut formally known as AKB central command, somebody gave him a jolt with an old set of jump leads they also found there and here he is. wenger out now.

  42. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:26 #100043

    mbg really am not surprised you're lost by that post try reading it again nothing to disagree with. Is DT another hero of yours?

  43. mbg

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:09 #100042

    Exeter, 105853 excellent post and spot on, he's fooling no one only himself. markymark, his post 105837 just says it all, is it any wonder we're in this mess. You couldn't make it up. #no new contract, wenger out.

  44. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 15:07 #100041

    Alsace - Really do not try to patronise or talk down to me, I maybe new as comments on here but have bought the gooner for years and sometimes read comments. You're not ahead of anyone and not better than anyone. Preach all you want, a few things need to change as well as Wenger. I do not need lectured by the types on here have been probably been to a lot more games and understand the game better. So you know Wenger took over in 1996 not 98, previous years were 5th and 12th he then helped us progress and challenge and better Manchester United. Unfortunately because of last ten years his career with us will be in 2 parts, his inability to address weaknesses and learn from mistakes costs him unlike Ferguson and Jose. Last few years playing style is just getting worse and predictable. He needed to have gone a few years ago for his own but importantly for the club for a change of direction, tactics and get us competing again.

  45. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:58 #100040

    The Wengo on the board, although I believe he already is on it,Ron is a poss , the bit I find hard to swallow though is that Wenger will bring a football presence to the table! With him it will always be money comes first and his baleful presence wil not help out the new man who has to clear up Wengo's mess and improve things while working within Syrupy's biz plan.This plan is very simple really sell big buy cheap and screw the customers for every cent that you can get out of them.Oh and that 40m Chumps League TV money also helps out.That bit looks like being Wengo's Waterloo if he fails to deliver it.Despite what he claims because Syrupy is not going to be happy about losing that money especially if the spuds have nicked it !

  46. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:52 #100039

    jeff wright - You know nothing about me nor do not understand what I have written as you like others who comment in here have your agenda. More than once I have stated AW should gave moved but guess you have trouble reading certain things. Remarkably considering the nonsense you write the rest of what you put about AW is right, but again with the team declining and style of play getting worse the board and people in charge should have been stronger.

  47. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:46 #100038

    I hear you Jeff. EG too. There is a strand of our support though who deep down know the reality of whats needed, but who just wont go the extra yard and declare it out of deep underlying attachment to AW. They do let their guards drop occasionally but try hard not to do so. Theyre torn basically and they survive on eternal hope only! Some fans can take years to reach the warmth of Arsene out land. I toiled with it for a couple of seasons after circa 2008. For my part, i still think not much will alter until SK gets fed up of it and decides to up sticks. Given theres nothing to suggest that SK will do that, lies the origin of my view that AW will just step upstairs. Peas in the same pods. A Directorship awaits AW i think. It ll give the Board a football presence which im sure that they know they lack and hear that particular critique of them often. Not only that but it gives them a ready made in house lightening conductor but on the Board and not downstairs. Perfect for them.

  48. Alsace

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:41 #100037

    Mr Pedster is, I believe, new to our shores on this site. He is unaware that what seems like and probably is ten years ago, a few of us wanted Mr Wenger to leave quietly and with his legacy intact. This was (then) a minority view. Sometimes a minority of one. The AKB voice was strong. Gradually, the light of sense has dawned. First on this site, then a little bit amongst the pundits, then on a few ex pro's and gradually, gradually people have come out of the closet and said, " Do you know what, he isn't that good is he? In fact he's really really awful - he ought to go"). Once someone who loves the club reaches that position mentally, then it becomes irritating that Wenger stays, then infuriating, and then one reaches a zen like state where one ought not to watch Fred Zinnemann's excellent 1960's film " Day of the Jackal". So Mr Pedster, you ought not to be surprised if the denizens of this site are metaphorically comparing the benefits of mercury tipped projectiles with Glycerine. We are all just a long way ahead of you, or should I say "further along". We want Arsenal to lose, and keep on losing, until Mr Wenger's bony fingers are prized from his sinecure. We want to see his smirk turned upside down and his P45 in his back pocket. We want all this so that AFC can have its self respect and its will and ability to win - restored. Arsene Wenger took over what was indisputably the best team in London and a power in the land in 1998. He has made it the third best team in London and no kind of power whatsoever. Respected by no one and feared by no one. Make the mental leap. We need to lose games and get rid.

