Fans Requested To Boycott Opening 13 Minutes of West Ham game tomorrow

Stay on concourse and watch game on TV screens until 7.58 if you want a new manager next season

Fans Requested To Boycott Opening 13 Minutes of West Ham game tomorrow

Scenes like this will send a clear message to the board

Arriving at Highbury for the first protest, nobody knew what to expect. We had no idea how many would turn up, or indeed if anybody would turn up. Well - within an hour, everything at Arsenal had changed. No longer were fans sitting and suffering in silence. No longer could the Club claim that the fan base is solidly behind Arsene Wenger and no longer did the thousands of disaffected supporters have nowhere to voice their long held concerns.

Two things have struck me throughout these protests. One is the level of frustration at what is happening at Arsenal. The second is that so many protesters are lifelong Gooners that have simply walked away from the Club. They have returned to protest because they feel totally alienated by the lack of effort, the excuses our manager makes, the ridiculous ticket prices, the stagnation that is engulfing England’s third most successful football club.

And that frustration and anger isn’t going away. It is increasing and so are the size of the protests. On Sunday there were estimated to be 1,000 people walking together from the mobile billboard to the new stadium. That estimate wasn’t cooked up by the protest organisers, it comes from Sam Green of The Sun. Mr Green’s article also covered the disgraceful fighting amongst Arsenal supporters and I can state categorically that all of the aggression is being thrown at us, not the other way around.

If anything, I have been really surprised at how all of the protesters have not responded to some pretty unpleasant provocation. There is no point in me ignoring it, or pretending it isn’t happening because on Sunday I witnessed, right in front of me, a middle aged pro Wenger fan pushing and grabbing several protesters before trying to grab one prominent protester by the throat – not one protester responded to his utter stupidity.

We accept fully that not all fans support what we are doing but resorting to physical attacks is madness. If Arsene Wenger’s teams didn’t keep collapsing like a wet cardboard box, accompanied by his dreadful excuses, we wouldn’t be protesting.

The Club are quite clearly content with the stadium conflicts; content with the continuing on-field humiliations; content to finish each season as also-rans, just so long as the profits keep rolling in. And awarding Wenger a new contract will confirm, once and for all, that the rarely seen, majority shareholder is concerned purely with making money.

The protest group wrote to Ivan Gazidis two weeks ago, to state (very politely) our position. That the manager and the Board still haven’t made an announcement with all that is going on speaks volumes. And that means that the protests will continue. Not just at the new stadium but in other places. Such as at the London Colney training ground this morning. Or the team hotel. Or at Wembley. Basically, we are not going away until Arsene Wenger announces that he is standing down.

The next protest will be tomorrow evening before and during the West Ham match. There will be another walk together from Highbury to the new stadium, leaving the East Stand of our beautiful old ground in Avenell Road at 7pm, marching to the Two Cannons Roundabout outside The Armoury.

And this time there will be a protest during the match, as we have already called for Arsenal fans to go into the ground but not to go to their seats until the 13th minute of the match. Supporters are asked to remain on the concourse (where you can watch the match on the screens and have a beer if you fancy) for 13 minutes, to symbolise the 13 seasons that Arsenal have failed to make a challenge for the Premier League title.

Arsene – our message to you is clear. We thank you for what you have done for our great Club but we cannot keep suffering humiliations like the 10-2 aggregate defeat to Bayern Munich. The 8-2 to Manchester United. The 6-0 to Chelsea. The regular last 16 defeats in Europe. The annual Premier League collapses.

You were great but two, or even one more year will just prolong the agony. It is time for a new direction. Time for a fresh start. Time for change.

For updates on our activity, and ways to join in, even if you cannot get to the ground, follow us on Twitter@NoNewContract. On occasion, details of our activities will be revealed late, to ensure the club do not try to arrange anything to counter them, such as the hire of the second plane at West Brom. To continue our work, we need your help in the form of donations to our JustGiving page. For us to continue hammering home the message to the club in fresh and innovative ways, more financial support will be needed, so if you want change and understand that it has to be forced through protest rather than left to an unambitious and complacent board, please chip in. Finally, sign our online petition if you wish to see something different at Arsenal next season.

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  1. RobG

    Apr 05, 2017, 14:18 #100278

    Alsace - one simple protest that was very effective at Real Madrid some years back was the white handkerchief wave at the end of a particular defeat. It signalled the end for the then Chairman, over there. This would cost little in terms of individuals expense but if it could be organised, may prove highly effective, if the timing can be got right.

