Monday night amongst the Palace fans

Unlike the printed issue’s dip into opposition chatrooms, an ‘In The Away End’ for real

Monday night amongst the Palace fans

The Wenger vanity project has become The Emperor’s New Clothes

Palace away was my first live Arsenal game since Palace at home on New Year’s Day. If Arsene Wenger signs on for another year or two, the only Arsenal game I suspect I’ll go to next season will be Palace away. Sitting in the upper tier of the Holmesdale Road end, above the hard-core, drum-thumping, all-singing hard core Eagles’ fans below, could not have been a bigger, starker contrast to the soul-less and now apparently toxic atmosphere at our stadium.

Whether it’s singing the refrain to Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” (Don’t worry about a thing, everything’s gonna be alright” incessantly through the second half or a mildly amusing chant of “Arsene Wenger, we want you to stay” when the third goal went in, the Palace fans didn’t let up and the upper tier was, by the end, rocking. Mind you, they are a pessimistic lot, those Palace fans. My friend, who’s watched Palace since the late 60s, was convinced they’d lose, even when Palace took the lead; no amount of my assuring him that this Arsenal team couldn’t hold a lead, let alone a one goal deficit to a team battling relegation, assuaged his fears of an Arsenal comeback. Some of the Palace fans around me almost believed they’d get a draw when the penalty went in.

Arsenal, a team with pretensions to be amongst Europe’s elite, lost to a team which themselves had recently lost 4-0 at home to Sunderland, a team unequalled in their ineptitude on and off the pitch. Apart from an Elneny shot early on, I struggle to think of a proper save which the Palace keeper had to make. It was all sideways passing, very ponderous and quite frankly boring. Actually, it was shambolic. The most fun Arsenal fans had in the second half was when the away fans kept the ball and wouldn’t give it back for a throw-in, a throw-in for Arsenal in fact. Apparently young Hector, he with the ponytail affectation, was upset by this. Man up Hector because it’ll only get worse. Play like you did on Monday night at the Lane or at home to Man Utd and you’ll be on the plane to Barcelona faster than you can say “adios” to Mustafi (you clearly didn’t say “hola” to him on Monday night).

This was, I was proudly told by my Palace supporting friend, the first time that Palace had beaten Arsenal at home since 1979. That’s another record for Wenger’s trophy-laden mantelpiece, along with his trophies for the record defeat at Old Trafford, the record aggregate defeat against Bayern, the 6-0 defeat at Chelsea, and numerous other humiliations. How many more humiliation trophies will he collect before finally gives up the ghost? Or before Ivan Gazidis grows a set of cojones and withdraws the offer of a new contract or better still shows him the door? But Gazidis won’t do that of course because Silent Stan is sitting there, with his toupee looking like the hanging judge’s black cap, looking lovingly at a spreadsheet showing his capital gains. So long as the Club Level season ticket holders renew, Stan’s happy.

I used to care about Arsenal, I really did. I have followed them over land and sea (and Leicester – yes, I once went to Filbert Street). Not anymore, not this Arsene-al; things have changed. To borrow a few words from the Poet Laureate: Arsene Wenger must be a worried man, with a worried mind, standing on the gallows, with his head in a noose. He has done great things for our football club, but whatever he is doing now, it’s not working and if he thinks he is the man to put things right, he is mistaken. Palace, Leicester and Hull recognised they had to change their managers became whatever their previous managers had done well, it wasn’t working this season; and similarly, Chelsea and Man City changed their managers because merely being in the top four (or not being in the top four for a season in Chelsea’s case) wasn’t enough. But at Arsene-al, not being in the top four could earn Wenger another £10m a year, two-year deal. Well, not in my name, nor with my money he won’t. I gave up my (shared) season ticket a couple of years ago, so now my only financial involvement with Arsenal is my red membership. But again, not for much longer, because by the time this is on the web, I will have cancelled the direct debit.

