Arsene is getting more incompetent, deranged and deluded with each passing fiasco of a performance

And the smirking in press conferences isn’t helping his relationship with the fans

Arsene is getting more incompetent, deranged and deluded with each passing fiasco of a performance

I wrote a piece two months ago, after the Chelsea game which was admittedly bland and paid far too much respect to Arsene Wenger. I was wrong.

Since that game we have witnessed some of the most spineless, pathetic, dismal and gutless performances in many a year culminating in the disgrace at Palace with fans chanting that the players were not fit to wear the shirt. You can blame the players as much as you want but the responsibility and fault lies with one man. Arsene Wenger.

The recent run of results we've been on would be enough to see Chelsea managers of the past sacked but different rules of accountability apply to this man who is getting more incompetent, deranged and deluded with each passing fiasco of a performance.

I'm sick of Chamberlain or Walcott coming on TV after a game and "being honest". No good after the game. Some players who wouldn't get near the bench of other top clubs spout how they back the manager but you do it on the pitch and since January they haven't. They've downed tools. What would Adams, Vieira etc make of it? Lehmann would have decked half the defence the way we "defended" at Palace.

In the midst of this, we have had to watch Spurs mount a title challenge that is now far more serious than this time a year ago whilst we're in a pathetic scramble for 4th. Again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Arsene Wenger WAS a great manager and he DID great things. But those times are gone. He surrounds himself with yes men who don't challenge him, persists with the same inane tactics and substitutions whilst expecting different results. He's actually achieved the feat of taking us backwards.

To those who say we should give him respect, why? What respect does he show us? He smirks at us whilst hiding about his future, is dismissive, insults us, considers us irrelevant, laughs at us, said we should expect ticket prices to remain high so that his greedy wages can be paid. He doesn't respect you but thinks you should shut up and accept mediocrity.

Wenger is so deluded he's tried to rewrite history and say he built the club. That's utter nonsense. He helped bring the club forward into the 21st century but on the pitch, he's taken us backwards.

Nobody has a divine right to a job anywhere in the world and I genuinely do not understand why Arsenal don't just sack him because he is dragging us down with his vanity.

Whatever your personal affection is for Wenger, it's time for him to go. He will never change and therefore things will stay the same.

It's 1886 not 1996 that this club was formed.

It's Arsenal FC not Arsene FC.

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  1. goonerruss11

    Apr 18, 2017, 23:30 #100638

    What can i say as a first time poster that has not been said before,he changed the set up to a 343 but basically the style of football was the same we still camped in the oppositions half and were stil counter attacked through the middle too easily,bouncing balls not attacked koscielny trying an acrobatic clearance when if he had stayed touch tight to negredo he wd have cleared ball with his head or won a free kick..the full backs so far forward that the right or left cback still had no out ball,i saw a manager paying lip service to the call for change.the bottom line is this we have 8 players out of contract in we trust this board and manager to address this and reconstruct the spine of team,it requires a major overhaul and a mound of cash,i don't think this board or wenger have the cojones to tackle this they have all grown old together,we need wholesale change top to bottom,otherwise we will all be saying the same thing next season and onwards

  2. markymark

    Apr 18, 2017, 7:40 #100598

    Leek the Squeak, you must be celebrating after the win against the mighty Boro! No need to write in any further letters to the Editor this week. See example below. "Dear Mr Editor, Thish ish Squeak everyone is nasty about Mr Wengie..... Is it true that Wengo didn't sign Ronaldo as he didn't want to 'kill' Amaury Bischoff? I may have just made this up but then again!?.... You need to write 500 words in defence of your great leader to repudiate this terrible slur. If you run out of inspiration I think North Korea might provide some examples.

  3. mbg

    Apr 17, 2017, 22:16 #100597

    Wow we've just steam rolled (just about)that top relegation outfit the mighty borough, and did you see the nice boys celebrating as if we've f*****g won something ? with high fives all round ? whooping, dancing ? as if it's going to make any difference, (all we needed was the bouncing and selfies I expect they saved those for the dressing room ) as if this has made up for anything, has/does it f**k, just wait for the usual spin from the mouthpieces, this is going to ignite our season, what again ? You couldn't make it up. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  4. David1

    Apr 17, 2017, 21:06 #100596

    The following scenario is still possible: Arsenal scrape into 4th on the last day of the season - and whatever happens in the FA Cup - Wenger will retain the full backing of the board and his own sense of place as the greatest man in the history of the club.

  5. mbg

    Apr 17, 2017, 19:57 #100595

    Paulward, with respect, he's had his last throw of the dice a long time ago and came up blank, and continued/continues to do so, it makes no difference whatsoever what he throws tonight or any other night or what comes up, it's way way to late now to recoup anything. We want wenger out, @no new contract.

  6. Paulward

    Apr 17, 2017, 19:25 #100594

    I don't believe it, Wenger has changed personnel and system. Looks like his last throw of the dice.

