Will Wenger Accept Demanded Changes?

Theories on the reason for the delay on the new contract announcement

Will Wenger Accept Demanded Changes?

In the press conference before the game against Manchester City, Arsene Wenger stated that his contract situation was “not sorted completely”. Now depending on your view, this could either mean that in fact it has been, but that the club do not wish to announce it in the current climate, or that the matter is not resolved. Wenger may be the bookies’ favourite to be in charge next season, but only the board and the manager actually seem to know the current reality.

Let’s just imagine that things are not yet resolved, and look at the potential reasons why it has not been sorted. There has been speculation of a boardroom split on this issue, and perhaps the only thing that will resolve such a divide is the club qualifying for next season’s Champions League (not taking part in the competition would mean that the argument for retaining the manager, i.e. his consistent top four finishes, is severely weakened) or the majority owner simply stating that Arsene is staying and any board member that doesn’t like it can take a running jump.

However, of more interest to me is the prospect that changes to the areas of the club where Arsene is king could be a sticking point. There is no doubt that the club policy as expressed by chairman Sir Chips Keswick at the 2014 shareholders AGM: “If Arsene does not have a plan we keep quiet. If Arsene has a plan we back it,” is not one that has served the club well compared to the structures in place at other clubs such as Bayern Munich and Chelsea. And there seems little doubt that in the post Arsene era, the club will need to up its game in this respect. So, with a view to that transition, might they believe that the smoothest form of evolution is to get the structure required in place over the next two seasons, before getting in an orthodox first team coach who focuses solely on getting results on the pitch, ignoring a lot of the other areas in which Arsene Wenger is trying to run the show.

Arsene has in the past stated that he would not work under a director of football so it would take something of an about turn for him to do this. Is he the type to swallow his pride and accept something he does not agree with? Isn’t a big part of the reason he has turned down alternative offers in the past the amount of control he has in so many areas of the club?

Ivan Gazidis has stated the club will use the disappointment of recent weeks as a catalyst for change. It has been suggested that the club will wish the manager to shake up his backroom staff as well as making changes to his scouting system (Gilles Grimandi looked at N’Golo Kante when he was at Caen and concluded he wasn’t better than Arsenal’s existing options. The following season he was a pivotal figure in the team that won the Premier League and Arsenal changed their mind about his ability).

Maybe, if the contract is indeed not sorted completely, might this be down to Wenger having the backing of the majority shareholder, but even so, needing to agree to compromises as the club need to prepare for life after his departure?

And will Arsene be willing to cede power? Dispense with figures that have been loyal to him and work with more challenging voices? This summer could be very interesting.

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  1. MAF

    Apr 11, 2017, 11:15 #100425

    so many on this site were warned over the last 2-3 years especially and so now we have arrived where many of us said we were heading to. Blind faith is never a good Thing. the crowd get the Manager and the Team they deserve. well done to the Arsenal fans for voicing their Feelings last night. if we all sit there deaf and dumb then this Club will disappear into complete mid-table medocrity fighting out 7th/8th place with Stoke West Brom Leicester every season with us all still having to pay a fortune on tickets for the priveledge. The strtucture is rotten and rotting away. the Coaching is completely non-existant today. a frail old man devoid of drive energy ideas discipline is Setting the tone in the Club week in week out and we see the results. compare our club's mood and ambience to the other top 6 or indeed to so many other Clubs. we have doom written all over our faces in every interview. a complete and utter shambles, ist left to the fans to stand up and save the club

  2. markymark

    Apr 11, 2017, 11:10 #100424

    One of the odd things about this is why individual players keep on talking in public about playing for Wenger, the importance of keeping Wenge then play absolutely crap. This team downs tools more often than the old British Leyland.

  3. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 11, 2017, 10:34 #100423

    David 1: the class of 1995 would beat this current shower no problem.

  4. David1

    Apr 11, 2017, 10:27 #100422

    As a fantasy football exercise, it would be great to see this current side line up against the class of 1995: Hillier, Hartson, Kiwomya, McBaldrick, Selly, Jensen, Morrow, Bartram, 2 blokes with serious alcohol disorders and Ian Wright et al. Ok, that's the worst possible line-up, but judged by the roll-call of crap that makes the current first XI, they had a certain earthy charm.

  5. Hi Berry

    Apr 11, 2017, 10:18 #100421

    Atwood banging on again about how changing the manager doesn't guarantee success......Duh! we know that Tone....we're just getting a bit fed up with all the success the current regime is Heaping on us ad infinitum. Great to see the 'same old Arsenal, always cheating' song replaced with 'we want you to stay, we want you to stay....'

