It’s Time To Say Goodbye

Reflections on Arsene’s resignation announcement

It’s Time To Say Goodbye

Ed’s note… Where to begin? This article should have appeared on pages 76 & 77 of our ‘Au Revoir Arsène’ special edition that sold out at the Burnley game. It was a titanic effort to get an 84 page edition to the printers in time, and unfortunately, on the spread for this piece, the words from another article were printed instead of Simon Rose’s, due to the guy doing the layouts using another spread as a template, and forgetting to flow in Simon's text. It should have been spotted subsequently by me, so the blame is not solely on one person. Our profuse and sincere apologies to Simon. All we can do is ensure his words see the light of day, although the error will be corrected for the e-edition of the special, which should be available from tomorrow. We’ll post details of that once it’s ready.

Even the most lavish bathtub in the world needs a reliable plug, or the water will just drain out. Arsenal's Invincibles went the entire 2003-04 league campaign unbeaten and the 2002 double-winners also avoided away defeat all season. I was at Newcastle recently as we succumbed to our fifth successive away league defeat of 2018, and there were few complaints from our visiting section. No planes flying banners unlike last season’s angry scenes, no “Wenger out” chants, no fighting among different factions of our support. Just resignation. For the third time in that run we had scored first, but still lost. It doesn't matter how well you attack, if you cannot defend you simply don't have a complete team. Any manager overseeing such a racket cannot last. You cannot achieve anything in football if you cannot defend.

Arsène Wenger's announcement that he would leave Arsenal at the end of this season was not entirely unexpected, but it was still something of a shock. It had slowly become a widespread given across much of the fanbase that Wenger needed to be superseded one way or another, but it was still surprising that this was genuinely happening, partly for the timing of the decision. Many had hoped that such news would come before the campaign ended, to lift the despondent mood on and off the pitch, perhaps to save our chance to win the Europa League, but most observers thought that any such decision might come once the season had ended, for a quiet uncontroversial exit. Not so.

Much has been made - and will continue to be made - about the timing of Wenger's exit announcement, whether or not he was sacked and where the power and timing lay in that decision. The “Merci Arsène” packaging of the announcement on was a celebratory way to secure the narrative and fend off deeper immediate scrutiny. Ivan Gazidis's presser later that day paid a well-polished and evocative tribute to Wenger, but it neatly dodged questions about the timing and ownership of the decision, and about Arsenal's level of preparation for replacing a manager of 22 years.

Was Wenger pushed? The club and Arsène are doing their best not to say, and the only ITKs are those directly involved, but something within the timing pricked up my ears. Following the Newcastle defeat on April 15, Wenger gave a pre-West Ham presser on April 19 and was asked about his future. He replied "My personal situation is not so much my worry at the moment. My worry is to transform a season with so many disappointments away from home into success. That's what matters." When pressed on the swathes of empty seats at home games, Wenger added "It's not a concern. Our crowd is solid at the moment." Not a concern to you maybe, Arsène, but a concern perhaps to others.

These Wenger comments were not hugely dissimilar to others he has given at times this season, but I didn't feel that previous Wenger comments had openly cited specific failings. Normally he focuses on the task of achieving upcoming positives, not reflecting on weaknesses. I thought "Who are these comments for? Is something happening here?” I wondered if Wenger was making those comments for an internal audience, like Gazidis, Sanllehi, Josh Kroenke or maybe even Stan directly. Was he suddenly under greater pressure? I didn't think too deeply about this, as Wenger has responded to such queries before, but I just sensed something in his answers, a different angle. I wondered if Wenger was aware of senior executives circling, manoeuvring for this summer to be the time to part. I didn't expect what came next though.

When Wenger's exit announcement came, my immediate thought was that maybe Stan hadn't appreciated those Wenger comments from the pre-West Ham presser. Yes, there have been a lot of disappointments, haven't there. No, the masses of empty seats are a concern and their consistent emptiness is the main thing solid right now. Given that the Wenger decision was taken on the evening of April 19, later on the day of the above presser, I couldn't help but feel that on that fateful Friday morning perhaps Stan Kroenke was not best pleased by Wenger’s tone and narrative and that an incoming decision was actioned there and then. This exit decision did not come from a standing start. Once a sink has been filling up for some time, it only takes one more drop for water to spill over the sides. The straw of Wenger’s continued presence at Arsenal had long since broken the camel's back of many fans' discontent, but perhaps Stan Kroenke's final straw was Wenger's comments in that pre-West Ham presser.