  49. mbg

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:40 #100036

    KC38, very original indeed, (is that all you have left now) what time are you arriving at the one to keep him. #no new contract, wenger out.

  50. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 14:30 #100035

    Hi Ron,you are casting your pearls before swine with pedster he is no Arsenal supporter. He really wants Wenger to stay . All none AFC ones do! I don't think that Wenger will hang about once his time is done he is a control freak and anything less than total power is about as much use to him as a chocolate tea pot at a chimps tea party. Wenger is struggling with departing on a high like Sir Ferguson did whom ironically , considering their past history, silly are Arsene helped do so. Trying to leave on a high along with the money and power that he holds at AFC is what keeps Wengo hanging on regardless blaming the slings and arrows of adversity and every other thing that he can for his own failings and lack of success . I can't see any happy ending for hapless Arsene and have believed for donkeys years that it would all end in acrimony and tears for the arrogant old fool. It's a shame that loyal supporters are having to suffer due to Wenger's with his arrogant delusional behavior.

  51. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 13:51 #100034

    pedster, I am able to comprehend the broader points about what's wrong with the club. However the first piece that needs to fall is Wenger. I do not agree that 'no proper fan wants us to lose'. Results now are just about Wenger - if you are willing the team to win, you're willing him to stay. Ergo, being against protesting and willing the team to win is the same as wanting Wenger to stay. You may not like it, but that is how I and many others see it now. Only protracted, disastrous results coupled with supporters making it known they want the man gone stand any of toppling the seemingly immovable Easter Island figure that is Wenger.

  52. peter wain

    Mar 30, 2017, 13:12 #100033

    complete waste of time do not go to the game that will get K's notice

  53. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 13:07 #100032

    pedster - and if the Board want a similar arrangement with whoever new they do get in, it ll be a case of the King is dead, long live the King = no change at AFC. Carry on as before = no change other than the face. Im still not convinced Wenger will leave the Club even when he hangs his clipboard and balance sheet up as the new guy comes in. They ll for sure want some one in Wengers image to fill his shoes.

  54. jeff wright

    Mar 30, 2017, 12:41 #100031

    Wenger'winning' another top 4 trophy would only give him and his paymaster Syrupy a reason to justify Wengo signing a new contract .So surely it makes sense for those who REALLY want him out for Wengo not to win his 4th place trophy>? Tbh, I don't see you pedster8 as being someone who really wants Wengo to go despite your protestations that you do. Methinks that you protest too much about that. There is however something rather familiar about your posts and arguments that another poster once used on here who had PROBLEMS... It is simple to understand Wenger winning his 4th place trophy unfortunately also means that Wengo ,note I'm referring here to HIM and not AFC because as Exeter said this is what the rest of the season is about. The FA Cup is a bit of a quandary for many no one likes to see us lose any games or the FA Cup final that is still a special occasion Although devalued by the likes of Wenger with his top 4 trophy being more important and his happy to finish second in the league for 20 years philosophy of mediocrity . The main problem is that Wengo winning the cup could be used by him to try and justify staying. Personally I doubt that he will win it so that situation will not arise and it is a double edged sword anyway because if he talks the cup up then the impact on him will even greater when he fails to win it. So he has to be wary of that situation . All in all however given all the circumstances of embarrassing defeats - with his underachievement against top sides in particular and shocking European record any manager with a shred of honor would resign at the end of the season, if they had suffered these sort of results that Wenger has done , or their club would fire them. Both Wengo and the club lack any honor though and are just trying by any sort of smoke and mirrors chicanery to try and keep hapless Arsene in his comfy zone well paid job. No wonder supporters are protesting and the AKB are sulking and trying by any means to stop the protests - or to limit their impact. Your posts are a typical example of this pedster8 . Is 8 your age or just for how many seasons that you have supported Arsene >?

  55. Paulward

    Mar 30, 2017, 12:25 #100030

    Another "it's all about me " press conference comes and goes without a concrete decision. Can only imagine he's waiting for us to win a game of football before announcing he's staying. Could be a long wait. Wenger out.

  56. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 12:12 #100029

    Yes its Ron - very good points in your paragraph,I think most of which lost on a lot of people. Through time now and lack of expectations from the board/Kroenke Wenger has become too comfortable and in a sense untouchable, 5 of the previous managers who won the league have gone.

