Don’t hate Tottenham, they just want to be like us!

Although that might not hold true if Wenger remains until his dying day

Don’t hate Tottenham, they just want to be like us!

Too early to claim a power shift?

It’s been a while folks, and although I have been back home in London for almost five years now, I’ve decided to keep the ‘CanadaGooner’ handle to remind me of the years I worked in Canada. Anyway, to the matter in hand; when it gets to a point where we are grateful to have only lost a game 2 – 0, you know something is seriously wrong! And that, my fellow Gooners, is indeed where we are today.

The only two takeaways from Sunday’s match at White Hart Lane are:

1. It has taken Tottenham 22 years to finally finish above Arsenal in the league and it is doubtful that will be enough to win the title.

2. Wenger is determined to sully his record before he is forced to leave Arsenal at some point in the future.

The way pundits are reporting the supposed shift in power across north London, you would have thought 2017 marks the 22nd year in a row that Tottenham have finished ahead of Arsenal in the league. But unfortunately, that is the state of today’s society; everything must be made sensational or it won’t catch on.

The only real analogy I could think of, is the case of a poor man who has spent most of his life criticizing the rich and speaking out against the excesses of the rich and how they wear expensive clothes and send their kids to expensive schools etc, only for him to then win the lottery, and the first thing he does is buy a bigger house, a better car, and begin to look at what rich people have that he also must now go and buy. Soon, he will be a mirror image of those he spent most of his life criticizing. I am yet to meet a poor man who would, upon making some money, decide to go and buy a smaller house than he currently has, or worse clothing in order to continue to fit in with being poor. That in a nutshell is the story of Tottenham; a poor man’s version of Arsenal - always wanting to be like us.

North London rivalry? What north London rivalry? - unless you are in your 30s and older, it is very difficult to relate to the north London rivalry, as most under 30 supporters would have been less than 10 years old the last time Tottenham finished ahead of Arsenal in the league, so, for their sake, let’s hope this year reawakens this supposed rivalry as quite frankly, for some of us who are older than 30, it has become so one-sidedly boring!

Someone asked me after the game, if I was angry and I explained that my current state of mind remains exactly as it has been since 2008, when it was quite clear to anyone who cared to review where Arsenal are heading under a stubborn, deluded manager, that it would take a great deal of luck and others stagnating, for Arsenal to win the league anytime soon. But even I, at the time, could not have seen what was coming: we are now like many UK golf courses where holding wedding ceremonies and events is the main business, with golf being just a sideshow. Arsenal is now definitely just a business and football is the sideshow. The owners will keep Wenger for as long as he continues to make them money, and he knows that. The grumbling of a growing number of fans is just a minor inconvenience, and if some refuse to attend games, the tickets will be sold to tourists, as we are in London after all!

If any of you care to go and watch some of the clips of Thierry Henry scoring goals and the passionate display of aggression that the likes of Henry, Sol Campbell, Martin Keown, Tony Adams and those players showed in rousing the crowd and being really determined to win (and I mean, to win football matches, not just to win 4th place position for the Champions League money) it is quite clear to anyone watching that our current team, under the affection of our manager, are not that interested in winning football matches. They do not feel any pain of losing match after match, be it to our supposed north London rivals or any other team for that matter. On the odd occasion, over the last 10 years, where we have somehow hired a player who wants to win e.g. Arshavin or Sanchez, they quickly become a threat to a manager who is only interested in surrounding himself with the Theo Walcotts of this world, who will do as he tells them, and are content with a career high of 4th place in the league plus the odd FA Cup to go with it.

Any serious footballer looking to excel at football cannot seriously think Arsenal is their destination right now. But any footballer struggling to make an impact in their current high-flying teams (e.g. Real Madrid or Barcelona) and looking for a place to bed-in and make a steady income, earn praise for finishing 4th (which could now even be a tall order), play for a manager who is very content with his past record and doesn’t care less what anyone says to him about his recent 12 years of below-par results e.g. 19 consecutive years in the Champions League but only a single final? With Liverpool and Chelsea showing up fewer times and winning the Champions League during that period.

