Just Another Wenger False Dawn

Online Ed: Supposed extra defensive resilience provided by three at the back exposed by passionless final performance at the Lane

Just Another Wenger False Dawn

The last time I attended a Spurs v Arsenal fixture at White Hart Lane was in April 2004. Some of you may recall that particular 2-2 draw. Arsenal also conceded two yesterday, and enjoyed two attempts on target. Occasional website contributor Ian Henry is a huge Bob Dylan fan and attended a show by the now ageing legend at the London Palladium last night. He opened the show with ‘Things Have Changed’. It was kind of apt in terms of what had gone down before a few miles north east. One of the lines goes “I used to care, but things have changed.”

I decided to take in the game at Tottenham because my son, now 15, had never been before, and this would be his only opportunity before the noisy neighbours return to N17 in 2018 with a stadium that won’t be the same, but in truth, will be better than the Emirates because lessons have been learned about the design of stadiums in the decade plus since its construction. We chose to avoid trouble by arriving a little earlier than the majority, and leaving with a minute of injury time left. It was painless. There was a bit of trouble afterwards, ArsenalFanTV faces such as Robbie an easy target, but it would have been far worse had Arsenal managed to get something from their final appearance at the place that has generated many good and bad memories over the years.

It is interesting to compare the records of George Graham and Arsene Wenger as Arsenal manager there over the years
Graham: Played 12 Won 7 Drew 2 Lost 3
Wenger: Played 25 Won 6 Drew 12 Lost 7

I think the conclusion the above stats give us is that the players in the Graham era were more aware of the significance of this fixture to the supporters and raised their game. So in the early 1990s you had Ian Wright busting a gut to ensure the fans went home with something, and in the latter Wenger years we have the likes of Olivier Giroud, Mesut Ozil and Theo Walcott preening themselves and not looking particularly bothered by the result. The passion has pretty much evaporated out of this side under Wenger, who has simply been around too long. Things, for sure, have changed.

The away section backed the team wonderfully, in spite of the paucity of their performance, as long as the score was 0-0. Before they could rally at the concession of the goal, it was 2-0, and you just felt there was no chance of a comeback. Were it not for Petr Cech, this could have been a humiliation right up there with the multi goal embarrassments seen at Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge, Anfield and the Allianz Arena in recent seasons. Spurs, in truth, did not even need to play that well to win the game. The Gunners were just abject. What is the point in starting Olivier Giroud in the 3-4-3 formation, one that cries out for pace up top (and some semblance of commitment and ability, so by that I am talking Welbeck rather than Walcott)? It was obvious before the game began that Giroud was the wrong choice. So why the hell it wasn’t changed at half time is an indictment of the manager’s ability to influence matches with tactical changes.

Mesut Ozil was invisible, Alexis Sanchez playing largely for his own amusement. It was difficult to pick out any good performances aside from the keeper, but when Spurs were awarded a spot kick, you just knew it was going in, so poor is Cech’s record of saving them for the club. Arsenal switched to a back four after it was 2-0, but it made not a jot of difference. All they could muster was a weak effort from sub Walcott in the remaining half hour. It was abject, clueless and passionless. No one in a red and white shirt really seemed to give a f***.

The travelling support decided against singing for the manager’s departure. It was not the venue to wash dirty laundry in public. There are still some who think Wenger can make Arsenal great again. They are entitled to their view but their words have as much credence as members of a Moonie Cult. They are as deluded as the manager himself. There are peaceful protest plans in the pipeline for the Manchester United game next Sunday, and those that want to ensure the club moves on need to put aside their politeness and make their feelings known. Does anyone really want another two years of this tripe?

Wenger has stated he wants to leave the club in the best possible shape when he departs, and yet has resisted the instigation of a football policy structure akin to those at successful clubs. In reality, I am aware that the club are working to get these kind of individuals in and that Wenger will be presented with a situation he has previously stated he would not work under, one that managers at Real, Bayern, Barcelona, Chelsea and Manchester City manage to operate with. The contract has not been signed. The club are actually being truthful when they state that the decision will be made at the end of the season. Wenger is so arrogant he would have let it slip by now if he had secured another two years. Any decision will have to be mutual – meaning that both sides need to agree to it. My feeling at the moment is that Wenger may not even be offered a deal, and in the event he is, it would be under conditions that compromise him and damage his ego.

However, the bottom line at the club these days is the finances. The £50m plus shortfall for dropping out of the Champions League is actually going to make even a certain Stan Kroenke raise an eyebrow. Forget the FA Cup, the income from winning that is less than a grade B home match. It’s a nice day out, an open top bus parade, but meaningless to the board. Good PR but it won’t save Wenger his job.

