A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Five

Day Five – Rest day concludes with England v Tunisia on the box

A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Five

Lingard – Shooting boots left in Manchester?

Tuesday 19th June 10am (Countryside north of St Petersburg)
An early rise yesterday. 4.45am to catch at taxi from our Moscow hotel to board a train for the airport and return to St Petersburg. It was a smooth enough journey, although at the conclusion, Ivan found out we could have actually made the train trip from the airport to the centre of Moscow gratis both ways due to our attendances at the matches in the city. You live and learn.

At the airport some minor drama as Ivan printed out our boarding passes from a machine, gave me mine but it then transpired, after he had gone through the checkpoint, that he had actually printed out two identical passes with his name on. Behind a sliding door, he was not to be found, although eventually, the security guard and I spotted him already on the other side of the luggage x-ray conveyor belt and he was able to return and print out the required boarding pass. Fair play to the guard for helping out – he could have simply turned me away - and the boarding pass codes to print the ticket were on Ivan’s phone.

Anyway, he’d checked in online early so we had two seats with extra legroom by the emergency exits, so could at least stretch out once we boarded. There were some Mexicans on the flight, but too tired to make any noise, Back in St Petersburg, we stopped off at the house for some brunch, giving me the opportunity to meet Mrs Merc, who had been at the summer house (or dacha to use the local term) since my arrival. We in turn, headed there after we had eaten. It was about half an hour’s drive, and a complete change of scene to St Petersburg. A large number of Russian families that live in urban areas – probably about 50% - have such a retreat where they go for a break, although a little less so during the winter months. Let’s face it, in terms of land mass there is plenty of room for such places.

We arrived by 12 noon, some seven and a quarter hours after rising this morning, which seemed to me very quick, given the number of different journeys we had made by taxi, train, plane and automobile, as well as fitting in a shower and a meal at Ivan’s (as well as posting yesterday’s diary piece). I settled down for a glorious and much needed three hour kip, eventually surfacing for the second half of the Sweden v South Korea game in Nizhny Novgorod. In the original plan for this week, devised before the draw, Ivan had included a visit to this game on our itinerary. However, at the time, although it would have been possible to travel there in time from Moscow, there was no real option for getting back to St Petersburg in time for our match on Tuesday evening. The logistics didn’t really work, so he decided we would give it a miss.

Although it would have been nice to see an extra stadium, I can’t say I was too heartbroken when the draw produced these two countries for this fixture. And in truth it was far from a classic match. Next up, Belgium dispatched Panama fairly comfortably in the other game in England’s group. I think Panama, along with Saudi Arabia, are one of the poorest teams I have seen so far.

And so to England. What can be said? Harry Kane can finish. Jesse Lingard and Raheem Sterling can’t. If England continue to miss their chances with such regularity against better teams than Tunisia they are not going to progress too far, although having seen the merits of Panama, it is now unthinkable they won't make the last 16 at least. Kyle Walker needs to be coached the difference between holding off his opponent and swinging the elbow, although it looked more like it was Ashley Young who had been telling him how to use his body in that respect. Tunisia were just as bad, with a range of cynical fouls and some variation on freestyle wrestling at corners. Kane was dragged down on numerous occasions, although I think someone had a word with the referee as the match progressed as when Kane headed England’s late winner from a corner, he had not been bundled to the floor. The three points were key, as who knows how Tunisia might do in their remaining two group games, or for that matter how England will fare against Belgium.