  6. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Apr 11, 2017, 9:52 #100420

    Thanks Palace and big Sam, you may have done us a huge favour. How can the fraud stay after this latest debacle/no show/bottle job/humiliation? 'Captain' Walcott i hold a special contempt for you- 'they wanted it more than us'- you are the ultimate coward, EVERYTHING an Arsenal captain SHOULD NOT be. Can you imagine Tony Adams coming out with a line like that? Had he seen anyone in his team who 'didn't want it' he would have had them pinned to that dressing room wall. Complete and utter disgrace, the club is rotten from head to toe

  7. markymark

    Apr 11, 2017, 9:42 #100419

    Sounds like sections of the Aways were going into full insurrection mode last night, with them being very naughty and not returning Hectors ball and Wengo and Ozil getting a mouthful as they entered the team bus. Leek must be praying that his 40,000 silent choir can sing there's only one Wengo. Can't see it happening though. Post the West Ham game as I resigned to an immediate contract announcement. Now Big Sam has gone and given Arsenal supporters renewed hope. Poor old Tony Goebels Attwood must be feeling its all gone dire again, Leeks in hiding and the papers are turning the screw again. Down with Wengo!

  8. markymark

    Apr 11, 2017, 8:50 #100418

    MBG - absolutely little boy Leek obsesses about counting numbers in Anti Wengo demos and he can't even get that right. As he's yet to provide a clear argument for his position I can only presume he's a Spud WUM.

  9. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 11, 2017, 8:48 #100417

    Well, well, well gentlemen. What are we to make of that performance last night? How about this from The Ministry Of Truth: "I've managed over 1100 games for Arsenal and we're not used to losing like that" says the fraud. Yes, we are used to losing like that actually. We've been getting used to it for a good few years now.

  10. TonyEvans

    Apr 11, 2017, 8:25 #100416

    UpforGrabs - I wanted to know the score last night so after Broadchurch flicked over to BBC1 and had a look at the teletext praying we had lost! Obviously delighted by the result and hope for more of the same. I don't want the figurative foot off of Wenger's neck until he is forced out, and that is the only driving force behind my Arsenal interest. Beyond that I don't know how I will feel about Arsenal going forward. Has Wenger killed off nearly 50 years of support? I know there are other factors too that have ruined football for me, but Wenger is the main culprit and I can't wait for him to be gone from our club.

  11. Up For Grabs Now

    Apr 11, 2017, 7:56 #100415

    Following the thread of both Gaz & Tony Evans, to sort of also prove my total apathy towards Arsenal these days, I didn’t find out last night’s result until just now, when I switched on my computer. That speaks volumes for those that know me of old, as my passion for Arsenal has been killed by Wenger and the commercialisation of the game in general. It was a very pleasant surprise to see that Wenger’s team had lost yet again (Not that I expected anything else) because hopefully it’s another nail in the old fool’s coffin. As Gaz said, my only interest in Arsenal today is seeing Wenger gone, beyond that day, I don’t know whether my fire for Arsenal and the game in general will be rekindled, currently I doubt that very much.

  12. Petergooner

    Apr 11, 2017, 7:41 #100414

    MAD MAX YOU GOT IT EXACTLY RIGHT. "I long for the day when I get my arsenal back". All true fans do. When you hear Wenger say this you have no hope in this happening in the next 2 years. he said after the match:- We played with a desire to win the game tonight, with a very offensive team because we knew we had to score goals.I think it would be inconvenient to speak about me tonight, it’s more painful to lose the game like the way we lost this one. On whether the players didn’t give 100 per cent… "I wouldn’t say that, no". Again was he watching another game. Stan Kranke, Stan Kranke get out of our club we sang and it is true. Take Wenger and most of the board including CEO with you.Get Osmanov and David Dean to get us out of this mess.

  13. !No Pasaran!

    Apr 11, 2017, 0:36 #100413

    I quote 'The next level is the next level' said the dictator. Although he is fond of telling us he has managed 1000 matches, I know what Shane Warne would have said... No, King Arsenal, you have managed the same match 1000 times...

  14. mad max

    Apr 11, 2017, 0:24 #100412

    this has got to stop now, wenger has turned the club into a circus,how much more proof do the board need not to renew his contract.i personally feel the man has got some real mental health problems, any other big club would have ordered the men in white coats to take him away by now. his position is untenable, I long for the day when I get my arsenal back. sir chips and co should hang their heads in shame allowing this clown to make a laughing stock of our club

  15. Ham

    Apr 10, 2017, 23:42 #100411

    It's a real pity that some of our so-called ex-players can't show a fraction of the honesty and insight that Jamie Carragher does. He just shredded Wallflower and the rest of them in his post-match bit and doesn't give a damn whose nose he puts out of joint. Keown & Co: watch and grow a set

  16. mbg

    Apr 10, 2017, 23:36 #100410

    jw, markymark, wasn't there some loose washer on here yesterday around 16:59pm inquiring where the next demo was ? Well his messiah is making sure one isn't/wasn't needed LOL, and maybe even no more LOL. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  17. markymark

    Apr 10, 2017, 22:41 #100409

    Leek the Squeak - dreadful , dreadful , the form continues. West Ham was a blip. We need 500 words from you by the morning why Wengo deserves a new contract. Wengo must go, Squeak must go.

  18. mbg

    Apr 10, 2017, 22:21 #100408

    KC38, good post, yes none of them are fit to wear the shirt, all of them wengers players and coached by him, he's not fit to be called classed or referred to as a manager, and bould ? he took the 30 pieces of Silver and deserves all the critism he gets and a hell of a lot more. wenger out tonight.