  57. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 11:42 #100028

    Exeter Gunner if you've read them then you just do not understand them and do not agree, there's nothing to see through. I've said for the good of the club different areas need to change. Try reading Yes its Ron's comments that can help you as well. No proper fan no matter their wants to lose. Wenger has a lot/too much control not only down to him but due to the people above him making him comfortable and not pressuring him to improve the team.

  58. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 11:34 #100027

    pedster8, you're right I don't like your comments but I have read and seen through them. The fact that some protests are 'loud' is what bothers you most of all in all this just strengthens my point. The only reason to want AFC to win games in the rest of this meaningless season is if you want Wenger to stay on. Losing weakens his position. That's all results are about now. The whole club is all about him now - he made it this way, not the protestors.

  59. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 11:26 #100026

    Exeter Gunner - I am no AKB and your immature comments prove you either have not read my comments or do not like them. Some of the protesters reasoning is right but others who are loud and aggressive are counter productive. Find it funny how you deluded people throw around the akb phrase if someone says something other than joining your abusive agenda or wanting us to lose.

  60. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 11:06 #100025

    What pedster8 is doing here is quite typical of AKBs nowadays - there is no footballing argument to keep Wenger on these days, so they agree "it's time he went" however they are against protesting as they want him to be shown 'respect' and to 'get behind the team'. All of which Wenger would of course interpret as support for him and another strong reason to carry on. Which is what these AKBs really want.

  61. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 10:39 #100024

    Sanchez will go. Its been a while since ASL sold a nugget for a large fee. He fits the bill. Hes 28. Hes at his peak. Again, sound business sense makes his sale sensible and inevitable, paving the way for AFC to now look to create another nugget from buying in a cheaper player, mould him into a better player ready to sell him on in 2-3 yrs. RVP was our last nugget sale to Utd, so dont think for one minute that Arsenal will blink at the prospect of selling to such as Chelsea (or perhaps Utd again) because they wont if the price is right.

  62. Guernsey gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 10:33 #100023

    Just read some of the presser comments - hes barking mad if he thinks Sanchez is hanging around next season. As I keep repeating the club allowing this decision / information Vacuum on Wenger is beyond embarrassing - hoping for a win to slip out the news as everyone knows there is no credible / logical argument to go on beyond this season. What a shambles we have become.

  63. Gunner Rob

    Mar 30, 2017, 10:31 #100022

    the only realistic way to get Wenger out is direct action inside and outside the stadium - make it as uncomfortable for the AKBs to attend as possible.

  64. Yes its Ron

    Mar 30, 2017, 10:15 #100021

    Lots of comments on the manner of protest on here i see, but thats due to the Club being historically impervious to any sort of fan complaint and of course because Arsenes been in situ for so long. Its never pleasant at any Club when some fans seek a Coach to be moved on anyway. The debates done for me. AW s signing for a while longer and i dont think theres much chance that we ll lose on the week end which will seal it. From a business perspective theres no sound basis to change anything, the arguments stem from the difference between the fans take about on pitch matters and the wider view on that which the Board take. We all know where their starting point is. It has to be remembered that while AW isnt a director, hes the next best thing to being one. They all sing from the same hymn sheet. Its this structure of the Club that flawed in most peoples opinion, yet AFC will just say that its gives stability, which it does no doubt. The trouble is though that it fundamentally leaves AW conflicted i.e hes caught between the two stools of being Coach and Quasi director. Some thing has to give and the Club veer to the side of financial strength and are quite prepared for on pitch matters to remain secondary in the greater scheme of things. I cant agree with that, but ive said many times that the modern Arsenal fan needs to either accept this or give up on it. For me , i gave up on it 6 yrs back and im glad i did though it was hard to steel myself to do it. I feel sorry for Arsenals committed, match going fans. Truly do. Potential fans of the future will be far more aware of things as they reach early to mid teens and will very much favour following other Clubs i think, so AFC will lose in the longer term.