  2. Alsace

    Apr 05, 2017, 14:11 #100277

    Good. Well done. Very important to get the dosh rolling. You wouldn't believe the sort of mundane cr*p and expense you have to wade through to get something like this going. Please remember everyone, if you know of people who are going to the game tonight, email them NOW and let them know not to take their seats until 8 o Clock. Leekie will be telling his many friends on the Wengerian People's Front as well as his own splinter group, the Peoples Democratic Front of Wenger (They want to build a wall apparently)to turn up early. They are not allowed to bring handkerchiefs. I'm taking mine and intend to use it.

  3. RobG

    Apr 05, 2017, 13:41 #100272

    Have just chipped in to the fighting fund. We are past the £4000 mark now. Don't stop ! As this has got to carry on through to May. Dig Deep 😎

  4. andy1886

    Apr 05, 2017, 11:09 #100262

    "Another £22,000 in the bank today" I seem to recall a phrase associated with his star signing that would be applicable here. 'Nicking a living' anyone?

  5. jeff wright

    Apr 05, 2017, 10:20 #100260

    Does anyone have a glimmer of what it is that lee kfc finds to be positive about with Wengo >?

  6. Bard

    Apr 05, 2017, 8:12 #100259

    The latest missive from the great one seems to confirm that there is a split higher up. However the dithering seems reminiscent of our transfer dealings with Wenger not able to make up his mind until the last minute. I read he is still wittering on about our mental strength. Makes you wonder which side he has been watching over the last 6 months. Onwards and downwards.

  7. markymark

    Apr 04, 2017, 21:55 #100257

    Leekmeister - we are looking very strong in the Stanley Kronke top 6 trophy shield. West Brom took a terrible hiding from our Hertfordshire rivals the Watford super hornets. I'm feeling very very confident of a top 6 finish. What's your view, fellow sports fan?

  8. Leek fc

    Apr 04, 2017, 21:35 #100256

    Joke of the day must go to max allegri from Juve. In his press conference he got the hump with the negativity at his club. Let's hope he doesn't bump into Kevin and the clan at online gooner. ha ha ha. Ooo tooo beeee aaaa.

  9. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 04, 2017, 21:00 #100255

    We should never allow one man to have so much power at our club again. If Gazidis is pushing for a management restructuring then he will go up in my estimations. Keep up the good work with the protests.

  10. UTU The Arsenal FC

    Apr 04, 2017, 20:40 #100254

    Fare play to the protesters and good luck. The Regime who run the club only care about the cash, they hold the fans in total contempt, thats been obvious for years. Kroneke and Wenger will still at Arsenal until the profits stop rolling in. A Co-ordinated boycott campaign must be set up to run along side the protests. Man U fans done it to ensure the Glaizers had to continue to invest in their team. Liverpool fans successfully got the regime change they waanted.

  11. markymark

    Apr 04, 2017, 20:11 #100253

    Leekmeister ( I like that name btw ) no one would be that bothered with Wengo's 20k a day after all it's just a modern oddity like a db6 being worth 10 x's the value of a Jensen Interceptor. As I said just one of those quirks. What offends people is being on 20k a day and being merde.


    Apr 04, 2017, 19:40 #100252

    Oh my god, will he never stop his constant daily drivel? That's Arthur Webster by the way - not that poor man's Don Quixote, Le Leekmeister. A very decent Prime Minister of old, Clem Atlee, would have had the perfect put down for Arthur "a period of silence on your part would be welcome". A shame no-one at the Corporation has the balls to say it. The man is a total disgrace & is now shaming a once great Club.

  13. mbg

    Apr 04, 2017, 18:08 #100251

    Redshirts, feel the same way myself, at the start it was nothing personal but as things went on more embarrassments, more humiliations, more lies the spin, and it's got even worse now with what's happening with him and his sickening smirk and grin, now I hate him, I can't stand him, every time I hear his pathetic voice/drone with his pathetic excuses I hate him more, go now wenger you pathetic excuse for a manager. We want wenger out.

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2017, 17:58 #100250

    Leek, your spin is poor man's Wenger. You probably take that as a compliment.

