Arsenal Circular 169 - Why I remain firmly in the Wenger Stay camp

AW has the maturity, experience and appetite to come again

Arsenal Circular 169 - Why I remain firmly in the Wenger Stay camp

Dear Friends

I have not “gone missing”.

I am busy tweeting and I encourage you to follow me @arsenalcircular for up to date comments on the situation at Arsenal.

Let me say right at the start that I remain firmly in the Wenger Stay camp and by the time you have finished reading this Circular you will see my reasons for reaching this conclusion.

But some comments first. As recent results have been poor and as the Board have been slow – publicly at least – to make clear whether AW will be at the helm next season a momentum has developed that is anti-Wenger. There is justification for believing that he should not renew his contract. Only two FA Cup victories since 2005. Unsuccessful attempts to get to quarter-finals of Champions League, to challenge for the League, unresolved problems in central defence, lack of guile in midfield, a feeling that Ozil has fallen short and more.

Those who want Wenger Out are now split into two camps; the respectful and the disrespectful. The former acknowledge his contribution to AFC, his two Doubles and six FA Cup wins and the exciting play of the Invincibles. The latter mutter words about his past achievements and then engage in repugnant and vulgar insult. They pollute the atmosphere and get in the way of proper discussion and debate.

We are all on the same side. We are all Arsenal supporters. We all want to see us win trophies, beat THFC and others. We want to be at the top table. But we are divided. Failure on the field of play has led to confrontation on the terraces and in the stands and on social media. Some dedicated to Wenger’s speediest departure from AFC ratchet up the antagonism, spleen and rage. Their views create an anti-reaction and a schism turns into a rupture which puts us precariously close to confrontation. Do those who demand Wenger’s head want success or failure on the pitch? It is a fair question to ask. Winning matches strengthens Wenger’s position. Defeats damage Wenger’s position so if you want Wenger out of Arsenal do you want the team to lose or do you still want them to succeed? Many good fans who are against Wenger continuing do want the team to win every match. The not-so-good fans – not so sure.

Part of the problem with this question is that decisions are not being made. Either the Board are indecisive and have differences among themselves or the Board remains different from Boards of other soccer clubs and simply refuses to bow to pressure from some fans and the media - preferring to remain above the spat and leaving matters to developments on the pitch. But Board silence plays into the hands of those who want Wenger out – it enables comment and speculation to remain rampant.

So why am I firmly in the Wenger camp?

1. He has won and knows what is needed to win.

2. He knows about pressure and keeps his head when the results have been bad.

3. He has been loyal to Arsenal – here two matters have been insufficiently appreciated. He contributed to the construction of the stadium by staying at the Club on modest terms of remuneration and thereby giving confidence to the lenders. Second, financing for the project proved difficult as Arsenal were not granted any public subsidy by the government. The club had, therefore, to seek other ways to generate income, namely by adopting a policy of buying football players for low transfer fees and selling high – Anelka, Overmars/Petit. Wenger still won titles and Cups. Thereafter when more crown jewels needed to be sold to raise funds he still reached the top four every year. These achievements matter when he could have doubled his salary by accepting offers from other top clubs – matters. Loyalty matters. He stood by AFC.

4. The final point – Is he past it? Has football overtaken him? Have younger coaches come to the fore with new and better ideas? Many fans see the results and conclude “Yes” to each of the three questions. That is not unreasonable. I accept that although it is not my view. It is harder to defend Wenger than to support him. So why do I defend him? Simply I have confidence that he can put it right. Is this a pious hope based on sentiment? No, and for this reason – he has kept us close to the top. We have never flirted with relegation. We have never been mid-table. He has kept us in the top four for five years or twelve years or eighteen years? No 20 years. Now we have hit a rocky patch and the pressure is on Wenger. Last season was our best chance and not spending the money he had available to improve beyond Arteta, Flamini and Rosicky was an error. This year the impact of Mustafi and Xhaka has been uncertain but these are not hanging offences – not sacking offences. He has the maturity, experience and appetite to come again.

If the anti-AW are right the results will go against us. If the pro-AW are right the results will go for us. We are still in with a chance of a top four place and we are just one match away from an FA Cup Final.

Some have suggested that I should press for Wenger to move upstairs while a younger coach is recruited and the two should work in harness. That way we keep the experience and AFC commitment of Wenger and wed it to the modern coaching skills of the new young man. Not for me. There can only be one boss and that is either Wenger or his successor, not an enforced marriage. So the choice boils down to this for next season – Wenger or the New Man.