  65. pedster8

    Mar 30, 2017, 9:30 #100020

    Markymark - your last sentence shows didn't take in my points 'your argument' I don't blindly support Wenger as said in a few points one being ideally for him and good of the club should have moved on a few years. Wenger blaming refs after is either stupid or deflecting from the players. The West Brom game like many showed 1) our tactics and preparation is poor 2) easy to say players not playing for him which maybe partly true but if you watch them they seem to lack intelligence, positional awareness and initiative. If you think there's only been one incident of aggressiveness and its the fault of the so called akb's then you're deluded, normal fans and people you class as akb do not go to games with the intention of negative, hoping we lose, being aggressive and wanting to fight people - that may not be you but definitely a crowd letting down some of the protesters who just go for the wrong reason. Regards the media he doesnt 'get away with it' if you see different articles about the club and him, the media and ex players of other clubs are taking turns putting the club down. Guernsey gunner - We may finish less than 4th these players AW has kept faith in are just not good enough and on top of that playing on outdated instructions and tactics. The atmosphere has been quiet and uninspiring for a while at home and certainly these players are not being helped away from home - what would you make of the 'support' at the West Brom game if you were a player?

  66. MAF

    Mar 30, 2017, 9:14 #100019

    comment from Sanchez yesterday in Chile. brilliant, so well lose Sanchez to Chelsea and we get to Keep Wenger + Ozil ! you couldnt make it up. Arsenal fans destined for alot of pain over the next 6 months: On the issue of his future Sánchez said: “I’m happy in London and I want to finish my contract. That’s what I want. I like to stay in one place, one city, where the team fights for titles.” The on-stage interviewer then joked that he could move to Chelsea. It was a light-hearted moment and Sánchez smiled along with it. He was determined to be polite and respectful towards Arsenal and not to say anything controversial.

  67. Guernsey gunner

    Mar 30, 2017, 8:05 #100017

    I think it's currently beyond "getting behind the team" and all that. The players look like they have lost faith in Wenger and whether we finish 4th or 8th this year who cares? Unlikely 4th and we can look forward to another 10-2 8th means no Europe and will reflect what next season best. The focus now is on dragging that 800lb gorilla out the room that some people pretend is not there. WEnger out now.

  68. markymark

    Mar 30, 2017, 7:15 #100016

    Pedster8 - sorry I'm a bit past caring this conversation is very late into the party and I'm not sure it holds water anyway. Wengo has tried to blame the fans when of course not blaming referees. What he's yet to answer is when around minute 7 of WestBrom the legendary Tony Pullis plan comes into great effect when no one picks up on the man charging in and it's 1-0. You've also had two players say that the team are not following instruction. That is nothing to do with fans. That's down to the players not wanting Wengo in the job. Neither of course do a sizeable portion of the crowd either. It's also an arguament bashed out on keyboards by the rabid AKB's and makes no sense. First they assume everyone in the ground supports Wengo to the hilt . Whilst the nasty fans protest outside. Then if the protest is too small it should be bigger , then when it gets bigger they're accused of being thugs (despite the only recorded attacks being AKB loons against protestors ). Meanwhile the so called solid majority at home matches are then blamed if Arsenal play crap . It's brilliant for Wenger, it's only taken 8 years for any serious discussion in the media and even now he gets away with it to a degree. Look at your argument , if the fans start deliriously backing him he will stay.

  69. CBee

    Mar 29, 2017, 23:45 #100014

    From the torygraph about Sanchez - "he declared himself happy in London but said that he wanted to play for a team that has “a winning mentality”. He has the serial loser sussed. So he will leave and we will be left with a team that reflects the manager - LOSERS! Mid table at best next year if he stays.

  70. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 23:29 #100013

    Markymark - Also the players are not playing well, playing with fear, nervousness and no confidence. The abusive and unhelpful 'fans' are not helping that situation try to bear that in mind.

  71. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 23:28 #100012

    Squeak - it's like a trained chimp clumping away at the keyboard. Are you drunk?

  72. Leek fc

    Mar 29, 2017, 23:27 #100011

    mbg. What time are you arriving for the demo ????

  73. Leek fc

    Mar 29, 2017, 23:11 #100010

    Is that the leprechaun mbg with the W of the wexit sign or maybe bonzohomos son.

  74. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 22:55 #100009

    Disagree all you want and play your part in an angry mob but protests are embarrassing and so is afcfantv who have caused so many be to so negative. Any ambitious fan wants change in the board as much as in the manager of the club as both are behind the times. Also you need to see how kroenke treats his American teams like Arsenal with no interstellar in building a strong winning team. In regards the bad results you mention and constant collapses if you were his boss wouldn't you be annoyed? Last season was a wasted opportunity as was probably the worst prem season after beating Leicester at home we were 2 points behind them yet manage to finish ten behind them! If we were on the board we'd be fuming and so should Wenger!