Ozil and Sanchez will depart in the summer. The manager’s words about holding them to the final year of their deals is complete bullsh*t and an insult to the fans’ intelligence. Ozil won’t be missed. His neighbours in Hampstead could tell you why he may seem to lack energy on the pitch, but it's not something I could repeat here. Sanchez, on current form, is frankly not worth retaining because he has lost interest. He would be worth keeping and the offer of mega wages if the right manager came in, Allegri the obvious candidate. But critically, the gutless preeners need to be sent packing, and contenders rather than pretenders brought in. It was significant that the one performance of any mettle we have seen in recent months was the semi-final last weekend. Because the players want to win trophies and this was an actual opportunity to do so. And they stepped up their game. There is no way that they were playing for the manager at the Lane yesterday. There was at least 10% missing in terms of their commitment and desire. The reason – they think the manager is a joke now. He has lost all respect in the dressing room, a process that began when he failed to control his players as far back at 2008 and has continued apace ever since, in tandem with the rise in football wages. Everyone has their snout in the trough and it takes special players, special managers, to achieve things from a position where you will never have to work another day in your life at the end of the current highly paid contract.

Under Wenger, Arsenal have become rotten to the core, and it will take time and new personnel to rebuild. Yesterday was all the evidence anyone needed that there is no point in delaying that process any longer. When dictators fall, it’s rarely pretty.

If you want a signifier of how bad things are, imagine this. Jose Mourinho expressing sympathy for Arsene Wenger and insisting he deserves respect. By this time next week, it might just have happened.

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  1. Titi2

    May 02, 2017, 14:40 #101072

    I've been holding on to my season tickets for the last 3 years, in the hope of overdue Wexit, but I can't bring myself to renew again just to leave my seats empty for another 2 years. If only Hull had scored that third goal at Wembley. Will someone organise an online petition pledging no attendance no renewal until Wenger goes? 10,000 signatures there might bring it home to the club.

  2. Yes its Ron

    May 02, 2017, 14:01 #101070

    He looked a broken man after in the interview notwithstanding the inane questions put to him. Part of me still feels sorry for him in equal measure to the conviction that ive got that he needs to leave. Having said this, despite all of the hype, i bet Spurs ascendancy wont last long. Arsene is certainly taking us to the next level as he says. I still think he might be doing a Tony Blair and allowing the rot to set in and fester first as pay back to those who criticise him, knowing that a replacement has a thankless job.

  3. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 02, 2017, 9:38 #101060

    1971 gooner/ sturgooner- made me laugh fellas, I'm exactly the same. Had someone told me years ago that a NLD was taking place and I wouldn't be watching I would have had them committed. I went for a nice long bike ride in the sunshine instead, knowing with certainty that all I'd be missing was another humiliating surrender. Looked up the score about 7pm knowing full well I'd be proved right. So predictable, so boring, I don't even get angry anymore. Losing to spurs used to hurt like a b******, now it just feeds the apathy and contempt in which I hold my own club

  4. Sturgooner

    May 02, 2017, 8:34 #101057

    1971 Gooner On Sunday I chose to go to a local auction at a village hall here in Dorset, rather than sit through another non committed display by an apology of an Arsenal team. Even my other half was shocked as she knows how much and how long I have supported the club. The current state is the worst I've known even allowing for dragging dear old Bertie Mee out of his manager's chair in 1976.

  5. 1971 Gooner

    May 02, 2017, 8:16 #101056

    We had a lovely day out on Sunday; a circular walk through beautiful Kent countryside from Bridge to Bishopsbourne via The Mermaid Inn where refreshments were taken in the sun-dappled beer garden. After a lovely late lunch in Canterbury followed by a wander round the shops, I got home to turn the TV on for the final 10 minutes of the game. The point of this travelogue? If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would have done anything else other than man-mark the remote control in preparation for a game against Spurs I would have questioned their sanity, such are depths of apathy about our great club to which the dying days of Wenger have driven me.

  6. mbg

    May 02, 2017, 0:14 #101054

    Emess, you'll have to wait for old circulars next meaningless piece/rant on here for that,(the half wit is probably working on it as we speak LOL) no doubt another wenger apologetic piece of crap from seven or eight years ago that will be pulled apart like tender chicken just like all the rest, and if it's as easy as the last one it'll not be to hard. wenger out now.