There is no saving grace for us. Arsenal will not sack Wenger, and like a true third-world dictator, Wenger will never volunteer to leave. So, where does that leave us? We will continue to be reminded of the good times under Wenger and that we must be careful what we wish for, and that 6th place in the league is not as bad as it sounds (10th place is worse…), and that we will never find another Wenger, so no point in taking the same gamble we did in 1996, when we brought in an unproven Frenchman coaching in Japan…

We’ll see where this all ends.

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  1. mbg

    May 06, 2017, 17:41 #101143

    MAF, it mostly started when Mourniho arrived and was a winner and soon seen through the AKB's messiah tucking him in his back pocket and feeding him on farts ever since, and then the truthful comment (among others) about the loser being a specialist in failure that really blew their mind, he became a real enemy of the state then just for telling the truth and being a winner. We want wenger out.

  2. MAF

    May 05, 2017, 17:47 #101134

    Exeter - yes. this man is drunk with the power that he holds over the Club, brought about by weak ownership, weak board and wenger taking full Advantage of that Change of ownership. he is the King of Arsneal. Players fans alike do not matter. I take mourinho over wenger any day of the week and twice on sunday. Mourinho bleeds when he loses

  3. Exeter Gunner

    May 05, 2017, 16:11 #101133

    Ron - usually agree with you but think you're a bit off on the protests. They're not giving him a new contract for being a lightning conductor. They're giving him a new contract because Kroenke is a big picture guy and sees his investment is still appreciating in value - that's the beginning and the end of it for him. Broadening the protests blurs the protests. AKBs spy a chance to deflect from Wenger's very obvious blame and failings by infiltrating the protests and trying to make it all about Kroenke. Again, Kroenke doesn't care - he's 5,000 miles away looking only at the bottom line. Wenger is here having to take the pressure. Only good for Wenger if you broaden the protests - takes the focus off him, lessens the pressure. Continued bad results and laser-like focus on his failings is the only hope. Kroenke comes later.

  4. Yes its Ron

    May 05, 2017, 13:10 #101128

    EG - Hes definitely enjoying the 'tease' but i think the Board are at one with him on it as well. I truly dont think its possible to distinguish the Board from him. For real progress, the lot need ousting, but as its been since SK arrived, Wenger took the high salary in return for being the Boards lightening conductor. His salary has nothing to do with football or whether he succeeds or not. Hes clearly free to say now that 'non top 4 has no effect on his decision'. He couldnt under any circs say that unless he and the Board we re not as one. The demos have played into their hands by being directed only towards him i think. Hes expected it and the Board are grateful to him for shouldering it. He ll be handsomely rewarded for his loyalty to his absent paymaster either with a massive handshake or a new Contract of sorts. I still think a roll over contract will happen though if he stays.It ll allow the Board and him to acknowledge changes are needed, thereby paying lip service to the demos but also to allow them to sell the idea of him staying by claiming there's no permanency in a roll over contract.

  5. Exeter Gunner

    May 05, 2017, 10:34 #101126

    MAF - 'playful', that's a good word for it. I usually avoid his press conferences these days but made the mistake of watching yesterday's: 'I was wrong' ho ho ho... 'I do not want to speak about my personal case' like it's a private matter and not about the future direction of the club... the shrugging off of defeats: 'As a manager you have to accept that can happen' like there's nothing more to it. He came across like he doesn't have a care in the world. It looks and sounds very much like a man who knows he's got a job for life, no matter what, the contract situation a mere toy to play with, to be announced when he sees fit as a demonstration of his power. I hope I'm wrong.