The New Man’s time will come – for me, stick with Wenger – the man has more to offer – he is Arsenal to the core – he has shown great loyalty – he is entitled to loyalty in return – he can still do it. The Club is secure. Its future is not at risk. Its finances are sound. We have always been at the top or near the top. Stay with it.

More from me after the two matches against Man City.

Follow me on Twitter@arsenalcircular.

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  1. Herd

    Apr 03, 2017, 10:52 #100182

    If you still think he knows what he is doing after the MCFC game then you are as insane as I believe the Old Fraud is. This is the worst Arsenal Team I've seen since 1975 when Alan Ball kept us in the first division. No team spirit,no organisation,no leadership,no personal responsibility are hall marks of modern Wenger teams . With Wenger at the Helm it will only get worse for very a simple reason. Nothing changes Wenger ,he cannot learn from his mistakes because he doesn't acknowledge them ! The faults of the the way we train and play are the same today as they were in 1996 only we don't have the calibre of player to dig us out of the holes his style of play throws you into.

  2. GSPM

    Apr 03, 2017, 9:58 #100180

    You're wrong. Wenger is yesterdays man. No point going on the evidence is there for all to see. Club going backwards, fractured and in a mess both on and off the field. End of. ......Wenger Out !!!

  3. mbg

    Apr 02, 2017, 19:59 #100177

    Alsace, you certainly do not pollute the Atmosphere and certainly not on here, you tell it like it is, say as you feel just like the rest of us, and that's what the perrys of this club don't like, they hate it, (and keep on doing it, I fully intend to)and it's all the fault of Perrys messiah, it's him that has drove every fan to this, and he f*****g knows it and that's what he doesn't like either. wenger out tonight and the perrys of this club with him.

  4. Kvltman

    Apr 02, 2017, 8:21 #100164

    Markymark your comment re Tony 'Goebbels' Attwood nearly made me spit my tea out! Very amusing but also sadly at the same time a reminder that there are still many people like him and Graham who inhabit the stadium and social media, backing Wenger staunchly with no logic or justification, still outnumbering those who want him out (despite related AST survey). I think the still shot of West Broms 3rd goal alone, where there are 6 Arsenal defenders bunched together like grapes and 3 West Brom players actually bumping into each other lining to score the goal is enough reason to say Wenger can no longer get the best out of this team. Goals like that are a regular occurence with this side over the last few years so how the author can claim the manager can change is astounding in the face of this kind of evidence. I would say to him Google it. It is a meme in itself I believe. In fact there are probably more memes related to Arsenal than any other club as well as the 'real' ones you could say with the 'Wenger Out' banners in far flung locations in all four corners of the world. The club has unfortunately become a living, breathing joke and still some people wish it to continue in the same direction. As jeffwright often states, you really couldn't make it up!

  5. Alsace

    Apr 02, 2017, 8:10 #100163

    I'm glad you feel that I pollute the atmosphere of supine acceptance of this appalling threat to AFC. As to stifling debate, the AMG's have debated long and hard with you. For you and those who remain like you, debate is not possible. Your love of Wenger is an act of faith. Further, Mr Wenger hides behind the veneer of sense and respectability while his actions are those of self interest and delusion. None of this however matters. Monsieur has no idea how to win the league and, I am very pleased to say, now has no idea to win a game. Let's hope we keep on losing until his position becomes untenable even with Stan. Where do you think you will be watching your football when Wenger goes? Have you lined up an estate agent to sell your house in order to follow him? Your continued support of this Charlatan suggests that you are unlikely to want to remain as an Arsenal supporter. Not with illiterate types like me polluting the match day atmosphere with our incendiary talk.

  6. Moscowgooner

    Apr 02, 2017, 5:40 #100162

    Graham - any hard evidence at all to back up the claim that he´'gave confidence to the lenders´' for stadium development? I think there were other much more significant factors at play here: TV rights, season ticket waiting lists, sponsorship deals etc. (And as an aside what came out of the process - the Emirates - was designed in almost every possible way to be a lousy stadium for the fans and for atmosphere...) As others have pointed out, the guy gets paid a vast amount in salary terms anyway basically for standing still and ensuring that Arsenal perform a little under par when compared to their relative wealth/salary bill etc. Youfr reasons for keeping Wenger seem to be about sentiment and not much else. ´He knows how to win´- correction: ten seasons or so ago, ´he knew how to win'. Interesting piece in the Observer today about how even French TV has kicked him off their pundits panel for being ´stale´. But if it takes a ´golden handshake´to get rid of the old fraud with ´'dignity' so be it: cheap at the price I think...

