This season’s final issue of The Gooner goes on sale this evening

Issue 265 available from sellers on your way to the stadium

This season’s final issue of The Gooner goes on sale this evening

Front and back covers of the new issue

Ok, so promoting the new issue time… First up, just to clarify, thanks to a text from @JonSpurling1 a while back, there is a bit of confusion over when we will stop producing The Gooner. The plan is that, unless there is a dramatic upturn in sales, next season will be our last. So six further copies over 2017/18 to savour before we are no more. Next season sees our 30th anniversary, so it seems a good season to bow out. The website will continue, and we will think about continuing to produce an issue in electronic only format when we have time to assess things over the summer, but more likely is that we will do the occasional limited edition print special, although it will cost a bit more than the £3 we are charging for regular editions.

Anyway, before I list some of the stuff in the issue, to keep you entertained, five minutes of Arseblog style stream of consciousness. I could tell you about the dream I had last night in which Mick Jagger came and had a chat with me, but I’ll stick to the football. So, three at the back, eh? Think we’ll see that until the end of the season. Maybe if Arsene had imitated what Juventus had been doing for years to win Serie A before seeing Chelsea (surely) win the title with it, we might have been in with a shout this season. Who knows? And more to the point, who knows how successful the system will actually prove in the long term. It’s certainly got the best out of the Ox, and Nacho Monreal played very well last Sunday. Where that leaves Hector Bellerin we wait and watch, but such are the demands of the position, one suspects the latter will play in almost every game for the last 20 minutes.

Rob Holding and Gabriel played with great commitment and for the most part were composed at Wembley. Yet, City certainly had chances. Arsenal should beat Leicester at home this evening, but the real acid test of the system will be at White Hart Lane on Sunday. There, the team will not only need commitment, but also complete focus and concentration. They have ridden their luck in the last two matches with the new system, and long may that continue, but they will also need to give less chances to the opposition. At least it’s something interesting to capture our imaginations for the remainder of the campaign. And arguably, a stick to beat Arsène with in that he should have been more flexible during recent seasons and experimented to get the team out of a rut more often.

So, back to business and a quick rundown on some of the contents in the current issue…
* Francis Coquelin and Rob Holding Talk To The Gooner – Interviews by Layth Yousif
* Dismal Endings – How previous Gunners bosses have met their end by Jon Spurling
* Vlad All Over – Half a season of Vladimir Petrovic by Stewart Taylor
* Same Old Same Old – Different players, same problems by Bernard Dowling
* The Enigma That Is Alexis Sanchez – How to get the best out of the Chilean by Simon Rose
* A New Broom – The challenges facing any new manager after Arsène by Peter Le Beau
* Leaving Highbury Behind – Has the move proved worth it? By Steve Pye
* Why Do Players Leave Arsenal? – Should we really expect loyalty? By Chris Cann
* The ‘DM’ – Arsenal’s Trial & Error of Defensive Midfielders by Dan Godfrey
* An Away Game I’d Rather Forget – Special Feature by Various Contributors
* Talking Reds by Kevin Whitcher
* The Spy
* Anger Management by Phil Wall
* Mickey Cannon
and much, much, more

*NB – As the issue went to press after the semi-final and is only being delivered from the printers this afternoon, subscribers’ copies will be posted tomorrow.

Issue 265 of The Gooner will be on sale this evening on your approach to the stadium from sellers for £3. It can be bought online for £3.60 including postage here.

Alternatively, you can simply pay £3.60 (postage included) (or £21 for a seven issue UK subscription) via online bank transfer to –
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Seven issue subscriptions are available for £21 (UK), £31 (Europe) and £41 (Rest of the World) and can also be bought through the Gooner Shop section of this website.

You also can bypass the online store by simply making a PayPal payment to the email address [email protected]. Pay either £3.60 or £21 for a seven issue subscription. If doing this, please make your payment a 'friends and family' / personal gift payment – this helps keep our costs down. (Overseas buyers add £1.25 per individual issue for Europe of £2.50 per issue for the rest of the world. Seven issue subscription costs are £31 for Europe and £41 for the rest of the world).

Finally, you can pay by cheque made payable to ‘The Gooner’ to the address below, for either an individual issue or a subscription…
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  1. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2017, 10:08 #100880

    Where will the miserable, diving, Barca rejected Sanchez wash up next season? The way he is going he remains a perfect fit for this spent club which will win nothing for another decade. What was that one about Adams employing a back three and Wenger saying this is not working. If LEEKage is happy with an own goal home win to nail 6th (never talks about the games because he is a troll) then leave them to it. Back three masterstroke - cockhead utd.