  19. jeff wright

    Apr 10, 2017, 22:14 #100407

    lee kfc ... wenger...wally walcott captain of AFC ...keystone kos awol again when needed .. bellend bellerin as much use as a paper 5 quid note.. Glum and Glummer looking well ever disinterested and wanting OUT of Wengo la la land ... so then lee kfc how's the 4th place trophy looking now then chicken brain >? Somehow I don't think that lee kfc will be enlightening us about this. He is just another Arsene Knows Best nutter who has posted complete crap on here in support of Wenger for donkeys years. You couldn't make it up.

  20. CBee

    Apr 10, 2017, 22:02 #100406

    I'm looking at the bigger picture that the old fool keeps on about and that shows us scraping to stay out of the relegation zone next year. His position must be untenable now.

  21. KC38

    Apr 10, 2017, 22:01 #100405

    Total and utter shi! 70 million wasted on a midfield and centre back pair of clowns, no heart no desire no respect for the shirt and playing for an old past it fool. The team are crap at the back, crap in midfield and crap up front, no coaching what's so ever, as for Steve bould what is the point, in fact what is the point of the entire squad, I don't care who goes as long as that arrogant man leaves first. We concede goals for fun against anyone.

  22. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 10, 2017, 21:59 #100404

    Knock down the Emirates. Rebuild Highbury. Let's have football club again. ****ing disgrace

  23. mbg

    Apr 10, 2017, 21:56 #100403

    Where are you AKB wengerites ? what you think of that ? who's fault was that ? again, com'on lets be haven ye, wenger you useless f*****g excuse for a manager get to f**k out of this club now. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  24. Hi Berry

    Apr 10, 2017, 21:31 #100402

    Pathetic, gutless and humiliating. So glad we are dominating the middle third.

  25. BigDaveTheGooner

    Apr 10, 2017, 21:30 #100401

    Wenger's position now is untenable,same ****e different ground.

  26. StuartL

    Apr 10, 2017, 20:11 #100400

    So much at our once great club needs changing but it needs to start with the manager. Bould the mute sat next to Wenger. Primorac whatever has he done to earn his £ for 20 years ? Gerry Peyton, is he really the best goalkeeping coach we could get ? In his great book Bergkamp explains how at Ajax they go through at the end of the season and review what works and what needs change....... he could write a new book on our reform required. Wenker will not accept working underneath a Director of Football, I can only pray that is Gazidis' master stroke to get rid, although it will be spun as Arsene's choice. History, Tradition, Class - all left behind when our "custodians" left Highbury, got their mega millions and chased the £.

  27. CT Gooner

    Apr 10, 2017, 17:44 #100399

    With you MBG, but Sourhfate owes Wally nothing. Wengers busy trying to prove he's right and everyone else is wrong, as usual. I wouldn't mind if his gambles left us actually competing, but we all know they don't.

  28. mbg

    Apr 10, 2017, 13:41 #100398

    CT Gooner, as well as sticking his two weedy boney fingers up at fans he's sticking them up at Southgate and England too, he's paying wally back and rewarding him for the verbal diarrhoea he spouts he spouts about him. Go now you witch doctor and take this curse you've put on the club with you.

  29. SilverGooner

    Apr 10, 2017, 13:19 #100397

    Some excellent comments here. Should we be surprised that Walcott has now captained the side? I seem to recall that in 2008 Wenger made Almunia captain. Since then though, the club has descended into a farce with Inspector Clueless still at the helm and desperate to continue his reign of ineptitude. NO NEW CONTRACT!!

  30. TonyEvans

    Apr 10, 2017, 13:11 #100396

    I see Ramsey is the latest to say how happy he is to play for Arsene Wenger. Of course he is (as are all the other wasters on our books) because a proper manager would kick their useless arses all the way out of the door. Let's hope Fat Sam does us favour tonight.

  31. jeff wright

    Apr 10, 2017, 12:06 #100395

    Herd, it can't be a clash of personalities between Wengo and the snake oil salesman because neither of the pair of clowns possess one ! So some sort of different views on how things should be run or done is the most likely cause of the friction between them. Ivan works , as do all the rest of the gang at AFC ,including Wengo, for Syrupy so in my view , leaving Wengo out because he lives by his own rules in a parrell universe to everyone else , it occurs to me that if Ivan is rocking the boat then Syrupy must have given him his backing to do so. Of course it could all be a let's suck it and see what happens guys regarding where Wenger finishes in the Prem before we do anything rash .I go for that option. Although I don't doubt that serious concerns about Wenger winning any league titles or Euro Cups have been in the minds of Syrupy's gang for doneys years . Even this crew of dead-beats can work that out. However , Syrupy doesn't pay them or Wengo to win trophies but to make money for him and until the porno star mustachiod wig wearing cretin starts to suffer a down turn in his profits he will just keep Wengo in his overpaid comfy zone job. Wengo has his favorite players and Wally Walcott is one of them with king bottler Keystone Kos bottling out of tonight's tete a tete v Fat Sam's Eagles with some cobbled together excuse about having a sore back he is never to be seen when the going gets tough and tonight's clash is a tough pressure game for Wenger that he must win . So Wengo being the genius that he is decides to make Wally Walcott captain and he now leads the charge 4th place glory or more likely mid-table mediocrity. Every result regarding teams above him went against Wengo at the weekend and there comes a time in the affairs of managers when once this starts to happen at crucial times then it can carry on happening . Wengo really is now in a position ,even with a game or two in hand over a couple of the sides above him games in hand are not guaranteed points , that he needs others to fail for him to succeed . I wouldn't bet on him doing so though because he looks to have it all to do to to ' win ' his 4th place trophy that is in reality the Euro midweek TV cash Cow loot for Syrupy to hoard . We can only hope that failing to win it will in the final analysis prod Syrupy into getting shut of Wengo .