  7. Rippy

    Apr 02, 2017, 1:07 #100161

    This isn't a serious article is it? You can't really think the atmosphere is suddenly going to change for the better. It's going to get worse now no matter what. The truth is it's really really boring. His had 20 years time to move on. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised just what a new man can do. Don't be afraid. By the way we are the fourth best paying team . So it's no surprise we harbour fourth like a **** trophy ! It also means Wenger is bang average and doing what his paid for. No more no less . Like I said ****ing boring. So many fans stuck in 2004. You could write that article for the next 20 years if you want. It will still be a pile of sentimental crap

  8. mbg

    Apr 01, 2017, 15:45 #100155

    RRM, no, but I bet todays his Birthday. wenger out and the April fools with him.

  9. Nugssy

    Apr 01, 2017, 12:54 #100151

    Let's be clear here there's still plenty of so called fans who think this way that populate the bowl these days, the man deserves no respect he's helped to kill off the class and traditions of the club and he's helped to price out the core working class support that have spent good money following the club home and away for 30+ years! All for the benefit of his and his so called bosses bank accounts! I mean if someone damages or harms something or someone you love how do you react? It beggars belief that he has the support he does he's a sellout and a fraud as well as an overrated pass poor manager! An revoir and good riddance to you and your fan club.

  10. Brady's left peg

    Apr 01, 2017, 11:46 #100148

    Has nobody else picked up on his use of the word soccer? Hello Wiggy... stop trying to justify giving him a new contract, just sack him and save the club from any more embarrassment.

  11. jeff wright

    Apr 01, 2017, 11:09 #100147

    Wenger the 'coming man'well past it one in reality. Anyway as the actress said to the bishop ,they never come twice.

  12. CBee

    Apr 01, 2017, 10:40 #100146


  13. RRM

    Apr 01, 2017, 10:19 #100144

    If this was posted yesterday it cannot count as an April Fools joke. In which case the author, Graham Perry, needs serious help. He is mentally displaced, in stasis, embalmed in a silent fit of Wengertardation. For Gods sake someone help him. I fear the only cure is a one way ticket to Dignitas. Amen.

  14. clarky

    Apr 01, 2017, 10:03 #100143

    If that is the best justification that a staunch Wenger supporter can come up with, well, that says it all really. "He knows what is needed to win" - give me strength - have you been locked in a dungeon for the past 12 years?

  15. RobG

    Apr 01, 2017, 9:55 #100142

    Well it is good that Graham puts an alternative point of view. However two things. Firstly the 'loyalty' card is overplayed. Wenger has become a multi millionaire fifty times over, thanks to Arsenal. The way Wenger's supporters like this writer act, you'd think Wenger has paid his own wages. Arsenal have allowed him free reign for the best part of twenty years. That is not loyalty but misplaced foolishness that has in substantial part got us into this mess. Secondly, the point that he will morph and 'come again'. He won't.He really won't. Because if he could, he would have done so by now. Sticking with Wenger confirms the Club as an ersatz personality Cult, whose main mission in life is to give unlimited employment opportunities to one man. And that is just plain, utterly,suicidally wrong.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 01, 2017, 9:52 #100141

    Beyond parody. You actively want this misery to continue. Graham's an example of one those unfortunates so mesmerised by Wenger's pseudo-intellectual b*llocks they can't actually see what's in front of them. Delusional at best, with some outright lies {"on modest terms of remuneration") peppered in there as well. I pity you, Graham. A sad example of a long term supporter whose affiliation to the club has been hollowed out and replaced by Wenger - the not-too-bright person's idea of an intellectual. I hope that when he eventually goes you recover from your Wenger addiction and can go back to being an actual Arsenal supporter again.

  17. Jumpers For Goalposts

    Apr 01, 2017, 8:53 #100140

    Utter garbage as usual from Graham Perry. Totally deluded. And the worst he seems to think that we're waiting in eager anticipation for the crap he writes.

  18. markymark

    Apr 01, 2017, 8:31 #100139

    Graham just one tiny little issue about "he knows how to win statement". Currently against the top 6 his win rate is at the incredible level of 8%. 8% coincidently is about the level of support for a new contact in the AST poll. I would say to you though, if you want to feel a little better Tony 'Goebbels' Atwood has magicked this figure up to 20% in his latest article. The mans a magician!

  19. markymark

    Apr 01, 2017, 8:20 #100138

    Well Graham you just carry on supporting the Mugabe Wenger regime eh! The first paragraph is pure Private Eye "Parish Notes" I'm not sure if this isn't some kind of mildly amusing rise your enjoying at our expense (if it is it's actually very well done). The only other explanation i can conclude is complete delusional behaviour.