  2. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Apr 27, 2017, 9:07 #100878

    Got away with again last night - still judging by the crowd and atmosphere (feed back from a Leicester fan I know who was there) we are in the end game but is going to be a bloody long end game! I will miss "The Gooner" as I always felt it was ahead of events - I certainly always agree with most of Kev's "Talking Reds" column. The club have became a plaything for the owner and an experiment for the manager and as I have always thought Wenger would do another two years anyway we are going to witness a long long slide back to mid table or 5 or 6th at best. However if the team somehow gets a cup final win AW might just leave - a sort of now Arsenal fans "see what you have just lost", Wenger's ego would like that kind of end to his reign.

  3. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 27, 2017, 8:42 #100877

    That trip to WHL on Sunday looks terrifying. Do we have the men on the pitch ready for what looks to be a battle in every sense of the word.

  4. markymark

    Apr 27, 2017, 8:07 #100876

    Leekies Silent Choir, We love Wenger Protest....... "Well we were all meant to gather and sing our favourite Wenger songs. Ooh I do remember the fun we used to have. What was it again.... Something about hats... ooh it will come to me in a minute. It were a terribly cold night and you know how it effects your bladder I reckon that 15,000 of us were tied up in the toilets. It's no fun weak bladders you know Anyway I started to sing after the count of 3. 1/2/3 all together now.... There's only one Arse..... and guess what forgot the words didn't I! Oh well it will come to me in a minute. Reckon I'll go home in front of fire and have a nice cup of Coco".

  5. Cyril

    Apr 27, 2017, 0:49 #100875

    Ron, I think we have been playing football back to front for ten years. 3 at the back works cos we go the other way. Normal football, soak it up, take the pain and then pressure with players who are better. Call me old fashioned. I'm sure you agree. I have knowledge of many sports and the great 'frankel' in horse racing was deemed to run his races back to front. In other words, so fast but slowed at the end. He was that good that he never was caught. Yet, in a 1 mile 4 if that horse attempted it , he would have been eaten alive e.g Dancing Brave or the greatest ever Brigadier Gerard. The point im making is that you have to be patient. Come on the gunners!

  6. mbg

    Apr 26, 2017, 23:22 #100874

    Told you so the Sewer rat comes up smelling of roses yet again, and no dissent to be heard, Ronald certainly knows the fans alright. Sad times indeed. wenger out.

  7. Leek fc

    Apr 26, 2017, 22:34 #100873

    Another win, another lost demo. The remaining seven involved who got bottled at Wembley on the battle bus must be hardy souls. Didn't even see one man and his dog this evening at the meeting point. Come on fellas, you're better than that. After all, it's the Arsenal we are on about...... sadly deceased, last seen versus West Brom. You need to get mbg involved, he'd shake you up but unfortunately Gaelic football and Guinness are his preferences. Bonjour.

  8. markymark

    Apr 26, 2017, 20:17 #100872

    Markymark teleported back to the early 90's. The Gooner, the Face, 1 Nil down 2-1 up, VIZ, Loaded..... Happy days oh happy days. Thanks for the memories and in Loaded Case the Mammaries. Unfortunately I had to work opposite IPC tower back then so sadly had to share drinking time with the Glamour models who would often stop by for a drink in the local pub gardens of SE1 and SE99 ( yes those who worked in the area will know) tough times as you can imagine !

  9. Kvltman

    Apr 26, 2017, 19:09 #100871

    Sad to hear the fanzine is unlikely to continue but that is the way of the modern world. I would like to say thanks for providing some of my favourite reads when I was a teenager back in the late 90s when I had nearly every issue.

  10. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Apr 26, 2017, 19:07 #100870

    Kev "Arsenal should beat Leicester at home this evening" Sorry but the cup form, or run if you like is not a reflection on the league form. I think Leicester will defend much better than City and any half chance with Vardy around will be put away, think it will be 2-2.

  11. Gaz

    Apr 26, 2017, 18:58 #100869

    Peter W-not sure I agree with that fella. There will be investment and there will be quality additions. Problem is it'll all be managed by Wenger so nothing will change.

  12. peter wain

    Apr 26, 2017, 14:53 #100867

    the board is irrelevant only kronke matters. wenger out now otherwise another two wasted years with little investment and no top quality signings.

  13. mbg

    Apr 26, 2017, 14:41 #100866

    Yes the weasel will escape down his hole again this evening smelling of roses with a win against Leicester without a banner to be seen or a squeak heard, Sad, Sad. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  14. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2017, 13:53 #100864

    Hi Kev - not sue the back 3 has done much really. Its more the case of the last 2 games have seen reality dawn as to the momentum of slide and a bit of effort and application have been put in, whereas before there was little. Monreal in fairness has played well all Season i think on the whole when hes come in. We have ridden our luck as you say. Holding should have had an extended run before now i reckon.

  15. Time for change

    Apr 26, 2017, 13:45 #100863

    Wenger's not going anywhere. It would take two years of not qualifying for the European Cup for Kronke AND the majority of the board to want Wenger out. Wenger out.