  32. Herd

    Apr 10, 2017, 10:30 #100394

    There is some truth in the article metinks. I think there WAS an unconditional offer on the table but that offer expired . Gazidis made some references to this and some not so subtle hints in October last year. Since then Wenger has stalled and Gazidis lets a few leaks out about getting rid of Dick Law and Boro Primark,sticking in a Technical director etc , and then takes the unprecedented step of meeting with supporters groups and talks of catalyst for change . Gazidis wants Wenger gone and is trying to turn up the heat but Judging by Wengers comments last week Wenger has called Gazidis bet. I was surprisede that GAzidis was making his move in full public view ,as he has been patient up to now, but I can see one of them leaving at the end of the season and my moneys on Wenger staying !

  33. markymark

    Apr 10, 2017, 9:49 #100393

    Jjetplane - I know what you mean regarding Leek the Squeak. Just like his fellow dogging pal Colesey we'll get pleading meet me down the pub snivel comments soon enough. No pals in real life a desperate little wretch. Now Leak, who will win the title 2017/18? When will Wengo win the title? Now answer JJetplanes question.

  34. MAF

    Apr 10, 2017, 9:01 #100392

    If i was Alexis, i'd walk to Stamford Bridge & take a pay cut just to be around a winning atmosphere instead of the rotting decaying dead man Walking that is Arsene+ Arsenal today. Ox to west ham. Theo to AFC Wimbledon which is right Level for him. what an utter joke of a Club Arsenal have become. 2nd last season, invest some Money then come 7th, alientate the fan base and implode as a club. brilliant, few if any could pull that one off

  35. CT Gooner

    Apr 10, 2017, 3:50 #100391

    Saw Theo named captain this morning, but to me that's just Arsene FC. To me Wally's not good enough for the shirt, captain??? Wenger's just having a laugh, sticking it to the fans yet again. I'm still waiting for that hilarious moment after the season tickets are sold when we find out Sanchez is going to Stamford Bridge.

  36. mbg

    Apr 09, 2017, 23:55 #100390

    Wally is just another illusion (one of many) TLSOE has created, he's been telling us (or those who listen) since he signed him wally was top top qualittee (he never was and never will be) and kept, and still does keep picking him regardless, he can't lose face now and admit he's/or was wrong (just like with others)just more proof of his arrogance and stubbornness, and how many times have we seen this with players he's signed over the years that were supposed to be top top qualittee, so to keep this illusion going with wally he makes him captain, so if he's captain he must be good, (and of course the sheep comply and believe)while all the time (as usual) he's f*****g useless. Go now wenger your not fit for purpose. wenger out.

  37. MAF

    Apr 09, 2017, 21:29 #100389

    wenger will not change, wenger will not be succesful ever again. he's completely out of synch with today's modern managers of high motivation, energy, drive, intensity + tactical awareness. Conte/ Poch/Pep/Klopp/Jose/Koermann are all far better managers by a long way. all of them would have made more of ramsey, theo, Ox. Arsenal are asleep, mediocre from top to bottom as team, management, club, board, ownership. it's all going to end in tears and well be lucky to hold onto 7th place this season

  38. TonyEvans

    Apr 09, 2017, 18:39 #100388

    Ron - that list of captains does say it all and sums up why most of us, especially of our vintage, couldn't give a toss any more, as long as Wenger is in charge and, such is his awful dismantling of so many things that Arsenal stood for, maybe after he goes too.

  39. Bard

    Apr 09, 2017, 17:39 #100387

    Some excellent posts. The club and Wenger are trying hard to present the latest fiasco as a blip, normal service will be resumed shortly. The worrying thing is that many fans actually believe this tripe. Their stupidity is mind-blowing. However over in the North Korea of Arsenal sites even the disciples are joining up the dots and realising that the Wenger years are drawing rapidly to a close. As many noted he should have resigned after the Hull FAC win. It promises to be a blooddy ending

  40. jjetplane

    Apr 09, 2017, 17:25 #100386

    Leekie the unhappy sportsfan cannot bring himself to say he is bored ****less with this regime and wish he had someone to drink with and talk about football. Other news is that Iwobi who is official Wally understudy and junior brown noser is now also the 'community champion'! Like Ozil the thumb sucking giant killer (sic) Iwobi loves his uncle because uncle ensures there is no pressure and the money verily grows on mini bonsai trees in uncle's office. Meanwhile Wally has found time to go around local schools smiling and telling everyone he is a proud father and captain of the best side ......... zzzzzzzzzz. Leekie must be a Spud as they are now printing shirts stating Wenger must stay forever! Leekie - have you got the latest St Totteringham T and what do you propose to do with it. Arsenal v Palace is now officially a second tier London Derby. How did that happen. Same way Everton are about to push Wenger back towards 7th, 8th and falling. By the time Wengo has finished Arsenal will be mid table and parts of the ground will be given over to pop up businesses in the community. Iwobi will be fronting that while Leekie hunts down disinterested WOB and begging them to be his mate. Bloody Z Cars hey! Tee hee.

