No New Contract Protest March before the Man Utd game

Leaving from East Stand of old Highbury stadium at 3.15

No New Contract Protest March before the Man Utd game

Arsenal’s season ends in less than four weeks’ time, after a Wembley showdown with Chelsea - the team that have showed everyone the way this season. However, the match at Wembley is nowhere near the most important thing that will happen to our Club this summer. That comes later. In private.

At some point between now and Saturday 12th August, a small group of old men will sit down and decide whether to extend Arsene Wenger’s contract or (finally) appoint a new manager. This will be done well away from any supporters or journalists and we will never know what was said, what the decision was based upon or who voted which way.

That decision is the single most important thing to happen to our Club in years. Why? Because the last ten seasons have been virtually identical, meaning that to re-appoint Wenger, and his outdated methods, would guarantee more of the same.

Two more years of a team with a soft centre. Two more years of fighting for the scraps. Two more years of overpaid, preening poseurs like Giroud, Walcott, Ozil and Ramsey. Two more years of stale, predictable mediocrity. Two more years of watching a team that cannot win the League and cannot compete in Europe.

Arsenal are England’s third most successful club but our recent record makes us look more like a mid table team. We might be making a profit but we are sliding further and further away from silverware.

Make no mistake, had we not started protesting two months ago, the contract extension would have been signed by now. Wenger wants to stay and Board members would love to re-appoint him. Once you’re on the Gravy Train, it’s difficult to step off. After all – Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. We must do all we can to convince them otherwise.

For the long term good of our Club, our intention is to hold another protest march, before the Manchester United match this Sunday. We will gather outside the old East Stand at Highbury from 3pm, leaving at 3.15pm and walking together to the new stadium. Against Man City there were 1,000 people on the march. This time we expect more so please join us and make your voice heard. There’s no point whinging online; no point moaning to your mates; no point in staying silent.

The alternative is two more years of falling further behind our rivals. Two more years of utter predictability. Two more years of watching the sort of capitulation we have witnessed against Spurs, Chelsea, Crystal Palace, West Brom, Liverpool and Bayern Munich (and many, many others before).

If anyone is in any doubt, if anyone believes that Wenger should stay, if anyone is wavering between stay and go, ask yourself this question.

If Wenger wasn’t our manager and he had been at say . . . Everton, Monaco, Ajax or Lazio for the last 21 years, would you be asking the Board to appoint him as Arsenal manager?

Have a closer look at his track record:-

* He has never won a European trophy.
* He may qualify for the Champions League but once we’re in it, we get thrashed every year.
* He hasn’t come close to winning his national league in more than a decade.
* He hasn’t spent one day at the top of his national league in April or May since 2004.
* In the last 24 away games against current top 6 rivals, his record is W 0 D 7 L 17 – 7 points from 72.
* This season, in away games vs the other sides in the current top 10, his record is W 0 D 2 L 6 – 2 points from 24.
* He is 67 years old.

What possible reason could there be for appointing that man? When his record is analysed, surely it brings into stark reality that the only reason people want Wenger to stay is sentiment and fear of change.

A 67 year old manager with a record like that is not the future.

Apart from the march the #NoNewContract protest group plan to continue hammering home the message to the board so there can be no doubt as to the desire of the majority of supporters for Arsene Wenger to step down this summer. The polls on national newspaper websites all say the same thing. Those results are not the result of a blog website poll where the readership might lean one way or the other. There are more actions planned. Already, thanks to donations, amongst other things, we have put a plane in the sky above West Brom, hired a mobile billboard at the Manchester City game, and beamed projections onto the old Highbury Stadium, the Emirates and Marble Arch. But we need more to continue, so if you agree that not doing anything and just staying quiet will not achieve change, then help fund us by making a donation on our JustGiving page - Please not that every donation is matched by a group of Block 9 Gooners, so a donation of £10 will mean £20 to fight the cause.

And whether or not you are attending the Manchester United game next Sunday, make the effort to get down to Highbury so you can add to our numbers and make your voice heard. We cannot allow the board to think they can just give Arsene Wenger a new contract without supporter resistance.

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  1. Yes its Ron

    May 03, 2017, 11:49 #101094

    Im afraid that im still of the view that the ire of the fans should equally have been directed at Kroenke and Co as much as at Wenger. AW clearly needs to go, but to put a replacement in to serve under this regime is in the main, a superficial change in my view.

  2. Aylesbury Gooner

    May 03, 2017, 9:34 #101090

    markymark everything crossed that what u posted is right.Also nice to see we reached the £2,500 target,gotta keep the pressure on.Wenger OUT,OUT,OUT

  3. markymark

    May 03, 2017, 8:15 #101085

    Story breaking over on ANR that Gazidis resigned and the board has issued a refusal acceptance. If true (very large ???) then I suspect it's over Wengo. Be interesting to see if the news breaks

  4. TonyEvans

    May 02, 2017, 20:17 #101084

    Redshirts - ditto re the United game and thinking ahead to the Cup final, if no announcement on the club's future has been forthcoming I will find it very hard to want an Arsenal victory. Can't stand the thought of Wenger getting out of jail again with a papering over the cracks cup win. I never, ever thought I would feel this way about a club I have lived and breathed since 1970.