  15. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Apr 04, 2017, 17:10 #100249

    Another example of how this club has lost its soul, apparently there was not a single mention in the Man City program of Rocky Rocastle on the 16th anniversary of his death. This was once the club that wreaked of class and doing things the right way. F*** this club and what it has become, I don't recognise it anymore

  16. Leek fc

    Apr 04, 2017, 17:00 #100248

    Another £22,000 in the bank today. Yep, the great man must be suicidal. And the writer is telling fans to fund the club by attending and buying beer. Kroenke out but fund the club!!. Hypocrite and liar.

  17. markymark

    Apr 04, 2017, 16:03 #100247

    The Squeakmeister is at it again with the same old argument . It's failing Leekey boy, events are turning, the protests increasing , the players rebelling, our club powerless to control events.. Sanchez to Chelsea? Your tinpot dictator is exposed and embarrassed. Let him sign a 10 year contract, I suspect his tenure will still be the same as each collapse increases in severity and an older, frailer Wenger is unable to cope. Ever thought Squeak that your great leader could collapse with all the pressure. The good thing would be to let him retire from Arsenal with dignity and take on a new role elsewhere. He says retirement is death, perhaps he has an abiding fear of death. Perhaps death will stalk him in the form of ill health if he continues. Wenger is decaying, like our great club but unlike Wenger Arsenal can rebuild. Better for all this starts sooner rather than later.

  18. mbg

    Apr 04, 2017, 15:49 #100246

    Nice one Mark keep up the good work mate don't give in, never, as has been said on here many times (even happening on here) and widely known, when the AKB (KGB)wengerites have nothing left, and there is nothing left to defend their messiah with (not that there ever was anyway but we all know the reasons and excuses they used), they turn to Insults then Violence, Assault/Assaults, yes it's all they have left now in defence of their Lord and master (even though they know the protesters are right)and just like their messiah bringing the club down even further. We want the parasite out we want the parasite out.

  19. GTG

    Apr 04, 2017, 15:05 #100245

    @Equalizer. Agree with every word of that mate. Kronke won't be going anywhere whilst theres so much money in it. What I am hopeful of is that if Wenger can be forced out by the fantastic work of the protests is that even under the current board, the new manager can be more successful than Wenger and at least we have a fist of winning the league title. Forget the champions league that isn't happening. Despite the utter contempt I have for Kronke money is made available for the manager and the wage bill is there. The resources we currently work under are more than enough for a title challenge and that is literally the best we can hope for if change can be brought about.

  20. Yes its Ron

    Apr 04, 2017, 15:01 #100244

    equalizer - youve got it mate. On the nail. AW was happy to forego football for becoming SKs C Exec in all but name. IG is in truth a sham player in all of this. Hes there to make it look like there is a separation of powers At Board room level. They all know the score in the Boardroom and while 4th spot was there, theres not a problem. Theres discomfort now only because creating the spin to sell the idea of AW remaining is a lot harder now and calls for some extra invention. The Board have over the years 'forgotten' that AW is the nominal Coach and theyve got away with it. The fact that the fans reaction now reflects dissatisfaction with a conventional Coach has caught them ice cold. They're caught between the two stools of treating it as such and treating it as shareholder dissatisfaction with a Director. None of them know how to handle it and SK leaves them to cope and find a way. AFC is not a football Club. Its not even much of a business organisation. Its a good job its in football because running it as they do would see it fold in any other sphere of business. Its a truly dis-likeable organisation, staffed by dis likeable people and its going to get its cummupence in the medium term. Im sure other Clubs laugh at it as much as many of us do. I cant conceive of how people actually pay to go the place now. I really cant. They must be proped up by blind hope and optimism and i can respect that, albeit its borderline delusion. I sooner throw cash to the 4 winds than that set up down there. I often wonder who ll apply the coup de gras to Wenger. I think it could yet be Tottenham. Crush ASL in the derby and beat them in the FAC Final? Just got to hope Chelsea dont allow it to happen, but part of me wont mind if they allow Spurs through to do it.I dont think any amount of spin would allow AW and the Board to get past that one, but these days with the modern AFC fan, we ant know that.

  21. TonyEvans

    Apr 04, 2017, 14:23 #100243

    Referring to my previous comment I should also add to the 'perfect storm' I mentioned 'fans' like Graham Perry that continue to support the unsupportable.