This morning I noted there was some hoo-hah back home about Patrice Evra patronizingly applauding Eni Aluko for her analysis of the Costa Rica team before their match against Serbia on ITV. I haven’t seen any of the domestic coverage over here, that delight awaits me upon my return. However, I did watch footage on the news story where I read about it, and I have to say that, yes, while Evra was out of line, someone needs to have a word with Jacqui Oatley and Henrik Larsson. Their comments after Aluko’s rundown on the merits of the Central American team, including Oatley’s words “she’s good” after Larsson commented “very good”, laid the ground for Evra to stupidly applaud. Oatley should have just let it go and ignored Larsson’s comment. It’s a storm in a teacup, but why the surprise that an experienced female footballer paid to be in Russia to do a job has done her research? Sure, the knowledge she relayed was nothing that anyone else could not have discovered online, but the reality is that 99% of the watching audience tune in and get this kind of information from the people in the studio. Aluko has certainly done punditry on women’s matches, and I suspect she is better than some of her male peers in Russia. However, talking of punditry generally, genuine insight tends to be fairly rare, by which I mean talking about the game that has just been witnessed and its nuances that are not obvious to the viewer, some of which can only be seen in the flesh by those who can see the whole playing area all of the time (ITV’s pundits for the Serbia v Costa Rica game were watching on monitors in their studio rather than being at the stadium, so on this level they are limited in what they can offer at half and full time). My own personal favourite for informing me of things I am not aware of is Ruud Gullit, who can read a game and spot the key areas where things are making the difference. On the radio, Pat Nevin is pretty good as well. But generally, we don’t get much we can’t see for ourselves.

Today, Ivan and I head back to St Peterburg for the evening match between Russia and Egypt. We will return to the summer house for my last full day here, before my return to London on Thursday. I’ll continue the diary on an occasional basis once I am back, just to relay some thoughts on the football, but I have a couple of submitted pieces on Arsenal matters waiting for posting on the blank days, so it will be a mix of normal service with a bit of World Cup by the end of the week.

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  1. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 21:02 #110763

    SKG 1, good post, yes they've done everything we asked, everything that was wanted, and everything that was required, what more could we ask for, and/but apparently there's a couple of surprises still to come, (you know something ? I believe that) suddenly no more word of Kroenke out and all that.

  2. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 20:35 #110761

    markymark, great stuff mate, yes as ole JR Ewing used to say don't get mad, get even, TOF underestimated him, Ivan was keeping his powder dry alright, like our selves they all seen through him (except his worshippers of course) and so much for all these clubs that were supposed to be trying to headhunt and poach him, and he's supposed to have turned down while still with us, hee hee, a load of boll***s, lies spin, (questioned by ourselves too at the time)all believed of course by his beloved AKB's who got on their knees (just as it was all designed for and they were supposed to do) and thanked him for staying and showing loyalty, no mention of/for the £10,000,000 plus a season of course, how they were so easily fooled, and where are they today ?

  3. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 19:59 #110759

    Well the toad has certainly nailed his colours to the wall (and so early) now where is his mate, hammer head, to follow suite. Exciting times ahead.

  4. Exeter Ex

    Jun 20, 2018, 12:04 #110738

    "The club is in a mess already a few months in." A couple of Buckfasts and the gossamer thin pretence of supporting the new man equally is torn away. Hilarious watching them expose themselves for what they are.

  5. Bard

    Jun 20, 2018, 9:49 #110735

    As I suspected the WC has finally taken its toll on my long marriage. The wife has moved out to her sisters until its over. She has accused be of being a complete 'bore'. I know incredible. On Sat I watched three rugby internationals on the trot switched over to the one day cricket international, took in a couple of WC games and had recorded the 3rd day of the US open golf to watch late into the night. Please enlighten me, is that boring ? That's f****** dedication if you ask me. All I asked her to do was keep the food coming and not make a noise in the kitchen. Anyway at least I dont have to watch Love Island for the next few weeks. Now here were we with that false 9 getting into them little pockets.

  6. Moscowgooner

    Jun 20, 2018, 8:39 #110732

    You might be grossly underestimating that 50% of Russians who have a dacha! Moscow is normally great from late June on - empty streets, empty bars (I am sure the World Cup has changed that??!), constant sunshine - and most important of all, no real traffic by Moscow standards (even so, good call to take the train in from the airport!) - as everyone heads out of town. I really miss not being back there for the WC... As for not making Nizhny Novgorod - the city itself (in Soviet times, 'Gorki') is pretty drab (and the game was too!). The best/most interesting cities in Russia: St Pete, Kazan and Yekaterinberg (Vladivostok as well is special - but that's way beyond World Cup territory).

  7. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Jun 20, 2018, 8:16 #110731

    Well as someone who has never worked a day in football I wanted the following: A new manager, tick, a total clear out of the underperforming coaching staff, tick, a clear out of the medical staff, tick, a new goalkeeper, tick, someone who knows how to play at full back, tick, a new holding midfielder, waiting but it's coming, along with a couple of centre backs. Mr Emery kind of sees it my way too - looks like we old farts have a better idea of modern football than we were led to believe.