  41. Yes its Ron

    Apr 09, 2017, 17:00 #100385

    James, Male,Hapgood,Mercer, Adams, Oleary,Groves, Eastham, Neill, Howe, McLintock, Vieira, Sansom ............the Wally. It says it all.

  42. Leek fc

    Apr 09, 2017, 16:59 #100384

    Where's the demo tomorrow fellas. C'mon. £4000 in the bank. Please don't let Arsene down again eh. If jj is a gooner, then I'll put a pound in the demo fund. Howzat you soccer fans.

  43. Yes its Ron

    Apr 09, 2017, 16:49 #100383

    SKG - Southgate's seen thro Walcott, as many ASL fans did years ago thankfully. Its a measure of todays game that the Wally can make a handsome living from it isnt it. I wouldnt pay him in brass tacks, though hes not alone in that squad. Hes what i call a 'fake footballer' of which the PL has many, The rule changes over the last 15 years that has distilled the game to one for fairyfooted lightweights, both in mindset and physicality has allowed many walcotts and his ilk to permeate the game.

  44. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Apr 09, 2017, 16:33 #100382

    Ron : Walcott being made captain was because Wenger can make him captain! - bit like when Caligula made a horse a senator or Tony Blair made John Prescott Deputy PM. When you have a crazed leader they do these barmy things and lets face it everyone at Emirates F.C. seems happy with Theo's journey from being an 18 year old "rookie" to becoming a 28 year old "rookie" and wearing the armband once worn by Joe Mercer, Frank McLintock and Tony Adams, it is an astonishing achievement. However this morning, as usual, Wenger went off on another mad rant, because he can, and stated that Theo could bounce back and become England's captain! Two things wrong Arsene, 1 Theo's is not in the squad and two Gareth Southgate does not work for you! My message to Arsene is simple, you can f*ck up Arsenal as much as you like because I don't care anymore but keep your nose out of the England team because I do still care about my national side.

  45. RobG

    Apr 09, 2017, 15:36 #100381

    We are Sixth! We are Sixth! We are Sixth !😝😝😝🙈👻

  46. mbg

    Apr 09, 2017, 15:29 #100380

    To Syrup head, slap head, and the rest of you d**k heads sitting up in which has become the biggest head in the Premiership the only change in any way acceptable is wenger out, absolutely nothing else will do. We want wenger out.

  47. jjetplane

    Apr 09, 2017, 13:33 #100379

    Cheers Ron Many have said and commented on the non-footballing nature of Emirates FC and once Wiggy was on board the hood winking of a transient, mildly interested fan base could really go into total motion. It's just the American/global model popping up in Holloway as a sports type feature with all the pizza culture trimmings you could want. The team is now a facet of the overall package and the so-called players who are selected on the basis of their adherence to a soft regime can be summed up with the non-football type that is Walcott. Following the German water carrier Per he is the realization of Emirates FC being now from top to bottom nothing more than a corporate fanchise conducted as though Holloway has now being transported to an American city near you. Wenger has weeded out the traditional Arsenal supporter and replaced with the new floating PL visitor/customer who ironically will do madame Tussauds and the Emirates on a match day and the transition will be seamless and unharmful to the children of the spoilt and listless weekend tourist. With this in mind I ask Leekie again. What are the plans of the 50 thou re Totteringham Day celebrations which always happen because Spuds are Spuds. Well? Emirates FC will be the third biggest club in London for the next decade. Fact.

  48. Yes its Ron

    Apr 09, 2017, 11:09 #100378

    Walcott as 'Captain' of Arsenal sums the Club up and underscores the Wenger years since the stadium move. Typifies the fragility and feeble culture at the Club. Typifies the disdain that the Club has for its fans. Typifies Wengers own lack of leadership ability and his dismissal of the need to place a leader of men on the pitch as a Coach's lieutenant and it typifies the extent to which this **** of man running Asl will go to snub and rile the fans simply because he can. To place the name 'Walcott'in the list of stalwarts and luminaries of the Club whove worn the armband is in many ways the ultimate insult to Arsenals heritage and history. As JJ rightly says, Wenger is no Arsenal man and never has been. Go today Wenger, you over paid, surly excuse for a Coach.