It’s the timing that stands out for me. The Newcastle away defeat meant that Arsenal were the only league team in England to have lost all of its away league games this calendar year. But that was the Sunday; Wenger was still in charge to take the pre-West Ham presser on the Thursday morning, ahead of facing the Hammers on the Sunday. Wenger was ousted on the night of that presser, with the announcement the following morning. Something moved Kroenke to make that decision. Perhaps Gazidis reported back displeasure on Wenger's comments and Kroenke drew the line. But whichever way you look at it, an exit announcement in the run-up to a game is not the same as one closely following a record sequence of defeats. If you’ve decided that results alone merit the sack, that tends to come quite soon after the most recent game, not shortly before the next one. Wenger had not only reached the stage where his team could no longer defend away from home, even when winning, but also where he could not defend his own record and equally had no defence for fan apathy. The players had, to some extent, turned their back on Wenger, at least away from home, but the home crowd had now increasingly turned their back on Wenger too, by failing to fill their own pre-paid seats. Stan Kroenke has now, ultimately, turned his back on Wenger too.

I long held a consistent position over Wenger’s tenure at the club, during the years of debate over his future; Wenger has always said that he would not break a contract and the club have never looked likely to sack him, so I regarded the likeliest exit to be at the end of a contract. That moment could have been 2014. We just about beat Hull to win the FA Cup and end our nine-year barren run without silverware. To get a three-year deal then miffed many, but I read it as three years to make a credible title challenge. Three years later and we hadn't managed that, but had won two more FA Cups, the last against the odds, in beating Man City and Chelsea to land it. I do wish Arsène had made the break then, last summer. Two more years to win a title? I took his new deal as perhaps bridging the gap until Arsenal were ready, structurally as a club, to replace him. Perhaps vanity made him stay. Perhaps the club couldn't replace him at that point and asked him to hold on. Whatever the truth, the club has certainly decided that they are ready now.

Arsène Wenger has been an astounding Arsenal manager, on and off the pitch. I have enjoyed and admired him so much, as an Arsenal man and as a person. Such class, intelligence, wit and humanity. And plenty of success. Wenger has brought me so much pleasure as an Arsenal supporter. It's a much-vaunted life ambition to 'go out at the top', to leave a party while you're still having fun, so it's awkward that he could not gauge the right time to step away from the club that he loves. Arsène Wenger will rightfully remain an Arsenal legend to many and the highs should always override the lows; it's just a shame that he will drift away this summer, seemingly against his wishes, having somewhat lost the players, certainly many of the fans and, crucially in the end, his employer.

The final match that could yet have afforded Wenger a glorious departure – the home leg against Atletico Madrid – only served to illustrate the uncomfortable truth. That 1-1 draw was yet another match of promise, where attacking intent was undone by a fatal openness in our back line. How very Arsenal of Arsène Wenger’s Arsenal to present a high defensive line at 1-0 up in a massive game, only for a full-back to play a top striker onside, a central defender to kick the ball into his own face when trying to clear the danger, and for his partner then to slip and fall over when straining to block the goal-bound equaliser. That sequence would make a great meme in the style of a renaissance painting at the National Gallery. How as a manager do you talk yourself out of that not being good enough? How do you pass off more proof that your methods no longer make you competitive? The unfortunate evidence against Arsène Wenger, repeated against Atletico even after the announcement of his impending exit, was that once again sadly no defence was no defence.


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  1. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 15:00 #109525

    Exeter Ex, Mulder and Scully, hee,hee.

  2. A Cornish Gooner

    May 11, 2018, 14:21 #109522

    Badarse. Very pleased to hear you've got a new 'getaway' car. Take my advice chum, use it as much as possible.

  3. markymark

    May 11, 2018, 14:07 #109520

    Baddie - I’m a member of a few other forums and on those you’d now be facing at least a temporary ban. There are plenty like you on the net . Start throwing the insults around, they attempt to get mildy threatening and end up banned. They move on I suppose. Having seen this type they always claim they are acting out of principle , claim they have some sort of knowledge the rest of forum sadly doesn’t share and they tend to fixate. There was a time when you were borderline stalker / trolling Ron. I note now you appear desperate for some form of all encompassing admiration from that gentleman. I have to say Baddie that is a bit sad in a man your age , along with your pomposity it suggests a troubled fragile state , played out to a group of people who put up with you as your here. We easily see through you, your not that clever (believe it or not ) your continued obsessive defence of Wenger obviously ended in your defeat . You won’t of course ever admit this , or be the slightest bit contrite , it will however gnaw away at you like many other issues I’d suggest .