  8. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 8:14 #110730

    MBG - as a man who regularly stated that Wenger wouldn’t last half a season at the Spanish clubs , I thought you’d find it interesting that Sanllehi apparently ruled him out Wenger prior to the Mourinho / Pep tussle for the Barca job. Then when Raul joined Arsenal he drops in a nice little bomb to a group of South African supporters club members. “ I oversaw 8 management changes at Barcelona “ Ivan was sitting right next to him. I just wonder if Wengo had put Ivan’s nose out of joint that week. Because that’s just giving out one clear message . Basically Sanllehi has probably been telling Ivan for quite some time that he wasn’t up to scratch . Petit was recently quoted “in Spain he has a reputation for being a loser” Oh it’s good to be right MBG. !

  9. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 0:21 #110729

    markymark, excellent post, yes change, and at it's finest, exactly what he, and his other wengrites were terrified off, and had night mares and woke in the middle of the night a cold sweat screaming arsene about, a complete gutting, exactly what we wanted, called for and got/achieved again. Exciting times ahead.

  10. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 23:56 #110728

    John F, the remnants of an arrogant, egoistic wenger era where he ruled with a rod of iron, and what he said goes where he paid top top qualitee wages and contracts to pure s***e (including himself) and hoped they'd come good and stand by him, and any half decent player we had, especially English men he allowed their contracts to run down, he'd have been sacked at any other club in Europe for it years and years ago, what a sad old man, and where is he today ? bumbling about Africa with some second rate tv or radio station, he's found his forty alright, thank God the hierarchy eventually seen through the old fraud and did what they should have done years ago, I guess Ivan was keeping his powder dry, good riddance. Exciting times ahead.

  11. markymark

    Jun 19, 2018, 22:43 #110727

    ToOaW - oh dear the Emery love in didn’t last long did it? Goodness me . Still you and Old Baddie can meet up for your legends bilge and leave the proper games to the real supporters . “Lehmann was not the only first-team coach to be let go. Neil Banfield, Tony Colbert, Gerry Peyton and Boro Primorac, have also left the club. On Tuesday, Arsenal also confirmed the departures of head of medical services, Colin Lewin, physiotherapists Andy Rolls and Ben Ashworth, osteopath Philippe Boixel and travel manager Paul Johnson” Yep I’m liking it so far , shame Bould didn’t go to. Jack is a shame but he wants guaranteed first team football and didn’t even achieve that at Bournemouth. Leno looks good . All this Toad is called change. Those like you who enjoyed employing the same mistakes over and over are going to hate it.

  12. John F

    Jun 19, 2018, 22:30 #110726

    The happy Jack situation should never have got to the point when he can sign for another club for free.In today's inflated market an English talent in his prime could of fetched 15 mil plus.He should of been sold during the last two windows but who ever was in charge let his contract negotiation drift on and on.It is like opening the door and throwing 15mil+ out on the street.

  13. TOOAW

    Jun 19, 2018, 21:33 #110725

    Jack and Jens leaving. New goalie?? Signing of 2 very average players. The club is in a mess already a few months in. Arteta fanboy having no one to talk to. No one recognising Most Boring Gooner. JJ off on a tangent. Corniche brothers doing absolutely what corniche does. Dull as dishwater again....... thank the lord for Badarse......genius amongst lemons.

  14. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 20:42 #110724

    Yes a keeper Benny boy, is there no end to this ? well done all. Exciting times ahead.

  15. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 20:32 #110723

    jj, was going to say you spoke to soon mate, but maybe not, the mummy's on and off the pitch have come to life,maybe we'll see real menteel speeritt.

  16. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 20:21 #110722

    Exiled, thanks for the heads up, the AKB's will be relieved to hear he's not in Indonesia, (although the python would probably have spat him out) yeah I suppose he has to buy and pay his own car tax now and that £130,000,000 plus, he's had of the club under false pretences this last fourteen years is being dipped into now (and he prefers the posh jello too) miss him ? like constipation, we've had enough of his fookin great menteel strength and speeritt to last us a life time or two. Thank God he's gone.