  49. KC38

    Apr 09, 2017, 9:17 #100377

    In total agreement with many on here. I still have my ST but find more and more tickets find their way onto ticket exchange. It's the 4th place money obsession that Kronke only cares about that kills it for me and that Wenger has jumped into bed with a Conservative non football business man. Wenger talks how he is obsessed with football and yet has no winning ambition. My only hope is that football can change very quickly the king is dead long live the king, at some point Wenger will go and we will have a different man, if and it's a big if the right decision is made the new man may deliver quickly that will see a sea change in mentality and memory, it's a hope! As for anyone still wanting Wenger after all the humiliations and thrashings it's very difficult to comprehend their thought process, I do accept he did achieve great things but that was many years ago, it's gone and it's never coming back.

  50. Ebor Gooner

    Apr 09, 2017, 1:17 #100376

    Why would next season be any different? If the manager hasn't addressed the problems/failings in the last 10 or 12 seasons, why does anyone think he will next season? Come on you AKB's. Give me one (or more if you like) reason WHY you believe next season, if the Manager stays, will be any different than the last dozen.

  51. !No Pasaran!

    Apr 08, 2017, 23:37 #100375

    Le Fraud has done what a couple of ex-wife's and countless girl-friends have consistently failed to do since 1967 when I first set eyes on Highbury and the Arsenal. He has removed the elation of victory, and the despair of defeat, destroying the last vestiges of feeling that I had for AFC. This hasn't happened overnight of course, like revolution, it's been a process rather than an event. Will the affection I had for Arsenal ever return? Not with this charlatan at the helm.

  52. mbg

    Apr 08, 2017, 21:36 #100374

    Tony Evans, indeed, sheer madness why/how anyone still wants TOF to stay, (any true Arsenal fan wouldn't) so enlighten us, convince us, any AKB, wengerite, luvvie, apologist what for ? why ? what's it going to achieve ? where is it going to get us ? someone please come on and tell us, come on we're waiting, some fools have tried with articles, bigger fools in the comments section, and failed miserably simply because it's impossible, but still the'y want him, Sad sad sad. #no new contract wenger failing miserbly,

  53. jeff wright

    Apr 08, 2017, 20:05 #100373

    Never mind Chelsea in first spot it's looking ominous for Wenger's top 4 trophy that he was on about winning again yesterday. I reckon that he expected Klopp to drop points at Stoke ,a gaff where Wengo suffers badly ,they detest him there. So now anything less than a win against Fat Sam's Irons and it's good night to Wengo's hopes of finishing 4th. Looking at the tough fixtures left to play I think that Wengo has it all to do anyway even if he beats Fatso who it must be said has tossed a spanner in the works before against Wengo . Watch the FA Cup get talked up now by our clueless Monsieur . However, failure to win it and his 4th place trophy will leave him with some explaining to do.No doubt he will give it a go though and find reasons other than his own failings to explain that it is not so bad really you know blah blah blah...

  54. RobG

    Apr 08, 2017, 19:32 #100372

    We are now 21 points behind the leaders Chelsea. Admittedly with two games in hand. But if we had ten games in hand, we still wouldn't catch them.

  55. Moscowgooner

    Apr 08, 2017, 18:33 #100371

    Roy - watched a few games at the Blind Pig myself and the atmosphere is normally superb: great place to watch Arsenal. Sad however that the scene there is now dominated by AKBs. My experience, watching Arsenal in numerous cities and countries around the world, is that the vast majority of our overseas support started following Arsenal after AW came on board so they can´t imagine or contemplate an Arsenal without him. (There is also the fact of course that they are not paying out huge amounts of cash each season for tickets - instead it´s just the price of a few beers...)

  56. jjetplane

    Apr 08, 2017, 18:08 #100370

    With my first game in 63 I have been running down the Arsenal clock ever since! Now at the point where the Spuds are looking like the best team in the land though perhaps Chelsea are. Alii the best player in the PL with Sane next. New top four now and Wenger will never get there again and yet is idiotic enough to say 'see how hard it is.' What a space waste and the main reason I hate ****ing Arsenal now! Awful when I think I grew up with the club from a kid and no one can ever tell me Wenger is an Arsenal man. He is a **** first and then an accountant. Destroyed the club and now look at Bellerin's ****ing hair. Another useless ****!

  57. TonyEvans

    Apr 08, 2017, 18:06 #100369

    Hi Roy - saw my first match in 1970 as a ten year old and never did I think it would end like this. Wenger may do the right thing and go but I really do doubt that he will.