  4. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 12:37 #109513

    That's just not true, Badarse, anyone just needs to look at comments from yesterday and today here. People were simply disagreeing to the degree to which it was Wenger's decision, without name calling or abuse, then you jump in to antagonise, claiming Ron is 'getting it in the neck' and being attacked. It's quite apparent from his last comment he doesn't share your view. What you're attempting is quite transparent - you're trying to get him on your 'side' in your ongoing battle against the 'Dark Moanies'. People make sensible comments about comparing across European leagues, or the evidence concerning Wenger's departure, and you characterise this as 'a-howling and a-frothing'. As for you merely 'reacting' to my 'actions', you'll have to point where I've ever threatened physical assault, as in: 'if we met face to face, that would be one warning to step away, no more'. You've upped the ante there. And it sounds especially silly from a man of your years. Why do you keep giving us the ammo to shoot you with? You're a deliberate, knowing antagonist, unable to disagree or debate in the manner that everyone else manages with each other, and that's why you need to leave. It sounds like you're preparing the ground to do so now. If you want to believe that's entirely your free choice, that's fine with me, just so long as you go.

  5. markymark

    May 11, 2018, 11:36 #109511

    Exeter and A Cornish , looking at my post I should have been a little more empathetic . It’s not nice having threats made , however enfeebled the individual is . I’m just saying this as I’ve just gone through an incident doing the right thing for a member of the public . So not nice. Looking at Baddie it’s very revealing with this constant use of cowards and traitors . Recently I used a selection of terms he’d used to people on the site. He called me a coward , yet somehow doesn’t see the absurdity of his position as he hits out yet again from a keyboard . My general impression of both ToOaW and Baddie is that they are at best I’ll informed and unable to add any significant context around tactics , goings on in the boardroom , Arsenal players . It’s like me randomly trolling a Newcastle UTD site. I could only do it in broadest terms without any sophistry . I reckon as text content moves from Wenger to the new Manager , tactics , players . You’ll see less and less of them . Recently there’s been whole sets of postings without one comment from them . They seem lost when it moves away from tribal Wenger issues.

  6. Badarse

    May 11, 2018, 11:18 #109509

    No Eggman I was doing just what you do in the similar vein though yours is an action mine a reaction. As for revelations Corny old git your colours have long since been run up the mast, a Richard if ever there was. By the way have just acquired a new car so any driving from the site will be in that with me at the wheel, and yes, it's a red one! So baby, you can't drive my car, ding-a-ling. I too believe money will come into the selection of manager Ron. A leopard doesn't change his spots and Kroenke's message has been loud and clear for the duration. I would be pleasantly surprised if money doesn't rule; always live in hope.

  7. markymark

    May 11, 2018, 11:17 #109508

    Badarse - has someone mixed up your meds? This is quite hilarious almost as funny as when you and the other 80 year old, Colesey OAP had a group jerk fantasy over being hooligans. It’s not all about you Baddie , we can have discussions about sackings / resignations without getting into cyber fisticuffs. On Ron’s point I personally would want to read the Wenger book.It would be no good sanitised though even if it’s 300 pages of protest at least you’d find out who is enemies were. For another great sporting read I’d highly recommend cycle of lies about Lance Armstrong . The once all American hero who is high on the sociopathic scale. At times quite unbelievable

  8. Yes its Ron

    May 11, 2018, 10:24 #109507

    Morning lads - all points noted and recognised. I do really hope that AW foes write about his time at Arsenal eventually. Has ever one man dominated so much footie discussion and exchanges of view amongst football followers, not just from one club? Its quite amazing really. Arsene for sure wont ever be forgotten. He could pen a book even better than the best book re Arsenal in my view - The making of a modern superclub. Great read that was i thought. He needs to write. OK, it ll have a bias in it, which we should expect but im sure there will be stuff he has to say that will at least perhaps only in part force us all to revise some of our perspectives on his time at the helm. The Club has been far too closed this last 12 years or so and done itself no favours has it, nor Wenger either. The club needs an appointment now though to inspire the core support. Not to do so, will put both the club and the new man on the back foot from day 1. It doesn't need to be a big hitting established renowned Coach, but needs to be a man who can make people think that some real changes for the better can now start. Mt fear is that SK will simply look for the cheapest most compliant option. Hes not harpy with AW having to leave as i see it. Perhaps the most vital and important decision Arsenal have to make since they decided to move stadium. Lets hope they get it right.