  7. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 23:39 #101053

    Rippy, your way behind the times, have you been in hibernation, we are already known as also ran's and have been for three or four years now, and in case you hadn't noticed wenger has already done more damage than Stan and his Son ever could, so there's only one person we need gone at this particular moment and time. We want wenger out.

  8. Emess

    May 01, 2017, 23:36 #101052

    No comment likely from Mr Perry - I think I've sussed it he is actually a spurs supporter and was probably singing along with his mates - 🎼 Arsenal Wenger we want you to stay - unlike Mr Perry supporters from the 60's and 70's are the most disaffected as in those days we were regarded by Arsenal Football Club as fans - sadly that has changed and we are now simply customers and us oldies cannot accept that change. I now spend my weekends watching Saracens a team that really understand what it means to put your body on the line and for around 5% of the wages of Ozil and Wally

  9. Siddy

    May 01, 2017, 23:05 #101051

    Spot on report. I'm really losing heart with this situation. We are the laughing stock of football. I never thought it would come to this and hate is a strong word but I HATE Arsene Wenger. He's a parasite. Most fans who shell out to watch football, whether on TV subscriptions or even more so to go to the games, well, it's a passion for us, an escape for many. But AW is making me lose the will to watch Arsenal. He has absolute contempt for us. He thinks we are just the 'little people'. He is so rich and privileged beyond any of our wildest dream, why can't he sod off and find something to spend on it. Buy a ****ing football team. For many of us, Arsenal is all we have and many of us make great sacrifices to follow our team. P*** off W***er, NOW.

  10. Rippy

    May 01, 2017, 20:32 #101049

    I agree with a lot of what you've stated ed . Yet winning a trophy like the fa cup must have a knock on effect beyond the prize money. I am absolutely convinced kroenke will cut back next season and do a lot of damage. So for me winning a trophy is so important I can't state it enough. A lot of young fans are turning away from arsenal . The club are fast becoming known as also fans. We need kroenke and his son gone and fast .

  11. Rochey

    May 01, 2017, 19:40 #101047

    I am beginning to hate Wenger. There is going to be a backlash in every game we lose next season. Don't you worry he will sign another contract. The big spend media statement will be issued after he signs and two weeks before deadline he will say we only need one or two top quality. Sorry but the whole lot are taking us for Aholes. Dumped my season ticket last year. Don't spend money there.

  12. TonyEvans

    May 01, 2017, 19:31 #101046

    Just sick of it - having previously said I could never want us to lose a cup final, I think I have changed my mind. Anything to get rid of Wenger once and for all.

  13. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 18:40 #101044

    Good to see some of the journos asking proper questions at last, see the weasel walk out of one of his post match interviews with the hump, no sly grin or smirk yesterday wenger eh ? you parasite. wenger out.

  14. Alsace

    May 01, 2017, 17:53 #101041

    Hopefully, he's toast. I enjoyed what you have written Kevin. Monsieur goes from bad to worse. If he didn't keep his head up his bottom, he would have bowed out ten years ago. His final humiliation will be on cup final day and he will crawl out of The place in the dirt. No self respect. No professional integrity. No love of AFC.

  15. BigDaveTheGooner

    May 01, 2017, 17:38 #101040

    Yesterday was a capitulation of the highest order and nothing short of an embarrassment in which Wenger should hang his head in shame,for a man who says he knows everything about Arsenal(he's been here 21 years) and those of us that have supported this club for nearly 50 years is a nonsense,we know the heart and soul of this football club we follow this club through thick and thin, we,ve had years of being absolute garbage I e the early to mid eighties ( I gave up pro football to follow Arsenal during that time),but now it has reached a nadir,the passion has gone,not just from the fans but the players as well and this is a crime,the least you can ask from any pro is commitment and passion,it is simply not there and this is where the manager has to earn he's wages.Players may not be the most talented but it's up to the manager to get the best out of them and Wenger simply does not do this and hasn't for the best part of 10 years,the demise of this club must lay solely at he's feet. I see that some players are castigated by sections on this site but I would be reluctant to put all the blame on them,they were good players before they came,I feel the manager simply cannot use them in the way that he would or should to get the best out of them i e would Walcott be so ineffective if he was at Chelsea?? I don't ,think so,Wenger has a hell of a lot to answer for and the sooner he goes the sooner the rot will stop!!!!!

  16. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 17:23 #101039

    Cheltenham Gooner, a waste of time asking perry that mate, he's not an Arsenal supporter, his biggest and only concern is for his messiah wenger. wenger and the perrys out.