  5. mbg

    May 02, 2017, 20:07 #101083

    There were some teams fans who threw hundreds of plastic pigs onto the pitch a couple of weeks back, very appropriate for our old Sow and his piglets with their noses stuck in the trough I think, but what about plastic frogs, especially the ones you wind up and they hop about all over the place, really telling him to hop it and go, imagine the stewards, referee, and players alike even in the board room and everybody else trying to keep a straight face trying to get them off the pitch, if that wouldn't get the message across nothing would. wenger out.


    May 02, 2017, 19:56 #101082

    Thought for the day about an American owner's attitude to his "customers" from a Lou Reed song "Stick a fork in their ass & turn them over - they're done"! I agree totally with both the article & also the need for in-ground protests combined with low attendances. However, I am seriously worried that Hulot will make a desperate, last minute push for The Top 4 Trophy. He has an injury ravaged Utd coming next after the debilitating curse of Thursday night footie. Mind you, Utd do have a bit of depth & of course Jose just hates losing but, on paper it's a good time to play them. Then wait for Le Smirk to re-emerge & the fatuous ****ing comments from all & sundry about "having come together", "lessons learned", "fighting together" etc. etc.

  7. markymark

    May 02, 2017, 19:27 #101081

    Moscow Gooner - I'm not sure one single organised event will ever push him out it will be a culmination of events. Obviously a scorched earth policy on Wengo could work but in general Arsenal supporters have always maintained the sanctity of the ground and in return were treated better than the fenced pens of the other grounds. Flares are an absolute no no and will cause real damage and potential hideous injuries. The protest marches having attended one of them have in my opinion gathered real publicity. The WOB is no longer seen as a fruitcake but far more a rational response to a failing situation. People staying away is also having an effect . I suspect the board will be watching Man U very carefully as any dip in attendance for the or near biggest game of the season points to a very worrying trend for them . A 5 -10k reduction against them could suggest a 30k fall away against Burnley. I'm actually pretty easy with existing holders renewing as they can control when they go and stay away campaigns could be mounted next season. We are still a little bit hung on whether Wengo realising he's on a losing hand completely caves in to desperately take a new contract in which case I reckon he last one year. Or whether he just gets real and ****s off. The pressure is hopefully pushing him towards leaving along with possible health issues.

  8. mbg

    May 02, 2017, 19:26 #101080

    joebaker9, excellent question, i can't understand why either, I've been advocating it/that for three years or more now I really have, as much as the outside protests are welcome carrying them on, and/or having them inside the ground also would be much much more effective, an excellent opportunity no better time, so f*****g what if the weasels apologists stick their heads up above the parapets and don't like it, (and we could be surprised just who does if many)it will let the powers that be, and all the rest of the top dogs, understand see just want wenger has caused and been responsible for, and brought everybody to, and let them know exactly what the fans think. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  9. Cheltenham Gunner

    May 02, 2017, 17:58 #101079

    Well played Mark. Of course ideally there would be more visable protests within the ground itself, but we know a significant part of the current(attending) fanbase are either apathetic or Wenger supporters. Many fans unhappy with the existing regime, such as myself have simply stopped going. However, the protests have made news and will have more reasonance than anything we can bash out on a keyboard. The projections were brilliant!! I will be happy to chip in.

  10. Petergooner

    May 02, 2017, 17:53 #101078

    Just got back from work and gone on to see what our manager has said about the display yesterday and his comments are not on there. Does that say something like he may be leaving and doesn't now give a dam or doesn't know what to say about such a pathetic display. Or the board has told him to keep quiet because the true fans will protest. WELL WE ARE.

  11. SilverGooner

    May 02, 2017, 16:05 #101077

    How on earth is the club going to attract a top class manager or world class players when the club has such a weak and utterly useless board who have no ambition whatsover for trophies? Kronke and Gazidis - you are a disgrace to the club.

  12. Bob Bayliss

    May 02, 2017, 15:10 #101075

    Leyton Orient fans staged a sit down protest on their pitch with 10 minutes of their final.home match to go. Not that I would advocate something as illegal as that at The Emirates, you understand.....please don't think about the impact it might have if say 9,000 gooners were to do it against Everton. We might even be deprived of cheering Ozil, Walcott, Girond and Ramsey on their lap of "appreciation" (never honour these days). Oh no, it is a terrible idea.