  9. A Cornish Gooner

    May 11, 2018, 9:58 #109506

    A very revealing post Badarse.

  10. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 9:17 #109505

    It's clear what the problem is on this site. There was healthy disagreement on here regarding 'Wenger - sacked or not'. Sensible points made without abuse or name calling. Then we have Badarse's interventions. The latest being this pensioner making physical threats from behind a computer screen, whilst calling another 'cowardly'. A goader, an antagoniser and a hypocrite. He needs to be driven from the site, and will be.

  11. Badarse

    May 11, 2018, 8:12 #109504

    Cornish you are a Richard, so what? As for the hound of the Eggskerville bring it on non-arrogant one. You clowns only believe your own hype and try to chase down anyone who objects to, or has a different view on matters. Nazis? Poor old Ron gets it in the neck for responding to me, yet the cowardly Corny old git keeps his foot off the pedal as he knows he will offend quite a few of those who hold him in high regard, after all this is the Ronline Gooner. Eggman you are such a weak and cowardly twit. I would allow you some leeway as it would be fairly obvious that there was something amiss with you if we met face to face, that would be one warning to step away, no more. No coward tell me what a bad human I am, and where we are all going wrong as youy deliberate and pontificate on all issues Arsenal. On yer bike, ding-a-ling!

  12. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 21:18 #109501

    A little nugget from the Telegraph dated 22nd April “The clear expectation was that Wenger would be asked to leave this summer and, with a far more ignominious departure hanging over him, he decided to bring forward confirmation of the news. Significantly, it was something that the club’s board were happy for him to do.” Interestingly when I googled Wenger sacking a week or so back I came across numerous links to betting sites and odds . I suppose it may be obvious due to loss of form but if you hold the view the markets always call it . Odds started closing in rapidly in March. I have also read that Arsenal were aware that news was leaking so they controlled the process. In that regard it’s probably the most professional they have been.


    May 10, 2018, 20:04 #109497

    ACG - nice one! But no comments from me on this post because I am sick to death of the current handbagging on here. I do admit to feeling a bit "glass half empty" at the moment over the new appointment - I just feel we are being set up for an unappealing Coach appointment. See you on last night's match report?

  14. A Cornish Gooner

    May 10, 2018, 18:49 #109495

    Cornish. Yes it was tongue in cheek. As for the 'rancour', I'm afraid that even after Le Morte d'Arthur Webster it seems plus ça change. Think I owe you about four pints now.

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    May 10, 2018, 18:34 #109494

    Ron. My post to you wasn’t with any malicious intent. I realise you have an opinion of your own with regard to Wenger’s departure, as I have mine. There’s no need to mention egg on face, whatever actually happened. It’s only an opinion. I believe, as Exeter alluded to, a ‘conventional’ sacking would have reflected badly on both Arsenal and Wenger. I believe as even Badarse has posted that he was asked to leave. I don’t believe it was 100% Wenger’s decision. I don’t remember reading anything about the Arsenal board trying desperately to change his mind or not accepting his resignation. Sadly, Ron it seems that once again have woken a huge sleeping ego. As for you Shortarse and your ‘lack of social grace and poor intellect’, you really are the dimmest poster on here and I include TOOAW. NOT nice but dim.

  16. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 18:29 #109493

    Yes it’s Ron - the was he wasn’t he can run for yonks but sufficient for me is most social media bloggers with an ‘in’ including Kevin have said they were hearing he was going. Wenger has given no indication he was happy to leave . He genuinely appears not to know what will happen next. He says the timing wasn’t his. Kronke says it was his hardest ever decision. Putting 2 and 2 together Stan got Josh to do his dirty work. It very much suits both parties to do a celebration , why spoil the event with petulance ? Ivan has got what he wants

  17. Exeter Ex

    May 10, 2018, 17:41 #109491

    Badarse - Ron isn't as pathetically weak-willed and feeble minded as you. He can withstand being challenged and answer back without resorting to pitiful, unimaginative, repetitive name calling. You've made it apparent you have no clue about football today, calling Ramsey the best box to box midfielder in the country. Your miles out of your depth on here, and every time you try and take me or anyone on you get eviscerated and have to disappear for days, weeks, or months. But you never learn. You are a recidivist. And just for that last comment, I'm going to hound you after every comment you make until you're gone again.