  20. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 01, 2017, 7:23 #100137

    Fair play to Kelly smith for her comments yesterday. Shame some of the coaching staff on the first team can’t man up and speak out….oh that’s right they are fully paid up yes men. Expect smith to be sacked at the end of the season because that’s the nasty piece of work wenger is.

  21. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 01, 2017, 7:10 #100136

    What utter bollox...why dine out in style eh when we can look forward to stale mouldy reheated wenger for 2 more miserable seasons. This has to be trolling as there is no logical stats based reason for clueless to remain....none. Wake up and support the club not that arrogant patronizing fraud masquerading as a football manager. Wenger out now.

  22. Robert Exley

    Apr 01, 2017, 1:02 #100135

    He has won before, yes. But you could have said the same about Muhammad Ali when he met Larry Holmes in 1980. There were a lot of people still pratting on about the Rumble in the Jungle and Sonny Liston and claiming that a man who couldn't touch the end of his nose with his finger anymore was still capable of putting up a challenge for the heavyweight title. And it was those who argued against his retirement that did more damage in the long run than those 'traitors' who had been urging him to retire for years. Arsene in 2017 and Ali in 1980: Float like a butterfly and now stings like one!

  23. mbg

    Apr 01, 2017, 0:43 #100133

    Online Gooner Admin, you really should have kept this post for today, note the date. wenger out now.

  24. mbg

    Apr 01, 2017, 0:22 #100132

    Nugssy, great post, and for the first one too, when we're up and running again (although it will take time to get this parasites disease off everything)with a proper manager etc, and get our pride back with some sense of tradition again and winning things, the circulars and Graham Perry's of this club won't be forgotten either, and the part they played in it's demise, and could and will find their names on protest banners too, but first things first. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  25. Siddy

    Apr 01, 2017, 0:20 #100131

    Taxi for Perry to Walton's Mountain. W***er out, NOW.

  26. Almunia is a clown

    Apr 01, 2017, 0:20 #100130

    Please get the Stalinist Wenger cult out of Arsenal Football Club. WENGER OUT! AKBS OUT! ARSENAL FC NOT ARSENE FC!

  27. mbg

    Mar 31, 2017, 23:56 #100129

    Don't flatter yourself you weren't missed, and you don't have to tell us your loyalty we've known about it since your first pointless circular on here, and like all the rest this ones just as pointless and I stopped after the first short paragraph, hopefully when he goes he takes the like of you with him. We want wenger out.

  28. !No Pasaran!

    Mar 31, 2017, 23:55 #100128

    Dear Graham Please spare me the sanctimonious guff about respect. It's an over-used word regarding football. Wenger shows the fans no respect, so shouldn't expect any in return. Your reasons stated for being in the Wenger camp: yes, he HAS won, but in the ever distant past. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest he can put out an Arsenal team that can compete, let alone win trophies. 2: pressure? Have you read/listened to his delusional tosh over the last 8 years or so? 3:he has been very well paid for his loyalty.Where else would he earn what he rakes in? No top club would employ him these days. In my view he is no longer able to prepare the team to compete against any well-organised mid-table side, let alone any of the better ones.he's had his day.

  29. Yes its Ron

    Mar 31, 2017, 23:52 #100127

    Do you not think that 8 million quid a year and no pressure to genuinely succeed encourages 'loyalty'? Do you not wonder why AW has stayed loyal in todays climate of short term Coaches? Do you not think that 12 years of humdrum tends to drain the credit he had in the 'bank' between 2005 to 2011 when the thrashings and surrenders started? Do you ever wonder whether the boards/owners at United Chelsea City or even Liverpool would absorb those thrashings and surrenders without so much as a raised eyebrow? Do you never feel embarrassed when you see out inability to defend and see out matches, an issue that been inherent in the team for at least 6 years? Can you be clearer on the basis of yr belief that a man of 67 can come again? Do you not think yr judgment on the quality of different fans is rather arrogant given that the extreme views you mention have been 12 yrs in the offing? Do you genuinely not see a stale club, bankrupt of motivation, desire and fighting spirit? If you dont see this, where are you looking? Where have you been since 2011? Do you fail to see that AFC are still creating those players so to maximize the sell on values? How is that you see AW keeping his head? Do you not recognise that hes the hub of the Clubs spin machine, thats duped many of our fans for so long but that now theyve simply seen the light? Graham, yr view is based on 2 bases 1. Fear of change and 2 sentimentality. There can be no other explanation for that post of yrs there im afraid or perhaps its a post shaped just to generate reactions?