  7. TonyEvans

    Apr 17, 2017, 18:25 #100593

    I'm 100% with Bard - I really think the only way Wenger will be shifted is if we continue to lose , lose, lose. That will motivate fans to protest and also give Wenger absolutely no excuse to stay on. Even that may not be enough but I can't see anything else happening to get him out. I know that still leaves Kronke but Wenger is the main cancer that must be removed.

  8. Goonhogday

    Apr 17, 2017, 17:10 #100592

    Wenger is indeed a disgrace. This is a quote from Conte after Chelsea's defeat to United and it's the minimum I'd expect from an Arsenal manager post match ... "We didn't play a good game and United deserved to win the game," said Conte. .... "They showed more desire, more ambition, more motivation. In this case the fault is of the coach." .... God I wish we had a man in charge who could tell his fans that. Where has my Arsenal gone!?

  9. Bard

    Apr 17, 2017, 17:02 #100591

    Elliot while I agree whole heartedly with the sentiments expressed its more of the same and doesnt really add anything. We are all pissed off with the club at the moment but have to wait to see how the politics plays out. What we really need are further meltdowns on the field so that his position becomes untenable. The slightest upturn in form or results will result in another 2 years, you can bet your mortgage on it.

  10. GoonGer

    Apr 17, 2017, 16:58 #100590

    Spot on, except for the 4th place scramble!! We have no chance of fourth . He should be sacked, it's a no brainer at any other club. I'm not even convinced we can win tonight

  11. David1

    Apr 17, 2017, 16:15 #100589

    Hypothetically, a thousand Arsene Wengers, given infinite time and infinite funds, would surely one day win the league. So, as long there's an even remote chance of success, that's enough for the board and Stan.

  12. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 17, 2017, 15:41 #100588

    Good call silver, I have paid the site a visit and put something on le grove as well. Every little helps and all that!

  13. jjetplane

    Apr 17, 2017, 15:02 #100587

    And another thing! Bellerin with that two bob ninja look, Theo's weirdly shaped head and pointless beard, Giroud (what did they used to call him?) and then of course Wengo - the ostrich that sold his wings for millions ... **** **** **** and then there is Keown opening stores, cutting ribbons (****!) and Bouldie the ****ing silent ****ing monk ....

  14. SilverGooner

    Apr 17, 2017, 14:58 #100586

    Having recently made a donation to the Crowdfunding campaign, I was disappointed to see that only 20 fans have done likewise. It is all very well ranting on here about wanting Wenger out but why don't more people on here actually do something about it?! Put your money where your mouth is. Help fund the campaign to have this parasite removed.

  15. mbg

    Apr 17, 2017, 13:37 #100585

    Excellent article Elliott, I couldn't agree more, it's plain to be seen, why the remaining AKB's can't see it i'll never know do they really love him that much or do they just feel sorry for him, well like I alluded to last night he certainly doesn't love, feel sorry or respect them. Yes I have noticed that myself a while ago, we all basically used to understand him with his droning French accent (god knows we've been listening and have had to put up with it for long enough) now ? he's become incoherent, mumbling, stuttering, making no sense talking gobbledegook with big fancy words before flashing that sly grin, is he trying to bamboozle us intentionally ? or is he so far gone in the head now he doesn't know what he's talking about or saying anymore (I know I know he didn't exactly know what he was talking about or doing over the last number of years either) would it surprise us if it was intentionally ? such is his arrogance, after all we're only peasants and haven't spent a day in football. #no new contract, we want wenger out.

  16. Guernsey gunner

    Apr 17, 2017, 13:12 #100584

    Some of the bollox he spouts is incredible. He wants the fans to unite behind the team?!? What the team that have downed tools on you, you clueless clown. The only thing that will unite the fans is him being sacked or resigning now, it's as simple and as complicated as that. Indifferent to the game tonight as the outcome is irrelevant until clueless is removed. Wenger out now

  17. Cheltenham Gunner

    Apr 17, 2017, 11:47 #100583

    Terrible to hope that the club you support loses matches, but every defeat heaps more pressure on Wenger and this season is dead anyway. All I hope is that we can somehow manufacture a result against Spurs, because very little else to cheer for and that's includes an FA cup semi-final. What a desperate situation to be in!!

  18. !No Pasaran!

    Apr 17, 2017, 9:48 #100582

    The travelling support at Palace were right in their assessment on the night, but it is difficult to really judge any of these players under Wenger's 'management'. I think any of the current managers of the top six would get more out of them. As for respect for Wenger, don't make me laugh! You are spot-on. He doesn't respect us, why should we respect him? Respect is a two-way street, is it not? As for his press conferences and media interviews, they are, in the main, jibberish. When all is said and done, the truth is always on the pitch, and his delusional clap-trap cannot hide this fact from even the most ardent Arsenal supporter.

  19. RobG

    Apr 17, 2017, 9:43 #100581

    Yep ! Can't argue with that.

  20. KC38

    Apr 17, 2017, 9:40 #100580

    Agree with it all, it's just becoming a sad joke, the manager the club the performances. We are sliding backwards and only a managerial change and removal of this dictator can change the clubs dynamic. He is the problem from top to bottom.