  6. MAF

    May 05, 2017, 9:26 #101125

    Mourinho. a real Manager prepared to be judged on his results. i really do not get how some Arsenal fans cannot respect this man (&others like him). dont have to like his style. but respect how he judges himself. he would have walked out Long ago if he was in wengers Position. first he would have dropped all the Players, kicked their ass all week. been depressed (instead of being playful in media sessions). please please Allegri or Simeone, hear our prayers

  7. mbg

    May 04, 2017, 21:47 #101124

    And we can't blame the spuds for taking advantage of it, they couldn't before (and all the other years/times when wenger and his nice boy second raters got lucky and scraped through by the skin of their/our teeth Newcastle ? whooping and bouncing etc) but they have this time (thanks to complacent wenger AND HIS AKB WENGERITES who are as much to blame as him) it was only a matter of time until they got their act together and wenger and his wengerites have allowed it to happen, will it last ? most certainly if wenger remains, good luck to them they've actually done us a favour, it was the best thing to happen this club for years, the second best thing ? if they win the league, the biggest and long deserved kick up the arse to get us out of our stupor for the club in years and surely the end of wenger. We want wenger out.

  8. MAF

    May 04, 2017, 18:09 #101123

    a more selfish man one could not find. he loves the Attention from the media. he is an utter XXXX in my book. any sepf-respecting Manager would have walked by now with 50% of the fans having turned against him. he is Louis IV all over again and sees the fans as totally irrelevant

  9. Paulward

    May 04, 2017, 18:01 #101122

    A fair article but I'm not convinced Wenger will be staying . The empty seats versus Leicester were alarming and there will be even more against Sunderland, despite the fixture going on general sale. The board have not exactly come out and backed Wenger, if we don't win Sunday the issue will come into much sharper focus as the top four will be gone, and if there isn't a financial reason to keep Wenger there sure as hell isnt a football one.

  10. David1

    May 04, 2017, 17:07 #101121

    No doubt that the board are waiting to the end of the season. From their perspective, an FA Cup win or 4th place will be enough. If he manages both, then he has a watertight case.

  11. jjetplane

    May 04, 2017, 16:00 #101120

    Arsenal's recent history is almost as bad as the Totts but as evidence shows the Totts are nearer to Chelsea now than Wenger has been for well over a decade. in Wenger's little golden period the competition was just Utd and they came out on top. Now we are having six or seven good coaches competing the Totts are doing much better than Arsenal. The Emirates would have to be rebuilt and the club completely made over from top to bottom for any signs of getting even into a top four. If Koeman stays he will lift the Toffees firmly above Arsenal and if Palace and West Ham turn a corner Arsenal could be rubbing cultural shoulders with the likes of Fulham and maybe even QPR. No one in London would give a toss about it as one brand pushes another to the side. Totts look like they are playing in a different league to Arsenal and as regards coaches young Porchie boy is just starting out so any comparisons are plain silly. Tottenham are presently very modern and Wenger is most defiantly archaic. Most laughable moment of the day comes from Wenger saying Granite has a sore foot! So ****ing what! Wenger was also still whining on about the legendary Santi who is turning into a Jimi Hendrix in football terms. Had one good game against City but that is all you need at the Emirates as witnessed by da Ox (sic) and Wally clone Ramsay. Totts v the Hammers is the biggest game of the season so far. Arsenal are already being consigned to history and it would not hurt to have Wenger doing his press stints from his home study. Big chair, big smirk, little ****ing spirit! The above article is just another of those little self promotions that takes pity on the poor. JEEEz ....

  12. mbg

    May 04, 2017, 15:41 #101119

    I certainly don't hate Tottenham Canada, I hate wenger and hate him with a vengeance, Tottenham aren't to blame for our regression and our demise, there's only one person to blame for that, an old over the hill egoistic arrogant weasel of a Frenchman who's not fit to be called a manager. #no new contract We want the weasel out.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    May 04, 2017, 15:03 #101118

    Obviously Spurs would like AFC's history but now way they'd want to be like Arsenal in the current Wenger self-parody era - clearly Spurs' ambition exceeds top 4 and making a profit. Whether they'll get there is doubtful but the point is they have the ambition and Arsenal don't. It'll take a massive overhaul at AFC to correct that.