  22. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Apr 04, 2017, 14:13 #100242

    Good Luck Mark and thank you for your efforts in trying to end this madness that is now bordering on insanity. Kronke & AW will want to limp through to the close season and then the pesky "Wenger out" brigade won't have a football match to go to to organize a march. The next two months will tell us everything. Mind you Mark, you are facing a tough job to convince some fans, a friend of mine and a Arsenal fan for some 20 years has a genuine belief that Sanchez is the cause of the problems and it will be OK when we get rid of him. I did ask him what colour the sky was where he is now living but even that was lost on him, we certainly have some strange and very gullible support these days!

  23. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Apr 04, 2017, 14:08 #100241

    I'm at the point where the site and sound of Wenger with his repetitive excuses, spin and continual holding back of his future plans are making me want to vomit. I can no longer stomach listening to this lying, manipulating control freak. That stupid smile on his face as he takes great delight in delaying his announcement, alienating the very people that pay his over inflated salary.To think that once upon a time I, like many others, held this man in the highest regard. For 8 million a year most of us on here who have never worked half a day in football could get Arsenal the coveted fourth place trophy that's so very f****** important only to him and the greedy owner every year. I really hope the protests grow in numbers and success, good luck to all involved. My protest was giving up my season ticket and turning my back on New Arsenal back in 2008 when I saw what the club had become. I was hoping city would stuff us on Sunday, hopefully West Ham will be the next recipient of a bottle job from Wengers little lambs. If losing every game between now and the end of season means getting shot of this fraud then I'm all for it

  24. equalizer

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:30 #100240

    @Exeter Gooner Apart from his strategic marriage, Kronkes main source of financial gain has been in real estate. That's what Arsenal is to him, nothing more than a £400- £600 million piece of prime real estate in London that literally pays for itself and some more. Kronke will give up nothing until his asset shows signs of or begins to depreciate. That will not happen until the TV money collapses and consequently the sponsorship deals are worth less too. What many are forgetting is that Kronke sees Arsenal as a business, and Wenger a successful business manager. Wenger himself sees it as a well paid job where he keeps his boss Mr Kronke happy, and his employees are well paid, unless youre a steward on less than the London living wage. If the fans don't the way the business is, like the stewards, they can F-off, there are lots more fans to take their place. Its sad but that's the way it is. Arsenal has become a monster. Remember the way the Utd fans protested against the Glaziers? Well Kronke took the Arsenal without a murmer. And we are paying for it now.

  25. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:23 #100239

    Leek, the main point about the protests is they are getting global attention in both mainstream and social media. Your constant attempts to downplay and belittle the protests betray your sheer terror that they may have some effect upon your cult leader. You have zero argument for his retention because a) there isn't one b) you wouldn't be capable of articulating it if there was and c) support of Wenger is an article of faith for you so points and evidence are irrelevant anyway.

  26. Alsace

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:07 #100238

    What on earth is Leek going to do with his time when Wenger has gone to have drinkies at Cap D'Antibes all the year round? American Civil War re enactments (weeping tears for the old confederacy)? Reversal of the 1832 Reform Act ? Protesting about Women Bishops? What fun to be on the brand spanking wrong side of history. We have had your man's nonsense for 21 years. Try and imagine the sheer joy of paying for your season ticket in the HOPE of a new season, rather than in the certainty of a repeat of the last 13. Oh of course, I know what he will be doing come the West Ham game. He will be going round the upper tier "encouraging" people to go to their seats. It will be polite encouragement, I feel absolutely sure. Only polite measured language. Such a gent.

  27. RobG

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:06 #100237

    Well done Mark. Keep it going. Someone has to try to stop the Club disappearing down a plug hole of its own making. I cannot be there. But I will chip in some money on the just giving page shortly.

  28. Yes its Ron

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:01 #100236

    Have to smile at this fighting between fans as if its only just happened. The first time is aw it was when Stoke beat us in the FAC in 2010. The nutjobs were fighting over Wenger that afternoon. Footballs never that important surely? The great Wenger stay or go debate is at least 10 yrs old already. Any match day fan will tell of that. Arsenal have trodden water, happy with their silly top 4 Cup every year over that period and the fans have by and large been happy with it. I blame our fans as much as ever its Wengers fault. I never staterd to lose faith until about 2009, so im as bad. Far too passive for too long and he and the Board have taken advantage of that passivity.