  58. Roy

    Apr 08, 2017, 15:35 #100368

    Hi Gaz and TonyEvans, well that appears to be all 3 of us that are in exactly the same place, around the same age from what I can tell, and having suffered an almost complete disconnect with the club. It is indeed hard to believe that some so called supporters want to retain the status quo when it flies in the face of all logic. These people strike me as the sort who partners could have numerous affairs and they would just turn a blind eye to keep the peace ! It's true that you get more cynical as you get older, and I would like to think that I am not a vindictive person, however I hate the way that Wenger and Kroenke's cosy little alliance has mugged over the fans. I have recently returned from New York where I watched the City game at the Blind Pig ( AFC Supporters Club headquarters of Downtown Manhattan ). The place was packed, but there weren't many Wenger dissenters in there, as far as most of them were concerned everything was the players fault and Kroenke is an "ok" guy !! Ye Gods, this is what we are up against ! Anyway, what will the AKB's do when he finally departs and things don't immediately get better or even worse ? They'll say we were spoiled under Wenger and we told you to be careful what you wish for, when the sane among us will know that the real reason was that he went on too long. Get ready for a protracted and ugly divorce, by which time all 3 of us probably won't give a damn anymore anyway. @NoNewContract #wengerout

  59. TonyEvans

    Apr 08, 2017, 13:55 #100367

    Hi Gaz - I just cannot understand why we still have supporters that are seemingly desperate for Wenger to stay. It makes no sense at all and seriously undermines efforts to get him out. Gooner in fighting when we should all be united in wanting something better - madness! As we both have said though I am past caring and have better things to do with my time than fretting over Arsenal, trying to make sense of it all.

  60. Cyril

    Apr 08, 2017, 11:41 #100366

    You would have to be a novice not to see the mind games and psychology of it all. It's now ' the board will release a statement on his position soon'. So it's gone from 'I will tell you what I do' to this latest piece. He's staying and that is a major disappointment for me now. I was at Man City and was last there for Chelsea before. Nothing has changed in the 3 months I have been away. Terrible atmosphere. Chatting to the locals ST holders is a sight to hear and behold. It's softly spoken rage about it all. There are many loud wexiteers and believe me many quieter ones. But to be fair the same can be said the other way. It's just a mess!

  61. Moscowgooner

    Apr 08, 2017, 10:38 #100365

    We all know that Wenger is a power freak. I suspect he will tell the board where to put their changes and as a gutless craven crew, they'll simply fold. Fans, players, results - this, not the board or Kroenke, is what will get him out. Those last 4 games of the season look critical: I see only one win in there. But of course if Liverpool fall apart even that might be enough.

  62. mbg

    Apr 08, 2017, 9:52 #100364

    They can change all they fooking like, (even though it will only be for show to keep the fans happy and shut them up) the wrinkled parasite will still be picking the players instructing them, coaching them (cough) training them, giving team talks (cough) making substitutions etc, etc, so absolutely nothing will change. We want wenger out.

  63. Yes its Ron

    Apr 08, 2017, 1:30 #100363

    Course he will. If he stays they ll have to dress his job description up and polish it to be clear to him, hes still at the helm albeit a new guy will come in who wont have the stature to be much more than a hands on lackie, add a couple of extra million on and bobs yr uncle, he ll be fine. Any new Coach going there is on a hiding to nothing. The big changes wont happen at this juncture, they ll happen next time round.

  64. Almunia is a clown

    Apr 08, 2017, 0:00 #100362

    Whatever happened to All Blacks NZ rugby coach Ceri Evans? I'm assuming that Wonga froze him out of any involvement. This appointment proves that Wonga will just sideline any appointments made to bolster the club coaching & management! WENGER OUT NOW! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2016/12/10/arsenal-working-psychologist-turned-blacks-world-cup-winners/

  65. Bob Bayliss

    Apr 07, 2017, 21:40 #100360

    I agree that the leopard is unlikely to change his spots, but why should he be given any more last chances to do so? If it is accepted that we need a Director of Football, then that should not simply be a decision based around holding this individual to account for one or two more years. It should be a decision about the future governance of the club, irrespective of who is our manager. And it should be an integral part of a new broom which would include the appointment of a new manager alongside the new Director of Football.

  66. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2017, 20:28 #100359

    Hi Tony. Yeah I think we're in exactly the same place as each other! I've been to one game in two years (a league cup game) and whilst I enjoyed the trip up there with the kids I hated every single second from the moment I stepped inside the ground. I hardly wear my shirts any more, never watch the highlights and I just have no interest in anything other than talking about wanting Wenger out. I sometimes think that unbeaten season was the worst thing that happened to us as it gave Wenger an aura of greatness that never really suited him and it's effected everything that's happened since. I've always thought if we'd have won the title that season but did so losing 4/5 games we'd have won the title again since. Thats history though and we are where we are now. I think you're right about football in general and it definitely bores and annoys me in equal measures and it's certainly effected how I feel about the game in general and Arsenal in particular. As I said previously I think this summer was my last chance to redeem my passion for Arsenal which is why I went on the first protest and spent ages on twitter campaigning to get him out. In all honesty I haven't been on twitter since the West Ham win as there are so many wanker AKBs on there that I just find myself becoming more and more annoyed with them. I just don't understand how they can't see what we see and it definitely feels like a cult has been formed over there! I'm pretty certain that by the time Wenger finally leaves I'll have replaced the Club with something else in my life and I won't ever go back. One other thing. I reckon the Club now belongs to Wenger and the majority of fans are happy with that. Certainly sense that he's the master of all he prevails and the Club we once used to love won't ever be far from his control as I fully expect him to be around when the new manager/puppet *cough* 'takes over'.