  17. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 17:13 #101038

    And did you see that short arsed goggled eyed pansy nice boy Qzil pulling out of tackles ? and going into them half heartedly ? and then on top of that blowing kisses ? what a useless waste of f*****g money. The embarrassment out and his nice boys with him.

  18. Bard

    May 01, 2017, 16:44 #101036

    Well said Kev. Yesterday was a shambles. Losing is no disgrace if you give your all. We werent even bothered yesterday and that tells you all you need to know about where Wenger is in this mess. You are far more in the know than I am but it appears to me that the board are as lost as Wenger. You would have to have been in a coma for 10 years not to see that we need a new manager pronto. The way I see it either they will wait until the season has ended before telling us that Wenger has signed ( less possibility of protests) or they will put so many constraints on his managership that he wont sign. Either way its a sorry mess. I dont see anything other than chaos.

  19. Gooner Gav

    May 01, 2017, 15:55 #101034

    The fact we never got Fabregas back due to the apparent quality of our midfielders in place at time time, which was more down to numbers, and what would have been an admission we paid double as to what we should have paid for our record signing, still haunts us today. I remember him running half the length of the pitch to score against Spurs, where as I'm not sure some could be bothered to do the same just to track back. Lillywhites v's Lightweights

  20. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 01, 2017, 15:50 #101033

    First class analysis as usual kev. I said months ago that we would get thrashed at anfield, Stamford bridge and the sh**hole and anyone else with a grip on reality knew the same. Same old same old has made us so predictable and this latest embarrassment, whilst expected, must surely spell the end for this old fool. We cannot have 2 more years of this, there will be nothing left of the club we once knew. As for this 3 at the back, why oh why drop Holding when he was amazing in the semi last week? The lad looks just what we need and have been crying out for, an assured centre back. The manager is beyond clueless. Please go now and take wally, Gibbs, Cech, Ozil, Gabriel, koscielny, giroud, Ramsey. We desperately need players with heart and fight, not a pathetic bunch of entitled bottle jobs and disappearing acts. We are at a crossroads as a club right now, everyone knows the road we need to take but are the money obsessed kroenke and gazidis prepared to do the right thing? Unfortunately I very much doubt it

  21. 1975

    May 01, 2017, 15:33 #101032

    If you have a season ticket then don't renew. Don't hold on to it in the hope of a management change. Deny the club your money. Do so in big numbers. Don't go to the games. Protests at matches, banners trailed behind planes and signs held up in the terraces are of no consequence. Keep your pounds in your pockets. The only reason the manager and the owners are able to laugh at you is because you keep giving them your money. Don't do it. I had a season ticket. Gave it up 4 season ago. If 10,000 supporters do the same this season then it will hurt them. That's the only driver that will make things change. And as for the idea that there are thousands of Fairweather supporters and tourists who would snap up the season tickets? I'm not sure about this. Why would you ? I think it's a myth. I got completely fed up with contributing to the stupidity of the club and the manager four seasons ago. If you hate what is happening at the club then stop paying for it.

  22. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 15:30 #101031

    Oh, and Happy Non St Totteringhams Day. Go now wenger you embarrassment.

  23. mbg

    May 01, 2017, 15:07 #101030

    Yes indeed Ed, so much for this new defensive line up that TOF was so instrumental in, (f*****g clueless) and some ( on here too) were getting so excited and moist about and praising him for, just as some of us knew it wasn't going to last long LOL. Go now wenger you parasite your a f*****g embarrassment. The embarrassment out now.

  24. Exeter Gunner

    May 01, 2017, 14:30 #101029

    Actually didn't think the team would lose yesterday. Not because I don't see that Spurs have a vastly superior side, but because there is always a run of results at this time of season to secure the top 4 spot. So I thought Wenger's luck of the last 3 games would continue. Then I saw the line up... Despite how bad this side is however, L'pool and the two Manchester clubs seem determined to keep the top 4 door open. No true Arsenal fan should want the papering over the cracks that would bring. Cup Final no chance.

  25. GoonerRon

    May 01, 2017, 14:19 #101028

    Utterly dejected after that. I thought we played alright for patches before their goal - when we pressed them high we forced turnovers in their third. That said, whilst the back three has given us an extra defensive body, it has left us seriously blunted going forward. Playing Giroud was a mistake, with one less body in attack we needed fluidity going forward so Alexis or Welbeck HAD to start. Top 4 still a remote possibility with other results but we're back to square one form and confidence-wise after that.