  13. Time for change

    May 02, 2017, 15:06 #101074

    Can't join the march as will be working but am definitely in support of this. Loyalty to the fans, not the manager. Wenger out.

  14. Perryashburtongroves

    May 02, 2017, 15:00 #101073

    For the good of the club, he needs to be driven out. Every protest, every letter, every sign helps. It has come to this, it has come to forcing him out because he's made it come to this. He could have gone in 2014, he could have said six months ago that he was going, he could have gone with dignity but he has chosen this. He has chosen to disrespect the fans, he has chosen to drag this whole pathetic episode out. He has allowed things to become so stale and out-dated, he could have freshened things up with better coaches, better scouts, new tactical approaches and a Director of Football but he didn't want to. He wanted it his way and he must now suffer the consequences. Never in my 30 odd years of following this club or following football in general have I ever known a manager be so disrespectful and dismissive of his own fans. He has caused this, he deserves this. Hound him out now. Nothing but removing this ego-mad has-been from power will be good enough. Wenger must fall.

  15. Moscowgooner

    May 02, 2017, 14:34 #101071

    The protest march has been tried - and failed. It is not nearly radical enough. For the Everton game at season´s end we need to escalate to direct action: flares, smoke bombs (see PSV versus Ajax) and a pitch invasion (with fans sitting arms linked in the centre circle) to force the abandonment of the game (ideally on the 22nd minute) - and well done to the lads at Leyton Orient for their protest last weekend. This type of action dominates the media in a way that protest marches can never do - and it requires a relatively small number of ´´ultras´' (200 or so) to create a huge impact. Continued contempt for the supporter base from board and manager demands an extreme response. (No wish for anyone to be physically hurt during the protest - so Police and stewards should keep well out of the way.)

  16. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 02, 2017, 13:18 #101069

    Good luck mark and everyone taking part on Sunday. Hopefully being humiliated by the spuds will swell your numbers substantially, and hopefully (and again never thought I'd hear myself saying this) we get slaughtered by united. Wenger out

  17. jwe1981

    May 02, 2017, 13:15 #101068

    Jo Baker spot on. Unless there are audible chants against Wenger inside the stadium on match days nothing will change. It doesn't have to be the whole stadium by any means. Lets face it no more than 500-1000 people actually join in any chants that go up inside the ground at the best of times! But if everything is only ever outside of the ground I can't see it having the desired impact at all. I get the feeling that a large number of the protestors don't actually go to the games anymore. Out of the 55,000 or so 'Arsenal fans' inside the ground on match days none of them care enough about the club anymore to be bothered enough to make their feelings heard.

  18. Gaz

    May 02, 2017, 13:12 #101067

    I'll be there again and hoping for a really big turnout. Do I think he's already signed? No. Do I think he's definitely going to sign? No. Do I think these protests will 100% make him NOT sign? No. Do I think these protests COULD have an affect on his decision? YES! So there you have it. We can either moan all day about him and do nothing or we could spend an hour of time getting our voices heard by the Club. So if you can get down there on Sunday do so as you'll have a far more satisfying time than any of our games this season. Wenger out!!!

  19. peter wain

    May 02, 2017, 13:07 #101066

    we will have to get use to mid table mediocrity if the management stays the same.

  20. joebaker9

    May 02, 2017, 12:44 #101065

    Can someone please explain to me the reluctance to take action inside the stadium? We are seeing a repetition of the same things again and again, and we are no further on. How many times does it have to be said? To be really effective, fans need to demonstrate their opposition to Wenger when he is present. That means taking action INSIDE the stadium. Thus far, the club can argue that external actions are simply those of a minority who do not represent who views of the majority. We keep reading that this is not the case. Therefore, Sunday is an opportunity for the many thousands of real Arsenal fans in the Emirates to use their voice to make the current manager's position untenable. I realise it takes courage, but there's never been a revolution without it. Other measures I'm afraid, though well meaning, just seem like water off a duck's back.

  21. TonyEvans

    May 02, 2017, 12:38 #101064

    Just donated - well done Mark and very best wishes to all involved. Hope we see a good turn out on Sunday to hammer home the message that another two years of Wenger will be nothing short of a disaster.

  22. markymark

    May 02, 2017, 11:43 #101063

    Mark:- I fully agree, without the protests that they would have already signed. Keep up the good work and I'll contribute when salary hits.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    May 02, 2017, 11:14 #101062

    Are you reading, Graham Perry? There are the 'footballing reasons' you requested concisely and starkly laid out for you. Has it sunk in now?

  24. mbg

    May 02, 2017, 10:37 #101061

    Well done all, and remember this, we had our foot on the weasels throat before and let him up because of one result (where we won fookall)don't let it happen again, don't make the same mistake, the old past it fraud is down now, KEEP HIM DOWN, and make sure he's out, it's no good whinging later when the time has passed and it's too late. #no new contract, we want wenger out.