  18. Badarse

    May 10, 2018, 17:32 #109489

    No debate just frothing, now who has egg on his face, down his bib, and dripping into his clogs? I demand debate, go on, answer me, then I can remonstrate displaying my lack of social grace and poor intellect...but I do have a green bike with the Minnie the Minx bell. betcha. Liked the analysis Ron. You deserved a better response, but the dark moanies are a-howling and a-frothing tonight.

  19. Exeter Ex

    May 10, 2018, 17:23 #109487

    Ron - we went through all this a couple of days ago on here. No he wasn't sacked as in frogmarched out the building. He was given the chance to announce it himself and go nicely, and he's taken that up. There's been enough clues in what he's said himself since. Read the transcript of today's press conference for another indicator. When asked if he wanted to wait until the end of the season to see how it went: "Yes of course". The idea that Wenger leaving was his decision made of his own free will is ludicrous in the face of all the evidence. And of course the club are never 'officially' going to announce he was sacked, they want this stage managed exit for PR reasons.

  20. Exiled in Pt

    May 10, 2018, 17:15 #109486

    Ron- that season was the turning point for many in the away support that he should go . Your correct in his name was still sung in those days but it was not pro Wenger that day it was just pro Arsenal and silencing the Manc support which lets be honest is as bad at there own ground as it is at ours!! I think he was given to much leeway by us and a spineless board that in the end, it has turned so toxic !! Now lets hope the very poor owner and board we have show some real ambition to move forward again and as we were once fooled by them aim to compete with the best ...

  21. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 16:28 #109485

    CG - How many sacked employees are given a full day of celebration? A sacking is the unilateral discarding of an employee by a Co/firm. AW has a contract. They've agreed to terminate it. An employee once sacked wouldn't be giving media interviews on behalf of the club. Hes agreed to see it through till the last game. Its not a sacking however much that might hurt the more malicious anti Wenger lads amongst us.Ill change my view when im told officially by the club that he was given no choice other than to leave. The fraught conditions have led to it. I wouldnt be at all surprised if AW didnt orchestrate the process to be honest. Once we know for sure, im happy to scrape the egg of my face as ever. Exiled - i did. They stop us leaving at OT after games and much of the chanting was pro AW.

  22. Exiled in Pt

    May 10, 2018, 15:11 #109478

    yes its Ron, just have to say one thing , i was also at the 8-2 defeat at old trafford and yes he should of resigned then or should of been sacked the next day . We sang we love you Arsenal through the whole of that game over and over again (as Paddy would say) and after it much to the disbelief of the Manc crowd , but we never sang his name that day and certainly not for 20 minutes after the game .........

  23. A Cornish Gooner

    May 10, 2018, 14:45 #109476

    Ron. How would you describe a ‘conventional sacking’ and why do you think Wenger’s departure doesn’t ‘remotely resembles a sacking’ which can be described as "an act of removing someone from a job". An under achiever is someone who doesn’t fulfil his potential or do as well as expected. Our away team are under achievers and our home team are over achievers. Badarse. That Vieira was a rubbish box to box player, wasn’t he? “End of play”. Don’t you mean ‘stumps’?

  24. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 14:01 #109470

    Badarse - review the top 8 or 10 clubs by revenue in Europe then revue their European and domestic title wins. Take Bayern out of it if you wish as its a bit of a Celtic scenario . Look over the last decade. I think you’ll find your conundrum is sorted. Unless of course seeing us bottom only adds to your confusion .

  25. Exeter Ex

    May 10, 2018, 13:26 #109465

    Ron - over or under achieving relative to resources is a simple and obvious barometer. For Burnley to not be fighting relegation and finish 7th is an overachievement. For Arsenal to not even compete for a top 4 spot is underachievement.

  26. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 13:03 #109463

    Hi Ex - i never quite get the notion of under or over achieving to be honest. the words imply so many different things. If the squad at Arsenal is as weak as we think its is, they've not underachieved, they've done as much as was possible and vice versa, the same works in the opposite way ie Burnley have done as well in a one off season as they could have done. In my view the PL is a weak league anyway, lots off huff and puff and the defending throughout inc Man Citys is largely dire and many cases laughable. The occurrence of these surprise seasons by Leics and now Burnely isnt therefore surprising and other teams will do it too in years to come. They both defended really well and better than most. Both teams have ended up where they deserved to be over 38 games. Thats their achievement, no under or over applies as i see it. In a divsion with '2 leagues' in the form of the top 5 and the rest, the rest being pretty much the same, the lower league is in fact now a 'race to the bottom', hardly a diff between 6th and 20th so theres plenty of scope for future Burnleys to have a great season. In short, the PL is pretty average overall, which id exactly what it accuses la liga of as it drowns in its own hypocrisy, hype and filthy cash. Hopefully, it ll go under the waves soon and go down like the Titanic did, then this Country can start to develop football again.

