I was wrong about David Dein

The former vice-chairman’s fan club is dwindling in number…

I was wrong about David Dein

Dein: Unwise move

Oh dear!! Just how much egg have I got on my face? My article in issue 177 of ‘The Gooner’ sings David Dein’s praises and ends with me saying “I hope that (Dein) is involved (in any future takeover) and returns in a senior capacity. Dein attracts his fair share of criticism but we shouldn’t forget that he is a lifelong fan, he was a director for 24 years, he appointed Arsène Wenger and George Graham and he is a far better option than Thaksin or Peter Ridsdale”.

I wrote this article in the first week of August 2007 as I met Dein earlier this year and was impressed by him, even though his answers to my questions about Stan Kroenke were ambiguous to say the least. It has been obvious for some time that a takeover is imminent but even in my most pessimistic thoughts, I didn’t expect that Dein would ally himself to a character like Alisher Usmanov. Having studied his background I am absolutely sickened to think that Dein considers Usmanov “a fit and proper person” to have power over Arsenal Football Club – there are far too many unanswered questions about him. It seems as if Dein has sold his soul to the Devil, or more pertinently anyone with enough cash!

Whilst matters on the field should always come first, all Arsenal supporters should read up on Mr Usmanov’s background to see how he has become the 142nd richest person in the world. He has been described by others as “sinister, a criminal, a gangster, a heroin trafficker, a racketeer and a rapist” and on that basis, you wouldn’t want to meet him up a dark alley would you? I’m not naïve enough to think that all billionaires are lovely, friendly blokes, but even by their standards Usmanov sounds like a man to avoid. Anyone who watched Dom Joly’s Happy Hour (shown this year on Sky One) saw exactly what it takes to become a wealthy “businessman” in modern Russia.

Almost as soon as Usmanov purchased Dein’s shareholding, his PR people started issuing threats and denials which indicate two things;

1. He has skeletons in his cupboard and 2. He is desperate to be popular and accepted. The best quote I have seen is from The Times on 30th August 2007: “With Mr Putin due to stand down as President in March, Mr Usmanov’s involvement with Arsenal may be an insurance policy against any unexpected downturn in relations with his successor as president”. Do we really want someone like that controlling our club?

Dein has commented that he is acting in the best interests of Arsenal Football Club but I can’t help thinking that he is acting in the best interests of David Dein. Without a wealthy backer Dein had nowhere to go; his wealth was tied up in his shares and on his own he could never have assumed total control of Arsenal. Dein has now courted three wealthy backers in Fiszman, Kroenke and Usmanov but he is making a habit of falling out with them and this constant uncertainty is not helping Arsenal one bit.

In his recent Online Editorial Gooner Editor Kevin Whitcher asks “will the affections some fans hold for the former vice-chairman take an about turn?” Based on what I’ve seen so far Dein has certainly lost my support and I would now find it very difficult to welcome him back onto the Arsenal board. Having just bought my ticket for the Man Utd match (that’ll be 70 quid to you squire!) I’m genuinely thinking of staying away from matches in future as I’m getting so sick of lining the pockets of greedy players and directors who no longer see football as a game but as a way of making more money.

Gallows humour has got me through worse football crises than this though; as the Monty Python boys said “Always look on the bright side of life” - maybe Messrs Dein and Usmanov will surprise us all by lowering admission prices as they’re already more than rich enough?? The ball’s in your court David, but don’t expect me to hit it back.

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