  26. KC38

    May 01, 2017, 13:57 #101027

    Kevin great read i am hoping your information is correct it offers hope. The performance yesterday was just a repeat of so many others over so many years. Kevin the question is, can the board be so remote from the truth, the dressing room is lost, the performances lack coaching, lack leadership and confirm the breakdown of any kind of discipline from manager to the players. The powers that be have to be aware of this or we might as well accept the club can go nowhere other than down. Add this to the basics of decisions​, Ozil, Giroud kept on the pitch, the starting 11 should have seen Bellerin at right wing back with Chamberlain further forward with Sanchez and Welbeck ,speed for counter attacking football. If you are going to play Ozil it has to be behind the striker, his strength is with the ball, he offers no assistance to his full back and to have him in front of Chamberlain ( not a defensive player) was pure stupidity. Wenger is becoming a bigger joke by the week, he does not understand defending or the importance of these type of players, his spending is seriously shocking and to watch Xhaka, Gabriel, Mustafi you have to hope this man is not allowed to waste anymore of the clubs money.

  27. RobG

    May 01, 2017, 13:25 #101026

    Good report Kev. I am glad you and your son arrived and departed unscathed. Sadly the Spy saw matters otherwise and apparently there was trouble from Spurs yobs at the Twelve Pins. Where are the Police on these occasions ? It is sad. But demonstrates that it is not just the Arsenal Board, who cannot do their job. If you are right on the point that the Club will insist on a change of structure if Wenger is deluded enough to carry on, then it at least shows they recognise that something has to change. So we might have a compromised, sulking, Wenger next season, permanently grieved by the realisation that he no longer writes his own meal ticket ? In a sense that would be worse than what we now have. Only a clean break can resolve this now. All power to the protests next Sunday. Wenger Out !

  28. markymark

    May 01, 2017, 13:02 #101025

    A wonderful riposte to the Graham Perrys of this world who spend their time propping up failure. Graham would have been there writing about the great leader Honecker even whilst the wall was being knocked down. In a way if enough believe he's going it becomes the new reality. Wenger is a busted flush.

  29. clarky

    May 01, 2017, 12:08 #101022

    Made the mistake of arriving 10 minutes before kick-off. How can the police allow those neadrotholls to congregate like that outside the away entrance? Why does the club itself turn a blind eye to the threatening behaviour of their own fans? Scumbags of the highest order.

  30. cameron326

    May 01, 2017, 12:06 #101021

    "Champions League is actually going to make even a certain Stan Kroenke raise an eyebrow. Forget the FA Cup, the income from winning that is less than a grade B home match. It’s a nice day out, an open top bus parade, but meaningless to the board. Good PR but it won’t save Wenger his job." Agree with this. We're going to get comfortably beaten regardless by a two or three goal margin, but we needn't fear that a miracle FA Cup win will bring him a new contract. All boards care about these days is money and more money. Interestingly though, it seems the FA Cup final still attracts a huge global audience (possibly equalling the CL final), but I suspect that's more it being available/on in the background than people in Africa/Asia getting actively excited about, eg Hull vs Arsenal. And let's be honest, as much as we're all sick to the back teeth of Wenger, denying Chelsea a double would almost be worth 2 more years of him if that were the price to pay.

  31. Cheltenham Gunner

    May 01, 2017, 11:59 #101020

    Hope your feelings are right Kevin, but the board are as much part of the problem as Wenger so I have no confidence that they will make the correct decision for the club, where it counts on the pitch. Looking at that 'team' yesterday I found it hard to decide who I would want to keep for next season (post Wenger)as so many of those players have been on easy street for so long. For the final I really can see Chelsea winning 4-0 and would gladly take that if it guarantees Wenger's departure. Cheers for making me and I am sure alot of others feel that way. Btw Graham Perry how do you feel this morning?

  32. Petergooner

    May 01, 2017, 11:57 #101019

    It does not matter if we win the Cup or not, Wenger will stay because, if we win the cup then he will say he has started to turn things around. If we do not win the cup then he will say he is the only one who can turn our form around. Wenger has signed for two more years we all know this. The only thing we as true fans can do is not go to the games but as I have said before there are so many non fans who would pay for a season ticket just to say they have gone to a football game. There is no way out of this as I am concerned except get rid of Wenger and Stan Kreanke. Get David Dean, Osmanov and the Nigerian in for a complete new club. WE ALL WANT OUR CLUB BACK. - Post No. 106835