  27. Exeter Ex

    May 10, 2018, 11:43 #109460

    It's only a conundrum in your head, Badarse. Burnley over the season have overachieved. Arsenal have underachieved. You taking one match out of the season does not make for a conundrum. And the comment "That wonderful player-the best box to box player since Bryan Robson, Aaron Ramsey" gives an insight into why you have the perspective you do. You don't have a clue what you're watching.

  28. Badarse

    May 10, 2018, 11:12 #109455

    Yes Ron we have. One swallow and all that. A player bursts onto the scene and the other managfers see what he has and try to negate his style of play. Mostly they succeed, with occasional exceptions like Kane. We have trodden the USA path of hyperbole and sensationalism for so long it is now endemic and you are expected to go along with it. Everything is painted with broad brush strokes and it's either the greatest or the worst. No middle ground. Well done with the CO-OP brand, you are definitely the Paddington of the site.

  29. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 11:06 #109453

    Baddie - Co - op own brand this morning. a bit sweet but happy to have been pleasantly surprised bud! PS i wouldnt be at all surpised if Dyche is aacked by Xmas and Burnley 5 pts adrift at the bottom to be honest. Theyre this years surprise package. Him and them have done great but repeating it will be a bridge too far i rather suspect. We ve seen it all before haven't we.

  30. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 10:55 #109452

    Ernie - theres truth in that. I do think though that AW shpuld be given a lot of latitude for the period 2006 - 2010. The debt was a chain around his neck in tha period. Yes, we argued at the time that some of the best cheater signing possibilities were missed, iE Alonso, and the Aussie keeper from Fulham, cant recall his name sorry and one or two others, but his room for manaoevre in that period was dominated by stadium debt. Like you, 2011 at OT was the time for Arsene to have at least offered his resignation for me. I was there that day and it felt like a watershed moment and a day that the stadium debt was in reality being 'paid'. Having said that, i was one of nearly all of the away end who stayed and chanted his name for 20 mins at the end of the game. It was truly a day to feel sorry for him and Arsenal and then later to find out that Fergie had asked his players to go easy on us after about 65 mins. Terrible. buy hey, its only footie! Nobody died.

  31. Badarse

    May 10, 2018, 10:50 #109451

    Here's a conundrum. I avoid euphemisms in normal discourse because they are just that, euphemisms. They serve to mask reality. Sean Dyche is brilliant seems to be the code word for a way of suggesting AW isn't. Fair enough so far. AW cannot invigorate the team or get them to engage and try hard-which is all Bard wants(?) from Arsenal. Good old Sean can. Interesting argument however as it develops we see Burnley 'on the beach' whilst Arsenal are clearly not. 'On the beach' just means that they couldn't be motivated enough to try harder, whereas Arsenal was. SAo the conundrum is how comes AW is slated for something which freely passes with another who is lionised by some? Despite their regular vulnerabilities and failings Arsenal have certainly tried as a team. That wonderful player-the best box to box player since Bryan Robson, Aaron Ramsey-was out on his feet at the end of play. A huge statement as critics sit on their bottoms and an odd one or two spank them gleefully. Good old Arsenal. Oh, of course my previous post seems to agree with Ron's recent one. Marmalades will always win over the jammy ones.

  32. Ernie71

    May 10, 2018, 10:41 #109450

    "Arsène Wenger has been an astounding Arsenal manager, on and off the pitch" Yes but only for 8 years.The other 14 years were average just playing for a 4th place finish.After 2005 he was a stubborn mean sprited man.Whenever we lost and in the last decade some of the defeats have been humiliating Wenger has blamed everyone but himself.We kept being told about his love for the club but if he really did love to club wouldnt he have gone a long time ago until it got to the point when it was the fans who got him out not himself. The 8-2 was the perfect example he should have gone in the tunnel after that game at Old Trafford.How much longer can you live off 2004? The next manager wont have the luxury of inheriting Bergkamp and the back five he will be taking over a weak squad the recent awarding of long term contracts to average players Chambers Holding and Elneny tells you everything.Do you think they would last 5 mins under an Allegri or an Enrique? Can anyone really see us challenging for the league in the next 10 years

  33. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 10:14 #109449

    A good read Simon. I think is simple really in that the club and AW recognised the fans discord, declining attendances and team decline and accepted that change ws needed. The same way large retail outlets do and have changed things this last 7 or 8 years. Theres always a sacrifice and its always the man at the top. In our case its AW and can only be him. Some disagree but i dont think his leaving remotely resembles a sacking. Its better the way its been done.