  29. TonyEvans

    Apr 04, 2017, 13:00 #100235

    Well done Mark - hope you get a good turnout / response. If I lived nearer I would be there. It really is the most crazy situation imaginable now, waiting for Wenger to make up his mind. Arsenal as a football club has died and has become a laughing stock in the process. I can hardly believe that the club I have supported for nigh on 50 years has allowed this farcical situation to develop. It really is the perfect storm: a manager that clearly has no intention of doing the right thing, who is determined to cling on to his job - for his own selfish interests and flying in the face of all logic; couple this with a clueless and weak board which are fronted by an American owner who cares not a jot about Arsenal, apart from how much richer it can make him. As others have said before on other threads this really is the lowest point I can ever remember as a fan, and reading posts from older fans that would include the 60s too.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2017, 12:47 #100234

    Rob, yes I suppose other billionaires are the only other human beings that really exist for him. They're all dead in the soul if all that matters to them is numbers, but if he's only interested in seeing his assets appreciate why doesn't he simply invest in London property. If there's no interest in glory or winning why bother with sports clubs.

  31. Leek fc

    Apr 04, 2017, 12:44 #100233

    You claim that you want it to be peaceful, you claim you do not want civil war and it's all the AKB's fault. Posting drivel is one thing. But in your own words on the forum on Sunday at 3.58pm you clearly stated that there were a "good few hundred" and asked for more effort. Why exaggerate the truth?? Cos if it's in the sun then it must be true. Shameful. Admit it. You are at sixes and sevens and not gaining any momentum. And many on here are claiming that the club are all about spin!!!!

  32. GSPM

    Apr 04, 2017, 12:41 #100232

    Wenger's words and actions the last few months shows what contempt he has for the fans & the club. If he knows what his decision is ( WBA game) why does he not come out with it for clarity, what is he waiting for ?? With clarify of him leaving we can at least move on, with him staying the uncertainty will be over and WOB/AKB can respond accordingly. At the moment Afc is in freefall , led by a man who claims to "Love" Arsenal....Really ??

  33. Gunner Rob

    Apr 04, 2017, 12:24 #100231

    Exeter Gunner - yes but Kroenke is achieving great profits from Arsenal and no doubt he sees that as enhancing his reputation amongst his fellow billionaires. Depends which way you look at it I suppose.

  34. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2017, 12:01 #100230

    Rob, you've just stated the obvious to me but my point simply was he must be dead in the soul to have no pride or desire to achieve, or concern for his reputation.


    Apr 04, 2017, 11:20 #100229

    Total admiration for what the protest movement are doing - that's true loyalty & commitment. Even in the Stares The Wigmeister is regarded as a lousy owner so it ain't going to be easy BUT if Webster goes there is little evidence that Stanley would interfere with the job of his replacement - & he could probably save a few bob too.

  36. Paulo75

    Apr 04, 2017, 10:58 #100228

    Sums it all up Mark, well written article. I'm based in Aberdeen so not a regular at matches but take my hat off to all those taking a stand.

  37. Gunner Rob

    Apr 04, 2017, 10:45 #100227

    Exeter Gunner - Kroenke does not view Arsenal in the same way as fans see it. He probably does not even know the results or who plays for us. That is his CEO'S job - Arsene Wenger. Kroenke only notices that the profits at Arsenal are ticking along nicely. He sees that Wenger is doing a good job because people are willing to pay for a season ticket for matches up to a year in advance. Why would he change things? I hate Kroenke but at least he does tell the truth - he stated last year that he was not at Arsenal to win trophies. He has been that honest and yet people still turn up! I bet he can't believe his luck! Why on earth would he want to dismiss Wenger ?

  38. Gaz

    Apr 04, 2017, 10:33 #100226

    Arsene 'spin spin spin spin' Wenger. He just never stops.

  39. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 04, 2017, 10:20 #100225

    I don't understand how Kroenke can have so little concern about something he has invested in, beyond the bottom line. He clearly has no pride or concern for his reputation - not bothered that he's viewed as a mediocre owner of sports franchises. He must be dead in his soul. As for Wenger, I see in the press conference just now he said he's 'quite pleased' that people can now see how difficult it is to get into the top 4. So now he's spinning his failure into an 'I was right' moment. He doesn't stop, does he.

  40. Bard

    Apr 04, 2017, 9:47 #100224

    Keep up the good work Mark. However I think we need to understand this dispute for what it is. Whilst we are concerned about how the club has slipped playing wise this is not how Stan will be thinking. He wont give a toss about results or fan unrest. Its the money that counts. If that is threatened then he might take action but while the club are getting takers for season tickets at £2500 a pop he wont move a muscle no matter how many times we get hammered. We have to hope Wenger sensitive soul that he is chucks it in.