  75. Leek fc

    Mar 29, 2017, 22:37 #100008

    Another few louts to be seen in the area again. YAAAWWWNN. 100 max will turn out. Bell end bonzo can't attend so it will be 99. You must be soooooooooo proud.

  76. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 22:33 #100007

    Pedster8 - we don't care whether peopke are embarrassed it's way beyond that now. None of us asked for the historic embarrassments of 8-2, 6-0, 5-1,5-1,5-1 or my personal favourite 4-0 up then clinging on to draw 4-4. Neither did we ask for an old dodderer board member to pay for his own anti protest plane (what an idiot) However as the only thing holding him off signing with his gruesome smirk is appallingly bad form. Then long may that continue until he finally realises he hasn't a shred to hang onto . Then he will go, finally go. Meanwhile you can pray all you want for Board change but it ain't going to happen until either Usmanov or the Nigerian chap stump up, or something completely left field happens like our campaign against Wenger creates similar protests in the States against their mediocre teams and Kronke faced with mounting criticism across his franchise Hands power to Josh. Pushing for board change is a Sop. Every effort must be on Wenger.

  77. KC38

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:55 #100005

    MBG - what time will you be arriving at the protest march?

  78. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:55 #100004

    Markymark - yes all true, but he's very much part of the furniture and as long as making his job spec board are happy, changes need to happen in more than one area. Also not very attractive look for the club and reputation of fans that a section abuse the manager, want us to lose and organise a plane. Look at the people with banners and singing negative songs during the last away game, you think they left the house and attended with the intention of supporting the team?

  79. Pete on the beach

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:47 #100003

    New petition sign and share, to get either wenger to leave or the board to force his hand. one of the many avenues we will keep on fighting in the coming weeks. so sign this

  80. mbg

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:35 #100002

    It's great to see all the wenger out banners all over the world during the international break, and not only at football matches either, music festivals also, America, New zealand, Switzerland and Latvia's WC qualifiers, there's no fooking hiding place wenger you past it old fraud, go now. #no new contract, wenger out.

  81. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:22 #100001

    Pedster8 - the board are ancient and useless. Kronke is probably quite unpleasant lacking charisma . We all know that .... but Wengers still crap and needs to go. A good manager can still live under a poor board, however a crap manager is crap whatever.

  82. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:19 #100000

    Mad max if you've read my messages properly you'd notice I don't blindly support AW I think for his own good but importantly the club Jr should have moved on a few years ago. If you've been going since the sixties don't you've seen more than Wenger years like me don't be like mbg a sheep latching onto the abuse towards AW. It's not fans keeping him in a job it's Wenger who's been made to feel to comfortable by an unambitious board and owner.

  83. mad max

    Mar 29, 2017, 21:10 #99999

    pedster its because of fans like you that inspector clueless is still our manager, fans like mbg myself and countless others have been calling for his head for years. putting up with mediocrity and laying down to die is not the arsenal way sadly the club I,ve followed since the sixties no longer exists WENGER OUT NOW

  84. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 20:45 #99998

    Markymark so if true wouldn't you question the strength of the board and that Wenger has too much control as said as you'd know cfc can be criticised but at least their owner/board want ti win the 2 big trophies. We can now finish 5th or 6th and he'll want to stay, even if some want to stick up for him these players he's stuck with have let him down in so many games. Yes players can have an influence just look what's happened to the last 2 managers but I wouldn't say many of our players are smart bar a few players they're quite stupid and lack initiative. Cornish gooner thanks for the input I'm just a fan who trying to bring some perspective to the discussion :)


    Mar 29, 2017, 20:02 #99997

    Who is this Pedster bloke? Forgive me but he seems a bit confused - like a Leek on medication perhaps. Carry on regardless you WOBs. I am starting a PAW protest movement - pensioners against Wengo, my dogs have signed up already thinking I meant Pats against the old fake. Did anyone catch that quote from Webster's ex on ANR today? "Annie" said it wasn't the affairs that ended the relationship but that "he changed" & she became a leetl bit scared of him. What about a WAW movement to add to the ever growing list - Women against you know who?