  34. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 10, 2018, 8:37 #109448

    Arsene Wenger 0 Those who have never worked a day in football 1.

  35. Sarflunden

    May 10, 2018, 5:37 #109447

    Think last nights fiasco added a elegant coda to the story of Wenger. 60% possession away from home. None of the points. Teams know in advance how the manager will set Arsenal up, how we will play and how to pressure us into giving the ball away. With defenders who can't defend (a long term Wenger blind spot), a first choice goalkeeper way past his prime and an error prone second choice (Goal keepers are another AW blind spot) the home teams have a massive advantage even before kick off. What really strikes me about Simon's article is we've all seen and discussed the growing acceptance of failure for ten years. The "fourth place is a trophy" mentality has become "top six is a trophy". Yes we won three FA Cups but two were against teams that are now in the Championship. Every year we heard about financial doping. But how can you squre that with Arsenals slide down the table? We're one of the richest clubs in the league. If Wenger thought the club weren't backing him then he should have complained or resigned. He didn't and the club banked the money. The two years to build a structure to replace Arsene theory is, if true, a terrible reflection on a board who had lost control of their own club. So a good piece, like so many of Simon's, but as others have said lets stop now. Wenger is history. And I'll look at the email offering to renew my season ticket, recieved the morning of yet another embarrassment away, wondering if I have faith in the same board who failed so miserably in the last ten years to solve a problem called Arsene.

  36. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 22:03 #109444

    David1, this old joke of a manager who has been in charge since being sacked ten days ago or so should be sacked again tonight, LOL. WENGER OUT TONIGHT.

  37. David1

    May 09, 2018, 21:05 #109443

    Arsene Wenger left years ago. This chump who has been in charge for the last 10 years should have been sacked already.

  38. RobG

    May 09, 2018, 19:23 #109442


  39. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 19:14 #109441

    SKG1, what did I say about him being deluded and stuck in a time warp, he was coming out with that crap 10 years ago and every year/season since, we just need one or two more top top qualittee players (second raters) and of course his AKB wengerite luvvies believed him, they probably still do, LOL, wenger out tonight.

  40. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 18:50 #109440

    John F, nice one, that made me laugh, I think I might join you, wenger out tonight.

  41. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 09, 2018, 18:29 #109438

    We have stood still for the last 10 years, the proof, Arsene said yesterday that with 3 new players this squad will challenge for the title. The three players needed? all together now, a goalkeeper, a quality centre half and of course a holding midfield player, which is exactly what we needed a decade ago.

  42. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 17:53 #109437

    What looks better? 1930/31, 1932/33, 1933/34, 1934/35, 1937/38, 1997/98, 2001/02, 2003/04 No back to backs for Wenger no European trophies Only the death of Herbert Chapman into the 2nd title season and of course the 6/7 year break during World War 2 that affected Alison have created any reason to call Wenger the best . He was good in his day, he certainly isn’t now Best decision was to sack him. People need to move on .

  43. John F

    May 09, 2018, 17:31 #109436

    I think you lot are giving up to easy as he still has two games to go so I'm carrying on.WENGER OUT TONIGHT!

  44. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 17:13 #109434

    Badarse - brilliant, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Do any of those words jog your memory? I mean it’s not like you randomly called people rabble , scum , Quislings? But of course you’re the big hero aren’t you ? You doughnut, do you realise how stupid you sound? Yet again calling posters with sharper minds than you , dim! No fool like an old fool eh? Btw - we won, you lost!

  45. Exeter Ex

    May 09, 2018, 16:50 #109433

    I'm bright enough to recognise that you are not disappointed in but antagonise division. You've been at it for years, using just the language markymark was citing. I'm bright enough to shine a light on how you operate, sending you skulking back into the shadows again and again and again. How dim does that make you?

  46. Badarse

    May 09, 2018, 16:37 #109432

    OK Nark you are a first class toe rag, oh and a coward. Eggman you are just too dim to grasp that someone may be disappointed in division but also recognise that it is here to stay. Too subtle for you. Well on your bike. Marshall McLuhan 'A POV can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.' Here's one, 'Societies (WOR), have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men (WOR) communicate, than by the content of the communication.'