  33. jjetplane

    May 01, 2017, 11:44 #101018

    Of the opinion and have been for years that it is not a case of wanting Wenger to lose as he can manage that all by himself. The Totts did not have to move out of second and could easily have won by five and more humilitating letting AFC know they could at will. Senenteen points seperate the two clubs now and that I doubt can be fixed in te next five years and counting. Not really convinced about Wenger's boys not turning up for games. They always know beforehand and Wenger is often public about it that will lose. Think BM, Barca, Chelsea and now Tottenham. Wenger's players are not good enough because he is not good enough. Playing Gibbs for instance as though he would affect the NLD is laughable and really symtomatic of this endgame. Wrighty was saying how he felt sad and who would not who is truly Arsenal to now see a club built in the image of an aging accountant type that is so insipid as to be toxic. He has succeeded in damaging the health of football and meanwhile The Spurs will march on and what a sensation watching the official power exchange yesterday and as one empire crumbles another takes it's place. Things may get so bad that Arsenal may have to wait as long as the Totts have to win a major trophy. Chelsea must be really looking forward to the FA Cup Final and like Arsenal have swopped places with Tottenham so it will be like Chelsea are playing a Villa in the final. Four nil anyone?

  34. Seven Kings Gooner1

    May 01, 2017, 11:42 #101017

    Spot on as usual Kev - I can now watch these games as a neutral and you would have to have attended your first football match if you could not see that the players just don't give a Flying F*** If Kronke still insists that Wenger is his man then at least 10 of the squad are going to have to be sold so that a new batch of "worldbeaters" can be bought in who have never heard or been involved in Arsene Wenger's flying circus. Those who think Arsenal cannot do an Aston Villa well I can comfortably predict another two years of this shambles and the club will be on that one way slippery slope.

  35. Deighty

    May 01, 2017, 11:33 #101015

    That was not a great spuds side out there yesterday, two second choice defenders and their driving force in midfield on the bench. We, on paper at least, should've had the better 11 out there. A complete disgrace to be outplayed like that. Yet another tepid performance. Players a disgrace nearly as much as that pathetic figure running our club. Get this c### out now. Vic Akers would do a better job, **** me the tea lady could do a better job.

  36. Gaz

    May 01, 2017, 11:29 #101014

    Well said editor and I'm with you all the way UFGN. It's short term pain for long term gain all the way as far as I'm concerned.

  37. Jumpers For Goalposts

    May 01, 2017, 11:25 #101013

    Totally agree - I wasn't fussed about losing to Spurs as a victory would simply have papered over the enormous cracks. For more than 10 years we have watched the same collapses and every collapse is down to one man and one man alone - Arsene Wenger!!!! Anybody thinking that Wenger will ever be successful again is in total denial. Yesterday could easily have been 6 or 7-0 and it is embarrassing to watch us being humiliated like this over and over again. For God's sake Wenger - LEAVE!!

  38. PerryG

    May 01, 2017, 11:23 #101012

    I fear the FA cup final will be an absolute mauling, especially if we freeze like we did against Hull in 2014. Chelsea must be licking their lips at the thought of playing us. A tanking in that would surely mean the end?

  39. Up For Grabs Now

    May 01, 2017, 11:10 #101011

    Yesterday’s loss to Spurs is not normally something you would want to happen, but I for one was glad it did. I had expected after the Man City & Leicester wins for the board and Wenger to use that window of opportunity to announce at least another two years of this farce was in the offing. Had Arsenal somehow won, or even drawn yesterday, it would have once again given them the opportunity to do just that, the very thing the clear majority of us don’t want – More wasted Wenger years! Hence my pleasure at Arsenal losing to Spurs, which when you analyse that comment, really does sum it up. Never, having been a Gooner for nearly fifty years, would I have thought that one day I would be glad/wanting a Spurs victory over us, but there it is, this is what it has come to! As for the FA Cup final, if that game ultimately decides Wenger’s fate, then once again I am afraid I will want Chelsea to win, even if it means they end up with yet another double! (I don’t think hope will be required in any case, as Chelsea have a proper manager and players, and as things stand, they are going to win regardless!) I remember the sense of foreboding I felt when Arsenal eventually beat Hull in the 2014 FA Cup final, having done their best to make a complete Horlicks of it, knowing more Wenger years were now a cast iron certainty. Hence, I just can’t stomach a repeat of that, even if it means wanting my team to lose an FA Cup final! Thanks for that Wenger, hang your head in shame, for making me, and I don’t doubt many other Gooners too, forced to think like this, because of your refusal to do the right thing, by putting the club that you claim you love, above your personal ego!!