  17. jjetplane

    Jun 19, 2018, 20:15 #110721

    Their coach is pure Dread inna Babylon and they were also way too cute for the Poles. Do like that Kefir yogurt milk though. Egypt coming back into it. Japan were a really good band too and that poor Colombian Spud will have to up the security if he goes walkabout. Russians are not bad!

  18. John F

    Jun 19, 2018, 18:15 #110719

    I do not think the Poles fancied it when they saw the size of those Senegal players.

  19. Don Howe

    Jun 19, 2018, 18:00 #110718

    Re the England Game. It actually looked as though there was some sort of plan and some discipline, especially during the last 10 mins when in previous years there would have been headless chicken shots from 35 yards and panic. Much much better, but I wish they would handcuff Sterling to the Bench. He is the last vestage of rooneyite waste of time. Every other member of the team seems capable of thought. Hopefully Sir James Vardy will get a chance to wreak havoc, but Rashford and Loftus Cheek were penetrative, so tough choices to be made.

  20. Exeter Ex

    Jun 19, 2018, 17:42 #110717

    Oh I see Badarse, so when you make ludicrous remarks like 'You deserve a heavy slap' or 'Ramsey is the best B2B in 30 years', you are in fact on a wind up. It all makes sense now.

  21. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 16:09 #110715

    Bard, I bet your made up about that.

  22. Exiled in Pt

    Jun 19, 2018, 16:07 #110714

    MBG- he is working as a pundit for beIN sport he has done for the last couple of WC's just to top his money up bless him.Why we never got any early signings made during a WC summer as he was too busy earning more cash for his boring lifestyle ..So if you miss him tune into the french channel for his words of menteeeeel wisdom .....

  23. mbg

    Jun 19, 2018, 15:55 #110712

    Any sign of TOF yet ? no one has heard from him, I wonder was he scouting in Indonesia ? A large Python has been going around swallowing humans, it would explain his disappearance. Exciting times ahead.

  24. jjetplane

    Jun 19, 2018, 14:15 #110710

    Mentioned this earlier how the female pundits are showing up some of the men for their typical under the table BS though must say 5 live always does a good job and really enjoying Terry Butcher of all people and can he please replace Savage. As the women's game gets bigger and the men's carries on declining by the half century men will be nothing more than over aged ball boys and perhaps some full monty type cheerleading posts at half time. Both Eni and Alex have been ace and Evra is another two bobber who could do with a slap. England need to slow down a tad or the Belgiums may well pick them off. Calm down and get it in the net. Turning Japanese now ...

  25. Badarse

    Jun 19, 2018, 13:26 #110709

    I liked that Bard, very funny. I see myself every time I look in the mirror, but otherwise see myself as an inside out, but avoid going down the middle, and am so far left wing I run the line in the first three rows of seats in the stand. I like to ghost in at the far post, it accounts for many of my odd posts on here. I can step over any dropped omelettes with right or left legs, and my record for keepy uppy with a bald egg is five and a bruised toe. I do like to drag the defence out of position, (see some posters' responses to many of my wind-up posts), and enjoy marking the opposition, it's the psychopath in me. Am organising a mini bus trip to surprise Ron two weeks into his stay, but shan't be fly fishing as have always found the little blighters fly away from the worm on the hook.

  26. The Man From UNCLE

    Jun 19, 2018, 12:44 #110708

    Made a change watching Hengurland without seeing the ball punted 70 yards up the pitch every couple of minutes. Tunisia defended well but paid the cost for not trying to win. Tournament still looking good so far.

  27. Bard

    Jun 19, 2018, 12:11 #110707

    Speaking of punditry Kev, I haven't posted for a while. I have always seen myself as false nine inhabiting them areas between the hard left and the centre right. There's not much space between the spaces. Recently I have become caught in one of them little pockets of space behind the front two. Its congested to say the least, almost suffocating. It has stopped me getting behind the back two and delivering a right spanking near the far post. Thankfully as I am able transition rapidly between a false 9 and wide right so I can cause problems in the box for which I have two convictions and short spell at her majesty pleasure. Those with a single figure IQ please apply for a spell enlightening us at this World Cup.