Write to Arsène

Want a new manager but do not want to protest? Here’s how you can have your influence…

Write to Arsène

What is happening around the club right now is something nobody that loves Arsenal is enjoying. Looking at the many polls conducted, it seems there is no question that the majority of supporters wish for change at the club. That needs to start with a change in the dugout, as the performances in this calendar year have confirmed that Arsene no longer has what it takes to get the team past the last 16 in the Champions League nor mount a season-long title challenge. This season, on current form and with a far from easy run-in, even the taken for granted top four place is in doubt. What worries most is the apparent lack of desire on the pitch, as the players no longer seem to be responding to the challenge in front of them. An FA Cup semi-final slot has been secured thanks to facing two non-league teams in the previous two rounds. The club had to go down to red members to sell out their Wembley semi-final ticket allocation of 32,000 tickets.

Many supporters that want change are uncomfortable with demonstrations and chanting against Arsene Wenger. They consider it disrespectful. For people who actually wish to influence the manager’s decision over whether or not he himself wishes to continue, a proposal. The Gooner is inviting you to write a personal letter to Arsene, expressing your appreciation for the good times he has given you over the years, but explaining why you, as a supporter, would prefer it if he stepped down. You can put your own name and address on it if you think he might personally reply. We will ensure that he has the opportunity to read your letters, as they will not go through a club employee that filters such things. We have a way of getting them to him directly (although what we cannot rule out he will pass them on, once read, to someone at the club to send out a standard pat reply).

Letters can either be emailed to us [email protected] (put ‘Letter for Arsene’ in the subject line) or sent by post to The Gooner, BCM Box 7499, London WC1N 3XX. The content will be read before it reaches Arsene, as we will only deliver respectful letters that do not contain any abuse. Please post or email any letters to us by the end of Tuesday next week (18th April) and we will ensure they reach Arsene. We cannot rule out he may only read the first few lines of your letter, but he will certainly see it. We would be inclined to advise you to keep the content on one page and limit it to around a maximum of 700 words rather than write lengthy essays, as that will lessen the chances of him reading the whole thing.

So, an opportunity for those that want change, but are a bit too polite to make a noise about it, to try and influence matters in a respectful manner.

We appreciate there are also a good number of people that realize the importance of the need for change remaining on the media agenda. In this light, the #NoNewContract / #Wenger Out protest group that organized such things as the plane at West Brom, the mobile billboard at the Man City home match and the reception committee at the pre-West Ham game training ground press conference have launched a fresh JustGiving appeal. Funds are needed for them to continue with a variety of planned activities, although after the club organized friends of the chairman’s family in Hong Kong to counter the West Brom plane, the element of surprise is their key tactic going forward.

So if you wish for the pressure they are exerting through the media coverage of their activities to continue, please chip in. Significantly, an anonymous benefactor has offered to match whatever the new page can raise as the group attempt to raise an extra £2,500. So any contribution you make is actually worth double.

The original Justgiving page was closed once it had reached its target of £4,000 because funds are only released once the appeal page is closed and the group had outstanding bills to pay for stuff already done and orders made in advance for future activities. So a new one has been set up. You can get news of their latest plans on their Twitter account @NoNewContract, which also includes ways you can get involved.

So there you have it. Whether you think change can be achieved respectfully or that protest is needed, you have your opportunity to do your bit.

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  1. Time for change

    Apr 15, 2017, 21:10 #100556

    Good idea but can't see Wenger even reading the first few lines. He's that arrogant.

  2. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2017, 14:42 #100552

    Leek are you looking forward to St Totteringham Day and have you got the new shirt? Do you think Monday will be an easy 3 pts? Do you think your Uncle can outwit Everton? Do you think you are the protest and not the WOBs? Get to it lad!

  3. markymark

    Apr 15, 2017, 10:08 #100548

    Brilliant Leek - indignant letters to teacher, I wonder whether you did actually string some coherent message together. All the while you still let your troll like unpleasantness shine through. BTW what have you actually got to add apart from the Gooner is failing, WOBs failing and your Messiah is omnipotent

  4. Leek fc

    Apr 14, 2017, 21:39 #100547

    There you have it Kevin. Post 106373. In reference to e-mail 10/4/2017 which you sent to me. Say no more. And then you wonder why people are not turning up for the demos. A bell end will always be a bell end. Question why the Arsenal fans are at loggerheads. There you have it. Please reply.

  5. jjetplane

    Apr 14, 2017, 20:56 #100546

    Dear Mista Wenger Arsene Prof Le Boss who changed football Please puleeese Sir God stay forever and reinevent your self on Easter Monday Yours in Wonderment Walter & Tony The Slurp bros ......

  6. markymark

    Apr 14, 2017, 20:51 #100545

    Dear Mr Wengie, Please ignore all 600 letters you have received from evil Wobbies particularly that nasty Bonzo and that horrible Marky Mark. They write nasty letters unlike your devoted servant Leek who is the bestest supporter ever. I hope you live to a 120 and then when you die we can embalm you with your bony finger pointing at a sign saying Mental Spirit. This is all the players will need for the next 500 years. Your humble and faithful servant. Humphrey Leek

  7. Bard

    Apr 14, 2017, 15:33 #100542

    Bigdave I agree mate but it will make me feel better. I dont see how him staying is a sustainable option given the current climate. Anyway He will be getting my thoughtful letter !!!

  8. jjetplane

    Apr 14, 2017, 15:21 #100541

    Dear Ostrich Dictator Smirky old ****! Go back to Japan and exert your Zen-like BS on them. Thank you. ps. Cockhead! Needs a bit of work and the appreciation is there ....

  9. mbg

    Apr 14, 2017, 14:20 #100539

    I see Sir Chips is in the news apparently the palace chairman is/was incensed because chips got up and walked out of the ground after the second goal (well done Sir)apparently this just should not be done by a visiting chairman, he goes on about how disappointed with Arsenal he was, with this reputation we're supposed to have, cough, so chips is as pissed off and incensed as the rest of us ? The article goes on to say it will be Sir Chips who will have the job of informing TOF he's no longer wanted and handing him his P45 so we can read what we like of his walk out, but like I mentioned lets hope he's as incensed as the rest of us. #no new contract. wenger out.

  10. mbg

    Apr 14, 2017, 13:50 #100538

    I can't believe these fans (AKB's who have eventually seen the light no doubt, but still have a soft spot for their beloved former messiah)who want him gone but have to much respect for him to protest against him, and/or don't want to protest, how the hell do you expect to get rid of him then ? just wait for TOF to go of his own accord ? well that won't happen, if we don't protest or there's no protest he won't go it's as simple as that, he'll think everything's ok and rosy in the garden and everyone's still behind him and carry on regardless. You can't have it both ways, wake up, either you want change or you don't. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  11. BigDaveTheGooner

    Apr 14, 2017, 13:23 #100537

    As much as I admire your tenacity and perciveirance regarding getting rid of Wenger, I don't think it will much difference if any. The man is so stubborn and arrogant he will take no notice whatsoever. However I wish you luck and hope it works

  12. RobG

    Apr 14, 2017, 12:42 #100536

    Good stuff. I will chip in some more for the just giving appeal good to know that matching funds have been promised.👍😎