  30. mbg

    Mar 31, 2017, 23:10 #100124

    Is TOF farting in that photo ? if he's supposed to have kicked the ball why isn't it moving, maybe it's just like everything else that's false about him. wenger out out out.

  31. NickF

    Mar 31, 2017, 22:27 #100121

    Come on, your reasons for supporting him are a joke and are best delusional. He hasn't delivered for 12 soon to be 13 years. How much more proof do you need? Signing him for another contract just means two more years of being out the title race by March. Surely you must see that?

  32. PerryG

    Mar 31, 2017, 21:40 #100120

    All Wenger has the appetite for is trousering his ridiculous wages, Graham have you asked yourself why opposition fans sing 'Arsene Wenger, we want you to stay'? None of the big boys take us seriously. Despite top 4 finishes (partly due to weaker teams below us) we haven't mustered a serious title challenge since the invincibles, we are a joke in the CL and it's down to one deluded man. And yet you want him to stay? For what? It's 'fans' like you that have contributed to this mess, we don't want to 'stay with it'. We are sick of the same crap every season and only a new manager will do, get the fraud out now his time was up years ago

  33. Ham

    Mar 31, 2017, 21:29 #100119

    taxi for Perry

  34. KC38

    Mar 31, 2017, 21:25 #100118

    Graham, brave somewhat deluded post. The evidence is so clear he has to go and it's on the pitch, poor defending, poor signings, poor football and a complete lack of reality. Where I do agree is the two camps of Wenger out I'm very much in the first one but many on here that still suck GG's you know what even though he sold his soul to the enemy ( note the current spuds manager talking about being a decent human being and never being able to manage us) GG take note! Will no doubt take aim at your opinion, then again opinions are like arseholes everyone has one but most are full of sh1t as both untold and the online Gooner prove.

  35. Bob Bayliss

    Mar 31, 2017, 21:09 #100117

    I never again want to hear "Arsene Wenger we want you to stay" again from Chelsea or Tottenham fans. Never. And if that means I have to hope City win the FA Cup semi final, so be it.

  36. Ritchie Growling

    Mar 31, 2017, 20:41 #100116

    Quite an assumption made by Graham that he has friends here worried if he'd gone missing.

  37. jjetplane

    Mar 31, 2017, 20:41 #100115

    First let me guffaw and second let me say Perry is a Spud and so is Wenger the Ostrich. Not worth replying to - get back to your parish Church Of St Slurp of Arsehole and lead your 'followers' in deep prayer foran accountant who really does not care. Neither do you but you like Atwood and a few others love the sound of your own slurping. Go ****ing team Citeh. Make it 10-2 over the two games. 'Some have suggested that I (that's me Rev/Scoutmaster Perry) should press for Mr slurp Wenger to move upstairs ... but no not me sir! I love you Arsene more than the whole widest world Mum! & & & sniff those nasty WoB s Mummmmmm! are not following me me me!'

  38. Bergkampisgod

    Mar 31, 2017, 20:15 #100113

    Can you name one player that he had to sell that didn't want to leave anyway or that he tried to pursuede to stay Cole,clichy, Nasri ,RVP, Viera,Pires, Henry, also overmars and Anelka were way before we started building the stadium. You have been sucked in by the conman who likes to rewrite history and redefine success


    Mar 31, 2017, 20:04 #100112

    Total, utter tripe I'm afraid. Unfortunately, with the NHS under such extreme pressure there is no immediate likelihood of Mr Perry receiving the help for his ongoing mental problems. Pensioners Against Webster.

  40. Gaz

    Mar 31, 2017, 19:45 #100110

    Good grief!

  41. jeff wright

    Mar 31, 2017, 19:41 #100109

    "So why am I firmly in the Wenger camp?" "1. He has won and knows what is needed to win." "2. He knows about pressure and keeps his head when the results have been bad." Really >? Well now you could have fooled me ! You couldn't make it up.

  42. Nugssy

    Mar 31, 2017, 18:50 #100108

    I'd be loyal if I was earning 9mil plus a year for winning nothing of any note! You and fans like you are part of the problem! He knows how to win he knows how to handle pressure????? Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? Listen you proberbly ridiculed fans like me for wanting this fraud gone 8 years ago and for having the foresight to see what was coming so fans like you get what you deserve, and trust me as long as that clowns in charge I wouldn't set your sights to high! The club Ive known and loved for 38 years is truly dead.