Sitting in the away end at Palace brought it home to me why I used to enjoy watching Arsenal – when there was something to get excited about, when the team was challenging for honours, or even simply defending properly, it was exciting to go, home and away. Not anymore. Maybe it will be exciting again one day, but not under Arsene Wenger.

I first went to Arsenal on September 23, 1970 when Arsenal beat Lazio in the Inter-City Fairs Cup (younger readers that is what is now the bloated Europa League). My late father, who stood on the North Bank before WW2, took me; he has a memorial stone on the North Bank Terrace. But like me, he would be saddened, if not appalled, by what Arsenal Football Club has become; slowly, corrosively, the ownership and management model has rapidly destroyed what was once so admired. It’s time for a change, but do those at the top understand that?

One other thing, which sums up the difference between Palace and Arsenal. I bought a round of drinks in the stadium before kick-off; my friend was asked top his season ticket on a Oyster-card style reader to get a few loyalty points. A small gesture I know, but compare that to the hard sell to Club Level members to renew earlier than ever before, with no loyalty discount, just a 3% increase. Mind you, that won’t be the only hard sell the club will have to do; they couldn’t sell out the allocation of tickets for the semi-final to session ticket holders! Last time we were at Wembley, Ivan Gazidis was having to defend the allocation method for Wembley tickets – now he has to get out there and sell them. Things really have changed, very quickly. The much-vaunted self-sustaining model? I once called it the self-deluding model. And that’s what the Wenger vanity project is, a self-delusional, narcissistic, hubristic, conceited, arrogant ego-trip for an emperor who is now standing there naked for all the world to see.

Just a quick note to mention that we are recording the April Gooner podcast this evening. Our panelists will be Mike Francis, David Oudot and Tim Charlesworth. If you have any topics or questions you wish the panel to debate, and get a namecheck in the process, please either…
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  1. Bard

    Apr 13, 2017, 15:30 #100523

    Paulward. completely agree mate. He talks a tough game but he cries wolf at the first sign of trouble much like the team. He hasnt got the balls to ride out the abuse he is liable to get if the team turn in more performances like CP ad more importantly another thrashing. He has lost the players so there is no coming back in my opinion.

  2. Goonhogday

    Apr 13, 2017, 13:35 #100520

    I see the pre-season ticket renewal spin is starting. There's no War chest and the Arsenal board wouldn't know how to run a football club if they sacked Wenger so we can assume nobody at board level is attempting to lure Allegri or any other dynamic manager to take over. It's tragic to say but I hope we get a few more hidings on the pitch to force a proactive decision on sacking Wenger once and for all. I couldn't stomach another two years of the current dross.

  3. Paulward

    Apr 13, 2017, 12:52 #100519

    The press make me laugh, the bottom line is they don't know what's going to happen anymore than we do. The fact is if we continue to perform like we did at Selhurst with the ensuing fan backlash that will entail, then Wenger will go. He may think he's teflon man, but he isn't used to these situations and I don't see him riding it out .

  4. Moscowgooner

    Apr 13, 2017, 12:36 #100518

    John F - I never remember the fans (certainly not the North Bank) turning on Bertie Mee. Pre social media there wasn't the same intense scrutiny on the club anyway. I was at Mee's last game (versus Ipswich at home, we lost) and he got a good send off. But there was definitely a feeling that change was needed - and certainly the unity of the Double team had long been discarded. The departure of Howe in Summer 1971 was key to that anyway. Mee was a manager - not a coach. Terry Neil arrived in July 1976 and brought in Super Mac... and we lost 0-1 at home to Bristol City!

  5. Bard

    Apr 13, 2017, 10:50 #100517

    He may want two more years but he aint going to get them. There is absolutely no evidence that he can turn this around and the tough games are still to come. Another thrashing is a very real possibility and then what ? It increasingly looks like there is a bit of a power battle going on with Wenger challenging the board to sack him, which Im sure they are loathed to do. Getting ugly.

  6. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 13, 2017, 9:26 #100516

    Meanwhile AW's personal spin doctor John Cross "The Daily Mirror; The Intelligent Tabloid" (I know, don't laugh) leading with he wants another two years. It seems, however, that most strangely, PSG and/or Real Madrid aren't putting any offers on the table this time.

