When my son met Cesc

Ryan John (aged 5) presented our number 4 with an award before the Wigan match. Here’s the story of the day relayed by his father.

When my son met Cesc

Ryan with Cesc and RVP

When we moved to Wiltshire last year, I knew that I had to keep my season ticket, after all what else is there to do to keep me sane. So when my son Ryan came home with the Arsenal Soccer School form, I enrolled him straight away. The school was great and he had a fantastic time learning new skills. At the conclusion he even got a medal from Emmanuel Adebayor. Afterwards I filled in the form for his favourite player, the great Cesc and sent it off in the post not expecting any sort of reply… until the phone rang at the beginning of November.

Ryan’s name had been drawn out of the hat to present the Soccer School Player of the Year award, at the Arsenal Vs Wigan game, did we want to go? Did we ever, I couldn’t believe it, I was going to meet the great Cesc! Sorry, I mean Ryan was.

So off we set on the morning of the game on the train from Chippenham to Paddington. We had to be at the media entrance by about 2pm, as Ryan had to present the award at 2.15pm. We nearly couldn’t find the entrance, as my seat is near to the Arsenal tube entrance I didn’t know where to go. Some bloody loyal supporter I am! We checked in and met Bev Nicholas and were given tickets for the game, and we met a girl called George, with her mum, who was also to present a trophy to Cesc. All we had to do was wait until we had the all clear to go through to the sacred pitch!! Finally, we were all off following the Arsenal rep, who was hanging onto the trophies like his life depended on it. On we went through a bland white corridor, but little did I know that beyond this corridor was an Aladdin’s cave that revealed the heart of our truly great club.

For me this was the most interesting part, as we were travelling through part of the ground few supporters had seen or witnessed. For those of you who don’t know, the ground is built on top of what looks like an underground city. There was a road and a huge underground car park, full of Mazdas and Fords, but where was Cesc’s super motor? I wanted to see “Cesc 1”, but alas it was nowhere to be seen, probably due to my lack of concentration as I couldn’t believe we were under this great club. We crossed the road and headed through a vast cavern towards the player’s entrance. It felt like the holy Mecca. We accessed the players entrance, through a huge set of heavy double glass doors to reveal a huge picture of the team celebrating one of our many titles under Wenger and a motto, which I can’t for the life of me remember what it said. My glasses were beginning to steam up, it must have been the excitement, there were so many large photos of past achievements. I was in awe of the photos, my heroes who had achieved so much adorned the corridor to the players’ changing room.

You always see the sign “This is Anfield” on the TV. Well that doesn’t mean jacksh*t in comparison to this corridor. DB, Ian Wright, Paddy, Overmars, Razor, Spunky, TA, Nutty, Dixon and Mickey Thomas… the list goes on. I’d seen these players from a distance in the stands, and now I was walking where the great TH14 had only walked last year.

We went through another set of doors and were suddenly in the tented tunnel to the pitch. I could see the lush green grass of the hallowed turf, we were nearly there, I started geeing up my son, telling him that greatness was soon to be bestowed upon him, the lucky bastard. When we arrived pitch side, the ground was barely full. To be honest I was relieved, I was worried that Ryan would get scared at the sight and sound of 60,000 Gooners, shouting in unison.

We were told not to block the tunnel by the steward. Didn’t he understand that Cesc was to meet MY son! But as Cesc wasn’t even at the club yet, we were just allowed to hang around watching the build up to the game as Ryan and I played pitch side for about ten mins, like only a father and son can. He was totally oblivious to what a momentous occasion this was for us both. Didn’t he realise that I could have endless pints bought for me in the future as I relayed this wonderful day to all and sundry? Ok, to anyone who’d listen. And all he wanted to do was play chase.

Then out of the blue Robin van Persie arrived at the end of the tunnel. Had he come to see Ryan? He didn’t get the choice! I pushed Ryan towards him and said he wanted his photo taken with him, got his autograph and thanked him for his time, as Ryan had seen Gunnersaurus and was off like a shot. “Take a photo Dad,” he shouted. “But Ryan, he’s only a stupid big toy,” I shouted in vain, so as the dutiful father I took the photo of the two of them.

Now the players were coming out for the pre-match warm up. Pat Rice led the way then Clichy, Almunnia, Theo, Song, Senderos, all passed us totally unaware and oblivious of Ryan, I hadn’t seen this for about 20 years, as I was normally trying to sink another pint before kick-off in the Bank of Friendship.

By this time it was 14.45 and still Cesc hadn’t arrived. I was beginning to think that I should have brought my boots, after all it was only Wigan, I might have got a run out. Then we got the nod, greatness had arrived and he was walking down the tunnel, with some extremely fit bird, who appeared to be the Arsenal media guru. (Ed’s note – Amanda, on the off chance you’re reading this, we post what we are sent! Nice to know the supporters value your professional credentials so highly…) I turned to my son and said, “Ryan he’s coming, this is it now son!” “Who Dad? Gunnersaurus again?”

All week I had been preparing him for this moment. Would he remember to say, “Well done Cesc, you’re my best player” or would it be “Do you know what’s the fastest car in the world?” Well he was only 5 years old after all.

Then he walked out onto the pitch like the great TA, head up, shoulders back, chest out. My boy was a natural, he stood having his photo taken with Cesc & grinned like a RED North London cat, looking so proud, I was stunned at how well he held himself, a man amongst great men. He even managed a high five with Cesc, and we got his autograph on programmes, shirts and photos. Then he was gone off down the tunnel, in a matter of seconds it was all over. We followed back through the tunnel, past Keown & Justin Hoyte, back through all the photos. By this time, we were running late and had to move it to get to our seats. We went back through the great glass doors & across the car park, still no sign of CESC 1. We went up through a lift to ground level and suddenly were back amongst the supporters. In the matter of two minutes we had gone from standing where the great Arsene Wenger stands to back outside the ground.

We scurried around to our seats and watched a workmanlike performance from Wigan. I was praying that they wouldn’t muck the day up and not let us score, before we finally netted in the last ten mins, with ‘Little Mozart’ rounding off a truly amazing day. As we walked back to Arsenal tube I asked Ryan what he thought of his day - did he enjoy himself and what was his favourite part? Ryan paused, and turned and said to me, “Did you know that Cesc did a high five with me dad?” What can a father say except, “That’s my boy Ryan, you truly held your own today, and what’s more if you carry on like that, in the words of Rudyard Kipling, “you’ll be a man, my son”.

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