  86. Time for change

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:55 #99995

    Couldn't make the other protests due to work. See you there. No ambition. Wenger, Kronke and Gazidis out

  87. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:55 #99994

    Pedster8 - one of many rumours is that the board expected Wenger to go and were beginning overtures on Pep who wanted to come to London. Then surprise surprise Wenger suddenly decided he's going to take us to a new higher level and signs. Same ****e different season we get the same old story. Literally the only thing stopping him is poor form. Now the players that's another story altogether, Sometimes footballers are accused of being thick. I'd say very sharp and calculating . Be seen to say the right thing in public but let him hang by collective performance. He just needs to go he's a freaking embarrassment

  88. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:32 #99992

    Disappointing the board and Wenger a couple of years ago didn't work together to get Pep in, think he would have chosen us ahead of city due to our tradition and history. Now as aw hasn't left and club haven't looked for a manager the better ones are getting taken elsewhere. With who's still out there and viable id go for Simeone done well at Madrid and would also toughen up and organise our mostly soft players

  89. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:19 #99991

    Bring silly back there as getting labels wrongly thrown at me. Agree and what you said exactly right but also answering your own debate. For the sake sake of results, atmosphere, playing style and type of players we need a new manager but as we've both said his bosses are happy with top 4 and cup wins. In regards of ambition, a 2nd voice with an opinion or to disagree with aw and transfers we badly miss Dein.

  90. RobG

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:12 #99990

    Well done Mark and all concerned. I am with you in spirit - for what that's worth.

  91. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:07 #99989

    Pedster8 - I'll ignore your grammar police to deal with one major issue. Wenger doesn't want to go. The board on the whole don't want him to go. If we kept on winning then believe me Myles Palmers 'He's signed story' would be fact and done and dusted. the protest has worked hand in hand with his dreadful run of results . The results are keeping his usual band of merry mediocrities from saying "oh he's alright really let's give em 2 more years" therefore logically anyone with any common sense wants us to lose and lose again unto the complete A hole leaves our club. The latest story is Man City may make his mind up. In that case Arsenal 0 Man City 5 please! Kronke is a dull hands off owner his son may be more proactive. Stan does not pick the team though, neither has he stopped is going for targets. No 1 reason for 13 years of mediocrity is Wenger. Remove him then see what an Allegri would do with up to date Italian football methods and 75m to spend.

  92. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 19:02 #99988

    Typing bad on last one using an old phone... meant - tactics given by a manager who has fallen behind, which is obvious to most ie attack so slowly and defensively seem to get worse with little organisation. Yes aw at fault with a lot ie tactics and players but I also worry and get frustrated by the people above him who do not seem intent in making us title contenders again.

  93. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 18:53 #99987

    Mbg and markymark just because someone else objects to the protest doesn't mean their an aw lover and mark it's you're not your. Some of the wob protesters are doing it for the right reasons but a lot like yourselves and ppl online are now just obsessed and because of the now part of the protest forget other factors hindering the club in progressing. Imho if the board were forward thinking after last FA cup win should have thought ahead for successor instead we've gone on with the same players and tactics given by a man get who's fallen behind. Each year we've become worse tactically and I say set up against especially at home and form way to top 6 is terrible. Another for you to look at compare Abramovich to Kroenke, roman wants to win and bring titles the objectives if silent Stan and the board is profits hence why little visible pressure on AW. Btw no they are not twice the fan I'll be for different doubt have gone to as many games as me but also I understand different areas where we're going wrong I don't have an obsession with abusing one person nor do I hope lose games.

  94. mbg

    Mar 29, 2017, 18:09 #99986

    Alsace, good post, that was exactly my point, (that flew right over pedster the cuckoos nest head, although I can see how it would) the fact we still protest after a result/results or when we win, especially if or when we win/keep winning it gives them no space to manoeuvre when they see it's going to make no difference whatsoever even after results, wins, we still, and will continue to want wenger out. #no new contract, we want wenger out.

  95. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 17:49 #99985

    Pedster8 - well we know your a gutless Wengo lover straight off the bat, who no doubt wants yet a further extension so the Imperious Wengo can choose when he goes, never mind the 13 years of failure eh? You haven't a clue what Rocastle would think as sadly he is not here to tell us. So you can stop that high horse moral outrage for starters. Down with Wenger, smash the Crèche and why don't you take a one way ticket when your Wengo goes. BTW just been hearing snippets from Wengo's Ex. Wasn't just the affairs (note plural) but was scared of him. A complete unpleasant control freak by the look of things. Why am I surprised. Ps: MBG and others on this site are twice the supporter you'll ever be.