  7. Mathews

    Apr 13, 2017, 9:21 #100515

    Never thought I would say this, Mourinho was right indeed, Arsene is a specialist in failure. His legacy has been tarnised, all the good works are undone. Thanks Ian for sharing your memories, it was great to hear from you.

  8. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2017, 23:16 #100514

    Mark, slippery Keith had to pull a few strokes to get the new stadium project up and running on behalf of Diamond Danny. The tax dodging Diamond Geezer was not averse to doing a bit of ducking and diving himself of course .I knew a contractor( a WHU supporter) who helped to demolish Highbury and he at one point was owed a fair amount of cash that eventually did get paid but there was a cash flow problem for awhile . I'm absolutely certain though that Wengo had no part in solving it. The man is a charlatan of the highest order - or lowest even.

  9. mbg

    Apr 12, 2017, 23:09 #100513

    Ian good article, and all your articles usually are, so no disrespect when I say i'm fed up to the fooking teeth when ever I hear this, he has done great things for our football club, and other things like, he deserves respect for all the good and great things he has done, and he has done some great things etc, etc, as far as i'm concerned he deserves none, that's all goes out the window now and has done a long time ago, it's all diminished, and anyway what did he do and has he done really ? what has he achieved/would he have achieved with out the proper foundations (or did he build/lay those too ) without Dein, without George Grahams Defence and all that he/was instilled into them and then went on to do likewise into the others that came what Arsenal was all about, if he'd arrived here with none of all those already in place or decided to do exactly what's needed now, a clear out I wonder how far he's have got, i'd safely say not very far he'd be just a distant memory now. wenger out.

  10. John F

    Apr 12, 2017, 22:50 #100512

    Sturgooner,cheers for that mate but do you know if the crowd turned on him. Bard I do hope you are right but if you look on some of the news feeds it makes depressing reading.I was hoping that they would be full of stories about replacements for him but instead it is links to new players,war chests and Overmars as Dof.I am worried that Wiggy is getting the PR department to try and butter us up before a summer announcement.Ron,John Hawley owns a posh soap shop in my local town centre.I did think he was the worst striker I have ever seen at Arsenal but then Sanogoal came along.We could have a front line of Sanogoal and Asano.

  11. Yes its Ron

    Apr 12, 2017, 22:23 #100511

    Edelman was blamed for the poor sponsorship deals they had with the Kit and off the airline. Castigated for selling the Club cheap, thats why hes airbrushed away. They did a hatchet job on him. Blamed him as well for the Clubs decision to act as the 'developer' re stadium sale and its development rather than just selling the land that Highbury sat on to a developer (they did f--k up doing that i thought) as while developing Highbury the costs of doing it soared. Edelman was accused of being naive over that wasnt he. As for the 200 mill. Cobblers i reckon. They ll only get that amount together by selling whats decent in that squad and theres not many who are! Kroenke will pull the horns in if theyre out of that top 4. Sure as night follows day. Cd well see a front line ambling about there with echoes of Hankin and Hawley come next August.

  12. markymark

    Apr 12, 2017, 22:03 #100510

    Jeff Wright - spot on , old Wengo doesn't want to mention something as objectionable as Anglo Saxon real estate dealings preferring of course to take all the credit for what is an asset bubble centred in SW1/3 and then extended through South West London, to North London and through the city fringe. Hence an area like Whitechapel a dreadful slum for 150 years described as the Abyss by Jack London is now doing very nicely thank you (for some of course). Arsenal could have done a Sheffield Wednesday and it still wouldn't have effected the asset value of Highbury by a penny. Wengo also likes to write Keith Edelman out of history as well who did the actual deals whilst Wengo talked bollox down at the crèche.

  13. Bard

    Apr 12, 2017, 21:43 #100509

    John F; he can have £400m or more it wont make any difference. He is finished. There is no coming back from this, the team have packed up and he cant get it going. The only scenario left is to watch him being humiliated over the coming 2 months.