  47. Exeter Ex

    May 09, 2018, 16:16 #109430

    A post from Badarse bemoaning division that uses language designed to widen and given permanence to that division. The first thing Badarse did upon the announcement of Wenger's departure was come on here and berate others for being pleased. That's what someone interested in healing division does, of course. What a massive, massive hypocrite.

  48. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 16:12 #109429

    Badarse - you were the rag tag rabble , you were the treacherous Quisling . You would have seen as relegated with the deluded one, you scumbag . Sorry thought I’d just descend into your general level of stupidity

  49. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 16:08 #109428

    Reflections on his resignation announcement ? he was sacked, you and the AKB's can dress it up as much as you like, asked to resign, asked to go quietly, he was sacked, they still just cant still come to terms with it. Time to say good bye ? your away behind the times it's already been done and dusted, and way way over the top too, far more than the weasel deserved, so come to terms with it now, and no matter what he or his little nice boys would have done it wouldn't have been a Glorious departure, to some no doubt, but to many no, as it turned out it was just yet again another damp squib an embarrassment just like all the others very fitting for his departure indeed.

  50. Badarse

    May 09, 2018, 15:56 #109427

    Paulo75 you have to recognise that a disparate group all conjoined in wanting a change of manager is just that, a disparate group. A group can easily descend into a rabble. These will never be able to let 'it' go. It was suggested that the posts would be defunct without AW and it is necessary for some to force conflict, show triumphalism, froth, and misrepresent in any manner to suit their narrow agendas. Wengerphiles, Wenger devotees, Wenger luvvies. These are insults which spew automatically from their posts. Heal and move on? You are kidding, AFC becomes a side issue when faced with clowns. It's akin to the non-healing of Yuxit. A division exists and it ain't going away because this is the way some see life. It means without AW some other subject will draw the same or similar perverted attitudes. Good old Arsenal.

  51. Exeter Ex

    May 09, 2018, 15:33 #109424

    "I have enjoyed and admired him so much, as an Arsenal man and as a person. Such class, intelligence, wit and humanity. And plenty of success." These sentences show why Wenger was able to hang on for so long. The first two about the man. The success the last thought. People were beguiled by his persona. Continuing to support him through his decline made them feel intelligent and loyal.

  52. Bard

    May 09, 2018, 13:10 #109423

    Nothing new in your piece Simon. Its a rehash of the obvious and has been done to death. Might have been more interesting if you had explained how you got it so wrong this last few years. Interesting how many of the Wenger devotees are now repositioning themselves. As has been said, its over lets move on. Please no more Wenger summaries.

  53. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 13:02 #109422

    Simon that imo was your most rounded article yet. I think a few used to bang our heads in frustration as we wondered when you’d drop the pretence of faith in Wenger . Good summing up by Goonerlad and Paulo hits nail on head —-> time to move on. Now looking like a Paddy or Arteta move with maybe Ancelotti covering as overall manager for a season. I’m hearing Allegri is using our bid to raise his negotiable salary which is apparently low by big club standards . Anyway I’d have thought we’d want an announcement soon.

  54. Paulo75

    May 09, 2018, 12:04 #109420

    Time to move on folks, we have got our wish and Arsene is going. Why continually dedicate the focus on him? Surely his replacement is the bigger issue now.

  55. GoonerLad

    May 09, 2018, 12:01 #109419

    The way I see it since we started building Ashburton Grove the club haven't really backed Arsene, eventually chickens came home to roost. Stan is busy building his US sporting franchises so there isn't the money for Arsenal. Stan was happy to have Arsene keep the team in the CL like he had done previously. The recruitment of Sven and Raul shows the club were getting things ready if they needed to get rid of Arsene. It also shows the structure the CEO Ivan Gazidis wants in place at the club which is probably totally at oods with Arsene wants. Last summer the Club didn't have the structure in place, so Stan gave Arsene an extension. I'm not sure whether the Club are holding back the piggy-bank thinking that they would make it available to his successor, Arsene is 68, or Stan is hoping to divert funds vis-a-vis consultancy charges, to build his LA NFL stadium either Stan will not provide investment to Arsenal. We shall see what happen with new manager is backed to bring in players that have technical ability, pace, power and leadership; those kind of players CO$T money.

  56. Badarse

    May 09, 2018, 10:37 #109417

    A good piece Simon. Thank you.