  14. Yes its Ron

    May 04, 2017, 13:18 #101117

    ps as for the North London rivalry, Spurs could be playing in the Vanerama league stadium sharing with Barnet and even then for me, it would still be a bigger game than one v Man Utd et al and id still want ASL to win 17-0. True Gooners never forget that, wherever they are, and whatever there not achieving. Younger Gooners learn it. To think anything otherwise makes one as big a snob as Wenger is.

  15. Yes its Ron

    May 04, 2017, 13:03 #101116

    Im no Totenham sympathiser but to be honest ive always thought its a bit of a cheap shot by our fans to state Tottenham want to mimic the neighbours. Its fun to say it and its demeaning to them and its harmless, but untrue im afraid. I think Tottenham would like to be bigger than Arsenal but totally different at the same time. Truth of the matter is that while we re all on our Clubs case right now, most Clubs in Europe would like to be the same as Arsenal simply because they are a fantastic Club still, just not so fantastic ON the pitch right now. This Wenger issue and where its led our Club to at the moment is a minor scratch on the paintwork of the Clubs body, hardly noticeable in the greater scheme of things. It will be cured and it ll go away and Arsenal will continue and will get back to being a Club to be proud of again. The media are drumming up the Spurs thing as its just another stick to whack AFC with for the moment. They know the underlying truth though, as do most of our supporters and its a given that it could take Spurs another 10 - 20 yrs to get to where AFC are at even now and that would need simultaneous further continous decline by AFC. Lets not over egg the Wenger malaise pudding here. Its temporary. As for the recent oft quoted inane question that the media raise about 'who would a player join now', Spurs or AFC bla bla F----G bla. The answers Arsenal all day long, despite Ian Wrights pathetic, simpering delayed response to the same barmy question the other day. Arsenal have a few problems and issues to overcome. Lets judge Tottenham when theyre at Wembley and then for a few yrs after when in the new dump at the WHL land fill site. I want Wengs to move on the same as anybody else and have wanted him to leave for the last 6 years but some of the over-blown hyperbole about our issues right now by the media and some of our fans who are buying into their message is misguided in the extreme in my view. This article with all due respect is a nod of the head and a tip of the cap to the media muppets who at last are able to celebrate and put up in lights Arsenals problems which the media and opposition fans have never been slow to do throughout my lifetime. Please leave Arsene and let the Club start the job of swatting the detractors away once more as we ve always been able to do.

  16. peter wain

    May 04, 2017, 13:01 #101115

    the scum are the scum they always will be. SO do not try and make them out to be anything else

  17. Aylesbury Gooner

    May 04, 2017, 12:56 #101114

    Redshirtwhitesleeves-Totally agree with your post,how he sits there week in week out and basically takes the piss out of supporters as you say pay his salary along with all the other hangers on,its a disgrace. Looks like he might have another get out of jail card this Sunday with Man utd. maybe fielding a 2nd eleven.TonyEvans we have every right to be worried because its happened before.Wenger OUT,OUT,OUT

  18. TonyEvans

    May 04, 2017, 12:27 #101113

    A near perfect summary of where we are and, more or less, have been since 2008/09. A dreadful situation, getting worse year by year, month by month and week by week. It takes the biscuit when long term supporters are wrestling with their conscience over whether they actually want their team to win a cup final because they are worried a win will hand Wenger the excuse he is desperate for to blight our club for another two years! He should (but won't) hang his head in shame!

  19. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 04, 2017, 12:15 #101112

    Wenger is now making jokes about his contract situation- I'm glad he finds the state of our club funny, I'm damn sure none of us do. The contempt in which he holds us supporters is appalling. He should remember whose pockets that 8million pound a year salary comes from. Any self respecting board would sack a manager of a multi million pound company acting that way. As we know the only thing this board respects is MONEY. I now hate this man, gazidis and kroenke more than I hate sp*rs- and that is saying something. Wenger out