  14. Sturgooner

    Apr 12, 2017, 20:48 #100508

    John F Bertie lost the dressing room when he signed Alan Ball and paid him double the wages the rest of the double winners were getting. Then letting Charlie and Frank go with no adequate replacements.

  15. John F

    Apr 12, 2017, 19:31 #100507

    Can anyone tell me if they remember the last few months of Bertie Mees management.Did the crowd turn on him?,did he lose the dressing room ?.I only started going to games in 77.


    Apr 12, 2017, 19:23 #100506

    Today's hot news off the Arsenal Corporation's PR machine - Mark Overmans as DoF (!!) - remind me please who was extravagantly praised for resurrecting his career with L'Arse? So that's another "yes man" to be installed. Secondly Webster to be given a £200 mill war chest ffs! Personally, in my very real world, I wouldn't trust the silly old fool to spend twenty quid sensibly. "Would you run down to a take-away & get us a meal plus a bottle of red please Arthur?" Gives me cold chills just thinking about it. Finally, if he hasn't already lost the dressing room, this sort of rumour mongering certainly will - never his fault is it?

  17. John F

    Apr 12, 2017, 18:38 #100505

    Agree with what you posted Tony.My 24yr old son and I did not renew our Red membership this season and are waiting for the announcement on his future before we will decide to go again.I also have an 9 year old who I thought I might introduce him to the club next season if we have a new chap in place but with the predictable spin coming out about Wenger having a war chest of 200 mil coming to revamp the team as reported by head Akb John cross , he may be waiting a long time.It is all so predictable.

  18. Bard

    Apr 12, 2017, 18:35 #100504

    Thanks for that Ian, really enjoyed it in a macabre sort of way. Cant say Im looking forward to the next couple of months. Wenger is a dead man walking and he will be torn apart either inside the stadium or in the media. He desperately needs someone to help him call it a day and leave with a modicum of dignity. He is fast becoming one of those Roman emperors who ends up being slaughter by the masses. Can you imagine the furore if we get completely stuffed by the Spuds. Let Bouldy take over till the end of the season at least we might have a defence. The impasse tells you all you need to know about how dysfunctional we are as a club right now.

  19. Yes its Ron

    Apr 12, 2017, 17:25 #100503

    Its pure longevity and sentiment that underpins Asenes job and its been that way for 7-8 years, longer perhaps. As Asl are now, if Wenger had been Coach for say, 4 years the Club would have no issue in disposing of him. No question. Its not personal, its just a man who s reached the end of his usefulness. His message no longer persuades fans nor players. Age does that. Secondly, if Asl were the size of Everton or perhaps, even Liverpool his record of consistently reaching the top 4 plus Cup wins here and there would withstand any amount of scrutiny and his disposal would be harsh. The reality is that the day ASNL left Highbury, Wengers bar was lifted 5 fold, the weight of expectation was ramped up akin to the Clubs incoming wealth hike and the prices they then started to charge to sustain that hike. This is the economic reality which Wenger and the Club brush under the carpet. The AKB s do too, though in fairness to them its the fear of change that deters them from looking at the situation realistically.In my view, its not a complex debate i.e the in / out debate. Its just an inevitability and the Club needs to act accordingly. None of us go on forever and all of us decline in our capacity to do our job well, the longer that we re in them, unless theres a pressing reason to ramp up our performances. Its human nature. Asl FC for a decade have given Arsene no reason to up his game and hes not looked for one. Why should he? Its the Boards job to do that, not for him to make his own workplace existence harder. Arsl have sunk under the weight of their own complacency and many of us have pointed this out for many years. Theyre a 21st Century Club with 20th Century attitudes.

