Arsenal Opinion Is Like A Swinging Pendulum

A win means the club is back on track, a defeat proof of further decline

Arsenal Opinion Is Like A Swinging Pendulum

The Wenger saga continues with each game seemingly acting as a swinging pendulum. It appeared that West Ham swung the direction in favour of continuance with numerous papers quoting confidently that the two year deal was already done. Those who despair of Wenger are being told to suck it up, often in a crowing cocky manner, as if the argument had been lost and the old order was in place.

I decided to do something so I attempted to join a further action and attended the West Ham match, but a planned march did not happen for the first time in four home matches due to partly a lack of publicity / awareness and maybe a general apathy. Who knows how many of the 12,000 season ticket holders that boycotted the game entirely would have joined it? The pendulum swinging ever further back? I walked up to the ticket booth and ignored the sold out signs. I wondered if this sums up the present star of the club? Half truths and lies served up? Of course tickets were available and so I ended my self imposed anti Wenger exile. This was also the first match I've attended since my father’s death - he'd attended from boyhood from the 1940's. A feeling of greater things at work filled me. The urge to shout and bellow subsided but the need to watch and determine what the hell was going on was very strong. I thought about the near 100 years of support from my Grandfather to present day and decided I was not going to let this incumbent manager stop it in its tracks.

I was downbeat but also inquisitive. What I then determined from the match was that your average Arsenal supporter in attendance is dealing with the chaos like a nation that has gone through a major trauma. "Don't mention the disastrous war campaign, don't mention what side you were on, best keep your thoughts to yourself. Raising a voice might create a nasty and potentially violent scene". Some groups occasionally sang Paddy Vieira songs like a long lost homage but there was also complete silence when the West Ham supporters sang “Let's all do the Arsene Wenger” to the Hokey Cokey tune. The silence in reply was simply stunning. Wenger is our publicly painful embarrassment played out to the delights of rival fans.

I also realised that Arsenal and West Ham were mirror images of each other both severely lacking in grit, both sides will lose if they go one- nil down, and ultimately West Ham were undone by a goalkeeping error. West Ham simply went to sleep in the second half and our "miracle recovery" then took place.

So onto Palace and the dreadful blight returns, the papers turn volte face with stories of how some Arsenal committee will remove Wenger. A strange mix of swinging from apathy and inaction or political chicanery. Take your pick as again the pendulum swings back the other way.

I wondered as I left the West Ham match with a feeling that things were not done yet. The spontaneous eruption of away supporters at Palace suggests that a similar off the cuff event at a home match might cause a further tilt towards change. I would be pretty sure though that it will probably stem from a bad loss rather than an orchestrated event.

Expert tipster websites such as can only give you the most likely scenarios, but in reality, it feels that chance is controlling events. Who knows which way the pendulum swings next?

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  1. Moscowgooner

    Apr 16, 2017, 13:32 #100565

    Reading 'The Long Sleep' about Arsenal 1953 to 1970, a real sense of similarities with the end of the Billy Wright era. The board finally bundled him out in reaction to sustained fan protests after giving him numerous 'votes of confidence' during the 65/66 season. OK Wright was no Wenger but still a sporting icon in his own way. Gives me a small hope that the board will take heed of continuing protests and remove AW over the Sumner....

  2. Rippy

    Apr 15, 2017, 21:51 #100558

    Well well mr kroenke is being sued for 1 billion from the county of St. Louis. For fraud basically. Who knows. Thing is he is also putting together the biggest loan in history of sports to move the rams . Guess what's being used has collateral. Everything he owns with a value on it!!! anyone who thinks we will not cut back and sell this summer isn't thinking straigtht . I am seriously worried for arsenals future with this man owning so much of our club. If Wenger stays the rot will continue and who knows how low we can go. My only hope is if that happens kroenke panics and sells before the value drops too much and his loans get called in.

  3. Roy

    Apr 15, 2017, 21:27 #100557

    Hi Marky, Love your Wengo swingometer, mate. Just so happens it's in exactly the right position, and that's where it's gonna stay until this fraud does one. C'mon Boro.


    Apr 15, 2017, 20:21 #100555

    Interesting article in The Grauniad today about Club Ownership which really should give us all something to worry about. Clearly Arthur's time is up - he just doesn't realise it. We all want to be "special" again, a genuine powerhouse of a Club both here & in Europe. But what elite manager with ambition would want to sign up with Stanley's empire which is purely about business & has no connection with sporting success? That's why I don't have much faith in the links with Allegri etc. Our owner is an absentee landlord & even if he is not restricting the "manager" with player acquisitions/wages, the lack of emotional involvement matters a great deal. As long as Wiggy remains we are well & truly stuffed &, inevitably will become just another large London based but second tier club. Thanks Webster because your deceitful, arrogant ways have largely contributed to bringing this about.

  5. Paulward

    Apr 15, 2017, 19:42 #100554

    Not sure I agree with the pendulum theory , if you really want Wenger out I don't think scraping a win at Middesbrough is gonna change too many minds. If anybody thinks a late surge to fourth or an FA cup win might save his skin forget it, neither will happen. More chance of coming 8th than 4th, and whatever the opposite of St. Totteringham day is, well it's almost upon us,17 points behind and counting . Wenger out

  6. mbg

    Apr 15, 2017, 17:43 #100553

    One thing is for Dammed sure we have no right to slag off and laugh at others now, clubs, fans, no room to at all being the laughing stock of the country ourselves, with the biggest laughing stock of a manager in the Prem/Europe, and in our history, if the spuds do implode (not that we'll be catching them or anything like that) can we laugh at them ? can we fook, we've no right, but will it stop the AKB's ? no of course it won't, they have no f*****g shame, and they'll try and turn it around in some perverse way to take the heat of their messaiah as if it's some sort of victory, well it certainly won't be, and it certainly won't work. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  7. mbg

    Apr 15, 2017, 11:52 #100550

    yes remember the days we'd all stick up for TLSOE with all the songs sung about him and at him by opposition fans, not any more though, the songs sung now there's just no comeback on whatsoever, we're just left to suck them up, he's a fooking embarrassment, the biggest embarrassment this club has ever had, known, or seen, every time he opens his gob now he's an embarrassment, and sadly for the fans and club still will for a long time after he's gone. Go now you embarrassment. @no new contract.

  8. markymark

    Apr 15, 2017, 11:51 #100549

    Post my submission I understand from the press that Chips Keswick walked out after we were 2-0 down at Palace. A sign that not all is well with Manager and Board?