    Apr 07, 2017, 19:38 #100358

    If the rumours about Gazidis are correct, an imposed restructuring of the Business by the BoD is the only realistic route to getting rid of our dictatorial Walter Mitty of a manager. For sure he would not accept a Direct of Football - anyone given real authority that is. He could throw a strop & say it's him or me & maybe, just maybe, he would not win this time? Could be a smart play by Mr G? You gotta have hope la la!!!

  68. mbg

    Apr 07, 2017, 18:00 #100357

    He couldn't change his fooking Y Fronts even if they were standing up by themselves. wenger out now.

  69. mbg

    Apr 07, 2017, 14:07 #100354

    It's hard to see this greedy tin pot dictator accepting anything, but if he did and does, it's quite another thing abiding by and adhering to them, not one bit of difference would be seen because the whole fooking thing is just spin, a sop to keep the fans happy and shut them up. wenger out now.

  70. jjetplane

    Apr 07, 2017, 13:57 #100353

    Still waiting for an answer from Leekie and Monreal as to how St Totteringhan Day plans are going. Where is everyone meeting up and will they be wearing the newish t-shirts? How many pts are the tiny totts in front now and can Wenger catch them. Also with AKBs and anyone who supports Arsehole FC best not to think the Palace game is 3 pts bagged and imagine at the end Ozil's thumb will be fixed in a more appropiate orifice. If Kante had ever come to Arsenal who would be one **** player now. Apparently it has something to do with coaching which Arsehole FC have not had since Adams hung up his boots having learned from GG. So Leekie - have you got your t-shirt yet? Apparently most clubs now have their own t-shirts saying Wenger must stay. With support like that he is sure to sign up for four years at least. Thank **** for County Fotball.

  71. GSPM

    Apr 07, 2017, 13:40 #100352

    No chance in hell of Wenger changing, he just wants to sign a new contract then revert to type. The man is a past it has been, good once upon a time, no more....When he does leave the true extent of the mess he leaves behind will be revealed, that is when a major overhaul will be needed...In Wenger We Rust.

  72. Alsace

    Apr 07, 2017, 13:05 #100351

    Dash off 500 words before lunchtime. Not quite sure that's how it works. Hold the front page!!!!!! Kevin writes his excellent articles because he is contractually bound to do so. Others pitch in when they have something to say. Mine usually refer to ways and means of defenestrating the manager. If Messrs Solo, Kuriakin or Waverley want to write something of pith and moment, I'm sure that it would be actively considered by the site.

  73. TonyEvans

    Apr 07, 2017, 12:43 #100350

    Gaz - I noticed a comment of yours on the last article and it struck a big cord with me. With many of us feeling so distanced from the club we used to know and love so much, this summer is going to be pivotal for us older fans. More of the same and, for me, I think that will be that. I'm just not enjoying it anymore - I don't get to any games now, don't even bother if an Arsenal match is live on TV and as for Match of the Day, I haven't watched it in ages! I have to ask myself what is the point and you are obviously feeling exactly the same. An old mate of mine wonders if he can rebuild what he had with Arsenal even if Wenger does go this summer, and I am thinking the same. As many of us old timers have said it's not just Wenger, but football in general now that sucks. Maybe I have just got bored and tired of all the ridiculous hype. Arsenal was always it for me, never had much interest in other clubs and certainly not England and with the way I feel about Arsenal now it is going to take something very special to get my old feelings for the club off of the floor.

  74. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 07, 2017, 12:41 #100349

    From a website that often pokes fun at "fake news" and the MSM's regular speculative output, this article really is taking the biscuit. You can just imagine Mr Lee being asked to dash off 500 words before lunchtime. "Let's just imagine", "speculation", "potential", "could be", goodness me, all the cliches present and correct. Right, the pub's open.

  75. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2017, 12:34 #100347

    One thing is for sure Wenger will never change it is not in the nature of the beat to do that. Wengo sounded a bit miffed and rather defensive the other day when asked about the snake oil salesman's threats that changes were going to take place in the summer according predictably to Wengo no changes were required so he had no idea of what Ivan was going on about. Personally I believe that Ivan was just saying what the Arsenal supporters wanted to hear to keep them quiet while hoping that results improve and that Wengo wins his infamous yawn inducing 4th place trophy.Hey wat a fab party there will be if he does lee kfc will be dancing Ozil style on his kitchen table ! The sad thing is that winning that 4th place trophy is the height of the club's and Wengo's ambitions . It makes no difference how much spin is put on denying that because the proof is in the pudding as they say and no titles won or even challenged by Wengo since 2004 is all the proof that you need . No wonder Sancho wants to join Chelsea .

  76. Perryashburtongroves

    Apr 07, 2017, 12:31 #100346

    Nothing will happen. We will hear all about changes and improvements and a few minor coaches will be sacrificed. Wanker will still be here come the start of next season and no decent players will have been signed.

  77. RobG

    Apr 07, 2017, 12:05 #100345

    I wish I could believe he would change. But he won't. Bould will be there next season like a Gargoyle as usual. Primorac will be retained. Yes men are all he wants. That and total control. The only decisive change will be a complete clear out of the current sub standard mob, starting with Wenger himself.