  20. Graham71

    Apr 12, 2017, 16:18 #100502

    My last live Arsenal game was in 2010.I said i wouldnt ever return until Wenger goes.I refuse to pay hard earned cash to watch a team managed by a fraud.Challenge for the title?since 2004 we have only been credible challengers once in 2008.Those fans who renew their ST's every summer may as well pour petrol over £1200 and set it alight.There is fan loyalty but downright blind loyalty is just the actions of members of a cult.Follow their useless leader regardless of every failing season.Since 2004 Chelsea have won 15 trophies including 4 title soon to be 5 and a CL.How many managers have they sacked.Chelsea are a club with a win at all cost mentality we have a lose at all costs mentality.I dont think Arsenal will ever win another title in my lifetime.Finally going back to the Palace game Wally Walcott Arsenal captain FFS!!

  21. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2017, 15:15 #100500

    This delusional nonsense from Wenger that he built the club from nothing is based, judging by his own recent comments on the current price of the AFC shares ,compared to what they were when he arrived at AFC ,under it must be said a cloud of controversy from exile in Japan. He came from Grampus 8 a Jap football club that is hardly one of the world's football powerhouses and not from Real Madrid or another top European outfit. All top clubs and some not so top ones have increased in value since the late 90s so Wenger's claims are just more bullshine from him. .Most clubs however do not have shareholders and the main reason that AFC shares are high is due to the property value of the land that the stadium is standing on and not because Wenger has a trophy cabinet full of trophies that he has won in it with 77% of Wenger's trophies won in the early days of his career at AFC when were were at Highbury. In any case the man who was responsible for building the Emirates Stadium was Diamond Danny he cobbled together the loot to do so and then sold his shares along with other shareholders to Syrupy,a man that brain-dead imbecile old Etonian merchant banker Peter Hill-Wood had once claimed not to bethe sort that we want at Arsenal. Actually this was the only sensible thing that the old chain-smoking gin swiller ever said.Shame then that he never stuck to his words. Wenger had nothing to do with building the stadium other than along with others offering his advice on fixtures and fittings. Wenger's record at Arsenal since the move from Highbury is an appalling one in reality and he with his dogmatic stupidity is leading the club into mid-table mediocrity that could take years to escape from if something is not done soon to check the slide. The man when he takes ovwr will have to move on a number of Wengo favs such as Rambo Ramsey who I believe actualy is worse than Wally Walcott with his big ego that is based on nothing really. The same can be said of a number of the others that Wengo talks up and puts his faith in. The reality isthat these players are just not very good and paying them silly money wages doesn't change this. You couldn't make it up.

  22. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2017, 15:05 #100499

    Equalizer excellent stuff at yeah the pug nosed jive dancer is a real problem for Arsenal FC. Ugly little ****! Walter is really taking umbrage at the dictator calls. Gotta laugh. 'Wenger/He only had one ball/the other/ ......

  23. mbg

    Apr 12, 2017, 15:03 #100498

    jj the c**t ruins them all, he ruins everything his bony fingers touch. wenger out.

  24. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:43 #100496

    By the way just Googled Wengers comments from after that Swansea game: Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger: "We are in this job to turn things around, and I am confident we will [because of] the quality of the players and the spirit we have in the team. "It is a good moment to stick together. "I am not so much worried about [league] places, even if that is not the place you want to be, but I believe what is important is we get the quality of our game back. Then the places change." Sound familiar?? Still rolling out the same BS my complete economic blockade has been fully jutisfied and I look forward to returning one day but not before he is completely removed from any role whatsoever at the club. Wenger out now.

  25. mbg

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:42 #100494

    Yes the home palace fans never let up just like other clubs fans home and away, it's a damm pity our fans weren't like them, they could learn a hell of a lot from other teams fans, and if we had we might not be in this mess now, but I suppose we have a manager and team who learn/learns fookall it's going to rub off on the fans (not all of course) as well. We want wenger out.