  96. mbg

    Mar 29, 2017, 17:39 #99984

    pedster8, where did I associate Rocastle with some of the people on the protest ? I merely suggested the two marches come together as one after the other is over, i'm quite sure some/a lot from the Rocastle march will do/be doing just that, and Vice versa, what is there to stop them ? (you can just come to attention and fall out if you like and head away to support your messiah) Why, do you think all on the Rocastle tribute march will be AKB's ? I would very much doubt that indeed, and No I think a great player like Rocastle (and others along with him)is/are just the name to be associated with a march/protest like this as I said earlier he's probably turning in his grave at what your messiah has done to his Beloved Arsenal and the state he has left it in, in fact a huge poster/banner showing Rocky with a tear in his eye, indicating that and on his Anniversary too would go down a treat. #no new contract, wenger out.

  97. Alsace

    Mar 29, 2017, 17:24 #99983

    Please see the "knotweed" article for a link to how to financially support the protest. Well done to the Group for keeping up visible pressure on the Manager. Every little helps the position, and the mere fact that there is silence from the club means that they are desperately hoping for results to change around. They aren't going to. As the article suggests, the basic truth about Wenger is that he is a losing coach. It's just that the underlying trend of slow and steady atrophy has been well, slow and steady. But he is running out of last chances and he is running out of luck. He has put his faith in gutless talentless players, and those who have either guts or talent (or in Sanchez' case both) either get worn down or leave. Now it's time for the manager to leave. We have to ensure that he works not one day more in football - for Arsenal at least. The man who was given the best club in London and made it the third best is still clinging on, but we MUST keep smashing away at that bony grip until he lets go.

  98. pedster8

    Mar 29, 2017, 16:05 #99980

    mbg - Don't associate a great player like Rocastle with some of the people in the protest and think he would approve of these actions, also they are 2 separate marches. Also great to see the type of 'supporter' you are when you want the abuse to carry inside the ground and when winning.

  99. Roy

    Mar 29, 2017, 15:13 #99978

    Thanks Mark, and very accurately and succinctly put if I may say so. Cannot be there this time as I am off on a jolly to NYC for a long weekend as a treat for my better halfs 50th birthday. But I shall be watching, and will report back with the groundswell of opinion from Syrupy's good old US of A. Good luck. @NoNewContract #Wengerout.

  100. Guernsey gunner

    Mar 29, 2017, 13:45 #99973

    Great stuff Mark and to all those attending, I will be watching the coverage with interest from the Channel Islands. My protests are currently limited to social media but I am a believer in the sum of marginal gains- as Ghandi said first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you then you win. Keep it up and we will be rid of that lunatic. Wenger out now.

  101. Paulward

    Mar 29, 2017, 13:42 #99971

    I'm there

  102. mbg

    Mar 29, 2017, 13:34 #99970

    Nice one Mark keep them coming and inside the ground too the louder the better, especially if we're winning and more so if we win (cough) there's nothing to send the message, we want wenger out, like when we're winning, hopefully the two marches will come together as one after the Rocky one, as i'm sure he's turning in his grave also at the way wenger has destroyed his beloved Arsenal. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  103. markymark

    Mar 29, 2017, 12:53 #99969

    Keep up the good work, got birthdays and all sorts going on but will try to attend

  104. ArsenalMagna

    Mar 29, 2017, 12:44 #99968

    Delighted to see that the protests are continuing as it is our only hope of getting rid of this regime! However, I fear that the infrastructure means Wenger will stay another four years: Kroenke is the boss and has no interest in success, he just checks the finances. The board no nothing about football (remember them saying if Wenger doesn't have a plan they just keep quiet!?), and then Wenger himself has a position on the board and seems the actual active ruler of the club. Only top 4 is the measure of success, but they'll take an FA Cup win to paper over the cracks and hold that against the fans, as it were. The plan is probably that Wenger has to make the top four twice in the next four years and that's good enough for them! However, protesting is good - it looks for now at least like they planned to give him a two-year contract but will only give him a one-year one to somewhat appease fans. If quality and quantity of protests is sustained or ramped up we might actually get somewhere!