  26. mad max

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:39 #100493

    we used to sing arsene wengers magic, think we should now sing arsene wengers tragic he wears a duncie,s hat and when he saw humiliation he said I,m having that

  27. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:36 #100492

    Nice article Ian which pretty much sums up fans who can well recall matches before Wengers reign, despite his delusions that he built the club. There are plenty more straight drives to the boundary coming for this side before the season is done, starting at Wembley and building to a crescendo at WHL when Spurs probably deliver the coup de gras. I've not been since a woeful 0-2 at home to Swansea in December 2012 when I had the pleasure of seeing Gibbs, Wilshere, Walnutt and an appalling Jenkinson - 5 years down the track and clueless wants to sign them all on again - utterly shambolic club from top to bottom.

  28. bergkamp10

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:18 #100491

    Great article. I feel the same way. I have or use to go for over 35+ years from the old school boys stand at Highbury through and up the various different stands.... My father & canx our S.T. a few years back. I now live in Cumbria and use to travel to all the N.E. / N.W. games to support the team. It is so sad, but I just hope Wenger feels/sees the light and does the proper thing and leaves this summer. Don't get me wrong it will not be great or pretty the first 2-3 seasons afterwards once he has gone. As the club changes. But this HAS to happen now for the good of the club & team.

  29. equalizer

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:10 #100490

    @jjetplane. If Wenger is the Furher, Attwood is Goebbels. Attwood gets paid to write blogs for private individuals and manages the operation of a number of other blogs run by Hamilton House Mailings. It's no surprise that that blog was set up when the fans started to notice that the divine Emperor Wenger had no clothes on. I'd imagine more than half the posters on that site are Attwood himself. It's what he is paid to do.

  30. mbg

    Apr 12, 2017, 14:03 #100489

    And to think we used sing Always look on the bright side of life at Man yoo (and others)fans after every defeat, what a contrast what a come down, you have a hell of a lot to answer for wenger and you'll never ever be forgiven, hopefully this is the start of your Karma with a hell of a lot more to come. Go now you Embarrassment.

  31. Cyril

    Apr 12, 2017, 13:49 #100488

    Nice memories Ian. I wonder if Wenger ever measures himself between the beatle mania type love in he had 12 years ago to the fans opinions these days. You have got to go some to drop in stock that far and not care. I doubt it, as if he did he would resign his position. It's a real worry to have him running the club. He talks in the third person like it's some other person responsible. He acts like he is an observer in the passenger seat watching a learner driver and commenting on it. I have visions of the defrocking of the Saddam Hussein statue if this continues. Come on Mr Wenger, some introspection please.

  32. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2017, 13:21 #100487

    Walter the Belgium Bozo on Untold is most upset people are calling his leader a dictator. He gets one reply and it's from Atwood the Slurp. So Arsene Adolf Amin Assad Wenger-Pol it is.

  33. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2017, 13:11 #100486

    Awaydays are fun and I remember a cracker at Midboro when I thought we might scrape it and got a 6-2 instead. Stand outs that day were Kanu, Dixon, Anelka, Overmars. We got chased by their fans after and chased by Leeds fans on the way up. Remember being in a Palace pub after we had beaten them and thinking time to leave. Fast forward and look at it now. Total role reversal. Hear Bellerin of the saddo hair do got short change from the aways after. ****ing good! How quickly a player under Wenger turns into ****. Iwobi going that way too or is it already over for him? **** of a club.

  34. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 12, 2017, 12:40 #100485

    AW has turned many of us - me included - into the worst kind of football fans, the ones who don't care anymore. I'm hoping he's only holding on to see what the Semi Final brings. What has this come to, wanting your own club to lose so it will win in the long term.

  35. TonyEvans

    Apr 12, 2017, 12:32 #100484

    Ian - enjoyed your article. You are the same vintage as me by the sound of it - that 70/71 season bound me to Arsenal for life and they have been a big part of my life ever since. Not anymore though and not at all, I have already decided, if Wenger signs on again. The situation now with Wenger and the board seemingly happy to let this ridiculous, will he won't he, situation continue ad nauseam is the most disgraceful exhibition of arrogance, incompetence and complete contempt for supporters that I have ever seen from a football club. A football club that I have been devoted to for most of my life. Shame on all of them connected with this farce, especially the biggest culprit of all, Arsene Wenger.